!BEI THE TELEGRAPH se rozwareo MORNING AND EVENING, By GEORGE BERGNER, OFFICE TINED BT., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. suiGLE SUBSCRIPTION. Pai. Dials Tstsoairli le served to aubsoribera ln the city at 13 cenla per week. Yearly subscribers will be ,barged $5 00 In advance. Those persona who neglectie In advance will be charged $0 00.. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TA; Tiasciukra Is also published weeklyoad Is furobilbo9 subgeribers at the ibllowing cash rates S,eglo , copies, weekly 'fla - ec copies to one Poet Office Teti copioa to one Post Office MEDICAL. ELIXIR DR WRIGIft'S REJIIVENATIKG ELIXIR, OR, ESSEN& OF LIFE. Frcpar.l from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing nottt ing Injurious to the moat'Delkate:7 jor'llie Rejuvenating Elixir Is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new an d a b e t ra m method of cure, Irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems 4This medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by'them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical dlacornies of age One bottle will cure General . vs - -A few doses cures Hysterics In females. emcee bottle cures Palpitation of the Heari,' ,Br i j-,t few doses restores the organs of generation. u-From one to three battles restores the manliness and full rigor of youth. 44-A few doses restores the appetite. 44-Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. oir A few doses cures tee low spirited. 44-One bottle resters mental power. r A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. 44-This medicine restores to manly vigor and rob health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. gay-The listless, enervated path, the over-tasked man business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from madonna of a single organ, will all find Immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. gra-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and rolverdeti by express, on receipt of money, to any ad drees. *-Sold by all druggista everywhere. DR. W. R. TAN.B.WIN &, CO., Solo Proprietor; marll-oddly No. 59 Liberty street, New York.. 011[EROKEE PILLS. SUGAR-COATED PEMALF. REGULATOR, itEALTH PRESERVER. , • , - CERTAIN AND SAFI. ,*Fur The Removal of Obstructiora and the huurauce of - Regularity in the Recorrenos of the .Ronlhly Perk& • ' ,5 -They cure or obviate thoae•nutneroua disease that spring from irregularity, by removing the Irregulaiity Itself. /31 - They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful lien. etruation. xjr-They cure Green Sickness (Cklorosis.) - j) They cure gervous and Spinal Affbctioxis; - paths in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaiirines, ;fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the. Heart, lownestirtif Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, dm', ae. In a word, by removing the irregularity, Xhey'remove thin cause, and with,it .us. the effects that spring tosat, agr Composed of simple vegetablesiztreets, they vet sin nothing deleterious to any nostatnation, Among "'i chests, their function being to substitute strasitils . for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. . sa-They may be safely used at any ago, and ° ni sow perioe, ZXCBPT Duanra TWit imaT TRIMS YONTIIR, daring which the unfailing nature of their action would Infallibly P1EV111:11 . prsrnanoy. *grail letters seeking lntormaUOli or advice vrill be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. ,-Full directions accompany each box. SAY - Price, $1 per box, or six boxes for 45. • • agi - Sent by mall, free of postage, on receipt of, price. • sa-Sold by all respectable druggists. • DR. W.R. MERWIN & ca, Sole Proprietors, maril-oodly NO. 59 Liberty skeet, Now York. For eale In Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street. FINE IQUOR Sitissler & FraZer (Suocomedrs to Wm. Dock, Jr.,& Co.) " iIIEALERS IN FINE FAMILI7fiItOaL-r RIES opposite the Must Haase, 'hitTs'Ml40 11 k4ier, selection of qe. S . , BRANDIE • or different vintages• PINE AND COMMON •WINES WIIISKYS. uLD BOURBON - imlorozionizza, • • • FINE IBIBM AND' SCOTCH Thkbeet ever brought to title market. ULU WHE T, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated - CHESTNUT GROVE WHISEr ‘: CHAMPAGNE WINE& • sII.LOSS JOILANNINBURG, ' 7 SCOTCH .A.H.I) . I:BISH ALEI LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD CHEM', PIANTATION. • WIGWAIL Tclisae,MAT.WW. W 11.11 a =opiate atop of ' 1 • NNGLISH AND ANIDEICAN PICKLES And Condiments of ewey description nowin the marloe t y red at, • • •,: - usi VIZ Lawlor AdTBS. • IVIOTH s; SACHET POW3TIER, PERFUMING LINEN A ,IV - D PRMTBNTING MOTH TinBP i erj Elr DER — a compound of valuable artist the destruction of llisecte,rdistribated ornong or d d over Furs, WOolens, Carpoia,.. I:Rotbi sc., packed away for auxamer, • wM elfectltaliy prevent tooth. Being also &delightful, &TamablePertii Me it will km pregnate clothing, dtc., with a lasthigiu3dpleisast odor. The finest fabric cannot be injured by Ihsuse. ,_,,•••• • Prepared and mold at • KELLER'S Drug and Plenty Goods Btore,•No. , Mariret:street.s ap23 A. P. TEIIPSER, TEACHER OP' MUSIC ' Orem AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, uNThirdMrs& Residenoe: Third street, sbove,Nwtb.. VISITENG, WEDDING, OTVITA.TION i AND AT NONE OARDB.,-By a special arrthilphient with ono of the best engravers in the country, earth lir any description will be executed In the jilighest style.* art, contottdable with the latest fithio; Ind sappthid promptly, at lowerpithiethan_ are ebarge il f era in New ransfledSka • • For Mt •• - call at ' mixonivo "To. MESA BIEMP !Ind ICESB PORK.--A '163 articled Map Beef wad fiktbit avg ; ,(whecitseova tozWrol:4o. le' LOTS for sale on the corner of Third and inart.i Broad streets. Enquire or WM. O. ItorADDEN. nt . .. --- .., -...a4r-" , "• ,- ;;--":77....."`..:. - ==...:—... • . , ,L.,-,........________ __... .. . .... .. ,-, , -P ; - ""4?-" ~ %.,.t,_,- -'. I-3 T -'-";'"'"'"-.1;-4,..,.'-.,_ __ , ..... ______. ........ - , .--- .-..„ ....znwm , a...30Z S 1 i s ~. _ _ - • 1 - 1. , ,- ... --•, _ t" ' --1,% - ).' iN• ~ - t • • ' 2 '_ - _ , ~ 1 ' {".` -- - ..• = - ••• - - - \..,• „.--.- -..-.. ~ , „ S. i . _ j . - . .‘ \''' .... ' hi -------' - ---- ' --- - ,—, liit' - ---' ;---------- - --- 7 - 77-7 7 - 777---- . - -giticlit IftIiTINCI OPTIC • ..f.1,... ,, ,i.,.i,,,, ~, ._. ~;;:f.,:....., .-5..., , A- , Id . __ . ..,.., ~....,:„.•.,._,. .. , , :. _ ADvigiongiN G RA,122-..... for r-I,klLaaTverustlitiNingßAPin th iL e , 1 ..0 ' -' •Al` 4.. T.-. '- ..) - t • -' j " " Il i A _ I 6 01. v, ,,. . ,r..0:2,zina...a . : •7:.: ...'",• .. ' ".: -•. • -• a - 1 . -. . -.7 .• „ , ..." • - ) 0. • • VIIIW/I t -..- - .. 11 .- -. ._ • ig - ~ ..- - •, 1 ~ . .- .•::. ,_-....-......-. z .›. .a , . L .,._., ~--. ,• 1 .-.1 . !. ... .: I •.. •., • ... -- ...w00f. reference iegailiiiWiall's uare. I .. . ------- ._-_. '-. •' • . ....: ... -- : , ;,..: ' . . ::: '::::. E, 1 - ..::'... „- . • 1 • ''.7 9 ~-,' '.l • , 4 "...)....;-- ,•• ....„01------,-- - • , 1 . • .. _ ...... -.., , ....Ff.„, , , . .),)--.-- ng 42 , _ . ' .;,!•v.:•• •• : ...,. -..-; L; . ... •.,- - -,..,.. ~. ••.•,.. -. __ 1. - ,;•...- - c: -.. ..1. , ,ir. '' .. - ':-,.,... :' . ., -I'") ..:::,.• :' . opeThrobt . o „ :6lllre.7 .rea fb ." l4°Fwr . y. 7 B. . - .,_77 -Qr .. 7 .;. " ‘ ""11 1 14.50 0: 6 T,p rw : .: — . - : : : a dit i : c 7 " ,:1 y5 ° 7 7.. . 7 .... i i: 7 „..;, , 1 . ...: , 4 , .----,-. - :.7. ~.,:,....: „. ~., 54.,, .., . .o ne in d ita . ... . wed i t ___..c.... 4 ...... Two months , ,, :::. : . Three m0ntha;;;....... ..11.60i Three 31. L - - ... _.._. - - - - . - - ,- ' ' -..-..• . " . ' - . Six Ukonttul '-' - ' '-'" *lt) 1111 niontba... ..• • • , . -;: ' - - --2. .- - ii - Tat E ~- - 1 3 N 1 0 N--N- .0 IT- - ''A'illsr D ~().' EY-r E - R ."-L• - Web - s - tei. :- -.- ',....- - -:::=.: ~-. :• " ' - iniigeN0 adm 1 13i tle41 , '''''2 - l. .it >. it • 4 ---- ', 7 -; '..17 ' r ;',"_:,l;._ ' , ..„) t - •_, • , Aadilor a Notices... ....." ...Yr, 1 . .." r. . - 1••••..... ......^..-... ....... -e. .....••••••••Ir , . Funeral Noticeseachinaertion • , ' - , . . . .. , .... . . . .... BY -GEORGE :•BERGNER - - ' HARRISI3ITBG BA FRIDAY . :: EV . JULY- --1 1864. •- • •- - - --- •• • -,--,-- - ~li ns l ne® ti - ironclad PRICE : " 0 CENTS 1 beb DP c€ 4 in the IdZil "nilll ' , LI.. '.1... - • ~ - .;: _. . ~. ~ -, ,_., ____ NT S. 7 Marr_hons and, pnalinarreann..nra ;tin ‹.--.4: , , r . h r• - '.'.. - "1 .:ill , ~ii Aceg .„.._ 11 . All - . i 1 a!!f.o4 >! g' al. :: .1, c tail. h• , . .. ' I 1 ' . . ' l I'l .gw f , le, le elc itu • ha - . ; - .. lw - , - t • at A o $l.lO . 400 .10 00 p 5110:411:x,1 Of IMn;y Deserij QM gis.tr MEDICAL. THE - GREAT "AMERIGAI REMEDIES," girOWN AB "RELMBOLD S" GROWN ,PitEPABATIONS, AznommilL*BAitruirtram- IWLKfIOLD L'l77aCl . S'ARSA:PARTLLA, HELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HtLMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. R;G"HLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRA, Vl' DIJCIiU, A PO&TIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY *Oil MUM* CW? TI BLADDER', KIDNEYS. GRAVEL AND DROPSICAt'SWATALINGS. Ile creases e .wer of -IX 7 .- riims wawa , s : •-: - Into healthy actiogOotlildch the VII CALOEROUS de'posl r ' ,u; IidIeIVIINNATUgAL_ GENENTS are re. Wooed, a; ee welt platted iirdhilsoinootori, and le good for woinix clam mut . HELKIN.LD'S'EXTRACT BUM! FOB WEAKNESSES Airhang foam Enemies, Habits' or Dissiladlon, Early in . 1 -: disc ion or Abusa, wrahNDED'wrni TRU romownto Sltarrroms. Winositkon to Exertion, - DryneSS of thellgn, Lom of Heltory, , -- Loss of Piiirer, Week Nerves, ~, Delleidty of Breathing, -Horror of Disease, Trembling, . Dimness of Tadon, - 'Welrefnlnm,- Univemisl. 3 limaltime, of %Wain In the Haek llascalartiystem, . Fluehing of thailody, 'Hot Hander, .:.- Eraptions On the Faro, ,: : Pallid Conntenami, ' Theta sywippams, le allowed to go on, which this medi cine invarig removes, soon, plow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY,: EPILEPTIC FITS, • • la one of withik the patient. may expire. Who eon say :that they are ant frequently , followed by those "dtmfol •40 0 . 031 4" ' • • 7 1141414iTY Arm cozretrAte , Thcer. - Many are ewer* of the lime, of their nifleriuge but none will =gem The reocirdeottbe Insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by Cotuntaption, hear -ample wit- ' neap to the trutlael" the. essatiom. THE CiONI2VMTTMOV, ONOE AFFECTED - WITH COICIANTO IirraVIMSS, Bei:mires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the system, which litelmbold's Entrant Buehu intiariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. li'ilikAi;E,9 7 -FEItALES—FEMALEs, OL OR YOIINO,IIINOLR, MARRIED,: OR OOkiEII PLATING ILARR.ILGIE In many affeetions peculiar to females the Extrset Ito Ghia is un dolled by any other remedy, as in thiorosis or Retention, W,Yainfelness, or suppression of the Customary EvieuationCUlcerated or Schirrous state of the Mum Lencorrheat or Whites, Sterility, and for In 00131, p> toctddnt to the stu, whether arising from Indiscre. • lA, MAW of DiesipeOTt or In the .- • , • . • .1)//47273 (WCHANVII 42F LIFE. FAMII4 BHOF D BE . WITHOBT . ICILno in* m en Wrewri easent Medicine for IIIIM:1101,4D:B:E%TRLOT BUCIRJ, Car r ie Secret Diseased II all:their stages; at little expense; ` 'Manor no chingrrin denim Inconvenience and no Mita isze 4d lt onkel lieritientrAilike, and gives strength to there* , tintivirik -obetroctions, preventing and 54priV 40 :11 - ErrsUirs, allaying pain and inifitin ,l6. inflideighhi et diseases; and expelling p ni, ,Il pad Nerrietit, Matter ._Thousands r i-i i di g ow ti•lolrio. victims or quacks, an d *0 hal!, paid beaep fees wools:trod in a short tinde„have iblipti Sher wentaerilhost And:that the ."Poisono 'hag by 4 1 9 WM of .11ecrefrot AskingPtse '. been dried up• in the gil4. to breaellt; An an ailliravated form, and perhaps r . pse n =OLDIII:XTRACT BUCHU for all Affectimur and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in itafeer Female from whatever cause originating, and no. niffttei of how longstanding. Diseases of these Organs le m ire the aid eta ;Buret's. ! HaMBOIXes EXTRACT B is the Great Diuretic, and it is certain to have the Am o p eo t, in all. Diseases. For which• it is ream. IMA—B B leod--Bloal. Heliiiholdi Highly Concentra -444 flonipourid FLUID lIXTRACT SALUSAPARILLA.SYPHL W. This is an affection of the Blood, and attack a the -Seisal l Organs, Linings of the ,lose E ar ly Throat, Wind other other Mims Surfaces, making its appearance in the of ; ol'aren, Hambrrld's lixtract Sarsaparilla rm. :aka Abe , Blemfrand removes all Scaly Erapticsur of the Skin .givinmtpAnContplexinna Ow and Bomtny, xm dr . It be i ng oiogogrilxpriiiiii MI class Otimintilainta, its Bthod-PikrityWroperties are preferred to *grea t er indeut than torah/sr prep:Minot 'SarillaParils..,ll . ...... L.D ....'s B. - aglactioost*Asn. ',? ' zoellaut Lotion for diseases of a Slybilltio Nature, :an aii Woollen • In. diseases; of theAllinary Organs, from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the ta Bache and Sarsaparilla, In each diseases*, ended. Evidence of She most responsible and re liable- 1101. accompany the medicines. CERTIFI. ems or 0010gildirattdu to Swenty years mending; l neater lotornr - suctrand Fuse. For Medical of Such . see ifisithigry of thb Ogled States. iw.tun itoor, o " E'.; trainable work, onthe Tracticeof Rea " la'lni4e-lit the /241 xrtate,4 Dr. 0 ....___. . .tit; 'See' remark LO by Dr. .gp i . ' lir .• A a'tsdebratodPhyttartlact Mem besot the - • • -v. ep in e g f i Sorgeone, and p blisked In the ' le. um., .and Queen% JournaL See X xtql/IeVieWiPIabAbeitoYBXXY:TXA V ER I S , Fellow of th Soya College of Surgeons. The most of the tar ,a , 4 wade on Nedfalke. Bitted of Bache, IL 00 7or . g batiks for WOO. Extract of s un : lo , c , booN, oz.-six for $6 00. Dn. proved Rost 411 Z 1 reittoper bottle, or six for $2 60, or half s thoose . ~ $4 2 00 , %Well wilt be egiffideet to most. ...imoulmit cues, if directions are adhered to. veredlo tur f: addhest, newel, packed from eh. oje. Describe RFUSeosets .in ell oosuounioatioss. ~ .::_.,:killnAki r itP:. • • $.. .r. . ‘.. !p am pa" , appeared before me an Alderman of the city oTlbilidal** IL T. lialtabolit, who, being duly sworn, dot s yit Lin meono contain no narcotic, no =ar my_ o i e o thapom dray, and are rawrie. , • 1. .„apiliaorlbet before co% Ibis MC day of Now . ;., <- • _. . . 11111L:P. RIBBARD = AAthI L Alderman, Math street, orb. Ram, Pbba. WIN for Information ta confidence. IL T. ITELYBOLD, Chemist. lkirol lei OM Mk strol l Now. Chow; Minded- POO tweinit ~...,- h r• - :.'''' I ''. J . _ :1 . 1 .1 a,..V4 it ./41.8 ot Aim p Ittlititteltift, MIME The return judges of the. !Union primary elections of 'Westmoreland,: county! met in Greensburg; on Tuesday, when the =voles of the several districts were handed in, showing the following result: Congress, John Covode had'lBBs.votes; W M Steivart,.4o. Assembly, James H M'Afee had 1,225 votes; James 'WE . oy,, 805; J H Duff, 726; J F. Kreps, 601;ind !A - C,Hamilton, 512. -Jainnis Freeman, of hook township, was noroinateti,for !Prothonotary; Dr J C Gamble, of, Rostraveri for.: Clerk' of dourts; H H Milli of East Ebmtingdomlor Commissioner; John G Bovard, of Alletheny; for Director of. the Poor., John -Miller, of Franklin, for Auditor; Jams.A Hunter, Esq., and J J Painter, for Truitees . of Greeted:l - big Academy. On motion of General C.. P.. Markle, John Snodgrass and D. W. Sh4nek, Esqa., were appoine4d Congressional' - Conferees from In diana and Fayette counties. .On motion, Jas. A. Hunter, Esq., R. A. -Foster, and and John ;11. Anderson; were appointed Representative Conferees, to Peifect the . nominations made for Assembly. , A liik ( kekiiilaig Piet re Braivititrinn f - r [Exfaliet froka a letter:written by a 'Soldier in the ItOthyenrisklvsnia Volunteers.] Naan Itiernanin; Va., Jrini:lB.,, When I last wrote your I believe We , were near ; Fredericksburg. , ,Since.-then the Rebels' have been,"tumed" out of:pat:Won after, posi itibn. and have been driVen across every river from the Rapidan to' the James.' •Grtint'sline tics I are-entArely Strange to see: ' As.altabel prisoner expressed' it, "He , flanks us on hthe left, and flanks us on thetight. 4 , The - entire 1 practicability of -the overland *route toßieh , mdathalhich the M'Clellanites so'vehemeiitly .denounced, has been fully demonstrated: Those terrible fortifieirtMS ,, -itepregliftble they said—which covered, ovezccrpliiin and lined every crest from; Fredericksburg to Richmond, 'have been succeasfallyz turned,,, i erid the "intersecting riVelis” liave heel:: twat, 1 t 4 'cbmplete - the process. Ana,' instead of: .fifrding a.bostile country, we forinathouatprils,, of_illenite:Wlio had been l'origlookriag for nai l WI whit rejoiced at nur chiming. , The poor nirbes; it would have done your heart good' to See, them at every. pyintEtton, with Voir bundles arid - ehillren t , lvaltang, tu join. the ; 4ain' The wagon :4111118:,L4Pne Pickeat UP cra)tthiee thousandof llie§e triledmerfree, now., 'Giiableas the 7Piesident,ll T .l, Wish sprnp of the 'PrO:slalery, piiiiplegt,gle.NoSth' .Wnrild; wine out here and,,R#3, how: this j systoanA...of Slakery has' been carrie - d.on int.iliii.Stategthe stock-raising State of the, confeachricy t ,i ,I- remeniber about four teil4nortik ; A,44, this,..alesOKTA , Et ill tinalt Y Milki l ir e d7 . 4:Virae4 - felloWs, :who warited to i3miara it, to the Yankee. l .ll:4a .of : promise, They said, they represented. _l5B slaves, the property - of Mr. Anderson Scott, who owned these cultivated fields for miles. They wanted to, get thew ehildren,garried in our transportation „Wagons to, White House landing, from Which place they,[ had been wk. ; imied Uncle SaM Would take, them North.: Onr wggons being full, we:could accemmodata but feW. ,However, - onything. was preferable. to being a; alaye; .so thig determinedltok rime, along anyway, About angle further, we came, 'to the_ ension of this , xich;abir. lord, Mr,t- Scott. ' A broad - avenue, lined' with broad .Spfeading magnolias in full bloom, led up to the house, which' was the usual style of., - Southern plantation horiseS. On. one side,pf. this house, end-in the'rear, i stond ri,very neat! and_ tidy little Slave hat, :;Everything was. clean about, The little yard neatly; trimmed and swept:= - the door step acrribbed to an asi, tonishing degree of .Whiteness,„eyarything in fiat, denoting, the . carefUl arid allilltril house, keeper -.Around the, door *re - three, women and: about half a -- dozen, childien, :from the wee, baby to the young _giro ;elf fifteen s or ~. sixteen. Two of the women were abO4 a l ai/age lighter than the.quadroon,, '0316'01 e children were white. ' The thirdwbinaninu4 apparently pure while; her eyes were blue i lithquar„broWnand` , s , - - -aight;, her features Wer' i,entirely' American -..--nothing to denote a particle of negro blood:: ru her arms she ,had a beautiful, little boy; about four years old; with fair, halt ; arid blue eyes.. This woman was crying - bitterly ' wheA, we rode up. .Thinking that shelves ra ,m,* ; h er of the flintily, we tried to Ces*ole her' by; '4oring - her that Yankeeis t intrile [ ;,tar upfiy f r men and niit'uporiwOmen. - Ca'YriMagine :hOW:slacked we were When wp,f , rci told 14 :this "Mute woman and.ehilclWoe SlavOi,.aricK that thS, degraded vp. - Isdeinikg for shamt tit her dogrtniatloril = jliiettfonantWren, ;Quartermaster of Iliffilit Now York; ilia _.to , excited that he'bolted into the hp, and:nn sword ratted and his spurs jingled with-IdS iinpetnosity as he strode ,idarig, the halit in ,search of the old sanundrel Scott! I Oki:ll:bite ia' tlifW*en - ,:01 Le' iff4hllle bundle up and come 'lct - tcuitilli'e had a chance,: with the rest? She said that she had an idiotio son in the horwe'who-w0 4r r lfi awl they_Corihr not tgb-withime iiini: ,•`II, aSkeil this woman if she wise , the daughtefirk the owner of the plantation. She' said she was) We went into the hut, and uponlS clean bed there sat this pdbridiotie boy,.white as' I am, with brOWn hair.:. 6Abciut this time Mr. Scott came in, the-Aordnand- owner of these white people , ' : white/Alkali-himself: - get ia an old shriveled up' Yilltgtor,filcAt'brooked barked little specimen: of Sontberrechivalry, arristooratic :wahine, and - "Virginia born: br . Gawd.” Itaskedtheenether Of this boy if Mr. Scott was hislather ? :You Thould.haVe seem' her blush - as she answeredi"Yes," The inn" s=' brisis old beast,! 'his idiotic son—the child of his anon daughter—father atilt PflrarYetther to his own ehildren !. . ir: A." ? , r,,1 r , ' ' Now, send down y our pro-slavery partizans and Copperheads of the North to look upon this, . Talk to Me of 'the WVipity of shwery!„, Ihetnrrible barbarity and &unbent this .ia, stitntion" can never be told In the N'i;rtli. They must be seen to be beliey„cul: - Is it po.s sible that any nation can litre - or stand that has for its corner-sinnelhis crime? Igo on with renewed and firmer 'faith,lcpcisathle,in'the Abaolute jriEttiee . ef Or' cause: I consider In!, war as a 'marvels* ,blessing; ' WeitiSAtitiri4, out the dragon's teeth that we .have sown, ari in their stead drop the precibtfs Seed' of ...firee,'. do - for ' - all. ' I 'have 'an 'lMO:Cali:eat,' that; aril nts ta a cariiigtioniggthisliir willriof 3 le!: mate ttntll.'slairerY, teittatintiebt. vriiru) and-PM:Stint' of Villsfiliel u "ii deitriiied coin- PletelY and irretrievably. Heaven grant that so it ay be. Do you know how these skin aristocrats rave over the new theory of misceg- ' enation, or the mixture of the races. Here we piotwal, ill *pii_ctifie.:duplicity it th "' ' ' 1r SP i tie ':476ry first form •of ' 7 , "innus miscegenation. b oa t - sla7es (float idbiat this time with their' sek_sbouting on the road to &In, "Come along! 'Come vine to hab- oar Freedom!" ite4thdse pncsi-white slave 4, sir inability logo along with n tii ory in the most dbl.: and there in the midst of ld scoundtel,lhe author of believe I would have . been his Beck,. ' l ' ' itoo'rpeople to stab as they being inside our lines, and we would manage to take in the - ,Meantime, if the them we'Wonitt nome'biet So we went away Imil en milia battlts 'of *the dig- Pgatualeey: - let'me say to 3, that this country would il. • Ve . 1306131 tc(haire,set, egtdar operatiorua of a siege. legrabt o belie, to us. ,Weve, ab3st i 'General' of ,the age, se is animated .with the =dine General. Lee has acegot, - Siiirefity miles, and in• his, last ditch, within Church bells." jug • traps glo along This who, out the ,tressing them stogy all this it justified • We ads . were per& in case we; them 'wit' man i and • Chas camped t gish and I you; wit! abolitiOni, tied don Everything' Grasit to be al . apvery,._ sprit of the beet!. driven 7 Wr 7 .04.0 1 the sound of as by he th 4 It o , mil A: . 44 4;niwapieo , 44_ 400, either that heVas , 1 1 . A4o4toreat,4,4g4mi :t4e.u4LutalFlA:o4o44*, AdvalLoe ! - ,?,-. , ~ vr, ,:l ~,. Tilt, Ohip,atahe,i ; ap4tjr. aa foiloyf ve , ,ir_,l .... li - : _l.::"ltOWSlebok2P. . iociatra Press, MD Fork: .. aatiat*ihm ip*l. o *lo ; ,-,i . s t : :: ,i f : ',.?!,t . :: "UN . , . :I The same diVittlii'M di ftto R. L. Pavigi, gnifitt‘iit offit They ether one *ha lifitilltiws "jlitmaarciviii,. hue 20. 2Veitbn, Ifeto Jers_ey.tulatiie n 'elkwere brought over lielow h4*Stored two miles this 4 1 1,004 - More-will•be tittered at 'feW ys, as fellis-..eidst' tlitit of communicating' is tafirl'l,- .1" Scout, will see tiiitiii 'in p to tither matters. 'Winchester Pied by the Confederates. Sig I L of.o ' •lnusdred - . days' linen • a and!' ouch is at Clhambersburg • 3 i'" th e firskin, market If y have t , Vivo ao to co s gtraet 7 borers will be wanted. • tilrmerro The saine_mmi.hadsetkka dis z P ril'eAPllsSaturd*Fiu a man . :ily ? „ ; shlting that "we can get as 1 as w(i want." The dispateh an - I Ate* with them logr33ollizoil •Cenc , and as the representatiol adv: ein this direction were wl Ye 4 rallearßisallitaol4'jhe;dPS I re , d'Uleffili'lirditrify ettatodl permipsion of the military author thqrp publiaitys r ails!. 'elniitittly: tfiepeople should know howthei has been threatened by- reckless a desperate attemNt,te Omits th • particular ' titoOk! I ,D f pw York, . 41141440 i been .' i , led at "P.. - 74a71 4 XP:7 I - 'F.; pictX.wadeii,i dettiglleit '1414 yptula ineiritabl, .loWed:in Cumber .Coal .Stock, the falsehood co d& have been toi gatinbkerd would haie , bOtight I "tw the ruling price. :,.--',"".',- I rke : - ;,.W.Aminavmer The effect of the' action of the ..titglit was to ignore ;the House bil ragrffte. ankh ;provide!' for', the e calling out of:theonational militia stitute a bill similar to that; rece by the Stutate,Aviththe addition th ; is notto be for less than one 'nor three iears. ~The commutation cia enrollment act is repealed; gaff p . 9149; for imposing-a-special-Jasu cent. on i itmomeso tuomeek the: bounties. The action of thi`•ttro not defailte,on the subject. :'New stook`Disirket. .; % T/AW Y 6 Fixa 3 Q , _4;44 Di4g#4.-V44eago hi ' cP: Central 14 a 1 LOR W i li P: P44;4±' NowilaP %,ituitbern,' 1; Oilarantee . d, 134 ~ 19.1 "" 1 48Pb . it ' . 11 3 474tveland i acfrEtt13::' Year , ertitlcates. 93i; Treasury Notils, 103; Five-twenty Coupons, 1011; Itegistere4 100; Coupon Sizes, 1104. At) Zefeurti GEN.) - Git ANVIA eiptvßE: 11,000 Prisoner s Slice Crossing _; the •Itaiiidan. OUR LOSS NOT ONE-THIRD THE AMOUNT. Old . Men► awl . Maya PrisonerA. u. NEVI YORK. Rule Vik. The Washington_ Star says: "ace General, Grant crossed the Raiiidein he has taken 17,00() prisoners, not including - thOse of the L last four Or five days, while his.own loss is less thithione third that number; Among .the regent psis; °nen were men over sixty years of.• age, and , boys aged fourteen and sixteen. They all say they were forced into the rebel rard:s.' RESIGNATION, SECRETARY' OUSE. DAVID TOD, OF 01110, TO' OUCCEDD -HIM aid The President, at half-past 11.o'clodlr. to day, sent to , the Senate the nomination of Hon. David Tod, of Ohio, to be Secretary of pie Treasury, in piece of Mr. 'Chase, resigned. The Semite went immediately into Executive session. MI THE REPORT DOUBTED IN WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, June 30-1:30 r. 31..-The re port waft not , generallY beleVed Sgctettitt Chase Asei tesigried, :arid :this inoredtlity *AN 4rengthened by the fact 3114 the Was this morning , consultation with, the, Finance Committees of hoth itehees, wad further that several oflii3 intimate - peraconal fifends on the -Committee of Ways•aird - aileens posittiely aS seited t9,the pc Army'. • lewai as earnestly, declared by ; other. parties,. "hoWever,' that the Prepidentlas sent to the priate the nomination 181. i: Tod as his suc cessor tun there seems : to be much-obaoruity Its to the circumstances attending thief action 9n the Oat Ithe Executive. man d the mself matte', I)ner, ,elanq Mil aco to ~ont Imdzi , bet. taime wires The report of the resignation of Secretary Chase and the eitiohitiiiertt of Governor Tod tO succeed him is cOireet fere at gtait of had re- . cm . - Foal Ark, June 2 4 7: Iriforiatibri has been received from trib cav-: expeditionitairaitli , sent liblithward from here at naaalat,dlOrCesof Men. unalic Go):: -Yretillums iktt_m_li,e4l ma thit,24th ate, pain_ t.got named, and alt - thqini . riut klireee:uttwyuiidA - were .4mph:wed:mid. sent MI Ofidiiire Little Bock, T, Our Joss.in the affair-vied 'very slight Catso, june 29.—,The Itittlty pck'Penworttt of thi3 21St says: "A'regi.ment of rebel - cavalry under Col. Stemmans, ,attacleed cur piekets at Pine Bluffs a few daysltiineeilautliere repulsed *ith of severffifilled; While .the ,fight was going,on a scouting party from the 7th M.issourfOii6ah'y; 'under Licit. Graves, found a i deserted emir. of Etternmen i eitigiM r eht, with all equipage." The'enemy were pursued irty , "T . - _ • "Oh the night of the 19th theVa blisseuri, l eaticined at Brownsville, &the reilroad,weie attacked by rebirli, said to be Shelby's coin ' maitcl.l The object of the rebels was to. de stroy the railroao, blattheY = lieinforce- Moats were seat.° Brownsville, and consid erable skirmishing occurred' yesterday. Shel 7 by is said to have six pieces of artillery." Yidley wmdi os. Al: add inform d pan& Conch, De m railment, ade it ay., :Ding false state, t he: disinvent - ‘ 3v ef Ont.:rebel, =EI ersit•wri were kfior import-, ISCOUTO" to lie gent 49r ?2,lXebush 'ng 'Waters Potomac— a gnmk mode The Late Railway:Accident. .310sTitzaz, d, W June 30. The number of bodies recovered from the ruintosf the railroad train at St: Hilaire, is 87. The number ofiwounded poisons is 86. 1 • - The carware in a_ Tile: a fragftentresting on. a barge ,which was prising thrpugh.. Had the Cars fallen into the _water More pengons would liame' bon die4necl. The locomotive is submerged ant of sight. The coroner has had the' engine driver; Wm. Birney, arrested and lodged.in Montreal • -jail: - - It is impossible iderAiffAe dead or to obtain a correct Ititlixihfl , names. They are of various coinitri&-iskl-knew little of each other: ••:- • . z - • ... , They We, by the ship. ?Rear,•• Iron's Broad', and appear. tb:lior oleo, Danes;. - Swedes; siens,, Austriains, ..Boheniianw.Eual...ebrue Ira liens., ,They weragoing to Wile main, iciest , of them to MObtfrielidssfittleirlii that regioi; n ta'B43' as been °eon .as a force arlinebnrg, an, as you aPkar's COUT." 611 through Jer-: uch grain acts con- Gen. a rebel false, he and W bir ti a we give otter that anquility nblera in rices of a id the . Ori lion= ~ _ a s WOO ave fol d before ted, the ',' WOW- . Prosanirarnisi,frine 30. The Breadstuff market, influenced fluctuations in.Oold and SterlingrrExchangei. is rather feverish, and:. the - ganerafklendency , for all descriptions is up, up, ti pi ~Wa a dvance our • quotations "for ,Flour 500175c.V: braid/ with' ?the remark that many, confident of higher figures have withdrawn - their ;stoek. The sales comprise 4;000 liarrels fair and godd Penna. and .Ohio extra family at :$9 50L . q10;: 300 barrels fancy at $l2, 500 barrels American Mills on terms not public and several Jots of antra at $9,25®9150.:. glie'sales to this Aotailersluid batters range from $8 5010.•12- resin quality. itillyeFlour - and Corn Meal + nothing doing: ..„ . The qfferingto of Wheat' arc araall :and Wig held Air . further advance... Smell Sales of Red at $2...-22®2. 25 per loushel,' 2,000 bushelal inferiorat $2::10, and I,ooo.bushelwKenttroky 2 White, at .$2lO. : Rye; if here,.,Wan.ld;• nom i and :: Si 60. Corte is steadSrvillt sales of 6,000 bUshels, yellow: at_ . 'lper brislieh: afloat,! and $3,,55 in store...;Oa h .are selling tit 87088:. gents. . • - :v: „. a +. - . +: lizarf_Yinnydrifle . 30. i Flour firm ; sales of 16,000 labia:l.oWe $8 70®,8 80, Ohio $9 65(4511 50, Southern $lO 50(512 po. Wheat„ quiet, sales.of. 09,000 btis. • chic 51.9 i Sprnt:a 3*./I",34,.aiii**ii, Club ' $f 30(51 ' 32 ; Bed Western $1 '3B ®,1 4 41. Corn advanced I®2c.; sales of 30,000 bush:- at $1 544211 58. Beef 'Pak heavy at sils. Lard firie it+lo449i: 'Whisky til .10®1,80. :-Acei1if5777 111 ,?u,E, 43 . 000 ' lc.bk3il3Pleato 69i7 Pp bus.; OPRT,IAC*9 I ?*st BLurnmem, line 30. ''tootfirm and excited; Howard street su perfine 19a6 25. Wheat Baloe. higher; Ken tucky India $2 50. Corn advancing; White $1 75; Yellow $1 60. Whipky dull g at si, 63. te last •er-to and leto sub. y passed the draft ire:than ye per uses = of , • uses is Weinntijrfort, June 30 L&TEB FrOnie Arka!itsas: Markt lb y. Death of Gen. Joseph P. Taylor. • - WASHINGTON, JUIN 9 0. General Joseph P. Taylor, Comm Bg. 04 • mil of stkaintenee of -the 11. army;died— here yesterday. He entered the-sarvice in 1813, and was a brother of the late President Taylor. Gold in NOw "ircirk. NE* Yona, June 30-1 P. Di ..Gtild is now quoted at 245. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. T-bIE subscriber offers -for sate - a valuable Tavern Stand. situate on the tiarmener turnpike; in' :theorough of Middletown, consisting : of a large two story Brick Hotel, extensive stabling and all other becessary but-13101(1111gs. AL3o,lwo adjoining lots, having erected on each a two story frame dwelling For farther particulars apply to the undersigned, oaths the premises. • SAMUEL DETWEILER. Je2l-tuasat3m* EXECI3TOR'S ritvricit. • LETTERS testamentary on the. estate' of Bannah Forney, late of Halifax township, - Dlophin wanly, baring been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township, all persons indebted to Rail estate ire requested to make Immediate, payment, and those hiving ,claims against the same will hresent them for settlement. jefilitlade SAMUEL LANDIS, Fomenter. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY ,T AM happy to offer to the public a large :.11 and splendid asot7tment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS 7 manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en iro satisfaction. , ' • t PLEASE TRY MIL • SCREFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Prebbyterian Church, Harrisburg ' Pa., ap2S JUST RECEIVED, THIS MORNING, A FRESH INVOICE OF HICHENER & CO.'S CELEBRATED `SUGAR CURED HAMS AND BEEF, SHISLER & FRAZER'S my3l PRIVATE SALE. NE of the 'best locations for IRON O WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a abort distance of the city of Harrisburg between the -Penosylyania railroad andeanal, about five 'hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, roam for worth cinders for dity,yetttry. without paying for - the land. APPIYW. DAVID MUMMA, Jr., 7 . 1 AttAillerat-Lsw,. NO. 24 North Second street, - _.ri3 Harrisburg, Pit, i gh Prem - Insert - tiFee times and rend bill to — t co ! ) . ,-1 ':•:' s' • i NEW: I.l4l,lloltwitoitz. 11094T415T TO LANDLORDS AND oTßEtt i —Tiio endendgned offers at wholesale., to, thotiade, , oleo tot id , the best lituars ever brought to Ilarroburg„. French Rranslicr, Holland Gina Scotch, lish, Rohr - bon, Wfieizt and Oid Rye Whisky; Foriegn aturDoutestic Winer, Su dirranpagne, Cataw b a, dc.. All liquors warranted, as represeuted. Landlords -; and others will find it to their advantage to , call and es irdtto the' assortment at the store, on South Second *reel, itwo doors below Chestnut. rityN-deret . ' • OEORGE'WINTERS: 7 ;; T, ----- • STATE .CAJPITAL HOTEL COWER. OF Z153141,4ND WALNITrip6ET4,, . ...1aM11.414811111.13 , 441MN8P. 11 k. iindeisigited haiir.43 purchased this well baa - enlargedl and thoroughly renovated At, -Mb rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the "entiiie t•itathMment elegantly re-fm1i , 114 , 1. Being plea sant,' ty snit eligib ky .locateo ;anti provid d with every non vonience, it oars to the public all the comforts and Aux a. rise bf 's flratrOhtsifhoMl. -Trusty and obliging servants always is attendance, A bar .Wei stocked with choice liquors la attachedthe establishment. Cie2T,dlyr, • .f momisar, P4I,ADELPITIA COLLEGIATE INSTI TETTE.. FOR '. YOUNiI/ :LADIES, No.' 1530 Arch Street. Rev.OHANLESA.AIdiTH, D. D., E. CLA-RENCR 131i1CM A. M., Prinelindi .biatb Year. Three departgleatet Primary,.Acedetnic, and.Gollegtate.' Fall college course in Classics,. Kittle ' niaticaj higher English and Natural Science for the's° who. griuluate. /Worn loanguageo, -Mx*, Peonies and &mutton. by the belerhastera Fdr clirceilnrs apply at Aka iistitake, or euldrdos OWL 2611 P. Philadelphia Pa. . ap2o.6m* PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN t . Lock llaven, Jerscyikoret - Williamsport, Mini sy,. littiontowll, Watsontownv Milton; .. LoWidluig,..Nortitamberlandi bug, 1 1'reverton, Geer-Omni ; • - soma, 4 1Maphin, t , • • -AND • IEARRISB.URG. Tie 11 • r _ _ )1101elphla Depot being Genitally located, tne clnOept *ill be at the lowest ;Mee The Conductor goes - tbro'dgb with each trtdat.ti.ittend to tile sift delivery of allAtoods d,tp thanes. Goode delivered at the de- JAE, WARD & FREED, 811 Market street Pltikbieetleck a h., will be .delivered Hsi • lirielliiitlaWnys as Low as I.y An) Othes" Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY &CO " Phillmielptapautd Readin g Depot, 4)12/rtt. goof of 10-44 one kiiirrisb - _ T. FacWATSON4 , MASTIC C - ' 'ENT ,-- .OLARITFACTURE.E4, . • „ , PI.TWOLIXTEIG , , Pa.,_ • TS PREPARED terAriligh and coat the et- i Xtierior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on 0 , tiewapittem. TIM Materiel *Jetitirely different from *her cements used herei:n o - is elo only reliable; 7 It coating for col Mixed with pto.. , pelt ptoportiona of pure ftms a solid, ' • bid adhetiveness to Brick 0r.,51,0 * 1 ,41, making beau, fitte - water prdif lariat% addluia. equal - to .own • Starke or any color desired. - • r"; . • --lim - oug others for whom I have applied. the HMV° J QS. giant, rreter to the , following gedtleudintr- Allisselioeildeuce, Penn atreet,pttaburg. J st tt J. H.Ehoenberger realdence, 3inigendeville. _ .• A. Hoeveler, " James MiCandless, "- Calvin /Aguas% Third B .tt hr eAt. Vabutg, r t Jam 4 WOod, owner St. Charles Hotel, . _l6llltaraSoliel,litturd House, • • ojiisc BaeA Ar architects Dispatch Bandit:lgs, J _ ohp ett;-reedden, Front Street; Harrisburg!, Fa, A:J. Jat please address i T. F. WATSON r ' P.O - . Isotoittefrarg, • I -1 7 feblii-dGra , PIMA! aPP.Bef ' 00014B°. CODFISH; Of - 111 1 84:04bie: bri4ted St "'M e int, d r Al 4. antis* salelly =S ikh ruzy t .k. tea - ).•—(iactsaiiiirit to Wou Bode, &Mk) ELLSE BREAKFAST TEA. —Just ro catiTcd, a line chest of English Breakfast Tea, at SHISLER & ERAZFJIII, Olocomoro to win. Doak, Jr.) - --`• .•n-Js:# II En ki L _ 4 Eil ~gn~ 60 1 oe 1 26 2 26 6 00 9 00 11. 00. /0 0 - 1 60 60 or foE.f .