Tilli TELEGr_RAPH IS PUBLISHED HORNING AND EVENING, GEORGE lIERGNER. OEIFICE THIRD ST, NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SURF, =ON. Tux Poix Tmicitiria is served to subscribers in the c ity at B cents advance Yearly subscribers will be arge,l o 00 in Those person; who neglect to pay in advance Will be charged. $8 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. . iy r TELsoterliii also published weekly, and is furnishet 0 subscribers at the following cash rates: s i ngle copies, weekly.... 60 111 . es copies to one Post Office... •• • • ... • 00 len copies to one Pest Office .MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR TEE 'IINFORTWATEt THE p741-G,soucartivt DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee CHEROKEE 0 14 7-b r KIONA , • 002,IPOUNDED FROW.ItOI* MARKS AND , L . EkitES. CHEWS EEE REMEDY, thigriat Adian rd 2 9 . 4C eau all ditglitssAf.i - hf:Frinar3l.organ s, 5ucf 4. ,1 8 .A 1 14:44‘,: won fight .Urtie r hylammatio , ' a of the iihstlaeraitfiesoai . motion ofqime ix the Bladder,4 ll .10:ur,,.. ar arid, Glad, Gorinorhea, and is esp ecially reconininFiesi; i s owe eases of flu m #ibyitqat Whites ;'#l finggl) tuners WI the oldnausea, reclicieeshave . • . , or It inprepanid a highly concentrated corn t he' dose ouly'heing frObi one biliviilethiPoo'nfiiiii three Wins per day. jar kis diuretic and alterative twits action; purifying god cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all (-Of . ite o riginal:Purity andiiigor; thud remotingfrordthe6;lem: . ail parniCiona tsfas whieh have induced disease. OHEEOKIK ittitOrioi . ? is intended as an ally orrwelstl i t I aid to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and ,sliOnld vi',loo, ',minuet-ton with that medicine In ail:canes Goaterrhosi; Lied, ruler ..42nts or Mitts. Its elide * aiw-, 4 40,4 1 ., ,, , soothing and demulcent.; removing ell scalding; hiA t obordee and pain, Instead of the burning and almost. nn endurable pain that Is enwrienced with neatly' all 'OA cioaP Pac k Itegl i ‘rt. u—By the use of the CHEROKEE REIIEEDY and CHEROKEE INJECllONn4hefinimedicines at the same time—all improper , that#unitar , w Pii ikititOfer4ind the weak erred organs are vigor and strength. - flerFor tlil i part i oty rp,s4;92rAphleb....fron§ drug :tare in the countitletlelikeiutt r i we will mail free. to any address', ` a , r Price, CHEROKKE. REMEDY, .$2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. Va• Price CfLERNEEE I.W.Fl•gnObill 44 i pottl2, or ;N. -co bpillea for 1 46. va.,. Se* lo" express is pay - addregs qdt riiiiildfrt of price. ts, Sold by all druggists oveiywhere. • DR. W. R. KERWIN iSz CO r, rti " plc inarld-oodly • N0.'54 Liberty atrial, New York CIIEItOKEE )'( c. . gRW IN DIAITAMDibIistE. COHPDCZ FROM ROOTS, 0.440f$ I,g4:TP: • do toultaing cure for Sperisaior.rhe a, ..S'esewirwerik tiass,tNsid.unsa2 Zsissions, and all diseases causally . self ; Pagqoh; su c h a s I "ilt . 'k e, U t s ilri 4 g AV* in Of Brfeic,..4ntif39 p.m", -rzma#grfr_l44•46..c . : aiwthihg, TFC4isbling, - n*tiß/tßtions Ootentenaiice,'',lfiad a ktly,, Cistrustition, anti . cailMPistrn2.Wnnigain4s parting from the paq4 of riatttie.,! , ' rood3nine IS a SintplS volgttihie 4010r,'iai f kar, 4tola ati'mps - :Ay; pi -it-his been usea in- our practice' truniy yeal*ainl : with , thousands: trotitedt , ft has not Wed in a Stail4itanno: curative pokers have been estlcient to gain ii'doiyav'er the !twit zero thow:who have trilled. with their constitution, until they thltc.ihemsetles beydn&the reach or'diedical id, we would Sai rpti the CIIEROEXE CP.l33k Will restore you .rto aud vigor, ; aid after itlf-51.?"44 1, - - : 49 0 tors.havelafied I • • • .. . . Air For full particulars, get a Circh*_frord SPY. pink' ore to the country, qr ;.write the .L.Proprietor, who trill Q 44 free ' l**° crOsiiinitih e ime, a riaiteittie in pamphlet form. ........ ar-Prices $2 per bottle, or three* bottles* *for •sb,:liti.d . forwarded by express to all parts of the . ;;"; lyieSeld by all respectable druggists everywhere:* . •Dli. wr. R MERWIN Ei ed., " . . Sons PlectrareToxs, marlOoodly ' ; fift*Liberty street, Xew,yorge-....) Shisl;ler omoessori I.OW tn: Dock,& Ca.) ' nEALERB -IN FIFE FAY ,GI QO- RLES, oppositoithe,Court Ramp, Agyi wi bAndpdtge t' 4 .l9 ° '; or = - -: et ditibrent•yintageci 'LATE 414 k oqi f fmoN,Trums,. • • • , • • •Pciweifittis,4; OLDBOtIRBON, - . JitaIiONGAJILELA,' , r,r - nr ' r t t" Firm rxrsir AND 'AVOTOB Whigkts. VASIL 'ever 1;1'01414 to this market FAMILY NECTAR And the celebrated - - atafrx - crr .GRO 1 ).-Y• ' I -7 , 1 j 4 CIIAMPAVIV.E'WiNiTS..- eiLOSEI-JOH9NNM3URG; .; f - r 'SCOTCHAND /111811%;ALE8'.1 • I.4ii , ,itid.WEßLits•••#pu'A - ' • WILD GIIIvR w , . sct, 7 PLANTATION, ,-)If -, , raf r,WiaWAILTONIC.I=4SS Pltti r a estripletA stock Of ; i s •311 A And Condiments of everydeltrititiOn tit° iita Cet, snd at TEE 'LOWEST RATTY. Ir ttiiB ' ..6 - 1411• ilric AitAcitEtx4..-140W ,b*...5 PERPUJ&NG LINEN `AND PREY TINE MOTH '-!! TunIPOWEIER---a compound of valukbhi eilliSeet'fie'r"die destruction of insects—distributed among iii , dusted over Furs, Woolens, Corpals,..tlahMe; 46, Paek I AORY -Tar- Bummert. VAfeCtuVIFI ger"fit, Being nig tiallVil„dif*ble l : rfurne , prienate'eletfaiilW The meet' faftA 'Fecebe'fulured - bil its use - Prepar4facreoAd KELLER'S Dreitiiiiil'anut'Eß)Oils•Store, Ile. 91 Market :Street. G'= ii , T E -M-- Sl-0 . th,ici;,, , iividesieffilaemE izi: , N'04.44 1 4. Rmience: Thirci street, above North. 4 d 1 f I. g . 1 - prAmti4- HAMS !I —Mieheneet . Fx-ealsior. .LJ. Just cured. Recelva slid, foi,k4 .at `,. I. mar2B (SuccemoiVa4M) ( ' i CUT FLY P.A.P.OR.:, ..,: .„.1- , 1 A . NlClLassortauent of_CuLtipiiinti.:Ceili „pi., ,- ...ingia,:looking,g4.lBr-a... - pictu T e franwr a, . 1 SCREFA:pIeug BoQF: ( , 1 03 , 2 1 A:: ” " ' jirlerfiiing i TM 2 ZWEET ClDBll,—Stißeiliin awselsarit. I.J recAlre4 For pile 4 . Ilma l tarel Or omalr it .- : .o_i 2..,?:,-,,,i ' lgOTEß"dtto 1 •.a. -- VZ.2 . ...t..!.7- , CLVIVX.t. , —"IrAFI - 1 1 f 1, ....`! . ... 2 . 1 . 3 . ..a41,1 , 44.. , .. , .' - T. ,,, , - .^, - .4 , -_, ... . = , • • . 7. • . . 1-„,-,.... ~....': *'''" '" - -'' l • - : • :1 - ..,, ' . ,-.. . . , . .. . ' ' 6 " , -.. %rt. Vii .. t i t '- ; ,"- 41. '" : --, ' '" 4 ',' • • ' . . . . 41 1) " s •:..ls-,„ " ;,• . I . , . - . 111 1 . . • .. . . .. . .. - '--'"%.-' ~.. ,S,o\.fb///, . .• -: ,* ;! -,.... '. ~ . • 4- . '- . . 741 :.: . --, ' '' ' . .:),4 ;-- , ,, ; ;; T1'' .: E : 4: -*: \,. .. -- - -- *4; '' ",.. , 7); ,,r. : : . .:.:, ' .: : • . . .. ' .. ' . • - ..•:' '' • • 115 Di 1 ) - ' . . • ', ''. .).„ - ' - '" , :J - mk' : f , .14-.'-' '''rq - ' - ' - ': , " ' 4 ', '•-• 't , . . . • .' ..4.. .• .rk , ,*:n 4- • . - • '''::'.'• „-jr.:‘,,IVR , . '' ,t 4:l* . *- - - e-''':.. '' . i ii" ,- ; --,..... .' , '..- • ' ', .. ..: , . ~.. , ~.. , •-: ~ :. . ~.,. ~ , . .. ~ , . ....,,,-,., . ...7.-- , V -",:. - 6 , -, ( .. t-4 , t.-_. ~',.., , ' '‘.: , ,q.'. .- , , 4 . .. • -.._ _; ;.• , , ....,,,,,..„-dwi...„-4, ..::„ _.-',;'- . 4 „ - .•- • _-- , :...'.i. - . . , . . . .. ~ , . •--.• , . ' , ' .;:. :.. OE -Bye::GEORG'E - .:taGNEIL MR.DiCAL. itEAT _t 6J ENI `~A~E~R~~.~~~~'~~`RE~I~DI~S~ , ~ ..KNCIWN AS otv , ,ifvf -411 L 1;0.7 liiINTIADATgq="I I -It4WITSZenZt . - -lEW44OO4P'XrZRACTAO ,34- PA R Z LL4 On':! , g fibul r 3'lo H8LM130104.4t PROVED 421:15E, BM • 16%D.1. , •..1•.'i hi; "!:,' -1,; GENUINE XREPARATIONS: E'Dt • - COMPO U&D FL 3 D ..tittia:AIMUPOUCTIV - r r, "'mull() ad J.ll - 5 i MrtrlVS , ANDISBECIFIOREMPT . , 111 50 7 • .• ,{ . ..u,t7_*ba - Disik*coptint. gi 1 , -?..i " kneakllo.lt; KID/ ' - pORAYEIL • . , :.. .: 1 . froqj ..i.i.! _ :,, ) C.: :' . ..0,11 , . ~ ..4.,t ,101.1 ID ?"Pr1PA.9151.0,44. ,§WELLINGS:= itc•i Iffrgtaitrgito:iiici4fgetillie: p — ciNtli .tif,Disic ..":, 00144,,44. 46iies mit, ABSoitErTs. 1 ,thfci &lay! ,m, bY Sylue4 Aks , l'lAß,Y_,,..:'orS,,A.49pAsu , s,. v deticikT7, ti t ow; R1A,5 01 ,E-'qiyr;ri i ,7z. 1 rt , l i v ,s cr eila tEN ip at a ti d r if i u,4., t t A , t , i , I N or ar.lla n.: , 1 h;i:c altifo‘ - 4 . :'n.C'' , tun I , tr.e. ,nr: arm R ° c AI- na LILBOLVS, .EXTRACT ~.tlJeltr , g4ATTRAWP4ES 4 ' ' - • 117tirolilEkgeeagsliat14 deg In discretion 4 P-2 ATTENDED WITH THE EOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. ..)::,..,. 1 .1 IndjapotAtloujo .E2L44;:ii , . D nftoL ryrkigui n,.;qF ~ . rr . boss of biemory, fogol Power, , ir , v. , , , 4 . 1 Week Nerves, Ai '4IIT 1 1 31 -I P-al:''r.PSlß ' rea llll . o 4; '— aorrorlotAiseq e,. : • .' .11:,'Il.,ARI: t4II,MO.4.3in,APA L .• 4 ,Att:. T 14• 1 21 Al? .. f. Ili - wl i.g&ttAto of the Pain to me . 44asOolargi l aterk ------ - —Flushingof—the . 414 4*------- ot. limas, Pallid CZ.4."1886X1203!...) Q 1- if LI t ) These symptoms, allowelo,go on, which this medi rLe injaßably r reiggoteksooelloli eel./ ENEOTIM24;PPAti r gNk. in Ape .of Nylaic„b, patient may ,expirb: w ean, ,sa file ~ . E~p , areflidtlMuentit' - foitcrtred by ~ tbotie • adfferal piseases," re.:IIIT INSANITY CONSUKI7,I3W.I .J.:eruLt.; AtgaleA . n*0441:60t.% 41(' O! et_ nit ; er . w, s l'but IncinolWahinnifelia v-Tk%Kelegrd%.4f-t4o l 2ePie,e-Uln e,, ;the melancholy deaths kvolopelonto l ots,ajow leese to the tr 4. e , r i b v i e l!TOli,; QUO r A 1•• IT Brie ONWitri3TM ' 6N dB r AIEF LED VIA tAIWICAXEAKINWP iiF Requtre@p,Edn, o f jvdielno to stronehen and invlgonkte !-H thbold7E , EictAia'Xl3d , Rahnizirdtiably itihoba.e system, o EtjT.AT;RS-'7l'Ett‘,LES-1.7 Q 4 R{Z ,g,.8 - 40344 .44-A411,. 6 i1: 6 6 12 4 - ± ' ' pIATTI , II7. 'I4R - 1114430 Ill".• t!.: • . . . . _ In nanny, aglidfna,P . qullni.te feluallithe Igthaa, Bu chti queijua Otlierireakieo, as in Chiorosis or Retenthui,lrrAkUiatitykl'aiii,fulpie*ut suppression of the cuitoinary-Evacataits, ric+te'd'Or:Tirrogsgateprlhe Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites,'St'erith. "tor" plaints incident to the sex, whether ari4ing from rmAis;re. Lion, .q 1 Raids of Dues! cation or to UP*, Lion, Raids OLL .(11r ' t , l .ti A r ret z #4 . l 6#:42olz SHOIJT,U.:I3k Ut. j_p Unpleasanted Pilligejoutia ~sisegs a ; • . ... rEEI.4IIIIO§OR'S T.41;CRAPT,41.;14 adr artifi*Paitaefigia Mt alelFBS.4ieWjliiiiittle artTigurct late or no blikeiranteuctuitudilo ex satire. t Otinetisqraßlfelft-iitisifer4ulV grivniturireogttiotii atxprOtutiAlutim bthittintitt nllttingStrietnr& or Ile' Urgaink: Abeyttlglivitoiodrint ritiithno 3 , fimpakiic thiA elkstiVPUßlAMea,Viidieepalitg I,sisoneue,. M C'U' Mid IVOMM\I4.; Maitmtar2trlietkiftada .111301.4 thlOtitita,phbAfiiive,bei3tiltliewhititnicoltiMaukk,/mil who tia`ye:tag foes tmllebTaittl riftt sitorcitowc. have fopird ttiefkirgret s tistd, mail that the "Poisohnfatalchy pe.nse of "powerful /tringents, - aeon 'dried up in Ina sysfeni: to bred atuf...6 ittgraVrFrAlE ol 43 EV 40 after marriage. Use Fq.I4.IpI4IZSAIX3:4ItT AugpF.sy a sicafrectioss timt Disemits:SNlSMetrin&y OcgadaymiliAlida.ixisting in Male or Female, from whaleyer cause originating, and no .44.,• r i of 44,9% Avg s.tmolitor ,pf ° wok (tatmfee the , 4l.l4loet a IBUGB:tf.ie.thnxirt t Diurptiqi - s.ad -dosired;:efamtd .W 1 Disemmr ! ,i,thp.mik, EteliabS ' id%Aticiiig.eo4l. st ted Compowl t'LUID EXTMAUT SIP:SSP-sat :LOY Tr- US. This iStUraetioypf tll !1 , attacks the ; 9.7 . ;...*l,9%.nme j janinga of the, Xese -Ir4" W,i,n,th pipe mills otlibr Maus glbtrAirielirlibera 111 the Nolo . qbtif.Tlpegn. 145trEket SmsmaßiAla pu riftek-dieLßUidit; End removes. oll.Sottlp EittpUMAIS '6f the - . Bkinvgiving.to . th.9CgmaPlexiMa c4far.A4Aol4=ft.W ex It being prepared prgs..ly4k.rethie ithpo its 8100d -Purifying Properties are pge!tammij Urn. ima t g extent thanALlVAthen PrePtraPiAltA4tikaPerilt. 11111213 -;,. :.:....-.,.. r- - .;1:_- 7 .''.; i Dien taellept.Lption'forAlfseareot,..aElphnitic Nature, and as an injection iti mitane#l, ~R . i ,„ 0.. pr nriry. l _ ......,: arising from habits of dis.sipaho ~ 11?. 9 0 ?y 1 M, 12 !. as• the Extracts Buchu and Stl - ,1 1.1:E . , recommended. Evidence of thee tra 173 - ire-i liable character will accogairattlik% es CERTIFI-, CATES OF CURElifkr , LiP a ll a s'et . ;,l: Years Fame. For s Ife d di e cti with coon bv i'Vr " f the e- U led States.l e s ensary u ER rpper . ide P • 7 S valuable works on the Practice of 141. - yelk-d7liaid tbratiiksfmideid*.the.f.kale 7 .. cebibrftkild-Dr„. , 17WSICE1)- - Vbiliddlphiatil EdeLseitiarkallsnade Aki:Eir., :EFttElt.i meDOWEL74 a:celebrated YhyMoratradtlmetp 4 tier of the Royal College oftßurgeorts,t and, pubibritOtiltAbe 'Ariablactlons'df AtielKing!s,andcQueenistriortanat.t . lEce , Medicti:Chlrsergasid•Revlew,published byllEta.ff e ß i"-FalidaslotPshe Royal College. of: SurgeOlnak r lteffittbdkPr the late standard works on Medicine. Est iflif.aueh.u.; ' $1..00 per...bottle, or-.l2llllbettb39 Air os6 ' 00* lifE4l4l l Ct o; ! Sarsaparills, $1 00 verf:bottlegoot, Sixao;lliftzikis MI proved Rose Waski;.fiCtcentalier bettlemOr .**.u . ,,tve gsa b 0 or lreff li'dozed eti.dhAbr $l2 00, which will be sufficient I • •eure thernost obstinate talsoa If dirixtionssrp adhered to. Delivered to act,A4deespotkcprely packed from ebi gsltvgldit•••• neWlibe• s YP+ l l4' n ? s .;+ in AR,Wi . I ), g atq d r . ,Cu P4i.int. 6 4, - ...*tice.g*tas.' - _ , ~,,pasonany.apPo.memiNfamm.A4P/ Alde'AliaurtAckt3r waiik9litsidelphia, la ,T, ,, l l @ipAbold,-who,b.eiPg 41419* 1 / 2 ).% > ivital•strAbisjirmartiuna ,c9l4taiß, L!il P4u7g9,49,-Ad; -per tgeSutur other injurious drugs, aud.i.Apurmy,"::: 46 4 r . 7.- -- ... , s' , l E Viti i • ; * T S o t antamtbearibed-uesoro - inw - i th 1123 a ," _ d. a " i.1144;6 R77.7?11t;. I , WK. P. RMS . (.oJ dl '..i' iiid'AldAiliati t Vititlintreet., ab. tise4; a . Tontai ' 441k4.11L ' a il , atra lf -- ' iial litt ealann ilti . jrlei t u AP.ltird" --- ' p i pea y. i t ATO ,11..."36. •W et consectria I ".T.HE UNIO - T:=-e - NOW AND Webster' _ , r• HARREBtRG, PA.,:THtifgVAT, tVERINCIBMOL tx4.lupgtrfogi.xmAilltfOn'Aeu . FROM •GRAIIT . I 'o.firiCtelitgati t.:Tiz,Jl.`l,3 . - 1- 17• ,, T.tfl , • , A I Jolt: .V 4r! •• ,e Vag •rirE 7,.(11.1.):11,.“/(iifi,t ; h Au rOur jr" rod r r ;:(` .r. , ° CA. i l l i t # l q 6 g' . 0 4 Afilipxo.*-,loiiapi, , mops:: , tAlt en tißf:.)l rr ~...,^.!t . . i t i et : • - A mob h : ik r Ai :dap 111"60 ;; c OPeratiOlitiVi °Uri liaStF:l-I , Vetik4 _Lfaiml:Jl t cf f.T )1.011,:o r7:i ! : : 4, .1:3 tur ordies SubeessfultivArliott. "fia, Ifiw:VitTLIVGFAL,Int92,4I:mi -7 , 441faj0r-G;hieocti,ibjeirNet4rlWk A disp!tfoltfr§ia L VeilOral clMedyoet ,4rday i•eporig , plat, all -has been Teryr:Ardet. to-day. No casuaftie"s reported. .:r t. I.' 07 C .71‘ - 1 a - •• f, , . 1 Pt" ( " 't.l4Pq.Ctk." • 41' 42,e - 4 0 •eneratt tflit,,lgfcvsrxdrorrici• • - • , 41 • dispatch. ofroie ,I f XriyEqttiti; oat ,treft?o,Giaitks 'tiedifeitaite r is; 1• t i t , 8 rtauc . ;, •7 , • 'l l fft, )-.e.tuTM 4 PO,4 111 P.PW 1 9pa.ki ry Ur. M• AtilltetloßivS• l 2tites rebels: b:eyqndi bahritont tzthdTtherieber Gett NvAt "'tailed 4ts. l7 tlfi' -i t'iattle." 2 £leld 4 . -1 Tftit: L' • I kkr -1% 6 11141.wiond.,Nentilterfoil yrav *.p laic 911":41 - defeat. of. .General W. •F t , • SohAi fidy, :4 ; '`den•-310. 1 541•At0 tilled , on the, fteldrated:hiri. Ok&sheeor -rettieePtouiWtOgilitifllo {- ;ttnA d _44 3 / 4 i /: hobis - 1 th e oun aitt - 138t0ag lEuk§faunt° ll :. nritilleipaiortturthmisbateethat hp hosTrialS ior stores y ere eaptured 494 r fc t i 0 ; 68, .4sll l -11.Y.RW) 1 11 0 4 1 T•.," ••1 • : 2 • • ,:t9IT4ODWIN[Iiit_STANTON, i": 1111/". 1 '• * BeCretary MEM ft W.titimilmv;r7iiVsi}3=4a tee's VlPf°irY' an oce 1 4on 45,A.twitt440 , ,,,p9p-sTme'ci by 44.3.1919 lowing dispatch just received frona , G,erierids B u tl er: . Oi`c. 4. ; sLit I , 11 1.. All quigt.o4 mY "Riclonoud dune 7th give jut.sill, gei 3 / 4 139 qtlo fights at Jilit...Crawford, between Ogirifilritgearid'GrVii:7fifies, ter w . u,..lj,..yietpyil?G,! ivl4 - 17 : TO nes, rtalkel .. coin =Antler wits 3411 ed, 0 - AkerNiNiXas ,cettPia bY '4kP , . , ,ftimp.au,„.l3.aßtrat A.e.A42414.Xaer.d.A.21-e5r.eni0g, , ,3; 30 .r: tlibaver beDirAkeklatQatie pass s and -find it adwirnblelot:Aux initpoesr atil is, the' spur of he .Aliegganites rl , w0 ,,, C•3 , t it-Q21.4 to clirectiono :Mot reidds berme! rzoim4Oliitortla i;)A. O g0r,4101 . ^,el 7 .4 - 1::„g2 t nt f ft , 121 . ipsvigt(s 3 .l ' ith - 133:11:61ap - h* but are nornVe - 44(1,ydi-VAOlie .;:TVe , irt • Ore . :Seed? Qn LIMA :111,0,11AttanAnP11-44,P1 e..9l , trff , ad, t' i;:iliM l :oo,l l k 6D of u FtV o l l .? Y ;;;sl44! T # 34 havo been repeimetliwiticirreport-sektialso 4VogiriViiisi 9.9p xckand,, 3_3;.}:A03 riTt.(llil'ili _ • •••• L •f . STANTON, . _no jEriinec i a Sva:...etntl3.{.4k Pc deasant 'ride fair(orsluggighlira all dEpa,rlailuits tl.l44 . lGreilt, , ,Oenistait East; absorbing,. most;01 thectrttettielinatilVeyoitil 'cotarouilitt:L--qc l ! __CaaverseedltetrWod .aid , ;, i&._.dert,rolo! 6 * v p. t . 1 ,5 5 , 4 ,1 4 1"par i t 41 T . ilu9t)ay i l .q $2 VV.! 'PlasseeddeAuateaely demand at $346. - ; VLOUe—The KoNinhrlref is iilhetive, there' 1 beinglqv lij ilya o - 1 '41.119; fornort or hone ts eiiiiu V , lpil, , : tides "are'steadily PO4'o l o ' 40t.g004 ifets.oodPektila., lint r O i c i 'A ir: 71111, j 18 1:; 1 1 1 10"biti t rels jpff i gnidf4-,ilt *g,-,.: „ i e. g Ij a rty.4l4fr a tm l fly At $8141:, '.. e s'a . g' ,o tlfeyeetfflerhild 'bakers haVe'lpeeil'wittiSil;AtikaiU,Ot*s"o - k ITilereigw,eryliittJerYei pour 49re, and it is 11.4 a itt , S7,* Thetiglitikeb iibitre citecaMiii.l4llo.piiebs . iiie'itiirtitial,! GRAIN, —The wheat mark& *-:W firia, - 71jrat 113,81,3 ; is u vo i litgr;lcring;, sales of 4,000 ,15tis.: g4 , ..44t , fe4l, MrA B ,A sr-rBk,ie-itifp at 'teiliteg„, 4.1115®2115;,40011.1.1iiiiie1s .Eold ati...tKirtitte , ftfpre.': , ltyo•Liii 5 te”04314 , cannot - i 34 .eittbterl . -I .6reV Ogi- lig ° ,,g4) l 7,#MlCO,.(ipift;;* lli ,;41.;51,1641Tiifh.3 1 1 1 0v A IVA A4}4";.,,iu 3 4 2,(100 Ilfilsiltirstoti9 at $llB. oi.ixtecare,steaatyl g t , 4 l 2AKVlVuL...._sold at 87®88e. -',' .la r'..-- ! „P ; .11 ;,-- • - -- Pi voitt Ss ..: _...` - .:10r,,..1 i ...I i Lig / .1,4*.A) lA A , i iiikiv eti .3 -41. ;, , ,i XT33. 0 :i ,; 7 •:,..- v•-• nd 0...41,tx .h..c, or WEDNESDAY, 1111 E 8. ..It ii. 1 philute Tow:Jugli „.,-, WA , i I tit at, ~it, dlboa .141 W eirsaNiaa4a4i ,rtssin 1 f ; v:: ,11 Srl7 Forces 15r7 c::( If " . , OWE • q* J 'AVA I I I !:;) ":.:TEE11.0329114,1111X1V; June-&.• Fr t ow • Orleaw!. • ~•ar • ILEBEiS. =BOAS PIROIR-13, : 'tOw.: JOE'`gOiL i tit;biek-aAiu Ta:MItS4,IIIII, • . • ' ll l 4 ' ' jnne ' The steamer Luminary, From, New ,(iirlean! on Oda 2d, arrived here'to:day. • Sh6reports the .guerrillaa ver,y,aLtive along tlie - rotdo i .-.7Se 'Vera' Veen fed into; Itis.the Venerallikinion around Duvall's Pat ,joe Shelby had d. Starte'tha r 'll'iald'to`Missiaari. R. '4 - ikront-itaitimore OE Proceedinos of the —Union , National , • Convention: . Ruea fOX,theAPinernment ith . Convention: --v,. • f o.es., - ..1 a'l Lincoln's Nonkination Unanimous. is. , .: j k , N,Tilu§TAS EOM E* . .....,:,,Y 1 ,0;Tt'; I'liftl :iV.ig.E.::-ii::PßMllEfft,':. i• !...i.tr• ' • . *PPOOltrOont, of o. Natlona.l Eltevertiliroteommitttee f ihe Conve T'14. 4 E 1 l JP I.'A , T*F OLR B rnroas Jtine 8 ' Oralie,asienibing •of the .convection thii. rad rhflig,': * 4fid after prayer,'.'the PFe' 4 f 4 e l 4f C,a4seilt4e /can of the conventism,'ltSsiieil by the National Executive conimlitee,''std.he read.:` The call specifiedthap each:State represe,iited' ita.o.Zifit7esti l liVel44;f/e;eotiplitleo clekatee in;! t 11 41 . °110 4 4t 1 0 11 r • 1 : - '1 ''. ' ' •' ' Til t o - 60 'apfted,''Oh. the order ofhaSiness repo'rted a reennan;teaddd. t 4 t, -- #.t National, tr - uia 63" itiee•kS.oiirdge tip - ijciftd to bon; hi t hify,, Fit' on ; iiiiiiofir "freia ;ead ;S At te r ,Teiri- r toiyitifallYisTOYeptqUiitek . in tai.o:6l4eh-, t tioll. ..t .0: :. tet ~ ,, .. s t ':.l l, ' U :.. _N . . 1 TiSfS " All ' Vge - Ilhir l) , 1 Citll6Aliiiittlif_4_ok4- na i!tts- rn el' sliel Slagi7TTiti nes Lffirtaiiis ie starri i i rfron to ft ' rzi l atU4 10.137,J , J . re J(36 yenton,Athe. Sta shall be called in e fol loging•-orderi- • ..._ -'' L t iT" MI rtlti s/ TAT" n M/ 6 , lin etts, i.o e's al ' n'edticur, •ew ;York, Nev . Jk l ysey, Pennelvania, Oelaware illitilpf4,Acslkuf Ice tiiky,h l .9l4 'lei an- 411 1LItn.fisi r '44'higAtt, Wisobrism,f l ibwala . , , 'loniliiesota, - - California, Oregon West Vir ginia,44oAnK,a44,that, citheyStoteA r an, d'',,* r ,ritollet 'KAMM by the d'onvlntaft-ellitled/to /representation in the same shall be cal ed in I bis Artter,i t u which „they are addgl.../ - .,..- „ '; j I ' Rare 2'. "Fouf f votes shall be" Caatl3 'Y - 'ale ! delegates at large of each State, and each IC.3prigtlissleng t ilkiglet shill ;IN ,e)itltled to,,tifek, • votes. The votes of each delegation shall be Irepgrted by its chairman. Rale' rt '. The' , .raPoll,ll.olV. the.. c'ciatiittee torii credentials shall ..bp... disposed of before the 'report of the eoinmittee'on Plhtform and reso- lutions is acted upon, and the report of the gegiltAittterTmilklatAgrm t d ABPlllgiqng be disposed of before the convention proceeds to Dsllot for President and Tice President. Tina)'when. Ttl Shah be determined by this convention what States and Territories areentitled, to representation in this conven tAon;,t6gether' with the number, of yptes c to they may be entitle‘a'laiMAY of then vote.s so, determined shall'he - rectursite't6 nominate caudidlitee. for. p.reSideht and Vice Pesident No membinsita4 sPeak More , than same :cpiehtibri,,nor.longer five. in~nptes without the inininiods consent of th j e:iconventiOn. • • The, rules of th . g.,A1640 - ot . 11:9PFe sentativek Wall' continue fo-21:14, 146 rules of this convention so - fst..4pll4l4lk'ap'plipabre and,not inconsistent with the foregoing rill6s coLl34lrczif,iis 63,Famings.: - t-tlitnu."l? King; Chairman." - of • the. Committee on...:Credentialsil (presented the' leport of') the coinbritte'6 ni follows r r. A."; ffitim)the:Statei cif Masachnsettsik nee:tient, Vannont, Rhode Islank NewlYrirk; geW2Joriey .fPonnsylvainia.;.) Delaware, '..41-Eiry land, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana r alinois,lowa, tlimresota; Oregon,•.:California,! Kartswittial 'N'tbst Virginia iwera all T'egularp nadu.nrel,ad; Milted to seats with all frights taidifiriVi. I.6ges ofirneinberiipeadept OneidistricV of Peim- I2l3plirinsiEw - which 1 had . )ielectedl ft:mains:tea& of •twci):Menili4svf The .copardittee , Admitbsd-thd twicirldreceivdd the largest nuntber ofavotes Finii as delegates,- and-therotlier two.as alternates „,atalinik Mud j tw , ?. Ate trePl the States 4 1/ rsti9 l l-iketleiß 2l 46' ellst•ss the ppw : mittfe.. recommend. th os e Stjlink themselves the Union tas:dipsl s - dftlegatiisn!be awarded.the seats. [Appranse 'and cheering.] "Vile 3: 'Oat 'the delegates from Virginia, anti'Aittitinaa:l be "ad ;aft f illdtiWillrgFi thifilehr , , except ttitirof e • • e • 11111:4 it from tho Teri atiiT the liiktrict.OVOolumbia be' •ad mitte,d to seats and all the privileges exa•ls - t titat 'of iratAug: I • , 34 Brag. 6 . . - Thafthe fiersbns- presenting thein selves as de4kitteo . frbllv'lhe State'"of 'South Cithilina are not 4iifilled -to the rightt of- del .. - egatei'on the '!” • • • • •'•Jair. l liirig'ittit'ed 'that the report was nearly unanimous; and — ifitirdtghte did not agree witlAlWinfoleieptikOit ilhtingdttaliti:ohcatiion to suggest to the convention his views on the AstlquriqoestiorL. "He would theieferci - recordmaiinhat all the. delegates tram Missouri be admitted to the; tOott .. and- that When they are able to 7 a ^ree one a vote they = shall jointly' r&lit :tie vote the.:: State entitled to, , wlV.Wheri"they :can agree That the :vote . ..ef iti the State •e" net:east- 1 41e abeompaidettihiS • gligvestioti with the was ui~wil: This iierqirite :let ,, the' friends izifi tliefUnitiivtd quarrel oriiiiirititigoirAihiqr .Iy, 4 9l7WlttdOei3tltlilialialutfailGfat,lforitheipref ./toro,torsd. :)!It t•qual -141: /D . , ri...43:1 NOME Dia TRICt TWO CENTS: - J.; seat time. panctioited aztionlll.at no,fiAtzre time he Itopedsanction the vote if Vie - sikezribut - Of ihei piiirideitiOn Tar - 2.lixotitssl.42lcoviltltz4=4;4o4B. ;The hmendinentof f Pirestou , King - was 7oted down and;*s 9nrxtien.,7Bo . 4.en,mi mo,#qn to adriiii.tO seats 844 1 iii i , - j tfit - o - : ote; the' Radietil ljiiibifilefe;Ottifs - frolif" to sigh:idly altfigetherttifi:Ot otdaegatettcal-: ling theonsplyestlkae s pmlition4_,. _ E Ur4iPRAPIn Sgates., - This s w,„otaon . 4:m 40 - W4 Ayes 4404_ nays, va`iu'snd"bne front rentriblit... o lTaid?fspEd plause.] On motion-of—Mr,..lawk-of --Kansas, the - question of .Ithe itdrelesion : of_tim Temprzeina "delegqtes,w?s,llecisleti. first ar4,py: wolf, The v4t r e on tlie.idinlision of t,lin - delegit - 41 ; from Teitri&s4Se; kr,'• was; CleettiktiliV thee:111'114'111W ve;;teeil), nayse 151,['rc States Afttl.r.cards.. their . fes, ii akin - ate of ruiatice NUt(l . mush : ' The delegetegfroth-Arkiitismaruiliouisitina INVOrg: :with tlie Tight toTote r , 11; v0te:0f,,307 pagcaud , X62 nays., hree 1e16 4 -idteg rioth the Territclii4e of Nei-- :Veva& ivere . -then , ad:- mitted , outhirsame terms tiy ampoiri'dpTini'commirfrai•biliis& trithigi. lion. Reilly :J.' Itaymond, presehted: the ;report of the: committee (in 4ea-r . olutions. The mention of Mr. Linco101( name in the. resoluticlnuetidAlw expressions ofapp;o:4,l. of his actt,,y i ereAscehrc.Anitti cheers. Tile yeALtilorts rye itAanimonsfy adopted, NOMINATION oir*..t.pfcOrs. Camerr n of I.)PunsAY444ll`: thiac:OnvenXicspo,vcomite far; P 1 esi 9f the. ijnitaik4tit.,Alaraliain:lineglia, [l.p Ad find: long Cpritiniied and ft;r 3 ltice,PresiT, dent,:pannibal.Hamlni. camer_op. after, }yard modified his !notion, siMply,p.Onfinating Mr. Afr: :tinyeaficaX 9p New 'Y'Prif - , - Firgedtlieecin 7 ire: l 4i9lite.,ll o 4l l F4 3 irt4e 4 1954:etti if the. reinillaqen cPciart 'tiPP94rigied" through : .the convention se, rzepiect that , t4.4§tniePilpft called RJ; 1 444, ~ ,P 11 . 1 0 , 4 418 . be npnlinat4 4l in that way •• 40 - kat•!jl -- .v*'4'l:P: then called acid the hairman offthe &raga-, tion of agcliState in succession aroae,aridahi er.d.,thilt entire Stiite( l q , alitit% was cast for, Abrabani:l4,neoln., As eac4,§ti*. Was thug announced, the wildest eptmitit!at prevailed, and the whole „theatre. r g, with. eh:P .l e . .i • ,L. T l ;e o l 3)xCePtiP. l 4 WiffPnthe'eeke- 14 sgrtx,, which cast lier,22:3:9;ta at first for Gen-, )4t , she 4tea - kras changedittO. pkg. ,thuti re eeiye the unanimous vskte._ igat,e‘s"tin: all • yh v i . e resull. was.,aimo4nneiii; egatps,aial,thß,,entite r Aftlieticye rpffe to 'their Yeet; wil y graved Mats. s and 4k l 44 l iiele bike fOF • AI + l.4c - ‘ ite4rsit- , rimeToilrbOiMiiitmt. 1:. rfila /Li LT/ • I Al.niel r7prlc•;.An. thee: Johns ,of "4en? 3l .4 4 ?gfir - 4 011 4-14 124,m -?lin, and :Gov,: Rousseau, n ot / vileriiiicty, were 'nominated for yi g# .y F e..o4eut , 1 , Hon. rivnittu.Txemain, an eloquelft wror. of the n,oniniatlon :of Mr. .Dickitu : ;on,attd. 044144 : tospeak .iu behalf of the wa : ,:r d penkoerato 3;o f l e i : Yot ! liz , he „ 4.np, enointoins . Majoritrifor the iipp,iiiiiewof,thiluouvention. Orayone ballot was taken. for .tsissiL ;dent. Sfr. ~ickiueon and s!r Sash}}in each, 'received :a large'y9teiybilt the votes given o" !them were alter:war ilzd before the an nouncemencor.l.Ae,mq ~eXai,igefl. in. favor of fdr. Johnedii. It -- The final. result 'vim snuourieedL-197 for Johnson. 13 for Alc4 - lusny,-and 9 for 1 3 1syalini On motion git:gr' s :Ercula t i,l-,le,:ttig a .4l+l.ll4Yo - 11' of Mr. Solulson irfAde .unurifffo,Ark` The•NatiOnal Exkliti7re'Coniiiiiftee fiir the' next four yenrs were ; then axle tom eapb. cteleg4tica). „. ; • A.'eO`ramit.tee of one from State Wae ii then .016eteil to Tu L goin and ea - their noiniattort, -( .;. • , JI VOW* 9 f " ta p ics 7Nr," -theß-Iteeed- rto the.. thfl convention, P4 1 5 1 the- body THE PLATFORM: • 3cl •. r Tlip.rnsql34lo.oApprsed and ap_prnTelkof tlie , aoti4 PutilicsmPasuT..es td .1d r. especially .tny emancipation_.proc t lamitffion,• and. tile ,ftill4Rg l or,4ll,lresT, and .clenfilrnytliat all •the Reamixea:t 2 liat.. / lifrips)oeß al4fiPtexil):!Y Ole clrinuißtratiou, were KegaiFeslloTAiiifex igencies of the nation. : o TilfMell*FEß thil"Mcfnr9 7'keY tlikaitt - Ws4.o 41 efkri) 4r006133 % an 4s.*B tßia tickktie,74apleproti49n. Palit,:tittfitti, - ILYY:, - :thiklrai#,_ 9. 1 4( 1- ?PA L 1 435 PTllll3t:lVLoalia'..t. T 1493 1 1 ePr esn tche 00RYi9#0P1113.tfOggiv,96 the panye tin; nndit tol2s3.9l:voitte4 exOrpatecl anti that the,CoustiOl t ipp i , 93l ,, ht be sal - Untied by ;:y proxisaqn. to 1.408T5et,,.., R,etcupoto :44 16. LL Ilierci*Ani:s4oßAg A, Y. irgi#.l l 4 , • • 7_:.!!:arket 6 eprg - t , _ ; RianaukbiyhtmErauti cet, FAXPAI or..bi.Turte. 8: . -L , Tfie' rlfielaratindhlSertOiert of• Akine.3d,Lun iioxiiiCasEtii4 iirrthiPof I?soiyuisfiner4,".on - Fri-- ; ealle than !"an aneulfiralkd aridrbiirliarous•mase,','oete. - 1 ,, ' sits 4 (heel weril Friday fourteen assaults milde by( Oratit'ili , alloy -on tho. right. of • their line; :held -by: Hoke. and Breb,k inr,idge,itall of 'Aehielit were repulsed-with "eaValalighter . of- the-fa:es:silents, ronr , men.es • '.O . iitigzittiost nithattit'ectn t. , --It tic knOwredgek,f °however, that our array anceesSngainat . Brackinridge, but asys•tWireedveriskthe ground.. ;' bur leek itissVg Winr.--reft : hseirvi; ktulplaises it at fr t om 3 101000; 645 1 124000 in , this engagement and=elainiito Int4elicioo,prisoriers..f, ' The , 84ittiar , furtherremiFitivithat :Grant'f! object' rigs' fold* ttie streitglx!isitionsiiirbtmd i G a i r i e eMilfrtipen. Ebe roadl :' . .Utteriewbfidige Land connect witll , l3o4l*butthirctatientiehili aiifollawatioF.. , i run ! rr.d odw [aeLlalqqa] Trait .baa rums gLik STIAI . PRINTiti - effitiv.. ADVERTISING RATIMA—DANI--TFT.FrkiaFt_ ii ct iLi tt9lloesinpare tke rats /or luivertisi in the, . F Those havingistrerttling tO fdo : 144 it , - ,;,. ibinek tforeototenta ' • • i' ‘_l' 4- ' . .L.:• • • relic lines or IMI constltete one-half square. WI, , ght lints ermote than Your constitute a square: ` FOR A neLe KELM ._ _t:" FO 0. BQTAILX-- --- ODA ,lAT $ so . One day lstro days... ......... : 50 Ti - o'clays ..,.., }'CC Three day, . 75. Rm.& days ~... 125 eine week 125 Ono vrenk.! -. - i..i,. , . , : - 2IA - :Oat month... ..... .. sOO One C00i1a....'...:::: ' 6 cC fyro-monilie- - 4So Two-zgairazit:. - ........... 9 00` ?Simi months 5 so Throvtitappol:-..;. - -c. li ico= :I'. 01i, toonthi s 00 SIX fiktiths - 'ls' 0 " 4 ` On .. ... ... —l6 00 A Quezear-^. - 4 .. 26 00 ' iii 6 gulakou- ..........,_ - , ...,, , liodebe • i; i V TIT . ' 1 , ....;;;;"..-11r.T, 40e. Author's Notices f t . 4 3 - a rklashresu haertat the:iocal , ior. Atore 4arringes and Death; &oar M 8 Lucas Twc ( spa Welton. _ Mil - r _ln g librogtt ,Tepterday wacc..ll.appyroinft fpit :lig, Ad lire7WA4 lost' iid ground on our. right ' - we have gained largely on our lett, and we have taken nearly 4,P00 prisoners._ We have:Pit hors tht, combat perhaps 10,000 Yankee sOlaters. and we suf fered vary,alight, 7.Thank.„ Aocl ~ i" Akar — d 4 wanallieleliiNans&nond - litit by our troops, under Major Gates, who az :raided numerous citikens. • A. Moore 66th liorth Carolina heht, Was killed in :Bram' . it fiti3t! bud - iGen. Law Was wounded above the eye, 'on the alii - e'day;'aleo, Generals Lane, Kirkland'andr One brigade in its battles with Butler, 1414 t over 400. (in Thursday night made by ;lire Gillthorethe Works' m4keirApy : Beituregaid, repulsed:' r.ol l = , T4WlN 3o 4#4'± 3 death is.anuonnced. He i 4,wormded and taken prisonertheisttheist•on theist i~fant "alpa trig - next eanimMided ;like io eit roi . k ... , A dispatch:from . , Newillope, - - reportn.:/ - , iilrarnnalamg along, Vie,litteron,June 24; : also : v that Dallits wag eva&attefl.by the Union forces . 'on the: ' ' "eAtteira, Ga'. ; ;Tune 2. L=Thamelenient the 7 illindree army toward.-the Etowah riverqs. denerally accepted here as a relinquishment. 4 the 'on to Atlanta ' moyement. - kee' loss shic.Clbe advauce:frOin dliattmlooga •islintatea:!at , 30,000' 1 Woimded int'd 15;000 IMEM .?sick.,: missing and prisealers.i • • •'‘ It is reported that. at Kingston t t he forage i6' all eaten Out, and the chrint.Wri;iaged of - civet 'particle of food. Gen: G. W. Smith` I.fte,h.eriimanimously elicited 'major-genera te:o9lturraud:,:tile reserve trqops.. , , I "(leneral Brow engaged in preparing the *tile troupe for - active - Service. Lovell tendered :his servieta to General Johnston,"_ And hag. bed* here on _important seryines. , 'He has lett for the fmnt-. "A diipateli ( official ) froM Atlanta says, on the everting'ilf the - 2,11111M enemy attacked Cleburne Aeraely, - and *as signally repulsed. ",Qux,easmilties were : soo. The.enenly lett 700 dead on the fielch - At AighCelehurpe-st faCki4,4n4frouied them, capturing 209' prix hiss. ' ' • ...•ifoiothot diepateheays the fight come:mimed • ahonk ,p r *. , o: 01 1 , the 2704 and 'continued tilt: dark, whfx, each army lay upon their. „arras "yards of each otlietf-cliiilig hoifin day - made, its aPileat'' ance,the deadly. combat was. renewed. The enemy creased the- Etowah river at Kingston lionday.evening, and marched in the - diredihin Of `Dallas, Tin Stilehbokiugh: giiiiikrkTrialital - into' t has, bapterieg :and "Torun' oft'pAsetveial boners, B : I ','"A I &A4 4 P I /14,1i9F who" 1611 4 P is not known. "Tliey Were rled ISYIi tory Spy, d - flank-id all pm. • piekete, who.. I'vere• guarding every: - prowl to the.place. • i Their of teattle well tar);sed on7uesday, eyening, , fu Rr Julies east tot Dallas, On. the. llarietta stn Bull &toad, sienna' ichich Trio'st 'of the been going one 'The , troops enfiagectton cent side were.Polk:s and Har dee's . corps. It & seem to be urn:sues 4dpn#on tkicon tinue in the 'direction. of Atiatitli by his fif4inti thinking ingenuity.' -I letirir thee atteinpting' rinove, lathe tetra :son 2..ohn ston'.o right, thus flanking_ above...and-balter.P , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , . , . , • A . ~ro INT RESOLUTION proposingcortp,*,, „bk. amendments to the Constithtion.. ‘Akit.a.afolopi by thg Senate and Bou r se of Repreopilftiy,tr . :of titc Contmoniecalt% cl Pennsytvania in General .A . mem- ~ IR/ Wret,, , . , Tiait the following autendurnenti' be !piofinsLat46'. ;the, p o nstitotion of th:: Conunonw,-alth, in .accor*n..4 2 „. ,with the ProvissiOn,i of the tenth artlete'thereie: 1, :. there shall be an additional section to .theliiird 'inlets. of-the Constitution, to . be designated as section .four as ',fteliilanit- -- - : . ; t ,A.‘hlsonos It. Icheneyerany of thpop.ll2ori Muototsg, 7 .this'arntmonwislifi shall be .in any actual nrilitaiy ser f Yiuei; , tuideek terPtidition from the Prosidelior thb ratted tates, or, by tho. authority of this Commune ealth, such ,eleetors inn exercise:the Tight (1f sutituge in all &catkins '6l4hP:eitlaeellilikefill"PlAitrelAtiallat , , , a&.tire, -. 91` gent he : prascribal by law, as folly as if they were _pre sent at . their oiiiai pittao orettAtoii. ,, , .:, ,r .... . . ,Nsfirms. 2,- .21ture . shall to two addrfloustsrptiousto Oil . i eleveriffiaiikle of the ConstitOtiok, to be a•ugnat&l al ' Aol=2 light Dad Miteoutlidaws: , .1 , -... :i 7,: f Li `'.. gap 1:: - .. It s,. §sunos 8. No bill shall, bopinsedAy thu * re,„., i eimialitiiiir to ire iliiit - oneiubject, whith - 6 - Lall ' : taPro 6 .o4..tiu ttleAltle• exgePt , aPPrIP4OtAIk § 1 44- 4 * s : ; M . "Siciatot 'D 'Aro bill Shad be p ',seed qty "the Vg . islet= eniitities fi' if;p6wete; er ptrilegea.: imaity NIA fie - re am— stlthoritito,grAut such powers,-or .prtMleges, has .bet,.. : *tiff heieafMrbe; - confetred twma 'the cdurta of this C6ltonlePrePti•P ~.,- , . :' ..,. "-- .. - -x , *.i. , , HENRY C. .foiiNgON ;I'' , SpeidArletr,lkeifilly.reifirßefireWiiiiderrle. ' ' ' . ~ ' , . . • JOHN P. Pk.fiNNY. .:- . -,... Spta7oir Of •14-6-,stat.. cerfice of. Vige . pottevelp: Or yea • C.Otuacetemaynt,l, EraaaiasegG, April 5, lb¢t. i,do,Fe mi ngea c odaiso.- : . z., . : 7 kel*Tce.o4ll l l , 4 4, ,ttleluraQii*i,§ ' ' and - correct - caw orth4 - 'tiriglnallofitt Ikea on or Ofte , Resolution propoling certain Amendmentto theredttottraßk," tie tiferglfire rAdli oa fife - fn Tx TtisiimoNY iletehl; I have heßeunti6 fret atft hainLanetcaused ilia sealaarthu-diekritarOinf , ai ! ix, ! 4 ' le, 41 ' 4 Y ea r , a r-Y e W r i t ' t CP . t . " 4 SeftecantAti tiff- !Orr!. -, OO raBOACL, The above revolution having been agreed to by a ma jiiiktigftbe Ufa SiltfroWel ingot eI tie.tiettelialAssninttly r ol%lWs CpcntlenFp the poied aineliduitaitf b stitilltt64 "tat , vie; rejection? Otilinr.nuair MIX on d itionter,4wthe year of, our Lord otte ti , .teum:Ed. eight hundred 'andiiix ty!lettr, in ittabrdance trifli 1.1.4 titartati: WPC the C ol *..LitMion".enil get, e n ti t le d scribing the time And manner of submitung to the pooolo, AiettletttitOiSivvial!md ratillbatiOn: Vejeetion; qt.ttrprot . tmsett.araandmenta to the Constitution," approvedAt 'Money:4lllrd data one thousand iiinietrett nuttaixtytfu er,• ap27. . Secretary of Commodweall.A.. IBM COLUMBIA;II.OIISK. 3 XI V. MAY. HIS }totel }will I)et.coPenQd:lPt -.- 7 1 29 hbirsa . ba§ bred put thereugh . 'repair; NM-nearly buriltrittrtrew 0.114 greatly imikettAtAtTli'attileES win be't•eidilar the aceommedatiojiy44ttstpein otpapity au4 eac44P?f 2o 4? g 7 lll supe ; or.to auy e6lOO - CPEIIAN TY' beeii sieurt , d lir' flag i)aa' : ) 1.: ).t .):1, . : ) . i.i.:ArAtPrist o s- 0 ,1 C aw-1)g:: ND X „I - ' s 6i; -" • • totviiihEN , " ,rixr 23425 - 17 : Xtotgg:nri.i.; - trPtRIORCRIO.-AAD2ika.UYILi.(IOFF.I4.I e 2.• .7; ME PHOTOGRAPHS. lA_RtinisiOitiiient of PhotognlpligThf fnL. IGebtribrandlaimpiecurect for 51 glqg -F- A r, yergy, ac ra-rms 800 K a nna BkriffAlK-I.rkel lititt*ErEA.t JOt iiafflarl Fine? choice BUCK.WFIKILTr..v BW.Ca ' (mii-eekkors :- w..1k. - W-54 qhofeezitt.diltrrMr -7811161, 1411.04MtIt> - WrnogSSAvozhEir Mo no ,toad
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers