pail D Etttgrapt FiAItRISBIJIIG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, age., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom. par ced with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in th4Diorn. log Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. Stolen horse. Was hired from the stable of Davis & Bro., on the 6th inst., a sorrel - MARE, 15 hands high, both hind feet white, with blemish,on. left front foot, on the pasture joint, and. very thin tail ; also, an English saddle with Gov ernment stirrups and bridle. A liberal re ward paid for the return orthe aboie property to the undersigned, in Harrisburg. jeB-1t DAVIS & BRO. MUSTER-00T ROLLS made out by Sullivan S Child, Claim Agent. je7-5t We had a tip-top market this morning, with an abundant supply of all kinds of produce. Prices were about the same as those of last week. Pamtows and bounties collected by Sullivan Child, Claim Agent. Offloe in Din TEL swum Building, Tbird'etreet. je7-5t TO-MORROW the pic-nic of the Unterstut zung's-Verein and Steuben-Verein, held in Haehnlen's grove. A happy time is anticipated by our German citizens. Orlmmue nem. PAT due them from the Mite of Pennsylvania promptly collected by . S. S. Child, Claim Agent, for mnpaa °Farr. r/-5t Gls consumers who do not pay last tar's bills by Friday of this week, will be coin pelted to "sit in darkness" or substitute penny-dips for gas-light, as the flow of gas will be stopped. Ox Monday last Davis & Bro. hired a horse to a soldier, who was to return it in a few hours. He has, however, fled to repoit,. and the owners of the horse believe that the animal was stolen. They offer a liberal re ward for its recovery. ALL non-commissioned officers and privates, of the Penn'a Reserve Corps can have the back pay due them from the State of Pennsylvania promptly collected by- Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent. Office in DA.rror TBLEGISLPH Building, Third street. j e7-5t COL. ZINN WOUNDED. —Among the wounded who have arrived at Washington, we notice the name of Col. George Zinn, of the 84th Penna. regiment, who was wounded in Ule left arm in one of the recent engagements. The Colonel is a Harrisburger, and our citi zens will regret to learn that he has been . wounded. Two Fu Bertanso Lore for sale on Tenn, above Broad street. Terms, ono-half cash. Inquire of Dr. Wyeth, at Wyeth (t 6 Creamer's, South Second street. my3l-2w A. B. WYETH. Go AND Hsns rr.—To-night, Re+. T. IL Robinson will give an interesting description of the scenes and incidents connected with his recent visit to the hospitals of the 'Arley of the Pottinae, where he spent several weeks in relieving the wants of the wounded soli diers, and consoling the dying. Let all Nilo desire to hear an address of more thin ordi nary interest, go to the New School Prestiy.! terian church, this evening. '- • BOLD ROBBERY. —Last night the residence of Mr. George Gerverich; corner of Stite aril Filbert streets,, was entered by a bUrglar, who proceeded to-the bedroom of •Mr. G. and ri fled the pockets of his clothing, taking ther'e from a valuable gold watch, and a poeket book . containing about one hundred Mars.. It, is supposed that the front door of the house was. left open during the night, so that the thief had no difficulties to encounter. This should be a warning to all our citizens to have their doors securely fastened. I=l THE BANQUETS TO THE RESEIIVES.—This was another / proud day for the people of Harris burg. At their own tables, in company with their families—side by side with their wives and children, the heroes of the Reserve Corps sat down at as hospitabl beoards as ever were spread for honored'and cherished guests! The idea of thus taking these men to the homes of the people of Harrisburg was alike novel and beautiful. Usually, large bodies_. men under such circumstances, are regaled in a public manner, amid much exciteinent, and little real pleasure or comfort. To-day the Reserves were entertained in . the homes ; of the people; and by such an entertainment , the memory of many a man's home, blunted by the rough scenes and daring hardships of war, was no doubt vividly revived. The busy, housewife and the prattling of children, cal;, led back the images of those dear to the sot .1 dier. The amply spread boards and the hospitable welcome told of homes near at hand—of rest among, families cherished and beloved. Do we anticipate too much when we' assert the faith, that the recollection of this day will create a bond of friendship between the people of the State and those of l's. Capi tal that will be lasting. It will establish, a. cordial feeling from which the largest ben efits must flow; and convince those who go forth to fight, that they earn something more than a mere soldier's pay in the gratitude and hospitality of a loyal people. u • —At least six hundred men took dinner to day at the private tables of the people of 'far,. risliurg. We do nat desire to btlitsqtf, th , i character of these repasts, but we venture the prediction that each and all of them_nfixl unstinted in their luxuries and their sulYstirC tials; that they were banquets fit for men who perilled their lives in the country's de-. fence. PENN:3II.7.4MA Grand Lodge of Good Tem plars assembled irk this city to-day. PICKPOCKETS are circulating in Baltimore, no doubt attracted thither by the assembling of the National Convention in that city. Go to Sanford's to-night. The best show in the city. The best stars in the country. The best singing and comicalities ever wit nessed. Go early. A MIND= of Gen. Meade's friends in Phila delphia, hare purchased an elegant house and furniture, corner of 19th street and Delancy Place, in that city, and yesterday they pre sented the property tote wife of the gallant General. l=:=1 " GOING TO THB Fria."—Takings advantage of the reduced fare on the Pennsylvania and Reading railroads, a large number of our zens have already departed for Philadelphia,' to attend the Great Sanitary Fair, which opened yesterday. KNOCKED DOWN 4 6) RoziniMi,..4n Monday night, a soldier named Stine, of the 12th Pennsylvania Reserves, was knocked down and robbed of a considerable sum of money, near the reservoir. The perpetrators of the murderobs assault escaped, leaving their vic tim to the tender'mercies. of tJi ,firet " goof Samaritan" who might pass . Cr OSniG OF STORES.—The proprietors of the various dry goods stores, millinery and fancy goods •establishments give notice to-day that on and after 'Monday next, they will close their places of business at eight o'clock, P. 3.1., regularly, (except Saturdays.) The grocers and jewelry dealers have already commenced closing - , at the same hour, so that hereafte business will be generally suspended: - at o'clock. This is a capital arrangement, and will permit the clerks to have recreation that has heretofore been denied them. Orawb SrsaNiannar FzeriviL.The ladies* connected with the Sewing ilociety of the Free Bapiiit Church in this''Ciiy will hold . 9 grand strawberry festival .in' said church, , (corner ;of State and Fourth Streets,)" ThursdaY and'Friday evenings of this Weelr,:, The proceeds will be devoted to purchasing furniture for the new church. Extensive ar rangements have been made to render the festival more than usual* attracti;ye, audits the object is a good one, it- is hoped that the af fair.may, be rendered profitable by a large ate tent:bind' of our ;`A .great variety 91 , faiioy articles have beenscontributed, and wil• be'offered'fOi sale at the'Same Tan CLOCK IN THIS. Srarrn HiStraii‘Donts.-- Wm. J. Stees, the superintendent of the pub lic grounds, - mid buildingiclas engaged Mr. George licCalla to repair the clock in the dome of the State 'louse. The works have been sadly out of repair, a fact alike an era barrasment to Mr. McCann, who has had them in charge, without any special orders or appropriation heretofore, to remedy the perfections—arid an inconvenience to the public, who deptind'upon this clock for regu lartimel-• MoCallaiiitendalo-renew that portion of the vccoript . which have beenbroken, and by a thorough : overhauling of the ma chinery, give the town, hereafter, correct time from the Capitol Hill. ANOTEMB BOQUEL—The corinling room add morning was perfumed with another boquet, redolent with the freshest odor and dazzling in the most gorgeous colors. load what adds to the interest of the flowers thlzagrouped.i4 beauty, is the fact that wo.undeisstand exactly whence they carne andwhose Vie fair hand, whiCh dulled Undaiianged the bluls, blossoms and flowers. the sentiment of a gift is highly appreciated. It was of coianie dictafed by a sense of pity for the pocif 'priters ,and bestowed to lighten with its beauty his cheer less hours of.unrequited toil .in:. ~the service of the people. If our friends knew how extrav agantly we lov,e flowers, we would be em bedded in nosegays at least fouii nonthsotti;,of the twelve: • ' ' ' Weir's Tam Crrr Cm:owl:Gs establish some rule to regulate the bnsines aside-Walk Washing? Withccit' an . .orslinanee on the anbjeot, each householder Ibbes .4-he pleaseg; he splashes water over tile' Vre i siei t 'of ladies iind the gar : menti "of a 11101.4., Of When business crci*delliisklitreets, when promenaderi. fill the FAdei-stalliii-Elit inom ing, noon or evening,-: those Wo•iire the streets are constantly in dangei- Of a ...olrenoh-3 Some regulation is . obi - 4340,41y :clemande . tri for the protection ,of the commas ity this; connection. There are 'always careless people ; ;, without regard for the comfort of others; *Who' need the strong arm of the law to regulate• find control their actions • Vithin decent bounds. An ordinance :regulati ag pavement washing is needed to teach a inch as theee. Let the time either be fried in t he morning Or in the evening, between certain, hours. Sub)] an ordimince*mild save the p ablic convenience. /74#017,1 i 41.21T TO Evirmrsornr..- —We would di ,rect the attention of our,reac..len to. thp i pot 'that now is a' 'very favotabl.Ei time . 1,0 select - and order '..their fruit arid' corns/nen* trees, - shrubbery, &c., for next season's planting. The most experienced planters state that they .have.found it greatly to their - advazitege. purchase at the Keystone NurserY, -Whit.° a superior quality of the shave-named :articles,- beside's grape vines of the most improved rieties can always be.obtained. Mr, Nishhas numerous certificates from promine mt persgns --who speak in the highest terms , of thfs advantages gained by purchasing from him— which: want of space will not per mit inserting t here. Those purchasing from him are cer tainA,oitriess the growth of:plants:; traveling agents for , stiller nurseries • are sold=siek ly=trees and pl a y hia which never 10±11i!aitSg any signs of life after being re- ,planted. Thus the buyer. . niffered• Wei of :time, :and niPneY• I: 4 ; s lPefti c# , be addressed tn . Jacob Miah, .Harrisburgo 01 ,1 i r m Tee d*, I prompt, Look;:' ite ~ yonr, interests, d Order in time. , - • s. • " . 1. • OA*, I "I ' Mil F,r,EcrioN or Orricras: . :-fin l vr, of OfF- cers of the Inland Telegraph , Com] , t! held yesterday at the office of the cump.ny, in Philadelphia. The following named gen tlemen were elected. J. H. Wilson, President. Charles M'Callister, Charles L. Bonie, John D. Taylor, Charles Wheeler, Theodore Adams, E. S. Handy, John H. Graham, Samuel L. Wither, John Hulme, W. a Houston, Charles Camblas, S. Mann, New York ; D. Fleming, Harrisburg ; John A. Hiestand, Lannaste.“ Josiah Kiiig, Gettysburg; were elegted dixott;! ors. DOGS AT LAEGE.—We notice dogs running at large, frequently 4 witlipt.muzzle or collar. In view of the fact:that rata dogs have made I their appearance in the vicinity of our city (and we learn in one instance within the city limits,) we publirih forth& infOnnation of our citizens the following sections of "an ordi nance to prevent mischief from dogs, "and hope to see it strictly enforced by the proper offi cers : •.) V. V. 4. ' SEC. 4 provides "that every dog going at large within the limits of the city, from the 20th day of May until the 20th day of Sep tember in each and every year, shall have se curdy put on a good, strong, substantial and are wire muzzle, enclosing the whole mouth dog, of said so as effectually prevent him from bititiefia snapping:7e ' • ; ; SEe. 5 imposes a fine of from one to two dollars and costs, for neglecting to comply with the, above,; and s if c the oyyner. , cannot be found, ills made the duff cif theehietblpolice to lifiv i e the do , " , , Sir 4, 6 direct large shall have aromidatie meek :atoll; times, &col lar, on which shall be inscribed the name ,of the owner. A neglect to comply with this provision, subjects the owner of the dog to a fine of one dollar and costs—but if the owner cannot foundrthe'do killed by Ole chief of police of . a person `employed for that purpose. SEC. 7 impcisese a fine '6;f 14e - 1415lbllars upon any person, who ; shall hinder,or obstruct the officers in the performance of the duty of killing the ,t3oß • whose, owners do not comply with the. provisiong Of the ordinance. Trim General Assemblies of the leading Christian denominations have been in sessio,r4, 'during the past month, andhave with' a single !exception declared themselkTes,as .utterly and irrevocably opposed talavay, and iti sympa thy with the. A,dministratioaxin, l its efforts to 'put down 114 - ' Tare are times ,when,true Christian tefihhers are expected to :take the - direction public sentiment. To keep silent, at such a time is to be recreant to ,the best interests of humanity. It is a cause of rejoicing to every.patriot thatrthe represen •tatives of the leading Christian sentiment in ,the land have not hesitated to discharge their duty. -1 SPECIAL NOTICES. - 6 firt:bAfl. X -te''. HISTORY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES, BY J. R SYPHER W I LIAS BARR Co. respectfully announce that they hatii iii9rVpization4 111.4orir Of the Penn sylvan 'ktaitervas frestkatlir 4: organtzation to the expira tion of their term of service. the names of all the Officers and Privates of the Corps—their pleix,t . olpi?s, an9Vie? and dischargealso, graphic descriptions of their camp life and their the-many battles in which Vley: Ant7ota.)ten part- 7 -It4.derived from official and authentic sources. "The Ifistinim.-the Pennsylvania Reserves will be In Oss Vtllang; tlfPQP!'felS °P.P'T? s4e, neatly •Rtint"tk.Qn good paper, and substantially boand In black cloth, Containing &Woof invaving of the lamented Reynolds,' and amigo( Governor Curtin, (who first recommended the formation of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps,) and will be sold only by subscriptiOnl hainady.'• In Atigin47Briext, Price —Three dollars per copy. The Publishers feel confident that the' just pride which • every Peansytvanittnlat entertain. for the Mavis men whose gallant acfdeVementi and 'patriotic sidif-devotiOn it records, taßl % securetor "Tax liktrroxv" a generous and appreciative reception. • , , F.LL4.6 BARR & CO., Publishers, No. 6 East King street. Lancasnitx,4pril 25,1864. , , • Aomns Wairan to canvass for the above work in every district of Pennsylvania. Responsible references required. ' Jeld6t, HAIR. DYE I HAIR DYI.. I i Aatchrlor's cale.brated, Hair Dlr.! TEtE BESTIO'THR *O.IiLb."" The only Harmless,,Trwe and Reliable Dye ,Snown. . This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red,' Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Mossy Black or Natural Brown without injurinJ the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Haft Bolt inineautiful ;= 'imparts fresh vitality, 'frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectibee the 111 effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR. All others, arg„,_ c ne.pre imit y ations, and ,should be avoided. SOW' by`all 4 Dfugglsts!hre l Tabioiy—l-81 BAR CLAY ST, N. Y. BATCHELOR'S NEW TOILET mum POE DRESSING nut TIME "Ban.urvart 9 s. Troches. ;For ,the, cure of Hoarseness, Thivat eases, &.c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and personsirhose . vcication calls them to speak in public. Manufactured 0 sly by c..A...gwvirs:. Co., Harrisburg, to WhOnfall . orderii.thordcl• i4-iiddressed. .6 04 `iiy. druggist every , where. read tlie"folldWing'testimoniirslictia - ionie `of ot`r. Pgkiner4,44,3Frj2n.en: Feb.LL.' anissuaci, ia) flth; i 're,„ BAsurvsam-- - -.430.r !Brown's Bronchial Troches, Whites Lozenges and other" preparations for 'hoarsenessmand throat trou,l:`,ttas,__and in comparison with them 'all, oanareez:fal* • aotilinend'ybffi"O* l4l 'M.OO admirable •sPßoifle for, 534t3p land singers, in c. lses of hoarldiast, cough's atorda-coldis. ha,e .f9tl ll ,..d%thela:M. 1 70141/ time of need, most OffedtuallY• Yours truly, BOBEN6ON,-;.1., Pastor of N. B. IN'esbyterian Church. " MEM ,nr ft ,wit4 I,`obinspn Aft , the value of Rannigas TrOglies: • •r„, 0 2.. Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyte:Aan calimen• H.ARRISIIIIEG, 1664. To C. A. /limnArr—Dear Sir:. In th :habit of speaking very frequently, and is places *here the tonal' organd are verylintich taxed, I found the 'need of itomagentleeiPeeto = ' rant, and that want has been supplied in fo'af excellent Troches: , 'consider them very far' superior to any Lozenges`that T-havei ever Used, itt). , respoyfag ,aPeat4 l ,,Ytaha kJ:P*4 3I 9M 91.. P 4.9 , voice from its top pequent, use, and mparrtng th etreetisenam - the 'delivery 'of.• public - 'dresses. Your ri ."' Wi t ' ; WALK IL JACKSON. Pastoidtthe Log tiftt St.' Methialist qd C AL: 1301 in Irr—L - Dear Sir: Having' „wet your.' TroChes,;• . ,l. a m free to , say , they • ara Ithe,ibest love tried and` take great pleasure in resommt m ding them *ill persons afflicted with •sore =linnet orthruilduess .of voice arisingifreinfpultijo• sPflakillgigroing in g• Yours, &c.' ;•• G.. G. , RA.R.ESTILkW, Pastor of Ridge 4iveit,iie Zdethoctist Moth. , , Disrsior copr s Orricr, • ztr ili FlAcaraccreo, Feo. 2§ 0 1§64 , i_ A:.•33.6.lnzvAirr---Deat • 'arri foitnellonr Troches to be bcraluable •iii 4 re lieVing;hckliCneas. and in stte.ugthening , the musclesof the tiairobt. They i m oirrde4eici bane .re the nice, and - are cortainly of great llt to. 04141161crik I. A.. NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. I iREWORKS! - ftiotzsAiar. elm azream BT JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. Tafollowing stook of Fireworks is now in s E tore: Roman Candles, Rockets, Pin ;Wheels, Mines of Stars and Serpents. . Serpentgl Grasshoppers, Water Pots, Flower Pots, Scroll Wheals, /3engo/a Lights, Triangles, , ' Bliss Lights, ' Red, Whltiand BUS, Spangalettes,` Chinese Rockets; Pulling Crackers; Fire Crackers, Torpedos 'Torpedo & Fireereekai Gun, New Torpedo Bow; Joss Stick, or Punk, Flags,:ata. Now is the time to purchase while there is a good as sortment. . ' JOHN WISE, je6-dtf ' Third•street, near Walnut. FOR“ SALE. A VALUABLE . BUILDING LOT, Situate AL on the corner *of Thlril and Sayford streets, fronting on Thir;i 22.reei" 6 inches, running along Sayford street feo::'' . Ftir further particulare enquire of ENSMINGER & inr-a BALE. ALOT OL,:iv'oried out lutaiilii..suita,biii for . two small dwelling houses .such as dnor frames, window , frarnee,•sash, doors, .cas ings, kr., all perfectly dry and well-seasoned; a large portion of it primed, and in good order. The alswe lumber will be disposes of at a . . For further partieuhoe apply at '.73418 OFFICE. ]e:-d2t. VALUABLE FARM. AT .• PUBLIC. SALE, THE subscriber will sell at imiblie salecin 11 Saturday, June 18th'; 1864, at, the Court House. in tbo city of. Harrisburg, at 2 o'clock r. N., the farm occupied by Jacob Fitting,. in Susquehanna township. ;Feld farm contains one. hundred acres,.moro or less, and Is bounded by lands of Herman Alricks,. Geo. W. McCalla, J. Garman and others; Pakten erect runs along and through the farm. • .There is.a fine two-story stone house and hank barn on the place, and also a fine limestone quarry. A draft of tho farm can be seen at.the office of Dr. Rutherford,.on Frontatreet;any time until day of sale.. The above farm is 'within 3ji miles orthe city and is in fineorden • _ de7-lits • • 0. D. FORSTER, TO - LEARN PIANO-FORTE PLAYING EASLIX AND THOROUGHLY, use :the "STANDARD INSTRUCTION BOOK. "Ttichardaonls Noy" Method... An improvement upon all others in pro gressive arrangement, adaptation and simplicity. Found ed upolia new and original plan, and illustrated . by a mica oPplat.s, showing the proper position of the hands and fingers.. The popularity of this book has never been equalled by that of any similar work. Ten thousand copies. are sold every..year. • Among teachers and all who,have examined rt dm pronounced superior in excellence, to sdl , other ( I Methods,P FiSystems,. and "Schools,?2 and the book thatevery pupil needs for the acquirement of a thorough knowledge of .Plano-forte playing! It is adapted to all grades of Within, from the rudimental studies of the youngest,. to.the studies and exercise. of advanced pupils, Two editions are published, one adopting American, the other 'Foreign fingering. When the work is ordered, preference is. designated, the editions with. American fin, gering will be seat.,.: , • • . JgjirEte sure that in. ordering , it you ere particular in specifying the 'WS W. Price $3 30. Mailed, postpaid, to any address. Sold by all Music Dealers. OLIVSR DITSON k' ca, Publishers, 277, Washington street,Beston, •: : , "• • je7-tf IMMENSE AUCTION. SALE .1 ON A LARGE AND ELEGANT GOLLEOTION OP RARE AND "BEAUTIFUL. SEA : . SHELLS I AT THE MARKET HOUSE, HARRISBURG. T° lie sold without reserve, or limit as to priceir : 4' 4 • ." THIATY CICSF.S . • part of a recent shiptfiOnt from Londim,'Engicnd, of some ortim most splendid MarinwShelle aver witnessed in this country, with various other natural ouriosities, cosipr4- lag CORALS i tAINEOB.IEARLS &C • coneistiat of OVER 1000 SPEOIIIEN - S;sdch ash.sW never eier before been offered for mile in this 'v and a nun opportunity is now offered to the ciiizens. The public, and ladies In perticular,,are invited 'to ex amine this magnificent assortment of 'curiosities froni the dominions of 911:1 t Neptune. ,They are alll the works of mania, and nO eriiet t4nt ever Ilved could imitate theta in shapes ind,colora. The won ders and beautkea of theJnighty deep, ALeo, a variety of CHINESE , PAN9, • . • . . JAPANESE' BOXES, 'URN WIC STANDS,. BREAD TRAYS, iy . AITERS, RACE DAMM@MADigS, PEARL SFALS, • '-; ' • SHELL`Fit'AMES' ' ' .A..%1D-ROXES: Sale to conlmence, Wednesday, June Stb, and continue Thursday, Friday an& Saturday," - aVIO o'elock x., and 3 r. M. ; also, Wednesday and, Saturday:mornings, Market hours. .ENSMINGER.3: ADAMS, DATuumnota, June,d, TSB4. jeT-dst Auctioneers. -IFTABILISBURO COMMITTEE OF TEE GREAT CENTRAL, SANITARY FAIR ON LA RGO., INCOME AND.REYENUE: Publio Oflceis—W W Bays; ChM Connor. Iron—Dr George Bailey, James M'Cormiek, Jr. ,••• Banks—James W Wier, J Monree Kreiter. Manufactories—W 0 Hickok, William' THildrup. Druggists—S A Kunkel, Charles A Bantivut, •.• Livery—William Colder, F A Murray. Grocers—J B Eby, Christian Frazer. Merchants, Storekeepers, &o—Daniel Eppley, John L Speel. Leather and Shoes-John Edwards, K Greenawalt. Ciothierohn W Glover, William Sayford. Lumber—John B Cox. D D Roes. • •.• • Hotels—Charles Mann, William G.ThotcP Bol 3.• Printers and Book Sellers—George Bergner, Theodore Fl36l:63ffeil' • -` B 8100; A TC Black. and 'TeLegiaph=joliii'lt: RetrYhili; John' Nig bam moicea,:pt Kaki; *ln kgie: • . • Dentlst•eyDr J P J,W Mollt. • . Photographers and Music De-004 ;7 4e Rue Leiner Wil . liam Knoche. Railrbada 2 —SsmedelD Yoing',•p . R DubaViY"."` ' . Forwarders and Oda( D 3PC,Or: wick. :,• . Victuallers andltakers- - -Alex Keser, --=••• Brady: • • • •••••••The,above Committee are meet on Thu*: day:evening next, June 9th, at 8 o'clock, at/the COURT HOUSE, for.the purposo.of organisation... „jel-dtt. • • • ,, A. L ROUMFORT. • ••.•I , • • • . . T 5) CPIIISIVISERS ViAt • jLL most Ite paid on br'beforei the loth at the office or the Treikier, syordei of the 7415'orger ll be stiietly "' foe • LEVI GRA.r, Scit•t. iiintorceriKaltemalls Ormcs, 14ns remrsacr,` , HARRIBBMIG, Pa., June 6, 1864. rrio DRANTED:•I4EIf.--.1 arn.r directed by .1. Laic - Col: ,f:Y.Bolilford, A. "A. Prevost 'Marshal Generld,liyiranci-billar r , No. 59, Of :Tuned, 1864,it0 pub; lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as volun teers after being drafted; and i that the crealisofor drafted menittill tianaind'or the sub-districts from which 'they were,drafted, no,matter -whethor local bounty has or has not been pild'to such Men, upon "ill -gal enlistment." • JNO. KAY CLEMENT, , Captain. and Provost Marshal, 14th Dial, Is ''../6 5 . - 4tr • , . • FOR SALE. subscriber offers for sale two first class Phelan, marble top billiard tablet., in complete order and running at piesent:St his saloon' Itt'Cirlisle, Pa The ill health of the'subscriber is the only reason that in demi him to.offer the same for We. Any trifOrmatten regarding the same will be given by addressing ' ' Cobs e, '. , . tINIENS exn . .11181:11.N . G GOODS HOUSE F 1 o f every descriptiott; the larged assortment to:l3e fot9ad :S IND OW C U ILT AINS, • • - taiA. r•ms iViwtain Materials, cov.Eßs. iir , Prin t lititiL*ON & ARABONy • '4oo£oohestant . street jtadw TITANTEIY—A first-class BAR-TENDER, at the NATIONAL HOUSE, Market. street. FIREWORKS I MB WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and lt good meat Cook. luqulre at the ap3o—dtf MUM" HOUSE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gt;EAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR ' WELL BE ISSUED BY THE • PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD . COMPANY , TO VISITORS TO THE SANITARY FAIR, IL - 11:,011- Harrisburg, Columbia, Lancaster, Parke.sbarg, Paoli, and intermediate stations, to Philadefyiiia 'and robin': - Ficrimßarrlsburg, by the Mount Joy Accom modationleaving at. .. . .. ......... ........ 7:20 a. at. Columbia Accommodation leaving at 12:20 P. x. And by the Harrisburg Accommodation, leaving at... 5:25 r. x. From Columbia, by train at... 8:20 a. x. , it .... 1:53 P. M. ti 6:50 P. x. From Lancaster, by train .......... 6:00 a. x. 44 7:34 P. M. From Parkesburg, by,traba at . 7:00 A. IL :< to West: . . phis only, at :.3:00 r x. From Paoli, by train, at—. • 7:00 A. Y. • to West' Philadelphia, - only, at 4:16 EXCURSION TICKETS will be good fora return trip on • either - cif the accommodation trains which Passenger Stition at 10:00 A_ ss , 1100• r. it., 2:30 P. x., 4;00 P..x. and West,Philadetphia &anon at. 6:00 r, tr. racgßgi.ox T.cfc.tts will not be sold by Conductors is the cars, and will not, be-good upon any ether thin the trains specified. . EXCURSION TICKET'S will he sold. from June 6th to ' 18th inclusivevand each ticket will bo GOOD TOR FOUR DAYS ONLY. . ENuCR,LEWIS. ju4-2w General - Superintendent. THE - subscribers invite `the attention of ppitons visiting the city, to their very extensive as sortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS , purchased for CASH before the late advance, and which they are selling at the lowest market price. Their stock includes a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, viz; ' - • Damask Table Cloths, Napkins and Doilies. Table Linens by the yard, (all -qualities.) S' Chamber and Bath Towels; white and col'd borders. Hacknback and fancy Towelling by the yard. Marseilles Quiltq; Blankets, Toilet Covers. Also in great variety, -I,inenTambrie Handkerchiefs, for Ladies'and Gents. Silk, .Merhie and Guaze Shirts and Drawers. Swiss and French Muslins, Nansooks, Cambrics, Bril liants, Pique' Lsdies' Collars, Sleeves, and Cuffs, Inser tions, Edging; Laces, Embroideries, the neskyst styles of Hoop Skirts. - , And the beet description of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Cotton Threadand Merino Hosiery. ,SHEI'PARD, VAN HARLitirrvai & ARRISON, , lops Chestnt streq. Philadelphia. HARRISBURG BANK. JUNIL 2,1863. AMEETING of the stockholders of this bank will be held at the banking house on Tues day, the sth ofJuly next, at 10 wclock A. M., to consider the question of becoming an association for carrying on the' business of banking, 'under lads of the United $t Best. 'The act of •the' General Assembly of this state, •ai)proved January 1864, extending the charter of thirbank for 'Ave years frOM the expiration of the present charter, (May 1, 1867,) will also be submitted to the meeting.. By order of the board of directors. jut-6tdikwlm ' WATICLIt; Cashier. NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS IS 9.NINFALLIBLE PROTECTIOIi Against any possible injury to .steam boilers, from a lad of water, which is theetzgatnource of many sad oatastro phes,nnd soma& damage from the burhing of boilers. We warrant this instrument to be a perfect insurance against such contingencies; perfect satisfaction guaran teed or no pay. Price • Semi for an instrument and try it; if not satisfactory you May return it.' , CireuliirewitliTeferences sent to any one desiring them. eAddrest your communications to - • . D. C. lIESDE & CO., my4-d&wtf Pittsburg, 'a. UNRIVALLEDCHA_FA_LER FURNITURE POLISH does .not affect the. varnish,. but restores thebrlginitt lustre. It does not discolor. It will restore, with very little labor every finished surface, either metal or wood. All marmfacturers and dailera in furniture should use It for cleaning furnitine that has been stand big, covered with dust. A- touch and rob here and there will make it bright'and fresh. For sale by S. A. KUNKEL it BRO., jufdtf ' - 1:18 llarliet street, Harrisburg. fl DOZEN JARS ENGLISH. PICKLES, . comprising: Picalilly, Chow. Chow, Cauliflower, Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, WaLnuts ansi Onions', For ade wholesale and. retail by, SRLSLER & FRAZER, - mys successors: to. W. Docic,.:Jr., Co. A- SORREL MARE, good in harness, and .% capital ladies' hackney. Also a dist-rata SPRING WAGON, with shifting top, and a CARRIAGE, with two seats. - [jag-Iw*, GEORGE W. PORTER CHEAP at the store of Fred. Trace, Second street above Chestnut. We have on band a large st ck of Queensware which we will sell wholesale and re tail Some of this ware is slightly, imperfect and will be sold at half price. This ware is direct from the Creoupoint Pottery. Call soon, as this may be your only chance for years. BLIDIRELt, & MURPHY. ju646t* ..• , . H. BERH in YHILL.haI g sold part of his J ground above town, will sell lots of .an acre each awing the Reel road. There is Ono lot - left of two acres with Andriter front 157 feet. The buildings'will be sold with three or six acres. ju.24f NEW I..IOXTOR STORE. TMPORTANT TO - LANDLORDS -4$ AND .1 OTHERS —The undersigned offers at wholesale,* to. the trade, a choice lot of the best liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies ' 110 1 / a nd Gins, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and' Old Bye Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic Wines; such. as. Champagne, Claret, Catawba, ttc. Alt liquors warranted, as; represented. Landlords and others will had it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assoftment at the store, on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut. • mit27-d6rn GEORGE WINTERS. WANTS EXCURSION. EXCURSION TICKETS CA:1 7 03. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR FOR. SALE'. QUEENSWARE' FOE SALE, ACRE.I.OTA FOR SALE.. SWEET small but very fine lot of Sweet Cider, just received at SHISLER & FRAZER, mal ls (EiteOoeswVto W. Dock, Jr., ttr.r.o.) BUTTER, BUTTER—Fresh roll . butter - from Snyder county received every week. Also eggs at L[1:141.1 130YER & YOERPER. Spldierie .Portfolios. A LARGE assortment at marls 8014 t Elt al G iu nllft'S CHEAP soorsTorelk desalt or retalLat law prigs" SANFORD'S HALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW' NAR - SET, BEAK OF NEER'S HOTEL. -_ S. S. SANFORD ... .Propriptor and 11=uwi-' WELCOME! • , ,eaes tee. Sauford's Opera House. HONOR AND GLORY TO THN BRAVE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES: who have won imperishable laurels in every battle' in which they were engaged, from the sharp action at Drainenville to the bloody conflict at Mechanicsville, on ifonday last, when the remnants of this brave organiza tion so distinguished themselves, that the pages of his tory to do them justice, must class every man engaged is that sanguinary battle a A. BRAVE WARRIOR, equal to the greatest hero that ever lived in Rams or Sparta. Their deeds of valor will bo a theme for posterity to em ulate; end the heroes themselves may say blithe language ofthe poet: "We were not many—we who stood Before the iron sleet that day; Yet many a gallant spirit would Have given way his life if he could Have been with us in, that bloody fray." Hr. Sanford, in his eahrt io afford amusement to his old friends and patrons of the PENNSYLYABLIRESERVES, will prolong his season a fewnights longer for their spesial edification. For specialities of 'performances see bills of the day. Orchestra Seats can be procured. in advance at Bane vart's Drug Store. • Doors open at eg. Commence Xto 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seats, $1 esetk CAN TERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. M7 1. 7.M OP1.1: EVERY EVENING, With a First -clogs Company of SINGE ES, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, Do., .to. Admission. . ..... 15 amnia. Sects in Boxes ... 25 " THURSDAY; GRAND Ple-NIC FOE THE WINE= OF THE HOPE FIRE COMPANY, NO. 2, TO BE BI LD AT 1-ICYJE`IFIVIA_N'S WOODS., ON THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1864.. Tickets FLOOR. MANAGERS. D. R. MARTIN, 8.. R. BARR, WM, CARSON, THEO. THOMAS. An adequate police force will be on the ground to pre serve order, and the committee refer to former occasions. No rioting or disorderly conduct of any' kind will be tol erated. It is the intention of the committee to make MS the picnic of the season. Cars will leave the foot of Market street at 8 a. m-,stvgi-.., ping at Badly's Crossing. Returning, leave tnii 4 eimnia at 7% P. u. Fare for round tip 2i centz. garriageit KiEI also leave thollOsa House every hour during the Ed. Baran, ft R. Barr, Henry Snyder, P. Flanigan, Samuel Mina, Ed: Clap, . James Dunlap, a C. DLarin D E. Martin, Wm. Carson, Wm. M'Coy, H. H. Frankem, Matthias Humum, Theo. Thomas, 3. E. laugh; JUNE 31.1wr13C. my27-deodLBdEdtil Valuable Laud for Sale. WILL be exposed to public sale, on Satur day, the 4th day of Jane next, at 10 o'clock A. lc, at the Court House, in - the city of Harrisburg, the FAltlf and Tract of Land late the estate of Jacob Grove, deceased, and on which he resided at the time of h.s death, situate in Suntehannalownship,' Dauphin county, on the public mad ledding from Harrisburg Yo Fox's rirM, mi Paxton creek, three miles from Harrisburg, bounded by lands of H. Alricks, Coover and Forster's heirs, con taining thirty acres of LIMESTONE I.AND, well fenced and in good order, with a large two story frame dwelling HOmiE, barn and out houses, all newly buit, and an mutant of apple trees and other fruit thereon. rosseselon will be given on use first of April next. Terms of ssle made known by the undersigned, agents far the heirs of Jacob Grove, deceased. SAMUEL GROVE,... mylikt2tawtsi&w3t JOHN GROVE. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED ;:E.0.1t..,5ES WAR DICPARTXRRY CAVALRY BURSA; OPPICY OF 611111 F QUAB.TER.ILISTHR, WAHELLIOTON, D. C., April 23, 1884. be sold at public auction, to the W i highest bidder, at the times and places annul bo. low, viz: Northumberland, Penn'a, Thursday, AlllB 9th. Scranton, Penn'a, Thursday, June 16th. •• . Williamsport, Penn's, Thursday, June 23d. . One Hundred (1001 horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fifty (250) at each of the other places. These Horses have been condemned as untlt for the Cavalry service of the United States Amy. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 101 3t., and continue daily till all aril sold. . , Id. TENS: CASH in United States Treasury noteirotdir, JAMES A. SMUT. Lt. CoL and C. Q 1f Cavalry Bums% ap23-dtd MILLINEIUY GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS-, EMS OPKISBD AT NO. S MARKET SQUARE, (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) WiIRE SHE IS PREPARED tosell to t! ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy -Goals, At cheaper prices than any house in the city. Thequality of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKING 2N THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRY ! MT FORSYTH & CO., T T • 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW TORR. (Adjoining the Post Office,) Offer for sale the following magnificent list of WATCHES, CAA INS, JEWELRY, &C ., VALUED AT $300,000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND NOT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL YOU KNO if" WHAT YOU ARE TO GET. 150 Gold and Silver Watches.. $l5 00 to $lOO 00 each 200 Ladles' Gold Watches 35 00 each 500 Ladies' is Gents' Silver do l5 00 each 5,000 ladies' Gold Pencils ...... 400 to 600 each 5.000 told-band Bracelets.— 300 to 10 OD each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings. 2 60-to 600 each 6,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet Brooches 6,060 Coral and Florentine Ear drops 4;00 to. 800 each 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins 260 to 8.00 each 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and Boshm Studs. 2sr t o 600 each 10..000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry...:.. : .. 5.00 to 10 00 each 6.000 Lava and Florentine Sets.. 400 to 6DO each 10,000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted Holders 5,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex tiniien Cases and Pen- 446 to 6.00 each The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the nesieet - : and most fashionable styles. Certiticaus of all toe, Ira, rious articles are put in sealed envelopes and rafted, thini giving all a fair chance, and sent by mad, for „„2.5 cents each; and on the receipt of the certificate, it is at your option to send ass DOLLAR and take the article named in it or got. Five certificates fortg ; eleven for $ 2- th i rty for $5; sixty for $10; one hundred for $l5. , money to be enclosed, with order. Corritdpondince., promptly answered ' . ACHINTEI WASTED in every town and - -mslineist. . Send, or a circular. Address .- W. FORSYTH & CO., 42 arid 4fNuf4art is!•!swtHew ITarka • iciaralidwasSmorka rote Lars .25 cents aplB dtjy/1 400 10 600 ead; 400 to 600 ea&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers