masa gaik EtkgraA NOTICE TO Al) vzitinsmits.—All Adver tisements, Business Notiees, Disarranges, Deaths, ate., to secure insertion in the TELEORAPH, must invariably be accosts marled with the CASH. Advertisements ordered.ilu the regular Evening Edition are Inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. • HARB.I . ISBtritG, PA. TUESDAY EVENING. JULY 6. 1861 TOWN AND COUNTRY. State of the Thermometer To-day. 8 A. at, 11 A. sc. 3 P. hi 76 82 87 Ai persons entitled to pension, or bounty and back-pay, due deceased soldiers, can have any informatiqn in regard to it gratis, by call ing on Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent, Har risburg, Pa. Office in DAILY TELEGRAPH Building, Third street. je3o-dlw Draorsn.—The Harrisburg Bridge Com pany has declared a dividend of three per cent. (free of State tar.) out of the profits of the last six months. I= lists Sortoors.—The South ward schools have dosed, and there will be a vacation of about six weeks, during which time the juve niles will have a tine opportunity to recreate. The North ward schools will not olose their present term for some two weeks. • WANTED-A girl able to do good washing and general housework, in a small family.— She must bring good recomendation and the highest wages will be paid. Enquire at thiS office. Tau City Solicitor gives notice that the viewers appointed by the court to assess the damages to property caused by the opening of Verbeke street, from Fulton to Seventh street, will attend to the duties of their appointment on Wednesday, the 20th inst. DiaTuummo WOBSECC.—Bastin Moore (col ored) was arrested on a charge of disturbing public worship at one of the colored churches in this city. He was taken before the Mayor, who held him in $4OO bail to answer at court. This should be a warning to all persons who do not know how to conduct themselves when attending church. I== FULD POE .13A.Trana.—Three llegrOeB were before the Mayor yesterday, on a charge of bathing within the city limits in daylight. Their names are Henry Miller, Charles Thomp son and Henry Price. They were released upon payment of a fine. Persons disposed to bathe in the streams, should remetuber that they subject themielves to a fine liFfie-iform ing their ablations in daylight. Au EnnOn IN THE IETEMIZET of A SOLDIER. —We mentioned the fact, on Monday morn ing, of private Henry Gather having been found dead in the cars, on the train from the West, on Sunday morning, and that his re mains were interred in the burial grounds at tached to the Dauphin county poor house.— The tads are that Mr. Samuel D. Young, Su perintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad a this point, on learning of the death of private (ether, ordered a handsome walnut coffin for the reception of the corpse, with such other attentions which respect dictates as due to the . 91ozad, and then, as Mr. Young 'supposed, made arrangements for placing the remains in the Harrisburg Cemetery, there to await the disposal of the friends of the departed hero. By some accident these generous arrangements were defeated and the hero buried at the alms house cemetery. We make this explanation to show that there was no purpose of disre spect to the glorious dead, but that our most honored and eligible localities are ever open to the reception of the remains of our heroes. Tun REBEL Ilun—Exciteinent, tee.—The tu mors pat in circulation on Sunday evening, that a large rebel force was moving in this di rection from Martinsburg, and that our forces there had fallen back, created considerable excitement here; and a stir among the mili tary caused many to fear that our State was really about to be invaded. The panic of last year was brought vividly to mind, and some persons of . weak nerves pictured a repetition of the scenes and deeds of that occasion. Madame Rumor, who appears to have a hun dred tongues, stated on Sunday evening that the rebel force was 20,000 strong, and that they had reached Hagerstown and burned it. The majority of our citizens, however, were not alarmed, and many even doubted that the rebels were at Martinsburg. • • Yesterday (Monday) the Cumberland Val ley trainsbrought several car loads of negroes, who hapliedaddled from Chambersburk and . other points, and there was considerable ex:. citement in the vicinity of the depot. Pas sengers on the train reported that the rebel pickets were at Hagerstown, and that Ewell and his corps were coming. A dispatch date Chambersburg at eleven o'clOck, said We. raiders were hourly expected there. Towards evening, however, a dispatch was received from Gen. Couch,. stating that no rebels had crossed the Potomac. The excite ment at once abated, everybody breathed AVIV. and spent the evening in celebrating the "Glorious Fourth" as best they-could. We learn, from reliable sources, that the c itiz e ns of Franklin and Cumberland counties were greatly alarmed at the prospect of an invasion at a period when the waving grain Was ready for the reaper. Many of the far mers hail already commenced rerSoling" their stook, but returned to their homes when the true state of affairs was ascertained.' 4:l<::**-0.- To-dame have had various rumorcreletive to the whereabouts of the rebel raideis,jbutt none of them are considered. reliable.: ~t 3e not hnlieyed that the ,enemy has eroseed . fte, Potuado. - • = =CZ dtunipittrra ptddlor an acceptable Substitute!, who is not liable to draft. Atiplildlittliiliuliktrigt Tir , 74o4:ni building. jys-3t TEE AIM= ENROLLMENT AQT.. 6 .110 amendments to the enrollment act will be found on our list page. Mapi important' e'langes have been made in this law. BY reference to the 9ongressional pouted ings in otitehikratibiekoltunns, it will be ma* that Congress has adjourned sine die. Tits regular stated meeting of the Paxton Fire Company will be held at their room_this (Tuesday) evening, July sth, at 8 o'clock. Every member is requested to be present, as business of great importance will be tilt's acted. Man Doos Aston% —AL child of Barney Cam pbell, chief-of-police, was severely bitten it the hand, by a mad dog, to-day: The Mayor publishes an important proclamation relative to dogs, in our columns, and it is hoped that every unmnzzled canine will be brought to justice. Look well to your"doga. SuaoxoN arsons E. Wrnsox, formerly con tract surgeon at this post, and now surgeon of the 184th regiment P. V., died suddenly, at the Brady House b , this morning. We forbear to enter into the painful details of his tm time l ly end, as we are unwilling to add to the already poignant grief which has overwhelmed his stricken family and friends. Be was a native of Centre county, and a physician of considerable experience and fine abilities. His remains will doubtless be renlmped hence for interment in that county. Dausxs.—Mercy J. Keeler and Salmon Fe lix were before the Mayor, yesterday, for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. They were discharged, upon payment of fine and iosts. Ida Berry, a notorious colored nymph, whose name is familiar in police ckeles, was arrested for drunkenness and disordPrly con duct, and sent to Fort Simmons for 30 days. After being placed in the lock up, yesterday, Ida kept up a continuous yelling and scream ing,•greatly to the annoyance of the neigh borhood. It was with oonsiderable difficulty that she was quieted. Perhaps that was her method of celebratiug the Fourth of July. RAILUOAD ACCIDENT.—An accident occurred on the Pennsylvania Railroad yesterday, which resulted in the destruction of a locomotive and a number of ears, and the injury of two persons, as the first freight train, which left here about eight o'clock, reached a point about a mile this side of Middletown. Workmen were engaged in repairing the track, and were in the'act of putting down a new rail as the train dashed along. A red flag which had been placed on the roe 4 as a signal, was not observed by the enginJer until too late to ,avoid an aceident Tfie incomotive and eight ears ran off the track. Five of the latter, and the locomotive (No. 235) were rendered com plete wrecks. The latter were laden with flour and tobacco. So great was the speed at which the train was running, thatAwo,trees, (one of them a foot in diameter,) which were struck by the locomotive, were pulled up by the roots as though they had been weeds. Tne following persons were wounded : Samuel Kurtz, the engineer, (who resides in Lancaster) received a contusion. in the fore head. Michael M'Coyne, a Sootchman, who wan stealing his passage on the train, had one of his legs broken. Haring no home, he was sent to the alms house. The train was in lAm;rge of A. C. Barr, (conductor,) of Lancaster. "Tns Gitosrocs Fours:."—The Fourth of July passed by without any general demon stration on the part of our citizens. Its arri val was not announced by the pals of belle and the thunder of cannon, as in days gone by. By the removal of Capt. Bates' Battery we were deprived of the anticipated national salute. At an early hour, however, the boys engaged in the amusement of exploding fire crackers, firing pistols, eto.,--sport which is only allowed them Once a year. Many of our business bows were closed, and the stars and stripes were liberally displayed through out the city: Libor was suspended in the vs; rious shops, and the workmen permitted to enjoy our national holiday as beat they could. The streets were thronged with min, women and children from morning until night. Many of our citizens spent the day in the country in social parties, or in gunning. fishing, &a. 'The - pic-nits in Hoffman's and Haehnlen's groves attracted a large number of persons, who could conceive of no more pleasant man ner of whiting away the hours of a hot gum mier day. The hackman were busy conveying visitors to and from the pic-isics, and doubt less made the National Sabbalh a day of profit We learn that the promo:lee of the pio-nice ' ware quite large, and doubtless resulted in a handsome surplus above expenses. The old soldiercheldtheir , usual dinner on the Island, and were joined by the juvenile Zonaves and a number of citizens. These old veterans are always promptto celebrate the anniversaryof onx bidependenee. Their ranks are gradually„lessening. Each Icor leaves their number lees, and the whitened locks of the survivors remind us that Me many years pass by, the "Old Soldiers of 1812" will be' among "the things that were." In the evening Were was a mass of human beings along Market 'Street, from Front to the depot, and the other streets of the city wore a lively appearance. It seemed as though every body was enjoying the evening of the Fourth. There was .a Dead display of fiv works all along the streets, and the noise paused by the explosion of all stela of orackere,'rookets, etc., was almost deafening. By midnight the streets were deserted, and theoedtY had re sumed its wonted 1 / 1 .4: Wl* ‘F9 l of ,3 ub f Weed away W+the next Mews isay.the people sill over.tliehkllitall.ecededell to,rejOiee, an 4, . 67 be *Wiled eiewhere I 111- ,A,u,r, I=== ==ll===l=M SPECIAL NOTICES. : 440 It :Or; NE W(ss k C,l4 lT. GREAT BARGAIRB.IA-MUSIINS - yardi wide bleached muslin, at Slircenta;worth seats. Bleached muslin, lee pieces:- Bleached muslin, 60 Pieces. , ' • -20 Weise of all wool flannels cheap. lack silk, 5 places. -Black silk, 5 piece& Black silk, 10 pieces., . 2000 yards of black•sillre from auction. Beautiful pearl color sikk 'finish alpaca. hlpads in leather color,iftliicOlorifiud other oolors. White cambrica, soft flashed 64 French Cambric. Jaconette, brilliants, WO linen Splendid assortment of cakes. Cloak-, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. Stockings, the best and cheapest. Pochec handkerchiefs for ladles, at all prices. Marseilles oaths and crash for t .web . s. Shirt br asts, ell linen, at 25, 20,35, 40 Sind 60 cents. We have now a very large 'stook of gouda, all bought of reduced prices and which we scull Bell at prices which ca•mot tall to give salleSictlon We have also . a very argriilotet 'alpacas, cashmerncloth,, bomiamtlank . S. LBWT: je2l2. Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension, am* Pay, Subsistence and lelltary iind War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per tons residing at a Maumee can have their bueiness tram acted by mall, by addressing EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at• Law detr.dle Third amt. Warrisbuit, Pe. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIST OF LILT.T.EIIS RITUAINLNO IN T HE: HARRISBURG POST OPTIOS, . . MONDAY, JULY'iltb, IB6L OPPIarALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAMA; THE LARGEST CHWELATIOH. LETTERS REMAINDIG UNCLAIMED DI THE POST OFFICE ATIIARRESBCRO. • . ryjr , To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call Cor hidlerffaid Wen.' give the date of this list, and pay ens cent for advertising, sa-"If not called for within one monfA, they will be sant to the Dead Letter Office. "FREE DELIVERY.of letters by carriers, at the rad denaes of owners, -maybe swum) by observing the following RULES: • 1. DIRECT letters the Biteet and number, as well our the post office and State.. . . • "S. HEAD leuera with the wrlteespost qfke and iffele, sired and number, raga them plainly with lull name, a* rowed that answers be directed accordingly. . "g. Linters to strangers.Or transient visitors in a town Or city, whose special address may be iinknown, should to, warned, is the lower left-hand corner, with the word ..yromilent.P "4 place the postage stamp on thO tapper riolit4gand rower, and tame space between the stamp and direction f or potijk . .. irking without interfering with the writing. tg . REQUEST for the RETURN of a letter to the Writer, if CO/Oloined within 90 days or less, written or printed with the writer's nasty post office and State, across the left-hand end o? the envelope, on'the face tilde, will be ()emptied with at the ;canal prepaid raw of postage, Pay able when the letter is *livered le th° writer.—dire. 28, Law of MS." LADIEs's LIST. Alandar, Mrs Julian Kap% elohalfiE Mrs Sarah Atticks, Mary A Kline, KIM Mary Anderson, Kim Amanda Lonely:. Miss Emma Adapts, Mrs Edward Lee, Knee Preens B akenger, Miss Amelia Lertes, Miss Lizzie Bender, Miss Amanda B Leiunan, Wm limy Bight Carrie 'Ljritte, Miss Ern &r Bishop, Mary B ' Long, Miss Sue Benet; Mina Eileen Mcßride, Mra Mary I' Black, Miss Nancy McClain, Miss Annie Boner, Miss Susan ' McNeal, Mrs It A Botiman, Miss Luchida McDonald, Mrs Itolsg Bowen; Miss Elizabeth Mares, Mrs Nary BooksOdiss Melinda Miner, Miss Christian Boyer, Mrs Lizzie JMW Miss Barak Brent, Miss Josephine Matoy, Mrs Ellen. B tuber, Mrs Lucinda Mares, Miss Matey Cleßand, Miss Mary E Marshall, Mrs Sarah Clapp, Mrs if E C Mahan, Mrs Maria Cooper, Miss Wanda_ Miss Laurio,J, Cot ser, Mrs Elizabeth Miller, Miss B Criswell, Mns Elizabeth S Martin, MIN Bridget Creager; Mies Mary A ' Morrow, Mrs. Mararetts Croft, Miss Lizzie Moore, Rachel . . Gann r. MIRA Me.ilds Haman,. hiss Aura' „. Deltas, Mrs Elizabeth Omar" Mary B Dickey, Mbig Nancy Oscar, Mrs Maria . Dasperty, Mrs ratteloon. ldra,lifary Dupl ea gin Fannie Perionek Misa Mary S Miss Sally Panama Mrs: 'tame Dated% Mrs Caroline Pato, 'Yrs Elizabeth Ebd , ly, Mai Carrie M. Qulgg, IC& Kite Riche:Merger, Mrs Catherm Kigalee Mies Jihtry Jane Engle, Miss Susan West, Miss Miry Few; Uis+ Nasals Ratan% Mrs Dibble, Mtse Catherla Rogers, Miss Kato G itst, Mile Rebecca Schutt. Mi a hate L Grey, Mita Sobreffler, Miss Wary Or* Mies Ibiza 'honer, Wee m d ry Gully, Mrs Mary • ' Shnuitly, , hies Cabala Gross Mrs Mary liihridely, Miss Kate Grey, Miss Mary J Sheets. Mats Amanda Henning, Mies Katy shields, Mks Bennett Rgaer. Miss Kate Studs' r, Mrs Mary Res', Miss Elizabeth Shaffner. Mita Mary • Beckerd, Muse Parah , Knuth, Mrs Ellen Rehton, Mate Kate libubley, Miss Emma A Kicks, Miis Mary Z : Swartz, MiratWile E iturrayauck, Stew, Mrs Rebecca flOsteler, KW-Mary W ate Mer, Mls. Season Beaman, Mrs TereetzJ Stine', Mies g ate Himmel. Mrs Mary Steil, Miss C rroline Engrain, Mrs Sarah . Tiptoe% Mrs Elizabeth Jegrielevales Ellen Vdigle, Mr; Katie et, Johnson. Miss Zile' Wailcra Mrs Sims K per, Yrs Charles Waretlield. Mrs bLarprett Ryser, Was RI tubed' Willis, Mrs Rebeora Kauffman, Mies Elizabeth Whic.he.., Atm Olen Kirk. Mrs LT. Wire, Mrs Yary Knight, Mrs Mary Ann Wood, Mrs George Hiatus, lira Elizabeth ' Wray, Rig SaLle • Kitralne,' Mite Miry 01ANTLEMEN911 LIST. , "Awns, 'Wm A Kellogg, K Aker, J . gimbal". C K Ayres, JR L Kibler, Ezra Austin, Cap , Kohirc_, Wm • Arthur, Gee I , inns, Robert - Bari on, Isaac Lauber, John Bisons, J W T ttaib y, J a Melriuiden, Theodore Bitter, David • McAfee, Eank • 8.11, Hyrim McFadden, Geor ge B imb Ig..r S Mayor, JH. Bonder, Swift D Warr; 8 Bishop Peter Xam„ harks Boyle, Thomas Miller, John Bohlen, Cap P Miteheir Bolton; loaf. J Minicoy, Ghtiatiae Brims, Cap 8 Ii Marren, 04Mrge John Mo - re. John it Burr, F. D • M a ur ', Jame. Bulkley, D lame' tir L • 310 lien, H H Cabman', Charles Merkeeileer Mike Carpenter. Henry auntie' Caner, John - Neese Ephraim = . Carpenter, A Newman. R Clerk, Burg J J Neiman, J W Clark,Jatouge Northrop, Thomas Cullen, John • Oionnel, Wm Crum, Wu], , Oren, John Devine, Wm Porter, R P Ddinle, John Emerald, N Doane Elwood aloy, Thoe.o Dunkin', Styles Rathvon, Edward Dunavim, Baylor, John R Edam or, Thomas Reed, George R Early, K F Rhineheart, john - English, Robit Richards, J 8 , Faby, C Riechert, Frederick Packentbal„ C Sandereee. CAP. W P Fent, Tillman Eiger, Coney Fallon, J tut 2 ` , Sbvery , Win H Fel l F, 3 SSchwaoQeq Jena. Fierier, Win - Balers, Jacob plaherry, Michael (ship) Shairer,A Foy, DAldel Slionniter,‘ Win Foitney, Henry Shear, Rev I Free, Daniel • lilheeeley, Jos ph Geiger, Daniel liedgewlc P Gitt, Dr W W Sberdeen ,John Gardner, Joseph • Bheitzer, Aaron Gibbons, Michael: &short. Wm thuverich, John X Simpson, Sergi TT Gabri-1, Wm 0 Sides. 8"B Givnin, Pateick *railer , MeerT Goodenberger, Andrew ' 'S •• M, Win Graham, H B `B - I•Wd,•Wart Greenaw-lt, H D - St.ger, Wit Grey, John A Stewart: N W Ehapiabuch, .1 B Swan-, Peter • Hall, Joseph Stack,Menry • lituBthey, - WI Stolen, beinttel ri-oni_Benj Swab, Daniel Harman X Silver. Levi Henry, Patrick Skitwiter Win N. rmni, C They. r, : J - 1101111 tie, Wm • TkOlniS, :ODA 71111, Goo 8 I'd'ylor, Joseph Uvulae, Joseph Troyer, 41i-uF • Hopkins, Illinois Troup, Hoffman, David - Wheller`Johle • t Huffman, Jacob Willett, Bingos Ives, 88 Wilson, 'tan J R Jonen - Thoineir Weldon, Bea W Jonety'AT - Wooing, Win H. • Eer,-titrick" pr. ship) Welder John e 8 - - • 1P• goy, 801 ,1 W e • Tord, , / A CiareAos " V.? , 48 ,41111101.84101413,P, wthirtc'' iio. 7 -w x . " . Awanted t Dewing alto:bloat We will give a eom ° " mte, Won oh all Machines sold, oNantploy agents who will work for the above wages and all paid. Ad dress D. B HERRINToN tt CO , 11n9542tri Detroit, Mich . WANTED, . . GIRL to act in the capacity of an up- JCL. scans mat/ Must he ast.od masher and ironer. A to MRS. J. R. EBY, 414t* Corner Market and Fifth. SVDSTITUTE WANTED. 0 whom a liberal bounty will be given. T apn'y at the Brady Hose. Ivl A PRINTEir WANI!ELP AN inclastrious, painstaking and intelligent Wan wanted in a. country newspaper of . 'man who neither drinks Ilquui -uses tobacco, nor evrear.. - , .will be pref. rred. Permanent employment at a fair sal ary will bo given. Inquire a;tbe office of the D..n.r Tat.- FGRAPII, ,e3O-4t* WANTED IMMEDIATELY. -YOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whom Snantles, which are ready for worth be fu , nished for the purpose of accommodating boirders. , Also, fnan 50 to 60 1 Amara Apply to Janina Martin, on the N. Mahontengo mountain, 3 milei auove Still , rsourg A GENTS wanted to sellthe Standard His. L 2, tory of the War. A rare Mutate to make money. Agents are claming froin $lOO to $2OO per montli 200,004 volumes already sold. Send for e.rnalara Address _ JONES BROS. it CO., tie 30 Pubtlaltars, Baltimore, lid. .11TANTF,D—A good- - -pastry Cook, and a V good meat Cook. Inquire at the apSh-dtf BRADY BODO% CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND 814.:L0W COST. MRS. M. LIVER, No.l ItarkEt Street; BEING desirous of closing her ettmm2r Stock of Mililuery Goods, o ff ers for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, • HATS AND FLATS, &C. Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of SILKS, RUCHES, BOO? SKIRTS. CORSETS,_ HIWU,RY, _ g.ANDIDIERCHOLEFS, GLOVES, CUFFS; BELTS. NEtS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do well to call, as groat bargains can be had at wholesale. _ Jel4 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, r subscriber offers for sale a valuable i ti lavern St , lnd, situate on the Lancaster turnpike, in ttIO borough of Middletown, contdsting or a large two.atory Brick Motel, extdtudYe stabling and all other necessary out-buildings. Also, two adjoining lots; haring erected on each a two story frame For particular flail& s apply !elite undersigned, on the the premises SAMUEL DETWEILER, je2l-tuhrial2in* ,*)mciws pairrpz TT ETTERS—testameataryAbn the estate t . Hannah Forney, late of Halifax township, Dauphin e Airily, baying been granted to the undersigned, resident in said township, all persons indebted to sail estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those baying claims against the same wiLlprment them for settlement. Je6-6tlad* SAMUEL LANDIS, Meaner. SOLE .AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T, AM happy to offer to the public a large 4. mid splendid assortment of SUPERIOR, GOLD PENS, mahafactured by ' LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. - These Pens ire well Sutshed, elan°, and wlit gtve sa tin satisfaction. tLEASE 'TRY 'Mit- SOHEFFER'S ROSE STORE, end street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa . sp23 FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS !I . wnoilsiALt Arm mum BY JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATAIT, HARRISBURG, PA. Tfollewsteck of fireworks is now in caeca* lin !heels, . Mines of Stars and Serpents Week , rot SerrWilas s, • t a tt i Tt e r ß i , , soda veheek,, . , . HkMokt Lights, 'Mangles, Blue Eight; • Red, White and Blue, Spangatettes, Chinese Rockets, Puldng Crackers, Fire Cracker; Torpedo; Torpedo & Fireentcker Gun, hely Torpedo Bow, Jose Stick, or Piutit, . • Flags4sc. Now is the time to purchase while there is a goo sortment. JOHN WEdg, „ *Witt Third street, near wdeno. SELLING OUT LOW COTR,. - VPOCK - OF LIQUORS! , Ant4i.4 to discontinue the sale of Li aroC4fer our stock aka.vet7 small advance fient.Orse.prieec- We have twqaceed all our' rititio.s be- fore the ran nse and have a Targe stocie.ost hand fur three o , four years, which are guanine d annot be purchased now at any price from the Importers. Our stock consists of c.W I. Kn. I V. 03. of all grades. afftWe have parts of three barrels pure FM, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 23i years old. :WINED of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. _ ,33 Et AN ID I E. 10. • We • have • pint.of, %; cask HFNNESBEY BRANDY, =to'which Re lavde.the reticular Mention of famtlige for The Brandy cannot be b ought today, from Importers, law than $l5 per gallon. ' We will will it for $l2 per gal lop. 'SCOTCH Alf) zwinasE ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, - • CLARETS, &C. Wa• - Invite the Inspection of:,flotel.Keepera and Liquor Iferehants generally, as we intend to sell, without e serve, ell our Liquors, and this will be a good 'opporty illty for bargains ' - - - Jew SHISLER & FRAZER . INDEPENAMCE ISLAND TrE'. proprietor of this; cool and delightful Siimmer Paean would mostrespectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisbarg,thea the Island to now open for visitors. Accommodations - la be amiablyl to parties and plo-nics off ; Danis Anne, a, dancing platform having b-the tteeii 4 speciat TN. Leeson tickets for familial, good for one year, $1 Id. NO. Impteper characters admittekstat no intoxicated persons will bo permitted to visit the Island. Jar No intoxicating liquora sold on Sunday. A Wire Ferry, with a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Broad street, Weed. Harris burg. ERNST BECKER. jel4-dim Sole Proprietor. •VDTE TABLE 01L5..-40 boxes fine table A: oils of the beet Impede Lions for sale, wholesale and 'retell, by - SEMLER k Jr.,,, soya succeeders to W. Dock, Jr., & Co , QtdOIiEDsALMOIC 7- -FINE SNORED BA/AM, JAW received it SEMLER & FRAZER, feha Inocootonio to Win. Oonk. &o.)C , . SMOKED BEEP.—.koltoioe lot of Miche kj ser's Driest Reef, just regetv4 at .. SilhiLEß & FR. 3 / 4 2 ER, Pal . s terlV. Dock, Jr., & Co.. . SuocettotT,. EN CASES SPICED tIYSTERS, just re calved at cl SEIDLER & FRAZER, v je29 Su ~ s to . W. Dock, Jr., & Co. • INS APPLES, no APPLES, just re ceived at SHISLER4 FRAZIPIR, gale • SacokW to W. Dook, Jr., k ' ?0 = IRM=2= rrmr!nwi•xxrm•r=ii: PROTOGWAPII ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT or Photograph .A.lbtitins. j5,017ND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, 1./I gilt and mounted with Me homy gilt amps. 10 Pictures for $3 00 to "' 41 . 360 " u . 4 GO together with rrrions other styles or binding, Ases and orices, which aetu be soldcheap. Soldier,s you memo% buy a prattler, more durable and obeapar album anywhere, Call and se-. at SOILTYPER'S Bookstore, naarl2-dtf litulthurg, Pa. HOTEL AT PUBLIC THAT valuable Hotel property known as the on Market street, Harrisburg, Petueit will be offered at Public gale, on cl.e premises, on Wednegrhy, the 20th of July at 2 oselodk, F. at, This property le in the centre o tho btisme a part of the city, within a square of the oourt Rouse and n ar the Railroad Der.t., havi g aTr nt or 27R; feet'on Market stre t, extending back 210 tent to 20 feet street in lb rear, and now rents at $lOO per nontb. Terms of sale—one-h cash--the balance, It desired 4e , ureit by mortgage, in yearly payments to suit par ebaser. Fur further information Ingu )re of JOS'S S. bla vy 11,1LER, Et.rrleourg, Pa. Or BENJ. PARKE, jel9.dtg Paskvale, Su quehanna county, Pa. _• Gray's Patent Molded Collars Are nut simply gat pieces of paler cut to the form ol a collar, but are drolded and .hoped to fit the neck, having a perfect curve free from englee or breaks, which is ob tained by our patented process, which also secures another advantage possessed by no other collar,—viz Space forthe Cravat in the Turn-down style, the I 2 AIDE OF warn Is PERFECTLY SMOOTH AND FREE FROM PORKERS, making this collar, for ease, neatness,. and durability, unequalled. They are made in 'Turn-down kyle In sizes from 12 to 17, and in Garrotte from 13 to 17 inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; alai, in smaller ones of 10 each—the latter a very handy package for travelers, army and navy onloers. sir WERT COLLAR is stamped 44 Gray's Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all rmall Men's Furnishing Goo ids Thetrado supplied by VAN DEUSEN,.BOEHNER, & co., Jel-eodGni 1327 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. Joss 2,1861. A MEETING of the stockholders of this bank will be held at the banking house on Tins ley, the beli. of July next, at 10 o'clock A. st., to consider ihe qieetion of becoming an association for carrying on tho business of banking, under the laws of the Cloned States. The act or the General Assembly of this State, approved January 6, 1864, extending the charter of this bank for five years from the expiration of the present charter, ilday 1, 1861,) will also be submitted to the meeting. By order of the board of (tremors. ju2-6uflawlna J. W. WEIR, Cashier. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. ---- • .77 - irrilagiatil 11." I...l.Laaaadtaiu FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION TICKETS WILL be issued between all stations at 'educed fares. Good from July 2nd to 9th in clusive. , G. A. NICOLIA • General Superintendent. ONE of the very finest farms in the Cum berland Valley is offered for sale at terms moderate and easy. It contains ONE HUNDRED AND Mb. ACRES, ten or tosit lye of which are covered with moat ex imllont timber, and Is situate about flreinalles east of Car lisle, tlx to-fourths of a tulle south m the Cumberland Velley railroad. The improvements to buildings. leaceo and state of cultivation of r sotl are ttist-class. A never tilling stream of water tuns through the middle of it wiihtn a few yards cf the but dings. Foriurther information inquire of JAI/ES - A. DUNBAR, Attorney-at-Law, office south of the Court House, adjoin. tog the Ally ericati office, Carlis% je3odlw Sale of Condemned Government Property. • OFFVE AneinSTAST QUARTEBBLiSTEft, liatutmanzo, l'arrxe., June 2(1,1884. STILL be sold at public auction at Govern ,ll ment Corral, near Hummelitown, (in lino of Lab mon Valley rallrord,) on 'lneßday, July 12th, 1864, at 10 u l / 4 40Ck, A U. ; 35 Hoses, • 6 Farm Wagons, '6 1 lght do 2 d.mtrulances, Sa Saddle horsecir.s. =, horse Collars, Wagon Wbeels, and 2000 Gram This property has been condemned as unlit for Govern ment BertiCe, but for private nee goot bare,alua are to be pad. Horses and other property to be sold singly; sale to c.milnue until all are a dd. TCRILS: Casa in Government funds. E. C. RUCHE:MACE, Je2o4ltd Cant. and A.s't Qr, Kr. Sale of Condemned Government Properly. 08FICE AS,ISTANr QUARTERSEASTER, IT. aeoßloll7kG, PEZ•24 June 2 9, 1964 1. W_ILL be sold at public aucton at Govern ment storehouse, (known as MoConniclea wars. tt us,:a on Pennsylvania canal,) at Harrisburg, Pa,, on fu %day, Enh, aa . 2 d. l r 13 Stoves, atove Plpe, Coal Scuttles, Stove Grates and Mesa Pans. • Artie es to be sold si-gly , TERMS: Cash in Government funds. K C. REICHENSAPH. .1029-dtd Capt. and Ass't Qr. Mr. FOR SALE, THE valuable property, corner of. Second and Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half eet on Be 'ond and one hundred and ainpeight Ina on Pine street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley . , Mere being space for four full building lots, and a most de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings. .For particulars enquire of Mrs, MURRAY , corner of Se wed and Pap, rams, martl-t NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, BOYER & .K.OERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS +n • GROCERIES, Qneen 7 s and Glass Ware , AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE just opened a large and well selected stock. of goods at their stand, No. S Market ac t ual, darrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the .Jublie generally. n01.0411y - DUBUC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of *monthly of Pennsylverra, passed tne tint day of Jane, 1889, the btockholde.a of the Franklin Beak, of tVaatdzigton, Penns apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of its char ter, with an increase of Its newts! from sl6o,ooo to $200,000. C. M. REED, FIVAGOut. WASHINGTON, PA, June 24, 1864. je27 RALPH L. MACLAY, A TTORNEY-AT-LAM.—Patriot and Union 11 building, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all legal businesa. Military claim collected. • ,10-anaeod VERY FINE, INDEED! /110 our ilne and extensive stook of Ph0t0.... .... graPh +Maw and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEAISTLFUL ENVELOPE tor the reception of cant picturea They muse be seen and wiii be admired. Photograptiers supplied at the very lowest whol& rale price, and their card printed upon them for $125 per tie:mond, wholesale and retell. at mayge PICREFFEWS BOOIENTORE ' _ PHOTOGRAPHS. - A. LgttiE alrfortmant of Photographs of / 1 1. Generale and fay Natures for sale Dag' al ta per diner; at SCBRITER'S BOOK Sitdk my2o . ' Harrisburg', 1 4 . 1 EA16 rtiatitS WORCESTER SAUCES. , theaeostipopelar awl the men ever offered to the Pu 0, Jilt reeeiyc.llnd lbilble by - . ,_ DWI% Jr, 6 ALBUMS WITH PARKE HOUSE, HARRISBI,9RG UAW.. A. FARM FOR SALE. AM IJ SEMENT S.. CANTEALBURY MUSIC HALL. -- WALNUT ST., BELOW TB BD. J. L ANNUL • • ..... . ........ . tk+Fa Leak OPEN EVIMY ETENIM4, With a Firat-olaaa Company o f SINGIMS, DANCEit9, OCKEDIANS, ago., &c. admisaten. lb maw. 'eats in Boxes 26 INSTRUCTION BOOKS AND MUSIC FOR THE MELODEON INSTRUMENTS OF THE ORGAN Ct.A2B, ONDEL'd MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. 4 Containing the Elements of Masi; Pi oar naive Ex ennams, and a large coLentiou of Choice Music $2 21i NEW METHOD FOK TriE mr-LODEON. Sleeted mainly from "Sunders Instructor," and containing In a ditt o o to Lesi3Ots and ES.OrOLSON a collection of Popular migre, and a variety of Paelm anti Hymn Tutu L 50 CARE Iltra MELODEON. Elementary and Progres sive Stutilei, with a collection of Choice VOCOI and ln-tru mental MUFHC. $l. 60 AMERICAN SCHOOL FOR THE MELODEON. 160 MODEL MELODE..N 11.1 , TRUcTi is. 1 50 WINNI.R'S PERFECT GUIDE FOR rHE MELODEO , I. • :datied as a San Im‘truct a*, with Choice Mimi; 60 MELOD' UN WI I HO, T A Siongß. go WOODBUnI"g lIELOD4ON iNdrgarron. 60 GKEEN AND W 4ITE'S ELOD EON LNS I RUCT O R. 60 RuWE'SSERAVHINE AND MELvDEON INSTRUC. to THE SERAPHINE. A collection of Music for the Me lodeon semphine and Reed OrgatL 50 Theinstruction in sects of the above books are suited not only to the Melodeon, but to all instruments of sitniLu consuuction. For sale by J. E. Gould, PhHadelphia. Oliver Dimon tit Co , Publishers Boston. ,e2s-tr CLOAKS, CIRCULARS AND MAN TILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. - A New Philtdelphis Cloak Store. Have now n aplembo esswruntnt of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samplos, in ovixr color and bend somCly trimmed, from $1.60 to slb. 1000 SILK. DIANTI6LS, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASls.t.', Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY'. my 2,5 NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DRrEfT, OR IS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against explosion or burning of the flues or boiler, as matt .og can prvveut it rif out tampered with) rem giving im mediate notice of lack of water in the butler, iu seas.on to put on a supply without drawing the area Want of water Is the great source of so many sad catastrophes which have recently occurred. Wu warrant this instrument to ho a perfect inturassik against such contingencies. Price ISO. Full instructions as to at. mode of application as well as reterouce to most of the prominent immufacturers and Iron misters of the State using them, sent on application D. C. MEADE st CO., Pittsburg, Pa. D. C. MEAD, • CHAS. mAGaL f 2111.L.L11'iERY GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS, NO. S MARKET SQUARE. (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) WHERE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Ellinery and Fancy Goode. At cheaper pncee than any house in the city. The quality her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. 041124:11K11)%roUtiti CLOAK STORE. IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOC% Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES 07 FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRO lILAKS, I=l FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the let of lmer2l-411y BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARSItit BOY, and how he bee.tme Command er-hi-Chief, $1 9.15 ISE PIONEER SOY, aud how ttekocaulnPreAdaut ; g 1 25 THE FERRY BOY, azd the Fluzauder, I'RE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made hie marl:, $1 25 THE FARMER, BOY, and how he became Lieuten ant GeneraL In pros. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF TIP: REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly 111-straten. $1 2ro at IlErceiNktt'., BOOK STARS. C Liar '.II.`A..ILIZ CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, 1 8 a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and Melting for invalids lowing lever or great Wind. Ma lasts iUty recommends it '0 travolera. Da convenience at pie-tilos will be aprecatecL 2.U) sugar required; toe table-apeman simply dezolved in a glass of oold water and it la done. %SLUR'S DRUG AND FANCIGOOD STORE, jel . 7 No. E., Market street. CITY TAX. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Conn:non COMICi, of the city of Harrlsbui g, have completed tut levy and assessmeut of taxes for u.a year Ib6 t, and that all persons shall be entitled to an abatement of FIVE PER CENT. on the amount of their respective City Taxes on pay ment of the same to JOHN T. 1411.50 N, Bei; , City Trea surer, - surer, on or before theist day of July, 1864 By order of tue COIIIIIIOII unmet!. • DAVID HARRIS, Clerk. Haarionitraci, Tune 21. 1864 N 11—Taxes will be received by the 'treasurer until 1 o'clock P. X , or each day. ion LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the moat luscious of all deserts for the table• the light set and most grateful diet for Invalids and clUldren. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy at digestion, and supports the system wan the least possible excltenittht. When stilt greater nutritive inwer bideshed, cream and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart of mtik loco a firm curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNKAL, 118 Market street.. PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 14TH DISTRICT, 1 Kaltman - au, Pa., June 6, 1864. f TO DRAFTED MEN.—/ am directed by Lieut. Co!. J. V. Bomfbrd, A. A. Provost Marshal General, by his el eular, No. 59, of June 4, 1884, to pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as vo.un- Aeers after being drafted; and that the erenita for Malawi men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were drafted, no matter whether local bounty bag or has not been paid to such men, upon enftstment.” JNO. MAY CL‘EMEMT,_ Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Dia% Fa. jeo-dtf MACHINERY AT PRIVATE SALE. OWE POWER MORTISING MACHINE; Two Tenanting Machines; One Gears' Irregular tuner; One Ward's taint Spoke Machine, will to rnl,ooo spokes per day; One Slot Machine; Ono Fallon Bender; Oue Turning Lathe, &Wog, &0., in good order. and wilt be sold low. MOST. WIiSON, JOSEPH LEAS, Ae3lgnites of Seidl° & Ebvrly. 14ecbmicaburg, Pa, Jan» SS, 1981-4asskow* PIANO FORTES, MELUDONS, BUD MUSIC, VIOLLATS, FLUTES, nurrias, BANJOS, RUNGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MIERUELOD.SE, PLUMBS. FRAMES. LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDSand ALBUMS, AIddRO TYPE OEMS, EAQRAVISGB. PICTURES, &C, O. Ressreinber the place, MiALS WARD, No. 22 Third stmt. tho largest Music Store this site of thew:W.oldt*. 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH TICE r FS comprising nwelilly, Chow . Chow, Cauliflower, Mixed Flake, Galin; Walnuts and Onions. For wile stroleealeati4 retail:by &EMU & FEAZER, . eiteeehera WIC Deck, Jr., i Co • aplß-iitjyU CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers