? i 111 j bICAL. 0040 coarsTrruTium WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CoN.sTiTuTioN WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER,. !CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTI/ U nON WATER • GREAT. REMEUt ?R THE CON-STI.TITTJO AND THE 'ANLY KNOSVN REIM* , sox URETER, and IMAMS of the KID .ES, and BUDDER, COLS'TITUrtION -, WATER. Hanbadiffirdhoiancerd hi, the r lqedfcal' . kifetilt jnd ' the public, to be the 'Moat. WorttlerMi. rentedy;:f* e' s permit bent curd of all .o.lLriaSer t ; of the 'SWIM - ACM,. -LIVER, ..I{INNNYBand BLADDER'. that has ever been Offered. not a MINERAL, WATER. " It is from "experienc thit CONSTITUTION WATER has . enianated, and we now say, ' 'man doubt, when - a single . &Atte has' been .- known to cure diseases which beet Mediditi ;i tilelit in this country has failed to.reiieva A remedy possisAngi'lliti r - rfrtues of Cowthetten Water cannot be classed ander ~N uack". . preparathitti,;iis it. now ;Used by tub most, selenium [demi tionersde tlits city. tacitily.secatid.ciam physicians that. cry, !down' popular . remedies, while the ~ better skilled make. USO, of ,eve.4 - y, means to &daunt)** le aura; and the summit ef,..thrt tiny. eiCiatkiaelaa. as his knowiedgc .of ditferent.,yeieedies enables bun to produce a cure, while othenktail tin,the et ; tempt: , Salem% is aliened with the crude i. q ! Give'Coustitation' Wider a fati.:tfial. , -"Wo.'mean yen Wife are ander }Mae apardatioes.care.fronv year to yeariJind we. particularly-allude to ladies whoare constantly,: resorting local treatment, and_ ell sorts of, local .applications for diseases, with as mush chant% of success as: there, „would he from local applications to the throat;for diseases of the ' We haVe been always °mead .to use., language! in our circular that could notabockt.he most delicate, organiza tion, but we receivisee. many communications from per sons for which Constitution Water is Adapted, ~and of whose diseases no mention has been made,.„,that, , wo nape, , someltO the conclubion that if the remedy is capable of producing a cure, no matter what the disease may be, ehouldbe made known. The medicine la put Ito 'or the ptdrlic,aiad . there should be no exceptions. , We wouldany, 06nstitutiou Water is not Ilse gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it. is a tileiliclue in ovary sense, of the term, , placed, tutlre hatdcbt the nee. pie for their relief. and. teken-awoording---r.the dtrec, w oes it will, in every : castki • itkolluo ak.'ttridWicare tWei ould say that tho Olreefroiisgar.rgatM , nbAlee" eV.., re-. late enly . to no disease land r w,hich,thsy occur, • Is a disease of the storpsch and liver, acting through the kidneys,, and is,,withont doubt , the most obstinate d,sease, esiihat sioligneaption,glhatiadideht . the human constitution. W have no space for aiscussing - ,causes, but will state that the effect of tide :cid:wet-aloft of . ttie eturcity principle or VCR, Otal.)10 portion of, the food) into sugar, which atimuhitiWthekidneyste - an, excessive secretion of. water. Many persona. Suffer' frdm this' diaease who' are ignorant of it; that is, they pass largeipiatiditieS during thp day, and are obliged to _got up , from one ea iii bho or twenty Mines during the night: , No notice is taken of it WWI their aitorttion' is balled:10 .the.l246 * discharge of . water, and'often when , te is se far advanced as to be beyond . . ' the control , of ordinary ream:idles— Another symptom the great thirst, woo, Flinn the ginence isfully estab fished, is intolerable—MK fatfient drinks earistanity wilaeut being satisfied; else ficenese of the mouth, cracking of the nps, a sweet breattOrt the more advanced =WE; and dnady loss of:appetite, "emacifation,t and the' patient I,4nda sly sinks fronrexhausUon CapayfITCTICID; WeiTalt ia , without doubt, tho only known remedy for It is wriecific as we have that opium will produce sleep,- and tilithrully say that it has cured everVcatoslach his been Used. it STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS BRICK DUST DEPOSITyETe. ,GRAVEL, Diseases adorns frinala Sanity, were' . • being too little, and aeaampahl. „don—in the cite case ether a too prignse*risa•-. —it by severe pain, and the by l A— willeb botW S ORY mired toNsTrTuTioNls6=a . --CONSTITUTION WATER • CONSTITUTION WATER- • ooNsyrruTioN. WATER . CONSTITUTION WATER.- CONSTITUTION WATER , _ • -; • CONSTITUTION WATER • • : • • CONSTITUTION WATER - • • CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR • THE ONLY KNOWN . REMEDY FOR THE ON.IfY KNOWN NEsIERY - . Tax _ONLY KNOWN RENEOy 'Fox `• • THE ONLY, KNOWN REIIKDY , FOR TUE ONLY 'KNOWN REMEDY FOR , • THE ONLYKNOWN REMEDY FOR ' 4 V„E „ONLY KNO.WN REM ED Y -FOR • - • r - TEE 'ONLY KNOWS/ - REMEDY FOR • • •THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR - 1-A •E'gr . :rE LOOTATIoN OF THE 'NEOE:OF BLADDER - .:igkimajt&TIONOATHE ECIDNETE,- • CATARRH ,OR THE -•• • - • 82EAN4.17Aar AND %B.URNING, :VW -.PAINFUL MEI- For:these diseases-it - is truly a sovereign remedy, arid tett much cannot be said in its . praise. A single dose liar been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms Are you troubled with that distressing, pain in, the splt ; of unlock and thnsugiii the nips? A toupouirful o:d4t i y,- Of the COnstltution Water will relieve you Liao triagiC. ; - - ,p H y sijaNs . 9. t . Rave loni since given .ap , the-tiso , or buottu, sahebs ant i: juniper in the treatment. of .41Cato Mseases, and only use , thornier the want of batter . remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER has Proved-near idenal to 4114 tins deeol4,l OPOn..ik DriArnes. Itkitateljni.iretoll Wditittiseisriind• 14Cibeitaatit use *ou t lead to•etwonic degeuenicieu ind,ooeitemen..,,d4 el , B444 We nieSent:tren Constitution Wear! ttlettulblin 441 1 the uonylotitakhata the, nu, equal to roljeysug,toe-cde."?. of dieesetat.rarwttioY it 112 i bdeuluatidiniktiltituently ..seftil for curing ; and we truet diet we shall lx,rewskd 7 for one efforts . In placiug eu =valuable'a , remedy fer.4^ meet Ulu requiroutena or patient and phgsieiaw- 1 !AMA! 'HEAD I T 1 ItEA_L) fl !• 11.,,v72.03;:re::, jam, 2. tai2. - --Dr.' tYni: Dew' Sfr: •in February; was affebiod r suga u diabetes, aud Bye mouths' 1,. passed usAfti %Cu 'two apt 19u* oi *Merin terouty-Ibur both's. 1 - iibrrelthaar fu 1 1 3_ 0 1:6311 . ja tell Or tweiy.e Lamm during the and in aye mouths- .. 1 M 44 about Ulty [moods is. twig* Daring the mouth 13.7 Juts', foOl; I procured two trouble of Water, itud. iti.iwo days . aften.using ei perienced relief, sad alter taking ,tivo ~ yAsLes.. _ditty cured, soon after regeiuusipnly geed:. Yonsntruly. . • •.• J.-V. /4,l?E.Wirt .• sosrosr Coumms,'N.. l':, bee. 2tlB'6l,—wm.. .g. (keep ., - ' d Clo.,Gents: 1, freelr give you liberty to makiimapf - tne A:glowing certificate, m the' - value` or cuaacitatia,a • Waer. which I cair'incommend in the qighost manner: lity -- tvife. was attacked whir pain ht-the-shoulders; Whelegearth 61` the-ba - alc,andin; her Grabs, With Preplitilion qf the Howl. , and /million of the Bladder. I tailed a physib'hiri, w hio `• attended her ataleit7tfireelnonths; when-he-le her 'worse' than he had found her I then employed .oneelt,he Melt physichtni s l could find, who attended her for about nine months, and while she wits under hl eileshedideot sue-. fer miite tea much pain. , He,,iiiiallY ghne her uPyrantlfailr ler earo was ineuzabk. ~ ..For,; ' ', said,,he r c!..the . .eas ..,..-4,1, -0 . voro/dnalion of COMPhaintS AAA ntf!slifitze Otank f atone opt .46tes against:sone-otherl..of:Aer.:44Ao4 ies:.' . About „this time she commenced OA 1 1.5 e. . -of ClonOtitotk , ai„, ps Water.; and ..toour utter astonishment, - Alill o o Alta r firtikaleßeginea to have the _desired, fleet, att . 11 : - law,- ieln SULLUIPM 3 .rapidly tinder its rreatment,Mlo Itelv--Mlllerintentime 7 . direly. her . domestic affairs.. She haS.3:loltsitgan.o.ny.of the 'j Constitution Water for about four.weeksolukvlitarehappY 1 to say that it has produced a permanent cure. -,- :-. ; , - - • --- Wil. -- 41.--VieN,BWISOHOT - Rli: i 1 wiressammum, Conn.,: Bfaii.ti..2?l , lB63."—Dr. W. .4 or.ggptar Sir:—llaving seen. your advertisement qf vowsitution Water," r eentnutended.iltihtflatimatfalril qr . the gidneys and Irritation of the ElladderchaWing C. Bug! I tb r ttio..pasi. three years, . and tried the skill.':o2l Mil.irtben , physimanswitkowly tesitperarYreliet, I waainclutted po,t. I your medicine .. - rt :dna. procured one .bottle, of your .•tigsubb 1 kartfur.d,: Kean . Lee ,- Simon Simi'? CO, and when j, had: . half of it, i t n ray surprise I found a . great change Mllki health; .-r Lave, am! avo 1 )9419.6 01 it, and .am where 1,, never igpaqted:X he in my 'Nowell, and in good spirits', I annot,e;linsi my .grAt4ll4o:lol' it; I feel that it is a ¢ and more than you r e commend itto be. May thq bl ese ,. of God ever attend you in your-labors of love,- . . - - 7 Yenta truly,.: -, ~,,-, -, - LEONARD. MI&ELOW. .I POE Aux.& Br IaLL' , 4OI2PVIGISTA 'PRIOR SX ' . • - . .- WEEGOlike.Q;:ilreltriettlit: , . X - 11- Gr MORGAl!:&:AgAtlocrobitral 4aentil .ienos4tweite-ead . . N a : 4B olitriseedy sfor York. sold by Johnston ; ; :ibanikv " ),Yi:ltt ' Alovirbitni Phila., titid - ...K.UNKEURvBIIO4 pfki;lll433li4 . . . . ‘ ... - ....... Stiviii garrisgbari *a ri d by-in rliggfro-- ,_,., _ VlolfLEBlridiftES !—By ... tkietel t JIL„ Eta Bilre! p reii it" , , , ' to2o MIBLEIR-1-7 ; • • - 1 1alcca' ssois u•• Dock X " 4441 T 'WAWA OZAILIAgaiti • - XIX at w 4.,,,AEA gar° . EotTs; —Ntlat-Z1:447" EILECTRICIT Y. DIRE: \VIETH - and CREAMER, ECieetiC and Electropathlc physiclane, respectfully offer tbea. profewional services in ail the various branches of theprofassion fur the. trcuttuc,ut 01 911 acute' and chronic forms of-Wee/Leo. • ' • • Th e remedial means they employ In the treatment of dtse,se consist of Ilagned Galvanism, Electrollagnet istu,, the Swedish method of: . al:movement cure, a few Eatiictio Medicines when deemed necessary, and in fact all the natural curative agents that May suceessililly he brought to bear upon the disease. They do Mit wish. to be uideretbod as arrogating to theritiseit'lailinyhimarloritk of professional skill, bit they believe the.rentedles they: employ in the treatment of dis. 4 ease far Superior to those generally employed byphystelans, from the fact that they act iktperfectthannoriy with the taws .goverhing and controlling the' burden system. To this, and tke fact that they confine themselves to no , par ticular yrathy orsygem, they: 'attribUtti their success I • • Theiprinclpal agent they employ in the treatment of chsease,namjly, Elmtricity, ls.an agent wonderful in its - phenomena Ind-powerful in its effects' for good or ill It .is an ever present, all-prertiing" principle„.. governing all: • things;. from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles :of gasseous master. L•We nee itln Ihe.llghtning's Oath and hear the Manifestations of its ' , power in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposition, vecoraeo ,sitionand transformation. it excites all motion. It is the exciting cause of life, gniwth, docay , and death. !causes secretion, excretion; digestion.: it layrhidd'of the liquatt food In the stomach, bOnveris it into a state of tie ' idityv,ttanamutes pinto arterial blood,. and sends it on de important office4f: supplying nutriment according to the tieceivotam of the body. It Is the naive vital • field, the peat agent through`which' the mind acts:-upon :the bodys is. the cedes of-all 'CRUMB 0X0? pi the' first great:rause. :the !albite tiled Which ciiiiatedit andlbronght itinto a a '..Tnisse may appear -We mere .cfstertions, - but - 114 es. - facts admitting_nt strong tintftra9P4lllile;praOf. IS it lhen t to be wondered ni that an ageikebit4nditifial In Its phi).- tionii4na, so peWoritif ta(la insiiirethiloaralid so intimate, Iy connected withAill, the operitionmotjhe human eye. teni..allonldpe ; alinost,atisolute in. its pewee sof , coatrolling diNgiabf"Certaltily d`ol. ) 1i- -(a natural' irocirrence and fullowir nu sure( as day follkWillight,', Aniupg theiliseestii which, are lound,to,yield readily to g,leiteicity s in conjunction with protierait)tinet treatment, reelltilofied.tite_Stilloviing; Inclinout Colman kdon, • Kdalysia, ~ottter• COS.valtilons; Scuralgia, in its worsT, forms, Itbuetpat.iem, indennuatery and Ghroi"4.!ci IthiYebee: the merVgadf‘YEleirth l lYePeP. cutesttuLa - fTei'trealineute:' mf !kikeasco , the, urinary and:km lll e) eriani; , genial° likteeses, Aethtria:: Itlep. and Pridapias Staaurosis and all kindred niNntbeits, of the eye; Auretua, Strictures, all skin diseases, !gm Persons calling *ll :be Lel d 'Whether they can be bet:m atted and ntrica.*taktirr where tome relief' cannot be let forded (A3hititieitiiirt °dice; Smith = Second etract, below Chestent,,litarritburg., Pa. OfEcn Weal Bto l 2 a N.; T.O 5 shit R to v p.m. - . apl3 J NX ;I V s :i;P , P7 I qN4F.,4 I ::. ; H: t_ . • Practical and .Scientific OPTICIAN, MAUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF YEW& MATIIEMATNAL :AND PRILOSOPIII CAL INSTRUMENTS, NO. 2+ NORIA SECOND STREET,'-NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. .^ . . , . . .. The . following instruments tied! . be forws"" .- any ad Tress, on receipt of the price : - ded. free, to lnsect Microscope ; yor, esanaitAne ` . _ sects, flowers, or . p, loots. .. ...all kinds of in- • Seed 3ticroicopo; for P - I. 00 .. Aninarals,Asca.. • - --xalaning Main,- •flik•eraii,-.• Rosennade!a S'''' • ....... •••:•• , • • • • •.. _l. .. •• • el 90, ....aud•vt.. . • -anent's Intcroscopel power , 6; /SO, se-- --a •diameters.- A beautiful instrument for i __TT* .microscopical analysis, in at neat 'box ' .. .. 9000 Rifle Telescope; to see at a distando or two or throo miles; can be attached to any. ... 6.00 Stereoscopes; it Stereeseopes new- and fmniteredbistrument .... 25 Do. with'tarelve A b 00 :Spectacles of the highest refractive( power te-ser gib ; -en' and• preserve the eyesight, .with a large assoriment.of Opera and Field-Glasses,,, Barometers, Thermometers, Negnete, Drawlag.lostrumente, -Send ktampfor.*.catalognie...6initakking ricea, &c: . - A ,. .. -- k. -z l - 3 1..W.1101W . _ 3Praotie.a.l. Wp..keili. ' ....1t,T41:303r, -. No. rig Market . Street;'Marriebart Pa.-- ,i - IF.xLE.R...ier ~- - , r 1. . , FINE wriyaii ... . 81,. , .:, ,1...., ,,,, ~, ~01, 4g , , l s T ray , *I" AT t r:Nlitzi t . - 7 . ,- • - 744 -SE Nhci - ''' : ' ::'- ; AND' ANDS OF itS)YN I 49r. V i tia eiMiataally - on'li#l4 , i *IV . irafectett ,anif 4140itly "iaLlkgteitMck V oft --: ' - ' -. ' : ' ~ „,,, ' TlNES4.*.yltiltES: atifZiikivir . EATGELlsii ,I 1171) SWISS' Ifretyttalik, liatoin:Gold and Silver Casea; ,- ' - •',. ; Arecy a fine assortment of . • • N•t ,, ; - 4.....A.D4 L E , .. - vir,A.Tip "[ILA , ; lioaatantly on baud. ,*,!'- .. . • . ' - ‘-' • ~ ' .a &tam valuarr op ' ' "..- ' 1 • ; ... 3FaiVAGrA:N 7 3C- • : i .';'.: or en)dei,tiiiii ,-- .. - Faii - i which wil l 'be. l iaidai ale I 00 Ari 0 .. - C ASHLOATEST PRICES. `. 1 i . aiicaild'e 'xiirLiiiie,:ifie gatd.a. , . • i . 'lngliciilei iitientiou paid to ternliing of OneNcetelleta 'lnch Sa ' Chronometers, , Duplex—and -other-oelebrat Watcheai and I till ,kuele - or, Jewett? , , neatly ,repairs. bkitie,' due , ttie meat , competent workmen atitiiloted d ate wnole. maital;.! l !ller,P 2 Y •OrlyerigEnerSifir. taar2ST _ Ko.„ag ,MaTicet street, adjoining Bran —dill Sitekunir-v 14 eejkly, .to .lAvrpool. fiAtitgraiNaitt (IagENSTOMTN,A.6orkhEraf The wathippran.'tSteantera.or-ahti New Xiang:and .Pniladelphia .Bte t unahip, Company, are in tended &alma ealeattrant:. . Citiof ; Lyn don, Sdtuiday,. July 9 i'Oity of giuthribre, NitUrday, Julst , ; ll3, Bud every uuc.4Bg Saturday, , ot, Noon, frgE2.X. 3 .7 NbrthßiOor:' ; RATtWor NSEti.GE.' \ • • PAT/LBSA nt ONUS OK KM aijorvA.VOr gcsozzpoy.: FIRST CABIN 480410 STEERAGE' — s3o 00 do to 00, do to L0nd0n...."... 34 08 - tb 00' • do to Paris 40 00 do to Hambitrg Ato to Hamburg... - 37 00 Brercienottar UMffit "tWgirD &C., , At.equally loivaatea. • Fares OrluiefilitiiiifOili-tlabin, $6. $B5, $1.06. Steerage, $35; .Those who niahlonend diefr'friends tub buy tickets here at thetie.,nitetC, • For further information apply at the CoMpiines Mot JOAN G. DALE, AgeittrLS B roadway , Y., Or C. BIMMERMAN,' flarrieblim • • • INSURANOPCOMPANYOFORTN AMERICA, No.232AValiriut Stkeeit.,•Sontli'Sidei cir • , Third Street, Philadelphia ~. . s; sse; pea 40 INOOPROTtAthi) : I74, . - ;;EiR,il.l - 1:13500 4 .0M, - C7s,Wei :ER PERPEPOSITi.h , T-ransportatiiin--hi. : ' ralEalleellae? VELLRLES-PrarttS*ooFF Pre. WILLIAM; BITIPALER, eeiveini-A g eiit ilffice Walnut St. ; nadr , ,Seool4;larriabizrg, Pr ! , nun -gm ft ANIEL K. - 11 - 0 ENe if .AGE, ti—T flirt& old. v6iic.it. ..tnia 4 - " ol respecttn d y i n . kJ forma the:public'thatabla Old billy2fraiLey Line,ithe.only Wallower Line now in existe_is:,e,.„ 3lll , rim kin eity,)-le In entmnseftireration and - proprag! , ---,,,- can ._ freiglabas low as anyoMerindirldwil lino lib Wl A li t delphia, Harrisburg,Lo.Lburf, Lewisburg,. T' A riit ia ko ori, &n 4 4 ay Shore,_Lopk , en and all other po i nt , , L. ttie N orthern'Coufral, _,O Erte ar .11444, 41/ d 4 Wllliamspott 716 art,.:Ebnivi RallrmdL ' . - , . ..-...i - - , v oitika - Daatc*--..guirid4sAiello - ~ : , ; :alarrtisburg -flame* Me._ Semlkiiithieliinrehouse Of Meg Bra. pLlcock, zap 45,..aninktthroa, N ea. l4 aannk.Blo4larkoa . street, Wore SW, 41418 delafirilrnt - 11l arrive araerthr. burg, r ead y . for deli.etry te4llThent m 30-rd ma 116; : 4 '4 agit -i - Welrg 7 4F=T . ,pew p F velo paif , 4 l 4 , Penn,,:or.Eiayed ng awn th 4 Etattonery lift You wli rtf l ivoidlinitat .54 ~ , _arAk — Jo- •1 .. 2 • l lvwssoozerorts, ; ..mw.,--. • 4,11=-,.. , i - ..rwii4(l 'irpthbois 1. .—• ALEX. R. WY ETIL 'M. D., DR. a. MIETONVREAMER. 29 MEDICA L. • ~' ~ c ~ ~ ' • p=i P?'• • -tll ~.., . ~ x% tr Fz" *Cry -„ . , tdv _ - ; , •- . .• , ... , ~... • .z;:j, - .7.. 7 „...".J 4 .': , ,i , :1, - ill= !'.l ill ;I.:. ...i..l'. . 11. DR. JOHN FREUD_= PERIODICAL DROPS WEI =NM i 191 8 emi t ?, ll El= 1442*./ER Volt 4 Arcthe only kuown:inthedy that wilt hitailably resfoti and kiguLate the tomaleari a , ronnr ,.. tag ail irrogiiiiiiitte;:ni!d producing tur iliat..47"-and' rar:6l34,o4Rioymia. DROPS Ara a it4Preforatiag t the 0131 Y - arlatkordbuf the kind ever afeeriv co ry, tuid.adtialiectly oa= the. intrte. abated, Whllhi pWs and powders,seu enly,~f paida:ne - they:reser kihrougfraymgatia,y,,tuttt not .aa,eH dived end; dta Ina angering frorde..ennattutt az4isty for the regri iar return 9flnantre , s,ireseilbed,laws Give yoiaracif nu unenaine , ftor f f ,yon'e PeriedicalDrops, if taken a day or two before the expecte el.petied, will poi Lively anckinveriably.%gulate,,ne,egas etre ae effect follows cies:Vas ierthb efalesPllB lll - fau a ZZaaea. An you sick, enfeebled by disease, or . e.to btsr the labor end danger ettnareeset. ; t;.f._ ;-*.. .:' . . 7 .; 1 t.-.lf. Ly6iAilliViiiditi DB PS' : : - .Ti.,'. A fili -. 11i,)Z.: - IT/. _ . - o . . o Goma to you 03 aiA - a•,_;- . fbf o le not provenUoneettor thin aural ' ..1 I. ~) ep l E If nugulatlytalten. it is a. eartnin,p yralve, end 41 iiitiAyou Inaci:o 3 o l anCm4PC/ 16, ./MA 8 4 12 /4&:. • 4 , . Hato 'Yoli prep asitao for many,. ' Vialidtiaplublan Inalaent to the sea,"tliat haleliatll Onalklll",tir pliyal , antkate hntrOing you on to as early gravg ~, ist:l di :"If o • 1 r...t LYON'S PERIODHOILIMOPt : ! Ais. regtila ue r ikli r, b r a ltnO ve lnd i rd• th • e Cr oato n rl ke s ellagio;a ll :thoseirregulazi . , . , 61E111..1! v ,roneorru„.... 54711tyciaLwasteltwarsw1111,, soren.ElVllvm AirEW. ProlapawDygmtettatrlaasaM"bild hi chtiumnd othe r ressed , ujut lin' 1064,164 V ' .heeofillirusturied-. thider:l4lll • dollar In otaitrootad.naturevwbjeniszilnyintotht4 - ,2 , 71 . , `,•.; L,TONg 7 [7.-, . , 4 . . . otfrv.; :'I , • , 1-.,,1 ;n• ~.1 ~,, ..: ~, „ , will surely awe You. • tit.- • -•,-, - i , Do not use the drops - wheir - forbidd.oo-tn - the Oreclio*, for although a poaltlYei ct't r r6 etiz+ :lit Auk:ilk - At Wit i thio times, they are so powerful and finely calculated and fugy nou -mein illmiergall=.4 con ' takentat improfpeetimos;ELEW A uld pl i banotr , miry to nature, againgt which all, p articular! y thoN wi.a would,TiMutie, shol/ApAraf4l9 &Mal r • a iti s.TV.,. Ltorte pAg:§D ) , iiii; -DlO 471 Iftuanot tiara the , moat &lick . * nongtantiort. at any Walls; yet. tao'pnrpriese494, wasti;,A guard-4011Ln its mbrank hoping that alhotinitu-alcite , LL be used for egoodPwV; , pose where one in need rfr_ au illegitimate-ma CIEIIIIMiII iLYOIVS PR7-2110D1GATI-DROPO'' v. 1.7: .14 • Reiaatoi, Is for sale by every Drums; in the oiV t not„lt9pa,value InnantilOcnnst: tallablid OY 9glek•Jaktll4.o !Alvaro 'Font:it:thaYDrugglat to,wtionvyqn .9pl,r4as not got it s ny A ke hint, nand and get it for: you. I , ina !.4T tar..at 7 .aul'" l : ; ;LlT ' N , ' RENE __.._lYeea. ~vezb "".,•• gfli.t/ 41 **Xiii , tiOWD.Wy . Al. North Sixth Street, el p hta , E' ll '• , ' 1,1:17 , • -r,: 17. -If ea • • .•- • , ; V * .• - ,11 1 91' ' k }-1 . - udfir(l tritTrall . 31E - Etrcitir' • o LOCK HOSPITAL AAS 4iseovered the most certain, speedy OL and Wbettlet: retstetlie€ tbe world . for E::1 A ibire Warns +d, or Ro g arg ,7n from: Une w ea koso, 3 at i tbe Beek, Affections or the'Kidneys - end 'gladder, livolunitry Discharges, Impoteno,p,Gosocal • batty; NecObttenese,"-:Dyspepsle,. tiangeor; Low -*rim, Conrueloo s i t.. ? , puipitato. of • Ore Heart, Timidity Trenablinge, Dimness °Malt of GidiffeMs, Disease of the Read, Trial .Altvitions .:of pie Liver Lunge, . toumch .„nr Bowels—those , terrible disorders arising tiiiiiithet.l3olitery Mani or-Tenth—those secret and ectituy practice& more rival coilbeir tictline that' the 'erifig.agyreirs ilarinersorlAyssee,_brightics Chub , iliest , brink& tioiestioautleipatidis, rendering Marriage, &c., impossible. . . YOUIiG INIErs podally,who Itavo became,the.ciciimnotSolitary Vice, 'that dreadtal-s MdMisitncteve - tabit` nitleblunatialiksweeps .4.0 an untimely argyp,•thojzoitatte of Young Men of the most exalted. talents and,. toilltunt Intellect,. who mint Otherwise hitre ithtnniendliateithik'Senauat-witketla%thl n . dere,ofeloquenee or, waked to e9tasy MA Milts; 4.11,0105 y ealrialthytdreetthdenei. ."`• -" " NARItIAGH,. : Martiediperadna. or 'Young Itiat , cOntemplating I beloonware of physknzi.svoaknons a ,o_;:enN d i e:Wish dorm , . datt4-apeotley , 4 e-Tviw •P i r e ff i liogltrider:tho care of _Dr. S. may tritodsly couude - Ina honor..an a gentleman, and Q . .ddatly, rely: upon tda akHl=Bg k Physician. • ,••01iGit_1410. :WEATINEgt mmediately,Cy.redi and fidi vigor.reprolvd„ i Thlediatretiding itißtei [ im--*hlo renders ralsen,.hle 040;insirtiogompmsibio---te Tald 'cle thus or improper indulgence, Y,olitol peporm - Arb tq,imt twebnurtiVekeeieses from notheinit . mvare of the drermtvld ,00mparionCea that Imo ; *mann Itow, -- -.who 'OA& as Kandi the subjectNO]m ra., ci • to deny that the Kong of procreation is lost ' milogter:nyi the& ranting itra tretindiliet habits than, bz. %ret .10%d en t, ,Hosidek being emyrtyNxt,ur 'g the moat setqloult and de . strucU . e -Jr • to both •• body mind fnn onoomes derangedlLi"APicall.W.4 /Mental lbsEcor proCratia, „ ma y - pinadro Aehuv e rk.voksg Ritii cougNi7Z. inv . fdt , Oath; - Con ‘ 1 MEM toMilit —Lt. Id X 14 ti .... ::._: _, 1 '. t: rim 4, pima. X EZDAPAICK ZTRIINT, , , I.eft r tuuni,e 61. pita - Jima, Balthnorit , street, a few • do ors , ,frees. boo wner, , Anil not , to- observe- nem nand namber. . Aetters Mina be paid:and contain astamp. The:Dector's s:4 l Atkul4lia: l 4l 3l WS tAhtth • -.'' ~' •- . ••, . - - -::: i -.... , , -- -' l . ' DR: . JOlllsl - SO.N, ~ • !-_ -_-.-., Member of the Royal CallSge' of Suineeni,:to:: . athnk grail- nate from Ono of ihe ntOst einMent colleges in the . United States„ and the &Otter part of Whoeclife has - been:4lßa tetraoligilisii 'Ol ,-- LoAdoli, Perla; PiilliidelPhia,and: v alizk , -.' iihOrt, lisieffected cone of the most. istonishbipeannea that were ever known,tinany trouble 4 iiitti ringing. it:l:the ' ''''`ra Wh ''' - nifeet - nervousness , in, And - oa en... p, great mg all:riled at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with -frequent blushing,-attended sometitnett with derangement of,mind ns7" 2l 4Dr i le l WZ:-': It . -,, ~ '- -: -.t ,-:,: 4 , - ' - TAIC:k PARTIau 'NO LAM tOE • ..; These iiiisome of dike sad:On* melanchely• ennuis pro dueett by _early habits of - ye a weakness of the back iiiiid - hmbs 4 pains La the, h Ilimneas - of sight,: . kip of w ilkoria rascal:a poker , palpitation 6 :the heart, dyspepsis, nor mbiliflifftability, symptoms Of consumpUon, dm. • • ~ M rartat&.-:-The fearful effectoon'the mind are *toll to,be dreadod 7 -loss of memory confusion : of Ideas,: de. premien of spints,„Svil forebodings, aversinis. to ,sectety, self distrust, love - 6f Solitude, timidity, Ern; are .Rsie 61 . 'the etilaprodooel •• ' . - -'• - „r - . v_:: i . .., 1 101:7Ne'llEX ~,,_,- 4 ,-. Who:haireltdareet theinkelaii by a certain practio m„ ' .dulged fin when alone, a 'habit. frequently learned fktin , evii.cempanions;or at anima, qno effects' of -which :are Vgltly76lt, even when asleep, and if. not cured renders taarTiage'inpirisible, and - destroys Vont rattn,4l' t ad -50 4,- shouldrplif. inmedbitely, ' '-,' • ' •'- - ' ' - ,Wlmta i . cj- t hal a young man,* boptiof hiamEntri, the " o '4 iltt' Boisllarehtai - Oul li r igi kletiegied Scoaj .mt piespitts aldebjoyments or ,by the -Cdsesnp-e11f , 9 w'' -defiatinefraa :the , p4iti. of naturqiuidhiftetlglig - H A a certain :sticrettatishit.- Stich peredis anrerlbtafoi , e Oki's. plating,. Rethi4 QM a egtind,uajncland.oody are thettnost necessary requfsites to'proMoti'dbtintibial happiness. 'indeed, wiria out these, the Journey, thrqukh life becomes a w eery pil i gritrpuse,; t h e prdopeet hourly darkens' Ad Ishii vlew ; t*e mind becomes shattoWed:WV,b,dpitpainandifilleds.witirthe qpiglobitly, reflection' . that the happiness of another lie comeemithted - with' our own. ": VISEASVOF IllafritUDElOF,: * • ' :. 11111 .;7! The manythousands cured at this imitation year 'after. yea; and ,;,he Emmerows iinporuuat surgical ; t eßeratiohi verterined.by ,Dr."R•hiLi:e wataiei.edAiy • theervehers W L , jhe Butt, oyippereasaftiwypthelipapersoamker. le" whia .tuive appegred.ugaia AU4 aretin *Sore the pptke, *d'& iretioAulti of ockar4ta ; and, ammo._ therafillater," fi c:sEnt:DttEdintl OBErttrilt mum). • k,stbea.4 -, • ap2.6-d2y —l • • • 13 . 1U GILDRA • DF N T S - T . • WslSOlTlMLY—informe . the' citizens of and vicinity that he haeVem6Vealiii‘of tidefirthi3 Market street to third= ntreet, next ,docir to the latliotatid Union Mee ; where : he iSprentired - M: m _ modate all who may desire his profeatioruir inorl4--- xs ItitpovistgomPutd:the ma~a itio*U-t;sflight ;to "islat?ototthilCsOotkillirsiooto42.l. VetiOG roe! Ng luto-IBMIXRAM; • officat om to - tk DR. JOHNSON, IgAOLTIIIIORE DISEASES Or lIEPRUDENCTE BELIE' SIX IZO MELVE NOM& NO MERCOM OR NOXIOrS DRUGS. to Two Days., _ - - - When the misguided and imprudent votaiy , of pleasure; Ands he. tiaa mb [WA zth - e — eieede of this painful disease,: - tar, &N M. happens tlittadu.liftuned .eephi3 01, &inlet or the. dread or;disoovery.,deqers him froutlipplArs_tg thoe who Mita education and reaps i.e.billtY,;" can alorie , Perr l o l o him • He fallelkiicithirhands of fgafdrant atdd6 . lgningyieteixt,... em who, rmoapable' , of Carttiaf, ,, "pecuAtaiy- sub slang4k kirk teilijOie moithfifter.moiltk or aa lon& e , e rho timeliest fee can be obtained, and. in.d&mairleaveka m with mined health to sigh over Ediatallitig - di s utppoinfr aen t, - or, by tneliWof - thirdeadly' pdarat;leieretity; haOtl, a the coustitutionalsimparitmethiSterilblellituCk arciffee, tions, of , the , Houdi Throat, NOSO,' Pk•ogrepsiiii with frightfo nctildity till : doarh,,puto, a preriod,to hie dreadfil sulfminer senditieldottb troLlike i ri country froni*latiticeltelravelei retarali; . = INDOASMINT OBJEBE PRESS, • . „ . `7THAPR , #l . t 4l ,9•figqi: , ..W.Q.X l ) AS FAIL cr-c- • TAB - 40175i 0024FQ-UNI); ; EtrAACrt, 'ICU 3E,8 . AI V DCOPAIRA. Thito: preparation, ia:.particniarrecommetideit to the M.ZOICAL•PROFESSION iuoi the PUBLIC Writhepreentri and certeiti'cilre of DISEASES OF TILE ELADDER:EID , NETS, URINARY ORGANS; ETC. It may,ne.rePoll, on said*, best. mode, forAho administre Mort of thoseremedies in the large class of dieeneee - gr both aezee to which they ere' applicable. It` nefer t lnt-rtbrer with the 'digestion, and , by its 'inricentrittloni the heife. kr,..11.1.-Purchalers are 'adilatid to: iialt for TARRANT'S COMPOUND , , EXTRACT rOF OUBEBS AND . ;,COPAIBA., .end_iiike metbintelSk tMtalieniand woralless preps under ettelai, inintek are in thiE•rearket ' - Price $1 , 00." Sent lir ekpreas on receipt of prico"Miniqac tired only by TARRANT & CO., No. ' 2711' - GreWnwrch street, corner of Warren street, New York, and for sale prowists petsera4 oet22, Frir earett S. Ai iIt.UNKLEt&IBRO.,' aria 'Dfaisista itttrir :" ; EIiMISAIIVALIISABLE:SYRUT% which in en- , 11 iiretk•vf.getabte itsbcomiSititionVlnui beet stn-! ployed 7 tvith wonderful success for many years in thecure of dtaeasm or the:AIR PASHIGES'and , Foi any' formit.thelliseaile,innoti4l -000011, 2 TICKLING of the THROAT; sprrriNG uratoolvaincuLT BREATHING, lIOARSENEVO:HWHFVOICE anal HECTIC FEVERS, Its. use will be attended: with' the tialipiest reenlist: , - -It la one. et Alm best ithifintfest 'thedhrinee for all Dorms of )3ROH.• cuyy% coxsumpfroN. kaiiitaitunt"ar 'pretans “ibr PAM, any. ahapeinihiasyrup. Fh"saIPRIPX 51A0Y.4.4-BQTTrir: y_ Ed I.luportal4l! 1842,:w•Vlarranted 'the Roam Sherry: 'Wintritethis co untry, For talc at SHISIARea FRAtEtt, feta.; LivoiNwiiporv'tti:SVtin: . • 121ANAN .I.OBAN4ES, justsetseivi FE Alleiri tt W AZEl V ne2o''' l " JEG • LOSE -1 D. W. GI{OSS .& CO. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS; ill'Zf: 29 ' MARKET S T Effig Rd• ' it 4 S- 1 4/. 4 4 1 " 72( ; , Pei • • .; =KIM BEE • a • '-. b gt 3r il f b IS • r PirkSrli - S ZONE .: , • KBEPRRW'AYIX - '2l-17 -.; areAgy adiJing tekour ±4l9tlygt i r. o ti ik °o4l -, &hides . its are destrithlc4 'lad y .ratr , stteiptesi &Cate kalgest „exsi POL. 4..l,rielt,slioet,lo,l,olSP DRUG& :CIIEMICALS-A.WPLINTS 0u,P.40#.49m , 1 ayeZtual; Ghisw ',ire:4'D ^ Gblozia&liof;lo, ,**lgronM, _a: :1 ;If g anti Are 4491.. , . J !,`• licKspeqh.iiitupaweoiv,:7: ' ti l i P ttl C 3 o l l l l 4l4 Yr* fllut r 4 .l: asitanolip;SPOilitilandl:l64" `, 1-tv!...:4 03 11 , ,N-4F12 With tritiongiiirtatir or. 4) l i L. A I ..F-4 1 T/Arkgg.: 449 -, - :XtP4V-P --Aar.FX ( 444 3 ;`, isektettA rgcdtivielbastemounduixtrira 1-7autv: BEM!!M=E FAINV9; Ii7IITJA LAW,- - zzrirszler•-arz i ' eafrostitifs; A,t17370 • 7 1-• I • * 9r/licglsi• fi . ... 41 " 42 ? Angasys „Baum= • rie-ALE . imule itikrzieng • comp" IND $O s "° , 511.14 1 :14f 4 i r,.. / ; 111 . 11 . 444 !,..speqr:raiylarfteirtall - ,llmling con.adent that vs , - zr,r 7 az :! i le r -fistr V1P4..11:516r:' - JrkETH MEI • • 'ft 4 JOYRS' AD MIME'S .14•BLAttr 27M111, 4 'ATElS 7,ll2 garctrtaM7.4 2 iD, (3? fill*ln teNifiet &vizi • ANr! Lc.ox:itATtb- r iTt WhUi f)!i de 4fP Wr gr OVlr tfieW43e + 7 6 :VP tia, l l 4 f.).3 It cakilbevdschsFed .the . . .: • TILITERW. MEJ2IVAL FLUID EXTRACTS.i CAB ON . : •• ' 430 1 5-14410, purchnaora is these 004 , we, can oar 00. ruceptn - An i a cfbft 1 . 351 l 11 4 1 ' 6 1'4d CraiteenicirerY/ cligp: Watt: Nlanlpe cban,W, Wit:writ ONLI Oit" • - • !• , t i' ViatataANlY ; CatatEßEN ,f ' 2(' ' 1.5(1 9/11 7 , 111.1 LT TbMillrythilwheilaVtliot.:poo.oikaintlaKiNit4T.4 • , .1 *. e- TLE POWDERS a mat kac!* , sa*tialgritteaatad.tiWthe' " i 7 ult f 4 eUrYFP. .fir!?* -. 4 : 1 .q .C.1}"' 114, , a u ivi tal o od ti t e eq€ I rtiowirtniti can tit*l4; talieltitTl,.,4llsr*P : f fr otrlN4 tbegiscof asknisToNiargr,..l7l73ol2lo.l**A beialde§ hikprovlng ttpt 'lemma Alll t trAlolo4 6 4/.c 6 1 ottheirlss4L':siE,%, -14 Oar tang expo rience hi the Nish:less glees is the-atfaen llge o 1 !lithoN o 4 l o ,l 4laKiteda Or 410 .4 1 . 1 d!.4. 1 q.4:5"" 115- - 3 • • —L. TiePaellp :410 cities ariseekth4 R. 44, Pa; .lik; Y e 77 iheri • 'eulhe ?lb 1.1 . 1t.L..-. 5 .; • '• rat the' itherHlljetfinsi 3 blettdwee orb Our Ntr hal* by Jarkccal tidwie trtietiseaV CAterePil :si.f.d 1.74:1.aa.fit PURE RU 9 X:irc-trCa at.faineiceiould'theVreire4oPieesedieittie c.LI? 15-12 see A aßANso*LiT4ipß 4 ,.;i ll - , A BEAuTaukiv . 4o#ooo, i of,T4ssolki PhPER. .; - ..-TivraUFD NVFA DDENI'6O, L tAlkti>Ll _ _ _ .......a0.r.,T4.14M. ...1?; CORNER OF WA.l4l.l3R.,iiiip Mi.EINS, ;,,,, , 1: 4 I :Ts il ferat.thT '' r 1 - --- £., , 'Smisi. .1 undersigned iniNntoosned A./110m141 11' aril iu this city, beii•lrtnveW,ll4m tbuir Main* Imo aki public in generai i , that tfaihnlaLprepariO to Mr- - rash :Nisi.= ;;;', .1) - Flusil ' •- : ' MARBLE WORK - lEJTERYI)ESCRPTION , ~,p - , ...: montiventa, .11 . 1;:i-1 .. ..f: ..). , 4. * :1i1. 7 " . .. ' ' '2' ';%)"r! a/ 40figretinde ci. 3 sir TC/2 Zi lIK b.a.Li ,"rarre .....7.1 !ignf i g wicaa li l And liousftWoilEfiltbilgfiltepro . gittilikvSiradawiiii satisfaction. co; 4i , Ltewlitteil .. f 4 c i i hallV ie. 2 t KIJNKEL'S BITTER 'WINE OF IRON A P an WIE 4 Aherail ana ve P9 , or ir wo ati nVerZi O c.,?: l ca C ci I C ad i- M- ^ 6 a7 , the STOMACH, jaTEtt and 134WELS_ .1 4 1,`ri1 Ls ISM MUM I.,=op'sd ' ose • _, *. Zeodschit, General v Norrousufts, De. • preotowof Splrteb, Contiipatt.n Intermitteut. Fever, Apathy of thy Stotoocik, Nausea, HaufbOro t iee et fu: Food. Fullness or Weight io - the il , !en.tx.h, Stoldagor-Flothering at. the Fit or the tkv,.... z h . _Swimming of the. Heed, I.lil cuit Ort-itli 1%, VE4!•:. - ,- IsettPitiellie'' ate Eyeo, , Fever end HO yams it: fa, newt : Ai, 0 1 04.441%. WO, Chest tut Litlll,-, crlll care - every cars or amok or Deptilty, Diiiicali* or the Kidixys SPORAMltitlig from a diburtlered SLO!...aek hood for Muir or'"Fecoalo; Old Irmusg., EMI The moat beneficial medicine known; gives hation and cures more than any oilier pirvira ifonplilliceit to the Public. Ptepart3 Rgety by S. US Market Rivet, SarrieharF. Ylfr.Mg. qitl a _Mgie l ” ud AL 4 " - IeFP g n `ri'"'" hem- ifIW- Counterfeits c:(7 ft ;1" . Kau •dsurn.Bitter Wipe ofd Iron is tie milt care :ma `dr Edina Ottitedf In the time% world for the pti-mmeon• kocirr.utlLlaualpatad daid-Dddlity. and ad them are a talreber or iMilatiCaid ctaenxi to thepubitc., ne catia.4. the ittirettase none bat the gentimo =tee. manufactured by $. A. Mums:. di BRO., ui,l stamp ou the top of 'thosiork of evaiT T: e ve (fit that.,othere are atteiepting to itUitato thtS valtrz.W:- *wisely, vain' and "peak...-. ot int.ol is ms favor. - . TbpAtiller,Wino, orison is Ina up :n 75 cent Z.:14. Si o:e2 labld'bt air reapectabb- thruugLout . .130, partfeadar that vvery wale kill. the. acitionle the priTrOicer's elgnatu e. IhbtAnbe indodea thee moat air:Pah:a and taltcleM Hatt,of mss; Clime of alaeue:::: Oridt cum,. -fitimigNeith , etiorpetleof vegetaMe tkeP....4. Yellow 0, 7h7-afeet. at: many. tw.s ea-a: detAty, of ap<tiiind - genterilproati-iiiioa, of au eak.hx.t .it of Iron, combined with our valuable Nem 'AMU., CI =CC '1311427;1: hangineata the appetite, relate the pt.im takes on - tatiselawartiabadoem removes the paler et 4thilay ; 'aid 'gavot ESAU irtgui to the ouutttenarm • ~ PENERAL DEPO'f, Vor e?ilio by . ravor..bie &Were throng - nr.4. the eiliiT 11 ; t /eaYnEtnii Useful and Valuable -.'•' s ' ' - - I' s ' • Digeovery. , ~..- :41 . z I] , ' , .-OttArairS ,:,.,,'-) ~.r. f.:ASOLUBLE . eEMENT ~- N p o i .4o p on is or moth gettetal la - act4 2 d nialt9 iirms, ' Itilind Arta: • ieti - any invention Lew beibte the ' ' - Win It has ores thurnum' tested . -.‘7.. ' - '.-. the lit.A two vats by p lr ract.kii - ' '• • • Innen, and pruntranc4l by all to be ~-, 1- a - 8 1 ii . f e ,E.g p t a t t j Si .4,.. ..a m iir P k aew'tb - 514.1-ukti`rk Hoot aid Shoe Man lectelens. ~, .. t. :~~.: • ILIQIUID C Ezv 2 1103141141214. nit ' n thin g fn r - P ntita- So ALA 'W oke of Holumbeold ass . • . .. -~:~o ,! <: ~~ FEINEfi =II UM - - • Agents ink'. ji.lll4l:ir Steam P„rfulting ESTAiii"W# l OO.9 THIRD STRIEEtil,f4*--"lgaiVT- HARRISSMA ; 11W4VING recently, - ad*: i0...0ur. Jobbing JIS.: Deptutinent a Ithie-ariaofitit type,: Say new ha stem presses of the4ittit. implored machinery, end other material], we are new jenenen toleatcute at short notion one in the moat approerd style, ALL KINDS OF MILITARY itLANICS, LEITER SHEET IIIIADINGS; MS Enti • : via more 03/431, - - - - BUJ OF LAbING, • - : PROMISSORY NOTSB, - BUNK - 0 B W 011 , ' OF JILL DI,SCLIPTIONI3, PAW! SS4I4,CAMEAtiar. Ordteltack . lostykuwtf .1 17 P .'1 • .1 •*". - _We have jtult received a tine selectOn of VIM LOOM ,OliderjAhkr-4210-bi-tteitio% Whet or 'n al a quantity at • MIS ~..4,484Z4&.,.. • 11101 opagsporp to Wilt_par• - F•1 vitt VA)FICA L •`- ,, iINA,. EEC] RIcWARE 01 us MARKET STELE= framps . W.ltsox.ciaa Gmea-r is a am - thing, and the .-unit of yearn Ot istmly; its combination i 9 ott Eicienlific And under nc ctrcunnitmoaa or (*Mr of temperature, _will it be comeAxo.rW. , or crciwimy Offendre lx)m . • :41;D„Wo8 ,11fanntarturers - nAog Machines, wilt 'find ..it . the best oracle known as itkinieating ref - the Channels. it works I*-lowit 'cie&y, is not It ed by any icbango or tell.,.ferreaure.. • .11(1V - eLEAS Will find it surtkieutly ailbetice for their3l6e. lia tin been proved. It is Etiecidet to Zeal:hot And 14k oh*. . 6 0 mill Vyeao writ, thifit 'sticks Toteliet: .o Spotdi and fOroetv:zaindesitty .stratgr ',About It Is the ordy ' yeikr Rm. . . Aummea MKILUBLX Cm= jTs is. form and as easily ap . . IgieckALs fiaUe ntl2o3.B INSULCULL 18bn:caw:A , fa Witter or - oa. Ensczes Issocc2a.s (limn AdhereE oily ectraancea. Supplied io Family or .. 2toor.ihtt r'irPorkomot from 2 owetr.et to /M , • HILTON EROS. & CO , • Proprietors, .Iyosidocoriß. - - MAGINTMIL 44ECULAIA , - BILL REAM _ .:447a1NES043ARtA,..i. ; fLUMWD Mg* . _lttPmEisEs. a i =s,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers