-•, - - flailn o,,,tltßrapil HAILItIBURG, PA SATI:RDAI EVENING, JUNE IS, 15bi, NOTi CR. TO ADVEIt Adver tisements, BILSiIIe3S Notices, Marriages, Deaths, to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably- be accom pattled with the CASII. Advertisements ordered in the regular evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. State of the Thermometer To-day. 8 A. 31". 11 A. 'AT 70 79 ToWN AND COUNTRY. LOCAL BOUNTY FOR CREDITS paid at llen's Hotel. jcl4dlw* I= Tian German Reformed congregation of Al toona has commenced the erection of a new house of worship. REY. S. M'Nkra, of Lancaster county, will preach in the Old School Presbyterian Church; to-morrow morning and evening. BAPTIST SERVICES, CORNER OF PINE AND SEC OND STREETS.-Dr. J. "It. Loomis, President of Lewisburg University, will preach in the morning at 10 and evening at 7A- o'clock. The public are invited to attend. Tnc Union meu of Union county have nom - - mated the following ticket: Assethlify, Samuel H. Orwig, of Union county; Sheriff, Thomas Church; Commissioner, Michael Kleckner; Auditor, James Aiken; Coroner, Benjamin Haus. A.TIENTION, meeting of the old Union Cadets will be held this (Saturday) evening at 74; o'clock, at the old place, corner of Chestnut and Front streets. Punctual at tendance is desired, as important business will be transacted. By order of the Captain. A Hsavr rONTBACT. —The contract for the whole mail service from Atchison, Kansas, via Salt Lake, to Fulton City, California, has been awarded to John A. Hiestand, ono of the proprietors of the Lancaster E.umiiiner, for $750,000 per annum. This is for letter mails only between the Atlantic and Pacific coast,. and is the largest contract ever given out by the Post office Department. THE OLD FLe.o is the title of a campaign journal to be issued in Chanabersburg, by Messrs. M'Clure & Stoner, of the Fra7llc lin Bspositoru. The new paper will be devoted to the Union cause, and will be a valuable ac cession to the list of loyal papers published in the State. We cheerfully recommend The Old Flag to every friend of the good old Union. See prospectus in our advertising columns. GONE TO EUROPE. —Mr. Harry H. Davis sailed for Europe to-day from New York, for the purpose of exhibiting his great panorama of the American war to the people beyond the "big water." He will visit all the principal cities and towns of the Old Country. Harry has the best wishes of numerous friends for unbounded success. A more interesting pan orama was never exhibited, and the paintings are the finest ever placed upon canvass. A TOUGH. STORY. —The tlifflinburg Telegraph says that last week, during a thunder storm, the lightning struck a tree standing over a' mine, near Milllinburg, and passed down the trunk of the tree to the ground, and through a hole into the mine, where it run down a man's back and tore a heel off one of his shoes. He was stunned, and his back was burnt some. He walked to his home without assistance and we are informed is doing well. Paull BEET—Mammoth Steen—That we known stock-raiser, John Noble, Esq., of Oar lisle, has sold to Mr. John Beams, of this city, a mammoth steer, weighing three thousand pounds, for the handsome sum of three hun dred and fifty dollars. The animal was fed three years by Mr. Noble, and is .but one of numerous specimens of cattle . feffby that gen tleman. The thanks of our citizens are due to Mr. Baulus for his efforts to - suply them with a superior quality of meat4nd we have no doubt that when this prize'.;beef is dis played J;tt market there will be a great demand for it. Mr. 13aulus will exhibit the mamingth. steer at his place of business in this city din-- lug the next ten days or two_Nsiaeks; and invites the public to call and see - him. At the end of that period the animal will be slaughtered, and the beef offered for sale at Mr. Bantus' stand in market. jelB-d4twlt =1 POLICE AFFAIRS. —Last night the police, in a body. made a descent upon a notorious den of iniquity kept by Lizzie Jones, and captured Lavina Wilson, Catharine Rhodes, Anna Wil son, Anna Allen, Jennie Barnitsrliary Webb and Mary Johnson, beslU3 ~ ,,everal men, cih xens and strangers. LavititiWilson and the men arrested, were held in bail ; to appear as witnesses, and the balance of the party were bound over for appearance at court. The gay Lizzie was "not at home," and escaped arrest. The 'public will rejoice to learn that one of the principal dens of infamy in 'Harrisburg is likely to be broken up, and it is hoped the officers of the law will continue to pounce upon Such:institutions until not one shall be left within the limits of our city, the reputa tion of which has suffered seriously on ac count of the numerous houses of ill-fame that have been permitted to exist here. Two drunks and disorderlieq t were' discharged upon payment of fine and costs. _- Harriet Harris, (colored;) found in'ecSmpaiiY with a white man, in the •sikurbs - of the'city, was sent to Fort Simmons for ten gays, ' Ellen Jones, colored, arrlited for disorderly conduct, was discharged. k-= .. ~, r . fr. Augustus Snyder, charg 111.94a1ing,-* 47 tain articles from Lewis A plerAiiregpi,, SM. committed for court. - Jacob Bingle4c)r pure: tides, was .held to' glad HARD and soft shell Crabs will be served ttp in the best style this evening, at Chester's restaurant, under the Buehler House. Do not fail to attend. ON the railroad line from Harrisburg to All toona, Mr. John Riekabaugh is appointed route agent in place of George C. Ferree, re signed. Arrmrrrox, COMPANY!—The members of the Zouave Cadets are requested to meet for drill this evening, at 7i o'clock. Punctual attend ance is desired. By order of the Captain. D. 0. MEAD is stopping for a few days in Ildrrisbnrg, to apply the Ashcroft Low WATEE bsiscroas for any persons desiring it in this vicinity. Orders may be left at this. office. 'elB-2t 3 P. M 80 Daownpo.---A boy named Shafer was drowned at Sunbury, on Monday, by falling overboard from a boat on which he was play ing. His age was six years. Tire Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company advertise a sale of unclaimed goods, to take place on the 17th of September, in BEE THE Pittsburg Sanitary Fair has been a per feet success. Two hundred and ninety thou sand dollars had been realized up tciThurs- FATAL Accmuux.--On Tuesday, at noon, at bridge No. 12, near Tyrone, Mr. George Ai at tern, a carpenter, was run over by an emi grant train, and his right log was crushed from the knee to the ankle, and died next morning. • THE MERCRALRT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS of this city have resolved to close their respective places of business at eight o'cleck in the even with the exception of Saturdays. This arrangement is to go into effect on. Monday, June 20, and to continue until the first of October. COLORED SUBSTITUTES—It iS said that Pro vost Marshal General Fry has issued instrue tions to the various provost marshals that tinder existing laws, they can receive or ac cept colored substitutes for white persons This decision will naturally cause a great re dilation of the rates demanded for white sub stitutes. REVISION OF. THE TAX LAWS OF THE STATE.- On the Ist day of July next, a committee of the House of Representatives, consisting of Messrs. Reed, Smith, of Chester, Barger, Coleman, Robinson, Bigham and Pershing, will meet in this city for the purpose of pre paring a new tax bill, to be submitted to the Legislature at the adjourned session in August. • Sara: or Rzei Earkrz.—J. H. Berryhill, we tuadermtand, has sold three lots of two acres each, with river front, for s6,loo—one to Col. H. C. Alleman, the corner on Reel's lane, for $2,100; another to Geo. H. and Wm. H. Bell, for $2,000; and another to M. G. Einstein, for $2,000, and eight acres and a half, a most beautiful building site, to Eby Byers. These gentlemen intend erecting fine residences. Mr. Berryhill has eight acres left for sale, with new house and barn—a very desirable property. So ranch for advertising in the TELEGRAPH. THE MELT QuEsrms.—The meat questicie, of late, seems to be talked about - very much by our exchanges. Housekeepers and °them interested in a reduction of the high prices or neat, are discussing that some way be adopted to bring butchers down to reasonable buying terms. They recommend that the best plan for all to pursue is to purchase only one-half their usual quantity of meat, and make up for it by eating other food, quite as riouTi7.hing and teSs expensive. The family 'barge:bin -in. many instances has been called upon for an opinion, and decided that animal food of this season of the year was more injurious to the human system than the farinace.ks and vege table food that may be obtained at cheaper A. SELL. —The Baltimore Clippv says that a complete sell was gotten off on. Thursday night upon the city fathers l'y some mischiev ous wag or wags. During the day upwards of one hundred circulars were received-by mem bers ortiiii City:6o7rib 1, c,ther leading:politicians, gover innent - Coiiiiactelvk chaplains, - Military officers, &a., inviting them to be present at the Eutaw House at the hour of 9 r. M., to witness the ; presentation of a magnificent sword, sash, spurs, &c., to Brevet Brig. Gen. W.W. Morris. At the hour above named, a large number o f the invited guests, the majority of them members of the City, Council, assembled in tb ie. rotunda of the hotel and sorely taxed the pet ience of Mr. : Bayless, the clerk, as to what ti me the presentation, was, to take place, and in. what room the sup per was to bo served up, &e. Mr•.Bay less informed the questi.oners that he was -norant of the affair, and that the Generalized heard nothing of it. About half past nine. _ceelcicic,-; : seterV - ,of the 77mvit, ed ones arrived at 110, thee at ?air appeared very Idttch wail amusing to see .tlatni make-their exit o'itim the building. The *need - > guetitti./were fiot dike only ones taken 101 pless, laps received invitations, e, expecfMg to fare sump tllollBl3l.l444llPh ithillitliut3trithsp: Ming. P The sfell was itaidefl; ettetesi. sing the above fir. at 01)&0- I=l evening rates A SAD Accrozwr occurred on the Lebanon Valley railroad on. Wednesday evening of last week. A deaf and dumb § years o f age, daughter of Mr. John Hinnershitz, of Spring township, was struck upon the head by the bumper of the enkine attached to the Harris burg Accommodation train, on the Lebanon - Valley Branch. about miles west of the Schuylkill bridge, and iristfmtly killed. The fireman noticed her upon the track, and gave warning to the engineer, who endeavored to stop the train, but unsuccessfially, as there is. a heavy down grade at that point, and the poor child could not hear the sound of the whistle. She was picked up and carried home by her father, who was in an adjoining field at the time. lhV. Da Onotrrr Secretary of the Ameri eau Colonization Society, will occupy the pul pit of the New School Presbyterian Church to morrow (Sunday) morning, and that of the Lutheran (Dr. Hay's) at 6 o'clock, P. THERE will be preaching by the United Brethren in Christ to-morrow at 10 o'clock in the morning and•at 6 o'clock in the even ing, in the German language, in the Orphans' Court Room in the Court House. GERMAN REFOEMMD Crruacm—Divine ser vice in the German Reformed church, Chest nut street, to-morrow (Sabbath) morning and evening at the usual hours. Preaching by the Rev. Wm. A. Gring, of Somerset county. Go TO Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op posite the Court House, and see the new Ba rometer; they foretell the weather accurately from 12 to 48 hours in advance. Every per son should have one. jelG-2‘v 1=0:11 Tn - znE was a great rush at market this morning. Butter sold at 20 to 25 cents; eggs, 20 to 30 cents; cherries 5 to 15 cts. per quart; new potatoes 15 cets per quart. Other arti cles were sold at the same rates as heretofore? WE learn that some of our soldiers have been quite fortunate down in rebeldom. The members of a company of the 45th Pa. regi ment found upwards of $3,500 in gold and silver, buried in deserted farms. One member of the company made a haul of .some $3OO The discovered treasures were divided among the boys. Das Goons.:—l will, this day, commence to sell off my entire stock of summer dress goods, such as lawns, delaines, ohallies, alpacas, dtozambiques, poil . de chevre; poplins, and also a large lot of remnants—they will be sold at and below cost. Call soon. SOL. BROWNOLD, Corner - Second and Market, opposite Jones Rouse. ji3l7-1w SANFORD'S —This distinguished Troupe has bee wi,kti us for two nights, and we hre decidedly of, opinion that the great reputation which thekhave enjoyed for Years was meritedly bestoweß upon them indeed, we think they are constantly improving in their performances. Of all the operatic troupes frequenting our city from time to time,no one is equal to Sanford's. The young; the middle aged, and the old who attend their perform ances, all go away speaking in terms of uni versal commendation. The curious, the lov ers of pleasant entertainments, and the seek ers of amusement, .re alike pleased by all their efforts. —Reading Daily Reporter. The people of Harrisburg should not forget that Sanford's troupe will appear at the Opera House, this evening, in a grand bill of attrac tions. This will be the last night of the season. On Monday the company will start up the Cumberland Valley. To eveubodywe would say, go to Sanford's to-night. SPECIAL . NOTICES. Ita,nnvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to oiinisters, singerS and persons whose vocatibn calls them to speakp public., Mawlectured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co. ' Harrisburg, - 'Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. bold by druggist every where. • Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: io Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BAtervewr--Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches.Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully. commend your own as a most admirable specific for publics speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseneis, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in 'ime of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. `l•agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bascurrart's Troches. W. 0. CATTRT , T, Late Pastor . of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. Hasarsauso. Jan., 464. To C. A. B.ortivrarr—Dear Sir: In th - habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. • I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily.that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery , of public a - dresses. Yours, So., JNO. WAT.RVIR JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St, Methodist Church. To a A. BessvAirr--Dear Sir: Having net. your Inches I sin free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat' or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singisg. y ours, G. a Ft A WFISMA..W, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, 1 . HARRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1864. • To C. A. Batorvsnr--Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable 'in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart (dearness to the voids, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERB COLGA.TIVIS HONEY solo.. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such 'universal do inand,„ is made-from the choicest, materials, is mild and einollient lu its nature, Trafpniatly:seentedi , and: extnately beneficialin its action upon the skim For sale by all Drnabita l'anoY Goods Dealers. Jan2s-iiraly Brown's Bronchial Troches. "1 have never changed my mind respecting them from the first, except to think ye; better of that which 1 trgan thamiug well of" Rev. HRNRY WARD BEHCHiLft. "The Troches are a staff of life to m e.. Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres. Ham Ron Collet+, Hinton, N. T. "For Throat Trouoles they are a sissoific."' N. P. WILLIS. "Too favorably known to need commendatiou." Hon t EAS. A. PHELPS, Pres. Wass. Senate. "Contain no upl m nor any ling Dr. A A. HAYES, Ch..nal,t; Boston. "An elegant combinaLon, tor coughs," Dr. P..BIGELOW, Boston. recommend their us:: to public speakers." Key. E. IL CDAPIN "Most salutary rdier in Bronchiiis." Rev. S. Sr:Da-BLED Morristown, Ohio. "Very bmeficial when suffering from Oold.." Rev. S J. P. ANDERSON St. l Dula "Almo.t instant relief in the distressing labor or breath ing peculiar to Asthma " Rev. A. C. EGLESTON; New "rode. "They have suited my case exactly, pal OVUM my throat so that I could sing with ease." - T. DUCNAR ME., ChOritter EMIR& Partals.Ceuteb, Montreal. AAgieregelritations-be,sere !eobts4sk the Giman. 1I dk lV Aprrtit. ~, WANTED—A man to take charge of a Horse and Cart. Most be acqnaintea with tbe town. 'To an honest, faithful man, good wages will be paid. Enquire of A. it Meradden, corner or Slate and Fi'bert jelli-lt* WANTED—Two good white girls who un derstand cookery, washing, Ironing and general bouseworking, In a small country betel. Must (Imo well wommended. Apply at this idles. WANTED—A coloredboy 14 or 16 years of age to assist in the work of the kitchen. En quire at the Jones Roam jel.6-3t BOARDING WANTED By a gentleman and his wife and two small otii.dren, in a private buarding house, or a private family. Address J. w. J., at jel6-d3t THIS OFFICE. MOULDERS. GOOD "MOTILDERS wanted at jele-d4i* MOTT FOUNDRY, Reading, Pa ANTED TO RENT—Two rooms for a respectable colored family, consisting of three raons. Apply at Herr's Hotel. • jel6.3t* • BOARDING/ WAISTED IN a private family, by a gentleman and wife, with rooms furnished or unfurnished. Apply ttL Liel6-3/ 4 9 THIS OFFICE. EMPLOYMENT. $75 A MONTH.—Agents wanted to sell Sewing Machine& We will give a commis sion on all machines sold, or employ agents who will work tor.the above wages and all expenses paid. Address, D. B. HERRINGTON & Co., Detroit, IA jet° 2w* - RlO TO $2O A DAY. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TELE IM PROVED LITTLE GIANT SEWING .MACHINE.— The best cheap Machine in the United States. We are giving a Commission by which the above wages can be made, or we will employ agents at $75 a month and el. peliSCB paid. For particulars and terms, address, with stamp, T. S. PAGE, Gong Agent, jel3-dtre-Wlin Toledo, 0. GENTS wanted to sell the Standard His tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for eimulars. S. &. CO Address JONES BRO., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. de 30 WANTEDA good pastry Cook, and a good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap3o-dtf BRADY ROUSE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK. AT AND BELOW COST. MRS. N. MAYER, """No. 3 Market* Street, BRING desirous of closing her Summer Stock! of Milduery Goods, offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNE NDTS, HATS A FLATS, &C. Constantly on hand; a splandid'assortment of SILKS, VELVETS, LACES RUC T ITES, HOOP SKIRTS. CORSATS, HOSIER DK Y,_ HANERMEPS, „OLOVES, • • COLLARS, pulils • BEfas, FANCY GOODS, &a Dealers will do well to call, as great bargains can be at wholeFale. jel.4 FIREWORKS! WOOLEEULLZ AND RETAIL BY ejOLUN..7iViSVArg THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNIIT, zuttassußG, PA. TETfollowing stock of Fireworks is now in 3T : Roman CLales, Rockets, Pln Wheats, 4 . . I Mines or Stars and Serpents. Serpents, Gsasshoppers, Water Pots, . Flower rota, . - Scroll Wheels, Behitole; Lights, Triangle;. • Blue lAghts, _ Red, White and Blne, ~ SPatigalettes, Chinese Rockets, . . -Pahang Ciackers, Fire Crackers,., Torpedos, Torpedo & Fitecratker Gun, hew Torpedo Bow, Joss Stick, or Punk, Flags, sc. Now is the time to purchase while there is a good as sortment. JOHN WISF, je6-dt( Third street, near Walnut, CANDIDATE FOIL `CONGEESS. HARMBMW, Ps., June 9,1864. TAE undersigned respectfully offers himself the Republicans of the 14th Congressional Dis trict, of Pennsylvania, composed of toe counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said District. De9tdtel JOSIAA ESPY. SPIRITIIALIS*. SAM'I H. PAIST, Blind Teht Medium . will give seances for communion with the Spirit World, at itschange Sall, Walnut street, until further notice. He will alto make clairvoyant examination of diseases for those desiring it. Hours from B.g A. m. H., and lg v. Y. to sr. M. Terms 50 cents:each sitting: Every one applying for a sitting does It on their own responsibility, as the raanifestationof a spirit is notat the option of the medium. .106-dif TO LEARN PIANO-FORTE PLAYING EASILY AND THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRUCTION BOOK. "Richardson's New. Method." An improvement upon all others itt pro. gressive arrangement, adaptation and simplicity. Found ed upon a new and. originaltplan,. and .illastrated : by a sesies of plates, showing the proper ;Osaka of the hands' and fingers. The popularity of this book has never been equalled by that of any similar work. Ten thousand copies are sold every year. Among teachers and ad who have examined it, it is pronotinced superior in' ethellince to all other "Methods," "Systems," .and •"Schools," and the book that every pupil needs for the acquirement of a thorough knOwiedge of Piano-forte playingt It is adapted to all grades of tuition, from the rudimental studies of the youngest, to the studies and exorcise- of advanced pupils. Two editions are published, one adopting American the other Foreign fingering. When the work is ordered, if no preference is designated, the edition with American tin , gering will be sent . lorße sure that in ordering It you are particular in specifying the "NEW METHOD." Price $3 50. Mailed, postpaid, to any ado ress„,_dold Wall:Mum Dealers. OLIVER DIMON it OR, Publishers, 277 Washington street, Roston, ,le7-tf NEW YIIIUI)ELPHIA CLOAK sir on-v., IN D. W. GROW' NNW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OB reintiomuns . CLOAKS AND,CIRCUL ARS AND FINE SPRING SHAIVLS. will O p en on the Ist of April. (mar2l-dly Land-for Scale. -520 at private sale, part or the whole, to suit 4CREa Dauphin Co. purcuasvrs ; 135 acres clear, good buildings thereon, with navr ForTurther particulars, address L. MIMED, Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa, my3o-d3m* PICKLESI •TIN I ! By the barrel, half barrel;jar or dozen, at n0f.51 BOVBR & KOERPF.R. -rus F I 4 . AR E H S I V n ED T!—OMLATOinEeS .l otA losof, CANNED PINE APPLES, FErSH PEAS, Acc., just by mylt-dtf JOHN WISE. 3d street, near tbeeived Walnat. Ml - 1 DOZEN JaRS ENGLISH. PICKLES, !iv,' comprising Pisanliy i - Chow Chow, Cauliflower, siixett Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts add Onions.. For sale wholesale and retail by WEIMER RFRZER, myb successors_to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. 1101 G SALE.—A Five-Korai-power BTEAM ENGINE and BOILER, in goodlordee. Apply to F. GEETY, WalbutTitreet, below Sixth. fetall-tf V A NGLISH DAIRY and . MO TO= STATE CERES& Ja., & CO. [no2a] OF THE TBUBEN-BUND," M. S. V. 0, V. B. lI.A.ETINLEDIPS WOODS, ON MONDAY, TUNE 20, 1864. THE services of an excellent string band have been secured, and the bar will be well supplied with refreshments. Omnibuses will run during the day from D. Fpayd's saLon, corner of Market street and Dewberry alley. Tickets 25 cents, to be had of all members of the so ciety, and of THE CuMUITTEE• lels d2t-w&s ' ANNUAL PIC-NIC, CITIZEN FIRE ENGINE AND ROSE COMPANY W43401:15. . ON WEDNESDAY, SEINE 22, 1864. { TN asking the patronage of the public, the JL. Committee give notice that it is their intention to make this picnic in keeping with old time ones, and that they will not permit any, lady to be prestmt that has not received a printed invitation. Cards of invitation to be had of the Committeu Tickets of admission to the grounds 25 cents, Cars will run to the grotufds, Leave at do .9 S. hL .2 P. m. Return at P x. Railroad tickets to be had of the Committee on day of Fare, round trip, twenty-live cents. 60301ITTEE. George Fager, George W Osier, Samuel Guiler, D G Krause, George Snaner, 'Joseph Sponger. Wham J Lawrence, Bernard Frisch, Charles Osman, John Reese, John Whitmoyer, John Ca-ey, George Krause, Maser of Ceremonlea, B Frisch NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HYGRO BAROMETER, Natural Weather -Indicator, WITH AItE.I.IITIFUL THERMOMETER. ATTACHED. TiMsimple and useful instrument is now ed for sale for the first time in the State of EL, the undersigned having secured the right of sale in and for the following counties; Dauphin, Cumberland, Adams, Franklin,_ York and Perry, of Frisber, Cook Co., agents for the State, and are now prepared to sell the instrument at wholesale and retail The instrument will tell with nu, failing accuracy tho hygrometical condition of the atmos phere, thus foretelling thechanges of the weather from 12 to 48 hours in advance. The acting moving principle is the pietule of a flower, found in ,yria, near Damascus, and is so highly sensitive that is is acted apoa by the least change of the atmosphere. Persons familiar with natural science know that it cannot rain until the air is filled with aqueous vapor, which must condense to cause rain to fall; this moisture must t xist in the atmosphere several hours to advance of the coming storm. No other Barometer manufactured will foretell with accuracy the approat-li of .ain. But this NATURAL HOROSCOPE, the work of NA TURE'S OWN HAND, fills up the veld which man could not acminplish, and points Its unerring finger to all changes of the we ither, and has never been known to fail. , It is valuable to the Fa. niei, the Physician, the .Clergy man, the Navigator, the Traveler, the Merchant, and everybody. It Is very simple to understand, and never requires any rep tiring. They am cheap, durable and reliable. For sale only by agents, and at ICnoche's Music store, No. 98 Market street. Price $3 75. One of the instruments will be sent by express, on re ceipt or $3 75 Aes wanted in every town r in the above named counties. Apply as above, to jel4-d2wditv24 F,NNO tk MAXWELL, Agents. INDEPENDENCE ISLAND T HE proprietor of this cool and delightful Summer Report would most respectfully =noun= to the citizens of Harrisburg that the Island is now open for visitors. Accommodations will be furuishe I toparties and plo-nim on reasonable terms, a dancing platform. having ben erected for their special use. :extl tickets for families, good for one year, Si SO. No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the Island. - jarhb intoxicating liquors sOid on Sunday. 'A Wire Ferry, with a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Broad street, Wed. Harris berg. HENRY BECKER. jel4-dim' Sole Proprietor. FIREWORKS ! ! $l,OOO REWARD. THE undersigned will pay the above reward for the detection of the thief and the recovery of the following articles stolen from his residence on the night of the 9th inst., viz: on GOLD-CASEDCHRONOILE t ER WATER, with. name of the subscriber engraved in full on the outside of the watch. The name of the manufacturers, PittekiPlullippe & Co ~AlGeneva,fs engraved on the inside. The watch is No. 18,403, and winds without a key:: Also Also, ONE DIAMOND BREASTPIN, with chant, - and a small DIAMOND PIN attached thereto. Name of Henry Thomas engraved on back of pia. Weight of Diamond 8 and 3-18 karats. Also, one - PLAIN GOLD RING, with an unusually large carbuncle set therein. For further particulars address jel3-dtf STUMBLING BLOCKS,„:by Gail Hom- Mon. Price $1 50 HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp ghter. $2 00 SEVEN STORIES, by lk Marvel, author of “Reveries of a Baehelor.o $1 50 VIL SPRIER'S JOURNAL of the Discovery or the sources of the Nile. $3 60 VM. THE WOMAN IN SLAM by author of "Man in Gray " . $1 50 STORIES OF THE SEA, ' for boys; from Cooper's writings. - $lOO STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's writbus . $1 00 z • OUR DAILY FARE,, daily journal of the Great Sani tary Fair at Philadelphia; illustrated; subscriptions re colved at. . $l. 00 All now books received as soon as published at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, . - 51 Market street. PIC-NICS. LIWED TO BB GIVEN BY TirM WIRE FERRY. THE PIEW BOOKS. DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by Mrs Holmes. Si 50 BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. 60 cents. THE SMALL HOUSE OF AiJ,INGTOM, by Trollop $1 25 IX. NOTES OF_NOSPITAL LIFE, Nov.'6l to Aus.'63. $lOO X. XIL • LIQUID RENNET. IQUID RENNET yields : with milk the jj most luscious of all deserts for the table•, the light est and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Mitt contains every element of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is always Iglu and easy or digestion, and supports the system with the least possible excitement. When sail - greater nutritive power is desired, cream and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart et milk into a firm curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by S.A. KUNKEL, ,lel6-tf 113 Market street. PROVOST ATae 'El OFFICE; 14TH DISTRICT, I HARRISBURG, Pa., Juno 6,1864. - TO DRAFTED MEN.-I am directed by Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Marshal General,. by his ci eular,o. 59, of dune 4, 1864, to pub lish "That drafted.mmi'are not allowed to-enlist as coma tears after being drafted; and that the eredius for drafted men will remain for _ the Eub,distrlcts from which they were drafted., no matter whether local bounty has or has not, been paid to such men, upon. "ill .gal enlistment." RO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain amt. Provost Marshal, 14di Pa ',HARRISBURG CEMETERY. Tr'public are hereby notified thatlots may hp purchased and permits had at the office or esidem a of the Treasurer, to Chestnut street a few doors east of Second. In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Board of Managers, parties applyipg for permits are r quested hereafter to furnish to the lrtac-urer the mane of deceased, date of death. disease or mum or death, -ape of deceased, names of parents, if a chi d, and residence of deceased. A record of these facts is kept for reference, and it is .highly important that it should be complete. By the rules of the ussociation, the price of - intermenta must' in n u meLse, pall atthe:time the permit- is granted. H. M., GRAYDON, .2 Treasurer. MEE Jelo.d3teod EMS AMUSEMENTS. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. N'ALNTIT ST., BELOW THEW. 3.II..DON3TELL oprsti . EVERY EVENING, With a First-class Conspo.ny of SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, &c., &O. Admission. —••• • • • • ......15 omits Seats in Boxes—. • ...... - • -- - AUUTI. I O O IN SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. Wax DEPART.saNT, CAVALRY BITRZAtf, Oman or CH= QOAR WASHINGTON, D. C., April 11PL be sold at public auction, to the llghest_ bidder, at the times and places named be. low. viz: Williamsport, Penn's., Thursday, June 234 One Hundred (1001 horses at Gettysburg, and Two Ann gred and Fifty (250) at each of the other races. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin atl.o A. x., and continue daily till all are Sold. TM'S: CA.SII in United States Treasury notes only. JAMES A. SKIN. ap2S-dtd Lt. Col. and C. Q. H. Cavalry Bureau. THE Undersigned Commissioners, named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th day of May, 1861, entitled an act to incorporate the Millers burg and Rauch Gap Benroad Company, hereby give public notice that books will be opened for receiving sub acriptions to the Capital Stock of said Company at the following named times and places in the county of Dau phin, to wit : At the house of Jacob Lenker, in Gratz town, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of June, inst. At the house of Benjamin Bordner, in BerrysbUrg, on MONDAY, the 27th day of June inst. At the house oil G. Yeager, in Millersburg", on-THURSDAY, the 30th day of June, inst . At the JONES HOUSE, in the City of Harrisburg on TUESDAY, the sth day of July next; and that e t sail name and places some two or more of the Commissioners Will atiend, and that the Books will be kept open at mast six hours, commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, for the term of three judicial days, .or until the number of shares autherized.by the law hal have been subscribed. DAVID R. PORTSR, lel dtd HAHRIBEtfRO, Ist Jutie, 11364. CLOAKS, CIRCULARS AND 1114NTILL4S 9 IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in every color and hand somely trimmed, from $7 50 to $lB. 1000 SILK. MANTELS, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKS, Handsomely and Rally trimmed, from $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS L.N LARGE VARIETY. my2s MILLINERY GOODS. ELLS OPENED AT NO. S MARKET SQ,AJA.B.F., (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) AVHERE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy Goods, At cheaper prices than any house in the city. The quality of her goods cannot be surpassed_ ' DRESS MAKING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. apla-dtjyll _ • - El re, I V A_ T . PrTsubieriber will sull,'at private sale, he farm, late the property of Mrs. Margaret Thome, shunted in East Hanover ownship, Daupnin county, adjoining lands of the Manada furnace, comain tug 156 acres; forty acres of the above is Woild Land and the balance under a good state of cultivation. The improve ments consist of a two-story weather-boarded house, a new Elena. Barn, and other necessary out buildings. re-- sons desiring to see the property, mm call or adereS; je6-02w* JOSEPH SHEESLEY. VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE THE subscriber will sell at public sale on Saturday, Jane 1&th,1864, at the Court House in the city of Harrisburg. at 2 o'clock P. a., the farm EOM; occupied by. Jacob Fitting, in Susquehanna township. ;aid farm contains one hundred acres, more Or lek, and is bounded bx. lands of Herman Alriclr, Geo. W. McCalla, J. German alid otners; Paxton creek runs along ana through the Arm. • There is a tine twolstory stone house and bank barn to the place, and also a tine limestone quarry. S. drafnot the farm can be seen at the office of Pr. Ruthcrfotil, on Front street, any time until Gay of :ale. The above faint is within 3jr, miles of the city 11110. is in tine order. je7-dts to. 1). FORSTSR. HENRY THOMAS, Harrisburg, Pa SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY happy l AM as to so o rt ff m e e r nt t e l . the public a large and splendid SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens arc well finished, elastic, and will givo en Lira satisfaction. PLEASE TRY TREK. SCREFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Pre.byterian Church, Harrisaurg Pa. 81)23 JUST RECEIVED, my3l • PRIVATE SALE. ONE of the best locations for IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about Svc hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarries in the State and close to a good:turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street., marls-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. tPhlladelphia Press insert three times and send bill to this office.) NEW LIQUOR STORE. • rEPORTAITT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS —The undersigned offers at wholesale, to tne trade, a choice lot of the best liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: French. Brandies, Holland Gins, Scotch., Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; porter, and Dose stir Wines, such as Champagne, Caret, Catawb, de. Ali liquors warranted, as represented_ Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut. my27-4:18m GEORGE WL'NTERS. PEadtbELPIELA. COI , TATIGIATE INSTI TUTEj_ FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch street. Reir.CEARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE: ROTH, A. IL, Principals. Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, 'and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, Meta°. mattes, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate: Modern Languages, Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters. For ciiroubirs apply at the Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., Philadelphia atellim* CUT FLY PAPER. A NICE assortment of Cut Paper- for cell tags, looking glows. picture frames and gas p SCHEME'S BOOK ST% JEE, Harrisburg, Pa. my2o ItirESS BEET' and MESS PORK.--A choio _mi. article of Mess Beef and Pork a msuat at •simumet- 10 _„ p 9 (ailaNtsors tallinDoclr lei la , " • NOTICE HENRY THOMAS, JAMES FREELAND, G. H. BRUBAKER, F. WENRICK, JONATHAN sWAB, DANIEL LEHR. je2d4w HIBBS, MRS. .T VALUABLE FARM THIS MORNING, A FRESH INVOICE OF SIICHENER ft CO.'S CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED HAMS AND 33EV-F, SHISLER & FRAZER'S I toie Leas
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers