THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISH= AIGENING AND EVENING, Sy, GEORGE BERGNER , 91710 E TE7RD ST, NEAR WALNITT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Si GLE SLTFTRRYTTON Tuillialtaidiurrt is served to Subscribers In the sity at t - centl per Week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $.5 00 in advance. Those persons who rieglestto pay irtAdyance will bccharged $B , OO. , - WEEKLY TI2.EGKApH. •.. TII4I4IiIRAPEI is also published weekly, and inttr,nia.hed co subscribers at the following cash ratan Single copies. ..... Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one PoshOdice, 1 AttiicA. GLAD NEWS :FORT TIM •UNTORTINATE! ESN TEE LONOUSOUGHT•FOR = D,ISOO3TI3iM AT LAST CUerokee Remedy, 7-) _AO - CHEROKEE INJECTION , COMZOTTNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS hip LEAVES. 011440k8E8 BEjfEDY the great' Ilutianl:Diurelid, turn alZ , iiisQhies Cie urinary Orga;u ; rich as . )nconti-' nenee"of the Urine, Inflammation of the B/adder,lnfieun mation of the Kidney:, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Mat, Connorhea, and is especially recommended in theije,asa es:or Alum; elbus car miles in females)' where oil the old tudiseous:medicaes hare faded SS- It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being tram ono to two teaspoonfuls three times ss- It is Curette and alterativo In its action; purifying' and tilaandlng the.bloca, causing it to flow in all. of its original purity and rigor; thus removing from the Rysteni all Perna:ions causes vildeh have:induced disease, ' CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or ant to the , CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be-used in- eonjunetion with that Medicine in all cases Of Gortoiikeir, • Glad, Paler Albus or :Mites. Its effects are heolinO,, sotaing and 'demulowit removing all scalding, heiit,l chordeo and pain, instead of. the burning and almost un endurable is enpaiiinced with nearly all the e/0W Tziack.riioctions• srlly the use ;J:4 . the CHEROKEE liEktEDlr and: CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two 'medicines ai the same tinto—all improper discharges are removed; and the weak cued organs are speedily restored to full..vigor and. strength. a-For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any. drug store:lb:Abe country, or•write_ us, and Ire will mail free, to any address a Inll:treStiso..! : Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5.! . . Price CHEROEEE INJECTION, - $2 per bottle; op. three bottles for $5. ' ve,.,SoFS. by ex - prein to any address' on recerpt , prise: Nt Sold by all druggists everywhere. 11, iI.ERWM.Ar CO., Sole I . 'roprietors, marlo-eodly No. :09.4483y street, New York. CHEROKEE CURE TUE GREAT .1!1t• RADIAN .IVIEDICINE couromED FROM ROOTS, .13AR 7 118 AND LEAVES AmCienfailiao awe JiriSpermatorrhsa, Seminal Waskr nas, Nocturnal Deitssiont, and all diseases eausect Pal" * ' " dr a 7. l ';;?si ' qf *nrry,Viiisersal ratain eni Bo'ck," "qr Vision, Premature "out :42 . Moak Heraer,,Difietatty q(Breathirui, Trsmbltreg , !Yak , 44; *em, En T 6 f 4l . on Plif." 4 l , Etclq.9 o , , P* l *cdo Gimrlitiiitioktioqrthe Dfr ; e/Ul , MM:ip,;tiaetts : canted, dby i. r :1 1,7n1 -11 , i t i ,P.I th r 4 (furf:..., ;•!- • • • • 13 a 'al roklo vegetak.lec.xtract l apiOce a which ail:nuf rely, , as iilica beenrusod Is our = practice;_ for many, y.ef truAtuul.7ity,4hclusapcbi treated, , .4.a41.4tip failed Ia a 8410.ikatfuln".: 4spurative powers have Men) autricient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. AarTo those whiThaye truted with their constitution, soil the kihinkA6selYes-13ilytini tie reach of Medicil. id, we would say, Despair not 1 the CHAROKSZ CORE will restore health and vigor, and after all quack doc . Cora haye failed ! Arai-Fii;7 fdirpaitiefla get a Circular from any Drug StoieliriSiiCiiirlik," "*rite' the' i'roprietor, who will desiring rife Seine, a 'Pill treatieli In' 101 , 1 :ncl4e ioni:hatile, or three bottles for forwarded by eiPriiis to all parts or the world: . iii2f - eld.blr all respectable druggists everywhere. DR, ZY. R ME4WIN & CO,, • SOLE PROZOLTIGTOIea, marl° eerily No. 59 Liberty street, New Y0rk,...-. I' X-• 1.4 l'fq 17 It•S • e r & .7 r a .z..e r ,•4 ...797.?Istaiceigadi town. Dock, - Jh LEA_LERS AY.; FINE ;FAMILY - GROOE= 2 - Ascoppcfitaithe Qour.cliouse t !titivemn handallie 1141 1?°1.4. •-' - 3 11. iirtAliptEs; of T :* - 10;10;d0tatipr Of . ery — iteirlition. -112 i; ' " 116NO*SE.AMELA, • ' :r: bl.f..A .13 ~_:f;'i FiN.r.UUSH JAND;SdOTeti VThisk-pt itheCbefiticrter brought l.& this agtrKet-: L.D)Liwrit E A t . . .;: 11/ 4.51:1"12 C.T .?,.; le dnA. tho colebrited . • 'GROVE WHISKY. t• * r .s • -•-•• - • : i t. - 1 • , 'SA — tom : • . •'• 7 c o l igrF SCOTCH AND::TRISH 1.0'1 , 1100N . BROWN STOUT, WlLDpty; PLANTATION, ' 1 ' WIGWAM .TONtle 1311 . 1N1181, Irittuaksomillete stock ot • : ENIRLISTI AND AIIIERZCAN , PSOIELES Anaiulliierifli of every description now in % thi..mirket; . • LOWEST RATES.. [JaB. ' . z MOTH _ P °W l3- VOR, -• PPRRUMIITG , LtIVNY AND PREVENTING MOTE HlS;PQWDl7~i .oompoluid . of valuable. articles for .tbeldestructiou of iusects--distribyted among or dusted 'Over Purs,' Woolens, Carpets, ClOthiiia, ' l, c, Packed nivaSt`roi.'umrifer, wiM efTectually praient Cloth: • . ; Being 41141 a delightful,,diffusable perfuhne it will, ha, Preenate.clothingi &o..„witb ; ,lastifg,tutd Weil : sant odor. The nii4Atlitiric.banilOt lSaltijilred by Its use. Prepared 'and sold 'at. • •• ' 7, t KELLER'S ••• . Drug and:Fancy Goods Store; No. Erl.'..lfirket street. A.•P:TEtTP ER; TEACHER' ogi---m uslc. OT/701 AT WAR'6;§l3ida:STiiii:' . 'l2 N' Third Street. Residence: Third street, above North. : „dls4f , tßeceived and Tor sale a~ '" • • SEMLER* Mnezessinrs tr, mar2gt - • 1 1 CUT' V.!..41( and gas ' SpHEF,FEWSIDOX kyoyet 'WO ' S O MET . t f m utierior"!•• ea - cid& raft' rateind For male by the barrel or email quantity at DOM k gositen, • • - '.' t,- .: -••-;- •.- .. _ :-. ' in- --- -.- ~ ,'. .- --- . • ___._ -• _ ~ _ • . . ':.i . if ' I ... ",,,; 14, 0:. !.,-.-. !',. t'i 0. . A . -- • -.'• • - - -- - , . . • • . , ..' 'Vli ; el " 2 ,. ..... a:J...1.11,i . • - i.:;; .. ,;.1-1 , .. !.. ,- F , .. ~. . -:. • .. . . ._ . . ,4 ~ *. ,; ~------.....:,..,---- 1, e• -,:.-:.--------.-.- . . . • .. . b . t . ... _.,, _ . ... ' 4 „,.1..--. 7 .1, 1 • . . . . . -- 1 ,,r ' =l. --, 1!:. 1 ' . ',4, '',,;. °- .4, IS •; - , 0 ~. t ..-....7rw„ 0 7, , ru ,-;, ,-.-• .4.-f a - ___: : t .., •-, -.".... t' 1 : i:: L + ' .7 - , 11 ...^' $., 50 BY GEORGE BERGNER. ... 400 ...10 00 MEDICAL.' THE GREAT,- "AMERICAN REIEIYIES, KNOWN AZ “IiEIEAMBOI.,D 9 599 amiutyri pREE:ARAN[oNg e . - VIZ ...041.73 9 .L RA rpziAcr "Buagyil ractmliap RTTILIOT SARSAPARILLA HRL.MROLD IMPROrSD ROSE.WASH. •EL 0 L 'GENUINE PREPARATIONS. iI F dLY ON-CE IsTTRA.TP.P! COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT littite; A PCISITINT, AND, RF f ESDY, , . 3 : 431411 " r im TIF BLADDER,II.IIYIWYS. cat.A.VEL . - AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS:. Tins Medicine inotoAgei tliii.i•OWer : of gest*, and ekciiiiiithe , -ABSORBEM kiealthy action, by Which:the -WATERY or • °AILERONS deposi-• tad's, and all Ukii"NATTTEAti, ENLARGEMENTS are re duced, as well as pain and Indian:4,On, and good MEN ' !AMEN or CHILDON. • RUMBOITYS EXTRACT BUM, FOR WEAKNESSES ; Aiicing from ;Excesses, Habits of ',Disolipation, , Early _in ATTENDED 'WITH TZB FOLLOW/2W STMPTOSMii. Thais y alt ositiogt, to 14„ertion,;:, Ih ; yneiss_of 'the Skin; Loss emery, • Loss Of PoYwek t ": Weak Nerves, ' Difficulty , of Itreathitig,:: Horror of Disease,: ' . - Trek:Olio& DiinnesitaZ Ptsioo, :Wakefulness, Universal - Lassitude or 'therein in the Back B ody, Hot Byatem, - Flushing of the Hot Hands, 5 Eruptions on rho Face, Criontenace, • These symptom, if allowed to go on, which this medi eine iiveriably removes„ oomloilow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In, one:of Ifiloh.theillitint Silty a:pi& Who can say thin they are not frequently followed by those "direful t ineees r , • , itsTSAIsTrrY AND cc:aim:tr.:l:mow Many are awartrof the cause of their sufferings, but none will confess. The records of the insane asylums and the melancholy deathaby Consumption, bear ample wit ness to th“rutls otthe'Eteseition. • THE CONSTITUTION ; ONCE, AFFECTED: W.IT4'OBOANIGFRAgNgss, Require 7 the' of Medicine'to strengthen endr itt*lgorate the System, 2 Whibh Itelmbold's EitrßctKßuehu Invariably: doe% A trial will convince the moat skeptical - , M&AU?,S--FENAT;ES-.FE3i, ' , OL OR 'irotilla;Ayrtai:j?, MARRIED; pr.ATINti. • ,„ , In' ninny iffeetionnitecullar ti 3 fernlike tlia- Rattle:it' Bu: chu is unequalledttoK any otherremedy, arcin Chlimasta or Retention, Irregularity,. Painfulneas,.or soppreasion i a the customary Evitcuations, Ulcerated or.Schlrroui state of the Uterus Lencorrhea or Whites, Stetili% 'mind for all mom plaints Incident tci.thif eez , *healer s :arising frcon Indium*: tiod, Disedpittiamor fit --z '1 . DECILIN7i, Oli pieriv,vit di,"Aprz: _ . NO FAMILY . SHOULD Mike no Ballow, Mercury ors 17nidrne . nc. Medicine for Tinplesiani - end - Denierons - DisiCien.' ••• -- • " ECEISTOLIYS-EX.TAA:Ct 13IICECEr, • Cirrus Secret Diseases In all their stages; at little expense; ;little or no:change in diet; no inconvenience and no expo- Attire It ,oauses, frequ'ent dosirs,„ and : gives . strength ; to .Uritiate:tliiioyremoiring blistnictlops, — preiditing'anil 'caring Strfetuies 'of the Urethra, .allaymitiaiiiirid'indidn- Miation, so frequent is this class of diseaseicAndespeUfng , ;Poisonous, , piswed, And ,W9Filout. Matter., —Thousiuyie tuitionOA/0414 wife, hAv.e'*ti,thit iriertints',Otiegas; 04 4 'Vie - have paid &bevy es - to be Cured M r s stiortlittie, have found they were deceived, and; that the ‘ , Poisolitt; , Lhasi by the use of"pci*eittil .astringents,". been dried np in the , !system, to break out in an afintutte form , and perhaps I r after marriage. Use HEI,MBULDIS E;CTRAMBUCITtiIor all Affections _and Dieetisek of the Urinify Organs, whctlie, xi3~is `fu )11ale:orfRainalefi16piiiVrilteVer :cause oiightatinglatid ..matter oplicyr tong illaerkeir oretbese Organs require the aid of it Diuretic. =.=ol:D'S EXTRACT LBUCHU is the Great Diuretic, and it iii'dertain to have the desirod oleo in all Diseases . for which, it. is recom mended : ; r ' 1 • tecl"Ceittgahhill EIfULD EZTIUiCr SARS.ABABIBUSYBHI - ani4eetA9O - 9f .00 illPack 2, Aba. Sexual Ofgaps,..bulipga 0 _t.tli 3 O.,XiittO, Oars', :Throat;Wind piploliiid Otto* Mid= Shrfuees; Making Its apPearanqin the fond-of Uleerse• TEEelrObblifli Eitractiaireapaiilla rifles the Blood, and removes all Sealy Eruptions of..the ski n , giving to the,goreptaxich a Olear.and At being ,prepared S'Xpresary, for,this plies of Cornplaiws, -its Bloo&PigitrirtiPfpOrties - firiAqrvii . l .- 416.grer ' :extent than any:fdler-preparation-of;.Seirsapitrila:,, BELIIII3OIaYa.2,4:WIE /USX.' • An excellent Lotion for.ffiseatel:o(.lkft.hilitic l stare, :and as an Injection in tiliseaSec....9l, ;the; Urinary Organs, ,arising'from stab t o et diSitipittiba r ffised connectiffii with the Extmcur fliichtrima•SarcaParilliii=inisiieh diseases Lei lidonentendek• 'Evidence of the zattstoLresponffible and , zet chArsete4 ' 'll 3 lOmY. gketnediV lll . TA - 1 , CA TES OF CURES faro.. eight to twent y pewit standMg t with names known to Science and Fame. For/tie/Peal 'Properties of Buctiu,'seeLDispeictary of the United States: See Professor • DElVlE'Sxlaluablevrorkcoit MA:Practice of Physic. L See L remarks made „by . the late _ celebrated r Dr. PHYSICE, - Fliilidelphia." Soo rag:karts 'made Dr. EPHRADI MoDOWELL,' a celebrated Phyffician and mem ber or the !loyal College of Surgeons,' and•tffiblished, In the Transactions, of the Rinktc , andlAueelles. Medico - Chirurgicalßeview,publislied hy,I3ENJ. TRAVERS, Fellow of "the Royal bf 'Stirgeoni.' The' most 'of the late standard works on Medicine. Extract of Raclin; $1 la° Ter bintle, or six bottles 'for IC 00. 'Extract:of Sarsaparilla, $1 00, per, Pettit?, or slz for $6 00. Im proved Rose Wash, 60 centa 'per 13ottlel, or six 'for $2 60, or half a dozen each - for $l2 00, which be sufficient to cure the most obstinatecases, If directions are adhered to. Delivered to any tuidresa, securely packed from €6. servatiomDescribe symptoms In all. ootiunaciestiffiaA. :Curealutuffintsed: Advice gratis; _ - • - , ' • l AFFIDOrk. • • . pereOnilly &Mated betoid ifie a n Alderman at the ale!) , e r Philadelphia, le tielnabold, -who, being duly aw4, l ; • dotal nay, bin preparations contain: no haronie,.no, zner 'sod, OrMiwrialudisocirsgsdka4 - KnlingEyerat4ble. • 11.4 i BOLD,_ Oetipth and intbatiilinat .. oefot'o 1-Bd:.dait 10. t' :-tt' t”-- 1 - • B ARD, .Aldeziona„Minthritfio4 altrinnqfPliflaat ' Address lo*Eplinimitttinanotile, , , tratOblb 'oh, f ake Depot 104 itadh 10th skeet, below Chestnut, Philadol. Palk "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREV-ER.". HARRISBURG PA ThESD4r ,EITNING 7 864. 4 ^ 9 ;2 , : i 1 p..),yrY NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .4,11L11M.1 OSEN:PALE, BEI '29 Practical geie.s - 01113 OP TICIA_N-, .;lINYF-IPTuE II `; lANP WP,}I:3 I FR (RE! ,•• , , OPTICAL' , lIIVPREMATICAIi lIAND PMLOSOPRI CAL INSTRUMENTS, No. ke4sNli n S'lHEkt,' N A NV I A. HARRISBURG, PA. •• .. The" following'i n s tru me nts t will bo forwardedi kt* any address, on receipt of the . price : Insect Microscope • for examining all kinds of in. Sects; Dowers, '.neßisql•i•••• • ; • ••`.1•[ , ' . . 1 4.10: )•ii•ii:Vi9q • 661 Microscope ; for ex amining seeds, 'Donets, • ' minerals, &c. - 2 00 Rosendalo's Spilent'allicroscrme• powaVi , lO O, and 256 diameters.' A beautifill histr ifiiiiie fo! "'" " general microscopical a nalysis, packed' a neat , ~ l'.' box. . 10,00 . .Igifte.Telescopet to see at a distance Mi l t' , • Miles; can be attached to any rif1e..:...,....... . 5.00 'Stereoscopes; a new and iiiiirrovedirtlitiM4.nt.... 2:15 Do. with twelve pictures.... 5 f,OO , f Spectackis of the highest reffactlire power to strenah -ein• seci.prEpiryeshe cym•iglM with a irgrallso..oo6o4.9t. Operaand .141.1 a Glasses,. lianimeters Thermomettma, Magnets, Drawing Instruments; &c. 4 air.S 9 lad stamp ler a 6titalogue contalainglpriaAis, ... GREAT 4 ] IN FORSYTH'SS 00 ..-,. 42AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORE: •, - ,.Ltuijoining the Poet OEIOO . -•:" • ' Offer for far sale.t4ipfolletving otagidiacentlet of; • I. • , • • :•• VALUED AT 460 , :1 • iW A.TCFIq; ,OTT}INS; ; • PAID FOR UNTIL YOU 1070 • •-: • -,Q YOU ARE TO QB.V -s .il •C 150 Gold affil StiverWaic4e..ALs 4 ), • •„, e4cS. '2OO Ladles' Gold : Watches • 4., •", , :500 Ladies? St Gents' Silver do • ?"•.. ' : 5;086 . 401e0.:G0Rt :Pencils r.tcr+ oda:. ' 5 1 0 99,G014-band. - Pmcplota .... .. ' /0; 0001;o014* - OhApeezakitctilie. 4 - , r to r ,, B,ooo' Cameo ; "liosai6 ' and .140 t • ; Brooches 400 to 600 eitehi 6iooo Corsi egld Rlcrenteef • ' • • 4roPs. •• 4 . . . c:4 .. •.•• to- r , 18.00 each,. 101060 Gents' Breast Fin! 2"'50" to 800 eaqh 15;000 Sleeve Buttons, and itc.eopt-- Studs 2 "56 16000, &de-401 : ea? Jewelry : :. - -5‘.0649 1 - 40,00 each 6000 Lava and'iloreitine sets... 4 :02 40 ; „f, (1, 4 90. 10;000 Geld'Pens. Surer -monittott.: -4 . , •• ;Holders: ••'• ". 4 , 00 -• ?ON) Oilar 8,000 .;f4olo,PerdeleithlStirer I. : - „ ye/Mon:Net/ F?z,t(Pftnw . • • 1! 4.,01a to 'r 8.0,40 The aiiielet this in thitoor cif Jewelry are of the noltipt att4.-naoitlf4h idzirthite stklbs, Zcirtlilasttea -of all 4 tai va 'lons artioloi3 aro oat khlealeti , extvolopoicand orticid; ;Mull gibing all a fair. chanoe,...apdsent kw;,r11,941, for,„2it : cools each; and ontho ;ocelot of Caktiflcato its ; , at Oa option to /kik Oss br mit! cartifteetee;for4 , 4 - .eletion. for s4ihifkk.; sixty, fv . slo,;• • one•hutkqed t f9r money to ' b e ; enclosed with , order.. .Cotiwondeace POamPtlY , ” Anatira Wall TES' in: t evtik "town intl . ' thglmeint. , Send. ora.oircarar. , W. FORSYTH Ali C 0. ,, t an!! , 1 4. - ?assan strt,mtvi?elf Yo462yez . f.l! :provritt :NAM • Is the best time for planting.`6ll' 'kirk:lB 7- 0f ;I X EVERGREENS, for ; adorning: cemetery-101s; :parkiP yopds,l4:o - • ;,.• !f I.NY 2 P -d ft .A4t 3 Wow. • ;•f--;• Alderlean itteximillaise. Birnor. "Under ottr,tlag beet, the long cell once wore, , . Call tilt the North'es you odlled • liet before." , Ottr-ViittatitWei•noliffuid , Ohetnit. - .)!ictnateek: ';30) •,; "Sudden and loud the war cry rang.” now,Softly p Tri!•. ( ke. l ,llr; T —WW I ' 'Caere.' . - 0. ".‘"Thit; Is a item whdne beer.'' " ' Linnerlbed to t the ifetherki -Wiwi, :and -Sisteri-ii1 0 •1116 - • Slndutin'l3attlel'; . ' • ' • Prom ithe red tio.ttle field. Quartet. Barker. 24, teoderly„mourefully home, - From the red..edge-II:Al, volu*teen!,- '•21 1 . Hera 4fto F'; Wine '3o' HifkraddietiilPipiti r iiitA.- 2, 4 o itttied Itilveword,.:••l Anotliei r bas le ft inn .. t t e rds reward." Enionciiiattenl -. .. • "ed tz.): it led Cteirt.4. - 139" 01n. tbid land of . tte-ftsie;:'-liottveliie Shall therw•pe; As a cause rr for•rehellioer .ttreaten. oth , r., When tptt,,,Wit.r nu„owur. Song and Chores.. . - Turner. 30. • The Drummer . . , wistrier. aft ;copt . etior the above• new and popuJt r' hAet miihle 401 R ;by' mail, , post-patd i on reeettit . pf!the price.% OLIVINE: "DIT , ON & .P brsh Bto F • l tzt R u t on t.. or , et,e rl 2, GOULD ".` iia.f•2B-d w,11( ' AUCTION , SALE s.# IrN E - 14.1'N E 119'11:8'1'S". WAIL DEF.p.IIIXIT, CA L V,Virf,$), OFFICE OF MOP No r atr,aanasinle,• • Weeproricni,ll.'C.j'alprtl mit "WILL be sold at ' priblic atietion, Ice the iT.Vc zhighatild.dde6:at the times iiiictipLaaell Dow, viz: n. 1.1 1 I:1 Northrgulmrltput, Penn's,. Thuradey,June 9th. 'Scranhin, Pena , a, Thuisda7, Jana 16th. , , Williamsport, •Yeitnl•l4-ThuiedaYLalthe'2364 '" _ One ilundeed (160J'hoiseinibetigshing, and_WoZnn= died and Fifty (2514,4 eadtrof2thetdthesD4l6o62'l. These Horne! have :hillA•AnO4m l ift-. . 1 , 11 14 , :c5K. 7•Dayalrj ieryfee`ot Ale p hhad Vance Army. - For:roaa:arararnwpahldiiiiettutn) ,, toot•liargai n e 'saki be had. ^ Moises nill , be eold t , • Sales begin it 10i: and continue. .ta air ,sold. • ••1 TEAKS: CASA in United M ates • TreamurinoleiOnlr ' .`ls; - 51. 4 AM= dahlflll...m. aPP - dA Lt.; 04 / f ,, Cav 411 7 Puma • MI 1L.4,1/ifti 41 it".. y , : G :0, 10: Iz i i . :;s. : • • ,' ii -.- '''ii'ig" '4::':;;:.,:c..T* - g'i..,: - ~.'''::.l', $!.".:9P .•H'<: • - • •• . • •• y i S 11.1ARICET SQ . :VA:RE '•' •(Next,dger, 10 Fplix's iCcinfectioneiy,) ,t AinIDEB,4,SEM PSRI.4tEp, tc 1 ,04 v - v . Ot.ltar;itftb,utisf, e viCtiiitz,the lii... l lll:4ll,,Y4l4,ltiuctt"toW,k , cuea, prices than any house In the city. The im4l.lty : .of her goods cannot be surpassed... • • r• DRAW MAKiNWIAT THR LATEST STYLI?"' Wild be neatly executed: L . ; ~.• . • Laktop call and examine foci yourselves : ‘• .• OR .SA '." • ".' , F • "="' • Thersubscriber . oferalor.isald the iskick - and flitnres •of his • well :known. WROI-ESALK.LIQOOIt STORE ,Q 11). REVIIETING ESTABIASIWNV..fIe the whole ,or part; of'thchtobk, and - the - , ehtire I;ixtures: 'The. MAI: nese haCheen carried ohabout fifteen yeirS,'aild-be well established,' With GioNhiwehteosheeted .Good, KOPPER' STILL ' It is situated on - Canal street, between. Pennsyl vitnia railroad.and car*, and . has a private aiding hatable for forwarding?ossmaipn . giden' iinmsdittsly and iiisseliven forfrom one to , ton yeari. c'zTotais to suit *purchasent. For, fhrthsr hiforlhatioia apply on the4re -, .: tiruirl44fhr , '• GEO. G....KUNKEL. • PHOTOGRAPIAS. - ' A LARGE' assortment" tif+l?hOteigriplis}:Of, ~b ensiars apd Tor.salemairar rat' ;1; iper,dbmin, SCREFleklt'S Bqom Bronx': . Blra w ari atisr vaiill4iiilarida choice BTlCX:wimiT s ite , , vn 141.1".. , 1.5 4 1,* -T . • ...: i, , ,, SECISLER4 FRAZEN , k 1 •L ar3l j 4 MOM APAi r tnitittie Ar4ko3y3 . i BLED 1741J1T of all kinds at I trar4 BOYER & KOERPER. ME TRISTEWS SALE 4.4 ; VALUABLE IRON WORKS. Br virtue` Of dititteolot .thOCirouit Court for Waslaingtug,coprity,,m a. Cqurt of Equity, the ulutorsigued trustee wilt soll'at pulil9a sale, In frOnt of the Court Eitiusei lullagetitciwn; - , . , h 29.,,1 TUESDAY;. the:l4tH bAt OF: JUNIE;IB64, SIIthaGYALUABt.B REAL ESTI.% . situiti'iiNtira * siiiiig. ton: =lndy; Mirylvxd; Awcimi the , i • 4 GREEN SPRING. FURNACE` PROPERT Y;:`. which. MO fOle BALLY iOarrw oique.da.nd carried on by. . El ; j: °MAW ; •!C • and is now for sale oa,nocount of the! tleatkufonn of .the pattnarc Said PI4PIII - 394 ACRES.:ORIZAlip,.:(xiiore- or of Widelt about 200 owenleanid: and in an eiceilent !Alio Of o u l tiratioNALOG,44 l sß.oo.l)ol44 . I . '". %" '.ILA.NICO'. • ! The FURNACEI:b . :nimbi-hind WI ai tick'. highi With an; ,eight.footEOSH, r poSinti,G. SOUSE, cP,,44 - 4 0 TW and, ~BRIDGE HOUSE; and'is run "bj an ove r-iliot wheel' 40, feet high. It is in good repair, and the , water power tin , . failing and, ailleitifloient: .Sind-.FURNACE itt 'onlr,She mile irons ,the CheaapeAkeand Ohio Canal, and about the Same distance front the Irotibreitank. There is also - i .. A. GOOEI DWELLING 41 USE -Sear tlielignuicht idiso a t 11BAti Mheii dui) 4 butlditigs, aniron Orem pa r f sal Arid o land the area number of TENANT HOUSES (in all eighteen or twenty) in good repair, , TinfebovelprepOy VW be Seed entiotr, in pitiseLste :sulk purchasers; such parcels to be m ade it'uown at the sale. '‘.l n i , , ..., . , - t t , The undersigned' Also soll'at the same time and ..pace about • ELETY.-,TELEEE ACRES. OEI,JAN:p, , setrated from the above bythelinadi - 9i gee. Feidt. Also, t Co A. Limetoue, Quarry on said canal near M , Coy's Ferry, containing i0 ; t1 r; gderilia AttidTekg . Ars t...,F•.• • 't TERMS OF SALENtlirescrilied .Dy't shit, aesree, are: O-third of the purchase money in cash on the day of sale, on the ratification thereof, and the balance in two eiwal'abnluallptaflenents of i linti,WilttfrolyisinCErom Rid day de al* With iliferest fro . :that thy; 'the petlitaser to give his notes with approved -security for the deferred payments, and on payment or the entirow,ulhasc money, the Vustheilin etelcuttiA:deed itdithit puretiiiier; kis re ,o ,onired by2o-ta the Decree. F. M. D AitBY, Trustee. r IX: Lebanon "Courier," Lancaster "Braininer," and Bead ing "Journal," copy weekly, and s end billa to the Trustee A1M9P,4 0 .9, ce.4 1 114*: lC.;$;ll4 "r PAL AE ~ . .v L bye 44teat publi c sate, a~t ram's :1 • European Hotel, on Wednesday, the ninth of •Juaetaexya I , 4Tteiclock-itt tkofm t eatogitUti; , .;„ " 'situated at the corner of Cheititititreet and Dewberry al ley, Tifty-twaTeetamfllda 'whew. .oi Cbesiaut. o All funning, becklwo alTE.lcdTdei k ixf Clierry etteret. U7ion 11* premises are LkET „ti L ;FOUR FRAME TENEMENT HOUSES, fronting on Dewberry alley, and. located at the corner of ,clierry,strett and ,Dpwbegry alleg,Antai u ningeach,, on tla3 tr'safloOklut entry - sand &tee rod—onthasecott&tledr ,thkee rooms. The cellars aro,cool.acd perfectly dry; the gairets are spacious . . Thetis houses hays been built of ; six years ago, aad can easay.command ton dam% rent per month !reftemeittaAno,l4 en the flay of rale.' r taY2ll=eiht ENSMINGER & AT)Ablg, Alien.! • jy ;DIX••Ws. 4 0 94,k. -. ii1.J11.13:1,,4G- BkC4QXS, )34 - Aitoil.tvoi6tst 1.." 1 , 4A ea 42. %41,..50: - if :HAHN. TED HEARTS, by- the - author of the Lamp aighter po_ !DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT; by Mrs. Holmes. $1 SO IV. BARBAII.A.'SIHSTORY„sisteVer," Amelia Edwards. • .'...;;;•1. $0 eents. • THE YibliSiVii troiropc . • .I l 'lO ,Er , 74(17. , 1. . .r 25; 4 : ,• .• 5 9t .7VL; . • •-! t: SEVEN STORES, by 1k Marvel, anther of ' "Reverles of a Bachelor." —O-51 tint . • - 5P F K 4 1,1037514 A 1 4• 0 014tP/Baillir3 , o3i*PMeg' 4 l the Nile. nEr!J' --., - 7 : - ,Dr , THE livoriiAN BitiakEbkreittiojiliez3naiittiti -ray." 21,fid NOYES OtHOSPiTA . I, LIFE;Noir.'6l - 03 44,13, - ;treco • x. ISTORIF.pIOF THE "BEA.; Tor TbOye;:Pfrbbiteseolierle wruillis • •- •t• Lt. ,T % . sll.o,cr• SiOl.lES' OF THE i :VOp9, i fck' i .goilii' • , . . . •:: :OUR:llAllaiTAitEi a .441Y.leentakof AIL. 9 0r ,16 v.§.1 1 4 thiryed'a Irair t , , PnthiLdelltkie;. ; eehwyril4ona re ot • •••• • ivicifved ebon --• • BERGIN/IRA:BOOK STORE; is .. 5 1. 11 4, 1 4?" • f"'E t . 4 , locations for IRON O, N O WORKS iq khe State for ;sale, - ;at a very reasbicible& ,prie4 finit e iy pdrehatler who iii ii2Orcire it, siteated iu a short distance or the city of Harrisburg; beixreeitittift. Penesylvania ,rallroad;and catnA about , luudrost,l4 , o And alougaidi3,Of , ,the in the / State anti date alobd road - , alio; L iebin` ter' :waste cinders for fifty years, without paying , for Lbw land , !Apply to , ,‘ ~ ,x ,DAYLD gUlstli 4 t,; 44 .1 N9rth Sosona Atte , e4, , "two - at-de, " :.-BaYlisbulWrar d>l - cliiV,odldie./d ... c,A. •-1 ".„ • -rm§ A FRESH DITOfCE, ' 1 : luggt Ella L.c o. !p: PE.L.,OAATEP .9 . * - .SUGAR,GURED7 kI..A3XS AND 313M4.1tE'," • • - 0 . 1 442r444,*17.4#24-: =MI ;! '‘ LantiL:f,ori 60. , AORSS Virlatuid, fin Dauphin': co.: at private sale, in part er the whole, ne puranaseraa F r f ss e l es .p, gog it pniatings,therean, with s saw'Sfill: For fartlier - particilapi;ndareas 'zi.l if Diaephlui , Dauphin: county; Pis.i my30:41 . 3m* beat s Aftwr;n43l,4a itlATlN , tij O f t aPd fob Isl a uracturrl4l4el.4v- SHlSitt °).l' boc • *, Wm. - MESSl3thk . and MESS POE - 4 . 091_ article of lfookile44trux at _ _ RULER & YRAZZEI ' Uo.), • , tdu~oFrEio~r • t r :bride* tSkt (*lto-brand, . leeeiV 4 d intbsesisiebY ic• ^ ' 1 100 01488-4:3°141811 of the ode re. 9 0 14.rm3.9.,W1TL1 14, E NGL,,pit4 D'Alrid staid- , II,: ..)no.ny 'nisit•Yoßitiestekt osidaise, sj fit No2lllt.t oda. Yl3l.l.l)oCA,Va;,*.k.Cilua 1 -, dl • of'' iPa" tfril a, 9 ;maiiptgat-. 0144 H: Vino: litq i4,r. i ii * ,p.,3 llllE 'l.A 4 - 1 . I-17mm AFEW MORE PIECEt3 OF GAITVAIWV Awnings and Wagon Coven Call at Yizabrdrs Um store, Market street. my 264 EAMMI —Webster ME UVAIIMIsh a tp , • = PiticE, Two CENTS. BM kEYEBING txoL ; 4lsty--yp3 i TgDAtLy.: . , , ipu.qll4pli. INt.BOl-tW0...... ,IPirow::l3 . 6,lithnorp. r•. • . ' r ~ B ,i/44.4ci- c , June & , The Bei tiniore _thastican of to-day says: Dele , gates to the National, Conventien are • begin ning to,azrlye.ku. large nu fibers,; and our hotels are rapidly filling : to their :utmost capacity. The delegatioinkfrcap New York - .and the Eastern. StatosialpAocated.nt the Entawjziouse, and those frcungennsylvania And the West at Barins i qty to the Presidency, ltll' the delegates are enthusiastic in adherence to the nomination President Lincoln. Per the ~VieeTresidency!there seepaS•to be nO set :tied opinion, both New York and Pennsylvania clairaing ; the- nominee. • The preparations making at the Front theatre, under the, diree.tion of the committee of:the City, Conneil, are rapidly 4PProaching 1306 4Pktiot4 :!' a< _.- • ' • • The dress 4rcleis to -hezeseryed ler ladies, and the balance of Ale, : lipper pertion•of tile house thrown_open to, the public. The Con vention will:be called to order at twelve o'clock Xotmorrow noon. THE UNION NATIONAL CONVENTION . - ; Lincoln to be the Nominekt for President. • beNominated for Vice . ,Presideni. BE • BALTIMORE, JUMe 6-8 P. M. Who-Hotels 8,1.8.1;7011 crowded and the City :presents a liirety.,scene,, notwithstanding the drench#tg,rairt which, set -in' at two o'clock and continued' to this hour. : • • No-comparisprr can be , instituted, between i ;the; BaAtimerecicoayention .21,,Xtlfit—andrthe Chicago Conv.ention of 1860. The question ;of, Vibe ?Residency, is the only one which ex 'cites ' any considerable interest, and upon this qqestion only two or three - delegates have:ar ved'at any definite conctusion. Ipeveral ,caucusses are to betheld to-night, eV. which the subject will be canvassed if not settled upon- . : k' klaine is foir.Eamll.4, and probabilitiestkie, are deeideil,l.l.o* MiSsouri, hlinnessota,and Wiaconain will go the same way. 'Pennsylvania is for Cameron, and the perm- . . fylvanians craim that Thurlow Weed is work ing for their men among the New York dele , v gates, ~ . - . ,1, .• r - gAr.iil York is divided 44Y7(4,24J1?ide011.and Trenndlie,,.and. it is , certain, „that Weed. is 1 against the movement,..alleging c ,that-, if IN,*- I 'fro* ,has the Tice Presidency,her -chances, pf heving a Inember of , the Cabinet , ill 4 di niinished. ". - ; • • The New Yorkers being instructed to, vote as a mnit,will meet at ; nine o'clock to-night to idOci " cliiiktoirApir strength sball ; he. thrown:, Tlie -Ill*is, delegation i met this morning and agreed to,express no,opirdon,and take no . . action beyond,presentingt,he,name of Alma lham Lincoln-for the, I'residency. ; Mr. - Lincoln will be nominated on the first., ballot. There may be a dozen or two of seat,- tering votes. The policy of nominating-by acclaniatimai is not favored : by-his Illinois friends,. who de fiire that the vote of everyidelegateihall be liirly recorded. - - - I Perhaps the most interesting controversy grows out 3 .`4, i the contesting delegates from liiiisouri i and it is not improbable that the ~slati-Blair feeling may find expression by 1 voting the Conservatirewnkpf the_Badicals, ,although. yrelLunderstood that_dlie_ latter 'are not eir l :gLitiooln.......;_ 1.'..1 ._..,... .i - ..: -' , • 1 • 1 The western delegates_ sympathize strongly with tbeiradicals and ; will _vote almost. as a' unit -. for 'them. ' The 'project of putting - a . plank of the platform fora reconstruction of the Oiliiiii . et , ii , elterywiiiitili:froiviied d'o'wn. - - - For temporary president, Rev. Dr. Breckin ridge is the almost unanimous choice. For periiiiment President ei-Gdveinor Den nison of, Ohio,seems to be the fayorite,-though Simon pameron and :Henry J. Raymond are still tanaid - of: There is; a:: strong oppesitinn. te,ltemisn'd hi' the New York Aelegatitia. r TAE 'Cameron more= r riastitla's'%rolten down, Arid ni Pennicylyiiihad, deditid'f6 go' for HAriilin: , ' I Minnesota, r WiscOngin;Eißsall'a#:.d 0 .1 6 4 1 i delegates hate, pfolfonneed atrOligly'for 'Efarialh' i', and the piese4 Iridierlyhp.are:tlat New England - WtrgoTor him i24'Maase. r At that" be will n othinated - On the Arat = The' National 'CoraMittee n inet.,tßis M. • the'Eutawlinwe to ad,ii - pf a plan - Of 'Mimi* tion, : audlo tickets for the' delegates. The torIF. delegation }s at the Rana* Mined: . ..theyassachusett r e, Renneyryania, Ohio, and ,AliuQi@;flele Bannuns. sanitary at Louis `GENEW EtiOdri :itAR,DED THE SViOO. . , ST. Loms, - Jrinat: • ThaSanitariFair was practically - brought to'VeloseOn - Sitt#daY Eight The =imagers itrld'OtfleiS ifitereeted'in it have reason to con gratulate theinselVes that itlas'provede, mag nificent 'SucceSS; ;exceeding the expadtatiOna of the most saritinine atthateginning: ' . The . gross receipt today from 'all - ionices of 'revenue are` nOtless than 1575;000, and the nett proceeds which will pass into the hands of the' Sanitary Poniiniasion will be 'it least 'TheAmildings will be open =dining the Oven-; ingeof the present Weelefor the cdrabinatiOn Sales of goldnnd - silVeitliiirs and other , arti cles. TheSereiter farm-raffle On; Saturday evening, No. 34,472 drawing the farm. ,The, lucky holder is not at present known. 71. • The Arley SwOrd was awarded amid much inthpsnisra,to General , Hancock, he., htAing 11040 0 4 2 032: 7 0 42 .. - Pittsiyurge faniiltitrj,..Pair. • :1, 4 .4 4 `1: .3 cirietriect i thine 6. The receipts of the Sanitary 'Fair upitd Saturday night were . $200,000. The attend ance is velar: e. . .. . ~.. g T I Al - P RI N t IN 11 , 0 raftlii - ADvamiumi itiniar-iiuuiticuit <. t The following are the rates for advertising in the term. „: Mott, Those having advertising te de will ilia It con. I , enien tfor reference. - - inr- Four lines or less oenistityle ceiC4s99ata re. illight . _ lines crmore than four constitute a Bennie. POE A BALM SQUARE 701 OXE 11140•211. One day $ 30 One iisi.....i.i.4 4 ks.;.jfei Two days 50 Twe days . ICs Three days . 76 Three ,days 126 One week... ....... .. 126 One wool.. ..: .... .... $ll Gum month 3 00 One mon th atO Taro months 4 501 Two months 900 Threemonths 6 50 Three rsontbs....... M. CO. Sin months • '8 ME Sheilicuitits - --'• • —76'o' ' - One year__ ' ... —l5 001 One year .„ is co -- Administratien Notices AN •.4 1 6.1 25 Marriage Notices 71 Auditor's NoUces,l, 60 Funeral Nottceseachtmertion •• • • • • 14.',„!4..i. 43 may-Business notices inserted in the Loma Orlawsis, et before Marriages and pasha, Mawr Cans ma DMZ Ak each Insertion. - 0 - ‘.. - • .i: -;::. The Pennsylvania Reservesr. General Warren.% Farewell. HY..upputratuis Frrriz Aw' CORPS, May 31. Soldiers:—With this is the order for the re-- turn of the Pennsyliania Reserves, Who's& term of service expires to-day. The General commanding begs leave to express to them hig great satisfaction at their heroic conduct in 'this arduous campaign. As their own mander he thanks them for their willing and effective efforts, and congratulates them that their shiccessfal engagement of yesterday, closing their term of.service, and being the last of many battles brav,ely fought, is one they can ever ' remember with satisfaction and pride. By command of Major-General Warren. (Signed) A. G. MANN, A. A. G. Gen. Crawford's Farewell. Hmencluannias Map Dpasiox, Pimussi r . TAMA REsraiva VOLUMED. CORPs, Eirra.Anam Cones, June 1, 1864..—Soldiers of the Penniyi yanks Reserves: —To-day the connection, which has so longexisted between us, is to be severed forever. I have no power to express to you the feeling of gratitude and affection that I bear to you, mor the deep regret with which I now part from you. ' • • As a division you have ever been. faithful and devoted soldiers, and you:have noblyaus tained me in the many trying scenes through., whioh we have passed, with an unwavering fidelity.' The record of your service terminates glo riously, 'and the Wildermess, Spottayiv_ania. COurt House, and Bethsaida Church havebeen. Lidded to the long list of battles and triumphs . that have marked your career. Go home to ••the great State that sent you forth three years ago to battle for her honor, and to strike for her in the great cause of the country. Take back your soiled and war-worn ban ners, your thinned and shattered ranks, and let them tell how you-performed your trust: • Take back those banners sacred from the groiions associations that surround them, se mid with the memory of your fallen comrades who gave their lives to-defend them, and give them again into the keeping of . the Statefer CPAs% • 1 Incoirect Report: - ST. Loves, June & iA dispatch to headquarters, from Rol* si4ya the „report of the burning of a train and killing of refugees near Salem, Ark., proves nn-' tou.nded, a portion of the men sent •to look alter the train having'arrived there. , : - Markets by Telegraph. Nnw. Yonn, Juna.6. 1 . *LOUR AND MEA.L.—Sbits and western flour has been in fair deinand to-day, at vary full prices for desirable lots, especially of ship ping brands, which are scarce.. Sales minim' our last amount to 18,400 _barrels, including . superfine, State And western at $7. 20, ,and peer to choice extra State at $7 5008; at $7 60(4775, ineltuling 3,500 barrels'good.;• * oidinary to arrive in June and early in july i r r 4,4 $7.50 @7 60, and 500-bbls. very choice do., td arrive this month, at. $7 90; round-heop eTtra Ohio, inferior to good shipping brands, • ' at $8(48 20; chiefly at $8 05®8 15C . • !GRAIN. - -Corn continues.. unsettled; Indels• since our last of 20,000 bushels, iA.arnall.lots, at $1 si@o. 65 for mixed western, fiecordiiig to finality; 1 63 for white,western, and $1,64, .fOr,noithern yellow. Rye continues scarce, - and-Wanted at $1 53®1 56. Oita continued iil brisk request at higher prices.- - -We quatet,s .dansda at .92(495c; , western, at 5j03(e96,41 f afloat and to arrive, and 95098 e in storeq,,,, State at 93@,96e afloat, and 960 in Store' • cash. Barley continues dull and nominat. Aarley malt has•been in request at at $1.58(4 - 1:61; sales 600 bushels; Canadian peas, 6,814) „ liushebi sold at $1 32. BALTEWOM, Jung FLOUR—The demand for 41dpi:tient Arid"— hilme consumption continues-extrepely light,- --- blat prices are without essentiaLeliange. ,We qripte. Howard street super and" ant extra; ®7 621®7 75; Howard streetshipping extra"' $Bl2 Howard ?street retailing extret: -- % 25®0 00; Howard street family $9.2 . 5®0 , 0Q;• Ohio super $7.62R30.00; Ohipehippmg extra,-, t $8 12i(a ! ,0 00;"Ohio retailing 'a - still sB'l2i(4, .%25; Ohio fondly. s9®o 00; CitYlifini stand ard• super $7 62i@7 75; - •City 'Mille shipping. . : : braids extra $9 50®9 , 75;.8a1tim4r• !family • $1.1040 00; Baltimore.high gnide extra:V.oso.. RYE FLOUR—Good brands moderate dethimd; and firm 75®7•874. • - !i=F;CONDr Ri V AL: • • - LATEST ST - YLES! • DIATE;, Pion n Drilla- MAC' PLPASED to -announce d Esinsb - arg,andvicinity, twko lerrelsolbentAy pittamt , -iced her since her arrival in this city,) that has Oust received, dial& froth trio- manufacturers itid fatiotittersi`sr SECOND SUPPLE`` or the finest goods the market coal affordla She hue. at - • PHENOL, AND AMERICAII • iglitlltillY, and ismow prepared to offer great inch:moments to ;pep, . z chimera. Her stock consists in part of - RONNETS, BOSONS, • 11 -1• 1 FLOWERS, READ DRESSES, CAPS, ORNAM,“ SILKS VELVETS, LACES, ;-;;; B&W SKLBTS comers, HOSIERY, . ILINDRERCHIEPS, GLOVES, CO LLAR% • •;. CUFFS, BELTS, NETS, If-OCT? 1111NNia3 , ALKO, a splendid'assortment of Silk WRAPPINGS, - SILK. COATS, • , • CIROUI4-119, r P • 3LiNTILLAs, , • , • -- ' LACE POINTS!' .• PARASOL*, e.-dooL.4a I. Also, Ties, Scarfs, Pocket Books, Porte - Nlammlest purses, elegant Steel and Jet Phis and33roderee au' Belt •Bucklest, and a:full lute of Skimming: astd; Yaws*" 004:ols, as cheap as the chespeitt„ i Special care has bee exercised - BAIA:I lielearcoi go ods, with a•view to the wsums ; sl• thlEconamunity, • Boa she ladies generally are ,invited to eassoine the &s -iert:wont. • ; Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore reettived t , respectfully solicit a dgoltittuanceof the same. Don't forget the place: NOM: Markft argot, MRS at. ILLYER. r opio mpLAT,A, fuie article. ceived at ' s'atin.:Eß PRAZZia t ' I Ague": suixessors Virct-DagLir-..43. 1a FINE, NO. 1 MACKEREL, in '.Kitts,-jastrAi•.,t .. „ 4 " '(snecessorsin Win. nclek; 1 . • I'lo4 bA.L.E. —A live-Horsetp,Olyv _ =GINE Azid:BOILEEt, ordur. iireek.bela* MAL , Aab2ll-tf . , .O,IIAIipiG.TOX:= II ;FARA.-- ItT4h , f l 4ifid ,L) the season. /net received: at /CRAI 4I3 ERlllES:altdiSeilikriii ries just received at SEMLER & FRAM. se 6 MEM I== =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers