Etitgrapil ill HARRISBURG, 'PA SATURDAY RUNE% JUNE' 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deathi, &c., to secure insertion IA tlirt * TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accont panieid with the CASH. . Ilibrertisements ordered in the regular Evliking Edition are inserted in thellarst.L' :Baiiihin without extra eharge..„ TOWN AND COUNTRY. A suragioa Amara of Lath and l'alineior Bale . jje9-3t] hVEFKIirL. - SenurcALtsx.--Mrs. M. 3. Wilcoxson will lecture in Exchange Hall. on Sunday, !nue 12, at *. and 7i P. Df.. .. -* I=l REV. SztEDDAN,. of Rahway, New Jer sey, will i>reach in the 'Old Scho6l Presbyte rian churtih,to , niorrow morning and eveiiing. Two FliE RIII6DING Lov l / 2 for sale co.' Fehr( ". above Broad street. Ternie, daahl Inquire of Dr. Wyeth, , at Wyeth.46breatuer's, South Second street. my3l-2w Drvniz-gaiivraa, as usual, in the Elternmin Reformed church, Chestnut street, to-morrow (Saßath) morning , and. evening at'the usual horiikof service. treaching by Rev, , These • G. 'Appel, 'of Greencastle, Miss M. V. WILSON, northwest corier. of Second and. Walnut street.s, has just etiiri from the city with a fine stock of ;NOW piiods,': Dress TrimMings, etc. See advertisement: CLOSING TO Siowcs. 7 We would remind' our readers that onshdafter Monday evening, the - dry goods,: millinaty and fancy:trimming stores will be closed at eight o'clper,;i2 c *.:: regularly, until the first of October next. Owrso to the general advance inpriees, the little shavers Who formerly begged . fer pmk nies on the streets, now ask forfiva.cents.zOf course, the youngsters cannot ihe4finc s teclAF) beg at low rates when the cost of living is so high. L4rnia OF :dr ()eaNAB STosz.--- 7 The cornet stone of the new Getman Reformed church in Mechanicsburg,,*4l . be laid with. appropri ate ceremonies to borrow, ..oahhath.) The serviced vgill begitt'af 11 o'clock; all are ,inTj„ : ,, tedio attend. ailifi.i . 4* -- 000.=1.1est evening another magaa'fAcent botineit-etti keceiVed at the count ing-rooni: of the choicest flowietiV,of •tt s irjg ,and, learn,zr A from fliehandS . ofA "Salreone '"-who is a con stant reader and 'admirer, of the TELEGRAPH. The boquet -has-been carefnilypiesehfectir-.: ) al TEE treasurer appointed to receive the con tributions of thra . community for the "Great Central • Fair;". acknowledges, and , -has , lft.. l nutted to Plilla`delPlita, the snin, j ,of thieninn dred and thirteen. - dollars ..and five cents. ($313 05.) „,- Since *ding, the, atio-ve two dollars ($32 has been salad and sent forward.' . • Ax Zsom,naNT Apromatszer. —Lieut. Peter D. Bricker, of Co. F., 13th Pennsylvania cav alry, has been appointed Assistant Inspector General of ,the Second-,Brigade;, Second Divi sion, Cavalry Corps, which placeis hip ; pa the staftig the cOmmaridinti offieeY. Lieutenant Bricker has numerous friends in'this city and elsewhere, who-will rejoice to learn of his pro motion, as heis a gallant soldier. errs Oanis.LAns.—ln our advertising col umns-will, be formd au ordinance "prci.viding for assuming the debt of the -Good Will ErT gine„and, for :the payment of the same," amouniiibg:!tO n $1.,559 67;:: another providing for the'P'ayment of , expenses incurred in pro curing informai4Mconcerning the quota of the city.tmdeethevredent calls . of the Presi dent for 700,00 men; also, two, providva . : gfor the comitruction of sewers in Second street and River alley. W(MriiEj3.-We notice inths.lietpf wntdided . on the first of June the -name of Walter F. Faluie.stock, of this . city, CompanyE, g ryo. Regiment Pennsylvania volunteers ; wounded' whilst cliarg,ing . the rebels. 114 is cone brave young men.who enlisted 'in defence of our ,dibeities F. in the commencement: cif :the conflict.>-'Wi3 hope his wounds=reay'not piove serious, and thilhoi) isoc9i — WAbleAo join his brave ,Ocrinrided 'tufa ,lzatr,o,tlitcse their"ntible deedichaive with. - WYMAN. —The &world - iatiA'fiii3;9-1. - Wyrn, f l t ,i, gives Ids last• entertainment in thilit.bitileo- 1 night, at Sanford'S 'WYmin3tistiiiilloit.,. popular and'most original • peifel*F.2o;h:€' United. States. He has performeittat llifferent• time.4:in'the-White House at - Washington fore all- the foreign zdinistert•itrid gerieliilOn the ariny,. and is the only person innthe United. States . 'thaf Parforraed befol l 'e 'the Royal faxill.V.' The reason of Wypmn's•sueeessis'ithat he is a perfect zentleman, and is unsurpassed, as . Tentitkuiit! and EL!' 093 ,*44i liberallY, and only• in the most I resiieia - ble newspapers of the day. setgeons. They aa:easuiresl. to keep on hand --......a..----- . . -, .-3 .'1 .0Q ragc9.ll 3 ,.E*:ttilt:tla_ taillatl.mediciaes4enough Fousr's 'FPS .49.0 . 40 ........".c.mxtu... ~. - 2 -. g. „ (like! ) ti3 rtinwthemheispitat fburortliverrwliven in t hing new. ki‘tlie 3l .4ffe ofa machine fori_ P oi./.a , !t : Page':4"ll °/i4a.° P 1 *ttle ,111 5::: 1. 4-k grie,citl-relY ent r ee Woii aliPplies. ''' - ' - - ' ' E ' in hay on kililmolV direct 104 1 tite Nyikarnw Thislitivisiorilibapitalls'keprin. thb reai'Of. on the field, is 13 0 1 45% , 4,:t.tr4 11 :90, iR4 1 44‘ 8 1 5 :z1) the army .frOia ones "to 'tour end fivemile,., cinity. There was".aliall.kbroiticroflif m^ ;to t a d c i 6 i r t ali t i fi g er : e ta eir V illistanes " '' In ii chines in the CaPitni 1.7R4A.4? - 4 1 45i4 .. 5 - ,1 . , ' '' ° Mblished. on. ;also an outpost b hospital, 4 .e 4 s ~ . .._ . ..e. ery field of.battle in is said to have satisfied. every.:persouvpresen.., , ta: 8 of, engag,ement . It is placed i ast_near of its ability to perform all that is clitintediiii , th e ►lortgiatiziel3l:44: 'as may "bk. iik.. - some .heff,<lied^;4‘cit'lf"pbs'sible; behind a house, it. Now, when laborers are' scar4e, kfirs'igii) „,„ ~ ~ ro :t I.7tn ,;, a u fp oluzup ..of trees, beside , a -spring or chine will be found of greatvalue,t4 farmerflic •-..,, ~. . ... .. - - . . I; i „ i i,, i sikeattiffifkrambie.• - To -it wounded 'men, as it will= save the labor of seVeral Kaiiiiis l iThif ..,- riatpouvf thii - itretchir:..b§ige rs on the', , 1,.. will elevate a-ton of hay-M -this) ' -i 2 2.i . 9 dartLl2Tanglkk.,ttia,.woundexamined,. tee:. a r v a r amougiorenrrh g! ,. l:l )f . Jalopil , stop , - The agent, Mr JesSV SiAtl . r . i t 4 ' it: :- r , .. . ; , ;do,,oviiiemativy.--teLae,p.m. ambtdatr' lin House, in tlds:tilW , t4lielte 'I. : -- - att '4llMilf ,- 1 3 69,4C,V4, bl:giti . should..ek iiikliesiiinine , theeisatling Inaehin '. : , yl . ftr ick i ii A, i Each man in . . '.-", - LTal. 2. Rem) : s „ t to the.bner tei 4 _ e j le10 *I 113 ; 10 . 4 ,„a mizzmio a. .14,1‘... - ......., .. .t -.-.. • . 14 , t ' , I, • ' •., ' 1...1. , f.. 41 Z ,10.4nrati ..' , L ....ti ::.% At ri ' '`.h-. , {d stavic4 &mil girr. l3 1 , (.41.1 A ~N. .s ...,1 ,A 4 .p..ff .4 klthtft4s:-•....113 ighl 1 41 10 " 111241 01 " 34. 4t1e4514' Sirt4ds STItAMSEREMS.---.A. splendid lot of strawber ries are now for Wei rit Wise & Bro.'s stand. corner of Fourth and Market. These are the _ finest of the season. Srlulstel' rifitrii —A fine lot of strawberries will be offered fefisie at 3 o'clock this 'after noon, at the loWer market, by Joseph Swartz. The berries are all fine and just freshfrom the grounds. T RIMS Will be - divine services in the Wes- ItlYea...Tsn 4 i,on,.Chnrch (colored) to-moribw, at the usual hours. The services will be con ducted by Rev. Win P. Butler, of Boston, 'and Rev. ;rabies Smith, , of 'Mika. 13E FIT or' -.70r'7AL . 4A,.—T0-night Joe Miller, the-..celebrated Ethiopian Comedian, will take a benefit: ,at Canterbury - Music Hall. The bill of the evening embraces a great . va riety of songs, 'dances,plaYs, &c., by. an' ex cellent troupe , 'of perform'ers.: All who desire . toiget the worth of their money, should go to Cariterbury to-ni'ghtrana.patron4ol.6e - - " Din AvratilViscuraA.u."—" The o/d wash woman," is the title of a touchingly beauti fill 'poem.= our first page to-day. It , is a IntriAl&ticha from the GO'rpiirt:---or rather par on a literal translation by one , of our mbst gifted friends, who, in his hours of re lief frcire the harrawrirteddtics Of Of life, d4votes himself in communing, with and'woo ing the 'The Town will repay a perusal. A. R. iVYETH .-;.; iTaz-folloWing interesting article'is freni the An okadistinguished.elergynian of .this city,. Who; a feiffiVenings sink 'entertained our °it - izOttowitlran. eltqaent -, aiiil graphic descrip tidn. of-, tliri,manner in Which the hospitals in . • tlie army.. are conducted. The' Rev': 'gentle- , ~ . .mim having devoted•several -weeks to allevi ating,,,the sufferings of the-ided, and Con=, Solingdthe dyhig, at thtfront, " knows whereof hd speaks," and we invite special attention to the intrnft,a4zielti f below :,„ ~,..1 - i . p . ,,,, .. 66Afi..i.i. Alltf‘ ._4i.i6 . G.Oli' .il!tiaiitT . *xi . -.. - -71 , ........V.34,11,;24. ', l / 4 . ..t.. _...1. , ...‘V.' .._t %. ' -;', . , Fifth CorpsL-Maicii General Warren: ' ' F irst Pe.aision---, HrigadierGeneral Griffin. ach divison of ,a - Corti's - has - its division thospital, which accompanies the corps in all 'its moyements,and isAnder the direction of ,a 1 iairghon-m - Zhiet , A: 4, - 4, x' .o- 4 ' le A. division is divided into three brigades. ''../ritst , Pivision---- Eifik--Corps,- 7 Stirgeonyin-, chief, W; It.'DeWiti, Jr.; Sit D. - • ' ~. ; Each a-the ' brigades :'of. a division has :a iiirgeon-in-chief, whi'dlS appointed on the re congnendati'Onef the' surgeon-in:chief of the gvision. The surgeons of the 'various regi ments of the brigade Are' his assistants and' make their reports td him, .• 1 , , '- ii• 'The ISt-brigade, lit'diiisiiiiwiscompoSed of, ten regiments, with an average "Of two enr 2 gdons to a regiment.l The .2d brigade, Ist di vision, lispiiVe"reginaenti, twtr'tforgetins to ea t ch. , ,The 3dtrigade,l4 &ARUM ' , has seven regiments, two surgeons,to 616 h-regiment. :Total., 22 regiments in the arid over 40 iiirgeons. - ' , '....' iEsch relinieht has also a ,hospital steward 0.1. d a complement of.nnrsespone -nurse to ten :o'twentYmen: - tEach brigade surgeon, has a dedical f autily 4 Wagi* or traveling apothe- c4.,ri 'slion, aria 4,,cartaiii . Mituber of atm.- ' lapces ; also, supply wagons according ni to the number Of men in the brigade. He is pro ". fled with a supply of kettles, blankets, pro visions an& the -various medicaLan& sanitary. stfresneitled, - These.wagons; re required to be - kattAill - of stipplirnirfer eiery7hinergency. PIMA: 4:PPr?innnent camp theMeic are-taken: etre ofob:r regimental .hospitals, , -but on the eie of „a campaign the. , surgeonlin-chief or garAzsi'lle' division ho'spital andbecomes re sponsible to:.the medical director ottae corp-. , fdr all that occurs--in his 'division. lHe Aidt recommends ..... for " appointment a sargeon-in-eharge;,who2takera . 04p general, charge of the:hospital-and is responsible to the4irgeon-in-chief of the division. An as sistant enrgebn is appointed who is specially charged With the duty of , preparing food and shelter for the sick and wounded of the-di vision., ,Thq• entire culinary or kitchen ale : ' , • paraneritllLunder his - control. For ifs• arid=' ply he drives along with the hospital., beeves.. Or alangli.ter, pows-for milk, has gagonsjade4 4 with delie r aties'and'.neceethries,, , cannedlrtiihk, milk,Wridensed 4 b - tief 'foliiiiiiiis,FeoriMtiiiega far, inkt, 49.. ekc.,ll,e is to be ready with these, a heyy Warning.' , • ''. ' . ',. ~:...ii 7 ii A surgeon is also appointed a recorder of t4e division, whose duty it is to keep an ac guts iederd'eff iill:*Ro' arVa4 - niiittado 'the hpe l p - ital, Wang 'iliglame,' ilink,;_fi ,. inient. wound, oharactet iofiit, slight or• serious, and. by what kindiolvirrissile produce& • ~'. . ' -• When, af p tg,„,r a march : the hospital` iedirnpi r ed, for the i2,lglit,or. to Sweit7a - battlic,the hos pital tentsnre pitched in three rows to repre sent the three brigades of the division, each brigade bring .nudev , :thfreharge , _of ,the Sur; gem-in-chief of that brigade. T The camp t 3, ' the form of -a hollow squarec-Pthe: surgehriA"tents on one; side, tlie ' hapital fells on another, the kitchen on the third sidec.aiiii' near brie - the , provost guard and. the pionerw,', air, Og'tliefolrahilfdejafe.*inged.e he k; ,?pital wagons. in ilie. centre the ottle,sqUare -under a , largc .tentware•placed.the'operat • ine .tallies 'Where, airiputations are performed. .' ," In locatipg.ahospittd t the requisites are--1,. pure water; 2, wood; , 3, , good ground, dry and of even 'surface; also;cithpsissible near a woed'wherd boughs may . lie t ahttimed for beds._ 'ln making beds for the sick and ,wounded, a layer of piney boughs is first spread on the zrourid,upon tltat the, gum blankets of the seidigi, and . then the woolen blankets, using 4ir thepillowanything that can 'be obtained. .khe shelter of hospital tents for the•-nick and 6, ll3 :3,,arrsinlieli,preferred to that of houses,. on thelcorefiftelqn:lrss. ''" lEaCh tirigade of the division has its Ow . n oPeratin table in the centre of litill'crW, st a lla t, 4- - ' * Kol l l.l 4 P.44 l rthtn,hlt ' ke .o t4ifit ... , tia Chiefq94 , of::„., ,litigams4o2' KheigAik,a. s,iponsiblh-for-all- - ispeiltididrftrfdrnied. - He shasjaktwo „assislantinurgeons, makMg„three to each 'table, also a steward to assist and to keep record ,of -, operatiw itnel to dispense medicines to the sick, ,There are also other „Ow:Va r! i l i lace .. d in char,ge of the sanitary stores and b,_ ti.triedical 4!00n5,,,,Wh0 are ready at ,all times I,:i ' Vl' the ' the prescriptions of the , EMI wound is at once re-examined, the sl:cl . L , npc attended to in tents, the more sevc,... to the operating tables. No amputations are allowed on the field or in out-post hospitals. These cases are decided in the division hos pitals, consultations of the surgeons being held in cases of doubt. - In the Ist divisionhospital of the sth corps, with which I was permitted to spend several days on the march from SPottsylvania C. /i. to the present ppition of the army, south of the Pamunky river, i was most highly grati fied and even astonished with the order and success of its management. everything seemed to be complete. The wounded-were attended to with the greatest dispatch. The supplies, medical, sanitary and ordinary, were abundant, and provided upon the shortest notice. The order of the hospital camp was most admirable. There was a full comple nient-of surgeons, of stewards, of nurses and .of: chaplains, always in readiness to attend to the wounded. In a march within half an hour after the train stopped all the sick and wound ed would be supplied-with beef tea or some other nourishing food. - Incase of ,a battle, I was, assured by the surgeon that if.tWalain &fed wounded were brought in their arrange ments were so complete, , that by eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening of the battle all the amputations would be Performed; the . wounds dressed, the wounded fed andput away to rest, and the camp quieted, for a night's sleep. I looked on with admiration and thankfulness as I beheld the corps of sur-, geons in, charge of thia, let division hospital, with their assistant surgeons, chaplains, stew aids and nurses, taking such- rapid,' consider- . :ate and succeesful - care' of the wounded men that were brought in front the of battle. The surgeons-in-chief and in, charge, Drs. DeWitt and Thomap,„,whoie tentl was permit ted to ahara most •of the time, seem to be. most admirably fitted for their responsible pa sition;' and ,to he unwearied "in attention to their duties. They are suppoitidby as gentle -Manly and able a body pf surgeons as it has ever been my Privilege,to meet. s Ifost.of the ..operations performed in the way of amputa tions, which I witnessed,- were by Dr., Kerr, ti Allegheny Allegheny city. and were performed with a readiness and skill, and, withal, , with a tender rti•gard to the poor sufferer, such as elicited -nay" admiration and deep respect. 'There are - dbubtless cases of negligence and gross inat tention to duty in most of our army hospitals, and, 'as a consequence; unnecessary suffering and death:among our wounded and brave de fenders; but it is an authenticated, faUktliat. never 'in the history of wars has so noble 'a medical and sanitary record been given to the world as in ciiinection With the ariniewof the republic. Never before has the ratio of mor- Mlity beeniedimed to anything like that which is furnished by our armies. Never' before were armies so cared for, nor wounded and sick men, and the deadso attended as they 2are thisday-in-the army of-the Union; I caw speak"only in terms of highest , praise of 'that hospital 'with, Winch I became most familiar, while. With ,the, army—the hospital of the Ist , division; sth . corps--and if all others are like it, we may 'rest assured that our brave men will, receive all-the attention and care that men Of great skill and kindness, aided by thare -sOurces of,,the Government,, can afford them. • ' ' TWt!te PaibliC: • fine been requested by, i : friend, to de fine my position-un the question at issue on. 'certain national interests that agitate the public'inind, at this important period in the hiitory of our afflicted country,..and being a candidate for nomination by the ItepUblicatis or' Loyalists of and horde of the free and-the brave, (for he that will not fight or work 'at his conntry's call is only fit to. lie' a - slitve,) I give:the folkiiving The first andmost important-question is the amendment to the Constitution.-In the midst 04 a revolution. ere i s no nee , kty of mak -ling a.Constitution. • The public. tcl?.muchexcited,for discuision, it RAT bring the'civiliand antrsoldiels in collision .the polls. Suppose there would be several' regiments discharged.from:'selitice and be in the city, and , the' grog shops all open on elee'--tienday t what do'you suppose would'be the doudiiquence?: And I firmly believe the best, interests of our common country demandit as th i s elluty'of 'every General to-drive all ticians seeking votes ‘ , to, sustain their posf- - tion of trustfand•profit out of the army, and. no State . I.iegialkire has any right to inteF fere with the,army,of the ;United States. :Con gress alone drafts, and should support and di rect or make lalra for the executive power to 'enforce. • 1114.,next. ,question.of importance is the compromises: 'Our fathers made with slave., holders, Should thgy 'be riie'stablislied, or asithe Democrats,, 'hay, the Constitution as It -es, before our mational, , flag•was •insulted in. iCll.arlestorc harbor, , or State of South' Caro- line, the birth plade of trait:ire... pie hittory• of the country, debates in CongresS, interests of freedom and slavery ; in tha , :territories„ axe ;sufficient to . satisfy every reflecting mind that :the laborer is worthy of his hire,. and;govern mente were formed for the: benefit of the poor 'Md oppressed, whether it be of conscience or estate, as the man' 'diatitnte of . syMpathy is worse than an infidel. • • The third question to be answered, and per. , haps the most important of them all, is, what 'to'do with'ed6niidiels who are `Plunderinglhet ,pUblic treasury in contracts and disbursing ..orpayinaster's department . ` . -We are Satisfied that there is a combination or association`' of inflividnas in,tliTi2pity and, neighborhood ;VOA soda Me - 361(0 enrich thenisebiei :theres ; e ' xpense ! A o r f P oth s e u . :Cnnacie te c r esss ,ptaymas:•, tars;- 'fraud should be severely punisheA, f pith of tWeLitriny'aild-'are 'stibjebt'fo'martiall lair ; and theythat, defraud the Government in these times than dAgfittets. 716 , ' are enttiled to'a fair trial, anti, 1 When eon ,victed,..should be shot.or sent to the Dry Tor tugatr- to pile' stones LOn . islands for more' •SumbirS.' ,gsrY. iMPOBTAINT ARREST.-0a Tuesday morning i last two a s sistant 'S. 'marshals arrived n Carlisle, arid at once 'arrested' Kr...lsaac Liv ingsiOni3Oliithing. merchant, -Mr. Leeds, his cutter, and a lad, A.skeiv, his salei#pm. The charge against these parties is that thtg have aidod and.abetted desertion frinn the - or. S. army, by selling newly enlisted volunteeim full suits - ofrcitizens' - clothing,-knowing "they.' were to be used as disguises, and taking from them the United States clothing Worn at the time pcif4e#hange t ' The ,erdence larf„whigli; these - 'urges are exi)ected to be sustained was collected hyDzijelfel Henderson, Provost Uarshal, and forwarded to Philadelphia, where a thorough examination-will be made. —Herald. . , PnieVlTiagetkab 06f the' very lieAt 'Vtg6tablei now offered' to t4e citizens and Otrookers .s cif. It will' purify ,the bleed, and faaih the liver and bowels in a good healthy l witliout the least pain. Old and young; raale.hacyrelipi: - .0 can to t o Of it. As to the truth of this hundreds min testify, lie it ,has'been well tried for the last. ten year's:, , is Prepared higk and sold by .liirs. L, Ball, 'No. 27; coutli Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa— . my 23 HAIR DYE t I-IMA • - • Batehelor'sr;cpleltnrated flair Dye /..9.4') . 0.,41A5r IN rug WORLD. The only Harmless, True arid Reliatac Lryt Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfa— Red, RuSty ir:Gray Hair install,4:it 6possitfackil A'4l:oBrown ' . .Laithout injuring the Half or staining the nv soft ankbetuutlfhl inspartsilVdt 4 isstoring its pristine color and rectifies the enects of , A.a itiyef l p t e h itoVik(i Aifticia "10.01 t. o era are mere ientakimus sho itVoided. Sold hYIII-"Thildiitigrgien s Vatikatlll 1.1 IeLAY ST N. r s;l6° V.:fi s &r,Ft r yivezi - Fr • ed -.1 a crztril torwrr.. "Wel • A h.2lJkiliei s. .lerS .T 4 yt ,13.01 eat e 4. aselsateusej ItacittiVart• 9 6 Tkothes.' For the cure orlioarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak inpublio. Manufactured only by C. A. B' annvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read thfl following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Haninsstraer, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BAnavairr—Dear Mir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for -public speakers and singers, in easel'''. of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found — them serving in time of need, most Mituallj.. Yours truly, ~T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. Irea-I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvast's Tkochei. • W. C4CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. aPreshyterian Church. HAaszarstrao, Jan., 1b64. To C. A. Mamma—Dear Sir: In th habit -of speaking very frequently, and in places Where the vocal orgiuis are very much taxed, I have found the need of ou/ne gentle expecto rant, and that want had been supplied in your excellent Troches. ":„, I consider them very far superior to any I4ozenges that I havißiVer used, in removing 'speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent-use, and impairing th effectiveness of the .delivery of public e 4 • dresses. Yours, ate, JNO. WALIMR JACKSON. ;Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Baunveirr—Dear Sir: Having usec your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them.toAll persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness oL voice arising from publie speaking_or singing. Your. B *. &c . , s l . iIWaS T UI VI ' PastOlOf Ridge ,) A venue(ltletli Church. , . Dinar= ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, I FrAnnTsimito, Feb. 29, 1864. f To C. A. Banarcutr—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches 'to. be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voiee„ and are certainly of great bene fit to alliitibliAmbakelil J., EMIR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. !1 FINK. 11 WOREVORKS "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNOT, HARRISBURG, PA. ..TIIHE following stock of Fireworks is now in _ll_ store: Roman Candies,: Pin- Wheels, Mines of Stars and Serpents. Serpents, Grasshoppers, Water Pots, Flower hots, *oil Wheels, Bengola Lights, - • Bli Lights, Red, Whiten/LA RNA , .Spangalotteis, • Chinese Rockets, .Pullineezuckers, - • Fire,Crackers, Torpeeos,.... Torpedo & Firecracker Gm, New Torpedo Bow, J4se:Stick, or Punic, . , Flags,_no. • tNOW is the time to pmolose ...while.ihera is a good as sortment.. 59 A ".•:, , JOHN WISE, eti:dtf.o. Third street; noar W4Ent. VALUABLE' -PARM • :•AT PUBLIC. • 'SALE, THE subscriber will sell Id, public sale on Saturday, June 18th, 1864, at the Court House in the city of Harrisburg, at 2 o'clock P. NC the farm now Oricupied by Jacob Fitting, in Susquehanna township. Said farm contains one hundren acres, more or leas, and bribounded by lands of Herman Airloks, Geo. W. ldcGalle, German and others; Paxton creek runs along and through the ' ram*, rr Vhere is dilietAb%lbrysioiiliuti ali disink'i mrn on the place,.and also a fine limestone quarry. A. draft of the farm can be seen at the adze of Dr. Rutherford, on Front street any time until day of sale. The above farm iswithin Z 3 miles of the city and is In fine order. t7-AtS , • 04, D. FORSTER. . :,TO :LEARN, PIANO-FORTE PLAYING •EAsgirANV4,,Oß:otrsalrLY, ruse the .5tk.701.10:0 Rtfwaaol4. BOOK -;4lnsinpiegialisent lipon,ltitetters in pro. ; tressive arranger eilradliptiitiOti and afinpileity. -Found ed upon a new and original plan, and illustrated by a sense of plates, showing the proper position of the hands and fingers. Y., The popularity of this book has never been equalled by that of any similar work. Ten thousand copies are sold ; every year. Among teachers and all wholhave examined it, it is pronounced - superior id - excellence to all' other "Methods," "Systems," and "Schools," and the book that every pupil needs for the acquirement of a thorough 'knowledge of Piano-forte playingt It is adapted to ail :gritdes of tuition, from the rudimental studies of the youngest, to the silidies anil i xercisen,of.advauced pupils .Piro editions, arCpublfabed, idOithig American the, other Foreignlingering. When the work 18 order i ed, fno preßrence is,designatcd, the edition with American do gifring Rill be arint.- : .• • 0 - Besure*nt In Ordciing .11 :iou are paiticulli in spocitNnithe."VW lIRTROD.P Price $ 3,50. Mailed, poiatpaid, to any address Sold by a. mum Dealers. OLIVER DITSON k CO., Publishers; 277 Washington street, Boston, -je7-tf immFAsE AUCTION, SALE OF a talt{l34an) saraarrr cow-scrum or ,RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SEA SHELLS! - AT THE MARKET HOUSE, HABELSBURG. 0,1elo).a Sattrigili reserve, Or limit as, to .Pete /ND +{ . 4 . f , lasjp:is part ofta reaftillitiPAPWr,Rat lAndOnvEngland,. anomie ()t i the most splendid,l4rhi e i Sliella,ever, witneased in this bbontry, with various other natural curiosities, compris ing ri, CORALS, CAMEOS PEARLS &C . consisting of OVRIR'IOOO SERRD4II 1 I.ll3,;•sitch ea have never before been offered for sale in this vicinity, and a rare opportunity is now offered to the citizens. The public, and ladies in particular, are invited to ex firclitle this ma g nificent assortment of curiosities from the idominfons of •• 4 01dolVeptiume. • • They irerlilt the wiarke qr-rioltre; and no artist that ever' lived could imitilee'dlini gimp& andthlors. The Wen; tiers and beauties of the mighty deep. Also, a variety of DILLNESE FANS, • f • JAPANEgIeII ri IES) “•• ; RARE INK STANDS, BREAD TRAYS, ' * , atm? oAtittott ; 'PEARL 814ALS, .-• MEW FRAMES •'• P." ;•' AND Wl= "Sale to commence, Wednesday, Juneptb, and continue .Tl3(ursdas, Friday and 4t at 30 qclock, A. M., and 3P.M. ; aiso,lfedngsda , ftatnrcfayrmornings, Market hair% ENSMINGER & ADAMS, iidItRISBORG, June 6, 1864. je7.dst Auctioneers. VAIP- .RCSCITILARS • 31 1 411171 - IMLAAS IN D..**. GROSS. NEW NaLDING, MARKET STREET; tNew Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid rtment of & SIJMNERrMANTELS, i -FRENCH CLOTMOIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND s. NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samplai, hirevery color and hand somely trimmed, from $7 5 010 $lB. 1000 CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKS, Handsomely and rirhly trited,t from $lO upward. tHILDREN'S ISANTELt 4B.GE VARIETY. re2s A. C. OWL' ) A.V r rORMEIr-gT - LAW, AV. 111 AS removed hie" Offi Atm Third to Wall. nut street, next to thrieon. All brininess in - , to him will receive prrt and careful attention. it tr 4 tnta WANTS. W AI t 4 o TED—I i e R7A I2IB 9 I . 4 T. FL'AZITYG . , . . (21. RT., WASTED—To do„genera: haulm. . _ kfi work at good wages. Enquire at this omee. jell-lt HANDS "W'M'ED. AFEW more hands can have employment at the Keystone Nursery, to pick peas, strawber ries, and weed in the garden. None need apply bat per,„- eons who have been accustomed to do.the above ,Itind or work. J. MISR. WANTED—Several Cabinet Makers and Carpenters for In door work. Riahest wages pal& Mao, a stout boy to strike In the blacksmith shop' Apply at the Eagle Work!. W. 0. HICKOK, jeS-Iwe WANTS A. SITUATION as ladies' muse. Can come well recommended ' as experienced nurse. 'Esquire at the National Hotel for NHS. SMITH. jeB4t* . AGENTS wanted to Bell the Standard Hie-" toll of the War. -A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing t 0.5200 par month. 200,090 volumes already sold. geed for circulara. Address JONES BROS. & CO., de 39 Publishers, Baltimore,llA. IXTINTED—A good pastry Cook, and a y good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap3o-af BRADY HOUSE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X 25 0 ; ; REWARD: NVERE stolen from , the subscriber =Ale night of the 9th'init., a GOLD WATOH,.(Pateke Phillips & Co, maker°, Geneva,) one Diamond,BreastPin and Ring, one . Cerbunolo Riag, Watoh and Diarnond.Pin, all having "Reny Thornas , dbgraved °Wiliam; alics9o in HONEY: A reward of $230 will lie paid for the re-: oovery of, the property and arrest of the thief; " ELMIUSIBMW. June 104,f HENRY TEORA.S. . ONE well eipetieticed GARDENER will find employment it WELL RECOMMENRKS,Itt, the Keystone Stock Farm. A good tenant house will Yee tarnished him free of rent if answers his purpm.e.. .AlBO, four good laboreismsuiteAl-at the :Keystone' Firm and Nnreery if wall experienced. ~ 5 . J—Kl.lll. HAY, HAY, FORC.NALE AT AUCTION. • 1111 & CO. will sell at public auction; 'on JO Saturday, June 11th next, at the old. Wallower - warehouse, as the Peonsyloarda can.ll, a large lot of Baled Hay, being somewhat damaged by transportation. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, 4. as. je11,31, HUOXSTERS' BASKETS.—ShisIer Fut zer, uccenfors to W. Dock, jr., & Co.,' haye 'en band 3$ .ozerk ‘ hickory baekets. Price $5 60 per dozen. je9 yIISTRECEIVED-44 gallons pure currant O. Willa, from a Lancaster county farmer the toast Made domestic wino in this city. Price sa ad per geol. ior sale et SHISLER & ERASER., jeo • Successors to Wm. Deck. jr., & 00. CANDIDATE FOIL CONGRESS. Rensunstuto, PA., Jane 9,1864. THE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 14th Congressional, Did-; trick of Pennsylvania, composed of toe counties, of Dau phin Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said District tjekdtel JOSIAH ESPY. . . . _ awed& a nd A;lleriCo4; Sunbury, Chronicle, Lewisburg, Tribune, Middlebu_rg, T r out/raph,.ll4 flinburg, and Republican paper "at Sontagve ,copylir- Convention; aid send bine to advettiser. SP.TRITIIALISM. SAM'L H, PAIST, Blind Test Medium, will give seances for communion with the Spirit World, at Exchange Ball, Walnut street, until furthernotice. He will aloe make clairvoyant examination of diseases for those desiring it. Hours from'Sti st. to 12 sr., Sad r. x. to X. Term's 50 cebbkiech sitting. Every one applying for a sittinrdoes it. on their own vesponsibilityi as the manifestation ota spiral is notat the option'of the mediem. - • job-dt.f • • .TO THE=•PII"B ` LIC• •' • . ON and after Monday; Jane 13th, 1864, we the tinderatgned "DRY , GOODS MERCILANIIit. MILLINERS AND FANCY TRIMMING MORES," agr6e to entirely cliise,cmr respective planet of business at ellht oPclock., P. K. ovary strolling , (except Sidurday,) until uo tuber Ist, Cathcart & Brother' , Mrs. E. D. Kline, A 4.7, Jones ; M. Stoddard & Co., Da4e I EPPICY, ' - Mayer, AP& Lectza e, . at ,, Reat§lkerM SOL Browneldi • gr4.g QbslYne, Chas s. atra. - )L 4 Kiathean, Lewy,.' • "'At Kiiitellatan; 14 Wiler & Co., Mrs. C. A. Berrytall, Leopold Mier, Miss S. A. Bryan, 'L i Simon, Miss M. Y. Wilson, James S. Fspy, J. A. Mather, C. L. Bowman, 'Mri'E. Bre Joseph Kahnweiter, Mts.! J. , :Wagnitri lame! Ream, Annie E, - Bell, A, Burnett, Tackgoa: - - Lovenstein, iegglgt . . PLANTS: PEA.NTSI! . :PLANTS!!! AT the Keystone..Napsery; the following- Plants can be tuid , - • . Winningstadt Cabbage, 50 cents perl.oo, $4 per 1000. •DiumbeadAYey Cabbage, 16 cents per 100, $701:1000. IFlatt Dutch Cabbage, 06 cents per 100, 56 rtr-1000.- • Late Drumhead, fine, 65;centsrper100, $5 pel.1000:- • Tobacco, 33 cents per 103, $2 60 Per 1004. t. - Cellery, 36 cents per 190,, $3 00,per 100. While Apple Tomato Plants, - $l. 00,por 1000; Orders for all kinds of early vegetables will bepromptly attended Co. ' J. WWI, • 'Jed .. Keystone Fan; near Harrisburg, SOLE AGENCY -. FOR Tfll CITY' fr AM happy. to offer to ,the. public a. large and splendid assortment of, SUPERIOR GOLD .PENS, `. manufactured by: LEROY W. FAIRCHILD' 't:4 These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY TREK. SCUEFFER'S BOOIC STORE, Second , strest, opposite Presbyterian' Church; Zarrlabargi TTNRIYALLED CHAFA_LER FURNATURE . Li POLISH densnot affect the , varnsh, but restoilts -th e t ele xe d h t .t h w: It diem not discolor:- it -will restore; With vory little/oer, every finished surface,. either, metal Cawood. numufacturere and dealers. in farnitum slfeettirso it for Cleaning furniture that has 6p'erd Stand `Covered with Mist A touch and rttb here and theie make it bright and froth:, FOINSIdEt by S A KUNKEL 4r, BRO., ' ;Jiri-illf, • 118Barket street,. Harrisburg. 5/A: DOZEN JARS . ENGLIBEITIOEILE4 a„, comprising. Picabhp, Chow Chow, Cauliflower; Mixed Pickles, Caking, Walnuts and Onions. For hide wholesale and retail by , SHISLEIt'ai - FRAZER, 'mys 'suecessom to W. - Dock, & Co. , . ACRID _LOTS FOR , SALE. BERIIYHELL having sold part, of,kda, J. . grstaid abSvektowit,,ltqa iota or an ttre. Vidi aihngthe road . 'There le one lot left 'of two acing . with fine river frost 157. feet. Ttie bidldinga will be sold' with tttres or. ensures.: • t itatf NEW 'Lid UOR STORE. .IrWPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS.—The undersigned otters at who/dale, to the trade, a choice lot of -the best liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies, Holland Gins, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Bye Whisky; Foriogn and Domestic Wines, such as Champagne, Must, Catawba, Alt liquors warranted, as represented, Landlords and others will dad it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut. , my27-dem ' ' tiEORGH WHATIHIS. . . - .- PRIVATE ISALE. ()lip,' of thi best` locations ' for MOM, WORKS in the State , a vary reasonable , price; to any purcitasei who will improve it, situated. with— it short distance of the city of .4mrispurg,..between. the P•MnsylvaniarMiroad and canal, about live handfed feet wide, and alongside.of the` beat limestone quarries in the . State and close to agood turnpike roat• room for mist() cinders for 13.1t.,t years, withoutvaYbnpforthe hind Apply to. . DAV,IDI', j Attorneyai-Law, No. 24 North Second aired, maripldif - Harrisburg, Pa. 4 Inhilinfelptda'Preati insert three times and send Mit- to thisminceo - . • ' k FOR S.A.L . E. , HE Istibserifei offers foi sale 4 tsie %V T - A. claw Phelan, marble top billiard nada% imonsidtto nlaer sad tuning Eitliresent at as salent 'id &Piddle; Ple I Land for Sale. lite 11l health of the subscriber Is the only reason that itl - - t a t °g L ilt lit nitlE a s=;-at: : t ": ' - t - Ilea trdll4''.. bsalyeaddLsinynginformatien pal-chasers ; 126 acres clear, good buildings thereon, wish: ... Carlisl P e. a. dee-dlty , . 1 I le, x , ! weill i.. be for G. or. drec i tio xe4 saw mut For farther partici:this, address 4, -, . . .).;,.‘.-.1 , .... ~ .r.LaAnliggirakrrr-1 VI .M MIISTAXI# timirbesnmingot mr3 o -dam ~ 0 .P....kroank satuAnam- 4.. jusirebiateemilkor oak by. j I Li-, t- MUSLIM k ( ifehl _ (saisinanfro .-T446*.0.) HAMS.! TEAMS!—A fresh supply *if mien eners's Excelsior Hams and Dried Beef at i"29 .PDXE4AFORAZR. VSS BiattrESSipiAfhoia artidt ataPPo at. ,• i MUM & maim r I .., i ....,..I..,l,l4.alcoemacklia WmXi* ir....A1av0.) is tAkiio ..464,,r4i a aos.. 4F try,. x•. 4 b., - 4 • - - AMUSEMENTS._,__ W Y At i lt N . . . . 4'„3. • " 'rill* WIZ : i.g te“ti .ivi SANFOR.V* FRIDAY AND SATURDA Y' --EvEignms. SATURDAY AFTT4t$Ol.OO:',l:::" CANTERBURY .MUSIO:zfI A T 414 . WALNUT ST., .13FLOW. TUIBD • Sole lase opn' EYERY martNo,. • Vi'lth a iltat.claaa Company - SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, /so., &o.: Adnilealon. ........ ............ ...... cool& Sesta in Boxes rEM/RSDAY, 0 GRAND PIC-D11,4C TOR THE BENEFIT OF THE HOPE FIRE COMPANY, NO. 2, TO BS XIMGD AT , • - 1-I(3F7PMALINT'S WOODS,' • ON THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1864. IM=l FLOOR BLILBTAGERS- D, E. KAMM, BARR, WC CARSON, .., TEMP. THOMAS. An adequate police fOroa *ill be On theground to pre . tissue order, and the 'committee refer. to. former - =ago= No rioting or disorderly eoniluct of any kind toll be. tiA- It is the intention of the committee to make this. the, pie-nio of the season. Cars will leave the foot of Market streets,. 8 A. w...suid: 2n. xi. stepping at Baily's Crossing . Returning, leave the woods at 7}..4 . p. it. -Mire. for round trip 2. cease Carriages will leave the Hose House.every koar during the day. . . COMMITTEE: I) E. Martin, ' ' ra, Haven Wm. Carson, 'M. R. Banc Wm. M'CoY, . . '' Henry Snyder, X IL Pranicem, P. Flanigan, Matthias Hurtnazi, S.amael Mine, Theo. Thomas, Ed. Clays ' J. E. Paned, ' James Dunlap, D. C. Mar in.' p . JUNE 10'11-1- . ' my27,doodtgkdtd AUCTION SALE Os CONDEMNED` HORSES. WAR Dspawrsnorr,CATAlßT Scasau ONPICR COT pkiref Quarersaaresisa„ Warsaw:non, C., April 25,1864 be sold at public -auction, to the STILL Irigheathidder, at the times and places named be- Ina viz: Scranton, Penn'a, Thursday, June lath. Wririarnerrort, l'enn , a, Thursday, June 2,3 d. One Hundred (100) horiesitt Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fifty (250) at each of the other places. These Horses have 'been condemned, as *jet for the Cavalry service of the United_staue Army. For road and farm purposes many` good bargains may be had. Horses' will be "soldsingly. Bales begin at 10 and cont.inae, daily til l all are .IcL reasury.poies - TES MS: CASH 111. United States T reasury. vim only. iii 28.4114 Li. Col. an C. Q. M. CariarS , &wenn. NOTICE. riIHE Underrigned Commissioners, named in an Act of the Legislature,' approved the 4th day of May, 1804, entitled an act to incorporate the Millers burg and 'Rush Gap. Railroad Company; hereby- give public notice that books %Bite opened for receiving sulut: scrlptlens to the Capital Stock of said Compaq at Ws , — following named Hines and places in the county of phin, to wit At ' the house of Jacob loniser, in Grati- , e town, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of June; ixist. —Ate : the house of Benjamin floniner, in iterzysburg, 310142rAri4 the 27th day of June.-inst.' At the bane of J." G. ileaper, in Millersburg on THURSDAY, the 30th day J At the ONES , HOUSR. In the City of on TUESDAY, the fdir day of July next; and tiu ki =al times and places some-two - orsmore of the Commissioneran4 Will attend, and Unit the Books will -be kopPopeoraroaast six hours, commencing at 9 o'clock4n she forenoon mu-, wary , day, for the term of three intlicial.days; or turti4: It:number of shares authorised by the ' law.- shall Phaire , si , aubseribed. DAVID PORTER„ HENRY THOMAS,- . JAMES FREELAND,. G. H. BRUBAXEN,.. F. WENRICK,-. • -JONATHAN SWAB,. DANIEL LEHR. je2d.-4w, ItARRISDIEMG, Is 311110;'186t. HARRISBURG COMMITTEE QF Till) GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR. CY - LA.r Butt, - ENCOME AND REVENUE, Public offices—W . W Bays, - cieni Conior: ' ' • ' Iron—Dr George Bailey, James•M'Cortniek n ir. 2 • tianks--James W Wier, J Mtearoe Kreiter. •Manufacteries—W 0 Hickok, William T Filldrnp. Druggists—S A Kunkel, Charles A Bann-mri. . • ' - Livery—William Colder, F A Murray. •-••• .• thocers—J It Eby, Christian Frazer. ' Merchants, Storekeepers, kc—Danfel—Eppley; John • L •• Speel. Leather and Shoes—John Edwards, .T K Greenawalt. 'Clothiers-L-Yolin W•dloi t hr,‘ William Sayford. ;•. - Inmber—John B Cox, D 13 Boss. :Hotels--Charles Mann, William G Thompson. • • r . Printers and Book" Sellers George Bergner, Theodore' F &heifer. • • . • • ailders—John B Simon, AM-Black. •• ' • Matiress and Telegraph—John Ii BeriThilt, John Bing- " • Medical—Dr Bartle, WM Eta ' • '•"' Dentistry—Dr J P Keller, J W Mall. " Photographers' and Music Dealtni—Le Rae .I.orner; Witt* Him Enoch& „ Railroads—Samuel D Young, J R Dubarry. • , • .". Forwarders and Coal Dealers.:-Wm K Alricks, B M'Oliti mick. Victuallers and Bakers--ilex Shaer, The above Committee are requested to meet on- hllll5- day evening next, June 9th, at 8 o'clock, at the COURT ROUSH, for the purposemt organisation. By order of the Chairman. je7-dtf LINENS .116 USE FURNISHING' G OODS . . Of every description; the largest assortment to be found. in thecity, • WINDOW CIJRTAIIQB ISELS:333aSr, Curtain Materials TABLE, AND PIANO OOVERS. R.IIEPIIRD, VAN HARLINGEN & ' looichastmit jta-dw PHILP EITTELL Azov:err ALLICSILAVS Ormuz, 14.4ir INut476r, Hamusanno, Pa., June 6,1864_ f 10 DRAFTED MEN.—I a= directed by Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Mersbal :General, by his eileillar, No. 59, of June. 4,1804. lab "That drafted men are not. alkeived to enlist asvoiNn teem after being drafted; and that the credits for dratted men will remain for the sub,diutficje from whisk, tkey :were drafted, 40,*tttir 'whether loce4 hotaity has settee nbt bean paid to such men, upon "illegal enlistment" JNO. KAY CLEXENT, Captabt and Provost 3Sa rshal,l4th MI, Pa. oe6-dtt iTh AWE • all, Ont.-Ica t.te LEV I AP Kozarsa 1 - etivatia.(l. 3.44 elet, ..2s cents. BM A L'ROUNFORIt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers