Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, June 23, 1864, Image 3
ITE ~ 4rlll. „v:,.....6. 4 J.., I A., 0,04,110 • 1) 0; ,1 itt 1 0,1) p' . 4...1- , ' 4 ,1-' ' ' 4 3 ',/ VA . .... ,, ,,t, V. I, Ai i k,D 1 .... , ) Ii .1 U It G TIIERSDAI EIENING, JUNE 23, kbi - NOTICE TO AD VERTIS'EItS.—AII Atlvey , . ntcnts, ices, Marriages, Deaths, stet insertian in the TE,1,V.“?.1 AP if, roust in rxtria.b3 y be Return e.4etl with the CAS . AdVcrtisrments orticrkti in the regular Evening Edit but inserted in the 71t0m.. ing Plait ion wit how; ext ra charge.. Stale of .he Thermometer To-day U. A. M 8$ Saar 80 I'o ►Y i 5 AND COUNTRY. TEE business places of Lebanon will be closed on the 4th of July. Cyr. SAMUEL R. AniEssos, recently of the 77th Penn'a regiment, died, in Chambers burg, a few days ago. AT HAND.—Hay making is here once more. Owing to the high price of hay, it w z ill be gathered very cleanly. BY reference to the head of our local d partment it will be observed that this has been . one of the warmest days of the season. Local. affairs are extremely dull—nothing worthy of note is transpiring. The excessive heat has driven our people into their houses. WE learn that some of the Sunday schools of this city will celebrate the 4th of July, by pic nic-ing. They will doubtless have a pleasant time. 'PE notice thin some boys make it a practice to tear down bills posted throughout the town. There is a pretty heavy fine for doing this, and boys should '• keep hands off." Trts Chambersburg Rep-sitory says: Sanford, with his inimitable Troupe, gave two concerts in Franklin Hall, on Monday and Tuesday evenings last, to crowded audi ences. Tax man who don't take the papers was in town last week, and said he " larned that Lee had taken Richmond, and that eleven thou sand out of one regiment had been blowed up." He expressed great fears that Grant would yet capture Washington. FATAL AMID - IT:ST.—Mr. Michael Null, all aged citizen of East Hanover, this county, died last evening, (Wednesday.) from the ef fects of injuries received by falling from a load of hay. His sufferings were most in tense, and he survived but two or three hours atter the accident•oocurred. CHEM: AT SIGHT. —On Saturday afternoon a fellow, in passing three soldiers on the street, said: "There goes three of Lincoln's hirelings who work for 1,13 per month." Upon hearing this, one of the soldiers turned around, and without saying a word, knocked the copper head down, and then passed on. A courrnimax hailing from Williamsport, Pa., and named Benjamin F. Wheelan, was arrested on a charge of passing a counterfeit $5ll treasury note, in Philadelphia, on Tues day. Wheelau said he olid not know it was a counterfeit note; he received it from a man in Williamsport in payment of wheat. The prisoner was held in 'sl,ooo bail for a further hearing this afternoon. Wheelan had a subsequent hearing and was honorably discharged. POLICE AFFAIRS —Before the Alayor. —The following cases were disposed of this morn ing : Samuel Jones and John Vanderworker, ar rested for drunkenness, were sent out of the city. They had no money with which to pay their fines. Samuel and John were found in a car at the railroad, and were beastly intoxi cated. Augustus Raber and wife were arrested on a charge of keeping a house of assignation on East State street They gave bail for their appearance at court. Tan Citizen Fire Company had the pie-nic of the season yesterday. It was largely at tended, and iS.said to have been the most or derly and respectable gathering of the kind held this summer. There was no drunken ness, no fighting, no rioting. Improper char acters did not mar the pleasure of respectable people. The Citizen boys deserve great praise for their efforts to maintain order, and will doubtless have no cause to regret the stand they have taken in regard to the admission of visitors to the ground. ANOTHER BRAVE SOLDIER Goxii.—The Hunt ingdon. Globe says: "On Monday we received a telegram from the Chaplain of Seminary Hospital, at Alexandria, Va., that John B. M'llroy, of Jackson township, member of the 45th Regiment P. V , in General Burnside's Corps, wounded on the 3dof this month, was dead, and his body would be embalmed and sent home. Mr. Milroy was one of the best citizens of the township, a truly loyal man, and felt it his duty to volunteer. He leaves a wife and many relatives and friends to mourn his death." APOLOGETICAL. --WC are about to make some changes in the mechanical department of the Patriot and Union,, which will require a considerable amount of extra labor. if our local columns contain- less than the usual quantity and variety of items for a day or two, our readers will know why.—Organ of re terday The Organ appeared this morning, consid ,,:mit ly reduced in size—its columns narrow and shorter than formerly. Of course "readers will know why" it contains less reading than foinrly. We cannot see where the "extra labor" comes in. We have heard of journals, where the printing was done upon blotting, paper, and applebutter was used for ink, but, think they would appear respectable if com;' pared with the 0 gan of this morning. One side cannot be read at all, and the other is w regular daub. - Like its party, the Orgara is "growing smalle - r by degrees," and as ugly war, DZATii or PeaincE. CAMPBELL. —We learn that Patrick Compbell, of Company G, 55th ['Liana. regiment, is dead. Deceased belonged to this city, and was a brother of Ur. Bar nard Campbell, chief of police. Mas. J. Hrsns. No. 8, Market Spare, is disposing of her stock of Summer Straw and Millinery goods below cost. The ladies of Harrisburg would do well to call early to get bargains. je23-3t ANOTECEP. ACCIDENT.-Mr. Adam Taney, Jr., residing in Fairfield, Adams county, met with a serious accident a few days ago, whilst at tempting to open a shell, found in one of the fields. The shell exploded while working with it, and some of the fragments struck him in the feet, which may cripple him for life. 2 P. M 97 EIGHTY FIRST ANNITERSLKY OF DICKINSON COLLEGE. —The anniversary exercises of this honored institution will commence on Sunday next, (the 26th,) and will no doubt be deeply interesting. The following is the programme of this anniversary; • Baccalaureate address, Sunday, June 26, 12 o'clock, M, President H M Johnson, D. D. Sermon before the Society of Religious In quiry, Sunday, June 26, 8 o'clock, P M , Rev Jesse T Peck, D D. Junior Prize Contest, Monday, June 27. 8 o'clock, rM. Oration be fore the B L and II P Societies, Rev J Walker Jackson. Poem before the B L and II P So cieties, Albert H Slane, Esq. Tuesday, June 28, 8 o'clock, PM. Alumni Address, Wednes day, June 29, 8 o'clock, P ht, Rev Wm A Snively, AM, Class of 1852. Commencement, Thursday, June 30, 10 o'clock, e. M. THE citizens of Gettysburg, at a public meeting held with reference to the celebration of the 4th of July, adopted the following reso lution: Resolved, That invitations be extended through the apers of the country to the char itable, benevolent and industrial associations, and. the public generally, to join the - celebra• tion of the Anniversary of the battle of Get tysburg, on the Fourth . of July, and that a special invitation be extended to this Excel lency, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of Penn sylvania, to be present and preside. The Gettysburg Sentinel says Governor Cur tin has accepted the invitation, and will be pre sent at the celebration. DIE DUTIES Or THE EXTEA POLICE. —We have been requested to inquire whether the extra policemen lately ordered by. Council, and paid for by the people, are to constitute a body-guard to hover around the doors of the Mayor's office, squirting tobacco juice over the side-walk, and indulging in profanity, or whether it was not clearly understood that these policemen should remain in the wards for which they were appointed, and there earn the money by actual service in assisting to maintain the public peace and order ? In some of the upper wards a policeman never shows his face, except when they go to their meals or to their lodgings. 'the tax-payers have a right to the services of all these offi cers, and oar good-looking and always affable Mayor needs no such ornaments about his office. We trust, therefore, that Mayor Boum fort will insist that each officer remains on duty in their respective wards, and that henceforth we will hear of no more rob "beries, knock-downs, riots and other dis turbances in the outer ws,rds.of the city. Ann we governed by the rule of an Austrian, or the simple ordinances of the city council? This plain question was asked by a great many plain people this morning, after they had read the order of His Worship, the Mayor. It has been the practice of the organs of the Democratic party to berate the national authorities and State Government, for whatever vigor they displayed to crush traitors. The war has been denounced as a bloody crusade on the people of the South, and the suspension of the writ of habeas cor pus to prevent traitors from carrying out their designs on the Government, char acterized as a despotism un aralleled in the history of the country. Yet, in the face of all these facts, the Democratic Mayor of a Democratic city arrogates to himself a power which tyrants pause before they as sume. He has fixed the hour for people to go to bed, and will doubtless next decide how often a man shall kiss his wife, or hug his sweetheart, and fix the mode of spanking re fractory children and controlling independent servants. Verily, these Democratic great men, when in power, are wonderful fellows. Like the beadles of old, the Mayor of Harris burg grows in weight and importance with the increase of his years and the exercise of his power. GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL SUPER-EXCELLENT tarn SELECT Km:rms.—The eighteenth annual assembly of this grand body held its session in Carlisle on the 14th and 15th of June, 1864, eighteen councils being represented. The annual election of officers was held, and resulted in the selection of the following persons : P Alfred Creigh. G M, of Washington. 111. Comp. C T Knapp, D GM, of Blooms- burg. " " Isaac Whittle; TI G D.T. of Pitts burg. " " Win Chatland, .G P C of W, of Brownsville. " " II Stanley Goodwin, G Trees, of Harrisburg. " " HC I Crecelius, G Rec, of Read in. " `° Robert Pitcairn, G Lecturer, of Altoona. " Rev H M Johnson, G Prelate, of Carlisle. " BZ Richards Muckle, GM, of Phi ladelphia. " " C C Mason, G Sentinel, of Al toona. Two new %.I.larters were granted—one for a eouncil at Lancaster city and another at Easton. This grand body also incorporated the Super Excellent Master as a constitutional degree. This was one of the most important and in teresting meeljpgs ever held. Go TO Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op. posits the 'Court House, and see the new Ba if;theter; they foretell the weather accurately frPro 12, to adyance. Every per_ son could have one. jel6.2w I= Da! GOODS. —I will, this day r.-nunence to sell off my entire stock of summer such as lawns, delaincs, challies, mozambiques, poil de chevre, poplins, and a large lot of remnants—they will be sold at and below cost. Call soon. SOL. BROWNOLD, Corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House. jel7-1w I=l Pams BEEF—Mammoth Steer.—That well known stock-raiser, John Noble, Esq., of Car lisle, has sold to Mr. John Baulus, of this city, a mammoth steer, weighing three thousand pounds, for the handsome sum of three hun dred and fifty dollars. The animal was fed three years by Mr. Noble, and is but one of numerous specimens of cattle fed by that gen tleman. The thanks of our citizens are due to Mr. Baulus for his efforts to suply them with a superior quality of meat, and we have no doubt that when this . prize beef is dis played at market there will be a great demand fort. Mr. Baulus will exhibit the mammoth steer at his place'of business in this city dur ing the next ten days or two weeks, and invites the public to call and see him. At the end of that period the animal will be slaughtered, and the beef offered for sale at Mr. Baulus' stand in market. - jelB-'d4twlt Go To BOWStAbeS. —The attention of pur chasers is respectfully invited to C. L. Bow luau's stock of dry goods, at the corner of Front and Market-streets. S ECIAL iN o'l 1 CES. Ba,nnvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dig eases, ac., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public). Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart, & Co. ' Harrisburg, :Pa-, whom all orders should be addressed. by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some Hof our eminent clergymen: RA pa Anon, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. RhiuiVLllT—Dear Sir: I have used 'Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozengeb and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughb and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, - T. H. ROBINSON: Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. , I agrr n with Mr. Robinson as to the value of fts vart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. Heinussuno, Jan., 1 0 64. To C. A. Illierveirr--Dear Sir: In th habit of alpeaking very frequently, and in placer where the vocal organs are very much taxed, hav‘e found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. • I consider them very far superior to an 3 Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arisin g from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public ac. dresses. Yours, &c., JNO. WAT3O9I JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Rtinvvairr---Dear Sir: Raving new_ your Troches am free to say they are the best ever tried - and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflioted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public,• , •a l , R W or singing. Yours, Ac., Au., G. G. R TRANS'', • Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Disnuar ATTORNEY'S Orman, frdßvrianao, Feb. 29, 1864. f- To C. L BarmyAar—Dear Sir : I have. found your Troches to be invaluable in re• tiering hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR Brown's Bronchial Troches. "I have never changed my mind respecting them from the first, except to think yet better of that which 1 began thinkick well of" Rev. HBNRY WARD BEECHER. "The Troches are a staff of Life to me." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Troubles they are a eget:ilk." N. P. WILLIS. "Too favorably known to need commendation." Hon. t HAS. A. PHELPS, Pres. Muss. Senate. "Contain no opi an nor any Wog inJoricris " Dr. A A. HAYES, Clumist Boston. ;An elegant combination for coughs," . Dr. G. I°. BIGELOW, Boston. "I recommend their use to public speakers." • See. E. H. MAPLE "Host salutary relief in Bronchitia" Rev. S. SEIG,RIED Morristown, Ohio. "Very beneficial when suffering from C01d.." Rev. S J. P. ANDERSON St.. Louis. "Almost instant t eliof in tiro distressing labor of breath ing,poculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. C. EGI.F.SToN, New York. "They bare suited my case exactly, ret eying my throat so that I could slog wills ease." T. DUCHARILE, • Chorister French Parish Chu, oh, Montreal. As there are imitations be sure to obtain the GENUINE. jatt2t-Ozw LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS FROM NEW YORK AUCTION. GRE AT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS . Full yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 cents. Bloachrd muslin, 100 pieces. Bleached muslin, 60 pieces. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. Black silk, 5 pieces. Blacm silk, 5 pi ces . Black silk, 10 pieces. 200 u yards of black rilks from auction. Beautiful pearl color si k finish alpaca. Alpacas in leather color, stone onto• s and other colors. White cambrics, soft finished 5-4 French Cambria. Jaconetts, briaiante, lath linen, Splendid ass , wttn nt of calicos. Cloak , Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. stockings, the heat and cheapest. Pocket handkerchiefs Pm ladies, stall prices. bttuseilles quilts and crash for t wrla Shirt br asta, all linen, at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 50 cents. We have now a very large stock: of gouda, all bought at reduced priceA, and which we will sell at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction We have also a very argelotof alpacas; cashmere cloth, boinbaziues. S. LEWY. je22 HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE Batchelor's Celebrated flair Dye IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The orßy Harmless, True and Reliable Dr. Known. This splendid Hair Dye La perfect—changes Red., Rusty Or Gray, Hair instantly to a &bag Black or Natural Brow?. without injuring the Hair or staining the ,kin, Leaving the Hair soft and beautifid ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine odor, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH EI.OR. All others are mere imitations, and should bi avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &0 Factury—Sl BAB Ll AY SF, N. Y. RRICILILUR'S saw TOILET MIRY FOR DRIRSING THE FLU' .143291y-soll Pare Vegetable medicine. ONE of the very best Vegetable Medicines 18 uow offered to the citizens and strangers of this city. It,Hill pur.fy the blood, and leave the liver and bowels in :rood healthy coodition. Operates without the least pain; Old and young, male and female, all can take of it.: AS to - the truth of this hundreds can testify, as it .has been well tried for the last tan years. It is prepared 'only and sold -by Mrs. L Ball,' No. 27 6outh Pine street, _ Harrisburg, Fa. mY23 air To Clear the House of Plies, use Butcher's celebrated WALTZ:INC/ FLY-KILLER, a neat cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet wig lull a quart SOLD EVERYWHERE. NnENCR, Iti.CilAß DS Rs CO., lOth and Market streets Plalladelphla. Wholesale agents. my24-d&wSw Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension , Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made ant and collected. Per sorts residing at a distance can have their business trans. acted by mail, by addressing BUGS SNYDER., Attorney-at-Law del7-dly Third street, lEfarrisburg,.N. COLGATE'S RONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, In such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient In its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in Its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Jaa2s-dawly w itAf SUBSTITUTES WANTED. AGOOD price will be given to persons wil ling to go as a substitute. Apply to F. Fox, at bbick.'B Boardiog House, Second street, near WainuL je22-d2t* WANTED IMILIEDLAT EL T. FFOURoy five "Shanty-keepers," to whom &antler, which are ready for use, will be furnished, for the purpose of acrommodatilig boarders. Also, fr..m bti to 60 I , borers. Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. R. R., Mahontongo mountain, 3 miles aoove MiMrshurg. je22-I.m* Two COOPERS WANTED. THE highest wages will be paid to TWO COt PERS to work on flour barrels. Apply In Short street, between Walnut nod South streets to je2t dlw* SAMUEL KINZER. WANTED AYOUNG GIRL who is accustomed to nursing children, and can make herself generally motel, can attain the comforts of a home and good wages. Apply at No. 5 Locust street, near Front. WANTED—Two good white girls who tm de,stand cookery, washing, ironing and general housoworking, in a small country hotel. Must rule welt re , outmeaoed. Apply .t this pftice. jel7-dlw EDIPLO'i'DIENT. 75 Asell,lo,3gNTiltip w —Agents ewi w ll a g nted ive a commie slopKloll 013 all machi es sold, or employ agents who will work for the auovo wages and all expenses paid. Address, D. B. HERRINGION Sr, Cr., Detroit, birch. jell) 2w* SW TO !PO A DAY. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE IM PROVED LITTLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE.— Thu best cheap Machine in the United States. We are giving a Commission by which the scare wages can be made, or we wilt employ agents at $75 a month and ex penses paid. For particulars end corms, address, with T. S. PAGE, Gong Agent, Jel3-d2w-wlm Toledo 0. A . A GENTS wanted to sell the .Standard His. wry of the War. A rare chance to make, money: tgronts are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,00 volumes already sold. Send for circulars Addrese JONES BROS. s CO., • de 30 Publishers, Baltimore, Md. WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a good moat Cook. Inquire at the ap:10-dtt BRADY HOUSR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW COST. MRS. M. MAYER, No. 13 Market Street, BEING desirous of closing her Summer Stock of Milduery Good; offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS, &C. Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of SILKS, VELVETS, Ls.C.ES ItUdHES, HOOP SKIRTS. CORSisTS, HOSLERY, HANDKERCHIEF'S, GLOVES COLLARS, CUFIs BEL NE TS, TS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do well to, call, as great bargains can be had at who.eeale. jel4 FIREWORKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY JOHN WISP.., THIRD STRRET,..NEAR WATNIUT, HARRISBURG, PA. THE folloWing stock of Fireworks is now in store: Rumen Candles. Rockets, Pin Wheels, . Mines of Stars and Serpents. Serpents, Grasshoppers, Water Puts, Flower rots, Scrod Wheels, Bungoia Lights, Triangles, Blue Lights, • Red, White and Blue, Spaugalettes, Chinese Rockets, . Putting Crackers, Fire Crackers, Turpedos, Torpedo Sc. Fliecmcker Gun, New Torpedo Bow, Jose Stick, or Puna, Flags, sc. Now is the time to purchase while there is a goo i as sortment. JOHN WISE, job-dtf Third street, near Walnut, CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. HARBII3I3VRO, ra. , June 9 . , 1864. THE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 14th Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of toe countiou of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Unidn an 4 Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventioneer the said District. Ejoindtc,l JOSIAH- F SPY. S PLRITUALIS DI. SA'L H. PA.IST, Blind Teat Medium. will 11. give seances for communion with the Spirit World, at Exchange ball, Walnut street, until further notice. He will alto make clairvoyant examination of diseases for those desiring it. Hours tram 814 A M. to 12 K., and lye r. at to b at . Terms 50 cents eachsitting. Every ono applying for a sitting does it on their own responsibility, as the manifestation of a spirit is not at the option of the medium. je6-dif TO LEARN PIANO-FORTE PLAYING EASILY AND THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRUt,TION BOOM "Richardson's New Method." An improvement upon all others in pro. grisaive arrangement, adaptation and simplicity. I acrid ed upon a new and original plan, and illustrated by series of platers, shows tao proper position of the handr and fingers. The popularity of this book has never been equalled b.l that of any similar work. on thousand copies are solo every year. Among teachecs and all wno ha. a examine.. it, it is pronounced suporior in excellence to all other "Methods," u Systema," and "Setio,ds," exit too b that every pupil needs for the acquirement of a tborougL knowledge of Piano-forte playing, It Ls mlapt , d•w al grades of tuition, from the rudimentt studiee of the youngest, to the studies and exercise. of advanced pupils. Two editions are published, one bdopting American, the other Foreign fingering. When the work is ordered, if no preference is designated, the edition with American fm geriug will be sent. Jay-Be sure that in ordering it you are particular in specifying the "NEW 116,1110 D." Fries $3 50. Mailed, postpaid, to any ad .rese. n old by all Music Dealers. OL-TFKE D 1 eSt& & CU., Publishers, 277 Washington s , mot, Baton, je7-1.1 FOR SALE, THE valuable property, corner of Second and Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on St. aind Sod one huudr,d and sixty.elgtit rem on him street running back two hundred and ten reed to Barbara alley. there being apace ior tour cull building lota, and a most di suable sate for a Governor's Manton or public building& wor particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY corner .0 Si-. eind and Pine meta. marin-If !Lr]LL H L. IriALL.AY, TTORNEY-AT-LA.W.—Pcdriot and Union tiatriqburg. Strict attention paid to sV legal bu,inees. Military claims collected. coylo-d6w.eod TIMED FRUIT of all kinds ac I my4l BOYWR & HOERPER. DO YOU wish a good Gold Pen? If so. 0111 at Sag&Flllin Beoblare, ilarrisburg. [wall FOE THE BLICE7IT OF THE ST. PETER'S VEREIN 7 WILL BE GIVEN AT lIA.MEINIA-CINT'S WOODS, ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1864. Tickets 25 cents. OM.NLBUSES will run during the day from the Second Ward House, corner of Chestnut and Second streets. Jc3l•tu-thasat&tu N Env ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HYGRO BAROMETER, Natural Weather Indicator, WITH A BEAUTIFUL THERBOMETER ATTACHED. THIS simple and useful instrument is now offered for sale for the first time in the State of Pa., the undersigned having secured the right of sale in and for the following counties: Dauphin, Cumberland, Adame, Franklin, York and Perry, of Frisber, Cook & Co., agents for the State, and are now prepared to sell the instrument at wholesale and retaiL The 'estrum, nt will tell with un failing accuracy the bygrometical condition of tho atmos phere, thus foretelling the changes of the weather from 12 to 48 tours in advance. The acting moving principle is the pistulehf a flower, found in t‘yria, near Damascus, and is so highly sensitive that it is acted upon by the least change of the atmosphere. Persons laminar with natural science know that it cannot rain until the air is tilled with aqueous vapor, whim must condense to cause rain to fall; this moisture must xist in the atmosphere several hours in advance of the coming storm. No other Barometer manufactured will foretell with accuracy the approach of am. But this NATURAL HOROSCOPE, the work of NA TURE'S OWN HAND, fills up the void which man could not ac-omplish, endpoints its unerring Linger to all changes of the we Aber, and nas never been kno An to fail. It is valuablO to the Fa mer, the Physician, the Clergy man, the Navigator, the Traveler, the Merchant, and everybody. It is very simple to understand, and never requir , 'S any rep Bring. Tiler are cheap, dttrdole and reliable. For sale only by agents, min at Knoche's Music Store, No. 93 Market 'meet. Price $3 75. One of the instruments will be sent by express, on re ceipt of $a 4g..ata wanted in every town in the above named counties Apply as above, to fin.4-dlw&w2t. F ,NNO & MAXWELL, Agents. T HE proprietor gf this cool and delightful Summer Rorert *Oulu most respectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisburg that the Island is now open for visitors. Accommodations will bo furia s be to parties and pic-nics on reasonable torsos, a dancing platform having, b en erected I:a-their special use. reason tickets tor families, good for ono year, $1 50. No improper characters admitttid, and uo intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the listaud. Jay-No intoxicating liquor:- sod on Sanday. A Wiro Pei ry, a good boat plying cZnstautly be meet" the Island and foot of Bros Broai street, Weet burg. KENnT BECKER Sole Proprietor. PtityrotinAlqi. AL.BUI ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Photograph Albums. BOUND in BUTE MOROCCO—panelled, gdy,and mounted with two heavy gilt elaspa 00 Pictures for • $3 00 to " Et 330 30 it u 400 together with orrious other styles of binding, sizes and prices which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and see at SCREFFEBra Bookstore, marl2•dtf Barrieburg, Pa. SSTUMBLING BLOM 'S, by Gail Ham- Mon. Price $1 50 11. HAIroTTED HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp- Ighter. $2 00 • DARKNESS AND DAYLWIECT, by Mrs. Rol MO3. $1 50 IV. BARBARA'S HISTORY, a nocel, by Amelia Edwards. 60 cents. THE SMALL HOUSE OF 4,LINGTON; by Trol/ore. S/ 25 SEVEN STORIES, by Ik Marvel, author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." $1 50 SPEKE'S JOURNAL of the Discovery of the sources of the Nile. $3 50 THE WOMAN IN BLACH, by author of "Man in Gray." $1 50 IX Nuns OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nev. 'Ol to Aug.'63. $1 00 STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys; from Cooper's writings. $1 00 FIREWORKS I I STORIES OF THE WOOD, .for boys: from Cooper's writings.. $lOO OUR DAILY FARE, a daily journal or the Great Sunt ory Fair at Philadelphia; Liastrat.d; subscriptions re ceived at $1 00 Ail nevr books received as soon as published itt BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, 51 Market street. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PUBLIC SALE. WELIL be sold at public sale at Brant's City Hotel, on Tuesday, Juno - 28, 1864, at 7% o'clock, P. K. the folio ing described valuable lots of ground aituated in the city of Harr.sburg: No. 1 lot fronting on Caestnut itrect twenty-one feet, and extending back, along property of Captain Eby Byers, one huudr- d feet to a ten fort wide alley. No. 2, lot fronting on Chestnut street twenty-one feet, adjoining No.l, and extending back one honored feet, to a ten f- et wid - alley. On lots No. 1 and No. 2 the United States Govern. meat baXery is erected. No. 3, lot on Meadow Lane, opposite pas=enger depot of Pennsylvania Central railroad. adjoining property of Henry Thomas, Esq., fronting on said steaaow Lane twenty-oue aset,and extending back,aloog line of Mr. Thomas' property, o e hundred and fin tyix reel ten inches to a twon;y feet wide alley; thence alone said alt y twenty-four feet four and a half inches, to lot No. 4, of this schedule; thence along line of lot No. 4 one hundred and sixty tour feet three inches, to Meadow Lane. No 4, lot adjoining No. 3, fronting on Meadow Lane thirty-one ieet seven inches, extending back, along lot No. 3 ow , hundred and sixty-tour feet three inches to a twenty feet wine alley, thence along said alleftwenty lour feet four and a half inches to property of Presbyterian church; thence along said church property one hundred and e ghty-two feet ten Inches . , to Meadow Lane. a - On lots No. 3 and No. 4 the United States Commis iary buildings are erected. /fir All these lots will be sold subject to their occu pancy by the United States, but it is understood that ad ground rents recoverable for their past occupancy . (ilzfr which no settlement has yet be n made) will enure to the benefit of the purchasers of the same. Tigre indisputable,. Plan of the lots may be seen at the law Milne of Joshua IC Wiestling, in Walnut, near Third street, and at the sale. Timms: Cub, or if srwre acceptable to the purchaser, ne hair cash on the delivery of the deed, and the re inamid..r in two equal ann. at instalments, payable with, and ...enured on the property by bond and mort gage. HENRY A. KRUIER, iJuSHUA M Wit-STUNG. Trustees of German Reformed Salem Church of Harris. burg. jel6-eodid ANow Two Story FRAME HOUSE, with a first rate Store BOOM in it, on the corner of Filth -met and Strawberry alley. Also, the Frame House ad joining. For further particulars enquire at Leedy's Shoe store, Market street, or on the premises. my 23. tf DANIEL LEEDY. SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut. meg and New York State Cheese, just received at SHISLEK a FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock. Jr., & Co. SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, of eh grades and prices, at FHISGER & FRAZER, Successont to W. Doel:, Jr.. & Co. jell Dealers In Fine landly,Grocerieg. CtLEE,E—Choice new crop Cheese, jut received at SHiSi.. R k FRAZE 4, ~el 7 Successors to W. Lock, Jr, & Ock. VE W B 0 0 K B.—THE SHOULDER 1( smers DAYS OF SHODDY Surd ~Aviv" At• -rdelSl SCHRFFER'S ROORMRE. kJ CASES FM IMERRI AT, FRENCH MUSTARD, for sale by SHLSLER &FRAZER, my 6 13 uccessors to W. Dort, Jr., & Co. PIC- NICS. GRAND Flu-NiC 1.1% D.k.; RUN DE NGE ISLAND AND WIRE /VEIL WV. ALBUMS WITH THE NEW BOOKS. Valuable Property for Sale. AM USEIUMPS. Harrisburg, Tuesday,Juue 28. POSITIVELY ONE DAY OIVLZ AT 2 AST 7 .r. M DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. A TRIPLE COAII3MATION. Ist—Dan Rico's Great Show. 2d—Henry Cook's wonderful Troupe of Acting Dogs and Monkeys. 3d—Barclay's performing Buffaloes and Comanche Ponies. MRS. DAN RICE Will make her first appearance here in her beautiful menage scenes, hitroducnig the highly trained War Charger 9E , co IR, "N A_ 1:10 MRS. i.MMA. STOKE, And her Troupe of Perfono.2og Horses. THE GREAT BLIND HORSE EXCELSIOR, &o. All under the personal direction of the great HUMORIST, DAN RICE. Admission—Box 25 ; Reserved Seats 50. Location on Second street, near Factory. je2otd CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW TRIED. J. EL DOZTNELL OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a First-elaoss Company of HINGE:RS, DANCERS, Comilams, &0., am Admission. ........ .................... ....... censa 'teats in Boxes ...... 2S " NOTICE. THE Undersigned 'Commissioners, named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th day of Hay,11664, entitled an act to incorporate the lifilera bu,g and Rauch Nap Railroad Company, herebY give public notice that boArs will be opened for remising anti scriptions to the Capital Stock of said Comp prat the following named times and places in the county of Dau phin, to wit : At the house of Jacob Lenker, in Grate town, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of June, inst. AS the house of Benjamin Bordner, in Berrysburg, on MONDAY, the Mb day of June inst. At the house ofJ. G. Yeager. in Sfilleraburg, ou THURSDAY, the 811th day of June, inst. At the JONES HOUSE, in the City of Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, the belt day of July next; and that at said times and places some two or more of theCommisskiners wdt at'end, and that the Books will be kept °paint ham six hours, commenting at 9 o'clock In the fords: KM oat every day, for the term of three judicial days, or until the number of sharesauthorized by , the law shall have been subseribed. 'DAVID R. .PORTER„ HEED EH= JA.M. NRY -K. trimzEß: VI EW ax CIE, SoN.X.THAN SWAB, DANtEI. LEER. je2d4w HARRISBURG, Ist June, 1864, CLOAKS, CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACHS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in every color and hand somely trimmed, from $7 50 to $ll. 1000 SILK MANTELS, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKS, Handsomely and rig hly trimmed, from $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. my2s MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS, NO. IS MARKET SQ,VARE, (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) NIVIIRMF SEE IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies or Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy Goods, At cheaper pnces than any house in the city. 'Sheep&My of her goods cannot be surpassed. DEESE MAKING- IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourseivm maystAtirtiomtwil CLOAK STO IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND FINE SPRING BRAWLS. Will open on the Ist of April. froar2l-dly LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious Mall deserts for the tabb.; the light est and most grateful diet. for invalids and children. It lit cintams every element of the bodily constitution; when coacuiatect with rennet it always tight and easy of digestion, and supports the system wan the least posedde excitement. Wb.nstill greater nutritive power is desired, cream all¢ kuaar may no added. l. teaspoonful converts quart et' milk into a firm curd. Prepared and Sold, wholesale and retail by S. A- KUINTSAL, jels-cr 118 Market. street. PRovtvr MARanAt's Ovficz, 14TR DISTRICT, HAKRISISISRG, Pa., June 6,1864. MO DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed lst liir I . Lieut. Cot. J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost General, by his ci•cular, No. 59, of June 4, 1864, to pub-. lish “Twat drafted men are not allowed to , enlist as Testa teem after being drafted; and that the creoha for drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were drafted, no matter Whether local bounty ban or hail not been paid to such men, upon "ill-gal enlistment" JNO. KAY GLESIENT t Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Dist, Pa. jeftdtf Ylent RS I PICKLES I! By the barrel, halt barrel, Jar or dozen+ at nne.fil Wri - ER & KOERPER. Alt ttlVri)!—A line lot of CANNER • PEACHES and ToidATORE. Also, SUPERIOR tVIE APPLES, FR. SR PGA . ltd,-,inda received by my.1.4-dir JOHN WII4E, Rd greet, near Wahine. - - . 5/Th DOZEN JAILS ENGLISH PIOBLES Ur comprising Mushily, Chow Chow. Cauliflower. iliNeu Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For oda wholesale and retail by SHlN. 4 .mas. mys mecums to W. liock, Jr ME SS BEEF and MESS POBX,—A, owe: articlit of Mess Beef Rad PoArxat • CF, gamma & co.) ap9 (successes to WatDorit, Ir.. t 4:14 dole revs aplB-dtjytt