MKtM.CAL. •ss VONSTITU'rtain WAT.EIt. CONSTITUTION WATER. CoNSTITUTIoN WATER CoNSTITVTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTIoN WATER. CONSTITUTION WAI ER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER GREAT _REMEDY FOR THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY 110 WIETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATER Hai been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the moat wonderful remedy for, the perma• neat cure of all ;Usenece of the STOMACH,- LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that ham ever been °dere& • It is not a SIINERAL WATER. It is from experienc that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now tiny let tio man doubt, when a single bottle has bee.. known to cure diseases which Liao bust medical talent_ in this co - entry bas failed to relieve. . , A remedy pusses:olm the virtues of Constltetion Water cannot he classed under "comic" preparations, as-it„ now used by the must scientific practitioners in that city; It is only second Cln physicians that cry. down ,popular reurediea, while the bodes skilled make use of .every Means to accomplish a cure, and the ; suiassas of the phy. ideal. =Newt. us his knowledge of -different remedies enables him to produce a cure, while ()there fail in the at tempt. dciuuce is measliest 'with the truth. , ewe Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under some specusliats's care from year to ,y ear, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to lawn Inlatiiield, and all sorts of local vplicationa for diocesan, with as match chance of success as there would be Irmo local applications to the throat for (110...5us of the blue. We have been always careful to use language' In our droular that could not shtick the most delicate organiza. thin, but we receive 80 many tmate3unications from per- Stale for which Constitution Water is adapted, and of whose diseases no mention has been made, that wo nave saute to the ounclusion that If the remedy is capable : ol producing a cure, no matter what the disease may be, ;it should be made known. The medicine is put up for, the, public, and there should be nu exceptions. We would say, Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands of the peo ple for their relief, and if taken according to the direee dons It will, in every ease, produce a radical cure. We would say that the directions m regard to diet, etc., re-' late only to the disease under which they occur. DiABETES Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and Is, without doubt, thelnost obstinate disease, except consumption, that affects the Mu= constitutiuu. We have no space for discussing causes, but will state that the effect of the disease is the conversion of the starch) principle (or vegetable portion* of the food) into Sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion of water. Many persons suffer froth this disease who are Ignoraht of it; that is, they pass large quantities during the day, and are obbged to get up from one to fifteen et twenty times during the night No notice is takin of-it untiLthair attention Is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when the disease is fully estab, hatted, is intolerable:.-the paient'drinks con.stantty *Mow , being satisfied; also dryness of-the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cans, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient gradu Sly sinks from exlimiation Coserrrunort Weiss is, without doubt, thu only known remedy for Diabetes. and we have as much confidence Mat it is a specific us we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it has cured every case in which it has been used. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC., ••• •• Diseases arising from a faulty seoretion--in the one case, being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too profuse sooretion—whicb will be spoodily cured by tim . . CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER - CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION .WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TEE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE'ONLY KNOWN. REMEDY FOR THIS ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN KKKEDY FOR DI 'T IRRITATION OF THE NECK. OF THE BLADDER INFWI.HMATION OF THE .KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. SPRANGUARY AND BUNNING OR' PAINFUL urn NATING For thew diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and Lou Mull tannin be attud to us praise A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgers. symptoms. Are you troubled with that Matra:mug pain rn the•emall or Me Welt and through the nips? A -thusptionful a day of the GunetAtaitei Water will relieve yon like in gin. PHYSICIANS Rave long since givou up the uiw.uf buoho, nimbi; slid juniper lb the treatment of those ilLeeeave, and only ata atom for the want ui a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER. has proved heelt equal to the reel[ that hue devolved upon tt. DIIIRETIdg Irritate and drench thr laden" end by constant USIO,SOO/1 lead to chronic degeueratiou and condruted disease... We protein the COMalintiO/1 Water to the public With the uttuvicuou mat tt bee uto equal iu relieving the 'olta. of dereasse rot wb.icb it nes Own timed se eminently sue, woeful Orr curd*, and we truet that:tve shall be rewarded for our Worts to plataus so video* a remedy in a form to nwet the requirements - or putient - and 'physician. HEAD 1 1114 AU t l HEAD ! 1 • DANVILLX, Pa., June 2, ts62:—Dr. 'Wm. Greflg— Ater Sir: - In February, 11Stil;Ewitti anheW with saga, diabetea, and for tive mouths I passed more than two gallons ol water in twenty-heir hours. 1 was obliged to get up as often as tea or twuo. a times during the night, and in five mouths L lost about fifty pounds. in weight. During the mouth o. July, Ibl3l, I procureil two Naha. o r . (Nnistitutaiu Water, and iu two days alter using it lex. perbutoect relief , au t alter takmg two bottles 1 was ea. grety mesa, Soon after regaining my desist.; giros bealtb_ sours truly. J. V. L DE WITT Beam Commas, N. 1., Dec. 27,1861. S. Gregg c.—pats: I freely `give you - liberty EU inakelse or Ilk telluwmg wattle:lle of the value Of COLIdIICLIGIOII Water. iihiett I can recommend iu the highest manner. witV was attacked with Fail in the shitulders, whole length of the back. audio her tlmbs, with Pcdpitation of the %kart and irritation qf the Bladder. 1 galled a pbysitemi,:wip attended her About three mouths, when he left her worse than he had found her I then eniployed one af the.hest 'physicuttus I could h od, who attended;' her for about glut WU WS and while she was under his eareihedid not suf fer quite as meal! Man. He finally gave her up, , and said "kw case was incurable. Fbr," said he, "she has suf.h a coeshiliatien of complaints that medicine Oven for one ope rates opasmitscinte other of her dijiteattaer." Abeut. %hie time she etonatuucou the use of Coustaution- Witter, and to our utter asteuishment, almost the first dose seemed to have the desired tabu., and she kept an• improving rapidly under its treatment, and, atm superintends en tirely her domestic attains. She has nut taken any of the oonstltution Water for about four weeks, and we arehappy to say that it has produced a perruauent cure.- - _ WM. M, VAN BENaCTIOTEK. WITIERSIMILD, Conn., March 2, 1863.—Dr. W. H Grasp—Dear Sir:—Having seen your advertisement of Vonatitution Water," recommended for Inflammation of the Kidneys and Irritation of the Bladder, having Guttered fbr tempest three years, and.tried the skill of a number of co- n m mu .1 e with y temporary reliet,' was Indueed to try our me dicine. I procured one bottle of your lig tits at rd, Meeare. Lee, Sisson & Co., and when 1 E ha l oued nay MA to my auwlae Lfound a greet change in my health.. I have Used two hettlea:ef It, and em where' I Devon =pee ned to be in my life, well,. and is good spirits:. I mmot „ expri ss my gratitude for it; I feel that it is all and mere than you recommend ii . May tteblexailig of God ever attend you m your labors of love. . Yours wily ' LEONARD BIGELOW. FOR BALE BY ADD DRUGGISTS. . PRICE $L .WIL ,IVGRHG_G &;.CCk, griOrietcts. 11.612 GAN & A 1.1. F .N, General Agents., japitdaurlim-end ' Me: so Cliffitreet "NelrYlirk. , &Old by, Johnston; liollo*ltY= & Cowden; Phila.. and .IEUNIOL (ClAto.; 118 Market Street, Harrisburg, and by OD twists: - - _--- a • MINGLISH BBRA•cIRAFIT- TEA. =Just- re-' ~LUI Calved; allne'ohaiite,or English Breakfast Tea, at 81118LER - te• FRAZER 8, (Beectamers to Wm. Doak, Jr.) MISCELLAISTEO US. .L.L.INCTAtt.LCILT 1 1 . DRS. WYETH and CRT:4A 1411 PR , Eclectic and Electropathlo physicians, respectfUtly otter Lue.r profeairioeal bongoes in ad the various branches of the prole...mon, for the treatment of all acute and chronic form. of diseaoa The remedial means they employ lo the treatment of diso,die consist et Magnetism, Galvanism, Electre-Magnet lain, the dwenish method of Localiz,cl movement cure, a few EOI,MIC Medicines when &owed necessary, and in .act all the natural ourattve agents that may succeezinlly lie Drought to twat upon the disease. They du not wish to ho taidenttood as arrogating to tiaroosiven any superiority of proftssional skill, but they believe the reanximi they employ In the treatment of dis ease far Imparter to those grnetally employed bypnysicians, trout the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the taws governing and txmironing the but out system. To this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par titadai porky or system, they attritstte their succeed controlling weense. • • The principal agent . they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, &Oct: lusty, is au agent wonderful in lid ytteltuLuelia and powerful mita enema for good or UL It' is an ever present, all-parvrdui,g principle, governing all .things, froth nWing worlds down to the invisible particles gastocous matter. We see itin the lightning's Sash and hear the umuileataticine of its poner in the tunnelling thunder, It is the cause of all decomposition, recompo &sou and tranalonnation.. Ii excites all motion. It 19 the exciting cense of life; irrowth, decay and death.: It eauses s.eretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold or the crude , food 'in the Actuator', CottverLe It Into a state Of tratieuiuLes it into arterial blood, and sends tin he 'unportoui odic* 44" eupplyina nutriLueni according to the necessities titf the body. It is the nerve vital liuid, the gieat agent through which the mind acts upon the bialys It it the causeof gall canine exc:pt the brat great cause. 'the Winne Shull which created it and brought it u Mese may appear litre mere assertions, but they as. .lauta atiolittitia of strong and irresistible proof. la it then, to be wondered arthat" an agent Bo wuntlerfol- in its pbe ountiala, a• yoWei ti l in its umnifestatlooe and tut-intimates iy connected with all the ..peratitins of the human tiyA tem, suuuld be alnatat absolute In trowel of co.d.rolling disease? t ertatuly ts Ai natural sequence and Knows as surely as day follows night. .Imouglue dun:eves which are round'" to yield readily to ti.dnuncuou with proper edjuucttreinuleilt, usaty un'inennitacd thefollowing; Incipient tioosometlon, jedutysis, Hysieno and Diner "Gunituislonsi; 'Neuralgia, Ili Hs worst forms, Rhuematiam, inflammatory !aim tairtlinq all tile sacs or the ate coos mystein ityaptiii '.9a cure, in a few treatments • all iliseos," of the urinary 'llll.l genital Organs, Female lA.Seate' Asthma, Meat and ler-layette Anti <mewl:oat; and ail Modred all, attune of tue e.) ti; Aureme, .-triatures, all Skin dlace , oe, &Lt. , • Yersons calling will ue to.d wheimer they can be bane 'hued and nu case Liken where some relief ctuniut lie at; forded. Consuitatien. free. Odic:, S tun Second street, 'oe.ow Che.. tout, Ha. i isburg, Unice hours fr ti to w. to a aim 7 to it r. s. ALEX. R. WYETH, M. D., nit, d. ‘111:11tal tatiLAMEH. apl3 SCHOMA.CK - ER 8/: - 00.'S PIANOS SOUR .611,APES rlloo*ell known in this of y. to need cora -1 .utenhation. ; by ' • • • ,YSESIDENT Ltieulatz, titiVERN'OR CURTIN, JISI.IGE PEARSON, !And manyotlier dlatinguished‘citlienn The undersigned ; otters thilmsuperb instruments at prices that swami', fail ;ttthrumatid public patrimage. • N. t3.:—No WA/ stook LID mind. ' ‘. Also, Sole Agent fur the unrivalled STEINWAY PIANO. Arao, .131ELADDURY'S ,CE.LI3IBRA.TED PIANOS; Chickering's and several, other of the very best makee. trm .None but veriest instruments sold. Call and sae largest stook:eat of great cities. , mar2S-tf S. :WAR.' Third street Auto Store.. • NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED B.ERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store Embractig every new and oxtprOved style of POCKET BOOKS; .11.AGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, RUCKIMSE4 PURSES, PORTMONNAIES, &o. at prices to suit, all clroumestancea VUTLERIC, ,Consisting of a nue &wanton' of . Westronttolm's Gape Pocket Knives. GOLdls r IGNS, :From Newton's oolebrattnci manulactory. Every Pen i . with a guarunice' : 'PORT FOLIOS, , • - WRITING GASES • , • ROSEWOOD DESKS, PANE'rERIES, Szo '' 'Cogetber_with every article tumidly Cowan ass a and 'ltook and Stationery establishment, at myl2] BERGNER'S, 61 Market street • • Steam 'Weekly •-ta LiverpOol. riIOUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Oork. Har il uor) Tim well Imiown diesiners 01 the Liverpool, ;New York. and Philadelphia Steiunstiip Company, am tn. tended to sad es follows: Edinborough, Buturday, Juno 18. Cif:y of Washington, Seiturday, Junti2s . City U mauchestor,lsataiday s Jipy 2. kuvrt.s ur YASseility MAULS 121 GOLD, WI (116 a4UlJ.t.aitr m 017EILNNOT. FIRST SOU UVSYSE.O.ADE $3O SK do to Loudon 85 00 1 do 14 Loudon 34'04 do:tir Parts 9s' 'do to Parts - 40 00 'do Lb timunbuig,... 90 - 011 I du to klaruburg_.. 37 04 - Paszieugere also - eirwardau w Havre , Bremen, Rutter' ULM, Autwurp, nu., at equally low rates. e Lrarua trout Liverpool or Quesursown: Ist Cabut,.s76,, 186, 5105. Bleent,gb, $ 35.. Those, who man we n d • 1 - or altdr ['lauds' eau Oily itokuts Ingo ai.theku rate& . For further urfuthudiuh apply at the lAnulauty'a Offices' JUAN G. DALE, Agent, Lb Broadway, N. Y., Ur C. OMMI:RMAN, Harrothurg. • INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA , .434 W/111111t Street, South Side; l7aa6 4a Third Street, rlilleadelpitlit. AII'OUNT OF A ssErs isc. - TRutts LED 1744, CAPITAL $500,000 CHAIITBR PBB.PETUAL. - • itarine, Fiie•and Inland Trauvortation -In- IMMO ARTHUR GC. COFFIN, Prpsldent, 1 CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM:BUEHLER, Central- Agent for Pettnaylvattla. °Mpg Walnut St:, near *oak Harrisburg, Pa coy-11-91u _ tiAtiiLL A. MUENCH F the Old Willowkr Luau, resgueteully ut• N,,J termm ihu putout mat dub! tha Daily fraawiturtultut. „tut., (the uuly Wallower Lilts now tu, eatstentsu to [Lu ny 4to auccusalur operation and prawn:id tu. cart') rtagitt as low as any other individual line between Mitt lulpitia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewtsburg, Wlthantsixtri tersuy Shure, Luck Etavian dud , all other points un , lorthern Central, PlAtadelithla rind Elie and Willaunspori .itct ittnalra Ratiratelet . DANIEL A. hICENCE(, Agent. Barris berg, !Goods sent . to.the Warehouse. of /desire: Teased, :Lei liruchulatt,r4thi. 808 sad. 810 slorkot street, above Sth 'lniatialphia, by 4 o'clock, i. u., will arrive at Illarrik "ire, ready for deli very, next morning. [no3U-rittnyl CARP ETIN NOW in store, a largekook of Velvet, Bros . sal., Three-Ply and Ingrain Cartietings, Cloths, Window et c all of We haw patterns. and beat Marina; which wit/ be sold at the lowest prices tor. CiP•IL N. B.—Some patterns of my old stock gm band; will be sold a bargain. — J. T. Lk:LACROIX, NU: 37 South Second strooot, above Chestnut, ;nisr2AtSm ' Ytliladelph s. . G- • T. -J. IVIeGU AGAIN, lII:PORTER and Wholesale Peeler in • , "F„KacY . GOoDS, NOLION:clo. r W R F A - G. S; C ?,EATI.IIt.S . apa 13'.LACKING, :No. 2 Strawberry err. .et, ,tttrat.weet, ktbove Swelad, between ltdarkea and tateitnatj .Ptuladelphia. . . apis wain A.GEN TS ! Loa: tO your inter4ts !.L-cau and =amine .00Meltilug urgently needed by every pergoa; or teu . gem,,trutni, by mall for =at Omits, that- retail's-tor Twcri3o)v -R ' . WA No. 170 CHATH.hid de3o-wly 2t ByXES - ORAN4ES, : eadit ! ed &mu !act - importutious, sod theiuotociperiur over Lrougbt_ this smirker. ut this seilsolyjusi „rsgeiveci, laid for knie . 1, 9- SHISLER, feta. (successors to-Wt.-Diselc,-.(r , I¢-Go. LA-BrEs.-7 --- If 'Wight gl:! 4 X1 . Paper, Erkeelepea, Ina; Falk - 9;4404/1)g eiPeillgie .g.ationery LIDO, yoit, viill•,calll42,4l • • ' , 6 _ .. • . % 4431101T404.499r.:0••• • ' • •57 t. • • • - IiKEND I6 RI I- 551 . " - clysist .! ti: - 41;41;4 vernieite leading varfatfek:e u: its roristaelillitirlobarg, are now on hand it-the y Narzery. (api) JACOB 24.188. D 1 JOHN L. LYON'frit FRENCII PERIODICAL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR., Are the only known remedy that will successfully and invariably restore and regolatetheremalesystera, remov ing all irregularities, and prodanirag • health, vigor ano • strength. LYON'S PERIODiOAL -DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the klnd'eVel discovered in title country; and acts directly on the pare • , affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them ae. :2"? (Pr A 1#V.A14 4 944091. 1 4 401-1g 4 1 x1M 4 LEAL 6 11 .1 1 liii4fRoit;Ta 4404.411 4 6 0 441 0: 11144 1 , ornatture%, r • fo : .riabo ileStiCpW r iii - dirtifir ir",F ' Are you liok; .oliteeblOW •I' or juklike 4111kr. 0.10 LYON'S PERIODtOAL DROPS Come to you as a blessing, fbr Is net ginevemtion better than ours? If regularly taken, It la a certain preventive, and will eve you much peril and many hours of eutfering. Have you been afflicted for many yearn' with complaino incident to the ma, that have battled the &RI of phym elan; and are hurrying yon .on to an early grave t I:I'ON'S PERIODICAL DROPS tre the moat reliable regulator : ever known, and cute, lila naide,•all those' trregulmitlen that have defied the doctor% I Will you waste away suffering from Leticorrham, - ibrislapsum, Elyncuemorrham,:and it albumin!. other di3Hcul •lea. all summed up under. the nanie:of sukiyakid and : .batructed nature, when an investment of one dollar in LYON'S PERIODICAL DR OPS , $1,555,6M. 5 Ail =rely swim you. ' Oa aot use the drops When forbidden in the directions, rcir although a ,pawitivw oure g and intro:dew at all other' thn'ee they itid,so poWerrUl l and finely calculated to arktisi 40:1 govern'the hinotiotw of the sexual, ,orgaalszo, that, u. .extett'at improper Um* they would produce results eon tipsy to eature,.iorainit which- ell, .perticelarly-tecee wiu. would reproduce, should careltdlrguerdi! - , _ LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Oinnot harm the moat ifFibta+A couraltution at any time; yet me proprietors wish gutird.. .411 hoping that a'Mociiiiiid - bottliii Ssecifor R Send per. ;wee Where sae le used fOr Sn'iliegitimnto one. LYON'S P/CRIODI:04 DROPS, :1 the never-failing Female Regiihitor, Is for sale by every Noggin, In the eJty and oountryilandllo not, if you.valut yew health and' wialiTat L . ratialAe medidne,- any other. Takt no other,.but if the Driaggist to wttoin" you apply has not gotit, inake . hint send and gat lt for yon: At Whole&de, by lOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY ac 00VilAN, 1 a: , -77 ) M1.,0: al l dgr - ,N . QCjal 1911:DICAL. IE rll I=l = t4i X I=i tzi co po. ; • 0 Hl. THE GREAT C., G. Af..ARK 'V CO" ThW*limißic .Neto'HatNin, Com; 28 North BL‘th Street, 4eiphle:pi _to .o o MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIAIORE LOCK HOSPITAL, u AS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE REIM? fl SIX TO TWELVE HODES. NO MERCURY OR NOMOUS DRUGI 3. A Cure Warranted, or .No Charge, in from One to Two Days Weakness or the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity CresublinKa, Dhsaueaset Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Heads-Thm4Aifle:OTlSßln, of the... Liver: Lungs,, Stomach. or Bowels—tbose ternbie disorders arising from the Solltaur s Habits or Tr/nth—those aeciet and solitary pramices more final to their rinthus than the wing of Bynum to the Mariners of Ulyasee,_hhghting their most brilliant hopes or antielpations, rendenng marriages se., impassible • YOUNG MEN - g s p ee ially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweepl3 to an untimely grave thousands of :Young •Men- of the Eziost exalted talents and brilliant- intellect, who mlgnt otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thin:t em of eloquence or waited ectssy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. • • tit &muA aL : Married persons, or 'Voting Alen contemplating marriage, oelng aware a physical' madams, organic debility,-defor mities, am., weedily Ho who plicate himself under the care of lir. 1. may red tigiously collude Ms honor as a gentleman, 'Mid coat. dearly rely upon his skill as a Physician.. 0RGA141.43: SirEIJINESB inmediately °stud, and full vigor restored. This distressing allection—;which matters life miserable marriage impussibltp—to the getutny paid by the vic tims of improper indulgenoe. Young persons are mi, apt te commit tummies Crum nut being aware of the dreadful masequencooViat may 'ensue. ' , Now, who that under. cauds the Altura will pretend to deny that the power ot procreation is suet sooner by those falling into improper , tabits auto by'tho prudent. Ile:sides being, deprived the pleasures of Webby otkipring, the most serious and de tractive symptoms to both body and mind anso. NM system becomes deranged; ,the physical and mental functions weakened, loos of procreative power, nervous suitability, ISpepsia, palpitatlOn of the heart, Indigestion, ,xinetitution debility, a wasting of the Mane, WWI, COD. sumptiou, decay and death. Clams No. 7, Sours FAZDKIIIaR STRUT, Left band aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors [tom the corner. Fair not to observe name and number. . . , Letters WIWI be paid and : contain a stamp. The Doetor'S diplokuus hang in his office. . • DR. JOHNSON, idember_ of: the Royal of Surgeons , London, gnu:t ame from one of the most emtuent collages us the IJLutoo hates, anti the greater part of whose lite has been spent ai the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else +Mere, iulecied some of , the must rimmushing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ntigiug at the '.dad avid earl when asleop great nervousness, being darmea at sudden amanita, bastuttinem, with frequent 'Ambit*, attended sumetunes With derangement of mind wens eland . _ . TAKE -PAKTICULAR NOTICE. These are rums of. Me sad and :melancholy ethicist pro- dined by early habits of youth,. viz : weakness : o the back, aid pans, in the head, dimness of right, lost of :muscular power, itillpitation of the been, dyrapepata, our i'voun tmtabtlity symptonni w consumption, en. 81111STALLV.—The Marfal ettentli ub the mind are much :to he dreilitod—lisse of trieutoey, MUUMUU of ideas, de— intission of spirits, evil foreiskungss aversion to society , ,self distrust, love of solitude, ke. - , are exuaelef th evils produced. - YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by-a certain 'practice. In .ll4lged when alone, a - habit froguently learned !kern. tvil oOlhistUltaill, or at school, thu etthcis of :which are -ughtly ri when swamp, and if not cured renders. marriage 'd,his Bible, and destroys both mind and body, 'itiotnd t Qty. m medlately. r t list a young man, the hope of his country , the darling of: his *reran; stiOOM . .hatched from all: A iretitimhs and egloymenta pt life, by the consequence ot itividung4rom the path of - nature and indulging t !Caere!'es tag habit: [Such persons wow, before.mmtem- MARRTAGE Reflect that a sound !wed Red betty are the most necetutary patuutitea to proinuttiouunubial happiness. indeed, 'dub aft these, the Jouruey through life becumea a weary pil grinteige ; the prospect , brinity darkens to Ike' view ; the sand beatifies slaidowed- with despair and Oiled' with the •ueLanehoty reflection that diti hew:amiss of another bo debit* blighted. with our own. • DPW RE liol? IMPRUDENCE. When the insigiuded and Unpruueut, vouary ot-plessure' - dui& he has imbibed the Seeds 'ol' this painful disease, toe often happens that an illtencsi: aellnie of Aherne or the. Arced of discuvery deter. buthrrom &km, w h o ire= education and respecushilityontualene betkiendruni. • fie falls into the tutaileolagiuutint Vie deeigniug preteud ura who,incapable filch. his. pecuniary sub-- Juane, keep - Dun trilling mouth after month, Air as long as ~the amaliest tee eau be obtautee, and in despair leave bim ribuixl health to sigh Over bisgalling disiipptimunent,.. ler.' by tee one of the deadly poison, -Mercury, hasten ,the wihritituborialaympti maul this pwribledisease,inich mates,. wake of the Ryan, .Throssi Now; Skil.. eta; progress/lie With frightful rafiliiity ti ll death puts a period to his dreadful aufilenngis by sending -hipster that undiso.werod oounuy from whence no traveler mama. INDORSEMENT OF TICE PRESS. The many thousands ocired'at this Intititation year titter SW. Ana..„ l /4ake[Gaß _lteeeiMat"..suritical" . ~epecationh. :the by.l . ohnson; witnessed:by „ We reporien, Lthe Sun, alpyrr, anafnieby. otimi-papers, 'notices of wind. Nave appeared again and again before the public, Weider tins stauding as a gentleman of character and reaponsi oility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afffictek 611:114 DIRRAR*4 SPEEDILY CURED Dm . .., No. 7 liimith'Firedorlak Street. • aTHERR. IS NO SUCH =WORD AS FAIL." ;fr3078 COMPOUND' EXTRACT •OF et_JBEBS , ADTD COPAIBA. meparadonz_litpartionlarly. recommended to the EDICAL PROFICSSION end the PUBLIO•tor the prompt and curtain cuM of DISEASES DE TH.E.BLADDE.R, KU:S. NEN& URINARY ORGANS, - ..&T0... • . ..• It may be relied on Be the.beat mode for. the admirdstrip. d o ,i of these remedies in the.targe.class of diseasesof bout to winch limy are applicable. It never interferes .with the digestion, and by .its ooncentration; the dose .ig. , o3Uated.UCed.• , . • N. D. —Fl44Anteill art sahneed to 'milt . for TARRANT'S AliipstlND EXTRACT OF GOMM. AND -aid take nothlpg else, no-igtitations and.: worthless preps. rationE, under similar names are to the market. Price , • t a 00. Sent by express on receipt of price. Manufac. toned only by fralts.ANT a, co., No. 278 Greenwich itrein, corner of. Warren streetoNew York, and for sale bri4gDists elenerailieL•' , 0022419 Yor sale by & A. KUNKLE & BRO., and by Draggists JL: . :•. • ;Steam jOb ESTABLISHMENT; THIRD STAF , EZ HARRISBURG, HA.VIIO3 rectintly added to our Jobbing Department alargmarneefit of..tiew type, several , uew fast steam pnrsawrof itte- most amproved machinery, I did Other materittlOw.e.are now prepared to execute - at - hut notice, an u in the rues approvoistyle,-- - • ALL littutrAirit BLANKS, •. LEVERAREEI lI.MALINGS E ; • BILL M "POSITRIM3, ono or more eolors,- PROGRAMMES; MILLS OF LADING, - - • . - PROSIL%'ORY LEG N A O , • L TES BLAN JOB _WORK. Or ALL' o T I:0"X , 4 - PLAIN 011 _ORIV•A•DI .r4NT.A.L: -. 4 o,tie t iarenr tiatilitance attended to pninpuse it marl6devrtf _ . :IS AWN „ , =porta. 114% 1 1 - anottiffiNEKWIMOMIMIMILI.' :••• IZtlr t Atito •• • ry , age at SHIM= a F (auccemors to Wm. Dock, ":1 - a; to.) RAILROA DS. Pennsyivanut bail Rutul I i!t . FL A4 l. " '-• • a is - I SPitiNG T/DIE TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPBJA. MONDAY, May 16th, 1884, FriTPassenger Truing of the Pennsylvania mad Company will depart (ruin and LIT:CO at Hay risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTW THROIGH EXPREkV TRAM leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 e. m. and arrives at Weal Philadelphia at &56 A. IL FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 A. at., and arrive* at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. at.. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg at 7.20 m., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster &mom medation train, and and arrives at Vest Philadelphia at 12.2 h T. X. CuLUMBIL ACCOHMODATIOI4 TRAIN, leaves Harris burg at 12 20 P. IL Cambia 1.56 r: M. and wives at Lancaster 2.30. r. m.; connecting with' Fast. Msil east at _Lancaster for Philadelphia , and arrives at West PhHadel ,phia at 5.30 P. It. MAIL TRAM: leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. at ; Lancaster at 2.47 r as, and arrives at Wass ehiladelphia at 5.30 P. ihr. HARRIbttIIED ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Volum .bia, leaves' Harrisburg at 6.25 r, at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.60 P. m. WESTWARD - - BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN Bistros Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 a. .n.; Altoona, 7.35 a. at., take breakfast, and sttrives at Pittsburg at 1230 P. PRILADELPHLk EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 e. ta. j Altoona at at., take breaknifia, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. N. MAIL TRALN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 P. r.; Altoona at 7.15 P. it, take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A.N. FAST LINE leave) lianta,aarg at 3.50 P. 11. ; Meow. at 8.35 P. N., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 La - MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.30 e. aL. arrives at Elirrisburg at 1L t 0 A. M. HARRISBURG AtXubilltODATluN TRAIN leaves Wist 'fluladelphia at 245 P. ht., and arrives at Harrisburg at g3O MOUNT JOT ACCOMMODATION No. 2, Intros 'Lancas ter at 6.25 r. it., connectin4 th.-re with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leares Mount Joy at 7.00 r. it. and arrires at Harrisburg at 8.20 r. sr. • SAMUEL D. YOUNG, SupL Middle Div: flinn'a R. R. Trarrishunr. May 13, 1334.-dlf Worthern Central Railway SIM ill MN MUM" TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND IBM BAIA Till° larE WASHINGTON CITY Connections niade With trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to nod from Pittsburg and the West. • • • THREE TRAINS ,DAILY. to and from the North and Wept Stanch Susquehanna, Bimini, and - all of 'Northern NeW - York. . ON and a ft er MONDAY, MAY .16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Omura! Railway will arrive at and depart from Barriabang• and Baltimore as follows, viz: • 80IITRAVA.RD. DULL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday)... 10.25 A. Y. IS leaves Harrisburg.. ........ 1.20 r. a. arrives at Baltimore 5.40 r. a. EXPRESS TRAIN leaies Sunbury daily (except ,Sunday) 11. Mo P. a. leirree 'Harrisburg (except Monday) ISO A. n. " arrives ,at Baltimore daily (ea oept Monday) 7.00 A. a. HARRISBURG , AWOMMODATION leaves gar- there BIINBIYHY ACCOMMODATION leaves Site; „bury daily. (em . ept Sun, &s) at NORTHWARD. HAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (exospt . Sunday) 9.20 A. is. leaves Harrisburg L 36 P. N. . - . arrives at BuribuTT J.. 406 P. iiSPREss TRAIN leaves Baltimore da11y...„.. 9.80 r. arrives at Harrisburg .... L5O a. a. 4, lemma Harrisburg Alally cept Ilondayi 3.15 a. 0. arrives at Sunbury • 6.681 N. HABRLSBDBG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bat . maim daily (exciept •fMn dA37) t i: St 4, arrives at Harrisburg - SIINBIIRY ACCCIRm' ()DATION loaves Ilarvt. • -.• burg daily (exoeptSunifiy) _ at 4.00 T. IL For further iaromottuon apply at the Oftice, iftgennayl. vacda Railroad nepot. J. N. titralafty, Marrislmry.. May IR.lR64dtf '&9st. 1864. . z . z non -- 4.r;arsl; Philadfdphia and Erie Rail Road. THIS grieet line traverses the Northern and , Northwest oounties of Pennsylvania to the city of Ailey on Lake Erie. hits,tineu leased by _the ihniatera vsrua Ranacuut Cox-. ,anal under their auspices la being.rapidly opened dirougtiour ins entire length. - • • It. tit limo to nee for Passenger - and- Freight '.bilosioetis from airrirhurg to St. Mary's (216 miles) on the Eastern Di7tOtoo i tad from , . Sheffield to Elie 08 rnum} on the' Wetiens.,Saiieion. , 41;11zi:'kZie13z4fozniZKV.Ventlz4;lka:loriti Leave: Eastward. Mail Train.. ilizpresi Iran Leave Northward. .tha Train_ exintis Cars run thrintgb r .wrznoor cauttaa both ways on these mina between' Phtlidelntlia and Lack Have; and be swoon Baba:tom and Lock Haven. F4egant Sleepina.cara on Express trains both ways be -moon Williamsport and ,Balthxtore, and Williamsport:and Philadelphia. - For Information respecting ..Plisseeger busines' apnly at she §, E. COrner llth and .Market moots. . dad for. Freight business of the Company's Agents: 8..; B. Hingston,.Tr. , corner 13th and Market streets, ' Ito)moldn, - J.:11. Drill, Agent N. C. It It, Baltlniore. H. H. IiOUSTON, LEWIS DOI - M r " . " --44411'224-1144'.41 • jos: ii.r.i4rFrfit Para. rer2o flonere et Massager, TV'Mprirport NE` .Atli LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO : NEW YORK PIIILADELPHIA. ON ANDS AFT . FEB ''' MONDAY,. -igi;i4ll ' ber l L6th, 1663, the PasseigoiTraine will leave the Phila. delpida and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrlaburg, tot New York and Philadelphia, as followa, via : , B. EASTWAR.D. , ~ 813 - Sold by all'Druggtsta everywhere EXPRESS LINE leaven Rand:burg at 6.30 a. 11414 at. - ;girt! I BgwalUt 111 of all worthless imnaticwB - the Peatulyivatuat Railroad Express Train from the - ru'" Cuatir's" Depot, N 0.483 Broadway, 1.. Y. • Weis4 arriving-tieNem'York at. 1.45 a. - M. A alee Ping 'cat -ide3o/4. by , • D. W. bltaiS k Ca, la attached to. Claimant - through -from Ilitteberg . wHhotti " Wholesale and feL ad ' 4 " eir ' Durriabe . • Stange, i •-•••, ' ' - ' '''-' -••- • ' ' • ....;_.. - ' , -linarlil.dowtim _ 4 _1,, "I"RAni Lie'alw ilarrabint 'at I" A: IL' "5 . ---7-7 MAGNOLIA BA .. k— in...Ml'w York a i r 6.80. re' n., and; ? ttadelphui at 160 r .lll.- . . _las ~FAST LINE loaves Hartitiburg.m. - 2.00 r. et. arriving in />np7R.;Q the most delight M- , eLLC __aordi. ow 04sit-at 11125 I.....m.,'ari'd PtilladelPhiti at1:00 Y. X. '. ' • article.ever discovered. ' dn U r - ' WESTWA.I3,I). burn and Fat* and , Hands to . 11 r .earl clulPE_ ( b ie ta nn e ro isu u r ...‘,..,- . vidh . g beauty, imparting gr - _y, BaLIII 'FIST LINE leaven - Neer 'Milt 4.00 4. ie., and Tips- ra . ,- --in „ um ' une ,; warble purity of youth. JlMPlita at 4.16 ... le_, at" • r. sc. tu1 ..'",,,.,..„' ne —"--- in , the city belle 'MAIL TRAIN leaves New Yerk-at 12.00 noon, and '" L " L ", ,„“ n• ,, s gi lt n. re t il ea 7 vie vea IP .n., freckles , ki in eri, Viti rimplim., and rough ,rhilalielphia at 4,30-. P., iC , , alltring,:tiottrellf 8.2 0 ~,,,m m. La1„,,,,,, t i 1' .g tne comp-emon I t sh, toinspa i V . liwe'RlM-TEllti -I . l.4k lA' Uot : ;ll ' pp " ' '.l; H k at, .i .00 ;„ . ' ..: : ar. ,itici_ lb i ..... P b a r cird imfr iiiie4 , '. by . co .,b n b.... talna n b o wi tua operb t•Tlaiintions to the 'M'vjil* at liarriabtuvik 2.00.4:41, and Nronnecting with the w ., I.' • y should have. Suld whole/dale and re- Peurmylvanta. Eadderta Train for flttediurg. A sleeping OW IraL ' At, S. A. MINKEL & BRO. iiiii B 9 aullehedl4i Oda tram .. •: • • " , 118 Market Street, Illutiabuill. tgottuectiona are wade at Ilandabarg 'with trains on the cal , ........,,,, Nzufiylvtuea,, No4therb :Comma and Cumberland 'vane) . .ossE de .13LACE.WELL'S EN GLIS H martiediti end:At . , for Pinladelp&M, ?C'S 16111 "; - . a eicKum,i rare-article for table tier- /d 2 t' re Ceired Yflllletetrn;,` Allentown,- ' ni kik ''- . - ' ,„,;„nd tor ode by:' .- ' . SEMLER & 'RUHR Cal_ and Sageage„oheckok.thrtiu4h.„.. rate beoveete gem - Yee .., „:,„.,.., , , ~___,..„,0 Wm. t,.,,.,, jr., g. and Illorisbers4l; 16 ; between RairlabarS and PINY' :'.' f .7`. - ' l' — '• 2--' th e Barrel. Pima; 1 4 86 ht Ntn.B - eawand $8 itt - treo. z" - picKLEB j prcyttlf.V.9.l !—By . ;.I.lrotticljetamether informattto APPIY_to. • 58144111 General Areti ,a . 4.y ar_ orm aca ragf Barrel, Jar ur &ma mm a, at ,a lianas, .41Whintis (Sucotwacum to Wm. Dock, Jr., & ‘0) CHANGE OF HOUILS.—On and after Mon day, April 4th, Mkt, Pasaenger tra:B6 will daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted* run FOR CHAMBERSBURg 4.. ND H.4IZP-TSBURG: A_ !S.. 7.00 2:46 7.37 835 8. Li 4.40 Leave Ragerestos-n '. Greencastle . Arrive a Chataberaburg, Leave at Leave Shippeasborg Newville . " Carlisle 53c • Mechanicsb6s 10.10 242 • " ing. 42 &rive at Har ri sburg 6 6. 25 10 55 1116 312 3.40 FORVELAMBRRSAIWRG AND HAGERSTOWN: .s. iii. P.S. P. N., Leave Harrisburg 3 , ... 8.06 1.32 429 " Mechanicsburg ....I. - 8.47 2.15 4.54 " Carlisle 9.27 235 5.4 - " Hewvllle " 10 2' 3.29 — _ii alppensburg ... , .10.33 4.00 `Arrive at. 1105 4.30 Chambersburg, Leave at 2110 4.40 Leave Greecastie .11.55 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown ... ..... —.12.35 6.10 AR- Making close connections at Harrisburg with traits for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; end with rains for all points West. sig-The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20. P. a., rano only as far as Carlisle. O. N. LULL, .541. R. R. Office, Chambersbarg, April 4. 126.3-17 SUMMER ARRANGEBTFAT. fiREAT TRUNK LUTF, FROM TEE AA NORTH and Northweet for Philadelplua,New Tort, Rankling, Pottsville, Lebanon., Allentown, Pagon,Se.,&e. Trains leave Harrisburg Rs Philadelphia, New V o rh, . goading, Pottsvi ll e and all intermediate statiom., &Oh a. re.., and 2.00 P. at. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 a, arriving at New York at L 45 the same day. A Epecial Aceommodattoti Passenger tram leaves Read rif at 7.15 a. la., and returns Dom Harnsbuig at 5 P a. Fares stem Narruiburg: 'to New lurk, to ta , to Il e a.. datphia $3 85 and $2 80. 13.--gge checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6a. a.. 12 coon. and 7 r. n , (Pittsburg EXpreas arriving at Itaniaburg ate s, rgl Leave Philadelphia at 8 lb. , 3.30 r. a. Sleeping cars to the New Year express Trtrom,tbroagb to and froth Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the CStawitwa Railroad leave Tainager at &60 a. at., and 2.10 for Phoadelpma, New York, and all way points. ThAns kayo Nusville at 9.15 s. n., and 2.tal P. r., :br Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Yasmager tram kayea Bead Lag at &00.1- it: and returns from Philadelpbb. at 5.00 r. s. 'All the above trains run daily, Sunday L'acepted. A' Sunday train leaves Pottsville at '7.CO awl Phil adalptits at &IS P. a. Mlleage. SW 8011 and Excarstm. tickets at raiaesui to and "rim% id; points ltua.pungi Applicable to all usotalezto 1.00 A. N. 7.30 A- It Boot tzedShoe Ma Wsm3luers. 1864 ....... 1.20 x. 2.K1 Paris Mantilla Emporium, • ' '-• t 35 P. Ir. ...... . . NO. 920 CHESTNUT ST., PHILAD'A. .NOW OPEN—Paris-Made MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS. Also, SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS, of our own Manufacture of the Latest Styles, and in great variety. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA EMYROIUM, 920 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1564 ROACH & lB A, c. COSTAR'S - EXTEEMINATORS, For Rite, Mice, Roaches, Agds, Bed Bugg, Mosquitos, Moths in Furs, Woolens, etc-, insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. RAILROA DS. ()UAIBEILLAN) VALLE y UM FRANKE I I N RAIL ROADS. ILEALI.N G R AILR 0A D. 80 pounds baggage allowed to each person. te. e. NIGOLLS, General Superist-:,dot May 2, 1884-lirwit loserui ono %Moabite Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical ;aunty litian any invention now before the public. It has Ewer, tburucably tested during the last twu yearb by praebcal men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO A NY Adhesive Preparations knov.e. lIILTOII'B IsSOLCIS.LI CIOLESS is a new thin& and the result of ye= of study; its combination is on • new thing. Scientific Principles, And under no eiratmstanota or sage of temperature, still it be come corrupt or omit any offensive Its Oosibinatfon BOOT Al'D SPOE Ifantifecearers, issam. Ham will find it the beet muck, known as Cementing for the Cbtionebrt wor_ke without ,cieuay, t not ofimised by any arrange Of' temperature. JEWELERS will find it sufficiently adhesive for their nee, as bee been voted. Jewelers. It is Especially Adapted t 9 Leath And we chum u an especial merit, that it trucks" Patchett to Beam and glides sufficiently strong will/oat stitching. LIQUID CEMERI Kura liquid t that Li a sure thing for mend Toys, Bon; articles df Household uls77' REIdEMBER HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CESIINT 'I in a liquid form and as easily sin • plied as paste. /Insoles breumuf CzacErr is insolunkt in water Or OIL HILTON'S Lemmas CHM= Adheres oily substances Remember Supplied in Family or Mazarac: carer's Packages Prom 2 ounces to 190 lba. HILTON BROEL & CO., Propriecon; Providence, I= Saints In Pluladelphlk 1048-Alp AT . TICE As Spring approacha AN:, S and . ROACHES From their holes WERE out; Apa MICE and <A Joi rpite of CATS, Gaay skip abotd. establiainid in N. T. City." ."Only Infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Fiats come out of their holes to die." 810 its 0.00 L2e. 132 2.00 It la the only "Aiwa rk- mAanona MO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers