~...:rDICA. •ss OUNSTI'MT/tAN WATER. coNsTmyrroN WATER. CoNSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER !CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CMSTITUnON WATER GREAT . REMEDY FOR THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY CO LABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BUDDER. C©NSTITUTION WATER Has been. pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the meet wonderful 'remedy for the perma nent cure - of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has ever been offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER. It Is from experiene that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let no man .doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent In this country has felled to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack" preparations, as it: now used by the scientific ',practitioners in this City, it is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the pfiy slcian Increases as his knowledge of different remedies" enables biro to prodiice a cure, while othere fail in the tempt. Science Is satisfied with the truth. . • Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are wader some specialists's care from year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatnesst, - and all sorts of local applicatlems .fer with as much chance of succors as. there WOUld be from local applications to the throat for diSkaiet of the: brain. _ We have been always careful to use lariguage ' onr: circular that could not shock the most delicate organize:: Mon, but we receive so many communications from per sons for which Constitution Water is adapted, 'and of whose diseases no mention has been maile, that we have come to the conclueion mat if the remedy is capable of producing a cure, hp matter what the disease may be, it should be made known.- The medicine is put up far the and there sliould be ,no exceptions. We would say, Constitution Water is not like a glided pill, made to suit the eye andtaste; it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands ,of the peo ple for their -relief, and if taken according to the direc tions it will, in every case, produce a radical cure.... We, Would say toot the directions in regard `t4 diet, otc., , late only to the disease under which they,occur. „DIABETES is a disease of the stomach and liter, acting through the kidneys, and is, witheitt dOubt, the mOst obstinate disease, except cousumpilon, that affects the - human constitution. We have no space fordisoussingicauses, but will state that the effect of the disease is the conversion or the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) Into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive' Secretion of water. Many persons safer from this disease who are ignorant of it; that is, they pass large ~nantities during the day, and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or untiltimes during the night. No notice is taken of it until thiou attention is called . to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, which, W/1011 the - disease Is fully estab lished, is intolerable--the patient 'ctrinke anzetantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the 1.415, a sweet breath, in the more - . advanced case; and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient gradn aty from exhaustion bozavrivumuts WATER is, without doubt, the Only known remedy for Diabeks, and we have as much confidence that it ma a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it has cured every case in which it has been used. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETV., ETC., Diseases arising from a faulty,:seesrethin—in the .one wise Wlug too little, and'' accompanied - by severe pain, aud`the other a too prattle secretion—which will bespeedity cured Ike CONS U•UON WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER -CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER' CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY. KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY'FOR DIABETES. IRRITATION riF THE NZEOK,.. O ME BLADDER . DIFLiiInUTION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OP THE . BLADDER. iTRANDIJARY AND BURNING OR PAINFUL SRL harrNl. For these, diseasos It is truly sovereign remedy, mid too much cannot be said iu its 'praise. A siugle dose has been known to relieve the Most urgent symptoms. AM jou troubled with that distreiedug pain in the email Or We be-4:lk and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of the Conaltutlon Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up Elie nee of tainhu, cubeba :and juniper in the treatment of those diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATgli. taug proved Itself equal to the task that hay devolved upon it. . DIURETICS Want° and drench the kidneys, and by constant 1128 soon lead to etwouic degetierition and confirmed disease: We present the Constitution Water. to the : , public .with. stle conviction that it hai no equal in relieving the class or diseases for which it has been round so eminently suc- Oessful for curing ; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. BEAD t READ 1 1 READ I I I Darttux, Fa., Juan 2., 1862.—Dr. Wm. S. Gregg— Dear Sir: In February, 1861, I was affected with sugar diabetes, and for dye months I passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to, get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, sad in nye monthi 1 lost about fifty pounds in weight. During the mouth of July, 1861, I procured two bottles of llktastitution Water, and in two days after using it I ex perienced relief, and atter taking two bottles I. was en tirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. __ 7, Y. L. DE.WITT Bomox COHNER3, N. , Doc. 27,11381.—Wm.-11. Gregg si-Go.—Gents: I freely give you liberty tomakeuse of the following certificate ol tho'value of Constitution Water, Which I can recommend in the highest manner: dry wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with PaffitatiOn of the Mart o/id Irritation of the Bladder. called a physician, who attended her about three months, when he left her worse than he had found her , fthen emplOyed one of the best physicians I could find, who attended her for about nine mouths, and while she was under his careahedanot stif fer quite as much pain. finally gave liar 'aid said "her ease war incurable.. .For," said he, 'hthe .has such a combination of complaints tltalinedicineffinen-for.one.ope.,* rates against some other of her ,diffscuthm.>? .Abont, two time she commenced the use, of Constituiten Water, and to our utter astonishment, allQeet We:first. dose •seemed. to have the desired eilect;and ,she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends en, ttrely her domestic album. She has not taken any of the Constitution Water for about four weekk, and we are happy to say that it has produced a permanent cure.. . K VAN SDISCHOTRI. Wiewrxitiilrxt.n, Conn., March 2, 1863.—Dr. w. H Grego—Dear Sir:—Having seen your advertisement of `Constitution Water," recommended for laffimmation of the Kidneys and Irritation of the•Sladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of physieland with only temporary relief, I wasinduoed.to try roar medicine. I procured one battle of your agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson & Co., and when I had used half of it, to my surprise I found a great change in my health. I have used two bottles of it, and am where I never expected to b e in my life, well, and ix good spirits. I cannot express my gratitude for it; I feel that it is all and more than you recommend ir . lobe. May the blessing of God ever attend you In your labors of love. Yours truly, . LEONARD BIGELOW. FOR RAZE BY ALL DRUGGISTS PRICE $L GREW & CO., Proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agent-% • jao 86-dawitmAtod No. 46 Cliff street, New York. Sold by , Johnston, Holloway At Cowden, rbila., and X.UNICED Street, Harrisburg, and by all auggis PICKLES'! NOBLES! IT—By the 'Barrel,. Hail Barrel ,. da ea. Dozen. at no2o ARIA' RR it Caucoesaora to Wok. Dock, Jr., CO. r - krzw KkowaßßT., ,JIERRING AND:SAL,' IN NON Duril;" r , BCPIEBec KORBPERi:te • . •• • ---littscr.ELANE-ous. ELECTRICI'r Y. - DRE- 1 . WITTE( and CREAMER, Eciectio and Eloctropailde physicians, respectfully offer coax . professional services an the various branches of the profession, for the treatment of all acute and chronic. forms .of disease. • The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnet: Galvanism, Electra-Magnet ism, the Swedish method of lard movement cure, a few Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, and in fact all the natural °waive agents that may successfully be brought to bear upon the disease. They do not wish to be -understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to thotie generally employed byphysicians, from the feat that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and centrally the human system. To this, and the fast that they Mae° themselves to no per tie War patty or apron, they • attribute their mimeos The printipal itgenti:they employ in the 'treatment of disease, namely,-Fatetricity, it• an agent wonderfla in its phenomena and powerfla Mils effects for good or 111 It is an ever preant,-idlpervrtilag prhadple governing art things; from haling woride down to the in;lsible particles of ganteties Matter. - We she It in the lightninrallaaand hear the manifestations of its poorer in the - nattering dander. It is the cause of all decompolitia, : recompa bitten and transformation. It excites all motion. It is the. exciting cause of life, growth, decay and" death. ' It ' came; aeration, excretion, digestion. It' layehold Of:the Crude Ina in the stountudt, converts it into a-state Of • Cu iclfiy, transmutes it.intelaterial blood, and sonde- it on ite 'impornint caw of applying nutriment according . to the necessities of the bodY.'-It is the nerve:: Vital - 414K the peat agent through which the mind acts 'upon thlrbodys It is the cause of-all causes eicapt the find great cause. • the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it into h-e These may appear like mere asterfienti but they es. facts admitting of strong 0:4 - irecieistitile proof: Is it then, to be wondered at that as agent so wonderful in Ita ,phe nomena, so powerful Iri Ili manifestations tad aintinans lyoonnectect With :811. operationt.of the human sp• tem, should haalinoskabsolute in its power of Pantrolli Weasel' Certainlynot.; it is a natural sequence 'in fellows:. as surely aday ; Among the Mimeses which are found to yield readily to ,Electricity, in conjunction' with propier adjunct treatment, mentioned:the following; Inelpient Consumption, :Parlays's, Elpiliptic, Ilystaic and.--ether Convulsions; Neuralgitrinits worst forms, Rhuematism, 'lnilammatorY. and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; I/spy sia cured in a feW treatments; an diseases of the urinary and genital organs .:Pet ale Diseases, Asthma, Piles. and Po:aspens .Ard; Amanrosis and all kindred affections.of the eye; Aurelus, Strictures, all skin diseases, &c. Persons calling will be told Whether they can be bene- Aided and no case taken Where some' relief cannot be' af forded. Coraullatian free . . 'Office ' South Second .stratt, :bep3yitheathut, Harrisburg,- Pa. Office hours fram..B.lo; 12 a, .1 to 5 and 7 toll PAL: ALEK:It. WYETH, DR. J. MELTON CMAIMR. apl3 A. F. Z.IIIIMgRMAN . , - Practical Watch Maker, Na 62 Market Street, HuriabargiPa. DEALER IN FINE WATC %INCA SETS Or JEWELRY. FINE SILVERWARE, PLATED WARE TEA Berrien, AND ALL FUNDS OF JEWELRY Has cOnatan H y on hand swell selected end' elegant ' assorted , ntook of rifix w.s.TvErm v , SD swra FLEE SILVER WARES AMERICAN, ENGLISH. AND slqszejsrAraszs, Also, a line H asso oto rt in Gold and Silver Caw,. :wont of 4 - ~ I. A.D I.Xo c r 114 T AVC II : KlEi poostvaily on hand. -' - ' . .. • •• - Mi.E.Pr.e . ti*T e — 01.4 - 094/5, Of all deserlitiota of ilpb wil be eal4 at the .r,OWAS,T 0,46.11 PBICE& mpumtne.the gdods. • Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watches, simh as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watchet and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the mosit:competept .workmen employed,- and the whole matter ander my own personal supervision. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, mar22j No. 52 Market street, adjoining Branes Hall. Steitm Weekly to'LiverpOol. T 0.1 3 CHING at QITENNSTQWN, (Cork HAT bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are In tended to sail as follows: . Edinborough, Saturday, Jane 18. City of Washington, Saturday, June 25. City of Manchester, Saturday, Jutp •2. ' RATES OF PASSAGE, ELTARLE IN GOLD, OR ITS EQUIVALENT tat OIIRRESOY. FIRST CABIN $80•00 STEERAGE " $3O 0 0 do to Vanden 85 00 do to London 34 00 do to Paris 95 00 do to Paris 40 00 do _-to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to 'ilambUrg...* 87 00 Passenger* -forward to Haw; Bremen, Dotter dam, Antwerp at equally low rates. Fate's from Liverpool -or $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Those who wish "to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rebut For further information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent,‘ls Broadway, N. Y. , or.C. 0 215tHERMAN, Harrisburg. - pa-ay INSURANCE COMPANY .OF.. NORTH AMERICA, No 232 Walnut Stateet, South Side, Basted Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS.— 41;556,663 50 INCOPRORATED-1704, -CAPITAL.... . ... . . 8850,000 CHARTER PERP:thrIAL. • • Marinq, Fire and Trilinid Trandportation In • - Altai:Lux G. COFFIN, President.' '' CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. ' • ' WIrALIAM BUEI - ILER Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office 'Walnut St., near Scond, Harrisburg, Pa, nay2l4m.* ' DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OF, the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in k." forms the public that this Old Daily - Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now. in existence in this city,) is in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as low as aiiy other Individual line betwecnYhila• delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewialiiirg, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven.. and all other points on the Northern Ceram', Phlladelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Entre Railroads, . • . . , DANIEL A:MEINCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Perin • a. Goods sent to the. Warehouse-of- Meesrs.7-Peacockp.ZeH Hinchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market s treet; above Bth, by 4 -o'clock, P.M. , arrive at Harris -bur, ready for - dellYerY, next morning. ap3o-rdat -1 LADU.S.-Llf you good Latta BeirelePett, inkjeths, er anything else ha the orrery, hue, :yes -will ole well b . , 11 BOOKSTORE , , lbitleatelk = ay.= .1 il:{1:;; ,:•/, • ' MEDICAL. ==l I= l ll C.S> Vtl Pzzl c t~ ~., t;cl ra p;w D.H.: JOHN L. - LYON'S -.. '.: • . ' i ..., yltOn PERIODICAL - - PROPS, TH3 -GREAT FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the:only known remedy that eneeeitstnisy end Invariably restore and rectlatetheTemaleeyetens),remov ing all irregularities; - and- iraineing his• — .lt3f, ' , yip! , and LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in this country, and sell direetlY on thek. Parts affected; whilst pills and, powders can only reach them-as they work through sympathy; bit not: at atit direct and positive. Are you suffering from mustard. anxiety for the regu lar return of nature's ppieoribed luau g - Give yourself no uneminaic:foi , Lyeut's readotikadLlhops, If taken; a, deror two befeke.ette expected period; mill peg direly, and invariably MN** ceda* *aura* .etrect follows tau* ascertain as day li ght., wit' darkness.. Are;you s ick, eafeet , labor and danger rit yreregge : . . - ' - LYON'S PERIODICAL DR OPS SZ;TIGUMMiiiiG;I Ifreularl — ytaten,-It -la =lO preys! it inet; an 1 will save you numb peril and many home of manna& Bawl' yne been atllkted fbr many' yews With ooniplainia Lecidedt to the sex, that have baffled -tie akill of &yell= ciaue, sad are IlunYtEdl You on to se,a4 l 7, Par I LYON'S itRIODIOAX DROPS krithe most reliable regulator ever - Omni' and cure, like inagle; thoge P 93 . 0164186 t •- e 4 6 P t O r'i Willjett waste away with winning from Linuii*ftleim,' PrObtpang Dyanrenorrhon, and a thousand ether diliieul tlea, all'auxoreed up under the acme of sappar and obstructed nature, when an investruerd GC e ns i , , •-•-•, • • - , LION'S PEMODIOAL 'Dat)ll3 • . in cliescatosa, &woe h, hit , ~,,„A save PYL when [Wld h.,mi- oat ak pier natwill -- Y„. the drape cure, end —;,, wits t0,.„..,at- it Do not _,...1.. i, O,IIIYO ~d /Way ...n, . 1s u, 1,...., . rot although ^ ao powerful i i i e , Bexuw 0 .minils.o4n tim e a+ 4 47 :Le tuncilon.pr would pe./duce _apse who inagtWerrah pr 9 per Wass, th ey .. „ 11, patsaadatir ~,....:: :11,....i..,....,1r takeli'atn,statt, egekiet. w0rd,04., tz,,,ty to woild Ir,eß ....-.. i.'-7=5,-.t.--,-",'—.,•• .1.:, --'• ~,,"-:-• % - - • ''' {...0.,.:;,-4r= 4 .4 1, itor s. -- 7- -... ~,m,------ t 0 w:2 ., , .....„.:, ; ,,:f.,-.2:-.:„ t0rjir:.......,-...5.4 11 .....- - -.-,_,..--..;'?--.-'!':-.•4li' : •'.. -. •. '.: : • •,, ji : ' • . .•.- .- .-• ^ - ~_ - Cannot Mum the moat delicate constitution at any Lime ; , yet th e ptoprietora wish •to guard against its misuse hoping than 'a thousand bottles.wlil be used for a good pur pose where oho is used for au Megitinutte one. DON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, • the never , failing 'Female Regulator, Ls for Wei by every Druggist, in the city and oountry,.ffind do not, if you Value your health and wiaktor a rellabit medicine, buy tiny other. Take no ether; hut it t h e Drugghet t0,...wh0m you apply hatnet got it, make him send and let' it tor you. C. G CLARK & PROPRIETORS,- N ew Haven,. Conn. At Wholes's, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY dc - COWDEN, - 93 North SUM Street r elphia, Pa tts i l 6 . 131 0 tA I t2O thy '-' . - St • o a r - 1 . DR. T®l3l SON, MI LOCK HOSPITAL, Eul d e l j oo ectu v yr ed e pie mos t e ate in the world oe in' speedy world for El A Uwe Warranted, or NoCharge, ii frolii One Weakness ef the Back, Affections of the Zidneys and Bladder, InvoitintAry Darges, Impotency, General Dee Why, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the How; Timidity Trembhugs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Dioo_oo• of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Alp:thous of the Liver Lungs, Stomach- or BoWels--those terrible disorder arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those sweet and solitaty practices more-fatal to their victims Bash the Mug of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their moil brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible. YOUNG MEN • - Especially, who hive become the victims of-Solltary Tice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave. thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise haorg entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to may the living Ire:- may call with full conlidenco. I=l Married persons, or Youirlfen contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic dahiiit.y , defor dic., speedily cured. Re who places himself under ihe care of Dr. 3. may ref 4101120 confide in WS honor as a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon.his skill as aPhysiclan. 0.H4AN14 WEAKNESS tatiedlately cared, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which readers life miserable and marriage impossibleta the Penalty paid by the vic tims of improper inclulgened. Young persona are too apt_ to commit druessesfromnot being aware , of the dread/ al consequences that may ensue. Now, who that ...inkier. stands the subjeCt will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into le,iproPer habits than by, the prudent. Besides being dektved- the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most seriirea And de structive symptoms to both body and . mind arise, Ttigpsatenthecomes derango,', the physie sme mental talEltions weakened, - lois of Proe,reative power harrow dyspepsia, palpitation of the mart, tidi g estaia, 'constitutional debility, a wasting of thu frame, coug h , eee... *motion, decay and death. Orrrcx Na 1, Sam SIIEDNELICK 5T1144 F ; Left hand side golna lal..l,lßattimere. street , fev • irbors. from the corner, :Ail not to observe name and number. Lettem must be paid and contain a stamp, The Doctor's Diplomas Itabg in hie Oleo. . • . `.130R. JOHNSON, maaitor• of the.Royal!lege of Stirgeons; London, grad mate Isom one of the most eminent colleges in the United Straes, and the greater part of whoseßife has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia . and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known manytroubled with ringing In the head.. and ears when asleep, great nervousnaes, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, withfrequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were eared immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Thew are sonie of the sad and Melancholy &recta pro duced by;early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head,,dimness of sight; lose of muscular Tower, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, wa votts irritability, symptoms of consumption, dm. liimeramar.—The fearful effeots on the mind are much to be dreaded—losa. of memory, confusion of ideas,' de pression of pinta, evil forebodings, aversion to society, :selftdistrust, love of solitude, arc some:ef She snits produced. ' • : YOUNG DEN I 'died ' b , have I n ernes yes y a cotter Fraction in dulged In *hen alone; a habit .freque , Atty learned from evil companions, or at achmil, the (Ab e t s of which are nightly felt, even When: asleiT, a n d if not cured renders ' marriage aims sible;and 'dmitroyakboth mind and body, should& ),ilyt mmediatel. Whets r t hat a young Loam, the hope of hie co-;:ntry, the darling of hie parents, Should be sgatched from all JirrSpecte and enjoyment?, of lifb, by.the ,consequence of dirvighig from, the :pa* of -nature:and Indulging in: a °wrap., secret habit - .Such periona =ln,. before contem plating MAIIRIAGE ~ Reflect that a Sitatrut mind and body arettre most necessary requisites litt proilmte oolumbial happMess. Indatutoritb, out these, the journey through - 11M boccie:its' throaty - 1111 4 .; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind es shadowed with despair and Oiled with •the modattetioly reflection that the happiness of another be e:Ones blighted with our own. When the misguided and imprudent votary of•pleestre dads he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, too. ften happens that as illtimed sense of shame or the. dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who Hum education anti reapoetablllly, can alone befriend him, He falls into the Wanda of ignorant and designing pretend era, who, incapable of 'curing, filch his pecuniary sub. *ranee, keep bdin,trflihrg month after month, or as, long as the smallest fee muube obtained, and In deripmr ; leave him With rained health to sigh over hisgallingdisappoiniment or, by inn use of tirades Sly poison, Mercury, hasten the conagturLanalsyo iii. n sof this terrible dbrease,such Pe affe4' Skins of the Hew; Throat, Nose . Skin ; eut,.prognettalut with frightful rapidity till d. pate a periOd to hip .dreadful sufferings by. sosatig hint gutt undiscovered eoentry froni'milienos no - traveler return:. The many thchuiands cured at this institution year after year, and "the numerons_important surgical- eperailone performed• by Dr. Johnson, witriesseil,by the reporters;}/ the grak (Rippe r, and many otherpaPers, ncilleee of arld4 have " appearedagain and_againbefore the publie„bielpie* hie standing as a gentlenum or chiractrir and woe* a'eufficient guars ifeelp the aiiiicted t fidak DISEASES " SPEEDILY ,011111 ED, ." : !1 1 41—WANT' COMPO I TiTh' EXTRACT OF • 0 . 1;JBEBS ADF'D'COPAIDA. : .7. :inu e sparatio.l,,i2„rAticularly recommended to the FRW‘t9gr- ,. ....{.and the PUBLIC for the prompt 41111 - .. —a cum of ' Ar .,..3BASES . OP THE, ALADBER, NEYAtfIiDIARY O" AGANB, ere tioIR ma y these ba relied ' ese t as win t th he e beld' thrge"cftsg r 9l,:liseales ihe of both sexes, to which they are aPPlicable. It never interferes with the digo B Vios, and by its couceatrition;thc doe, is much real:leer:4. N. iidvised to ash. for TAXA/MIS COIiPOUNAD EETILACT•M 01.113E88 - ANU COPAIBA, and take seething else, as tmitatkinS and "Worthless preps, ration; ender similar , names; are in the market. Price $1 00. Bent by express on receipt of - price. Manufac tured, only by TARRANT & CO.; Na. :278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, Ne 4 York, tiieff6z iaiy iggliske Dowdily. " 00t22-dly F.dr sale by S. A. KI7NIE:I 4 E dt 8110., add by Druggists gesteridly. . . roils I33VALIJAY3LE%UP, latish is en tirely vegetable in ita oomposition have been em ployed with wonderful 'success for many_Years in theatre of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form 9f the disease, OCh a 8 COUGH, . TICKLING of the TEIRO Y AT,SVITTNOCIF 13LOOD,DIFEMDFLT lIREATIMG, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE.and HECTIC FEVERS, Its ase wilt be attended' with the happiest results. It is one of the best and ear eat Medicines for all forms °LEMON CHITLS and CONSUIiPTION. Aro laudanum or prepara tion of Opium in rtnli siritpe mugs syrup. . DR. B. M. GILDEA I DENTISI ESPECTFITLLY inf orms t h e citizens ~ o f R larrisburg and vittnity that he has removed his of see from Market street. to Third street, next door to the Patriot and Union Maze, where he is prepared to accom modate au Who may desire his professionalmenioes. • aprl4. • "VINE ItOMANO SHERRY,. imported. r is ',WarOte4 the . Finest Sherry . wine thie country. For sale at . SSIBLER AL - FRAZER, faitex 't storrAgeort. to, WM. Flunk fr.. k AyAN.LIDIIANGES,jtvet roe i e c ived at a Iwo 13111WAr: (DES, selected: from fate 20- . . ,importations;apkthe mast superior-0,62%411)11ga to tittrigarkpt at this reieiviirt :anculoi , b i ty • - - : — r e it • oweseortAtiVni..Doalc; Jr 4 MEDICAL. BALTIMORE DISEASES - OF In:PRUDENCE ItELIET IN SIX 111) TWELVE BOURN. $0 MENCURY Ott NOXIOUS DRUCK fo Two Days MARRIAGE DISEASE OF IIIEPRITDENCR ThT13, 0 0;1104312131' OF TEE FREW office pro.-7,Stinth PredeTlear_Striat. IS NO BIJOU WO - 4 1j5 A rAr;" iiMIEI - NISINTOCK'S PEGIPOIM . .$l.OO PER, BOVI:LIE For sale atBERGNER'S Chettp Book Store. D. W. GROSS & CO. I= D. W. GROSS & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 hta.RKET STRgET, HASEISBURS, P 1 UfiGlSTff, - PRTMOLINS, STORE- KEEPERS AND, CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods ail sno 6 . articles as are desirable, and would nagseebtally.-call your attention to tke largest Real:eel'elected" titock to thla city, of - • - • • witups, CHEIIIICALS AND PAINTS, OUn, V4....'nedia and Glued, Ilgre-Staft, Ohiss and Pa►ryr Artist's Odors and Tools, Birning A r Bottles, Vials and pop _Blobes, Oastlle'Solp o , SpoVipaztd Colt 4 With a general variety et MID:13111:ERY AND TOIL AT A:RTIO.LES, *leaked from Ito best manufacturers and Perfumers of F;urt4be and this country Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LIL4D, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW G.444,:dIRVAT', ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL TEDHR rAiwerw, COLORS AND RIN3NZR3 OF. ALL KINDS. Wo reispectfupy Invite ti call, feeling coall4e* tha►.R'e eau 'supply the Feats of all on terms to their iatiatao• TEETH I TEETH :1 10NES' AND W 7112 PO4WELALY TRETH, PA.TZWZMEDICINRS, AND " 4.- Of all kinds, direct from Mo-Proprietore -U.irllNlFllat - AND: CO'NeEp:'TRATED LVt Wholesale Agehti'lbr, gaponifter, which We. Sell an 'Jew' it van be iiurchzu3ed In the cities. THAYER'S N2DICAL FLUID EXTZLIW.* COAL °ILL CARBON OIL I Being Wier purchasers is these Otis ,we cannfibr in dpcements bi : elose buyers. Coal Ott Lamps of the most Improved ; pa►t,erns„very cheap, All kls4ll of !ADM! chspied to burn Coat Oil FARMERS AND GRAZIERS. Thoracic/ you Nkhcr have net given our DAMN AND QAT TLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiorify, sad the advantage they; are la keepiao Bonen and ltattle healthy and ixt.a g 0 .04 condition,. Thoutenctizan testify to tile Profit they , *VD *vet from the use of our Cattle Powders, by the buln;wilimi quest ty oxidAtiallgy of milk, besideff improving UM garnA health and sipinice of heir cable: Our long;experfenee In the business glvesuslhe while tage of a thorough ,knowledge of the, wadi% and our ar rtaLgemerlts in the Citjes are Oen' that we call, in 1 7 31 7, short time ; finish anythhii iippertaltthig to our btSAfrit, on the best of terms. • - Thankful for the liberal pabronage bestowed on our house, we hope byArba*, attention to.buntness, a cereal selection PititE R rf GB at fair prices, and the desire to please. MI , to meri t CM. thananee of the favorofa discatingPau'c' . . . TRANSOM PA\PER- A . BEAUTIFUL assortment . of :TRANSOM CA_ -PAPER. Call and see it at - " SCHIPPER , s WOK TO mv " • MAGNOLIA BA_LIVi •' - MR'S is the most delightful .and-0. lizaA3r4ll—.• J nary article ever discovered, Itibe„ 8 -wr burn and Face and - Harida to 'a - _peariy, satin' Flanges ten ' 3.°21 2 ravishing beauty%tinparting:the znartdcipurity.. of. and tho distingue appearance 80 inviting in the c ity `'""..,,X` of fashion. It rennoves.tan, freckle% pirdSasidno new of the skin % leaving the conwatrion f trans _ v" - •,„„, tent and smooth. it cOntabis no metezialinl oris tol, skin,, Patr.ofilaed by *Saltier 0.1.0 1 ,w 4 - what every lady aboulti, have. Aoki - , wholmle and re tali by . - - ' •S. 41: MINKEL - a isite+ .ap29-dtf • • 118 Markey Street; Rarrifibin* LOTS • • • OO4 nn.L.E. • - EVERAL LOTS, .on V4ird street. near —.. pp L - 40 -•Norib; are for ;joie. boyar° at WAI4I4I{V 4. - _comax of Norilkluld. Thiv .. stresta. : _ gaebb iociiired ft line seleinon of APPLES, in Bajalt.. o n ici r o o k* - ordea Tor aolobn the b . It!rsk bathe; or =an '!-.. Cb ( sr I MUSUCE MOW, Jr, & vo4 Wa sgati 1 1 , 'MKT - • • • 4auneseent to h Dook, SoccesoonetelrirDeoka Au ll r4ll 1:-R1 t Pure Ground Spicer, &c hte., &a, &O COLORS', PAINT 42W HAIR AgsranArrvics, =I MEDICAL. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON APCIAB.and ppwertal TONIC. Corrective sad - kosirative, of wonderf.l efficacy in , L , esi% ct the NORMA and -BOWELS. Cares PeP l4ll , Liver Complaints Headache, General • Debility, liervousnees, De premien of Spirits, Constipotkm Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the spnoArb,Hausea, Heartburn Disgust for Food, Fulton- s or Weight in 'the St011C8:11, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit or the Stooteeh, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Wig of the Skin and Ryes, Fever and Dull rams is Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Luna w 1 cure evety „case I. of Chronic or Debility, Diseases of the Kidt.eye Diseases arising from a disordered SSomack, Good for Male or Female. Old or Young. The moat beneficial medicine known: giros bsziar sat, hr.tioa =daises more diseas , :a than any other pe2p,,... 2 Wiz irireied to the Public. Prepared soldy by 5...1, ILLS NEL & BRO.-, 118 Market street, Barrisburs. Fos gale by•Drufigists and Dealers every» her: BEWARE 0 *W- Counterfeits .1,7 As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sere and '4outaat remedy in the known world for the prrmanua parse and Debility, anti as there ate a a u tek , : Of Unita ans offered to the pablic, we would (slums Me community to pumitase none but the genuine IlnAcie. Anantifactarfad by S. IL sum. & Bao., and has the? ,atemp oti the top of the cork of every bottle. Tire very fact that others are - attempting to imitate this valuable Sentledy, provaa its worth and swaks volumes in its laver. The Bitter Wilmot Innis put up In 75 cent and Z 1 On bottles, and sold by all respectable dreams threegLout the country: Be particular that every bottle bear_ the as sisisle cif the proprietor's signature_ Thig Wine includes the most agreeable and effici,ot Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide ma, Waal, with the most energetic or vegetable torib.,,, Yellow PernvianThe effect in many eases of debility, torn of appetite, and tenet:al prostration, of au eillcdot Solt c.O Iron, combined With our valuable Nerve Rade, is mo=ot happy. It augments the appetite, raises the ptise, takes off mumalor gabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and givea snort!s vigor to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, us MARKET STREET For sob by all respectable dealers throughout the agony. Usetul and Valuable Discovery. lasaar Dimon= I HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT of more general pracucal utility than any= invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical MOB, and prow:wooed by all to be SUPERIOR TO A NT Adhesive Reparation known. A,pplaaMa to an) RzLTo ' e bisoLumus Cams= is a non thlut,._and . the result of years of study; Recombination is on &ientfic Principles, And . under ec circutuatancee or change of temperature, will It be faxne concept or omit any canasta A spew thl,g. Lta .t.,c•mkdnation BOOT AND szros Manuttunurera using ti.c4inez, :and it the test article ..lteeirn se cempnt ing for the chattnel2 it works wittiout delay, !E not tißected by any Of teniperature, _BrA4 mid Shoe Man - < atm:mime. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their use; as has beep proved. Ris .13speakuly Adaged to Leather: And we claim se an nt - peend merit, Unit it snafus Fundtes to Boota and shoes satlckently strong without ILIQUID -CEM*EIII2 igli; *Odd Furniturk ockery toys, Boa; articles a Household use REMEMBER flucto,Pa iffiSOLLALS CEMENT la in a liquid form and as easily an plied as paste. lirtrox's INSOLUBLE Comer la insoluble in water or oil. Htimaqi lasoLvata Murat Adheres oily sae-pace& Supplied in Family or Mambo; threes Packages from 2 ounces to 104 WILTON BROS. .L. 00., Parpiletcrir, Providence, R. L EZI3 Ph* LAING & 11.A.GENXIS. Agents in tea . jels4l7 T;ELEGI A:P fi Steam Job Prhiting .IESTABLIS4MENT, THIRD STREET, SEAR WALNUT, RiIIIBISIMMEG, PA. HAVING recently added to our Jobbing Deparuntat a large amount of new type, several new fast Meammenies - of the most improved machinery, `Mid Other inaterMl, we ape now prepared to execute at 'short notice, and in the mom approved style, :I=' , M OF MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER SHEET HBADII4GS, BILL Bins. BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLAKE; POSThn, Bl_one or more colors, PROGRAMA BILLS OF LADING, . , PROBIMNLY NOM • LEGAL BLANK, jOB WQRK OT ALL. DBSCI4.I"Tt.ONS, pL u tie O 1 ORNAMENTAL. Order; from &distance Welded to proinpuy, loorlOolawif =I ILLaßionrz Pa_, It le the only
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers