:: ii i - .Lv?"- ,- --- ..1 -LI 104 fit _ 1411 af I TSB PEOPLE'S CHOICE Pail PRESIDENT, &BRA HA MLINCO L FOIL TILE iIiNDMENT OF TILE CONSTITUTION - GRANTING THE ' SOLDIERS' RIGHT TO VOTE. HARRIS:it G, •k. SATURDAY EVEN411,..1111% 4, My ' The Union St*Se,,.CEIROI/4444bOin mittee. •`' Vim Mend:** of --- ftirtfilioli - Statecentral - Committee ass emble' in the city of Har risburg on tike tth day of - Jujy, erendng. punctuaf attendance of . all thethe menibers ns earnestly reineacted in 'order to effect 'a the,. ough organization. - AMON,COIERON, Wi Fozzari, Sec'y. :Chairman 04,it.:ziredf The operations r fOr tht - i-dikeifei; and ifo,i/he capturing Of; ItichniOnd :aternet immense_ at tention. In the old and: ~zeircr world it *ad ndtted that as soon - Rothe> rebel-Capital . tared, .the rebellion must and will end...ifenFe the desire'of all good men for thelachierenieiat of this result—and hence,too,the impatience of all loyal and true citizens of the tnited i Sllites, for the'indOeSS of the, 'armies now marching on this rebel stronghold. . : But .4.t ' must. be borne in mind, that the taking: of Rielinliind . at theittage is the 'progress Of , the warii:,:iii volves at I.eut ten times more, effort; semi flee._ and skill than it would, have _done tWo years since. Six weeks after the first- battle of Bull Rim, Richmond could beerf:e'aP tared by an officer with half the enterprise of the Lieutenant Gerieral. But the, reduction Of that citj , hy by: present forc'es.l.4savolire sa immense sacrifice :on our , own part.- • - The _ rebel (My now - siereridin 'that City ltust be de etroyed .before` Richniofid i diiii. be taken. , Lee himself seems to be cootributing to hasten his destruction, by. his desperation of resist ance, alt he is now losing more men in' his ' operations than the rebel Stateeetkii:4iiil re.- emit. So that the..,longer be... defends the ,outerdefenoes of -Richmond, the lesg: will be , the labOr forour troops to 'perfcrira', redlice d ` destroy the inner We have, no right tObi.impatientwith the operations;tocapture RichnicoricLiThoseldl i to defend pat. necureed fight; ( fOX, j i iis &daises a Turk would struggle;for the, b of Mahoniet. It is the last rallying point of the.traitors. • Beyond its limits, there only a gaping chasm, dee as hell, open tofrebeite ..th*wft L rfibellif Ince the•Vpkg,ency titti4hfc'h4ilie le e ligfend Richdtond. kra hence, too, the stern fact that therebel armies must be destroyed . before Richmond can, be captured. Adjutant General Thomas The .Adjutant General,of the United. 4tat4s .ofat e itribi'-eity'icitin-di/and l ihie "rii4hing, and left at noon to-day en route for Kentucky, where haloes to .organize , and lar e fit out a number of negro,reginkents. In the dischar e of this trust Adjutant general Thomas goes the South-west fulyprepared k and empowered- to`dispose cif' till 'diem:diem in the 'richipe of * pro-slavery bluster. Indeed, the epoch, Of °such binder; i.Ordel-t l ite an r ealidtind mili tary slave-driving lire at an end. The Akicrui, like Ilia people Of 'ail otiir &lea' and`ccnn. tries finding shelter beneath ,the flag 01 ',he government, must do his duty in prntecting that, government from destruction. General Thomas goes toKentu49; with plenary, pow as, and berries in his' pOcket"to.F l fart , wi f tli, the organization oi three reginieritC l tile names of qualified officers who have passed rduatiy'is board. ' Siiii t eri regiments of Karl - tacky blieks will swell our ranks - in it` fair .:,, , .- illtg weeks. i .• ''. .. ; • Nantana. .... -.I! A e. ',, -...., .. i i ta We:notice by•the, telegraphic' reports th Mr. Alfred Denney, of Ohio, lisillieen-n, t pointedludian Agent, of the UppeilMiliiia This is. the first 'appointment underilor lal, providing for the organizationuoPtheVerri torial Government of Montana; acdoinain em i r bracing some of the richest and roost deisirabli3 tracts of cointry,on the ITpperiMisstitui;-ind destined at no very late day to become one 'Of themostipowerfrd and importankof the. C011:1 1 1 - monwealtha inithe AntericanDnfon. :Mr. Den.. ney was - appointid Indian, Agent as well On aocceust Hof his ability to undertake a mission of such vast importance, as for his great practii. ad ,N7ilfty, tf. take ; charge, of , so, onerous i ' task in a neiv territory . ' Tridited,'iVe - nfai 4 ifi, ' s hi'appointment ' 'of gird s as one the most im: , ''', jant lately made bithe y- Goverriineni. . Mite . .-.;L. few.daya flaCil a ,gentleman 'kr ne from htiffihrhy.theAtlarkfto and. Ohio tell agtaphiline, thakha would vidtabutisbuitin ,Ithe,next,tkairi, Mid' that We Rhould,me.itf atr fir - defibt. iThis dispatchAvas, deposited in the office some two.lroura before the train left Militia, and reached have about tyro o'clock; one hour afterthe gentleman had arrived at thi4 Poixt? The Presel?lP4a4ri4 W.A I-131 .4 4 ii : we .114 a ..gentleman. If this' ieltot takinginsimay.from - _ , indivi4nals without rendering W43iii''fOi44 same,' s e leave for the publl'ajo";dheide.'l', ; : ic ' t kin.uns ow Bar.. 'mg" tentated into a torabinationito,:chalieiS Dbitais per daY for 1)041 - '4,1.1ring the seisign o ille,l:Tnioi!National convention to asseAl l i in hat citY,on,...Tuo r iday .nest. order to defeat this schkhe'-ot robbery, arrangsniefft4 are being made in ,Baltimore to receive ti ,names of such of the Unnon,.families. - and ,sidling to tender their bosiritalides,,t9"gredell egsites who may viiiit.thit:call on the occasion When Buchanan was by'tf! r e; "0424 ' K ati Bough face ~onventie re :71.4:;g1 ainsilure:ombinagon l ipmeng 4kolgdtitiztileltriJs to tleeee.and akairstis4 44 0141.1, .tii#o4o.4*°F b el / 4 „ • 0 3. I 10 %Ina.> 741 , 17. - -t,, ,- : 1 ) _Rod Uflo,oi; I.mrif A . ~.i :r.. .i ISIB IEI 4 .ahalkrWlsm4 mar ic sinee, in referenceTO the action of the Episcopal Convention at Pittsburg, on the subject of slavery, created a feeling of sorrow among those whom we would not willingly wound, and elicited oral explana tions-from gentlemen in whobe Christianinteg ,. . city we have the highest confidence, andliklite patriotic loyalty stands undoubted wherever they are known. From-a-clerical member l of; the Convention in question, of this character, who voted in favor of the substitute to the 'anginal tesolutien in- that body, we learn that it was Bishop Potter's emphatically ex pressed desire to carry the substitute; that he threwtie=weigfib of his peninfierifitirt in faVor of' Ati -Passage; And ihatli was voted for by laroWa ,prosent who hadmignedz the pr tgainst thetons..Bydrpi..llop ioeg c4itint 41 3 .+PP ottbf-and -his !flignds i ainied e, avoid! anything - of a political character it the pro-. ceedings of the Convention. SPliile they left 'each individual member _thereof the liberty, 'entertaining just such opinions on the subject=' of'`the country's unfortunate; trials as they. might see 'fit, each to be reel:tensible to God` `and the Government for his views. SOme of those who opposed the original resolution from different niotiveti, createdlhe scandal for the, church which' we depfOred fit our article on this subject These motives, are reAdiatai by Bishop Pigt4.und friends; , and we, are happy in ,ili - ns,,bebitg able to state that the. great majority , of those who - voted for that substitute did so with the intentfon of giving an tinequticieal'endeiseined to _ the, efforts a the Governnient to - math a. wickeVand • ruthless rebellion. i 1 :' The Operation, of Grant ne , Been by.: the ,Tortes.. , . t Ili' The•operations of the Army of the 'POtConnliti . : do not please *e torie's.- The noliaier; c*lni, approacheo Richmond ? #.emi:re,'.critical: ,li e`--'., opine i t 4 4? sneaks , who. cOntiol...thoN .columns of .. the Tory Organ .• •'Tkis itioritiehtit cabal'o4n see nothing real ii . i . :tWlV•s*" which:cfrait 'iiir: performing. While:tfie rtcry ' , . organ., Isl:lure.. that Lee, has : an effective army, it is orily , 4vit' ling to admit that "Grant'imus to have g t powerful army, "acid to 6 e`get?ing 4 011 Y ' 4 04 j 1 e:; canbetietie Secretary Nagiten.r.,. rff. QS therci over, an expression cif,sneering doubtfulness 14t`2 tered with more ineilenCe-than • the' 'o ne ,- we, havelitst - iitoted? Agitin': "..Firiziicock aiur Warren, SiteYrnan flizcioll of ; oiikiroopsAP er PFAk% t°be f i g hlth g_:* l7.i f i r . * - 74 i V*Viti 10136 ' ING sPLENprDPf I ,',:1301030x5,,_ zwkiOseuiebnil ti c ; eclipses the) rilliaitknetioneibf the'Tfrifil.to ii: 1 Leon and his Mitsbitlekili f ert'viiicl. 441; 1 , ricv it ~, ;,..... ,i ii ,r..A.l. ..,,,... .E . 44 .. before equalled in Ille!.r #‘9iii.eyptim a indomitable vaior--iwhnie.tdeedelelectrifr thti : lq, world—whose achievements': startle 'kings 444 their throner-1-whiNtei :mighty struggles are . , fast rescuing the' rd -land from coldly refeieedktit ne morel y iipAecrq*: .; splandicyji; u .. 4 4so,Siiir *h i e *rite, :tik'n pa t fir graPlo 7 ll44. l llPPearOd at the.head 'of the , edit torial columns of i.the„Toro!toiNgeiii. thiii;t*riLi inwlitalroiri ihMtfive iiii#,:`.g'lAifiv4 ilt• his sober seiool.