'4)aily Etiqp_A. EMI ECARRISBURG, PA. 310NDAY 310ENING, JUNE 13, 1861 soT cEI TO ADVRATlSERS.L.AllAthier tb,enwnts, Etisiness Notices, Marriages, Deaths, Sc., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must, invariably be aCCOnt par4ed with the CASH. • Advertisements ordered in the vegniar Evening Edition are inserted in the /Worn- Editiort without extra charge. T 0-Vy N A .1•1 D R-NN. A.SLIERRIOR ARTICLE Of Lath and Parini; fciT sale by [jeg-3t] JACOB gHELL. I=l Two Fug BUM/M G Lois for sale on Veurk, above Broad street. Terms,. • one-half cash: Inquire of . Dr. - *yeth, at lirjrali. - IVerearattrli, South Second street. my3l-2w Miss M. V.' Wrisori, northwest otnmer of Second and Walnut streets, has juSt returned, from the city wit:lca:fine stock of New. Gook: Dress Trimmings, etc. See advertisemenb.7. I=2=ll CLosiNerTifig groups. —We ;ivould resalbff . our readers that on and After Monday 'evening, the dry goods millinery and fancy trimming'' stores,will be closed st, eight, o'clock, regularly, until the . 'of October • e Omni to the general advance in prices, . the little shavers 'who' 'formerly begged !of . py rites on the streets, now-ask for :fire-cents. course, the youngsters cannot be eipehtekt i a . . beg at low rates when the cost of'living is so, high. Sruz Mier Ccoa r m,Last eVening• another. magnificent boquet ,was received at the ing-room. It "i ( ligiikOileCi .. of flowers of vpaions-hues, and, we -learn; weal from the hands , fair one ".who it'e . thi-.1 stoat reader and''Adiairer of :the TarAdmieir. Tbe•boquet has been carefully preserve& Tin, treasurer appointed.to rece,ive thet,Oog tributions of 'this community for' tig •I‘Gittat Central Fair," acknowledges, .and .hes:trtu.ks nAtted to Philadelphia, the,.B l .lkklgoft , 'Wkliiiio Bred and thirteen dollars' pa/ bents:' ($313 05.) Since sending the above . liniount, chor ffiro.dours ($32) hits" 'beilef 'added` - aixiierrt forward. AN EXCFMT XNT A-PP9INMEENT. —Lieut. Peter D. Bricker, of Co P lath pennsylvania cav alry, has been appointed Assistant Inspector General o€, Brigaife Second` Di soon ciytait(loos, which places him on the staff' f theconamandiniOffteer. Lieutenant Bricker hits - nunkorey friends-in this city and elsewhere, who will rejcd.ce tolearn of his pro motion, as he is a gait nt sg7dier. , 0.71 - onuivANons.LLtri-' , our advertising col umns mill be found pan ordinance 'providing for assuming the debt of- We .Good Will En gine, and for the payment! of the same,"l amounting to 67; autither providing for the payni . ent of experesilsfirfadrtdilltirg curing informatiowcOncerniiig the quota of the city under ifie x icerftvWdls of the Presl dent for 700;00(} , inbn; llso,two, providing fo the construction of sei,6o, in Seeetiel.streel . 4 44,-il r er OW: W l cumman.---4We notice in the list ofearoundeci C•n'tYie first of dune 'the' name of Walter F. , Fahnestock, of this -city, Company E, 76th Regiment Pennsylvaniavolunteers, wounde whilst charging the rebels.' Tie is one of thos bravelming men who enlisted iii=defence o r our liberties in the commencement of the conflict. We hope his wounds may not prove serious, and ilia he will soon be able to join his brave, comrades to add laurels to thos/ their noble deeds have already crowned them , ... , rous,Va . .11kr. Loa *CHINE.—SomeI thing Rerff. in.the shape 1) f a machine for load‘, ing hElionisi Yagon,Airect from the windro on the, „fieldi;iß NiAg,Antroduced in this vii , 'amity. There was la fri4rof one of the me l t chines ip.,the. : Capitol ground, lately, and it is said to have satisfied everyperitiVpresen of italbilit3r to perform all that is claimedfo it. Now, when laborers Are,,sco,r,ce s tl3is ma:= .chin.'elill be,f4und of, great value tolarniersl . as it will save the labor of several hands. It spill elevate a ton of hay in three minntet -- The ag, j ent„ Mr. Jesse Smith. igt_ at the lin House, inthis eity,4llefe tie farmers should 13a,ll.and examine,thp, toading mac 0. • ' KM Tau following interesting, ar e,is from the pen of ti-disltingnished eleigyman,Of this city , • 3.* ' who,. afewytveningsftincei, entertainktl ona-it izens with , an , el4ionent .ariditrapide descri3- _bon of the mantieit-iiil4lifili the hospitals ip the army. are , condniked. -, : 7 ,The,.:Eev. gentle man having devotedleveralFels tp,14110- ming the sufferings of the wounded, nii'd Acm ,. soling the dying, at the Avng''l9l:9kAYeti:lf e sPealts," and we invite .1.1,1-o 'a, I - the interesting article-below t AnikliGEßEFr AHD -WO**, `.0_,!,'.4tr41q1213- ' • Prim: ~ 4 . :Rifth corps—Major General Warrep. , First Division—Brigadier Genenitdiii!fin: Each diyisop. of • a corps, has. its divisicin hospital, which accompanies the corps in all itglratatkiniedits,, and is . undgq.,oll s, treption p of at, „ stu i g &ii r Ay i cyhj e f. r. into three-brigades, Fifth - Nick•-:-;Sfiriefpliziii chictioW.rilt. DeWitt, - Each-:of ;the 'lbitigades of, a division.- has 'a: sorgeOn T iiilehitif,' who is apPoiiited-riii the rfi-1 commendation of-the surgeon4n.4Ehierii - f the; division. sairgeontrof, the Meiotic regi ments of the tn , igage; are their reports to hint; , - The.kst brigade, ls t cl v h l iep ork . ,,,Pos, ten regiments;with 041, aver.al39::9. l. ff.tti.rf" gecins to a regiment. • The 2d3brigagien vision, has five regiments , two -ads:o*W to e a:h. The 3d brigals,,,,lst divia , yftkie sievett? regiments, two surgeonsto:W.t z ' ;f4glifug - t• • Total, 22 regiments in thadistision pritaiver • CEsurgeons, thmoui WI? eVti's . -7 , -- Each regiment has it complement of Mirsesc.ciiieddirintOemti e.elonige,46 - -etArewmas; ie suediosl sunky:*agoil or travelfu~ .: EMI ; ' I • kJ, t'*4:4,it but kda/ ME ,L! , `" cary shop, and a certain numlik of ambu lances ; also, supply wagons according to the number of men in the brigade. He is pro ' • tided WilittrEcupplr•ot -kettles, blankets, pro, visions and the yaripn.s medical and sanitary stores needed. Tfidsticitagons are required to be kept full of supplies . fOr ;every emergency. During permanent camp the sick are taken care of in regimental hospitals, but on the eve :a. campaign the surgeon-in -chief or gariivorAie .clivisionAoapital and becomesrc, sptnigible - to tiefriticifiAl'diretter of the corps for all that ecCursilillaid'AilisionJ •He - first recommends. for appointment a surgeon-in-cfiarge, . who takes the general charge of the hospital and is responsible to the surgeon-in-chief of the division. An as histant surgeon is appointed who is specially `charged:With the of preparing food. and Shelter for the sick of tile di: :Vision. The entire culinary or lit Chen de „PaKtment,,is_tuicler COntrOl.' 'For its .stip- Ply .haiiiivest along. : beeves for 'slaughter, cows ter milk, =has wagons laden Withdelteacies:itta necessaries, canned fruits, Milk, • condensed beef fOr 'soups ; starch, farina ite. He is to be ready with-these at any warning. 1.4 surgeon also appointed a recorder of the :divisiOn, to keep. : fiil:ll6 . -, citrate record-of all:who - are admitted to. the lidapktiltl,'lnking the 'name, Tank,'.regirritiat; l weund,, character ,of.it,slight setions,and' by, what kind of miasila• produced..- -• .15hen,'after-w march the hospital is camp ed for the or to await a 'battle, the tios•F Pital tents are pitched in three . rows to 'repre sent the three brigades of the division, each :brigade being ;UMW the . ehiirge of. the**, geon-in-chiaf.etifi camp-is piphed!lat - 2 the forili . of a stirgeoils taitsan one 11‘c0iPkiej#0 ;on , anetber,. the kitChen,O,MtheAparll.,:aidei. and rrttir by, it thezprovOati guarcbaxtd- the pioneers,- . and on the fourth,side4Aarrtuaged the,Xish 1q441:2 'under a - large tent are placed the oPerating tabletiMradfarnionittiflori are performed • x,equisj ipare Wattir•LA.....W.664,.3;:zgeOa:groUndi--k! land of even surface; also, if possible near a :Aviib i stiAo,.lKlitghinay:be Obtained - far beda. i.4.4 4 - 4A 44.1 ? :44'fp.r ihe L OCl.6)4id W :4 Ounded,” 'layer pine boughseList spread on lgrwitidPiipOn.:4..lia,Vilhe gum blankets of the col afid-tharilhe-toqieurblanketeh,.using ;for-the pillow-anythingrthat-Cari'be:tibtairied. The ,sbe,lter .off hospital tents for the,. sick and! wounded‘ is much 'priteiiet to that of houses; . on the.score of healthiness. Tgaal(l2hliglitici - of; ,the division haste~ bwn tdVoi„:ll4 - I.ie z centre iinow , square. This tabliEls the ' chief surgeon Ofilhe t rriglide, who is held re- 1 sponsible ,•fpr r all. operatlons performed. He hash two assistant surgeons , inaking three to" each table,. also a• — stetVaid' to assist and to keep recordfilf operations, aut . :i t :lo :dispense itel medici There- are alSo ether stewards placed in charge of the sanitary stores and , of!the madical wagons, 'I4IQ are.ready . ,•at, Limes` to the the PreseriPtiona of thei dergisilits:! ,. - They arerequired to keep on hand entip i gh o". ierhospi_tal`four kifkija.AiLY4' case of a heavy nattle and, though. tairirely dik This vision. hospital is kept i .the rea o the army" frOin. One to fotir, an five miles, according to. eircrimatances. .In addition ] to it there ODEG:t.4ospitalA .establifflAct, of battle lu I.timevi•Of.. engagemextivk.:-Itnis!, placed as near the • •b . ciety - ,-ii . as teatty - i helteres' "spot if' vifsVi#lo,' . : i i!zAhliad a litinte . ,i under a, , obirripvet,tries,,,b.eside a spring on 'itrefaili; if _Ver.*, wounded men,, e . 94 11 P 2 W014;4tP.Ofbeareis on the are: X 4 14f;444,N5T 3 41 1 4M414-1 dressen.hemorrhages of blood stop ped, L c 6,,,q 142 440 Point, and borne bacflo' ittd - division liOspiital. Each man is sent to the ( bitadtiV:W-EiiihAietelongs, the wound littexit,f .. ed"to"in' - ton);:#376•:;ttop, severe taken ortheoolieraliniA ll altieL''e , am'pntations arei YalidVd on .tlitttflel6 , o inaout;•postr*hOspitaii. I 'Thai,' cases :iitifdgidolrithe- division bos-I w pitalsg . . cOneftStlen,i-fiV he surgeons being! 'held in cases of. doubt::. - A. B. WIEETIEe. In the c tist`divitilOgliirsPitafW the:Seib:hi:Ai, or,4l,7Fliferr fliti , Eis ) rierinitteCto spend several, hdaysmilthe masehrtreniZpottsylvania C. H. to the pr , isselikßositik - iii-Of 'thixarmy,'schiali - .7151 ti the yttraithity-rifei.',? l'ime"Most highly grati •Wlindz,eligi..a!stor.ki4ked Wit4-,the ogerandi sucCessjot. .itsL manageinent., , .1 - ;:Prieritliing; stibliaed•'-to be complete- , The *blinded-Were; aftei7idled - te with the greatest dispatch: - - .Thee k l ppes'imedical, sanitary and culibafki.iieref - Tditinfhinl, and provided upon tligllicirfeht! notice, Thttprder of the hospitalicamr was griatf - maiiirable ' ' There fwasa , 'foyi,o. Mple-I natiti;t 4= suri_n_lisi,cilf . .ate*ards,;it. - 4,o4Vandl - O - f — clisplainiwilifreadiliessio - litteilinoi:. i llu3 wounded . :4 Ima,march V,thin Auer, en hour% after 'the Wire stofle4a all:the hialtand'Wciliall-i ed would be supplieS4ilh beef . tea or some; a etheY:-1.1 0 0 8 441? 2 . 4 .:JA^.PAtae , 9L a, I ?atnPrA .Was asseredollYz...AT 11 1rge04:11. taliiitifi;lllll2i axed wounded were brought iMlbeir..arrang`ei Afrlitttere'Kitei- , VOitiPlefe,gethtit.:•br elify'e4, o & rl twVlre Vida in illint*lk'd - '9.f. l tiolittiii:', , i. the-, 'ampatations:lystilie be performed„ .th ,{ponds mdittssed,'• ith4iv:Woundettlearafidit 1 away td' rest' 'end the' 'hhirr. AidOted'.'fot.'-ai night's,eleep. I looked on with adnitta r tiO. 1 tiridllihiesiiiifilbelleld: the 'Cintiaiif gur. goons in chffse of this IStlivision hospillAt, ' with their,aisistant.eurgeoei;_chaplainiii.leteW-4 arch .and nursesiitaking (such rapid, consider-I • 1 . 46 .:and - stincessful • care of the -wom4d§d mei' 1 .that;wess trpaght t in kern' the: deld7lsf.liattle.; 1 ..The smislions,in-ohief..!and:in: chick% ...-1.1:0r54 ' ,DeWitt and t Tilomas,;*hosetentrwas pernliti ited:to;'Slia:ri •Mestz,Of 'the - tithe, ifeeiii'kbe most admirablY fitted fOr their responsible :pOi sition, ,, zand to :te• - unwearied , , , in attention to theirdutiese'They are supporeeddiy as gontll ..atinlitiegreelicidY of inrgeOnCits:itha ever been• my privilege to meet. 'Most '°iWa l operations performed in thbociay , Waiitip tions, whiChxl witnessed;','Wes , e 'by Dr:'Kerr, _oftAllegheny,,eity,-.andYerepatfarmed with 4 readiness and skilli-.and, withal mith a tendel re&ll'llijthe , Poor sufferer, such as elicited 1 4,1f,e0imiRa§ 0 ,4•fied_Aap"i i eSpict. There.arq doubtless-cases of negligenee•and-greas-iiatt ficip4Onl,.ttOstrinatiAst oteux army ,hospitalsi and, as a consequence, unnecessary suffering i l and death amon a g our wounded4nchbra'yo del 'erlde - rgFAifiCit §- , t:;•., . :.otiiiiitiiaffict,that , :'iel'`l l l" - - '‘':#': - . - Z..;42,:, `-'.;,W.tittlPWObie a M 6.1 arsff. ;: . . • • -. . :Eairgriekt - 61,h9 rPtoal d as jhwOrnicrtiPA. atith the armiel -4 3f.1•41 republic. • Never before has the ratio of mot- 1 , tality beep'‘rodneadVanything like that which 4fFilish94 ,117-qur armies. neverbefore Agre''firinieff-'so'hitied'iftii7,/ her .Wouniiell'almfi wtii.g.A .- .444'::ie1'A*4 , 86540064"AP they this:day ,inc,the arely,of.ll4..ijaiiiili?.V..can speak only lit terinsiokhighpg praise of that. bospitalkarith i i .avAistLl .beesme.thigetfenstlisr" whilez!vittrAlte( arm- the. hospital ofthelst , ..: I #i,Villg - .witkit . ~.4,a t i5 1 . 1 3r,a1l others 'are:1110 it, we may teat asiired'iliat our biaield . en :yr& receiveall.thaattentionand carethat men At?ikielitf•filtillwandlkiminesk aided by lbelre 41.11#4.erAts,`'Wqnverrunerit, aiati.'i/lidrd, tl ein. -. l Tuesday. IlatitksiOissistaiat 13. '.;S. , z - inarshale arrived-4p t'pefile;;'.ind at once arrested itiv ingitOii; Clothing inerehant, outte4 , :and: a lad. Askew, his salesinam oharge against tOsepartiet is that liavO'dole& 'and - tibeite4'.`a4srtinia tile armyasby 8e wdy enlisted vol ttiaktuivicrof.fr eitileinexelptiting, knowing ititir from zstw.t...! e set ..ftoth .v..4.tri't ;am li alaw.D.A I eri 2 .0X CZ bed: ,stio A 741 4.; Z. v j rnz znar, - -avil , ulad. : 4ll(.ll.lzll.l Aram I. • _ 4tWoraiiora enioah. them the 'United States clothing ii,,,, • 1 rhr time of exchange. The evidence L, ~ ,-:•., these charges are expected to be sustained -was collected by. Colonel iletzderson, Pro Yost, Marshal, and fortkrarded to• Philadelphia, where a thorough examination• *rill be made. —Herald. 'To Having been requested by, a friend, to de fine my position on the ~question at jssue on pertain national interests that agitate the public mind, at this, important period. in the, histOrrof OUT, afflicted country, and being bandidate for nomination - by the Repttlifidatil• ;or 'Loyalists of the land and home, of the:te and the brave, (for he that: will, net figkt 'work at his country's call is only fit to be — a Olave,) I gite the following.: i The first andmost important question is the amendment to the Cinistifittion. 'ln the midst of a revolution. there is no necessity of mak ing a Constittitims. • ThlVpliblie , mind being too much excited for calm discussion,. it spay biihg the civilians' and soldieiivin COlhslart at; regiments polls. Suppose there would be several ,h•egiments discharged from service and be in [the city, and, the grog shops all . open on,elec ition.day, "what do you p',.,w4l4.NAip: oonsecnenoe ? And I firerelieve ;,int,etehtsotohr cOmmoneetintry'demanditeS lam duty of eift'Cren'oral to diii4 ticians , . seeking votes to sustain ther ' posi-,; tinn - of trust4uid profit-out, of the army, and Ino Stater.liegfslatura has any right- tOriter , - :1413 AvikttliO•PalmY of.the'VnAted.: B t4e. -CO: - gress alone drafts, and Should support and rect or make laws, for ths:_exeoutive power to enforce rt The 'next- question of importance is-the Ceinprqinisek '_our fathers made,Witleldave liolders. Sheald.they 'he Or as4he - Democrats say ; thol,Con was, before our national •flhg Wisaiintitlted in Charleston harbiiii.draUtatit of South care liiialthe birth place Ortraitcms,•uuTile4laistory cit .othatiy,' debates in:o44lo,Vety,s,f,s of freedom and _slavery inileie;lerrilgrfhitAT4 sufficient-to satisfy everrrefiectingailnitthat the laborer is worthy of hYs lure; anti isvern- meats were formed.for the , besiefit:of the poor and oppresso; Vhethei beisroohsoietior ietkto; tho'min diiitXtb3l9e.4AZt4jr;'lB' :worse:than an infidel . .: • ~ - - -The third questionto be-answered,' find per-i 11.4peth r e most important of - thein'all,',iti ! What; tq„do.With snoundield,wknit are 'ill:indexing the; public -treasurY contracts _inidAisbursin g t r,kaymaster's 'department. , We are satisfied fink‘,thpre saiociatimi: -individuals in this city wh o ! hold secret meetings tolenrich themselves MI the'eXpense of others - `Contractors paymasl' ters, etc., are useful `'and necesairy, i fraud should he senzely.punished. „They ar part of the army and are subject to martia law, and they that.defrauddlae:Government i tlteSa time s -are *Oise -Ihaii'deserters. They are mailed' to a fair - tail: ; 1. 14 ' .. :Whe.h : :o6tl vieted, should be shot or sent to the Dry Tor togas, to, pi14,1„:44.0if islatids for morel S waters: . ,2411- nes are noWforigiiker:l4: Wise 86 Bro.'s stend4 corner of _Fourth and 'Market.. ;These are they f — eit of the Season. • RPECIA44 4NtnICES. rocs 913a.oih>rac# ,6 havia:iteVer jtt:Br y 64 t. icrLk4l24°ll6 ' t i t tl4tf l anktil L it - V • ,n 1.117„, well or Ri1r44,4 PP eb. " Pres, Ham Iton College;q11 , 13:1 71, - 14. Y. "For Throat Troasliatin'iliri.iiipacittc. lyknown to,need maim_ ittukk , _ l O6 0.3449 .'H 4 . I Ham (. HAS., PHEU-Aireee% "0 malinLiao opt nor =Mang , tki_up , Dr. A,HAYEAA"mnnoSjam'cul "in el '4 elegant combiantlon lor a kaaper aciEL 'n. ovir -t 5 , a 4 0 .. 310 ", „4. iniblliksped*.eas.ifizii.u, 5.0 ,v La, ofulam • ...“gosi:salntary refiefin Bronnhiri.o.6 racy , v : bletristo7,. -Ohba "'Very beneficial whom suffering from Colds. Ray.,5.,J..,P, ANDERSON St. Louis. "Almost instant roliaPizahti.diatrealog labor of breat infrpseullar•zo Aathrefor!.• • • 1- New/Mule. "They haYeaulted my case egaetity^selertagmZ.thro 'so that.l.could Meg' with ease;!':: 3_,L'Aatpenelvtik,• • • • , cll9rister.-.Fretich•Parish:gau.reh i ,montreal: As there are imitations beams teobtadt•theGENlllN: jtut.2l.-d&tr &Ft: - / .1)4W", WO S 4 ihr .1 , 1.9u90D,0f u Dutcher,'3 aelebTateti 44Tic.igW H 4. A ctagip Article aasY.to. usit.,4,kiv.grZ,Phog !Anil 8 •A xS OI 4 I :4&VER:YMEERRE ,,, lust q• -..FANNCH,It,IGRIBLYS: &Igo, * MN - t straq 1uY24414.V4W 44 ;" AI Lo - • I ALRRIV-31.'0 GOQ.DS NA :;.,. *elf It A R.G AfitS Itintlll , 3 Fuli and wide.blesobed muslin, at 30 _c?ati; worth Bleached mastic, at 25 cents; worth 35 cents. Bletto,hed.Xnalla, 20pieces6of a11,.vr00 1 ,1 1 .44101 2 - 040; 1 44 , 4‘, , , , 1* Kock L ±1 I •Abap1i,5i1ki,at. ,, 51..30.441104V6410(t0,, • ‘chigac , l4.ollX, lau4 ooo :Yards 0f:0149.1b. recautifql pevl.colcr t Alpacas in leather color, atone co ore and other colors 12109,40.01tprics, soft.ablatted.s.4 French' .Catnl, ITaeOttette, , 'kg • At .' Shirt br,asts, all linen, at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 56 cents. SidenditbassorAmetlktificabb4ol.:,:-: ,rtic Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. 01. ti Stockings, the best andshespest. _ _ . e goplyat handkerchiefs flpinded, Wine ill es quilts and craen,for-toirela,.,- We hare now a very-largestook of goods, all bonen. t reduced priceN:alid iNelklphrwerwilt tallfs# }St. •eannot We have alap..forY allgelotof 8114041- bombaziuei J ; ~ (45:•_lag-vr x . RSV; w.L A;idT - • -, • ;At.; ; . 1: ...WIN .. _. . . . ut B 2( • AenrefVeigtitafrbbeNettictin.e..,n L:.:. ONE of the very 'beiit'ArtijgetaNellkteetititt: a 'qs lierv.s3lfdrifiVtti the eldiens'and.itar4tFOt t. - Vitt: , It AiAA' tturifyttiiisA6ll, , ittelatethWlivdr u% , c r nag' totwifhTklnvireed healthy coliditlfn:t - Obefa t lezisftveri. BleinttlnitngVineeidit-rdiiipi; L ' 0 , li t , of it„ Aeto the truth of this hundreds cirept •.etts k bur tipor-iv,on iroAt foilbiiiiiiit,ti f o,,ilt-lit re par d only toltti. , bylffnt.' IA Bet, 80. 27,AdoutB , P tift . t- , fiti nr i,o 4 4;:p a. . . ... :.....,. .., :T. . -0 , , ~ W ~./lay2Sl GIRO"==A:R`c HiEDORY OF THE , P.ENNETT.ItMiIESEEVE EL145114141.* COS *sllotfullyjannoutt that thez haven prentrathon a History of the Pe • fatt4e}Rtfillilm the OdntizathlikitrAl44 lion of their term of service. This Hislory:lthli Oonlati :the itanietiftfealllthe Oin and Privates, of : the , CF.rps—t4or,pp:s?lotiy i ne, and 'dlscliiiiges:L4' oi 'their P life and their gallant aotiidr meii is the many battle-9 ; which they havetak:aniiart-i:derived A uth ent i c cieu tc ol : - ; zl.l , ne-45 ,0 7, J.. ) 1. 14e -i re RWMPA-KlfelTesrl ll -Pci,1414 ) % VoLmas of fitak paies,.ootavttlzeirmently iprinntti , .Ontgoa paper, and substantially lititind'in hhirlle v h nlothol6 ll4 alidA 't.e. 1-o: a steel engraving of the lamented !Reynojcle, and one Governor Curtin, (who WU kilifoinfilibaded the formath theyennsYlviulii‘.loenii:Corpa,) and will be sold inn; - if rr enible ' oriPtichir . " Irwiltl;te_residy jos, 4R,lpst , smA ) —Three dollars per copy, The Publishers fee; egokfldentilia4lie - jult; pride whirl eVery.Penrosylpuifso.atuit the orsce mdi whgse achievements and patriotic selfdevotion i - ractirda. 4ilf Secure for oTas HISTORY" a generous ( appreciative reception. Vo. ELLtSit&RIVadOO Publishers, Ntt King street use.A.Frs l / 4 April 1 / 4 21 j n AdikralVA/maAci eenvas B" stor the above work in e dra i n e l.na r VlVllV:4l 4 o o 4.ll - 41 1 : 10 041 1 AVON I • - XILLtr:.; trwa...oll=l 7`,1 ;Lag& 0;6..1,14031 akliryl 4'4 fel owl/ tp aanuft 034 bsilcznAW .114431 :01.1?tHE o'.4at 4: l4 crito: • ~.41 a 40W 04 irivoseooo3) Ydat . b ' - - YROM BY J. R. SYVHER Bannvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, Ac., are specially recommended to WARICIAWAIRA, palls then tcis Minnfactirren - 'poly by 0. A. Bb 4 IC.M. ' Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom aniidditillitaild be addressed; fold by druggist every where. Read the followingttestimonials from some pf our eminent clergymen: H.Litaissona, Feb. Bth, 1864. . _ C. A. Roarvear—Dear Sir: I have used J3rown's BronchialTioches, Wistar's Lozenges !and other preparations for hoarseness and (throat troubles atria comparison with them all, can cheerftilly 2. commend your own as a most admirable spedific for public speakers 'no:1 singers, m cases of hoarseness, coughs Eistd colds. I have found them serving in " f ume of need, most:effectually. 1, Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of NV& Presbyterian Church. AIS-I agree wit r. tobbinson as to the value of BarmvartZs.Troches. GATT - ELL, Late Pastor of 0.410 Presbyterian Church. : If.tanciatraa, Jan., 164. To C. A. BermAug—.Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal orgarusare very much taxed, I have found the need ofetcome gentle expecto rant, and that walithaa Veen supplied in your excellent Troches. ' I consider thezu -- ier3r far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too freqUairt use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public aC dresseS. Yours, ` &Ts., JNO.,„WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Lootif St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Riarrvarr—Dear Sir: Having used. your Troches, Lzam free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing." Yours, &a, G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge AilinuiAllettiodisitChutch. DISTRICT Ai-roman's 01 1 710 E, 4; ~Yeb. 29, VAL, To A. listniiktetiti I,3ir .11-44 sa ve found your Trochee to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and r arA certa t inly of great bene fit to all public spiiiikere• A. J. HERR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. K9ikßisTl WHOLESALE AND DETAIL BE v. , /y. ,1 4 , , 1rr i, VIDIP ' .7 4 11 FX:i r iailt rl edii:Vrjr 4 .4.1ii*Iilig*- THE following stock of Fireworks is now in store: Roman Candles, Rockets, , Pin Whom, Mines of Stara and Serpents. Serpents, Grawilloppors, ' Water Pots, Flower Pots, Scroll,WAerkla . Bengali' Lights, Th eri ghm k t -.4 t .i. di. .ict , lniitgighte,: , Ytij_ Red, White and Blue, Spangaletses, Chinese Rockets, Pulling Crackers, Fire Crackers, Torpedos, Torpedo & Firecracker Gun, New Torpedo Bow, Jog, stiok - ',ilyipaaa,_ -: •; ..- Elkissong t mr.o7,4 3,1., '... Now iw i thwthnotorpuiVlasetwhikraitharerailAlWlNl , si c silrtmentw 1 ~; ,r,,, r. • ....,._ Line ilrighniii,W43gr .4. jes.dir ~. .i 7,.n ,owsisrstrlA.near.-Wsluet, r VALU .., ABEatVIT 2 .P 4 U8L10-,SA L E, pH:subsombei4,j4ao43Lon c.„.0wrA11V18114.18,4ii14444 CA3oektt. to she eltp 4040C1eat,0 1 .74 ,6 . Ala 4 nu !di retta oodispkedakohliittsinanigundulPhan-PW*O ftentreentaina stne=.lthatisetni mum ,orleati t and is bounded by lands of EtelinanwelriCkstAtto.W.:/illel. J. German and others; Paxton creek runs along ann through the Carat. There Is a line two-story atone house and bank. barn on the place, and also a tine limestone quarry. it draft of the farm can be seen at the °tam of Dr. -Rutherford, on . Prom street, any time unt il day of aele. The above farm withineg. etust pubis lisUthorder. jeT•dta — VoRSTER TO LEARN • PIANO-FORTE PLAYING ICIASILY AND THOROUGHLY, use the , JII4tATIANDARD3itignINTI94 441 0 ,1‘3 it S I VO ardS 93 6 [ New Method." An improveiiiint - upon an others itilpro gresteveettcrangemntaaNAP449AML.StritclM,fltund- ,ed upondkaftvilart=lidtkitifte,ift.S u1t0z.",,,..a laeriptuot Phtteanehe WeItkOMMA ...i,TVI , 1f".4 4 teral thiaeratt dt b..;,,, I C#Vati.•lt4. ._.'4 ,- , _,,,,-._, - ..e.,pjy . ,_ ThelPolll4lKikaOrstthif .4 ROA 4,4 *A B S, t iti a TafWiTTRVIRY that of any similar work. Teti lholimnd'cop es re sold every year. Among teachers and all who have examinqd tt, it is pronounced superior in excellence to all othfr "Methods," "Systems," and "Schools," and the book that every pupil needs for the acquirement of a thorough• knowledge of Piano-forte playing! It is adapted tol' gradea*ofitpttitugAtimplUltsdies oft e ti youngest, to the studies and exercises of advanced pupi Two editions are published, one adopting American, thd other Foreign fingering. When the work is ordered, if ricoi preference is 4esignated, the edition with American tlii gets% will be sent. I LI! , - !.! iikviiKedW4eRSIIIMIPIPAfgadiS uspeaifyi 6 g.datrbl 4 4W.NMAPPAlLTlAVC44.B ter postpaid, to any address. Hold by all Ming 4„:oLlVlS l t ala S igNkeggioirou l tiMonfl 27l ,WaflNllgt°ft rstrbetiSbatalk,i4k.l.eal a teui ~.. tttlittit4UE:.! OP A LAEGII MCP 3LB6MIS COLLWPION OP : RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SEA SHELLS AT I;` , ' , AtiAlliffetraiAttimttiussuß4 To inroad without reserve, or limit as to price! THIRTY lert stiVlSettastniptizeot *ohs littptdbm:Eagland, *Mortis er didratistplendidillarintaShellsieffer avitnessettAn , Mile r 'conntdrqwithbearthtubcitherintattood curiosities; oomprpr-:. tcbse,t ndr w Ea.,;IOIIA .411611.1 1 ) tAMEOB7.PEAIII;',I4,C.t . coneistiog of OVETtiI6tiet3PFATI6I3S6I6, -l idCblii4itoienevel before been offered for sale in this vicinity, and a rare- opportunity is now offered to the citizens. The Iliadic, and ladies in particular, are invited to amille,tilitapnignitipent assortmept of.nyriosities from the dor c arai mi y... Old Neptune. Theyare all the works of nature, and no artist that eV* lived could imitate them in shapes and colors. The won -91194.41Mti11f-SilttiVlAPATAMstAilluit Lean ofi 1w • • , BMWS (Nedr..sz hced.J.e runs • I BREAD TRAYS, WAITERS • W i filfer EAL S' B° , 3, .. ,X .. F S , ' SHELL FRAMES 4.10 wits. o.sovuae.gra, r4iq u e aituardity 3t) Arldayymitltigarday 410 6 , eluek.,A A and katekuE.; goo, Iredgpsylitytind,tia*Y.MorpingrOMitet. bee. bp Arl4. f 4 t. soap, June 6, feT4lEt. BEE ,CIANIAIES4 ;,) •`-) 813.0.cIlfeLARS ... 1 11an2 ,:se,,), ,StVlnla tr,-MANTILLA, IN D. W.„II,4IS,T4TEW BUILDING, M" REIT STREET. Vaagall&Aa r pllfirerae Sate: Mite ito#4o3Piettlid assortment of s .1 SPRrNG As - ,SEMERICANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BAS The above beautifiNsamples, in every color and somely trimmed, frotet $7 50 to $lB. 1000 SILK MANTELS, CIRCULAR SACKS AND BASKS, Handsomely and Oddy'lrimmed, from $lO upw t HILDA E..` , 1'8 , 31.82 , TT5.8 IN LARGE VARIETY. tarls u " , • ALICTCPYr." A.2 -1 ° Fla removedLlifice from Third to nut atreetonfit to a Priimi. dll basiviews Vaned to him will rectiv rompt and oardul . W ANTS. WANTED —A COACHSASITII, Apply to to B. J. FLEMING. itttittMWTEDL--TesleitilterbriEo73se work at gtogivilgai mat this (ace. HANDS _w,pKrEJ). AFEW more hands can lui*e e.niPlo`itent at the Keystone Nursery, to pick peas, strawber ries, and weed In the garden. None need apply but per-, sons who have been accustomed td o ittaltbove kind of work. - J. NISH. • ANTED—Several Cabinet Makers and TY • Carpenters for in door- work.. - ,4lLthWlt wars paid. Also, a stout boy to strike in: the blackmail shop Apply at Co Eagle Works. W. 0. HICKOK, .• AltrANlt y :r.ok.i viailt vetommerided ai nurse. Enquire at the lathing Hotel for; ER% 168.,81:.. - • • kiaßliTainititN ato !math BtandarA AM: torylisramibur:i *sato chum tfo , .. PaLikeiLIPIL9MY- Agettt9 twe ataltronklpf S•c! 3400 peralriktA. '4lOOO volunies - piccoffif d:tpier4 foi• Addt ' • - , - • ' .3 . 02•M1 BROKIe - - - - yul altaltitnon; #ut • : ':de 39 TIT I r .r4l• o9 tmegt9lEsl" • - - wain - ap3o-att ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .$250) ,, RU WARD: Vg b k a . } "X Le q4lo 3 A,A§9.l l) ,, V:A T O . .. E L Ara Phillip! it, Co„,wakers, Gendp.,) oneg g Nuegt6h iiid bit idfhaviHgu'BiNirr ThoMingnetitrittretoluthelotidhei-SIPO, fau.alioN.Vla lAre want or. ss:t9: kft otivexupf • tugopertA anxliumo, of-the this Ef.pilusittpq 411,2 /151-1 f I".{ENlTY h ratil itikt.-* • will ON,II - 15 , :911 eAperieFtced: • w eneployeieet. - SYVA I Y ite:CPY.SISSPEth; aiii-ICelfdtOn - e - Stock•Farta.—W gook tenant Thioltie•Aiii. be I:teliteyett-hiiiilted'orrent if miiigeta-liia purpe.a.•Ti: Alei,,foartgiaatiatterere masted it the .Sepitette,Sairi* 14k4 : - .4- HAY, HAY, FOR SALE AT AUC i T .611 1 461.1.isollatitalblioanotion, on Saturdayijune l 11th mak:. it the, out ,WaJlamer Y.-.airetss, afut t hefiennatlvania canal, a, **a lot of .Baled tielignomeviliet dainaged . lkithq,p,dkafion., -ate 'to commence at'l.o o'clock A. a " je944 . BASKETS.--Shislei (kr' a r ' 30 „. . 3 : 1 3 i r o c u kory rato jr., & Co., have on hunt baskets. Price $5 50 per dozen. jog TtLST lIECIPATED---44 gallons pure currant a•• Moe, Suzan a Lnricsatqc county farmer ,th 4 e ~ y 4t idiimeanc . wino in this city. Price $ 3O O per nancil lin nit. at ' emus & PRAZiat, • - - , 4 :ll(nicensora to Wm: Zack FOR coNviEss.:— • • • .• . lELudiI3OUAG, Ps Jane ;rll.FDE ;' undersigned respectfikiliOpifshimiett to the'Reputilliatna of the 14tii !mot of PennhYlikiiiii; coinißised ol" taitcountee -or Dan:. phi; aplioga) . NOiiiiUmberlaud i . Uiiiiiii , oaf nombiatiorßy itiehaveral coupsylecurtentiPmapf.lboliald. Pia[rick ; Lielatcli t c] . , lOadate an. Ari Suntoitt Sendael, Mi I.lfOrti, -Tribune, Miiitliebin% - redgrraph, tltubilrg and Reploblican paper4rt:SilioisiVovO r copy t convention, sindaeria• _.i • • • ~ -- - PIRITITALISIL H, Par ßlitid ~i, - pa ign; . ere'seariees toi , ft'manitoit'iriih ,- the-S — Pliit worth, Vit'sbcclialige Hilll WitilnittUreat,-tintOrfifithelinoilea. - He will also make 'daiivoyalik '.'esnininaticnvof alreiesses r those desiring it. Hours from 834 M. to 12 x.,., and s. td. to sr. is. Terms 50 cents each sitting. Every one applying for a sitting does it on their owit, responsibility, as the manifestation of a spirit is notat i te _ option of the medium. .. , z.. 6. , , i , of : .. i p . s, E E , ip.;:ly. B„ l l a c .. N and itrimixolotiy, Jimiiel ' q 86 4, 4 41t the niniiiti,loea “lift'E n GCnitt.4 . l4.enellATllM:' etALINER.S.ANO FAA= THlMMlttithStinum, , , , :arke w entirely close our.feemtlimkPlaess et businesst,t "We ' it lr r ' tz eT 43 7 qr11:042-(excei4;sl!ultass 914'1G what,lak. leek; - - ' tlith.a.ft4; Bihtber, t - ,' ' , lb . & ErD. ICline, -1 ' , - 1 4., J....ronek. - -.7.:•[ X . .A. M: Stonokro dACkti , _- , Daniel NIA% • _ . .M. 16 (ayer, , .1,411 .. Aug. 164Trat; ~ - M. A. Jiti rn Viner, , Sot.ltecwiihhl„ ' Mri E. C e; -. - - , Chas. W gtiAniuth;: ' , ifriv-11.-Baurtikaii, , .”- I A. Lewypi ...:,'.).:_:.c. , . . 1 .ap. annanakf,, ~: ~.... •,' , . M Wner ar• Cari,yu.ll .: t , 31 1 s " -Lri krtYPiiii , .. I liaisagaNiff tt , . 1 c , - ¢l,Briaa, r, 1,,, vamotg , , : - ti-- ,i- • Jo* m. Y. waged,- " ~. Jae., a.:&•;- , ii t — X .A.J.Mather, 1 adc. l ß " i , -:-., illteMateautg. T ., Joseph ICAlumetler, Mrs. J. WitgOOF, I - b - rae/ Beam, Armin B. Ben, . A. Burnett, Mrs. E. IC Jackson • --- Lovenstein, jeBAl5, PAIANT § l 2l " - AVTLlttigAl , oe. - 1.3144 1 rnp?1.1BIR1 1 910 .011,.. Planta can be had: Winningatadt Cabbage, 50 eedirpikligeri:ooo DrumbeadSayoy Cilbbgge, lkeegl§ ~,, , Pp§r 1 eircentgper.3.oollBs Vetllloo. Lite Totteee,o,3o.cegt,e,gl4' per',1000:1 -White At,ple Tofriatielfags, $1•e0 pbtilobo; MO - J- O/deal for al/ kindsiormaidy: vvilabloomillabeloo • PUP'444PeI. t 0 t 01:1,7-441 13 4; rerA o 4 4 l-FLITiN a. ;WITIIS SQ.LE.I.LAGENO.r , o:4±Xer, SI , II 7 EIPOTZW II IO * *I'. ~...10,0 4, 0 , 1,r , ILL.—rimer we.FAraamiax.,,,..-..3-,, , I , ~l _enninetwelbOntehed, ciente:weld yiplisiye ' -?1 SCHEITER'S BOOK tmes* ; Second ence4;:npiiisiteTitedgialazianttb4diailEsogre Pa. ao2B—. UNRIVALLVT) 011A-FALERFURNIT I POLISH does not aired the varnish, but n r , tue „ . , irlaineltlitsa4--..l}Aoecalit tilasnhatatiwilkies rek' r yitiorgy JittleAbonmycsz finished surtanewoShfrip tat orimod,... manurdetuFsps: Arne. displrerVltr Tar* • should use fbepleeig ltdre"fsitt had beinqui les,4everectiwithkiulit:J -Ar-knitettuSidaraWberfLaus alr4 tt brightSuAlsteb,,,,, stet saft 1 I „ nom . . S. - 483fareiotipK-7fsyristidr i t. At - 1.-.3x)zEN.JAittamticiaatmaz „ t rur, L latamprising .11430AgelatteFShaffil*ulitlo er, .11iXed, Pllll.lo3,.GVlkif 4k,:firldWlo wheinik4e atiltriefitikbp ic - FR stiedeliaonctiPW. Tic . 4oloi . .j at r. 4. , ACRE 46 , -.....v44 - 40::,' ' l 7 '7' i tf.,# wams.74% kuodAtlidla-Pfkki, ..'. it his J. • g irourid ribtwe' town;Wtil Syr 1 i $ of an acre oak; knigthe'Rket .iiiiii. - ' Therdls 7 One leidelt of two wires ~ . .unds dnetiMir limb 15T feet'. . The buildings Winne sold 1 nttktbf4elgt.hix.flife9- . ~ j... 1 - ; J -..: .' , i - .10?4 1. . ' ' - *TF, quoit STORE":" i ' ORTAW •TO TuSqLORDS - -- A 4 i. ...cam#B,,:r4l,glind4ii-!gP.: R. ell at. . . to [ ' e" - - wamice lot' of the oespuznaci everbroug to_ 1 , ~ rvisr Preach Braruher Holland GM, frisk Balaban, Wheat and Old 'Eye Whisky; foriegt r s_ and Bornel7 ,4 ' Wines, such as Champagne, Oland, Ca/alpha, de. AL h uors warranted, as represeuted. Landlidla and others "11 find it to their advantage to call and Fax, amine the assortment-at the store, on .Sooth Seriond street, two doors below Chestnut. i my27-dem GEORGE WINTER ; PRIVATE SALE. wIIE J- ei the 'hest loeetiehip—fei. 'r IN igeolumin the Siate= for adeilltatiir3trtiatito •le price, to any purchaser who will Immyet 1115.54Wuttod with to a AtArtightt.otro of the atueurg, betweeas the Peinatylraga m proali pliok latit'&ed eel wide; VailiO de of th e' iititMar" the Ye'andttLattkott turapika , ioad aisix; too for Oita andel:S-4V fitlY learshWooll 41 4 0 1 g? forit*. Apply to , , ~-DAylAjtttat/ILA, „Attorkepat.,LaW, "AM Second Wee • gairtsburg, Thliadeltala Preoriaself Cliche thatiiiandt. watt 14 to this office.] . . Adz' • ittagtlfkm"St—i2i.' 'Eel& siretP —t Pltd " f ( riiiior#ll4e4d4eittlititsid orforit.wda - , :111 , BilairaPKOltRP _ 520 ACMES of La-ocT, Datipion o at private sale, In part or the whole, to • AUVlllOtrtalggiaff r tgA te liiP thl ba ll 4glittlereon, ..,ats Alf outlier paruauler"ll, - address L. MINS= inyikkang"' ihoPhilk.Da. • • . tOO% Ma.C.•••llWer dew. MIS 9 PORk.:4;', jj.j. artialeof Masa Beat and Pork at ; t 44 1 : 01 Lipt-4.111420 Onspoom,3lolo9ay.4c.il, z.4tialW Ck • ou Ll — rolf .t. 7 w.:...t51.) : 1W .48,12,,vatE 1.44.:44a 174. , Y .zd AMUSEMENTS. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALt. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. ixonnal. - With a First-ttattr'Covipatry MGM'S.: WPM" tUtLDIANS, d 4, ke Adzatsaten. .. . .... • . : .; .. .... 15 Ceuta SestkilrßrAs•......• • A .F.F . • • tf4 • ....:F.• • 25 H TH - VOOLVIA:V - , 0 au A C roil THE MR sA 1. 4 or THE FIRE'APE CO" in.L- 141 ) - ANY T 9 4E, PAP ) kT I:IOPVIVIAN'S Nveceps, ON TH1M5D4.1,.. - 413T1N16 - ; 1 18W , !-- - - A) Tickets:— . Yenta.• ii.C l WW.lizgAti.Sig - • D. E. MAlte, . IC R. HARR, WM. CABSON;''• 'Tiirtera.omas. . _ . An adequate pollee hien. will.pe on tie ground to pre serve order; arpt.thlmoupilittee lifer to fgroier occasions. .Nwrieting or iliaorderly eoriduet.g any kind. t•°/- 4,..laris the intentiok of aid picnic of the season. . . • :.••• • • - iCiesinsrill leave the foot of .Ma rketstreet. at 41: stopping 114:.Haily's L.agqsaißgi, Iteturning; keirbo the wooda• at 'IX ,r. . .oarrhiges will, leave the.Rotiti Pefe.. 4 WOTY.7 l l 6l 4onritk g :the dap - . . - .; • , A . E.Martin, Ed. Haverq , ...... Wtfi ettrablli'lt 1L =Barr , ' _ io WM. Wool;Henry-iiirryder, IL Frihkem, , Finnigan,. Matthias Rutin", -", gannsetiattle, Theo.*Thomas k ..t.,`.. E. Faughi9;.. . . Jaines,Donisp„., p inya-deodtaltdtd. .. • • ...•• o' :. ;AUCTION' SALE - . -. - 41 - . ~...., . ~ OF -13) ,,... 11. .0 , C 0:31-Jig litN .11. S E.S. Wail - • -111411.14t113111),'OAVAISEY.Buicsicr, ..... - . . ' - •-' ''' Orims 07 CHEISP -Quiirrammattenn i ,.., WANILN9TON, D. 0., April 25, 0,801.1 , 'Willbe sold at public auction, to the , *Gladder, at:the times mad _ glades ifirried ba ler. iris: • 7, . '.'..:',,-...' P / aranten r rerm'a, Thursday , Jane Illet. ''' ~, , , WillhimaPorrt P ollo 'a, TialisdaY Jilne: 23l One Hundred (100) horses at Gettystiarg . ,:tald'lWtiatin dred andritty (250) at each of the otherplaces. ~,these Hooke have been, condemned as . Wirth ' forjhe Cavalry service or the UnitedHiates'Ainif:- ''''' -,' '• , : For road and farm parporditratraky good taiga:Ms rimy be tad. . Horses will be sold singly. .. :. Wm begin at 10A at, and onithitie daily • till ...np.care , . ca.Ss in Utdted Statiaa Treasury. -n.d . t.dtlfoisly. - JAMES A. ESE.i. . . ap2B-dtd Lt. CoL and C:Q. IL Cavalry Etdiiltilt. rabiacV. • • - (jIHE "Un dersigned Co nupsioners,—naanned J_ an Act of the Logi satin e;lspinT.Wiat iherdit'Vay of May,lBB4, entitled 'an act to Incorpoiate burg and Rausit..Gap Xatlroad Conspatiy, beret* 'give :: gp.blic, notice that WOES Wabe r opened l for receiving sub .wilAione tokitil4:Nlttil'Stodk of said 'Conti*iiy-aihtie itOpsdrig named times abirtilacei in tho7tOunteof4iou ,plittLE to,. wit Ai aie house - of Jakob Lener,llitGratz ,tpwu, THIIRSDA'CiIte,23d day Hof Joie, bist..""llB9tbe Atline oficnfamin Elerdnet; Beirrebttlg,' MONDAY, - the 07th day of Juna:frist. At tbe housv or J. 0. - Tbilike, r, in Millersburg on THURSDAY; the 'Both dig. a -Awe, J ins , . At the 11048 A. in alb-laity of Harrisburg, on TIYESMAY,ibe fitli day of July neat; andUat iambi times atuFAitces acme two or more Co p.n..- will'attatfdiand that time Books W I be koikt49olL.ll6 IkaSt `citimmencing Lit • Sl'ialiclodr: in MisTortinbon on every- day, fOillief teak Of :threeJudicial-days or !wail 'ffatiiiiMbif or shares atithorizedlayi the-- laws %bad:limo - .DAVID ~11., RITSRY , MOII3I4-trzi JAMES FREELAtiIks : 11:1-1YRUBAKER, , . '• - 'Elsznatuli#, I.7l.,Juzie; 110117aRIBEWBG 002SMEETEE OF THE OBRattgENTRAV-BASITAInt. Ehilf.l%lN La- Butt, INOOMEtiIifEBEYBNIM.*; as.A.bs 'lttiti—Di Bei:llo'BA,ty-siatUfle6.Mpatak+loti %ma riikjutoze W 'Moe; J'ltotoneelineter.4 atliikimio bare.--s.A.KOriltiVethullia-A.,Banyout., ".„r Yatt.3lramhda . CoiderlF *.Moristytt.. Grocers-J`R l by,. etnistut Fratob M chante r Stortist.epors,_ &..c—Dahiet Epßier,m.Sotth L ,• A 5.4 luteiuMiz. "Leather and' .140.1Boornavalla "PlottdeofritirGideet , Whim Bayltektou ar 4as Suhitter4OfitiVieri . Bl.l'Bdiuk "Hoti#'44rlesMih*,'WilitedirlPfhotam:PAPJ t+-0 'Priiiteik"encr..BßOlr.; 1/Bt@ tldOre ri fteatlfs i ßliele n o; AllThisteri , .. 101,mgei hiS 'Exprka 'Alegi - A . 0440W if*BOtoyhtßF.Fatuulting .hue. curs, birdatbarki jaiivo ,l l4lßek4lNf ovuot 'De r titilitrk—Di*.fAte,B , Mir 'Ptiaoiiiiphers 'and Dettneizaoßuem LiasOusWil liam Knoche. %At itairroadsLiSaitaer-WlnWW:TlVOiuoohod 'Forsiiiiddri ix/a Coo . • rYfetplanerian493iitere'-afilex.K, The abetv'ehriihr t rire *iltielsiar=lti,MdeVen:Thuts day evening . ' ii . a.ep thORCIURT ,IfOUSIO; for the leußooLos,orgtnifeiko,. , „. By order et - the Cimirmati jel-dtt - • - 16 1:11FIF;',1t* ---- u • it . - •. ,in s.:k! .IIYUSET4ISHIOII4I3I4-: , G4)1) D S . of every zeaanption; itheLlax : got ~•k s fment "ft.'"'"`" bAW ,.. .PNATA-trg ' 11.1za . ...,,INUELAIODM. I, : : CUrtafini,4ll4.llrWS, , ...... "" TABlstlliTt C ;VBS. .SIEBPPASIV it ARMIN, • • 1008 4 gbeghtit PIEELAIGLPRIA. ja3-dw PELLA]) reta, 004,FA:LiTE' risrsn- TUTS' F 'YOVIIIe - LAMS, No. 1520 Arch btreet. - RetiVILIBLES Dv . CLARENCE IL, Prkstipala. , Ninth Year. ~'l3ltreeideitattments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Full college course in classics., sathe miatios higherSenlisli"atut Natitralfitilthose Whip *Athlete; 'Neldicratiiiiiimigiit ittisitll2ll and . 4%tentirsi by the binit &slier& . ; FOr erirdik_At7, - YfelY at the Institute, or address 130 X. 2611-'P.'-O:; "-•rmiiAuNi'. tiphis -- s • • , . aP 2O- fm * L :PA cart ki.. - IYii.eft. — MOE ut Cut raj* for ce l -1 gUws, pieta*Krames'and Kaempos, St4EINFOVXIMOK - STOPT, Slams Pa- ESE 0071'8 BP.ManiG, GEL& 11:1141111filallrad, just. recei v ed andatorado,by, SAISLER & FRAAR fel !on.ccorgristslnt ,, q 91041 )r* & PROTOirr MARSHAL'S 01710 E, 14m fturrater, X IA hiat t r te . ' 10D • V:A . FWAP`" 1. by • J,‘V. 43. • itAtitrovost Marshal General, by his ci•eular, No. 59, of June 4,1864, to pub lish MlMMNlsalditiett air //fLtelOclierlipeterdist as VO/Gtli leers after being drafted; and that the credits for drafted men,wl44 retnaio,for the.snhAstri&s from which they • iverel;taaaiitieraanWeibiniliiiiiiris or Las not been paid to Etch men, upon "illegal enlistment" JNO.„,RAY QUMENT, - . o tptillkiliiiiXarshatagbeDis% r"- sea-dif w FOR. SALE. T HE iorbeatiberG °Strew/rot sale two &et ches Phelam, marble tog tabl es, lb com p let e • . P rnal Otflisie, ea. t The illheiGui uae au = t egetily region that in . 4 =V r it t riogyag e ll.r y t ti edOt rina t i aa trA.CiT G. W. OLANG, Carbele. Pa. TitramouittiSTAlLD, biledasidavorted, pod receivrkantiltowde by SHISLER & FRAZER, Tff i lD .;.6 11 1 1322Vir iPtiVatoitco ~6.IIMEKLIAMI ,AserLta Aeliel4. i:.l 2 dl3:?aillitit *lull UNA ULM best
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers