Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, June 06, 1864, Image 1

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Tits DAILY TEtSGRAPH is served to subscribers In the
city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be
charged $5 00 in advance. Those persona who ueglectto
pay to advance will be charged $6 00. • •
TEM TELEGRAM is also published weekly and JS furnished
o• Subscribers at the following cash rates
Single copies, week1y.........
Three copies to one Post Opce
Ten copies to one Postctltcet
be found thelist of names drawn on Saturday
forenoon,which•concluded the draft for North
umberland county, as well as for the Four
teenth Congressional District.:
1 Thomas Toburn, aged 36, laborer.
2 Martin Gibbons, aged 25, miner.
3 Michael Gibbons; aged 38, miner.
4 James Swift; aged 22, miner.
5 Michael Falvey, 'aged 30, miner.
6 James O'Brien, aged 36, miner.
7 John Jones, aged 38, miner.
8 Michael Callahan, aged 27, miner.
9 James Kennedy, aged 25, miner.
10 John Flynn, aged 39, miner.
11 Peter Fox, aged 25; miner.
12 Thomas Welch, aged 28, laborer.
13 Thomas McDonald, aged 38, miner.
14 Michael Crane; aged 29, miner..
is William Johns, aged 25, miner.
16 James Nary, - aged 44, miner.
17 William McGee, aged 38, miner.
18 John Forsyth, aged 28, miner.
19 John Snell; aged 43, laborer.
20 M. McCloskey, aged 40, miner.
21 Henry Delany, aged 36, laborer.
22 William Work, aged 37, miner.
23 John Klinger, aged 25, miner.
24 Daniel Shade, aged 35, laborer.
25 Michael Collier, aged 41, laborer.
26 Riehlard Our new, aged 35, operator.
27 William O'Brien, aged 38, miner.
28 D Pugh, aged 37, laborer.
29 B Manley, aged 36, miner.
30 Rodger M'Guire, aged 23, laborer.
31 athias Huberer, aged 35, laborer.
32 Michael NarY, aged 40, miner.
33 Martin Panel!, aged 40, miner.
34 Patrick Donahoe, aged 34, operator.
35 Uriah Smith, aged 38, laborer.
36 Daniel Hollenback, aged 25, laborer.
37 Joseph Parshop, aged 42, laborer.
39 James Reynolds, aged 25, miner.
39 D Islolen, aged'4o; laborer.
40 Daniel Holtman, aged 36, laborer.
4I Thomas Sieger, aged 39, miner.'
42 Thornaa leinn, aged 32, minter.
43 John Richardson, aged 25, miner.
44 Pat Newraan, jr aged 21, laborer.:
45 Maitin - Macher, aged 36, laborer: •
46 Larry Rulligbam, aged 38, laborer.
47 Thomas Anthony, aged 37, miner.
48 Messac Watkins, aged 28, miner.
69 John Jones, aged 25, miner.
1 Daniel Eisenhard, aged 23, miner:
2 Philip Vanhorm, aged 30, clerk.
3 David HeiSer, aged 36, merchant.
4 Nathan Kessler, aged 20, laborer. .
5 Thomas,Riehaxds, aged 22, miner. --
6 John Kemp, aged 40, miner.
7 A F Stecker, aged 37, foreman.
8 Joseph Sinith, aged 23, laborer.
9 Charles Culp, aged 34, innkeeper.
10 Jacob Rhiriehard, aged 42, carpenter
11 Samuel Booth, aged 22, miner
1 Edward Clark, aged 32, tailor
2 Thomas Coleman, aged 23, laborer
3 George S-Barnhart, aged 35, laborer
4 Jacob Propst, aged 85, carpenter
5 A L Ammerman, aged 29, laborer
6 Thomas Louder, aged 24, laborer
7 Philip Heckert, aged 36, farmer
8 Robert M Slack, ad& 20, farmer
9 Frederick - Gilbett, aged 36, laborer.
10 Joel Heektirt, aged. 27, farmer
11 James Thompson,' aged 32, shoemaker
12 Albert Hackehburg; 'aged 28, fairaMt : .
13 Garret H. Miller, aged 24, laborer
-11 Philip Louder, aged 25, laborer , •
15 Joshua Gaiffm, aged 30, laborer •
1 Charles Heatl4:, Jiged 37, farmer.
2 Jacob R :Wolverton, aged 25, farmer.
3 John Winkelman, aged 33, farmer.
4 David Gonscir;, aged 44, farmer.
5 Joseph Farley, aged 29, laborer.
6 Henry Martin, aged. 36, farmer.
7 Simon P Reed; aged 38, factciryman.
8 Wm Lopp, aged 36; laborer.
1 Franklin Martz, aged 29, farmer.
2 Daniel Pensyl, aged 22, farmer.
3 John T Lott, aged 43, laborer.
4 Jacob Peiffer, aged 28, laborer.
5 Jonathan• Lewis, aged 32, blacksmith.'
6 Jacob Ilebner, aged 22, teacher. •
7 GeorgeTeatsworth, aged 27, carpenter
8 David Swank, aged 29, millwright/ •
9 Luther Hoover, aged 26, millivright. -
10 Samuel Mose, aged. 34, farmer.
11 Benj Lerch, aged 43, farmer. •
12 0 W Snyder, aged 42, farmer.
714.13 s TOWNSHIP.
1 Lewii Lehe, aged 44-, miner.
2 Enoch Brink6Worthi aged 41 laborer.
, Benneville Kissingid, aged 36;_ niakcin:
4 Joseph Young, aged4ly.cdrpenter.-_
5 Andrew Neighart, aged 28, labbio..
Markets by Telegraph. = •
PHICADELPECI4 rune 4. , '
The Flout market is rather 'niorelactfve.;:but'
prices have undergonemi-quotable.ellange.-'7
1000 barrels good Lancaster county lam
il,f, $8 Ifo. barrel, ,1000 barrels pound
hoop extra' at $7 691, and 700 barrels .31014
Licia4o,l.soo barrels fancy . Ohio on tiring.
nc43:o4epublic. Small sales of superfine to
the: retailers and bakere-it $707 •25,_ extras'
at $7 •57i - ®7 75, extrafaraily at s 7 874@8 VI;; .
and' fiti(cOots', at higher :quotations.
. Yiye
scarce: and , commands $7. f. .Corh ,
Meal is:uxicha.nOed.i . , • , •
Wheat_there is.'ve* little movement f
the sa l e cofieik te- small lots of Red at
Si 8716, 1:88pAr - bpshel. White may,l:4 -quo
ha. at Si .*st 05 ; =2SOTH bushels - Kentucky
sold at the later figure. , Rye commands $1 55
01 60. Corn ikin less; active reques.t..l_sales
of 10,000 bushels yelio vvpaTt at $.1!59.01.160' .
and part on terms not made , .publie—elOsind
at za. 50. Sales Of .5000 • hashels ' , Oats at'BB
cents.'' • - •
'Whisky is quiet. Sales of 200. bards Ohio.
atsl 33, and drudge at $1 30.:
- • Berdrimoirs, ‘Jitre't.
Flour; Sales reported' on 'ciiiifige fou
bus. very-good and choice Howard — Street -
Super at $7 75 per bbl; extra Ohio- anitHow
ard.Street flour were heavy. We quota rat
as follawir Howard Street Super ; 44 1 0141 .
- Extra, :62iQ6 75; Ohio $7 , 151:
Ohio familY, $9;. Baltimore family; $11;' nap
timore high grade extra, slt) 50: ItYe 1104;
good brands in'moderate' demandf.'and ruin :at.
$7 754',72,437i.
WHISKY--11,ae yeaterday 50 )4 Ohio
were'bold 'at- $l. 30. The Market' opened.fir AL
this morning, $1324(x}1 33 being demanded
for.Oaito and $1 32 for city.
. .
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Al) irdefeurnA.
Glorious Condition of the Aritiy:
No Raid Attempted on White House.
Reports of Wounded Rebels.
Gen. Lee Reported Sick.
A gentleman 7410, left the front at po'eloelck:
on leriday'inorning„ represents the attack re
portedGrb. . .
by. ndral Grant, as hiving opened
with the ]fiercest cannonading along the whole
line. The cannonading, could be heard as he
;progressed..down the peni nsula- - -
; One important fact reported by our int:ix-,
rant is that the army is in the best possible.
4ondition and spirits.
They, have neverdn any previous campaign
• .
been wall supptied,„ and there was abun
dant prOisiortS constantly,giting forward..
The whole array wOraiiips General Grant,.
'and say ttitle - ,is the only,, man who has given.,
theiti a Chaiieii to fight. •
_hot/et:was umversal f both, among the•
troops inic'thecriisidents of. the country in
vicinity o£ itichniond;iliatthe capittti„must
.There had bean no attempted raid on the
Whitk llonse, as 'reported, and, consequently
the rumored 'capture of Fitz Hugh Lee and
'his cavalry was uniounded. .
'The 'Tote gouse Preiente a scene of,activity,
mifirededented even' during the McClellan
• §"eVdral of the rebel wounded that came up
Oh . tfie — aleiimer Conneptiicui yesterday morn
ing, say that they`hate: no doubt we will be
able to take _Richmond, but that we wi l have
to walk over many dead bodies. •
Several of the rebels on .the same steamier
also say that General Lee has been taken sick
and:gone back to Richinond, leaving the army
:under command of General Ewell.
• A:dispatch, Cairo, June pd,,pays; It is re
ported that Forrest intends Making raid cai
Sherman's rear.
. .
General Canby, at Natchez, is organizing
his forces for offensive operations.
Among the wounded brought up on the Con
mecticut were Colonel Ent, 6th .eennsylvMda
Regeiies, and GolOnel St. Clair lifilholland,
11.6t1i:•Pennsklilirua . caValrY, shot in the
groin. -
. .
Operations Down to Satu_rday
: • 1 1 I .
Villqraws ins Lest front
, Faimit - of Our Right.
The Bepublican in an, extra, _says we, hale
enthiiiity for making the following
The doivernmenihea oirkcialdisiiatches fz:om ,
Gen Grant'sv , Headquakters,'.to eight, o'cIoc14:
yesterday (SatuidaY) l2l - 0 1 7 - 6 4 _,"
Tho'two Edna& occUpfecr their, ielatiVe po-.
sitions near Mechanicsville, on the north side
of the Chiekahominy rivecr,,on Friday night.
About,six Ai clock.the, enemy xnade.a.pregir
itaig - attaelt_upOn i3en..:Wilson's cavalry lor&..
and a.aharp cavalry battle was'foright,:lasting`
half .an liour,.'whibli resulted in - driving, the'
enemy' a ..eoneiderable distanbe back into hie
The • loss on each side is about equal, the
exact number is.not stated_ •
We lost several officers; among them waa
lirerimMt ' '
AbOut eight o'cloek on Friday night the ,
enemy medal:l general attack upon dhr
coming" out -of his' works and exposing hiS;
massed columns to a terrible artillery fire.
• The , attick. ,, yzas most gallantly met and as'
aildsbmely repulsed, the enemy being bbligeid
to retreat behlpd,his_eatrenchments again.
AtAight o'cloclF-yeaterday,.(Saturclay)morn,
trtc - 4 1 1 - 0 1 4yl Nigiaii3v. his _left from thi,
fccrit,Of oitmrightp then commanded by Burn
': Vti' i *-Yek#V.Agl ad: t. 6 doj, ls Ndir
tames of Ilichruttad
roper, he 'has made many sudden attacks
upon our positions, in the hope of samprising
T H.E IT N I it) N---N A.N D , F 0 IVE V Webger
~6, ,1$04:;;.:
Grant and turning our flanks. In each in
stance he came out of his works, exposing lus
men to our artillery and musketryfire:
During three days' fight, inaudbig 'Friday, .
Ihi, enemy has- lost' about 7,000 killed_, and
'woun.dsd. • y...
• Our loss in the same engagement is Isorne
thing less than that:number..
' Our men 'are in the best' ofspirit's and
health. •
411 attempts of Lee to cut General Grant
off frorathe, White House have totally failed,
so that now' the base is complete, and the
Withdrawing'iif Lee's left to a' point nearer eviden'ce that Lea aeknoivledges
!his failure i. , „ ,
The present field of operations is about five,
'Al.iles.frOm•Rickuraond,...if ,the two:. armies _re
main where they were on Sabi-day morning. ;
fir GRAF.FF.S. I 4
r 11; 4 4 .f
'161' 1.4 'W i lli .4 '
• .01ml g •
t"' r ; I trt , • 2
Names of Petuisylvaina Wounded - Officers In
. '1
The Departure of the Reserves.
Wesimurrow, June 5,
A lot otwomen_relugees came in from the.
Pive'rebef deSeYters'iVeXe
sent here this evening by the Provost Marshal
°f4t.kte•kotoJ ll 4c.
• The following Pennsylvania and New Jersey
officers reported here yesterday and,to-,day.,„,
SI iNT:',Beklman,3lBt New Nagy daV-!
:airy, Lieut. Win. Wynkoop and Capt. Andrew
p. Swann, company B. ,l,t4th Pennsylvania
cavalry, Capt. . Samuell4W.aters; toinpany A,,
:6th Pennsylvania reserves, Capt, M. S. King
stand, company 18th Pennsylvania cavalry,
Cspt David...Hamilitliii icompany; B;.;11.8th
'Pennsylvania cayalryf Lieut. Samuel L. Mont
gomery, comper& u lt, ' ''Pennsylvania,
st. Clair Mulholland, 116th Pennsylva
mie, Capt Win `Tyq,l7th P,ennsylyania
iAssistant Surgeon Harrison, T. W:
sth;.PerinsylVitnia:rehenVes: I_ A 'lt.
The Reserves left, kkeysjak).2spW96ll - to-day
'and expect to arrive in Harrisburg to-morrow,
'their departure, was attended with a
The following Pennsylvanians died at the
Rhospital,here yestep:4lny.:, -
.10hasiT Cititei,lsoth Pennsyveaua 3 ; l lTlShiiikt
?ler, 84th Pennsylvania:„.
_W H Craig, 10th
;Pennsylvania; Jacob Stout, 4th Pennsylvania
'cavalry; M 62d;' W H Chorpennying,
11th Reserves, O'Conner, 96th, J V
Water,••lsth, M Gqrliornas, 82d,
'John King; 141st, aTit3nds A:thirds,' T3othi , - S.
Worley, , lBotlc) of the Veteran Reserves: r;:'
„NT. 112.Liarril, whowaVelit4o by BientehUnt'l
F. S. EarlY4'''o2.•••ther Thirteenth Perixisylbanial
cavalry, whom he had arrested, is a Pennsyt-i
•vanian. ••'His wound is not considered dan
gerous' :.' -•- • • • •:" I.' •
A great many delegates •uf
Convention arrived here yesterday: The,
greatest unanimity prevails. • • •-• •
There were no arrival's of'wounded to-day.
:• • , ; 'O'HFORAFFEN. "
The Peiiii.4l*Ai4taltitieo;e4.;' .
WASm qGTON eTtile 5
T1A*PP.P4,44:V4 1 :4, '3 , e4ef i ves left here about
12 o'Cldelt,tpAay,,.for Harrishurg. They were
attended at pie iisptit by a larger nui.uper of
Pennsylviiiio,4lS:„sOjOluning here. It , is:ex
pected they will reach Harrisburg to-morrow
morning, were preparations are being nave
to give thein a public reaeption, • r
The remnant of the` twenty-sixth left , here
in the same train witli the Iteseires, they - Only
proceedeil. , with them as far . iii - BaltitriOre..
Apportionment Bill.
The following is the Apportionment; ill, as
,passedbklifoili,briiioiaes of the Legislature
land signed by the ctingm:ir:
AN AC K,o he g ScgtOpFi r Apia
- ltdpresilatitatlvee, an i Y fcirm thel3fatelntor
districts, in pursuance of the provisions of
•ii: ;
Bsiirioa T. Be'il m==eted by the snide end House
of Representatives of thiainimonwealth of Permay4-
vassintlin:fien . crab: Atteirbtsorietrdnd:it Wert*
enacted by the authority cf. the same, That until the
next septennial enumerationot l On timikap
- Senate shall consist of -thirty-three members,
alutbe , notortionePlAnyfolloys, ; to, wit :r ,
The first, - Becond third, fourth, seventh,
'eighth and twenty-sixth — wards of the ,cityyi .
1'011.144 - 14
hand elect one Senator.
11. The ninth,, tenth, thirteenth, fourteenth
and; fifteentif-twardtfeethe city of Philadelphia
(shall composeitheiSecoutt distil - Obi and elect tine
Benatort. el-1 1 .: • -;:r.
;11.1,17111e , filith.,uehttbi ;eleventh; - twelfth;:sii
teenth; seventeenth and, eighteenth, wards of ,
the city of Philadelphia shall coMpose , the
Third _disk letountalect oueSenattir-. k - ,tr :11
4,ll9:iiineteeutti,, twentieth, t*enty4int,.
twenty • stecoodi,:;.t.weatyithird,‘ - , twenti-lourth:
and twenty-fifth; wards; of t the city. off Pitiladel!
pbia: staill;cemOnsei.the Ydurthiidistrict,
elegi‘onet Senator... .
V. The counties of Chester, 'Delaware .and ,
Mont grgrkerY4)h, onipase the • FiftiLdistfiet,
and elect two Senators:l
VI. ...The coonty,of ROM aimPostal:Le
SixthliAtietleckeneftaittoe ,
IYAlQ.faikCClßPfttertaktithigthabd Northainv
ton shall ~ x enpose thoßatenthtdietribtiand-elect
One Senatar.......—
ka.*4 l k.PqmPos e
the Eigntnsprtirct, .
IX. Thieved:ay tft' Sbhriylkilr thall compose
the-Ririefills Willi, and' elect one Senator.. ,
X. TfiecountiesofCarlion;liLtlnro, ' li}ke~tnd
Wayne shall c.iniPoire Taiatiff 'dfistilet, fin&
!pleat one Senhtior.' ^ ..'; eno.
'and Wionting alsll43lhpose bit itleffenitli
.triot/irindielebt one SenatarP °.;:1
eBll4;:the crieiLey of relfriiiiiielsitall'OtiipOe
titevritattli dis ice, slHi:glehl
lilt. The conntiorPOUPOtterilieja;tlegeini
a i t atititidivs6ll ll o3 l o s se the
ontrl3triatcir;-.•f rr • 1) 1 '±-e
laltijr•Thi etountiersirf' Lyconting, tfirt4l. l aa
Siiyaer cornweire'the.Finirieentif
AketrOnek" Sikuttor., tr
MY4-Thlt &amidefotatToithkraidnifity.'
tour Columbia a~ih Siillfv € aiao6ll~Htestalititeqhfk
Itifteenth district, and elect one Senator.
X.VI: The counties of Dauphin and Lebanon
Ella] conwSse the . iit'aenth . district and elect
XV,ll...Theconply of Lancer:ter shall - compose
the Seventeenth district, and elect. two Sena,-
torP• , r.: _ ,;,
4 1 I.IXPetcolliXties,of York and, Cumb erland
shall compose the Eighteenth district, and elect
ene - ena , ,Vr..:1:%,1t11 . .'• • • L • i
X1.4 1 c-1- ! .ThiP,Rohatiesaf4dams sad Ffaail 4 shall
compose the Nineteenth dhtrict, and elect ope
XX. ,The'eunnties.of.,SoMerset, Bedford,and
FeltunAoll,:qoptpose the 'Twentieth district,
and elect .one SEgiator. f ," '
XXI. The counties of Blair, Huntingdon,
asa.tref PATTY. shall come
pegs edtVeiltY.fkst..tlistrict,.and. elect. two
Senators. ; • •
XXII.- The counties of, , Gam*la, Indiana
andl.effeisonshalt compose the Twenty-seeond
district. and elect one Senator. r,
The counties of Clearfield, Cameron,
koyea.and Fah, shall, coMposo the
Twenty-third district, and el eat one Senator.
XXIV.' The counties' Westmoreland,
Fayette and Greene BlitilfieM*o the Twenty
fourth dietrict, and 'el* one - Sonittor.
XXV. The county' of Atleghenyshall com
pose the Tikenty-fifth'distriet, and 'eleet two
XXVI. The counties of Washington and Bea
ver shall compose .the :Twenty-sixth district,
.and elect opetianlit9i....
X_XVII. The., , counties nfllAtkierence, Butler
and Armstrong shall, comPose•(the.„Twonty
seventhaistrict, a n d. elect one Stutator. „ 5 .,„.
XXVIII'. The minutiae of ; Mercer, Venango
and WlTtill Shall compose„ Twenty-eighth
district, and elect one . SepatOr.f 1
XXIX: The counties of Crawford and, Erie
shall compose the TWenty-riintli district; and
elect one Senator ., •
Sea 2. In those Senatorial districts which are
composed:of nide than one county the judges
of the district elections in each county, after
having turned' a' return of the Whole-election
.withia each'county , is such iticintair as• is'or
may be provided rbyilisivi, shall And the same
by °nerd theirtilumber foltheplace hereinafter
mentioned, , witblnithe'distild of which such
county is apart, wheilLthejudges so met shall
cast up the usual corinty, returns, and execute,
under their .hands and-seals, one general and i
true return for the whole district, to , idt:
The judges of the Fifth district shall meet at
the cotrt.hotisite, ihthe borough= of NOrrilsb!rWs,
ibutlulicounty. of.biontkomery. •
SornafttAntriot shall meet
at, the court house, in tlit i lborough of
( Northiinpyiki.
I -111ilirjadgewof , the TenthAlittilct thill meet
'atthetcourt house, ire the borough 'of Strbuds
burg, in the county of Monroe. At cv, '
The, judges 9f,,, the Eleventh district shall
meet at the c9iiii-119usis:In. borough of
•TetAnde;_iii the county of The judges of:the Thirteen:lth • district , shall
km(94, At :,the court, howdy. in 214:te!borough of
C(4ejp.poit s in the county of. Potter.
6 Pq_l •
ger4 of
t he Fkurtienth district - shall ?
meetat -the" criit'hionse;hl 'the ticirkugh of
Lewisburg, in the county of Union.
The judges of , tbe' , Fifteenth district shall
meet at the court house, in the borough of Dan
, villa, in the ccanty. of Montour. ~
I 'The judges of 'the Slitienth district , shall
Meet at the court horise, the - ciff of Hints
dug; in the countrof.Dauphin - J. ,
The judges 9f the Eighteenth , district shall
meet at the ceurt the borßngh of
i+nrkYin York: -
The judges of the Nineteenth district shill
meet at the , court-honsel in -the" borough of
Chamberebfirg.„ bribe country. of Frantlin.
' wigiti.ofithh frwentieth.district shall
meet at l the Grit:at•house, in the boroughof Bed-.
ford,tin Ake .countrof Bedford... , !L
,The judges Of-the Tweritrfirist district - shall
meet at the court house; in the borough of Lew
' istown, in the county of Mifflin. -
The judges. bf .the Twenty-second districi
shall meet , at. the court house,lin.the borough
of Indiana, in thecounty of Indiana:
The judges of the Twenty-third district shall ,
nieetontr the court house, in the eborough:ot
Ridgway,' lathe county of ,
The judges of the Twenty-fourth district
shaft Meet at the' otiiirieholcie, in the borough
of 'llnihntowri; in the county of. Fayette.
Thejudgeb of , the Tweaty-siith district shall
meet at the , 'ceurt,' tonse.-in tire' borough' of
Beiver,'4a the chanty, of Beaver.
, jadies , of 'the TWerity7seVeath district
siiall ` meet at the , c6iirt hOuse;inthe borough
Of flintier; ihthetcornitrefAhtfler.
-The jadges , of the flirenty-ISlghth district
shall meet at the court ; ' house, the borough
of'Franklin, in the cOutity'df Venaliko. ."
The. jidges' of' , the TWelity-' , dintif - illit WEI
shall, meet at the court house s in tlicreltr cif
Erie; inthe‘county orErie.-` •
',Simi 3. That:until thenext eum'
meratiqn of,teliles and amprtiootoent the coon!
crlida,"tiie'llotise Of Representatives shall coo-
Ali of titeoiSers; end' be -
cThe ity ; _ Alkali be:divide&
into eighteen.districts,, ,
I- The'fifet'weid and the tWenty-sixth ward,
(except tlik'neitith'ind 'eiglith 'election
stone) shall compose the First district; antlelect
one Member- - `
II- The second ward, except, the tenth and
eleventh divisions, and the first, sliconcl add
third:diVisionls of thk'third Waid, shall compote'
the• Second district, and elect one mei:Ober:. '
tenth ,and eleventh ,divisions of, the
itcoidward; the . fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,
st;d"erglifh - diirlaions of the" third" ward,:
fourth-Ward and the first and- thirdr'diiitionit'of
of:the fi th-mard; iihall compeeetheThird
trict e and, elect one, member, • • , • ,
IV.Theseienth and eighth divisions ofthe,
tiv6nfylidatti Waid and 'the 'seventh Ward
compote. the Fou r rth Vittricf,' and elect
member.; ~ it . •
y. l The second, fonrth,,fifth,.sixth,-sevecth,,
and eighth diiistdis of the fifth ward and
the eighth Ward shall compose Fifth dis
trict, and-elect one 'member: - -
VI: .The,first,; foutth; „fiftb;• , 6lxtli, seventh:,
and. eighth division& of, the,sixth rward,t and
the' first , second, ` third, fc'arth,, firth; Sixth and
seventh divisions of the ninth' We i rd shall com:'
pose the- Sixth , district,' and eleot one 'mem
btr. a ' • .it •
Vtl Tbethirteenth vrard,and the third fifth
szuripxth diebsious of the fourteenth ward shall
oCkgdpoili' c thof'Sevehth district,' and elect one
tigko bar.. - • •
-;,l;lll..,,MiegAthsfeni c theeighthAtrieio
the n i nth votrAb,ta tOle, Araf t 9909 M fa1144, 01 /WA
of the fOurt - ienthard*iill compos e
andiSrectlcirie inember. • • 3
~.IX. The second andthbedivisionnof the sixth
it14 1 4441,9 1 ,1 . 911* 1 . 4 6 fSNIse9 4 40 ci ,
fiffhana sitthjinp of, xeifth w
one member.
X. The fifteenth ward, except the eighth
compose the Tenth district, and
elerif ene.thember: • • • •
XI. The first, second; third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, ; and. ',eighth divisions - of the sixteenth:
wnid, The 'third, Ritual . end - Seventh divisions
of the twelfth ward i ;ett&the first and second
divisions of the twentieth ward, shsli compose
the Eleventh district, and elect one member.
XL;‘,.. The eighteenth wavd, , the first division,
of tue sevent '
eenth - Ward; the third and'aixtb
divisions of the nineteenth ward and the fourth
ilicr,r,wenty-fifth ward shalt compost
the Twelfth district, and elect one member.
XHI:The strieriteenth Ward, dont the'fint
diViefor4 - the seventh division of the sixteenth
ward, arid thensecond and' seventh divisions to
theMneteenth. ward _shall -compose the Thin.
teenth district, and elect one member.
XL'V• The seventh itrateighth divisions of the
fourteenth ward; the fourth, fifth, sixth, sev
enthireighth, ninth:arid tenth divisions of the
twentieth ward, anti the eighth division of the
fifteenth Ward shall compose the Fourteenth
district, and 'elect one member.
X.V. The first, third, fourth, fifth, ninth
and tenth divisions of the • nineteenth • ward,
'he third and eleventh divisions ; of the twen
tieth ward,the first division of the twenty-firs'
and the fifth and 'sixth divisions of the
twenty-filth' ward shall eriaitinsit the Fifteenth
distiict, andelect one member. •'
XVI. The twenty-sccoudward and the third,
fourth, fifth, Math and sev,enth divbrions of the
'twenty-first ward shall Compose the Sixteenth
district, and eiectone member.
XVII. The twenty-third, ward, the firstorec,ond
' and third .. divisions of the 'twenty-fifth ward,
and the eighth ,thvision of the nineteenth ward
shall compose the Seventeenth district, and
elect one member.
XVILI _The twenty-tonal/ward and the sec
lond atakeighth divisions of the twenty-first ward
shall compose the Eighteenth district, and elect
torte mereber.
Thti•dountV of 'Delaware shall be entitled to
One member,
-The,county.of Chester to three membere.
'The •county of • Montgomery to two mem
BucksThetthinty'rif . to two members.
The county of lehigh,-to.two members.
_The-county of Northampton to two members.
Tue counties of , Carbon and Monroe to.
'one Menthe; and the return judges shill meet
id the courthouse, 'in theterough of Strotals;
burg, in the county.of Monroe. .
The c,ounties ot Wayne and. Pike:-to one,
member, and the return judges shall meet at
the court house, in the borough of Honesdale, in
;the county of Wayne. • -
The county, of Luzern° to three members.. :
Ttieconnties - of Susquehanna and Wyoming
to-two members, and tue return judges* shah
:meet,at the court house, bi the borough of
Montrose, in the county of Susquehanna.
The counties of Dragon' end Sullivan to two
'members and't re return -judges shall meet at
theNitonit house; in the - hurongh of-Towanda,
,the COply Of , Bradford.
/he counties of. ~!..iconaing, Union and Say 7
der three rritimberti, and the return judges
;shall meet atthe'colirt -house, in the lboreugh
of Lewisburg, iirthe county of 'Union. •
The cqunties of Columbia- and Montour to
.one inerriber, and
_the return. judges shill meet
at the criiiii'llonsti ,in the borough - of Biome
murg; in-the eminty of Columbia.
county Northumberland to one mem
, .
The•conntiee,of Tioga. and .E'otter to two
meMberi Aidlbeseturn judges shall Meet at
the'borkitilpiiiiVellsboro . , in the county of
flogs: . • - • .• •. •
The counties , of Clinton, Cameron - and
M.'Kcan to one member, and the return judges ,
skill Meet' at tlie COurt ? housti; in the botongh
'of ShipperiOn-16 county of Cameron. •
The county of Centre to one member.
The counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Ju
nista to two members, and the return judges
shall meetiat+the court house f in the borough. of
Lewistown, in the county ot Mifflin. • .
The county . of Schuylkill to three members.
• The county of. Balks to three members.
The county Of Lsricister to four members.
The'county of Lebsnon to one member. •
The countrof Datipbiti to two members.
The county of York to two members,; .
.The county of: Cumberland to one member, _.
The counties of •PerrYrand : Franklia to tvib
mem berg, mid :thil return :judges shall -mistit io
the court , •house in Chambcrriburgr •• in. the
comity of .
niy of Adams to one member.
The county of Adams w v...
- The counties of Somerset, Bedford and Fulton
to two meniers, and the return judges 'shall
meet at the court house, in.the borough of Bed
mud, in the county of : Bedford.: ,
The county of Blair to one member.
'The cdunry of Cambite to - One member.,
&The ootintiesof• Clearfield, Elk and Forest tio
one member, andthereturn judges shall inFe•
at the court hiouse,ln the boroughpfClearfield,
in the counticir Clearfield;
The counties Of Clailikilind Jefferson to' one,
member, and the return judges snail nidet'at
the.colitt house, in the borough of Brookville,
in the county of Jefferson. .
The county of Armstrong,to one member.
The counties of Indiana and Westritoreland
tirthree memberi, and the return judges shall
meet at the •putt house, in Abe: borough el
Greon • sbarg, in the , county, of Westmoreland.
The County ' cif Fayette to one member.
Tee county of Greene to - one meniber.
The counties of Washington' and Beaver to
three members, and the return judges shall
meet at the court bootie, in the borough of
Beaver, in - the county of Beaver.
The county cif'Atleglienk to' six members."
The'counties of. Mercer, Lavirence and Butler
shall elect four members, , and the return judges
shah mei3Cat the court house, in the borough of
life* Castle; hi the "coifiitY Of Lawrence,'
The counties of Venting° and • Warren 'to
• two m,embere, and the return judges shall meet
at the,, in tkelxirought,of Franklin,
:in the County, Of.Venango.. ,
The ccrantrof 'Crawford to tivd members:
'The county of Erie to two Members.
Sao. 4..-The Senators _and Representatives
shall, be chosen by the duly qualified citizens of
the city of Philadelphia and 'of the several
counties of this Commonwealth, at the time,
places and in the manner prescribed by the Con
stitution and the laws of this Commonwealth.
,Sao. 5. The Senators shall be chosen in the,
several' districts at,the following times, to wit:;
In- the - Filet 'district, one SepatOr shall be'
chbwm af-thii general 'electibri the- year of
sigr,l f ord one thousand eighkhundreci and sixty
In the Seeond district one Senator shall be
chisten at the genial eleationin theyetir Of Our'
Lord onesthoustind eight .hundred arid shttY
Yf► the Third" districtoup Spnat'or
ageril j els &tat in the youof our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty
The fallowing are the rates for adyertising lithe Tux.
maw. Throe having advertising to-do will Ind- ft-con ,
vent= tfor reference.. , e. - - • '.
io- Four lines or lesirconititae oni-half square Eight
tines ormore than four onteltge, l 4,42,Caz
sot A HAUT INILIAL - /M 1 3141 10PAIX.
One day ". $ 60One-day-----2-- 6 0
two days --- 50 Two days 77 - --t 6 6
o Three days . 75 Throe - dayai..l'....«. '436
One week 185 Oneweek—,."
.., 2 25
One moutn 300 One month .. 6 Cti
two months .4 50 Tiro monthur... - ..: ' ' ...9. iNil
three months 6 50 Three m0nth5....... U 00
Six ~ 0.'.:
One year .. 26 00
• • fdl•
iix months 8 00
One year 15 00
adminiepatien Notices....
%ferriage Notices
auditor's 'Notices
moral Notices each insert'
iya-Bunnesa notices .
Wore Marriages and I::agana, Lear cams PIM 'AU!" fce
each hisintloa. ; - :
In the Fourth district, one Senator shall be
chosen at the general election in the year - Of
our Lord one thousand eight hundredand sixty-
In the Fifth district, one Senator shill be
chosen at the general election in_ the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-four, and one Senator at the general elec
tion in the year of our Lord one thuusand eight
nundred and sixty-six.
In the S ath district, one Fe for shall be
chosen at the general election in the year of our
, Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-
, la the Seventh district, one Senator shall, be
chosen at the general election in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-
In the Eighth distrirt, one Frinator shall be
chosen at the general election lathe year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
four. •
In the Ninth district, one Senator shall be
,chosen at the general election in the year of our
'Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-
• .
In the Tenth district, one Senator shall be
chosen at the general election in the 'year of
unr Lord, one thoutaud eight hundred anti Mali
sia. • ,
In the EleventNdistrict, one Senator'shall Be
chosen at the general election in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty
In the Twelfth district, one Senator shall be
ohosen at the . general election in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-
Ave. •
• In the Thirteenth district, one Senator shalt
be chosen at the general election in the year of
our. Lord one thousand eight, hundred and
In the Fourteenth district, one Senator shall
be chosen at the general , election in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-four. •
In the Fifteenth district, one Senator shall
be chosen at the general election in the year of
'our Lord one thousand eight Wand real and siity-_
In the Sixteenth district, one Senator shall
•be chosen atthe general election in the:year of.
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
In the Seventeenth district, two - Senators shall
be chosen at the general election in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and -
slaty-six: .
In the Eighteenth district, one Senator abet].
•be chosen at the general election in the 'year
lof our Lord one tnpusand eight hundred and
'ln the Nineteenth district, one Sereator shall
be chosen at the geueral election in. the year .
of our Lord one thousand eight . hnndred and
' -.
In the Twentieth district, one Senator shall
be chosen at the general election in he year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred: end
sixty-si,t. • •
In the Twenty-first district, tw6 -- Sentitore
shall be,choeen this general- election. in; the
year of our Lord one. thousand , eight hundred ,
and sixty-four. '
In the Twenty-second distridt, one Senator' .
shall be chosen at,the general. election in the.
yeariaf oil. Lord one thcinaand eight hitidied
mid sixty-Mkt. • -
In the Twenty-third district, one Senator
'shall be cliosen at tine' general 'election in 'the'
year of our Lord one thousand , eight_ hundred ;
and sotty-dve. .
In the Twenty-fourth d istrict; One Senator
shall be chosen at the general , election in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred"
and sixty-six. ' • - . • - • -
In the Twenty-fitth district, , one ,Senator ,
shall be chosen at the general eleCtion in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-four, and one Sa wttor at the general
election in the year of our Lord one thoteand
eight hundred and sixty-five. -
In the Twenty-sixth district, one Senater shall
be chosen at the general election in the year of
nur Lord one thousand eight hundred and
sixty six. .
In toe Twenty-Seienth district, one Senator
shall be 'chosen at the general. election. in the
:year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
'and sixty-five.
In the Twenty 7 eighth district, : one., Seneter„
shall be ctiosen at the general in_ the
year-of our Lord one thousand eight'hiiiiilfed
and sixty-six.
In the Twenty-ninth district, one genitor
shall be chosen at the 'general-election in the:
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred.
sad sixty:four.
Speaker of the House of Ilepreseutatiree.
Speaker of th,a eenate.
_ _ _
APPROVSD —The fifth illy of M►y, Ana°
Domini one thousand eight buudred and sixty
New York Market!.
• NEw Yoga Ruis3V.
FLOUR AND 311E41—State and western
flour opened briskly at an advance of s®loc.
% bbl, but closed rather heavily: superfine'
state and western $7 2007 45; extra Stater
$7 50(48 00; extra Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
etc, $7 00®9 60; extra Ohio, trade and family .
‘brands $8 65®9 50; extra Genessee $8 050
9 50; poor to choice Missouri sBlo®.ll.
'Southern flour is in brisk demand, -at firmer
prices; sales since our last 5,200 bbls, at sB®
;8 50 for poor to - good, and $8 55011 for falicy
:to choice extra brands lftr bbl. Canadianflout
is doing betler; sales 900.bble extra at,
(49 40 19 bbl. Rye Flour is iii lively deinand .
at $6 25®7 85 1p bbl; sales . (k l rn.
continues in lively request at $7 10®7,25 for
',jersey, $7 50 for Atlantic Mina, aril i7.75®
90 for Braralyivinelit Totaliialet4 600
bbls. . .
_ -
Grain--At the Corn Exchai4e thisi nioin
ing the receipts were 2,500 bushels Wheat,-
7,000 do Corn and 2,509 do Oats. Wheat was
inactive but 'without material alteration in
price. Sales of 800 bushels prime:and choice
Southern white at5205®212 centa,l,soo bush
fair and good do at $1 93®200 and .
2,000 bushels ordinary to very good Senate=
:red at $1 75(41 95 ets. We now quote choice,
gouthern white at $2 10;32 15 cents, prime
at $2 03®2 0.8 cents fair and gooddo. at4l - 90
@2 00 cents common and.otry, do at .
$l. 75®185 cents. •
Grain--Wheat has been in giol i dmagigt,_
chiefly to arrive, at an advance of 142 C
busheL • Sales have been de 'since tit Hi s -r
of- 141,000 bushels, incluclirw APAMPT;Vi r ilgtela
at $1 81®183 ; Red Western at $1 75®1 80 ;
Amber, lowa, Wisecandn, and - 'Greeie Raftat
$1 70®1 721; Milwaukee Club at 416§14. 1 .2 7 - 4 41
:chiefly to arrive, at $1 67(41 681 ; cttgo
Spring . at Si 62®1 69. Corn is scarce, quiet,
and unsettled