Ettegtapt IiARItISBURG, PA THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—A7I Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in, thi TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom panted with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. __- TOWN AND COUN:TRY. AUCTION SALE OF VALI:CLEVE REAL ESTATE.' Ensminger & Adams will sell -this (Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock, at Brant's Hall, -that lo or piece of ground situate corner. of Cher,tna, street and liewbeiry alley. ENSKINGEIt & ADAMS; * . < Auctioneers'' ' 11(usTBD-oar Bolas made out by Sullivan Child, Clubs Agent. YzsrEnnas we noticed 'the wottndintriCsf'Cal. Zinn, of this city. It should have read _Major Zinn. l'ExstoNs and bounties eolleetedby Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent. Office in. Da A . Tiro- EGBAPH Building, Third street. jo7-5t Tmi barn of Jacob Rife, of Monroe ship, Cumberland county, was struck by,light ; Wing, on Monday, and, with its contents; en tirely consxmed. MR. JOHN BUXTON, who was for really years a baggage master on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and well known here, was kilted in the recent fight in the Wilderness. •• ilerbe longed to the 7th Maryland volunteers. .1, 4, Orrionas' ise.ox 1..1 - r due them from the State of Pennsylvania promptly colleeted7W Child, Claim Agent,' foi rivz ran' cisarrij74k r'S Fonwp.—A diary containing a number a photograph% pnpei,`&:, stUpPoidd to be 1 long to John Ferguson, Battery B, Ist Pa.,i Artillery. It can had by.. Calling:4)l..44f office, and paying for this advertisement:.-v Wominr.n.--Among those recently wounded in the army, we notice the name of Col. W.; H. Boyd, of the 21st Pennsylvania cavalry; also, Capt. Bitter, of the 184th Permayltania: regiment. Both of these gentlemen are well known here. • ComasioN.—A stock and coal train on the, Northern Central , railroad, , collided on Mon -1 Hay morning, at Bride's Curve, a lbw miles below York. Several cars were badly broken,} and a part of the track torn up. No arson was injured. WHO Is CAPT. BOWSTEDIDEt ?—We observe that the above Captain acted as the .delega4i Siona Dauphin county at the bogus Cleiliat.d Convention. The oldest inhabitants of the: county have never heard of the individual., He may be a very good man, and Captain be: sides, but nobody seems to know the fact George M. Lauman, acted as the delegate from Berks county ; but we understand he left with a big flea in his ear.. ALL non-commissioned officers and privatei or the Benzes Reserve Corps eau have the back pay due them from the State of Pennsylvania promptly collected by Sullivan . g. Claim Agent Office in Darmr TZLEGRAPIF Building, Third street. : je7-5t WE hear considerable complaint in certain quarters, that whenever the fire-plugs are used to supply the sprinkler, the hydrant water becomes cloudy, and in some instances-mud= dy, greatly to the annoyance of housekeepersi There must certainly -be something wrong with the pipes, as the use of the plugs in the street should not cause the water to become unfit for use for several hours thereafter. =I DAwannous PEACTICE.-A few evenings ago we noticed a number of boys climbing up on the stone wall at this end of . the Harris burg bridge, for the purpose of entering the bridge (we presuine) without being - observed by the gate keeper. This is a very dartgeros practice, as the slightest mistake woad cause the boys to fall to the ground belOw—a dis tance sufficient to produce serious; injUrY.',. • / "Tux patriotic ladies of Franklin 'County in tend holding a fair in ChamberibQ cam . mending on 24onday next and' continuing throughout the week, for the benefit of the United States Christian Commission. Op Friday and Saturday evenings "old folks" concerts will be given. Fatensfii arrange ments have been made to render thefEtir, the best ever held in the place. 'Mrs. Gem Conch is President of the board of managers. A Tar...LT.—ln the midst of the perplexities and troubles attendant upon the breaking of our fast press, last night, the persiins#M nected with the press-room were math the . happy recipients of a very abundant supply of delicious ice-cream, to which all hands pre sent did full justice. For this kind and sub stantial token of remembrance, they aiettua- . der obligations to Mr. George Dress, of Third' street. They take this method of tendering thanks for the same, and would advise all who want good ice-cream to give Mr. Dress a call. -.- Look 017 T FOR Tze.m.—We caution our read= era to be on their guard against an emission of spurious fifty-pent,notes (thenow phite,) which have just been put is Circulation here abouts. They can bereadily detected by ob 7 serving the following . marks ; They are, an eighth of an inch shorter than the gentine; the words "fifty cents" which surrnmint the head of Washington are very pale andiridis tinct in the counterfeit, while the lett"( are very black and distinct in the. genuine 41.16 ' bronze circle around the head in the counter : , felt can hardly be seen, while the genuine Is e deep color. The spmious, though' india.lot in all its outlines , is darker than - the' 'bad.' A al:mama mar= of Lath and Paling for male by [je9-3t] JACOB SHELL. Two FINX BZJILMIG LOTS for sale on Penn, above Prowl street. Terms, one-half •cash. Inquire of Dr. Wyeth, at Wyeth & Creamer'sSonth, -Segoryi, street. MAI-2w. A. R. WYETH. HorEL-Karsans, Arrsarriox!—A. large lot of Wash Bowls sad' Pitchers, with a large assort ment. of Chaiabeia &c:, are offered for sale at , post, at No. 28 Second street above Chastnni• The place will eloSe on Monday. je9-2t° amis Eiirrarrso.—A valuable city pro perty 'will •he - - sold this evening, at. Brant's .Hail, :by Adams. An error oc curred 'in the adyertisement on Tuesday, when the sale was announced to s take, place, i last night. See notice' 'inthis paper, and attend t the:Sale 'this evening.. Gripm pict-iiie to be given •at•Heohnlen'a ; Woods, on Saturday, J:Ane 11th.1864., This pietnie will be given byy"the same gentlemen who managed the one at - I;lettMen's Grove Fridayzand Satnrday jest, •w.bie4 was ,acknow ledged to be. the gayest of 'the season. 'Me l managers will use ' their best .endeavors to i eclipse tfitir fOrMer 'ellbrts, and • Make this] the ! A general invitation is. eatende4,l and we promise all to have'a day of Plefieani . iriereetion and enjoyment Corne one! come', all! Soldiers and c vilians. ' je9-2t iel4t - Tna.following officers have been elebted the Tax`toti'Fite'cottitynny for the ensuing year; Preaident--George,F. Weaver. Yien President--John J. Zimmerman. Treasurer--Peter'S6uelter. Secretary—B.: J. ShooP. ' , Assistant Seeretary--Pavid Simons. ChieUngineer—Cl: - VvVollmer. Assistant Bngineer—F.,Rhine. Danatico`dker; John Brans. -7,17 ASKINGTONAMUSITTALS.--ALOdlefa pi?CtOr tals of tileliltsliitigidiC DePktident for the last,xear,shojramarkahla resnlts, !. The ratio of mortality is lessthan fonr per cent., while thseplpdi spitalso Idondonexhibitomor ; tfinty =Mtth nice per &eitt.,find-ittoie of Paris more than ten' per cent. In the hos tl4 Crinietuidat .thndeath Tate wan twenty per cent., ,p.rl is thosnon the C#4lda*ie f ',rate was over 'four teen:per cent s- • - Virrial , -LLThe Will of ANDIMINV JACKS,* ur • pf Major General Burr. 4 which has been offered for probate to the l Sur rogate of Nework; gives half of the property, of the•teatator to General Btrrthn,`Ei qtitisti4i" to the widow of the deceased, -now residing in California, and. the .remaining , quarter, to the son a the testator. - .• It appears from the petit; lion; 'Sworn •to by peneral Bums, that the properq - Onlyainonnts .to :$200,000, and not $2,990, 000, - as - soMeplitiefs; 'in their , ariziety, to injure General Irrrati, by, slande.rin. , hiq dead brother, hai.aitated. I TO-NIGICT' clfsses",the seaaori of, Sanfer.d.s l :Opera`Troupe in this eity,awhen the one hu deeloncifoUrteenthenterfsininent will be give 4,... The season hes been" nnpreeedented , in•the history of minstrelsYliere i , and senfora ;congratulate hiniself upen ,being. the .Inopt . successful, manager, in th.;lw. country :•40,1t every.body. Nre would say, go to the Opals `Rouse to-night and attend the cities of .the term. T. 0 . - tmorroNV.ev.ening — Xii,xl, , the wizard and -ventriloquist, will apyear, at the (Vera , House, - also . on SatithfaY afternoon and even=" 81Clat 4 oill's troupe will leave hetet - ft-- og,a tour through y the state, and 7111Vix.itill the r pnnci iat 'toWns, and 'atiesk dun the We.taltifileaattre4gebrikrantilik himito the patronage of all. who, desire, to rsee the best minstrel ,company in'the country. Amorta-rna 'Humor= given. yesterday by the people of Hairi'sbnrg to'the Heserve 04rPs, we are led to refer to the entertainment given by Hi-114m Kepner to the remanent .of. the - "Kepner'Feneibles." Weld° this not to. make invidious distinctions, but to refer to the _7ol:' ancholy fact that of the hundred stalwart and bittOt sic, only twelve were present to grace the . ibbard and enjoy 'the, liospitality of 'the - man `'Om *hem their company derives its name, These twelve 'war-worn, ;bronzed • and ,wormded Vete- . rani were entertained.'llby the ex-maycir in a; most princely style.] His' entire fondly vied with each othor to do honor to their heroic guests. His good laily,•cOald notlO 04920 torit-them at ease, and• make them all feel welcoine. The ex-riayor himself was in his element; truly at home with his friends, the veterans. Those who are left of the kepner Fendibles will 'Ong, remember. this banquet. Its memory Will serve as the evidence of the gratitude in which, all.' true ineti. regard the soldier. Pomp n AFFAXES—Before the Mayor.--Sarah Dougherty , and Ellen "Crilp ? two; -notorious qtr •arreatacr-At• a Late hour on the streets. They wei:e .00mmitted for ten days. Watkinsi lied ,P:eriiy, Hall, for gamt:: ling, were Aned'and discharged. t "Joseph; Williams anti Wm: Lane, arrested oil - a similar charge,*.ere coinniiitedlor ten days, in default of bail.. F. B. 'Howard had - hislioclset picked'. An Italian, named Francisco Debora, was acre,kktp: ed and e'onimitted'Oii's Charge of coma ting the theft. " ' John .111.'Laughlin_ and Joseph:Parker were found asleep 'oji the wheel-bariowa' at the' de pot. They wereunalle give naatkafactory account of - themsolv‘as. 'Having no baggage, :they were taken to the lock-up, And, after a hf t arirg, were noon emitted. —Mrs. -Rice, dnra's and disorderly, was, dis 'alit:lied on payment of fine and costs. • ,'4IIF, Kennedy, drunk and disorderly, was eominitteator - finqi - ,y-eight hours. F.141,,Ann . 13 .OckitC_TAquiss...Hayi and aneuArta Bobrie; colored, :were , fFiested for disorderly conduct ethipikin.eimipany with Soldiers:: o,4B4lfri l Alley Inc)) reaoxamitted . o, look-up. I=lllll=l SUDDEN DEATH. —We are itifornieti t' -‘ Wt. Samuel H.averstack, druggist, of t,to:istv, ,died, suddenly yesterday morning. 114:f 'tended market at the usual time, took hothe his marketitig, and : shortly , afterward ea ,pired. WE.. learn .thaitetikit. - Ji S. lEptrer:. :0;1 , United States regular cavalry, was not sen ,ously wounded, as iePorted a'feW days' His hip was slightly injured,' Indite Well on duty in a few da n yth: km nephew of Gen. Cameron. Rommax.r—Last e tdAt .48111:1 ; 1 3,g house kept by Mrs. Mitchell, on Second street, above Locust, was entered by aorcieindividual“wleo picked the pockets of thee ~ of the boarders. Fortunately, there was but little money found. itis not kmiwn hew the rebber-effeoted.anten trance into the house.;; E3M== Pessen 43 , _.1,19 : 1441 ' 1 : ?.',7la**i'd-passedtitirrougltrthi cit,Z en route for Cresatinti , ;LAotniiiillS°444 Deceise4.was in4ried to a nWee Tr? eron. He belonged to the 96tli PennsilvaitA: • regifaerktp. and, was recently wounded in one o his arms, which was tiniputa:ted;'''44ftlit: L GONE TO Treare LAST Pfenii.-LA:liOrieSpotidt ent of the Boston Aurae; Writeseansaffeck in-letter freni PredetiCksbnrg, from which we tehe , the following,exiract: : ., ~, :,,,,, „. ‘.; . { • . "There.was,a„soundOf the pick and "spade in the-church-yard,,a heaving gr._ erne* earth / —a digging of trencheanotfor defenceagain t the enemy--but, the preparation of the la t resting place of departed , heroes. - Therethay lie—a, dezen of them-each wrapped: n his blanket--the leat,lAvOnaCt .'Por: them tEditfis no more war—no charges into the thielOgil - en rain dropsno 'more : lihrrahs-i-np„mcT cheering of' the dear old Brig', c bearing it 4 ward to victory , They have . fa,ll4To, 'but the victory- •is theirs, theirs ' the..soll of eternal honor. One by one aideby , Sidei-men , from kassachusetts, and front Pennsylvania, arid from Visconsin—froM.,all the State?, resting in. One' coMmon graltef ' Peace :kr thertir7l4l l- sings on those whom thei'have left behind!: } %all these things be; and steal upon our §enses i Like a Summer's dream; without , por, wolf! rner i ., , gyebitlatikinlii7this Minds Of mankiidrnsiw as in Oldeirtiniei, progOstAKivithotiVithatbi ment; indeed il through eorapetltiOiliiiihew; .ferentdembjletita - of business, it would V t: be strange•if it had increased.. Ik e ikfli,t ' - ject of wonder to the mind of the oitzteaa y thSie should be a difference in prices' for. the same kind of goods, at the different dry'gools stores of our city; and we will` hcit4;osaa,r -65u of the reader for not furnishing thenjely reasons why this'Wrong- eTista,: an 4. hope that each reader of this article;" in coiii4iSSlrirtie i,myStery involfell: -- ni - Ads subjeelf4ill be Ise 1 a f enlightened that fteir:OwAiliterett/willl iftir. distinctly to the Cheap 'Dry 46 . 0' claR"iiti L. Bowman , No.l, cor . Front and Market a .: in the:purchase of their goods.: , The ster - typed motto of: our housii (gu.l44,olohth d , . .1. energy) is to-sell , gooda at very.small 'prpn q t. , Lind it We'rilitice Monerit must:be 4hrough e, large amount of ,goods :sold. -• ' • -" .1 '.. .-- i - 44 I !.., SFECIAL'NGEI R C TI 14 ALIt HISTORY • • -• By"iv - 7 1a1.1;142 BARBobeCck,ielapitqlttob , „ Au that they have in preparation a History *what:Lie Reserves from their organization U. Wm/ 0f. 1 4.*. ' torqi - if di.Ti r ke• ..,,. t , at.,.. , • ~ Thieflistori will contain, Atrikaanieele,ALlAPAci. 4 ' and•Privatee'of 'the 'coilis- , -their .promiitiona--cas . rial elk arid discliktrgesLakieikripiitc 'deseriptions:Wlriiii ' life and their. gallant acirievemeidk in`t0:42444 414 . which they have taken part.-all'derivettininijofficial. d autheritierionrtu3s.. •'.. ' f '•i ' ) '..U . 1.E1.t.e.: i f ',.. "The Hiatory 01110'Zritrisilvitnia Reserves*rittrAn V0 1 .1:9 1 k of COO pages,. ( h - 4 46 ..fie4,0 4 0 k?i4o:o 4`r i:Tper, and substantially bound InkbkAck :Igoili ng i a Steel' engraving of ,Tie lamented , Reynolchirindpwfb of Governor coati, iritO flirt ie**olM tieforigt on . of the'Ponnay lvania Reeterve Corpo arid willie SeZerily ; ' : by iiiiiiidrilfitdii .:Itiwlll be iirialV ISPArigustriext.el 'co ~.......4 , h . r ii i icio ii rr igiii e r c o py. . , ; ‘.. , .7 ti.:1,.-I , A i...:..0 . 51.0111.1 ' .Ttke Pallet:ibis feel confident that 'die -Just Prtdb: obit dvery:retrileybiltniati . nitidt; entertain-for AbeitiiitVe4 ono whose gallant achievernentit.and pittiotleqibltsdevotiti it records,' will secure for "Trim Rricrorit"'''atteriercitat , appreciative recepticin.' ' ',- .. ' '..'L ‘- e . 1.11441 e 4 1 .. "ELIAS BASlrkto.;mPribliiiririsq b. ' No. 6 East King stree LeitCartit.iAPilli 2 .0 i 1 8 1 1 4. L ir •,i;'' ..,ie.', 41 Angara WANTED to canvass for tno'a TO Work in e ry dletrict of Pennsylvania,. Responible references relied. je7dsi. ' ''' '' -'• ' ..z. , -•”•=%.' , w. , .=.l' .1...., Baumlarrs:".l:trtgjlio. For ;thextire of :Efeatseneak diroat,,Dis eases ' &b., ' iire"'filibCfally ' "iecorribrerididl to ,ministers, singers ad,personsAbcgeroa ol„ Cillh theinto'iPettliadp - nlifik-' liitifauftrot aid only by C. A. BlEAnyart dr,„ Co., HAirrisbifte : ka-, tci whom 1111 ordailliinld` littA,k2aBM:::, Sold by druggist_every where._ _ ____— 1 ..d.l i . , ..44nAtlmfell9wilK t aa t Or r k i f t 4AELPOPF aa 1 of our eminent clergymen: - ', t :„" ' • ,- ..1 ' , R al l a - , FP) ) *t. 8 0 s ? Cl. A. liinniiiii-- ear Sir: 'V ' it ArPla7l:B 1 . 1 FP1ia.444 1 / 4 40/e 6 Pir L. th rtafeM mi k es and othepepreparations for noarseness end jriii thrOat,trciuget‘ and m m ,allo can cheerfully oommend,irerlic 440 a most admirable specific for valid - , and alngera, in oases 'of I.l.oareeneKAte,, and colds.l have, Tqiind 2; tl44 :)#$ ' sum - time .of• need, most:lieetnally.i, qi a, 'IQ 1i.5.,, . . _ .. Yours truly, T. H. RGBENBOAIni Raltor of H. S.`Pre4ireriiit - Ohirp . • • _=•_ _ ~,:•`.,_ the 0/1-1 agree with atz. , Robinson saute , Value Ofßoanivatt's;TrOchas. t ,, :u•. 4 ! v At , ..; vy S. • ityter ' , 4 ) 4 ~. Late Pastor of O. Preag: fk.az44,.. 1 . , •rim d .1. .1....,4 .xi cal .a.,t, ~It .4 To Q.A. /3 ...gismurr---Pear - nr: In th - ii 'bit of speaking - vefylglently-Niiii in pl es where the yowl orgims rfre v 13.• ds Is haVelonfid the rilkoltitto ' • to rant,. ,and-that ?spar „bsarialied in or exctileneTrlaiih&: " -1 ' - ' a l , I consider -; them . ;very farl smtipier to Y Lozenges that I have ever used, in remo g speedily that huskiness 'el the voice ' • 0 , ,, froth its too freqientiuse, -and - ) 12111ilist Ith' effectiveness of the ;deliver y iti- ,, ‘• dresses. 4ours, ,ko., , • . ~:. . • :,.:. 1" alio. wmaitikieo'N, I Pastor of the - Ix:v:lst Metho dist` St: Chun!' O.A• - ,t • • i.1.g11.-: To C. A. RINNTrAzz--.-Ders;•gir: Having et. your. . *babes, Illtm free to say they are the" best I have ever , tried ~ , and _talc eat pleasure in recommeinni,tx'allpe L rflons afflicted with sore [throat or linskine . of voice' , idiliffrOin' Public speaking or sin g. . tours; &a., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Afenne Methodist Ohnrc ki 4 it ) I t —44 0 I. Exult= Arromrsx's „Onus, " Haftsrestrao, Ab: 29,1g64. jTki ti; !AV ReihtiliT-44.1eariAlis•-• 4 3 1 have found youriTroches to re lieving hoarseness and in stitengWaing l i the 4 Arific.m(44l,lol6so.,)aftiipt,A-,,..... ,t 0,41145 Xox.t4i, anil Ars_ o@rwaply, of,goav no iiCtoiaribiio:Bl)oakerit ~.w4 vd. J. , :.,,. . ~, ...i. I -t: .... ~....,..... - , 46.- NEW A I roy 4tIK sy FIREWORKS! W.HOLEfin AND RETAIL BY JCIP WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA.. i"..—..... THE following Rook of Fireworks is now in store: Roman Candles, . 724 '''''' Rockets, Yin Wheels, • . Mines of Stars and Serpents.. Serpents, ... 40 Grasshoppers, Water Pots, ' Flower Pots; Scroll Wheels, Bengola Lights, Triangles Blue Lights, Red, White and Blue, Spangalettes, Chinese Rockets, w. 4 "' Pulling Cracker; Fire Crackers 'Fiirtiedos, Torpedo k Flieeracketenn, N'ew Torpedo Bow, JOSS Stick, or Punk, Ras, &e. Now is the time toe ftchase—while there is a good as : sortment. --r JOHN IVISF, jee-dtr...„.„. Third street, near Walnut, VALUABLE FitalEt PUBLIC SALE-, THE subscriber will lat public sale On Saturday, JunUgth, 1, at the Court House the city of Harrisburg, at 2 o'clock Y. tr.., the farm not occupied by Jacob i.iirOting, Tu. Susquehanna townshipl taid farm contains one handset acres, more or less, and is bounded by landsdfirHerroluAlricks, Geo. W. McCall; J. German and others-, PaaYfih creek runs along and through the farm.t'l/41 There is a fine two-story atono house and bank barn mit the plane, and also &Age limestone quarry. A draft of. the farm can bo seen at the office of Dr. Rutherford, on Front street, any time until day of salo. The above feria is within 3.34 miles of the city an.. is in fine order. - je7-dts O. D. FORSTER. NMI =lf • TO LEARN ZANO-FORTE - PLAYING I FASELY .Ax THOROUGHLY use the' STANOARD INSTRUCTION BOOK. "Richardson'! Now Method." anttinnvement upon all others in pro gressive.armngernen_,_t adaptation and simplicity. Found ed upon a new andWiginal plan, and Illustrated by a series of platos,.showing the proper position of the hands and lingers. F The popularity of thiabook has never been equalled by that of any similar work. Ten thousand copies are sold every year. Among teacherdand all who have examined it, it is pronounced superior in excellence to all other "Methods," "Systems," and "Schools," and the book that every pupil needs for the acquirement of a thorough knowledge of Piano-Tianeiplpyingil It.isoidats# grades of tuition, friiihr 'aetdies•tifittie . youngest, to the studies and exercises of advanced pupils. Two editions are published, ono adopting American, the , 4s ti6 eigu fle:lg i NTlmitllie work h is ot:dered,,if no antls d wit IHMAW lia ibe de 6 MIPPIA it sure that in ordering it you are, particular Da specifying the "NEW METHOD." Price $3 50. Mailed, postpaid, to any address, Sold by all Music Dealers. OLIVER DITSON h CO., Publishers, 277 Washington street., Boston, i LL:I . • - je7-tf IMMENSE AUCTION SALE OF A LARGE AND ELEGANT COLLECTION OF I RAeIIAfiBitI3OIIIARLASEIVASHELLSI AT THE MARKET HOUSE, lIARRISBURO. ~ . 1110 be sold without reserve, or limit as to: "Frei,,,.,..:.4.4‘ If. VAOAL , I 41**,....; *tit* 'it Pia ! ~. . 48 1.‘''41Wlarldisik esal.k., c.' t • Zebra ~/.114 a a.a.. w.mi us/4N '..wd.g . 5.-. , ... zla . .,Iz, ", part of a recentshipment from London, Eaglandi,ot 801 0 .8( of the most splendid Marine Sheila ever witnessed in t s country, with various other'natural curiosities, compr -,' ~.. lug CORALS, CAMEOS. PEARLS,&C i .1 consisting VAR I..QOAREO L MENS, such as have nr4ra befohl - kie'ffeeistillA.. ',. thiilii'clpifyl and a e opportunity is now offered to the citizens. The public, and ladies in particular, are invited to ttr.. amine this magniacent assortment of curiosities from t e dominions of -a sail utile Ajr.e. s tv4 I.4tplacirbl,l a . . t.t. , 4 "di +to lisi.W.4l-54.). 1340 - yutififcara,="Yf: -.sracrAdt. I v . : l ' 14.4 1fit'd rliril ail 4llo4 WOrkatadkatAlXollaVagitaLZo447 10:40.0.wittl Aultate themlnitiltapag agiplailOillao2l.lo '-,, ders and beauties of the mighty deep. Also, a4vartet.ylof'l 16 1 1SV E V i lifte LOAtALGO , a MIMI V.r1.41...1 X.r.r. ~; 1,1I ,1 apatittl ire, I.)4anti lemony K.". 151 1 -.,. i . tat .3 , i,ot la: ~111n,:atip: ' , 4 llr , i , (1 , ..:..1.11 , 1i: Lax] ~ .VAa.11.1.11.b .s onto!! I B A . 1...ianw5034 . 04 •'eft n,ll i A ,oryst of SWARM 16 EimiX pis l othlTALsl.u. ouk ',,J, 't ' I ° 4 *SBEELIFIItitIMP I ''' . "" 4 AND.ROICES. Sale to commence, Wednesday, June Bth, and continue, I Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at 10 o'clock A. ac, as 3 P. M.; 5150, Wednesday and Saturday mornings, Market hours. ENSMINGER & ADAMS, i. ..._, tha. 4 l4-41.5t 4 „ ~, Auptloneers, „, .. _......... lIARMSBURG itCOMMITTEE / OF THE GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR ON 11A SOB, INCOME AND REVENUE. Public Oilices—W W Bays, Chas Connor. • lzetzgnomminwit?)f ,,, , , - rojkutiMAl W 2 O ; At Stlllii4VAlipp:,„ ' ''' ru g. - -7 4. ..W,,,„ at ',..,, t . t .• ~ 12ihi. tkrua..ia pol .....}.l ' 1 0 Fillnk.4 . 1.141, .47.TE.14 441 j ... Jc.4, n54 R4g gi s er,Viat.% - In% aSti..iVakd itIP.L/ MR Spoel. Leather and Shoes—Sohn Edwards, I K. Greenawalt. Clothiers—John W Clover, William Sayford. Lumber—John 'B Cox, D I) Boas. Hotels—Charles Mann, William 0 Thompson. Printers and Book Sellers—George Bergner,' Theod Bintti.Ao/01A/5 AlliOn iqin u bIITIOII, A ..u. meek.. Express and Telegraph—John H Berryhin, John B. ham. Medical—Dr Martin, Wm H Egle. Dentistry—Dr J P Keller, J W MoSit. PluaittßrltPe 1400tiN041 11 '&14444.14A 48414iTLIA.MI:Pe•Kr: r--Plial4lol)%ve.i. 144 tiaLts.,ii eaeu) u.s 31,,eatt Railroads-Samuel D Young, J NDabarry. ' 1 . 9 1 59E0901 e r 4uCji4uPElgP.PlTXo: l 444riiikstlo' l ffijiMiotto n .iaii. ,, --.. i Los Asinitodspititl Awatelari iVictiishirs ang , g4efer - '.. - - 4 .444 0 40fi,...aP1d3.5- t•• ' ul i h...CAßFeKeisimaillevorlliTlMAstalui&Ailie& K ... 4Fili e day evening next, June 9th, at 8 o'clock, at the HOUSE, for the purpose of organization. By order of the Chairman. je7-dtf wiviicimuktificawitomiza,...,. Ratunsatran, Pa., June 6, 1864. TO DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed LieuL CoL J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Man General, by his circular, No. 59, of June 4, 1864, to jish "That drafted. MO are not alkivred , ROMitfatiliilvoi WetirtiftNetiortiedrßfired! m iffilitWaltlielerbditeLforqtra `inea , AllMtlfflaii•forrYtaavetaPilahlolsofratkoiiiiildhlt l 'firiqu'ditikeltcpclinialtbfktilittlibriobartfodB6l linstori 'll.6tlideriliftdWraWnheitienyttibit'AqifegA6eintatiriernte , w,vitb atiky4autußNlA sw 11144Ciplai.iladifFiiferoittgaM:4441,t6antati jeg.dtf xilalsna,Atothe ,anmultsl Mae* FOR SALE. bticipm. e t inPligrtielaneWinAtilllafflititeit cora order and running at present at his saloon at Carlisle The 11l health of the subscriber is the only reason th. duces him to offer the same for sale. Any inform. regarding the same will be given by addressing TA* liKWIM.not wta t w t 491.41 41t Er. 1,, x 4., 5_1z.1 bILLI 64 64 4 , KIALIEM (.0.4 a 1, - Larxaet 'fro; 5,114•541 i": ' btdd otiC r itA &Nit ,4444.114 1 :1 AND 4 HISVAI VOWSPOIitt ft o o : S ateAzir g eat laasertient 1 4 4 y r tgr e mswyt, , t .i4.I tOtttOirdWORTAITA . DE, :21..ffA I V1 .0 CuT4Ullile Material ' l NfifeklsTD PIANO COVERS. 1.. SIIEPPARD,IAIi k EiCINCEN & ABELSON, Y itigg - A t attiVtiabie i "k ovieLltiv 4 4.tue Awit 4PIiIADELPHIA.. —• PRIME LARD. FINE Kettle Rendered LARD, just received at BEIBLER k FRAM • mark " Xenccesaora to Wm. Dock, jr., &I .) AFRESH guly of Micheriefa Clelob Sugar Cured ftma and Dried Beef, at n 0251 atf PI BOYER & ROERPER. A'AMS HAMS 4 ..5-A. fresh supply, of ;eh eners's Xxcelaor Zama and Dried Beef, at Jana BOYER & SOERI4.R. To THE PUBLIC —The undersigned offer for , sale, i tli4r season, a very large riu City , of ROSE BUSHER, FLOWER PLANTS in eat variety J. 1 I D . u , n 'ARD, the best impo] Rtaikt just received . or sale by 1 211 IMSLER k FRAZWyr , reb/ iireeessora to Wm. Dook, jr., & Gel DD— _ .._ ~. I FRAM of all kinds at attr i jsz i firlY4 *. BOY= & KO • N. • 1 11, WANTED—Several Ce Makers and Carpenters for in door work. Highest wage@ paid .Also,. a 'stout boy te strike in the blacksmith' shop Appfy at tale Eagle Works. W. 0. HICKOK, FIREWORKS ! WANTED—A 'first-class BAR-TENDER at tlka... . . NATIONAL HOUSE, je63t Market street. IIATANTBD—A good pastry Cook, and a 4..1 IN good t acgik. Inquire at the ap3o-dtf BRADY HOUSE. NEWS .-ADVERTISEMENTS. GEE/VTVENTRAL SANITARY FAIR EXCURSION. EXCURSION TICKETS 7 *LE BE HEXED BY THE 'PENNkYLVANIA RAIROAQ- COMPANY , yis.79.lts TO THE gA.Ml#ll 4 f 2 FOAS Harrisburg, C r aiiinliti:axita4er, Parkesburg, Paoli, and intermediate Attitiftis, to Philadelphia and return. From Harrisburg, by the Mount Joy Accom- modation leaving at... 7:20 A. 3i 3 Columpia.AtTommodatioa leaving at 117:20:e. X. ~ , Ind tylbe Ifillatdifg iitoebnitaedation, "' '" u iesibilig.iit:• . !. , ±1. 7 . ( !.Y.R4 . . 1 "• 1 1 , LiL2..-..'.-i.-. 5:25 P. 2d. 'FrOM'CoMmbiti, tbyatmin. - . 0.C.::..%.:.:...:: , .. , ....4 ..13.:2 4.. zit. a il. 2 low1"1 ' - p. 71 ' .':" ' 4:- -i,......P w .......3...:A> 53 P. 11 . I " '' i "..' " ,z. . . ....; 6:150 P. X. s *lllXY•l6l{ire . i', bY"tiain at ' 1 ' ' ''" 11:110b.. 3d. ''''"'": ' '1: '•' ,ll " , " 2 - - . I' • - •"•'..... 1. V . . 2: 2..'1. - ..r. - 4:84 P.M.. ' . l l Yoi r r Parkesburg, by train at . , . .. 1... . ... ...... A. lk. .......1 .... 'ii. 4 - • li' .A" • WP.S.t'l.P* 2 .dP l- - . . " iipill only, at , „ .. , „ ~ ~., „ . , ..,,_, .1.00 P. X. "Ftati PiOti, bY : {l•Ein - at:: '. • ' • -- • - 7 :00 .i. ir. +, -' -.F.-. to 44vest- rhiladolphiai ~.. 0n1y , iii,. , ...,....,.4. ,. ..,..,:::.,.......: .......... .. 4:16 P. AL .Fxcußsl.9,4 . Ti.cN.Ars, mill be good for a return trip on :eith..* of-the accommodirtithilrairdwhich leave Philadel phiAraskniii'Station at 10":00 w. .at, 1:00 P. M., 2:30 P., N.,. 4:00 PO Ltand.west Philadellibia Station at 6:00 r. EXCErrISIQK T/DR.F.T3 will. not, be sold by Conductors in the cars, and will not be good upon any other than the trains specified. EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold from June 6th to 18th inclusive, and each ticket will be GOOD;FOR YOUR DAYS ONLY. , LEWIS. pi4-2w .General THE subscribers invite the attention of persons visiting the city, to their very extensive as sortment of 1: - ,,.:',." - F,ANCT - AND STAPLE DRY G001)8, before bat; late advance, and wt4Ch Vid ate - selling the lowest market price. • • hecistock 'deludes a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, viz;' • . - • Damask Table Cloths, Napkins and Doiliee. ,TalileLinins by the yard; qualities.) • • Cturtnber and Bath Towels, White 'and col'd borders. • Mokaback and fancy Towelling by the yard. "! Marseilles Quilts, Blanksta, Toilet Covers. „ Also, in great variety, logsn2Cartibrie Handkerchiefs, for ladies and Gents. '---tut;-merkpyand. Gliaze Shiite and Drawers : . sAgst'exiduNinii6b._ Unsling, Nansooks, , Cambrics, Brit. Jiarita,,Yhpyrj.,edies' Collars, Sleeves, and, Gaffs. hisser. ,Einbroidenes, r}tiweit styles,of oop SYctrfs "'And the best:description Of •"' Lattleay . Gentlimen!a and Children's Cotton Thread and IgrerbtolaositiY. SHEET:ARO; VAN . RAILING: MN ARRISON, 1008 Chestnut street Philadelphia. Xcteaff 14. S 0. N... Philadelphia and Reading Rail- • 1 , ..mixem,-81,4cai:!rickElsTO'!.P4:ELOKL „El .PIII4,ANT, RETURN, good for„any,tbree 'days from. moNpAy; Ririe 6tb, to MONDAY, June: 20th,,D164, wql be sold'elthe offices dt the Pbilittelpbhe andd - Reading ißaltroad attthi following rates.: - • ' $3.50 HumnseLstioalt . $ 3 . 61 0 , At. awatera 8.60 Beaver . 3.75 Hirriaburg.,' L 8.85 ” • ": ' • illettExcorgiOti * Tfetlet tuaket , or warEda: - Itert , te(Eltelfair. • The 4bove,lTiqicetl,All. at ,the Rallioad.flax4s only N! ),44 5k e ,t 6 i 1 P14 1 2T e r9s °, G. A. mcGus, 6461 , 11-Superintendent. May 300,1884 my3l-dtjollAndt NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. wgrAR bßucroit 3higsT LTITR.AFARROTECZS TAl'akai.nat I_ any possible injury taieresin toilers; do * a 150 k of ' water, which is the great source of so any sad cataatro phes,and so much damage from the burning of hone*: ,Mro warrwAttila Instrument to boix.pfpfect.:intrurintc ,agatrist. such,cout*gencitati; pe4fict*npfactis* goal-an -teed or Vo 'Thice:sso. • ' • """Serid for an i initrOlikent"anti trfit; if rit*-ilatisfactory. 3kat.ximy.retturnda .Circulars withfreferenceaSeut to MY o,lofiepiring„t i tigin..t,A„doo* y,o,ur,coratimuications to C WADE & CO CO. ' • ' " '''Pittabtfig; . Q TiNREVALLED CHAFAIXE FIANTIVRE ) ~,,POLISH does, not affect the, varnish, but resfibros Lye, original lustre. It does npt - „discalor. It wilt restoi e, 'vfilit`verelitile hiller every finished surface, either metal :or wood, All manufacturers `and , dealers in. furnkture • should.use for cleaning,furnitute that ,has been stand,- coveyed with dust.. • A .toucla,firid rub there and there " For salohY ' • WA. - KUNKEL &BRO. - ' 118.1farket street; Harrisburg. 101 d -goJARS ENG UR .Texr,E,s Comprising Picalilly, Chow Chow Cauliflo wer,, Mixed PieldkVerkirts,'Wtdants-itiffl OniOns. , .For ` sale wholesale and retail by SHISLER & FRAZER,. mys successors to•Vir.Dock, Jr., & Co. A L ROUMFOR FOR SALE. i SORIVEIiNARA good in: harness, and a:. i, ilkewpitaltaduiVtackney. Also akilnittcritte SAYING 3,443olgotrithlstathlg top; and a COINAGE, witti two of-W..1. • fjoktw*.l , GEORGE PORTER. LOTS FOR .SALE. H—BERItY/lILL having sold put of his t.) iv :ground _shoviii;town, will sell lots of an acre each a'ong the Reel read., There,ls one lot left of two acres with floe river fronelsrfeet.. The buildings will be 'sold, with AWE. or sties. :" " 1:11 ~_.. NEW 1., "f44rl,4..siqfoßlm. - k il*PORTAid..p ...T.404.41p5„ .. '!:ID 1 iirtirO.T-L itie.".o - demiiiiew otitis . stDo ' ' to thatiiiita; ir'elaicd lot a the bistliele4s4Vet'brin tto tiiiisiurgiirit:4Wisilt Braridiei,`Ratitsictlaini, , him, ,80,24071,-.Afyieat., and. ,044 Ant Whisky; 1" ' - a n d.voi nf zite Irjrr,4l, 81104 as Champagne, CharecCabitoba,' 'ail'. All liquors warranted ; as • represented. Lan ords 'acid oth e rs - will 'flail it tolkehr iithotatika.lo catraa ex kiiiitietho3 tiaoriment' at . :the, totoresi - on- :Sottth, Scond• otepp,:twsditgra below Chcataat, ~ ' ~ 1 ._ 4 my27-46m - 11 . IX.S.. 1 1 11.FPATIE 0 SALE • ONE .Of . - 'the best locations for lON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated Ividth in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvaniarallroad andcanal, about five hundred feet wide, and alongside orthe best limestone quarries to the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, zoom- for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the ':,land Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, • Iratedia,dif • HarriA.O rig, 04 , i ) ,Vbßadelphia..Vresti4 3 rt:Aoree eit an send hill to thitrottkie.f ' " JUST RE:OEIVEIf), THIS Mtr.)l:o33lG, I • * .h. FRES4,INVOIOF., OF ItUICHENER & CO: , S CELEBRAZED -SUGAR CURED ; 1 1-1.41.31. S AND BEEF; SEU.SLEP., dr,YßAzi'dt'S. for S tile. Q ACRES of Land,. Danpli e i i ir. co. suit e, is or the , to saw mu or farther particulars, address tik/D4s,l?auPhha OrS SPARKLING GELATLN, 44 thdi bait received and foraoje b fel (EnthoesidifitosWizt: .040114 4 =1 NEB,s63xr,r4imour t qs 4.t0i0 article of Wes lieef ana:PiSm. at SHISLIM kSRAZIthi 69 • — Quieten= tit mDook, 3 ,Icoo.l Staj t -"I' ? WANTS I ',A.`CARD. road. ECM SANFOIttog THIRD'RTREET, BELOW MARKET 11E4 OF BITuRR'S HOTEL, S. S. SAlTFORli..,..Proprietor and Manager 114TH NIGHT, ~. AND LAST OF THE SEASON. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 9 Hr. S. begs leave to return his sincere. tiaitte to his patrons and the public, for the di - tea pive patronage he bas received the past season. The troupe will clad several cities in the State, - returning temporarily during toe sea son. Until then, I bid adieu. The Public Servant, S. S.-SANFORD. W Y ii A. V -v-' WILL APPEAR HERE, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Also , SATURDAY AFTERNOON, _GRAND FAMILY-.PRIFORMANCE. Orchestra Seats can be pr cared in advance Lat . /bun - nut's Drug Stone Doote open at eg. Oennnenee gto B. Pblice alwaysfit attendiuroe to preserve order.. Achnittancols cents- • Orchestra chairs, 50 cents Private boxes entire, $0; Seats, El each: . WYMAN, THE ViTIZARp, AT SANFORD'S HALL. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Also, t * . SATURDAY AFTERNOON. CANTFililatir MUSIC BAIL. WALL UT' BELOW TBXBO,. - - •. , OPEN.ENTIKEY -EVENING, With sc:SirstAslass , Compp.ny of . SINGERS, IANCERVXMEDIANS, &c., &a. Admission . ....... . . ......... ..... . .... ,I 5 43nts Seam in Rows... : ::: .... " TELTIRSIXACIr 4- ‘ ' • G-11,A.ND P -N-I FOB THE BENEFIT OF TER: HOPE FIRE COMPANY, NO. 2, TO BE MBLB Al'- •ric) - Vm7 mAcw , s_ ON TiffiltSDAY, JUNE 16, 166-1. Twkets... N•conts FLOOR Bi&IyAGERS. D. R. MARTIN, "" R. R. BARR, WM. CABS . , THEO. 2 . 1t01f * An adequate police. force will be on the gi_oimrto pre serve order, and the committee refer to former o - crASions. No rioting or disorderly conduct of any Lind mill be tot crated. It is the intention of the committee to niakO this the plumic of the season. . Cara will lestie the foot or Market street at 8 and M- stopping at Crossing. Returning, leave the w oods at 73r. s. Pare for round trip 2s-amts Carriages will leave the 16194 $01:1941 every hour daring COMMINTitc. - Ed. Haven, ..' . R. R. Barr,. , Henry Snyder, P. Finnigan, Samuel Kline, Ed. Clay, James Dunlap, . -D. C. Martin. _ . • I.ol[l-1. D -E. Martin, Wine Canon, Wm M'Coy, H. K Frankem, Matthias Haman, Theo. Thomas, J. E. Faught, _ mr27-decid4!cdtd Valuable Laud for' Hale— lie exposed to public sale, on 8at0r .,.T.1 day, the 4th _day of June next, at 10'4Veleick A. at the Court House, la the city or Harilltumt, the .FARM and Tract of Land late the estate of Jacob 'Grove, deceased, and on which he resided at the time of lrs death, situate in Susquehanna township, Dauphin bounty, on tee:public road leading from Harrisburg to Fox's! mill, on sawn creek, three miles from Harrisburg', bonded by lands of H. Alricks, Coover and ForAer's huh* con- Wain thirtir acres of LIMESTOhir LANA 'fenced and in good' order, with a large two story frame quelling Mon, barn and out houses, all newly huh., and an orchard 'of apple trees end"other fruit ther•on. ReeskinAbill be given online tirst of April next. Torun , of sileurtamade knovgn by undersigned, agents for , the Mira rilJacob Grove, decease& - • • . SAHUELGIUWE, myl6-d2tawtek.w3t JOHN GROVE. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES INAR'DKPARTYNNT, CAVATXT.IIIIIULA; Oivics or CHIMP QUARTZENASZBR, Wassztoron, D. C., April 25,:1884- T.Erjr.i'beSo).4 'at public. auction, - to the Ilikiwtbylder, at the times and plaa4named b. Northomba*id, Penn's, Thursday, June oth. Screntutt;Penri'k Thursday, June ltith. Fenn'a, Thursday, June 23d, - One Hundred (100) horses at Gettysburg, and Tire Hun dred and Nifty (250) at. each of the otherp4etw. Thessiforsee have been condemned as end for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road' and farm purposes many good bargains may he had. - ' Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 a. ac, and centime daily .till all are sold. • . ~ • TEEMS: CASH in United States Treasury notes only. • JAMES A. SKIN. Lt. Vol. and C. 4 M. Cavalry-Unreau. ap2B-dtd xoiCE. rll.o.llndarsigned Commiss:i9ners„ named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th day of May, 1884, entitled an act to incorporate the Millers burg and Reath Gap Railroad Company,• hereby give public notice that books will be opened-for receiving sub scriptioni to the Capital &lock of said Company at the following named times and places in-the county of Dau phin, to..w it • At the house of Jacob Lenker, in Gratz town, the 23ddityofJmaajnst. At the house of Benjamin Bordner, in Berrystiurg, on MONDAY, the 27th day of /tine, inst. At the house of d. 9. Yeager, in Millersburg, on THURSDAY, the 20th day of June, lust t At the JONES HOUSE, in the City of Harrisburg, •en TUESDAY, the sth- day of July nett; and that et said times and places some two or more of the Comatizsioners will attend, and that the Books will be kept open at least six hours, colnixtencing: at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, for the term of three judicial dag, or until the number of shares authorized by the law Mall have beetksubseribeal..: -• . DAVID R. MMUS PORTER, JAMES FRKELAND, G. M. BRUBAHER, F. WENBICK; JONATHAN SWAB, DANIEL LEBIL je2d-4w H.I.BROBITRO, ISt June, A. C. SMITH r.:Af w, -Fro rergoYeMisoefrorg. Third to WW nut street, next to the PrisciE AU business in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful snootier. SWEET CIDEILT—A small but very fine lot of Sweet Cider, just received at SEMLER & F.I34IZES, pocrAtesin. terw. Vincir_ .Jr.. Cm) ~,arse ByTTER,-'I3UTTERN—Yresh. roll butter Snyder county received every week. Also 41116- 81 [ay4] BOYER k ILOKRPER. A - Soldiers' Porte° i t LARGE, a ssorbinent at 'ilittdO:lt's CHEAP BOOKSTORE, • maids 'Bolxlitira9/04PlePr retild - wrices. ^LB altdl§H, ol + e oele -1 00k1"'bratalt St George brand, jut received ii iait4 We 4 .. I '34 f BSLER & FRAZER, 1 4 , 1 0, „,, ~..,.. „,, , , omi.eTra to Win. Dock, jr., ir Co.) N Mita
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers