pailp EttegraA HARRISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY' EVENING, JUNE 29, 1861. N'OTICE.TO ADVER*SERS.—AII Atlver , tisements, Business Notices, Harr Demi tie, Stc., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be 111000111. pearled with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn• tug Edition without extra eliarge. FOWL' /ND COUNTRY. state of the Thermometer To-day. 8 A. M 74 11 k. la 80 WANTED—A boy abolt 18 years of age to actin the capacity of a clerk. Also, agents wanted to sell a new and'iLse ful article of recent invention, by which from $5 to $2O per day can be made. Apply at No. 93 Market street. j 2- d4t A DESTRUOSITE hail storm visited Lancaster county on Sunday last, and serious damage was done in various places. A. Spama. MEariaa of the Paxton Fire Company will be :held this evening, at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance is desired. MAYER NosEs' Circus. and Van Amburgh's lienagerie, combined, are moving in this di rection, and will probably be here in a couple of weeks. =22EI • A SPECIAL meeting of the Good WillS:4ire Company will be held in theirball this-even ing at 71. o'clock. Every member is requested to attend, as important business will be trans-, acted. :~_:~;: Tau Vine Street M. E. Sunday School will hold its pic-nic in Derry W6bds, on the Leba non Talley. Railroad, to-morrow. The. train will leave the depot at 7i o'clocli in the morn- TpZEIE was an immense supply of ehen•iiis, berries, &.c., at market this morning. Cher ries were sold at from 4.t0 15e. per quart, ac cording to quality; raspberries,• mulberries, &c., could be had - at various prices. itiit4r, sold as low as 20c., yet a few of the land sharks demanded 30e.. Vegetablo4 cafilie had at low figures, and in any quantity desired. BARNEY CAMPBELL, who went to the. front lust week for the purpose of obtaining the xe mains of his brother Patrick, has returned. An order haying been issued prohibiting the disinterment of bodies before the first of Oc tober, Mr. C. did not accomplish the object of his mission. We regrtt to learn that Barney had between ninety and one hundred dollars stolen from his state-room in the - bOat an whih ; he,wis jug to Washingto4l:,: A. CoIiRESPONDENT requests us to insert the following: "William H. Gerbrick, of Dayton, Montgomery county, Ohio, is desirous of finding his parents:Vacob and Mary Gerbrick, whom he has not seen or heard from: since 1818. Then they were living in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. They had lived in Somerset and York counties," Pennsylvania. Any paper copying this notice will confer a great favor on a discharged soldier of the 15th lowa 'Vol= unteer Infantry." I=l THE SECOND PIIESEMDDAN Cnuacu com menced s series of meetings last evening, In the Masonic Hall, in Tanner's Alley, which will continue every evening daring thew_cek.. , These meetings are preparatory to.the Com munion, on next Sabbath, and will be found interesting to all who will attend, them. The Sabbath school teachers and scholars, with others, are cordially invited. The Rev. Wm. D. Johnson is here from the Ashirtim Institute, :who will sweat ; in thew meetings. Preaching may be expected every evening at eight o'clock: UNION Pic-NIC. —A grand Union pio-nie will be held in Hoffman's ,Woods,, to-morroW, (Thursday.) Extensive - arrangements have been made to render ierittractive, and attire will doubtless be a large attendance. For the accommodation of visitors, cars will ... leave the depot, for the grove, at eight o'clock in the morning and. two o'clock in the afternocin; Returning, the train will leave the vicinity'of the woods at half-past seven in the evening. Persons desiring to pass a day pleasantly. in the country, Should attend the Union pic-nio: Railroad fare for the round trip, twenty-fiee cents. No improper characters need expect to gain admittance to the ground. Tizte Srommso WORLD.—A match at pigeons . came off on Saturday last, for a very fine rifle, between the gentlemen . named bel9W:',"' : The thatch fesulted in a vietofy — forla - Tellfiffsop, ,: who killed fire birds in fiveintetessive shots. The following are the figures:.j.jr - i L. P. Yerkinson, 11111, P. Grossman, 0111. „Nir-. P. Haebnlen, 1010. Murray,F. OOOO. G. Hoffman, 11110. N. Cross,, 1101. • W. Maglanohlin, 11110. Philip Linn, 11110.. - W. Oarioluier, 10. B. Priaoh,l3/11. „~.,_„ "Jura Srorrati's F . ,o*."—Everybody in Harrisburg •who esteems a glass of pure, cold water as the healthiest of beverages, will rejoice to learn that Mr. :John Donner has placed a new pump in lieu.° f the old stock Occupying the well on Walnut street, between Third and Fourth. Mr. Donner has done Orli at his own expense, and intinidi to keep the pump and well in - constant re s pell; for the' gratuitous use of his friends aiatliWSAP-elti zens. One such act as this is stliefirrit;to win for any man the gratitude' efitirtmtife city, and more than one thirsty travell d r i n k to the health and happiness oho Do - mier in the crystal waters front the A Lrrrrz daughter of Mr. William Orr, of Johnstown, aged about twelve years, fell from a swing on last. Monday, and broke her arm. A PAIMICIAN has discovered that the night mare, in nine cases out of ten, is produced by owing a. bill for a newspaper, and that the best cure is tcrpay np. TUE= was a large attendance at Dan Rice's show, yesterday, and in the evening the mam moth pavilion 'was densely crowded. Dan has a - good - shovi. • • Con.—Pennsylvania is at present produc ing nearly 1b,000,000 tams of coal mutually, and, at the present price of coal, must be ex. aoting an enormous annual sum. 4 Tanga will - be three elections this year; the first, for or against the Constitutional amend ments, on the 2d day of August; the general election on the second Tuesday in October; and the Presidential election in November. 3 P. M. 33 Yoint Irams.—A stranger was knocked down, and robbed, on Wednesday night--the robbers leaving him for dead.—On Monday morning, about 5 o' clock, John *hwently, aged about 13 years, was drowned in. the pond known as Smalls' quarry, not far from the- York Classical and Normaklnstitnte. Schwem ly went into the water with some other small boys the purpose, of bathing, and not being able to swim, got =upon a log which turmoil with him, when he rolled into the water which at that place is about twelve feet deep. No suitable persons were near at the time to ren der 4nriassribl,nce.—Attempts to, rob citi zens are quite frequent in York. The thieves' enter dwellings, and appear quite bold in their operations. Fnmx THE 187xn, Rramcsarr. —The following is a correct report of the killed, wounded and Missing of the 187th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the engagement on Saturday, the 18th of June, before the city of Peters burg, Va. The information is derived from a private letter, of which the following is a brief extract: "The regiment went into the fight 800 strong, and came out with 583 men. - The lst Division of the sth Corps, to which the 187th is' attached, charged the rebel fort and rifle pits on the,left The charge was 1;1. brilliant one. The 187th reached to within eighty yards of the rebel works. We fought : bravelii - es the-number - 4 killed4nd wound ed will show; but not being supported as we •should have been, we could not get any fur ther, but held our advanced line until morn ing, when we were relieved. The men, green as moat of them were, rushed forward with a shout along side the old soldier. It is a glo rious thonght to us that, though the regiment was green, she stood up nobly for our country. I think the State may feel proud of the 187th. She felt proud - 4 the 130th, and the 187th is another of the same kind, , ever ready to.bleed and die for the Union. Col. Joseph Ramsey and Major Merrick are both wounded. The numbeikilled and wounded is 252; missing, 415: Total in the regiment, 267." IMFBOPE.MiXT OF TAX lonvnnn CENTRAL Itixr.wric.Tlie Baltimore 'Arne;ican of yes terday says: "In order to a more expeditious and satisfactory transaction•of the biminess of this railway, which for some time past has been very considerably increased, the Board of Di rectors, withihe President; mianiinously sobted-UpOn the laying of a double traek the _entire length of the road. A survey was made, and the contract for the work entered into with Mr. Catribreling. With but little delay the contractor made the necessary arrangements, and such was the progress Made that he was confident of reaching as far as Cockeysville. By the 4th of July, and he would have done so but for the fact that, on last Thursday, nearly all the hands suddenly suspended work, and declared they would not- resume it until their wages were increased. This was necessarily refused, and they are l still holding out, some of them, no doubt, for the reason that harvest time has arrived, and some, dur- . ing a few days or weeks ; maylltake a little more money by change of employment. The friends of the Company iadulge in the hope that such arrangements,will be made as will soon result in the steady progress of the im provement. On several other divisions of the road much has _been accomplished in exca vating, filling and preparing the bed for the track,:whilstiarge quantities of cross-ties and iron rails have been placed at convenient Points'readyloiltse.': ° ' - HADIUSBDNOERS GAPITRID AND NOW iar Baca- MOND—We have been permitted to publish the following letter, containing a list of the names of Harrisburgeis recently taken prisoner,s and now in , Riehmond, by the gentleman- to whom it is addressed. It is of an importance which requires no further comment, and will inter est the reader who knew the Soldiers to 'Atom it-refers: NEAR PETERSBURG, VA., June 25, 1864. Ma. Jowes J. RIIDY--DzArs Sts:—lt is with deep regret that have to communicate the intelligence of the fate of your win, Edward Rudy. He was in the engaggmertt of the 23d inst., at Pine Grove Mansion, and was taken prisoner. The Company "ll," known as the "Colder Fencibles," of th& 87th Regiment, P. V.,-startedaeross the Rapidan in May last, with 69-men, and at-the present time we can number but 15 muskets. The casualties are as follows: • - - Private Daniel W. Rider, wounded in thigh; Cyrus W. Rippler, wounded in head,(serious;) Cor. Ducal Sheerer, in shoulder. The follow ing-are the'prisonermt. • Capt. ,Lewis 6lsish. r• - Sergt. EdWard T. - Andy. Corp. An uatria Wivagardner. • • Private. William Carroll. _. " Franklin Drabenstadt. Mathias HulL- • - Michael Heirunan.' - Joseph Howell. . 40,4 James Oren. William Ramsey, '4 Henry C. Shatzler. ' !Norse Foomey. = Henry C. Welker. • Samuel Zartman. . • ,‘ George Zc r ie ik r. The lose in-the eat is heavy. All is goiug bgaly;: welli tlaTL f lajugh e army tr , find all in good. iii,esPlTltraiA .11eat. GEO. 0: slab:max, -: , 134113$14:11, 87 th Baillt.k y:, _Tat Brigade.' I= I=l CEEANGE COMMISSABXES AT TklLi P• 7 Capt. Robinson, for some time the ConnAih sary at this post, has been superseded by Capt. Wiltbank. THE 79ra Palm.. pot's,—By a letter dated June 15th, we learn that the 79th joined the army in the front on the Bth inst., and has been in line of battle ever since. The regi ment is at Ackworth, Georgia. Colonel Hain bright is still sick in the hospital. No casu alties have occurred in the regiment since its arrival in the front. Tns, I.Blnt Ps. Royal .--Various rumors have been afloat in regard to the recent casuali ties in the 184th Pa. regiment, we deem it necessary to state that there were but 230 men and officers in the regiment when sur prised by the rebels, and -.Hot 130 of that number escaped capture or injary,' , including three line officers, Capts.' jenkins, Bell and Brown. One hundred men and officers were captured by the enemy: Maj. Klecimer was sick, and not with the regiment, cthasequentlY is safe. The 184th has seen hard times since it left for the front. BOUNTY JUMPERS ATTEXPT TO DESERT —One of Them A:Med.—This forenoon, as the North ern Pental Accommodation train, was going southward, and when near Hockton,"it passed through what is known as. "Long Siding," in order to get around an obstruction that was on the main track. Wails the train 4as ran ningslowly, two deserters, or bounty jumpers in charge of a guard of U. S. soldiers, leaped through the windows of the "car and made off. They were challenged to halt, and paid no at tention to the order. The gtiard fired, killing cone man instantly: the other escaped, taking tc.).•the woods. The man killed was from Can siclit---a British subject--and had over $2OO on his , person.. He was put in a rough box and sent to'llaltimore. Another sad/warning to b oo l i t y :lump -erg! UZZL=MMI Walt DYE t, 114.11d..DYE I x llatchelor's Celebrated flair lige Li - THE BAST IN THE WORLD. The only Harmless, Tree and Re,liable Dye Known. Tilla splendid. Halr.Dye is perfeit- 4 ellanges Red, , Suidy nr,Gray Hair instantly toe Moray Black or Ar. , Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frequently festering itapristine color, and rectifies' the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM. A. BATCH ELOR, All others are mere Imitation‘SK should be avoided. Sold by all Druggilldta nctory 7 -81 EiR 11:6TORNIAM'S MIR TOILET oa ton DRIII3BINde THE. SW .111231YAg annvart 9 s, Tivehes. For the cure .cAmeniass, Throat Dis eases, &0., are' _ 'reoommonded to minitters, singeissand parsons whose vocation calls them to speak hi piblie. Manutactured only by 0. A. -Bannvart & Co., Hark-tabling, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. sold by druggist every where. • Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent , elergymenz. 1162 / a brillEG, Feb. Bth, .1864. O. '4. BenNvenr--Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and. other preparations for hoarsegess and throat tronbles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and sinkers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and &ads.. have foruid them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours" truly, T. H. ROBINSO.Ii, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian .ohurch. ASK agree with Mr. Robinson as , to the- value of Bannvart's Troches. - W. C. OA.TTELL, ' Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. 14uatanuso, Jan., 1 6 64. -To 0. A. Bermv.urs—Dear Sir: b th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where'the vocal organs are very nitioli Mama, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and That wantbas been supplied in your excellent Trochee. I consider them very far superior 'to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice 'arising from its too frequent use, and , impairing th effeotivenesa of the delivecy of- public ac dresses. Yours, &C., . JNO. , WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the . Locust _ St. Methodist Church. TO. G. A. BArimrthr--D' ear Sir: Having wiesc your Troches, I. -am . -free to -say they are the best have ever-' tried and' take grsat pleastthi in recommending tam to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public Speabng or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. RAXESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICHt • • HARRIS - DURO, 'Feb. 29; 18 . 847 To O.A. 11!.uuvpp—Dear . : I liuVe found your be' invabiable iv: re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the ransolesof the throat. - They impart eleirneas to the voice. enders certainly of_ great hone.- flt to ail public apeakers.. A. X. HERR Pare Vegetable Mancha.. ONE of the very best Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the citizen.% and strangers of this City. It will parity the blood, and leave the liver and bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates Without the least pain. Old ,and young, male and female, /41/ can takt of it. As to the truth of this .hundreds can testify, as it has been well tried for the last ten years. It is prepared only and sold by Hr s. L. Ball, No, 27, smith Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. , myi3. es Brown's Bronchial Trocn "I have never changed my mind respectinglhem from - the arsti.except. terthmleyet better of' tiuttlefotabegan Winking well of " Rex. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "The Troches are Atari:if life to Me." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres. Hamilton College, Clinton; N. T. "For Throat Troubles• they are a 'pada c." N. P. WILLIS. , "Too favorably known to need - commendation." Hon. CHAS. A. PHELPS, Pres. Masa, Senate. "Contain no opium nor.anything InJurioua" Dr. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, BosL:on. "An elegant combination for coughs," . Dr. G. F. BIGELOW, Rotott. recommend their use to public, speeksf m :o R eT•' .. .el. El; OttiPrN "Most callitary relief in Bronchitis ~' Rev. & Ohio. "Very beneflotal when sulfb.n n i from Co w s. " t•ev. P. ANDERSON, SC-Louis.. "Almost instant retterAu the dietreasisiglabor of breath log peculiar to Aithire,,, - Rev. A. C. EGI.RSTON, New York. "They have Ml:tett utycase exactly, reVeyingray throat 93 that I could. sing with ease." T.-DUCRAFthig Chorister French Parish Church;Modreal. AB Illerd are sure to obtain the GEAPPIE` ialL2l..d&w - Ear To Clear the - House — of Flies,* use J hacker's celebrated LIGHTNING YLT.KILLER, a neat cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet *will kill a quart SOLD EVERYWHERE-. FRENCH, RICHARDS 8a CO., lOtti and Market streets, Phitsdephiarwhelesale agen . ta. • 13 /7 Wrir 00X,G4SAWS licorzy SOAP. Thatoelebrated-Tonet- Soap, br sootreatTersoi de ;Truax!, Is Made from the choicest losterlali,*alld mad epeoLllerat 'nits mama ilragrantly teat extremely beneficial -in Itithetioa upon elfin emu.. ralw tar all Dr and Tannvlkiodit Dealers. r 'WAIN TS. WANTED, TN a small family, a good' white GIRL, who is not anold of working too hard. Wages SITS per week_ Apply at [je2B-2t) THIS OFSION. • WANTED IMMEDIATELY. VOUR or live "Shanty-keepers," to whom 1 Shanties, which are ready for use, will be furnished, for the purpose of accommodating boarders. Also, from 1.0 to CO hborers. Apply to James Martin, on the N: a. R. R., Mahontongo mountain, S miles acove Millersburg. je22-Im* AGENTS wanted to sell the Stanard His tory of the War. A sore chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold.' Sent for circulars. Address TONES BROS. A.- CO.. de 80 Publishers, Balt ore, NkT.A.ITTED-A. good pastry Cook, and a good meat 6 .- )ek . Detains at the • ap3o-dtf BRADY HOUSE. CLOSING OFT SUMiVtER STOCK "- AT ' AND BELOW COST. MRS. M. MAYER, !O. 13 Market Street, RING desirous of closing her Snmm2r B Stock. of Miilliery Goods, offers for salb at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, • HATS AND FLATS, &O. Constantly on handiA splendid assortment of 81:6 a. vifs, LACES, RUCHES, • HOOP SKIRTS. WRESTS, MISSY HAHDk.EECRIEFS, GLOVES, OOLLARS :91:111 NETS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do well to call, as great bargains can be . had at wholeiale. jel4 FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS .1 WHOLvgATE AND MUM HI ' . I. l pjol-14Pt- W lIS-la STREET, NEAR WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. ril zy, following stock of Fireworks is now in 1. store: R o man Candles, . .. Rockets, Pin'Whesln,' Mines of Stars and Serpeigs. Serpentiti . . , - - aranth o PPer; Water Pots, . ' 'Flower Pots, Scroll Wheels, Bonged* Lights, Triangles, Blue Lights, Red, White and Bkile, Spangalettes, Chinese. Rocket; Pulling Crackers, Fire Crackers, Torpedo; • Torpedo & Firedratker Gun, New Torpedo Bow, Joss Stick, or Punic; - „. New is tnetithe idParghalletw hile -tnieortimis WI ga , 'lls sortment: . jeti-dtt Third street, near Walnut, SELLLNO- OUT LOW ! oug STOCK Or` -= LIQUORS! . W intemito-alsocOttuitto the Bale of Li- E quorsond offer our sto ViCat a very small advance Pram cost price. We have pure ttased all ‘...mir "11, 11 ° 12 ;,' 0 " fore the last rise and 'haves largo stock on h4: 4 ",a h `r,,,,,,, i n " o , four years, which'are guitranteod cannot be now at any price from the iniporteont Our stock•consleb3 Of jEC, r of a4i grimes • . 1W We have parts of three barrels Pure RYE, aut. colored, and 1.0 degrees above proof, 2,14 years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. 13 It AN - 1:6 I - E. S. We have part of M cask - HENNESSEY BRANDY, to which we invite the farticttlar attention of families for medichieZpurpones. ' `r The Brandy cannot be bought ' to'-day, from' importers, less than sin per gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per &Ig loo. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, . CHAMPAGNE WINES, . CLARETS, &C. • , Ws)tittteltie tingssetidu , of rfotaileopors and Liquor Iferetunitstgenerany, WS we intend 'to Sell, without re- • Serie, - all our 'Liquors, and this a good oppottn nitY for bargains. - • - .le2d • ' =BRISLER & FRAZER - Dr. J. P. KELLER'S Dental Preparations. GRANULAR DEMO:PRIOR! AMERICAN TOOTH WASH THESE elegaat preparations combine the most desirable cleansing and astringent qualities.. They render the Gums hard aad healthy; neutralize the acid secretions of the month, (thereby removing the prime CaUeOr decar) By,their detersive properties they preserve the natural.. eoler of the Teeth; without in the least degree ihjuring tho enamel, while they impart to the breath a fprgrancepemtliarly aromaticand pleasant.— In fact they aria THE Ilrar ARTICLES in use for the par. 'mom, •Euutteklardt , tair ..triat,will fully , demonstrate, and as ma been abhindanilyrprOvetlby their extensive sale in this communit y during the last 14 years; and which will be readily tel dined to by many who have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale Led usefulness. 'they are warranted to be free from these destructiveAelds.whiphho,Coaquently contaminate many the PreperritioniertheitieSe` at day. Prepared and sold at the Dente .1 Rooms of the Proprietor, corner of Seemed and Walnut streets. JOHN P. HELLER, Surgeon Dentist. For sale, area ray the principal Druggists of the city. apei.-att AN .fititiO3 31'14 , LNT OF. ° .atrYLE S OF ~_ POP, IfOOES, PURSES AND PORT 31. 02NNA-XES FOR LAbildf 'thirdERTLEREEN. AT. KE:LLEWS Drug and I\nolo7 Goods Store,- We. 91' Marled greet ' pbe be, % Morocco • TRAVELING SATCII ELS, And sloped , vatietp of p kaNCY GOODS, eaitable Apr Proem:de, now on band at - I`T.ELLEA'S Drug Store, marlo-tt , No. 91 Market street. SIJPERICIR grjAril. TY, for sale ts small bales at the.Tiriate A tune lalois; Immediately below me, efts'. = usir j 3.: -- 5. btre'll.. A. Q: SMITH, ikti r dreilt" - Nleik .:Arr H AS nnk _ renacm ad his Office from Third to Wei natt.to3tbe Prism All business Le-. trusted_ to bluff v 1211 rec e ive p r eistpt and careful .attention. 1 . UT FLYPAPER. A DICE assortment of Cat Paper for cell 141R. Pp !lboitturglailaea;,pfctinirramenandlas 'pea, at SCHEFFEIR'S BOOK STO . m. 920 - , Harrisbut i CALM L. M.A.CLAY, ATTCYRNEY-AT-LAW.--Patriot and Tinian . by:tiding, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all legal buy iness. ItiyA ,d6m-eod • . • - VINE TABLE pIIS.-40 boxes fine table a its of the beet itaporjattons Sro sale, Wholesale and retail, ' o 3' smsunt & R., mys aueoealora to W. Dock,,,.Z l 2le_ Co Ql - 16101n) riszsMD q4A.LmeN, jam, *eyed at • SELMER & FRAZER, Teta (Baccemfora to Wm. Doak, fir, )C MIOR m`r• e--orso-power STR. ANI. ENG.dsTE and BOLEN, In good order. Apply to F. GEEW, fakw f ) Walnut Street, below Sixth. HAY:P:3IILn RAY!!! HAY of the b4t l ifftality is offered for sale: Gall M'CO CO.ll, (*mg ea Elle Canal. Harrisburg,. iiratitt TIMED FRUg Of al; kinds at . . . PIC-NICS. GRAND FIREMEN'S PIC-C, SOB THE ItENZIITT Or TEE PAXTON FIRE COMPANY, NO.. 6, AT 11.A.11_141 - I.2EN'S WOODS, MONDAY, JULY 4, 18E4. MEI THE object of this pic-nic is to raise fonds to aid in the completion of our new engine house, uow in course of . erection. We hope she citizens of this city and vicinity wilt lend us a helping hand. It is the determination of the committee of arrange ments to prevent all improper characters from entering the woods, The gate keepershave positive orders to pass no females of doubtful reputation, and the police force have instructions to eject all such characters: from the grounds, should any gain admittance by accident. We are determined that none but reapectallle persons sawn. „participate, as we intend to make this a respectable pic nic, to that Wien can bring their families and not be in sulted with the presence of lewd women.. An adequate police force has Men appointed, with instrections to ;pre serve order at all hazards. - A general invitation is extended to-alt liverymen to Inn conveyances to the woods. _Conveyances will leave the following plums every hour during the day, for the woods: Mr. Jauss' hotel, opposite the hose house; Mr. - Koenia's hotel, foot or Second avreet; Wagner'a Second Ward House; Mr. Itauelea weal ADZ ton House; and Mr. Frische's International Hausa tokets can be procured. from the members of the cc in wny, or from the following committee of arrangements: David Forma, 6eiti. Weavar,..Jr: E John Quichner, F. Vollmer, Patrick Burns. - .10 2 8-4 16 t _ THE GRAND UNION PIG-NIC, To be given In honor of Independence Day at . 1-I.OIPV3I4I 4 OT'S WOODS, ON MONDAY, JULY 4th, 1864. • ADMITTANCE TO THE WOODS FREE. CARS will leave the Pennsylvania Depot at I nine o'c oak A. it and two o'clock P. IL, and retu tat at half-plat seven Fare in cars to woods and return, 25 cents. The cordially invite all Cialens to part 'elm to in the festivities of the day. No Improper characters Wi beadmitted (x) . uuriss . : D. E. Idarti; ' , WM. Carson, A. If. klenken, . Henry Snyder, I E. Faught, Henry De Elcdi; Wm. F. M'Coy, '. Mimes Sprucebauks. C Bardge. 413PAmple refreshments will be supplied. , SUNDAY-SCHOOL 11BM SUND.A.Y-SCHOOL of the Vine stretpt M. E. Church Will hold a pie-nic in DERRY WOODS, OisT TEMSDAY, 30, 4864, for the benent-of, the SCiffickl.. Th publie are incited to attend. If o imPtofier 'clear wile ntua: e admitted. Cars will leave th . ea?elnuton Valley reitioad depot at TX o'clock A. K. Tickets caphishad at the following plac.,s: John Edwards', Market Square; Hants' Tinshop, Market street; Win Jack, Third and Matketi J M Hess, Third street. jel4 ' VNION yIC-NIC . • TO BE GIVEN AT I-I.OIFI I IIVIAN'S .yi - coorms, ON THURSDAY, JUNE 3Q, 1864. Tickets 26 cents. FOR SALE at the different Hotels and Res taurants. The cars will leave the foot of Market street at 8 o'clock A. x. and 2 P. M., returning at 7:30 P. B. Fare for the round trip 25 mutts. • Tickets for sale at the care previous to starting. No fmp;oper characters will be admitted to the woods. Je2s-dot* NEW AD VERTISEAEN TS. VALUABLE REAL= ESTATE - PUBLIC SALE. TT . T be sold at public -sale at Brant's ..- ,7 4 Rotel, on TaeadaY; June 28 , 18 64 , at... 7% the fo ll owing described valuable lots of o'clock, it• 21 “ 'n the city or Harrisburg: ground situated r. - pn Cneetnut street twenty-one feet, . No. 1, lot fronting 'nog propertyof Captain Eby Byers, and extending bask, al, feet wide alley. ulse'hultdred feet to ',taut street twenty-ntie feet, No. 2, lot fronting tin ',beck one hundred feet, to adjoining No. and extending feet wide alley.-- - V ' States Govern. akrethi. bits No. 1 and leti. 2 the ment bakery is erected..:.. 4 natinger depot of No. 3, lot on Meadow Lana 'opposite pa „ wt .. or Henry Pennsylvania Central railroad; adjoining pro, ir weinpone Thomas, Esq., fronting on said Meadow Lank,/ feet,and extending back,along line of-Mr. Thom one hundred and forty-six feet teiffnches to a .tommi feet wide alley; theis along said alley twenty-four' feet :Dui and a half inch to lot W. 4, of this .- schedule schedule;: hence along line of lot o. 4 one buntirnd and sixty lc'' /Vet three Inches, to Meadow Lane. N0...4, lot adjoining - 30. 3, fr onting on Meadow LOW . thirty-one feet seven inches; extending back, along lot No. 3 gnu hundred and eintygour feet three Indic* 40 a twenty feet wide alley, titmice along add 'alley twom‘P lour feet four and a half inches to property of Presbyterian church; thence along said church property onohundre 4 and efghty-two feet ten Inches, to Meadow Lane. jiarOn lota No. 3 and No. 4 the' United States Commis- Mu buildings are erected: Jar All thine lots will be , sold - subject to their Deem-- piney by the-United SUMS,' butit is understood-that all ground rents recoverable ter their -past. occupancy taw which no settlement has yet been made) will enure to the benefit of the respective purchasers of the same. Title indisputable. Plan of the kite may be-seen at the law office of Joshua M. Wiestling, in Watunt, near street, and at the sale. Twins: Cash,' or _ff more acceptable to the purchasiT, one half-cash on 'the delivery' on the deed? Met the iso mainder in two, equal annual instalments, payable with interest, and secured on therPreperty by bond - and mort gage- RY . HENKELHER, JOSHUA M. 'WASTLYNC.. Trustees of Genuan Reformed ' Salem Church 'or Barrie jeltteodtd - HOTEL AT PIIBLW l atT. valuable Hotel property known as PARKE ROUSE on brinket snot; ~ftlitilskurg, Penn'a, will" be offered at.. Public Sale. on the tweirdsesi.on - Wednesday, the 213th or July., at lotto*, r. x. This property is in the centre or the bosincea part of the city, within a square of the Court House and near the Railroad Depot, hack* a front of 27% feet on Market stro,i, extending back 310 leet to a2O lees street the rear and now reins at $lOO Ter mouth. . • . Ten= of sale—oae-half cash—the balance, if desired secured by mortgage, in youly payments to snit pur chaser. For further Information inquire of JOHN S. DETWKILER, Attorney-ai-Lair, Herrn": ousg, Pa. Or • . BENJ. P.g.II,FIA, jen-dts Purim.* Stuppietiuhau,county, Pa. BIOGR.A.SILY rOR .100YS. THE FAlillEallt OY . ;aztahowllebecameCommluxt: er-in-C14034 , $1 35 - THE PlOlstElr. BOY, egad nowne became President, $1 26. _ . THE FERRY BOY, and , the Finanaieri* . 2 6 ,THE PRINTER BOY, or how. Ben. Franklin made * lll -rici - 21$ THE FARMER BOY, and how , he beaameillenten ant General. In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sunator, to Roanoke; elegantly illustrated. 41 26 , BEVONER'd BOOK STORE. Diattrasses: Spring-Beds:! Comforts!: PUNI LEAF HA T OP TOP MATTRASSE% ' Eaareattoxi top - Mattrasses. Corn Htk :litstWswe. - • . Patent Spring Slat Beds. Feather Pillows and Solstersk Cotton Coinfo'rta and Spreads. • Ladles' Wilktw-Work Stands. Carpet Crimp Stools, Door Regs,.Carpet. llassaeks. Iron Bed-ateds, latest pattern, &C., &c, . „ 12.--13ofasi - Lounges, . Cushions, Mans,- and Hat, trasola rreedd Hair :and Spring Mattresses made to order. Na 109 Market street; Harrisburg, Pa. .1. T. BARNITZ. 1 00093. ! ta t:l 2 2l)l7r ; t of he,. e and, Jae el % f and for , axle 0 1 , _.SICISLER „feu (go ---1 1 to woL Doo.k,Tflr:(o.) . - s -- AF s 2 ---- zal:tiCglish Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg. au} rew York State Cheese, jest received at . - 13111SLZRerFRANZE, ... mys . . . saoseasorstaa -W. Tiz i tard,ig Co. ._ . . iLand 'fair .We. 4-OEiN - otificOk l nr.DinnitiVeo. at piivNte lad a the" arbole;:ei salt ioujaaataes.; 185aamaelearif i Oat balidlaii thetten,. With SaW MU • Yet fardm - & pirtionfirs, Wye's . " . all 'ld C1Er..?.1 L lIINSIEDNIkh ! :tamDauptim, Danithili_conntn.ra. AMUSEMENTS. CANTERBURY MUSIC. MALL WALNUT BT., BELOW THOM J. EL DO?INELL . • .. OPEN EVERY EVENDIO, With a First-class Company u: WM:A DANIZIM, 001115211.1 M, Admizsion. 15 centr Seats In Boxes —RS sows. INSTRUCTION BOOKS AND MUSIC FOR THE MELODEON, INSTRUMENTS OF THEORGAN CLASS. rzIiNDEL'S MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. AL,/ Containing the Elements of Music, Progressive Ex erea,es, and a large collection of Choice Music. $2 25 NEW METHOD FOR THE MELODEON. Retested mainly from "ZundePs Instructor," and containing In additbin to Lessons and Exercises, a ColleCdOn s of,rupdiar WOW, ar 3 / 4 1.'a variety of Psalm and Hymn TIMM.. tsl. 50 CaRHART'S MELODEON: Elementify Mid Frogres - ive Studies, with a collection of Choice Vocal and ental Minim - $1 50 • AMERICAN SCHOOL FOR THE MELODEON. , 1 50 MODEL MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. - 150 WINNER'S PERFECT GUIDE FOR THE MELODEON. Designed as a Self Instructor, with Choice Music. 69 [ MELODEON WITHOLT A MASTER. 60 WOODBURY'S MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. • 50 [ OR XIN AN WHITE'S ELMO E 0 N INsTRUCT , P.R. 60 HOWE'S SERAPIIISE AND BLEINDEOS INSTRUO. t THE SERAPHIM; A collection or Music Lot the Me lodeon; Seutphtne and Hood Organ. sq The instruadions in earth of the above books are suited not only to the Melodeon, bat to all instruments or similar construction. For sale by J. -Si. Gould, Pldladelphia. Oliver Mann & Co , Publianers, Boston. 022-tr THE Undersigned Commissioners, named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th day of May, 1861, entitled an act to Incorporate the Millard burg mad Roush trap Kinkead Company, hereby give pubtlearethie that books wilt be opened for receiving sod scriptigns to the Ca pital Stack of said Company, at hie tollowing.namedihnes and places In the county' _of Dau phin, to wit : At the house of JacohLenker, in Gratz. town, on THIIRSDArothe sitl day of. June, insk At the house of Benpunin. Bergner, in Herrysburg, on MONDAY, the nth day of June, inst. .4, the house of J. G. Yeager, in Milleasburg on THURSDAY , Die 80th day of J 1111; Inst. . An the JONES BLOUSE, In therlity of Harrisburg, on TOBSOAY, the 9th day of Jultnext; and that at said timea and places some two or more of the Comulistosers will attend, and that the Books will be kept open at'reest six hems, .commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon oh every day, for the term of. three judicial days, or until the number of shares authorized by the law shall have been subseribed. - • DAVID R. PORTER, HENRY THOMAS, JAMES FREELAND, O. M. BItUBAEHB, F. IVENRIPE., JONALUT SWAB, DANIF , X: JR}tL ^4Y.' CLOAKS, • CIIILCULA_ItS AND RIANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. ' A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. HATO- now a epleLdld assortment of • , SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCITI.ARct, NEW FRENCH. SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above , beautiful samples, in 'wen - color and baud /mutely trlmmed,trom $750 to $I 1000 SILK CIRCULARS, SACKS AND 8A,h1u.;, ,, Handsomely and richly trimmed from $lO upward . CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN URGE VARIETY . my2b NO EXCUSE FOR EXPL ASHOROFPS LOW WATER DErMTOR "fS AN . INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against J_ 'emploston or burning'of the fines or boiler, as nosh. tug can pref ant it (It not wive* with) :rom givitt im mediate notice of lack of water in the boiler, in sealson put on a supply without drawing thenlres. Want or water is the great sottree of so ,many and catastrophes which hare recently occurred. We warreint this instillment to be a perfect insuram against such contingencies. Price szo. Full instructions as to the:mode of application as wen as reference to moat of-the prominent manufacturers ani Iron masters of the State using them, sent-on application • D. C. MEADE & Pittaburf,, Pa. D. C. Mann, CitAS. M&GGJ. MILLINERY GOODS. AIRS. d. H I 13 A 3 28 , use °north ax" N Ero. s MARKET (Next door to Piles Confectionery,) MIMES EaLE IS PREPASEDA:, to sell to the ladies of Harrisbureand vicinity the-.. - WOO -Styles of .Ellintry And Fancy Goods, At cheaper prices than any house intim city. Thequality 9t her goods cannot be surpassed. DEW AbLECING IN MEIN LATEST 8.27 L& Will be neatly executed. Lidieseall and examine for yourselves. aplif-dilyi I _ NEW PHIL/J*llj' ILIA. - - C LO AL S S T 0 8 E. IN A. W OBOES' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES . 91 'FASHIONABLE • CLOAKS AND C - IRC Er LARs, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. - Wm Open on the lst or April. Iniar2l-dly CEL'Y'ST.A..ILIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONAWE, r a ialeseaut r , healthy bevera V . ay convenient .and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. ' • .. us portability recommends it 'o travelers. Its canvonlince at pic i rtios Will be Uncomic& No Lugar required; une.Mkio-spoordol simply dispdved in a gla es or aad water and it is Mme. HALTAB'S DRUG AND.FaNc t Y GOCID.sTonz, jel7 No- 91, Market street . NOTIC_V , is hereby given, that theeinerso4 ConneD of the city of Harden's& have completed the levy and atonement of taxes for lam year 1&*, and that all persona *bail be entitled to an abmemeat of .17 1 1VE PER CENT. , on the amount of their respective City Tam, on. Pci mein of the same t o AWN T. wIiSCO.I, Eta City Wn.a.- surer, on or before th‘ of July, 18e4 By order of the Contecutuatricii. DAVID BARRA. Clerk. ILARREIBMIG, JllllB 21. 1864. - N. R—Taxes wilt be reCieived By Fhe Treasure: until o'clock P. x., or each day. den LIQUID giENICET:. T /QUID 1 - 121 , 13TET yields with - mirk the j... 4 most loadous of all deserts for the table; She light en and mon grateful diet for invalids and men . Milk contains every element of the bodily tionstitettm when coagulated with rennet ft is always light and easy of digestion, and supports the system wine the lean pOintole excitement. When still greater rtutriticegower tridesired, cream endanger may bo added. A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a firm cued. Premed and 'sold, wholesale and retail by 8. A. Iif.UNIEL, jelAtf 118 Market street. PROVOST Afaretiat's Oi7ICS, 14m Atterattn4 lianstsßlMG, Pa., June'6, 1864. To DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed by Lieut. OoL L V. Bomford,.A. A. Provost Marshal Genera{ by his circular, Na 0, of Jima 4, 1864, to pub. bah "That drafted Bien are not allotted to enlist as room tears after being drafted; and that the creohs for drifted men will remain for the-nab-districts from which-they were drafted, no matter I whether local bounty has °riots not been paid to such. men, upon entiffunelitrva 'NO. RAP CLRMENT. -1 Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Diret, 11E MO VOTES; MELODEONS, SUET AI N, VIOLINs, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, . SPRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds a lITSI CAIeMICROMANDISK, ' PICTURE FRAMES, LODELVG o.. 01.Asnw, PHOTOGRAPH CARDSAnd Amp -ms, AMEg writ TitEm4 viciitivabms, ricrogs,,: - to s t ree ke tT embe tbe largest Mask Store S re LA this W EI ARD .fd oft eat 12, 'hind ini#23'd.a 50 DO ZEN JAW§ ENGLISEePIC comPrltiztg Chem Ctiow, Caniiho . icer, Mixed Plakki% VOtkilpti Waltifite: e whotriitte int - retell try *Ayr- 1 • ittecesson:tii W. Dock ,go c Ifsx. .3 Al'ID ALL NOTICE. let Jane, 18134- CITY TAX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers