MEDICAL. CONSTITUTION LIFE- S R it:IO3I7OSM OF - lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND Tpp 1 3,3 1 piIiPARIII) . . WM. H. GREGG,D aired's* college of rhyistplaaa and Surgeons,. N. Y., 'for merry Assistant PhysiciarilllickwelPt Laltindllca s , pilafs, late .Icedloal Uttpectior New York-- • hyite Volunteer LreVcite, - 10der . „, tekr ; . ; Edward D. Morgan: " . . . CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP RN V01,(1770N4N i . , What way Deem"aliisout-tfiesiviVlNK.l4l, lthat : ananyi.dl.4- eases hitherto outuddered hopelessly incurable are..llre' ; quindly ciired Ri a- fivi'dayt or weeks,:anditve elieerfully Invite the layestigatio9s of the liberamindddiendeseigni quo to curter which hafeiio parallel at tile"presentadity, Our Air didlne ; by it the seatortniyudisase /*drat:lllj , readlied;'anitthe equiliWiumJasorsd.o% , Tb'oite Who hinee , autidre'd long Irom .painful nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief front advertised mediclnes,'theie *ha eaunot, be cured by °their physicians—. .; /HE INVITED . TO. USE CONITITOTIOIf,;P:ft Outing the past eve years we have contended withott• stables anituverosiciroppositiou as berratlit,S ,wieritever encountered. by any, Izerormers. RAPIDITY OF Cram Some Say; "Your' cures are too quicir;',l,. while atheis , doubt their permunencaillid- thriik that disease can only . , lii; cureu by thP'illiivrrecup'erstive prectis of Natuer i - .. This is uur reply: In health, the body, like a well-balitiaped,spit illi l ti a atilla of Equilibrium. But when from - any &moodown goes title ado ut trie scale, wflhave the effects of disease. What Is requisite is, to restbrelhif tuiratrbalance of tlie acme. :T. -, ',., ... ..,.- /, .CONSTIVITIV. I.IFFAX4Lidi, ~,, ..,„. , i AVooltlve arid specitio'routiatykur hill - • - c.U.uforlitnatlng from as I ..tizUltE:sTa'rii , o,Fv.444A.fsWpkon and for all OferedllifiT) ~ .LlizEe4Ell:-.4lnusinktlfal .; - froni - PaItENT Ti) ; ~ ° 1 ~ -il •••f e st - 4 , 1 U 4 4 ' Bl5l .1 42jLKTfi. If4rOplegla.- ; . . is._,Puitiigegia, ~pluitS .. A ' ; It id so unive rsal ly alliiiiiled that Coniallatibii'Litg yrup. is the only ellso l tve ,means uf rest ,ration in tiljtietis forum of Eszeizus, Gild we need 'thiit.' 'leiter:Mit : ~, it Is ~sonphatioalitrAirt D reit we Giving .rower,,- ::' ~ '.. , - r . - , .I.4rs.PSPs.tA.'' ,. _'" , .",.!, :Indigestion. ,,' / ;PYllf Complaint..: C"Pktliii;f l 4 o " I Weight as IRO**. Biliedenees - ' weet9r . elibetite. • - no I Thdulouoit : . ~.. . , - - { , Re . RO P U La•: . '''' ' '''. - : Strum&Oiriit 1 . , Glandular swellings. DI iboi ' ' ..KINI's Evn• -,. ,F.trYis,LPe!as. ' ' ' .. , Pais tand(limizilivan't and 'ifighiitii;)'llllliitril with untold misery, is by all pug tuethcal,k,empate3, t if4ible. ri zcr kler ta , ht.- • , - 4 - [ezokriits) ; , I : ,Noufidgia . . Gout. lama.go„ - "Saiiidea. -* r • : Tic lifinliilife_u .1 If there* any diseasq. ‘ izt ‘ w4ich the Constitution ft Syrup is a s over e ign; lt IY - iiisttfieumatism and its kinh i ld adeotiona ~The mustintouse . patttkaru almost instaully' i alloolatod-: . :0409:p4iis . fisrellinp- -' are . .....," - 'vhduchill''' Oabes; chronic : or vicarunih,' of, ' 2 V or 3D ye arsra'aridiag i ahaye been. ured 0.5.,. . .l , ~ . by ' ' ' .- . ' , .'' ', Id* Vb t r •VES . 42 ''.. - . 1 1 .: .Nervens Debility„ - ' Shattered piliffat.' • St. • Vitus' I , ninee.' Lese,of. Power. , Goldeihiii of Tlibiigliti. • 'Eirliqfig' A Thousands wlie have Staid& fOE'Vetutiitill bledktli% dax .1 0,a, ,which ihoX . read these'littek.';',Partioniarlf ur4eak, ~,- sulfuring woman will this medic ine' provtian'hiestiinhlide ,Ithmslindirtieting their' footstefitt to a nape vtliichlllitili ..... ore 1 4 211 it . P r °' fli-suB ' .:' .:. ''' • -•. -r r.iA al i .. ,t. . .1111.E10ektAll , bisSE, .48kg.:: . , .. i " ' Woollen.: Bad Complexion. , ,; ; ~ ..._4oiik, U1 'PR4,0.1 . ..,.? .' I ' Seeding of .:Wearinesit.... , • ;; Deptess . inaut . MTa,',.; . IikIidTITUTION LIFH;SERII.V pui - gpft. the .., Rytitopit.:, l i no linty Dour at/ tan Oya. 0013# 'Or, 4047.11 q, remuyi.m, b• i Bad .13riaitn, aniteuringstitoße4k 4..fike'lAgirO'c rains winch .the i has of Calomel is sat: .U . .., to ,p unq i lit hardens Spongy. Gums, and secures the Viet Mil y ...:.•!: ':'i CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP gradicabsa , .Boovand ittrumity all Eruptive Diseases of e Sk/u,like.Uktini. eimples, Blutelms, and all mbar dadl4 Lim of ithig ki444;Whalli no amen disfigure the outward p. ..peiranoe of butt malesattilitollutiqs,AlliO4 Walt:44. the • i - Dieuitiolvoii nod their frieinlsL__ • ...; ..*: .:'.t _it.) .. , 114.MIXTUMI`l 1 .4-Kg../SX4s. l ll‘f.t. ''" ir 'r•kevitast , i/efiapliffiiidiiii,fr'. o .f...; TPLA qLtt Either of the face, NeoaoxtriiinaleAreast, and s 'ti.*:se taken as mamas Li:wawa/Mx, is dot'!" '!‘" 1 6 4044042 g their tosaiting, and' protpakte 09 . krOdbbiotorio IP Atrf•P'Fi . lag Sores, wtuolt-ditialimre.iotolmg of the YOLonferPu, qua ci{ the.costunimutY, 0 • Mr...i .. ...„_ 1 4 -‘ 071 ',,kr i., , „„. 4 0k:r, Ot., n t a g°. roans uhilatottatro v.kri .9 .. U7"' 14 .. " --- "ov" - ET gars, winch. depen,ds. upon.; a scrofulous ; ti3O;lft; .. tau These cases soon mover kr. 44 111 ..g - 4 few e 4 0 se4 14; e , All surviving parsons in : 10414 Pr o m goner'arDAlllty, liknacuooll, DYNlmPitia and Protmy of Ape 1ipb4,:, , ff,a,., and mthou tonotte,, Diupay of the eyptAle add,. ty.,inpuottimi endly idatouipatued wati L tMaimuiatilid i luid:lFll.lK4ilC or i the Utoriit r el, nrmsu enitipdr!il ,i.iy ~qetitilution, Li . -" lie syrup v. -- iffr,MAM-ottic..b4r.) °E :. w iktll e t k .,,, be tabu, so: euzz§e...44 ll P. As. a 4 !.W ''''''"lN, 1 ka...: 9:f . 4! ) '4i i 'g i F chronic awl SrAUSWIN *Ltd. Ynkt , s4lltf ) , 1 . 14 ,° 17t4, will'uul emu& enbrt. Tumors of the i Qyarintripga,?§ll9r,,cakes_B n,atil" pand swelling of othetiEhllullirob 44PsEY4Y.1 wl-'l. --""i , Of retuned without:n*9oin 04,4 1 e. #90 3. - ...of ,k9i 4 l4*, 61 any kind. : ...,, :ffui _ EPlloPac XiteiArePiletkM6l e,- PrikelllS--Yfa 9 him '. newt, LE kW4PLWAM% 1 -"444 . A4 4 ( 4 e Y& lv " YESAII. , #4 . gratum or onus 001.1illl, urup.iy o f the Dean. Case, ,iuur, all the &nocuous of tui&t . quinqutut„hrgecdpqrsure l - iiiillerp* from soy: "Use:P*4A 4 1 9 . iP'149.flf t t? uI A 6 4*q,4411; be groul, 01 4 40e044 1 .11 PORM , I4 , 3 I P ( PRIku9 ' Nfu4'.,._.: , ....A. : , - BiZOKAN•Db Yek 'it VIL/CAYE 005114767/01. 4 1% Seditdirlit tioinAndlspositioe. to Exertion, Paurin t:li t , Back, ism to memory, Forebudiurs, Horror of tintunnty, - .F Of lhaeasei„triwpc9l4 VW'iin,llryogiclot Sitio and 1, F tie/awes, Want' of LffleeiT Inailialeffees, Yale, liag 1, Otituneuance, and Lassitude In the Muscular sync in require the aid of the thstatituncsa Lijo Nyrap. T --•— , i , I.FORk4/4 ,, PAUR qi 4.!'§ itli l lr i DI81""8, - - Zither of the NOO6, Throat, rongue, Spin; Foreheadi of -- kkialp,‘do remedy lawtherleteutiqualequair 1 .-tt) 1, . XVIII PArtALES upouxue.,fele tace, capertriAngpgot a diseased action Or We 11101)?, 5/V. llMPailifl6rdaVeli if% yotruirtify and "inner.A •ipyptittet, oi usit team. Litil Sjhrup will Street tote secferlotitand ?move we de past which to directly under tne skin. / ...i. if Diseased X~ltiltur4ititAge to Languor, Dithy nose, Ludigteuea, Weak Stounion, or an ulcerated or can • *moue *edition of toitt i ,,organ, tlOUUMpailleCi with bedtime Or Other dillatilliwil - It dytuptatzus will liti relieved oy the ust. of WASTIrOIII.I24 IIya,SYSLIP„, 4. • 1 ''` ..*,; --•", *--..: Ern ^ Lit__ ,turirtag4"o4 ) trek GlSTicurrstooo- Alimm, no hut - Amu. STANDS EaIMV,I4I./rp gr sNir False 'stoat to ias Weiki. l s•l 4. a.. 1 ,2 % I PhieglitogOf ale 13 P. 1 41C rAflYtvrehled hi th eP l ing Hip Ihseeee, Neuralgia,. as Nervous nohiad,i;'`atid Le died who are sutiCriusdrostalysioseys for whit:A in. are a. a Lose what u., du, we would ediriee'the use of tiONETi TLITUM4 LOX& oYttilutt. wil. restore their pallid emu. %Guam% tdreugthect their week buck and slue, give thou. earl eulegy, new Me awl lattarm a -, Ira( , z , • ,k • „.. • . TIM 42 4. 94, 41-iv v_ ievog liy I 4 t3» liable to the satueolOseeses.,;i4 vile an.¢ science 1,!. made she Conauthtion the 6VMM:ft ntw bliPltit a55t..,..; ' c '.• PURE BLOOD -'-:',' -- ' ' ,„ , • ftilincil.heoliky men and 'woniyhtiend if the oonstitutiot 10, to / Vetted at youth,,.145, isarlyl,dtlttli 19 tte! re • 440...,,b0 not delay wheii - the 'pearl? are IS , : Gen.; &t .. .04. TO 2110111E1$ AND MARRIED LA:V.IW ..:1....,'1 It lictlie,isetest arid,moct,,_e ectmd medicine, ever disicev , 'wed fur 'paTityiitgrthe syliefiis.ud"Pn i vitig the jetEtrum etrendakii_ Aat ,, e stems Ifoth Child; pre to pain anu itemise, arid iu greases shd i uurielsz the twit—these who him, used. s 'think It 'lndispetpatele. - It is .highly useful both bikes end atlae WitBsetitedit,4atifit ifirciVehtiodieetete ,:utgu cute YpQe Onadbiliat rkto 'el Lr': CONSTITUTIOYILET- SYRUPI . ..-: . , -1 LA% t , .) t .1.,.. -,./..ii. - .7.., to.•-:1 , ~„. .. . /S THE PY) 6 • ;414 'I4 9 O •AM - 1 21 • 1 4 •Itlt' 4.i'I.ESATA i !,- -' ..' t BUY IT; TAKE Tv, ANDI , BNAKEILIW: '0 •• ; • ...- !1; : t•!.:1 ::.., ••:..L:•,..r ... I.c. 8:i.,; " a • IT IS 171i-rimizia, , lltt,,,,itgl.BritOT. • 1 :..,„•• • .--• .. - ,• i 'I, 1 - 1 . J..g v; 1;: , 4 1;5 4,k i ' , d ' :,.C.6.:16 :'y ; , , y!, i ' - I .41 :, M. lI. , GREGGr M. D i ... .3 , .- =; ..P.;lnPß6Pitnimoß,-NENT To i l . , ~.i ~,,,,. •44-47- „ 8r00kh ,, ,,/,..i. ',.1 L T I -- milcs - sTtief'itr.,teklyrrLiaglxin - i s i . - 0 ' SifiiiitN :014* figir4- telir 1 -.- ' i.' 1., ...... t A 6 It i R o •,, ..,:<, • Whoiegale i DKr 4, 1_ -0a .f tHt.l :44eftttagi k•oi: i * ; •`='_ol2P-SYrioel sgiit 10MON,110L10WAY8 COIVIAII , , 1 PECLADELPIIIA, re., KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Mutat street, Harriabarg, Pa. AND ALL DRUGGISTS AM.. MEDICAL,. '-)f. piii : Vl - 4aTP.S , i'.; . .- PINE.YREE- TO:i' , o;:q : o,..b : .l:,At Is THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF TICE TINE TREE, Obtained by,a pcculiarprelOess ; in Cat) dlr.- lindion Of the tar, by itahightlit ptoperties are retained. nave you a Cough ? Have you Sore Throat ? Hi ye you any of , the premonitory pyggtitom - s of that most , fatadisease, Consumption ?1_ Thasie j ltilie should'Aie'“Warifed 'hy theft syMptOms itink' • 'of them until it is late,, Ikom this fact, perhaps mere than - airy other, ses the sad preys eta ated 'fatal* of disease isweepsito tttp , Argyir . s 44 leash ' '"dtittli's (1 . 1 a• I • • 01ilik . ed of. ,0 1 . 3 , 1 human • than any o er dts::se, ifirdthe t i 'hest , phyttionirie foriaany'yearithaviidifiepftd l dfVute, 6r, a remedy that heal, &e l JidiSF6:4ut n29l4)`o24:,qo::hunArecl"7"#trN - the.whole medical wailoktnua. be -ixthp'#/kadi 'that there'was a -miyafsrious•powersimul wenii cis9y El iii:the Pine to .heakthalungq ,there ore t r ey have recolianendetiitieJthe' of :Tar %hi, Which iiimhaiy . /baseehtidLit , ,effgdtkinit hdw o, l .9sibilfinelhe Panic/ 18 .Q 4. 8 . 18 Bent,;h4l.o4ll.l?B,:' atmystery;until it was. disconeredbyolDr./. 4VISHART, of Philadelphia, - 'Pa.:. !'the proplietor-of- "Wisharta_Pine Tree TaPjeor diarrr Many, SL(l4 , tatly,,of tho ['peopl e, b36 - I.Pai" eiarieof every school and practigeiltere `a me, `What is Wq:Ptidoipla or,: ;,.‘o yoursfiecesi the ti 4P 3l otV.Ot' A • - Cprifumpticin ?" answ_erteLthis: , ...t ,0 1 1 hetintrigorneteal of theArgektiVd. ' the stieqrtheking , of the* debilitated ;eyete WR.,07 / ffie4tieii,and'enfiBli&earcif / ilie Ll do ..BtexporiwiinirtVqs,dayik,m the c13).44416 iftl,:gariPElTlMee# B . --- WAiprthie,ip -1 11 1 363 r the„ govlertat Nithliguag iro olistapetPhNtl)prolierties of the Tar C9r 'llll,italtili2W/and,;renovatin,Tipi/hiiiiN in 1 411O..a . dtziiitiiiida the iiriM.ted ~su laces of %ha ~C 4 0 04- 43r i umd , part,+reliewingipain, don, ienntistoringa healthful tendeney. Let the rgigog thi .stifiogtheilliagooonifmne.tai.44in with Nature'Boonetant recuperative tendency% and the patiWt t iLapped i he has not to ,tong i de i l,ayeda .resost the means of cure. ,_J - a4.1 tiraliatriliA TheyAredtent „men, ara,rwmitexi,gliiiqtte .tionable hwerth and.repittationt 1,1.• Da.—Wranamr—Deer d ' :•V4 dreadful couglainakiiiiabiclat for one yea and.MYYrilPit/PritelPll B 4 3 tigi*gran TYMtP r a t r at qar2 n vlß7- ) i scl oViov lint of t recev)mtme . binge/kat) •poweticti' ii,medioine. mktin.n.shorx time mustatevolgbne -to auy: , gssive; , but thkuilt Go 'th;ttlittighte'rliutlitiv , wbiffEP itbY*l34 Ef went to_ yesir t atore,i4o. 10 .I)l,.r,thie c tifte . c and welated_myOftEei, to you, pur bottle of yott*PiietTree Tar Cd!ri,i*liiti.:l comin t aii.VedLtst*e. - kt, and in one 0w mnoh r using t 9 a lUes am perfectyt well; and a wonder tall , tiientiklortd4ey, allpronounced4n4liefit mar Publiitic,n4 Owed ff :you think prVp&.: - . r , I ~.* I tOI3.ECCA LIAAF.I.I - AdsT. , f ,No; 43pi :Wylie street, Phasdelphis. .t ili:- .A -1 . .11 65k - M ll , l *, l 3leg i Tt r i . g r e t o **), nn tvand4l* sw-mn d41 ;41 asi:uN tlaainhation/of thelainge,)littertnapent•Brpa , and PalPitittionot t Ah, iktgeisit t their . wo formB, , t.Uft:4 , 4li AittaidAi t znoweminoillphisioions.imAtilaaolohk t b Otvilici l td_ d r not stop the rapid coairoil„ 1i447a i tilitilatTatiitieea' of_ everliaKg gwasftigelyroutthe v.fge the grme. il'refe`Tdic* Q.) . 4iighly / ratiminOndgd- ' rtg ' ".ni: EtUttiatitedo 1 ' 6'115,4 jt restored to perfect health. You.eutiaLkive,i terence Cali* 7itiiisio lNsi 968 IN:.&cond stre or at/ My .olfiee/of ReceiVer. ofla/salksr.-iftuu 1. m. to 2 P. l nkt.,,,o9F.,,eipf l olleatitetralid'Sik i r k/AO& k." . aVti:l JOHN WARD. , sißeetAtthafollowiug l ;fronslktisertn -.44 F.I 1 4.ii..J , 1 &CIA 10_1 (EU L 1.111 I'4,r 7 .artiz, i :1 :r.,•...i. ..a •-•Daw•Wissa.Yrr-4,-.Dear vigit:—.4;take.„pleas tll j ia.iflormink, Srrhr.throtikh 'this' , sottree:r 1 014,PMe g•1'P1.: 7`4 ,..,,r 0 7 64 '14 1 4, :;which ,1514:03:6 mendiidSoiniy. dimigntei Pyimr,,Z , ,S.,•ma4,. , i this city, * aired: her of Ja'zi cfnighsceni e sii.o4l3'..lijs.;94ti:, I 3 Landing. I ha 4 ~thouglit der fliijcilad:ortre,' arahad employed:WV—Nl st "if intiaioaririaligiittioat ally, awidlin.l,.e ui 3hefeiful.439:eoolkarbsidOt tathe:paipliCkaa'Wviste mud 34 - n*14134W" titoo, - dridgillial4jetold, is I linstvi,:ofiikany .atheteiiietf litnita:thatlof 4 • Lay dauglAes that, it Asa entirely cured 61 lo tandiak;9 :. `ouglik, 't -.r ley' 4P•IWY. Taludl4ls ! .ttdo . h.A kEst .. .. .. 46; i'•l?ziriliaoee, ii 'l4" OA_ tgi A, I .: A. ff. 2.: 4 :—.l have lasedt4).r.•• sir' .Pine Tree. Tar Cordial in'in3Ffamilyi4andi , ordi'44, F i t.' 49 , l ll n iff.; 41114.iivrbie and ' 4 .uedieme fo il i,..c . 9bls, cOug Jul. 10. UN? livika l to .dorgiati6n. - 1 ' • 1 ":ri ' 4 • , .1., , •.•,...:•.”..., ~., +......•••..i. .D.4,:•. - litiatte r 6311 h •!. • EINE : ,. .lw .-i•orflo',:i 7:3 111,_ tel:lwAftwoul f 9Yr-,) , am,_ _ _PIIg ,„„-,....W e rfl iaa ' dr' 74 Iwhlchlthtsgreed MIMI' Y LitWaiWcAl '4 n • untimely grwve.. .1.1 ...,.i , 1., ~.a rDy %,..a 0; t...a, 4 " AV 43ll iiii 4 feldliiriiids - 'of ?letterS , !ifriteiv : i 11**10`,14.1i. giolt*g_.ifj#Ko l -i,:fi d old the:Tar-OG=IW.. naYkagsi'laAt , iM I YL at re ier ItSedr;:brlioldf'a mediciteiuiwhichr n ig ve inhlVOgtorti qn . ,i :: 4 -6 hiltieordi , 4her li , el l ,i ii colnce on : . ittrDroMistharlriDyspepsia-Fllsl, "n -..4dlible cure for Py epsin. l tql 4 2i s T AM' ir4,-owiplA-9,,,yik,. ~ tow4l,Ao:lltonAtiß4 Ti . pasnt,..,Altielitia, Antixemv,Wboaping Cougit, .qty -lx is - thso - arrexcelient-remrly--for -diseases-ot the cidneys antrkyalre a llisfital4o4 ..., -:2 , ..e.1.1 U. Mt., :..!, :J. . N .. / Q . kil liEwmurelictovimaganciirs4 ..-. _ The 4enalatahiss thtizaxiie of the proprWitagapti a An .; l i Ptebl erekitZthlatetpe. -- 1,11 - othAes - artrisparions -I tra- 1 tr F.z* iftni• — .4l.4A.N. &daft i lth,• 'la LTii ~, -i 8 .s 1 . , :itnl t.a.K. 4.41 ..3:. lolbilla JI:T.L a , :titaxid Chia D maa:per BOTTLE. '`.:, +MA ' 'BA PiAiiik4oTP.Eed ° Op 1 .. i Dr. 444. C. Wis4art_, -n o t - No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere , at Wholesale by as Phila.. &WWI end New Yell - r haiaeaia Dregs . marte-ly 1 1111 S tc., WAVY " .11 I=l.' EIBMIE ).;.. .' I:rit =lfni ".11 1,911,1 ai d...U.:VP-A o•.•1• rr , 7f; • „ lift A), . • p r aiguiri , aitriii. , .4qa til:tl;7 - 1 W a ,sprrto 111E0 , 2 tumuli .I.IIROPS, ...; :Al' t.l , r! G; P.Hdairei" hag ::anutieu,uif : fimiC kil, ..1l ArIJ 7t13 to 1,.:(• -xp, ...LitiQris i filigul ; eg.)icri -,11 Uj .... V•frovrsq, otidrrii VIA tf 7'41 t A l if4l4fff, It l aGVA**MiTti• i t Ji :Li • Ya .1? ATE: • Are theiVr .. *inn wkedrethelticilkerceussnuir anti hvaritily; Aptore.groUv4co theT,eloadet ris ean, remov, I*, alrfrPeNisiffm., , and , WriPitfid itteogtlui e.l'icritinn. - .130.,,s alirc , , 1:. LYON'S, PERIODICAL , .1: , 5if..•.; • al Are a fluid preparatloni_dhe only Iran Ann iittne,icinii eve) disitverbdlinnldle ooniatryi an& nota directly, din- Abe ,p affe'derifillidlpilla and powders can only read), gonn a l , I fil they!emik•throngh sympathy, bin not. at all direct eltive. . r you - ,416L1* fro t a .." :, - , niety f la tar' ietum ofiitinVis ~ ! ;'• ? -.. ....!..ti 01#0.,y Ciff&afincl in - lb rtegida Ebbiadlidlibt ' ` 114Akdb OW oritwb•MMrb olzpodted t penicalror. 11l . tively , end'lnvaliatfilizepllati nn Jab ammo ot" imitewrogusitoiasepruitnuis Anylight. db - -,'-., xiivytk Molt* enfeebled. bp diked*, WC bellX . 01 neib"...,,i .: its 'gaols Rata - ..1.4mi iii.rara inn *o Ilia ta,aystil .L i eats 431.ksis7: st s6t.l.l;ass4 gs:u aasstlii 1!.u01a ;:5r,,,,5: , a s?, 41a1.1ss 4 ~I ssEst., 611.1.1 bus: Esdi sS)1IK,110 :8 J11 , 41:3.11 ...441:110 sctth zsa. 01iYA.19 3r/10 - •.-04A19 YiliAi.l 01 'r ( 1 ./1. 1..] !P./ ;14 Bllee tie iLt it& balms •t " 16•06:4iligV*6;10 , 14 , 1e(bittailvlirewsnttn.,• - 4144.-wip Minitich rl Itb niaiiitttiOuhrof suftbring.-:•• 1. ;i f '91114 itl.ll•lsiiieldnua•alerfaaarriara with bomptahl Au& 1.0 the ex, that have bniee4 the swot. ph soleicostnimgt. oe itnt 24- 4 411 141167ia 7, 1 14 7777 ii , 11141.16X , 1 einti .I,l± tlro oil:41 - tn.: Il) ilC.' I. -1t14:14 ril • 01 : 4111Y,81..:4 "14/I,oilimP-10319DIIYAL-111R0113 “ 1 . ; 111-1 au .1 1 ) • 3..1',15Z . iln:;:bl../F1 , 11.1 ' • i i II: 1.? 4 a9IQ .4,1,1 i I ',if 21 1 Ant., ;reliableiiiViirJorer azabkrapand totekfll3 to iae. PrEilikpans, Dysmenorrhoea, and a dioasaadvotieersdidl art4rallogiridraw:=s42=l:ll' 'Jima it, 3 8 .1.1111111A38 014. A 3i1,4,11 . )ti fitt,INMPAIIi ARAM o 3i, ii !o ,5ri5657 Lka :r.hq will an , - ,z :1 ./"T al lIT Do not-we thendhowl when liestaibiewinithe direel4.- for although ^a ,posititeitnrioarldblbarntieteteC Onus; they are so jeowwfulyanth line* =initiated ite ll o4" and govern the functions of the seinel orgallatn, tieg, itnzrateswtheY)Wq M pi r s aalr itli 0,,,r 3 663 aa :trhtSllo,: C 4 e w IDE * III4 .W I #SI I I4 I 4II I 4ICIPP.PA., i ; 4_3: t ., ~,„ •:.; LYON'S - riailMsICAL - ppra . .., !Li •Lilt "In .; rs J.; .rr ;:.S& Li ra5,17 a“.; uf, Cannot itaid'4liiiidit'WitistittilWif inethelo yet tne proprietors wish to guard , Feeptithe. , Weillin hoping that a thousand bottloshAlkbe wielforitgood p pose where one le used ftinilinegillnialiinsuk Y Tll a 2 i 2& iyjlkv :0 , 105)5fau, DROPS. . .. ... ... iti;... .c.:(7-. ," to novir-fall i ng Re ls for sale by er ii,i . igist; lit' the iiiiii ttinVdo notof ye* op health gqie :forlii i , :rbblißile , medicing s i. btryii ~, or. A _Take,noiotk#,:lnAtisfilio , Ditakieun'-tb nrnom; : I, r iot,eflisa oli i Ninerb4 and het Iyer trout i — 7 -= ' --- - ' -•- i a G $4101111Ors..101) IE. X2..1 i ay , PRIBTOBE, I F , _,ii: I, If ati r rir., il.', ll .lll : 4Viut Haven, Conn. a• , 0 41t....icid. sivaT4 H - ,, , , ,,;-,..-n• xl. 40EnstiuK,LHOLLOWAYsk0OWDEN, I a :.,, 4:: .: - Z.) f , ,- .fl 1 u :''. 1,1 ! ;20,7110rtb1361h11110*, .. ; - .1.144m, es -:.11 __1:;!:)/ii...).111'0.1.', i1:! , / 1:1. , 1 . ..8'..i...-; U . :K . :LA:I 7; - :/ j. • . (.1A: ii' , .; ,, :: 43.L'1 71,.14 i i ..q --,,: ..1.:,-.:1...,, ', .i.'„i:_,-, • 4,,1i. -, 1.1...0 .4 ,.. ,:.:,31 i - ~ii, . ..,*„..d ..le f: 'i'.:ii:)',.' , .. r, i,:i , i'f[ll9 I ~ „pi , t..c,-r: ~. , 7 1- --• , / ,!...)2; rr I '1 C:..../ ' :d.qi.A....: V.l : - ..0) - 1 4 3 17.. .. , .i.,',. qd i . -J1T1.11.16*.A. . K . 0 .. pi , v ,i f;lifiT ~.u.. •:, ..1.-'',„,iarg•L,,,,sital al._l :„...,,... it. .:.,..e.., ....,,,; ei, ".,, Lai . tun LI 2,.::::-:.. : 3 IVl.r..tu k..a ; .,- ..i . 37..ipthi ,iltr dof baJtur:.; tsl .ei lo an ._, EMT! MEI MERE (3 ✓ ~. +f - i! ._ f ~a_ 7i~a. MX,WVAL. , ...m • • i= :1-4/ ,• . •• I. Ui.(11.1 ',jay • lIM s;:t4Nr lo I.Aaft-(1. FEB IBM „ ,;, ustir ,t.g11)6 bp.; .177 . .1 , - -1,111 1 4 ERIE 131=111 DR. JOHNSON, ISALTIMORE LOCK- HOSPITAL, trAs discovered •the most certain, speedy a s and eSectuai remedies hi the world for DISEASES OF • LWPAIIDENCE BELIEF' IN SEE , ITIBLVT. Rollo& .4! 9, ,*.6141111" . .3ii. *MORS Di*. A Oir:e *An: 4 .4ft or adr9r? in, from Ont 1 • , to Two Days. -_!) , leoL i lE or- the liack., Affections of the Kidneys and ,a , imintitary ‘Daichargesc' Impotency, Gemend De onity, N minus, Dfspepthi, languor; Low ,Spirits, .Darinisfon of Ideas, Palpitation ,of . . the . Heart, Timidity ereriabbogs Dimness of Sight C0Ard.411(23, DL6680 of the' Hand; Thrcilit, Nolte or Shinn, Galician of the Liver Liings, Stomach or So ' 'ton terrible disorder' "rising, from the Solitary , Habita of Yentas—those sacral unt solitary practices more, total to their vial than tin "off cif rens to the; Mooned of Dlysicei,dto het% then st ale moat brilliant hopes or aulleiPations, read - , =wino, ‘reri icuptiolgacciir, : :.;. ,i , . p; - .'."( -i'm i nYOUNG MEN- , gspectay, Who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, ..bAG dretuifulowd destntative habit which annually sweepr to,ah un4medy grare„tguousanda of. Young Oen of tht most *meted talenta and brilliabi,'lntellect, • itim grit itliersibiedliatiAintranced listeninglienetes with the thus teninf titanium* orwhked to eatasy the living lyre; Mal i. i ' ;trod ~illiatßlAGl.. Untrillia SAIPAN ,If iclaPillikeil ettrtiemPlarinil k il Mar_ , , 1 1 , 43ei 34 14gArge 01 physicai ,wea d. laitmit, organid debility, items e "Medea , tgitiediwinianlztor th e Care o f Dir , F- may rel ligkitutimonugala Wit tuntoriss, a 'netillemaril And cent 411144tifYra?n,44t.fiWtilul_sAa . ,_ . A / 717 71 f9 uw • , „ •,,I 1 1 ,,- .1 eft/ I ABSisti.IITIQ I v.v .% ..; . cullysitatelii9B9lh 4 . ll l l rliliMor 030.Tk Vka s E u t 9, INAttriTWhich ren eis 'life' ctiserabk `h ' utiptissiblyttie penalty Paid by the' vie ims of improper Indulgence.-I' personiuuie too apt rtiLgelfilliiii• nbliarSOlrkuirvil.b l, 49iPC.arrare, of P, 4„ , ,L. .........,,,e,May„fin4RA. fteri who that, fiet itatitis the Wlll preenintim„deny that the 'po di lirdcittinlik LI stodeetibietheell' falling inikrifin poi ragintanhintloyilhe prudent,. -.Resides being depringer, ;Liu gdggvario4 healthy otWrlng,.ilui.thast *moos ,in O.Arup it sYmpfoins ton ah 100 ` add Mink fite 'b.-...eid`deh l tied, 'tliti Physical sattiniiiiitti 'an ISPWIIidtWO, lOW bf 'procreative pirivdr,f , imbues tEntatiWtyi47otma;voPitation or , the hear; iotikffr/ 0 4, n i leW a d il d 'it u V aii .. sa aat 4g 4 9' ftsple • coa l; 9 1 }* . • tfhT Th - ... eca y . - F., -- f 1 , ) • - • ' A r ~. , Aims* Na.+4; l Btiesiterkissaatoksysssr, '••r -, , .....Its t i - rT. ;La f. , • : - .7,!.. ~; t, . TEN 7 r.; .; ;Y.; / EMI lieftliatidtffide , geittfrinetiitalthitorn stistet; 4 few doffs rtottethogrerner ,i . -, ll 3didtpcito,phatuye ntnn .. e and isprplff i 4tent f must kzeia w pont#2 o stamp. * The p . 0.:1 citatt 'hbi O&M: '-- - " " " ' ' . ~ . .:•.1 , .. t t i ( . .. , : i ik , :-4b i l ic tgcm ~. 14014 tttlOWal Otago 'df‘Si.frgeotitg I.kindoit,' grad ate &Ma' -onei%fttlilitmost eminent colleges ia.thet Malmo, items, and the greatopperatoU whose life hue been spent; a the topepitals of ,london, Paris, PtilLadelphia and else.l .i 'tiolliej"Eias etnAted potted 'IA% the, anise liaonlabingfeureo Intt. Were ever. Alto. wa i 4 , Pan.Y W 9 01 84 with ringing in Mt, lead spa emu when asleepgfeat - neriousnesi, beint: Wiirmed at .sinthen 'actin,* beahfabieea, with frequent: dashing, attended sometames with derangement of, mind' 4 rere cured Immediately. -- Pfarp - rentrtnannyrrovr- i These antiontbialilbe Ad rid; ...steiuddhOLV, eli 6 cis,, pm' tuned by earlynalita:of icattta,siz : treaanntagf tOtklaul: as tl Arabs, Jontna to _tbn,heakdlnutmis of sight, toga oil ithibibrafitipsdi, *W,Mdi Wafer. heark tmlipo.; seal liffk ' ' F..! ' , Itos l isok. egaegnir4c.s &0. ~ . i ,„ e ~ f riffecrapf the ,mtml are to,nclLl iy i e 4. . . 174 ~,4 , 0_ _ ti e edrifttslort,pf kfl-eiv ttel en . : . t o . 'fp egs, arefsiem 'tefeti.,, .ielf . . il y '' 141 ; li, - day: ket)lirii tiantell .., ?...,t":.MF . ~,, . ..1b.2454.0.43t 3 ".nilLotir.....tklilb:ltiT moler -, .1 - i Abiailik .'fogfred themselves by a certain practice in.: tidged.brieettewtaltinoos.lnablt.frequentlyt . itiarnesPifron,i drlistelholtaillinvoil ittets6lllol„thd•mifectsoilf which art doily teat,reerertuthen. isieepond , if. not anted erdiderk atatiage,leotiatiLblottpind kteatrdystaith mind and body,i ,houldt alit oieweitiately.,l :... ..--.1... , ,n ~ ::_>>_.s Anita ;7. 7 , eiliittra young man, the hopeof his country) Ate darlitigiotbiatparentai shouldtba.isnatched.:froin all! Jibltiolettliwill.ehloyments of life, by the consequence of leviating from the. Path:mt. nature and, iiinalghig,in a' 2seitan.:searetihahitt .:Subli. persehs.atter, before contain- Jligtitlf `` L!. •, I IDS?: ~ ,..44.. r; , . . .), '• ..:'...!i.' 1 L .: • I deflect that a sound mina and houysizeithemossain7 •oliitisitemth Pfdlirkilidiotunthial happiness. Indeed; with. 'out thuseoha.joapokiethronh Us become*. Asreakly• li..ptioapect hourly:Alachua: tce the* alindlbetibtaisetahilkiosted'iwithdapatount_tllled with the sielantholpiredataloathatd.he lutpputhas of soother • be tomes blighted with our bwn. _ wREI IMPRMPITDEN CE. DISR _ wireit riliagnoll, :I !kid . h eea tridetiti viaaryqiit *incur/ litds he Airibibettatie , ' tiff. ilisealtty ..ololofteti , lMPfenir'shatiesplatiored• mhos) of shameilor-the ' tread of thscovery deters him trona. eiiiiiM46itlitid.;lNSiiimAliblile r ,l Oat) 16 MIS into the hands ofiik.rtimmistatikksegoing:prettikil irs, who, toopOhs idlott_ his pecuniary sub.,' :taunts, keep him tifilitkWatter meanly or as long at', reer-nbe ariztun de ‘ n rigirt im ' 41 ' heal sig o fog dim et ra, tt- 1 by tae use of the licafgzigoison, Mercury, tomes iht onstiogionjedsyropturooithistnrihlpdignatopthasaMee-i loos `or la' BoVl,` ) ! . rhroA t Nose, Elkins baial prugrusiau k tith frightfu l rapidaty r... ffalett a t puts period to hir t 3 :0 v gt aMlaiteiguilau ; ; • . haitattEMlNT OF-ITHE-Pmzsig.,*. Themaay thoaliaads eared at thin isitiessiod year after! /ear, and We nurbekoub.thworuint.-sergicoti eperetioral ,eriermed by Dr. Jehibiory , 44DibligoioV . 460 reporters or ; he Sun, Clipper, autrint ali ethlrr:Aftwoceynotkeeperivlxickl lave appeared again Mei 'Wafers: the as standing air-ro; 4 =iii Of ofierimer • and' r6Onari4 ditty is a author - eau* thei:iMlictorh , • • • • • • , Igletti-bial4l 4:tna, ll, t o W2D. . . . ()Mee No. 7 NOlN, , NtAntidlifrieklitilot.. - - ap26-dly THEttts'ittitttif F.D TAREiN'PS 00BENAIND ECTRACV OF •,eI:TBETig" AND 001"A' IBA.. This prckaration is partAcularly recommended to thci dr,DICAL PROFESSION WA the PUBLIC for the promo; nd certain eunivrlDlSLOOlidllgt VIM BUDDEIi" HIV , :1 VitiNAVK 013 9Pfacirrcktirii j i l ; . °i/84 1 4h6 bPECE4 O 4for Pe ; y.meoiplicot.!..,.. aftiet„liktittf*ek o Attrg'STl44 o LAAAM,. . 1 7. 011001 . 1 4 1 U914 . AA A 4 4 AA! igurGter.tarel4 l4 o sok fqr,Vorr's AVID Pid tAS. AIM ' erse;iiii 'transitions wipe, gum; under similar mogh Jiro in market: Pri a l 51 co. S ent by exiiatembli '"receipt twice. Manuf , and onlyiPy, t 4 l4tlWl & 178 Gramm meet, carer of Warren stresit; - Now Yorl, and for sale 9rnitilist4 r o =4 Ain'aile= 4 /210:1Ailiiii Bitiki and teneranY• ..aanqy A. ! It U.. ••-•1 u: 9 • . Ifteallit " 401110‘' ; a rriliting ~;:1 • , Ia;ESTABLISEEMEDTT4 ,c; Tatab"SMapiv . NpAß wAiirpn 'Z. 3.4 :(g..'M/$.4 l. ;W$ P9ipi. • recently. adlied,to tour -Jobbing Department a large amount of new_type, c ee,yeell tow fast steardßmwe iaipreired machinery, ( Ma Miter Miternif,4*ilare "iikeVdte natio%K.Andlis.thernontrapproired.4y*c :49.4u7 j .Ql,ltl/9/TAIMP444IO, '9 , 2 •• • I "dristriVEß qr‘Ohrtr..gllANG4 - 1 ~.:trrintiLAnst:L - _ , `,3;.nßiLidif.RALDec : . _ togniVi 0116 , 4 rediii co vs; J - P2lstiNss , i' 9InitrAr= ,,, OFIADING, ?ROM:MORN NOTtEII , , pEOAL-811/INF • R , . .9039 .4 • 00 K .07 AL DES'I' cur - - sva n, Aim/ vvt. z pal ORP' w wY J 3 I -11 4 1 1VAlghfrOMNEHINAOSEIVITAXi: Orders from a distance attended toprompUy. marl.l6dawtS F E ROMANO SHERRY, impor ted ISIS. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine En this country. For sale at &KESLER & FRAZER, febtl (attoormoni to Wm. Doak, Jr., & DLEDIe.&L. RAILROADS. Pennsylvapia xail Road. S PBXS° TIMINI TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPIELL IitY,:tDAT, Slay 16th, 1661, pat Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania' Railroad Company. will depart foam and arrive at aar, oistairg and Philadelphia EASTWAItD. • • THROUGH IEXPREM3 TRAIN : lemma Thuilinarg dalTr at 24b and arrives at Weld Philadelphia at 0, i. l. FAST UNE leaved Marriiihurg daily (except Monday) it' 6.1:10 e. IL, and arrives at Walt Ptuladelpl 4 a at 19.10 A. IL Passengers take bieakfasit at Lineman*. ' • MOUNT JoIt4CCOMMOiLITION, lemma Harrisburg at 1.20 is at.,-;titersocis at Lancaster with Lancaster mom modation train, and and SITiVCS at West Philadelptda,at 11.25 r. tc CuLDIII3IA: AMOitiftEDATION TitAltr, lea7ae Sprits burg at 1.210 x:; Colitobia - L.56.1 , :aa and' az:toil gat Lazamster cannectaxigFait. kfaii at lAzicaPt 4 w for Philadelphia , !uul ar , riveg -f;Y:I 4 f!# 4ll- pfili at:5.80 . MAIL TRAIN - leaves Hairlaburg at ISO r. Lanoaisse at R4l P Y, and arrives-at WeitsPhtladelphia at 5.30 v. x.. HARRISBURG ACCO2dIiODATION. via-Catani et; leaves Rairiantirs at 5.25 P. x., and antra at 'West PUladelpllla at 10.50 P. AYESir W It" 13.. .BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN remiss Martindale/ day iertept Monday) at 2.10' a. at"- Altoona, 7.46 , 1. se, take .nuileriat, , and Knives at Pittaisua:at 12.80,8 a :• . :JO ' PRILAPAL . /414, JEXPRESP 1 1 ,41 N I NYS. Vii , Altoona at &20,a,,*, ,talte , Isnaditatit. oldsairteed Pitt wo nv at 1.00 P ' ' • *CALL TRAIN Harrisburg at 1.80 P. illtoons 01.16 . a. lakeisuOkalsk atltTesslMUsbag" A 2 •3 0" • 4:0 LINE leaves itain*Fß 3 „ .50 - sr. Altoona at 35 - 'e•« take supperoind artless at Pittston* 'at 4.001 MOTGIT.W.T ApcollAippeAppi, 'levee 'PHlesetor arrives at Rarvlr l bars at 11.10..a_ - 14ABR1dBILTKG AtXIGIctOtrATIGIVTICAIN Ikeda Wilda ialtdiva.a.., , andatrivea atilarrisburg at ILIX „ , 1:3:3 MOUNT MA I 493910.10D5.T10N No. 2, leaves Lances pe at 8. o P. ?X. c eopneitiag there with Harrebiug kerma thodation West, Leaves Monnt Jqy at 7.00 r. red arrivei lierratholg at 8.20 _ . , SAMUEL- D. Y01:11103, Y. . -- d - 1 8 1 4 A g a " 41 " * " A A Northern, entral Railway. • sPA T 49 3 P - .114tP 0 17#BA*.•:, it itAl: tc p ' r;' • • W .11 NG7 ' 47, NJ 011 Y. • Cktuoctions nod* with - Indus onr ennetnmid, to,tuid fxoln Pittsburg nAd..lll6 , Wpitt. 0 141 RIC E MINS 'DEUX to - and - from 'We* broach StuxittetuundiVl i thiirdi and at , keDßitheek, O N and after 141014DAY,IMAT.16ft: 184, tnd drivaral i ' as ZtrAM iii t dguirl e fkor thern Hartls g ' end Balthtiont as fdllownotti • • ." ITT te. • ICML "TRAIN lea o did. Salmi il caloiept. .. 1 ' • ' ...... . • lemma illzfristarg.w '. 20p. N. 9nbc9j4pit•BtSml 2l. 4... - • 6 4 40 I. . i • .4 -4 es. 4 B . l 4 kbitrg . I .11cOndir) Bko El. I 141..atg11 d il l / 7 - do ITTATI ;0 -A 1 3 '7 - j ‘ kV": . 7. d e CIP 0011li N. :Age9VTlON,Aeatellif gut:, I I'A X R II. I• , -P 11 1.1,10 x/ 01.W.1L.M. , 7 ',11 ,1351) h 1 eav e. 1311UD = 9 ,..4 8 44 01,909 rio . it. ttaiy) %wise Etaniatarrg. .. . r.:14 ••• 4 , • - arrives at Sunbury. 4.0944t.-* =MN* TRIM leaves 9.10 r N. xi , id i t rriab Harrial4Arg .. •.. fi lea lat,coly (9t arrives at Saitior7.-- • 4453 a. X. H4plaimit4,CaanifiPAT/0N1..„ Y sive c .... •lTar u Mr:7.3Am (.‘ SUNIBLritr AtICOMAIQDATI.Wfiamts:Mait• tdorrgr "0/ (` . 3 1F 5 .1 1 1.4 1 .91 - it. „ . .1.1 itki&flpY iiiraniati(;;;;liiiiiii - tie , /eftles,l 'Petiftsyl- Netlitititaiiiroad Depta „ J.-It. DoBARRY,J, pliartialfuozg, Mae 1PP 186 4.4g1 4 ,0911, Atißt.,.. 1864 . . ECMNorthir d ,41 Nortioaelit stauftleeillt PriimegiVsulla o the elt mllly an of ado, An Lake Ertec . • . 7 h i. byeu4e B, o by 931 P," l : s :t l t 4 l l Put : eaxrt, and uoptoi, Welr. to being tliroughbilt Iteeritire,ltOgiv "- " 4 " • his now cin fot , Paklikinter and FM& -,b lo * frftzliAtilat..blaryitto/6 Ikon the 1 ,DOisionvAltd-I;ropi„akettleilil to ,!?i0,(78 maw) an itri rimiton,•• - ~ i - • „Tadibizikinctrarat butinaei pr.uumbirlat, kin .rltl.2ol;* • IxPreesam*.......`. f,r; ; ariise:pioritiwitM •I* Mail Train: tab r ....... mai through IrVIVOI7T resifts 7 het i ifityroit tbeia mine bermes& Phibrielphlt and .LookrAhna, wean Bulidutore and ik(dtvifolud; rE f lugant. Sleeping car a on t Pcprcis .fis bota ^ WfilialElppn . B.l3 a " Bdttlnicirit; nut Willbouvort a4d madelphia. -- - r Roe rafottaalliCiesipectlng...raemnger bzu§s.cps apply at. , Ahe.S...E. Comer.llth upd Markei..". . _ Aid" foi 'Fii-lijatt tialiktesi eirtie-Othp4 . l' V Or • . + lei ''. - ;Vlsteir, - j . i.. - , coritei'ASUPizd - liitTheti, • . - _ . . • ~...q..?(. Agunt,N.:o. B. R. Baltimore. . g: ,TEOURNN, . ~.. •,.7 r . :1 - . -. ~ ...- ~.,,•.6 . 44 p re ot 470111,..PitiVe., -.. .., •i : . :Jams, Id nopT, .. ~ ,:.,i ; ~. , - . , .oateraiieket4ausgO#OU ,_ — ial. n t ick•rrs, u , i-dlyl • --: " desseredifoxager, Mammal, _ NEW AIR LINE RtYITTE. i I PSi3!MIP- WFUMFS TOIMIOI, riIeEt,A.DE.LPITIA. - - ‘, -- . ; i$ AND ` LETER, - 1103,NDAY,:Itco6paloier I ‘....r ,16tE,t.1843,.th0 fikkongeerrahat WMTeitii the it4itla 'and ''knitting' Itttili&d 'Depot, - at •Etaiffsbim for ' Now York dad , Philitt as . followS, yite.:: , ;,ll rt... -., ,- = -' '• - . .E A,E t fir.-W - -It a . ~., .. 1 -- , 0- 1 ' ••:.PEEPIDNIN.LINNIatwas ilaitlatiolit liaillestti4,o;l• . rival:otahtlAtiauffttalliit r Naratig NAPPalliTypikrkeatii. Weatv irTirogi Al t i • 11 1i 1 100 A•,,,‘ .IA• .P , -. 4 4•0101 g 61 . ' . 1 Is ittsche Ck 0 l i l te p TT* A r r " taPtlit t lrfilk4it ' -„,.__,„_ _.'' ' ?_ ,-. 4 .: - ' ' ,•! 1 1 -i •:staIL.TILLIN lereateastiloo A: Ini. •Nr,g, V iloo-Yo*-Ift:C§On a PlA f 4.94kria*9444 dr. .ArAgraiii:Fleas , :eit, ~, .um a1: . ‘2,. .P..1,11L.,.. . in ewYOrk it 10:25 r d PhtlMel# 'al 1:00 . ------Irrkir-w--KR-D. r Tagmaittegrall Nisi --- Tottowtoulcaac.snd mks: aehogefip.s4 s .4.fAtickgirilig :it BerlietßlL at .Illr : al latt i f L ergWar," A... Ak,.= qt A 2.0 0: tut wig. tit i i . J.!. - :,t T : I L. . iil ::i ~ . , ili 4ca rr is t f9K, ;l i i . " 12{ESS ' 451 kArtliaarier-NfiwYoi - k - ti 1.7.00, i..,. : ;N7, aft giiiggl i rnifair r takAL..l!-1,406111 th e Palm W i ligirlq424 , , , S. 59rXtur r utlit . 4 Ping by+ 'sou ttimkeif.vo pit _ ..' ' l,__ r _BARGE.% rtele 4 teArmu il ` i °lithe niedearigargsbareg *tut vat= Oil WI" 20 B VIEIi ° -." -- v e ver b. ,, ,..- - 7004 ftergicriiSSaIWPAInitlith Q 1 1 04110 0 ,447, • , -iilNALff i t# l !' ln°Bl, f aP V:i i d , for ggle la alli Meanns. Pat , . , C.A.,t . Baggage' 0114301E0d through. ID between New York f e w ( successors to lira- Doak. Yr l'_ . _...._ and Harrisburg $6 lb ; between B arrititun and Phßatkd- -------- - 7 --- t BLAC — Kw - ELL , s — ENGLiott Pia, $3 NI lu No. 1 cars, and P i a No. S. Nor tickets or other information apply to J. cumr., and ad P agn lClLM uy • rare algae Bklis r" ta iss ie u N l jw4 P'Az eg cruasersons to was. Dorkirr A ) nottrdtf Gong rid Agbid t NUTINISr& hbi ("MANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon k) day, daily, as tolki Apri wa, ( Su nd a 1 ea BB4 ,cep Piuneager trains will nin tedi YOB CiffitiatlM2B6/216 AND, ILLISBLII,G: 111. P. ig4 1.00 2.4.5 7.22 Bad B.i 4.20 Leave Hagerestown Greenaugle Quizaltenffitut, Arri" at. • ( Leave at Leavy Shippenabarg Newrille .A. ir. " Oarlike 5.55 10.10 2.42 " Mechanicsburg ... 6.25 10 42 3.12 Arrive at. Harrisburg 6.55 1115 kio PO/A CALLILBBHBI3 LBO AND HAGERSTOWN: . . . P. a. P. LIL x lane Harrisburg 8 CRS 132 420 ii " !Mechan icsburg ; 8.47 2.15 4.74 0.27 2.55 5.Z " Newville 10.22 3.20 ---- " .. Shifipensburg 10.3.3 4.00 ~....,._ Arrive at 11 430 -- ' ...6 ' 'Leave at. ....11. 10 4.40 . Leave Greecastle .11.55 5.30 Arrive at. Hagerstown 12.35 6..10 Afirmakituoksie connections et Banisburg with trios for Philadelp New York and Piittbing ; and with :mini - fin all points Weld.. OAarThe Train taxing. Itarrithurg at 4.20, P. a., rays nty as far as Carlisle.LlLL Sig ffiqtl Office, Chambervbetg, April 4,1664-ly j<ILLD Iv • t 1 11: .4:l4af. ,t : • ~ gois Mantilla, "Emtiorinin, 920 CHESTNUT . 'ST.. PEIDELAD'A. . . , 1111 TOW OPEN,-Pitaris•Made XI ' iNANTILLAS AND GLIDAIES. AiAO, SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS. of oar own Mazinfactare of the Latest Styiis, and in great varlets , : - J. W. PROCTOR Se CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPROIIDI, 920 CHESTNUT, STREET, rituArwaLs. - . aims the'mtiat'de li ghtful :and. extraOrdi• nary attible ever 4 Otscovered. • - chluilm Ma Sur , bum and Face and Hands to-a p early , satin texture st F ravishing beauty, imparting the -maiblepurita , of youth, iand she daiiimple, alltetTßawso tutting to the city belle of feehlon. It wspotree tan, freaks; pimples, rind rote asset the skin, leirvinglaw:ccmposion C tranfilta" rata and smooth. It contains no material injurious to at , Naiad: Aid by Ater` ases and Opera .anmein. It is what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re tail by i t . S. A , ,hUNBEL BRO., .•.. . IV°W . stock of Velvet, Erns eelas Three-Ply and Ingrain Corpetitiga,, , Oil Cloth; ~...Winsb*,.l*bsgi"datc., an of the latest Petlerna " 6 NTtdoic.witt be sold at the lowest - prices for N. B.,Somoiaitiiins of my old stock on bendi, !1 be .1314 aleftallu • - T..D.F.LACROIX. I(o.l3T,Soutli seco 114 . suct,, 1 , 11 *T e Wegrldink - ' • e . . . - • __ T. J. MeGUIGAN rObidEß And Wholesale Dealer tit' !I. , FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, acol ,, •.): • z: _TEWO It KS, FLAG , S,-: , ZOC. MATCHES end BLACKING, No 2 Strasterry, street, liink areas above Second, betWeelt ga41 4 4 , 4 Chest 2 utd Madolptda- ~ , . : apl3-wain GIN", Look to yotii.ingOiestn I-Tea • and wad= something . urgently needed by every -person; or ten samples seal rim, by mall for Twenty Cents, that retells for Two Dollars,'W R 7 L." WALCOTT, Zia no.cualium SQUARE, Wev YORK': deal-el RAILROADS. CUMBERLAND FR AN KL I N RAIL ROADS. ILEA_I),ING ItAlLitt).4.l). SU RIMER. ARRANGEMENT. war t EA... TRUNK Lilts FROM nix kji - No " mid i4rthweat for Plitladelphia,New York, Hawing; Potlaville, Lebanon, Allentown, .a 1 4.011,i1. , Ca • llnquati leap) Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New Yerk, igiwthe, Pillskellle and all intermediate stations, el &66 111. m., sad ,2.00 P. te, New York Etpress leaves Harrisburg at 6180 A. a., arriving at New York at L 45 the acme day. A Frieda! Accommodation Paasenger train leaves Read wall 746 s_ sum, returns flora Ban - akiim at sp. a. fares oink thirtleburg: To New Turk; th Is; to Mb: aotEdus nir 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Bem ' Jame New Yorit at 6a. n.. 12 coon. and 7 ,FLIL:, burt liiinrosi arriving at Elardigyorg at?. a. s.) Inane lphia JuL 81b._ 21..,:.nd. 8.80 r. a. Sleeping cars to the New York Express Irkins,through to and from Pittsburg without change. . . Raunagera pp the Catawisza Railroad leave T3magea a5O .a. ia , and 210 r. it., for Philadelphia, New York, au 'war potato. . . Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 a. R., and 2.30 P. Y , [or Pbiladelphia, Harrisburg and Now York. Alcochimixtstioo Passenger train itltreo Readkir at meet l 4 awl morns from Phibuieipliiax 5.00 r. x ife.4.lrtre above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. -FELlalldirirsin leaves Pottsville at 1.30 A. a., tad nit adslpplitsAlf. r. x. ;Mileage: &aeon and Rseurckx tickets at rsonso, vont to front :Sprints. 80 iounditiaggagii allowedlo each pima - 4,44,1 t s .91-1 emus DI/WM= I Userul and mumble ...Discovery. • FULTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more geBeral p . ractsai utility than any hrenettloal*-now before the pahllc. It lbws been Ithoroughly tested dosurg the butt:firm years by realest en, and prone need by all to be BUPE.RIOR TO. ANY Wintenten IPTeinifiiiiins known. . . l i dicable toall ineAtt Arta' • • • bantams Cinesns is a nes iintigrinnd - Abe iresolt of years at sludtp.naccunbination is on A new thing. -. : *Ong* . . PrindlgeB. : under _no circmostrumee or of , tereperium; "WI it be ogre* . or meet any ..Mireceive MEIN ifs Combipation I . ' 130(#.7.4D, SZZO E lan . ..:kt ' . the b s est uilig art .• a ki,i i 1 lo: ; lt Cesseliting tor the Chtinnets, it works ' • ut delay, is not a • aad.d; by isoy Filar of temperas:ire. -. JIMICLERS Wffi Ind It sufficiently adhesive for I ihelianeon has been proved. • a 1 7 R is Especially 'AEOPteel . to Lialen And we claim as an especial men' inatieka titan* qo Boots and Shoes snalleiently strong without stitehhog: ' " - +. ltazoilka ; • `Alit the only uip i .K E 1.01. _111,11140. Patiatthat: lit as re t for mead o e; = !.: .BeL Ivory And utddes or Household use . • Ilmratr's Issoimms Csanent IB in *liquid form and as easily ap plied as pasta. „ Remember Erma Wit Issournis Cureir .Isinsoluele•in.wattor.or oil. Iliztoars laraciLuzut Cowry Aidheralioily inabotamite.. .. ~ .~ IMINIM 84 et ' in Fluidly . or Mimes< tairera Packages from 2 ousseetto 100 HII Toiesti*. & co. ; z Fvoprioqm Proviclencq L y..-.--:~ ::.,i M AT 'THE B&LM. 118 . *="ssreet. - IbrrisPitig• = CARTF.TINGS. 8 - 80 12.55 9,00 I_2s 982 goo G. A. NICOL'S, General Superintefident. El REMEMBER & IiA.GINNa 21 113
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers