El 000 CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION. WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER IWETITUTIQN WATER GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CONSTITUTION, AND MK ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIANITES, and DISEASES of the KIDNBYt and BLADDER, CONSTITUTION WATER • • - Has been pronounced by , the Medical Faculty and the pablis, to be the most wonderful remedy for the perma nent cure of all diseases of the STOMACH,' unit., KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has ever been offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER. it is from experienc tat CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let no man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent in . this country has failed to redeye A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water sonnet be classed under "quack" preparationS, as it i now used by the most scientific practitioners in this city, It Is onlysecond class physicians that cry down popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the , phy sisian increases as his knowledge of different remedies enables him to produce a cure, while othere fail in the at tempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. 'Ohre Constitution Water a fair trial—We meanyou who are under some specitaida's care foom year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to lacat .treatment., and -all sorts of local applications for diseases, with as much chance of success as there would be trot t local ablicatieng to the throat for diseases of the brain. . , We have been always careful to use language in our *oiler that could not Shock the most delicate organiza tion, but we receive so many communications delicate _ per sons for which Constitution Water is adapteQ ah.d. of whose diseases no mention has been made, that .we have some to the conclusion that if the remedy la capable of producing a cure no matter what the disease :may be, it should be made known. The medicine is put up the public,end there 'should be no exceptians. - We would say, Constitution Water is not like gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; It is w medicine- in every sense of the term,, placed, in the hands uf the pee, pie for their rellec.and if taken according to the direc tions it Will, in every case, prodece it radical sure.! We would say that the directions in-regard to diet, etc., re. late only to the disease under which they occur. 4 DIABETES is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most obstinate disease, except consumption, that streets the human constitution. We have no space for discussing causes, but will state that the affect of the disease is the conversion of thesitarchy principle (Or vegetable portion of the food) into siugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion of water. Many persons 'suffer from this disease who are hindrant of it; that is; they - pass 'large quantities during the day, and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during the night, No notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced es to be beyond the control of ..ordinary remedies. Another symptom Is the great' WO, which, when the disease is fully emir helmet, hs intolerable—The patient drinks constantly withont beiny Wafted; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips; a; sweet breath, in • :the more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patiera.gradu alf sinks from exhaustion Coverrrurung WAIT& is, Without doubt, the only known remedy for Diabetes, end'we'have as much confidence that, it is e specific aS we have that opium will produce theep,' and truthrally say that it has cared every case in which it has been used. STONE IN. THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL,. BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC,'ETC:, Thames arising from a faulty secretion—in the one case being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too profane socretion—wilich will be speedily cured by the . • . .CONETITUTION ' WATER CONSTITUTION WATER ;'• CONSTITUTION WATER . • • CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION' WATER • CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER `CONSTITUTION WATER ^CONSTITUTION WATER • CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TEE ONLY KNOWM REMEDY FOR THE ONLY. KNOWN REMEDY TOR- . :DTA T DELITATION OF THE NECK OF. THE BLADDER IN - FLAXMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, - CATARRH OF THZ BLADDER. IiPRAMART AND BURNING, OR PAINFUL URI. NATING Tor these diseases It is truly a sovereign remedy, and %s mash cannot be said in its pruise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent Symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in' the small of the back and through the hips t A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. • PHYSICIAN'S Have long .lose riven up the Ilse buchu, cubebs 'egg Juniper in the treatment of those diseases, and only' me them fbr the want of a better remedy. CONSITiuTION WATER EEMi;WiaaM=l DIURETICS imitate and drench the kidney., and by constant use won lead to chronic degeneration , and confirmed disease, We *went the Constitution Water, to the pubjia the eonviction that it has no equal in relieving the clam" of ammo for which it has been found so eminently suc easeful for curing ; and we trust that we shall berewarded Ihr our *Mae in placing so valuable a remedy in a foil be malt themquinamoutaof patient and physician. . READ ! MEAD 1 I READ ! 1 ! Aurniug pa., June 2, 1862:-I-Dr. Win. H. Gregg . — ilartr Sir: In February, 1861, I was affected with sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than two gallinis of Water in - tiventy-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ton or,twelve times during the night, wad in five months I lost about .1111. r pounds in weight. • Dining the month of July; 1861,1 procured two bottle* of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it lon periesoed relief, mid atter taking two boUles I was Maly eared.,loon after - regaining my usual good health. Tsars truly. J. T. L. DE WITT Maim Cettsams, N.. 1.; Dec.27,1861,—Wm. Gregg ' 4 p. --4646: I freely giro you liberty to make use of; the lbilewiog can of the value of Constitution Water, ' which I can recommend in the higheit manner: My w ife sta - s attacked with pain In the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limba,.with`Palpitettion of tke Heart 'and irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who attended her about three months, when he left her worse %.111nan'he had' found her I then employed 'one of the best hYsicians I could find, who attended her for about nine . months, and,while she was under his care she did not Suf i* euitival atuch . Pain. Ida finally . gave her up, dud said ukorthis teas incurable. • iltirr , ' - isaid' he, "'she has such ts sf complaints that medicine given one ope. rgekkeotee :other ettrtetatiat." About Mae, time the conamhuced the use of Constitution. Water, end toot r utter astoniahment, almost the Brat dose seemed to Wive the desir.ed effect, and else kept on improving rapidly under ithaveatfrieut; aridcusivr superintends bli thely her domestic allitirs. She has not taken any oT the Constitution Name :for abautellein weeks , and we are bappy to say that it etta 14 - T:timed a ,poriuogent cure. Wlt. M. VAN - BENSCHOTEM Wsrammarsnn, ,Conn., March 1.868 .-Dr 33" • eregy—Dear seen, your imvert:isement; of. 'Couutitutim Water," recommendhd for Inflammation: or; the tildapysand Irritation of the!thadder,..harbm suffered f or tie past three years , ' and tried the skill' Ora number. of physicians with only temporary relief; I wasitmuced to try your medicine. I procured one bottle of your agents!at k artibrd„ Ides:RI:1 Leo, Sisson & Co., and when I had used half of itilminyaurpriae I.found- a great change in my health I have used two bottles of it, and am where I, never expected to IMP my Me t sad is gdeksphite. t aa d aexpr oi s inyegratitude tor. it; I feel that-le as s p . and iakorelbsOk.you - recommend is to be. May the blaming of God ever netendyou:th your labors of love. youraulayr.,_— —.LEONARD -BIGELOW. FOR gaiwAr ALIi DRUGGISTS' RILICS" • • itif. EL - CREW eitCO.rM•oprietein. moßpt ALLFOI, Gene ral Agents, ,iaitC2ll4l.l44theed . "Na Vlir street, -N - mil'ork. r Sold by de:Colfclf - n, and 'KUNKEL 115,-BROJ;...ll,witaraiket and by , all D nggistf„ 114,N0L )PREAR TY42lt , Au calmed, thus phpiit.o)ErigliO.Bry 3 :7 SinStEtt & Fita .• • 4* : - % 7 LOUPPAIIMI ;0 WEL DockyoTir.)i -NEW ADVERTISEMENTg. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 222 Walnut Street, Sou Side, Sl4e, East of Third Street, AMOUNT OF ASSETS A1,556,8ES 50 LIWORRORATEDI79 - CAPITAL _ • • ": ' $500,000 Marine, Fire and-Lihuid Transportation In . in4Tazhc% • ARTHI3IIO. COFFIN President 011.11R1.E9 PLATF,:Seeretery. , WILLIAM BI)MILLEIL, ' Central Agent for' Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Second, Harrisburg, PU, my2l-9m DANIEL A. MUENCH - AGENT • O the Old Wallower Line,- respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daily Transportation ,Llnio, (the only Wallower Line , now in existence in this city,; is in successful operation and prepared to carry Weight as low as any other individual line between Phila delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williatosport, Jersey Mtore, Lock Haven and all other point! on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williankaport and Elmira Rallrosds. DANIEL A. MIMES, Agent. • • . . ' •' Penn'a. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell . . & litnchman, Nos. SOS andllo Market street , above'Stb,, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, will arrive at 'Eari - ide burg, ready for delivery, 'next morning.' [apaCi-rdmyl, PEIPIIER'S DAILY LINE • BETWEEN . • leek Raven, Jersey Shore, Millianisport, Dlun Uniontown, Watsontown, _. Nihon; Lewisburg, ,Norj k Ottland - I - bury,.lrevertieorgetow il, LykenitownXileriburg • - Halifax • Ifauphiii. - . AND HARRISBURG: The Philadelphia Depot being, centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The • Conductor] goes through with each train to attend to the. safe delivery-tif all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD •,k . FREED, 811 Market street, Philadelphia,-.by 5 o'clock r. st., will be ilelivoreitin 110 7 , riebnig the next morning. Freight Always . as Low as by Any (Other Line. 30 . 5..MONTGOICERY &00.,; Philadelphia and Reading Depot, • 0ct.21-tf • Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. 51 1 FADDEN1S'MARBLE: YARD CORNER . OF WALNIFF AND FIFTH STREETS, • llarrislYarg, Pa. HE undersigned haying opened a Marble T Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE•WORK . OF EVERY .DESCRIPTION EEL= Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones, . . • .• Mantle?, ' And House Work in Marble andßrown Stone Give use call and we will piraatee satisfactiOn. . m'FAnDEN'it Co. N. B.—Lettering neatly.none in English •or German. mar29-dly MAGNOLIA BALM.. T• ' . . . is the most delightful and extraordi nary article ever discoyered. It changes • tne Sur burn and. Face and Sands to a ,peariy, satin texture ti *wishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of yOuth, and the dieing= anpparanceSo inviting 'in the City :belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckle; pitnpld; h ailt rough ness of the skin, leaving the' complexion fres , transpa rent and smooth. It contains no material itkintioun4 the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Bangers. It is what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re tail by S. A. liUNKEL,k BRO.') ap29-dit 118 Market street„Harrisburg. • J . 0 11,1 V WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR, j •ZALNIIT,. ivilouszALt AND RicIAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS; Jujube Paste, Moss Paste, Fig Paste, Marsh Mallow. Gum Drops, Cream Chocolate Drops; 'Plain Candies, &c., &c. Oranges and Lemons, • Canned Fruits, Jellies, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Cider Ylpegar, Fresh and Salt Fish In Boa, son:- Vegotables in season, Raisins, Currants,. • octl3 MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS 'TWENTY-SIX FIRST .PIIIMFIIDIS, ; ! , TWELVE SILVER MEDALS ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments Of 'this ' class) has been awarded $b ' 'MA & HM&LIN'S . ItiSTAIMENTS. , . asacirtnOnt of these instiuniente always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sete Agent, je4-2tE;wlyj , 93 Market street, J.OltN A-. BIG-LER-•& C 0..:, . MARKET STIiEET, ABOVE. FOURTH, (NEXT TO ADAMS WZREW OFITCri;) .; HABR R G. Warrants, !Claintsi Gaternment, 'Sentritias dfieoks Touchers, o, mans&•• inar23'92nt* • 'Tliomag MitcpoWel4 A.ttoi•Jpi.ey...at.•=l., a N}7 . OFFICE IlkftlflitDST. , ; BELOW RINB. A HARRISBURG- PA LL manner of Military .01 . i a % l ms promptly tly ..Cl.. attended to, and claims eollectedagainst the Genenil or State Governmen* either 'in' Cerigres; the Court of Claims' at 'Washington city, or atsarrisbwt un neoashatY.'delisy, and on moderate lerme. aigi-dein• • PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IRE:aI . - ..a_ TETTE . FOR YOUNG LADIES; 4530 Arch street, Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH; G. , CLARENCE SMITH, Principals. • I j . * Ninth -Year. Three departments: Primary, Academ'lo; and Collegiate. Full college course in Churalcs,. Mathis:, =ties, higher English , and .Natural Seim& •for tliciSe who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, • Painting MA Elocution by the best mascara For ciirculara apply at the Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., Philadelphhis Pa. - VERY FINE, INDEETh 910 our fine and :ostensive stock of PhOto -graph Amman andiThot4raph 'Wirt iotirifes,! we looeaddedn BEAUVIFLIL ENVELOPE laralie itstieption , of,card.pictures. They musk be seenrind wiliest asiured. Aar Photomphers supplied' at, the very lawast• whole: aale price, and their card printed upen.tiaearifoill•2s per thousand, wholesale and retail. at rany24, • . •SCHEXERION BOOK STORE. BAY' 1 11(1 - A.Y of the best Offeredlor ' Call'at WCORNICK'S COAL OFFIdE 'hi the Canal 'klarrisburg, np3o-tf Valuable IPretiertir for Sale. A TWO Story PB ME HOIJS4,AyiI2i a (first rate !Store, Room in. it, onibe ti.otempfyifftb streakatitiArratyberri, alloy. Also; the Fraine,HQuee pd joining. Ear further,partionbtra enqntre . Leedyla .64 00 ". Plop. lipricete.treet, or on the premises. na.3-I,f • DANIEL LEEDY. QAT.SA,W,T - Pagljell D„airy, fine Apple, XiAt meg alid . WO - roileStiee ChaCrie,'just received at . 3 ;•I,:i.oxj isEgsLn : a FRAAEIt, atY5 ,11,r;t 6 4cqe.ssft't 6 .3- 1 401 &Co'• 4 4111111'Si - OREAIINTYI 3 O, - ):: FI,I44E.RVs, V- at• ' - • • • - BIITSEER .tTRAZgR, successors to W. Pock,'Jr., & Co. ‘; mys APPLESaI j - t•-• • - • ":"-F; L • .We.hacreijustreeetred a tine selection of APPLES;In prime ,order : For sale by the barrel; bushql or small !l uatitit- Y, At SHIStEIt FRAiEit; (successors:to Wm.:Dock: Op.) PIATSUPS-- . SAIIOES - of—the -moat 11,Z,A*St1oiJandehli .42.11? ice , Or sale' tro.i.(eaccesettni,tolWYk. DuckoT.;e4,Co ELECTRICITY. DRS. WYETH . and CREAMER; Eclectic and Eleetropathic , physicians , respectfully offer theirriforeselouallervicits In all the various branches of the profession, for• the treatment ol,alracute t(nd chronic forms of disease., , • . The ,remedial means therm e a iloy in the .treatment of d isesie 'consist. of Ittagnetlem,' Venial]; Electreldaghet tier; the Svvedish method of...Locialized movementtcure, a few Eclectio medicines when . fleenB o .d•tioreasitrY t . and In fact all the natural curative agetuis ,that may" successfully be brought to bear, upon the Wattle. ' • • They do not wish .th 'be understood! as 'arrogating to themselves any.auperiority of profeizienal skill;:but they ;believe the renmdies they employ in the treatment of die easefla superiorto those generally employed bkihys Rein the fact thatthey act. it 'perfect harmony' with the lawii•goierning anti !controlling the human.system. TO' this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par ticular ?ay, or. sysrem, they ; attribute their succies.l controlling disease,. , , The ririheibil agent' they' employ the ireatthent. of, disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderful in its' plienodiena and, powerfulinits.etrects far good Tor 111 .It Utah ever prhsent, all-pervrding principle, goyerniog all tbiflgs; from rolling Worlds'down• tO the invisible particles gleamed' Matter.- We see itin the lightningtslish and . heal' the Manifestations , otits power.; in the Muttering _thunder. 7 It-it the.osose of decompositiostrecqmpo-• , Allen andtranSformation. It excites all 'notion. - nlB the exciting, - Pause; or ' grdkti; dicaylauCtliitli. It enueek Seer/Won; excretion, digestion. It. lays-Hold Of the .crude . focid.intheigomeeh, ;converts it inte eAtato of Wlidity , idity, transmutes it Into arterial blood, and sends it on rte important taco, of supplying nutriment according to the, necesolitice taiiitioily.sit islti.Y,innire vital fluid; the gieat agent' Dirciugh which:the mind acts upon the bodys It is the iNEKIS4I9C.aIt causes except the - first, great cause ; the bilinuMAlnd which created it and' broughtit into tine 'appear. like Mere but they as.' facts ad~ittidg•of etrohgendirresistible.preof.vladt theni• to he wondered at. that al agent no vondertul in,itsi phe :nomena, eq Rai*qcful.in todnanifestatiousaridsti liiiiitnata ty'dontiecto With IllYthe 6iteriatiOni of - the thmare es: tem, slionla be alcriosrabsoltite id Its power controlling disease? Certainly n0t...1t is a natural sequence and follows as surely as day i follows , . ; Among 'Life diseeses \Alice 'ant found to yield ireatillite Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may . be mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Diralysis," Elpiliptic, filisaitito and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; Fiyspop iia cured in a-few freatreents; dliesios of. the filrins and genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles and ProlapsusAhl; Amaurosia and ,all kindred afections of the eye; Auretus, Strictures, all skin diseases,-Ate. , Personsnalling!tvtli be told whether they can be bine fittettandlto case taken whereisome relief cannot be - forded. Consultation fret. Oftloe,•.South . Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg,, Pa,: toMce latuni•frout 844 L 2 a. id., IjF to:b and I to 9 it. st. , ! ALEX. R. WYETH, M. It ' bll.;.‘t. MILTON. uttEAmER: Qtrons, Figs, Dalai, Prunes. Almonds,WalnutS, Filbtrts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Pecan Nuts, . Cocoa Nuts, Cratiberries;'t Hominy and Beans, Cakes and Crackers, ' Sweet and tri.l) Potatoes, Green and Dried Fruits', And Country Produce In season. NEW GOUVS---JUSTOP,ENEDI - . B E NER'S - Bcok Auiid Stailoxiery' Store .Enabraoing mu new and improved style a - -POCKET pooxs, MAGIC atiIIitEN&YHOLDERA, . ,•• CULP Swili POCKET ,800K5,,.., , • BUCK,§IOI4 foktionTairs . ..• • -. • at prices to snit all ei=mtatnla ,* • • :• - CUT.thialr, Coniditing of a One asoorikoono or Wei3tenhOhn , a Sap° • - Front Nii , WtOn'a delebrated .tannaraettry,. 'Ettir3tßen PORT , FQLIOB,-- • WRITING CASES ROSEWO - • Fit.P.ETEXES &n DESKS Together with every article nsitally found In a find ItOoranil natinnetvestablianiavitl at , r• MY1323 BEIiGNEF44, hrltrailiet Street J9z4v WLR rVOINIIINQrAtfarpENSTOWN ; (pprk.Har - The *ell 1 - nliwia b&tirabis' of the' tiiewl, ,New Yorlc and Pliliadqlvbia Cp9pany, arp _ln tended affil aefollowl: ' , Glasgow Saturday, .Impo 4. City or. Etiltimiri, &Our, day, JuAell, :EUta,:SatArtlay,,Juga,l3., . • . RATER.OF PASSAGE, , PAYABLE IN GOLDO OW ITS EQUIVALENT •IN OITREJEK{T. FIRST V.A.8L1.......580 .00 . STEERAGE $3O 00; do to London 85 00 do to London.-- . 34 00 do.to J'aris 95 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg.. . .37'oo Passengers .abei,. forward Ito Havre, Bremenßotter• dam, Antwerp &c., at equally low rates. Fares from. Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steninge,..s3s. Those who .wish to send for' Their friendenan buy. tickets here atthese rates. For further information-apply at the Company's offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 . Broad Way, N. Y. or 0. 0 ZlNHElMAN,.Rarrisburs. 11`23-dly . . . . . , . NEW GROCERY - AND .. PROVISION,'.',DTORE- • '''' •• • • "' • • •.• . `]* BOYEtUSE. kelikßPrlß • W H IJ SA L'E A .r. 11) •1t.E.2 A. It, .... 4g-$48..a. .6 1: 11 , C It • Queeie.s.and-.olasslir4ire;; AND Ali' : **` d' 0 1 37'N P D. IPCcr,, .IgrAVE,just opened a large and well selected fl stock of goods at theft stand, N 0.3 MarketSquirisi` Harrisburg, Pa., to Whieh,they.taytte the attention of'the public generally. nolo-div VISITING,/ WED:PING, INVITATION can AVIRSIVeAIiDs: 7 4W a special ement with cififi of thilAlitifplairi-):fhe ;Odd of Sup dOatripilleti'vii{Piii dieeitted to th e' Abe ot mrt conformable ' aad;.)jµlpipliod" pp*pLly, fitjitrYPiidezettian arethargdd tkk 'etation pallaw "x6ric,lo. Philadelphia. For ethipleiand polices 4Q0.11., STORE. ,''• 1 U '..7:,1. 1 F ug.T E C T O, /-' A. l , q xr l: • ni g h,* ,-. to, a,l d o • the 'o a 66l k h l ' .„, ". „ 'n-ekhrg , 'lt:w P ,Ttiva lorelie+eßoihii i ritiq ; o r 6 Throat, &c. , T h ey mut; hi coittrotqutiihiupd; Xd6deiiiil, Rpoki aaq,s”l ,th6.io c reliable eve 'clanti' kieun,) are the ' chief ac 3631ititititioterbiended iithOut Ara * and Sugar,thtt each lozenge COnlain sA mild a d';eT Pieisaht dose. ManufacturedsolelY by.;:s. A. Ki;KiBRO.,:-Ii n Apothecaries, 118 Marketetreei , - HarriOurg. • 4L • ESTATE AT PRFir . A.TE . • he several properties of the litate of 14111..1.m. Al.- uscu; d.ecisased,lia the-city of Ffa' itistiarg,,consisting of rouses on Front street'Sbd Cheataut Street, aValid near -the corner of Front and Chestu ut streets, a vacant lot on bfdiberry e.tree,t cr , near Third street, and, j.„1:13i terminustern of Market 'etre - et, are ;of fered for sale. ,For teunsof ,salo apply to the undersigned, Se venth and ble 'streOfS Plailtxddi)hia. . de 2 l-4 et] • .. ~: cruomss .coaenAlri P&A . E4 IIS TE'SNOIteg tlke,m9skpiartular aucti•he puntit ever olrereci4s4 the pubiMuatotOavettaxlio;ltaki.by :7Ao SILLSaa arall4ZEß • "71041 a 411 1, 30 Wm. Dock. to, &al. ,:otisviNEJA*N,E.QPs 1864 ROA I GIEd, 4kc da Spring 42pproachee' • . A.Pttg eind ROACH • Irma& Char holes come•out; And awl RAT.% An vete of CATS, . Gaay' skip about. COSTAR'S EXTERMINATOI 5, For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants; Bed, Ro Mosquitos, Moths in Pries, Wooliii*,- e; Insects on Plants, Fowls, "16 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedles,kaols.n." "Pree ftiom Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Hamm Fatally." "Rata soma -out of their,hohis to dim'? xi-Sold by , all Druggists everywhere //PI I I BEWARE I I I of all worthleai imitations. igiy-u Costar's" Depot, No. 453 Broadway, N. Y. —Sold by D. W. CROSS & CO., Wholesale and retail agent; marl6-dawl3m . , Havrtsqurg, pa. • MO , B . OHOMACKER & - CO L 'S PIANOS SOUR GRAPES moO wen knOirn in thisV oily to need 00M- A. mendation. Ii use by _ • •.. . • ! ..009kitNaTt CURTIN, _.• JUDGE PEARSON O And:many othor.thatlnguiahodoittzeus...The underStigued, offers these superb instruments at prlciett -.that gannet fail to command public patronage.. ' • " N.( B.—No.oLD stock on hand. .'Also, Sole Agent for the unrivalled - STEINWAY PIANO-.' -BRADBILTRY , S' CELEBRATED ' PIANOS. Chickatlng'S and several othei of t the.' very best makes: None but perfect instniments, sold, ; Call and see lafgeskatock du.t gittat cities - ' mar . 2B-tf B...WARb Third street Music Store. Steam Weekly to 'Liverpool. D. W. GROWL& CO 864 D._ W. GROSS & _ - WHOLESALE AND IiETAIL D4V - p , G . I $ Fr S , NI A RA:R.T- STREET, •EA3IZISI3 [I,B 0, PA. DRUGGIST, , ,`"I 3 IIYSTO . STORi: IrEEPIfR' AND CONSUMERS , . We are daily: adding ba Oar assOrtment of goods anspch Articles. as.are desirable, and sroold relpeetfelly eall,pritt attdfitibe SO the . Wee, and bin. selected' stock . t Vtlt, o*, ; pitups, tamons ANA Pms dila, 7 iNkrilish ' 6111 • asal— Dye-Stun, Glisi and :Putty, librVlK Fitlysod 41064 . :lArd Sperm rod ,Pine Oits, • &o.; &o:, &c., &0., ,*111"6 dendiiillvariety . rz=mmtY ARTICILES, seletted from the best r*Ulheturers and Perfumers of 'Europa and thla oountry: Being tery dears;in - , PAINTS; ,Trirr# LLF.AD p LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, A.R.Eurs pßtrzturs IIIT !LL' THEIR iwzrETINE, We ieilieotfullyinviteweeil., feeling eonfident that we etinPP_Y the minta .on,terins#,thely sati;fac- • • .TEETH TEETH 114 ! • ,roxzr AUTO 0711, l'fij Po c I.OIAT Of 011Finds,piretit from t ; he Pro letori . , . sipoitptas AND conisturgbs:27. Wiles*le Agents foiS4bnifier;tvhkdr we gall u' lea aiies• THAITIVS zrz!luer& ' COAL ' OEP . ! • CARltait OIL! t=EN bite , plu'cluliers in Wise Oili , we ciiin orroi , 4s , 40 0 , 01 0°4 03 00 0 c,b0M 0 .. ,Coal Oil - WWI! 0 Al 0 0 OnproidiOtiins,'vpry chmop. All kin 04#4111 4444 to bum Coal'., • • • • R4oll ll V.Th c t AND GRA • -RR. • ' 4. 711°Se a Y? ti . YAP have not Orin °X HORSE AND W iLE MODEM a trial kno4r not,thetr subeOzirtti,hiej the .aibiatitate thererei is ketipilit Horses and Cattle heeitbj And l i aices!. : . 1. • • ,Tho%wwle:M tet4Krifo the profit ;they kmye. derived from .the nee of ovir Cattle Powdersi by theAdreesed qun it and qts4lfy of niallki bealdep .tm.provier. the- Owed tieeltti r 6o4l apriurkikiti of their cattle '' • . . polo* erpirience.ln tives.th thaiuiveg, 441071.+4•• Pt "PP.rOO:l4 l ' 2 F./Oge of ,gr• or- rieritei l t#lll the eiYekpa that we c an 1R a `vary t short Utile riinatsh itnythinittipertsbing: to our Wetness, .'ai3:tliiii4N!i , i',i7iitAii - :: Tnanked- thicilltferarpittonage bestilitect 6n a cinr house?. Y l 9. hoPe: bY. IktriekatAcintio.A. W : a . cake al . . p at fair.pricps, and . tholetdralto filesaa , all y merits em tinttance,of the favor dr* discritabudinipablie. 416-dir PECTORAL SYRUP. - ',_ttsTV.A-T-ajtiNeE ;SYRUP, itrelY Vegetable. in its' composition ; Las' been cm , played with wonderful success for many yesislithecure of &stubs for the AIR PASSAGES•and LUNGS. ',bratty form of the disease, such tut COUGH, TICKLING !of the TH.RO , I,_T;RITTEciG OF BLOOD, DIFFicurrBREATH*G i HOdAtkinGB,ll44ss OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS; its. use wlillliejittexidnd wl th the happiest results. 'lt 'a men hf,,the;lingpinddfafept iittihcines , for all Ruins rofeBRON -01:1111*BRAPO Imo laudanunt For . prgens iion of Opitinsin any' shape inthiS now. . _ • • . PRICE $l.OO PER 801114. : For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book StOre.' •.• . . DR B TIL:GILDEAV' E.X:T - b - ESPELI:IHb — LLY inforno3„.the citizens.: of Jar Harrisbert *lnd vicinity that veliaa - removed his of ^flee frOni - Slarket street to Third street, nest door' to the Patriot gad' thierr office, where he is prepared to aceeni modate:ail who may desire-his professional services aprl4, - , . • ' fIi.VANA ORANGES, just reo 4 - • . 1. 10 / 184610 V4AZAP, NO. 19 ME ;i% ;; drtbit's Colors and Tools; Pure Around SPlces, 80it4 . e4 nes and turty-4ki!!:0. ORM! Saa4:SPangea and Carka, ffEM TP T POrlr•a4 4l, P . l4B7x B r.7. 00.8014 PAINT 41M COLORS - AND AROZOZBe or .d 4 xrkla Pd~'~Z1P1"3lEIl1eI11' 8, ARD HAIR RIUTOI4ATIIrEg, ~;,._ , , Ma KUNKEL'S BITTER' VM OF LION LEHI APURE and powerful TONIC, Cork:of:bre and „Alterative, di'_ wonderful , efficacy in dilemma of theStOMACH, LITBILand BEMBT.A., • ~ Dspepsia, • "•• Liver Complains - - • • • • • elilaChog4 ol , eltd 71: "••, Debßily, Nervousnese, De prossion of Spirits, Constipation , '• Intermittonat Fever, Acidity of the . Stomach, Nausea, „ gerrtivarn Diagautt-fpc "" Po* or Weight:lit the Stornach, Sinking -or .Igttasinguit the Fit of Alio Stiniaich, - Swimming of the.ll,,ead,Difficult Breathing, Yelkdr nese of }tie - Skin' and - Etas, Fever and 'Dull the ffriad,• Pain in the _Side, _Back, ..Oheitlanttalnalia, will cure every case of Chronic or . .*eivons '•'•• Diseases of the •Hidinijk . 4tdd_ Diseases. arising from a diatirdeity4 : Stomkeli, Good for Male or' Fenude, Old • or Young, . • . , . • . • . . . .. . ..., . ... . .. '• 'rhe most beneficial Medicine known; gives better satin action and cures more diseases than any orb* pApara Lion offered to the Public. Prepared solely by& A. HMI 4.E1. & BRO., 1.1.8 Marketstreet, ItarAr#,T-g,, Fora and Dealers avprywfieie.' _ . Id3EWARE.OII Counterfeits - ..5W AS-HUllkend:Bitter- T IVIAO OPPI . ) id id tlyr only :Mt and effectual iemcdy hiethelatown world for . the permanent :cue Of-D9Welnin add DeWitt. and antheiellrea number ,of imitations ogered to the public, we would caution the coinninhlty to . puichase none but the gentiine article, manufactured by .3. A., .ffewasir. Jc•lnto., and , .hae their stilinp - Xin the top of the cork ,of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting tio imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. • .. The Bitter:Wine of Iron le put-up - hi 75 oent and $1 00 bottler, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be rarticular that every balls bears the ac simile of the proprtetor'suignature. This Wine includes the, most agreeable and, efficient 'Salt of Iron We posexa; Citiete of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with. the mostenergetic of vegetablitoniet Yellow ?craven bark.. The effect In many cape of debility, loss or appetiteiend general prostration, of an efildieet Shk of ,Iten„sombutect • with our. yalnable Nene 'Valk bi 'most happy. It ankomith the appetite, raises the, pulse, iskei off mosoulnr. flabbinesd, removes the pallor. of &MIKA. sad .gives. a florid . ylgor to the countesses.. NM GENERAL DEPOT; J • t For ■ale by all -reepereable dealers throughout the, country. F._ ZIMMERMAN' • _ Practical Watch Mahar;' • No 52 Market street, kith Prg Pa.:- - DEALER ; . , WATC swig OP .JEWELRY. PINS SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, ; • AND ALL KINDS OP JIMMY. Has constantly on Lands will selected sand elegantly assorted stock of PINS WATC • • - IA K it'_S• • • 3819 . • • PINE SILTEB WARER: . . . . AMBRICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS Irdl=l* • Both in Gold and Silver Cases. AWN a fine assortment of - • . LADLES' WATCHES Congtently on land. ; . Lamas ritUrrr or ELEGANT • • • 01400110,, Of 4oilariptions; all of which will be pa3l4,itthil • LOWEST CASH PRICES; . ‘; 54-can and ezardine the goods ,r,.Partiouleragention Paid to. repairing of :lute if f athit• such. as Chronometer Duplex , and other, celphra Niitchee,-.)tridl all kinds lethlry neatly repaired; Nonehut tho roost competent •woritmed einploy,ed, and taie *hole / Metter 'under my On personal supervision. : 4 ,* .••. • ' P. zimmEitlari ; '• Pro• • 5 48.1t44rect0d311400 4 3 .n40:13441, '••• T. 'F. WATE,I9N, • 0.K0,T c tam Eitiv . JIANTI.F.4O.2 . ITIINR., - SI3T..TreG; Pa: . . Ts PRAPhatirD to tarnish and coat oi "terlorof Buildlrigs with the 'MASTIC CEM on newaystem: his material is entirely different ....from all nth& ottineids used hennefore,..and ,is the only, reliable, iniperishable coating' foiontsidetterle Mixed,:with pro per proportions-of-pure •Limaisf Dir it-forms a solid; Jura: • bleinitinsiveneatto Ada or Storni Walls, making .a bean- AkoWatar,Prol d eurfantelitiid &pal to .Brown Steins anY tionird fed. - 4 • Imenfottieralniwhinn I Wave iMpliad the 'manna Ce• :Inuit, I refer:to _the followingbmtlernen: J. Bissell residence, Penn etmet,- Pittsburg. J. D. WCord, 44 S 4 It J. H. Shoenberget Middens', .4wieneeville. lei " , e; - James M'Candliins t , 44 . Allegheny . Third street, Plttstiurg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, : William.Vohel, Girard Douse, i° dt Miser; MthifaMaiDispatch Buildings, 44 John B. Cox, residence, Front street r Harrisurg, Pa. A. J. Jones,'' " " ' n ama dd rsaa • ••• •-••••••• - T. - rWATSEka, . »•,2:0. - Iloi , ll,,3o6 i irttatiurgl pa, • or, Penna. Home, Harristargtßa, feblB-dem PHOTOGR.AP :ALBUMS: ANOTHER. LARGE-ASSORTMENT , • Photo / rod..ph. 4:116 0IIND; n NE B gilt 1111d1Xlftned Wie1f171i011 . 19167 , tifirictem . • ti o 4 0 6, , ' . . I 3 00 60 a " - 1 ,1. , -. - . 4•L00..1. s;.-1.11. 4.00 together with 11tar.00,1 , .. - 9f binding, sizes and prim, which will' , hfi'nolttetLeap: " Soldier,a you..eannoebefa' prettiet, ) mere dtriabla it* olleaPer alb° o 34Writh.EM • :.. ;dr: , _ • Cell and Eiapti Anarl2-dtf - • -"-• kingo •i• S dt- WI llo"D.'o."`.; tinwanhtt - -.- " PIANO Ftl pp' iNS SHEET TTIOLINS;FIIiites CxnitaF r s, Baitjog,, i SklngE4 ins'!c of MIMIC* .. harhrise. Picture FraeMsi.litieking tlasse" Phut -47201 L'arad Albums, Amigiype . Gems,,Rogravings, Pictures, Ac.., Remem*:Chp NiN . l2,. Third . diTelAkAinhAdrithd Music StoreAbizi e F *Us— tr. R - UOICISKIN; **VIES ikOternritifig% l, inqe. 5 0 I.F.A; mu t xi,-)O•KaraCINIRps ; §TOAIL il au ktlinglirgiriMr44 ; - 4 I, ~,,,,,,,,,,, lilt:Die A L 1r IL, WA AY. IMO 113 MARKET STREET Hammeroza, PA. EN IC HOTELS. =I • THE UNITED -STATES, ROTEL, lIARRI4BURG ) PA. 0. IfflUTCHigiplE, Propagator. well known Hackie now in a- condi. mom,t to siconanitidate the tmvehng aross,.. th e jam ample conveniences' alike for the me trimm ed es - 4 and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATE?. HOTEL has been entirely reit. ted ttunughout, are& now has accommodatioas woad e L extent, comfort and lumuy to any hotel between ha phia and Pittsburg. " Its location is the an in the gba s Capital, being in easy sitcom to all the railroad Is dem., us close proximity to,all the public offices and ben le. calities of the city. It has now all the conveniences ar I.'l'lrsr CL.483 HOTBL, and the Proprietor Is determined to spare neither ex. iense, time or - labor' SO ensure the comfort of the rix gr y s The patronage of the traveling public is respeetteg y . sited. Jell-dtr STATE CAPITAL HOTEL 4001LWEII:QF 14ilitTkr AND WALNUT STURM, 111111140. BURG, PENN'A. THE undersigned having purchased this ksawknownhouse hai enlarged and w€ll thoron gttlyrenorn e4 it. The rooms have been re-painted and paprd,a ad thz entire , esMilehment eThgantly re-furnished. Brin g p i,. sanely and eligibly located, and provided -with ereryrw,. venhance, it cerers to the public all the comfortiaad rtes of a tint class hotel. Trusty and obliging serinas eviraya in • attendarice. esar ell stocked with th,„, liquors is attached to thtablihment. de26-dly IV. G. THOXPSIKV, Proprietor. JONES 110IJSE, Corner of Market street ; and .11farkaSquare, HARRIBIEV'SG PSIVNA. CHAS. It MANN, nots-dtr -Proprietor. Dr.- J. P. KELLER'S Dental Preparations GRANULAR DENT/FRICE! • AMERICAN TOOTH WASH; TIIIIIESE elegant preparations combine the 11 most desirable cleansing and astringent qualities. Th e y render the Gems.hardand healthy ;. neutralize the rietd 'secretions of themouth, (thereby removing the prime cause of decay,) My their detersive properties they .pmeerverthe natural•color of the Teeth, .without in. the degree injuring the enamel, while they impart to the bieaxb a fragraneepecuharty aromatic and pletwattn— • In fast they are .THE RES - PARTICLES in use for the pun posekriame4; sea fair trial will fully demonstrate, and as2bas been abundantly proved by their extensive sale in thltketexusittnity during the last 14 years; and which will be readily testified to by many who have repeatedly nrged the Proprietor to still further extend their tile and marlines& . They are warranted to be free from those deslnictive acids whlch so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of 4 the Proprietor, corner of Second and Walnut streets. JOliN P. KELLER, Siirgeon Dentist. For mode i d s° by th e principal Druggists of the City. ilprrati AN ASSCIATALEST OF OVER 1.500 STYLES ' * ''.POCIET7 BOOK'S' PURSES FO 4n? *, N 4. I Es FOR LADLES IND , GKETLEIMI, KELLER'S Drug and Fanny Goods Stung • No. 91 .ifaret greet. The beat Morocco TMAFE.T;ING And a general vaffety of FANCY &VIM* 'ardirdde for PrefipiltS, now on hand at ~ KELLER'S Osirrfluan, marlo-tt No. 91 Market sweet NEW ,PHILADELPHIA C .1 '.9 -A- 32 e sT O W-u " IX D. W. iniosriorwmocr, Ma reset Streeti Harrisuarg. 1,900 DIFFERENT . STYLES • _s or FASHIONABLE C:LOA:SB AND CIRCULARS, IMEI , FINE SPRING SIiAIVES. Will opon on the Ist of April. (matn-dly NEW BAKERY, Broad Street, 'between Second and Third, HARR , imam - Undersigned .haa opened a new"BA HSR in the Sixth ward; where ••he is prepared to supply, AND cAgafi at , a. reasonable rate He iratinintalatiathetion to all frho Ain give hini a ea/l. He grin Iced his bread at the intent • FIVB cieivrs 0 ,D and rall , ireiglit guarguiteed. • JOiIWALOOdni , ilu,k6: 4 ttr - . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Photograph Albums. Photograph Aibuxus. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. ITIHE largest and - ehealiest -varie — ty , of •PRO- ToGgepit Amonis W. the city ai e v p o kept at' - [n:util2 ] BERGNIERM mF,AP moKsToRE. [PANNED Mras Azscsie vorr. was earl dietelebrixtedideniefictirets. SARD.Difid,t, - . • 9L 11 7. Ong AcriPliOn` CO Ato, B ge ROWN KOU; FINIS TEA; ooFFEE, NAIR tend SYRUP of alligrades itudfnicea, lista theheot aeleetod Stock outside of ytiladelphia. . . -- goodirguiranteed'as represented. Particular itteutlon.paid to all adore from si distance. Goode carefully packed and delivered to all pans of the city free of charge. , SHISLBR FRAZER, ' My{s k sutcessors to 'W. DoclOr:, &Co. PIANOS. ALBRECHT, BILKS kiSCIMIDT'S" • Exam - AI - as PIANOS [ BOLE AG.ONCY AT. 3K; KNOOHICA -9$ Market stre et , Harriabemg. - L - 103 REASONS ' p erfectly,siitu f f i a c i r y, to MYSELFIIIave taken theagencyalantionee most excellent Pianos. Thepublic is invlte4.to come and ex amine for tnemselves. - • • .^- A few Schomackecr ik Ws Piano:lnn ;bead' yet nlll be demi low. , . TRA_NSOPiI P44P4, BE"TrE, I3I, IaLgES:O I S*/# of TRANSOM PAPER ~, and spit at my2o - • . LOTS FOW:SALR; , . - QEXPIR AT' •T.PTS . on bird, ; s t ree t, near fo" korth, are for stile. Invite at WALTERS' Store, corner of North andlhird &vete. mor-tt "MINE OIES.L 2 Firie 'salad biliinst received •-I 2 • ' ; ~; • SEMLER - Jr FR visa,. • P 3 Sucomeors to W. Dock. & tiO 444IVED !—A. flue lot of CANNED PEACHES and TOMATOES , #.1.50; SUPERIOR , PINE APPLES FRESH PEAS, Ac., just iceeived by 3 X 1 3 4 440J0HN, WISE , 3d sgreS,Dear. Wsdlittt , . Q.ticw - Rn SALMON. FINE SMOKED SAAJMN, just received at.' SHISLEIi tam • • • • (scmcesams to Wm. INStig - j /111011 LADIES.—If yoit wish good 'Sett° J 4 PAW L DrielPelink, Pensi oiselinthe Orasonerypof, you wui do well o , miling • )1 " UF B/tit gerriftwoxi. Ell PI PICKCPSI .the - Barrel, Half Barrel, 4ar or Dozen, at iso2o - - • SifinEitirPluantr , s, • ISuocessoTs.uOi r m..it , l%) AFEW , ILUND.ILED o 4 the OK FIAA milts, of valuable lean* varittin, own 9 9 "fs:e d Cor deleinthwriolong, ale , now on Weida the , liejoanno ,Nntogy, . .InCoB4llB' MICHENE.WS excblaior. hassw,of this ass ioa's curing, Jut recr-i!esi 4141P1 19331 e_ by 1 • • • sm&s,g - st 0 0 6 • OaCCOW . 4:5 0 WAKL.9I)64 & I\TEW MACKEREL Bitait]Willi ,_=c„_ F * mosrann4 I iHaSTORH, Harrisburg, Yu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers