uiln rtirgrapt (Frt.:ll; TO ADVEHTISEIt Adver ', mend, Business Notices, Marriages, a[c., to secure insertion in' the I.I47,GILAPH, must invariably be ACCOM r with the CASH. dvertisements ordered in the regular • ening Edition are inserted in the Morn g Ed Ulm' without extra charge. LLARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 8, 1861, '.OWN AND COUNTRY State of the Thermometer To.day. 8 A. M. 11e.u. 3r. M .1 80 86 90 ..TAKEs A. Er.rx advertises several sales damned Government horses, to take .t various points throughout the State. NG the strangers who arrived in town day, we noticed Ex-Governor Ritner. overnor is an uncompromising enemy rebels, and a fast friend of Union. I=l ND.-A lady's shawl was found in the 1 grounds this morning. The owner is .ted to call at this office; prove property, arges, and take it away. evening we were favored with several ing showers, which will be of great o the farmers, whose corn and potato ;ill be greatly henefitted. The show -1 but little effect on the heated atmos- There are prospects for more rain. ROAD ACCIDENT.—On Saturday after ast, Mr. Charles Caughie, abrakesmen Northern Central Railroad, met with a I accident, at Marysville, while in the coupling two cars. He was caught nslied between them in a horrible man- TAxEs.--Under a law passed at the scion of our State Legislature there will abatement allowed on State taxes paid is State Treasury before the first of ember, but there will be five per cent. ed on taxes that remain unpaid on and r the first of August. HP, Locust Street M. E. Sunday School a guy time at Derry, yesterday. There • a very large attendance, and all enjoyed festivities of the occasion. We 'learn t seven cars were required to convey the ty from the grove to this city, last evening. e day will long be remembered. I=l 00AL NE.W4. —We will be greatly obliged, otne of our friends in the various boroughs townships will furnish us with items of I news. Events and occurrences of inter ften transpire which the editor of a' paper • it's nothing about, and unless same ono-in neighborhood apprises him of it, he may all time remain in ignorance of what has rred. if promptly notified of everything on in the county, he could make a much ,e readable and interesting - paper. • a min ALDERMAN IS.LINE. —Yesterday an •icival who gave his name as W. Hopkins ';.nby, was taken before Alderman Kline, a charge of passing notes of a broken Ar. It appears that he purchased from a n named Henry Quigley, of Cumberland ey, one or more horses, for which he paid Q. two hundred and sixty dollars in bills the Allegheny County Bank of Maryland. ig:ley, upon learning that the bank was a ken, parsand Lazenby, captured him, and .k him before the Alderman. Upon his rson were found notes of the above-named nk, amounting to S2SS, and a small sum Government funds. Lazenby was commit ' to prison, for court, to answer the charge passing worthless money. HE LUTHERAN Ple-NICI.-It is with HO or ary feelings of pleasure that we contem te the happy time the Lutherans will have :pending a day in social, friendly, Chris- intercourse, away from the dust and heat d the contaminating influences of the city, the pleasant and beautiful vicinity of old ' , rry, with which is associated so much of early history of the first settlers, and .ero the young, with their gay and innocent rts, can truly enjoy themselves amid the :dom, the beauty and the life invigorating of the country. The assemblage will no btbe very large, as the Lutherans number eral churches and Sunday schools, and it be an interesting sight to see so many of family, as it were, meeting together as tends, with warm and sincere brotherly love ad affection one to another. Such scenes on i,rth reminds us of Heaven, where all pride hd distinctions fade away, and where Inez essible love overflows in every heart,. • • A. 1 • DA: := '• . • ~ ---It seems as ,ugh Harrisburg is now infested bY - the most 1. ert thieves that ever plied their vocation hin the limits of the city. We have ohm •,ed a number of the most daring feats com ' tted here recently, by the thieves, and yet : ost every day we hear of new instances -re private residences have been .robbed.' night the House of Mr. Jacob- Ziegler, ~econd street, between . Mulbeny and , :.tant, was entered by burglars, - who . . red in by way of the yard in the rear of e slwelliug. A room occupied by Mr. Zieg. was entered, and his watch and a poehet ,,ok, containing five or sir dollars, were ken: The thieves also passed into a room cupied by Mr. Zlegler's daughter (Mrs. rant,) and took therefrom a watch and chain, hd two breastpins. They also visited the table, which bears evidence that they were: lot in a hurry to leave. They escaped, how. ver, with their booty, and' no clue bee N e i cl as to who they are. It is singular. that-in a numerous robberies which-ha-ire occurred;_ e inmates of the dwellings entered have riot b/ ieard the burglars. In every case they.have 'seeped. • Where are the night police 9 Lotrsor.—The man at . the junction found thelfrdmisterer. All right. ' * THE service of silver shortly to be pre sented to General Hancock by the citizens of Norristown, - will consist of one large and small waiter, four goblets, one large pitcher, and a beautiful punch-bowl, with ladle. The gift is valued at $l5OO. Pm:Two—The discharge and other piiiArs of James Callahan, Co. E, 16th Beg. Veteran Reserve Corps. They can be had by apply ing at this office. ,Ssid Callahan was dis charged from service at Elmira, N. It., on the Gth inst. THE Eiaticoox blansiow.—The members of the Coal Exchange, of Philadelphia, design contributing to the fund for purchasing a house for General Hancook. The fund has already reached the neighborhood of $25,000. It is the purpose of the donors to furnish the residence in magnificent style, and fill its lar'_ ars with all the necessaries required, before presenting the handsome gift to the gallant and distinguished soldier for whom it is in tended. DEATH OF WELL-Xnnt HARRISBITRGERS.- We announced, under our, obituary head yer terday, the death of Mr. John Care, a well known citizen of Harrisburg, and at one time treasurer of Dauphin county. He was clerk in the Commissary department at the time of his death, and was, in all his relati ;ns, while living,. a man of -irreproachable character and blameless demeanor. fr. Henry Frisch, another well-known eit- Nen, died last night, very suddenly. He was an enterprising and prompt business man, whose loss will be sadly felt by a large circle of friends, and interests with whom and which he was identified IMICIMEI EXCELLENT SUMMER. Dannts.—Corn Drink. —To five gallons of cold water, add one quart of sound corn and two quarts of molasses.— Put into a keg. Shake well, and in two or three days it will be fit for use. Bung tight. It may be flavored with essence of spruce or lemon. The corn will last to make five or six brewings. It is a cheap and simple beer, and is called very good. Ginger. Beer.—Thke of .ginger bruised or sliced, one and a half ounces ; cream of tar tar, one ounce; loaf sugar, . one pound.; one lemon, sliced; put them into a pan, and pour six quarts of boiling water upon them. When nearly cold, put in a little yeast, and stir it for about a minute. Let it stand till next day, then strain and bottle it. It, is fit to drink in three days, but will not keep,good longer than a fortnight. The corks Should be tied down, and the bottles placed 'upright in a cool place. Fine Mead.—Beat ter strong froth the whites of three eggs, mix them with six gallons of water; sixteen quarts of strained honey, and the yelloW rind of two dozen large lemons, pared very- thin. Boil MU together curing three quarters of an hour, skimming it well Then put it into a tub, and when lukewarm add three tablespoonful's of the best fresh yeast. Cover it, and leave it to ferment. When it has done working,• transfer it to a barrel, with the lemon peel in the bottom. Let it stand six months, then bottle it. =I DISINFECTiNG AGEriTs. —Either of the fol lowing will answer the purpose, while they cost but a trifle: 1. One pint of the liquor of chloride of zinc in one, pailful of water, and,one . ponnd of chloride of lime in another pailful of water. This is perhaps the most effective of anything that can be used, and when thrown upon de eayed vegetable matter of any description, will effectually destroy all'offensive odors. 2. Three or four pounds of sulphate of iron (copperas) dissolved in a pailful of water dill, in many eases, be sufficient tel remove all Of fensive odors. 3. Chloride of,. lime is better to: scatter About damp places, in yards, 'in damp Cellars and upon heaps of filth. ~. r ,_ A conaxSPONDENT of the Baltimore _elineri can, describing the recent commencenumt ex ercises at Dickinson College, speaks as fol lows of the address delivered by Rev. John Walker Jackson, of this eity: "Tuesday evening witnessed -a devotf on of fine pulpit talent to a political discussion of the theme, "Are we a Nation?" before the Literary Societies of the college, by Rev. J. W.,, Jackson,. of Harrisburg. .The - speaker's heed and heart are in the right place, and he was-listened to with intense interest as he dis= - cussed the constitutional integrity of the na tion's life, against the political heresy that Makes the Federal Government a mere crea ture of the States, and puts tbe allegiance of the citizen to his State parer nount to his alle giance to the Federal:Government." Tamura or Raspacm..—/Deao, John Adams Fisher, Esq.—Heinakaaaa, JiLly 7, 1834.---Mr. Fleming. announced, du open,. court, the dettth of John Adams Fishor,.tsciuire, late a mem ber of this bar, which took place at his resi dence this morning at 3 o'clock, accompanied by some remarks of eulory upon the high personal and professional character of the de ceased, and concluded by offering the follow ing preamble and.resolutiona : .4- • WHEREAS, We have learsied..with deep re gret that qur professional brother and friend, John Adams Fisher ; Esq.. has been removed trom our midst by death; therefore, Resolved, That in the,decease of Kr. Fisher; this court and bar have lost one of their Old est and mostbotiored menibeis, alike for his 'probity as a man, his.ability and success as a pleader and . advocate.; mid, his fidelity to the cOrirt, air well as his clients. • Resolved, That we tender to the family of our deceased brother our sincere sympatky in this the hour of their hercaveinent.- Reioliisd,. That this oottit`and , bar will;_at tend in a body the funeral a' the deceased. Resolved. That the court be requested to direct the Prothonotary to enter these manta-. tions upon their minutes,. and also • twaris , mit a copy of the sante .to the family Gro te deceased. Reso'sq, That iu, r further. testhnon3r of thi .Itr respect for the deceased,- this court do )Nr adjourn. The Hon. John JJ'earsori eitoiessed - the highest apprecistiOn' of the character of the de CWood ,-, 44 l iliirtY ;concurrence in the m m timents evressedin the resolutions, and so - as folloirttin Wig;pier by. Mr. Lamberte n; on whose motion the preamble and "risk/ Lo tions were unanimously adopted. Schsrrrurs. WASTAito .—s6oo will be jmtid for an acceptable Substitute, who not to draft. Apply to Sullivan S. Child, TELEGRAPH building. jys-6t Five Donzaas reward Will be,paid for the recovery of a yellow terrier pup, lost on Sun day last. The reward will be paid by leaving the dog at this office. jy7-2t, NOT/CE. —We are requested to• State that the Chief of Police has procured a place of safe keeping for all dogs captured in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance; and that all dogs so captured will be kept for twenty four hours, during which time any owner or owners may reclaim them, upon application to the Chief of Police, and pay ment of the authorized costs. =l= ATTENTION, Frnsr Crrr Zoure.v.ss!—The old members of the First City, ZOWITOS, willing to enlist for one hundred chvys, are requested to call at the old Mount Vernon House, in Locust street, and sign the roll now rapidly being -filled. All others wishing to join are cordially invited to register their names im mediately. Officers to be elected by the members after the company is full. Inland Telegraph Company. We have heretofore alluded to the fact that the vindication of the Managers of the Inland Telegraph Company had been most complete, and that the Secretary of War was satisfied not only of the superior advantages of this corporation, but of the faithfulness and loy alty of those in its charge. The following order, issued from the War Department early in June, was promulgated in all the armies of ?the Union. We naw take special pleasure of laying ibis order before our readers: • Win DSPASTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C., June 18, 1864. The order of the war department . prohibit; 'ing the transmission of military business over the wires of the Independent and Inland Tele graph Companies is hereby revoked. " All offi cers forwarding public business to this de partment can employ these the same as other lines. By order of the Secretary of War. THOS. T. ECKERT, Major and Assistant Supt. Military Tele graph. - jv9rli w IPROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. _PENNSYLVANIA SS. ' A. G. CURTIN. Tin the Name and by the Authority of the Commonwealth of . Pennsylvania. ANDREW G. CURTIN. HONTHILEOR OE THE SAID COMBIONITELLTD A .PI=LAUtATIC*T- is now ascertained that a large rebel force has been detached from Richmond and is ad vancing on the north. So large a portion of our army is at remote points, that it be comes necessary to raise - immediately a sufficient body to -repel them. They are al ready within the borders of the Common wealth. You have always heretofore been ready to answer the call of your country. You will not be less- ready to come forward when your own homes and firesides are to be - defended against profligate horde of plunderers. I authorized, by the President Of the United States, to call for twelve thousand volunteers (in additien"to those required briny Proclamation of yester day) to serve for one„hnndred days in Penn sylvania, Maryland and Washington and its vicinity. li appeal to the freemen of Permsyl ; : vania to rouse theaiselves for the necessary effort, and to come promptly •to sweep the: invaders fom her soil.' - , I refer to the General Order issued - fro* these Head4ttarters, Pennsylvania No. 50, dated July 5, 1864, published with this {proclamation, for the details of the arrange ments. I do most earnestly desire the good and loyal men of the Corainpnwlialth, and 0-, ipecially the veteran soldiers in all her borders, to show themselvos worthy of her in this emergency. • ..- .Her sons have established for themsel4es, on many a bloody field, a reputation for the martial virtues which they will not now for feit, When both their well-earned fame and the safety of their homes and families are at ake. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this 6th &ay of ,Tul,y, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-four, and of -the Commonwealth the eighty-nintk. By the Governor: • • ELI SLIF'ER, Secretary of the Contnonweattlt Proclamation by the Governor 1 3 .kliTIVS17,VANIA SS.' A. G. CURTIN. In the Name atoll by 'the Authority of the Cominonwealth of Pennsylvania, ANDREW G. CURTIN, • GOVARNOB OF THE SAID commcarkg.t.tarif.. A PROCLAMATION Ny . ".usayks,The ,Presidpnt .„of _the United. has;States this day,maile a call upon the Corn monwatith of Pennsylvania for 'twelve 'thou sand militia vo unteer infantry,, to serve ,at Washington and its vicinity, for' one - birthed days,'unless sooner discharged: __ 1,. Andrew G: Curtin, Governor of the said Commonwealth, do make this, my troclama ,.`ion,in'response thereto, and do hereby call on, th e freemen of Pennsylvania, of military - Eige r to , c4." 02 ° promptly forward, as they have here tofore ‘ done, and fill the requisition;for this i mports :at service. • ' It is &' oparent that the enables :Of our GovernmeM, t, id desperation, are threatening es with an ,arrnect force, in ,the hope that th e army of IN'eneral Giant utay lie withdrawn from before Riethmond, and 1 call upon the citizens of this Commonwealth, capable: of bearing aram4 t o twine forward. withoutrdela*,;.: and thus aid our kercie brothers in the great Army of the Repubk l ic• • Given under my hanki and the Great Seal•oir the - State; at - Harris'burg, this fifth day ' - c'f July, in the year of our Lard one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and of _.the Commonwealth the 9 ighty-ninth. ' ' By theGbleritor: • Mlt ELI SLI •- Secrefery of the Commonwealth:. • READVIgtrE IIB 'PZY 4 44 MILICEIA, Harrisburg, July 5i 1864. _1 GENERAL ORVERS, • - r „. ,:••• yea. In response to a call of the President of the United States this day made, for twelve thou sand militia or volunteer infantry, to serve at Washington and its vicinity for one hundred days, unless soonertlischarged: It is ordered L Troops will be accepted by squads or companies, as hereinafter indicated, and will, as rapidly as possible, be formed into compa nies and regiments. 11. Persons proposing to organize compa nies will be accepted under the following pro visions, viz: To be commissioned a Captain, the appli cant must have furnished. forty (40) or more men, who have 9241issed Surgeon's exam ination, and been Funstered into the United States service. To be commissioned a First Lieutenant, from twenty-five (251 to forty (40) men must have been furnished-as above. To be commissioned a Second Lieutenant, from fifteen (15) to-inveutf.five (25) men must have been furnished as above. 111. Camps of rendezvous will be establish ed by the United States at'Harrisburg, Phila delphia and Pittsburg, in charge of which camps commanders and 'Skilful Surgeons will be appointed. IV. TransportatiOn will be furnished ou application, in person or by mail, to Col. J. V. Boinford, U. S. A., Superintendent of Vol unteer Recruiting - .service at Harrisburg, for the Western District, or to Major C. C. Gil bert, U. S. A., Superintendent of Volunteer Recruiting service at Philadelphia, for the Eastern District of . Pepru3ylvania., to the Camp or Camps of Rendezvous in their respective districts, to whom report must be made. V. Actual' and necessary expenses for board ing and lodging of troops, raised under this order, will be paid by the United States dis bursing officer, at the proper post, for a pe riod not exceeding fifteen (15) days, at a rate not exceeding forty cents per day for each man mustered into the service' of the United States, on the affidavit of the officer furnishing the men, supported by the receipts of the party to whom .the money was paid. i Names of the men, and ,the dates between which o*ph man was boarded and lodged, must be stated in the accounts rendered. VI. The troops will be organized according to the general regulations of the service, armed, clothed, paid, transported, subsisted and supplied as other troops in the United States service, and mustered into the service of the NnitedStatee by regiiinenp3,4t§ soon as filled to the ininirmtm` strength,• the term of service to be reckoned from the date of mus ter into the United States service. VII. As a reward for meritorious conduct, and also to secure valuable military' experi eace, aPpointments of field officers will be made, except tinder peculiar circumstances, from men who have been in service and have been honorably discharged. VIII. No bounty will be paid the troops, nor will this service exempt from draft, but if any officer or soldier in this special service should be drafted; he Will be credited for the service rendered. By order of _ _ _ A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A. L. Ruesam, Adj't Gen. Penn's. ' SPECIAL NotiCES. A DREAM 1111.4 4 - NtOT'ALL .- .A. DREAM. - - "Sleep hathits own world; And a wide realm of wild reality, Dreams, havOl&r . eatli, Anq tears, and torture, and thelmeh ot joy; They leave a weight upon onr waMng thoughts. What are they? Creations of the mind. would recall a vision which I dreamed, ' Perchance in sleep—" I thought a great panorama was stretched - out beforo-xne„ upon _whichiworo lh. "Ames "of all the diteient kinds of 'di} gobdli," With the prices attached. One particular spot upon the canvas seemed to impress my mind most: it was where the name of C. L. Bowman's Cheap Dry_ Goods: Store - was:plain - to -the vis a ion. Upon welting J repaired to the store, No. 1, SoUtheitie.,. &diner - of Pront.ena.Market streets,. wberel . purcliatied delaines: calico, and dry plods generally,' ranch - lower than I had-dreamed of. - • ' Yours, &c., ONE WHOSE DEEMS! WAS REALITY Banivart's Troches. For the cure:wt .- masons* . Thleat Dis• eases, are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persona whose vocation ;calls them to speak in public. Manufactured :only by Biwaysrt •& Co., Harrisburg. whom all orders &Odd be.addressed. r•old by druggist every where. Redd thlffillowiiiithstirfri li ale,fr sold om soe of our 4 0 .1pfulf • ' HeiutliiitueepFeh. Bth;. 1864.. C. A. Barmy/air—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges - and other preparations for hoarseness and 'throat troubles, imd.# comproison with them all, can Cheerfully . Commend your own' as s :most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them, sorying in .t 31 4 0 .0f need,.most -• Yours truly,. ' H. ROBINSON, • Pistor of Prettiiyterian ehuroh. 16 KR@ 3VX Immo. as to the value of Bar.nvarb's Troches. E • W. C. CATTELt, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. ILListlninue, 461.0. 6 64. To 0. A. Berurvarr—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very f?equently, and in daces where the vocal organs are very much tamed, I have found the need of some gentle emote rant, arid, that want ***,turtioi4l,li your exoellen 'HTfeetibut" . "I conaider, them ;very .fat superior - to-any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing ipeedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its 'too 'freimafite 'Min,' and- impairing th , ffectiveness of the delivery of public -:. • TAE ,SON. Paetor•ot the Lotimd St. Methcodist Chmit. To 0. A. Rsiervsfir—DearSir: Having use! your Troches, am free to sad they are the bimitri tried hake great pleasure i; recommending them to all persons afflictedtit, sox ft,„throat or huskiness of voice arising fiisM"fribld s eaking or singing. Yam,G. TRAW, Pasfor of Midge . Avenue Methodist Church. 'L'' pxsiswr .A=941%7' 8 iMcE? Lizosiniet," Feb. 29: 4 864: '-' I To C. A. Baminirr—Dear Sir : I have fliqraryciar Trotiliar bdinirduable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bone- JR to all public speakers. A. J. HERR COLGATE'S 'LOONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in sun universal de timid, is made from Me clkoliast materials, is mild and emollient in its nature, fragratntly scented, ind extremely beneficial in-its action upon the akin. For sale by all Druggists mkt Felony Goods Dealers. 1 ntsiT NIP:VW A IIVF; p "IlvtlP, rvf-p, 110diattit„ TRIBE or four performisan have hoard in a A. private family, App at ebtner of Chestnut Rt,eet qud Ravberry alley. t .iyf.43l* AYELLOW TERM PUP, with long B ears and tail, a whltesPot behind left ear. A lib eral reward will be paid fotae return to LAWRENCE'S Restaurant, Market Etreet. A - FRESH supply of }liohener 's Clelebrated flaw Oared Hama and Dried Beet, at mp] BOYER & KOZI2IOI. . , lIVANTED—One or two gdod diningroom VV v men; Also a railroad porter. Enqutre at the JONES HOUSE. . ANTANTED—Ten dining room girls, in a r v hotel. Call E. 99 Idarket street. jy6-41.3t to sell $ 75 A se li wi O ng N si T a ll in — es A . g;) v ti e ta lvi ]sra g T e e a d commis sten on 'all Maetdien sold, or employ, agents Who will work for the above wages and all expenses paid. Ad dress D. B. lIERItINTOI4 & CO, jys-412w* Detroit, Mivh. SUBSTITUTE WANTED. TO whom a liberal bounty will be given: App'y at the Brady House. jy/ , WANTED lIILIIIEDI4TELY. • FOUR or five "Shanty-keepers,? , to whom atiamit.a, which are ready for use, wUlte famished, for tbeplitpose or wrommodatlng hovders.- • Al so . tr, n3 Ulnae° 1 tborers Apply to James martin, nn the N. C. R=R. ; Mahoutergo mountain, 3 inlia3 above Millersburg. )1022.1m* AGENTS- wanted to sell the Standard His tory of the War. A rare chance to make money: kgenta are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumee already sold. Send far circulars. Address JONES BROS Az CO., do 80 Publishers . Baltitnare, Md. TANTJD—A good pagtry Cook, and a 1 1 apd meat C o nk, Inquire at the BRADY ROUSE. JULY 4 , 1864. 1, HAVE this day disposed 4 of my interest in the drug tra'e to 2..tatto D Let; who will continue the business at No 6, Market Square. I can endorse Mr. Lutz as a comp , tent and r liable druggist.. one worthy the patronage of the community. G. W. I. D. LATTZ, DRUGGIST, NO. 6, MARKET SQUARE, fteily's Old Stand, HABRISRUOG. Always on band Duos, Medicines, Perfumery., Brushes, Cigars and Pure Liqt•ors for medicinal purposes. 'Jar PRESCRIPTIONS accurately compounded at all Mutts--day and Watt 8-d1 wit wit* NEW MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. Sabbath School Trumpet, - • • 'E. • cont.xcnom• or .•_. . • - • • .Hynkus nnUilillek. fhantg *,and Anthems IS a. 4 • 'ANTRUM "THE ORIGIN OFTHE SEASONS." nyt W. (.& H. S. PERKINS. .QPECOA.II.ai copies of this new Work will be .10 sent post ppld on receipt of 25 conta. Special at tention is directed to the qTrunipet" as being a collec tion of Music particultripisuited to the young, and 'one that cannot fail to be gmerally adopted. The Cantata Is is one of the most . attractive that has been published. It is easily piesented, and for this reason *ill be,rome popu lar in all Sab ath Schools as soon as introduced. Rue: In boards. 30; paper, 25. Just published' by O fver Ditson &Co , 277 Wa-hington street, Boston. For sale yJ. E., GOULD, Philadelphia_ jy6-to PUBLIC SALE OF TIM CELEBRATED TROTTING STALLIONS. wthr., be sold at public_ sale on WEDNES- V VD IY, JULY 131 H, 1831, at the public hoes° of James- Raymond, in Harrisburg, the following named 'Ste/Wins, viz: - GttN TAYLOR. GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR. OEN TAYLOR, Jkt • BROWN DICK. BLUTOHER, Sale t, commence at 1 o'Clock, P. M. when terms will be made known .by . • • D t.VID LUNG, surviving partner of the firm of Long & Burnett. L. - P."Vinitssurcr -Abctloneer. ASSESSMENT O,F; _DAMAGES. 11)01JR . Srfail4T 4O` 'nil' brae r of the Court of Quarter Seitsions of Paupinu county, notice is hereby given to the Commissioners of said county, end to the property-holders along the line of , Verbeke street. friftti Fulton to Sec ent h streec t iu the cii v , ofitarrisburg,that upon 'the petition of the President of Voted' of said city, the 'Court has appointed six viewers to 'assess the dainages caused by the opening of said street, and that they will ;winced- to asseni svid damages on Wedn.,.edey, July 20th next, at 10 o'clock, .4. at., at which Utile all parties inter ested may appear upon th , grouddlr they think froper. Jy541.0t , JOHNIV.:I3IOI4 - 11, City Solicitor. • • • Land for -Slap 520- ACRES of - Daild, Dauphin en. at private sale, in part tv tlitiurhOlci,, ,1011 guretiasers ; 13/. acres clew, good buildings thereon, with vtw MilL For further particulara r address MINSKER, - my3o-43r9* Thiuplain enunty. -RA.x-rrE - re, IE-LERII., SUCCESSORS TO G ittNitEL VO' . 3 „ .1100ECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS and Wholesale. Dealers in Itnported and Dunieatic Li ilitirnsbutg 44. - - 3ys:dint DEPENDEN ISLAND WIRE FERRY. T' proprietor of this cool and delightful ' Sumnier'Rniort would most respectfully. =Ounce: ~ o ate elazeMt - pr Harrlsburgititt "the Island is now open ror visitors. AccOnimOdations will be furaishe toparties ..nd pic-nics on maitain.* - .terms, a 'dancing platrom ben erected tier choir special use, teason, titactE ! , or oneyeur. gi ha - • No Jrnproor Ohara - m.ora :admlttpd., and no, intoxicated perslias will heßormitted ga visit -the [viand. fraitim!ttingiiquons so tt on Sunday., A Wire Ferry, whir a good bout' : plying coniakaullY iweeu the Island and foot of Broa i street, Weit. Harris burg. * - lIHNitY BECKER jedg : dloi - . ' Sole Prolirletof. • OFFICE OF TILE .ILLEELenrinG BIUDGE COMNY, - July 4, 1864 JJ A DIVIDEND of three per cent. or sixty 'AUL edge per ehare) on the capital' stock of this thaw Navy was this day. declared by, the . Board of Directors, (nes of butte tar,) out of the profit. of the last al4 months, payable at the °Moe of the Treasurer ift , Waln stieet near second. W . jy.s4t! . _Feeretary and Treasurer. CANNED FRUI:18 OF %EVERY DESCRLP TION. SAUCES of all the celebrated manufacturers OLIVE 0118 o lIVBIT deliteriptigll„: -.. • • . kaki, BRGWS S'ollt FINE TNA.G, GOPPEPi, • suaii4 and d It sue of all grades andPrltes;Andf the beet selected stock outside of Pkolsde.ptda. • ' • • All goons guaranteed as represented. Particular inseams' paid to alt orderS from a distal:Me: Goods carefully p ...eked and-delivered to all parts of the city tree 41 charge. 81ILSLER mys • successors to W. Dock, Jr.', St Co. • FOR REGISTER. GEORGE MARK, of Sbuth Hanover town ship, oilers hip:weir as a candidate for the office 01 Iir..ASTER, of .13auPhin- county: If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of saki office with fidelity. • • 1029 d.tvrte Valuable Mil and Faent.flerSale. Fhisundersigned offers IL. and Id L RM for sale. Any one wishing to purchase real ostronannot . make a neirer - piqing investm nt;1113 It Wll/ nepotO °neap, Cuaie ansac".. • A.% WELTING, j e ll,awlMiddletown, Paunhin rouuty Pa. .. FOR itzo.r.swatt. .: RUDOLPH MILTYR, of . B4st Hanovet . . ..... kefluehlp, oil ere_ kunself as semi:War.° for the °Met ti. twgister, 'lf *Luaus i autt elected he p vie* him to rtiloll4o ,uu43 or the Dice with fidelity. , jao.d2ry r.wto* ' RUDOLPH ILL t LES. PINE tot -LE OILS.-40 boxes fine table la gr Old best Importations fur i sal t e, %imamate and • aldlabla & Man, isacceiPors r*kr & co 4. QlCMD — BAEktfilbai -- tildarn LP: llALltalcluat lealved'at, 41,6,:f . Warners to ICU :00.144,ca 40413::F OhOioe- lot of Millkos''' ner's Dried Beef, just received at SHISLER & FTLAZEIR,4 Orr Suocoosoos to W. Dock, NEW' ADVEkrISEMENTS: • PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER 'LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Photograph Albums. BOND in FINE MOHOCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt c/s B P2- ALBUMS WITH so Pictures for ss eo 40 " 14 50 o Ai 3 4 0 50 0 together with vnious other 'tyke of binding, alma and prima, which will be sold cheap. Soldler,a you cannot buy-a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. -- Call and see at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf Harri mtg., pa. HOTEL AT PUBLIC SALE. THAT valuable Hotel property known as 1 the • PARKE HOUSE, of i Market street, Harrisburg, Penn's, will be offered at Public Sale, on the premises, on Wednesday, the 20th of July at 2 o'clock, P. M. This property is in the centre of toe busine-s part of the city, within a se Ism of the Court House and n ar the Railroad Dept, nevi g a fr.lit of 27% feet on Market stre t, extending back 210 met to a 20 teat street in Lb, rear, and now routs at $lOO per month. Terms of sale—one-half cash—the balance, if Mitred secured by mortgage, in ytarly payments to suit pur chaser. For further infurmation Inquire of JOHNS. DETWEILER, Attorney.a , Law Htrriuba.g, Pa. BENJ. PAREE, Parkvale, Su-quehanna °minty. Pa. Or jel9-dts Sale of Condemned Government Property. OPF1 , 1: ABRISTANS Q7ARTERIL4STER, HARRISBITHAi, PANA.L, June 29, 18111. WELL be sold at public auction at Govern meet Corral, near Butomehrown, pm Ilne ur Lab anon Valley rallrord,) on luenday, July 12th, 1364, at le 4.04 -1 .0 A. K.: 35 Horses, o I. tutu Wagons, 5 I light do 2 Ambulances Saline., Horse dollars, Wagon WheeL, and 2000 Grain Sacks. This property has been condemned as unfit for Govern ment service, but for priVare use gout beyond, are to be had. Horses and other property to be sold singly; sale to Continue until all are Bald. TERMS: Casa in Government funds. E. C. HEICHENBACH, Cant, A , n a , ot Or, V. 1e29.4101 COsTAIi 7 S 77 EXTRILIVIINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERM:NATORS. "COST-411 , 5" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS fiXTER ..INATONS. 'COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR.- EXTe.RMINATOItS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR 4. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXT !NATO.; s. EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTEktMLNATuRS. I.,XTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR:a. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTEgmLNATbkO3. EVERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXITR INATo EXTREMA I N ATO S. "COSTAR'S' • RITE KMINATORS. WITSRMINATORta. "COSTAR'S" EXTEWHINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXT,RMINATOkS. EXTERMINATORS. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugg, Fleas, Moths in Flare, Woolens, - Injects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. ' "15 gears established In N. y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from POISOILS." "Not, dangerous to the Human Family 2 "Rats some put of their holes to die.", gerSold by all Druggists everywhere - igirl I I Bswass l I I of all worthless imitations. gia-u Costar's" Depot, No. 482 BmadWay, N. Y. sir Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO., Wholesale and retail agents And by all Druggists in llarrishorg. Paj.do 414. am PROC4AMAT THE citizens of the city of Harrrisburg afe hereby notified that the urdinanep, entit'ed 'an .dtnance to prevent mischief from doge,' passed February 6, 1861, will u - etrictly en treed. Attention is especiaby directed to sections 4dt, 9th and fat, to wit: Sac. 4. That every dog going aL large within the limits of the said city, front the twentieth day of May ;twit !Ave twentieth day of Septininher, in each and emery :jeer; shah have Securely l ut on a good, strung, substantial and safe wire basket muzzle, me osing the whole mouth of said dog, so a, elfeolually to prev.T.t Lim r.,tu bitiug.and snapping. Sae. 5. That any and every person owning a dog and rrinitting It to run at large without complying with the fourth section of this ordinance, shall he Lab a toe MIS of not les • that One dt,lar, nor mere than trio dollarp, with costs, at the discretion of the Mayor; and in event of the said cOniable not bring able w find the owner of the dog sa running at large, he, or some ihrsoa employed by him, shall take up, kilt and bury raid dog, for Which service he or the pe:son performing the ei r vibe stiilt receive the eum atom dollar, to be paid out of toe city treoeury. 5z0..6. That 'vary dos going at largo within 'the limits of said city, shah have around its Lack at all times, a eel& of metal or a collar of loather with a metal plate, on which metal collar orplate shall be inscribed the name of the owner of such dog, and any and every person wn lug a dog and permitting it to fun at large, nithoui em ptying with the requ.sittons of this s. ction, shall be liable twat finis of one d,llar for every offence; and further, it is hereby made the duty of the Chief Police Coastaule or a person employed by him, to take op every dog so run ning at large in violation of this !. cotton, and nniess the said tine is raid by the owner th Teef, un * demtuad, the sableMceris herebyauth diked and required . to kit the dogor cause it to be killed and burled, for which seyalces, ho shall be allowed one dollar out of the city treasury. - .IYS A. L. ILOUMFORT, Mayor. Matarnsses 1 Sprlng•Beds :I 'Comforts:ll PALE' LEAF HAIR TOP MATTRASSES. Plain Leaf Cotton Top Mattraa..es. Corn Hugh Kamasses. - Patent Song Slat Beds. - Feather Pillows and Bolsters. Cotton Comforts and Spreads Ladies' Widow Work Stsnds. - Carpet 1. amp ,tools Door Mugs, Otrpatalsgsarks. Iron Bed-et, ds, latest pattern, dm., & - c. N. Et—Safaz, Lounges, Cualututa,enturs, ant Jug traStlei repaired. Rau and Spring AvalijnennLitinie:lo order. Nu. 109 Market street, ILorisburg JelB-dlrn I BARNITZ. MUSTARDS, THE valuable property, corner of Second and Pine streets, being fifty-two luta a half feet on Sc-. rand and one hundred and sixty-eight feet on Piue street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space lor ion? full building lots, seta most dc sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public build:up. Per Porldeolsra enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner 01 Be. wed and . Pine reeta' pusuc NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly , of Pennsprao a, passed the first day of June, 1839, the tteckbolde s of the Franklin Beak, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session of the Leglalature for a renewal of ter, with as increase of its capital from $150,000 to $200,000. C. M. REED, kreatdeut. WAsuno2To,l, Pa., June 24,18e4: . j 027 RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAN.—Patriot and Unikft buildlug, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to ail legal bueinces. Military claims culleutuit . mylo-tietn•eod • • PHOTOGRAPHS. ALARGE asst?rtment of Photographi . .tof Generals and ninny pictures for tulle uIIEAP, at $1 pu' dOZPII, at SZHEFFER's HOOK sTtiRE, my2o Harrisburg. Pa M.11:816 aud MESS PORK. article of Mess Boer and Pnric SEEM= & imildr.evars L., v. 0. ; itne I VA Jr. 1 3 11111NR'S .P.J the mast popular sad the pure4:ever offered to UA - I; just received autforiole by • SHISI.ER (auccetwerneto Thu-k. Co. ff=l s rift item ei of .14LichenerN Aele •lett Haw, Just received this morning at SHISLER & FRAZER, JS2 Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. VERMIN FOR SALE, ME El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers