ai Etlegraplj HARItI:3BURG, PA TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 14, 1864 NOT e CE Ti) AD VEHTLSERS.—AII Adver !i-ements, Business Notices, Marriages, Heaths, Ste., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accent. pa xoed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Moitij lug Edition u-ithoot extra charge. • •• TOWN AND COUNTRY LOCAL BOUNTY FO3l CREDITS paid at Herr Hotel. • jel4dlw* I==:ZEZ:I Two PINE BUILDING LOTS for sale on Pena above Broad street. Terms, one-half cash. Inquire of Dr. Wyeth, at Wyeth & Creamer's, South Second street. my3l-2w SELLING OFF TO CLOSE BUSINESS - -Tho en- tire stock of Millinery Goods, comprising fine assortment of Ribbons, Flowers Find Straw Goods, &c. To any person wishing to en gage in the business this is'a rare chance Call ea 13r at A. KAUFFMAN'S, No. 4 .111arke jel4-3t* OEM THE regular semi-annual meeting of the Paxton Fire Company, No. 6, will be held at their hall this (Tuesday) evening, at 8 o'clock. CALL AT KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, 93 Market street, and see the Natural Weather Indicator. It foretells the weather from 12 to 24 hours in advance and never fails. Price only $3 75. See advertisement in another column. jl4-2w CIIIIRCH DEDICATION. —The Free Will Bap tist (Colored) Church, located in Verbeke town, will be dedicated with appropriate cere monies, on Sunday, the 26th inst. The dedi; cation sermon will be preached by Bev. James Phillips, of New York, at ten o'clock on said clay. Thefeyill also be public ser vices at 3 o'clock, r. he., and in the evening, conducted by ministers from abroad. -The public are invited to attend. • Tzta 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves were mustered out of service yesterday by Capt. Robinson, it being the first regiment of that famous organization mustered out at Camp Curtin. Much is due to Capt. Robin son for the facilities afforded by him to secure the speedy mustering out of the regiments of the Reserves now at Camp Curtin. It is ex pected by Capt. R. that he will be able to muster out the entire force of the Reserves now at this post, before the end of the week. We rejoice at this fact, as the men are impa tient to get home. A TASTE FOR FLOWED indicates the refine ment of those who cultivate it, as a penchant for weeds illustrates the true nature of those thuS inclined. This was our reflection when we received a package by express from Middle town, this morning, freiglit paid, a package by which the sender doubtless designed to indicate, not his esteem for "locals," but his own small compass of soul and sentiment. —About the time the express man left the counting room, an urchin entered bearing a borptet of rare flowers, to be placed in our miniature parterre as a contribution from a friend and not a lout ridiculous: Pre-mcs.—An unusual number of pic-nics are being held this season. We advertise to day five in our columns. The first one on the programme is to be given by the Hotel-Keepers of this city, on In dependence Island, to-morrow, (Wednesday.) The Hope Fire Company will hold their an nual pic-nic, at Hoffman's Woods, on Thurs day next, the 16th inst. The "Hivers " have sold a large number of tickets, and we have no doubt the pic-nic will be the largest held this season. Capt. Orem will hold his third pic-nic at Hoffman's Woods, on Saturday, the 18th. The Citizen Fire Company will hold their an nual pic-nic on Wednesday, the 22d inst., at Hoffman's Woods. The company has been under considerable expense lately, and still being somewhat in debt are deserving of liberal support from the public. The pie-nice given by this company have always been con ducted in excellent style. , ' The Vine Street Methodist Sunday ,School will hold their anneal pic-nie atDerry Station, on', the Lebanon Valley Railroad, on Thursday, June 23d. This will afford families an oppor tunity to spend a day in the woods with their little ones. TER SOLDIERS' ..11 4 TREAT.-It is astonishing .; ; to observe the number of men daily - patising through this city, en route for and.'from the army. Being the centre from which diverge the most important railroad . fineS in the Com monwealth, connecting the great commercial emporiums of the north-east and the north west with the Federal metropolis, it is here that we have had au opportunity greater than at any-other point, to observe the roaterial,ouf of whieh opr armies are constructed, 'and with which our leaders win victories. At the "Sol diers' Retreat" may be seen, daily, the vete ran and the raw recruit, the volunteer, regu lar and conscript; and here, too, they are en tertained perhaps - with more liberality - and with greater regard for their comfort than. at any other post of our military operations. Capt. WillhanEs, the officer in charge of the "Retreat," conducts his. establishment on something of the principle. of a first.claas:ho-: tel. He entertains his guests as heroes"shotild' alone be entertained, and maintains-the; very , hest of order at all times in his vast estab lishment. It would amply - repay those, .Seek' ing information concerning the condition of our fighting men, occasionally to visit the Re treat. They will not only be gratified - With . the intelligence derived from the returning veterans, -but theywill• be pleased to.n4a care and attention exercised by Capt. .W..t.tó_ preserve 'the succcessful. operations of all. 11167. I machinery of: his vast catabliShment. _ Illusrmasn 07 r.-Company I, of the Sixth Pennsylvania Bowes, was mustered out of service this morning at Camp Curtin. At the conclusion of the muster-out, Surgeon Bower addressed the company in a neat and patri otic speech; alluding to the many battles they had been engaged in and the numerous vic tories they had gained over the rebels. The Surgeon was heartily cheered; and the com pany finished the exercises by singing the song called "Homeward Bound," with quar tette and chorus, in excellent style. Our best wishes go with them. Sens MEW FAXELY tisr..—ln consequence of the liability of hams and cured beef to become tainted &ring the summer season, and on account of the fact that canvassing of hams adds considerably to their coat, by the price of cotton goods, Shialer & Frazer have made arrangements to get hams and cured beef fresh from the smoke-house three. times per week. By this plan they expect to be able to supply their customers and families with the very choicest article in this line of their business. The attention of the public is in vited to the advertisement of this firm on this subject. A. R. WTETH Jonai H. Zammnit will be the master of cere: - monies at the Hotel-keepers' pic-nic, to be given on Independence Island on the 15th inst., a fact which alone will be sufficient to secure the success of the party, as he is known to be one of the most courteous and affable gentlemen, on such occasions. If we thought that the master of ceremonies and his friends would 'devote the day 'previous to trout fish ing, we Might finally, be induced to risk a voyage to Independence Island on the 15th, as then there might;be a prospect of our test:: ing the result of their angling ability so fre quently promised us . heretofore. - ACCIDENT AT MIDDLETOWN. —On Saturday morning last,- an accident occurred in Middle tewn,- by which two Persons were injured. As the citizens of the to`wn were passing to and from market, efreight train crossed the street. Mr. Benjamin Boyer and otherd - attdthpted to cross the track in the rear of the train, but at the same , time_a passenger train came along. Mr. Boyer wed: caught by the "cow-catcher," and was carried about fifty yards—sustaining serious injiry." An aged lady, 'Ms. Hicker nell, was also struck by the train, and was considerably bruised. We learn that both are rapidly recovering:- . LIQUID RENNET, —Liciuid Rennet yields with milk 'the most luscious of all deserts for . the table ; the lightest and most grateful diet for* invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution ; when co agulated with rennet it is always light and; easy of digestion, and supports the systeni• with the least possible encitement. When' still greater nutritive power is desired, cream; and sugar may be added,. A teaspopnful con-, verts a quart of milkinto a. - firm curd. Pre-' pared and sold, wholesale : anal retail, by B. A. KUNKEL, 118 Market street. . • Car Pausarrnkrzox.—The Reserves in- Camp Curtin, yesterday:presented to Capt. J.• A. Major, Commissary; of the canal), a splen-, did gold-headed rosewood cane. The pre-' sentation speech was made by CoL Fisher, who briefly alluded to the pleasant relation's which existed 'between the soldiers and the' Commissary in .1881, and the,renewed obliga tions he had placed them un.der since their' return in various ways, but more particularly in usingihis individual exertions to procure' tents for the use of the war-worn veterans during . their stay in Harrisburg. The .COm-. nassary, Who supposed that he had — done nothing more than his duty, was taken tirely by surprise. The cane aside" - frorn - -its intrinsic value', will be kept by Mr. 'Major as' a memento beyond money or price. Naanow F,soars .—The horses of Mr. Henry Backenstoss, attached to a light market wa gon, were frightened by a loconiothe :Whistle this morning, as they were crossing the-rail road, and ran nil up Market street.. When near Fourth Are 3t.they ran against a beav wagon, which detached the front-wheels. The occupants of the wagon, Mr. Backenstoss, his wife and a lady, were suddenly thrown to the' ground and miraculously escaped instant death. Neitheie of the parties were injured in the least. The horses proceeded , up to Market Square, where • they were, suddenlY halted by coming in contact with the market house. One of the. horses was slightly cut in the front leg. RAl:Laos]) Aocmyarr.-3faradalou§ EseaP of a Largely Laden Passenger Train.--As the Express train for the Westpn the Pennsylva nia Railroad was running in the vicinity of Pack-• Saddle (such is the name given to us by a passenger) on the Conemaugh, 13 miles west of lohnstown, an axle of • the water-tank broke, and for a time -the entire train was in imminent peril of being destioyed with allon board. If the engineer had not succeeded in checking.the train , when he (AO, the;prot,l)il ity was hat it would have bemi.priCiPitated over arcernbindbnent - cirielituidiecl feet high. Only the cool courage and presence of mind of the engineer saved the lives of those on the train. From What `a•e could learn only one man -was slightly injured. The , accident detained the train several hours after its time on the schedide: Carr nazx's Aaxis AND Lzos.---A tilistinguished physician, who died some years since inTaris, declared: "I believe that during the twenty years that I have practised my profession, in this city, 20,000 children have been carried to the cemeteries, a sacrifice to the abs urd cus tom of exposing their arms naked... On this the editor of tb, e phil a derplea Altdi cal and Surgical Reportr x remarks: Put the bulb of a V aermometer in a taby's month, the mercury rises to ninety degrees. Now carry the sew e to its little hand; if the arm be bare and t lie evening cool, the mer cury mill, sink to fifty degrees. Of course all `the-blood that f",OWa through these arias must fall-from ten. • to forty degrees below the tem perature of %he Ai ef irt: -Neel I say, when these eturretVt s .:--bi:bViiod... OW - bank into the Chest, to child ' s vi t ality must be more or . =El= .`._. less compromised? And need I tide'. ought not to be surprised at its freq.., curring affections of the tongue, throat or stomach? I have seen more than one child with habitual cough and hoarseness, choking vfith 3311.10115, entirely and permanently relieved by simply keeping the hands and arms warm. Every observing and progressive physician has daily opportunities of witnessing the same cure. To 'run PCMLIC.—The return of our Mr. Bowman on Saturday from a flying visit to attend the Fair at Philadelphia, and pick up a few choice dry goods, enables us to ask our friends'and patrons to call and examine them. We also - ask the attention of lathes to our new style of "Bowman" hoop skirt, which for beauty and durability cannot be excelled. The cheap dry goods house, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICES. Brown's Bronchial Troches. ".I lutVe never changed my mind rrspeatlng them (ran the first, except to think yet better of that. which I began thinkfag well of " Rev. EMMY WARD BEECHER... "The Troches are a staff of life to me." . • Pros. EDWARD NORTH,. Pres. Hamilton . College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Troubles they are a specific." , N. P. WILLIS. "Too favorably known to need commendation." - Hon, CHAS. A. PHELPS, Pres, Maas. Senate. "Contain no opium nor anything injurious." Dr. A A. HAVES, Chemist, Roston. "An elegant eembination for coughs," Dr. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston. recoMmend,their nag to public speakers." Rev. E. H. CHAPIN "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis." Rev. S. SEIGeSIED, Morristown, Ohio. "Very beneficial when suffering from Colds." Rev. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Louis. "Almost instant, relief in,the distressinglabor of breath.. log peculiar to Asthma." ' Rev. A. C. ROLESTON, Now York. "They have suited my case exactly, eel evingmy throat ao that I could'Sing with ease." T. DUCHARME," • ' Chorister French Parish Maids:: Montreal _ As there are imitations be sure to obtain the GENUINE. •? To Clear the, House of Files, use Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER-,- a neat cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill a quart' SOLO EVERY WHERE. re,ENCEL,,RICHARDS At CO., 10th and Market, greets, Philadelphia t .wholesale agent& ray24-4AcwBvr , ;Military linsiarai Attended To. Bounti, Pension, Back Pay, Subslidonee and Military and War Clatrim generally, made out and Collected.' Per residing at a distance can have their business, trans'- umic'by addressing EINENESNTDICR, Attorney-at-Law . deltAlly " Third straw., KarrishArgrb. cOLGATJE'S lIONICY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de• mend, is made from the ekoitteut materials, is mild and emollient (nits nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For Sale by ali Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealem jan2s-dryly LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS IrISOU NEW YORK AUCTION. GREAT BARGAINSINKUSLINS. Full yard wide bleached muslin , at 30 cents; worth 40 cents. Bleached Muslin, at 25 cents; worth 35 cents. Bleached =lain, at 22 cents; worth 30 cents. 20 pieces ofall wool flAnnals cheiP. Bl*k Bilk, at sl2u; worth $1 ST. Bladrailk - , at $130; worth .$ l6O. Black silk, at $ L 45; worth $1.85. ,2000 yards of black silks froni auction. !Beautiful pearl color silk finish alpaca. Alpitca.s in leather color, atone colors and other colors.. White cambrics, soft finished 5-4 FrenChCambr l c. • Jaconetts, Irian Linea. Shirt br, eats, all linen, at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 58 cents. Splendid assortemnt of calicos. . Cloak-, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. stockings, the beat and cheapest.. Pocket bandkerchiefs,for ladles, atali prices, Mai sallies quilts:and crash for. t 'wets. We have now a very large stock of goods, all bought at reduced prices, and which wa. will Bell at prices which. cannot fall to give satisfaction • We.have also a very ,argelotot alpacas, casitimere cloth; bombazines: .• • • S. LIDWY. my2t Pure Vegetable Medicine. ONE of the very beat Vegetable Medieinefi is now offered to the citizens and strangers of thla city. It will purify the blood, and leave the liver and bowels in a vied healthy condition. Operates without the least pain. 'Old and young, male and female, all can..takti Of it. As to the truthtf this hundreds can testify, as it has been well tried for the last ten years. It is prepared only and sold by Bra L. Ball, No. Ilonouth Pine street, Harrisburg, P . a. my 23 Bannvart's Troches. For the .cuse of 'Hoarseness, Throat Dia,. eases, &c., are speciallyy, recommended to ministers,.singers and persons whose vooation calls them to speak in public. Manufaotured only by 0. A. Bannvart k Co. ' Harrisburg; Pa-, tc whore all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of bur clergymen: • IT SPY-11mm, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Rustrvanr—Dpar Sir: I haVe used Brown's Bronchial Trochee, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for - hoarseness and throat troubles, and , in oonan with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public, speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I -have &Mud them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, , Pastor of N.' S. ProsbyterMir Church. I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the valveof Bannvart's Troches. W. 0. OATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. .11111B181117BG, Jan., 1 0 64: To 0., X. Sir: In,th habit of speaking very frlque.utly, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed,; I have fcitnd the need-of some gentle ex'peoto4 rant,, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that khave ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of , the voice arising from its too -frequent use, and. impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public an d:met Yours, ac., JNO. WATNIMI JACKSON. Pastel' of the Loeust St. lifethodiat Church. To C. A. Banrvear—:Dear Sir: Haiing wet' your I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and tape great pleasure in -retortimending "them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness voice4rieiig from public speang ersinging. Yours, &e., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Donn= Arresaizes Om" , 1. Hemnsranto, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. ItunivAirr—Desw Sir : I have found, your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. .1. HERB BURLINGTON HERRING. THE first of the season, fins large Burling- Lon Herring, just received at SIIISLER & FRAZER, ape . (succespors to Wu). Dock, jr., & Co.) COX'S SPARKLING GELATIN, the best inanufactnred,juct received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZF-R fel (suoceesors to Win Pock. s r., & tn.) ntlitilAli 'MUSTARD, the best imported, Xl' just received and for sale by • • SHISLER 1 FRAZZRy . febl 63uocessors to Wm. Dock, Jr., et GO ---- - SUrBRIOR RIO ,OIDLAGITYR.A. COFFEE - Or% • BOYER SVILOKEWP.` NEW A_IIVERTISEIVIENTS. FARM - FOR SALE. ASMALL FARM. of sixty-three acres, sit uate on the Camberland Paley Railroad, five tui es west or Carlisle, near the %allege of On aeon, le of fered for sale at the moat reasonable t, rms. Far Maher informatioa inquire of James A. Dunbar, Attoraey-at- Law. Office south of the Court House, next door to the American Printing Mat., Carlisle, Pa. KEYSTONE NURSERY. HARRI.NIMBG, PENNA , June 11,1864. ALL PERSONS who have purchased trees from the above nunery and wtilch have failed to grow that were warranted, will and it to the r interest to, at once inform the proprietor, so that he may replace them, among the first planted in the Pall or Spring of 1865, as preferred. No amount of money will be received without I.atisfae tion. J. 51185 E, thug, Pa. • Heystone Farm and - Nursery Harrisl jell-lw Salo of Condemned-- Tents and Army Clothing, -H - osprrAL and Wall . Tents and Flys, suit-1 able for awnings, wagon covers, &c, and several hundred Overcoats, Pants, 'Vests and Blouses, from the Government sale at Washington, now fur sale at Barr's Auction Store. Also, one of Sing4i'a extra large Sewing Machines; cost $l3O, in perfect order .with Stand and table complete; for sale low. The highest price In cash pllid for all kinds of second hand clothing, furniture, iron, copper, brass or pewter. Also, three of Fairbanks' platform Seale; in good order, for sale. Weigh from 500 to 1000 pounds. jell FOR RENT, • ASTORE ROOM in an excellent location, and a;toeso stand. For further var tam are apply at THIS OFFICE. Laud for Sale 520 ACRES of Land, in Dauphin co. at privite • sale, in part or the whole, to suit purchasers ; 135 acres clear, good buildings thereon, with yaw For further particulars, address • L. MINSKER, my3o-d3m* Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa. NEW GOODS. • „MISS M. V. WILSON, ' N. W. CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STREETS. MHE attention of the ladies is invited to the large and choice stock of Dress Trimmings and Fancy Goods, just ret elven from the eastern cities. Also, a fine selection of Toilet artiele , , S. Combs and Brushes, &c., Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. jell e-tef SECOND ARRIVAL! LATEST STYLES! MRS. N. MAYER, No. IS Market Street, IS PLEASED to announce to the ladies If Harrisburg and vicinity, (who have so liberally patron ized her since her arrivalppthis city,) that she has jMit received, direci from the minufacturers.and importers,' a • SECOND SUPPLY of the finest goods the market could afford in the Due of REHR AND, AMERICAN MILLINERY, and is now prepared to offer great' inducements to pur chasers. Herstoeli consists in part of BONNETS, BIBBONS, FLOWERS, READ DRESSES, • CAPS, ORNAMENTS, 84 SILKS, VELVETS, LACES, RUCHES, HOOP SKIRTS CORSETS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, • CUFFS, BELTS, NETS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Also, a ap lend td.assortment of • SILK WRAPPINGS, • SILK COATS, • CIRCULARS, MANTILLAS, LACE POINTS. PARASOLS, &C. Also, Ties, Scarfa, Pocketk Books,. Porte Herniates and Parses, elegant Steel and Jet Pins and Brooches, Belts and Belt Buckles, and a Dill: line of Trimming and Fancy Goods, as cheap asthe cheapest. Special care has benn exercised in the selection of these goods, with i view to the wants of this community, and the ladies gesortmen4 . .. nerally : are invited to mill and examine the as- Thankful for the Bberal patreinage heretofore received, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place: We. 13 Market street, MRS. M. MAYER. Gray's Patent Molded Collars Ara not simply fiat pieces of paper cut in the form of a collar, but are ifolded and Shacellioilkthe neck 4 having a perfeet curve free from ang/es 00 breaks, whit* is ob tained by our patented proceSS, which also secures another advantage possessed by no other collar,—vla : Space for the Cravat in the Turn-down style, the MUDD OF Intim mg PRRFBOTLY SMOOTH AND FILER FROM PITMEN; freaking this collar, for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled. They are made in Turn-down-style in sizes from 12 to 17, and in Garrotte fichn it no 17 inches; rind packed in neat taus boxes of 100 each; also, in smaller ones of /0 each—the latter a very handy package for travelers, army and navy officers. Ire-EVERY COLLAR Is stamped - : " Giars Ptat'iat Molded Collar." Sold by, all retell dealers in Men's Furnishing Gads The trade supplied bY PA!' DEUSEN,'IIOEVIIIER, 00.' jel-eodent' ' - dEfFENNITT St., Philidelpida. MILLINERY GOODS I . 1a..4 s . J.. 4:1 13 S , HAS ormito AT NO. 8 MARKET iIiqUARE, (Next door to Felix's Confectionery) - ppi - THERE sap, IS PREPARED to sell to T the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the , Latest Styles' of - 'Millinery and Epley, goods, At cheaper prices than any house In the cityThequality of her goods cannot be surpassed. DBES'S MAKING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. - Ladies call and examine for plurselves. aplB-dtiyll VALUABLE FARM _ PRIVATE SA.I4 E. . • T im subscriber will sell, at private sale, the farm, late the property of Mrs. 'Margaret Thome, situated in East Hanover township, Dauphin county, adjoining lands of.the Manacle furnace, containing 168 acres; forty'acres of Vielboveis Wood Ltnd and the balance under a good state of cultivation. 'The improve meats consist of a two:story weather-boarded House, a new Bank:Barn, and other necessary outbuildings. Per sons desiring to see the property, can call or address je6-d2w* JOSEPH. SHRESLEY. VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will sell at public sale on Saturday, June :18th, 1.264; at, the' Court House in the city of.liarrsburg, at 2 o'clock r. the farm now occupied by Jacob Pitting, in Susquehanna township. iiildlarin contains one hundred acres, inure or less, and is bounded by lands of Herman AlrlckS, Sec. W. Weans; J. German and °titers; Paxton creek runs along and through the farm. • - • There is a fine two-story stone house and bank barn on the place, and also a fine limestone quarry. A draft of. the farm can he seen at the office of Dr. Rutherford, on Front street, any time until day of sate. The above farm is within miles of the city and is in fine order. jeT-dts 0. D. FURSTER. A. C. SMl'fit, ATTORNEY •. LAW, HAS removed his Office from Third to Wal nut street s nest to •thi Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt and oarcful attention. 5 HAMS! HAMS!—A fresh supply of Mich .l.l.. eners's Excelsior Hams and Dried Beer, at jan29 BOYER k KOERPER. 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES, comprising ?Mainly, Chow Uhow, wixed Pickles, Gerkins,' Walnuts and Onions. For solo wholesale and retail by SHISLER & FRAZER, my 6 successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. FOR SALE.—A ve-horse-power STEAM ENGINE and BOILEROn good order. Apply to F. GEETY, row-tr Walnut street, Wow Sixth. 10.1.1VE. NU. 1 ALA.U.D..2,10:t , ru Kiita, just, fa ceivedat - SHISLER & FRAZER, mars , (Cuccepomto Wm. Dock. Jr., k Co ) rIATSUPS AND SAUCES, of • the most perior and choice brands, just received soditeale. by SHISLER FRAZ febl ottegason to Wm. Do*, INA ES= WANTS. viriorimu, - A Second Hand niead naker. one bn la_ a, swirly mad need apfdy, WAges Niue Dot Jars pa rk and 'Board. Apply at 74, Market street. jel3-2t* 4,A.1Y.L0T IILENT. SIM A MONTH.—Agents wanted to sell C4F Sewing Machines. We will give a commis awn on all machines sold, or employ agents.whowill work for the above wages and all expenses paid. Address D. 13. RERRIXGTON . Co., Detroit, Mich. jai) 2w* ANTED--A COACHSIONH, Apply to [jell-Iw] R. J. FLEMING. $lO TO $3O A DAY. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL. THE Lll- PROVED LITTLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE.— The beet cheap. Machine in the United States. We are giving a Commission by which the above wages can be made, or we will employ agents, at $76 a month and ex penses paid. For particulars and terms, address, with Stamp, T. S. PAGE, Gen'l Agent, jel3-d2wawlm Toledo, 0. WANTED—Several - Cabinet Makers and Carpenters far in door work. Highest trarl, paid. Also, a stout boy to strike In the blacksmith shop Apply at the Eagle Works. • W. O. HICKOK, je9-Iw* - -- AGENTS witi2ol O'scija tho Standard His tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to ;200.per month. 240,000 volumes already soh]. Send for circular!. . ,,AdttresS JONES. BRS. & XI _ de 80 • Publishers. Baltimore, gd. Ur' ANTED—A. good pastry Gook and a good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap3o-ritr BRADY HOUSE, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FIREWORKS; WHo7•*za ii,E AND =TAIL By a Co I - IN - , : W ISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WAITMT, HARRISBURG, PA. THE following stock of Fireworks is now in store: Roman Candles, Rockets, Pin Wheels,,,.. Mines or Stars and Serpents. Serpents, . GsasshopperS, - Water Pots, Flower Pots, Scroll Wheels , . }lengths Lights, Triangles, Blue Lights, , Red, White and Sloe, Spangatettek , Chinese Rockets, Pulling Cracker's, Fire Crackers, ' Turpedos, Torpedo.& Firecracker Gun, New Torpedo Bow, JOSS Stick, or Punk, Flags, sc. Now is the time to..purchase while then& is a good as- Sortment. JOHN WISE, je6-titr ' ~ : . ", ..CANDIDATE FOR. CONGRESS. HAnanutuatt, PA., June 9,1383. THE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 13th Congressional M um!, of Pennsylvania, composed of tae counties of Dau phin, Juniats,.. Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions or the said District. fje9tdtc] JOSIAH ESPY. P;amee and American, Sunbury, Chronicle, Lewisburg, Sentinel, ffirdintown, Tribune, ALlddieburg, Tetegraph, Mir flioburg, and Republican paper M Selinsgrove, • opy till Convention, and eon .l bills to advertiser. S PiarrvALisitr. SANI'L H, PAIST, :Blind Test Medium, will give seances for communion with the Spirit World, at gxchartge Sall Walnut street, omit further notice. He will ako make clairvoyant examination of diseases for those desiring it. Hours from 8% A_ at: to 12 ar., and `l% P. iL to .5 P. m. Taints 50 centime& sitting. Every oneSpplying for a sitting does it on their own responsibility, as the manifestation of a spirit is notat the option of the medium. .101-dtf TO LEARN PIANO-FORTE' PLAYING EASILY -AND THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRIRITION BOOS. "Richardson's Isow Method_" An improvement upon all others in pin greatly° arrangement, adaptation and simplicity. found ad upon a new 4utd original plan, and illustrated by a series of plates, showing the proper position of the hands and fingers. - The popularity of this book has never been equalled by that of any similar wort Tsar thousand copies are sold every year.-. Among two/tars and all who have examined ,t, it is pronounced superior excellence to all other "Methods," "Systems," and' "Schools," anti tee b ink that every.pupil needs for.the acquirement of a thorough knowledge of Piano-forte playing( It is I.lapted to all grades of tuition, front the rudimental studies of the youngest, to the studies and exercise. of advanced pupils. Two editions are published, onerdepting American, the other Foreign fingering. When the work is entered, VD° preference Is designated, the 'edition with American it..- goring will be sant. Be./$11;• sure that in ordering It you are tintilcular specifyinn• the "NEW METHOD." Price $ 350 htallAd, postpaid, ' to any address... Sold by all Music Dealers. . . ..... . OLIVER DIMON ik CO, Publishers, 277 Washington street, Beaton, . - - , je7-tr. -- PLANTS! PLANTS:: PLANTS::: AT the Keystone Nitrsery, the following Plants can be had: Winningstadt Cabbage, 50 cents per 100, $4 per 1000.. Drumhead Savoy Cabbage, 15•eeuta per 100,' fa per 1000. Flatt Dateh Cabbage, 05 cents per 100, 46 per 1000. Late Drumhead oitte, 65 emits per 100, $5 per 1000. Tobacco, 80 cents per 100, s2'so - per 1000. - - Celiary,. - 85 cents per 100, $3 00 per .1000. - - White Apple Ternato Plants, $1 00 per 1000. Orders for all kinds of early vegetables will be proMptly attendtd to. J. MISEI, jeB Keystone Farm, near Harrisburg, SOLE AGENCY FOR. THIS CITY T AM happy to offer to the public a large 1 and splendid assortment of • - SUPERIOR GOLD PENS,- mnufacturod by LEROY W. FAIRdHILD. These Pens are svall finished, elastio, and will ere en tire satisfaction- ' PLEASF. TRY THEE SGERFPER'S ROOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Rarrisourgl Pa. • ap23 BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Command er-in-Chief, $l. 25 THE PIONEER BOY, and how he became President, $1 25 THB FERRY BOY, and the Finanoier, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Frardath made Ina mark, ta 25 THE FARMER BOY, and how he became. Liouteh- ant General. In press . A YOUTH'S HISTORY Or THE.REHELLION, from , Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly illustrated . :Sr 745 At BERGNER's BOOK sroßs. UNRIVALLED CIIAFALER FURNITURE POLISH does not affect the varnish, but restores tne original lustre. It does not discolor. It will rostrata, with very lade labor every fluiSlied. surftice, either metal or wood. All manuiheturers and. dealers in furnituse should use it for cleaning furniture that has been stand ing, covered With dust. A touch and rob here and them will make it bright and fresh. For sale by 'S A:KUNKEL & BRO., ju4-dif 11S Hru - k et street, Harrisburg. ACRE LOTS FOR SALE. TH. BERRYHILL having sold part of his . ground abo've town, will sell lota Of an acre each smug the Wel road. There la one lot lett of two acres with line river front 157 feet. The buildings will-be - sold with three or six acres. ju2-tf PRIVATE SALE. ONE of the best locations for IRON WORKS in the. State for sale, at a very reasonable price,. to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about five hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarries in the State and close to a goodlturnriike road; also, room for waste einders.for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to DAVID aftThilf.A, Jr., Attoraey-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, marl 6-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. [Pldladelphia - Press insert three times and send bill to this oMee.J. HUCKSTERS' BASKETS.—ShisIer & Fra zer litleCe4lofl3 /A W. Dock, jr, &Co., have on hand .ozen hickory ba-kets. Prize $5 50 per dozen. je9 JUST RECEIVED-14 gallons 'Sure currant wine, [rum a Lancaster county farmer; the !west, wadp domestic wine in this cAy. P. Ice $3 GO per lor sale at • SHISLER & FRAZ j e o Successors to Wm bock? jr., k Co. FOR SALE, riIHE valuable property, corner . . of Second . - and Pine streets, being ilfty-two and-a hallteet on Se cond and one hundred and ainty-eight feet on Pine street, roaming back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space tor four full building lots, and a mostde sirablenite fora Governor's Mansion or-public buildinp. Forparticulars enquire of link- MtJBaLY, corner of sr coal:11111ns- recta ins*Of BRANT'S OF • Bullyau's Pilgrim's Progress, AND TWO GRAND EXHIBITIONS COMBINED. Admission 25 cents. Childreit 15 cents. Doors open at 7M.. Scenes move at S 4 . jel4-4t CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW MUM J.H. DONNELL ........ ..... 77: Lava OPEN EVERY EVEsTLSO, With a Firat-olasa Company of BEIGE:114 BANCIM,..CONEDIANS 4a, 40. idmiasiom ..... ....... .......... ...... mats Seats in Boxes .. , .......... .......... .. 26 " 29 FIREWORKS I! OPTICIAN, MAUFACTIIRER AND IMPORTER OF OPTICAL, MATITERATICAL AND PHILOS OPIII CAL INSTRUMENTS, No. 26 NORTH sEcoNn STREET, NEAR WALNIT, HARRISBURG, PA. The following instruments will be forwarded, free, to any ad trees, on receipt of the price ; Insect Microscope; for examining unkind& of in sects, flowers, or p1ant5....... $a 00 Seed Microscope; for examining seeds, insects, minerals, &c. 2 00 Rosondale's Student's Microscope; power 50, 150, . and 250 diameter& A beautiful instrument Tor general microscopical analysis, packed in a neat box lO 00 Bile Telescope; to see at a distance of two or three miles; can be attached to any rifle . Stereoscopes; a new and improvedinstroment.... 225 u with Do. twelve pictures.... .. _ . • • 500 . . Spectaeles of the highest refractive power to strength en and preserve the eyesight, with a large amortment of Opera and Field Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers, Magnets, Drawing Instruments, Sto. sir Send stamp for a catalogue containing prices, kc. jet-titf OF CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR .D.ARTMILVT, CAVALRY Emma', OFTOCN of Omar Quartrzatzsrza, WARRINGTON, D. C., April 25,1863 WILL be sold at public auction, to the highestbidder, at the times and places named be low. viz: Scranton, Penn's, Thursday, June 16th. - Williamsport, Penn's, Thursday, June 233 Onellundred (1001 horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fifty (250) at each of the otherplaces. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at Ms sr., and continue daily till all are Sold. TIMMS: CASH in United States "Treasury notes only. .TA VMS A MIN. ap2S-dtil Lt. CoL and C. Q. M. Cavalry Sumac. TIIE Undersigned Commissioners, named • in an Act of the Legislate: e, approved the 4th day . of May, 1804, entitled an act to incorporate the Millers burg and Raush Gap Railroad Company, hereby give public notice that books will be opened for reeeivin,g cub seriatim:Ls to the Capital Stock of salt at the following-named limes and places in the county of Dau phin, to wit : At the house of Jacob Lenker. in Grata town, on THURSDAY, the 234 day of June. inst. At tin house of Ben!amin Bordner, in Berrysburg, on MONDAY, the nth day o' June inst. it the house or J. B. Yeager, in Millunnuty, on TI3UTISDAY, the 30th (tn . ; of June, ins , . At the JONES HOUSE, in the City of Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, the sth day ofJnly next; and that mitt times and placei some two or more of the Commissioners _ wilt attend, and that the Books will be kept open at least els hours, commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, for the terra of threejldlcial• days, or until the number of shares authorized by the law shall hare been solve:4W. DAVID R. PORTER, HENRY Tawas, JAMES FREELAND, G. 'M. BRUBAKER; 5 WENRICK, JONATHAN SWAB, DANIEL LEHR. .le2d 4w Hemunsoac, Ist June, Mt HARRISBURG COMMITTEE OF THE GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY PAIR ON LA- Box, INCOME AND REVENUE Public 061ces—W W Hays, Chas Coo or . Iron—Dr George Ituiry, James M't.m.u.irk, hanks—Jameslf Wier, J Monroe Kreiter. Manufactories—W 0 Hickok, William THildrup. Druggists—S A Kunkel, Charles A Bannvart. Livery—William Colder, F A Murray. Grocers—Jß Eby, Christian Fraser. MeSpee l. rchants, Storekeepers, ego—Daniel Eppley , John t. Leather and ShoesL - John Edwards, K Greenawalt. Clothiers—John W Glover, William Sayfolii. Umber—John B Cor,vD D Boas. Rotels--Charles Mann, William G Thompson. ?rioters and Book Sellers—George Bergner, Theodore F Schaffer. Builders—John B Simon, A K Black. Express and Telegraph--John H Berryhill, John Mug- • ham. Medical—Dr Martin, Wm K Egle. Dentistry—Dr J P Keller, J W MoELL Photographers and MUSIC Deeltrs—Le Rue Lerner, Wil liam Knoche. Railroads—Bamuel D Young, J R Dobarry. Forwarders and Coal Deaters—Wm K Alricks, D-MtCor mick. Victuallers and Bakers—Alex Koser, Brady. The above Committee are requested to meet on Thurs day evening next, June 9th, at S o'clock, at the COURT ROUSE, for the purpose of organization. By order of the Chairman. -je7-dtf CM CLOAKS ! CIRCULARS • AND MANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in every color and hand somely trimmed, from $7 50 to $lB. 1000 mar, MANTELS, CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKS, Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY". ray2s IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS —The undersigned- offers at tokamak, to the trade, a choice lot of the best liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: Freak Brandies, Holland Gins; Stack, frisk Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic Wines, such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, dc Alt liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will Had it to their advantage , to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut. my2746m PHILADELPHIA COL ' 'STI— is TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Aich street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENER SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, Mathe matics, higher English and Natural Science tor those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters For ciirculars apply at the LUStitete, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., phdadelphia ap2W6m: article 0f 1 2 31 4 . 11f uitiPo ll r?at. 124*63 snum-a, smstegre spa Ouxmaionit to-WnWookoiry‘m AMUSEMENTS.- THEFEDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS NEXT POLOPt. .100MORAMA THE HOLY LAND, JULIUS ROSENDALE, Practical and Scientific AUCTION - SALE NOTICE NEW LIQUOR. STORE. GEORG?, 'WINTERS. =I HALI 4. 29 117.1 A L ROUMFORT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers