MEDICAT.: •ss COPISTITUTIoN VV.PITEtt. CONSTITUTION WATER. coNSTITCTION WATER. cosSTTr 1710 N WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. ' CoNSTITUTIoN WATER CoNSTITUTIoN WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONST/TUTION WATER GREAT" REMEDY FOR THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY QM tABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CONSTITUT lON WATER Has been pronounced by. the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the must wonderful remedy 101 the perma- Tteut cure of all (Unease. of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has ever heel., offered. It Is out a MINERAL WATER. It is from experienc that CUNSTITUTIUN WATER has emanated, and we now say let so mac doubt, when a single . bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent in this country lies tailed to relieve. A remedy pii.e.sSitig the virtues of Constitution Water Cannot be classed under "quack" preparations, as it. now used by the must .sneutitic practitioners in, thin city. It is only aecood class physicians that dry doss -popular remedies, while the better Skilled ,roake use of every menus to accomplish a cure; and the succesa of the phy• - • Sleuth mu - wises us his knowledge of different remedies enables huh to produee a cure, while others fail in the at tempt. Science is satisffed with the truth. • Give Constitution Water a lair trial—we mean you who are uncle, souls specialittes care from yearto year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly' resorting to meal treatment and all aurta of local applications for diseases, with as much chance of success as there would be trout local applications to the thrust for diseases of the bntin. We hate been always careful to use language in our circular that could not shock the most delicate organiza tion, but we receive so many communications from per- Sons for which Constitution Water •is adapted, and , of whose diseases no mention has been made, that wetuive some to the conclusion that if the remedy is Capable: of producing a cure, no matter what the disease may lie,. it should be made known. The medicine is put up far the public, and there should be no exceptions. We would say, Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it is a medicine, in every souse of the term, placed in the bands of the peo ple for their relief, and if taken according to the three. UMW it will, in every case, produce a radical cure. We would say that the directions in regard to diet, etc., re late only to the disease under which they occur. DIABETES • Is a.disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most obstinate dise_ise, except consumption, that affects the human constitution. We have no space for discussing caitw , % but will state that the effect of the dlsitase is the eoniersion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an exceasite secretion of water. illany persons sutler from this disease Who are ignorant of it; that is, they pass large quantities during the day, and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during the night. No notice is taken of it Until their attention is called to the large discharge 01, water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond' the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, wnich, wuen the disease is fully estab lished, is intolerable--ins patient drinks constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and. dually loss of appetite , emaciation, and the patient gradn. lay sinks Prom exhaustion CONSTITUTION WATER is, without doubt, the, only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as much confideuee that it is a (Tactile as we have that opium will produce sleep. and truthfully say that It has cured every case in. which if has been used. STONE IN TEE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC., r ' Diseases arising from a faulty secrotion—in the one case belnetoo little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too profuse secretion- r •whida will be speedily cured by the CONSTITWION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER Cags - TITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER' Tag ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY F.O.R IfONLY KNOWN REMEDY F UR T ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE.ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TUE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TEE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Tkig ONLY KNOWM REMEDY FOR - - TUE ONLY. KNOWN REMEDY FOR 1:1, A. 11 ETE S. ERRiTATIoN OF THE NEOII. OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, oArAinis OF THE s - BLADliga. wraxicuLay AND BURNING, OR PAINFUL URI NATI NI; For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too MUGU CAI.I/140t be said In liS praise. A single •doSeAtits been known to relieve the most urgeut, Are you troublud with that distracting pain to the small of we back and through the nips? A UillidputoillUl a day of we Constitution Water will relieve you•likn'magic. PHYSICIANS. Have long illace give', up tue use or cubebs and jatuper to the Lreaktuent of tram disaltfea; and only tier Mew for the want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER . has proved itself equal to the task thin tuia devolved upon It. DIURETICS . Irritate and drench the kidanya, and dy constant use soon Wad to chrome dolgeueratiou and coutirmeti diaease. We priarent toe Cirusututien Water tfr Lhei public with the eouvamou that it has Clap equal in relieving tee clase of drawee* rut watch It has boon found - au eIIIILIVULIy sue cesziftis fur tient% ' and we trust that we shall tar rewarded fur our edemati in laeinit, se valuable a milady m a forte to meet the requirements of patient and physician. READ I READ ! ! READ ! Mamas, Pa., 'June 2, 1862.—Dr. Wm. EL Gregg- Dear Sir: In February, 1861, 1 was allhuted with augin diabetes, and for live wombs 1 passed more titan two gallons of water at tw,uty T tbur hours. was obliged to get up an often as tea or twelve, times tlarinte the night, and in live mouths 1 lost about, fifty ,pounds in weight Duriug the mouth . 0. July, 1061, 1 procured two bottles of eauatitutlati Water, and tu two days after using it lea periethaat relief, aid alter taking two batik*, 1 was ea. tirely eureu soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours tru ly. - J. V. L. DE Win • . BOWMN CoMIMS, N. 1., Dec. 27, 1861.—Wm. II Gregg CP.-0-eitte !freely give you liberty to make use of the following certificate el the value of Constitution Water, which I can retimumend to toe highest inautter: My wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with_Palpilation 9f the Heart and Irritation of the Bladder. leaned a physician, who aueuded tier about three months, when he left her worse than he had Ibund her 1 then employed one of the best physiclani, I could find, wile attended her for about nine mouths, and while she was under his careshe did nut suf., far mute as much Pain,' " Be finally gave her up, and said 4er owe was ineartible.. For t :' said he, "she has such a combination of complaints that medicine-onm for one ope rates against ionk other other diffieulties:" shoat this flies toe comineucettthe use of Qmstitution Water, and to our utter ustonishmeut, almost the first dose seemed to have the desired abet, and she kept on Improving ragnily under its treatment, and , now superintends en tirgfy her domestic tunas. She has nut taken any of thy Cuustitution Water fur about four week!, Bait wearohnppy to say that It has produced a permanent cure.. WM, 5.4 VAN BENSC*ItITEK Wsvnitaarnme, Conn., March 2, ISM —Dr. W. It Grew—Dear Sir:—Having seen your advertisement of 'Constitution Water . ," recommended for Intlainination of the Kidneys and Irritation of the Bladder, having sulfured for the past three yearn, and tried the skill of a number of physicians with only temporary relief; I wasincluced to-try I procured one bottle oT ;your agents at orthr jhu ggaN Lee; Simon & CO:, and 'when 1.-hiul deed liar or - 4021 - 0.....4110e Bland a great change -In' my h, 4 1 0 !bottles of it, and am : where I never in-my life -well; and in good spirits. -I *min express my gratitude for it; 1 feel th at , i t `and inure than-you recounnendli a; be: May the ble&l_ u s. or God ever attend you In your labors of lova - Yours truly,. ' LEONARD BIGELOW. POB SALE BY - ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE WI& H. GREGG. & C0.,-Proptietote, • ' MORGAN &•••ALLEN , Genend Agents, , Jan 26.d &w ay. am i N 0.46 Ciiffstreet, New York. Sold . by Johnston, 'Holloway ct - Cowden, Phila.; - and KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market .Btreet, IlagisbArg, and MAUD aggistst: ENGLLSH:IMPARtiAt . TEL "ke- Oared, a Ana MumVatEm SH aliall Breakfast Tevat ISLER & FRAZER Calmeasson La Wm. Doels,r.) EMI DRS. WYETEL and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electropathic physician 3, respectfully offer Lusa' professMoaraervicts in ail the various branches of the pref.:es:on, for the treatment el. all acute and chronic forms of disease. The reinedlal means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism Galvanism, Eledtru Magnet ism, the Swedish method of Loulizvd movement cure, a few Ecivctic medicines when deemed necessary, and in laet ail the natural curative agents that may SUCeeSellilly be brought to bear upuu the disease. They um not wish to be nuderstood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of prohasional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ In the treatment of dis ease far SU perter to those generally employed by phys iclans, Weir the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governiug'and controlling the human systeth. To I Lbw, and the Mot that they confine themselves to no par tleulrr pathy or system, they attribute their success I controlling dose's's. The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disuses, warmly, Faecal leity, is au agent wohdertnl in as phenomena and powerful in Its °deem for good or ill. It is au ever present, all.pervraing principle, governing aLL thloge, from railing worlds down to the aavitible panicles of gasseows matter. We see it /11 the lightning's dash and hear the imuntestations of Its power in the toutti.ring thunder: Ilia the cause of all decomposition, reoompo anion and trametoratatturt It excras all motion. It is the exciting Citik‘m or life, growth, decay and death. IL causes is,cretion, excretion, digestion. It lays Mika of the crude food mine atemitun, converts It into a staMol ffu idity, trau.surates it into arterial bled, and seeds it on tie important mince of supply ing nutriment according to the oecessitieli of toe body. It Is the nerve vital Quid , the goat agent through which the mind ante opal the bodge tt Is the camo of ail causes exc . pt the brat great cause. the lunuite blind which created it and brought it into u e These may appear like mere assertions, but they as. facts adulating of strong and irresistible proof. is it then, to be wondered aL that an agent sit wonderful in its pile utnueua, au ,powerful in its matufestatiens and so_ intimate ty 000tfteten 'with all the' 'operation. of the human sys tem, should be almost absolute in its power of controlling 'M.-easel Certainly not. It Is a natural stAmence and *AMY as day follows night. -' Among the discuses which are found to yirild readily to Electricity, in comma:Lien with proper adjunct treatment, amy be mentioned the,following;, Incipient COUSDWI4/1.10, Kiralysis, Elptlintic; 'Hysteric and tuner Convulsions; 'Neuralgia, in as- worst forms, ithizemadsM, Intlinninatory and chronic; all clukeses of the nervous system; tiystiop ein,Cutei in a few treatments; all diseanis of the Urinary and genital organs; Female IJißeasee, Asthma, Piles and Prolapsus Ain; amaurosis and all kindred }Mentions of_ the eye; Alumna, strictures, all skin thseeels., &c. • Perseus calling will be. uhd whether they can be bens titled and no case taken where some relief cannot' be af.' lorded. Coastination fres Colo.:, adult Second Street, be.ow Cl:ie.-mut, Harrisburg, Pa, tlllice hours* fr An Bto m.,ljs Le 5 atid 7 tolii.M. ALEX. R. WYETEt, Id. D., apl3 MILTON CitEilMal.. SCHOMACKER & CO,'S PIANOS SOUR GRAPES rir100:well• . known - in this oily to need corn mendasiou. In use by PitESIDENT LINCOLN, GOVERNOR CURTIN, • • ' JUDGE PEARSON, And other distinguished citizens. The undersigned utfers these superb instruments at prices that cannot fall to command public patronage. N. B.—No ()Lb stock on nand. • Also, Solt Agenf for the unrivalled STEINWAY ALSO, BRAIMERIII.I"S CRLIMBRATED PIANOS. Cnickering's and several other of the very host maims. None but perfect instruments sold. . - • Call and see Largest stuck eu t of great oitieti. — mar24-tf S. WARD Third street &mite Siert .; NEW►. GOODS-JUST OPENED ! BERG-NER'S Book Ind Stationery Store. Embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS, sumo CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SSIN PIiCHET BOOK • • • BUCILEKIN PURSES, • PORTMUNNATES, ko. at prices to suit all circumstances. - PQCI 141. , 411.1T.LE.RY, Consisting of a fine assortment:of Westesnolm's Saps From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every f'bn • with a guarantees. PORT FOLIOS, WRITING casis, • ROSEWOOD DESKS, PaYETERIES, to Together with every article usually Tonne ut a first Soak and Stationery establianntent, at myl2i . BEES , NER'S, 61 Karl: et Street Steam. Weekly to LiverpOol. rrIOUCHINGat QUEENSTOWN; (Cork Har nor.) The well known Steil/UM of the Livorpool e w York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are m winded to sail as follows: Edinbbrough, Saturday, June 18. City of Washington, Saturuay, Juno,2s City ut Ittanchoster, 6atutday, juiy 2 PAYABLII. IN, 001.0, tot MN 110,U/NstANT IN antßiricrr,, FIRST CABIN po 00 STEEKAGE 00 do to Loudon 85 001 do to L0ud0n.:.... 34 00 do to Paris 95 90 do to rani .40 Olt du to Hamburg._ 90 00 ! do to Homburg.... 37 IN l'asionaere -also forwaruod to Havre, Bremen, Rutter Autwerp, so., at equally low rates. Faroe Crum Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, *71., 685 . , 4105.. steeruge, $35. Thum Wtin wish to ohm& tot -hear rnends.cau Day tickets hero to Moat*, rates. . For (tattler otturtnutiutt epply to the eoutottutPO Offleeb JUAN G. DALE, Agent, lb..Brumumay, N. Y., or 0. lj /.IMMIRMAN, Ramshurr.. (123-dly INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA , vu :43:4 Walnut Street, South Side, tlaist Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF.,ASSETG •••• • •$ 1 • 556 , 663 INGt•PRORATED 17114, CAPITAL m. $500,000 C.I4.t.g.TER PIMPIs'T UAL. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Li ' suranoe. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President CHARLES PLATT, &ennui. WI_LLIAIiI BUEHLER,: • Central Agent for Peunnylyanta... Office Walnut St., near Second, Harrisburg, Pa, , . DANIEL A. MIJEN'ttl - AGENJ o',the Old Wallower Line,- respectfully-in forms-die public that this Hitt Daily fransPortatna. Lain; (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city is in successful operation and prepared to. cam freight aslow as any' other individual line between Nhila :lelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, -Willianart Jersey Shore, Luck • RaVeu and all other points on tin northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and'Williatrispori tad Elmira itialroads. Harrisburg; Peun'a. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zel a Etiochinan, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Btb elailadelphla; by 4 o'clock, e, m., will arrive at Harris rg , ready liar delivery, next morning... fait3o-rd myl - CARPETINGS. iv - OW in store, a large stock of Velvet, Bras il sele, Three-Ply and Ingrain CarpotingS, Oil dolls, Window :hales, eie,.ptc., all of the -lategt patterits'and best faurics; which will be'Sold at the loweet prices tor Ca,h. • . N. B,LSome patterns of my old stock on hand• will be sold a J. T. DELACROIX, , • - Nu. 37 South Second streeet, above Chestnut, mar2...wBm - . Pudadelphia. T. J. MeGUIGAN I. IMPORTER and:Wholesale Dealer in FANCY GOsiDS, NOIIONs, SC. ._ EIREWOIt-KS, FLAGS, MATCH LS and BLACKING, No 2 Strawberry strict, (drat street above Second, between Market and Chestuut,) Philadelphia. • W3ia A' GENTS! Lp,olF ypui! inor6sts _ . 11; andinurinine sdneettang . 'urgently needed by Zevery Tureen; or ten - sainples , senv PRE; by--mall for Twenty Cerds,Ybat retails for Two Dollars, by S. Ii WALCOTT, No 170 CHATHAM SQUARE, NEW YORTTL. de3o-eay .130 X - 1.18 .O.IIANGE6, selected from late tmportations, and the most superior ever brought to this•infs=season, just received and for sale 4 7 - SH/SLER FRAZER, fen/ .(suoceesorkto Wm. Dock, jr, 14t Co. 910 LADIES: , --If ' tte Paper, Pawelives, Ink, Pens,- or anythi ige lse inithe Wafter) , line, you 7111 'do welllair : AM • - - WarriShort. jiTINDURID : !a. liegi:.r4.4ll ..MogREES, of valuable leadingmujetiesaitautalav,ed. for sale inHarrisburg, are now on hand at the Keystone Nuninry. (aPil JAWS max. DIISCBLLANEOUS. 'ELECTItIC:IT Y. Pocket Kulye& . .GNILdi PENS, ISATNi DANIEL A. lICTE.TCH, Agent MEDICAL. 1:2L1 lei ' ~ ~ ~ ~. r Cc: pa. I En _ ' MEE DR. JOHN FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the only. known remedy. that will auccetpluity and invariably restore and regulate thefenudesystem, remov ing all irregularities, and produoing" health, vigor WIG strength. LYON'S PERIODIOi.Ia DROPS Aro a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind eves discovered in this howitry, and acts directly on the part: affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them to they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive. Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the rivet , lar return of nature's priscriblid laws'? Give yourself no uneasibesajor Lyon' Periodical Drops, If taken a day or two before the s expected 'period, will posi. tively and invariably. regulate as coming, as sure as - effect follows Cause, as Certain as daylight follows 'darkness Are you sielt,.onfeebleti by dlseasr, or unable to bear the labor and danger`of increase t 0 140 g ..g' i y, T DROPS .3 .; • , :14 , ,,,,.-.,: , r, , ;.. _.2: ..,.. . , , - •..',... lonie tp ypplutp blwipgjor.lnGitot:ooentlostbetteriltiu) ?" If regularly taken, It is a certain preventive, and will save you much peril and many hours of sulfertag. Rave you hean adlicteAfor many years with complainu incident to the an; thnf have bathed the skill of physi dates, end are hutrylag you on to an early' grave I:YON'S PFrODICAL DROPS ;ye the most tenable 'regulator Averknowia; and'eure, Ilk. mngic, alt ,those Irrogularitio~avedelicd :: i 3 he doctor' , wtll you'waste away" with infferint ttom Lencorrhcea Vrolapsua, Dyamenurrhme, and a theusand other difficul iiesodl summed, up under the. name of suppressed 1111 Q -.gamete:44ll4l4re whenen imiethilent of one dollar In LYON'S E'RBIODIOAL DROPS will surely aye - yon. Do not. use the drops when thrbidden in the dlroottons. for althougp, g poaitive , ouro,Auld harmless at all oche , dmea theirifre eri poivarftd - dnd anely calculated to adjust And goiern the functions of the sexes/ cirgaalsm, that, taken at improper times; they Would 'PrOdUott results eon trary to nature against which all, partioldarlyliose "eh, wouldreprodttoe, ahonldcarefulky guard. .LY916773 PERIOPICAL :• DEQ.kB , . .. . Cannot harm the most 'delloate oordiditatiOn at . any ti m e yet tne proprienirs Cab to'=guard against da aniline. hoping that a thousand bottles Will be used for n geed pox pose !here one is mat for an :Illegitimate one. -, _ . . • - LYON'S - PER,IODICAL DROPS, the never-fethug Actinic Ragulator, to .for sale •hy , every Druggist, in the'clty arid °Runny, and do hot, gyros' value your_ health' anti -- whelk for a reliable medicine,' buy `am' othe.' Take no other , but', the Dritigtet to whom you apply' has uotrgotit, sake him mend and get It fel' you. C. G CLARK & Co" Paorartmons, AtN.Vholamle, by JOHNSTON. )IOLLOWAY North iirth Strgel, 4.elplila,;ya .... _ ~u____. ~''~. ~_, ... _ f t4:IL-‘o , ' .. , . • • she.- DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, "lips discovered the most certain, speedy 11 pnd etrectual rerapdtes in We world For El A Oure Warranted, or No char g e, in fro; i One Weelmam of the Back, Affections of the KRliters mid Bladder, involuntary Discharges , Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor Low 'Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of 'the. Heart, Timidity Trend:dings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, - Disease Of the Head, Throat, :lose. or Skin, Allections of the Liver Lungs, Stiimach 'Cr Bowels—Untie terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitazy practioes more fatal to their victims' than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant,hopes or anticipstiona, rendering marriage, VG, impossible. • Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary. Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely .grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted' talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may ...all with full confidence. ECI Married pollens, or Men oontemplatiagmaniage, tieing aware of physliad weakness, organic delkilty,"defor adties; kc., speedily cunal. Wawa hiutselflender th'e care of Dr. J. may re: ugiosisky v 311601,1 nib honor as a gentleman, and confi dently 'rely:upon hls'skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmediately cured,-and Mt vigor reeitored. This diStreerig affection—MA% readers life miserable And suarriag,e impossible—is the penalty paid by the vie .iims or improper Indulgence. Young persona are tod apt commit enosses from not being aware of the dreadful cossequences that may ensue. Now, Who :that • under liana we subject will pretend to deny. that the powert'er procreation is lost. soungichyonose. falling Into improper babas than by the prudent. Idesides being deprived the' pleasur4s of healthy' prudent , the most serious and do druetiv e symptoms• to loth Imdy and mold arise. file system bowline deranged, the physical and Mental functions weaklitied, low of procreative power,' nervous: irritability, dyspepsia, palpitallon of the Nowt, Ihdigestion,. ootstitutional debility-, a wastaig Mike frame, cough, con oineption, decay and death. Left hand side going from Baltimore street,. a few doors item the coiner. Fail not to obeerve name and number. Letters must be paid and contain Clamp. The Doctor Diplomas hang in-hie ottliss. DB. JOHNSON, Wernbor of the Royal aillego or Surgeons, London i _grad sate Rum one of the mess eminenbivlleges in the UlaiteiX States, and the greater pan of whose lite has been spent' ILI the hospitals of London;Paria, Philadelphia and else-' where, hiutedectedi some of.dlid astonishing cures' that were ever known i many troubled with ranging in their need, and ea*. when asleep, great Nervousness , alarmed a sadden sonibt, Whininess; with. frequent ulushing, atwntled sometimes with derangement of mind; were cured immediately. These are some or We sad and melancholy effects pro..: ..luccd by early'habits of youth, via : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in-the'head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of' the heart, dyspepsia, no:t rona irritability, symptoms of Consumption, so. iiratrALLl.—The feartul effects on the mind' are mnohi to be dreaded—loss of memory, contusion of iders4;de-i pression of spirt* evil forelassings, aversion to lexnetyl self distrust; love of solitude , timidity , &c, are eanseiol the evils produced. • YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice M.' lulged in when- alone, a habit frequently learned from; Mt companions, or at school, the effects of which are' ughtly felt, even when asleop r and If not cured readers narriage alosßible, and.deetroys both mind and body,' Ambit Immediately.- Whets t hat a young man, the hopeof his country , the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all primps:is and enjoyments of life, by the conseviende of teviating from the path of nature and indulging in a. *min secret habit. Such persons must, before contem n. dating JdARRIAGE, - Reflect that. a sound mmu mitt putty are the most necessary . utiumites to pcumutewanubialbappiuess. Miteed,wlth- Alt theist, the Journey thkough life honorees a weary pa griguage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; ; the awe becomes slnulowad with despair and filled with the nalanttholy reflection t)iat the happthoss of another be, litmus blighted with our own. , DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the naigtudediutdolmpructent votary of pleasure Imithbet KEW imbibed the .seecia of, thin minfulWeeps; du ofttin 7 hiPPerut that ari•illMitted ' , ten& tlf , okhe trma ul diactivery deters tun. from applying. bother* who Mom education mud respectability, can aluue befriend him: He falls Into thehanclb Qf Ignorant ana designing pretend we, who, intupsibleCUZllig, mob his--pecuniary eub-. lULDC43, keep him wining :month alter month, or as lenses' up Amalie:a tee can be obtained, and in despair , leave him. ruined health to sigh over ; hie gal.lius disappointnient,i •r, by the use or the ileadly poison, Mercury, invitee, thei, tonstitutionalsytupti haul this terriblediseasejruch Baal:fee, twin of the Menu, Throat, Notayakity out, progri=m k . with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to hit? weariful sunerings by sending him to that andiscereied °outlay from Whence no traveler returns: -The many Woman:tide cured atititio institution year after rear, and the - numerous. important surgical operations'. t •arforuted by . Pr.-Johnson, witnessed by the reporsera of tie ur Clipper, and amour other papers, notices of which wive appeared - again 'add . again before the public,' beiddes us staudtug as a gentlebian of , atfaracter and respongt- , . allty, is a sufficient guarantee to theitifilcted. • SKUI..:DISEASBEVSPERDIIN "THERE-IS NO RUCH WORD AS FAIL." T' NTS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF. This iiepluation' is pull arly`recommended' to the ..41$111CAL Pitt/Fl*3BlON and the PUBLIC tor iheprompt mid certain cure of.UI6EASES OF TUE BLAXIT)ED‘SID-1 NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, 'ETC. It way' be relied . on iis the best mode for the administra tion of these remedies in the large class of diseases of both sexes, to winch they are applicable...; never interferes icitiLthe digestion, and by . its conoentratron, the dose is . much reduced. N; B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for TARRANT'S tXIM.POUND EXTRACT OF CURERS AND' COP/URA, Ind take nothing else, as imitations and worthless prepa rations, under similar names, are in the market. Price $1 01$ Sent by express, on receipt of price. Manatee cured 'on6. by TARRANT & CO., NO. 278 Greenwich itreet, corner of Werredinoset, New York, rind for Druggists generally. oct22-Aly - For sale by B. A. KITSXLE kRRO., and by Druggists generally., Steam Job Printizt a , E • • STABLISIT IVIENT 5 THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRIS prtfto,'PA. • HANTI:6 reenntlfndded to our Jobbing Department. a !urge amount of new type, seveng new fast steam presses or tnemost improved maililtierY i and other material; _ We are now prefaced- to execute at Ahort:notioes . and in the most approved style,., BINDS' OF MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER SHEET lIDAIAINGS, cinceLAßs,. SINEW CAR •- OAD BLANKS, reosTEßs, in one or More colors, • • . PROGRAMMES, . ,„ .BILLS-OF LADING • • • • •PROMISdORY 'NOTES, • LEGAL BLAHS J.OI3:TNIT ®R „ . OF ALL D'ESORIFT-lONB,-'. ciltmuttivirALL.•- Ordets from a diatande.ittended to promptly. mariNgswtf,u ..• New Haven, Conn. - . Er.A;14Q.4 1 .0.47:, Eta ~.. T ycknmgeoitithe Finest Sherri: e l9 conn ry, 'For e s MUSLIMS febg (summers to WEN Dook, ) MEDICAL. DISEASES OF D4:FIIIJDENCE BELT M IN SIX TO TWELVE NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. to Two Day* YOUNG MEN MAlaili.GE Oaincri No: 7, Soya Faxiiratet &rimer, TARP. PA.RTICIIILA.R NOTICE. INDORSEMENT OF TEE PRESS. flffloe No.,l l ,Sauth forirdertg aptB-dly CURERS AND COPAIBA. RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! SPRING TIME T&BLE. kiVY. TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PIEULADEDELPHIA. MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, TEE Passenger Trains of the Petuisylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive ai Har risburg and PhiLade'plus as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH 'EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dilly at 2.46 a. a. and arrives at West Philadelphia at. 446 A. K. FAST LDIE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at at, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. K. Passengers take breakfast at Lancabter. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg at 7.26 a. IL-, CentleCits at Lancaster with Lancaster (mann. medation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 r. i - euLUSIBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, teases Banis hing at 12 20 P. x ; Columbia 1.55 r. ac. and arrives at laniastor 1.30 P . m. ; connecting with .Fast Mill met at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at . West Philadel phia at 5.30 - _ . MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at . 1.30 P. X ; Lancaster at 2.47 P and arrives at Wass rhiladelphia at 5.30 r x tutaisketwo ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5..25 P. X., . and . arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 r. WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except. Monday) at 2.10 A. L • Altoona, 7.35 A. x., take breakfast, and arrives at:Pittsburg at 12.30 r. u. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS 4'RAIM leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A ‘ s. ; Altuona at 8.20 a. , at,i take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 x. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hamsburg at L3O r. aci Altoona at 7.15 P. K., take supper, and arrives at.Plttaburg at 12.30 A- IG FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.54 at.; Altoona at 8.35 r„x. , take Sumer, and arrives et Pittsburg at. leo 1. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.30 w. it. arrives at Harrisburg at IL 10 A. m. HARRISBURG AMBLMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia, at 2.45 p. y. , and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P.S. MOUNT JOY . ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves I.aricas, ter at 6.2E1 ft M., connecting thive with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves mount Joy. at 7.00 F at. and arrives atHarrisburg at 8.20 e. at SAMUEL D. TOMO, Sup& Middle Die. Pam's 8, B. Harrisburg. May 13, 1864.-dd Northern Central Railway SUM.BirEM. TIME TABIAS. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND , TEOM - BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY. Connections made with twins 011PemnsyfraniaBailroad, to and from Pittsburg and Abe West. 'THRER TRAINS DAILY to and Dom Shb North:and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and, all. of Northern New York. VN and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Pissenger' Trains of the. ••Northern: Central Railway will arrive at and depart, from Harrisburg and Baltimore ealtiliews, - vis: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN , leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday)...• ..10.25 i It. leaVes Harrisburg . L2O r. • arrives at Baltimore 6.40 P. M. REPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except • Sunday) • 11.45 y. st. leaves Harrisburg '(aamp; Monday) 160 A. at ' • w.: arrives arrives at Balt/mere daily. (except. Monday) . 7.00 A. ix HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har . burg . - 7.00 A. AL SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves . Sun bury daily ( excep t Sun- ' .... NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 A. Y. " ; Mayor Harrisburg ..... ..... 1.35 r. “ arrives at Sunbury LOIS r. EXPRESS 'MAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y , ...... 9.30 P. M. arrives at Harriebtirg...... 1.50 A. IL " . leaves Harrisburg daily (ex- "".• cept Monday) 3.16 A. N. arrives at Sunbury 5.53 a. a. IWARET. - WHO. ACCOMMODATION leaves,Bal thnore daily (except Sun day) • • ri.oo r. X. " arrives at Harrisburg., 7 .60 F. u. SIINHCRY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harri - e, . - berg dailjlexceptibinday) at 4 00 P. N. FOr finlber l informatlon apply at tiht ... offict&ip Peansyl- Tula Railroad Depot Flairisbarg. May 16. 1864 -dti 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. g reat line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Cries-on Lake Erie.' Wiles been leased by the . Pstelevivertta Ranatoap Cox retry, and undex their auspices is bonny' rapid* opened dhroughout its entire length • - is now in use for Passenger and . Freight bulimia from Harrisburg to St. - Mary's (218 miles) on the Eastern Division; and from Shedildit to Ede (78 miles) on the Western Division. , TIME or, PASSZNGEIt . TRAINS AT IWUCISBEMI Leave Eastward.. Mail Train " L2O r. se. Bap* Train /60 e., Leztve Northward. Hall • Train . L 35 r. x. . Expreks Train &LS A. /11.. ~., Oars run through wrrnour 'CHANGE Mai Ways on Hibeet trains, between. Philadelphia and Lock : Haven, and be. tween Baltimore and Lock Haien. - ' Elegant: Sleeping cars on &goats trams both ways be twoOD Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and . Philadelphia. • For information respecting Paesenger business apply at the S. K Corner llthand Market street& . And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: . S. B. Kingston, Jr. corner 13th and Market ',reeds, Philadelphia. ; Reyndlds, ' J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. H. R., Baltimore. 8.8. HOUSTON, - ' LEWIS L ROUT, Ga Pririg7d.dgen PAW,"lena d, General Tic. Akira Hera, JCS. D. PUTTS, _ my2o.lily] general Manager. Williamsport. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAIN* DAILY TO NEW YORK AND . ...: PFEELADELPIII.AI. O . , ~ , . N AND AFTER, MONDAY, November tem, 1863; the Passenger Trainkyrill leave the Phila. delpola and Reading Railroad Depot,. at liarrishurg,:, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via - EASTWARD. ExpRESE LINE leaves Harrisburg at 8.30 A. N., en ar rtval of the Pennsylvania Railroad Expresa Train from the west, arriving In New York at 1.45 A., A. A stooping car Is attaated to the train thrOugh from Pittsburg without caltnlitt • - MAli, TRAIN !eaves Hanisburg at 8.00 A. a arriving In New York at. 5.30 p. N., arid .Philadelphia at L6O P.' w. FAST UNE letives Harrisburg at 2.00 e, r., arriving in New 'flint: at 10.25 r a:, and Philadelphia at .00 P. N. S'T-W A R D. FAST LINE leimtilqew.lork 5t05.00.4r..44.„ and Plat. &aphis at B.IEII. m„ arriving at Harrisiiiirg at 1.15 Ir. M. NAB:, 134:111.-.16ants ~ ..Sew York nu 12.00 noon, - and Philadelphia at.3,ao.r. arriving at Harriaburg at 8.20 P. IL kaLPREf3.9.NRAIN . Aemes ,tiow York at 7.00 Ir.,- ar halos at.. gun-14%ra at 200 a, at., art4,o3poectiag with;tlaa Pennsylvania ExPtet Traaltor Attibarg, A aleapingcar is also attached to ttait Lain., •' ConnectiOns are moste,oiltniwiri with testn r ou the Pi= WAWA,tiOntiern. Central and CtuntscatankVolley istiv nukol". Ind . 4 *1 town 4 . can fo o 4 r Philadolppki goMmil* wukreir inti ) n, Arligguipt. etiktked through. between lzeikrati 35 oad Mad& PIN SA Auk and 103 irk tleftOtifOrtithor tOrrallg alk 4 / 1 * vrtA”... GirD4 -6 6011 L lhaeral Agent, lionitousg, CUJIIIIERLAiN D VALLE FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon. day, April 4th, 1864, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted ;) POR ClidAtaiataßffite 1111LRISBURG: Leave Hnerestavni " Greenastle . Arrive at... IM2inberslacirg, Leave at... LftveFaippensimarg .... " Newvilie ••A- IF. Carlisle " Mechanicsb 555 10 10 2.12 urg 625 10 42 312 Arrive et Harrisoorg e 55 11.15 7,..i1 FOR CHAeIBEIZSBURG AND SAGERSTwry : .11. 111. P Lowe Hanisburs ... . 5-05 122 4 . ..0 Mechanicsburg ...... g_47 2_15 4.54 Carlisle 42" 255 “ 5.9 Newville 10.2.2 2." 1 4 " Sialppensborg 10_::3 &cc: arrive st 11. 00 4.30 CluttaTrEPPl. Leave at. ....... .....11.10 4.40 Leave GreecBltle .11.55 5.:t9 Arrive at Hagerstown 1".2.5 5.13 gar lilliknag close connections at Harr,fittr t : 4 - th tr.. 42, for Philadelphia, New fork and Pids!.erg ; sad sue rains for all points West. ,—The Train leaving Harrisburg et 4.2 C, e. s., tuna only as far as Cubs's. O. N. LULL, suy. R. FL Office, Chambersburg, April 4. READIII6 itAjLitt34.!3 SU MMER ARRANGEM GE A T LEE FROM T.1.,1; NORTH and Nulti , m , ,l tor, N. Nu 1:.) , Heading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, ~, • Trains 'leave Harrisburg for Phillutelphiu, Nuu Reeding, Pottsville and as Intermediate statuts, at A. M., and 2.00 r. a. • New York Express 1K :cis, ilarri.burg a•, arriving at New York at 1.45 the same day. A 'pedal ACCOM.IIIOdEItIOI.I Pu.sue• I.luer ttuat lezvea. Rot , ng at 7.15 A. M. and returti notu Harm:bum at sr. Farce ( re m :Tu ) 5u tit, kr 1 144- drAphia 11.3 85 and $2 SO. Etigii,i4e chi uri,:t thruugh... Iteturniug, leave New York id 8 5.. 12 T r. n., {Pittsburg Express arriving at Ilanlsbcr at 2.t Leave Philadelphia at 8 In.. a., .tut akti r. A Steeping ears in the New York EXI4 eem ruatT, thrtri h to and front Pittsburg without cbalige. passengers by the Cr.tiviata Rsilrea.t TtrsE NKA at LW A. it., and 210 r. a., for PhiLtdeipLai, tear Voris, and all way pointa. -Train& leave Pottsville at 9.15 1 s. , CIA 2.30 r. m., for Harrisburg and New Yoe., An Accommodation Paa,rogrr train 1,0 cs Evading B.ooe. IL, and returns from 5.00 P. h. irjr All the above trains run , laity.9t.,!::4- A Sunday train leaves Pottsville ait a. NI., dll,lllll - at 3.15 r. a. • Commutation, Mileage. Seanen and tickets .t.t . - redlOind iatoo to god fiLoo, to oiotl 80 pounds baggage allowed to each pc re's May 2, 1264-41&wir GRAM DIEKICMIZT I Applicable - to all 1 useful Arts new thing. kg Combination . 7.80 A. X Bootandahoe Man ufaaturera. Jewelers. J. N,7 4I ..D*4ARR Tr Gen- Murikllquid 1864 Zememl,c—r. AgenLs In .1•18-41 y Paris Mantilla Emporium, NO. 920 CEESSTNIIT ST., PHILAD'A. NOW OPEN , --Varis-31ade MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS. Also, SPRING and SIAM PR GARMENTS, of our own Manufacture of the Latest Styles, and in great variety. J. 'W . PROCTOR & CO., THE PARIS. MANTILLA EMPROIIIif, 920 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1864 RATS, ROACHES, Rt 1864 COSTAR`B EXT Milli NATO .5 Li For Rats, Nice,Roaches, Anti; Bed Evgl, Mosquitos, Moths in Fars, Woolens, etc., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. air Sold by RD Druggists everywhere Aril I Bzwawl l 1 1 of all worttde=a latitatlona "Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadway, N. Y. AbirSOld by D. W. ORCKS F CO., Wholesale and rorad agents. Mita Bamsbur, L~3 • • MAGNOLIA BALM. PUS is the most delightful and extraordi nary article ever discovered. It chan me Sur burn and Face and Hands to a pearly, sat in e t xture ti ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and' the distingue appea. Knee so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan. freckles, pimples, and rough- ZUSSOL [Deakin, leaving ine comp.exion fr. eh,., native, Irent and smooth. lt contains uo man rial injurious to the skin. Patronized by 4,b•esseir and Opera. Smbera It is What every lady should have. Sold v. - holesale and re. .tail by S. A. atINK EL & gRa, ~ aptitiltt 118 Market. oleet, 0111:Tiebillg. OBQSSE it: BLACKWELL'S. ENGLISH PICKLE 3 a rare article for cable sea pet received - and for We by SEILSLER & FRAZER, fib/ . . WICCeSEurs 10 Win. Doc*, jr., & ca) ___. ,111131CILLESt. PR:KIN-Si I—By-the JL flag Surd . , Jar or Doae.a, at IMO '• sinsLER sentaran z, (Succeasora to Wm. Dock, Jr., k Ca} RAILROADS. EEEI Generai SI:.-;)iNnta,utts-L. ()semi and rateable Discovery. ITILTON , s INSOLUBLE CEMENT' It. of mole general pruk.utal atinzy : than any invention tow be:ore the public. It has beet; tborougLiY toted urmg the hest two years t; practxal 'mem, and pronounced by all to be 817PBBIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparasions Spas n. HaTun's larseevamt Csxmr is a new thing,. and the milli of years of study; its combination is on iSc ientific Printirks, And under no mreurestancen ~ r change of temperature, will it te come corrupt or omit any effetc , na etned. BOOT AND SHOE I fiMn uf t a c th u e e best ong icle t ke t te e t a o w 4 ia 3 Cementing for the Cbartnet...., a works without delay, 16 not reflected by any chair) of temperature. JEWELERS Will find It eunteiently adhesive lot Itheir wee, as has been pre: ed. ltis Erpedely Adapted to Lmaer, I And we claiia as an espemal me , m, that a Alas Patches to Hoot und Shoes , suElident4 monk; It Le the only !LIQUID OT•. 2? 14ttult that is &sure thing for mend ** Crockeryantit . thg 474 Ivory, d artitim of Household use REVIEMBER HILTON'S INSOLUILB Cater..%2 Is in a liquid form and as easily ar plied as pose. HILTON'S IstitILMILS CESEICT IS insoluote in water or oil. Rwros'a Isamorna Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or ILaticfae, tamer's Packages from 2 ounces to 100 HILTON BROS. Sr. CO., Pinprietorts. , Providence, B. Flat] ire MMUNNM AT ri9EM AS Spring approaches ANIS and ROACHES Prom their hales some out; And MICE and RATS, An spite of CATS, Gaily skip about. "If years established in N. Y. Cltv." "Only infallible remedies known. " "Free rioin Poismus" "Not dangerous w the Human Full." "Rats come out et their holes to ' a2l v- k g 00 2:40 1 4 .7 ase 0.1? Epp 8.30 13 55 koo 1,23 9La 2.00 023 apl3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers