El (,titgrapt HARILISBURG, YA TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 2. 1864 NOT ADVElATlSERS.—AllAdver tikeinents, Business Notices, Marriages, iiratits, arc:, to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be aecom par•ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. State of t he Thermomet er To-day 11 A. SL 3 83 85 8 A, iii. 74 lOW AND COUNTRY. SANFORD and his inimitable troupe are en tertaining the people of Cumberland Valley. Everybody should go to see Sanford, the prince of minstrels. Tau Chief Quartermaster of the Cavalry Bureau advertises a sale of a number of con demned "veteran" horses, to take place at Gies hove' Depot. on Friday, 24th inst. A GRAND pie-nie will be held in Haehnlen's Woods, on Wednesday, 29th inst., for the ,meth of the St. Peter's Verein. A gay time :,gay be expected among our German friends, and there will doubtless be a large attendance those in pursuit of pleasure. A PORTION of Chestnut street was under- Hoing the process of scraping -this morning, and the filth is being removed. Other streets are sadly in need of a similar cleansing. The health of the city demands that all the streets and alleys should be kept clear of filth. Alsr.y JANE Gresox, of " the Sixth ward, has been arrested on a charge of keeping a disor derly bawdy house, and biyund over for court, by Alderman Cole. The same officer committed - Wm. Warner and two colored boys named Freeman, to an swer charges of larceny. • CITY Taxi.—The city council gives notice that the assessment of taxes for the year 1884, has been completed.-- All persons' who pay the same to the City Treasurer, on or before the first day of July, will be entitled to an abatement of five per cent. Tax-payers should make a note of this. THE Great Central Sanitary Fair, in Phila delphia, is to close, finally, on Tuesday next, the 28th inst. On Monday and Tuesday the price of admission will be reduced to twenty fire cents, in order to allow the poorer Classes an opportunity to visit the exhibition and contijibnte toward the good cause. joszta MOdECIMMAN, alias Mortimer, who was arrested on Saturday, on a charge of ab ducting a young girl.from her home, in Lan caster, has given bail for his appearance at the next term of court in that place, and is again at large. Joseph should be more care ful in future, as the aliduction of young fe males is a serious matter. PooKET Proren.--David Seefadver, of Alle ghany county, had his pocket relieved of a wallet'containing forty odd dollars, this morn 'mg about, seven o'clock, while in the vicinity of the depot, in this city. Fortunately the thief did not get hold of a pocket book con taining a large sum of money, which Mr. K. had in another pocket. Tsz ladies of the little borough of New-rifle, in Cumberland county, held a strawberry fes tival three evenings of last week, for the benefit of the Christian Commission. They realized from the festival the handsome sum ofover eleven hundred dollars. Well done, tor a town having but a thousand of a popula tion! =MEM A.1:1179T 01' A DESERTM —A deserter from the 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry, named John Hughes, has been arrested, at Newton Ham ilton, Mifflin county, by detective officer Franklin. Hughes was a resident of Mifflin county, and Uncle Sam's officers have been looking for him for some time. He has bee" forwarded to his regiment. Tag SWORD Voxs.—The vote on 'the great piesentation sword, in the Philade'iphia fair, stood as follows, yesterday; Heade Hancock .. • M.'Clellan - - Grant Scattering. Total . .... SOME of the eastern papers contained an an nouncement, last evening, that the rebels were invo 'Mug Cumberland Valley, and that the "erne hundred day" men of New Jersey had 'been ordered to Harrisburg. There was hot a word of truth in the report. A dispatch from Gen. Conch's headquarters says the val ley was never more quiet than at present. The'rePort was not believed here, although certain copperheads feigned to believe it OUB Gamic' s, old and young, great and small, anticipate having a happy time next Tuesday, when Dan Rice's High School will give entertainments, near the cotton factory. A. very large company of trained dogs and monkeyait outdoes, ponies, 'SEG., • besides 'them mules" that everybody has read about. No doubt there will be a large crowd in at tendance. See the advertisement in our col ' u mns . =cizza RE :Emma the pic-nic of the Citizen boys, to be given in Hoffman's woods, to-marrow. Take . your families and have a day's enjoy ment, where improper characters will not mo lest you. You must, however, secure a ticket of invitation from the committee, in order to gain access to the ground. This you can get upon application. The railroad fare to the grove, dud return, is only 25 cents. Trains leave the depot at 8 A. iat. and 2 P. at., return_ lug at, 7in the evening. Go TO Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op. posito the Court House, and see the new Ba rometer; they forttell the weather accurately from 12 to 48 hours in advance. Every per son should have one. jel6-2w Or - Tax Tnicx-7-Desoirction of a Wagon. This forenoon, as a countryman and wife, it a market wagor, were crossing the railroad tracks at the foot of Market street, a train of the Lebanon Valley road passed along in one di rection, and a Penn's R. R. train in the other. The wagon was struck by one of the trains, and demolished. The occupants were thrown out, but sustained no serious injury. The horse escaped, unhurt. Persons crossing the track at - that point should be extremely care ful, as trains are almost constantly passing. A ItsvAPirAsts Qesz.--On the sth of May, in the first battle of the Wilderness, private Harper, of Pittsburg, Pa., a member of the 102 d Pennsylvania regiment, was wounded by a minie ball, which entered his head a short distance above the right eye, and, grazing the base of the brain, lodged in the back of his neck. Some of the tendons of the eye were severed, and the eye dropped out. Several times he was expected to die, but he l's now so much relieved as to be able to walk about the hospital. He says he's not hurt any, and can soon join his regiment. Ho, FOE THE BIG OM ! —Mr. John Batiks has that mammoth three thousand pound ox on exhibition at his place of business, on Second street, below Mulberry, where t public are invited to call and see him. A box has been fitted up, into which visitors are ex pected to contribute a small sum—the pro ceeds to be forwarded to the Sanitar& Com mission. This is the largest and fAtest ox ever exhibited in Harrisburg. He was fed three years,'by Mr. Jelin Noble, of Carlisle. He will remain on exhibition during the next two weeks. Tan restaurant of the IL S. Sanitary Vidr at Philadelphia is a great institution. Over 34,000 pieces of crockery and glass ware are in use. The average daily consumption of "produce" is enormous, viz: 900 lbs. fresh beef, 150 pairs spring chickens, GOO lbs. fowls, 400 lbs. lobsters, 50,000 oysters, 1,400 loaves of bread, 600 lbs. of butter, 300 quarts of milk, 600 quarts of strawberries, 2,000 quarts ice cream, besides an enormous quantity of hams, tongues, pickles, potatoes, &c. The average daily receipts amount to $6,000. three hundred and thirty persons are on the pay-roll, and•numerous ladies render_ gratui tous services. A. SIGN OF RETURNEKG GOOD Srssu.--A few months since, the Evening Bulletin took the lead of the Philadelphia newspapers in decry ing, depreciating and denouncin g the local ity, the business and the people o f Harrisburg. Since then a change bag been worked in its sentiments and - feeling, as the 'following just and complimentary notice of the U. S. Hotel and its proprietor, friend No.tchison, indi cates: "AN Exonta.ENT HoTx.c.,.—Mr. Hutchison, the proprietor of the Malted States Hotel in Harrisburg. has recently refitted and refur nished his establishment.,'snd has made such other improvements as conduce to the comfort of his numero us guests. The hotel is located in the inrmediate vicinity of the depots of the Pennsylvania Central and Leb anon Valley Railroads, 'and offers superior advantages to the tr 'velar." Tun finest Cadet Company now in the city is that under command of Captain Sayford, and one (if encom.aged by the citizens) which they may soon be proud of. It is composed of sixty-five Yovnig _Men from the ages of six teen to twenty, and none under five feet in height. They are taking a collection for the benefit of those in the.company who axe not able to purchase their own uniforms, and we hope our chisel as will contribltte liberally when called up( m. They enpect to be com pletely equippe d in a month, and will then make a, parade , which we have no doubt will surprise many if not all of our citizens. We learn that th e company is to be named after the highest contributor. The following offi ters have been unanimously elected: Captain, Samuel M. Sayford; Ist Lieut., Jacob Cain; 2nd Lieut., Jacob Homing. THE Puma() Gnoturos.=A great hue and cry has been raised against the Superintend ent of Public Grounds, on the allegation that the capitol grounds are frequented by hordes of prostitutes, who drive away decent people. Be this as it may, it requires a fine discrimi nation to discover such women furlong the well dressed and orderly crowds daily enjoying the shade of the capitol grounds—a discrimina tion which only those who are familiar with such characters can exercise. 'We pass through those grounds daily several times, and have yet to see the first ffi-behaved woman within that enclosure. The Superintendent takes special pains to preserve order—an order which is never broken unless it is by the false fastidiousness of those who, like the writer of the paragraph in question; is ordorons with the pitch he has so often touched, - and he therefore imagines in his own stench that every body else "stinks.", " 2,446 1,404 . 180 . 130 . •65 Mil POLICE AFFAllls—Before the Mciyor. 7 —Peter Egbert, drunk: arid disorderly, was committed to prison for five days. Frederick Reigle, of the 87th_Pennsylvanipy drunk and disorderly, was handed over to the Provost Marshal. Wm. O'Tool and John Adams, for the same offence, were sent to Fort Simmons for forty eight hours. Lizzie Lutz, a notorious strumpet, was sent to prison, to await a further hearing. A young man was arrested to-day, As a sus picious character. It appears that he was on a "spree," and, seeing the police, he started to run. • This led to his arrest, on the above ,charge. He was committed for a further flaming. A resident of Ridge Avenue was fined $5 and costs, for maintaining an offensive ma puma- pile on his premises.. TIES r. S. Senate Ls, by a majority of three, refused-to strike the $3OO commutation clause from the enrollment bill. NILS: STEPSES A. DOUGLAS was in Narris burg yesterday, intending to spend a few weeks in visiting the rural portions of Penn sylvania, as a guest of the family of General Cameron. Last evening, however, she re ceived a telegraphic dispatch from Washing ton ton city, announcitlg the melancholy fact that her only brother, an officer in one of the Dis. , trict of ( olumbia regiments, had been mord' tally wounded. The distinguished lady, took the cars this morning, hastening to return home—perhaps, alas! to weep over a dead brother, but let us hope that she may arrive in time to contribute to his recovery and resto ration to an army of which he is so gallant an' *Lament. Daz Gooos.-1. will, this day, commence to sell off my entire stock of summer dress goods, such as lawns, delaines, ohallies, alpacas, mozambiques, poil de chevre, poplins, and also a large lot of remnants—they will be sold at and below cost. Call soon. SOL. HROWNOLD, Corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House. . jel7-1w GBADATroxs IN lifOtutaiso. --The Round Ta ble this week has an admirable article on the. subject of mourning habiliments, especially those by which lady mourners express the dif ferent degrees of their sorrow, and of which means of proclaiming ours, our sex are de prived. The writer says, in a fine vein of bit-, ter irony: - • • • We men have no such opportunity to ex press a sense of our bereavement in an elabo rate way. Our tailors uniform us in funeral black, our chapelbrs encircle our hats with crape, and there an end. A widower cannot, advertise the freshness or staleness of his sad condition by his clothes. It is impossible to judge of the state of his feelings from his hue. In fact the taste of mankind in; this country runs so generally to black that it is only now and then that affliction Ands :one, of us in motley. In nine eases oust of tes,.all we re: quke to ; put us in full mourning is a weed round the beaver. Cannot this be remedied? Why should there not be a orrow stores for the stupider sex? Is there any just reason why lonely men should not he put through a course of Frenoh greys and places and laven ders as well as women? Do not our griefs become fine by degrees, and 'beautifully less in the same way as those of the queens of creation? Certainly they- Then let the progress of the sequence be made manifest in our coats, and vests, ,and pantaloons. Let us have the gradations of faded melan choly denoted by our hat eintares, so that the public, and more particularly the angelic por tion of it, may undeistand how we are getting along with our tribulations. How can the fair creatures know, under present circum stances, whether an unfortunate widower has just been plunged into inconsolability. or is emerging from it in a lively and approachable' frame of mind? Who can say how many, many male mourn ers of nearly fifty years' standing may have missed eligible offers this blessed leap-year, on account of the forbidding character of their sable suits and love-repuLsing hat bands? We submit to society the propriety of a sliding scale of funeral-habiliments for men. Nothing can ;succeed in this. world without advertising, not even grief. Who will take a store on, Broadway and open a dry-goods tribulation. shop for bereaved masculinity? SNOW ALL TICE YEA.B.4-4t is said that snow lies alt the year in sheltered places or at the base of large mountains in Mexico. This seems strange, but perhaps like many mystp. ries that cloud the mind, if properlyexplained, would be clear and tangible. In our country the-snow melts away from the influence of the sun, and to speak figuratively dry goods are _melting away rapidly through the inducement of low prices, at the cheap store of L. Bow man, No. 1, cor. of Front and Market streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ba,nnvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat DisL' eases, &e., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak - in public. Manufactured only by aA. Bannyart Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, tc. whom all orders should be addressed. 3old by druggist every Where.- Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: .liLutaraeriul, Feb, Bth, 1864... . . C. A. Basitvaiii—Deor Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarssiness and throat troubles, and in comparison with theni all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of- hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. FL ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. I agree with Mr. RObinson as to the value of Eskorivart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. Hanamarmo, den., 1 0 84. To O. A. listurverr—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very freqUently, and in plaome where the vocal organs are very much taxed. I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Trocheti. I consider them very far superior to an; Lozenges that I have ever used, in, rensivint speedily that huskiness of the voice axisim from its too frequent use, and impairing th dffeetiverieas of the delivery of public ac dresses. Yours, &o. • aro. WALKER. JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. - Methodist Church. To C. A. Rourvairr---Dear Sir: Having uses your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in reoomnaending them to all persom afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising, from public speaking or singing. Yours, &a, G. G. RAxEsTRAw, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Dzirrawr Arromarr's Ornoz, Ifissauunrso, Feb. 29, 1864. ) To 0. A. BAN - svelrr—Dair Sir I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening tht muscles of the tlircsit. They impart cleaniiiin' to the voice, and are certainly of great binge dt to all publio speakers. A. 1. HERR Pure Vegetelb'e Medicine. ONE of the very best Vegetable Ikteclioineg is emir °eked to the citizens and intungers of tWk city. It will pur ry the blood, and leave the liver and bowels In a ed healthy co Alition. (Vendee Witheot. the:' le ast pain. Old and young, male and female, all Can take of it. As to the truth of this hundreds OM testify, as it has been well tried for the last ten years -. It is prepared only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27, north ?lee stmti ra• • n 1923 • LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS NEW YQR.X AUCTION. . . GREAT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS, all yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 mUSIIIS, at 24 cents; worth 35 cents. Bleached muslin, at opts; worth 30 cents. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. Black silk, at $120; worth_ $l3l. Black silk, at $l. 30; worth $1 60. Black silk, at $1 45; worth slBb. 2000 yards of black Allot hem auction. Beautiful pearl color stik finish alpaca. Alpacas in leather color, stone cub 's and, other colors. White =rubrics, soft finished 6.4 French Cambric. Jaconetts, britliauta , LriaL Shirt br sets, all linen, tiff 3 , 30, 36, 40 and 58 cents. Splendid assortul , tit of calicos. Croaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. Stockings, the best and cheapellt,- Pocket handkerchiefs ficladiea, aka prices. Mat seines quilts and crash/or t We have now a very large stock of goods, all bought at reduced prlce-t, and which we will, aell at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction ` We have also a very arillotof Alnico, cashmere cloth, boinbazities. S. LIMY. ncyll Sir To Clear the'-IRoxise of Flies, use nuudier's celebrat.4 LIGHTNING FIX-MlLLfia, a neat cheap article, easy to use;7' - Everyslieet will kill a quart 'SOLD EVERYWHERE. rtcnNcti, RICHARDS WV., 10th and Ifarket streets, *Philadelphia. wholesale avow. m➢24-diewsw Miiitary Unsinelig Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance enn have their business trans. acted by mall, by addressing EUGINESKYDER, Attorney.at-Law dell dly `"Third street. Harrishura. w WANTED. AGIRL to do general housework, in a small family. Inquire at 95.4ilark , •tetreet. j. 21-2t* 1 WO COOPERS WANTED. THE highest wages will be paid to TWO CO. )PERS to work on flour barrels. Apply in Short street, between Walnut and South streets to je2L dlw* ' SAMUEL, KINZER; • WANTED. •A YOUNG GIRL who is accustomed to A ,nspiingchilitrgivankolux puke, figooterall taettil, cerftotik :visa;laqine woos. APP I 9 at No. 5 I...6cuXstreiii; uear Froth:' 21-if WANT.. ED—Two good white girls who un dons and cookery, washing, ironing and general houetworklug, in a saute aauter 'tarot. Must • Ego well ro orarneaned. Aptly 4 this • ffiee. jari-dlw EDI PLOT MENT. AIacIVTIL,--.-Agents, wanted to sell j•ge . g , e;t , mikesinee:: Ave eist itfea !obninlio. sae on all meld es sold, or employ agents who will work tbr the some wages auti ell expenses paid. Addreei., D B.aeense:os Detroit, Melt. l elo :1%4 $lO T9 . 111/10, A:DA;Y, A :GENTS , Virbtitt• ircilitra, .THE im . ... PROVED LITItE GIANT REVVING MAGHINE::— The beet cheap Machine tn the United States We are giving a Commission by which the ammo wags can be made, or we wIl employ agents at $75 a month and ex. pensm paid. For paructuars and terms, address, with StumP,_ T. & PAGE, Gen'l Agent, jel342w—wlm . Toledo, 0. AGENTS viaittisit to'eal tde :Stiva' dad- His. tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing (Win $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,004 volumes already sold. Send for cLroulars. address JONES BROS. & CO. de 30 ' ' ' Piibusbera,-Baltimore,' 1 k WANTED --A good pastry Cook, and a gooll'utelat IniNue at the , .ap34-41tf BRADY TIOUSK ALIE vv. AD VERTAPIEN:Ts• CIAO3IAT-4- tiUT MIME SUMMER STOCK AT AND B 0.2 W Q14,1' • -.:s IR$.. N. RYER, No. ..13. „Market Street BEING desirous' of 'closing fiei Summer Stock of alibloeTy Goods, otters Data* at greatly ft:tweed prices ; • such as .. • , SILK AND STUAW BONNETS, .z. 'IIATSAND FLATS;: Constautly'Oil haroiCa 9ptendtrt aiYokisaiii, of VELVETS, LACES, .RUCIIES, HOOP SKIRT'. • • 13ANDiERCHIEFS, GLOVSS, COLLaRS, CUPI.3 FANCY odd* &a— Dealers will don't to calliras,groat- bargains can dt bad 'atveho.efale. = FIRE Woitst '"'''''''fititAitotigft WISOLESALE AND BETA= BY • .4 OXI W 0 --E• ,TRIRD STREET, NEA.R'WITNVT; RA.RRISBLIRG, r following stock of Fireworks is now.in nore: Roman Candles, Rockets, Pin Wheels, Nines of Stars and Serpents. Serpents, Grasettoppers, . • Water,Puts,, • .Fl ower. a . ots, Sonoll Wheels, 1 . 13ttrigoeuLights, Triangle; . • Blue Light; • . Red, White and.Blite r • BPsoSalestos,-•1 •••• Chinese Rockets, .. IFulting-Crackent, Fire Crackers, • Turpedos,. . . Torpedo & Firecracker Gun, hew Torpedo Bow, • Joss Stick, or Punk, Flags, sc. Now is the time to purohase - while there Is a good as sortment. - JOHN je6-dtt • Third snow., noir CANDIDATE FOR CONUEESS. Hammtatmo, Pa.,.June 9, DAL TE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Repooliminsof the 14th tougressional Dis trict of.Penssilvautia. composed of ite . c.biatties of "Die .ptiin,' Norttonatieriand, iltirop Snyder, for nominatimi by the . ses'erill th unty:conteriViong'of the said District. peittdtc) ' JOSIAH ESPY. SPIRITVALISM. . LIITL H. PAIsT," Blind Test Medium. will 1.0 give seances rOr o.fflinitinuxi with the spirit World, at lizoltange nail, Walnut stoat, wag tattier uutice 1k will tifeo Chirvoyant. exaupauaßtAl diombell tot those .desiring iL , Ruud Irma sy s It to' 'Wet and tyi P. X,19,t . ? r. Te, = Weems each Sitting. Viery.bun,tipoiying fur a sluing;lues it on their , own pat.otudbllity, as the manifustatain of a spirit is want ill.- . .uption of the medium. jeB-dtf TO LEARN 'PIAKHORTE)PLAYING EASILY AND THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRIN..7/obl BOON. "itiobardson'e New Method.. An improvement upon all others in pro gressive wartgemencadapridion and simplicity. iound pd upon a new and original plan, and illustrated by a 4eries of plates, showing trio proper position of the hand. and angers. The popularity of this book has never,beeilt equalled, by that of tiny diibilar work. Ten thohband copies are sold every year. Among teachers and ad wno ha. e examineu it, It Is. pronounced sootier Ari• eicalrence to all °Met ••Methods," "Systems,"' and "Schools," and toe bok that every pupil needs for the aCqUirelnent , of a thorough knowledge of Piano-forte playingl ft is adapt d to eh [Ades of tuition, from the rudimental studies of the youngest, to the studies and exercise of advanced puphs. NCO editions are published, tine +.4:Wining American, the other Folobiu tinge, tag- When the wink is ordered, it no Jefercnce la designated, the edition with American flu 'goring wall be sent. • wile sure that in ordering it. yon are particular it. ipecuyaig the "NEW Ida ifitaD." trice $3llO. Medea, postpaid, to any ad reek cold by all Mus.c Dealers. DIISUN & Publishers 2i7 Washington t. B stun b'tOlt AMIE valuable property, corner of Second and Pine street*, being fifty-two and a half feet on Si ;owl and one hundred and shay-eight feet on Pine street. running back two hundred and teateet to Barbara alley, there being apace for four Marinading lota, and a molds. Arable else for a Governor'iMinaion or public buildjnEt. For particulars enquire of Kra MUMMY, corner of Se. ,00nd awl Pine ream -. 4 - inwsmr PIC-NIC.S. D Pon vat ntN-Lrrr or T ST. PETEWS VEBILIN ) wzr.r.„ BE GIVEN XI 1. - X AEU 'IS WOODS, ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1864. Tickets 24 cents. nigNIBUSES will run during the day from the Secoad. Ward louse; corner of Chestnut and Second streets. je3l-to-thasatitturi- ANNUAL PIC-NIC, TO 'BE GIVEN BY THE CITIZEN FIRE ENGINE AND HOSE CONPANT WOODS, QN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 18G4. TN:ail:in the patronage of the public, the nomtuittee give notice that it is their intention to make this pia nic in keeping with old time ones, and that they will not:permit - any lady to ba.prewnt that has not receiveda,printed invitation. Cards ofdavitatton Lobe had of the committee. Tickets of admission to the ground.s26 cents. Can will run to the.groriszds, viz:., - Leave at • . is A. it. • do 2e. lL Return at - Railroad tickets to be had of the Committee on day of • Fare, round trip, twenty-tlye cents. COMMIITKE. William .77.aarreace, Frocilßa Farr Demard Prtsch. G e orge i W Oser, Charles pinion; Samuel Guiler, John Mose, D u Krause, Johii:WhitmOyez, George Sooner, John Cti.ey, Joseph Sponzler George Krause,' Nasser of-Cereptonieti, B Frisch. lett-did NEW ADVEKTESEMCNTS. EXTLA.OIIDINARY DIStOVEItY. ORIENTAL HY Gill BAROMETER, OR Natural Weather Indicator, WITH A BEAUTIFUL THERIMMETER ATTACHED. 11 1 13/3 simple and. useful' instrument is. now A. offered for sale for me drat time • lu the State of Pa., tile anderaigned haring secured the tight of safe in saki k* the blowing outitiea: Dauphin, Cumberland, Adams, Frani:Roc •Yeset and Perry, of Friaber, Cook-si Co, agents for the Stave, ataLare now prepared to selltheMeirtituel.t aG wholetah, and'retaiL - The lustrinu. at will tellaith un failing accuracy the bygroinctiral audition of the atmos phere, thus foretelling the changes of -Mc weather front 12 to 48 II urn to adeance. The acting moving principle is the pistols of a Hower, found in :Ina, near Damascus, and le no highly sensitive that it is acted upon by the least chenwer tee lomosehere. Persons [emitter with aaturai eefienetVlrti..w that llitlinlekrahoultit the air is tilled with tuitteous vapor, which must condense to cause rain to fall; this mobture mdat • skis ht - the aitnespliere severe. hums i. advance of the coming storm •No other aerometer Manutacturefl will Edema with accuracy the approa h of .ain. But this NATURAL EIDBOSCOPE, the work of NA TURE'S tAVN HAND, Ohs up the veld which man collie not ac• omplish, And points Lis unernng Unger to all changes of the we after, and ties never been knoa.n to fail_ It is valuable to the Fa mer, the Physician, the Clergy man, the Navigator, the Travelzr, the Merchant, and everybody- 'lt is very, Simple to understand, and. never requires any rep 'tiring!• They are cheap, durable and ratable. :For sale only by agents, and 14 Knoche's Music store, No. 93 Market s reet. Prix $3 75. One of the iunruments win be sent by env:tun, on re. celpt of 15 Ag• nt.l wanted in every town iti the above named counties. Apply akabove, to lief4.4l2wew2t, F NNO k MAXWELL, Agents. DEPEII 4J.E ISLAN WIRE EsERRILr. • T HE iiropiietor of this cool and . delightful Summer Eterort would most respectfullY announce in the eiftsens of 'Harrisburg that the Wend is now open for visitors. Acoammodutions will be fur,lahe to puttee , end .pic-nlas on reasonable terms, a . dancing platform ben erected for dfeir special use. reason tickets tor Omit:es, good for one year, O. ,No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated PelnOns will be permitted to clan the 'Ltiand. sal- No intoximtdig liquors sod on Setiday. • A Wire . Fe: ry, woh a good tkost. plying constantly tweeu she Island and foot or Brost 1 street, Vret4 EiarriA barg . BENNY BECKER Jel44lm Sole Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPH ALB U ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Plio - tograpb. Albums. BOUND in FINE MOROOOO--panellei4 gilt and mounted with two heavy glI6 clasps. ALBUMS WITH. • 30 Platenls for... • $3 00 40 IA t: . 3 64 =iou ii .4 04 toigetiuir with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and Pri_oep, which will be eold cheap. - - AOldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more. durable and oheayer album anywhere. Can and see at SCHEFFER'S Hookstore, .marl2dtf Harrisburg, Pa. THE NEW BOOKS. I STUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Ham iithri. Price $l5O HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp lighter. $2 IN) DAItEEES S AED DAELItiII by Mrs: liolumo Si •50 BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. 60 cent& THE SMALL HOUSE OF ALLIINGTON, by Trollop°. $1 25 BRVIN STORIES, bx.ME Marvel, author of 'Reveries of a Baatmilor. , ' $1.60 SPEOPS JOURNAL of the Discovery of the sources of the Nile. $3 60 THE WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Man ID Gray." ' $l. $0 NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov . '6/ to Aug, 'O, $l, 00 X • STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys; from Cooper's writings .$1 00 , STORIEB OF THE- WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's writings. $1 00 . . OUR DATLY FARE, a daily journal of the brig, Sani tary 'Fair at Philadelphia; usttat•.d; subscriptions re ceived•at $3. 00 Ail new books received as soen as published at BERGNEWS•BOOK STORE, 51 Market street HARRISBURG CEMETERY. T HE public are hereby notified that lots may he. parcbased and permits ba4 at We office or esidew e of the Treasurer,. in Chestnut street, a few doors east of Second . In par nance - of a resofttiloti adopted h 5 the Beard of .btanagers, parties applying tor penults are r eu , sied boreal ter id fUruish to the Tremurer 'the name arch:cased, daft of death disease or cause of death, age ..f dew 'sect, Caine:- or parents, if a chi d; and residence of leceaeeth 6 record of CI se facts is kept for retsrence, and it is highly important that it should he complete. By the rules of tae also. Cation, the price of ii t^rment , must Wall awes be paid at the time the permit is grautoi. • • n. IC GRAYDON, jelerd3teod - Treasurer. LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID BENNET yiehls with milk the most luscious of all deserts fer -with table; the light est and most grateful diet fol k invalids and children- Mac omtams every elentetti of the bodily constitution; when e.tagulatal with i exact it is always ben and etvy te digestion, and 'supporta the' syiitem with the least possible excitement. W.ts.n mill greater nutritive i ower iadeah tat, cream andativar may be added 'a leaSponutul converts quart of milt into a fleet curd. Prepar'd and sold, whmesaleihnd retail by S A. MUNK 1 4 ,lels-te 118 Marts , street. PHOTubT BLARHELAVEI 0F1 , 1071, /4TH MSTKIC; HAH/LIINSIJECI Pa., Junes 6, 11504 j TO DRAFTLD MEN.—I em directed by iL Lleut 001. J. V Rumford, A'. A Provost- Manilla' lettereal by hm ci anis; Nu. 69, of June 4; 1804, w puto uts "Teat:. rafted ineu are not &slowed E., enlist a s y e u „. Wets after being ar•tued; WA that the Cre...11.6 for dtalted nen will remain for the sub-Mariam from which Mal mire or..fted uo matter whether local bounty has ur has not been paid to such zueu, upset "ill gal mamma. ts JNO. HAY CLEMENT, • . Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Diet, jett-dtf :N9J,ISH DAIRY and, F szvr YORK STATE MEIER At [non] WX. DOCK, Js , & co. IJ SEMEN TS. xaxrisburg, Z`tsd'uue 2~. POSITiv..ELY ONE DAY ONI,1,1; DAN iiICE 3 &GlilitlA.T. SHOW. A TRlTEE'66th3imiiiik''-`1 Ist—Dan Rice's Great Show: • 2d—Henry Cook's wonderful • Troupe of Acting Dogs and MoUyey,s - ,, • 3d—Barclays performing Buffaloes and Cantanchp MRS. DAN AlEcx- Will make her first appearande fibre inciter beautiful menage scenes, introducnig ;14 highly trained War Charger.' • ' • ' T. 0 ItN A-130-or:i _ . MRS. Emase And her Troupe of Berforridug Harass. THE GREAT BLIND HORSE.EXCELRAIt,,',.: s c , o • All under the personal , diction great , - HUMORIST, DAN I:.IG.aF Admission—Box 25 ; Reserved Seats 501,,zp.).., Location on Second street, near Factou, „, 4 , je2otd _ = CANTERBURY MUSIC HAll WALNUT ST., BELOW . Tlll.O. J.H. DONNELL . ..... . . OPEN 11:‘"'LltY FMNINO, • • " 0 """ With a First-class Company of .-"":‘ .2 -' 7 '.- SLNDERS, HANOER4 , CONEDIAIiti, itc. 3 tihnissten..lsl6ents • • • . ........ ... +eats in Boxes ACI CTIO.N NA IX CONDEMNED TIORS,U.. [ . WAR DZPARTURST, CAVALRY BURIAU . OPFicit or CLOMP Quatrricrautsix' Be , r. . • avie Vit...i WAaItr , NGTON, D. C. Aprd 2.5, 1564.. i , y WILL be sold at public - azieboiy 'to t;p42, . highest bidder, at the times and places nanietbi*, tow. viz: Viiiiamsport, Pentia, Thursday, June Md. One Hundred (1W flUrzeS at Getty4mig,'and Two Han died and Fitty (251.) at each of the oilier places. These Horses hare been cendeamed as uaftt for V.te. Cavalry semce of the United States Army. •,`• • For road and farm purposes many good bargains Thar be had. Homes will be sold singly. Sales begin at 100 s., and continue daily tin all are sold. TESMS: CAS3 in ritited States Treasury notes-Maly. JAMES A. U. Cat and C. Q.M.' Cavalry Flur.au ap2S-dtd NOT/CE. Imum Commissioners, nanfeei . in an Act cdthe Leg,l4iatiire,.atiptovetrilieilthLyEiy --.. of May, 1361, entitle:l an act. to iiicorponite.thera- ~, buig and Racial Gap Railroad Coropaiiy, herebyaily'9;..: vublie police that bo.dcs will be Open : id for rot:etyma sori,tione to the Capita. Stock, of said. OOMp:Myrillt.gi';' (Mowing named times am 1. paces in the coun&y. . tie.,Tfau ...,,. pin; to wit : At the Douse of Jac.ilb Li:lake!' tito.tutit ~... town, on TIiU9SDAY, the = day qr./141e, inst. ..4rOde - '''' .1 nouse of Benjamin Baronet, to 6 errysbufg, on diegsrni..,'... the 97th day or. June inst. At the house of J. G. IT ' .T.,,,, t. ' r ota ,: in in Millersburg, 011 THURSDAY, the .10th day of • Vii, , Harr nap . At the JONES HOUSE, in the City of Bart; tits . 7 ; en TUESDAY, the sth day of July next ; and flail:t r ait ..,:... times and plates some two or more of the Conita4aV . pdi will at:end, sad that the Ikkidte, will be kept ofka.:*•oliq. , a ; ,ix hoar% txisomenoing at 9 o'clock in Me.ternfiket./.. ',„..,.., every day, for the term of .three judicial dohs,. or, ian.. Me number of abates autleirii..d by the' law shal 'have— been sobsetitio.C..' .., ' 1/AVID IL '.'P0WC5R,"..1......1. , 8 II f." , :liY TllO%iA-t,, JAMES FItIiELAI.Df , -'-"Ltwl a. • 31'. BNUBAKEW; ~. "---: F. n'ENRICIL,'.• - ='- - -" ,1 1, .ToNATRAN SWAB," . -r. , • , ''' DANIEL DIEM .2--- -' . je2ll4*•-• - ' ILIRRISBURO, Ist June, 1864. CLOAKS - CI.RCULAIMS • = AND IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUTL.DINfa tc „: : MARKET erkEE:r. A New Philadelphia Cloak atom Have now a splendid assortment. of SPRING Ak. SERTIMR, MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIROULANS, NEW FRENCH SACKS„ AlD_ NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in every- eolor and:band comely throdkxt, from $1" 50 to 518. - , • - 10(a) SLUE DIAZCKEtS,, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND RASES, Randsffinety and ri, lily triMmed, from 810 npWard t. RILDREN'S MANTELS L.N.LAtikIE VARIETY 10-2,5 • - ;.Vi IL LIN AI .11.- 71- . 0 0:4).14`. MRS. V. , H-TRBS, NO S DI AL FL (Next door to Couteenenery4 iti XXTB_' ERE SHE IS PREPARED to soil to V the ladiesur ilarrisbura Eutd vicinity the • .+ Latest Styles of ilillintry and Fancy goods ; .it cheaper prune than aLy Li unc in the city., Ilt;•,juadtyt f her, g0,,;(1b annul be eueikte,ett. DRP.4B MAICIAW t v THE I i ATEST Brt - , , nvq...4y exemitect. Ladies Oa and examine for yourselves. ai,LS . • NEW PHILADELPHIA C LO A Ii Ct....V. or D. W. GDOSS' NEW BI ; Market Street, Harriskur4 1,03 DIFFERENT ST AL " E..1/1. or irAsnrimiAßLE -s' ' 4l CILOAK.S AND D-cirriteß's . • FINE, SPRING 8141 y, i 43 wilt open on the lot of Apr& PICKLES! wit By thC - barrel; hair Wirral:Wet &ape at fi0251 B' $17.11 k AftEIIPF.R. '41381 AliklVtDl—A tine lot of CANNED PEACIIEB and , TtiMATOtS. Alga; :SUPFIR/ 011 PINE &PYLES, FR:SIi PEAS, sc., Just eceived by myl4-clti JOHN w1:-E. 3d streo, bear NY0p91..„ 50 DOZEN JAILS ENGLtsli PICKLES cumiinsing Pikalihy, Chow Chmc'eaglidthiftiliAL. Alga Pickles, thalami, WaLmts l• 01.1101317. For sale *Malmo and reuatuy SHISLEN, a FRAZER, mys , succesi”rs co W Dock., Jr., it Ca. NEB's BEEF and. MESA Pq.V.K.- • arucie of Mess Beef and 'Pork at an g . Istle.T 4 Smg , PiliAn_ht.3VaglOt TIO YOU wish,a tociftleolda? If so, 1.1 all at SClPOrkilt4Bakan lifafrjr. tuolit MEE ) =M EINE -3,.... -, ir CM u _t.`_ ME:I BIM