`iyhet!Vein'Aiteithie,epward% insiirtlC Le valor, pt Enk,,a.tmies, deserves tioT . be kicked and spat upon, by. ; the, children cif ' i the whoxrieii - are 6 erilr theirlives that' ...}? v r:P... ..41g' that he may have an opportunity of earnhig t hl5. salt. - ' • MEMO MEE Vie - f " 4 . 1 4 4 ,Qriker .S3r.slimu .::.,, For some' lotari Pnatiiterel* - been l , lin` 9 fort maldng iiitbilg*tal'icit"t4iil'efiett ment to secAti:flie,kiyijege,oissbat.isAl3rmell' the Pf.:!atal._-.oder systemp :It is ! welli'lin'owli' now that Congress' hair-et 'lasi 'Altliiit:ii i ed'b3 adoptiori r -and (iiiirt , if, :- :i'viii.: ski" iiiix9 'effect est soon as the-Matter canlie-riiiVeily systentej tized. c The!FpiiiibirgOifo 7 viiidzkV4lye ;ill, are as follows ter GeneislMaY L Aßen 'Sltitable,,therefOr avail ; be designated ;'money, ,order-ofdees:'!•!Z i Ffout. the deputy post Maigiiii 1.. , OVIA . 3113: 1 / 3 64' Ile tip* i cured by depositing' ' skiiY'illiicant — il i thin 'thr, limits P l 'e vie hOY ,4 , 4in l l 4 L l 4 Jl4lPeußi l k bt madelYo l3l ;e 1 3 7:,: r 3 .l49P!airlitileAstet. of any Ohtir!llleller•ordet.offieer, sTiveorate& 4, be charged are: ,F4t4ian. orllersfa -iiiStillfitito!,; exceeding UM' ifoltire; 'ten cei#;:lor i iC Orier , for ten and npidgetes*g.:tyrinly .:434Als,rs,ifLf leen)cent4;i*ifthnn'twentiodollars,Atrenty cents. An order dneb issued inej:he ..l iliall,i,l by the paymentsi piialitiykkkftc.S# not.3t diir - 4 vilit ,iii4n;not,,preseue within ninety days , from date,:tidess•lliyi 4 ' rection of the Postmaster Geneittlys-:' - #c,:it* lost or destroyad,',atOicilte* niai.l:::,e i *,. , iesn . p upon certain etatenAtes:andsfAificates mad to the head of the . .liiiparqUent % I . ntemonej is to be iiaiiitile .to the' o persqn c -designateit on the face of thee Order ; : prthutperson-Ai"Yin' 7 ,dorse it and payment. williii - !*e'foiiiii?tlaert 'ciarPreotifd !the gentene,A42fAiqiiionre; but furthei, indo4emints Prltratudenfivolild hale the:effect of cancelling. tkisEdideti `=wind in such case the holder canfotilik' ili f g!",ition'f - did* On the direction of the ills i tn i gkei "Gent arid ' .. • . •-•••.1-.,..3",/! .a.:-Li.r.'l 9 The PeeP e r.a t ien o l4 - #e 44,elist'• t t ! li'othini si, completely vsteblishetit.thei- Net of the despetation of the-;ret 3441,t'aellthi) iiF2i gummy and-lpfirsistenei id tTiTiOieliiirkey:sni• gage. in th«34,-1410,-.At4,lFlij.vellilhkinies: nf the army. • Tiesentiecjus show tliattlieYeliel4 are in a,pcleitiorkw-idellithey.Ao not- consider safe. They are adxions to' catch: olliw- -t4ee when at -r'est:f-"- Like _ the' tist ip,4p0,,, an 4 precipitatil , - ,9f:.*eliclAo4,i4 effort list. tc catch the Fedeml. armies when' Y theft inked) pounce -upon air'. bi'avelefeildfirttinteit- t i ttleY are "isleelit,andZthen ra n tuAlci ' ili9Fi l , -4, „ so ld blood. :Th.4e attacks VitTe , thus. , far.;.beeri handsomelyirsai lay our tronris, exid«.tluS 'ife.', -strnetioniihielf)iti* l 6e ) p#enac,digtp,ge.yisl ited on ISVfiiifr: l l 3 4•*" -"-in 047.,1•ITILtaile( 1 , been huilqacilbtlt A43s•9 l .4Pisc." , ASedhelfighl T " i progresses beforf3,lltichinond,lth4tifdellnfratOn, , - ~ of the rebelfookii.' • iiefelise• :- L '.: 'h ey e noui - I PracticallY2WA-614t!h!it. Fel - t 4ifti ditch. 1R,1 4 kittli,.yihile - tun will-be:buyon eted beyoutlidtstbo c iders, deep irate :44l o 66 pools. .7...1,, , , , ifil . :.: f- , L fit Ltdol. IL -%aiccri.!: .1... • 0 , • , _'. 1 EI:i.ol, ~.., i II 01 EL: . orrInIsILV •te2-4eraff,B l) tk.tqA l 9.o o / I §4 4 . l 9Ettlift- 1 0, 7 41der standing relativeibo taw, WO giT 4 1460:0,4910P81.47(tf interest tel .inarfal 14;If, 1 fultrexAlw: bst4 (1(1138C • 1 AAK ' themselves of the consequences of being drafted: • SEC. /J. further enactalt That , any efiWiffaialt , drafted 'Mai taiMi to eiti lorovisionsloglhisset who shall farm§ . : ap Ate t eible'stOtitite, shall thereupon ',waive: froze tie Bo - `l4 of Enrollment a certificate, pf dischaige froth-Enieb draft, which shall exempt IhiniCliontinilitaxy duty during the_ time. for which he was drafted, and such substithe shall be Antitleci.to the same pay 'and allow ances provided by Jaw as if he had been origi T rally-diafted ,ihto'tkhe . servitie of the -United G. ItosacaarneWita - I:made:At and made . a , briefgrpeeakcarthetiaMefore_tieditardibliditii Cl,FlnpyStivantiCliffiltsession at Springfield, Illinois. • EXCLUSIVELY:tOR:THE DAriIYTELEeRAPIi • • n==il WEI BOVIENERAtIRERMAK ImpOrtapt, '4LTOONA- AS AU b,w POSSESSION, ,! : Nothing Tritir from sgeneial , Grant' :410Pir CIAL, • - 113U:BILIMICIN; • • ,;1; WAR P.R.ol4oFll,.WMlx.nuria.lk a 1u110 . 40 Major GenerarlMi: J .""'"" ,11 • j A dispatch daleirjOitilicilit at 3 'Y.OI6Ck ra., has this evaniff6 Seed redsivati from Sherman. r `,7 „ He repiiitS"-tlitd,ohl,V4oeiidity, June Ist, t• 1 r •,' 1 , . •• ••• •C , . ~ • . • • . • t 'McPherson Mond :up, ..fronr.-Dallas to the' point in, i fff#l,k'sl,.' ,tlk,`e*einy q at New Hope ,church.. -.. ,r. g:•.:. ,:. 7.- Ll 1 ' ' 3 , I r On Thursday, June 2d, chofield and Hook; prAayium hee).i'll'iltokrli.co ~tan'il s ikr- " m:`lelt,•,- , 1 : . pushed forward tow 01441400.:„ At,tha puma: lime Stoneman'patland'a•tcavalrritefik i it ent to Ala toopgllA . Irtliii*they, igiiit.i4. 944! held possession&f. 0 ,1 , 9• 1, 1 , -1 , - ~..• -( 1 1 - 1 01,0:3 VAAim,* • .. ,, r,.. •.,.!..' ~ , •• r These movements, the als4atehlayS, qutire:, secured ghat, pasibwhich was,: onsidered fofori • tnidable one. :-.,';' ,''',..,,',' „_ I ' . l r' MOVeraptiVatiViilitiialttla, 444401 WS , m progress whichirlireyrroV , proper now for. , 1,:,-, , t trill, .4i t, 4 ~,,, «, , , t,, publication. ~ : 3 „< t , t ,',,t ) ,n ~,:r,o,*- _ • .-.,1 • .1.4 i .. Nothing p ,hee,„healefirit ,i;ebi Gon. Grant I since his dis i patehiat Tycl.iipltififi4 Stanley;', Wegiiitge" , 'Ca6;Weeitilizt,..Alite • been: . a&:, Eyed by a l'i,,Wit n . _0"*. t t. 4, ;;.*:1 `./lii ‘'.r . ttvtJ 1 insults ,/,yeanfdayaZT.amli. Aastiz t i,ht t c,s . r d , cannot be rtmtatiffilte i tl .Vetoilt '''....; ,, et'' Liq,•) ~o. , 3J. CIL ...1 1 .. , - , -- Tto.motrow. ' 3 C1:1 ... r '.o3lt 0!.. 3 .i. l , 1 e.•711,3 P c, 4. (Signect" : . a . ". EPOr il li..`A„T. AN,,TQN,r; es: ,i,.. 6 , .... . • a • ts ,:•.,.:2• 1. .riaaze c irg arv , t if•w ax a . • r a;,.va .i,;iait. „tut --, kaiosti ,•; , ilott. ,1361gew p. . I • E IrlAirmit 4 2 i... t 3 ir r, e iit i:tai - -Al.--- ..b' ... •''', .'.' . . Official .1101.,ettn.: ..... ~.,:,,,............ f ttr) i ( ,t 1 1 -1 Gitift.7,3l 31r4,:1yi11.: - .' . T I it ~..,..,....,-., • ,i,...,,.,i.,......,.. i AIRAW LITLIOaIa a Wll II i . .110iteleklX9 I=.'ll-oet'it .1.1 al `,GENERAL GRANT O SI ERS AN..ASSAUL' ob i'.• tr oz, ;ci I—.. ~,ts.l,?i ki „; L , : • a .ae'e. •, ! .., , a _.-sra • The Rebels Driver:lt AIL P,ouits Wit 1• 1 i ~.., ~. l, ..1.. ~ .! t Their EntreactimeAbx.• ,-. ,: , z 0 ,:r.. ,118.! —1 , „.. T i ( y — P6 - ,Raf 171. dai 1 c :The Two , ArAW'Only Fitt : , at , its -A i - < t A 1 ~,z,;...A. ~.. rs -er ~,' ,;• , E ! " t1&:._“1.:,..5a.. m" C>:.: .....‘ 7,.. r 1 ":- 4t, , 6 „.,, , . • r• ~....,i r....,,vdvz .:14 ...: 2 , 1L41 ...,, ..,,, ; . ...; Ii• • r it , WM) , ~ •A A.: /di 1 ' '' * ' ITo Ma j. Gen. Dix, Nett'York :—-• ' . ' , tf Tv; I 1 Dispatches from Gt. GiaiWalltiftuall ,ters, dated 3 o'cloolk l ylaterday'(Ociday) after • . _ itTo :pl,4ce 4 - At half:lo.. l o , f day) morn-. ing Gen. Giani.xmacfeark - etassauit on the one :niy'sliftiiirof)ylfi,AZ-'he:44kes the following', report: We assaulted; at 1 6,30]Vaiirtmerning,driving , 'the enemy wigg:lifiairtrenehments at ail , ptitints, but witNVAliWg' . 'nnt''Aeqs7o.`ji4-, ivtrtage. to /La sOur troops,,sonoooerr,t l .ls6position• !Soso to the enemy,in Sig 4 pligis i w44.l4WA4dir t and are remaining: . !_iorlo4VVnritnot aiy i ere, 4 13. br do I siappo§.4463,44i6r.taiiiiieNotii We captured from Breekinridge,:,) ,r, ,• • I E ,hia; :Another later ,tiffLcial , relace,nnot from Gen. Grant, estimateitheiiiinilkilkiiiiricititcf,ana wounded at about 8;006.--e- - ; tThe following,officerware among the'&Med: poi. Hastiill; 4 'lol . ?EFL , k 4 11 B th New A r 0,03 , *55.1WWW7.%;( , C0i. Monis; 66th New YOrkl• ' 2 .:r 7,116 77 r r 4: Among the wounded Utre/Gen-R, O.: Tyler seriously;`*iliziiinbAilt: 4 ,Wie, ll a . lbot; ,Colonel X.'Mahan, 161441440-Yorki Colonelßyrnes; = l 2Bth Massadlinaktiii7i4glf 160/tali: Cob _nel Brooks, 53d Pennsylvania.- , 1- I§fecla Y l X. STANTON, LATER 2 110110 WIRY 1 110llS1 if. 712 ' . 7A Heavy •fleard. L4.:r4.1. v: .hezzoil : d )n , ice_ 1"2 • Mr* .ICatightr, - just ar*Vild this morning jfiffqjkt rittiOlff,sl4e, reports] ../mvlciPPAßl 4 .44lgll44Y.leatedir 3 / 4 fad; Ltligtq, uCL itorteitrial Airtiotilarintticrpait i • received. ofotoc • :4 all 00 24177 , 01,1.U.K.A. 014 A9l:-I'd'Enr,;#' litiVal= MTN 01. 0 ! 1 % G 4 n.oh:st I=IM t „l,'n , .1,. , 1 WM MAU ...9tre.ix,i4l zr. 77. oni asnington. TIIE PENN'A RESERVES COMING. TBLO:nermT OF -M0ND41.17. GREkt:§LAUGHTER:ik REMT4S. TERRIFIC CARN AGE. Brillysfit Deeds of the Reserves. -; . TheYafesComplimenfed liy nen. Watti AVVAT - ZIVIII FRO,M Cavalry Charge, of Saturday Rumored Capture of 6,00 R, Mutters by Burnside.; From GeneratOutler Three iteitoel Athacks Upon Hbi ThiiisiaiLy; THE ENEMY HANDStIMELY ..REPULSED. • . Part of our rmble Deserves arrived here this Morning, and the others,ill be here befdre the close of , this dispatch. The regiments here are the First, Edith, 'Eighth and Tenth. The First has one ) . etutdred and four' men l . the Sixth about one; hundred and:eighty ; the, Tenth one hundrsd . ',.andssTerLtY. They'EK rived here in the:Ate:Mier johrultrcc,oks, aid were the last of tiiS bnt4' their boat witathefastest , in'speed;tlMY passOd :their friends on the river. • - , They report that theY heard heavy'tiring the Painunky yesterday, hut the day previous it was cugst , too ' . fitirde. They were in the fight on'itonday last and it commenced in this : • . ; The first brilkilde Was ordered to take lip a• position on t'he * .iteehanicavilier road, near' Bethel Chur9h - ",poi go T e;`oi.l enemy and took up the •politiOul l 4Wilered, an4;rglitlained. there but„a.sh4,tinia only,;'sathe , ene my ad vanced in fore lM-: .3 01 1. 0 1 044 1 4 6 :ka.ek its support, consisting of the tity f ,r, ygade Reserves and a gi . t:.&:;ititoheri's . bnigade of heavy ariallifrf:YT,;;. ; They were tea. witlichemn a-shoskilistanbb to , the rear,.'wheiii rifle pits WriicOinitrtibtek upon which the enemy charged:,and were re iralsed with the greatelt slaughter. One of thedffiCirs,aiiked Awes the repulilet he Iliad 0414.WitneSsed, sn4t,'the men= affirm they never saw such terrific carnage. It is a singuli . o,444l44 . o4laatfiifiteif the Reserves watiAthe'rsoat'•bifßiant,. well as disastritts, thi,etiemy, -and-tit was within, &et eni countered tlia3enemyrin 441 fight ~aS,V,47l4taskue, Dyer two yeais, s i nce . The 10th w,aadeilOyed:ns Skirmishers in the . . fight, .I t itu ti , OfiKpi6kSbn, .of the 6th, 3kintig in command of the 10th. Colonel 41 ., eiling u. 'ion`g.:ll.i, of ; the,fith frient, tigarrfiAnp u ided',L i eSzii,in'tiniilitit; . , also ? , Captain Samuel Waters;;of-the same regiment After the'llitt:M!e.:Oil*sriaziepliiliinent z , ed them highly. for: their nol4e , ,which has been so , efinspiouOins,,.#4l,l their; rang experience in this !;'t ,‘• The boys are sitting, as I...indite this; un der the shiuleV ktetiritkes, - taltiinoff,hol4, and the lovAd'loneu-Whij are'-togreetllYnm• Their battle fligS, both old and new, iestifi to the undaiinted ebj rag of tlis - ,far4444livrr Sion. R ARRIVAL Oi''.*oll24ltitlZ. WEI I The steamers !Cowietitiitht and, - ,State of *nine arrived heie this: morning froth the: White House•withvotindeV •;- The boys say iliecitvalry)blutrge of Satui clay last was one:ofAho'Cdan4foit of the :war. The Ist New Jersey:iiairtlliy; which is, corn 06sed 14cdtwcadai tiers killed and eightiOni(dect":; ' r. The wooudeda niciatly-frOm=i'kutend corps, inno4igat 140, e'l "ifieog,:nisi4 as slightly riunded, was Geo. Eakix' a Well . kitowxi tYio 44 Philadelphia: -r• .; They hp#44 - a rumor .. when , they Oft. that Tjurnsicle hair caitired five thousand•Vison 'eis I. will advise you late;. A dischmigekl soldier from Genend Butter's. : army states that the rebels made , three des.' perati! : ork_pnirsday last-Lthe first at ,three's. m., and the at nine t. x and: 'the last just prey:l44oW leaving.. He states that they werndeat galAuilay repUlled.' C. H. GiLiFFEN. 800 Ltrisouer _ s-Bron ht Id.', Wonrided. The Pennsylvania IteSei'V'es. Wesirri,Gron;lunif 4=3 - Five mendied on the Connecticut - on the passage up- 7 .tivel felbelg and thret. of - our ,own. Eight hundred prisoners were brought in to the Ihite£,forcso:yeaterday. : . One, a Womanfrith the 'coarse featifee of an Amazon, who fras in charge of a rebel battery, When she was captured, had r on officer's .uniform of the United States. • Several died oxi 'the State of Maine; One of mrhoni lvaiti &rebel. ' ' , ,The delegatoe of ..the Sanitary. Co .. .1 ' -;on • 'Were on the wharf to-day,' applYini;le- .ra .., tives to the woundedd There were several ladies amongst,the number, whose attention Yeas gratefull?V•Vit'. - ''- ' ''',, •'''l t : '. " it is eipect ed Re eerveg-..cwi117.1 3 e.. ordered•-tct proceed aitonbb td lEfarrisburg there , *(*dialnilii* 41 . 4414 4 off: The wounded 'as well-nvothirm '''` 1 0Afidently of the anCOOEIS Of t t . . dialalth ' P#ciynfall. of Binh o , ~ni t -. .. ~•'. • , • , 11- h - .;f t ~.. L FE i. ,PeellA *4,1,1414,114:i 4 amen, : ••• oertol Gs:. question of hours, and that its fate is now sealed. Many of the Reserves wanted to stay until Richmond had fallen, but.were overruled by their comrades, who desired that they should return, as they went, as a division. Their farewell to the rebels was their crowning glory, and one:orthe delegates of the Chris tian Commission says—it was a theme of praise_ with both rank, tile and command throughout the corps, It will be recollected that this fight occurred after the time of en listment of the majority had expired. The firing heard yesterday was in the direction of __Fair Oaks. Weamcwirow, June 4. Lieu Viiitk of 'PhOlnirville, was killed in the.4 l /41.fight- Pint Re seal% rnfani - 47..„ 6 1 kt 14j1.1617; S o gfilb ands tient. Ln tliqr.,lok the .8110,fitikd a~'e missing: I . 'g 4 ?; f Pf l J97 in g 41 1 )09. 1 4 .4 1 re. ;been iliade in tleY9ttilnac*P/Yir:l7l , Capt: Sfithisdetached from the Commodore Reid, and ordered to:crew:44 to the Tulip. Capt. Hooker. of - thaTinikee, is order& to the flag ctinunodciie Raid. . Capt. Stone is de tached from the Tiyandritb, and ordered to the EIIa Capt 3t.'Connei- is detached from the Ella and ordenid :Erirorode. Captain Warren is detached from ithe , Draginv 'and or dered!ta 'the .Ctipt. Brace is 'detached Irem the Prim:ode and ordered to the Don. Capt Cook is detached from the Curribick and ordered bi the,Don eiecutita officer. Capt. Gregory is detached from the Don and ordered to the Curribick. The .report the Side this afternoon, that a great light was seen in the vicinity of Richmond by our wounded and prisoners is false. ! They read the statement with a great deal of surprise, and knew nothing . such an illiimination. ' All of the o heayiest fightingigilia last thiee slays has been confined to one' hmality, and "that in the naiglAiOrhoo4 of . liteahanigsville. •Theri;Tras plantrof skirmishing through all the line. Theft ghtiniOn'Tnesdaye*nung was Mostly in front of Gen.: 3f#le's"hiridquarters . The prisoners we have taken were captured In a ellititie'Ottireft They are mostly. Tirginia troops and helonged to - Earley's di- Some of, them exe,heartilytited, of the wet, and two. 46.-whom I said: •"is!not Richmond AlmcSt ceicottiked;" reidied, "WelLwe dont care mndh end the war." A.,a,GRAFFEN. =MI NEWy.pAn - s]uwlTs. .QTRAW RRIES.—A fine lot ,of jersey Btraarbeineui are , now for sale at Wise -6c - Bro.'s stand, corner of Fourth and Market streets. - MAO! QTRLY t EDI AWAY-Irpm the-stable of the iniSkriberXiiheeliiers Milikitear this dity, a abr. rut horse, Dye years..old. -.3.liYlProntatiohlttat will lead to the rsEiniery'oß tiorie will'Ve liberally rewarded by address ' iliE ~ - SHER:SHY • 3 1 14-alt"*" " ' CHAFEI. ArliirritriliF4 POLISELdgea nokaffeet the vauldsh, but restore?: toe "original'hiatiel" l- Wdook n o t'aisrAor. I will recto: e, ~r ith very fittlif 144 - "iiierylgolihed surface , tither aniuk or wood. All maul:thank* and .deaters In furalttire Shouid use it for,ckanhig,torwituils tea ,has been stand ing, coveilare dritay titiudji rub hore and there `win 'nadir alpt . a.na fresh., For sale - Lig A 'Katona. & alt o ., ju4-dtf lla Market at4el; Ifaxklaburg.: ;. THE GREAT, CENTRAL 1011LEA9E-TiV,IfE - I , I9TICE.The price of i i 1 singl6 : ~dm ton ' Is FIFTYVENTA; Children under t.oirtee az ballpsfed. to EIGHT Y-ON.E out of the Nillnerf crepirtinenbKg incrto•much more than th ree-nushers drtlin spacelsbreredby gie buildings. Ctatnin departments, notaber;,oontaining artless" Chiefly tbr exhibition, and not labile; have be& permit-, tes to charge a aepanste price for•Udinisidi; as follows:* Art Gallery • •.. .. cents. Indian Departmed .. .• . slrms and . " Relics and Curiesitie' Sorties/turd v. t': . .. 25 " Cht74ren's Amusements..... WatiamPoun Ptirtoi • - i • • • - •'• - •./0 "' Pens iylvania . .. 10 " Skating .Ptrtiti The Executive Committeti'atWe .the publit that al-• though the full meaty's. :worth-Will' be.,obudths". from! a visit to the bIFIiTY-ONE DePartineittetlitst - ich the ep. trance fee admitsi• yet it :willbe • fentolltbdtAbel NINE other Depextmentarvoll amply reymid , risitera. Midjustify• the additionatuutlapt2Jl: mutt •bearitflMitir that 1/3-' these extra charges the total receipWare• -liMtessed, and iat the holy cause is as mach' assisted - as' It•lfrould be were the same sum expendedly'Vlsitoislii•"oo:parcbake of articles exposed for sale. .• • •'•'• • • The Fair will be opened on Tuesday, the Itlanst., at'4. i. at. • , On Wednesday, Bth inst., the Fair.will be opened from 91. M. to 10 P. x HORACEI,HO WARD FoRSEss, in4-d2t : ' "19emetary. GREATVENTRAL - SAIRTART FAIR - - EXCURSIONITI - vitt, Isitnro,*x Tan , : • PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY , TO VISITORS TO THE SANITARY FAIR, ];.ROM Harrisburg, Colbitibia, Lancaster, 1. Parkcanarg, Paoli, and)adarmediate stations, to Philadelphia sAd return. ' From Harrisburg, by the Mount Joy Acoom , modation leaving at • .7:20 A. N. Columbia ACcotiniaddalion leaving at: 12:20 P. N. And by the Harrisburg, Ataxisunodattion, leaving at .. 625 r. x. From Columbia, by , tinaint.“..;.!... 8 : 20 A. N. .. .. .. 1:53 P. " .L . . .. 6:80 P. N. From Lancaster, by tralziatri..., 0:00 A. N. " - 7:34 P. N. .Atom Pariteshurg, by trial), at , ' - 7:00 A. Z. " to ' West Fbiladel , phia only, at 3:00 P. IL from Paoli, by train at 7:00 a. X. lit Li tO West Philadelphia, ' 4:16 P. only. at EXCURSION TICKETS will,ba good.for a return trip on either of the accommodation trains.which leave Philadel phis Passenger Sistlemat 10100. s. 1/L, 1:00 P. Y., 2:30 P. N. 4:00 P. N. and7Wasi Philadelphia Station at 6:00 r. N. EXCURSION TICESTS.wiII not be.sold by Conductors in the car; and will not be good : uponamy °trier than the trains specified. , . EXCURSION TICKETS NUM sold from June 6th to 18th inclusive, and each ticket will be GOOD FOR :nun 'DAYS ONLY. • : ENtiCII LEWIS. ju4..2w General• Superintendent. . . .T OST—A poe)ret7bopk. . eorttaining threi3 $2O billi, two thetrar. a =nanny,. was lost in or near the store •of Eihiasler b l e raaero:: $6 rbwarti will be paid for it if left at this office. • . • Ju3-2t .*: ty•LLIN LACKEY. r OPF.llT rerpe , ITAKE pleasure ifi 11014*g my customers and public inlanpraliNati yvlli have my Summer ;opening on Satutapy,,Junip, 4114 .14NE WAGNER, ju3-d3t COnier oitli and Market streets. . OARD. —4.14 y; axia gen,ilo k a n an d t wo other gentlemen - clui r obtain bearding la a very ie `eirable part of the sity,,b_y: adilmaipg E. E. , Harrig :32lurg. - ja3-2t* 0t off - 7 13 I" . Vat 1.4 . 1ry" SEGAR BOIALAIIPACTURER,• • No „181: W4GT RING STREET, Q • •• •Xanosuiaar, Pa. :., . ,• • . . . , VINE Kettle haseigl WU), juiL received at SHISLEZ k IPBMIZE, .4 , 7.nar3 teuecemora to VrinDock,jr..acCo.) 3 . ;A FRESHsidErA:trioh- ofg Celebrated . _ Bupr ' #. 4 . 41 .111.$ • a MS) Cared uz,49INAA ,4 4131 . 1" /4141,7 6441 Ark* 44: e pa,. WANTS. GIRL WANTED: A GIRL to do general housework can hear A dr a geed place by calling,brimedbitely on x rs . J. C. , Yenng, reeldence Second sweet,tabowe Locust, or at this aim None need apply baboncran can come well recommended. lIIMVANTS WANTED. rriss color - ad servants wanted at the Mar x ahaut's Hotel, North Fourth street, Pbhaaelphi a. Coed waiters can have permanent situation. jut:" BOY W&NTED.—At M. viler k 4 Itarkaßquara, Harrisburg, Pa. c 7 1112-sst, WO GOOD QUARRYMEN WANTED ,?o quarry (2000) two thousand perch of Taxc STONE for building, Apply at the KEYSTONE NORBERT. WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a good meat Cook. Inquire at the apall-titt . - BRAD? MINK NEW AD V EkTISEMENTS. GRAND PIC-PAC Or I= iirbeiter4ranken-Unterstuetkungt-Terall, STEUBEN VEREIN, iruz.Bs km) Misializi.len's Woods, ON THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1864.. Tickets eeett jultd -- ;lee Cream and Cake Saloon. MBE wall-]mown, Ice Cream Saloon or Mrs. In 'Walnut street, This been entirely reined, and will be opened TELE.(Monday) EVENING, for the us caption of guests. ' No - Mtwo will spared to famish the best Ice Groom end Cakes that sun ha produced. All ere Invited tondl. MySOlMaisat Mei. ILLTHEWIL FOR BALE. ASORREL MARE, good 'in" liariieths, and a capital ladies' hackney. Also a first-rata SPRING WAGON, with shifting top, and a CARRIAGE, with two seals. Litt.2-Iw*j GEORGE W. PORTER. t • =iI4I3IOENSWARCE FOR 'SAMS; CHEAP, at the store of Fred. Trace. Second stitef above Chestnut. We have on hand a tarp stock of Queensware which we will sell wholesale and re tail. Some of this ware is slightly imperfect and will be sold at half price. This ware is direct from the Creimpolut Pottery. Call soon, as this may be your only chimes far ju.24131.* BURCHELL fa MURPHY. , CIWEET CIDER . —A annall but very fine let of Sweet Cider, just received at SEMLER a FRAZ6K iggeoessers W. W. Dock. Jr.. k Co A. CAM)). 1 1147. subscribers inTite the attention of persons risking the city, to their Tory OneliiiTO Re .. • FANCY- AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, purchased for-WR before the Ws advance, and which they aro selling at the latiest market pribs. Their stock Includes a complete assortment of the fel, lewing.artikkos. viz; Damask Table Cloths; Napkimfand Doillat Table Linensiby the yar fah qualities) Chamber and Bath Tows .white-and coed borders. Ilickaback and fancy Towelling by the yard. Marseilles Quilts Blankets, Toket Covers. - - Also t in grea!vstMty - :, ' Linen Ceunbric inn7iiierZbiets, for auricle and OMB. Herinwand Gnaws Shirts and Drawers. Swiss and French liuslina, Nanscioks,:Cambricr Bril liants, Pique' Ladies' Cothos, Rees* Cu* user ns, Edgings, ..aces, Embrolderie style' of Hoop Skirts And the bast deastption of ' - Ladies', Geatiernen's and Childien's Cotton Thrasdsad Merl° Hosiery. SISPI!ARD, TAN HIRLINGEN &Aalasolf. - .1113=d2w 1008 Cheatput istrect r • LI I .11. HOUSETURNISHING GOODS of every AesoOtion; Om largest assortment to jie' found the ,WINDOW • CI RTAllik Curtain Materials, TABLE AND PIANO 'COVERS. SHEPPARD, VAN piLINGVI & AMMON, 1008 Chestnut street, • jua-der PHILADELPHIA. ACES LOTS 00`E -SALE. BERRYEILL haying Bold.wt of hit J.. grahnii above town, wiftaeii Ads of .eutari .. eaelt awing ' Th ere is chielleflik tere!„.oFris waktne river trent 157 feet. The with thiee,or stiacres. . . . . " HARRISBURG, qc.ll Aar' 2, MN. ANEETING of the.: stockholders of this bank will be held at the banking house on Taw Atay,.t.ll-.6th of July next, at 1Q trolock - ArwAppl*lVldee lb. - gdoitibli of becoming - in Irw arias on the business of banking, under the, laws of the United 'States. The act of the Beneiai Aideitifdy ei thLs State, approvot-january , 6, 1881, • eiteinifng the charter of this bank for Ave years from the expiration of the presesmettarter,'lllky 1 ,' 1867,) will also be:submitted to the meeting. By order of the board if directors. lat4tdawlm J. W. Vailß, Csehisr. . TO ARCHITECTS AND :BlltgliDEßEli ' By the Act of they 6th; titkapiiiiio49BilUf Fifty Min uend Doßern was made' riir-tbeltstenelao of the Capitol Buildhigi at' HarrisbUrg..; ATSbit mid Builders set herebrreoneeted to present th9lB'sainexteusion, aul prOposids , for" building the ittadp,.;t9lhe designee, by the fifteenth day of - Trne.' The mein .object to be Si• tabled by - the proposed - extension bl to furnish oulaitiong Committee'Rooni tbrthekrogistature, end the extension is to centime* far as possible' 'to the, architecture of Ind present building. A. G. MEM, Governor ISAAC SLENRER, AudiLw Geserall JAMBS P. BARR, Surveyor Belize; . HENRY D. MOORE, StateTreastanw, ad Ilseinearuno, May 19, 1864. _ NOTICE. IVES Undersigned CominissiOweik, =tied J. is an Act of the I rt egislature, approved thg 4th d4r at Ray, 1084, iiiititledlizt!ct 40 istee;Toprati! *On Milers burg sad RaushHap.,Hadroid Compsny, hereby give public notice that hooka will be opened for noshing salt. acrlptlona to the Capital Stock of said Company at tie following named.times and places in the county of Dal- Phi; to wit : At the house of Jacob Leedrer,- in Grass town, on THURSDAY, the 23d day p Jdne, inst. At Abe house ef Bredamin.Bordner, in Berryrdiary„ onIiONDAY. the With day of June, inst. At the house of J. G. Yeagar, IR Mi/IMaborg on THURSDAY, the" aqth day of Jam% J inst. Al the ONES HOUSE, in the City of Harrison it. TUESDAY, the sth day of July nest; and that at atii times and places some Miro we more of the Ceromissloson will attend, and that the Books will be kept open at least six heirs, communing at 9 o'clock In the forenuOli ea every day, for the term, of three infidicad days t or ° a° ttpkniunber of Mate; authorised by the law mail lave hew selserilred. DAVID B. POSTER, 11/43mumita, /at : 'CLOAKS, IN. D. W. GROSS' NEW .11HELDDtG, - MARKET STREET. L.. • A New Philadelphia Cloak Wm. Have‘nor 141;00 assortment, of • SPRING & SUMMED MANTEL& ac e FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW VRENCH, SACHS. AND NAW ERENCII-LOOSORAEK t , The obey* bowitiful sample, ineoloodor sod M' egattely %Owned, trout $7 SO to at— . 1000:5 CIRCULARS, SACKS Akio 13.01 11 11 4 . 4 " --- itaadsoutely an& dew uimmokfrovi sl6 upward. =aura luriThaArtilAßGx yAiusrx.;. MR, . ,;: 24,1 ttoov Of toot! ,;Atgi.zt " A:atTA AIr r BR I TH RfHLAND:=, _ JONATHAN SHAN, DANa. LEHR,,• JeS4le • .
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