D Mtn - KCAL& CON - STITUTI ON LIFL SYRUP, 13 COMPOSED or lODIDE POTASSIUM , Withißet Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract - of VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HMOS, PRIENLIUCD W3l. R. GREGG, 11. D., (Insdraito College of rhkectinianA Snrseento..ri . 'S., for merly Assistant Physician Blackwell's Island HOl3- paals, late MeV:al - Inspector New York • State. Tolontem[Depatf t w i th," •Gor..Sclward-tD. Morgan. . • • coNerrruTigkilairy.;soup iLAS moPucera A- REVOLUTION:IN MEDICINE. • . What may seem almost incredible, is, that many die- OMB hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently4cured Ina few days or weeks, and.ste cheerfully invite Mb investigationrSor the liberal higii and scion title to cures which have u parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar; by it the-seat of any disease la directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those wile have stdreied — long froici'peinful and. °bail• sate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief from advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by other physicians. . .; /ILE 14 1 .4 TED .USE ppmrtrriog LIFE SYRUP. Diptt Ofir,tas,t3 Aiviiyedits Sate contended vAth ob-. staples and overcome oppositilii lak herVidda'ali were ever encountered by , any ,P.eleftnerst. RAPIDITY OF TURF' Some say, "Your ourvtaare,i r oo 'merit doubt their.permanence v niutthink: ,thai;, cle can a!o only be cured by the "slow recupeintliri'pitioigs at Nature." This is our reply: . . ba health; the body.; Ilhe seslANlti in a 'stattyrf - Equilibrium.- But.-when from .any.eause_down goes o side ofpe SCALIC.SSIIII. VII the;effects 2fidiseasb:. WhaicA tegaisiti-ls, to nbtore the norinal balanol of the MU& --""° C r • CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, A positive and specitic.remagy for all,diseases originating , from an - DI:PURE SPATE 4 6F THE .BEOOD, and for 1).11 , (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENTTO CHILD. I " PARA - LYSIS Hemiplegia. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agitana. It leso tudyersally admitted.thed„ConstitutionLifefiyrep Is4he%nly'efretitive tuitaikaFeCiestbratitin n gie tvariova forma of. Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that ikis emptintioally the Great Life Giving Power. , • • • • 2) rAI.I SP SIA Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Coniiipation Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. Want of Appetite. Platulenoa. SCROFULA Strums. Glandular sw,elliaga Ulceratioti King's :11...5: Salt Rheuin , This taint OCIIREDITAM and acqurann,) - Alltug life with ialioki *wry, is by aßnsualimidi4l( thmedietyincedutde. raythritiii , Neuralgia -A J out Lumbago. Sciatica. Tic Douloureux. If there la any disease in which Jai' Constitution ,I.dre Syrup Is a sovereign, it is-in Rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intenseAndimare almost instantly alleviate&-chormoua swellings i •sre ,reduced. Casata, chronic orvicarlonicot 10.itie..,30.years' standing, bays beau cured by us. HERVOI7INESB. - . ,Shatteredaervaa... Sl, Vitine.llazOw loss of Powpr. ; r c4nfilsion ofjltoughts. Thousandh who hivir siltreretriorSwes will blesithe day on which they read these lines. Particularly us. ;Neil - , suffejidg.womarovill this medicine prove aniinestimaiLle bleihirik—dlrecting 'their footstepirtcr a lileipo4hich hiltlle ream thaLit promisee. _ ! igAzioquA+ Dz 4 48x4, - • , tif ito;3*.i iGalltitilon Bad Compkilos. Aches in Bones Feelirg of Weariness " — Depression of Spirits. Log en thrall Is td} the e4kelfecis,of- Ifietoury, rens:king the Bad..Breattaxidetirrng tlle WehlVJOhits and Rheumatic Pairiafirhl4f the one ,of Caloomile ,sure to • produce. hardens Spon gy Giuna, i&dive• the Teeth as firmly-:as evye , . COINTITUTION LlFE . ..enz ur • =les, Root and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of :I.** l e Meer* Pfinples,•Blcitchetyand all othentitileuf tiei'otthifi kind, which so much disfigure thie.outwardjap pee:ranee of both males end females, oßen igisking,thein a disgusting object to themselves and their friends • oi:lNSTiitTlioil LIFE' mu' , • ; , CURES ALL SIVRLLING - 01P'1711(•OLANDS Either orthaTace, Vii'Yetuale Breast, and ehtiuld 4 tat takei(iM Soon as the. Sail indeteMeti.... thins preireining their. breaking, andproffildins the.. troublesome .Didchlege Ong Sores; which disligdrilvms'many of ;the 'youligoi , aim to twenty years , cif age. Young children aro vey'shbject to Discharges rronnum Zan, which depends upon a scrofulous.. tadAstitution.— These caseatioen recover by taking a :Sew. 'doses, of this Life Syrupp All ecru nlous persons suffering from.•general Debility, Emaciitleb,Dyspepsia and Dropsymf.the tiuths, abdomen, and in the female, Dropsy of the uvarieskund .woutb. gen-. emlly.Seeompanied with Inflammation and Vioeratiost of the Uterus, are pormunently.oured by Constitution pfei Syrup. .Theidlitease knoWsl sa - Goltre or Swelled;. Neck e e the Life Syrup win remove the remcdymbould be taken kw some time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic end stubborn, and will not 14'removed without. extra effort, ... f n Tumour of the Ovaries, Tumors of the. Breast, !and .swelling of oche, glands of the body'wiU be completely. imiticod.without retorting to the_ knife. or opeatiouit of 'lay Utah' . Epilelnic 'Fite, Sympathetic or Orgill& 'MOWN% Or the Heavy incpalpitation, Dißetwes or the Valves, pirottnoing a grating or tiltng bound,' ['ropey or the HeartUore and r ad the'aileetions of tine Important Organ, - ipeniona!sullering Tram any &Onto pain in the 'region of the heart,) will Le grey lr reiieved.by'Cdwititution Life Situp. DROICRIV-DOWN dk DELICATE OONATITUTIOI:q dooring tram indisposition to Exertion, Palatal the Back; Sies,uory, Forebodings, Horror of palamity, Fear. .ottAlisease,,Mainorat of Viauti, Dry,Ent.:Skin of Sitea;""Recie.q..salejs, 'Pale, Humid eamatonanes, and La_...witudo ot the - Mu.teulaX System, require the aid of the 1 FOB ALL Amick - 9`i &LC tacktirz DisEaslis, Either of the Nose, : ThroatilfenruNdpinti fi Foreheall or Scilly no remedy has ever provad as. I IlUTlL.EtTelied upoaMe female, fs%Alepending upon a diseased action of the !Ayer, aro. very unpleasant to the: ,yollllgAiliB Slid mother. A. mec•liaitles of Constit i tion Life dyrtip will eurremtde ieciotion,aridrpoviritat de, pia& which is directly. MidqUii. ilt tiwarsras of thestaveY, givbirriset&L mart I irk nen Imkigestaen, Weak, Stomach, or au alOitted'bi:eloi. serous omilitioa of that organ n actighliltriiird With burningl or other unpleasant synilltouts, yri1t430911,04 the lase of, OONSTITUTION LIFE SFROV It b,te ~ • . alliirdis a GINERAI. BLOOIPPUBWANG` 1 .tiodzarri , Taie LIFE Bradt STANDS IbiIi.IVAIILZD -BTLlANT".l'itlita : At4 - `110:f sy rue Diseases of the Spine, as . usdaily deveiopod,in the young Hip lllw nee, Neuralgia,. l .4tilit*ori.. an 4 diet' who are suffering tydni thsosses. Pr, Which , tau are di a loss what to du, we would advise the . 'a. a, 'CONSTI.' TUTIO.SI LIFE .Ylt.Tffr........Aralfril., restore their, e..*l cowl. Atinance, strengthen their weak birUk . and side, give /IRO( new energy, new life anal IMP.ines& Rkig, - .Ezar POOR -- ; .- ..are liable to the ininietallaacie. Nature and science ' mule the COnstittiffeittir*.Wini s .nirithe bdfl dL elf ' : 'pint* WOOL. Zit Prodacee healiby menet* ithe fa neglected igyouth, din000k.ei4r14401.1,015.1118"46 salt. Do aot delay Wheri PLS. .0111:?3 are OP. hands and within thitreaub. of all., ' TO MOTEIBIR • It bir thenatest and most effeetnitl niedheine:everdiscov., ated.futuPurifying the system; and relieving tho =Kering, attendaittL-upon childbirth,'. .0 suengthette , bath the thotheeand the cliiik'prevents 'pain. and disitasei and- in ceditatiaitteretrichea the Itlodtliose..who .luive.:used , it . . think it. inOisPenaattleilllt.lB 2, blghLy..neefurixah. "aldere t indiftia‘ ectannentent,eaa git.sprevenna disease attendaw alma' •-" • .• •_• • • + .•; •••• ':. .1! .COMITUTION LIFE SYRUP IS r 7IIO2'DOR MAYS FRIEND AND FEE MU MAN'S BLESSING Eta IT Tii1k.47414T1 BE.CUREW '.ll:b EFFECTS.. ';1 AVlk.f 'GREEtitrIRTM-P.; SOLE PROPittBtoll., - ;Mir YORK. f L. (.I Laboratory, 2troakkon, L.. L ' ' . *ICE4I/4PIRISCYTTLEI SIX Born,Es FOR $6, dlFiT4k* brirPrOff_K l l ll .,PArts of the !:133ntry. • -0 • MORGiiikALI44 . t3uA.... ,?: :•iirk Lo i ega li, Driat z e w j an z eo dimpagr —'l iiELCUff stre44, 2 101131STON1OMMILktl 6 WDIN : T • KUNial P. 91 lig-R.4dt urea, llaiiiitur4 Pso AND ALL DRUGGISTS DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL :ttirnarIriT,LT.7IXINCEPIZOTTRE PINSIRBP, Olititinedai* it peculiar proceiss in - the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical prOPertiea are retained. nave you , a t f ough f Have you &Yore Throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those_ who should be warned by these symptonis generally think lightly of them until it is tavlate, From- this fact, perhaps . 14 1 , 3 A's•tWi siell&ther, carises,the sad preys lencenai4fafty.`iirdiaeastt' Which , sweeps to the ,graneleast "one . ..sixth" of ' death's Consumption has •deStruyed More of the human family tOmi'iorti.Other‘ d4eote:.etd , the best,p r hysicians for many yeaisluivedespaired of a cure; .or a remedy that would heal the 444 but - for inOre thin two hundred years World hes'been . - that there was a. mysterious power and effi ciency in the r l'ine'Tree Tar to heal , the lungs; therefore they' hate rpdourpl4o.id the.,104 of Tar Wafer, which Many cases had's . ' good effet but how-to combine the . medical pro pei so'fis ever been a„myatery.iuliziljt;Wak . discOvereaT WiSlle_RTi ., 'the ,torietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree' Tar. Cor . . e Many, net only of the people, .btit Chant of `every school and practice,• are daily askiiii Me; "What is the principle or cause of pur-success_in the treatment of rtamonary Consumptian.r'r liVanwer,is this: . • The invigoration foAtthe :digestive mans the'itrefilitheniiip ,thol SieNztaiddi • iyhtem tie iviijte'citiorf szid'siii-ichmi*, 'of the ;bliiiod, must - expel from the systenz • the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by .the poWerful, alterative ntohanging from disease to lealth),pir4 . 4o.4 . of ,the Tar Oor-. dial, its healing and .renovating Principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs- and throat,. p'enet ' rating to ..oao dis eased-part, ielieviiig pain; inabdu,ir44lll4omiv. tion, -and.restoring a healthful tendenni.. Vet this tWo-fold power, the 'healing , and -the iiiengthdniiig, continue to actin conjuriCtiOn with Nature*constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if lie..has not too long delayed a resort to, the maws; fit OM*. ti":;) read the' .flowing certificates. They-ars Inafnen-an -women- of unquesi tionabki worth ioid:APUTatiiin.f'. MEI ME M:Erti cj AL• it.t - Lr; . • .1,0 -,..1 7 12 ). ---- 7Dp...-wrwAp 7 --...pea r .,•Arl4 ' - - .. ..eiy 'd'AilltttUirifiA9d Pord . tak`Pft `=2,, year;' UT:filLiny_witele.sySken . ma au•"". .4,wae prostrated on my, bed .with. but, ttii, liop . e. cif ireoveriii,g: Mr.: d soaAe ' beill ' . ?the power of all r i tcolditEmesianfiiiii a short time 1 must hays gent to my grave but thank God, DV alingilye - an4ii , would nee risT niifilishe VOt:t6, your. store, No. 'lO . N.. Atte'aiid `she et, _444 r ililetesVgy base' to yoig",.,p4relliseir ' bhe bottle of your l'iae Tree... Tar Qqkdial..,Micl: I :isommericit.d' to nee it; and in one w - eekCliwas 'much.better, and' after using • tbreiiiilitt4ta 1' • .. .perfectly well,, 4 . 1 4.4 a ''Onaidat :* t iiir my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure Publish my castrif!tditthink prover btf.7©YellarriTft4l l olQ,.': ! • , =5. 1821 Wylie street., Philadelphia. i• Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an ,S 'nuriFfi# 43pchig Bre tii,9Repaing:o1 the L - gs,'oirelthrcnitot,'lmthulluni t iiou 0/ Tat Lang& -::Mr, Wane says:says: . • . t , - Dat'Wratels.T = Alir:--I had !Bronchitis, In 9ar of the Lungi,'Sbortness of Brea*, and,Palpitation of the Aeart t . Pi* WoOt forms; I:had been treated by 'several of t ;he most' eudnent'physiciskidin Philadelphis,p ut g . icy, could not atop the rapid course of fay diaeuse, and I had despaired of ever being re atbred to health. I was truly on the•'felt lot, th'e grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial itiglily reccumnendad to me hy a *ling; I tried it, and.am!, thankful say thiLty „Atiler meting !our large/and one small, bottles, .I: as reitored perObt health, - !re fereykoithjirj)?.i]alift,NCOdB4T. or at my •office of Receiver of Taxes,- fronit 9 CheAtz4u ti th Ali Read the 1016761-14?..40a4,08Art Ll3_+ !: s,:er d - - DIVIWT 4II Atr -- Itor lam' --I P*asP 2ll . hi informing you - . through this -sourplfinNt 2 .tditrl'AP,Z•st Tar Oorilitd, which lo6ift , r4M+M . nienandlar nif 41aughteibi_Dr_j. A. ITAII; of this city; lia4.onfrtl her oils, ',cough of 're •Chiitilve months - - stiiidiiik:!.l: ha. Oro ht'l herlbeyond cure sn'd'hiid , employed % 1 AI si l l of 4edic44:4;Silt l4 oik: t)6,A44.•' roan zheerfeilly recommend xt , t.Q62-214 1 ;Tic As a o.te„, an(riu2 : - A. PT ,P P l l Va r i t l l iT y P i r cr b riiiffic i e - 9, as I W.,.0x74, ,. .ny q'tjier s4e tofflit i ihT:. ray:4-ignm• ftt it oils erktuett tut . , 1 rag s itAndM ` g:o4 l6 i: , , / [ 4o B ?ike,VOP " '*' 6ll lY nul -, ,,icenia.Apotaggitt,,,Deverreii4:7lxiai -.-4:44 la (iiinbaseblititek Utak,. tlik.l I. i!`'''' '' ° ''t" ,.. i - Ihitii3 - : .tifigki,i•i','"WiShart's &ne frineVadio.lo4 is ii3AYTfilly , 6 '4 lc ` a ' cordially-recommenda4aeralval e:taa pale smdisine l for oolda; di:highs' andlioh 'thoselore -thili,asea ti) domiumption. LU'' .'r . "1 ! 9 , Wcll4L_.;Fo,sg, TA ispßevsseee street,' t- ~, Si tick, ATl9rk• _l, 1 . .1 , - ,' !, e . . 1.1 (1 "' ': :i. I Arlie above are a few amo ng , tlaililieunds N6ibli this — thjaieieliMy9nisrinaVedDifib aiti ,3 , untimel 1,0 y grave. We have dionaluida sf3ettere froinphYsi dans and druggis ts who have ii l and sold the Tar Co4cliikvjqing that they eve nerer , -usgifkliiiiiifdriecine which pave stfoh:univoinal satisfaction. :• , ,_1: - _ :.:( ; The TarSardifi , l i rvzh,en taken in connetitioti with I ,Dr i - g l . gisile t rt. j.-9yspe_peia Pills,is aril in fallible- curb foYllqapepsri:-- - - '''''--t.-3- h..;-. The PINE Tura Tea CORDIAL, will Lure Coughs,Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis,' I s fl u fmlWikailigi Corigh; , :illipthelia,ars, Aso ate - excellent remedy_ for disekiesr o the kidneys andfemale olawidaiiifs: ' _ _ - 0-{ llf b11.;.;1 aairaA r (4. , . . Tan o,ha&W,healle of the piortztetm an d _ Met otkers ere' erazioue zo ho7r: 73L LIP F r I.Pasaeß i ceme and Owe Dozsasaper . Pared 034 hYothe=fts944ftr...., • ) \LAL; , ..w. :Timiama ,i1x1:40.11P lite**so ci Stfeet, d y 4 Bold by Druggists everywii lalegiloW delphla and New You '"`h e Deuggtete. leaf 1 1:014 40 1 IN / 4 'LYON'S , FRINCII PERIOD -mu . : • Ct , e , ' Aro the army Dora ronSedi that will a and Invariably sr. vfloo,12; - oAskregtdoikthefootAtosys Maw , lag all irriora pisiliWairttealth, vigor a i m! =math. . , Area Auldpilemellika.like only trap", af the biad'erer, diseaverteltry; rte aide Vstly ea Use allbsted, libilat'pUlaantrinirders ow only reaclallsossisS ibey work thrall* srapatisy, bat not i direst, ma Are you suffering front a remittal wallow foe 134 were far return of natereht pnweribusl *war " ;`. ,; Give yountelf no uneuinnivaiWiledhial De. V taken a day or two beeilpie, Varied, wLil lively and invariably werolabaritia- as sure se e follows elms^ earlibt,ssilliiitgbefonews deckles. Ossee,Are l'ea sink iiiimiagacbt of amble le bear the • • - ''''' • lobos sesdAittPli:Of *ism f MI Oonte to yoll Ws Waillig Aitii Oat, itioolllolibottiiiiiiin ours * it igulkni ci ttet: ..' 'itifik ' 'itof. am you inia ' yIOCUIVtIot • '''• ' , - Han y01.1600' ittO ' cie iiOuVi ' ~ toolitent to the rot hi o- Ain. or 0411 1 atm, onitiii toirrytarYou cortii•ii Vilify iiitil . •L. 3 , ml ~j: • INOW Ml4ol)KlAtii 1 7 .1601 1 1 F: ; . • qi • ..). I:l''e ; : • • "i.. : die itie'raCia ridable *Akio iiVerltoomiraad•Claio, bite, all those prodolarides that Oarrdtael , Use doctor's :4! - • - eint see rsiiviy Noah t Wroth* that rodootiblisiti Prelapsgs Dysmesorr)ms and a thopaand otkiek-fdifiatml t i • • ."4 violet thersatiaddr 1110011011110a dad wYen as isiViididaiddatoritalbr- '? r iA 1 10 4:0VMEN",r414.: 40:" 'z ru-G, , U4,54W19 OtAmpp - .114 Is ,PPOWEgJ VOA :MC 041 1 04 1 144 !Wm' time% Vie/Are,/1O RINI 1 0 1 4: 11 /4. 11 4, 1 3 (4 440140.4 1 40 1 0, andvwfinclitAtigh o 4 o o4 . 4lll=jiln4o,.. • , pakeßmAmprolipir Wiwi, they imam proms ISOM poi- Wiry , l o AWMAimiluitt~ atiKPIKOWNV Ulm !Orbs would reproduce, caritully gaga ,-„ iiyorA ti Mf ••1.1,!, lAA.; pirinhOt'airnt =Ai & Meats wastitutioa ir t iq tinei thetPrieton risk 14 _ PAO egaball 2 fil" opting aVsaainilbtattles will heinedtbr a sli th riku pose Irtsfitilipi ta* . i itipitipata , 1492f# XW9P1944, pAoro , ,„ !I lii.e;ll1 4 1 de. I ad tlisslAiter-iisiltle; ANA Rwilige*isfaa:ludit. litswierY Druggist, t o and City sad csridlim do not, ll,Tnuotalue your healh and wish 14' a .11Ma' bekr auy 0 _ 1 ) 1 4 1 %_s .TaktuelAbiaSOgnit. Pta,,M*-- , l l kwhout . yea 11 P1 11 Y Kai 6 4 1 4 Mile falkilm . - add Wit for Mt. =EI MEM --" • •••• Pt? ' ' 3. JOHNSTOI, 119/41g03V4T &COWDENP-1'• 4.1 i11...1_1( LA ***ix* OW* 4 / 1 1140 1 44 A 01212/B MEDICAL. I= MI LEI 1.41 CD le MO Azei sci taw Pia- • e'"o ' I= •• (!;H;10:0 t."" 1 1..t . •• • liii THE GREAT ME .. ..... 1.1 '. ~.. ~ tFi .. :. ,~. .. .. 1 .. it LYONS MI ME hiell'j -Z~ox~- , , . -14701ia DX4414 DRON =MEE = C ..c ;ii: 11311 , EF2I Q. G CLARK & CO •.? Ct. .71 I 2.lEltlq 1111C1 14- - '4llll JO ' I C, 1111 1 10 fa.lll(_ir =I NUM] MIN zsmEnn DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK .-HOSPITA_L imp , the most pertain ; speedy AUL and etreethil rethedits el th e world-fo r • - A Oure Warranted. fir 27 0 algrge, in from On. . It.: .) At Pms.. ilitelr iar g Affsetions ,of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Disc - es; IMpoteney - .- Geneniltiet bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Laliguer,,,Low . Confusion of Ideas, Palpiumen of the lieart, Tinnah'y Trembling; Dimness of Sight or Giddiness Disease of the Head; Tigurat;trose , -ire'llkin, Maeotiosni !of istit_Liver, Lingo, .Stoismob..r „Dowelethore. terrible.. disordere ar,aing from the SeiliaryHiihitkoVirouth—those , ieerdt l a 'silica' , makadthrinore rata to their rialtos ; t . han.the meogiorrSyrens.l.r. Mariners of trirmes.,- blighting their moat Iprilllint ho `itir lunloipatgiMiiiindeiring - montage,. it YOUNG KEN . Bspimially, who hare beccinie Mie . vidthlis of Solltatt Vice,. that &Whit and desirrietWe' habit; whiMiMinualbieweePit to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men ,of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wh* , might -otherwise ha ve entranced likening Senates with the thun ders a iicquimiceloliiikeil to Jyris, may 'eatliwftlutWlooe tense ~, • . t , , 11.CIIRT A Gt. Married persona, or Yoringlifentonteniplating marailge, being aware of PiOnC lll- i ketdcße B, l ' Orrarde 1 444 0 (9r1 pities,s3M,, speech* . oared.. ; He whii plume himself tinder the care of Dr: 'may rel 4h:wit? sonfidein Ms honer- as .a gentleman, and" con& &idly rely °poi his Skill, as a Physician., . I :orto:Atag wmAgNEss rifeKl4 olol- Y cured; end Ten eiglor.:Feelerh& .1 Steidielhestehg artlction,foitch I rentlori life minernino anpFtarritio Impoosible—tn thn'poiiitty pate the e . to• trey er,rottot* itchtlgotioet; Yohltepereons7ye.tociept omm.* eximiseefrom not„blitsg exam of the ? tlyeetlitil E,t_ionnequnnons'auttt aybletwo.,- , Whi) OS uglier yoilda the guinea& t.weteud to *toy tnit the .iktyrei of teroattatifttt.htloie bythose 1111,1= Into" ittOropeir h a tift s 'ttuutty . the *idea Besides totoing depriVed ith,e tithignirc- 4, er heaobYt figralolol4 :the *tell 0 44 0 tra0010 1 t ettitattve 197eliVnl00 4 0 1 0 40 b oo 7S ihml 4 o M • •11190,11414 .be r t A gßeP d f i t* ed 7 '1) A nd fan:atom ty4kenett toes- ot prfier e 'power, otio orlateletslPllo44o4soo, einietttabniktaitAyt wukingf Pol.rmaek';sllotrf sinkidose, gooey whir . ir Orem No. Y &Aria' Intonnion Smarr, , . ' milt ir " Left de Oar trent Balttonne.rareet.;:a. lewidoo l ia nonithiananne. i"(FeALIke l t e e doeki*l49 V. 4 numbe • !: niugiPlii4.llliceaniiiiiioilitee* The Doctorri Rita t li4ivn. hfifogiie: , • - ~ E;. ..1" ; it liO aWOO' 6Mitifeal3l4 Lou . . e y a on,•• gra#•• WSW ' oitS• or the mud' thatteni. lellngsp,inzahe Ualtad, t€4odini . the grimuir;riazt WI Irtli9tez l o , • wit• 1 11 , ! , 4, aPenk Inabli harpltale l of .I., : undee, , kurte, u relOna and,ooa. isPanN,..: to it i ltdsc 1 4i 6 0 1 14 . e. -1 /r. 11 id..„,• 'll49uistibg ' cri4e . netts weTtltref" 11 4ttett a T =AY tr 011 1& IMO 414,44.in:the uibisr"Suil'iliou , when ..,., nenteincenw,belag aotrtindiden , i,liaip, with tosqueUt NO4PLedscgurPleiii tit4l 4SYSNIumout Or o.ind ____... ___- '- - , iIdIyi.WI4I34 . :N . OTICW iv : 'fii4iiiiiiEdir" , edgiii , '•- ipaiiviinne Or t gipiul'ind . • 4 . : il lL i ssa 4ibi Mit*Arii.:•wtianeigt (one , sins :iii•-giii twit,ldinumse pr. Sty,l4, .loss • imiailiiiir Pbikt l 4-04 0 10 1 / 9 ; p 1 Ito), I }fartt• 4 1 .Y4P1 3 ^ i !lic-' coos Irritstyllay; symjnoms,of Consiouol. 614,"&c:.. , .' , a 'llk•s fearflikefteote on did' WS' d are attac h ti, =l oii `'iw likeilioryi:4ol. ,el lALEWk, do. iireeeiotrotriiiiitthq e,B. or 11 .041/4, e ( 0 1 11 b10146 1 ,4q.1n i t9 ,4.;,_ _494.6th, 1 I tdi!titg,A.love . , SlnWirr. ll . , arc' r,eri , rum Prowl - ~ Ilia . .. .....„.. Who fi sp 4 1141441,, _tOrtpael.Vef hytt sitt promo 11- , dulged'isr*heit alCafer,ai hdbit kv Maimed from irilrbishtlitnions; or - at . schooliltio--elfecia of whick AO alghtly.feltroVitt wireaTePeejf, Liii 14 Litt:pared renders marriage Law:l:gible t imiLitestroys boil mind and body, 'bp i OW 614", ili Pi t Y ;:rirriith te giagarea" i Witt flt . r o w the darlLticontrOgolosAhoglaittr snatched from peas and enjoyments of file,ll the consequence ):of . i MK from tha fittli - of naturiand Indulgi4 in ii !... Aeacirat-leabh, -Beak Presoonvie.• liefore 1e1in %.:.:, L. , . 1tA141144, 1 • Iteleot t atsound intuipind iiiihr' - "ayitioatilkoe' il t 1 ritlia prOftidt‘Cuoilltubialltapyinerop:4ll4. 3l r, wi Istatibititaiwholourper tiwoggklfo, ,11, 4 :1# ~. TINIFY. dlPiPair i'llutltrospos3 liouxli ttoriFono to ttio trtow ; mina, ecanies sigulotrial idditkilk' a! ilia 'twilit Vita gf, iiefillifelhelr refit:alai thee IMO tfailinefeue et mummer arekle..bligetectoerith our-nlmq - - ... ... -.i .-. : ' ' WU: ASE OF DITRITURNO.E.:iir When She asegOn*dnoiL U Uaariiu PPfu4Tki You'r#PKV se r Inds Jsuliss imbibed the Seeds °ruts painful di Tots effernipOini AliesirofteSovinfiletere bun poutdepplpias ea PAsperpo, fteesindtwe4 o AaTtd E4 1 , PocuOlita, PP . f rie.t i r Ike Ws Into the hums or ignorant pre nd em, who, , nitagenif ( of stning, - 111th 'sgb. efekeek keep him Wang socuntehfooriniqatn, Or Ma iIP; Vie seashestielkulSKl 4 01 44VritqfX /4 11 4 with ruined health to sigh over . Rwppe ur,ll4 ' 44 "t ° 4 44 4 2" 1 109, Opp, otcApf, rho cousuoitiepounilktfxbrafirnabledeATA monsl:orylo4,44#o,, T 04:00isini frigbllw AaPi*Or s ' , ilia 1 Ptitkil his dreadful sufferings by sending that inideinh *led colloßff from.ell-WPAraYll!kr2o4o- 4r I ,IXDOASPI:PNT OF'EW PREM. • riVuarin ." ' year, arid the nicurivringLiraportruir surgical' apirratitiris performed by Ifiellairtirthe reporrari ob i atteliat d arriMatitird= 4 l eb eV Adirituuldruig ava.404444 gbafficAffoulrfsPoiali. OM. 4 10 .V44, 11L -6919kOrt t 4f illi i* a ' ritlf!~ ids . f'!IPPA:IP PitEDZTINIIRIX Jar / e 41+ . ..t• 24014 BE ottittittlettolitellvlkolakielk titilfiri 'l lYitlOPC7*D EXTRAPT I 1 Vtr. .4 MISF, —TILAVY.Y. IZi • 1.. •,..' , eitnElftS/811... . .. A 4 . r itlirt**AW 141 , A' :-?-astioo .lo!? , ,pon ficip i i rm e, 4 ,l, 3th i a .. k iiii "I: r ArMitasmt ilt "0 TEIDDIC ithe - pro" ' 1 imargartalli•tilitekoFfriSlMlE&DFMliniluasDDEl4-15 • , - • UMWSpiIDO.4", et....Lihrl. u.!; 2, . 1 ; 54.5 nul& b lt i ,km Vrtul.., nrAescraolivsua-- 1 i 44?; at e'r ee ,he. e vase t t dlseasseirof iirnt *ek% sifir thittAlke a r Mtlethie. i ester Intertores i with the digeethwilswittftiteiseementrateitutheiArtsp la wKetix4~,a J-I .T .71 , .., ---a ..1....,, 24..D.-,Fug ortri... .to . ask For TezDiaert tkilpotrND` ' ,XCF - OF l'UtEll%/WD COPAIEIdif and take nothing elseTrut imitations and worthless prboa, 'worm; enderiAiosittrzdo(rood; IA! io:.thet, iporire.j . Fkioti 0 00. Sent by ~ 1 4,- . A'pri... ,Alantifar, itur4 , o 4 F r a Irlo. '24b.. 2Wtriebtikicti .1 04:teA-panorr . New York, and fur safe HO A .0 10 I.,Jkis f i For elle by & 1. K.DXKLE & BRO., sad by D • 9°Vs44. L c, • o: mid tI C M -.1. 1 a - re 4 1 404 1 P -413 ( - . 1 q -' , . , ..,,,. 1 , ;I' nalk i iiitiiiii' 1 1;AWA Siktir . 11-1". -1". ti t ecA* c.,..14.0 1 0:, IR ''id..:. NS TO 4t:/, AND ° '' ll6 "'''"it ''''''L' lll /'-' - 1111 T 11 - 1 •_ , ..... ,11111 :K..... 3.5,,; '.._. I lATISFILAIDELPIELA....‘u ,I r 4241 t IkillaSflXVIVD , ' ,a, , 1 ...„:„"ri. ~L,Aat : niN A2os 9 .lmatmi . NEol4s.lit Hbveiritli TRIED EMMT,LNEILIt' WALNUT ib s tj 'MFAVY P Erjr"W i tittfZ ali l t; " J ' L deLo s na" a an -L. J. ni -, , - 4,a u i tc4 p i: e_ . —,,,f t 04. „r0„,....2.,,..„,=„ - 47=tb : p-h tio.o r l , l ro - "nmr ' .! at i f • • EA S 12 , ,W7fA Bak, it ~ . ~,- ...' . AU - at i .Ytlar , *VA ) . . cceiliVto PI risignso o rint==r4iNi:' t'iir; ma . :34 other material, we are'-sieutli „go l tit .WastgalMlVMSols4FawAorßna- 1 0H0HILat ilitL , %qel idior - Maffib..titiikft omitted style, , ~,,,., uphod. te the tram thrrgbl:rmPittsberg ont. , 414. PiIigATAIMB.6ANKS,?... . . ~, .., ~,,t - —fxr SHESTItulti -° '''" I MAIL TRIIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 ..c.i4g; arriviigi C.ISCUL*M t in Ner York at 5.30 r. m., and Philadelpga — a..9s. ig. 1 , • , .:11 :IV BILL ILITABIke a ,! DoT : I` 1 r•Aw .- " • vel •ThuzisbaAi 4 2111 -1 1 1 1 MEkTis ith I, i... i... 1 -1 PrerS4 13 th, -• f ViEtrkf) '' A% - pl, PpmttrAe: 7 1:88,A441* dri ICS, . 464. 1. — T ..77. — przyinth. 1164i jarm. Mw t .81 A.111:1:11.ti - , :i 5 1.. —:. I - 114 :thi i ralt 6 '‘• l3 ; z4 t 7 re n ga: l67lo: ol l , ' an 41 ' 2 1% to irTaor,haxvtaw 5 .. -- Alat . zt; '''- 44 NAlE Pitia el tittir .. yß arn Mes _ . , ~„ KTe 0 1 :1 1 .1.4. 11 9 l ie dupla& otlitooli)4r4t , orrivoleg at till • /..r 1 t ~01....R.1 r "a' k -ir ke be' ..,,' ' ' • ii , „ -.4. , ii .„ ,i , • • RIFFLES': TRAA III 4 I 6O: w ark r v: B 2 - pr i , r ,„4 3 _ w . ci L..- . ' - taw etillikftrk 4 2690:i-ixroolifectisielium law " `u" r no.- 3 P4M i llargn for ttaburg, A sleeping far -ri • , - r'r iS Wide ri. l ka VV.' LO L.-17LI- ; oi"-i - ti., ' '.l 4llr6fprirrr TION S , , , . kr.: - .T., t I "It, t, fra 7 r , artamAtii.26ay.,viteWnits' 14...kttv.,oli—Anoumwszt.ti. • ennßY azda "-IGril'ena n " 611 in V Y 1 raIIrMISI ardilitatitallabig-1011 , 1b7hillettatigt 1 0 . rdiWItibili ridlidoiiceaugullect , ' 'airtominptikt ril - : ~i)!MarrktitnitirmAa*N 4 __ ian _ r h tb In t ...U. -/..,tEs ..mass... TILLI" ' ' . '''...,- " -W-AWOVIZ" - eary , .. 1 111 TI II I . a 41" *DWAIN a*.B 1 "1 q ikaitg= l4ll . ) ffiiaj i ` $3 1 / 1 . 0,1 oars ktt I s 3 In N 0.4. ~ i VIHP3 , 4 ' , Nue LIM tgisq r nawaituarSigfOriar JaLturicAs . ; het mkt atitteise 15"4"1""111Y-, ) (12-if iaghi bel thu mooo7 ,belerk)2ll4als4 ; i MEM 1 ' , T MEDICAL. DISEASES OF lEM:PRIMM*ICE. 11.111.11 F IN SIX TC? rin.erit'ESSYSS. 'l6 itittiCIIIIY OR 161:1011F; DM& ,t 9 bays RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road -If Tl r • • di; ill Mar" A_ .-FET---.E-A:-Ak4aM- SPRING TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PEULADEDELPIILL ca-Aim A.pizra •- MANDAY, MW I AN }B6I , rpKF Passenger Trains of Ae Pennsylvania _Railroad Company will depart' NMI and arriv. at Bar riabmg and Philadelphia as follows: ' - ABT V/I A D THROUGH EXPRESS TRatIN leaves Harrisburg dally at 2AI. e. it. and arrives st West PliiLsdelphis at Ebb A. X. _FAST 1...D1E leaves Minisburg daily - (except - Mader at goo -A. Sr., ad arrivaat. West 171ilsids4bla at 4:t41 ,x. Passage's take breakfast at .: Laneaster 1401"..'T .10Y ACCOMMODATION;Iaisais Marrialbuig as .71tMa.-x.,leouripeut atleamaiter with Lancaster ,accom 7modatlou train, and ea - arrives' 'at "WestPhiladalpldast gA4139311Lt ACE9MII9D,LTION-T41.11, leaves Harris burg at . 720 r. ; Culmhsie 1: 7 35*. - Cioad- arrives' at Lancaster 2.30 r. Y ; connecting .with- r gast.Mall sat at 'Lancaster for Peiladelplba 4 l.rtierrivat Weill RiLibidel stja at .5.30.p.a. VAIL-TRAM /eat% HareisburZ atekaltrOt. ; _der 1 4 3 4 7 P.Aolll3dAfriveiVAL-Fttift.rhilskalphOS at 11.g0 Jr. tr., HAERISS.G .V....ftIEOLIATI4SIO-21Veltreviase bittl•letretellanisigusigli313 Ll* aigirr aft.tWO l , R4 11 114(.414,9 , 491 5 94,..ix • I , tv ' BAllllstOTti - EXAMolltitgal itailidoeggrAilt (except Hestia ttraUtNgik t eatine, breakfax, and arrives a it . • PMT.BIHIfIA: - M7fPRESSITILIEN kroreat. daily at ;,/titoonete t 4&%o s. x. telos beetalast, 110711.WiAt Pitlitbarg 1.110 • 1.: • IT 'TRAIN leetteaVell3o l -9 0 416 g" 31 •44 ,at. 7.16 r. te., take isappeei ICRlolitArg al 12:30 •. 1170741 t :JAM' LINE l,ctires Harrisben at x..; gloom at 8.3,5 P. it, take supper, rind mike' TtL - 4b=ria "L - 60 MOUNT JOY .taxnrsiapAnoil leaves Lancaster at 9 M .30 A-, killTives at Hamsbergst ILI.O x. HAIHISBORtr 4CCOMODATIONTHAIIeteass West- Eldlagratis at 243:K Af ro , ud arri'li"!-.E/Fgt4114.0; r. MOUNT JOY AOOOIIMODATiON )Ia t; Pekes lalicas ter at 6:25.r. x.i.sseniecting Mae wloAllisfrirgArem modation West, leaves Mount , , Joy 7 / 06 V: and .M=o at Harrisburg at s.a) r. - - • • - • LICSAIWIth D;111:11ING;. thifidieipt.X Ann'a ig• at. Harrisburg, May 3. 3 1* - 1 1 Y- - • • b4.~ . ~,,~qy~ -41 1- 414 1 C M "jiH DA.4I) - 1E -.:ri01a;.1.4_14 am .I[ • lb 11/ 19CIM I R Cs.at - ` , lll 1 w . A.,:s TX4 i tihtneclithitmlidd itatilihinausrachaylvahlaltaihnhd; West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, artitualt of N _ New York. and.afteX 14 0 2DAY, , "kta 1 , 6 4), OW Abe- Pinftmer Muss of the :Northern 'Cone RailwayvralairifA it , spd depart" shin fliarriiiittrg , Ag1 1 4044".1 44 40 4 9Mi f'46, r s": 111 ' /46 " B Sunait -nr - 7 . , . t r ..;t:?.tur.rtis trlitatitto; MI; 'EXPRESS MEDI testaisSwibury. akar (=copal, • • • lientiii ll4 altimorq , t _ • 471 •t• . 4 • 4 4 ) A. :I dailya 9. • ..,71 1.004: Ai4 EiggclkelatO 0 06 . . I V9l a 7. t .0p y: ligntiget AbookleusiON Domes, Sun, • b A4. 4 K4I*"Pk Sun , "UMW* (Atuip ' . 00.14.ati. triMnr i A } r f,.!. • _444 ExIT.Pg , wffildutyarriv. sarayZlliticatentaially •••• ~.r.ii9da g it a rat t ,42ere *•*. al' 1 , 14 11353 UM " QQ ? 2 1 2 1 flat ly 'M P( ' n' o l` . • burg 444 lesSOO-UM/A ', is:-.. ~ . 4 04„p. 14. ' 'For taier thilifini t agu 11010 id ihilialkAtil fflipluitliblAW '0. 3 14444 Har 8114 -dtt 1 r w tp.A:4l• , 'l l .4 o Patigifpli. risburF, May tiF, 1 ' ;Oen. u 44 j (Riffir xtr ragxeattiiiit, tralreMfg the h M a W ti r,,rit i : e -9E i rf a t, i!t( S i q (ijkittptioolgow slaft Tvellypy#4 , l4 AgixpoiD i . Akar_ P.C.V; And under their auspinot! te , l9,i r g Ptl k " l .l°Z e "' ItbiOutileuT-ifirintfrg length. .2.5 ~,itc 4 nFog in, Intl rfor• , Pmsenger,X l 4 4 l , Ne l o l4 ,4o4 l , worn Mrri.sbureto ifary'al2lB" raw on tlierelnerFc lltuuriOlpand fromi Sheffield. titt•Jgrieunitincia WCttern, Division r - .a 10.d91R TWA cF PA-S,SENFER TRAMS AT Bastivard.OLlw .0 1 Tighti— , —; - 4 . 44 .< 4 t 4 34191.At' i. •progtel , roin . gt - 2.60 b .a. Ja. a.ve•Nditligra . ":0 dr.t an t Hail Tlnixt,---T. :To/ !MI `2;5'"* 19 14 2 9 ik gipretFrltaii - ^7 t ran throitchnrfresurmitAxtr.4woth:waYm • trains between Philadelphia and DNA Haven, and bt 'iwCiirugaNnticke UM' bitA IBtaini`.=• ,-;;;" - sue M . 1 f i N944 4 ' M . raismt i l %wenn withamsOrt. and s taltitnore Ltd wuimaportd siAlactelprata. C. 7o !r LI c - r;': gtr trttrWPok.kfaept:vli, Pmenger business gpioll it t nl5. =u1.1741-I.lldWrkeritieeffert AMdflnFleigkthWlPOP. 9f OP C°RWMAY a B.RipplOti, corner' "loth 194 is et "tr r ; , x.trr , Agdni IT. C. It. It, Bidtbnbte. `" :f 111. H.91Q00011, ,, .1 1'1 4:S. • r 644, CNApostrAii'mi - 41ta .tgatrattlfasitiper, Jratiguaspart io NEW AIR jDTE ROUTE:: RAILKOAI)&'. CUMBERLAND VALi y FR AN W. LA II RAIL ROADS ORANGE OF HOURS.—On and att,i r I L ) day . , April diti, Pateenger train daily, r follows, (Sundays excepted* " POE CHoik.MBERS'BURO AND 91REISErix Leave Ifsigerestawa Greencastle • Cbaxabetburg , tAx"vg at.. Leave at.. Lameladycemaymg. 4 lieverilie * Carlisle 5.55 10 IV .". Neelbinietburg • --- ....... 25 13 42 Z I Arrive at. Harrisburg • 55. 11.15 245 poR q,AELLMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOW_ , • : Lusi* Iturtsbutz Xecluniciburg 4 . e M. •:1611Phile " Shippenshing...„ Climbs/21n Arrive Leave at., Leave Gieeinstle Anivis if 33a~eretown igar Making close cooneetbana at. Harrisburg v• - ith gig maw*** :New tork and Flushing ; and vrAg naps kirall points West. Trii. In leaving Banishing at 41M r • • x, nits only as (sr as K Sig t. I — 'l 4, 1 z 6.1-1 p READING, RAILROAD. SUMMER A.R.RAAGEMENT, Or firkii . T'" TRIVIC I.nsTE PROM - TES; • ' NIATif slid Northiveat fOr Phtlattelithia „Net" IV x , looosisg,,,Pottsville,,lxitanun, Mk:Lk-AL, I,,aas, az,-., &. ' Trains 'Jewry Itaritabutg far Ptaastplolift, It, T i r , Bending, Pottsville owl eil isterme..tiata .11 , :i..115, Al S.V: Av.049 0 4K., breW Ar. ran l eav , 1 . Earthl;crie at tail A. M., niefieing,itteezToric at Ll 5 the SAM day, _ , 4 Epegbil e kccotranodation l'a.K.aixt tia:o hares item gig /4. 7.1.5 A: It., and Yantis; from ilarrishaq , at 5 r. H. !Tar& rfeCitiliewripiieg: 'IL! Nen lark, *;t 0; la Ana. &aphis $3 88 and 13 ' 88. .4A,6..'...:!:•rt,,,. C.11.13,:b. c ox &t ux , leave New Yitri: -I 13 A. X.. 1A baca, - ; : n4 i ii: ti, IL. ; urg pipes grriviag al, Ilanlaburg at 2 .4130 ;Aro blisid4Obant 815 i....a., ai.4 830 E. y, . 1 .4E214 anti in tfie New Yatit Ell4AECTrAitit,tbrettil til stid - Wois Pittsbarg without chaage. iits=s by the bsts .-., ILfilroad Tamagra end 2.3.0 r. for Philadelptai. sad all ma# argallaC Trains leave POttsville ?. v.. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg adR :Kea - Soy, - .. Passenger Lraiu &DOA- and returns from Philidelph,a K X ja-JIM . the 'Akre. trahus 'ran daily, Sunday csciTted. kvipl Ak y eraiß leave Pottsville ra. :.so l'hii- Selfiala it filpr, X ompitaitlon, Ifileely, alga= and . 11`:rrr:r-i= *Acts zt iediiiiititiaa to intifitniegirra:44. ° Pr* 4ggligetstliowed to oaco verz-oh. t • plu,il„ . 2 Gwen: S•Ter ffMIE!! assAz.:Diacionati) ME App ,to, ♦new &bin. Its - Cazatitsattott BOLT M.S7-TOP „ ..pcktalluce ...au: find it the best ankle kiiiiwn as leernerrtiair feithe qiketielp:L h WAIL nUt a f r A44. ;kip peilbart. 7.80'4 1 K 1.11.1 - S6lrk±it'filti tg. • NMa .11.9F1.,2",, . ' . 4 ' IC* ihr•ifrbgty -Ai:4l4 Nt /4 lertte•e r • •, • •- r .6,Egi we oixisa., As. az. ..T.-tx.ll meth., rgaalle B : t tliat it grots r.0ch0..1.. 1.4) Pxats mad Shoes villidenit! w..n.w.g Wa.t.ht: ,Frntefr V,.. _. I —r— • .. .' - ' ' ' ' . 1 ' At. lie iiii telly " . i 4 .:.? 11 a ii q ‘ 1 ! 1 :.;* goapoOP;3garq• t 4" 1 8 wi" 't . . . 4S, Crockery Es..).ae, . . lead, 0 ent - r.yr LifiginViiit-fr-:::' Lin a: tinuinfAriirktrit: • 4stdlettz..44: 4itquole Ali scacer Euth',4l4ll7.4l6l7LL'itLE CeSIANT - • 4a.dtieres4ily 431*-itutO.,!-. . - Supp:llo. Sr. Fas4h Ue 3.13.11 Th.: i=luorer', aftecagetarDl9-20,44diteie , -AM*, 111 -•• " : 4gen - Phthulelpino, .1444111_ -fr.;] • aris. Mantilla , Iti•O r NinfiESTL7l` gl' !z 111 • Pigx•rri-Ess - mat' 4 180 „ Vier - P , p - Ad •C't, -S- 44 .1F.a ef l Yhe 7:Ad Stylcs, yttk,ti. W. Tit 1)(110_ tt 4 . tQ 'I'VE' FAA' 31AN*1LT....1 1-ATPR Ottrai", ;M:C.RESTXUESTILLET. - • • an*S ii . d r "Lfr - f'ar' 'antysiuudeiver .absuisieresis ichniges rtne burn mat ,Fwand Elan* to a wani, ratio- texai, . pp - land:4 beauty; imParting the urarirle pant, ef rrnab, laag the dislingue appearance-sa4nriung. iu the c/::. of rtis4ina. .IL rATPYef Plifrfr,P4/e 2 l E.mpicn,An , nisi or lite Okla leaving the canaptextini tr.tuqa reds ereisaapock lycontatnsato 1.0 stun . PatrorAzed.by itgrgaettgad Opera ain9e?:.:. it what everyhdr'dionla - Sold Wiakeiffi • atri r StA- AWCW... t k. ..fgritetscrgei r VAIL - PETANGR::-r. _ . 'T-er 3 ^2 10 . 0 Vi stofe, .!age stoek Wl•ret, Ert, - . IyrselsmareeLvividur 'v.'s. ; 61 Cloth- , inder% the tirstfiarits . ; and a 4• L! lowest - at .L.,,N.:113.—5c pa gne tterns% my t;ia stock linnd:,l•.;lua midi bort/di: 4 J ' ar c -F " , Ju. T. DP.Astetn.x. 1 - ; 4. 4 13 5X (4 9. d 41 . 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