EtiCgtaipi HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 24, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AIt Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, Ate., to secure Insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be stenont panted with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in I he Morn ing Edition without extra charge. State of the Thermometer To-day; S A. M. 11 A . M. 3 P. M 80 90 95 A.N.11.) (30 UN T KY. Go TO Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op posite the Court House, and see the new Ba rometer; they foretell the weather accurately from 12 to 48 hours in advance. Every per son should have one. jcl 6-2 w BAnrrzy CAMPBELL has gone to Fortress Monroe, for the purpose of securing the re mains of his brother Patrick, who died there on the 17th inst. Tar pie-nie of the St. Peter's Verein, which takes place in Haehulen's w oods, ou Monday next, will doubtless be liberally patronized. The preparations for the occasion aro exten sive, and the exercises will undoubtedly, be interesting. W.O would again remind our readers that the re-dedication of the Ridge Avenue M. Church will take place on Sunday next. lie sermon will be preached by Rev. John Walker Jackson, at 10 o'clock, A. nr., and the choir of the Locust Street Church will be in attendance, to discourse sw,pet music. A Pro-nuo was held by the Catholic Sunday School, yesterday. Those who were present inform us that they had a pleasant time, on Independence Island—every thing passing off quietly—and that the occasion will long be remembered by the juvenips, for whose en joyment the pic-nic was held. Tas.pie-nie of the Vine streetM. E. Sunday School, which was postponed, (owing to the fact that transportation could not be procured on tho day first advertised,) will be held at Derry woods, on Thursday next, the 30th inst. For further particulars, see advertise ment. SOME one who is very sharp in speculation could command a very fair price for a shower of rain. With the•therreometer up to 90 de gieee, and the earth all agap with thirst, the dust flying and the sun shooting doWn , bis nary.heat in rays that penetrate -to the very marrow, it is decidedly uncomfortable. ThE Middletowners had El, grand pic-nic yes terday, in honor of the returned soldiers. All the citizens attended, the church choirs were present, and, with Weber's orchestra, of this city, discoursed excellent music. Addresses of welcome were delivered, and a pleasant time was enjoyed by everybedy. TEE GOLD MARKET.—It is said that although gold is reported to be selling at 220 and up wards, bona fide sales cannot be made at over 200—that is, 100 premium. This fact should not be overlooked by the public, when the Copperhead cry of "depreciation of currency" is going abroad in the laud. If you doubt the truth of the above, offer your 'gold for sale, and be convinced. Cat; WrmAla H. Bore, of the 21st Penn sylvania Cavalry, says the Chambersburg Re pository, is gradually improving, and strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. The surgeons have twice tried in vain to extract the ball. It entered the nook near to the right shoulder, and passed into the spinal col umn, lodging firmly in The hone. Twice the surgeons have laid it in the forceps but Could not move it. TEE efforts of the eastern speculators and gold gamblers to fill their coffers, even at the destruction of the country, if necessary, have had the effect of sending up the price of goods to a high figure. There is no other cause for the great advance. There will, however,' be a crash among the speculators, one of th'ese days; gold will come tumbling down, and then there must be a decline in the prices of all kinds of goods. The public should look Out for this, and not be influenced in their pm chases 'through fear of ii..farther advance. Buos.---Rousekeepers who..are not desirOls of being carried out of the world by bugs, will be glad to learn that they cannot stand hot alum water. Take two pounds of alum. bruise it and reduce it to powder; dissolve it in three quarts of water; let it remain in a warm place till the alum is dissolved. The alum. water is 'to be applied, by means of a brush, to every joint and crevice iu the floor. Whitewash the ceiling, putting in plenty of alum, and there will be an end to their drop- . ping thence. Disorommy Com.--Xesterday afternoon an individual slightly - under the influence of "corn juice," paused opposite a clothing store on Market street, and commenced looking at some of the articles exposed at the door.-- After examining in the most thorough manner a coat whiedi hung upon the form, he took it down, and rolling it carefully . up, was just turning to depart when the proprietor, who had been watching his actions, stepped out and, tapping him on the shoulder, politely in timated that he had perhaps forgotten to set tle for the garment. The stranger looked non-plussed for a moment—"forget," he ejac ulated, "Yes, danged if I didn't! Look here, neighbor, what d'ye KO' the price of 't?" The proprietor informed him concerning the value_ of the article, whereupon the forgetful hiAi vidual drewTorth his pocket bookend p , lanked down the greenbacks to the required 'l4 nouni, after which he was allowed quietly to cleptu:t. THE (Yd Indiana Academy, at Indiana, Pa., was destroyed by fire, on Wednesday. Fire crackers and boy s,co,used it.. I=l A DAUPHIN CO .t'7l"lt Sonoma lErman.—By a letter received from Sergeant Simon Snyder, of the 107th Pennsylvania regiment; we learn that Oharles,Shnpe, son of. Dr. Jacob Shope, of ENnikrelstow:n, was killed on the 19th inst. in the fight in front of Petersburg. His nu merous friends will regret to learn of his death. Taxan is but little doing in police matters. But one or two minor cases were before His Honor since our last report. This forenoon a party consisting of a man, a woman, a dog, and a large quantity of worth less baggage, were captured and taken to the lock-up,' and will remain there until taken out for a bearing. =l= PISTON Pies Comraxy.- . -Proposals will be received by tho committee of arrangements of this company, until Wednesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, (a special meeting of the com pany to be held at that time, at their Hall in Mr. Koenig's Hotel, foot of Second street,) for the keeping of the bar and table, at their pic nic, to be held at Hachulen's woods, on the Ith of July. THE heat was excessive yesterday afternoon. Just think of the mercury going up to ninety- SCVEII degrees in the shade! Towards evening the people were rejoicing at the prospect of a, 'a heavy rain. They were certain it 7,0u1d come; dark clouds and thunder were a EWE: evidence of 'its approach. But it passed by, and to-day our citizens are again sweltering from the effects of the heat. The mercury has gore', up among the 'nineties, and at this writing there is but little prospect of relief. "Oh, for a lodge in some vast ice-house!" Tan SI7PREMR COURT convened a special term•in Philadelphia on Wednesday. •';Among the cases disposed of we notice the following: 33eetem vs. „Thatcher. Common Pleas, Cumberland county. Judgment . affirmed: Musservs. County of Dauphin' Judgment reversed, and a venire de nave awarded. Cumberland Valley Railroad Co. vs. Byers. Common Pleas, Cumberland county. Judg ment reversed, and a venire de nnvo awarded. Commonwealth of Penns'ylvaiiia vs. Weiser .Weiser. Common Pleas, Dauphin county.' Judgment affirmed. Justices StiOng and Ag new dissented. Hughes vs. The Commonwealth. Common, Pleas, Dauphin county. Judgment 'affirmed., AIiOTHEA HERO Gon—Captain Henry A. Lantz, of Co. P., 50th Regiment, P. V. V., was killed instantly. on the 17th inst., in front of Petersburg, Virginia, while gallantly leading on his men to victory. In the 'death of Captain Lantz our country has lost one of its bravest and most earnest defenders; his city a useful and enterprising citizen, while the loss to his immediate family circle is irreparable. Open-hearted and generous to a degree, he drew around him more devoted friends than fall to the lot of most men. Cap tain Lantz resided in Reading previously to entering the army, and was at one time editor of the Daily Times in that place. He was well known in Harrisburg, and his loss will be deeply lamented by numerous friends and acquaintancee. LIGETIFG TAIL PUBLIC LLNTERNB.—We have been requested to give place to the following section of an ordinance, passed December 20, 1860. It will be seen that a heavy fine is imposed upon all unauthorized persons who take upon themselves the responsibility of lighting or extinguishing any of the public lampS or lanterns. Those who have been guilty of the offence should give: the seetihn careful reading, so that :if they get within the clutches of the law, they, cannot plead igno . ranee as an excuse. for wrong dOing: SECTIOti 2. •Thatifiny person or persons. not duly inithorized,Shall light any of the aforesaid public lanterns, or shall extinguish the same, (after haVing been properly lighted by the person appointed for that purpose,) or shall, in any Manner, interfme with the appropriate and lawful use of the sane; or of any private lantern, post or light belonging, to any indi vidual or assoeiation,- every such person or persons so offeeding;"iir aiding or abetting euelt offethler, shall, on conviction thereof be fore the mayor or any of the aldermen of said sits, be tined in any sum not less than ace nor more than ten dollars for every such offence. PIREIVOItIiS, &c.—lt would he Well for our dealers in the above to remember that the following section of au ordinance passed by Council, December 11, 1860, is in full force: Ssc2•roN 1. Be it ordained by the °opinion Council of the city of linrrisblu•g, That if any person or persons, except on military occa sions, shall fire off any gun, pistol or fire-arm, or shall sell at nay li»ie or noise to be sold, or shall fire off any squib, cracker or other an noyance, in the nature of a squib or cracker .within the limits of the said city, he, she or they, upon conviction thereof before the mayor or alderman thereof, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of one dollar, for the use of the city: Provi4ed, That this section shall not be construed so as toprevent or prohibit the sale, or casting, throwing or firing squibs, rockets, or other fire works on the ,third and fourth days of July of each and every year (Sundays excepted.)•:•` I=C== •THE NINTH - PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY.—The Louisville Journal pays the following hand some.. . compliment to this Valiant regiment: "Col. &Allan's regiment of Pennsylvania cavalry by this time must be able to make a very good • topographical map of Kentucky from memory, for it has.been in every part of the State, and seen more .active service per- Imps than any mounted troops in the depart ment except the Ist Kentucky, the members of which by this time must have grown to their steeds, so as to resemble the old Thessa lien Centaurs, half horse and half man. The 9th Pennsylvania came to the State nearly three years since under the command of . Col- Williams, and was succeeded by Lieut. Col onel James. At the death of the latter, Lieut.. Jordan was promoted to the command of the regiment, and it has added many noble mem ories to its career since he was commissioned. We understand that it has re-enlisted as a vet eran regiment s and we W 1 its noble officers and gallant men safely through the war and a happy return to their homes, when their prow ess.has aided the Government in crushing out the rebellion." ANNIVERSARY OF TIIE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, —The undersigned having Leen appointed a ttommittee for the purpose of making arraugc meats for the celebration of the first anniver sary of the battle of Gettysburg, as part of the duty assigned them hereby tender an invita tion to all the charitable and benevolent sooie ties, and mechanical and industrial .adsocia tions, and the citizens generally , of all the loyal States, to meet at Gettysburg on the 4th day of July next, and participate in an appro priate celebration on the battle-field, Of the first anniversary of the great victory of Get tysburg. His Excellency A. G. Curtin, Gov.. ernor of Pennsylvania, will preside at this an• rtivers'ary. The ceremonies are expected to be of a most interesting and imposing elm actor. commrrTzt. • C. 11. BumstEn, Jura. 13. DANNKB, DAVID WIIA,S, CHLELNA ZIEGLEII, J. L. Searica, IL S. HUBER, JOHN T. MCILHENNY, CHARLES J. TYSON GETrwrstraG, Juno 20, ISO 4. DRY Goons.--I will, this day, commence to sell off my entire stock of summer dress goods, such as lawns, delaiues, alpacas,' mozambiques, poil de chevre, poplins, and also a large lot of remnants—they will lie sold at and below cost. Call soon. • BROWNOLD, Corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House. jell-Iw. PRIZE BEEF—Mammoth Steen—That well known stoelt-raiser, John Noble, Nsq., of Car . lisle, has sold to Mr. John Baulus, of this city, a mammoth steer, weighing three thousand pounds, for the kandsoine sum of three him dred and fifty dollars. The animal was fed three years by Mr. Noble, and is but one of numerous specimens of cattle fed by that gen tleman. The thanks of our citizens are drip to Mr. Baulus for his efforts to suply them with a superior quality of meat, and we have no doubt that when this prize beef is dis played at market there will be a. great, demand for it. Mr. Baulus will exhibit the mammoth steer at his place of business in this city dur- - , ing the next ten dap; or two weeks, and invites: the public to call and see him. At the end ofi that period the animal will ,be slaughtered, and the beef offered for sale. at Mr. Baulis7 stand in market. jelB-d4twit Go To BOWMAN'S. —The attention of puri chasers is respectfully invited to C. L. Bow l man's stock of dry goods, at the corner of Front and Market streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bitniivart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dia cases, ac., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Barmvart Zk. Co., IliCrrisbmg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed; bold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: HABRIBBIIIID, Feb. Bth, 1864. 0. A. BAbuiveaT--Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Trochee, Wistar.'s Loienges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and hi comparison with them all, can chain - fully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in eases of hoarseness, cough's and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, "I'. B. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. . ofir - 1 agree with Mr. Robinson se to the valuo of Itsunvart's Troches. • W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of O. S. Pftabyteriau Ohureh. Ilsinnsurma, Jan., 104: To 0. A. BaNyvar—Daar Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very ranch taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied'in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior:to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and inipairingth effectiveness of the delivery of, puhlio - ,ae dresses. Yours, JNO. WALKER JACKSON. , Pastor of the Loonst SL Methodist Church.: A. BANbrvAnT—Dear Nir: Having USIA your Troohes, I ani free to say they are the host I have over tried . and tako - .,gniat ocl:inure in reoounnending them to all persons afflicted with- sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. I.:ours, .Le., G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pa.ator of Ridge Avenue Methodist Ohiireh,: DLSTEICT A'rTOIII,TEY'S . OFFICE, 1, Henmannr.o, Feb. 29, 1864. `fo 0. A. Ilkmqvans"—Dear Sir: I have found your Troches to be in - valuable ino liocing Imargeness and in strongtbening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the, voice, and are certainly of great belle ! . tit to all piddle speakers. A. J. lIERII B r(rtv I ‘) Pil Ilranchia Tr oche s. "I have never changed my mind respecting theM from the first. except to Dm* yet bettor of that which I began thinking well tit Eev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "The Troviies toe a Rail of life to um." i l'ros. EDWARD NORTH,, rres. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Trouedes They are a specific." t N. P. WILLIS. "Tou litrurably known to need commendation." " lieu.. CHAS. A. PHELPS, Prey, Mass, Senate."' "C intain no opium nor anything injurious." Dr. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston. "Au elegant combination for coughs," Dr. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston. "1 recommend their use to public speakers." Rev. E. H. CHAPLN "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis" . iter. S. SEIGFRIED, Morristown, Ohio. "Very Meat:lel when sittforing !him Colds." Rev. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Lottis. "Almost instant relief in the distressinglabor Of breath ing peculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. C. EGLZSTON, Net./ York. "They have suited my ease exactly, relieving my throat so that could sing with ease." T. DUCHARIIE, Chorister French Parish Church, nolitreal. As there arc imitations be sure Co obtain the atiquiNE. jau2l-dtkw HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE•ti Hatehelor'e Celebrated Hair Dye IS THE BEST IN TIER WORLD. The only Harmless, True and &liable Dye Et:own Title splendid Hair Dye is perfect--changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Nalurat Brown without inuring the Hair or staining.the Skin, Jawing the Hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and reclines the Ill' adepts of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed :WILLIAM A. BAICII ELOR. AM others are were intitstidus, and should be avoided. Sold by ail Druggibta„tto Factory-81 BAR (,AY ST, N. Y. sarcanoz's annr TOILIIT oysnit YOR, isisstrio Aug mai je23ly-1 Pure Vegetable Medicine. ONE of the very best Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the citizens and strangers of this city. It will purify the blood, and leave the , liver and bowels in a geod. hoalthy COaditioll Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As to the troth of this huhdre can testify, as it has be well tried for the last ton year ds s; It is irepared only and sold h Um. L. Ball, No. 27,.aosith Pine street, Umdiburig, Fa. w - m}2B igir To Clear the Howie of bites, use Dutcher's evlebrat. , d LIWiTNING FLY-KILLER, a neat, Cheap article, easy to use. Every shoat wilt kin a quart 601,I) FRE.NCEI, RICIIIARDB & CO., Nth aid Market streets, PttitadeßtkKiMitte sesta.. - - • Military ilastliesir Attended 'We. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence mid Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. For aQ•ne residing at a distanco can have their business trans. acted by mail, by addressing EUGSSESSYDER, Attorney-at-Law der/Ally Third street, Harrisburg,. Pa. LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS PROM NEW YORK AUCTION. GREAT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS Full yard wide bleached muslin, at 30' cents-, worth 90 amts. Bleached muslin, 100 pieces. Bleached muslin, 00 pieces. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. !Bark silk, 5 pieces. Black silk, 5 pieces. Black silk, 10 pieces. 2000 yards of black silk's - from auction. • Beautiful pearl color silk finish: alpaca. Alpacas iu leather color, stone colors and other colors. White cambric; soft finished 0-4 French Cambric. Jecouelts, brilliants., Irish linen. Spleutlid assortment of calicos, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks.. Stockings, the best arid cheapest,. Pocket handkerchiefs for ladiee, at all prices. Marseilles quilts and crash for towels. Shirt bm asts, all linen, at 25, 20, , 35, 40 and 50 cents. We have now a verylarge stock of goods, all bought at reduced prices, and which we will sell at prices which =mot fail to give satisfaction We have also a vary arge lot of alpacas, cashmere cloth, .bombazines. S. LEWY. f jc22 COLGATE'S . HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet- Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from th&eitoicest materials. is undid nod entoit tent itn,'oature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jau.26-dawly W ANTS. NVANTED IMMEDIATELY-Au experi enced salesman. ; OATHOART aeHROTHILII.; je*24-at Next door to the Harrisburg Bar& WANTED IMMEDIATELY , or SIM' 9ghtuity-liiepers,". to whom whi b art ready foi ise, will be furnished, for the purpose of accommodating boarders. Also, from 50 to 60 41borers. Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. R. R., Mahoutongo mountain, 3 miles above tfillersburg. je22-Im* TWO coopiarts WANTED. THE highest wages will be paid to TWO COOPERS to work on flour barrels. Apply in Short, street,.betweeu Walnut and South streets to "A" r. • SAMWOL KINZER. SW TO $2O A DAY. AGENTAGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE nit- PROVED LITTLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE.— S Machine , in the United Staten We arc giving a Commission by which the, above wages can IM made, or we - will employ agents at $75 a month"gad ex penes paid. For particulars and terms, address, with stamp, T. S. PAGE, Gang Agent., ' jell-d2w-wlm Toledo, 0. AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard His. tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 velemewalready sold. Seinkfm cirentant. Address JONES. BROS. 'a: de 80 Publishers, Baltimore, Md. WANTED—A good pasty Cook, ap dtr Cook, and a g"1 meat Cook. Inqure-a BRADYR HOUSE * • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW COST. MRS. M. MAYER, No, 11 Mirka Street, BEING desirous of closing her Summer Stock of fiflliniery Goods, Wen for solo at Eready. .roaueed prices, such as • . . SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, • HATS AND FLATS, &C. conSfailtry on hand, a 'splendid 'nolorldrient.of SILKS , " • VELVETS LACES, . • RUCHES, /POOP SKISS. COLSR, IiOBIRY HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVEIS, 'OOLLAits, - • CLIFFS, BELTS, N - - - - • FANCY GOODS, &O. Dealers will do well to call, as groat. bargains can be bad at, wholesale. FIREWORKS' WHOLESALE AND BETAIL BY JOHN THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNi UT, HARRISBURG,. PA. TffEfollowing stoca of Fireworks is ndvr in store: Roman Candles, , Rockets, Pin' Wheels, * Mines or Stars and Serpents. Serpents, Grasshoppers, .. Water Pets, Flower Pots, Scroll Wheels, •, Bengal& Lights, • Triangles, - • Blue Lights, Red, White and Bite,. ' SPaßgalettesl Chinese Rockets, Pulling Crackers, Fire Crackers, Torpedos, Torpedo & Firecracker Gun, New Tor Bow, Toa Stiok, or Punk, ' F.lllgSike. Now is the time to purchase while there is a goo . as. sorburmt. ... JOHN WISE, • jeli-iltf Third street, near 'Walnut, CANDIDATM FOR UONCIRESS. Pa.; June 9, 1964 TOW, undersigned respectfully offers himself L to the Republicans of the 14th Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of tho counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for noinination by the several county conventions of the said Clistrict: • rialtilte] JOSIAH EDIT. TO LEARN PIANO-FORTE PLAYING EASILY AND THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRUCTION BODN. "Richardson's Now Method," An improveinent upon all others itdpro gressive arrangement, adaptation and simplicity,' Foiled ad upon n now and original plan, and illustrated by if series of plates, showing the,proper position of the hands and lingers. The popularity of this book has never been equalled by that of any similar 3vork. Ten thousand copies are sold every year. Among teachers and all who have examined it, it is pronounced superior in excellence to all other "Methods," "Systents,!' and .'Schools," and the book that every pupil hhedir for thnacquitement of a thorough knowledge of Piano-forte playing! It is adapted to all grades el Inkiest, from the rudimenint studies of tho youngest, to ttientbdieti and erercises of advanced pupils. Two editions arepublished, one adopting Americen, the other.ForelgalinVering. When the work is ordered, ir uo preference is designated, the edition with American lin gering will be sent.., garile sure that in ordering it you ere particular in 'specifying the "NNW ; MNT11013."., Pipe $3 50. Mailed, postpaid, to any - address. sdld by all' ifusie'lleiders. ; OLIVER VER DION at CO., Publishers, 277 Washington Street, Rosetta'. je7-0 Land for Sale 520 A CRES of Land, in Dauphin at private sale, in part or the whole, to suit purchasers ; 13b acres clear good buildings thereon, with )1111. Fur further particulars, address L MINSKED • my3o-dBtti* - Dauphin, Dauphin comity, Fa, FOR SALE, TRE valuable, property, corner of Second and Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and one hundred and sixty-eight feet on Pine street, running bark two hundred and tell feet to Barbara alley,' there being space for four full building lots, and a meet du i . strata° site for a Govern - or% Mansion or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se cond end Pine reek . mare& DO YOU wish a good Gold Pen ? If so. ael at 80111CpWvii Badman., Ibnisburg. Dio/9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HMO -OAROMETER, Natural Weather Indicator, WITH A BEAUTIFUL TEIRRMDSINCER ATTACHED. THIS simple easl useful instrument is now °tiered for sale for the first time in the State of the undersigned having secured the right of sale in and for the following counties: Dauphin, Cumberland, Adams, Franklin, York awl Perry, of Frieber, Cook & Co., agents for the State, and are now prepared to sell the instrument at wholesale and retail. The instrument will tell with un failing accuracy the bygrometoni condition or the alums phere. thus roretellin the chatiges of the weather from 12 to 48 hours in advance. The acting moving principle is the pistule of a dower, round iu syris,. neat Damascus, and is so kißkly sensitive that it is acted tlpoll by the liaist change of the atmosphere. Pursuits familiar with. natural scienee know. that it cannot rain until the air ishlied with aqueous vapor, which toeause rain to rail; this moisture must exist in the atmosphere ,severat hours in advance of the coining Munn. No other, BaroineCer manufactured will foretell with accuracy the„approach of rain. But this NATIJKALMOROSCOPE, the work of NA TURE'S OWN RAND, fills up the void which man could, noteuentriplish, and points its unerring linger to Mich:algae of the weather,-and has-never been known to fail. It is va/uablOto the Fanner, the Physician, the, Clergy-. mati,', , tho Navigator, the Traveler, the Merchant, and 'everybody. 'lt is very simple to understand, and never requires any repairing. They arevileap, durable and reliable.. For sale only by agents, and at Knoche's Music store, 'N0,•33 Market street. Price $3 73. • -Ong. of the instruments will be sent by express, on re 'eeitit. of $3 75. -• . Ag,entSh.leanted in every town in the above named conuties -Apply as above,- to -.•- tel.442w&w2t ' FENNO atMAXWELJ.,. Agents, , WIRE ITELE proptiefor of 'this'6ool and j, Summer Nesort would most' respectfully annolince to the citizens. of Harrisburg that the Island is now open for visitors. Accommodations will be furnished to parties and pie-nits on reasonable terms . , a dancing platform having been erected foy.thcir Special use. ' l'easuu tickets for families, good for into year, $1 50. ' No improper • characters admitted, - imi ho intoxicated persons will be permitted. to visit the Wand. air No intoxicating liquora sold on Sunday. A. Wire Ferry, with a good boat plying constantly be tween the island and foot of Beonl str eet , West : ;Harris- burg. jel4-dim PHOT4j6RAPII 'AL_I3I7IIIB - LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph ilopt)IIND i tPINTE MOROCCO—panelled, Ott and orated with two heavy gilt ‘ • ; r". ' ALBIMIS WITH' • 30 Pictures for 13 00 40 64 • 3 60 . 400 together with vrrkous other.-styles or bin4iug, sizes and prima, which Wlll.taa , , Soldler,s you cathot, buy a prettier," more durable:.and cheerier album atilivhere, . . t ,e 4 1 7, • Call and emit. SCH4r.pootis Bookstore, utill.dtf ' . Bttrrisburg, Pa For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, MA Buga, Fleatt,'Ditorks In Furs,,Wonlens, jneetts on Plants t loowls, Animals, etc. gyj-Sold by all Druggists everywhere Atil-1 I! liswatts I I I of elf wurthleas imitations. .kig—uCoatar's ,, Depot, Ne. 45.2 Broadway, N. Y. -Sula by D. W. CROSS & CO Wbolenale and retail agents.- And by all Draggles in Harrisburg, Pa. jeld.daw3ni '['H K NEWT BOORS. I QTUMBJJING BLOCKS, by Gail Hatb-: 17 fiton. Price sl 50 FIREWORKS!! 11AUNTEID iIb:AIITS, IT the author of the Lamp tighter. ' • s2'oo DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by Mrs, Ebbw% $1 50 IV. BA/IBARA)S HISTORY, novel, FAwards. 60 cents. THE SMALL HOUSE OF ALLINGTQN, by TroHope. $1 25 vt. . sgVEN :=TORIRS, by lk Marvel, au th or of ' , Reveries of ii . Barbelor.” $l. 50 'SPERM JOURNAL of the Discovery of - the %ureter or the Nile. $3 50 TIM WOMAN TN BLACK, by author or "Man in Gray." $1 so NoTNS OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov. '6l to Aug. '6,3. it 00 sronts:l TR SEA, for boys; .from Nooppr's writings. STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's .writings. $1 • OUR DAILY FARR, a Only journal 01 the Great Sani Lary Fair at Philfidelplkia; illt!stratell; subscriptions• ro veil at All 11 , w books received as sem as paleliabed at BERG:s.TER'S BOOK STORE,, garket street. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the "union Railrnol and 31ining Company" will be held at the Continental Hotel, in the city of Philadelphia, on Friday, the 22d day of July, D 1861, , at one o'clock' P.M. of aid day, for , the purpose of electing seven Diree. 1..).4 to manage the affairs of said company for tho ensuing yeir, and to transact site& other 'baldness in which.said conapany is interested, as may be brought' before that meeting. By,requestinf the Blind of Directors. 'WM. COLDER, President Ilemuseentt, June 20, 1884. je2o-eod3w • A New Two Story FRAME HOUSE, with a Cl Met rate Storrs „Room is it, oe the corner of Fifth ireet and Strawberry ' Alen, the Frame Route ad- For further partimilarii acquire at-Leedy's Shoe Store, Market street, or on,the premises. tor23-ti DANIEL LEEDV. SAP SAGO; Englieli . Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg and New York State Cheese, jest received at SHISLEJR a FRAZER, 4'o's suc,:eorots to IVl.Drick, Jr., A. CO. ... . ISUGARS,. SYRUPS, TENS, 'COFFEE, of . . . - • all gradoi3 aitl privii i it, `7 !..t., i!..' . ~ . SIIISLER & FRAZER,* Sucressord to W. Dedk, Jr., & Co. ' jorr: - • . Dealers in Fine,Yeraily. Groceries. CHEESg--Chojee new, crop Cheek," just reoeived ' SHISLkft &- 1.11.1.ZER, Jon, Succoosorg to W. 1)ock, & Co. EW BOON S.-THE SHOULDER ix. STRAPS - 'DAYS OF'SHODDY Just received at, rdelBl 'BOI3IEFFEWS BOOKWORK, 10 CASES FINE DeI.FERLLL FRENCH MUSTARD, for &Ile by SfIISLDR &FRAZER, toys striXettiora to W. Dock,Jr.,• co. INDEPENDENCE ISLAND BEI - ci'.o (4S-T VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. •• "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . ERMINATORS. - •"COSTA,It'S'I• EXT EXTERMINATORS- • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' Errtmagkroßs EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. 'COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR& • • COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATORS..: "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, : EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • . EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. - • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. YITERMINATORS.. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR& E.XTEktMINATORS. 'TAR'S" 'EXTERMINATORS. !. • • - 'TERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. - "COSTAR'S"' EXTUIMINATORS: EXTERMINATORS. • '.15 years established iu N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free . from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." BE NOPIW Valuable Property for Sal arriAttirg,'Folesday,Jutte 71,5, DAN RICIE'S GRAT SHOAV. Ist—Dan Rieo's Great Show. 2d—Henry Cook's wonderful Troupe, of Acting Dogs and Monkey M—Barelay's performing :Buffaloes and Canianche Ponies. MRS. D.N. RICE Willimake her first appearance here in her beautiful menage scenes, introdnenig the highly trained War Charger .I,utg. , . And her Troupe of Performing Horses 11ENRY BECREit, ' Sqle,..rroprietor. THE uny.AT BLIND HORSE EXCELSIOR, • ' Sse. All under tlie personal direction of the great Adtaission—Box 2,5 ; Reserved Spats 50 Location on Second street,- near Factory je2otd CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. . "WALNUT ST., EBLOW THIRD. J.ll. DONNELL Soto Lcvn OPEN EVERY EVENING, - . With a Pima-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERO,' LUSIEDLIIIS-; &c., &c. 'Admission. ........ .................i... 15 cents Fads in Boxes 25 o THE Undersigned Commissioners, named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th day or May, 1864, entitled an act to incorporate the Millers burg and Roush Gap •Rallrixid Company, he. eby re public notice that books wilt be opened for receiviirg rtie reriptions to the Capital Stock of said Compmy the following named times and plums in the county of to wit : At, the house of Jacob Lecher, town, on THURSDAY, the 2.3 d day ofJune, inst. Al the house of Benjamin Bordner, in Elm ryshorg, on MONDAY, the 2711. day of June. insk: Al the house of J. G: iti Millersburg, on THURSDAY,. the t.'oll.