paik EtieFaA Ii NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver- • tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, die., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom ' patoed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn- i big Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 6, 1864. LOWN AND COUNTRY State of the Thermometer To-day. /1 A. 2.1. 3 P. 81 91) INES tiily, Freemen, for 100 Days! A. A meeting of young men favorable( to the organization of a first class company for 100 days' service, under Gov. Curtin's call, will meet in the (late) Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder House, in Locust street, next door below the. Methodist church, at 7i o'clock this evening. MANY YOUNG MEN. WeIrlED. —s6oo will be paid for n acceptable Substitute, who is not liable to • ft. Apply to Sullivan S. Child, TELEGRAM •wilding. jys-3t Ari - ura, Holm., of York, was severely kicked , y Dan Rice's blind horse, on Monday of last eek, and is lying in a critical condition. COVHOM has passed an ordinanoe for the .nstraction of a sewer on Walnut street, om High to Fourth. Oun citizens ae requested to use the water paringly, as the engines of the water house, hich have been undergoing repaint.- were of completed yesterday. ImamTioN WarrED.—Any person know ng the whereabouts of a young man who did 'arry on Upholstering in Chestnut street, in his oily, will call at this office.—Lomme. I=l "GREEISIES."—Green apples, fresh from the rees, were offered in market this morning ; at he low price of forty cents per halt peck. 'rom their appearance we would suppose they. ould set a pig's teeth on edge. To ABMS, YE BRAVES !—A fine opportunity is now offered to all persOns who desire to serve their country for the brief period of a hundred days The Governor calls for twelve thousand men, to do guard duty. Let there be an immediate response. Tint PEoPx Movrxo.—The people are al ready responding to the Governor's call for one-hundred-day men. Arrangements are being made for the organization of compa nies,- and we may expect to soon ,See the "Guards'.' arriving. YORK . 00171.1 TY ITEMS.—Mrs. Demme, resid ing in Conewago township, died from the effects of sun-stroke, on Tuesday morning.— On Thursday evening 25 shares of York Bank stock were sold for $33 15 per share;-$0 for $33 05, and sat $32 20 per share. At the ame time, 20 shares of York County Bank stock were also sold, 10 selling at $33 00 and the balaneeet $32 50 per share.—Franklin Spotta and Henry Fensel, two young men, were drowned while bathing in a dam in Con ewago township, on Saturday evening. DELEGATES TO THE COLORED NATIONAL CON VENTION.—The colored people of this city will meet this evening, in the Wesleyan church, an South street, to hear the call for a.National Convention, to assemble in New York on the 4th of October, and to elect delegates from this city. Tho progress of events favorable to the extermination of oppression and the ac knowledgment of manhood in whomsoever the image of God is recognized, `have stimu lated the leading spirits of our colored popu lation to plead the cause of their race before the bar of the American people. Sous two or three weeks ago we urged the enforcement of the city ordinance requiring dogs to be muzzled, but from some cause no action was taken in that direction, until yes terday, when a child was bitten by a rabid “canine." It is highly necessary that the ordinance should be strictly enforced during the summer months. As the city authorities have determined to enforce it now, we would caution our citizens against permitting their dogs to run at large without the head-gearing required by law. The provisions of the ordi nance should be strictly carried into effect, without respect to persons. Let every un muzzled dog found running at large be killed, If its owner cannot be found. Read the May or's proclamation in another column. RETURN Or t GALLA.NT SOLDIEB.-IV6 had the pleasure, this morning, of a grasp of the hand from one of the bravest of our young friends and fellow-citizens, who left Harris burg in a blue blouSeras a private eoldier; and who returns a captain, having wou his prp. motion by the influence of hard knocks and courageous fighting. We allude to Captain Thomas Birmingham, Company I, 58th Regi ment P. V. Captain B. has been in every -; ght participated in by his brigade; from lack Water, Va., through six bloody • strug gles in North Carolina, at Petersbiirg, then at Drury's Bluff, at Coal Harbor, then again for three days at Petersburg, having left the army just twelve days since. Captain Birmingham, with others of his regiment, re-enlisted as veterans early in December, 1E63, but re fused to accept the thirty-days' furlough ac corded to veterans, until he and his brave companions were actually ordered to return home for !relief and rest, as an acknowledg. Saint of their patriotism and gallant services. He is in excellent health and spirils, and speaks in glowing language of the oertainty of Grant's. complete success. Pennsylvania may well be proud of such of her sons, as rise from the ranks to reflect credit upon the calling of arms and the reputation of the Commonwealth. Maxi ()sr vat atAram Rannosz.--The Philadelphia papers state that there is a strike for higher wages atiiiinit'the employees of the Reading Railroad, and that no coal arrived in that city yesterday, by said route, in conse quence of the strike. Tat Paws or COAL.-4t 13 due to the retail dealers in coal, in this city, to state that :when the price of that article was increased seventy five cents , per ton, at tht mine's, in Lybetts Valley, the increase at the coal yards in this city was.only fifty cents per ton. TEE &war SPEINICLEIR.—Mr. Shaeiffer, the proprietor of the street sprinkler, desires us to state that the sprinkling . of the streets has been suspended far a few days, on account of the scarcity of water. The repairs at the water works will be completed in the course of to•day, when his operations-will again com mence. A DEPLOBADLE accident occurred at the Gap, in Lancaster county, on the 4th. Rev. Mr. Gamble, formerly of that neighborhood, came out from Philadelphia, where he is now stationed, accompanied by his wife and a son five years old, to spend the summer vacation in the family of Mr. Mimes— Shortly after their arrival, the boy, it seems, was amusing himself, by mauling or playing with a large dog Mr. Runes, when the :dog flew at him and bit his nose entirely off, drop ping it on the floor. The boy was at once taken to Philadelphia for medical attention. Poises AFFAIMS —Before the ilfayin..--The following cases hare been,disposed of since our last report: Drunks—Ferdinand Close, James Brayton, James Carter, John Danlee and Thomas Cauf man, were each fined and discharged. Vagrancy—Alvin Ramsey, a boxy who hails from Lewistown, and who has; been lying around loose in our city for some time past, was before his Honor on a chargi 3 of vagrancy. He was recommitted to the lock -up, until the case is•further investigated. Nuisance—The owner of one of the brim eries in this city, had a hearing. upon a charge of allowing refuse liquor to run into an alley, to the great annoyance of the. people of the vicinity. The case was sottleei upon payment of fine and costs, and a promise on the part of the owner of 'the brewery-AO construct a sewer, by which the liquor 'ivatild be carried from the establishment. . . Tams Arm Us tox.—The itnamortal "J. N.'. will lecture in front of the Court House on the evening of the 15th inst. , All are invited. "Martyr" like, he still maim dains his bold position on the war, viewing it from the basis each' reasons, thus sumuring all the prejudices, both politically, and North and South. He wishes it distinotly understood that if the pressure is too hail..on his fiiettds that sympathize with hit, attil the press which recognize his truths, he will martyr himself in the darkest dungeon of any prison. He, is no partisan. but views pit reviews the war metaphysically whilst the North and South are divided politically and. constitutionally,. He says, "I deal with principles of reason, and if I am correct in poky views, sooner or later the press of the entire world as - sentinels. will be compelled to recognize it. I present the same truths here that I do in Richmond, making the war a misunderstanding—both tlglating on different ideas—the South that the North intends subjugating them, and the North that the South is doing this to destroy the Government; and if ever a reconstruction is effected it must be from the stand-point from which each views it." "J. N."is a stranger to egotism, and whilst the whole world resounds with mans of praise to the immortal "J. N." be heeds not the tink ling thereof, bat bears all as patiently , as the martyrs of old. When asked in his travels if this is "J. N.," the celebrated philosopher, his reply is ever, "they call me tt. ' Such the modesty of w man whom the p throughout the world proclaim the graft: orator, philosopher and satirist that eller lived. . "J. N." lectures in Lancaster to.morielw evening. THE DEATH 15E STLEGEOX WI:LIVE. • —Oar citizens were pained to learn, yesterday, of the death Of Dr: d. P. Wilson, which vuectir red at the Brady House. We have betel en abled to gather the following particulars of the sad affair, and the causes which led to the demise of one who has done a good vvork in alleviating the sufferings of those who were placed under his care. Dr. Wilson. •was well known here, as he for a considerab le period had chare.of the medical affahtn., connected with our hospitals. When the 184th regiment of l''''inuniylvania Volunteers was sent to the field , Dr. W. ac companied it as its surgeon-in -chit and when a large number of that command fell on the battle-field, the Doctor devoted his ' whole time and attention to ministering to tht wounded. Constant labor and exposure eve', *sally re sulted in an attack- of fever, an 1 compelled Surgeon Wilson to retire from tb. s field. On Friday last he reached Washio e k t route for home, and telegraphed one e l l his Monde here to meet him at the train which wovld arrive here , at 2 o'clock on Satyr play morning. He reached this city at that time a accompanied by Mr. James H. Rankin -a oh irk of the Mili tary Academy at WattlaingtEir -4 city, ~and was conveyed tO . the.'BragiyHouts . Dr. Ruther ford was surmicioned and attes i dad Dr. Wilson, whom he found to be serious; M. His visits were continued up to eight r ;clock, yesterday morning, when the - patient vi ma believed to be improving, and hopes.were , entertained of his recovery. Shortly after, hr ,wever, and while his wife was at the breakfas t table of the hotel, the unfortunate mark term rated his existence by cutting his throat vitl a a razor, and was found, dead, shortly after, , vard4. An inquest was bieldtl the coronet, Jesse B. Hummel, Escb, and after fully igtvesti gating the ease. the Jug rendered a verdict that Dr. J. P. Wi-Jeort cm' ?no to his death by means of snag, Ida u,own hands, while la boring underaniemporaz 'y aberration of mino'i produced by severe ilbac.sis contracted in the' aortae of hie oonatti. C. C. FULTON, Esq., of the Baltimore Amer -1:0:67/, hag.purchased the interest of, his late partner in the establishment. the business will hereafter be conducted by Chas. C. Fulton & Soa. Fousn—A furlough given to Luther B. Brown, of the 14th New York Hem Artillery, which the owner can have by applying to Provost Marshal Opdycke. A BATCH of deserters and "bounty jumpers arrived here front Carlisle barracks to-day. They were taken to Camp Curtin, and will probably remain there until forwarded to their respective regiments. THE Sixty-second regiment, P. V., arrived here this afternoon, direct /from the front. They are en route for Pittsburgto be mustered out of service. The regiment numbers 261 men, who are under command of Col. Sweitzer. I===l REBELS /N Town—Three rebel cavalrymen, major, lieutenant and private, "'ere brought here by the Cumberland Valley train► to-day. They were Captured in Hagerstown yesterday. They were well dressed in grey, the u.niform of rebeldom. Among other things they re port that the rebel force at the Potomac is forty thousand strong. This is,of course, un true. Brag is a game in vogue among all the rebels. 1=1:=110 LUTHERAN Pro-N/C .--A pis-nic will be given at Derry on Tuesday next, 12th inst., under the auspices of the young men connected with the Sabbath school of the Fourth-ttreet Lu theran Church. An invitation has been ex tended to the members of that congregation, as well as those of the Second English and the German Lutheran Churches, to attend, with their children, and participate in the festivities of• the occasion. It is not intended that this shall be a Sabbath school pic-nic; although the scholars are invited, they will be in charge of their parents. All Lutherans in the community are cordially invited to be present. Excursion tickets will ,be issued at fifty cents for adults, and twenty-five cents for children under fifteen years of age. REBEL DASH INTO HAGERSTOWN AND CAPTURE or Paxsormaa —Some fifteen rebel cavalry made a dash into Hagerstown yesterday after noon, and met with a sharp reception by our troops. They captured three of them and some five or six were wounded. The captured rebels were brought down this morning, and had their names registered in the Provost Marshal's office as follows : . Geo. M. Sheerer, let Lt. Md. savalry. This scoundrel is a ‘ikorthern man, having been raised in and about ;Vlechanicsburg. He le(ltbe rebels into the Comb, rland valley before and was made a prisoner at ::hat time. We hope that the Gtivernor will not deal so leniently with him now. Thomas 11: Hendon, and John F. BFDaniel, both priva:es of the Ist Md. cavalry, are the other two on the fist, and were placed in the guard house. Wax! Waal I Wsz ! ! !—How much suffer ing, death and destru.ctionfollows in the train of war. Even the excitement attendant upon the supposed rebel raid has kept the Minds of our citizens much exercised for' several days past. Notwithstanding all the different ru wiors, we have failed, thus far, to see the west impending danger, the terror of which had. caused the farmers in the immediate lo ',alit), of Williamsport, Md., to remove their horsott and cattle to places of more safety. Amid ali this disturbance and fear the cheap dry goods house of C. L. 13owman, No. 1 cor ner of •'front and Market streets, is doing its very best to sell goods at lower prices than any othfir drf gouda howie in the city. SPECIAL NOTICES. Baninvatrt% Troches. For the 'cure it Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, Jut., axe specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons *hose vocation calls them to speak in public. Minufactured only by C. A. Bannvart it Co., Harrisburg, Pay-to whom all orders should be addressed. gold by druggist every where. Bead tirelollowing testimonials froin some of our emit sent. olergymen:. • lUsemarme, Feb; Bth, 1864. C. A. Itaszevisr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's 13ronohial Troches, Wistar's Lozenge* and other preparations for hoarseness and throat trout es, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admiraluse specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs. and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yonre truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. I' with with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Ea vartfa Troches. W; O. OATTELL, Late Pastor of O. 8. Presbyterian Ohurob. 11.A82131117843, Jan., l b ws. To O. A. BLinavenr—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, arid in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto cant, and that want has been impplied in you' excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing ipeeMy that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th - , trectiveness of the delivery of public • dresses. Yours, &0., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. L BANNVART—Dear Sir: Having wet your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons elioted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public or singing. Tom, Ic., G. G. EAKESTBAW, padov of Bidge Avenue Methodist Church. Diavaxar ATTOBNNY'S OFFICE, Em I ma Feb. 29, 1864. To G." A Banuvain---Dear Sir : I have found your Trashes to be invaluable in ,re- Laving hoarscnea and in strengthening the ronne k e op the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all pnblio speakers. A. J. HERR HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE 11 Bateltelor's Celebrated Hair Dye LW THE BERT IN THE WORLD. The only Haradra, !lent and &Arabia Dye Known. TidalVenni Hair Dye tamfbax-banges Red, Rusty or Bray Hair instantlyte • 1 011Sae.korNiirogan wnhotit Inning th e Mak or mining the Skin, leaving the Bair soft and tannin ; Moans Ruh yttality frequebuy rumoring lie color, and rectifiattb• effects of bad Dye& The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. DATM MOIL All ahem are mere imitations, and should, be WSW. Sold by all Dragpda, /Natory-81 BAR- OrAYAr, N. Y. parso*'li UT lona comeg pee ammo sex lam W ANTS. WANTED—Ten dining room girls, in -a hotel. Call as 93 Market street. $75 A IM. ONT H . —Agents wanted to sell Sewing Machines. We will gtye a commis alias on all Machines sold, or employ agerds who will work. for the above wages and all aspen:ea paid. Ade drefs D, B. LLEh.hINToN & CO, JYS-d2w* Detroit, Mich. 511134TLTUTE WANTED. TO whom a liberal bounty will be given Apply at the Brady House. .111. WANTED,,IDIDIEDLAT KLY FOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whom Shanties, which are read) for use, will be furnished, for the purpose of accommodating boarders. Also. from 50 to 601 iborers. Apply to James Martin, en the N. C. P.. 8., mahontungo munntaln, S miles snore Milkesburg. AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard His tory of ttie War. rare chance to make money. agents are clearing from $lOO Co $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Bend for elreulara..."Address JONES BROS.& CO., de 30 Pabllahera. Baltimore, Rd WANTED:—A good pastry Cook, and good merit book. Inquire at the ap.3o-dtf BRADY HOUSTI J LILY 4, 1864. IHAVE this day dispose- 1 of my interest in the drug trade to ' , tow P. Lutz, who will continue the business at No. 6, Market square. I can endorse Mr. Lutz as a romp teat and r-diable uggist, one worthy the patronage of the commualty. RKILY. Y. D. KATJTZ 4 DRUGGIST. NO. 6, MARKET SQUARE, Mir Reilly's Old Stand, 11ARRISBURO. Always on hand D rigs, Medicines, Perfumery, Brushes, Cigars and Pure Liquors for medicinal purpo....s. ✓ iIIaiiCRIPTIONS accurately compounded at all hours—day and night. , lye-caw/awn* NEW MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS, • • Tzg • Sabbath School Triunpet, COLLECTIOII or Hymns and Tunes, Chants and Anthems AMENDED TO MOCK IS A JUVENILE CANTATA, ENTITLED "THE ORIGIN OF THE SEASONS." By! V. O. & H..S. PERKINS.. SPECIMEN copies of this new work will be sent post paid on receipt of 25 cents. Special at. tention is directed to the "Trumpet" as being a collec tion of Music particularly suited to the young, and, one that cannot fail to be gmerally adopted. The Cantata is is one of the most attractive that has been published. it is easily presented, and for this reason mill become popu lar in all dab ' ath Schools as soon as introduced. Trice; In lailids..3o.; paper, 25. Jost published by 0 I ver Ditson &Co., 277 'Washington street, Boston. ' For sale by J. S. GOULD, Philadelphia. jys4o PUBLIC SALE OF THE CELEBRATED TROTTING STALLIONS. TILL be sold at public sale on WEDNES DAY, JULY 131 1, 1864, at the public nose,: of James Raymond, in Harrisburg, the tollowlog named Stallions,' vex: GEN TAYLOR • ' GEN. ZACHARY TATUM • ' GEN TAYLOR, JR: • ; --BROWN DICK BLUTCHER Bale t commence at '1 o'clock, P. m., when terms will be made known ,by • DAVID LONG, buravlog partner of the firm of Long & Burnett. L. P. VANDKIISLOUT, Auctioneer. jy4dlw* ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES. DIIRSIJANT to an order of the Court of (Meijer Sessions of I. auphin county, notice Is hereby given to the Commissimiers of said county, and to the property-holders along the line of Verbeke street. from Fulton to Seventh street, in the city;of Ilarrisburg,that upon the petition of the Frealdent of Council of said city, the Court has appointed SIX _VieWers to assess the damages caused by the opening of said street, and that they will proceed to assess said damages on Wednesday, July 10th next. at 10 o'clook, A. 14.., at which time all parties tater (sued may appear upon theiground if they think p wet., jys Mot .4011 N W. 1310./11 - N, City K,tieltor. Larid Ibr Sabi. 520 ACRES of Land, in Dauphin co. at private sale, in part the whole, to suit purchasers ; 135 acres clear, good buildings there 6, with Saw Mill. For Author particulars, address L piputhin. 47:14,nphtn county. ra mySo43m* RANTER Sr, .T.LER.R, SUCCESSORS TO G. GF KUNKEI. & CO. RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS and Wholesale Dealers hi Imported sud Dumeirtic Li quors, Ilarrarours. , ; • 4 .13641im GOLD IN. LAND ALARGE tract of LAND for sale, con taining about 460 Acres, good farm and grassland. About 300 Aires mewed, whereon are erected 2 large new houses and brow, straw houses and out-building; 3 ex cellent springs of runaibg water. This land Iles is Litton comity, Pa. It will make 3or 4 farms, About 160 Acres in tubber, and wiU be sold at v. very low figure. Ap, , ly to .1. BELAU, I:wiaburg, Union 'Minty, Pa. jy643t* DEPEN DEN VE ISLAND WIRE. PERRY. T' proprietor of thisf - eitHir and delightful Summer fte.ou would mostrespectfuliy antIQUOCe to the citizens of -Hairialsaig thin the Island as now open for visitors. Accommodation& Will be fursithe to porde, and pic-nice on rassonatae terms, a dancing platerm having bon erected fur their special use. mason ticket` for families, good for one year r t:l 50. No improper obirsoiere admitted, and no intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the Leland. Eir No intoxicate* liquors sad on Sunday. A Wire Perry, with a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Broad street, West Harris burg. HENRY BECKER Sole Proprietor. FOR REGISTER. • GEORGE MARK, of Sonth Hanover town ship, offers himself as a candidate fur the office of icai...ISTER, of Dauphin Ousel. it elected, Mr. Mari. pledges himseJf to" perform the duties of mild uffice with ddel je29 dawic Valuable Mill Assad Farm fur Sale. THE undersigned offers his - MILL and FARM for sale. ' Any one wishing to purchase real °Awe cannot make a baiter paj in 6 itlVdl3l.La at, as it will be .old cheap. Come and ace. A. WEITING, Jel6. (Lewd' Middletown, Dauphin county, Pa. FOR REGISTER. RUDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover township, offers himself es a candidate for the elfin of atipster. If nom nate t and elected he p edges him self to fulfil IIW dutiai of the office with fidelity. je2s4l2wairMaP RUDOLPH MILLER. PINE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes fine table oils of the best inaportat.io_na tor sole wholesale and retaii,c by: • A‘ ' l 4 •• ' ElithelEE & FRAZER, my 6 saccesrora to W. Dock, Jr., & Co QMAIKED HALION;Z:FiITE - SlithilED kJ SALMON, Just received at SEMLER & FRAZER, feh2 (222ceestons to Wm. Dock. 17, ko,iC SMOKED BEEF.—A. choice lot or Miele nor's Dried Bee; juin received at blildLEß & FRAZER, jell aueocassors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. TEN CASES SPICED OYSTERS, just re oalved at SHISLEit & Mail% .1d29 Saccomors to W. Dock, Jr & (o. DL Ikin: APPLES, PINE APPLES, just re -1 calved at SELSI.ER & FRAZEet, Je29 Successors to W. D Jr., & Co. CORN MEAL—A fine article. That re ceived at 4RISLgIi & raszsP, summon to Wm. Dm*. Jr..& UM) A•• W MORE PLEOES OF CANVAS for Amway' sad Wagoa COVerS. Call at Kimball's Shoe Store, Market street. uay264! 31E12SHAD.—Fine Nees Shad of the sea ' half " and kiln t~, last iecalved at Jal anooessora to W. Mg ' Jr, &C4l. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT . or Photograph ILltruma. 130IIND in FINE MOROCCO-,-panolled, et and mounted with two heavy ilk elsopu ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for SS BO 40 II 3 BO 50 if f 400 together with vrrioue other styles of binding, eine and prime, which will be solder:map. Soldier,e you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and see at spanmays Bookstore, marl2-da Earrißbilrgi Ps. • HOTEL AT PUBLIC SALE. TrtBAT valuable Hotel property known u the PARKE MOUSE, on Market street, Hanisburg, Penn's, will be offered at Public Sale. oq tl,e premises, on Wednesday, the' 20th of July at 2 o'clock, P. st. This property is ie the centre o' the busine-s part of the city, within a sq of the Court H.ntso and a' ar the Railroad Depot, havi g a fr .nt of 27% foot on Market sire t, extending back 210 feet to 20 leet street in th rear, and now rents at $lOO per month. Terms of sale--one•half cash—the balance, if defted secured by mortgage, In ycariy payments to salt pur chaser. For further infurinatim inquire of JOEOIB. DETWEILER, Attornoy-ar.Law H artEnurg, Pa. Or BENJ. PARSE, Jel.94lte Parkvale, Sutquebanna county, Pa. Sale of Condemned Government Property. OFF! , B ASSIBT.L.VT Ql3AirraanssTlitt, 1 fLotatilinnui, YnNSa., June 29, 1884. f • be sat at public auction at Govern ment Corral, near Hammeistown,( 4.1 line of Leh. anou Valley railrordd on luebday, July 12th 1864, at 1O o'clock, A et. ,' 35 Hoses, 5 Farm. Wagons,. 5 1 ight do 2 Ambulation, Saddle , , horse Collars, Wagon Wheels, and 2006 Grain Sacks. This property has been condemned as unlit for Govern meut service, but for private use goo; bargalea are to be had. Horses and other property to be sold singly; sale to continue until all are odd. TERMS: Cann to• Government funds. E. C. REICHENBACH, je29-dtd Capt, at.d Qr. air. COSTARIVI VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR& EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. - EXTERMINATORS. •• "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINA'TORS. "COSTAR'S" , EXTERMINATORS EXTRA .•IsATOR3. , CO,RTAR!S" EXTERMINATORS. . • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"- EXTERMINATOR-1. EXTERMINATORS. :"COSTAR'S" EXTREMINATORE. • EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMDIATORs . • AILTERmINAToRs. "ffrOSTAWS" I..XTERmLNATORS. EXTERIAMAATORS. "COSTAR'S" , EXTERMINATORS. i2CTERMINATORS. "cosTAR'S" EXTERMLNAToRS. EXTERMINATORS. "coma's"' EXT.-MINATO/A EXTERMINATORS. For Rats. Mice, Roaches Ants, Bed Bugs. Fleas, Moths In Furs, Woolens, Insets on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "16 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known. " "Free from Manna,' "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." sir Sold by alltaiga everywhere Sart I I BEwsn II of all worthless Imitation ifyir"Oostar's" pot, No. 482 Broadway, N. Y. airfield by D. W. GROSS & Wholesale and natal/ agents. And by all Druggists In Harrisburg, Pa jeiOnawnro TELE NEW IitOOKS. i sT i v t rlANG BLom, by Gail Ham- HAUNTED HEATS, by the author of the Lamp 'ighter. $2 PG 111. DARKNESS AND DAYLD/HT. by Um Holmea. gl 60 rv. • - BARBARA'S RESTORE, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. 60 cents. THE SMALL HOUSE OF AMINGTOIT, by TroSone. $1 26. SEVEN nORIES, by 1k Marvel, aighor of "Receriw of a Bathelor." - 60 • SPRIER'S JOURNAL of the Discovery of the sources Uf the Itt b 0 THE WOMAN IN BLACK, by author - of "Wan in Gray." $1 SO - IN. ' NOTESOF HOSPITAL LIIFE, Nov.'ol to Ang.'63, $1 00 STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys; from Cooper's writings • $1 00 XI. STORIES OF THE WOOD, tot boys; from Cooper's writings. • ;1100 XIL All new books received as stwm as published at BERONEICS BOOK STORE, 61 Market street. FOR sniac. THE valuable property, corner of Second and Pine streets, being fifty-tiro and a hairiest on Se. mid and one hundred and sixty-eight feet on Pine street running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alleb there being space for four full building lots, and a mond.. drable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildiep. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of St oned and Pm.* TWA. mnre PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of assembly of Penns).ivan a. the first day of June, 1839, the ttockbolde of the passed Beek, of Washington, Penne , will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of its ch.r• ter, with as Increase of its capital from $150,000 to $200,000. C. hi. Rap, President. WAACINGTON, PA, June 24, 1864. .1e27 RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union Width& . 16LITL9b111%. Strict attention paid to all legal business. Military claim collected. m • 111418n•eod PHOTOGRAPHS. ALARGE assortment of Photo gr aphs of Generals and faneM p ures for sale MEAP at $1 per dotes , at FIR'S BOOK 14TuR'4, mylo flarrishorif. 1a LEA PERINE'S WORCESTER SAUCES. the moat popular cmd the purest ever offered to ill, public, just received and for sale by SEMLER, di P.M , vm nn.4,7111.12rk. , • A AFAV invoice of lam:boner's celebrated Haw, Jet received this morning at 211121.k.8. a roan. 3e29 Saeoeevors to W. Doe Jr., & PRIME LARD. FINE Kettle Rondered LARD, jug received msm ammo. & FRAZER, Meceemorsi to W m. m. Doek. Jr., ac • A TEEM sup ply bliobener's Celebrated 11 Rem Cured NA Dried Beef, at id 46) BOY= WPM, AM USENIENI(S. cANTERBURY gum all, WALNUT ST., RAN ~OW THIRD. J.ILEN::U=I,L... OPEN EVERY EVENING, won a First-glees Company of ElNGialfli, DANCERS, COMXIMANS, dre., Asizatesien 15 mite, Aeata In Bone .2 5 16 INSTRUCTION BOOKS AND MUSIC FOR THE MELODEON, AND AIM INSTRUMENTS OF THE ORGAN CLASS, ZUNDEI2B MELODEON INS mucroß. ,E 4 Containing the Elements of Music, Progressive &s -ezvu and a large collection of Choice Music. $2 25 NEW biLTROD FO u, TaE MELODEON. 16,-le.ted mainly from . I Zundel's Instructor," and tout:Lining in a (talon to Leisqlna and Exercised, a collection of Pepimr I.cougs. and a variety of Pirdm and Hymn Tum.. =l 150 CaRELART's MELODEON. Elerdentsry and Phigret sive Studio., with a collecilin of Ciroiee Vocal and kr- Ira mental MUSIC. $1 50 AMERICAN SCHOOL FOR THE MELODEON. I id) MODEL mst.uDE , IN'TRUCTort. 150 WINSLR'S PERFECT GUIDE FOR rHE MELODEON. Dodo:mit as a Sell InAreet, with Choice Mush- ele IifiCLA•D •uN MIRO T A RASTER. 60 WOODBURY'S MELODOoN INSTRUCTOR . . 50 WO: r.N AND WIITE'S M ELI 10 LoN INS iItUCTr'R 00 HuWE'SSERAMI S'E AND MEL° DEOV INS f RUC. r 0 VIE SERAPtithIE A coihichon of Zuzlcr for the Ma locteont beiaphine and Reed Organ. • 561 The Instructions In each of the above books live suited not only to the Melodeon, but to all Instruments or Winder construction. Fur sale by h. Could, Philadelphia Oliver Dimon it Co , Puldiehera Boston. • ie224.f CLOA.K.S, CIRCULA.RS AND MANTILLAS ' IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING ct SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CDiCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful simples, in .were color and bald comely trimmed, from $7 50 to slb. 1000 SILK DIANTILLS,, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BAsliz, Handsomely and rbrdy trimmed, !roan 110 upward. HILDRSN'S MANTELS IN LARGE, VARLETS. my 2,5 NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR IS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against explosion or burning of the Iluee or boi;er:Se nosh ing can prevent it Lif not tampered with) roin givirtg im mediate notice of lack of aster in the boiler, in season to pill, on a supply without drawing the fixes Will2a of wets G the grog source of so Maly sail catastrophes which have recently occurred. We warrant this inarument to be a .paybet instarrrr.c. against such contingencies. Price SN. Full instructions as to the mode of application as well as rmeretmo to must of the prominent ataaufneteners and it on masters of the State smug them, sent on spotty:Won CO." PIUS D. C. lilLu), Grua. MMXIL MILLIIY Eit V G- 0 0 13 S. MRS. J. HIBBS, ass °Maw AT NO. 8 MARKET squA.RE, (Next door to Felix's Curifectlonery,i WHERE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to the wines of Harrisburg and , vicinity the Latest Styles of Blilttner: and Fancy Goals, At chedper prices than any hous e in the city. lie.juxuty her goods cannot be surpashed. DR= MAKING IN THE L.AXIST STYLE Will be neatly executed. . Ladies call and examine for yourselves. arl&dgl,yli NEW' GROCERY LND PROVISIOS STORE. FOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS as. GROCERIES, Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KLN 08 OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, la AVE just opened a large and well selected Li stock of gums at their stand, N 0.9 lifartet knit% darrlsburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention ut cite public getwrally. soltr-dly NEW PHILADEIXIIIA. Cl.O AIE IN D. W. °ROO' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. MOO DIFFERENT STYLE OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CiROZL ARS, EEO FINE SPRING-SHAWLS. Will open on the let of April. Eznar2l-dly BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and how he became CoMmaztd er- $l. rHE PIONEER MY, and how ho became President $l., Yo a 26 EWE FERRY BOY, and the Financier, FEE PRINTER BOY, or how &o. Frszdahs mido his mark, $ l . 25 nu FARMER BOY, and how he became Uout ant General. In prtns. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THR REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roauoke; elegantly ill,attatect. $2 26 At RE4t,Nkit , .... WOK STORE. CONCENTRATED. LEMONADE, IBa pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for Invalids having lever or great Mind. he porta .ility retommends it travelers. tonvenb nee at pic-nice will be apaciated. No sugar required; one table-spoottut sirup) , in a glass of cold itater and it ie done. - - ' ICELLLEVSI)/tUG AND FANCY GOOLtna,t , jerl No. 91, Harem . street Li tIO RENNIC,T. LIQITID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious of all deserts for the tabl-; the ligitt rst and moat grateml diet for invalids and children cal:adios every element of the bodily constitutami when coagulatea with /mines it is always tight and ea y of llgestion, and supports the system vita the least piestme oacitetnent Wti.n still greater nutritive, ewer mdesliecl, emu./ and sugar may ho added A teaspoonful converts t quart of tot& into a firm curd. Prepared and soid, wholesale and retail by & A. KUNliol., jel6-tr 118 Musket street. PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE, VTR DISTFOCT, HARRISBURG, Pa, June 6, 1864. To DRAFTED .MEN. —I am directed by Lieut. CoL J. V. Boniford, L. a. Provost Manual General, by his ci cola; No. fiv, of June 4, 1864, to pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as vo.un- Leers after being dratted; mid that the creaks for dratted men will remain for the rub-districts trom which tb, were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has Air bar not been paid to such men, upon enlistment." JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Disq, VERY FaNE, INDEED! To our fine and extensive stock of Photo graphA. Album. and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEd GrIFUL IE.NVELUPE for the reception of card pictures They must by seen and will be admired. ifj-rbotographers supplied at the very lowest whole ale price, and thel. C.rd printed upon them for X 125 per ,housand, wholesale and rand. at may 24 , SCR Pi- FRR'S BOOT. ST `M. 'JIANG FORTES, higLuukONN sHEET 111L8II; iTiouvs, FLUTE GUITANS, B&NJOS, V arktiNGS, DRUMS, FiFES„ and all kinds of MPS , , ALL MIRC11,810:3E, PICTURZLi.MF23, LiktiDlG t3l.sanire PROTOGRAPH CARDSsind ALIN:AS, AlidßU ryps, Gaits, ENaßevism, Ficruals, &c.; &a Macomber the piece, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third street, the largest Music, Store this side of them% jan2l/41tt SoDOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES comprising Picalilly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, !Aimed Pickles, Godin, Walnuts and . c..olllons.,,- +For ode wholesale and retail by SHISLER tentAXER, to3'6 scoottutors to W. Dock, Jr., Co .*le L-41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers