MEDICAL. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, °Ohl:POMO or lODIDE POTASSIUM, Willi the' Compound aucentrated Fluid Eitauot eL VALITABLB I:MOM/W. 110 On AND REIMS, rairAssa IT WM. H. oD.Nrao, N. I)., Wadutt Caere of Pbyaiolann and Surgeons, N. Y., far surly Annannat Playalcian Blackwell'a Leland Etna .. "Mali, late Medical Impactor Now Park Len Volunteer Depots, under Gifff . iklw?rd D. Idaagaa. CCRCIMTUTION . LIFE STRIP ItgrOLUTION IN MEPICINN. Whet may seem almost incredible, is, abet many dls- Wes hitherto ecruddered hapeleaely incurable are rm . quently cured in a few days or •weektr, and we cheerfully invite the investlgatioks of the liberal minded acid echo- Ells to stuns which have no parallel at the present day. Our midictne is peculiar ; by it the seat of any disease is ditesUy:reachsdi and the equilibrium restored. Thom erne have sulliired long from painful and ebertr sate dimities, those who haili vainly sought relief adVeridaed medicines, those who cannot be curet by otiban physicians-- ' - LBS. INVITED TO USE CONTFITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Ihuing the past live years we have contended with ob stacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever socouniczedby any Reforming: RetPLOlef OF CURE - Some Sly, • "Your enroll-are too quick," while others don4.lbair peynainenck, dank that diseasecsc - only be cured by the "slow recuperative process of. tiaturno This is our reply: ' • In h:slily the body, like a well-balanced scale, in •A mime of Equilibrium. But when from any cause down goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is reqUisite is, to restore the Dermal balanoe of the ode. 'OONSTIMTION LIFE SYRUP, A postitre and alpeoitto remedy for- sal diseases originating from au IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and. for..ali (here(hereditary) DISEASES traimmoitted from PARENT TO: ditary) _ _ _ _ _ PARALYSIS. Paresis. Paraplegia- . Paralysis Agitsne It is se untversally admitted that CODALitUtiOtaiife Syrup hi the only effective.. means of maturation in the various Maxus of Paralysia, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatioally the Great Life Giving Power. DYSPBPSLA. Indigeetiort. Liver• Complaint Conntipation Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. Want of Appetite. Flatulence, . Bad Breath. SCROFULA. GaIIaLULU swellings. Erysipelas. Salt Edieuip sissardrair and soiturfiß D fllliug life with Strums. Limes Eta ' at This mist Crcessorraiii . untold misery, is by all tutual inetbold remedies incurable. Baß-U,MATISM. 4 [Arthritis)Netiridiis Gout. Lumbago. Sciatica. Tic Donloureux.•'' if there is any disease in which the ConstituUeu Life, Syrup is a sovereign, it is in itheumatiam and its kindred atlecalons. The moat intense pains are almost instantly aninvisted—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of 20 or 80 years' standing. have been oared bruit • ; ARTOU*NESE Hervone Debility. eltatiored.Zl, _CirTea. St. Canoe. Lim of Power. Conn/lon Of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who havaista °red foryears will bless the day, ea which they read thews Pitrticubuiy to week; searing woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing--41reeting their footsteps to a Hops which Prdithi awe than it promises • 1111ZWV7ag DISEASHS. Rotting_ of Hones. ihilralion Rai sktutpkcsion. Annear in Banos, /law of Weariness. Depression of dptrits. 00MSTITUTiOM Lin SYRUP purgin the system Sit , Writ from ail Um - evil infects of Mercury, removing the Dad Dreamt, and owing tee Weak Joints and .I.'ninissatio Pains winch the use of Calomel is sure to pnxlned: . It tardeni Spongy Gums, and secures shi Teeth tliagy . m eras. CONATITOTION LIFZ sritvp tradlcatea, Root and branch, all greptive Diseases of the 9kin, Like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other Math'. Yes Of this Slue, which SO much dialigure the untWard ap pearance of both mates and tamales, often making them a diapnettog otnecs u themselves inn their, frauds CONSYITUTION LIFE SYRUP CURER ALL SWELLIke OP Tali .OLANDS.• . Miter of the fame, Neck, or Fem a le Dreast,:and should bo, latest we soft as the swelling =demote& thus previd4 tip Pair breaking, mid producing the iteableMeattpigetwr k . ui Sores, which Mahone so many of.Me , younger.*por. hew of the teumnunity,,from Ms to twenty years of age., Young ahildren are very aubjeot to Discharges , from the, = lrv. which' depends, *pm a scrofMous censtitutiort more aeon recover by taking_ a few, doses of the hllestefulona portions autfering from : mweral Debility,, Iheut Dyspepsia and Dropsy of Ma limbs, abdozmu„ mad la the Wiliam Moiety, of the overeat mid womb. M oran, moonimanied with laileininatton tine' Ulceration, of: the Uhrwi, ate permanently cured by Lkuttioduou ,Life, Ilyivir. The diseme.kbown at Dipitro or ;dwelled Nook, . the Life Syrup will rerutwommirely. Thikremedy shotild be taken for some tithe, as the disease is exceedingly: demotic sad etubburn, and will not be removed without extra elfin. button; of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of mhos glands of the body will be completely reduced:without resorting to the Knife or operations of "%Cana SMOG Pita, Bympa tbetio or Organic Dimas" of Abe Isar% ea pollination, intsmoott of lie Volvos protiltoing a or Wing, wand, Loom of Um limn Qom, muff ati rst i tioston" of WAS 10*VMM 00.11, wervinis'atatqw, rowia mai lane pain to ate ropou..of Lila neart,l grookkr relieved by Conatitnilon,Ufe Byrtip: 11140.101 - DO WN DEL Ewa cossztrrulyentrs thaferang from indisposition to Bzertion,.Pato in chi Baok, Loss is nemory, Forotasiluget Horror of Calamity, Four of inseam% iltutneta of Volum, Cry, BM Skin ,Pit:. Weal. of Sump, iteduusalia.s, ildst Haggard (411.161.1111,11101 N and Umatilla" of -.Use bilmouLsr dysttamian toquiry site aid sir the tnamituttoil Lt je Syraft rag ALL roiLIIS,OI LILLEXATIVII DISEASES, , Bihar of the Nose, Throat, - 0141.10, dno t , pi .rotUluiad or &a l p, rutuuuy has eVin oruvtai da eq,u•. • , • PATetillei upun Ulu female faun, depending Upon &wowed *moo of &Lin LOA, an: vary LlAW4tooleidUL 1,0 tFhe yuumr, wife:ion muinar. ' A Lett botitea of bouaiitinhAi Synip will correct she secnnion, and remove ina Un pont roach is %blowy undortou alum , If Dlitlablies of lie Lynn, ionng rigto 'id Lail/pica*, Masi- Gams Innuipaaiuu, Wean sktuumgA,'or woofin,ld arum oulahuou of Mat orioni, aucthoininani with but or other anintaisant aymplinno, will be yolloyed by itio,46 or ULINSTITUTION SYRUP. • ' ' • • ' SWAB A GENTAAL BLOOD-PMILYTTS6 AGfNT, TICS Lim SLIMY 87.10.4Ds UXIIITALLSD ANT PEISPAILA VON /If mut WORLD. MeeSes of the Spine, as unuallylleveloped in the young . Sip Disease, Neuralgia, eau all Normar, miasmas, and. Lit. dies who are sulitimig, from Dummies fur which they are ai a lass what to do, we would advise We use of tiONSTI. TUTION LIFE aYRUP. Itrwil. restore their-pallid coun tenance, strengthen their weak bank and side, give them saw energy, new life and happiness. THE RICE AND POOR Are liable to the same dtaeasos.. :Niatire anti solstice, hp make the Constitution Lire dyruit for-tite basunit tif PURE BLOOD women; and if the constitution swiatund lu youth, diabase two ,earii;deazi...iartue 4E, ash. lho mut. delay Who L, the. means; g so„nuar twhand, sad withintaa reach of TO MOIIIIEBS...D:..?,R:TA, 7 ) LADLES It Is the safest and moot effectual medicine ever discov ered fur purilying the syntem, afiti relieving the sullenly attendant upon childbirth. 11 stretwainui both the mothernidlthe ent4Prel , 2pttl Paihrieffid o. l 4 ""c:altd ereiairaittritAciiekithe fo-41itxte wti it think it indispensable. lt is miguly,usefulAnit.4 'before and after condueuiekt,' al it 'proteins dieild' de attendant apex CONSTITUTION :LIE. SYRUP A TELE PO ORiIiarkAIEND AND_THI4 Rfelt MAN'S :BLESSING l si MY IT, TAXE IT Alit 'Br OUREI4 :1 ~~~ 19M. H. GREGG M. ppla rsonwroe . t, xaw . To6L Laboratory, lirookaya, L L Mai $1,17A 8917 L, E Pc.liCy;'l!l,..]lX FOR $6. alkm: oviiifon4tu ..:vnug.p.tamdst., . jateaetkillan Illtr street, Now York. .. _SOLD_BIL- -jellNSTOrq,l7[ol#.ll4AtAtidett: ICUMM.L - & IBRia,'.Wa \ iiarket street, Harditini ri. •ND ALL DILITGOISTS DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL I$ THE yrrAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PM TREE, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dig filiation of the tar, by winch its highest med . ical properties are retained. , . _nave you a Cough 1 Have you Sore Throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that moat fatal disease; Consumption? Those whe should be, warned by , these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late,. From this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at lelst "one-Sixth" of death's Consumption' has destroyed. ,more of the linicianTfairilli than any. other disease, andthe best physicians for many years have despaired of a l cure or a rempdy that, t wouhi s , heal the lunip4l4,JorNaore ,thant hunditd ty isr • ivfloirs•Yellait afwbrld i tisUbeen that there t watvamysterieu,s, power and 43E 11 i diencyy, in. the Pine 'l'ree Tarto heal the lunii; therefore' they haVe recornniended the use of Tar Mater, which' in nianYS,,'cases Alia 11 good el:feet:osW, ho'w ,to. combine the medical pro perties so sis toheal the lungs, has ever been a rofifitilltairirvas discolered"by Dr. L. Vabliii33.T; of 'Philadelphia, Pa.,. the 12trietorof "Wislutrt's Pine Tree Tar Coil , . . Many, net only the ,people, but physi, .cilims of every school and practice, are ds4y asking me, "What is the principle or amnia oi youttatocess in the treatment of. Pulmonary • Oonsumpti4m,E,' Igi t y.auswitr is this: The invigoration .of -the digestive organs - the.strengtheniil4 ofilici2debilitated systeniA, the purification and enriahiit'ent-of the Mutt eitpel froliCtle SysteliC the corruption. *hick serohiht hrer,*„ While this is' Wee by the powerful alterative (changing from. disease to health) properties of the Tar 'Odra dial, its healing and renovating princiPle is ids() acting upon the irritated surfaces of the liings and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing inflamma tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let; Om 'two -fold power,, the healing and. the. Mrentitliening, continue to; ct in oonjunotion, With Natures constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, it he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure: • I' ask to read the follovring cartiheates. They'are `from men and arosien of unques tionable worth and reputation: D Sir' had" r a very, dreadfalbough,,auktiore throat for one year,. r i nd my whole syntamlwas fast giving way i And r was prostrated on 'my lied' with hitt little lope of recovering.. My diseasli' baffled . the power of all medioineaaalddn liiihort time 1 must have gone,tihrriy grave, but thiv*Pod, 'rtiyin-iiitlaw would not rest until she went to your store; No. , 10 X'Second'hirlef x 21. 44 , 4 11 " 11 4 thy' case 3'oo,.PlANdiasett 7orte, .hortle of„yotir-Pine Tree Tar •Cordial 4irid oorninencedrto 1E4814 orie-.1 , 1 was Much better, and after...rising thEeejieitthis 1 am perfectly wag:arid:4 wonder to ai.h. my friends, for they alhpronouneed me past'oulea Publish my .case ' , you 'pink propee.. o "QI4I . IOVA HAM Taor'" No. 1314.,Wy11e street, Philadelphia,- .1 . , ' 1 ~ „ . , • .„,_ _ 1 Dr. Wishart!srine Tree Tar Cordial is .an infalliable ours lid; "Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore tiroat . and Breast, Tydimnrca Ginn of the'Ltufgli. . , . Mr. - WARD• Da: Wfsaairr=:Sirt 2 4 , nad• Bronchitis, 'ln damnation of the Lungs,' Shortness . of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their *braf tiirms;'l had been treated :by several of ' the'. most - ernininat physicians in. Philadelphia, but they could".aot stop the rapid course of , my: 'disease, and I had' despaired of. ever being re atorw; ito health.' ,rivowthily on Verge 01 the. grave. YoulPinti•Tree Tar Cordial was ;highly recommended to me by a friend; .1 titled it, and ton' thankful 'to' SO' that, after. aiiing ! four large, and one small, bottles, .I...was restbred to perfect health. iciu °in' give 're'. Terence to my house, No. l 9fitiqN. Second street, or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from l t 0,2 1 ,. 'xi., oornerot , Chistant-and Sixth streets. JOHN• WARD. • Read the follOWingtfroin Utica:,;. Pk.....16E9P1T - 4Dear $.5,ir.:7-.1 take, pleasure informing you through this source that' ycur„,Pias Tree •Tai , Cordial, Which was recom mended fok my daughter by Dr:Vof this city., hakimured her of a cough.. more than five months' • standing. had. :thohoht hor beyt , hd'otire, akd eM,AWO.d the of facsaiar.44l *it:4_4o oheertu lly recommend it to the pabliaraSwaial. aftd sure remedy•toktliose aillictpd, lib as I knof - .mans dthel 'cases besides_thatid daughter:thatit hes - entirely curedcof Iprog atandiug -coughs: Yours respectfully ) JOHN, .V. PARKER, Thignerrean'Artist..- ' 126 Clematises street,'Ttled,' N. Y. ', •• - • • :—I have used Dr. Wishart's - pine Tree Tar Cordial in - my faitily;,!and,ca. _ boidially - iecommend it as a villthible;araxlible Littiklidine for colds, Cough4.uha't ; 6l44,',lcalt; dm - phsed .to, Consumption. ~ , , „, Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genes:lse street,: Uties, Neyr A • • NM WI The above are stew *wig , the r thousands vOlich, this great, 4 /It,rgedr has saved' from -. ::.! antiza44 grave. ' ; We have thoAssn4s et letters d ri- s a l nly physi cians and ditt — gg*.t,t r yr.he preser4ed ‘ af . l4. 116 1442.4 . Tei-0P1TUe1....:-.P 1 ,3* that gi4r.gftvk never vused .or 5014 :a medicine .which,:gave, .44 oh universal satitifikticin. - •,: - ••• . -t...-. '., :1 , .>•.: -, :: !. The TeePOrcipA"wherii#tlien lii• connection`. .Wit,,krii:.lVliiiorVa D.*s*Psi4 .PillS, is . an ,:in-. ./Eillinle enrifor P3 3 Plona• - •'•' - - • ' :. The Pliq. Tenn TO t'Conny; nill- :'ptire, , 0 ug44TSOkTlireat'inid Breast,' Bron,liris,, Astkim,N • krbooping, Cough,: .IDiptheria,..and, : it tan excellent remedy for diseases _ntlne: oyaiiid - lexuals rP l P l o ll64 •Tiii' I" ' 1 " ,:::..; .;,s.: ~. :::,_ :..,...-.i nttelm ,. :. 4 . , p-,t_. : A stiVitesliiirtotrriTicnrErrs .-...:! _____ UT ITS EMC/18. WM MEDWAT BEI • ' ME MI IMZZIIIII U : • ita• Piet gelutbikbouslbizziwb Abe', reoPti *se. Wawa iLllikbst444., 0 41 4erik e r vg 1149 ,." urin, 'lea tr . RIVS-71C*NTIS4Md 06Mil D0NL1411,31111 . Bentz. Ft ...1.1. 1716 Y.Pe !• _ mr. 1 - 0,14 withart t.sialis.,36 Ps. Al. Ilkad by TWastgiets evorywheae, ai Wboleible by all Mx. &Vida mg Norlrat Dingisti. saTUl•ty R. iQHN-LtI‘LION'EI FRENCH #ERIODICAL DROPS, . : Fiiiti.O.;"tilEottalkripß7 Are,the only known .rsrmly that wi l lisnooeastally And llicarlaly i resto:rkand imolai° the fe sayinni,:remori tog lireghlartiten; %de producing earth.; vigie sad strength. LYON'S PERIODICAL DBOPS Area om v li erai tad i pr n e tki pla cea tio* tif ilt an •lp: tniedio eea as :anityttory,reinathawaildianitLpiuuta: r ed' y work wll thro illi ugh Plli !srn "d r4 but , rt , ~i ,l, abl. dire , .. r akit. 5 ., I. m iti . v u y e :on o ird ro ff s eri tti o re g' , frp ..p 'r esee '-a oo bed nataz w.. t saxl .?, ItT'tbr the Mg 0.7 : 'Gill) yo9L d re6l ., o t r r or 'ik o 'neuri bero n re th ee, f iv o e r xwod Lyott's Piewi : odiad od, wi lkorep n tem ? : if ; aken 11 . ay u , a moi.Targure . N. Orel their lisidAuvaria#7.llVMUlishil*l7is dhiknedic: >: to/10440i al R l ' m duluie,,-or upakkitilkir the • b Ali you . 01 4 - M d t= z• ,L , • •,-.- ~. , • -: i or end *l* yr ' ;, . _ . . , :Come. to you OS atiletang. Oar mAlVelteratioa better curet • . 1401 , • .^ i If regram % iir Wm, ta: irarkitiertateprevraoSte,:oodUdll save you much peril ,and'ilkaAfehOUra anfroriag. • .• Have yoi hoes draichal for'thanY, yowl' with complaints Incident to the sea, that pii*tiridied'the:skill of Or& Ohm, and are h#rythr Yoe malci ikearktiravq!,' LION'S PERIODICAL 'DROPS Ate the mood'rellable 1146. , , , iA sad cure . ones ,all those irregularities tthwiiive dedhd the dodoes Will yea waste away With htffertig thin Leaccinittcpa, Trolapaba, Dyamenorrlicaa, and a thousand:rother dithaul :dwell summed up =der the name ot.ittppretied and Mlrtractal natureOiket as iavedmiat of ote dollar in iAM3 (lilt% 111,. ().11 TS' . tv.t . po not UM the 4rop. when forbidden la the direcl! , for although i positive Vika' liaYcdfus iti dl • tiraes, they are so powerful and delay calculated Selidjust Snd govern the ruactioca etch*that, if taken at improper tirrieritraY weliT at prirlrtults con. trary' , to••nature; against which iall, , .inaticithdyitioes'whe rtscoduce; should cgrortairtirit,," 1 ,a..i.E.,./.:',1 .Z0.2 - ii'd\l,:t 1 ..,,4,701.175 PEiIIqOIIIOAir' , DROPS: , . .. . . . . . . .. .. , , .... -..., • • '43mmot harm the most delicate comaitoidkat any time; e. Ma ProPrieteur swistir Jo: itaidwa-itn utiause, IlaPipgthat a thoa I.kOQI wtr J eewlliPQ:Q*4 fee. "VOW^ Pelle 4/there one 0, 1 4.. 0 MQ. 9.4 , 6; a. • • • • • '• LYON'S PEZIODIOAL • DitOPSii, • 7;i never -failing Female Regulatm7ibufondrale by every prnggtst, in the..e4ty,ruulootintry,:asid do eel, if you value our health and vriak,fot at !reliable medicine, buy any r..ther. Take stO otherOntif. 2 .tha Druggist to atom you !mt . ily has not got it, make him send and gat It for you. A, o • '• • •L' ' T.,101.131 Paom:Froza, -grefegavat; WJOITOVELDIF9AVAIa . COWDEN, t.4;_e.. T 4 4" alletk " O da' 'l4k 1 ',"),13.151.11 - ITt .1 1 : " T.r.ibtal ' 7111 i .1". IV. •-. :14:.:1311 " • I-Ftlig%`, .3 ,A Jci .- t qr ei b 9: BM • . • • :1.1 MEDICAL. El g CM m=:l El 1 li=2l , Lr , . 1231 T, oak ME i -. f. 3 , fTZ-1 - ii;I , 7)11 ".',•::. ,!'`..: Alni j-..iittri, MEM TBE GM4T .i i...=r'.'s 'i.i~ L-st, it JI .•Lt,t --~ 1111.011 EN Oa= LEM le Eil DR. JOHNSON , . BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPTTAL, 7z r,a riml.3l.mulltwo:lectluir . - 1 ; 4iedY and;aQab lsli3EA9ES OF IMPRUDENCE. RFT TV IN MX TO TWELVE ROWS. NO KIIIRGITRY OR NOXTORS DRUM. A Oars Tfrorranted, or 3, Merge, from One Weakness of the BackAllimtkina of the Kidneys and Bladder Involuntary Diac Impotency, General De-, bility, Nerireueness, Dyispepila, Languor,, LOIV' Oonfuskus of Ideas, yilpftation of the Heart, Timidity Trembling., Dimness alight...or Giddiness, Disease of the Had, Mosta, Nose or Skin, . AdieCl4oo2 of the Liver Limnos, Stomata or BeiveLs—those terrible disorders artning'from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret aril solitary practiced more fetid to their victims then the king of SYnnia to the llarinera of Ukkasea, blighting their moat brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, YOUNG AEEN Especially, who have bec.ome,dte iictimh of SoMari flee, that dreadftil and destrUttitie habit which annually avreept to an untimely. ginte- thousands: - of Young Yen .of the !boat exalted talenta , .llol -nrilltant ..intellect, who migtn otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the Chun• data of eloquence 9r imikeil to outlaw dui living lyre, may can with full cottlidertat. Married persons, or Ttaithilfen contemplating marriage, •bobill.aware of Physicallireakiiessi organic; debility,•defor initlen, he., speedily pared. • ' He who placeo.htinsilf under the care of Dr. J. may , MI cont/dein liia boner in a gentleman,' and oonik dently rely upon:Wash:lli an s Physician. NESS minsdlately;oarea, andithlt vl of restored: This distressing, allfaction—which • readers life miserable. end wII7IIMIC ibapo sipie., it xhe penal,ty paid by Me vic tims orimProper .7 Indulgent*. Young pmsous are too alit to'cienotit escoaseallein• not being aware , of the dreadful conseenonoeattsat roar. aniiia Now, who that ender-. stands the sultibct 'will pretend to deny that the power 01 proc i rt i tt wrner,by those falling - into isoprene' bah , the prudent. *Besides being 4141.004 , the pleasuree of Wealthy otnipring, the moat serious' de: otructive symptoms ':to: both body • and mind' .ardin - The system. becomes dociaged, the phynicakand mental functions weskemodl, has of. procreative power, nervous .trritehility,'dyspoptia,pittition of the heart, iimilmliok oonititaliebal debility; d Wiet — ing of thotrame, cou owl inmption decay ant death., omsz go. 7, arm Fauunawr Stsm, Len. hhand &te , goingQ fro ' , Baltimore eiree . A' , 4 few doorn from the corner: not to observe" name and number. Letters Must be paid and contain II stamp. The Doctor% Diplomas hang in his °Moe. . DB. JOHNSON, • Member Of the Royal Collet° or Sergetons; London, grad uate item one of .the most eminent °Wages to the Waren Statis,.'and the groiter part of whose tits bait .bocat anent tribe hospitals of - Lendon; Paris, Philadelphia and else; where,' has ellected some of the most astonishing' cures that were wet known ; many troubled with ringing urthe htied apd sera when asleep great nervousness, beim, - Warmed at sudden found; ' ema, frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangagent of mind were oared immediately. TAKE PARTICI:MAR NOTICE NM Those are some of -the sad-and ,. melancholy- erects pre. &maxi by early habits of ychtatt;'wls,_ wept ikees of the back and lindm, paws the held, dingo* of slight, Lots el atimoular power, palpitatien of the Tifton, dyspeloshvbeki. !due irritability, symptoms of consumption,. Ike. .Idiumsm.s.—The fearful effects on the mind are mach to;be dreadee—lces of memory, contagion of Ideas, 'ile oreasion of sPintit, , dvil 'forebodings, aversion to somety, mg , dhstrust, hive .of solitude, neudity, ea, are scampi the ellallPFTlO.rdi ' • ! i t, 1., ,Y 0114743: MEN Who have' Biured WlnfielYW VAL • neftaliPPractice in dulged in *hen Veep, a habit ,freggengy learned from, minifenitonif, whoa, - t,ho soon of which art ;nightly fen, even when - eideepilitid: If not cured 'renders. marriage .opossiblefatmlolemicoys both mind and-body; -1/Mmi" iplyi m mmiu#4.;Yit. • . ' YrhAta 1 :- /,Ilkiii)}rocnoioat„thii 144,44,bis aonntry Aht. Wilzig a iiilareW, &odd be - othOtiOC from alt proapiscut juiCholaytietiLcof Ilfii,Lby the' "ccinieitaiihos -Of Ale t ritiVAng rreAmotho..Paaoffluitureuid_ ithudgiiag. UFA. eektain aelrot habit. .S°Nm?!,MutzflaFt before agittMk. . . "ft ~.., i _ .Iteflecit,that a sound name snit nodyssethennsit aecessitry reqoialtei to promote cominbial happiness. Indeed;;With out Untie, the journey through life becomes a wcary, griniage ; the prospect hearty derkene to the view , rtife hind becohtes shadowed, with despair and filled with-the Inelascholy* the ,Itappinesa of another, be.. oomeif blighted with'our flu* DTSR A gg. OF atRItT3P, *then the nustpiided and iinprituerit'iirotary orTlessure drat he has irubtbtxl' the seeds' of thin jaiiiirtil disester', too often happensi that:an illiimed iliniie.effahniee or the . dread of discovery &wens him ft ont:applying to those who from education and teimectability, eau alone befriend hint: He this into the hands of ignorant and 'designing protend 7 i era, who, incapable dl cunog, filch his pecuniary anti; atanoe, keep him trifling mouth after month, or as long as th 4 timeliest fee can be, obtruesadount in.derostir leave him with ruined health bi.sigh *log disappointment,: by tne use of the deadly poison, liferchry, hasten the .00itatitutionalsymptcnisorthislorribleditieese,elchassffeo , done. of the Head, Threat, Noun, Skin..eta, progressing with frightful , rapidity tilt death puta . s period to hii dreadful sunerimpt by sending him to that undiscovered rosary from *hence no triveler romps:. • 31TDORMIESIPP OF THE PRESS • Themany thiiiiiiadsicnred-it Etiif institution yen after jrear, and the, numerods , impcirtee imusikal operations: petiformed by _Dr. Jelussony witheased. the reporters of the awn, ghosts; and hiany Other papens, ODtipeil of a-hisen have appeared again and again' before the public, besides standing et a gentleman of cliarsatebiz and reepoasi. pty, tiva`sudloitat vuurantee to Qui affiloiett, • '!. r'. ; i55, - ,c ;: .1 ' Sidi DISEASES SPEEDILY:CURED.. pmR. Na 7 South Irirottotlthittrpet. ip26-aly r • "tl 6 th l izr sub/. WOBli Ta4ol7.oQPitegiT44l.ittrx4Ao-bit. uhf vuxtogllito Pv•Parletott 3101WV.intioriY.-MentatOteltdlo to 'the hotOWAL FROF.ES%gx, end the PUBLIC t'or the,prompt. 'and oertana cure DISUSES OF YR1,'131.31.DE KEYS, URINARY ORGANS, IrrO. ' • • limey be relied•Oh an the beat OW& for the adadnintne , den of throe remedies io thehnle.clotto of dillooroor opus *es, to which Way .aiit,;:applicablo It never interferes , , oith the`digestion; and by its consentration, the done 'its N. 8.:,-Furchaserearmadvieed to. aek :tbe.. TARRANT'S COMPOUND ESTRAOTpAr ..CIIBEIyS AND ,WAPA,3 and take: notidug . tudidttoxis and worth less kept. rations, ander Roasr mimes,'ire to the market Priee f 1: 00. Sent by 'u piing 3WI reoeiwor price: liantdho, cured only 1i1y 3 . 3 .T413tRANT341..-,0(k.N0. Z4B Oretavtincia savel4ofiley,q:Warrin stioin,ASW Ir n ty. apt bein4n far sole i ur 4, 00 03 for ialehy aumaas;., 4nio., • Dtaitkista gettereljy.:. 3 , 33 7_3." 7,.,,f1.111.-.1 r r kA . ~Gr Steam Job Printing i ESTABLISiIAfENT .1 THIRD- STREET,..itEAR MAWR,. ~. HARRISBURG Pd. ~ 7 . .•-•*. irriThiet-+PkePAY" 1 44 0 4.) var, Jobbing PePar9nT t!ltt 1 1 199!f Pfw type , gerir# new Ptlaam t,efes , , ,lMai improved inaChillegs In c i r r r malei rp cr 6.,, , ,30, ~,,,,Ato..e xert4 , l at . .0 2 name, a n d 1 P.P) lIPRor-dßtPlar ..:, WNW Oit ARFEWIES, t om }"I.ISTTER S VrIBLKOP., • ' 1 ; 11 4, READS. ' ' ' ' BUSINESS dm* ' ' ' Neu' . Poiirgis in owl or tliaffettiOlfr" ' man Br l Linrs, , .. 1 PitoGraltlißil, : - . , , , BILLS OF LADING, 1 '1 ...q.9 1. , martalsoity Nom:- *• .....i ' Ti0G1i11.4.141( JOB WORK. ..... w El IME O! L •VES - pqc no ?loss, pIoLAIN- OR , QB,NAMiDNTA;t; umalikLiwtf IMINT WAX% ti Matta; i m iortaff" istep*Wirreeted the Finest Sherry Vibe 111. this seamy. For ale at SEIBLEI & FRAM, tde immostn to Wai. Do*, at.. it thi) MEDICAL. to . Ttoo lttsys ILUMAiGE RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road I liPltiEo T!. TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM FEILADEDELPEIL WI AND •YSnt MONDAY, May nth, 15161, 'I I HE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Raab:kid Company will depart, (tom and antra at Her ziabarg and Pkiladalphla as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRLIX leaves Harrisburg daßy at 145 A. M. and arrivolat Wait Philadelphia at 6.14 A. IL FAST LI NE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Moaday) at Eta) A. a., and arrives at West. Phila delphia at mut A. AL. 'Passengers take breakfast at Lincaster. MuIINT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaiwi Maraisinarg at 7.10 at M. connects ailancester. with ,Lancaster wow modatiou train, and and' sulfas at 'West Thßadeinhta at CuLIIMBIA ACCONIibI i Ia.TION TRAIN, Imre' but); at 12 20 r. K.; ColunatniV644; x. aad •arrlies Lanvaster 2.30][..• connocuag with. Nast . Malt seat aa Lancaster for Pialtalal' phut, 'aail asrhw at Phi/idaA: phia at 5.30 r.x. • MAIL TRAIN, leases Harrisburg at Lga re IL ; at 247 r and arrives at Waist Philadelphia at LSO HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Calm bill, leaves Harrisburg at 0:24 r. it., sad , salves at West Philadelphia at 1.11.50 r. WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leairee Sarrkertur.dally (except Monday) at 2.10 A.,44,030na„ L A. x. e . take breakfast, and arrives at Flnsibeft Lt 4.10 r. tr. ' PBILADEIR.RIA EXPIELMt.I2I43I4 lea Tee ibuziabang daily at ale ; Altoona at 8.20 a, at., take laitaklaet, and anives at Pinaburg atl.oo r.• • ' MAIL 'ALAIN leaven Hisissansrig a4lBO r. ,Altootaa pt 7.15 r. rt.., take sapper; aid *flies at PRtabarg at 12.30 • FAST LINK !eaves Hanieburg at 5.60 p. Y.; AlOpel at 8.35" i ac; take gripper, sad arrives at Pittabarg - 1.00 A. AL . _ MOW; JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves I.dauxayor,, 0.80 A. x., arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 a. x. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN laaixoWasa Pitiladelphia 'AU r and arrives at Harrisburg stRIO MOUNT JOY ..5.000111•10.DATION No. 2,.lleayesriaresur ter at 6.25 r. x., conne6Uxs therewith ThirriM , )6rg A0;095. msdation Wert, lames Hount:Jorlit 7.00 r. it: and arriirei atilarrisburg at 8.90 r. Z . • BAMUKL D. YOUNG, 441.1fiddiei Dia Ften's A A May 18„ x864-8V Hemletba - Northern Central Railway SI T E JBEE " TUBE TABLE. DALLY • A ai - 1 11,-E ..; AND ! . Sir A Sirt Vr ttli! Ar CITY tonneau:ma - toads with tad= ofineuattrazdallallroad„, to and frona.Pittobarg and the Weet. THREE TRAINS DAILY to. and train the North and We ti'ranch Staqualialina Mara, and ' all at Noitaiiii New York. • O - . - N and after MONDAY, _MAY ltilth, 1884 the l'aesenger Trains , or - . the Northam Coatrall Railway, will arrivo.iat aq s _thsatic from Mirristirnag and Stilthaore tut A:Alpaca - . • B W 1 414 T l 4 l * /*el , slobuq 014710445 1 .0- -4046 A. .. I '• &M he 6Hairiamtrg ete at Baiiiniore:: 5.40 p SITUILBSELTRAIX leaxeitannbary daily (amepa. Sunday) 1.1.411* aL • " leaves Ilareatalll Nada Moulder `•,- lee L'a.- • . ..atrifes at Baltimore dal* (eaoept Mon day) ...... a.* ILLBRISSF/B0 .4040MMODATION leaves Ear- • 8l:00711r ACCOMMODATION leaves Sad bury daily (except Sun . ...... 1.30 a. ra tif R •T R D.. 4114.11,..5gu11c leamea..Baltimere daily . (except t.. iw - ' INSlda_ lek liawea Hudaboß--•-• • • LAI m. •-• arkres - at.Sunterry. - . CBI a*.: ElPlREsSnatifikftVell Baltimoro daily. 9.1*". cu iarrties at Raniaburg • • au . • "1 , - leseee Arriaball WIZ (ea:- • - 'MA ...... arrivals " Sunburyy .. . SAS A. a. •ir.42leis.stata dccolinfonsTiort lethal . • amore (atoept.Sun- • - day) r - ingivea r. smriumr, ACOOMMORATIOS leaves • .burg diiily(exerpt,Sanday) tor thrther.inrcrilution anp:ly t at the Oille* in Peannyi vania 'Railroad Dc w.fl. DerBARBY, BarihMor& May • GM. Sept NEW AJK TIDIED irKAANII DAILY TO NEW PHILADELPHIA. . - - • fIN :AND AFTER , ` - , 11 .1 ) NDAT; v.N.9 l *** Ow, in IttOre,, ti.?• - rw• 4, 1 •', of Velvet. itni.R -.N...1'1.8th, 1863, he Pfiaainger Togas will loop .110Cibi; 1111 socte r iefiri m - FT. ' 1 • . t airetai i, ou awn. I'dblinica 'ind• Reading. =ll6.ll.riad .- Delior.,:ai . ::;18. - 'tow . op l og ol ta, .0 00,. h i c i ier lawns ilia Weir YOikandeal4lilidikaSer o / 10 wi, -,• '`''-' - ' . furies; ritirli Will bisold a; the julyind view for ' ?' ' •'4-., ,, ' • NA. ft • , Ep.. ~..filmteac‘mothiffibilit a tlifiC ii ,voiiii.ii,.: , j E.—Some patterns of nirold 'ow* on band' will. be r , ,:,-•,.• .*r 0 6 00 4 SrAPPll;3B6lh3la.ik• ' FR a a rg aktfi _ ii , k - J- T " DELACIten-h ' , eirdYrrk,ex 1:46,4; ir.• off • - ----*- ' Second itreect, abov Cher nut _... , !.}..6; .4 t i. t wai n t thw ug ir Na l. . p. 1 4.,..04 41 114 4 - d . : 24. 4 3 , 0 0 1 - 4 - ,: c., . , itr.,. - "L'',!„.l I , , r.----,--, 'A 0411 ' A.: - ' - _ • ..' la ~: TRAIN. leartftAriirktakrApiltre - Y~ ' bi'Neie York at; 4.3# r. 444. Arid iirt patk it-1.1•0 r. w. • [' - - -. tireirrErlar'llgurirbtirieit t - .r. it ' istriitgrja stew Toile - MAUS n a.,4ll4Thilimidpitrs at4;oo itis. - - ' -1 '. i j• liqP -': 1 W.IIVAILWIL Past LINN loitveiNoolTirat Ilakti A . ri f j, 1 ,64416 i. e i deli alqB.).¢ a4,lltro v . pbg A • . ,i,u, F.M. : , I MAIL ,TRA4_ I -kiell Tork .A „ Ot. poog, to rhiCa.dor r ilA ava. t rel tarillnt jit,, Arr ift- tx -- a t log N.4.PBllga _TRAlNciiiiivele Na, -ThiriA,l= tr. le, Ira living st.thwrlA . 0 911Mtia• ALI and gbilitirang 4 r4 l 4 Albs • rioosylvarila Upross ' , terAttriff,. +oletpinW liiidomi lambed to .' - --' • - - ; , , -- 1 - 7. .:* , . 4 . „- - - - • j i te , 1 - . connections isetimituirat iiiicintonfirtweetiiiiikin4 eirihe ". D BoXE,. 0 . 1141.11** selected troP 1 .*P5r1Y44 1, 43 , tigirtalink grand azult.cimikartiaiVedier;:4 .., ta iii i iiii m it and t hiiks i t iiiiiezior over lirtie:• r i lt ia lt i t r eEkl ... .l ll4 % l LigAisaatAlO nelpg44,4eat , :MT. !!0,.3.—. L'''*'"eK"'aer*Ara"-#Fikwti6. 4i*. , , L. ~,5ad•, . p ristpasoi....o4(.o.6(4...immakev . - a BuicrivELt -, s — maj gr , pa... ~ 9150y_ " I "? ' lsl64l r frdit at a PIONINP, owe snide tor table nee, just received. IJ. CLYDN, sod frir eals bra , SLIM= a FILADIA Coscaloon to Wio. Roca, Jr, a Oa) aelii4Df Clannisl AgesA, acceldinet. hid RAILROADS. CUMBERLAND VALLEY rECI FRA.NKLIN RAIL ROADS. CINGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon. day, April 4tls, 1884, Paasenger waina will run daily, as follows, (Sundays esosixect:) CSAAILDEMBFBQ AND DADDISDVDD; s. xl T.OO 246 7.23 3.83 8.13 4.313 1 0BM Rageresiowa Gnmaitcastle aumbeiniburg. Arrive et.... `Leave at Leave Shippenabarg Nevvville A. x. " Carlisle. 5.66 10.10 242 w Neehasicshurg .615 10 42 all Arrive at. ElarittAtirg 4.0$ 1116 to roz CIUMBBESBVIIG AND rualisrows: A. IL • T. AL P. IL Lem Harrisburg 8.06 I.= 435 w Mechanicsburg . BAIT 2.16 464 . 4 Outgo 0.27 2.66 La - 44 Newvilial 10.= a.% ' 4 Shippenaburg 10.33 4.00 Antra at 11.00 4.30 l Clunaberatrors, A . AA. ve at . 1/./0 448 Leave Oreerealle " ' 11.65 5.30 Arrive at Eitgeratown 12.36 6.10 • far - dale conAectiona at Hairiabarg with trains for Pit . 11adelp New York and Piutiona ; and will" ralturfor all paints West. orpie 'Finis leaving llatrieliarg at 4.20, r IL, ll= Only As far BB Caiiiele. ~. 0. 11. I.lLn, But IL IL VllleaXtialibtatitairg, April 4. 18641 y REAIOII RAI Lit OAD. SU,MMEILARRANGEMENT. REAT TIII3N - K LINE? •FROM Tuß z az i e lic L ir e th b:a rest. for P en kladeMbikNew York, traranllSavergarisburgliw PhiltelAda.„ Neiv kc ie l orit% Reading, Pottsville and all Intermediate sa tiow, at ACO a. is and 2.00 P. a. • . , New York Express leaves Harrisburg at ii.V) S. arriving as New . York at 145 the same dap. A spociarAccommodation Passenger train leaves Read no at T.IV ri ,ma returns from Plairistang at 6r. at • tarot from Harrisburg: To New York,. $6 ; w ruilit. aelpois Wag and 92 SO. Baggage checked through. greturniag; leave New York at 6 i a.,12 noon. .rind T p, L , (Pittsburg Express arriving at Harrisburg art s. all Lave IPhiladelphia at S lbw a. , and 3.3 u r. a. steepingbisra in the New York Sxswea Trams,threughr in and front Pittsburg withoutchanals Easseagera by the Gatanizaa Railroad leave Tamaqua et LAO% se., and 110 r. s., tbr Phasottelphta, New York, lad ilk Fay rAlite• • Tratas leave Pottsville at 9.15 A w., and /30 r. a. , for Philadelphladiarrisburg and New York. 4n Accommodation Passenger train !eaves Reading et LOO. a. p and. ratans from Philadelphia at 5.00 r. agrAu the ihdva . tratos run daily, Sunday excepted. ♦ Suaday Vain leaves Pottsville at 7.31) A. 11.., and PIM. adelphisi at 5.16 r. - s. olessesatioN, itilesse. Season and Excursion fteta at issuesd, rags to and /rout all mints. 90 grounditieggage — tilknved to sash person. • , U, a. NICOLI 4, Goners! Sa...vuirsenderd. Nay 2,18/11--dicartf Liberia' -and' aluable IlimLbisoomati Dimmvery. 0, INSOLUBLE,. CEMENT Is' or more general pracucal utility than any invention 00W brine the public. It has oeen thoroughly twee ii.n 2 11 1110 : 10,1 nar• Oy PrAL ttyy end prcintranced by eII or he SU PR 211.0 ro NY,. Adireeive Preceratio ng known. APPS - to all woad Arta Qom= is a egg andthe reault 'et yam; If aunty; IM"aombin ton iaoti • gdient l i* - „Frincipies, under no iiii;camaie"zioes or 'A sweater, 00 . 111 0004* Of • telspentaUli wni ji.• be. come carnspt or_otoit eqp ea/salve ROOT 4ZW WOE • Xsitilkotniess, • it •the two. luticickeowax. sa Goinentineos Chnonen-it • • Vitality; is not iffootbilt by any olmogesCP. l . l 4 ) . - Jittllitteitwai , D 42 , IMmAmwa • -c.r.l : . • IMSE!IMN !tit . Sapecialip Adapted lo Leather, And we claim as an especial Men; that it etickeTidches to Boots and Shoes sofikierely strong- without. , mtmwas, , . f L - 17Q`U E ' Vs . a 1604', Mama. ilia, is a sure Sign fa mend .. _ in,g 1%49.' 4 ' d axtichurof Household use REMEMBH:ft • • Hturoir's issoLinua Cori> As in a liquid fqnxi end. as ewA i plied ed padre I, emnemb". Nnzawe braounlog r A i iciwz Ia impoluole in wanr A r or. 4 41. linawnea bilinZuw-iiCf edhetatoitg v. i -' . - I Ilkipneti torer's Fackwa frogs 2, mama ballits. RIATONION.69. ai 66., PPa Prorldeace; f. nA4' ~''• MME Pattie Mantilla " Emporium , NO. 920 cnrATtiirr BT.-, NOW-ortN—Parloi-lkiaae • BIANTILLA.S. AND CLOAICS. 4606 SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS, • • •of our own Toes facture of the Latest Atvlai and in great variety: i ) KOC'TORCOv THE PARIS ILLATTILL4 , - .6.11 3 10.1,61: 920 CREsTNOT STREET, -.t " PHILADELPHIA. MAGNQLIA trk,ti.4l4. MEP' is.thq. most i1e1ig44.4.-3%4 et2Orstordi y nary article ever discovered. chews tae , sor burn oat farsiand Midi to a -belay, tenure st - : latiatklug beauty, impartlog the warble punt, -of jou*, and the' soatte aiedrui Inviting in the city babe of faahlos. It regatveataijrepkies, phOpleiroatdreagh. seism the skin, leaviuilute corewepou- ft. oh, itraispa list and oilcloth. It tumble iaintitagaiitLiiincliate the akin : riarooised by Attressro and Opera &matt "; e 444 tatty duo& gave. Sold ifilieleade mud re -; • 113: A.. ll:Mtn @ SRO, • 'ap2a4lW. - 114.0vicet street; nerrif.bwr, CARPETAS.. • *3- V .; *.; kIe,GUIU - A.N3 I . .111%m and Wholesale - Dealer ixt • i - rANGY,OOOD9,I: OIIO N 4 FIEI4WO.II.Ii.At FLAG,S" MAILTLILEX and BarKLNG, No ' 2 Strawberry air. et, Wm street above Sewed, between.. Market luid t.,l:ettetn)4 aP.IO ,w3lll ... 1 . . 44EN:1713.1 Look to 31.fflx ixiter.esto !---Q54 1 4: .3. and examine something nrgently neeiied by eyary ' or nin seeeples semi- nixe, - by meit .1•61.; 'Nerdy * gh a t retails for Two. &dank by • R ,,1.. Nv Alan% , :ITO CHATHAM: .1741.E.,5PV YORE. de.16.44 . . 830 1155 IL-00 1298 4:41 2,cp JEWELERS Ltdivehe only MAGMMI, Kai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers