aitg EeltgraA V HARRI6BURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, ELY 1, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices; Marriages, Heaths, ac., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, mast invariably be accom panied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular EVening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edit ion. without extriVehargc. TOWN AND C:OWNTRY State of the Thermometer To-day. 11 A SI 84 8 4. ni IG MILITARY RELIES FUND. —The regular monthly payment to soldiers' families will be made on Friday, July Ist, at the Sheriff's ogee, between the hours of fourand GEO. BEFEGRER, Prost. 0 lii,wAans, See'y. ALL persons entitled to pension, or bounty and back-pay, due - deceased soldiers, can have any information in regard to it gratis, by call ing on Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent, Har risburg, Pa. :Office in Dant . TEracia.tru Th:lrd street. je*dlw I=l Oat day last week 500 fish were•caught, a single haul in Middle creek, Adams county, Penny THE Vino street Sunday School had a plea sant time at Derry, yesterday. A large number of persons were present at the pie-nic. The . occasion will long be remembered by the children composing the school. I=l DON'T forget the great Union pie-Me to be held at Hoffman's Woods to-morrow. Cars will leave . the foot of Market street at 8 a.-ar. and 2P. m. Fare for the round trip, 25 cents. TEE city council has passed an ordinance authorizing the laying of six-inch water pipe, with plugs, &c., and branch pipes, in several of the streets in West Eliirrisburg. Seven thousand four hundred dollars are appropri ated for paying the expenses of the same. StLES OF CONDEMNED GOVERNMENT PRO. PERTS, —On Tuesday next, sth inst.', a num-. ber of stoves, pipe, grates, pans, & - c., will be sold at M'Cormick's warehouse by Captain Reiehenbach. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. On Tuesday, 12th iust., .a largo number 4:4. . . horses, wagons, ambulances, saddles;collars, grain bags, &c., will be sold at the Gayer* meet corral, near Hammelstown. Sale to ow - me:ice at 10 o'clock-. ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OT GETTY& erau.—Persons wishing to attend the great Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, to be celebrated on the battle field on Monday next, July -ith, can reach that place at 11 o'clock, sr., by leaving Harrisburg on the Northern Central accommodatiOn traityfat 7 a believe no express train leaves kg:mt.:ll2-RO on Monday morning. If persons could leave here at that time they would reach Gettys burg at 7.30 A. ae. A grand time is antici pated. Gov. Curtin will be present. DiSTURM/NU. A SLEEPER.--Sleeping on a cel lar door, in ancient days, when feats of that character were common, was still esteemed a daring achievement -but a nocturnal nap on a railroad track now eclipses all, cellar door. siestas. Indeed, it is a' nightly business for those connected with the different railroad depots, to rescue drowsy and drunkdiilinii viduals from sure destruction by persisting to sleep either on or close to railroad tracks. Some of the most horrible accidents have re sulted from this reckless habit of seeking sleeping accommodations, atl it iVere, thus in the very jaws of death. This morning, hs the fast Express was going west., and just before the train reached the depot, the engine web stopped and the alarm given that a man lying on the track had been run Oar. Going a. short distance to the rear, those in charge of the train discovered a prostrate man (?) stu peTied with liquor, considerably bruised but not fatally injured. 'The poor inebriate had sought sleep near the track, and as the: train passed he was caught by the " cow-catcher " and either dragged or thrown a considerable distance. If that inebriate had been mangled and instantly hurried into eternity, would the vender of the poison which destroyed his senses, been responsible for his slaughter and his salvation? IN MorroN—Tiaz TTTTa, Cron,--We noticed, some time since, that Mr. Georgo M'Calla had been authorized to overhaul and repair the hill clock, and to supply it with such new ad ditions as would make it hereafter a correct indicator of time. The machinery of the , clock was all removed and completely repair ed, while the additions made were of the most important character; and, in the future ; M'Calla intends to render the hill olock a regu-• lator for time in this city, as far, at leatit, r ii • is capacity and machinery will admit Hereafter we can regulate our watches and locks by Harrisburg time, as it willbe indi ated by the hill clock. Heretofore, we were , ontrolled by what is called " railroad time," egulated by calcdlations made at Altoona, .d based on observations' at Philadelphia, d Pittsburg. While such calculations served, • e workings of a railroad, it did not, .ot .urse, indicate the mean time of this jail-, • de. The difference between Harrisburg nd what is called Penna. railroad time is al lmost ten minutes; indeed, the time of no o railroads run n i ng i n t o an d through t h is -ity agrees,' the difference being stich as to - rider it impossible to regulate by either for .usiness purposes. The object of Mr. M'Galli to secure Harrisburg t ime—Urpitartim . 13— .d henoe the necessity of all standing by the pital and trusting confidently to the deiik • gs of the hill clock. ..a„ Jk d i - —The clocks in the Senate Chamber an .use of Representatives are also to bare= ed and put in goad running order. APAU.,5,0142/4 1 P:1 444-WAstiketiiva butg, Pa. vcittio*grilee,staa. Tan Caors throughout M,apyieed are. eery fine 4,l474ir . 4hayldstlaietii.lniiidande; and^ wheat a splendid yield ; the greater part of the latter having been already cut. Tze Sow, of 1812 will,m,ef. at,Braot'Ai exchange, onn - Monday morning at 8 O'clOck• Tickets for the dinner can be had from Dr. Ileisley. 2t 4 g t, goLmori. t„,figeuate„ dependence day, as usual. They will proba bly hold their celebration on Independence Island. , . HOPE FIRE Com:mfr.—A stated meeting of the Hope Fire Compaq will be held at their hall, this eSenini, the itsdal hour.' Pang. tealattendance is requested. 3 P. nr 91 A STATED MSSOINg Of 010 .1 1 1 VIASbiligttgl Eose Company, will be held at the Hose Rouse, this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Punctual M- I *dance is required. j93o 2t RETURNED. - Lieut. Alfred Foote, late as sistant mustering officer in this city, who was. ordered to the front' about a month ago, re-. turned to this city yesterday, with a rebel bul let in one of his limbs. He received the wound in front of Petersburg: CArr. Se.nns ]ldis 2ta.-Among,the m suing. officers of the Penna. 'Cavalry, since one' of the recent engagements, we notice the name of Captain William A. Sands, late in command of Camp Curtin. We trust the Captain, nlny Soo be reatare4 to his went. Tun 'Union. League of Beading has engaged Prof. Lowe, the a3ronauti-to make' a balloon ascension in that city, on the 4th of July. Prof. Lowe is the inoitidistinguished balloon ist in the.•world, and has made more ascen atom than any other man. TREY have sweet ladies down South. They are snuff dippers and they chew. A Tennes see writer was helping toplay one of the "kiss ing games" at a house warming, and he says : "After a lively aise reought her, and when, juit as I was drawing the little angel into my arms, preparatory to. embracing her, she said, " hold on a minute—`wait till t take my to too out of my mouth." Cot NEIIiNTGLE Paamlolo.--TheUity Councils of Pittsburg, by a unanimous vote, adopted a resolution requesting Cilia. Curtin, as an act 'of ice to the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Connellsville railroad, and the, citizens of kittsburg, who are deeply interest e d in its early completion, to withhold his ' fiietitute from the bill passedvdttenitthe last seSsionUf the Pelmsylvap* Togislature - .altering the charter of said road,, , VERY IMPORTANT to the interests of the eon sumers of fresh vegetables, •an(d` more eve ly the comfort ; of 4osei.who do not wish to $o early, and !amides avoiding the great rnshaiadjam, daring the morning market: The` - 'proprietor' - of•lffe Xeitalblie - *trek - Farm intends owning the Z , rening-„ldarketi commencing Friday. July let, 1864, "if the weather permits,* in the lower market house. ,The proprietor pf igle.4bpre #113014, gener ally the first in market with early produc tions, of thk Ivry best quality, which is an item of imPOrtance . ai as convenience to those who are'regalar cast omers. • NoTiosi—At a meeting of , the friend)! the Sunday Sehool cause, held in the Presby terian church, (Market Square,) June 28th,, The undersigned into' appointed's committe e to make arrangements for the meeting of the Stato Stmday-Sohool-Oonventien, to' be held in this city the last Tuesday in September: • Eriiscopal, R A. Lamberton, Wm. Buehler. N. S. Presbyterinn t F. P,alnisaktociEXA.24 Shaeffer. `-• ' ' - 0. 8. Presbyterian, J. P.:Seiler, W. S. Wallace. , Lutheran, 4A.1 'Wirt Eturatsl, E. `B.G'ffilxian, 11 .1 1 11 ° X12 Pe odist, IL J. Hedge, B. J. Harris, T. J. Gahm= lierforin.ed, R R Re'kerb P`;' bert. Baptist,' Geo. CURIAL Inc. Whitman. Free Baptist, Theo. F. Boyer, Peter Atticiot.. Eethel, D. A. L. Laverty, J. Hickenaell. The committee is respectfully invited to meet at the room cit-the rotme Moiril's-bhris tiail AAA thou, :,14.;, o'clock: je3o-2t Taft REPORTED 3 OTINT AT FORT WASHING fermi" 'Via' lAA . fir: ".. bliiatilattai 'on Tuesday, and was published in :the Organ, subsequently, that a mutiny had occurred in Fort WaShindfai, and thaithe liatter . if foeated there had been -ordered -to, leave. , Provost Marshal Opdylce gyes usthe following account of anliffaiiihat is sup posed to have caused the rumor above refertedlcii"? It appears thet, on *saw evening abQut 5. o'clock, Lt. Stanwood, of the 3d 11. S. Cav alry, arrived 'A" - l'i t ridgejort,' ha - viiVg . In his rge.abeutkme.hmared.reondigi wh.o.were eh route for the front, from Carlisle„Burracks. When on the ti';i4 from . Chrlide' to Bridge gefji a difficulty arose between some , of _the men, and resulted #4 the_ Wrzlb 2 llPf two., or three of tbetn, Upon' ariiiiiiiatthe opposite side of the river, Lieut. Stanwood , came to city, and applied !kir-4 'glair& to; taste charge of.tki, 'untir g el - 4 , 4iii at, which ha they were to leave I'M- Washington, The , guard wagisrashiteAsipfbiblitil!Siishilr-crid aiyie, and no distatbik6e;Awhatever>o66ed. ' 'lsottf , this &Mir the' . repOrt "was - Mised of ' mutiny fulliang:the Men comprising Captain Bates' .hatiterJ4-Tall -. ..0f whom would -frown upp,n tugyiatittunpt atiiikabbatiatiOn. • Ciiiitahi, Bates is a iitiblikirieet, and has his command' in the best state of disiipline;:l4 o fears need be entertained of itur Asturbastaiooourring at Fort Whgbin g4 l ; * SP 0/ 4 . 1 400.1* mead of Pak The I vAttarY is still There, Its preoincieildsWiiii h :via Neg. head rumor that it had be 'iiiitoved. The aonnd of the morning mid evening-guosIoon :M11418 to be heard, arifltrothrmg . -morn is neoes -11417 t° rell 4 tl r l l -11! 161 / 4 8 tliat 4 414 ' 7 1 **Y . ia Oil; at tand44:!,cE rl :1 :4 I=l ----~~-- =all= - -Ssamp , Aitmezamwmarmaivaisssys.7 aiaffeaTi ::.deficiencies— dravn onWetineadtiy, Jun 0.294, to report for examination, atgakiriayuxt on Wedne sday neat, ‘ TtztrAithi.l.B4T --e "2 #- DERRY TOWNSHIP. 1 Eli Ebemole,',agedlCsticiimakei 2 Samuel Wabier, aged 44, eoachmaker. 3 Geo W Greinor, aged 28, dazmer r 4 Henry Yeigst, itge&44.:4llrier• 5 hieraiala Balabaeh, aged 8, farmer. 6 Joseph Landis, aged 43,_1aborer. . • • • d. 7 Wm. blinieh, aged 21,.laborer • ELAWAX. TOWNSHIP. , Henry Hung el, aged 20, laborer. 2 H W Hoffman, aged 28,. farmer. 3 Edward Huxley, aged 27, moulder. 4 Jacob Miller, aged 27, farmer. 5 John W Miller, aged 22, laborer. 6 John S Shott, aged 29, laborer. EAST HANOVER. TOWNSHIP 1 Thomas Shellenliamer, aged 40, wheel wright. - . 2 George Hoover ; , aged 20 blacksmith. 3 John Reichtr, aged 28, laboren ,- • • 4 Benj. Gingrich, aged 22, 'latlcrpi., • ' 71 . 5 Henry Shriver, aged 30, labOrer.. 6 Daniel Gerberich, aged 20, farmer, .--•; 7 Benj Kinleyi aged 43, labprer. - • • 8 Levilletrink, aged 42 farmer. 9 Wm Londermileh,aged 24, merchant. 10 Jacob H Miller, aged 27, scaler. SOUTH KANovrat Towrisizip. 1 Godlieb Mike, aged'39, brickmaket. 2 Samuel Howard -aged 36 laborer.' JACFESCth TOWNSttIP. 1 Daniel Grim, aged .25, laborery 2 Jonas Hunts, aged 36; laborer. 3 Wm H F i nders, aged 34, mason. 4 Jacob Barmy, aged 22, carpentr'EFtSON TOWNSHIP. 1 William Richard, aged 13; fanner. 2 Wm A Kelirep, aged 27, biackiinith. 3 Isaac Buffington, aged 39, hkborer.. : 4 Levi Bowerinan, aged 25,, lahorer, 5 Samuel Paul, aged 23, laborer. • 0 Cornelius. Hoffman, aged 27, farmer. 7 tf hn P, Sweigard, aged 28, farmer. , LTSMIS TOWNSHIP. , 1 Loranee 'toyer, aged:24, laborer. 2 John A.Saltzer, aged 25, tailor. 3 pinion Wolf; ageir36,--liibora. 4 Wine Ostiinab, ages 21; laborer analoarrowN—sourn . . 1 Samuel Hughes, aged 22, laborer . (colored. ) 2 Ephraim Lewis, aged 34, boatman. t MIDDLE PA.X.TO TOWNS/UP. 1 Elias Mears, aged 27, stonemason. 2 Isaac Bell, aged.3B, farmer. .... 3 John Bricker,. aged 30, boatman. 4 Geo Muckier, aged 24;laborer. 5 Chas Freeland, aged 39, merchant. 6 Lrious Sheppley, *a 37, farmer. 7 Fredevick - 11: Wit - 4C,• aged 42, laboier, DPPER. .1401 TON• • 2'?WiwiSHIP. I, William A Keagy, aga444, shoemaker NCOMILBSB1:410 1 Aaron. Bressler, aged,2o, plasterer. 2 Jolmj).Hunter, aged 28, carpenter.. 3 Frederfek I% Gilbert, aged 37, , merchant: . 4 Wm J Seal, 40'138, larnb4nidri: Jump TO SHIP. , . • I :tames Hoffman a -aged' 1 : 23, fanner ' 2 WM Boj , er, aged:4o, farmer. 3 Semi W Newbaker,- aged 44,, lainier. • 3 ' 4 Abraham Miller, aged 23, farmer. • 5 HenryLippencott, aged 38, sawyer. 6 Wm II Coletbok, aged 44, carpenter, 7 Christian ffeikle, aged 44, lumber mer chant. 8 Andrew Presly, aged 37, laborer.. 9 bavid Lidick, aged 35, laborer. 10 Sohn Bhrinet, aged 38, ,laborer. 11 Geoige Warner,age&39, laborer. 12 George W Genan, aged 43, laborer. • : scums 1 Adam Karel, aged• 93 faimer, 2 Jacob Billeger, ag7.:A'36, mason, SWATAitA TOWNkM. 1 Ephraim Bi3e.bailgli; aged 28, blie,kmalrer 2 jamee F.J.dozw, aged 37, farmer.. 3 3 Joseph Kerr, aged 28, laborer. ; LOWER SWATARA TOWNSMP. 1 Edward J Putt, aged 43, Doctor; .. ~... • 2 Michael Seidel's, aged $7, laborer,.:_:;:: 3 lqrabriel Gover,.ageotaklaborer. ..._ 4 John Gardner, aged:34v saddler. - 5 Abraham Strite ageid i- 37,46140r. : ' :".-'7-'`::, 6 Abriduun Ebersole, agisdA4, ',farther. ~.....:. 7 limnual,lT lituzatiuLagad 20, farmer. , - 8 John Middies aged 28, laborer. -' ' .• • • • - StraQI4CI4IO4.TOWNSERP.' t• - 1 Daniel Nealy,' aged 21, attendant, 2 David Garman, aged 23, laborerl ; • - 3 Pnideriek Keiser, aged K-laborei.-A A 1: ' ' ' Vgcol.ltaco 40 wimp ~., , , 1 Alired Witman, aged" ,- laborer.' •,' • '-."-'-- i 2 Elias Rumberger 35, mirtor. -, 14t 3 Emanuel Hoffman , aged N raildroadar. - 4 Daniel_ The9ANlcarAd . 4Q, biaokamith.. , :2, -,:. Fiatiiiimi Covax A1C3112, ituanhx-General Sheridamin bier Offleial.'atetnnti 'of'his - battle with Leert naValo unit Cordoliaviln 'the repoita among the rebel dead left on the field r •'Pol e etpiluguidipgA, regiment; killed:'' This donbtless was Thomas M'Allister„ foqueriy. of St.: Thomas, .iir this. county., He was a native of Juniata, and moved here some time about the year 184 Q.;, Was chosen the Lagitdatire in 1846 with Majdr John AL Ponierny, but wtui: not, ret..urp ed.' • go - dn m iafter he ovedAti ltdAed up as a rebel. Colonel, and.has at last piettihs. hard. fate he !invited by tredinfiVithis brother, Col, Robert. , MAllister; eV:Plants. ) has soniniandekknve Jersey ' kpgilhairiE for, tWo years past, and has twice, bitge when his rebel brother'necinutunid was empig eitipintit him...-Chsnubersburg Repoatkry. ..._ • • MEM Tim Fotrawn or Jury.- T A large nu, ?l' yonng andlieititif l 4 l dreseca inboliday , attire, With love, joy and veneration exprOseed in eyery -movement itnd'repreeentation,luid agetablett long years ago, on our Capital /4, tocelebilata - ,that„glorious day:in our oonntrYs histdry that gave to down-tyodden man arty afidpretection in the' - pursbit 'of happt.-. nem- is 0111-o)gigig4QX.enittititiiil4.liii& bindingTlOAity - and why is It that our ,y:51:9 ; tart' !ore of . ccitintuJiaa6iotigiviiiiiWPAmtCh in some preparation com ing, birth-day of Aiimiridenlibeit Itairria .burgeis, wake np; do not grow Ca to thein; terest of.yoitr country, and purchase dry goods at the che store Al O. L. ‘Bownian, No. corner` of Front and Market,. Strota; and all; Will be well. , • • St i ECIANOTICES; f , • HAIR TEI t !wit DVIC HatchelorW.COlebrebbad. fly.. - - IS THE BEST ZN: EELS W,0124D. :The only Hamden, Tree and- RAW* B4je Enown. apiend4Hair Lye , la peefeos--clategollied; Hasty-. Or Gl* liairlastently toe Morro Moak or Illatireters without iiijarlig the Hair or atainiog the Skin, Araying the: Hair esitatid'beautiful ; Departsfresbivitality, tlegeOly 'Mastering its pristine oolor,'Fad xectiV*. ill e OAP of bad Dye& The genulue is signed WLLLIAM A BATCH .SNOB others-.are mere -insitatioaa r iad—abould be l'Olded• Bold by a l/ PrugO,l 4 Mr - VadorY - t-la.l. l ar, , aiddsraines fiaw um& .eiliarr lea esmairki tar saii, . jar To Meer. the_ Heusi of Mites, • time" butchtr's cdcbtattli UPICINING FLY-MILER, a neat cheap artieNv o r me ase: Every sheealwill kill a quart BOLA MLR YMCA , munaisato., URI mirlotiireeti, raushiploodwilillisiooda • sr Kis4llrfihri For the cure of eases, &.e., ate specially idi ministers, singers and Persons whoa' o 1 them to speak in pttblie. Manufacta yby C. A. Bannvart A Co., Harrisburg, Pa; to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist evemwhere. Read the following testimonials from some qf our eminent clergymen: t.... 1 Heamentrao, Feb. Bth, 1864. _ C. A. Runivear—,Decir Sir: I have used I.llrown's Bronchial Troches, Waster's Lozenges d other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully connhend your own as a most admirable specific. forpnblic speakers and singers. in cases - 51" hogs/mess, coughs and colds. I have ,found them serving in time of need, most effeatuallr r Yours truly, 4 1.-K ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presb)Orian Church. jav-I agree with 14.„Rob*sou as to the value of Bannvart's r. • C: 4 43ATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. Li. prosbytirrian Church. 112,1=m:fie Jan., 1 Gi 'To U. A. 13Axxv..uvr 2 - I tear Sir: In th habit - -Of speaking very fregnontly, and in places - *here the vocal organs RI:, very much taxed, ',have found the need if some gentle expecto rant, and that want has,,been supplied. in your excellent Troches- -4 consider them very, far superior to any Lozenges that I haveirV6 , r used, in removing speedily that hnslriness-pf the voice arisiiv, from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public a dresses. Yours, Acc. JNO. WALKER JACKSON. 'Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To 0. A. BAssvAirr—Dear Sir: Having Wet pur Troches, I am free to say they are tite. best I have ever trip 4 and Arent, pleasure in recommendtigigni tileaMpbrrioruk 'fainted with sore throat or huskiness of ,voice arising from public speaking or singing. TAAL pis* of , 13.14 e A ChurW =.; DISTRICT Apron:noes OIMICR, I HAmussusa, Feb. 29, 1864. .To C. A. BlinvvAnT--Degr I have 4ound your Troches to be invaluable in re &piing hoarseness and in strengthening the -noniales of the throat. 'they impart clearness the voioe H en,dpre pfcts . 4.* of greA,bent fit to all pullTh'sfiakers. A. T. HEIM ~ ~=. jk p f p j pp i skii A, 4NTED • 41.4 '.. i • N notriolisopEtuan ,an int ote . ILman wanted in a country newspaper office. A man , who neither drinks liquor, uses tobacco, nor sweare, will be preferred. Permanent employment at a fair sal. •ary will be given. Inquire at the Mike of the 139. mt TEL SCULIPIE ie3o-4t5 WANTED IMAIEDIATVILY. STOUR OXL:I4XCUSIMAY*IIIingi' whom Shanties, which are ready for use, will be tarnished, for tbe purpose of accommodating boarders. Also, from ,60to 60 laborers. Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. EtAt., Mabontongo mountain, 3 miles aoove Millersburg. j e2r2,l -sei "". '4O attft MAW S° 14 41149,F10.440 1 W 44-; tiliAllsonAMe.-94400991W.,, Agents are clearing from $lOO to ;zoo per month. 200,000, *opireo4.9 scidokftVail- .414104. IP nre i t=3..ka r t..) 10 . ' 1 4..1104v 1 it; wi,j, 10 4 : 4 )11MI I R ,Lotatoti CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK ..../ I ME BELOW COST. agA, •,e,c • '1 • ftko ~14 -., lil I wittit,- - No AS ttibt . . . vtgit(G: destitotizzi'of , :islosing bOr -Stuitmgr Stock of fiflifirialrGikithr; difeilaferidleitt. great - I'lP Tettiliced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS, &C. ' l ".43enstantly on hand, a splendid assortment of VETS , LACES ".' RUdHES, • HCK:I COI P = 110NIERlf „ !.. i - ... 511) Z. CLOVIVII CO Irt.Wr.. - -10501:1) E1f21:1, , /it 2 I:, MIJI‘;-,-,Auyi:lh. t ti 1.32 t 43 :1 , 4141(r.1 10 twirl 511,1. 14M8if.p , paggsitfilegin l / 4 .400 ,-. Dealers will do well to call, as great bargains can be had id. wholesale. Jel4 'PlithATONak :14BINORKSI! 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL B Y ;JOh N WIS7E, THIII STREET, NEAy.W47IXT, )141HHPWIMIr.414 !Ili n,.atlnits,o , c4l , , t.81../W Pin Witsehro,i.....,r 116400 otairtela;t• tMasirldßespents: Serpentil;« Gmatitiapperscow, ;Water Pots, ~.; SCroll Wheels, Be. ngota Lights, .Ttlangles, Blue Lights, R t White and Blue, Spangalettes, C ese Rockets, Pulling Crackers, Fire Crackers,lrerpidoe," Torpedo FireOracker Gun,'New Torpedo l ow, SOS . B Stick, or Punk, Flags, sc. .i:Now is the time to purchase while there is a goo as sortment. JOHN WISR, 06.4itt Third street, near Walnut, - WFsintend to discontinue the sale of Li .... quora and offer our stock at a very small advance 'op cost price.,:ilPcilitte tenfilliirted amour' pre the last rise and have a large stock on hand fur three .. oc four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at aay,price Opal tble lopmagaa. . Ott!' stOok,cPruf .11111€1,ef: H L . Ptali rtid 4 eik, le 3 . 42 nr• ,trzi,a,4 L2TIIS .F.A ,_,Agr.We have parts of three barrels pureRYE, ot colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2% years old, WINES of alPtiadis4oVtiolititnt lnt ported. Ft BRANDIES. e have part of cask, , III,I 4 4 , TESSEY BRAND'Y', to hick we invite the %Rand. afteintion of families for 414 0 dPinal pylpO l ses. eimmit bn'borigfitio-day, from importers. tea itim $l5 per gallon. We , will sell for $l2 per gal. low • • - CLAII,ETS t &C. Ns invite e ' fro3pectienoilteiel ' ileerie ' rs and Liquor Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, without re serve,; all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportu nity for bargains. Je2o 1411..SLER gh. FRAZER. RALPH L. ItACLAY AVI I TORNEY-AT-LAW..tTatriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all lbgal_business. Military• claims collected. nt91046m-end VINE TABLE 011 S.-40 boxes fate table oils of-the beat importatiodi foosale wholesale and 4 , 45,11, by 831.18yEt AiFRAZER, 1 , 1046 . eacoessoraio w - voc__ k, Jr., & Co SMOKED SaaitiON.—RA — SMOKED - - - &tufo; just received at '4" _ ..-, 8 lIIN & F Eli, (auccessora to k, jr., &0..1C ti. ~. OR BALE.—A Five-h wer STEAM - - =GINS and BOMA in order. .Wy_to . 3,1 ~ F. GESITT. ... , tr Wl* Wed, balm 72 Skiii 0 vo ,i, W ANTS. AT AND rMn . Tickets F"'"sA"4 At the dill ern-Ot taaranta Tl4e Wal4eave rtM -1 street at 6 cetjoolt.L.: x. !Ad Irk* retUnlb 3 2 a L 7,30 Flare for th e , sounAtrtp 25 cents. Ttekete for sale at the cane previousto darling.' 0 • No improperylowywiers will be , admitted lo the woods. GRAND FIREMEN'S: MAC, FOE litk miapPrr OP vaw". PAXTON FIRE. COMPANY, ,6, iIAkIEXNLEN'S- WOODS, ALORbAY, .TETLY 1864. T ... ....... , 25 Mita this pie r nle is to. raise hinds aid an the completion of ottrnew engine/house, now ineourae oterecUen. We hope the citizens or this city and virunitty will lend us a helping hand. It is the. deronnttabon of the committee of arrange.. meets, [a pra.veattattimproper:characiera from entering the woods. The gate kceperahave positive orders to pass no females of doubtful reputation, and the police force have fustractions to eject all such characters from the grounds, rhould any gain admittance by accident.' We are determined that none but respectable persons shall parc.cipate, as we:intend to make this a respeumble pia nic, that men can bring their families and not be in• suited with the presence or lewd women. An adequate police force has oeen appointed,, with instructions to pre serve order at all hazards. • A general invitation is extended to all Iliterynien to run COncegolloos to dm wOOds. , . Conveyancls will leave the knowing places every hour during the day, for the woods:- Mr...gauss' hotel, opposite the hose house; Mr. Koenit's hotel, - foot of Second street: Mr. Wagner's Second Ward House; Mr. Ranch's Washing ton Mouse; and. Mr. Frische's International .House. % icket.% can be procured from the methhers of the com pany, or foam the.following comMittee oC arrangements :- David L. Forum, Geo. F. Weava, cariohner, C. F. Volliner, .Patrick Burns. • je2841/4 .• TIE , GRAND UNION PICI.IIIC, To . begiren In honor of Independence tiny at ']?'/lAN'S WOODS, rTg ON MONDAY, JUL'Y 4th';'1.864. , • • ADMITT....4.NCE, THE WOODS FREE. , ;TO; _ THE the Pennsylvania Depot at C nine o'<cick A.a.. and-two o'clock P. M. , and re t urn at half-past Ave& r • Fere in cars to woods and return 25 cents The committee cordially instpaallegrlzens to participate in the festivities of the cla n betpruper characters will be admitted. J Fought', Wm 4 F kt'Coy, ••, 4-, CB*dge." - • /4-Ample refreslamfflh.Alite.aupplied.- • NE!V/ A.bVE - 1{1:1S . s MENTS. PHOTOGRA.I I HALBUTIIS. MOTHER! LARK ASSORTMENT • ••• - - Pliotogr;aph. A.lbums. • BOTYND in FINE MOROCCO---panelled, ' giltand mounted with two heavy gilt &spa I ' ALBUMS wrr ..• ,:..,-; WitPiUtures fog • $3 1)0 4g . .., ~ , 1),00 uo -• h " ~. •.. ;., ....- 400 together with errious other styles of bindlug, slue end plot; which wfll be;sold cheap. . . :80 ter t s you clinnel,bily ii prbiller, more durable and cheaper album 'any - client.. . - . • • Call and, Bee - at SCIEEIj'ErR'S 800 . ketorq_ ~. Marl2-dtf .llarrieburg, P S. , aga-a kibvEL AT I:47I{LIC SAILE. pax' :valuable howl as F'ARICE HOITS.r Penn'. will be offered at on Atka street, Harrisburg, Wednesday, the 20th of Publi Sale. on the premises, on is July,int 2-o'clock, r. itis - propsrty ttt . e'eeilrrlldf Ifrizalne, a part ;or- lbw, pity, wi z % pq Utre o f the Court House and M'sitliellallrosit g a fr s o w nt of 2 ?fecittofe/larke!' s t riNtWltituAlut bas t 2 T io r per a2O rstieetnithe rear, and - now rents a • 111, Te';' ,.0. s of sitd-orte:ll . tilf 'ohs]. —tbelialande, if desired secured by mortgage, in' yearly paymenis Lo suit pur ; T.Troi further information inquire of • • JOHN S. kILER, Attorney-at-Liw. Harrisburg, Pa. BENJ. PABE,k„ , Parlrvalo, Susquehanmorainti, Pa Or t jel -die G F OR fithr ,BLORA PAN, S. ... ~.. .. . . THE FARMER BOY, and kik! he . DecoLONPADITUtuWir . er-In-Chlef, ','• 41 2 5 t THE lONEER BOY, and how he, beco.roePresldept, $1 26 THE ERRY BOY, and the ihnuieler, . $1 25 THE ? RINTER lir., fr loop sn. gran:F.lin xnade . . Fsf TfIE FARMER BOY, and how he became. Lienteno , alitiGeneraL In press. . ~ - . 0 , 'iIk:YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION"; •Prim Fort Sumter to Roanoke,-,elegautly illuvouted. $1 25 4 . . - .1:1E41.'111 . 4 , 4*v STORE. NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED! Books ,and:Stationery Stol e :woo ektery new and Improved kyle of ;POCKET BOOKS , astllo C OBRE.NOF ifoLDEns, CALF 4CI,N BOOK *B Y CEI TF I PUR ` j • •thlarA Yll. i fS6 ' at priOes to salt all circonimania ' - POCKET cuTLERY, • Consisting pf a Bap worn:neat of Miteatenholm'a Saps • S t e& _ • NSa From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every Pea ad& ayakiriaktei ra T ' F OL I493, $ IT/ 111 M 0 1 8 i 2 ;sr , • , $ - ROSEWOOD DESK. , PAPBTKRIB*4O: Together with every *AM iiiraally for na aMa Book and Stationary egt.slAtunencai I . ml' l2 l ! ,• ...4.4IIGNEWS, it 'Ca44,ii14,41 144 _ JO. PP/•!Ag-Beloit ' Comforts.ll) 101AL11-11E47 HAFR TOPAIATTRASSF43. 11 PiainPliatr Cotten Top Mattrasieq. Dorn }rusk Mattruses. I . AT.;1 . 3:C0 , 1 •1 4 10,1 0.4 P r i tu ll$Ittg a .... / Cottog ijkitriftrflieaddßp' WilloWitOrtedtindi: CarCapap Stook Mot/tugs, Carpet Hassacks:' Iron lied:stedapttestlattern, &c. N. s6— r eolas,. Lounges, Cushions , Chmro, and Mat trasse.i run - air : el Hair _and. Skring:,.lifatkrasses made to order. i No. 109 Market street, - HVitborg, • r BARNrrz. QAP SAGO, Rnglieh Dait'y,' Pillo Apple, Nut -40 meg andNew,YorkStarp=ast received at FRA.Z.6B, 81/009150V3 Lg W. j.kick.., Jr, 4 0); r9Y S Land for Sale. . , , 520. A ll. pri rj vale tt ' la per , Or in .th a D aup h i n e l to .4;11 paapera ; 115 area clear, food btedinga Ilieraiii.; with sawMU „For further partwakua,_atidreat. . . d 4. HE myBo-daliee.- - .. - batiPhinDazipbto county, Pi. B EEF TONGlTEl3.—Tinelargebeef tongues, eared by J. S. Macho:Ter &Ob i and far sale b, EITIBLER &FRAZER, • jai; • Successors to W.. loatar, Yr, At ea., , • UGAIIS ; SYRUPS, TEA COFFEE, of S all grilles sad price; at • • - SHISTXR &MAW, • lbuicooom W - .• Dock Jr. & Co. 'Decl rose F rriep 11D lOELE : 8 'IMES t!' ' L Ihr t itN e barra, n 025 D MElai vwcsfiliwu., hop= . CANTEIII3IJRY ItUSIO HALL. . vi r go f BT„"iciy alum. Larea#44.4, 4 2 , :-7•••••••• irss ukpany'Adkz,..—• sa.lo . DANCF I 4 . Itx., ''''''' • " • ''''''' • • ' '' cez.i.u. fIiSTRUCTIokr, AND MUSit l , FOR TILE ME •„vox, AND ALL,z7.,6,1_ MELODEON DISTPAICTOIL INSTRUMENTS OF THE. °ROM, CLAN, UNDED LA Containing the Elements of Music, Prog,rsgive Ex ,ercutes, and a large collection of Choice MOMA $2 25 NEW METHOD FOR THE MELODEON. &tested mainly from "Zundel's Instructor," and containing in addition to Lessons and Exorcism, a collection ur PapuLar conga, and a variety :of Psalm Ind Hymn Tunes. , St 60 CaRHART's MELODEON. Elementary and Progres sive Stmlies,, with a collecUmr of Choke Vocal andJustru mental Masa. 50 AMERICAN.SCHOOL FOB THE MELODEON. 1,50 MODEL argLuoti IN INSTRUCTuIt. 1 50 WINNER'S PERFECT GUIDE FOR ME MELODEON. ,DeAgriett as a Hell lostrtklor, with Choke Musk. 60 .MELGIFON MASTER. 60 WOCDBURY'S MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. 60 GREEN AND fE'S HELODF.ONINHIRCCTOR. 60 DOWD'S SDRAnINE AND ME LuDEON INSTRUG. 40 THE SERAPHENE A collection of Music for the Me lodeon, Smaphine and Reed Organ. 60 The mstructions'in each of the above books are suited not only to the Melodeon, but to all instruments of similar construction. Fur sale by J. E. Gould, Philadelphia. Oliver Dhow& Co , Publishers. Boston. T HE Undersigned Commissioners, named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th day Of May, 1864, - entitled an act to incorporate the Millers burgand Raush Gap Railroad Company, hereby gibe public notice that books will be opened for receiving sub sariptiorts to the Capital Stock of said Comp the following named limes and places in the county of Dau phin, to wit At the house of Jacob Zenker, in Gratz town, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of June, inst. At the house Of Benjamin Bordner, in Berrysburg, on MONDAY, the 27th day of June, 'lnst. At the house of J. O. Yeager, its Millertburg - ou THURSDAY, the 30th day of June, met. At the JONES HOUSE, in the City of Harrisburg, on TUEsDAY, the sth day of July next; and that at said dints and places some two or more of the Comutissionere will attent.and that the Books will be kept open at iciert all hours, commencing at 9 o'clock in the forehoon on every day, for the term of three judicial days, or until the number of shares authorized by the law shall have beenstibeeribed. DAVID R. PORTER, _HENRY THOMAS, JAMES FREELAND, G. M. BRUBAKER, F. WENRICK, JONATHAN SWAB, DANIEL LEHR. Je2d.4w RABEISECRII, Ist June, 1861. CLOAKS, . • CIRCULARS AND MANVILLAS, Hi D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STRET. A NOV Phi/adelpliia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid as.sortmant of, SPICING , &SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, .NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND • NEW. FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in .wery color and hand somely trimmed, from $I 60 to slb. 1000 SILK MANTILLA i r • CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BAblis, Handsomely and Nally trimmed, from. $lO upware, CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE N'ARIETV. myl2s. NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. AU/OAM% LOW WATER DETECTOR IS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against explosion or burning of the fines or boiler, as nab lug can prevent it (if not tampered with) rem giving im mediate notice of lack of water in the boiler, in season to put 011 a supply without drawing the fires. Want of water is the great source of so many sad catastrophes which have recently occurred. We warrant this instrument t• be a •perfict inturanc against such contingencies. Price $5O. instructions as to the mode M application as welt as retrence to most of the prominent manufacturers and iron Masters of the State-using them, cent on spalicatiou D. C. HEADE ft CO., • Pittsburg, PA D. C. MEAD, CHAS. MAGOL MILLINERY GOODS. MRS; . 188 8 • - NO. 8 ,IN.ARXEM SqUARIA, (Next doer to Felix's Gonfectionery,) WHERE SEE IS ,PREPARED to sell to the ladles of Eturrisburg and vicinity the • Writ StyleB :, oi Iltillinery and Fancy Glogla, At cheaper prices than any liduso intlie city. Thequality of her goodd cannot. basurptuised. DRESS BAKING Lel THE LATEST STYLE' Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplB-dtjy.ll a .;-7—= NEW PHILADELPHIA 0 A: rt 13 PO RT) IN D. W. GROSS NEW BLOCK, ` Harriebiirg. I,OIO•DIFFENT STYLES OF FASHIWABR CLOAKS AND IRG.O L A-Rd, FINE SPRING SHAWLS. .Will open on the let of ApriL inno2l-dly CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, pa ileksant, healthy beverage. Very coavenient and retreating for invalids towing fever or great thirst. Its portability recommends it fo travelers. • • - conyanience at-plc-nice will be apreciated. No sugar required• ; . one table-spoonful silnply ditacitted in a glass of cold water and it is dune. • KELLER'S DRUG AND MINOT' GOOD STORE, Jens N.o. 91, Market Street. CITY TAX. 'NOTICE is hereby given that the Common 11 Comets of the city of Harr isburg, hare conlipleted the levy and sasesameut of taxed far U,a year 1.114, and th4'all persons dial( be entitled to an abatement of FIVE FEB CENT on the amount of their respective City Taxes, OIL -Vent of the 'same to JOHN T. %% maws, Esq., City Tna sumr, on or before the Istnay ofJuly, 1864. By order, of the Common Unmans DAVID HARRIS, Cleric. RAEMBIIEGI, June 21,1894. N B,—Taxes will be received by the Treasnrer.tintil 7 &clock P. x , of each day. Jen . LIQUID RENNET. ISIIQUIED RENNET yields with milk the _La most luscious of au deter for the table; the light:. est and most grateful diet for IncalidS and Children Milk contains every element or the bodily conMatakton; when coagulated wit h rennet It Is always light and easy . at digestion, and supports the system with the legal, possible excitement. When still greaternutritive power ladesired, cream endanger may be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart at milk into a firm curd. preFared and sokk. whole ale and retail by 8. A. HU*llii L, Jelo-tf 118 Market Street. bravest , biansnit's OFFICE, lira Thermos', 1 1LL112148111431, PR., June 6, 1864 I ruo DRAFTED AIEN:—I am dircmted by j... Lieut. CoL J. V. Bamford, - L. 'A. Provost Marshal General, by his ci cubit, Na 69, of :Tune 4,1864, to putt. lisp "That drafted men axe not allowed to enlist WI IrCuly-- um rs:dte r being drafted; and that the creche for dratted men w ill remain for the sub.distrie,ts ' from _ which thil were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has or hal am been paid to such men, upon "lIIPOI enlistment.” J NO. K! GLENN/VA .•, ' ' Captain and Provost Mart4ml, OM Dliet, Pa. .ba. ~f. . . . PIINO FORTES; MELODEONS; SHEET 10814 TTictLENS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BOJOS,, 7 STRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and. all kinds of MUSI CAL MRRIDSANDS4 NOTII:HZ FRAMES, WOKING G 1 •Akß t OR, PROTOGRANI CARDS Red ALBtr Us, AKiatU TYPE GEMS,ZRORAITTRGS, PIUDHES, &C.,,ece.„ - Remember Die loleoe, SI LLS WARD, No, U TOM street, the largest Music Store . this site of the,ve4cßiee. .28-41 f - - - • =I DOZEN SaltatENGLli3ll PT ai 6 e -.. osmpriaing -iticidllly, Chu* Ohow, l al 1 % we Piakles, Gerktne, Walnuts -and •Oidons.. :-.Fin• siaa -.1 eadpkairbr BWBLER & MAZER, , , .• IPPMMIPP tOW• DOWN !Iti_ik 09 _ lIME3 i...dcatt,Lesie* " Naricia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers