THE TELECrRANII 119. PUBLIBMtb ^ MOBNIZIG AND EVENiNii, • BY GEORGE BERGNEIEL, OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. • Tar. Outs 'Paws-Ara is served to subscribers In the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those person% who negleetto pay In advance will be charged $8 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPFL TEIS Ts LEORAPH Is also publiehed weekly , sod is furnished. o subscribers at the following cash rates t Single copies, weekly. .......... ....... ' $1 50 Three copies to one Poet °Moo ... • ... • • •.. 4 00 Ten conies to one Poet Office ...... 10 00 MEDICAL. ELIXIR. • DR. wßiatCrS REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth ing Injurious to the most Delicate. Ant-The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries In the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn•out systems. . . Ifir This medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age am-One bottle will cure General Debility. IIGrA few doses cures Hysterics in females. atat-One bottle cures Ralpilation of the Heart. igrA few doses restores the organs orgeneration. Xsgi-From one to three bottles restores the manliness and full rigor of youth. Star A few doses restores the appetite. @a-Three bottles cures the worst ease of Impotency. sgr A few doses ourea tee low spirited. gerOne bottle restore mental power. few doses bring the rose to the cheek. sarThis mirlielne restores to manly vigor and rebus health the poor, debilitated, wornAlawn and despairing devotee of seusual pleasure. gar The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a atingle organ, will all And immediate and pennanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. kw-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, mid forwarded by express. on receipt of messy, to any ad dress. farNold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. hiERWIN at CO., Sole Proprietors, marl' redly No. 59 Ilberty street, New York. CHEROKEE PTLTs. SUGAR-COATED FEYIRLF. REGULATOR., HEALTH PRESERVER. CERTAIN AND SA4Vit. 'W FLT the Remmal of °berm:time and (ho insurance of Regularity u i Uze Recurrenoe of rhe Monthly Periods. • egi-They cure or obviate those numerous disessisEi that, spring from irtoplarity, by removing the irregularity. Itself. inf - They cure Suppresmd, Excessive and Painful Men Rtruation. sE-They cure Green Sickness (Ckloroals.) .eThey cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, &c., am. In a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it amt. the effects that spring from It AN-Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they min-. sin nothing deleterious to any constitution, however elicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. AN-They may be safely uced at any age, and at any perioe, EXCEL'PT DURT.YO THE FIRST PUREE MONTIOI, durirlg which the unfailingnature of their action would Infallibly PREVENT pregnancy. mreii letters seeking information or advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. Aggrhill directions accompany each box. VrFrice, $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. .oa-Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. dre-Sold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. It. MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors. maril•eodly No. 59 Liberty Week New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. UNICA & BRO., 116 Market street. FINE LI quo Rs. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors to W m. Dock, Jr., & Co DEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE 1/ RIII3 opposite the Court House, have on bandeaus selection of BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, Of Entry Description. WHISKYS. OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA FINEIRISH AND scorch Whiskys. The best ever brought to this market, ti OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHMTNIIT GROVE MUSKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SHUNS JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD MERRY, PLANTATION, wiGWASI TONIC BITTERS. With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Goodin:max of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST HATES. MOTH *IA,CELEIC pow-Eqm-rit, Ell LINEN AND PREVENTING . .MOTH THIS POWDER—a compound of valuable articles for the destruction of InsectiliSitributed among or dusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, eloogitine; &c., packed away for summer, will effectually' remota' moth_ Being also a delightful, &Tumble perfume it Niin • lin preunate clothing, &c., with a lasting and plesaardi odor. The finest fabric cannot be injured by Its wet Prepared and Bold at KELLAR'S Drug and Panay Goods Store, No. 91 Market street • apl3 A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC. OFTION AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Third Strut. Residence: Third street, above North. 41154 VLSITING, WEDDING, INVITATION, AND AT BONE CARDS.—By a special arrangement with ono of the beet engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed in the highest style of ert, conformable With the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station ers in Nett York or Phtiadelphis. For samples and pries' cell athll. a BERGNER'S itomerrova ,411 f IVIEBB BEEF and MESS PORE p ' o h o i o article of Mean Beef and Peek at SWSIiER & PFLIZERI ape .(!yntwasors to WmDock, ir ,. &tu.) LOTS for sale on the corder of Third and Broad street* Enquire of WM. C. EaFADDEN. . —., ,-- 4 , ,e 1 - -4. 0 ti 0--. - - • • . - • • ....... .. ...,.. •,••.:„•••;,.• • A 14 .,.... ....4;„, . . . . . ~. .. . ks. IS • i i• -.-; f. :-. -:..: ' '• •>. .$1 r --z .1 ....... ,.......... -' , ..X% .. ..,, T Ri . Pre: • ...,.., - .1. L - _ .. . .• - : . . . . - I - ' . . . .. . _ . • .Ak •_ ''. '- 1 ,1 11-!, • -- t . ': - au 1 ,_,:ikr<t...,,,,.„ .„___ .„„„v. .„... ..,• , . ~.. ..• . _ BY GEORGE BERGNER. . THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS “HELMBOLD9S99 GENUINE PREPAItATIONS, VIZ HELMBOLD EXTRACT "BUCHU," 'ffIILNBOLD BYTRACT SARSAPARILLA, HELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH HELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, JU:L=a !OH EMEASES OR THE BLADDER.. KIDNEYS. GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINOS. • rpms Medicine houseful the power of DI. potion, and exalter the AS.96RIBENTS into healthy aation,.by which the WATERY or CALCEROUS depoal tams, and. all UNNATURAL 'ENLARGEMENTS are re. duced t m well ail palwaini inflammation, and In goad for KEN, WOMEN or 01111JIMEN. HELMI3OLD'S EXTRACT RCM, i it) 1Z) Arising from guesses, Saints of Dissipation, Andy In• I discretion or AIMS, w4 , 4, 1 ) , 4 , 17f Indisposition to Enertion, Dryness of the Skin, Loss of Memory, Loss of; Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Smalling, Horror of Disease, Treinbling, .Dimnees of Vision Wakecianeint, ' Y Universal Lassitude of ibePain in the Back, Muscular System, ' tubing of the Body, -Hot Hands, ' Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenace, - ' . These symptoms, if a/lowed to go on, which this :Snell ciao invariably rmoyes, soon follow TIVITIMIICY • FATurrz RPILEPTI(j FITS, In one of nth% the patient may expire. Who tan; say thatihey maim frequently followed by those "dplthil. dibmaiio • INSANITY AND OCVASATILP-TION. ' • Many are aware of the Mae of their Sufferinga, but notm ay* mews The Words of the insane asylum. and the teehulehdY deaths Conadaption, bear ample ;wit neas to•tito truth of the rotation. • THE CONSIITTJTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the system, wtddh Relmboldia Extract Bueha invariably does. A trial v 4.11 convince the most skeptical. FEMAUES-FEMALES--FEMATY-S" OL OR YOUNG, &ROLM MARRIED, OR OMIT*. PLATING MARRIAGE • In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Bu chu is unequalled:by any other remedy, as in Chlorosla or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or suppression of the customarylDraceatiolas, Ulcerated or Schlrrous state of the Uterus, lesawrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all coin.- plaints M ilieldent to the gem, whether arising from Indisere- Wm, aas orDisuipation or M the DEOLIDIE 08*01E43011 OP LIFE NQ BIIOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Salmi, Mercury, or Unpleasant Median, for nipleasant and Dangerous Dimond HAMBOLD'S EX.I3IACT BUCHtr, Cures &Mit Mimeses in all their ARM; at little expense; little or no:change In diet; no inconvenienorkand no expo; sure. It causes Deviant desires, and- gives mien* to Urinates thereby removing obetructions, preventing, and curing Btrictureirof the Urethra,allqingpain end fawn. matien, to frequent in this class of diseases, andexpilling POWWOW; _Diseased, and Wonsan Matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have teen the victims of quacks, and who have Paidlteavy fees tube oared In a short time, have found they, were droeiv and that the "Poison" Alas by *e non of "poworfni ta," been dried up in the Vim, to break out in an aggravated 'form, and perhaps ljae=i, 108 =TRIM BUCHU-fol all i4lll2otions and Diseases of the Crirstry Omni, whether existing in - Male or Female frontwhittetver caune originating, and no matter of how longstanding. Diseases of these Organs mune the aid of a Diuretic. ,iIIiaatiOIIIFBXCITIALT Num; is the Great Diuretic, and lyls tenant to have the Aestred effect in all Diseases for which it is recom mended. CLARET. Blood—Blood—Blood. Rebreeld's Highly r Concentra ted Compound FWD) EXTRACT Sanaa' I.ASYPiII LIR This isan atreCtiOn of. the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Orpuse, Linings of the MOO. BAXS, Throat, Wind pipe and other linens Surfaces, tasking IM appearance in the form of Mere. Helinbold's Martini Sarsaparilla pu rifies the Blood, and removes -gouty -Emptions of the Skin giving to. th e CoMplegion a Clear and Healthy. Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Mood-PurifyiugProperties are preserved to a greater ezieet than any other preparation of Sarsaparila. PELMBOLD'S RUSE WASH. An excellent Lotion for diseales of a Syphilitic Midi/re, and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, atishig,frem habit' Pr Xertneetion with this Extracts Buchu and dmeapsuills, such *maws as teetchintended: Evidentie of the most .responsible and re liable 'thane/ter will accompany the madlikinea CERTIFI - OF CURES from eight to twenty:yeas Minding, with mimes known to Science and Foam. Voi'Mqdloal Properties of Buckle, see Dispensary of the Matted Sums. See Profeeaor DEWEE'S valuable Worimesaithe Practlceof Physic. See remarks made by, the late celebrated Dr. PE R = z s Philadelphia. Bee remarks made by Dr. MoDOWELL, a-celebrated' forryskaan and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeeme, and published in the Vransactioris of the diner and Queen's Jourtud.. See ' Iledico-Chirurgicalßeview,published by BENJ. TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. The most of the late standard works on Medicine. Extract of %au, $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $6 00. Extract of sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5.00. Im proved Seep Wash i fio cents per kedge. Of 111; rOf $2 SO. or lialf a deed* ' for' $l2 00, which will be sullicient to Cute this most obstinate cases, If directions me adhered .tos..— Dammed many soldress,..scursly packed troth eh. senation. , Desoribe symptoms la all cemnatudeationa Cures guars/keel Adria grads. • ' AFFIDAVIT. peesomay appeerod before tae Alderman of the city o i tdnNf ibaboid, Wog duty ro om, Tet propihni* cOnlidn no narootio, no nee coat se Other tojertolie drop, one re !love, Sworn end entennined before rag Wm bad day of No. vendor, MI- WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman, Ninth etreeS_ Rook PhDs. Adams Winn for motion in cootblence. • P /2". Ohlnnst. Vega ifilkittaNiesiriet, Wow' Cllsient=el. MEDICAL. COMPOMM "THE UN.ION-NOW AND FO REVER." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1864 ALEDMAL. = DR.7OIFIANRirs .PINE - TREE : • . TAR 4CORDIAL I 3 .THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OS THE PINE TREF, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained. nave you a Gough ? Have you &re Throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease,' Consumption? Those Who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly , of them until it is too late, From this feet, perhaps more then any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than any other disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired .of - a cure, or a remedy that - would heal the lungs, but for mere than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; buthow•to combine the itioditar pro perties so as to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WLSHART, of Philadelphia, Pa.. the Elprictor of "Wisbart's rine Tree Tar Cor n• Many, net only of the people, but physi- cians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cams, of your success in the 'treatment' of Pulmonimi Consumption 7" My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs- - the Strengthening of the debilitated system— the Turtflaztion atutenfiehment of the-blood, must- expel from -the system- the corruption scrofath breeds. While this is effected by She powerful alterative , -(3heriging from 4118' &tee to heidth) propertiiiiii of 'the Tax Cor dial; its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon' the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduinginffamina tit* Mid restoring it healthfullendency. Let tl2iii two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has, not too law delayed azesort to the means` of 4sure. I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unques tionable worth and reputation: Da. Wrsuairr—Dear Sir:—/ had R. val . dreadful cough,ao ache thkoat for one year lai , d whole system fiat' giVing way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope Of ieferitig. My disease baffled the power of, all medicines, and in a short, time 1 mu's*, Inave.gOne to my grave, but thank God, my diughter4n-law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second , street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three betties I am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my case if you think pro r. ' B• BECCA HAMILTON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree. Tar Cordial is an infalliable cure for Bronchitia, Bleeding of the Lungs; Bore Throat and Breast, Infiamma lion of. the Lungs, Mr. WARD says: Wmgairr—Sir:---I had Bronchitis, 'ln. flammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of tlie _Heart in their worst forams;': had been treated by tfe'Veral of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, and . I had despaired of ever being re , stored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave., Your Pine Tree Tar CordiaLwas highly recommended to me by as friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can give re ference to my house, No. 963 N. Second street, or at my office of Beceivei :of Taxes, from 9 e. x. to 2 r. rk.y corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. J'Ol3N WILED. Read the foßoWing from Utica: Ds. Wisa.uriDear Sir:—l take pleasure in informinA . yott through - this source that your Phis' Tree Tar Cordial, which was re,com mended'foriny daughter by Dr. I T, A. Hall, of this city, haS cured her of a cciugh, of more than five months standing. I had thought her beybnd oaf*, and had employed the best of medical Aid' without any benefit ' 1 can cheerfullY recommend it to theublic as a safe and Acre remedy:for thime similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that of my chnOter . that it-has entirely cured of long standing coughs:Yours respectfully, JOHN PARlLllll,'Daguerrean Artist :JOHN e 126 Geribme kreet,trtilia, N. Y. * * * * have used Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, aid ca cordially recommend a valuable and safe medicine OP cloidsk coughs and tg • tit°, pre dispoied bolistatiPtion: ^ • • Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, ' „ • Dam, New York. The above area few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from ax untimely grave. We . have thousands of le,t4irs fgonk physi ciaris and dru,ggisti,wholieve prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial,' saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. The Tar Cdtdial, when taken in connection with Dr.. Wild:wee Dyspepsia Pills, is an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia. • The PIN& Tars Ten Conmiz, will cure Coughs, Bore Throat and Breast,.-Bronchitis, Asthma; Whooping Cough, lifTtheaki, sad is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys.andfeniale coinphf.inte. • BEWARE. OF ,COVNTERFKITS The genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown Mahe bottle. All others are gallons: Italia nen& • Pvcs Pirrr CEng and Ons Dom.a.s:per Banta Pr pared only by the Proprietor, • -Dr, L. Q. C. liVishatt„ Nalo &mai StA, J Pliiiiid . 7b4 Pa. Sold by Druggists i Tot n , 'eiZi=t wholedidabi an Phila delphia sad New Dewlap. adirlo4 NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. - VALUABLE ,PROPERTY FOR SALE, 7: subscriber offers fOr sale a valuable Tavern Stand, situate on the Lancaster turnpike, in the borough of Itiddictown, coasisting of a large two-story Brick Hotel, extensive stabling and all other necessary outobutidings. Also, two adjoining lots, Lavin' • eeted on each a two story frame dwelling. For further particulars ap, ly to tha undersigned, on the the premises. SAMUEL DETWEILER. je2l.-tuasat3tu* EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS stamentary on the estate of Hannah Forney, late of Halifax town - ship; Dauphin c,unty, having been granted to the undereigned, residing In said township, all persons indebted to eat estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those gaging claims agal oat the same will preterit them for settlement jeB &lad* -- SAMUEL LANDIS, Execttior SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T AM happy to offer to - the -public s large _IL and splendid assortment Of • SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens aro well Sulshed, elastic, and will 'giveen tiro satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. SCHEFES PWBOOK STORE, Second stieet, opposite Preebyter4an Church, Harrisburg Pa. aVA3 INDEPENDENCE ISLAND AND WIREFERRY. . • T HE proprietor of this cool and delightful Summer Re•ors would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisburg [bat the Island is now open for visitors. AcCommodattorus will be furolshe Ito parties and plc-nlcs on 'reasonable' terms, n dancing platlbrm having ben erected for their special use. Season tickets for (smiles, good for one year $ 1 finr No improper characters admitted, and. no intoxiiited persons will be permitted to visit the la4and. „fart No intoxicating honors so!d on Sunday. A - Wird * TWIT, with a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Mind street, West HaTria• burg. HENKY BECKER. jel4-tilm Solo Proprietor. JUST R.WOMIVED, THIS g(I I 3KING, . A FEESEI iNVOLOE OF FEE SS 'AiIIGRENERA; CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED HAMS AND BEEF, SHLSLER FitAZER'S. mv3l r • PRIVATE - . SALE... • WE ; .the beat locations for MON (A -WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price to any purchaser, who will improve it, situated with ina atOrt distance of the citycif Harrisburg,- between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about - fi ve hundred feet Nide, and alongside of the beg lieseateme quarries in the Haile and close to a amid turnpike, road;. also, room for Waste cinders for Lift, y . O. - 144 - mlßu:int pagintfor the land Apply to DAVID-11IIMAIA, Jr., Attorney-a6-Lawi Ho. St North Second street,. marl 6-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press Insert three times and send bill to this office.) • NEW LIQAJOR STORE. TMP.ORTANT TOLANDLORDS AND OTHERS —The undersigned offers at whigesar tts the trade, tt choke lot of the tint Liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: 'Nenck Braruiiss ' Ifellarul Gina, Scotch. Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and 01.2 Bye Whisky; Foriegre and Domestic Wino, such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, de. Al. liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call anti ex amino the assortment at the store, on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut. . my27-d6m GEORGE WINTERS. STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER . OF VILER AND WALNUT STREETS, - PERTINfA. THE uidersigned havin - g purchased this well known house bait enlarged and thoroughly renovated It The rooms have been re-painted and papered , and the entire ostalishment* elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located,,,afad provided with every . con venienSo; it offers to the public all the comforts and luxu ries of a Gist class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stockod with choice liquors is attached to the establishment, de26-dly G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. DIBLADELPHTA COLLEGIATE u tl, FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch street. .Bev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CL ARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three departmente: Primary, Academic, iuid Collegiate. - Full - college course in Clasping, Maths Indica, higher English. and Natural .Science• for those who graduate . '' Modern Languages, Ilneic,T Painting and Elocution by the best.risaaters. For efireilam apply at the Institute, or addrese BOX 2611 T. 0, PhiladelphiaPa • • ,•• • : ap2o-6m* PE 'rum R'S DAILY . LINE BETWEEN- PLEILA.BELPIIIit, LOCI( HlVeil, Jersey Shore, Williamsport,, ey; 'Uniontown, liatsontown, Northumberland, Sun._ bury, Treverton, Georgetown, . • LyitenstoWn, ~lllers . .7 Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The. Philadelphia Depot being centrally iocated t the drayage will be at the lowest Rates... The Conductor, goes through with each Wain to attend to the eafedelivery of all goods intruited to thil line. ;Geode 'delivered at the de pot of FREED,' WAItD & 'FREED, 511 Market street Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock r. a., will be delivered in gar riaburg the next morning. Freight AlWays a a Low AN by Any Othet Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, : .Foegt. of Marian street, Harrisburg. oct2l4t 'l'. P. WATSON, MA.STIC CEMENT • r • .1141TTIPACTUBJllit, prrrroixsp: - Erocr, Ts PRENARD litidmost the ex terior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a newthystem. This material is entirely different from all other ceme,nte used heretofore, and is the. only: reliable, Imperishable .coating fQr out sid e work. Wired with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil It forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or atone Walls, making a beau tiful, fi ne water proof surface and Snlah equal to' Brown Stone or any color hatred. Among others for whom.l have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen: J.Alissell. residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J D. M'Cord, " GI It J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. A. Hoeveser t - it it James M'Cehdlees, " Allegheny city. • Calvin Adams, • Third street, Pittsburg James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, William Vobel, Girard House; - Barr &Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, . 1 John 8 Con, residence, Front street, Harruttprg, Pa, A. J. Jone, 4 Please address T. P. WATSON, P. O. Box 1,306 , Pittsburg, Pa., leile.dlim or; Ponta_ House. Fiarriseurg, Pa . 4000 LBS• , . CODFISH, of the cele brated 'SC George brawl; pet received etio for !ale by SHISLER & FRAZE 401 • (successors to Wm. Dock, & Co,) . VNGLLSH 1111H411FAST TEL.—Just re .414A19.154, u i ttSs chest or Mrsh Breakfast it at 011000.15111110 Wm , DOGI) Webster MORNING EDITION. OTT . B. COIN - usi FOURTH OP .JULY READING Declaration of Independence. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one peope to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with' another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth. tho separate and equal station to which the lawS of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a devout respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to bo self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalien able rights; that among these; aro lite, lib erty, and the pursuit of .happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are institu ted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, when ever any form of government becomes de structive of these ends, it is the right,of the people to alter or to abolish it,, and to insti tute a new government, laying its, foundation on such principles, and organizing_its powers in such form, as to them shall: seem inost likely to effect their safety ,and happiness, Prudence indeed, will dictate that govern ments long established, should not be chang ed for light and transient mutes ; and, :8111 cordingly, all experience.-bath shown, that. mankind are more disposed to suffer, while 3vils are sufferable, - than to tight themselves by abolishing the formS to which they are ac customed. Bat, when a. long train of abuses and astirpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right; it is"their duly, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for. their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these : colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history - of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establishment of an absolute ty ranny over these:States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid- world He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public gdod. He has forbidden his Government to pass laws of immediate and'pressing importance, unless suspended in their operatibn till his assent should be obtained; and, when so RUH. pended, hq has utterly neglected to uttend to them. „' He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the Legislature; a right inestimable to them, !Ifni formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, tor the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his rdeastme. He has dissolved representative houses re peatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolution, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the State remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the danger of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He, has endeavored to prevent the popula tion of these States; for that purpose, ob stnicting the laws for naturalization of for eigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their emigration.hither, and raising the con ditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for es tablishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harrass our people, and eat out their, substance. He has kept among us, in times .of peace, standing armies Tithout the consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the military , in dependent of, and superior to, the, civil power.- . He hai combined, with others, to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his as sent to their acts of.pretended legislation: For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment, for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states: , For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world: For imposing taxes on us without our con sent: For depriving us, in many eases, of the benefttitif trial by jury; For transporting us beyond seas to-be tried for pretended offences: For aboliahipg the free system of .English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarg ing its boundaries, so as to render it- at once an example and fit instrtunent forintroducing the same absolute rale into these colonies: For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and , altering, funda mentally, the powers of our government: For suspending oar own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate•for us in all cases whatsoever. He haw abdicated government- here, by de claring na out of his protection, and waging mar against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.- - - - ' He is, at :this time, transporting large ar roles of foreign mercenaries to complete the worki - of _death, desolatlon, and tyranny, id reaAly eirCuinsithees of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the moat PRICE .:TWO :CENTS. TRY! J - C'tY 4, 1776 -_ - STE A. .FR IN if 11 G. .41t-F t his .-- 4 . , , - ......Tilig.AT&**...m.. Thal ,; ,A are the 'rites for edve h i the Tam ORM. ,• • having advertising to do will And 'I Cmr venten tfor "Terence. - - ?ttr Firer WAS Cw LCIFS constitute onotelf square, Eight lines crmore thaW four constitute a square. POR • SALP SWAM POR COM sum= One day 2 80 One day " - 6 te Two days 60 Two days. - .... ..., ... 100 Three dayti . 76 "Three days:- ...y., One week 126 One week ... 2 26 One month 100 Oneeiteeth • • OC . Two months 460 Two months 9 00 Three months ' 550 Three month& ...... 11 00 15 0 Elnths .... 800 sim tt iohtl ; it,.; One year 15 00 One ..• 0 Administration &dices, - piir $2 26 Karriagp_Notioes. • • ,„;„; • .. 76 Auditor a Notices Mil?-• I*. ..... kl• • •-• 1 50 leriend NeticetieaCh -- - D 0 sir BuMness notices wearied In the Local Woes, or before Marriages and Deaths, ElOax Caste pea lan for each Insertion. -- --- barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head J a civilized nation: He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the execu tioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. . ' . He has excited domestic insnrections amongst us, and has endeavered to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguibhed desttuction of all ages sexes, and conditions. • - In every stage of those oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most hum ble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. - A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attention to Our British brethren. We have warned thefn from tithe to time, of attempts made by. heir legislature to extend an unwarrantable juris diction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and set tlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these nsurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connexions and correspondence. They, too, have been ddaf to the voice of justice and consanguini ty. We must, therefore, acquiesce •in the necessity which denounces our separation, and-hold them, as we hold the rest of man kind, enemies in war, in peace friends. We. therefore, the re resentatives of the UNITED STATES OF 'AMERICA, in GEN ERAL CONGRESS • assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colo nies are and of right ought to be, rasa As - n INDEPENIENT mums; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all pOlitical connexion between fhem and the state of Great Britain, is; and ought to be totally dissolved; and that, as VEER AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they „have . full power to levy war, conclude . peace, contract alliances, establish commerce. and to. do all 'other acts and things which INDEPENDENT STATES may of right do. And, for the sup port of this declaration, -with a firm reliance on the protection of DIVLNE . PROVIDENCE, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. JOHN HANCOCK, Preal. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES POCKET BOOKS, PURSES ma 1 1 '01-.T3IONN AIM.* FOR LADIES AND OENTLEMMT, KELLER'S Drug and' Fiiiioy Goods store, Ha 91 Market street. The beet Morocco TRAVELING sArt. Et E-HS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable Die Presents, now on nand at KELLER'S Drug Store, marlo•tf No. 91 Marne{ street. CANDIDATE FOR CONGIRESS:' HARRISBURG, Pa., JutM 9, 1864. THE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 14th congress. fnna! Dis trict of Penns} i cania, composed of tse counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union an f t. Snyder, for nomination by the several county conientioris of The said District lic9tdtc] JOSIAIL.ESPY. FOIL RENT. T' Warehouse and grounds in Canal and State streets. It is a good stand for a groc,•ry stor and has a private siding for forwarding purposes. given inanudiately, Apply to . MSS. C. Itt Front and North-fitreets je23-4i-2twk2mx* UNR IVA T 3:RD CHAFA_LER FURNITURE POLISH dots not affect the varnish, but AmEteres tne wiginal lustre. It does not discolor. It wilt rcsto e t with very little labor every trashed surface. rlther'metal or wood. All Manuhrturent and. dealers' in furniture should use it for cleaning furniture that has in stand- ing, covered with-dust. A touch arid: rub-here and there will make it bright and fresh. For sale by, S A KUNKEL - & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg.. -ju4-dtt MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER' MEDALS, • AM) • ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on har.4 W. KNOME'S, Sole Agent, 98 Market street. je4-2taarly] Thonias C. ftlacDovrelt, A.ttorney-at , ;;"LaNw. OFFICE LN THIRD ST., BEL OWAttIE. HARRISBURG, PA. ALL manner of Military Claims . promptly atttnded to, and claims collected against the General or State Governments, either in Congrenu, the' Court of Claims at Washington city, or at; HarrisourgoitMout necewary delay, and on moderate terms. a -0 desn EW BOOK S.-THE SHOULDER I:ISTRAP , DAYS OF SHODD V Just received at [dela) SCERFFEWS BOOKSTORE. HAT F SUPERIOR QUALITY, for sale in =all O - bala3 at the Keyatene Farm, Immediately below city. th, J A. C. .8111.1.711, ATTORNEY HAS removed his Office from Third , foqVal- Il out street, next to the Prieon. .41:,b 4 hejnese , in trusted to-him rill receive prompt and =dm ,ett6tiort. CHEESE --Choice new crop Cheese, just received at Matadi FRAZER, jolT Successors to W Dock, Jr., Co. jaA.MS 1 ll-11.ichenees, 'Excelsior. . JUL Just cared. ReceKed ant for sale at • - SEMLER &FRAZER. falsocawnilto R. Doak. Jr. it- Ca., I=M SIIPEitIOR RIO AND LtiGDYRA.OO2FEE at [rapt] BUYER A- Kuptiwt. CUT FLY AIWA, A: NICE assortmeLtit titittßapey for cell 1-1. bags, looking gla.sirs: framt•Oad ga§ FIEF2I3 BOOKSISTOR Hamgbau*, Fa. BE HAY! .13A.V!! - ETAT of. the best quality a otrej s tprale. us • tall etfit'CORILIOIK i fraTAOFIt Ilskittanzd Senistparg. .pot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers