.111EDICA • - , • , _ . • " • t3oNSTITI TLaAN WATICR CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER - CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER CON. ON WATER (PN - 41:4"vciON WATER ) WELT. -- - -marEDy C GYS T 11(' `:UTI,C AITR•Tari. ONLY ktfOWN R 1 DY FOR ILBETES, and DEERE'S of the. IDEBYS awl BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATER Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the puma wt cure of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, V..DNIVIS and BLADDER that has over been offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER. It is from especial:to that CONSTITILITIGN WATER 11648 emanated, and we now say lell no man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent in this country has tailed to mitten. A remedy peetsw-ing the virtues of ConatiOnien Water cannot be classed under "quack" preparations, as it. now used by the most scieutifie practitioners in this city. it is only second class phyelciaes that cry down popular ationedWa, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a curet- and the success of the phy sician increases as his knowledge of ditlkrent remedies enables him to produce a cure, while (ahem fail in the at tempt. • Science is satisfied with the truth_ Give Coustnution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under slime specialittr's care from year to year, and we particularly allude to Udine who are constantly resorting tei., to local traan and all sorts of local applications for diseases, with much chance of success as there would be from local a licatiOns to the throat for diseases of the bruit]. We have been always careful to use language In our droular that could not shock the most delicate organize,. tion, but we twelve so many oommunications from per sons for which Constitution Water is ada pt ed, and of wham &mew no mention bas been made, that we have some to the oonehie.tonthat if the remedy is capable of nroducing a ours, no matter what the disease may be, it sinwdd he made known_ The medicine is put up _fer the raterl`'•end'there should be no exceptions, We would say, Constitution Water not like a gilded ;it, made to snit the ers and Mete; it is e medicine in .Wery WWI of the term, &cod M the hands of the pa:, pie for their relief, and if taken awarding to the direc tions It wll, in every case, produce a radical cure. We would Bay t i the direedous tit re- , ,..,_rd to diet, eke., ra late may to the disease under which thew comm. DIABETES Is a disease of the stomach,. and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the moss ebettnatedisome, except consuthotion, that affects the human constitution We have no space fOrbus win mate th a t the effect of the disease is the conver , sion of the starchy principle {or vegetable ...portion of the food) into sager, which stimulates the bdneys to en mos:Ave secretion of water. Many persons suffer from this disease who are 4:norant of it; that Is, they pass large quantities during the day, and are obliged tog o t up from cue to fifteen or twenty times during the Mght. No nachos is taken of it neW their attention la called to the large discharge of water, and often when tt is so far advance/ alto be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. another symptom is the greet thirst, which, when the disease is fully estab nailed, is intolerable—the pati.wt4rinls constantly without being nifitfliel; also.drynees of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a moat breath, in the more advanced cases, and ftb.l3 , . loss of appetite, emactnion, end the patient mila dy ataks from exhaustion esialturtrnos WAvnn is, without doubt, the only known remedy. fur Diabetes, and we have as much malidenee that It is a *Mk. as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully nay that it has rand every case in which it ban peen used. STONE IN TEE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAYED, MUCK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC.; Menses aritareg from a faulty secretion—in the one ease being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the ether's too profuee secretion—which will bespeedlly cored by tie . . CONSTMMON WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONST/TUTION WATER CONSTITUTION . WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER TEE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TILE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY lows REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY n. WM REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETE So titarrATßN 'l l QF Tra PLUMES IMAMMATION I au. RlErbll7o4 .5 :4" TELEa gra A N G l2 A gy jugn : CO3 PAINFUL UM- Far NA tireae diseases Mil tfulY a ova remedy, and sou mach (=cast be said le Mt praise. A single dose has bear known to ratiare the most urgent symptoms Ave you troubled wish area distressing pain in small of tot turd thres4l the hips t" A teaspoonful a day of the Ooeittelthet Wavier Mime you /Ike magic- two Song Woes epee up Me use of bootee, =beta and juniper to the Vestment of those diseases; and only nee them fOr the want cite better remedy. CONSITVuTION WAThB has craved. Wulf equal to the task that has devolved DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by oonatnht use soon lead to throttle degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public • with the cowrie:Jon that it has no :equal to relieving the class of diseases for whidh It basbeen found so eminently sue. woeful for curing and we Crust tbat we shall be rewarded for our efibrts in placing es 'Valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patienvand physician. E.t.l/I_o4 Ii.EAD•I I .I:LNIEW 1 : 1 1 i • , Ducal 18t32:—Dr. Wm. oigg--- Doar SO: In February, 1881, 1 was affected with auger diabetes', and for five mouths 1. passed more, than two gallons of water in twenty - four hours. Ivrea obliged to gut up es often as ton or twelve tunas during the night, and in flee menthe I Wef abedt fifty pounds in weight. Airing the mouth o. July, 1861, I .procured two bottles of Constitution water, aud•ini wit days after using it I ex. outlawed relief f and atter taking ,two bottles - I was on grisly onrdr,"soott 'after' i f esfirc my usual good health. Yours truly. -• • • - J. V. L.-DEWITT Boe-toN Cok..'ekr4; N... 1"...; Deb. 27, 1661.—.*5. H.Gregg . Clo.—Gena: I freely give you 'liberty-to make use of the Mowing certilloate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can recommend iu the highest manor: My wife was attacked %OM- pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back/and in her limbs , with Arlpfteawa of the Perez dad irmatio. 0 - the Bladder. .1 coiled a-physielan,mho attended her ahem three months, When ho left her worse qkao 138 had'found her I then employed one of the best physicians I could Mad, who attended bor Par about nine months, and while , she was under his carosbe did not suf fer quite as Mob OW - Re anell'EavV 4 dr OP; and said liar caw itor itiattruMe: lee," said 4 0 ' "ete Xw tooh , o calabl'efemagolainer fhaerseqicineOrT for offs bps *Was dorthued abriie - iither. 'of ?La'. dvreadkos. A bOut the time she pottihaencesi the at Oc4titneien 'Water, and to air utter astedieEment, shinnit . the : first dose ii -tied to have the doeired ' effect, and she, leapt Mt IMP= trying xmaddly inuterits treittntead, and now mapertntends en. Mind, bar dembetic agate. She has not taken any of the OpeotkutiOn Water for. .e.btitn four weelm, and waste happy to 'ay MO It bee produced a portnanent cure. WM M. VAN B.DTSCEICGEN. ._,- Ifirrs= lll m, Com, March 2, 1,8 4 33 . _ze., Ty: ir Gm ,— Sir:—Having seen your advertisement of. Vossititation Miter_ ," recommencled for -In fleano,tion et she grninkri t tl e lrritation of the Bladder, having suffered sth t h e p u t,. years, and tried the sUli of a number of phys i c i ans yr-Weedy temporary relief, I was induced to try E ta tasionw:lptoonreti elm bottle of your agents at ta l rise B[ Simon & Co., and when I bad used a it.. I . my I found a great, change in 'my . heath. - A h av e, two bottles of it, and am where I never expected to JR.fay life, well, and is good spi r it s . 1 clitadat =prop my gratitude for it; I feel that It is sit apd more th an you recommend it to be. May the bring of God ever attend yon. in your labors of love. Venus truly, ~ LEONARD BIGiZE.OW, ran WEE Br ILL W DRU,GGIsTAS: PEraS si. M, H. GREGG & CO., ftoprietors. - MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents,Ara 10-dAwists:eod Ne. 46 caw street, New York. Sold .Ig...Johrtatort, Holloway et Cowden, rbila., and AUNKEL & BRO., 118 'Market Street. HaiHitharg. and by all D,uggists. . Pol=B l l- PICKLES! I—By the. -Bano4 liallitertid,lrar or Dozen, at ,' • ~ .. , eal -, ' . SITIqLrIt & FRAZER'S, .Alkticessors to Wm Dock, Jr., & Co.) WSW MACKEREL; HERRING AND SAL: 10114', .. BUYER & NOWZB4 MISCELLANEOUS. EL.EUTRICAT Y. DRS. WITTEI- and ORFAMER, Ecle.ctio and Electropathic physicians, respectfully offer tnetr professional E-ervices in ail the varloua branches of the profession, for the trcatraent 01 all acute and chronic roring of disease. The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Stagintisni, Galvanism, Blectro.hlagnet ism, the Swedigh method of Localized movement cure, a few Ecimtle Medicines when deemed neceeeary, and in fact all the natural curative agents that may aucceasfully be brought to bear upon the disease. They 40 not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To, t t.n ar atuil the tact that they confine themselves to no psi lathy or system, they attribute their success controlling The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderful In its phenomena and powerful in its effects for good or M. It is an ever present, ail-pervrding principle, governing, ail things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gaseous matter. We see it in the lightning's Hash and hear the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposition, recompo- - sitionand transformation, It excites all motion. It is the exciting cause of life, growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts it into a state of flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on de important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of the body. It is the nerve vital Mild,. the great agent through which the mind acts upon the bodys It is the cause of MI causes except the first great cause. the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it into ate These flay appear like mere assertions, but they as. fans Joimitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it t hen, to be wondered at that an agent ao wonderful in Its phe-• nomena, so powerful in its manifestations andsO intimate ly connected with all the operations of the human sys tem. should be, almost absolute in Its power of controlling disease? Certainly not. It is a natural . sequence and follows as surely as day follows night. Among the diseases which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction With proper adjunct treatment, may oe mentioned the following; Incipient Consumidion, Paralysis, • Elpiliptio, Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; Dyspep sia cured in a few treatments- all diseases of the urinary and genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles and: Prelapsus Ani; Amaurosis and all kindred affections - of the eye; Aurems,Strimures, all skin diao s, &c. Persons calling will be told whether they can be bens fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot be af forded. Censullation free. Office, South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. Office hours from Bto 12 A. at, I,llste 5 and Itoiir.w. ALJr R. w YET; M. A, DR. .1. MILTON QUAKER. apl.3 JULIUS ROSENDALE, 29 Practical and Scientiiie OP "r SIAUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF OPTICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND PHILOS OPHI CAL INSTRUMENTS, No. '35 NORTE( SEOOND STREET, NEAR WALNUT, RARRISBURG, FA. no following instruments will be forwarded, free, to any adirese, on receipt of the price : Insect Microscope; for examining ail kinds of in sects, flowers, or plants. $1 00 Send Microscope; for examining seeds, insects, • minerals, &c 2 00 Rosendale's Student's Microscope; power 50, 150, and 250 diameters. A beautiful instrument for - general microscopical analysis, packed M a neat box • Rifle Telescope; to see at a "distance of twd or three miles; can be attached to any rifle 5 . 00 Etercescopos; a new and improved instrilement.... 2!25 Do. with twelve pictures.... 5 00 Spectacles of the highest refractive power to stiength, en and preserve the eyesight, with a large assortment of Opera and Field Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers; Magnets, Drawing Instrument; Sze, orprSeud stamp for a catalogue containing priwi, San. dtf A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch 31 - alrer , No. 6 , 2 Market Street, Itarrisburg, Po, DEALER IN WATOBERThIz, RINDS, SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SEWER WARX • PLATED WE, TEA SERVICES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Haliconstantly on hand a well selected and elegantly 1111SortediSock of lINE WAN ° ITIEIAMitro FINN SILVER WARES. • • -- 4 TET4.147,11V, RNGLIth AND SW/SS WATCHES, Both in Geld and Silver Cason also, a fine assortment of LADIES' WATOHBti Constantly on hand, V.L . E.413-Alq'T CLOCKS, Of all descriptions; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. - Aar Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of tine Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex ' and- other celebrated. Watches, and all Lynda of Jewelry neatly repaired. None:but tho most competent workmen employed, and the Whole matter under my own personal supervision. A..F. ZIMMERMAN, marT3.l No. 52 Market street, adjoining Brarips Steam Weekly to Liverpool. rpoutacara at QIJFF 4 NSTOWN, (Cork Har -11 bor.) Theyvell known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended, to sail as follows: Ydinborough, Saturday, June 18. City of. Washington, Saturday, June 25. City of Itiancheater •Batur4ay, July'2. E4Ti e s pi:FA PAYABLB IP . GOLD, .ON irs,mervazera xar. Ointanncrr. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 , 1 STEBRA.GE . $3O 00 do to London 85 001 do to London 34 00 do to Paris 95 00 do to Parisi " 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to liagabiltu.. 00, Passengers also forward to Havre; Ekernen.;*tter= dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. • Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Those who wish 'to send. for their friends can buy tickets here at these rat& For 'further information apply at the Company's, OMees JOAN G. DALE,_ Aga", 15 Broadway, N, or_C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrisbunr.- rt23-dly INSURANCE-COMRANTOF NORTH AMERICA, gOZ Walnut Street,:§inith Side; Easter Third Street, -Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF Assgrs.. .......... .; . $1,656; 863 50 MCOPRORATED noir C.A.ITFAL CHARTER PERPETU.,tE, Marine, Fire and Inland Transcrortation . , In- surance. ARTHUR p. COFFIN, i'resideat. 013_ABLES PLATT,,Flecretary. . WILLIAM BUEHLEA, Genital Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Second, Ilairtsburg, my2l.9m - DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OF the Ohl Wanower Lice, respectfully in k/ forms the public that this Oh! Daily Transportation. Line (the only-Wallower Line now in existence thil etty,tta in successful operation and prepared to carry fret,, t oa low as any other individual tine betweenPhila delpiala; Harristrirg;guntury, Lewisburg } Williamsport, Jersey Store, Lock Haven sad an . other points en the Northern Central, Philadelphia and,lgrie and Willisuns-Port and Plimirs Railroads. WNW. A. MUNCH, Agent, aniaburg, Goode, sent to the Waxehonse of Il MECUM Peacoc Penn's. k, Zan & Hindman, Noa. 808 and 810 Market. Street., above Bth, IPtiftli4clpbia, by 4 o'clock; P. , Will arrive at Harris ku).g: ready for delivery, next morning. rep3o4,llnvl tripLADIES =lf yoii ,:wish good < Lette • Papec . , Envelopes, Ink , . Pane, or anytkang else* the etetionety lino, you • sail-ale at , fIOOKETen, BlEJ.lites,tlL. I .a! Are.EEN 1 40 1 11 4 .. , ' .F : Ri .. N,(11...:,: . :..::Pi110(it)CA.11.' - ' . :•.'"rtaofS, IeEM_A LE 11.BO'VLAT00.1 29 Are the only . Imown relited9 t• 1 11 3ccOstAdY and Invarialily, Koster° awl regulate thetticialegya!*, maw, lug all frreinibkrittee, r firiduchl iigor and stxength. LYON'S PZIMIDIOAL DROPS Are a Enid preparation, the only.true one of theicind ever discovered in country; and Ws directly:on the parts affected, whilst pin& and powders °manly. roach:them as they work throngh.sytopathy, but not at itH direct and oslttve. . , .; Are you sulterlng,from a constant anxiety fer the regu lar-return of natures preeoribed laws f • - Give yourseltno uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, if taken a day or two_ before the expected period, will posi tively and Invariably regulate its corning, as sure as effect flillows cause, as certain as daylight follows dolmen Are you sick, enfeebled by diatom, (ennoble to bear the iabor and danger et Income f LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS dome to you as a West's, tta la not preTention better than owe P • , negtdarlytaken, ft Is a certainsweventive, ad will save you much peril and - naikhourrot sufferhm.' ;Rave you been afflicted fokmanyysara with complaints incident to-the sea, that have tidied the shill of physi cian, and are hurrying you on :to an earlygraveir liYORS Are the moat reliable regulator-ever known, *tad cure, like Inn* all those irmalinittat that hive dotted thi.e'lloatore Will you mute swat With :Altering frein Unbent* Prollipstes, Dyniarkkorrhotati sad a tin:Wind* other digicat , ties, 'all summed up muter the name of imppreseedluid oWrnMed nature, when 11 . 11 mveef eq«gL t oiw dolly In LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS will surely Bare You., Dona nee the drape ;when fortdddes in the directions, for although a positive cure, and hamlets at all other times, they are so powerful and finely calculated adjust and germ the functions Of the eeSnal .ergalibaniithatidf taken at improper **A ; they would produce reunite con trary to nature,aphost...witich. akritrthatlaidy' MOOS "Who Would reprodnotk:shonkl parefidlYsteerd, t . , - . . w WON'S PitigoNein Cannot ha= she most delicate eosstitutliti Ala plane. .yettbe proprietors wish to guard against Its misuse: 'WO* that a thousand bottles will bo used fora good pur- Oee where one es used Tor as illegitimate one. LYON'S I=ollo4 the newt-fairing renlB/0 tegulatori tbt Inniggint, in the city and . Tonfiy,,, ha" if ry a va l ue your health and -wish Sot 4- Yea. We tieellcitua„ guy a py Maim Take no otlaer,ibetifiheDraggist tiaratoa rt . k eu apply has not got It, make him mad and get V, for rmi,. C. G CLARK , Op 6: f&00,000 At Wlitt ' elPatei b 7 JOH TON , HOLLOWAY A COWDEN, ss Nosh NUM Strec4, geizilkkri I- • td -0 I ' • . . . . • : .• 1 - I EGI .34 . Q mst <:=;, t-1 OM Paw Si * l9 °AI4; Paorarricii*" Eiga amen, Cam, MO ,pIEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIC ORE LOCK HOSPITAL, R a tind (r ec overed e lh e : izi T ie s w t :rl e zr t e :y speedy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. MU:e.s iN SIX IQ TWELVE 11017 Rs. NO KERCURY OR NOXIOUIi DA[J cheer Warranted, or .tio Marge, In from One to Two Ala WesMIMS of the Sal Affections or the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary G argee, Impotency, General De , Wily, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor , 'Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation or the Heart, Timidity Tremblin,gs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, affections of the Liver Luse" . Stomach. or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising fromthe Solitary Habits of Youth—those semi and sohturpracticesmore fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysett, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, .• TOVNG MEN &whiny who have become tho victims of Solitary Vice, that driaattl tind Alestructive tmbil. which mutually sweeps to an untiznelf . grave them:am/a'. or Young Men of the most we :talents and Willa% intellect, who might ,otherwlsehaveentranced listening Senates with the than ;dere of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may 'WI with Lull &edam.. MUMLiCi-E. • Married persons, or Young 'Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defor cnities,m&c., speedily Mired. • Ho'who place a himself under the care of Dr. J. may re; "%lonely confide In Me honor as a gentleman and eon& dently..rearupon Insuldll. as a Physician 'ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmodiately clink and fall vigor restored. This distressing affection—which readers lire miserable and marriage impossil*--iathe penalty paid by the vic until of improper,. indalgence. Young persons are tou apt to commit excesses from not befog aware of the.dreadful_ consequoncea that, may ensue. Now, who that nudes. .stands the eabiect wW , pretend to deny that the power of procreatien is lost sooner by. thoee. falling into improper habits than by the prudent. BeSideß being depri"; ed the plealures of nearly. Offspring, the moat whew, and du. atractive symptoms to both body. and mind arise. Toe systembecornee deranged, the physical. and mental functionAweakened, lose, of procreative power, nervoua Initabutsh dYipsAta, palpitation of LY.e heart, indigestion, oonztltntional debiliti, a wasting of the frame. ago, ow suapllOlN-rdecay and death.. . OFFMI Na 7 , *Kra Faxtreascs &k 'r, unarmed slide gelln from Baltimore street, a few dome frOI:0 the oorner. rail not to observe name and number. Letters mast, be paldand contain a stamp. The Doctor's •Diplotnas iota* iti his office. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeon/3, London, grad uste,fromone of- the most eminent collages in the United States, and the greater part of whose-life has been spent Mate hospitals or London, Paris, Philadelphia anti else :where, has effected some o the moat astonishing MOO AbatNemever.known ; many troubled with ringing in the . head and ears, when asleep, -great nervousness, being la/armed at. sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent sleeted from the beet manufactaaore and Perfumers of blushing, attended sometime with derangement of mind ..were punkt immediately. 1 Europe and this country. - - TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of - the sad and melancholy elleeta pia I Beteg very large dealers tinned by early habits of youth, viz : watimess of the brink and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, lOW. of PAINTS VWHITS muscular power, palpitation of the bean, dyspepsia,. ner- , vous irritability, symptom' of consumption, Etc. LIME' Mssztua..—The fearful effects on the mind arc h to mb to be dreaded--.lon of Memory, cent:Mon of le h een, de. • pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to, society. self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, to., era emu .of the evils moduood. YOPNG Who irdved themselves by a certedn practice in dulged In when alone,,a z habit.frequentl-, learned from evU comParilons,Or at'school, the Weems of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if riot cured readers marriage , o,:ioselble and dostroya Voile mind and body, sheulitioory. • • Whata.; r Young Man, tbehopeof his covntry. the n daillng of Ina parents, should Igo snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of =deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such peralone nits; before contem. plating MA.I3,IILiGE. Ri3flect that a sound mind and body are the most nebassary veqhisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with out these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pll grimltge the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. mines blighted with our own. - - . DISEASE OF ESEPEUDENCE. - When the misguided and imprudent votary of plasm; es finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, too often happens that an illtimed sense of shame or the 'Arend of discovery deters him from applying to shrift rho from education andrespobtabillty, can alone befriend r iim He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend eta, : who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary sub strums, keep himtrilihu; month after month, or as lunges the smallest fee can be obtained, and In despair leave him 3sph trained health to sigh over biagallingdisappoinranem, ex r by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten) the constitutionalsympS n softbisterriblediseese,suchasallec. shins of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, eta ., profpremoar, with`, frightful rapidity till death puts a period to bit dreadful sufferings by sending him to that undiscovered country from whence no traveler returns. ENDORSEMENT OF Tir s s pi .7i140 many thousands cued at Pets hemetl e a year after • year; and the numerous impoirtant surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnson, whammed by the reportsas of the .luet, Clipper, and many other papers, notices or which awe appeared again arid again before the public., nemdet bid standing as a gentleman of character and nepotist ie a sufficient guarantee to the dalcted. SKIN DTBRASIR3 SPEEDILY QED ilMoo No. 7 Soo4ii: Prodortfsk Sfroot. )5,26-417 '.THERE ffi NO SUCH WOBII AS FA -11 INABRANT'S OOKPONITD 'EXTRACT; OF OUBEBS AND COPAIBA. Thih PMaration to 'per.imstbrey recommend° to the MEDICAL PROFRSSKpf,; anal sl o puumc for tr ot prompt and detain cure Or PI:'SRAIERri OF TIME BLADJ SEE , HID. nyo, uRINARY bRa.AIi9.„ETO. _ • ri may be reiVA on as th e IN* mode for the administra tion or then "Amedies in 'Me large class of the easesof both ww i t h are..applicable: . It net or interferes ithtr; niVi by its concentration s the dose is n n l "i relic& —Purchasers are advised to ask foe TARRANT'S o • *CND EXTV.A.CT .OF ODIUM AND COPAIBA, take nothbag I*e, as, imitations sad n ror ttli on prep , 1 9n g, under smaller names, are in the market. Price $I ;co. Sent by Rama ° on receipt Of price. Manufac tured; D uly by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren gtieet, New York, and for oats • Droffliolo goserairli• • 00t22-417 -7.3p0r sale by 8. A. *•0. 4 7(..4 & BRO., and by Dragglsta • APCLINTOCH'S PECTORAL SYRUP. IimB,,BiTVAIRABLE.SYRUP, which is en it4o3, vegetable in its composition has been em ployed wok wonderful success for many 4ears in the cure . 0 ( diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and-LUNGS. For any form ef the disease such as COUGH, TICHLLNG of the THROAT, At rING ' OF HUM, DIFFICULT BREATHING, rplotsMS, LilStOr VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will attendeir • Vt.h the happiest results. It is one of thO best and safest - Medicines , for all forms of BROX :, gaturib and CONSUMPTION. , /audanuas Or Prehilla. .-.60,..0f OM* hi, day akaps infhis sow. 'RICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE: ae Far sale at BERGNER'S Cheap &Sok Store. - DR. B. M. CrILDEA 7 DENTIST, Pa 4 F 4 SPECTF I JLLY informs the citizens of i - Harriabur&and vicinity that he has removed his of frowelarkerstreet toThird street, next door to the ot. and Union office, where he is prepared to accOM, - thod a ms es who .may de,aire his professionfil. services 'LIME ROMAN 0' SHERRY, imported Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in Use mmtry. Forage as • SHISLEtt k Frft4ZER, , •: larrneorrora 141 it r. t irttrai ORANGES. just r v e7foivo BM§LEII & FRAZSIt, noso amooesvon to Wm. Dock, & Co,) 120 'ilisaXtB:o.ll/4.11GE8, IMPort 4 g: risrand tile " ise • TA ?ketat season = ~ ..j ::l246 4R v e e dl 4, ,no r ev tr b ,s i.u :w ilb a t lecttad it ' 4gri . ! mom to Jr .& . D. W. GILOSS tic CO. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, 1145RISI3CRO, PA PHTSIC'IAKS, STORE- DB UGOLSTS, KEEPERS AND CONSUMIEMS. We are daily adding to our assortment of &din all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully cal YO" attention to the largest *DA treat selected atom in this city, of DRUGS, GISIMICALS AND PAINTS, 'Oita, Varnishes taut Vic". DyelStuffs. Glass and ruay, .irtlist% Cohm and Toast Bunting Pluid awl Alcohol, lAA. Sperm sad Pine Olt. Balks, Vials and lamp Glebes, Castile Semi; Spoors and Corks, With a general variety of PV,EFUMEY AND TOrEST ARTICLES, Beteg very large dealers in PAINTS, WEITZ LEAD, LINSVID OIL, VARNIMET, WINDOW GLASS, A 81737.8 .tatvei's zutv..urgs IN 41.0 resat rAznwarss, COLORS AND BRONZES r-sc , eotturly Invite a call, reeling confident that we c sal supply the treats of all on terms to their Elltlsfar, t ion. TEETH ! TEETH !: JONES' Am WHITE'S EVROELAIN zwzrzt, PATENT NEDICZNEB, AND Of ail Mods, direet from the Proprietor' SAPethrant AND ODXCKNTRATED LYR Visolezwite Ageaw for . Sapaniter, which we sail ha law as tt can be purchased in the dues taAMZ'.? StEDICAL PLUM Rif44CTS. COAL OIL! CARBON OIL! ;Being large purchasers in these Oits f we eau offer ocemeuts to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the mos I mproved patterns, very eheap. ill kinds of Lampe changed to burn Coat Ott. MMIMr,TFMT: Those of yon 1019 hare not gtvenourHOßSZ AND CAT TLE POWDERS a trial knew ant their supeeknity, and the adventagethey are in keeping Noma and Cattle healthy and in a good condition, 'lhouaanda tan testify' to Lite profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders, by the indreamet gaan ty mid quality of milk, besides improving the general health. and appearance or their cattle. Oui tong expetlevue tI the business gives us the adves, tage of a thorougle knowledge of the trade, and our sr rangementa in the cities are such that we can, in a very short time, furnish sk nything appertaining to our b on the beet of bttfinit„ Thankful fbr the fan 14 Patronage bestowed ° I/ Our house, we hero by erica lttalulon to business, a careful Weal= of pir,‘ 4,,DA3C VGS at fair inlees, and the ak to,Pletiso to merit a Con tinnance of the favor of L discriminatingpubha aploSally - TRANso_ U. PAPER. A BEAUTIFUL asst 'rtment of TRANSOM ,11 , PAPER. Call and see 14 I " SOUL iTER'S BOOK STORE, mew , Banisberg ra. NIA GA 0 I.T d► BA_LN. . delight verett 414 ....,... .. „ .,....,. ..,.._„ an ... d i : eg i u. tra°, ,,,_ ,.. ._ res rdi „ - , 'P A. ninaryB is t he h tle e e na ver °l4' d t isco burn and Faceand Hands: to a fie - ' I F,. ~.r, -, "• - "„ -- n - i -- outh, ravishing beauty, Imparting the nu `" 'Punt. the 4 - , bal e and the distirtgue appearauoe so Inv icing ,1.„--„,1 and rough, of faahion. It removes tan; rieeklea I:Zleessoy the Miln i leavlngthie comple: ,_,_, =a i ms — tri = rent and smooth. .4contams no mitt ' ~ --- - f " Ira &Vox . akin. Patronized by Admixes road o olos o and I ra what-a:Very laxly. should have. So ld ni. & BRO., tail by g ' 4 * luN lik uarrobert arde-dit llB - Market strt LOTS FOR "SALE. ' i t r a e g, near OEVERAL =LOTS on . Third .. maw wore, 110 North, are ranicale. lacialie at , WA royll-tf corner 9r North and Third Areitil. 0 ,_.. ye d • TV, NO% • . -rxtrz OILS .—Fine Jaded oils jut ... urici ora ~ .. .., ' PSTSL•Ka IP . a .. Ak, 0 i Wino= to VeDoalt,, r KUNKEL'S RITTER MILNE OF INN Plan Ground Spied; &0., acct acC COLORS, PAINT AND OF ALL KINDS. R4D IZSBTOR4TIVE3, L. APURE and powerful TONIC, Conaetre an d Alterative, of woodexful efficacy In d:sear-es the STOMACEL,VTEE and BOWELS. Cures DYBPePsiar Lives Complaints Headache, General Debility, Nervousums, Ut preaston or Spirits, Coustiptien Intermitteot Fever, AcMity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn tis as f Food, Fullness or Weight in 'the Sinking or Fluttering at. the Pit of the. Sm Swimming of the goad, Breath re, re:1,.; , :- new of the Skin and E:. - 43, Fever and Dui; 5.-uzz Head, PALO in the Side, Back, Cher and will cure every we of Chronic or Nerrnt:s Diseases of the Kidneys ant theeases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for !tale or Female, Old or Young, The most beneficial medicine to wt g;res ::ettcr uts. Duttion sad cures more diseases than any other prepara tion oTered to the Public_ Prepared solely by S. S kt:zi SBL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For sate by Druggists and Dealers everya here BEWARE o.l+ Counterfeits As Kunkel's Bitter VC inc of Iron IS Oat only :ore and effectual remedy in the known world for the I , :nt=ard care of Dyspepsia awl Debililu, and es ther,: a r e a coral r of Imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community to pun-base none but the genuine arnc.:e, manufactured by S. A. KUNKEL S SSQ , tad ha.s stamp OD the top of the cork of every bane. The ve7 fact that others are attempting to imitate remedy, proves its worth and epeake ;a Its favor. The Bitter Wilma Iron is put up it: 15 ern: and SI Cv bottles, and sold by all reEpectabl: cluggfilA thmughoot, thecountry. Be particular that every lxmllo Lear.; the se simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine includes the meet agreeable and eclat Salt o f tom we possess; cit ra t e of Sik i netia Oxide com bined, with the mostrnergetic of regeuthle tonite Yellow Peruvian bark. The effect In many of deialii}, io of appetite, and general prostration, of an eT4ent lit of Iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Touts, Is weal happy. It augments the appetite s raises the pelee, tablE off musoulor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, mad gives a Amid vigor to the oauctenwarn G-ENERAL DEPOT, US MARKET SM:= For sale by all respectable dealers throughout the Gams Donovan I Ugetal and Valuable DiscoTery. HILTON% INSOLUBLE CEMENT 1 or more glaccel procucal atillry than any invention now tmore the public it has peen chorouatty Leered dimwit the last, two years by , retet:cal i men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO AIF7 Antiesble to ar. awful Arts. Ltdheatve Preparations known. lasourns CsTarn' is a nen !thing, and the result of years of 'study; he combination Is on Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances oe change of temperature:, will It be come corrupt or, omit any OB'eaßilfo melt A now thing. Ita Combination BOOT AND B.P.DE Manufacturms, using Machines, will find it the best artiole kr.OWn as Cementing for the Channels it works ;without daisy, is not sfr. , ,ett by any +Mange of temper:turn Boot and Shoe Man stacturers. JEWELERS Will find ft sallimently adhesive for their LIBB as has been proved. Jewelers. It is Rep:daily Adapted. to Leatka; And we claim as as ob - pechd meat s that it sticks Patchm to Boots and Shoes nufliclentiy strong without, ditching. LIQUID CEMEIVI It* a liquld that b B airs thing 'AV VITA, tr.f, INIn:E=WB, Orodgery. toFT, I,tune, Ivory, articlee of Household Jae RESTEMBEat 1 HELSON'd I'M/XS= Ci.r ,- "Of la In a liquid form and as essay ap plied as pane. Ifitros's I/mom:man Clam= inaninole in Water or oil. HILTON'S. Lemmata Cdr Adheres oily substemc.... ikat;aster. Supplied in Family or Warne torer's Packages from 2 ounces to ltaS km • WILTON BROS ic Oa t ProprletcuA • Provl4aum, L Flab, LAINOFt StAGINNTA. Agentß in jelB4ly TELEGI3ALPbi Steam Job . Printing - ESTABLISHMENT, TOLD STREET, NR All WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. l a -AVM recently added to oar Jot= Department a large amount of new type, new fast steam presses of the moot improved eldridsorn and other material, we are new prepared to execute at short notice, and In the most approved styls, ALL RWMOI MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER MEV' ROADINGS, • CIRCO &Mos. ROSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD MAMA POSTERMone or more colas, &ARMES, RILLS OP LADDIG, PROMISSORY NOTE LtGAL BLAHS. Aso JOB WORK • OF ALL DEISCRIPTIONS„ PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Ordersfrom a distance attended to* promptly. 2parlddrarti APPLES. Ve ban just received a fine selection of APPLES, to prime order: Fur sale by the barrel, busbel or mai quantity it a- SEMLER & lamegerl to iaiPackliarAl Bum* int G, P.c. tt la the only
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers