elt . grapi a A II II I ..-.. I; CI II:- 1- ;;EDNESDAY EYENINP. JUNE 22, 1,4)1 301'10E TO ADVEit TISURS, Adver hi-merits, I.3uOnc•F.T: tint :risf Mortioges, thatlid, Sic., to se,iii! tlte TELILGRAPII, 13111+1 fiii. Z/••• ttojn . pariott with the Atlvertnionient. orti , rrsi 1111 (IL, i..g i ,l ar Evening Edition Ft I...tat:vie:4i in ibe Morn ing .611/00n trilhnut extra cliargt-. State of the Thermometer 'Lo-day 11 A. 7.11 76 TO WIN AND COUNTRI DRIFTED.--The editors of the Felton Demo qt and Hollidayabnrg Standard. Pnor. G. H. Dnooxs, the blind pianist and violinist, is traveling with Ellinger 4 - , Foote's "dwarf" exhibition. , Tam office of the Baltimore Clipper is of fared for sale, in consequence of the death of ono of the proprietors. A room} sox of George Blymire, of Bedford, was thrown from a horse one day last week and very seriously injured. WE noticed some fast riding on Chestnu street, last tvening—endangering the limbs o persons who chinned to be on the street. Tun $3OO EX - Ell:1'170N Last.--Congress, yes terday, refused to strike the commutation clause from the enrollment bill, by a vote of 100 to 50. TIIE trial of Wm. A. Maguire, the murderer of Maggie Baer, at the Continental Theatre, in Philadelphia, has been postponed until the 10th of September. A rouNL; max named 'Washington Hegarty, of Lumbar city, Clearfield county, was fatally injured on the Sth inst., by the falling of a tree. MAIMET STREW, between Fourth and the Depot, is being repaired. It has boeii covered with a plentiful supply of broken stone, and will be in fine order for travel ere long. CORN AND OATS WANTRD.—CaptainlteiCherl idell will receive proposals until noon of Mon day next, for furnishing the Department of the Susquehanna 5000 bushels of oats, and 5000 bushels of corn, to be delivered at Hum melstown and Harrisburg. See advertise ment. I= BOYS ARRESTBD. —A large number of boys have'been arrested in the Sixth ward, for in dulging in It general fight, in which "rocks" were freely used, and a couple of the partici pants, injured: They were taken before Alder man Cole, and bound over to keep the peace, in the sum of fifty dollars each. 14.Lisurr.—The attendance this morning was large. Prices were about the same as those of last wed:, except in a few instances. There was a very abundant supply of cherries, at from sto 12 cents per quart; mulberries were sold at 15c.; peas, beans, etc.. could be bad at almost any figure. Ohs police officers are very attentive to bu siness, and appear determined to perform their duty. They can be seen on the streets at all hours of the night, and have strict orders to atop all persons who may be unable to give a satisfactory account of themselves at unrea sonable hours. Neither the citizens or stran gers aro allowed to congregate on the streets after eleven p. nt. roaa ITIALS.—The mechanics in the work shops of York struck for higher wages last week, and on Saturday had a street parade, with a baud of music. The employers then agreed to advance the wages to $2 per day, and on Monday morning the mechanics re sumed work.—On Saturday last, Albertus Mauer, as employee in one of the machine ahops, had.one of his arms cut, from the palm of his hand to the shoulder, by a circular saw• —A number of robberies have occurred at various private residences, but the thieves are still at large. COMM TEM Yuan Hosprrat.—On last Tuesday 765 sick and wounded soldiers from the Army of the Potomac arrived in York, and were admit. ted into the 13. S. General Hospital. Some of them are very severely wounded, but the great majority of the wounds are not of a dan gerous character, and will not incapacitate the brave men for active operations longer than three or four weeks. Several hundred large hospital tents have been erected on the hos pital grounds, each capable of accommodating from ten to sixteen occupants. Washington Hall is now appropriated to the use of the wounded. The number in hospital at this timo is between fifteen and sixteen hundred. TRH FOURTH or Jury.—The Fourth of July is rapidly approaching, and, as yet, we have heard of no arrangements being made for the purpose of celebrating it in an appro priate manner. Last year our citizens were in a great state of excitement on the 4th., in consequence of the great battle fought at Get tysburg; but as there is no probability of another battle being fought on Pennsylvania soil, we think,that nothing of that nature will in the least interfere with a good, old-fash ioned celebration of our National Anniver sary. The day has more claims upon our gratitude, and more are we under obligations to remember it with joy and enthusiasm than for merely, from 'she fact that on the last 4th, Vicksburg was surrendered, and the rebel army, after an inglorious defeat inflicted on them by the brave General Meade,- was beat ing a hasty retreat from our noble State, If we are to celebrate the day, it iS high time that the preliminary measures should be Other towns and cities have called meetings to take measures to celebrate the day in a becoming Manner and why- should Harrisburg delay? A siorcbt is generally succeeded by a calm. A day or two ago the Mayor's office eras thronged with offenders—to-day wc have nothing to report from that quarter. Ona or two individuals were arrested as suspicious characters, and discharged. INZI Loss—This morning, two iron keys, attach ed by a steel key ring, in going from Dr. Egle's store, up Ridge road to street above the May House; down said street to James street; down James to Broad, and out Broad street to Babb's grocery. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving_ the same at Bergner's bookstore. je22•tf RE-Qmn.No. —The Ridge Avenue M. E. Church, which has been closed some time for the purpose of undergoing repairs, has been completed, and will be re-dedicated on Sunday morning next. The dedicatory sermon will be preached by the Rev. John Walker Jack son, of the Locust Street M. E. Church, and the choir of that congregation will also be present. The public are invited to attend. The Ridge Avenue Church is in a most flourishing condition. Under the pastoral care of Rev. Mr. Rakestraw, it has received large accessions to the membership. P. '11" Smonico Mass FOR Gov. Comm—The Phildelphia Press, in its description of the Great Central Fair, in to-day's edition, con tains the tollowing: In a glass case, on the table located near the east end of Union avenue, is a most mag nificent smoking gown, slippers, cap, etc., to be presented, to the soldiers' friend, Governor Andrew G. Curtin. The articles are made of dark colored velvet, lined with rich silk, very neatly padded, and altogether beautiful. The cap and slippers are elaborately embroidered with gold bullion arranged in artistic style. This superb custom is the gift of his admir ers of the Eighteenth ward, and may be sub scribed to by the friends of the soldiers from all parts of ythe State. Several Jerseymen, who regard Governor Curtin as a patriot, yes terday subscribed, thus setting an example worthy of emulation by his many warm friends in this city. INFORM&TIO:g COMMEND* THE DEAFT.—We give the following from the act of Cengress of February 24th, 1864, in answerto numerous inquiries concerning the draft : A drafted man, furnishing a substitute liable to draft, " shall be liable to draft on future calls, but not until the present enrolimerit - shall be exhausted." (A new enrollment will take place next spring.) If a substitute NOT liable to draft, the exemption continues, " during the time, such substitute. is not liable to draft,- not exceeding three years." — Substitutes not liable to draft are-: Aliens, persons under twenty years of age,, and sql diers discharged after two years service; also, all who paid commutation or furnished sub stitutes in the draft of 1863. Alienage of a propoted substitute must be proven in the same manner as is required in the case of a drafted man. Commutation shall operate only to relieve from draft in filling this quota, and the name shall be retained on the roll in filling future quotas." THE GETTXSBVEG BAirrne FLELD.—A per manent organization of the Gettysburg Battle Field Memorial Association has been effected, by the election of the following officers to serve for one year ; President—Joseplz IZ Zap:moon_ Directors—Henry C Carey and Edmund A Sander, of Philadelphia: David A Stewart and Wm M Hersh of Pittsburg: A 0 Heister, of Harrisburg; H W MeAlist4sr, of Bellfonte; and Rev Dr H L Baugher, T D Carson, D MeCon aughy, J 33 Danner, It G McCreary, James P Fahnestoolc and George Arnold, of Gettys burg. • Resolutions *ere adopted, recommending the appointment by the Board, of the Gov ernors of the loyal States, and other gentlemen of influence as Honorary and Advisory Di rectors. Also the appointment of Honorary Secretaries in the cities and large towns, and the appointment of an Executive. Committee of seven risident -Directoni to do the active work of the'Association; subject to the appro val of the Board of Directors. The Board has organized by the election of Bev. Dr. H. L Baugher as Vice President, T. D. Carson, Treasitrei, and Dr. IVlcConaughy, Secretary. . The Association has already obtained titles for seventy acres of the, battle field and has negotiated for more, and commences its work under the most favorable, auspices. D. RxaE's GMT SHOW. --The great hn =wrist appears to have been reaping a rich harvest in Washington, judging from the glowing accounts given of his'inammoth:es tablishment by the Washington papers. The following we copy fiOm the Washington Re publican of June 14th: "Tar 'Horan Ormia.—Dan. Rice's great show seemed to be the Mecca of everybody's travels yesterday. Unfortunately, many found it a hard road to travel. Multitudes who ar rived after 8 o'clock last night could not gain admission to the huge pavilion already over crowded. The value of entrances ran up like the price of gold. It is safe to say that four thousand persons were seated within the mon ster tent, and full'as many disappointed visi tors turned away. Dan Rice's reputation and popularity as a jester throughout the United States is not evanescent. It.has been at fever heat for near twenty years, and was never bet-. ter merited than now. " The debut of his charming young wife ex cited a lively sensation and murmurs of admi ration through the vast assemblage. The transfer of an elegant and accomplished lady from a high social position to the arena of a show naturally caused a flutter among the up per ten, but after she had made half a dozen circuits of the ring on her high-bred and high-mettled charger, we doubt whether any body was astonished that the haughty belle had entered with zest.into her'husband's-pur suits. "Dancing, trick, thenege and educated horses and ponies of every variety and shade of learning, and a Company of acting dogs and monkeys of undeniable thespian acquire ments, with a civilized buffalo from the Wes• tern wilds and a pair of comio mules inspired with the humor of their master, make - up a. conglomeration that is not circus, but exceed ingly enjoyable and entirely original and at tractive." On s 'Tuesday next the above grand show will pitch its tent near the Cotton Factory in Ear. risburg, for one day only. Everybody can go, With their families, as the "great show " is divesteil" (If circus features entirely, so that nothing will be introduced, that can be objec . tionable to the - moat fastidionis Remember thitNlW — TuesdaY next: PERiONS in want of a first-rats Fruit Can, should call on Geo. L. Marl:, cor ner of Third an4l Walnut streets, who the. 1==:1 Go zo Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op posite the Court House, and see the new Ba rometer; they foretell tits weather accurately from 12 to 48 hours in advance. Every per- SOci should have one. jel6-2w COZZI DRY GOODE3.--4 ::ill, this day, commence to sell off my entire stock of stunmer dress goods, sttclt a , : lawns, delaiues, challies, alpacas, mozanthiques, poil de chevre, poplins, and also a large lot of remnants—they will be sold at 41nd below cost. Call soon. SOL. BROW.NOLD, Caner Second anti, Market, oppsosite Jones House. jel7-1w PRzzE REEF—mammoth Steer.—Tleat well known stock-raiser, John Noble, Esq., of Car lisle, has sold to Mr. John Aeolus, of this city, a mammoth steer, weighing three thiins.and pounds, for the handsome sum of three hail dred and fifty dollars. The animal was' fed three years by Mr. Noble, and is but one of numerous specimens of cattle fed by that gen tleman. The thanks of our citizens are due to Mr. Baulus for his e ff orts. to suply them with a superior quality of meat, and we have no doubt that when this prize beef is dis played at market there mill be a great demand for it. Mr. Baulus will exhibit the mammoth steer at his place of business in this city din , - log thernext ten days or two - weeks, and invites the public to call and see hind. At the end of that period the animal will be slaughtered, and the beef offered for sale at Mr. Baulus' stand in market. jelB-d4twlt SPECIAL NOTICES. Illannva,rtls Trawhes. For the wire of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, Bre., are specialij , recommended to ministers, singers'and persons whose vocation calls them to.speak in public. NBiu:solacttmed only by C. A. Bannvart Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. *old by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: 111 . RgrLßl3llo, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Beratvenr—Dear Sir: I haw used Brown's Bronchial Trochee, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend yOnr own as a most admirable specific for public, speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. "H. ROB/NSON, Pastor of N. S. Psesbyterian 'Church. I agree with Mr. -Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0. CATTELL, Late Pastor of C. S. Presbyterian Church. • • litanammmo, Jan., 1 0 64. To C. A. Baracv.tax—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the naiad of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that hus'ainess of the voice arising from its too frewent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the 'delivery of public aa„. dresses. Yours, .t.c. .7STO. wArtKERi JACKSON. Pastor of the Isocust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BAITIMarr —Dear Sir: Having neat your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take groat pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of redo() arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, 4tc., G. G. RAILESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Chinch. Disrazor ArrasNar's °mon, t 11111IIMBUZIO, Feb. 29, 1864. j To O. A. - BANNVAIiT—Dear Sir I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the 'muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great helm et to all public speakers. A. I. IIERR Brown's Bronclu - rd. Tvoehes. "I have never changed my mind respecting them from the first, except to think yet better of that watch I began thhittiog well of " Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "The Troches are a staff of life to me." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Free Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Troubles they,arc a !twine." K P. WILLIS. "Too favorably known to need commendation." Hon. CHAS. A. PHELPS, Pres. Mass. Senate. "Centain.no opium nor anythinginjuriess." Dr. A A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston. "An elegant combination for coughs," Dr. G. F. BIGE.I,OW, Boston. "I recommend their use to public speakers." Rev. E. H. CHAPIN "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis:" Rev. S. BREGFRIED. Morristown, Ohio. "Very beneficial when suffering from Colds." Rev. S. J. P. ANDERSON St. Louis. "Almost instant relief in the distressing labor of breath ing peculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. C. EGLESI'ON, New Yerk. "They have suited my cam exactly, rel eying my throat so that could , eing with case.", 'l'. DUCHARIE, • Chorister French Parish Church, Montreal. As there are imitations be sure, to obtain the GENUINE. jan2l-d&w gar ro Clesir the Moine of Flies, use Outclier's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, a neat cheap article, easy to use. Every, atteet WIR klll a quart SOLI) EVERYWHERE. PwINCEI, RICHARDS & CO.,loth 'EuO Market streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. rey24-d&wSw Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made eut and collected. Per none residing at a distance can have their business trans acted by mall,.by addressing , EUGE.NESNYDER, Attomey-at-La * w Ttdrd street, Harrisburg,.Pa `COLGATIVS HONEY SOAP; This celebrated Toilet Soap, In soon universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, 19 mild asttl entollient tn Its eaten, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial is its action upon the skim Fur sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. San2s•dawly HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE'!; • gatehelor's Celebrated l ir Dye , IS MB BEST IN TILE WCARLD. The only Efarmlas, True and Begialde Dye Known.. This splendid Hair lye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty er Gray Hair instantly to a Glony.Skt.ck or Nahvalßrotens without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful imparts , fresh vitality frequentiT, restoring Re pristine color, and rectifies the ill cants or bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAIi A. BATCH LIAR. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &o Factory-81 BAR- Cif.,AY ST, N. Y. BATOMILOR'S NNW TOILS? OHEAX 701 t DRZSPING rue Aid, .je2Sty-s. Pure Vegetable Medicine. ONE of the very best Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the citizens and strangers of this city. It will purify the blood, and leave 'the liver and bowebrin a good healthy condition. °pandas without the least pain. Old and:young, Male and female, al/ can take of it „ As to the With of this hundreds can testify . , as it his z been well , tried for the last teu years. It is prepared only and sold" by bire. L. Ball, No. 27, bon% Pine street, liarrisburVra. tay23 LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS FROM NEW YORK AUCTION. GRE AT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS, Full yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 cents. Bleached muslin, 100 pieces- Bleached muslin, 60 pieces 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. Black ank, 5 pieces. Black silk, 5 pieces. Black silk, Iu pieces. 2000 yards of black silks from auction. Beautiful pearl color silk finish alpaca.. Alpacas in leather colorotone colors and other colors. White cambrics • soft finished French Cambric. Jaconetts, brilliants, Irish linen. Splendid assortimmt of calicos. Cloaks, Cloaks, Clmiks t Clpaks.. Stockings, the best and'ahirapest... Pocket handkerchiefs for ladles, at all prices. Marseilles quilts and crash-for towels. Shirt hr. acts, all linen, at 25, 30;35, 40 and 50 cents \We hare now a very large.stock.of goods, all bought at reduced pricea, and winch we will sell at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction We have also a very argelotof *faces, cashmere cloth, bombazine:. S. LiflWit. .022 W ANT& SUBSTITUTES "%VAN TE B. .01 Ai GOOD price will be given to persons wil ling to go as a substitute. Apply to F. Fox, at Sblok's Boarding Rouse, Second street, near Walnut je224l2t* WANTED. IMPIEDiATFILY. ICALOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whom Sheuttler, which ara ready for use, wilt be furnished, for the purpose of accommodating boarders. Also, fr..m 60 to tle I tborers. Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. R. It. Mattotdongn mountain, 3 miles native Iflll.rsburg. AGIRL to do general housework, in a small family. Inquire a 6 96 Market street. j<2l-2t• ''wo COOPERS WANTED. THE 'nigbest wages will be' paid to TWO coupEas to work on flour barrels. Apply In Stuart street, between Wa:nut ant South streets to' - - At- dlw* SAMUEL SIIYZER. WELN TfCD. AYOUNG GLRL wliois accustomed to nursing children, and Qin inake herself generally useful, can obtain the comforts of a home and good wages. Apply at No. 5 Locust street, near Front. Ii‘TANTED—Two good white girls who un derstand cookery, washing, ironing and general houseworking, in a small country hotel. Must come well recommended. Apply at this once. Jr.BIPLOWIENT- - - $75 A MONTH —Agents wanted to sell Sewing Machines. We will give a commis sion on all machines sold, or employ agents who will work for the above wages and all expenses paid. Address, D. 13. assiirsoros & Co.,' Detroit, Mich. Jelo 2w* sap To $2O A DAY. AGENTS WANTED-TO SELL THE IM PROVED LITTLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE.— The beat cheap Machine in the United States. Wo are giiing a Commission tvy which the above wages can be made, or we will employ - agents at STS a month and ex penses paid. For pentadus and terms, address, with stamp,. T. S. PAGE, Gaul Agent, jel3-42w—wInt ' - Toledo, 0. AGENTS wanted to 6141 the Standard Hie tory of tgie War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars: Address JOrKES BROS. & CO:, Pnblishem Baltimord, Inn WANTED—A gobd pastry Cook, and a good meat Cook . Inquire at the ap3o-dt,f BRADY HOUSE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OIL . SUMMER STOCK A i t AND BELOW COST. MKS. L MITER No. 3 Market . Street, BITING desirous of closing her Summer Stock of Milduery Goode, offers for sale at greatly reduced Klee; such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, - HATS AND FLATS, &C. Constantly on hand, a splendid aseortmost pf sum, VEIOVETS, !ACES, RUBS,- HOOP Brim. CORSIaS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, CO Ma rs :, FANCYGOODS &C, Dealhre vdll do well le OW . blinaills' can be hathat viholeeale. " Jel.4 FIREWORKS! 1030/X4ALZ,AND,RETAIt 9 1 JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. rE following stock of Fireworks is now in 11 store; Roman Cantßes, Rockets, PM Wheats,- Nines °est= and Serpeella Serpents, . Granntoptierit, ' Water Pots, - Plower:Pottri. , Scroll Wheels, Triangles, • - BlueL ight s,t " 'Red, White and Blue, - Chinese Rockets, Puhing C Crac ors, Lire Crackers, Torpedos, Torpedo & Firecracker Ginn Now Torpedo Bow, Joss Stick, or Punk, Flagg , 0 .. • • Now is the time to ins rchase wrille , tusre is a good. as-- sortment. JOHN WlSie, Jed-titt Third meet, near Widmer. CANDIDATE FOR CONOBESS. HARRISSURG4 June fc 18111 TFIE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Reoutilicium of the 14th Coragressionil trict of Pennsylvania, composed of tee counties of Dem phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union anti Snyder, for nomination by the soreral county conventions or the said District. Lietitaitel JOSIAH ESPY. SPIRITUALISM. AM'L H. PAIST, Blind Sid:Medium. will give seam* for communion with the Spirit World, at gxchange Hall, Wainut street, until further notice: He will also make clairvoyant examination of diseases for those desiring it. Hours from 8% A. m. to 12 at., and r. sr. to SP. st. Terms 50 cents each sitting. Every one applying for a sitting ,does it on their own responsibility, as the manifestation of a spa* rs notat the option of the medium. Je6.dit TO LEARN PIANO=FORTE PLAYING EASILY AND THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRUCTION BOOK. "Riehardsonte New Method." An improvement upon all others in pro gressive arrangement, adaptation and simplicity. Found ed upon a new- and origitml plan, and Illustrated by a series of plates; showing the proper position of the hands and Ingots. The'Populaiity of this book has never been equalled by that of any similar work. Ten thousand copies are sold every year. Among teachers and all who have examinee it, it is pronounced superior in excellence to all other "Methods," "Systems," and "Schools," and the book that every pupil needs for the aoqiilrement of a thorough knowledge of Piano-forte playing it is adapted to all grades of tuition, from the rudiusenint studies of the youngest, to .the studies and exercises- of advanced pupils. Two - editions are published one-adopting American, the other Foreign fingering., ''hen the work is ordered, if no preference is designated, the edition with American lin gering will be sent. IliWirße sure that In ordering it you are particular in specifying the "NEW METHOD." Price $3 50. postpaidto any eddy= Sold by all, blusin Dealers. OLIVERE DIMON & CO., Publishers,27l Washington istrevt, Boston,jour . - FOR BABE, frvaluable property, •-oomer of Second a i n Z d Pine streets, being fifty-two and shelf feet on Se cond and ono hundred and sixty-eight "feet on Pine street, ruining back two hundred and ten feerto Barbara alley, there being apace for four MI boilaing tote, and a most de. citable rite for a Governor's MansiOin or mdello braiding& nir tertictilareesquire of Mrs. MURRAY,' corner of Be aded Ind Pine reel% awn& MOTICIE is hereby given to the o - Amere of 11 the following named articles, THE HOWARD AND HOPE ExrnEss CuIiPAMES claiming to have a lien thereon for the Costs and oxpeotos of transportation and stot age thereof, will proceed to sell the same to par said costa and charges, at the expiration of Misty days from this date: 1 pkge, Samuel C. Gallaher. I box, Andrew Turley. 1 box, Win. Case, 1 box, Fall Madill= 1 pkge, Sargt. J. P. 'Kohler. 1 pkge, Henry R Anthony. I box, Mrs. Margarett Coy- 1 pkge, John V' .Tohnson, shell. 1 pkge, Geo E Tillotson. 1 box, Joseph Burggs. 1 pkge, Geneittie Bushong. 1 box, Henry 0, Wolf. 1 pkge ' Capt W A Barton. 1 pkg., D. Deride, agent. 1 box, Sargt I Ingraham. I pkge, C. IV. Willis. 1 pkge, S Laney. I pkgs. Peter Gaisty. 1 pkge, Mrs Catharine B'- I bale, Jacob Smith. Carty. 1 box, Dr. Jacob Hinlaclier. 1 Lkge, Sergi. H W wood. I box, Capt. J. Kern. bull 1 box, Capt. L. II Burnell. 1 pkge, Adam Wolfinger 1 box, John" W. 111Inab. 1 pkge, Lieut A Status. /o. bag, Win. H. H. Petry. 1 ho n, J A Newcomb. 1 pkge, Robert P. Christian. - 1 bale, W B Bsyden. 1 boa, J. C. Sitaldwing. 1 trunk, James Houghter. pkge, Charles DI Wertz. '1 ba c, John II Detweitor. 1 pkge, Geo /Wale. 1 pkge, Tiltottson At Nixon 1 pkge, Franklin 9 Good. 1 boa, Samuel H Fite. 1 pkge, Aaron H Sob lors. 3 boxss, Geo It Hardwick. 1 pkge, Pr It Laughworthey. 1 box. Henry Murdock. 1 pkge, William Carlisle. 1 box, Jacob Itosenkramer. 1 pkge, Wm J Patterson. 1 box, Wti Steward. 1 pkge, Wm Harch. 1 box, R H Patch. 1 Age, David Mil/enough I pkge, W R Moser. 1 pkge, John Gleimer. 1 pkge William Dornworth 1 pkge, Sophia Boxier. 1 buz, Peter J Wailes. 1 pkge, Carle Mayer. 1 bal.. Capt gJ Sheerer. 1 pkge, Henry F Bernhard. 1 box, William Dexter. • 1 pkge, JeneShuler. 1 bottle; Charles Bucher. ' 1 pkge, James ireeburn. 4 tent poles, M. Clymer. 1 pkge, W D Koppenhaffer.. 1 pkge, Elbert HcMinn. 1 pkge,.)Niziona 1 box, Caps Jos Hutchinson. 1 pkge, Thomas Goode. 1 trunk. R 0 Bailey. 1 pkge, Dania Leinbach, 1 bile, Capt Hunt. 1 box, - JonesHouse. 1 box, J C Deppeu, 1 pkge, Henry Bach!. 1 pkge, Dr J Forney, 1 pkge, John Discaso. 1 c bg, Geo L Krisier. 1 pkge, H L Harris. 1 box., Ca,4 W Har and. 1 pkge, PatrickiNittegee 1 box, Isaito H eager. 1 pkge, Doll Pepper. 1 pkge, Geo H 1 bez, Wm 'Aria " 1 pkge, John Vogel. 1 pkge, IV S 1 box, ' J R Grams -1 pkge, Leda N J Boyer. 1 box, A F Pennypacker. 1 pkge; Theodore Upchurch. 1 pkge =tewast. pkge, Brooks. 1 box, Hen haw. 1 pkge, John A Dentrick. 1 pkge, Louis Eshan. May 2e, 13 --d2taw4t GEO;BERGNEH, Agent. - OB Natural Weather Indicator, WITH. A BEAUTIFUL THERMOMETER ATTACHED . . simple and useful. instrument is now r i l offered for sale for the first time in the State of Pa., the undersigned having secured the right of sale in and for the following counties: Dauphin, Cumberland, Adams, Franklie, York and,Perry, oft - Frisber, Cook & Co., agents for the State, and are now prepared to sell the Instrument at wholesale and retail. The nistriament telltrith un failing accuracy the bygnainetleal condition of the atmos phere, thus foretelling the changes of the-weather from 12 to 48 hours in advance. The acting moving prineiple is the pistule of a flower, found ih Syria, near Damascus, and is so highly gelid/ire that it Is acted upon by the least change of the atmosphere. Persons familiar with natural science know that it cannot rule until the air is filled with aqueous vapor, which must condense toeanse rain to fall; this moisture must exist in the atmosphere several hours in advance of the coming storm.. No other Barometer manufactured will foretell with accaracy the approach of rain. But this NATURAL HOROSCOPE, the work of NA TURE'S OWN HAND, tills up the void which man could not acrotuplish, and points its unerring finger to all changes of the weather, and has never been known to fail.. It is valuable to the Farmer, the Physician, the Clergy man, the Navigator, the Traveler, the Merchant, and everybody. It is very simple to understand, and never requires any rep wring . They are cheap, durable and reliable. For sale only by agents, and at Sztoches Music store, No. 93 Market street. Price $8 75. One of the instruments will be sent by express, on re ceipt of $3 75. Agents wanted in every town in the above owned counties. Apply as above, to .lel4-d2w&w2t FoNNO k. MAXWELL, Agents T HE proprietor of this 000 l and delightful Summer Resort would most respectfully ennounco to the citizens of Harrisburg that the Island is now open for visitors. Accommodations will be furcislie 1 toparties and pic-nits on reasonable terms, a dancing platform having been erected for their special use. reason tickets for families, good for one year, $1 50. No improper characters admitted, and no Intoxicated DAIPSOIII will be permitted to visit the Island. Apar - No tritomcattng liquors KM on nunaay. A Wire Ferry, watt a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Broad street, West Harris burg. 31LNKY BECKER jel4-dlm Sole Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT - of Photograph Alb-amts. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt told mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for $3 00 - . 850 50 4t it . 400 tqlether with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and pews, which will be sold cheap. safdier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call sad see at ' SCHEYPER'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf Harrisburg, Ft. EMMA I I STUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Hata- Mon. Price $1 50 IL • HAUNTED HEARTS, by the uiather of the Lamp lighter. $2 00 DARISNESS AND DAYLIGHT. by Mrs. Holmes. $1 60 BARRASA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. 60 oents. THE SMALL; HOUSE OF ALLLNGTON, by Trollope. _ - $l. 26 VL SEVEN STORIES. by Ik.arvel, saAhor of "Reveries of a Bachelor." gi bf) WERE'S JOURNAL t Me Discovery tt.f the sources of tho Niles $3 50 THE WOMAN t BLACK, by author of "Man in Gray." $1 50 . Is NOTESOF ROSPITA.L LIFE, Ndv;:tri. to Aug.. 63. 00 STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys-. front .Cooper'e writings.. 81 00 STORIES OF THE 'WOOD, for boyi;;, Rata Cooper's writings. . $1 00 OUR DAILY FARE, ,a• daily Journal of the Great Atad uary Fair at Philadelphia; illustrated; subscriptions re ceived at $l. 00 AZI new books received se; soon as published at B ACBGN'ER'S, BOOK STORE, . - • 51 Barge. strett. • „LIQUID. ILENNEAN - LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious of all deserts far the table; the light est and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet It is alwaym light and easy of digestion, and supports the system wan the least possible excitement. When still greater nutritive power Isdesirett, cream axid sugar may bo added.. A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a Arai curd. - Prepari.'d and sold, wholesale and retail by S.. A . IWNMEL, jelb-tf ' US Market street. PRIOVOST MA " L'S OFFICE, 14TH DISTRICT; HARRISIMRG, Pa., June 6, 1864. TO 'RAFTED_ am directed by Lit fat.. CoL J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost, Marshal General, by his cheular, No. 59, of Joie 4, 1884, to _Run lish drafted men are not allowed to enlist as venni teem aft it being drafted and that the creaks for drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were drained, no matter whether local bounty has or has not been paid to such men, upon uidegal ennsiment.P JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Cal ptaln and Provost Musing, 14th Dial., Pa_ .le6-dtf Val %sable Property' for Sale. ANew T wo Story FRAME HOUSE, with a Ann rate Store Room in it, on the corner-of Fifth street and Sirs wherry alley. Also, the Frame House ad joining. For fa other particulars enquire at Leedy's Shoo Store, Market a treet, or on the premises. my23-tf • DANIEL LEEDY. SAP SAGO , English Dairy, ,PiauiAtipla; Nut meg sad :deo York State Cheese just received at EIRISLER & FRAZER, nkvs gliecanms to W. Dixik, & F 4 I4GTIRTI. DAIRY ate : MIT 'mak ErrATE aums. x+oBo] was DOCK, ht., & NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: = NOTICE OF LIEN. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HYGRO BAROMETER, INDEPENDENCE ISLAND AND WIRE FERRO'. THE NEW BOOKS. AMU SEMENTS. Harrisburg . , Ttiesday,June 28. PORITIVELY O.YE DAY OIL Air 2 AND 7 P. X DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. A TRIPLE COMBINATICiX lat—Dan Rice's Great Show. 2d—Henry Cook's wonderful Troupe of Acting _ Dogs and Monkeys. 3d—Barolay's performing Buffaloes and Camanehe Ponies. MRS. DAN RICE Will make her first appearance here' in her beautiful menage scenes, intmluonig ,the highly trained War Charger T Cfr IT. 1 1 ( A MO Co. FIRS. ENEMA STOKE, And her Troupe of Performing Horses. THE GREAT BLIND HORSE EXCELSIOR. &c., &c. All under the personal direction of the great /ILTMORLST, D - A. N RICE. Admission—Box 25 ; Reserved Seats 50. Location on Second street, near Factory je2otd CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL WALNUT ST.. BELOW TBISD. J. H: DONNELL OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a First-class Company of SECGERS, DANCERS, COMM,EDNS kc. Admi55i0n............:.....16 Catit?. Sesta in Rocas AUCTION SALE -CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEPART3MT CAVALRY BUREAU, .) OFFICE OF CHEST QUARTY.R.VAISTRR, WASTED:WON, D. C., April 2S, 1881. WILL bo sold at public auction, to dui highest bidder, at the times and places named be low. via: Waliitunsport, Fenn'a, Thursday, June M. One Hundred (1001 borne at Gettysluir& and Two Has died and Fii ty (250) at each of the other'places. These Horses have been condemned as until for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may . be had. Horse's will be sold singly. Sales begin atl.o ♦ K., and continue daily tilt all are sold. TESMS: CASH in United States Treasury notes only. JAMES A MIMI. ap2B-dtd Lt. CoL and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE. T HE Undorsiguec omausszouers, waned in an Act of the Legislature, apprnved the 4th day of May, 1854 entitled au act to incorporate the Millers but” and Baush Gap Railroad Company, hereby give public notice that books will be opened for receiving sub scriptions to the Capital Stock of said Company at the following named times and places in the county of Dag. phi; to wit : At the house of Jacob Lenker. in Gratz-_ town, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of June, inst. At the house of Benjamin Boroner, in Berrysburg, on MONDAY, the :Mil day of June. inst. At the house of J. G. Yeager, In Millersburg ou THURSDAY, the 30th day of June, inst. At the JONES HOUSE, In the City of Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, the sth day of July next; and that at said times and places some "two or more of the Commissioners will attend, and that the Books will be kept open at mast, six hours, commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, for the term of three judicial days, or Anal, the number a shares authortud by the law shall have - been subseribed. adgRISIIIIRG, Ist Sun; 1864. CLOAKS ! CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, Bi - ARIcET STREET. • 4 New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of • SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH °MCCLAIN, - NEW FRENCH WAS, AND NEW FRENCH-LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in every color and hand somely trimmed, from $7 50 to .SIS. 1000 &M.S. MANTELS, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKS, Handsomely and ri lily trimmed, from $lO upward_ LILILDREN , S MANTELS IN LLMIE VARIETY mr4s LLIIIIERY GOODS MRS. d HIBBS, NO. 8 Ir..ARKET St/trAltig, (Next door to rellx's Confectionery,) • "IX/ERRE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to N V the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and - Panty Goods, At cheaper prices than any house in the city. -Fang of her goods cannot be surpissed. DRESS MAKING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves NEW PRILADELPHL& 1,0 rr O R 1, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCS, , Market Stree Harrisburg. 1,000 DIEFET 'STYLES' . ON FASUI9NABLE CLOAKS A.I3D ,qiitclll, &Rs AND FINE sprat% siEumis Dili opina on the Ist of April ito rauxs t Plan ;RS I! By the barreJ, half barrel, Jar or dozes. m 3251 ROYER k itosarro. TUST ARRIVED I—A fine lot of CANNED eJ ZEICHES And TOMATOES. Alen, SUPMIGIS PINE ATPLES 3. P.RESH PEAS, Ire., just received br In,yl4.dif 'IORN WISE, Sd street. near Wnfntrt.. 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES comprising Inatlilly, Chow Chow,' Caallitotror, Nixed pickles', Gerkins, Walnuts and Onion=. For sale wholesale and retail by - SHISLUD tr. FRAZER, myb sec:mesons to W. Dock, Jr. & .CO, _ . MESS BEEF and MESS PORK.--A ohotp: article of Mess Bccf and Pork at SMIST.P.It g Ji7Ledjell bertcoesaora LO.WmDock. Jr.. at cm) TIO YOU wish a good Gold "Dm? Sri ge, BC4IMEWS BoobltaT% WO*" Plait Sole ',et, a PAM R PORTER, HENRY THOMAS, JAMES FREELAND, O. M. BRUBAKER, JoNATHAN SWAB, • DANIEL LEHR. • Je2d-4w aOl3-dl{ 11. tme..2141.