43. 1 . 1 . 111) ( l ' t i tgrap t HARIZA6BURG, PA TrESUAY EVENING, JUNE RS, 1864 E KA; TO ADVEitTiSERS.—AII Adver lisemrni.,Business 2tottee9,, Marriages, peutitl, Se., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be necom patoed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regular r,. erring Edition are inserted in lite Morn ing Fd itioii wit hout extra. charge. OWNAND COUNTRY. Rtate of the Thermometer To-day. 11 A. tr. 3 P. M 79 84 s A. M 71 Tnz tronting season closes on the SOth of i.:ept ember. Anglers will yet have three months in which to capture the ".speckled beauties." GEC. SMIGIS, whose name hits figured so ;.ouspicuously in, the papers recently, was born reared in Shippensburg, Cumberland ME MAJOR GENERAL D. C. BUELL, after his re tirement from the army, has taken up his summer residence at Bedford Springs, in Pennsylvania =CIZI TFIE Union State Central Committee will meet at the residence of Gen. Cameron, in this city, on the 6th of July, for the purpose of orb nixing WE are again in the enjoyment of delight— tal weather, which brought with it a cool, re-' froshing breeze. That long-looked-for shOWer of rain has not yet arrived. POLICE Amsinst-Before the Mayor.— 0. G. Frantz, a young man ‘f.rom the country," charged with fast riding on State street, was tined five dollars and costs. ' A SPECIAL MEETING of the Good Will Fire Cnapany will be held in their hall, on . Wed uesday evening, at 74, o'clock. Punctual at temlauee is requested, as business of import nuce will be brought before the company. FIVE PER carry. abatement will be . allowed : apon the payment of city taxes for 1864; if paid on or before Friday next, the Ist of July. This is a matter of importance to tax-payer,s: The treasurer's office is open daily until .7 o'clock, B. ni TUE extensive rolling mills of the Loehiel Company, east of town, are in process of erec tion, and will probably be completed this season. The Lochiel Mills will'give emplOy ment to a large, number of workmen, and must add to the population of the city. I= Tun Paxton Fire Company intend celebrat ing the approaching anniversary of our in dependence by holding a giand pic-nic,,..tbe proceeds to be applied towards'thetalti erecting the new engine house of the com pany. =I SHERIFF JENNINCa has issued his procla mation for the holding of the special 'election, on the 2d of August, at, which time the pro-. posed amendment to the State Constitution will be submitted to the people for their ap proval or rejection. I=l SANFORD!I3 worltl-renowned Opera Troupe opened out at Odd Fellows' Hall, in Wash ington City, last.evening. The people of the National Capital will doubtless crowd the hall to its utmost capacity during the brief season that Samuel and his company will remain there. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW arrived in town, this morning, and gave its first entertainment this afternoon: The second and last will be given this evening, when everybody will be on hand, including the man who is too poor to take a paper. He will take his whole family of "nine small children " to the show, and to-morrow borrow his neighbor's newspaper, to get the latest news. I===l SCARCITY OF FARM Lxsoia.—The Western papers state that there is great scarcity , ot , farm labor throughout that region. Farm hands cannot be had, and it is_ a ;rare sight to see a man at work in the field._ The want of laborers exceeds all former apprehension. The work is being nearly all done by :women and children, the men having gone into the army. 1=1:12:21 POISONED. —Two boys, sons OftJaines Ham ilton, of Highland township,llMuskingum county, Ohio, wore poisoned a -few days ago, by eating wild parsnips while on their way to school. One of them, on reaching the school, complained of being sick, and while his teacher was caressing him; he began Vomiting, and died before medical aid could be procured His brother, though very sick, got better, an& will probably recover. A FRENCHMAN has added to the common musket a revolving six shooter, adjiisied to tili * barrel, four inches in advance of the trigger. With this improvemeet the soldier can, while charging with the bayonet., fire with his left hand six charges into the enemy's ranks. Also, an Austrian artillery officer has invented a rifle cannon of two charges, which can fire sixteen balls hilt minute. The secret of this invntion is held by the Austrian. Goyern meat. Lon Bor.—Yesterday afternoon, a little boy named Alexander Shafer, who was in charge of his mother, intending to take the train on the Cumberland Palley railroad for Greencastle, wandered MTV from the depot and out of sight of the mother. Failing to find him, she reported at the Mayor's 'office; and the police instituted a search throng - trite city for the boy, who was finally foundnn - the vicinity of the Cotton Factory, and restored' to his parent. All cases oflast children should be reported to the Mayor. By so doing anxious parents will be enabled to have their runkvays..re stored at the earliest - 1)0;01 . )X ntopenA, THE Great Central Fair in Philadelphia will probably close to-night. 1=13:112 A shat.-nokr was upset in the Delaware river, at Philadelphia, by the storm, on Sant r, and three persons were drowned. A NIIIEBEIt of the street crossings are under going repairs. They were sadly in need of them. Many of the crossings were scarcely to he seen during the "muddy spell" of last spring. s I=l AEOI7T two or three o'clock this morning, John Washinger, of Franklin county, was relieved of a purse containing over sixty dol lars—all the money he had—while at or near the depot, in this city. PUBLIC SALE Or VALUABLE REAL ESTA.7E. Engninger and Adams will sell this evening, at Brant's City Hall, four valuable lots. Two are situated on Chestnut street and two on Meadew Lane. Sale to commence at 75 o'clock. Mes, J. HIBBS, No. 8 Market Square, is. dis posing of her stock of. Summer -Straw and Millinery goods below cost. —The ladies of Harrisburg would do well to Call early to get bargains. je27-2t Go To Henry (filbert's Hardware , store, op posite the Court House, and see the new Ba rometer; they foretell the weather ncourttely from 12 to 48 hours in advance: Ilvery per son should have one. AO 6-2 w WAN.rao—A boy about 18 years of age to act in the capacity of a clerk. Also, agents wanted to sell a new and use ful article of recent invention,- by which from $5 to $2O per day can be made. Apply atNo. 93 Market street. j25-d4t Fon Edmn—The benches platrorm and one panel door—all in good olter—now used in 'Enohinge Hall. Persons desiring to pur chase will call on Lt. Geety, at his office on Front• Street, two doors below limb* street. j25-d3t* S4LE or VALUABLE Psormarr.- -The atten tion of our readers is directed to the sale of. valuable real 'estate, to take place at Brant's Hall, this evening. Several "valuable lots of ground, belonging to the German Reformed .ohurch, will be sold, by the trustees. Full . particulars can be seen in the advertisement. lllmmix next will be the "glorious Fourth." Aside from the pio-nice announced for the day, the anniversary will be observed by our citizens in a manner to be determined by themselves. There will be no general cele bration here. FIELD Hamm. 'York pc‘per says: "Field hands are very scarce in this vicinity, and throughout the county. Mowers are getting. $2 25 to $2 50 per acre for grass; and when mowed with thr machine the price is about $2 &there. Hayznakers get $1 50 and $1 75 -iiinri - .sr—iikwAne,instances more." A man narnedNesbit was arrested for drunk enness and disorderly conduct He had a hearing, was fined, and then discharged. Another "drunk" ,occupied the lock-up to day, - and will probably; be disposed of in a similar manner. The city is reinarkably iiiiiet--greatly to the relief of the Mayor, -his gentlemanly clerk. and the fraternity of "stars:" PROF. Low*, celebrated in the annals of the Army of the Potomac for the daring enter prise with - which he conducted his aerial ob servations of the rebel forces, is in this city. Prof. L. is =qt . engaged : by the Smithsonian Institute, making observations in various parts of the country for the benefit of science. It has been suggested that a meeting of our citizens be held, -or; at least, that such of the prominent men of the city as take an interest itrscience, assemble at the;Jones.House, this evening, to consult with Prof. L. in regard to his giving the people of Harrisburg, on the 4th of July, an exhibition of his aeronautic abilities. 'As no particular celebration has been, as yet, provided for Independence Day; it is hoped that arrangements may be made with Prof. Lowe, to secure his services on that occasion. . CasuArzizs IN (Tire LATE) CA..Pren; W4TEn- BURY'S Coan.mtr.-LPrivate Ellis S. Hendrick 7. son has furnished us with a list of casualties °coming in Company G, 55th Regiment ,P.eunsylvania Iretert►u Volunteers, from May 24th to rune 20th. This is the company that was fornierly commanded by the late Captain Isaac S. Waterbury AT COLD IEARBOIL VA.—Killed—Sergeant William Short. ' liroundedh-Timothy Cole, Jerome King, John F. M'Adams, Willian4 Snoddy, Calvin Sriod4, Henry Shorts. L.N Pamir or PeTensstraa—Killed—Sergeant Frederick Yogic, Corporal John H. Grubb, privates Patrick Connor, James Ellett, Win. Grishaber,' Charles Pfeil:Ey, Robt. S. Shaner. Wozincled--Lient. Wm. H. Shorb, Sergeant_ Daniel Bohaiiinn, privates Prederick Ca- Tichnerjohn Hughes, Benjamin Lundy, chris iin3Rlish, Martin Shaffer, Thomas Theirip son, John M. Lyne. - The regiment was at Bermuda *Hundred on the 20th hist., awaiting marching orders. MIIEDE.II OF A. IVOMA*, AND Deardr-sous Wouxn- DIG of rum PARAMOUR --A sad affair occurred in Baltimore, on Stuiday,liti which - a:Violaan named Catharine Osborne, was' killed by her husband, under cireumstr A nces indicating that she had seen false to 4( er conjugal vows. Her paramour, Peter' She rdon, was w_otuided such a manner as to muse doubts whether he will recover. Sher' 4011 paid a:visit to the house during the mornir gand accepted an invitation by Osborne to re ,main at dinner. Shortly after Osborne went :into another room to lay down, and after a while got up and observed the criminal c anduct of his wife and Sherdon. 'Heinoew red an axe,and dealt the former two _ blows, r ,ne crushing the left jaw, and the other: Jrt the top of her head, killing her in Sherd,orreeelved - aWouud on his heaf.l .arid two ombiis b - aek betweoo_ the ihoul. %d4i 7 s, t tihg wid - aiie(dbcb,sFp“. 141M;iffli6i,tOgiii0V00. ADVANCE EN Daft GOODS.—The ed advance in the price of dry good.; induced C. L. Bowman, of the cheap dry goods store, No, 1, corner of Front and Market streets, to inform his patrons and the public generally that those goods on hand previous to the late advance will be disposed of at le, , s than the present wholesale prices in Philadel phia or New York. With the apparent disposi tion to run gold up to a very high Spire of premium, it would not be strange if the dif ferent articles for consumption would sympa thize in prices. With this view of the future, would it not be well to repair at once to Bow man's .and supply your wants in dry goods? Ba,linvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, Ac., are specially ,recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only b 4.7 C. A. Bannvart & Co. ' Harrisburg, Pa-, t.: whom all orders should be addressed. ciold I3T druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from spme of our , eminent. clergymen: ILIBRISBIIRO, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. & . . Bertsvenz—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat .troubles, and in comparison with them Fall, cam cheerfully commend your own as a most :taidrable specific for public speakers and si tigers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds.. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. • • Yours truly, - T. H. ROBINSON, 'Castor of N. B. I. ) resbytitian Church. failf - I agree with Ur. Robinson as to the value of Basuavart's Troches. W. Late Pastor of 0. S. PrtA3 b O CAT T 1 rian.TCTITL,O,I6 HARRISBURG, Jan., 1,01. To LI. A. auavens—Dear Sir: In th habit of spea;:ing very frequently, and in plades where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have fourki the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troch'ea• I ()molder the: ll very far superior to any Lozenges that I ha "ra ever used, in removing spee dil y th a t huski n OSS of the voice arising from its too frequent .! and impairing th effectiveness of the d e ,l'ivery of public a , • dresses. Yours, Au., • JNO. WALKER :- WK X,,„ fi , h. N. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist "sec To aA. Betorvairr---Dear Sir: Having „, 15 your Troches, I am free to say they a,. the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. RAKESTHAW, Bastor of Ridge, Avenue Methodist Church. DISTEIOT ATroSNEY'S OFFICE, t HAICRISRIIII.G, Feb. 29, 1864. I To C. A. B.ourveirr"- - --./isar Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscle .a of the throat. They impart clearness to the loice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR rt NE of the very best Vegetable Medicines N..) , in now offered to the citizens and strangers of this city. It will puffy the pined, and leave the liver and bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates without the leAst pain Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As to the truth of this hundreds can testify, as it has been well tried for the last tee years ' Is prepared only and sold by lira. L. Ball, No. 27, anat.& Pine street, Harrisburg,_ Pa. my 23 LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS GREAT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS Pull yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 cents. . Bleached muslin, 100 pieces. Bleached muslin, 60 pieces. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. Black silk, 5 pieces. Black silk, 5 pieces. Black silk, 10 pieces. • . 2000 yards of black silks from auction. Beautiful pearl color silk finish alpaca.' Alpacas in leather color, stone colors and'othai colorer,. White cambrics, soft finished 5-4 French Cambric. Jaconetts, Irish linen. ' • Splendid assortna•nt of calicos. ' Cloak., Cloaks,•Cloaks, Cloaks, hlockings, the best and cheapest. Pocket handkerchiefs for ladies, at all ptices. Marseilles quilts and crash for t 'we/A Shirt br.asts, all linen, at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 00 vents. We have now a very large stock of goods; all bought at reduced prices, and which we - will sell at prises which cannot fall to give satisfaction. We have also a very ante lotof alpacas, mAsh.thera cloth, bombazines. S. LEVITY. je22 ~ • '• Batchelor 's 'Celebrated flair Byer 'IS THE BEST IN THE w,rmap. • 271 e only Harmless, True and Helistde Dye Known, -This splendid Hair Dye is perfect-changes . Red, Rusty*' or Gray Hair instantly to a Massy Black or Na—k. , Biirst'ais without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frequently restoring its pristine color,•and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR. All others are mere. imitations, and should be. - avoided_ Sold-10 - 411 Druggists, atc Pack ry-431 BAR- Ey...Ay ST, H. Y. SAI tam you= Oat . 1 , 4 A: DRILIN6 je23ly-a Military Briefness A.tten.deid To. . Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence ourd Military and War generally, made out and colle.:kted..Per sone residing at a distance win have their baslikcss 61425 ' acted by mail, by addressing "EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law Third street, Harrisburg,./714 'Bro'wn's BroneAlid Troches4o "I have never changed my mind respecting them from the first, except to think yet better of that which I began thinking welof " Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "Tire TrobSes are a staff of life to me." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Trouslos they are a specific." N. P. WILLIS.- "Too favorably known to need commendation." Hon. tHAS. A. PHELPS, Pres. hiass-Serutto "coma". no opl urn nor aityihiug injurious;" Dr. A A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston. "Au elegant combination for coughs," Dr. G. P. BIGELOW. Bastes. "I recommend their use to public speakers." ' Rev. E. H. CHAPIN "Most salutary relief to Bronchitis." Rev: S. SEM? MED, Morristown,-Ohio "Very beneficial whea suffering from Colds:" Rev. S J. P. ANDERSON St. toms. "Almost instant relief in the distressing labor of Meath ing peculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. C. EGLESTON, New Yu rk They have suited my case exactly, rel eying my te`troat so that I could sing with ease." T. DUCHARSiE, Chorister French Parish Chat ch, Montri jet. Ai there are imitations be sure to obtain the GEN - TAINS., jan2l.d&w *Jr To Clear the House of Val' tea, use Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY.ICILLEI L, a neat cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will k• Ai a quart SOLD EVERYWHERE. FRENCH, RICHARDS Ai CO., 10th and Ma A d t, s t r eets, Philadelphia, wholesale ageing. ID 52448,w8W This celebrated Toilet Soap, in s ec h „D ra w de. mend, Is made from the choicest I' A n n ul & is iwaid and emoll.ent ln its enure, resift' " un ity scen ted• and extremely beneficial in its: s eti Lm .epse tiasoldn FM' sale by all Druggist :Sand-Fancy tjk s ,dt p otters. jas2b..dawly TIIS AB tilT, tr.!" —A tine lot -of --. 011014 ED PFACEIFS and TOMATGEEtAi m; siqpERIOR PLATEFROIf:ps 4s . & G .., just nxatirail •• tnyl4-401 JOT- 1 7 YelitiA. 311 street'. near fplninnt l tectchisfAcape. TlO ' OEI, wistx u 11 00 s; sculaPein , Bookitora; Harrow g. [wan SPECIAL NOTICES. Pure Vegetable Medicine. FROM NEW YORK AUCTION. ... RA= DYE t HAM DYE.: t COLGATE'S HONEY W Alm "I`S. WANTED, TN a small family, a good white GIRL, who JL. la not afraid of working too hard. Wages $1.75 per week. Apply at 0028-2tl MS OFFICE. WANTED, A GIRL, to act in the capacity of an up .C3P.: stairs maid. Mast be a good Washer and Irner. Apply to - MRS. J. It. EBY, je2B-It* Corner Fifth eV Market F. treas. WANTED TIVIDEDIATF.LY. FOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whom Shanties, which are ready for use, wih be furnished, for the purpose of aceornmodatihg boarders. Also, fr. m 60 to 60 laborers. Apply to James Martin, on the N. Q. R. R., Mahontungo mountatn, 4 B tulles above rsbarg. Jets-lm* AGENTS wanted to Belrihe eandard his tory of the War, A rare chance to make money. Agentsare cleariug from $lOO to $2OO Ramentb.. 200,000 cow mo.i already .old. Send for circulars. Addrem JONES .BROS. S CO., de 30 Publisher= Baiurcure kid. TATANTED--A good pastri.Cook, and a vir good meat Cook. Inquire at the "ai..50-4tf BRADY HOUSF.. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW - VOST. MRS. M. MAYER, No. IS Diarket Street, BEING desirous of closing her Summer . Stock of Mllduery Good; offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS, 'AC. Constantly on hand; a splendid assortment of VELVETS, • LACES Ruc r ams, HOOP SKIRTS , , ' CORSETS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, • COLLARS, AEI" NETS, FANCY GOODS, &(. Dealors h Nsld:77lo 11 groat can ;':`s..;.hadstwot,44 FIREWORKS!' WHOLESALE 11_11D ,1WE,U1,033 .. .. J ` O'AN ' IV/WV, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. -1 rililE following stock of Fireworks is now in • 'store: ts E andles, Rock, Roma, -,4,_ Minos e of Stars and serpents. Pin Whe, ' grasshoppers, Serpents, Water Pots, - . • • ' - -Biughta Eights, Scroll Wheels, Blue Lights, Trlang les, Spangaleues, Red, White and Blue, Yelling Crackers, Chinese Rockets, I r o gpeumg, Fire Crackers, ' - ' lE L Ow-torliedo BOW, ' ' Torpedo 4 Fuoontokor Gun,'. N ii i,....,, , se. • - Joss Stick, or Punk, ,• , Vi - 441e:there in a goo . as- Noy is the.tiriie to pizrolissexv •,,.jogNlcrisg t . .. ~ sorunent. . -ear Walnut, 'O6-iltf '- - • „.. ,, vittra , strL`R. , ,-. - -. — . SELLING OUT Claw.. OUR STOCK OF LIQZTOR:e I wu intend-ID-06620=e the . sale . : ol . Li quors one offeeqUiatock at a nu. small , `dviince from cost price. We have puri•based all our' I tetio.,o.•be foie -the last rise and have a large mock on hand for t hroe ri- four years, which are guarauto d • linnet be purchaL new at any price from the importers. Our stock consists of of all - lar7e le tave parts of three barrels years ol d not eolorTkaisd 10 degrees above proof 2,5¢ years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. rre. , lN - . 3:1 E,. - We have part''Walk - 111:NNE:SSR'Y BRANDY, to which e e invite.thepaythFactr,agention ,of families for : meth inaL purposes„ .„ 4 . „. Tbe.Brandy.cannot bkhought to-day, frq - n Importers, law than $l4 per gallon. .19,: will itfor $l2 per gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, , CLARETS, &C Ws invite the inspection of Hotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, as we Intend to sell, without r% serve, all our Liquors, , :igicthis„vill the goOd. opportu nity for bargains. je2o VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE T H E au,baeriber, offers .for sale . a .valuable Tavenistiiik tinosotir,.turniakei /n -th% borough of Middletown, consisting of a large two-story Brick. Hotel, astegsfee; stablingiaad-- all; eta° ueoesaary: outbuildings Also,Awo-adjolraug lots, itaVaig - oreited on each ativcl - franie tfwellfng„ • - For further particulariapillY itieirligne'd, on the hlie premises SAMUEL DE f Ws_ILER. je2 ua 'slam* Non - clo. A.llEETlNWtifibie"fitodicholddrs bf'the !‘ttnion Raiiron' and Mining Company" will be held at the Continental Hotel, in the city of Philadelphia, =Friday, the 22d day or July, e. n 1864, at one o'clock of said day, for the purpose of electing seven pirec to-s to manage the affairs of said company for the ensuing ye ir , andlo transaot.sueb ottwir. business -in wbt h said = imutliany is ititerested aq may be'brought z before that meeting. ,By-request r of the B ;ant of Iltrectors. • 4 • COLVgB, Presidint. HATuusnurtO. JiMe`2o-1.864. - 3e2o.eed3ir Are not' simply Sat pleces,of papercut in the form at acolLar, bet are Molded and Shaped to fit the neck hailn . a perfect curve ffee 'Ave! awles or iirMkr, WhiCh.ls ob tained by our patented process, whieh also seoures another adaaniagepossessed by no other collar,—viz : Space for the Cravat in the Turndown style,:the mama or WHIG 'S{ I l'atersorwr samara dED FREE FROM PUCKERS, making this for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled. Tney are made in Turn-down style in sizes frees 12 to . and in Garrotte from 13 f 01.7 inches, and piked in' fl ee, blue boxes of 100 each;,also, in smaller oinia.4t 10 each-the latter a very handy package for Wavelets, army sit navy officers;, - gar EVOIRY COLLAR liataped ' " G ray's Patent Molded Collar." Sold liy 'all retail dealers-In - Xenia Furnishing Goode. Tho trade t o;applied by :V/OF DEUSEN,'"II6EHMER, & ca.,. ClibraTNUT Si., Philadelphia. jeVeed6 n p,..K..XLLF.IKS Den tat Preparations . . mulamit a /DENTIFRICE I AMERICAN TOOTH WASH rrECES3 & 'elegant preparations combine the j_ moat /amicable cleansing and astringent qualities. They render the Gums hard and healthy; neutralize the acid seem lions of the mouth, (tlatleby removing the prime taus ...of decay.) By their detersive properties they preserve th ie natural bolor of the Te eithi without in the least degre' f injuring the enamel, w bile Alley impart to Die breath s fragrance peculiarly arorrinid and pleasant.— . In fact they' are THE BEST ARTICLNS briise for the pur -006138 name d, as a fair trial will fully demonstrate, and as has been abundantly proved by shah- extensive- sale in this community during the last 14 yitaili• And which will be readily teal Ailed to by many who ' bare repeatedly urged the„FroP rietor to still further extend - thair sale and usefulnesa T hey are warranted to be free from Dime lestructlve ac ids which so frequently-.contaminate many of the preparl itionsof the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietoc, corner of Shand and Walt ut. sttreats JUI gi P lELLEft, . . AF the Dentist For sakrailso by the principal Diu AT the city. angpity 4;1 14 , 0E,51 tLE. —A Five-horsepower STEAM . i: Wa:4" lE and BOILER, in goo kgrder. Apply_to , r, n ;. ; I - F. GEEM tab234l" Walnut k treat, below Sixth ron THE nENErrr as Tim PAXTON FIRE COMPANY, O. 6, I-lAMEINLIEN'S WOODS, MONDAY, JULY 4, 1864. OM THE object of this pic-nic is to raise funds to aid in the completion of our new engine house, now in course of . erection. We hope the citizens of this city and vicinity will lend us ahelping hand. It Is the determination of the committee of arrange ments to .prevent all improper characters from -entering the woods. The gate keepers have positive orders to ram no females of doubtful reputation, and the pollee force have instructions to eject all such characters from the grounds, should any gain admittance by, accident. We are determined - that none but reapectinde persons shall participate, as we intend to make this a respcemble pic nic, eo that men can bring their families. and not be in sultedwitti the presence of lewd women. An adequate pollee !bpi* has mkt appointed, with instructionsio pre serve order at all hazards. A general invitation is extended to all liveryrnett to run convey . ..noes to the woods, C•nveyanO . .,s crtlt fettire the following plates every hour during the day, for the woods: Mr. ..lau,ss' hotel, opposite the hose house; Mr. Koenic's hotel, foot of 'Second street; Wagner'ssecond Ward House; Mr, Ranch's Washing ton House; aud,Mr. - Frische's International' House. Rickets can be procured from the members of the com pany, or from the following committee of arrangements: David L Forma, Geo.. F. Weaver, Jr.,..10hn Cariebner, C. F. Vollmer, Patrick Burns je2l3-dst To be given in honor of Independence Day at i-I_OF'3O.3ICAN'S WOODS, ON MONDAY, JULY 4th, 1864. ADMITTANCE TO THE . WOODS FItEE. OARS . will leave the Pennsylvania Depot at nine o'clock .. lat and two - o'clock: r. rf. t and revue at half-plat seven ' Fare in cars to woods and return, 25 cents - The committee cordially invite all citizens to participate iu the festivities of the-day. No iMproper characters rill Sbe admitted. . . COJEDITTEE i D. E. Marlin, Wm. Carson, A. H. Vranken, Henry Snyder, John Davis, " " - C Bardge. J? E. Vaught, Henry lie Huft, Wm. F. lil'Coy, James Sprueebanks. .tiar Ample nitre - - breonts will be supplied. , je27-ld . - . SUNDAY-SCHOOL PIC-TIC. riIHE.SUNDA.Y-SCHOOL - of .the Vine street M. E. Church will hold a plc-nic in • • - DERRY WOODS, • - ON THITASTbiIr,, lIINE, 30, 1864, for the benefit of the School.. The publie are invited to attend. - No improper characters wild be admitted. Cars will leave the I,,bauon Valleyradroad depot at 7,tf a o'clock A Tu. rickets .an be bad at the following iliac s: John Edvrarda', Market .game; Tinshop, Market street; Wm Jack, Third unda.ket; M Hoar, Third Areas. , jel4 FIREWORKS I I - • .TO BE GIVENAZ 1 - 1016 1 VM A-NOS W 0 0 0331 31 ON THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1864. Tickets 25 Petit& FOR SALE at the difierentHotelirand Res aturants. The cars will leave the foot of Market street at 8 o'c.ock: A. IL .aad 2 P. IL, nturning. at 2:30 r. x. . .. Fare for the round trip 25 cent& Schots ior sale at the cars p evious to starling. No itairapir chara'aers will be admitted to the woods. Je2s-d-it* ;',ALUABLE REAL ESTATE PUBLIC SALE. ILL Q, at public sale at Brant's W city Hotel, 0 ,, Tdesday, June 26, 1864, at 7,34 desctibed valuable lota of o'clock, P. M., the folio •1 4 g gruutal Boated in the city ottian'sbarii: erect twenty-one feet, t :No. 1' lot fronting on Chestnut : and extending back, along property di tmytain hby Byers, one bundr d feet to a ten terCw.l4entlW, - No. 2, , 10t fronting oh Cheat:her street twenty-on feet, *Veining tuuLegtenddig bhoir. : ,pikelitundrhil feet ~to. a too feat op lots N A 1 .4.#9403t0, mow' At4,4ol4:4oTer#- ment 'battery Is erected: - • isct:• lot en Meadow Lane, apposi te passengerdepot or. o =porn, vanla Centralrailroad .auicazung property of.lieniy, 'media; Faq., [routing n said Meadow Lane twetity•one feci,and emending bacn,aloog line of Mr. Thiamis' propert,. hundred anu ft), ty-six wet ten Mama to a twenlY fe y et wide alley; thence alone said alb y twenty-imp - item four and a half inches, to lot Nu. 4, of this schedule,• % thence along line of lot No. 4 one hundred and sixty ,ippr feet. Lame imthee, to Meadow Lane. - -- Na 4, lot - adjoining No. 8, fronting on Meadow Lane thirty-one : eel seven inches, extending b ack, along lot Nu. 3 oat 'lndred and sixty-lour feet three inches to . a twenty feet wide alley, thence along said alley twenty lour Met four and a half inches to property of Pre.bYteris_n church; thence Monk's Said church property one hundred and e ghty-two feet let: inches, to Meadow Cane. ,rrun tote No. 3 and 4.MeUnited States Commis imilaings.are erected. . tees' vvig h 4 f o ld subject to their occu pancy by the United States, but is understood. that all ground tents recoverable for thee; Past occupancy (for which no settlement haa , ,yet been male) wit" spews tp the 'benetit of she respective purchasers of tie settle. Title indisputable. Plan of the lots reity tie Simi at the law office ot Joshua M. Wiestling, in .Wanaut, near Third street, and at the sate. . Trams: Cash, - or if , more iteeePtable - to :puregaser,- one half cash on the delivery - of- the deed, and. thp ,ie mamder in two equal annual . instalments, payable with interest, and secured on thei preperty-by bond - and mort gage. HENRY A.. 'CRUMB, JOSHUA. if. WILVTLING. Trustees of German Reformed Salem Church'of Mania j2l6:eodtd SHISLER k FRAZER.. • HOTEL AT PUBLIC SALE. TPHAT valuable Hotel property known as .the PARKE ROUSE on Market street, Harrisburg, PCMICIL, will be offered at Public Sale, on Om premises, onWedneSdaY; thm 20th of July. at 2 o'clock, e. N. This property Is iu the 'centref of the business part of tbo'hity, within rt square of the Court House and n ar the Railroad Depot, hayll g a fr.int of 27,14 feet on Market atre° t, extending hack 210 feet to. a 20 teet street in the rear, and now .eats at $lOO per month. Terms of sale--one-half cash—the haunt% if desired secured by mortgage, in yearly payments to suit pur chaser. For further information inquire of JOHN S. DkawhlLEß, Attorney-at-Law. Harrisburg, Pa. BENJ. PAUSE, Parkvale,. Susquehanna county, Pa. • . ILattras se s 1 Spring-Beds : I Comforts!!! PALM LEAF ECAIR. TOP . 11A.TTRASSES. Plain Leaf Cotton Top Mattraases. _• Corn Husk Vattrasses. - • • ' , Patent Outing Slat Beds. Pea ther-Pillowa and Bolsters. Cotton Comforts and Spreads. • • Ladies' Willow Work Biondi. Carpet Camp Stools. Doot-Rugs, Carpet Hassacktt. • Iron ned•styls, lat•Zwt pattern, 4 : 43 -, N. ll.—Sofas, Lounges, Cushions Chasm, and Mat trasses repair. Hair and Spridg 'Ma ttrasses made to order. No. 109 Market street., Harrisburg - , lelB-dlor , BeßisTrz... PIC=NICS. GRAND FIREMEN'S Phl-NIC, THE GRAND UNION. 110-NIC, UPII.OiN.T n===llMU_l_l Or Jel9-dts BEAUTIFUL HOME POE' SALE. -r H. BERRYHILL having disposed of all hts ground above town, except eight acres with the nu/Wings, otreis this, together or divided, to snit_ pqr chaser B. 2 Jeis.uPt LOT FOB. SALT. . . . AFIRE BUILDING LOT, 26 by 92 feet, on Ridge Avenue, adjoining the residence of Dr Eve, Is ()Eileen for sake. Esquire of James B. Thompson je2s.(l3t* Filth street, near Marke6 Valttoble Property for - Sole. A New WO Story FRAME HOUSE, with iv Pl first rate Store Room in it, on the corner of Fifth street and Strawberry alley. Also, the Frame O.OIMO ad joining. For further particulars enquire at Leedy's Shoe Store, Market street, urea the premises DANIEL LEEDY. my23.tr DA QAY SAUV, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg and ,Yaw York State Cheeite, Just received at SHISLER a FRAZER, mvs successors to W. Dock, Jr., it Co. lain& for Salo. 520 ORES of Land, -in Dauphin co. Ant private sale, In _ part, r the whole, t o salt purookimcre ; 135 5 acres elear, - gftxybilllga - diereonj.irtAl - rot further particutais; address - • - ROSNER, Iny',lo-dasa* f4Dnunlift - Dasfpliln cony. is DRIED PRANDffifau kinds at - BOYER 6 E.OIO3YEE. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. ELL OPEN EVERY hrhaiDia, With a tirst-ciaara Company of ASENTGERS, 11.41tiCKECS, GOMEDLOTS, &c., & lb cents , ?eats in Boxes EIM3 INSTRUCTION BOOKS AND MUSIC FOR TUE MELODEON, AND ALL . • INSTRUMENTS OF , THE ORGAN CLASS. 711.31 DEL'S MELODEON' XNSTRUCTOR. iLif Containing the Elements of Mtge, Progressive Ex -0 noes, and a large collection of Choice Music. $2 25 NEW METHOD FOIL THE MLLODEON. Selected mainly from "Zunders Inatracter," and containing in aiditlun to Lessens and Exercises, a collection of,Poptgev., eongs, and a variety of Psalm and Hymn Tunes.- $1 . 50 OARHART's MELODEON. Elementary and Progress alve Studies, with a collection of Choice 'Focal and Instru mental Music. $1 60 AMERICAN SCHOOL FOR THE MELODEON. 1 60 MODEL MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. 1 50 WINNER'S PERFECT GUIDE FOR ME MELODEON. Designed as a Self Instrucmr, with Choice Music. 60 lIELioDvON WllllOr.T A MASTER. so WOODBURY'S MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. 50 GREEN AND WHITE'S MELODEON INSTRUCTiiIt 6u HOWE'SSERAIIIINE AND MELODEON INSTRUC. 10 THE SERAPHINE. A Collection of Music for the die lodeon Set aphine and Reed Organ. 60 Theinstructions in each of the above books aro stilted not only to the Melodeon, but to all instruments of similar construction. For sale by J. E. Gould, Philadelphia. Oliver Dawn & Co , Publishers. Boston. ieflt-tf THE tfndnyaigned Commissioners. named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th chip of Hay, 1864, entitledanAct to incorporate, the Millers burg and Baugh Sap Ratko/id Company, hereby give public notice that books will be opened for receiving sub scriptions te .the Capital Stock of said Company at the following named times ani places in the county , of Dau phin, to wit : At the house of Jacob Leaker. In Grate , town; on THURSDAY, the 231 day of June, inst. At the house of Benjamin Bordner, in Perrysburg, on MONDAY, the 27111 day of June inst. at the house of 4. G. Yeager, in 31Blersburg on THURSDAY, the 30th day of June, ins' . theJONES HOUSE, in the City of Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, the sth day of July nest; and that at said times and places some two or more of the ConurOsiouera will avead, and that the Books will be kept open at least six boars, commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, fbr the term of three judicial days, or until the number of shares authorized by the law shad have been subseribed. DAVID IL PORTER, 161. June, 1864. CLOAKS, - CIRCULARS AND_.. I/11AIL1. - I..A_S IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A 111 W Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid gsortment of PRATG SIIIMER NEANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASICS. The above beautiful samples, in -very color and hand somely trimmed, from $7 50 to $l6. 1000 SILK. MANT161..,, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKL, Handsomely and rig bly trimmed, from $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARLET my2s NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR IS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against explosion.or burning of the flues or boter, a, noth ing can pr.-vest it Of not tnmpertd with) rem giving im mediate notice of lack of water in the boiler, in season to put on a supply without drawing the fires. Want ot water is the gre it source of so many sad catastrophes which have recently occurred. We warrant this instrument to be a periiirt innovate against intch contingencies. Price46o. -fug Instructions as to the mode of , application as well as reieresce to most of the prominent menufactsuers an n masters of the State using them, sencon application D. C. ME&DE & 00., PntSburg, Pa. D. C. MUD, I . Cuss. bisect. j- jell MILLINERY GOODS MRS. J. HVBBS, HAS OPENED A? NU. 8 111H.R.S.ICT skt o rAnin, (Next door to Confectionery,) NVRERE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy Goods,' At cheaper prices than any bouso lathe city. The quality of her gems 'cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKING IN TILE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplS-dtiyll _ ' NEW PEILADI;LIsi iIA - C I cvAir. swo , "Et E, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, Market .Street, Harrisburg.. 1,000 I - AFFERENT STYLES OW FASHIONABLE 0 a fi x• t ti s AN3 AND ITENT, SPRING SHAWLS. Will open oeth r elstof April. [max2l-aly CONCENTRATED LEMONADE fsa pii*samt, healthy beverage;. Very convenient and refreshing Gir invalids having fever or great thirst. Its purta.llity recommends it o travelers. Its convenience ti 6 pic-nics will be dprec:ated. No sugar required; ,une table-spoonful simply (16..scite.,i in a glassof cold water anti it is done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jel7 No. 91, Market street. 1100TICE is hereby given, that the Common 17 Council of the city of Harrisburg, have completed the levy and assessment or taxes fur the year /aC-I, and Up all persons shall be entitled to an abatement of PINE PER CENT. _ on the amount .of their respective City Taxes, on pay ment of the saute to IDA* T. WILSON, Esq City Tr‘a surer, on or beim the ist day of July, 18134 By order pr the Cozonstitsi Council. DAVID HAllHlS,kqelik- HAIIILISURCh Jima 21, 1864. N 11.—Taxes will be received by the Treasurer until ; o'clock r. at.,orsaa day. 1a1Q,11,11J3 116.F..NNETe. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the nada luscious of all deserts ter the table; Ate light .m.t and most grateful diet for invalids and olditiren. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when caugulated with rennet it-is alwa3m light and easy of digestion, and supports the system with the least possible excitement. Wn.m still greater nutritive lower is detAred, cream and sugar may be added. a teaspoonful converts &quart of mid: imo a firm curd. IPrepari..cl and •sold ; winatesale and retail by A. ICUNKSL, Je ll . 'llB Market street. Pittman' blmrsam.'s 01+110; 147 u Etnsrmer, HAssmsono, Pm, June 8,1864. I ToDicAFTED MEN.-1 am directed. by Lient, Col. J. - Ar. Itoraford, A. A. Provost Marshal Ge1:m.0,4441M d • ciilar; No. d 9, of June 4,1864, to pub lish "That drafted men sin not allowed to enlist as vo un wept. after being &Ailed; and that the Credits for dratted min will remain ftir the eutt-MStriets " from which sto.7 were drafted, DO matter whether loeal bliunti VIM , not been paid to each Men; upon ;'ilt-pd'entistr 6 ent. JNO. 'KAY CLEltiaNt, 'Captain and Provost ',Taisho', 14th Da't, . . je6-dtt PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SUET !Haw, VIOLINS, FLUTES, OIIITARS, .BANSOS, StaINGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and all kludge! MOW.- t; AL MERCGANDSK, YICTUKK FliAliES, -LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDSantIALSOKS, MG TYPE GE3IS, E‘GRAVINGS, PICTURES, ac, Ito: Remember the pb.ce, SILAS 'WARD, No.' 12 79h'& - street,the lerge.t Music Store liliS side of the great citigt - t Jan 26 dtf . . 50 DOZEN JAN . S ENUUSII PIOISLES eo PirTceG e i . r Wainte !'egr- Hiawliolsealq .ARIBLER4rARAZER, . myb • snomesors to W. Dbck, Jr., ti. Co. ' , 4e , Lola NOTICE. HENRY MAL% JAMES FREELAND, G. M. BRUBAKER, F. WENRICK, JuNATHAN SWAB, DANIEL LEHR. .1014 w CITY TAX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers