ail Etttgrapt HA It 11_1 SHIIRG, PA SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 4, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths. diut., to secure insertion b th e TELEGRAPH, muss invariably be lll:Cl3olll parvfied with the CASH. - • Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn tag Edition without extra.charge. NOTICE. PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES. The citizens. of Harrisburg, generaliy, are invited to meet this evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Cornt; - House, to make arrangements to give a proper reception to the PennsylVania Reserve. Corps; that is expected .momentarily to arrive in, Harri.sburg,,to be mustered out of service. TiliS'shattefed reninant of twenty thodsand-hrive Mien haVe , shed a halo Ofglory over the Military fame Of . th&Reystone State, which entities then:Ll° the respectful consid- eration. of ever, Pennsylvanian; *and it is: hoped-the citizens of Harrisburg - will not fail, on thidoccallion, to render. to them the honor which is:due from the Citizens told pnilin au thorities of this Commonwealth. A. L. ROUMFORT, Mayor. „' TOWN AND COUNTAY. SEnvioss in the (0. B.)P.resbyterian Chi:Lich to-morrow, (Sindayi) at the usual. hours. Preaching by - the, Rev. 'John De .Witt.' A STATED murrnto of the Good will Tire Company will be held in their hall on Monday evening, at seven o'clock. Punctual attend : . since is requested. • A roarrox of the mud and dirt ort - ItEillret street, was scraped up, this morning, prepare tory to removal.- Other streets, undeygo similar cleansing prooess. C.ESItTEfit Timm. —The following ticket is . printe4,for,distri)3ntion, as.agreed,upon by. ' NtA2IY tOTIIi.OLDERS. President-Hamilton, 13 , , Alliinaiers:—WilliiinilL'Egle,dacob7: Henry, ;William H. Cleckner, J. J. Clyde. . Ho, iti:ny'r#a an advertisement in another,celumn . it will be seen that the Perin- Sylvania railroad' company will issue excur sion tickets to the Philadelphia Sanitary Fair, goodfor any four days, from the oth to the Aftilx,";of Jnge, They can only he used on the trains l e aving here at 7 . :20 A. mi . 12:20 :and' 5:25 P. M. BE,BOIO imur, Mioroa.--)3llsingsa wes • ---, - • what slitetl2iamorning . at the. Meyer a o ffice. Jane . Barber, ;st, disorderly .c.2lored•- woman, went4o prison for 48. hours A fish dealer was fined $4 and costs for of feringitainted-fish•for sale; and two country men were fined $l each, and costs, for selling marketing befOre the ringing of the „Court House bell, this morning. -- _...-. Tun merchants of Indianapolis elosetheir atdrei regularly at six o'clock m., fi;liffoFd the# clerks time for recreation. The preprie tors sayithat the increased usefulnes&of..their employees daring, the _day more . i.14 - Asinn, aerates for any loss that may . •OcchrliY early ClOslnd of the stores. The merchants of Harrisburg would do well to folio* the example. Haas aon FAX= 17sz.—In e'orisequenge of the liabiliffpf lisps' and cured beef to becoMe tainted;duringiliii StiMiner "Beeson, and on tc ixfkiint o4the fact that canvassing of hams 'fridds con81:4*Ily, fo thee.. cost, by Abe prrte ootiOn4iriode,- . Bhisier & Frazer have made tiri. • ranieinimkS tb'get htims and cnied . be'll4Slii from the sMohe-house, three times purvtgek. .13.y . 44 ff plan they expect to be able to supply their i customers, and, familiesAitt - t e lm . Very „:40icestaitiele in this line of their =busines~. The attention of the puboii liNAged*the li s4Yertisement of this firm on this-subject OtiittEl's OPERA. Holism—This plade'of resort will Awn close for a short season, while Stinford'and troupe will appear in the,pilidining cities. We Aee by the Colum bia papers that,•the troupe ,are to perform at that place on the 10th hist.: and at- Lancaster on the 11th. We areietfueited , t. 43 stater that 5 . 14461 his offered the free use of .the',iipera House for any entertainment that may he got ten lip by oureitizens in aid of the Sanitary Fair. Now that tableaux vivants are very fashionable, clitinot: we littve ` an exhibition of • , 4 thas sort? The sehocil children can certainly getup something of the kind! Tsz LoAF OF BREAD FOR THE SANITARY Yam - , -Wethave already alluded to the fattihiltien e . Of the; natty gallant, generous and goOdICAL 14g , yompiffT i ef stationed at this post, had started iheinevel enterprise of making a . Ool, leetion t fdeihe' ganitary Fair to be held M Plailadelphial arc the merits of a loaf ofbrikd. The plio;:adi)pte44vas, to dm' pose' f tile:leaf of bread:to-as miny_persons as posSible, each of whom, after:purchasing, 'donated4r , be•oaf again. the„ priginal objedt,' chargbig 'the original iihhier to go=on disposing_of t, the Fon whioch he accordingly.did; until. ,fthtCttrriazpig • sum of p. 03 50 has been abcrUnoll!,:;7lr,H s of bread has been photographed cards of Arlilch are being sold for the beneft-V-the lamefund. If the gallant 'projeo44:6;fitiais patrlotio..enterprise had bad himself photo, PAP_I.IAMfin haul, the cartes de visiteWould have. sold like Roumfort's hot ..,_biskilitstaii ayaryjWof taste would have fit'eniefd;iie opouletpaript a face.reflecting the aliaart as generous as that of the hist i:)filiad gani44,Tund projector .' The loaf raid nimioserarthß thareof , ATA +is A BOY of about ten years of age was drown ed on Sunday last in Big Spring, near Irvine's mill, Cumberland. county. THERE was alvexcellent market this morn ing. On the stands was displayed a great variety of seasonable marketing. Prices were moderate. laatmaa ma= may be expected in the German Reformed Church, Chestnut street, to-morrow (Sabbath) morning and evening, at the usual hours. The express •train for the North, which should have left: here about three o'clock this morning, did not leave until seven. We did not learn thkeause of the detention. THE Ordinande of Christian Baptism will be administered, should the weather permit, to 7 morrow,(Sabbath)_ afternoom iat by the Rev: D. A. Lavery, 'near the water station, opposite the Cotton Factory. Poor Ficsan :— Mr Daniel Fry,;(if this city, had uPw ards'Of fifty"dollaiS taken from his pocket, while purchasing tickets in the office of the Cumberland Valley Railroad com pany, at noon to -day. - The pocket-book con tained Mr. , FMlttame, all - 4,11e can describe; the lost money; • • - • Orrnrims' l!tbrrrmo.—The 4ayerhas issued a fOr a meeting of our citizens; to be held Let evitribedi turn or& Bei •preriarations be made at once for a'fitting re ~cp'tion of the . giorious Iteservei, who will be herelin'a,lay,or-two.` Let those noble heroes feel that their .gallent deeds on the fieldi ars . appreciated! Turn out to-night, citizens of Harrisburg ! „ Fmr 13m750.L-- : Quilta a „ 'number of the Jehus of this city have been before the kiyor and fined, for faOt drivliiib , et some of them appear determined to - violate the city ordi -nance,reNivelto:driyiriwin-.4he streets:,* We - can assure these violators of law and order, that the• Mayor will continue to fine them e , as long as they persist in fast driving, and if they are not careful some of there will be both' fined and con-fined, 'as the Mayor has the send them to a place where they will be iiroxble'to drive feat milks at any even to .Fort, Simmons, as His Honor will en force ther-lair to the fullest extent MEE THE train that left here at 7 o'clock this , morning for 'Baltimore, was crOwded'. to ex cess. Among the passengers were a• large number of 'd.ele.atet' to the llnien National donvention,•which convenes in the liontinien t:d. City on Tmesday next. Gen. Cameron and Senator Lowry, Senatorial delegates froiii this State, left this morning. The Convention promispa,to.l).6 one of. theilargist ever held in the United States, and will be composed of best' then of the nation. There is no doubt of:the:re-nomination of President Lincoln, as the loyal massesipverywhere have expressed ppference for him, and imitracted their delegates to vote accordingly., PATON TEteifia IL 'Revs, of Battery A,lst New Xork Artillery, now in Fort Washington,, (;ii a hieghts opposite the ,city, in the.liat; s4iiceOffiriYinilitary in daMP Cnitin; proulpt ly responded to an appeal of the friewili of the late Capt. Waterbury, to be' present with his company, and act as the escort at the ftmeral of Capt. W. The men made a :splen did soldierly appearance, while Capt. R and ,his; officers ;vied with each other in rende4rit ,that solemn .respect to.the occasion which is the last honor which can be paid.tb &depart ed hero. The friends and family of the ide parted will longreniend;er his generous Con ..duct.;:with,liTely feelings of esteem and sTati." , GOLD 190!--The prieC,'Cif 'Old has Vieno ' up wonderfully.' - Of "conise dui imports~luave something to, do -with the rise; but the fault' liiso,aa#4 with the npeculatorqrsokl, .I.nd 4 t.Y.fein s n'a l y shotdd ` passa livideelering; :this species of gambling a fel ony, beCa'ithe; nearly ' everything ndvanee,s %Pith There are afErw things; however:valich lieve ; gen a up - inthe same oportton,gßld I has, "and • thf yare the henriete;'4 6 .#l: :, iaT mantillas:Sold by `Mrs. M. Meyer, No. 13 h tar ket St, notv tithttininling it .took gold to lin' lort them, or thic;materietbut f of Which they a %ere ,fekricete'd. ; Ircldle nearly w.teye.h,i7 . eise has Ladkraitcect .'trim eighty . to one httiadA per cent. over thihnice ,of ;.1861, . it Is a singular! fact that thtitiliclesennirtarathdhave ho o t ed 111114ett oTeLrlwenty per,cent : te-Tde sunnier ate ek now on hand at Mit. :Mayer's storewas archesed when gold, Was but -ferty nine cents , premium, she: can .•now , sell her .goods at lea st fifty per cent. less thsca ‘be able to p !arches.) theta troththe:importer month hen.c e, unless the entire 'Soiath sho u ld be opaque rod and peace restored. A. hint to. the wise is sufficient.- • • * THE Duirr:—Below are the names drawn for a par fiat( of ',Northumberland c candy, yesf terday: • • . NORTEIVAIBERLAND. COM§ITY. - • r 'lletvirmri r rcrth BOAOUGH... 1 J0pi.,13,-,Mhelroan, aged 29; saddler. 2 4.W . :ll3tti,taged 43, •shoemaker. • a .Getmger-Vi Dixon;:agedl9, shoemaker. 4 - 4, Tfil; aced pp, laborer.. • s'B MG-Weak, aged 26, 6 Ellis,2l2ar, aged - .,27, laborer. 7 Joiti. P Mear'ct agedt4l,:meichairt • JORDAN TOWNSIMP. Peter kfeiggr, aged• 4 4; farmer: 2,Diniel Williams , agedo33, tailor. 3 Samuel Bohrier,„ aged 21, farmer. 4 'Benjamin t ro sins, aged 22, laborer. if 5 Edward Clark; aged" 21, laborer. • .6 Dairjd Doriraoyer, aged 37, laborer; S,L 7 John Wirt, .aged 37, merchant... , , • -xzwis-rownsip:e. 1 Samuel. It Gray,. aged 29, fanner. - • 2 John Robenald, aged 20, laborer. ' 3 "%Motu Cariieron, mod 35, farmer. • C.Y.4evilleiber aged 31, farmer. 5 Solomon Dentler ; aged 40, miller. 6 William 3 - Taggart, aged 21, farmer. -riPPErt 113HANOT. Oeoprgd Reim, aged 40, tanner: '2 Wolin Fetter, aged ,32, carpenter. 3`Simon ; Snyder, aged 34, carpenter. , viresatqaToN =wigs 1011tieltiobal,A0. fanxier. agftd-44 7 -famer. Jaeoli G Hpfbitatt;llo4lolackszaith.. Traniel-Heifit I=3l=l SrnirTtrAlmnt. - -liirs. M. J. Wilcor..i(,L, New Jersey, will lecture in Exchange Hall. Sunday, June 5, at 10i i. LE. and 71/ r. M. TWO - FINE BEILDINQ Loss for sale on Penn, above Broad street. Terms, one-half cash. Inquire of D. Wyeth, at Wyeth & Creamer's, South, geoond,street. nay31.:111; Tan following gentlemen will be voted for at.tbe election for,Managers of Onkllarrisburg 04/e:t4Aks ' ogiAmijOn For President—Hamilton Alricks Managers—William H. Cieckner, John A. Small, Rudalpli F..Xfker, William Jennizigs, Henry GilbeW jet-d3t , Tltar $lOO loaf of bread is now on exhibi tionn-th.4 m•htlo , 'W of '-‘ B6igner's Book Store. Photographs of the loaf can be obtained there at 25 cents each-.-the entire proceeds to go to the Sanitary.sCoramission. Call and get a photograph. BAPrIST 0111710:78. —There will be sertioe in the Baptist ChUrch, corner of Second and Pine:streets, on to-morrow morning at 10k o'clock and in the evening at 8. o'clock. The Pillpit wih tae' iiccAPie'd by Aietev. Geo. B. Bliss, of Lewisburg University. The public are -respeogully Myited.,tolttend,„ 11==CCI , ennui:a still, continue rto:rish- after those ! 3 1`4 if ! / . /sgt lififf4 7 oPeA 2 o7,l4l4At eh we sell at cost price, to change business, We also have on hand all the most suitable styles of Dress Goods for the season, and all staple articles* ,cost . - • T T !. 11.1 P. 1. % E rla; * • Cor. Second and Walnut: , ofts [Correspondence of the Felegra,ph.l Old School Presbyterian Assent ,, N. J., June 1, 1864. Since'my brief note of the 21th nit:the As sembly has been busily engaged in dipposing of the various matters'Of it, sitting from nine o'clock in the morning until half-past nine at 'nialit;"iiith - adjournments for dinner and supper. The first half-hour of the Meriting- sebsiOn, and the last of the after noon, are.spent ,each day in devotional exer eises,id it Would do your readers good, es- Recially those who are fond of congregational singing, to stop in for a moment and listen. The tunes ,arestar, t,ed by the Moderator, who is a very good singer, and his stock is com posed of the noble old melodies which od kns ') , and who;i:e uns can ev si e n ry -The undoP some tw or l thr g e 'hundrd male voices swells up like the tones of an organ, and you begin to understand some thingote-what the 'P'Sai 'nlist 'nicant When he said, "Let the people :praise thee, .oh Ged; yea, let all the people praise thee." There is a fine organ andinn-exb.ellent choirtin 'the. church in which the Maembly is „sittirq, but they take no part except when thete is preach ing. The session of Tuesday afternoon of last week has•a very interesting one. The dele gates,Aonnnissioned by the' New School Pres byterian' Assembly of last year to attend at Newark addressed the liOdy,' 'exPresSingithe fraternal feeling cherilhed by the organization they represented, and they were responded to by. the)Moderatairdn.fitting terms, reciprocat ing,their, friendly sentiments. One of' the d'eleglites 'was the Rev. Dr. Wilson, of New • ark, the. other JudgegAllisexpof Rhiladelphia t . 1 formerly a resident of Harrisburg. Addresses were,' rilthr"delliered 'by Voihnii - ssioner 'repre senting the Reformed Dutch and UnitedPres byterian'ehurches. Tlld fliirtiVseUsion dftWeThieeday afternoon, was spent in prayer for the country. Messages having been previously sent bytelegrayl:, ser - VidesioVit'suriitai , cherhete'r were held ,l at• the stuns ,heurby,the, Assembly sitting at Daytona the Methodist General onterence at Phila delphia, and byeeveral other religious bodies sitting in different. States of the Union Thus, the're.preSentatiVeS ilaonieliitudreds of thou sands of Christian people of various names sent,y,p, .at the / same; moment„ their urdted . petitions fora blesing upon the country and its rulers. fis AhewaxaarsionAo....New York, of.swhiaL I spoke in my last, was "postponed on account: of the weather','lfliti l / 4 ingiiiiiied 'hetiVily i all day Thursday. I presume the postponment ,is,,anindefinit/pne, i muchto the disappoint ment of many of the'derggates: - I was sorry to learn that the liberal gentleman who gave the invAtationrhad)inemmd,isonsiderable ex pense in makindhis arrangements - for the Cou7, templated visit. ,There was ,qu MI ite,,exqiting.. .debAiin l ithe Assembly on Friday afternoon, upon the pa-, per relating to the slav'erY questidit, 'referred t o o inray last. Ep T ,a,t4e ge scene was a very stormy one. The diicussion arise Upon cer tain amendments offeresito , the original paper with the design of rendering it less objection able and thus secure for it a unanimous vote. Theaiiiißlixients-Weie - fiiiiiri r okiried, and the paper then agreed to by a vote nearly,. if not minions. ' titkes"- - irerY' decided -gronncl, in favor of the estirpatign.,,of, slavery, - ari d difa'''far 'beicliLir the celebrated deliver ,ance of 1818, a part,4„which is reeited,in the preamble. It was'reported froni the commit tee by Judge Matthews; of Ohio, vzhohas , been a prominent Democrat, and was an office holder raider the administration of Mr. Ba- chanan. Tlfe "Assembly . Hai liden'engaged Fri clay evening in he _aringpae case .of,,B L eY. Dr. 4 11'Pheeters, 'St. — Loins. It is an appeal: from the decision of his FresbYterY2 diatiniv in g the pastoral relation between him and his church... die has.addressed -the- Assembly at great length, solemnly denying every imtitn tion,tioratiloyarty, and complaining of the in justice with which he has, been tfeate&L, No: less Ifiti r inessiaiiihais been -'d in .case, in leering the speeches of com- Plainant and respondent. After that the call ing of the roll was proceeded with, and every member of Assembly who wishes it, is allowed , t 43 express his opinionbefore the final iota is t a t business; and when nit will be ended no one can say: 'There , i s a 6, modfdeah of' , nnfinished business yet ,on hand, most, of.whichlwill probably have to be postpoi. xed,.as Ake session has already been extendec.' beyond the usual length.- ": a i.1 , 44A ,• ; • - - H-Xt!asstrite,'Ainel 1861: We, tlilit, unigtergigniel Grocers'ot -tVe city of Harrisbnrg, sAgreel to close our stores at 8 o'clock i al'ra., from - L 'ltis date to October Ist, '1864. ..47 sldsler & Frazer, s t ,lnuek,ligivanart , Himmel & Killinger, Vai.v4ingeßgre; • Adam jr„ 130ei."f & - -Kotrper ,, VaL S. HunTaberger, AndrewL 'Q 'Ortz , Bell, ' W. Garrattt. ;Mrs L'; Lingle, Airs.llll.4J. Colder,: .%flt..J. Peters, f i Caldwell & Lytle, ' ; 'T.,F. Boyer. Vet SPE,CIAL .NOTICE* Bras try buns Attended Tcr. • , . „ at .. %ed; Bounty Pension, Back Pay , Subsistence ,and.-.lfilitaF9-. i and W generally, made out and colleoted = pew sons -at a distant Aomn have their.b .iluiliel d i r .......... : • Bamitart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to,sinsk in public. Manufactured only by Bannvart Is Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whoins all ofderi should be addressed. Sold by druggist every' where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: • litunnoitass, Feb. Bth, 1884: ,A. Beurriatri.--Dear.Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, 'V;ristar'S Lozenges and other preparations for .loarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most adfnirable specific for public speakers . and singers,, in oases of- lioartmess, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of. need, most effectually. Yours truly, ' T. H. ROBINSON, • Pastor of A. S. Prosbyterian Church. IC.i *METH AV - I agree -with Cdr. Robinson as to the value of - Bannvart's Troches. • •• W. O. CATTELL, Late Plastid of a Presbyterian Okareh. , • , llenaussmici, Jan., 1 64. To C. A. BAlorvenx—Dear Sir: In th B habit of speaking very frequently, and in plAces .where the vocal organs, are very.much taxed, 'l•have found themeed of aurae gentle expecto rant,-and that wanthas been supplied in your • eicellent Trot:laid; • • - I consider them very far' Superior : li) any Lozenges that I have ever used, in remOving speedily that huskiness of.the - voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public an • dresses. Yours, Ake. • ' • '4130. VALKER jACESON. Pastor the. Locust St, Methodist' Church. To C. A. listrsvLits--Dear Sir: Having uses your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever, tried and tab), great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness: of voice arising frouipublio Speaking or aging. Yours, &43., . G., RAREST/IM, 'pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church: MEI -DD3TILMT Arroßann ' s ONTICE, H.A83D38M19, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Bmorturr--Dear• Sir : I have found' your Trochee to be invaluable in re lieving, hoarseness:And in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all publio speakers.s A. J. KERR LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS NEW YORK AUCTION., .BEAT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS Tull' yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 cents . Bleached mush; at 26 cents; worth 35 cents. Bleached muslin, at 22 cents; worth 80 canto. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. - Black silk, at $1 20; worth 6131; Black silk, at $1 30; worth $1 50. Blank silk, at $l. 45 ;.worth $1 65. 2000 yards of black Silks from auction. .: Beautiful pearl color sillr finish - alpaca. — Alpacas In leather color, stone colors and-Othor colors. - White carobrics, soft finished s,47raficliCartibric. Jacouetts, brilliants, Irish linen. Shirt beasts, all line; at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 56 amts. Splendid 'assortment of calicos. Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. . Stockings, the best and cheapest. . Pocket handkerchiefs for ladies, stall prices. hfarseillea quilts and crash for towel& halie now a very large stock of goods; all bought at reduced prices, and which we will sell at-prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction • We have also a very urge lotof alPacas,vashmere bombazinea . S. LEWY. 111 7 24 . . • Me :Clear. the Hoe of -Flies, use liutchoria ea us leknited LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, a neat etieap artiCle, easy to use. Every at!.eat will kill a quart SOLD EVERYWHERE. ' , FEENCEI.,:RICHARDS,kOO., 10th and Market streets Fhlittdelplda„wheleeale agents, lay24.d&wdw This celebrated Toilet . Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and ens oliti c nt in lie nature ? fragrantly scented, `aureatreinely beneficial mite action • upon the akin. For sale ny,all,Druggists and Fanoy Goods Dealers. jankfi.dawly . . Batilielorts. , Celebrated Hair Dye IS. THE BEST LAT THE WORLD. The .only gamins, True and Reliable Dye Known. ' This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantlyto latMotry Reek or Natural Brown without izijorilig the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the ,Hair. - vikandheautital,; imparte fresh vitality frequently restoring its pristine : color, and recti fi es the 11l effects of bad Dyes. Thelediuipe. is sigued WILLIAM A. BATCH. ELOR. AR others are mere imitations, and should be avoided.' SAC by all Driiggists, ko Factory...4ff HAR CLAY ST, N. Y. - BATCHELOR% NEW TOILET MEAN EDE IiEEESING TER IMP. '.'NEW .ADVERTISEI),IENTS. OF ; WWZIECELPTS AND EX.f 6 MDITURESiOF THE l ITARRIERITRIS CEMETERY ASSOCIATION . , Trona: .ttia"lsth d 4 of MAT , 1363 to the 31st day of PAHNESTOCK, To balance on band May Tath,lB64- 32 - To cash from aide of. lots, and for graves, and interest on. invest- • manta .......; .. .... 5,546:94:• • Ca Paid election officers' .... 2 75 J. Barns, keeper • 353 89 Laborers, . . .... . . . .... 856 12 Paper and blank-books • 47 38 Publishing treasurer's . ..... 17 sa . , • ..... 27 97 PAinting house ... .. 7 8 85 ':Carpenter work ' •• 143 14. Tin spouting, kc.... „ 18 87, , 4 - 11itehing .r..krata - ". " 13 00 n • .... • 2 6 1 41 Five iron Bette's and height, 47 59 ,'..7birreadered groUnd . . .. ... 22 59 . ,'.,Hardware.... ....... • 58 i•P' ... ... '32 19' Hauling r •....... 500 quit ... ; ... . . . . 12 o'o, 'thug up new l'oebOokYait . diniZlCfng chart:. 112 00 Jab. -A..,atuall, Secretary. ; . 25 00 1" B. -. Bela or,. Buper i ntendent 50 00 A. 11..lraterstock, Tioararer lOO 00 • di..K.7FAIINESTOCK •Treasere s4 ` 46B r. 26 hereby tbOropi,hgra examined the above , ate_ountia deutil;:and.convored with t4e voucher . s, and gad it correct ; and.that therariabaania tithe haede er the : Trees:J.4er the aunt of tare, thousand four hundred and nineteen dollen and aeirenty,:.fonr coati, CS/Vaedi JOHN A. SHULL, ' ROD. F. %ELENA Committee. flR7tl6Bl a June 118& At a meeting, of the Afansgers,, held 3fAY-31 ' 1864, the sun'i of two thdusand'Aollars was ordered to top addird the inite,sted fund; for ibe purpose of inareasing.the Same until,the annual interest thereon shall cover the ordinary expensel of the Cemetery vrithout laying contributions or assessments upon the lot-holders, muter . reaolution Board, August 18, 1858, • Present state of invested fund In Harrisburg City bonds... In U. S. 5.203, toupon bonds In 17.. 5..,7-601N boucle 20,000 00 To which add ansOnnt now ordered to be Invested . to .S. 10-40 registered bonds ........ ...... 2,000 00 • , The, lot-holders in the Harrisburg Cemetery tun hereby if6aiedlhat an election for President and dye Managers of Asioeisition, Air the 'ensuing year,*lll ha- held at the Ottlin of the Treasurer; A. IL Fahnestodri on MON:. DAT the 6th day dt Jaw:vault., betwowthwhourat at 12 0 101,,kx.,8,xd - tethick M. _ _ eSCIEDI...k. , strum flan — 1167, FROM Iogr.GATEPs HONEY SOAP. HAM DYE I HAM. : .rix?. t ; TREASURER'S STATEgI'T Balance in treasury • $B,OOO 00 JOHN A. Si11:1LI., Secretary. (Signed) CICHtTE.RY NOTICE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXCrXIS , I,ON. PhiladOlphia.and Reading Rail- PHILADELPHIA SANITARY COMMISSION F-41. I R . EXCURSION. TICKETS TO PRIEEADEL PHIA AND RETURN,. good for any three days from MONDAY; June 6th, to 'MONDAY, June 20th, 1k64, will be sold at the offices of the Philadelphia and• Reading Mahood at 'the followini rates : At Derty:........ 1 ....V.33 luMmelotown $3.65 At Swatara . 3.60 Beaver - 3.75 Each Excursion Ticket will include a ticket. of admis sion to the Fair. - • - - The above Tickets sold it: "the Railroad Depots only. No Tickets sold by Conductors. • 1, : - . .G. A. NICOLL% , . General Superintendent.. my3l-dtlellat.w2t May 30th,1801 NO EXCUSE FOR - EXPLOSIONS: ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER 'DETECTOR IS AIt.WALLIBLE PROTECTION against any steam boilers, from a lack water, which isAlle great source of so many sad catistro ,plies, and so much damage from the burning of boileri. We warrant.this instrument to, be a perfect .insartMet against such contingencies; perfect satisfaction gamin teed or pay. ;Price $5O. , - Send for as Instrument and tq; it; if not satinfactiirk you iniy retain it,. Tirculars wftliicfereidoes sent to any one.desiring `thafti. *ildresplepie communications to' A. C. MEdDT & • • my4-4111mtf Pittsburg, Pa. . SOL 4. AGENCY FOR, THIS CITY lAiry. dip. public large and inlendid asnortineat of ' SILTPtItrOW"OOLD PENS,' mgunifiatiried -LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will tive en tire satisfaction. • • . ' PLEASE TRY THESEI' • - • 80/METER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian:Chat - 04 Harrisourg R°T° FANSHAV = E OFFICE, 14 INT ,t 11a ST 3 uarm mina, PENN A., June 1, 1804. 1 The followingor‘der is published for the information of all concerned: . 'STATE OF PSCISYLVAIOA, OPEION OF TEM A. A. l'itCytiar HARSILA.T. GENERAL, _ : ILARRIBB11116;• 3fiy-28, 1864 CARTAIN: I have the lionor to inform you, that the Sec ret:l.l4 or War, in pursuance of the 14th section of the en rollment act; approved.febrtutry 24th, 1164, directs that examinations of drafted man be held in your district at the following places, viz: - • • 14tH DIaTILICT. - Counties..' Plcteas 'of ..Ezainining." Dauphin. Harrisburg. Jwaiata • Snyder.- . Union Sunbury, North'ld co. • Northumberland Very respectfully, your octedient servant, ' • J. V. SUM.FORD, Lt. Col. 16,U. S. Infantry, A. A. P. IL Gen: Carr, JoLur K t CLEXIMT, Pro. Mar. 14th Dis't, Harrba. Mug, Penna. r- Received May 29, 1864. . . , . -. , The examinations for Dauphin county will take place at the Court Reuse, in the city of Harrisburg, on. Monday, the 6th day of June, 1864. For Juniata county, at the Court House, in Miffiintown, on Thuisdirand Friday, : the 9th and 10th days of June, For Snyder; Union and•Norttnimberland °aunties, at the coon lionse, in Sunbury,' Oti Ifie days • „ . 'or ' Snyder'bounty; Tuesday; Wednesday and.;l'hurs day lhe'l4th 15th and ldth days of Juno 1864.: For Hnlotcounty, on Friday.and Saturday, the 17th, : and-18th days of June, 1864. • . ;•• And for Northumberland county, on:Tun-4day, Tirednes day, Ihuraday.and Friday, the 91st, 22d, 93d. and 94th days of-June, 1861. - The examinations will commence at 9 o'clock in the morning on each of the days named above. • JOHN SAY CLEMENT, Capt. and Provost Marshal. • •- - • - OHM: C.-RAWN,. - ' Commissioner. • T. CHARLTON, jul:dlW ' ' .SurgAcin Atßaard. COLUMBIA HOUSE. CAPE MAY. hotel be opeliedifiutee 15th. The r i ll iTso has been put in thorough repair, and nearly two hundred new and greatly improved BATH HOUSES will be ready for the accommodation.of g.tcstS. ' Its capacity anti each department will be. ecinal, if not superioN, to.any Hotel upon CAPE ISLAbIDt, Birgileld's Bindles been secured Par theieason. Addinsa . GEO. J. BOLTO'II' • , Proprietor, • Cars Istann Or, my 23415 j _ te - Sate".' MBE - nixdersigaed'aiftbrs for sale tsatritY-two ' 4 104 a half( aeres'Or_larid.within a half mile of the I•ort.hern bOundary.of,tne. city of Harrisburg, fronting on Susquehanna river an4,e'ainuding , baelc . along steel's lone. There ara . ..thefirelnisas a, good . house and barn, nye to six hundreHlyr:aaa, pair, allerry and apple, trees in bear, lag, ands chowelvoloty of small fruits: • Terms easy. • mglR-Hld ' 411.. BERRYHALL. • • 111..T r i'OGNMIE AM:A 1}14.8%r; HA'S removed his Offioe-florairhird to Wit , . , nut street, next to the Prison. All business in trusted to him:willxviceiikitkibatifearsTeafeful attention. IEO I I.. MAP, *, mm valuable property, corner., .of Second and Pine streets, being ility,two twd'abalffeet`im Se coati-and one hundred and sixty-eight feet - on Pine street., reusing back two,Aundred and, ten, et t p't.Barbara alley, therb'beirig - spabe' ittilbtut Yliiis,`and a most de isirabiedgip tbr a Giusernor's lian,sion.. - orrpublbf buildings For particulars enquire o'r Yrs, HURRAY, corner of Se , 'coOd arid Pha r faireets. : •• • ; itiou9L4f- $4,468 26 PitlVA'rE SALE: ONE of • the best locatione for --IRON 'WORSE' Tullio 'State for sale, at 4,Verrressonable prtee. , toinj4diitiaier who will improsn'ltoitdated`with in a Short. distance 'Of the' City of HarrisbxWg bAvreen the Pennsylvania ratlread and canal;abour, 117 , A:t i ed feet wide, and. lb . :lipid e of. the beet. 'bacon:oho In:the State and close ao,a good turnnilted-..road;., Usti, roam for waste cinders for fifty yetua, withantiptying. for the - hind Apply to . dittildlLECON, Attonsey.-at-...Law, Igo.,24 . NortltSeabnd.street, ~.„mar.ll3-dtt .; ..ilarrisbnrg; Pa. [Philadelphia Pleasluseit threedilnesand send hill to • SA.Ol:l;Vir N'COWJEVE:I2, , , 2 1 .73.107741N4 LINEN AIP Pdlii'ENilNG lora POWDERi4ar compound , of .valuable9.r i atles for the destruction of insectributed - among or dusted o'er rum woolens, Carpets; Clothing, &c, packed.away -for summer, will effectually Octant moth. Being also adeligtitfnl, diffusable perfume-it Will ha- PregnaSt_ w4h,14114Ag pleasant odor. • The nnestrahrio casnot•he.thjurea ita use. 175 00 2,045 52 2,419 7 'CALLUM'S Prepared and 2 14 " Good" Sum. 0 0 4 _,,,,itta* D rug and • No. 91 3 ' sp2s K on ACRES all - Land; ini:Dtinplig,co. eJ41.1 kJ' t-p ri tate seleciii part 'bribe wltillolo salt rummers ; 185 acre§ clear., goad•buildiags, thereon ; with- Saw 1141 L For farther partieatars, address • ..; .surit.KEß; Dauphin Dauphin. ioaityLPa. niy3o:4lBni*,.. • witii.l!ol44to „ .S • 500,000..s ro v m E e. T rp o o. T yb t y cl Plants letter, tp J. STUDipAECEN AbeElflik Mills p, p.,:oulocaland co., Pa Plants can also be bad at,tifs . Btazid,: . In tliedower Marketaoase, nazi plaid kiltounitert'e; on naartel day . , adr3041414* A• . , , . • • $3,000 00 2,00000 1,000 00 E NGLISH DAIRY and • Cl —NEW YORK STATE looSol •W/4. LIOCE., , di., & CO. for safe ;cm the corner et Third and Broad atreata. , Eagan* at wli. C. Mc:FADDEN. . „ A FEW MORE PIECES..OIIAO"Viafor A 4fintngiihind Wagon Clovers. MU at Kiabginrllhowraterei Nat'l street tit 5204.14 road. J. H. DENNISON, Merchant's ,Hetel,' 'naiads: A. C. La I for.Ssle, SANFORD'S THIRD ST.R.BET t -IBELO*Ai REAR- :9 1 :47 11ER, e- 1t. " (34- ' 7, .Propriiitor and Manager. S. S. , SANFORD SATURDAY EVENTE•IG, JTNE 4_ SA.NVO I ELI) AT -; HOME. Reead.the Bill for this Evening THE eljatE, BY TEE EXEMP.TS. LA. PEWEE - - • ' ,i t • AltAt IiROTHIEIELS. BILLY BARLOW, ON THE TIMES. • ConelticThig TILE BARBERS OF THE WOODS. . Orchestra Seats pW7Carlii thalami at Bans Doors open at 63‘.. Coatinencriiini. Police always in, attendruice,to presegie,9o*„, ' Admittance 25 cents.., 6Viients. Piivasp boxes. entiise.46 CANTERBURY WALNUT EIT., BELOW VW* .siole Lease •oxx OPEN EM MY With- a Fitst-ciasa •cpmpany,l4i : . smidEfis, Wiwi:HAN*, 4s4Jscl. admission... .... . .... ... .el 6 cents- Sada in BOXO6 . 26 " NEW .A.DVERTISEM:;ENTS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALI ABLE ION.3VQIIIIS. 10tY virtue of a-.decree. of ..the.Circuit..Court A_P for Washington county, as a' Court Of ',Equity, the undersigned trustee will sell at public sale, in [rent of the Court House, in Hagerstown, on • • TUESDAY, the 14TH DAY OE Phrg„ . ",1864, all that VALUABLE REAL.EHfATE, situate tor Washing ton county, Maryland, known as the • • r,' GREEN SPRING FURNACE PROPERTY , which was Sor many yeara Owned and carried on by J. DIXON ROMAN St.: 'CO., and is now for sale on account of the death of one of the partner& Said property contains - • 1,394 ACRES OF LAND, (more or less,) of which about 200 are cleared and in an eaOliata Mato of cultivation, the balance boing TIMBER' zA.l*p. The ]FURNACE cat Said land is 35 feet WI, with an eight foot BOSH, CASTING ROUSE, .CCiAL ROD.SE and BRIDGE ROUSE , and is run by an over-Riot wheel 40 feet high. It is in good repair, and the Water p . m /et un failing and all-sullicient. Said FURNACE ls only one mile from the Chwapeake and Ohititkiai; and about the same distance from the Iron Oro Bank. 'There is also A GOODD WEiLLING . HOUSE near the Furnace; Also a large BARN and other out buildings, and on difrerent parts of said tract of laid there. are a number of TENANT EMMEN (in all eighteen or twenty) in good repair'. The above prOpeily Will be sold entire, or ifl *eels to snit purchasers; such parcels to be made known at the The undersigned will also sell at the same tutee and place about' - . , FIFTY-THRRK ACRES OF LARD,. separated from theabovetiilbelawisiif Geo: Feld., Also, A. LiniestOzip ;Quarry on said canal, near lid+Goyls Ferry, containing Flrr Y. SQUAW. PERCHES OF LAND TERMS OE' SALE, as. pmcii bed by the Decree, are: One-third of the.purclias*,money* cash on the day of sale, on the ratification thereof. awd the balance in two equal annual instalments of one •tjaid two years from the day-of sale, with interest flubs thei6day, the purchaser to give his notes with approved -,ser e aritynfer the deferred payments, and on payment of Sie.endrepurchase money, the Trustee will execute , deed . . to, the purchaser, as re quired by Abe Decree. . .£_-M. RaltilY, Trustee. mr 204,2 Lebanon. "uouiier,: , LeXpitjeter , asxanamer," and Read ing "Journal," copy,WerkAtialeiseed - bllhs to the Trustee at Ilagersfitwn„ forthwith... . , r SALE- OF 'VALUABLE IREAL. ESTATE. UFILL offered. at OK* Kik, at Brant's Eriropt;bn IV - dchitsdat, the ninth of Julie mart, at T o' clock tOT , OR. KBOB - RietBOBND, situated at the corner or Chestnut Ore* and Deyartry al ley, fiftY-twofeetand'sixinche..44n - ctiestint?,in&rrmniug back two hundred and fen feet . to Cherry street. Upon the premises are '", FOUR FRAME tEgigrsattlAysts, fronting on Dewberry alley, and ksaitethatetne,corner of Cherry street and Dewberry alley; conlabdogesob,on the first floor,. an entry matinee rooms; .orkJthtneeeene door three rooms. 'The cellars are cool and perfectly dry; the garrets are specious.; Tlieee houses hare been built of • • THE , BEST DIAT3I1 per W 44 4 , . •tibout she years ago, - riiinfoarl eberditand'olll hollara rent per month'-' ' - " Terms made known en the,ditypt sale. my26-dts: '?•EIdBIIINGEWS Atikbit,,Auctionw rs. THE,, F E W BOO.KS:"P T 11.1113.1,111 G, BLOCKS, 1)y Gail ntoo. Price • ' se HAUNTED HURT'S, by the aufharl 15f -- '144 Ls' zap lighter.- - 12 00 ME HATO:HMS AND DAYLIoitt bilsA." Warm ;I. 60 • • ' . • BARB4HitfHHISTORIT,,a nayal s by Amelia F.dwards. .*. THE SM.A.T.I,HOUSE SEVEN STO RIES,, Y: ilAr E d h4t4o 6l '• •!* eris or a Bachelor . " ‘ . 1.1 60 SPEICE'S the DiSsOtribi' • 4hii * *ollll69 the Nils..' „ la 50 C.nig WOMAN IN ELAO,E.,..4„,,oulPrpr3.Man NOTESOFHOEFfFLLEIFE, Nov. , '" to ANy,T. oo STORNES.OF..* SEA, for aoia; .TrO4,.'MPre's " wr. STOETEM OF 1 1113 WOOD, for kciyO; Froyt',.,*rer's - in. -• • • ••s- • °. OUR ramr, daily iqu'rliarkAtOOTAaal tory Fair at OS,adotiPlOoi ceivo4 Of_ Ell ner[ 11°.*"'"e11131sgsr--'IIWK ' ' Arga=" B -44 • - '• - •- • - - X Tj!ST ILE •0 A : rogsg_ INVOICE 'or" 7" og't 0:t9(9031-1111131Mt D • SUGAR, CYCIEZD• • Irtt•VOE•V''' . . 111151 _ • "1-FgAztlo, • '"•= 1 zyi.l NO. re winds% MS:MU . (ncoessors Win. , Doardr.Wtoce PORN 141aATk2--.A. • fv2,43 iiiiiird 24 Stift re-. Ai «4144 it . , - '- • ' artiLER & FRAZER, awn alliiegs& i i to 1 74 1 :1 3 9-ONt..& CO '''''''' ` C. ors. BPARYJANG GRL2.74:l4,lther, best , initileeceuttOust. recetwie - Wrfrotile_doti 'cl. i .: ...M 1 .211, el'. t o- • -, _ .._ • ( stmcesearstb wax jt:, 1 91KESS and [ MSiiiPOWELISAY ILlL'artioleorlaionßOOraild - Porttiro ~Loxkaol .. • E - Sala= & FRATira 'OW P'W `otoetodit to Wm. Dirk, 3r., & Co.) H Ma MMI!! N 10214 ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers