Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, June 02, 1864, Image 3

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    paibi Etitgrapil
tisements, Business Notices, Marriages,
Deaths., ike., to secure insertion in the
TELEGRAPH, must invariably be &mom
parqed with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the regular
Evening Edition are inserted in the Dior-n
-it:kg Edition -without extra charge.
AZIONG the strangers in town yesterday, we
noticed Senator Lowry and. Speaker Johnson.
THE auuual statement of the treasurer of
the Harrisburg Cemetery Association, appeara
in our columns to-day.
SWI)DEN-011ANCIE.—Yesterday everybody wag
complaining of the heat. To-day-was uncom
fortably cool. Rain fell this forenoon.
WE have seen a specimen of the new two
cent piece. It is decidedly the pretiest cOin
in circulation, and calculated to bring to mind
the times when gold was revolving. ThiS
new "shiner" is about the size of a three dolt
lar gold piece.
DETENTION Or Tit:sm.—Me passenger train
of the Northern Central Railroad„ were de=
tained several hours on Tnesd.ay, by a fieight
'train running off, the track this side of York,
Several of the cars were broken, .ftrul,
structiOns prevented the passing of
A train due here at 1 r. as., did not arrive
until 5.
THERE will be a tiptop
Sauford's this evening, when a: rand . biltiu l / 2 11
be presented. The Qpera House is tlis Old
pioneer place of amusement, and is nightly
crowded with large and fashionable. audiences.
A new play, entitled " The Shoeinaker of
Highspire," is creating a decided sensation at
the Opera House, and is an excellent hit. It
will be performed every night this week.,
PROMOTION FROM TILE Re_N - s.s. .noticoWith
pleasure that George W. Leanly, a private in
Co. E, Ninth .Penna. - Cavalry, his been.= *e l '
=Led to second Lieutenant in Co. B, of the,
some regiment,by the - special recommAdation
of Col. Jordan, for _gallant and meritorious
action on the field.. Lieut.-Leamy went into;
the service of his. country early„ and has been.
in many hard fought battlei. We congratu
late him on his prometion, and the service
in having raised to rank a worthy soldier.
was discovered this morning that a telegraphic
instrument in use occasionally in the / '.frans
portation Department in the State Capitol...had,
been almost entirely destroyed by the ,effeet!
of erlate thunder-gust. 'Portions of the in- .
strnment were entirely 'melted up; and the
messenger who sleeps in-theroontremambeis
to have heard' an explosion at night, resent- .
bling' theirack ofipistol,'When of course the:
lightning'struck the instrument. •
Lookn'znatters are extremely dull: `'All &
our citizens- were sober •yesterday and last.
night, as there was not.a Harrisburger
lock-up. Business at the Mayor's headquar
ters was nearly at a stand. 'Henry Miller, be
longing to' Elizabethtown, got fuddled,- and.
saw "stars." In default of payment of line,'
Henry-went from Fort Callender to Fort-Sim-,
mons, and is yet at the latter place. /7,
There was but one ease of violation, city .
ordinance—an individual who opened a fire
plug Without authority, but being ignoriint . :of,
the offence, he was discharged upon payment.
of costs.
BARN DESTROYEti sx Lionrieso. 7 llllhtetter's
barn (formerly Huber's) in York county, was
struck bilightning during a thunder storm on
Tuesday, evening last, and entitely , destroyed,
togethefwith several tons of hay, about thirty
bushels of wheat; a: small quantity Of it 'cbrn
some and oats, harness, beside farm ,imple
ments. The stock was fortunately saved by
getting it out of the stable before the lire had
made much progress. It is situated between.
'the turnpike and railroad, about seven,Miles
from York. The loss, we understand, is. r esti-
Mated 14 about $.1,000. There is no insurance
on the-property. A man named Ern4telreside
on the farm.
BROKE Jain.—On Wednesday night six prison
ers effected:their escape from the jail in
k Cham
bersbnrg. ' One of them was negroawaiting
trial for murder ; and John T4eihrg, company
M, Twenty-second Pennsylvania::: cavalry, ;
Wm. Van Dyke, Jacob Van Dyke, and .jacub,
H. Coons, company B, Fifth New: York artil
lery, and William Sisson% One Hundred' and
Twentieth New York volunteers—all arrested
by the Provost Marshal as deserters.. _They
had all been locked inside of the jail building
in the evening, and when they supposed the
Sheiiff to be ont, they asked for a bucket of
water. When the servant . - girl • opened
the door to hand in the water; they ,struck;
the girl on the arm with a stick and
rushed Out of the jail and made their e:sekiict
The colored pm . has since returned, but •the
desert:Ca are still at large.
A M.A.onnrramm SPECIMEN OF Pnimilismtp...__
One of the finest and most elegant specimens
of penmanship, we reniember ever 'to have,
seen, is hanging on the walls of the main
ception room of the Executive Department._ T
It is in the shape of a "directoryte tlie per , -•
traits of the Governors hanging in •the
same room, containing the names and the
"number " to indicate each portrait,
the data of the painting and the artist ,:wh
painted each. The execution of this is in' a
style at once showing the best taste : and the •
greatest ability; and the work att.
credit upon the!"gentleman from whoie
came, Mr. A. C. Mullen, Private - Seprefaiy l ot.
the Ro:vernor. It was the result ""4. 1 .1-7 . 4:1171d
pastime during his leisure hours; but he 4 can
truly regard it as a credit to his skill in Clai--
r°gni , P l 43% . -
JOSEPH MOORE, the murderer of Jordan
Marbourg, at Johnstown, has removed to
lowa, t.3.1, with ftiSim his wife and. son.
ATTErrioN is directed to an advertisement
relative to the appointment of viewers to as
sess damages caused by the opening of certain
streets in this city.
EXANITYE YOUR GIiAPE Vruus.—On the end
of the new wood yon will find a leaf or two
spun together in a nest, and in this nest you r
will find a caterpillar, which should be en
tirely destroyed and the nest taken off, if you
wish to have a crop of grapes.
Committee of the Ivennsylva.nia State Agri
cultural Society, have resolved to hold their
next Annual Fair on the grounds of the Me
chanic's Institute; afijpinirig!the,, , j . 3nigug,hi of
Easton. The fair will he held in the latter
part of September next.
•R. G P6nrr ri & Co., " receive;e*ery 'T'u•&&,y
and Friday, fresh fish, strawberries, cabbage,
green peas, radishes, onions, lettuce, rhu
barb, confectionery, cocoa nuts, cream nuts„
ground-nuts, - walnuts, filberts, oranges and
lemons. A variety of ot er.3 goods cheap.
Call and:eiamine.. Coin . ergif Ttewberry alleY
and Chestnut street. , 9 • *
'l!.sitorm PitAcrion.Qiiite a;stir was..attated.
among our citizens lagtSfvening,`);:py.tll6 fang
of ocannonsat Foil: Washington There was ft
• • • - • "41.
geneial'runiniag'to said;fro, all, inquiring the
cause, and many' supposing that Richmond
had been captured. The battery in the fot
was engaged in target , ppiptjee. Solid' sot
and qt;el)e..flow rapidly fore awhile .
get was erected on one of. Ilia 4slakklkihf:e .
STRUCK BY hionikisV--2- - The Presbyterian
Church, at latingtob ,county, ,as, stiuzk'bfigirtiurrng 41i= gionAciet r 'xiielt:' the
fluid, passing part way clown the. conductor,
and then entering the slate roof tore 'lff
szaera 1e of th'aant plastering aom tthe
ceiling, passed out on the otliOsidel AnOthei
portion of:the fluidpassed down•to the ground
and crossed over to the parsonage, and being
attracted by a piece of steel lying near . , the
'basement; torccd.
.foundation , into the kitchen,and sirgultane:
ously attacked the hydrant and ian,ge, tearing
the lead :pipe from the wall , and- startlnglthe
water _and W.fanching off, one, of: ithe.4,0.74
'doors', throwing it viblentlY,
,ais s inst 'the Wall;
apparently passing out at
family ns . 4Ped4—all. but the :shock, and'ii . 4l4
not know their narrow escape until , the nnrt
Das WoroitiariaixJ*liiiinaTOWClTY have
published a card, in the newspapers printed
in the Congressional District represented bye
non: ArnoS Myers, thanking him for the
disinterested efforts he made in their behalf:
when (their claim yeas -before Congress forceron
*ideration. lUsadsoncinsiesxig‘t)A4g
irifiCiint.l4ll,;llW,ligcrivec-oinireencf to the
..; "Nbttlniving;
for assistance, ,wesojight . and foun i him
an earnest and a'etivenitind orthe inahanics
of this city; and believingus we do that the
workingmen of the country have the:A:rower to,
place men in positions - of honor and profit
who will represent their intersts, we call upon;
ail persons in his districAwho make ,theif,
livelihood by honest toil tostistain Myers,;
the fearless friend - eiPt&AdVoeate of the labori
ing clitSseA.
gbrown.—Early this (Wednesday) monrieg,
a man was discovered suspend.pdlfii,mis tie()
by his neck and quito, localitY,
was West Pennsboro' rear West
Ifill,tetween the:farms of David Lleiks and
JohnsGreider.::' The body wasnrst.c.tiscoifizired
by Mr. Wm._Bloser; who was-riding along the
road, and noticing the man linwha rseernecl
peculiar pCtitioni }Ailed him; receiving no
response he approached him, 'mid -fotindistliat
life was entirely estinct. , :' , L)The suicide was 4
German ,of rather respsotp , ble app - earagek api
paientry - aliont - thirty Oars - Old.Fie lia ork
Tuesday everting , dalled attfititiziesiden`e of.
Mr. Francis • Diller, and proottred. a piece of
rope, for the ostensible purpose. of Ulna& up
his bundle-,,withihis , sope , he had hungiiiim
self, after . ,llas appearandes;:iii.dic . ad,'
has yet been.diScovered;-,--Cierlisie :Herald; •
To Immr.' Ftrarao.—Throttg sickness our
~ depaytmenthas-.,been neglected
for the last, mtinili; ' rieceisarilypre-!
Tented. vs - foam naaldng knpNim'to '.the§pup..c4,
the Tery - Clrep, 'and desirable- ary goods le- 1 ,
ceived during that We lhave,,however,!
the pleasitce td-daithat
L. Bowman has justlsturned :from .Philid - 41- i
phia with,a , choicelot of Ladies dress goiA,
and ccfull assortment of dry'*goods ,generallz.
We call attention to. diem's :2,00 'Yard :COttpn,l
at 5 cents a spool,' or 50 cents per dozen. I
Also, Shaker bonnets, a't' 30 , -Centa lepiscen ' atl
No: 'l,' corner of Front ancl.:424rkiqtregis.',„;
GE' % Darotery..a.—One of =the'in-•
teresting ineidenti of the exhibitioir - df the,
St. Louis Sanitary . .. Fair, on. Friday afternoon,
was the taking of a photographic iikenebs. of
a daughter of. Lieut. Gen. Grant,' who, since
the beginning ofkhe Fair, has beenp,er,44-
ating the character of the Old *Oman in. the
shoe ; in .the ehildrerestdepartmente She,is
the General's only ~daughter, and is eight
years She was dressopl, - fix. an,old
woman, stith.44:anid.spectaeles, and, seated
in a mai:moth shoo, with fair conaplejionaid
plumfleatilres, she, presente4A , eapiyatifig
• -t, 1 V
HAD' • Hiii/ r ivounae'd "Virginia
rebel and a wounded Pennsylvania, °cosily :
ingl adjoining 'beds, had a goodlltmOralitvef=
"Say, reli, mhere are youlrom?" , f.l'm•frOna.
Virginia, the best State :mo.l,nerica." "That's
where old Lloyd , came .ftom, .the old ,-thief.d'..
"Where are you .from,. Yank ?" - :Slut,'
Pennsylvania. • ."Well,yoit,nee.cito 10 4.0. 0 0
old Lloyd'conlina
old Buchanan came; from JPennsylvania.
Don't you wish
,y„on ~hadn Said'auMfig
• - -
Harrisburg Cemetery. AssoCissititixt.
Enrron:—Allow me to present the
name of John• B. Simonas,a proper person ,to.i
be elected - one of the 'managers oftse.,gick...
xitburd.petnetety A.Bsobiation. has;alWaYA
been .cnsOinary to, have all the Christian •
nominations of. the city represented.. in thfik
board, and•we ;deerd'it- due to the three
eutinuaiteran_eigatiOng. that theyshonlol i
tiful spdtth-3.11:' - stivos:solilac4itaarily be
proper,person,toAlepr4ent Wein, and we hope ,
that lie may receive • tlie - tmanimons..suppo -
bfttingliothigaeigSva mygpv-t01.4,,x
TV.31,110.1. . .1.1 .a
-_,r li~
Tai Capito Par is a cool resort. bo i .he
Banjo Saloon, corner of Second and Pine,.
streets. e.,
Two Fncr. Burraamo, LOTS for sale on Penn,
above liroad street. Terms, one-half cash.
Inquire of D. Wyeth, at Wyeth & Creamer's,
Sql SBogna s*eiefi- _
my3l-1w A. R. WYETH.
I. o ll t ll lYl*,r+t,Olfdl.:4les eickgrqers,
bill bd'ina'de ob. Fitaai k aiternbon;',Tune3rd,
at the Sheriff's office in the Court House,
between the hours of four and six.
4 41 G - A 4 .rBERGNER,
0. EDVI.P.DS, Seel.
ifi64ollewhiEj gen emen Vs oted for
at the election for Managers of the Harrisburg
Cemetery Association, on Monday next:
For PresidentLT•Hatailtoh:Alticko
Managers--William H. Cleclmer, John
Smull, Rudolph F. Relker, William Jennimja;-
Henry Gilbert - je2-d3t
Re it9l 9 l?:Mi..lM . Ps th<l.'v f °lkcT il/ g• "7
count of the capture of another rebel spy:'
"On Sunday last, Mr. Jacob M. Rink, of
MercersbjuA who limp beetKdeyetin c ,.. his et:
tentla" recently to L th% arrest sef' deserters,
11;90. a ta_PMEO,II O A§PIAk..4 9 : 4 itqaP aP""
~pearaucAwasoiampicious.. .. lEle,secos d him,
'and upon , queakioniaglthfrpetscria he,was,con
vinced that the stranger was a spy. He at
once arrested him and biought him to Capt.
Eyster at this place, who,. after an examina
tion, committed him to prison.
-,•TTlicOtis . 6.4t.t ! gkrAtli.4llls.4h4:
Winchester, of Vrederiek:Std.;and fins Papers
and memoranda on his Acrson, „phow - h}g that
fo be his name. He had about him it quantity
of gold, som i elebelonot,ley„,.aanio as his papers'
clearly establish the fact, he admits that he
left Riahmondabout one month ago. Among
other papers in his possession is one issued .
4bar.airebet , officer in Richmond, stating that
Mr. Mordaunt Winchester, having given evi
dence of his nationality, ;.is 'allowed , ,.,certain
privileges, and he has sketches of fortifica
tions, but they cane t; be :identified. He is
quite an intelligent man, evidently well edit
an,dielguderw.has red hair and
whiskers, light blue eyes and is slightly bald.
Ha is..yery.elmhbily.'eled, and his clothing is
filthy. It is very evident that he has been
- out on a toura observation for some weeks,
and that he was trying to find his way bank'
to Virginia. '''."Her , at arts" thift he has been
dealing in the rebel lines—speculating ;as he
says, and alleges when arrested, he was coa
I .l*iwVA- 0 .Ft 13 01453 Ilzt.t.WhYtifkr4o3El4.ol l ns
so far out of his route, is difficult of explana
,dt,itcboliexed,that.thexame roan *Twin this
place last summer before the ip,vasion, and
perhaps with the rebel &ale!
dish, residents of the State of Michigan, who
had two sonliii;ia'ci the
SeverithaffichigariAttinidrik came to Wash- -
il:igton.aday , ort.wo since in search of Horace,
whom they learned had bni), , ,alsonp.ded,.atitlie,
battle at the Wilderness, and had been
brought to'thlit . a . fi. hira iri
hospitallottiefilluSsltare.yening visited the
street k wharf. A few moments afterwards
the steainer Jege n .rson, 9,e. Oa,
bowofboat •
an standing near e
nn o the „ was
arm having been shot off above the elbow`!-L
As soon aw-the plank cwqfrwthria,wp from the
boat to the wharf, Mrs. Bow,dish sprang on
board the steamer, and throwing her..arms
aroiind. her SOn'tiqiedli, "Unlit 'bite a flecid 'of
tears,-,withAer t hm4entmpon his shoulder..
For a few seconds there was an affecting si
,lenceiokbieffilliliqdiid mother broke ,by say
ing, •‘„!,,Horac,e„wilere,yo - ar, .bro,ther, Cora
din ? laoilide, pointing t 6 a rough wooden
box by his side, replied, "There, mother,
there ;14 iC 3 II-114irrl;"r he gattakedt_? mother
threw herself upon her deceased son's coffin,
sobbing aloud in an agony of grief, while the
thet•and-woundedtson&steiodrby withrbeWed
heads. The scene was Araly,,a hqak,tsrp,n4tng”
one, and it can be 'lieettr - imagined thin. de,
scribed. Many of the bystanders were cord-
P 4 10.. M Pi rn ixl l 94 l .e , fil4Plile4
he seen stealing down tice cheeks of a 11.4
Several kind-hearted ladies present did all in
their pozpAr, to - tom - fort th3klaffli n gt9dt mother,
but it was long before she could be induced to
leave the side of her deceased son.
Ff eIIIITABITI3O, June 1, 1864,
'We; the'itiniiir*Red%iiiteriof Ilie city 'of . agrea l k-± 4 2 0./90,-,Our;s•stores -at 8
o'clock, P. Ir., from .this date to October let,'
1864. w.14.1re
Shisler & Frazer, Samuel Marquart,
Etummekk .#41,1146ey- .. ,,Yttlettue, Egle,
Adam BoAr t trOerper,
I"tintsVerger, j
.Et Andizew koltz,
yj J. 3IL , ,iwzli9,42lazratk , ew.. , ,
John L. Lingle, J. Reel,
Mti*ll ,stkL.O - r.Reters,: .
Caldwell & Lytle, T. F. _toyer.
7:v. ' : •
Back. Pay, Subaistapm and ]Lil
aid Wartlahisc'generallY, made` Mitt an beliedid. ?W
-rens residing at a distance CELII,Irve Itett;
acted by mail, by airdi.eWitl , ' , ?"`: 4, 74 •
EUGENESNYDER, Attorney.44-Law
I:tder/41.1y : ec= ;., ..mllirtivitrok•Rairriablire;;Pe.
. 1 4 .! Vint it - Aufr ,
Ll cliiP*4 4 g,n,r l Y B ,StOPPLW`f94.44 o .44o , llqatlz.m d
VikrtiVings of the Alatiim'y Or the Sexual Ory,ans in a
state of' Reakit suidDigtm,yr.ittl,a psatis9
Ihnirli;itil 7 Deplo&tilikTiinsequenee npn' tlio Itindnild:.
Body, with -the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only
rational and suooessful mode of suro,ns damn:. bythe:rei
port of eases treated. A truthful adviser to eau married;
and those nontanaplating inktrriagn,: t w#9 l lokter tala i dloubtil
of Or:ile s U&g e to.any
oirreVetprot 25 cents, - in 'sumps or pieta,
rency, by addressing Dr. LA. CROLY, No. 31 Maiden Lane
Albany, N. Y.Y_ - :. '3 marl-darw3m
tß:E.4 . lf;BiAlViriti'it - ,llit,iii - ttqf:
Yanigliikfillscried &aisliri. .0-30 •Ceixii'-
GOB—. r a
65 t e , e 4t,s.
~IBlgkottedlottaltillatifcdcit9; .wo wl ' 30 "O'erits-
,ApiOceSaf•alllvacillfulikels' lehOsp. • -
144,1Pirlillto tit $1 20 . vforth
at,sLßlitprosth $l, •
Black silk, at I,4b7wiittb.. ..) -
2000 yards of black eiliaVkom , auctio - fOl3 - ;
Beautiful iieltri cOlor alpgega
Alpacas in Wither color, ? lobe-colors-arid other colors
White bambri soft thii shed 4-4 Frenckgambric.
Jaconetta, pill itettits..lit 84 liniAt. • - t ' ' '''
Shirt nr,asts, all linen, , 72 5, t , 45 fb and N cents.
Splendid aortment Of- ico ''" '`
1 Cloak., 0000,'.cicieks•Cloakif ..,,,_ • : "-- • .!. -is a , ... .i
t4tocktnit,. the. ,-6 *.itud- che * e sii• - t• ' . I°l
RoCieSt.hatidgercblefs for Jodie%) at all•prlabs . "- - `..' '''''i
I VOB Vil..444_caltsit - for'towels: 't '•, - '" le '' ° .
4.1p17,4,3r4e, • . ' lid
t reiti ,I . ,A.Ar r an .. ividch
w etaek of gooda, , all titTolt
cannot fail to giro aatisfaction7 w1118131 " "1*e.7.---1-ni -
74 /1 W ItbitiP•39 l ratlßSiakietiipiteacitarglieVcitlt
I ? ° Aa t t , * R-5,51.111i S. LEV - FA
tta - N2
i —7 , 4 z.7 41, ~A,,i•4•, ( 1 ,allf of .*.r.‘,..tiacri
QTIIMBLINO Stop.p; 14q,peneral Ham- 1,0 Ilion. Price $1 50
HAUNTED HEARTS, iiy ,t4e..jiuilior of the Ls
lighter. $l. 0
DAIDECNESS AND payucgT, by lira" Holmes: Si 50 ,
,BARRARES,HISTORITO I noveI, by AmeliA .Ekivaroe.
-1- 6 9PInts•
THE SMALL noVSF, OF'Ari:t..TxTilg, Uy ici;tiiipe.
SEVEN sTonll,, author of "Reverses
of a Backeler.77 • • $1 50
• , , •
SPEKE , .BIOLITMAL of thelliscoviii the sources of.
the Nile. $3 5Q
THE ItrOtrAIC.IN BLACK, by . 'author of : ' ,, ‘Man in
• ._sl
.NOTESOFAIOSPITAI;1101, N0v. , 61 to Aug. 'O3. $1 00
STORIES OF - THE for boys • from -T
writings . $1 OP.
STORI OF. `THE . 4 r017, for boys ; from'eaoper's
writhig . S. 44 ° tl. 00
, s AIL .
joiiraal orbit Gteat Sani
tary Fair at Philadelphia; itlostratoi;
. sal . 3 . 4eriptiOns
101' . ?te* boa's published
ar e F,ecti
ISt4attANT to . of tie ; Cog>t o 8
Quarter Sessions or. Dauphin °entity, notice is hereby
prep to-the. Commissioners-• of- Said county; state_ the
property-holders along the dine of. Creacent fart*, fr?in
Eleventh Street to Borrryhill street; 4 . „
: Sputli street, from Filbert street to Canal, street
from. Pennsylvania mai k) Thirteenth
street; • • ,
Third street, from Reny streetto ,)VOlay stregt;_r"
. Chestnut swot, from - Pennsylvania canal to. Eletieuth
Eilberkstreet; from South street to.Walitutnireet; •
. Briggs Stmet, from street;:. •
•Forettinatreet, from Commerce Street to Front street;
FrimroSe alley, from East street to Eleventh street;
in the city of Harrisburg, that . upon the petitionsaf the
President of ,Council of•said city, the Court has:appointed
sis.wiewers to.assess the.damages caused by the. opening
of said 'streets, and. that. they wilt proceed taisaseets,suil
damages .on. Wednesday., June 15 next, at 10 oiclock; a.
at *doh timo.allparties interested,, may appear upon the
ground. if they think proper. .•;• ; JOHN. W BROWN;
•••:0 •. • , • . City' Solicitor,
s I's9tiver if.i.asst,tes Oines,•l4ist.Disisicr,
1 1 " 101, U..# 0 ) 1 44-
'fThe ibilowiniporiler is published for the informattiii of
:,Oreloworrss 4 4 PRovatrr afAsatur, Gsaissdr4.
' - ,.HAsstElstamillay 28, 188 C • _
„:..eartanr: I have the hbriOr to Inform yoti that the SeO , '
retruV ofyWar,. in potraurinee alba 14th 'section of the env
rollment act, approved-February:24th,
.1864, directs 'that
emminations of draftid mew be held in your district. at
the followingplaws, via: , • • . • . •”, , i , ' `
, • , .., . . i. 14teniaTiadr.' la, , A" ' %,-'• '
Cowiiiier. • •,- • % Pick& (if Ens:dining.
Danpltip:;:... .. : ..... . . ...4arrithurg. • - _
Junfata..7. ....'..'. .. '..:.:...'.biliftliapiwn. '''.‘ ', .
Seyd4 - ...: ... . : .... ...;..-.':. ..' .'. ' . . ..' ... '
Tjafon... • - Sanbury North'ld-co
NOrttnimlyailinci .
Yqr'o ll Pq c V.lP4 ' Y ° 4, r ' b° 4 l 4l t son'akt,
bt.dni.l6-IJ. S.%tritantiy
Carr:4ml H..; , r,Cb'EBLINT, Pro. Mar. , 14th iNs?t,.. -Harris
burg, Penna.
• RdcolVed May,29,
':.":',Theexarainatioits for Dauphin county-will takci•placcnt
,tho co,urt.;lleuse, IF., the city of'Harrishur& on Moinlay,
, thO r gilk tlay otJune, -1884,v trz
For •Tun.40:10 . 4 7 _?1Y,.14 Die Whit /10,Cisi4 in Mifflintotd; .
on Thursday and, 'the 9th and,loth days J 2,. gone,
7: • ' ; r " * A
For Snyder, Union and NortlinraberlandhMinties r at the
Court lions°, in Sunbury, on the days following, viz: •
„Xor.„,.snydei :county, Thesday; WodnEsday and Thurs-
AlYTth°l4th, ISth anal6th days i sf Jung, 2854.. .
~- -, 'Par.tnioncounky, on %Friday and iaturday4; thell7th
and 12th days of Junc,
And for Northunkheildria. bounty, on TnesdayoVednes
day, Thursday and FrldaY;'ihh 21..5t,22d, - 28d and 24th
days of Jpnei1.864. ,, A , , • •
The examinations will: commence ,at,9 .ojocic 1,4 the
namett anosfe.--' • - " •
,Capt• and•PtiwnstAlarshal..
Surgebn Of:Baard.',
7P l =~kW';~
rytHE UnclaiSidned COLOillissioll2l'6, named
' . r. 1 1 4,415: an Aet cfAttoLOgislature,oppreyed thersltli ;g fay
of May, 1864 entitled, an net to incorperate.l4
bark and ' , Ratifili'llaapr4tailiead-'•Company, lieteby give
public notiel that,beoks will.beivelend4or receiving sub
scriptionsoto4tlie Galtltal StObkhratild'Compepy at the
following named ilmes,and Nadas lit the bounty `'of' Van
phin, to wit : -the bonne 011 Jacob Lenker, in Gratk
town, on TH.131gp0 . ,; the 2.3d.dtiiiif &Me, inst. At the
house of Ben:Wm:Border; IrcEterrysburg, on MONDAY:,
the 2,7 th day:ofaatnelinet. At the house of J. G. Yeager,
in Millersburg, on TIICRADAY, .the 311th day,ef June,
ins' . At thtt 40NES t /1011SE,1n.tWity of Karrihburg,
on TUESDAYTtIe;6II3. dal of July next; and thetal. said
tlmei End 'plitcaltomeiwo 6flh"eCinicSilssiciiecs
will attend, and that tiltrlNgklita. be kept open at leant
six hours, comnretteliti arlPo'clOck in the forenoon on
eyeryttayofor. the.ternuof tbreejtidtehttitsys; ov . uhgr
the number of sharemanthertzed by the law shall have
been subscribed. DAVID. A. lnirriO,
1 4:auwil-TAGI 1: 864 r -300-149°
jar#-T .4eE
Tins -miniNING;
" -'StrOdat dtrlitp '
.1-1A.2115 , AND BEET%
Ity r the. Apt of MaY'S r tii, ati appropriation of ftyi Win,
sandiiiii,h4s was, "made for Abe Extension o the Pa#ol
Iltdidings . at Thirrisburg. ''Aidhitects. - and Wdeis" 'ate
lierebk requested to nsesent'plans TO said extdur t ibn, and"
Aneposaht for buildiUg tli6 stigia, to 'W6 ; 44°611014- by
.the fifteenth day of .June. The main. object .to..bkat the proposect,,exteusion in to. furnish additional:
Committee Room: for the Lightlature, and the exteftston is
to conform ak-'far as possible to the architecture of the
present-building., -4,G. AClRTM.Getternor;.. ,'' ._.
- ' - ' ' "'-' ' 'TSAAC - SlNNKlER,'nuditieDeaeral.. :
1 1 1 ,
. i :....,. .„: “ JAMES'T. BARB; Surveyorertend, 1 '
...„. _
BEN D..I(OORE, State Tr '.G easurer. • .
1 t e Y . I.RPURG, i IIayi,IO, - 4814 . ." . - 4 r. -- 7.. 7.. . i. ~..-,4ltd
Amer. Crin. zianor. 30.
"Under our flag beat tlie l iong call =camera,
Calf up the North aslyou called her helora."
rOttr ~ V oinutmessr,holag and. MMUS.'Boirribacti. 130..
• • ....."aadden. and loud the war cry rang." ,
44,1117. , ..1011e4V, Lilt atm With
- "This is - ether° whose pale form ye berm" — -
to the Mothers, Wives, and - Slsteriroftthe
_ .Slain in Brittle: .st •
From tl } ~ red leisttle 'grata. Quartet. Eirker..3o
disßtly i .tebderly,
mournfully home,
' FrOM the red-Wattle field, volunteers, -come."
'A Vero ha,v F allen . .30.
'" His stiddie . iS empty, and sheathed is his sword, '
Another has loft Its to reap his reward."
Eriluircipatinn. Song and Chorus. 30.
. "In this land of. the_free,.not a slave shall there he,
its a =use for rebellion or trespon.." •t,
s Nialt•tiY'r, W hen, W44 14".11* - yer. pow find
~„Chorna ' ' Turner. - 40.
DritrirktiVer . .. itiy!os . .',lllare .W"inussr,loloi.
Copies of - the atoll new and popular s#eet , ceustp._ssat
by mail ; post-paid, on receipt ort,liki.prlce. OIATEIt
"10IT:=ON 0., Publiiher . s,,/3000n. sal. :4
GOULD Plilladr.ll44a.
- li-rav6te
Vat offerifialsaleitwe'
and a half acres of land within a halt mile of 'the
Northern boundary of the city of Harrisburg, fronting on
Susedelrenna river and extending bank along Reel's lane.
There are on the premises a good house and barn, Vitae
six hundred pmett, pear, cherry and apple tredaelri3Hap.
in , and a o.betbso variety of sultafruits. Tenni - MY..
znylklOd • j:; HtBERAYIE
WEETsmall but very eu, elet
a Sive& rAder.".lustipepird at _ 4,,FitaizEß
AM 11
S r o4[SA:rfkesii , supply of Midi
r —, and wed Beef at
jaa.29- "
• -
"•13e YV: 3 1 Nt: ‘. l bo-. 4 No
A Citarkai squi atartiouti; Pi. (-110,2413 t
WANTED -A Bread Baker to go to Ghana
bersburg. . Good wages ideied - moth% imme
diately, at this Woe. myll-3t
to quarti , . (26644 . 4tr0' . thiidstild perch of LINE
STONE for htelding. Apply at the . .
xrzsToriz NURSERY.
. .
WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and ,a
good 'Octet Cook. Ihquire at the
ap3o—dtt . - FIRA.DY , ROVM ,
FtEIteRIPTS .4.10 VXP.EIs - DITATEE3 03' TlaF.
'Front ~ fbe -r 1.55. 0 ;
. day . MAY; 1863 to, the 31st. flay
aux, t • -
AL: x.:,PA - Tacon'roM TR:,
to - tau/co on Kind May 16tiit'13.63 2 1:.' Oh 32 -
To'odalt tt•tiiit sale of lots, - and for -
ging graioei; : ititd g intiltrest ett ' ' • •
ments....,. "4,8*44 4 - -
$4,468 26 .
Paid - etecittitil ..f c r 1:4 r 7 5
J: Irarnm Sk 9
Litlforerks,) 82
1 It ' l6 1
Papers pd bliiel&-Aopka +l , yr,l 4 1 7 3
Pfiblishing trealbfer's aotouni*M .......
*MY', 27 87 '
1:4; 7 ').111, J:141%
...... ...... ......
8P°.! 1 4.44 ft'liAl• • • ,v4 4 ,ilP)=L•i• • • 18 87
iirecl94, 998f1.. .. . • 12 00
' 4.. 26 50 ;
Five -14 9 1 -#!.7 " 4 ,414•
4, r• • 4.714 47 66
SurWiiderel4 22 60
Hardwarcil.o.l:i • Wain:4 ,!. ...... 56 19
Lumber. , ,• .... 32 19
Hauling .022P.'11::1 3 ...... 500
UP n ew °Bl.i-;:•:r re 648•tt•st,-_. an d ma ti••••A 12 00
rinlll#e„f".* &art_ 112 00
' 4 lt: Xo.lfer, - § iipeTint.efilette.•
:' -; '66 60' •
Balance in treasury. -;419 •14
$4,469 06
g...r..ESTOCK, Treasurer.
We do .herell , ice „
rtifir , thit .. 0-ave examined the above
acconntla detaft,'and campireCit with the vouchers, an.
rind it correct.; and that/there remains in the hanktrinfithe.
Treaaurgr 'Hie sum c7 - cyr,rltiousand" flahr bun slid:
F.ninefeed dollar* Undisertrenty-foixt denim .
(Signed 1; , , • • JOHN A.,SMULL,
HARRISBURG, X 111164, 1864. Committee. •
4t. a Ince.tiag - tg I , be Managers, held MAY 514 18134, , the
km - o,4i° uposand dollars wasordered
„to be addled to
".the invetted, fund, for the pur*O"of increitsieg,thesame
until the annual intorestihereon shall 'cover the oadtiaky
ospenses of the ,Cemetery without laying , contributions
er assesantiadit uyitilhe loc.lfoldOßW4er-.t23o2lhtit 'of
Boaid; Adeit, 161858; ' '
Present state el investdd fund :
In Harrisburg City bonds
In U. S. 5-208, coupon bonds .. c.,;.:,•?,;..• •• • • MOO 00
In U.S. 7-311 s, bonds ..7,7 ..... 1,000 00
7 i:l
Las 1.4 $6,000 00
irStffirhielliso6l.4 l nell l 4 ll 9WlgrdateiitdOte in!,0319( 1 i.. • 2 .
In U. S. •30;40 fsfe*PS94 . . N•..F....••• • ! 2,41}6 00
(Signed) RAN' t'SlV.ll,....Secretary
frif "'RUM
,T,tte .Iqt-noldere,ln dicmisburg Cemetery ain}reby,
rieti'4l thatAii election for l'reeident and 'Live - Menage :1-
'4 the Aiidelation, for thd , ensidog year, will be' held 'at
the Waco of the Treasurer, Fahnestoelr, on 5{13.N- •
'DAY, the 6th t(aY. of June,inst.;'lietween the - ticpirs of 12
o'clockm. and; o'clock,.
jet-dat:max A. SHIII,L,"Hee,r6L*.
" IT 3a; S I 0, N" •
Plilladelyilia and Reading Rail
" •;" -
PIRA AND , SETURN; good , for any three dayi
trom MONDAY, June 611, to MONDAY,, June 2003,.1a64,
will be sold at the °Mews qf the Philadelphia and Beading.
Railroad at then:Towing fates : - :
At Derry.— ... 55 Hurnmelstown:i. ...........
At Swatara...,:::;..e;. , . ;460 Beaver
Harrisburg._ —AB6, ' ,
EachHtbarsioudlcket include a ticket 'of taiMkk
skin to.ttie,Hait
, The lab Tickets sold. alba Railroad DepolaoldT
No - Tieketa addlly,Ccndiacters.
-N.vz • .
General Superintendent 2
Ma1T .. 3001, 18C4. my3l-dijelltzw2C.
. .
, . .. DitArT,Z, -- - • • '
Pi o "
vim,l_.. r It
-` .t : as , a aV ecom 6. ca, : l 4 . r i If n DISTRICT
}-r-"rtrivsnik DRann or jnaomy
,linaisenvi„.7niy2Bta; 1861.
. xi. that Dli,ArlKG,,,to 1311: the. quotwof the,l4lin 00l
gressional District, Ii obedienceVcalf - Orthe 'Preni
drnt-,ot tipa Uniniin glnt - for 'lO, men, uracOmmence
at the peurettopse;in t e' CIO , . 'of' _ triabing; on MON
'-bAy,,titti'Wth ,14, of,lifiKinst , anti lie Continued' from
tisytoilax . till;conipteted, in the following onil . cr, viz': "
tiimihin, 106 men, Monday and Tuesday.. ' "'
'' _
Jun ate, ifl ine%Wednes4x 4 , ~.. :..:- % ,-
Sltyder, '203 nien,-Voinfand-l'hursdaY. - ' '''' . :
Union, 405 men, and Northumberjandad men, Th um,
day, Prer? afa'Saturdat - ' "-- '''. -4 .
•-•lWteelnen,w,ilibe duly, notified-of, theatime and place
when and where they may preienithemselves for exami
natiotadrcxenfitian::, ?. itlf , -t , ', ,t. ‘. _ - _!7_*; ..
The attention of darted Imp is particularly called to
,the WA section of theturtende4X,*plen4pt,,approve.d."
"February. gdth, 1864 , as f0110w5 ''....,,..., ~...
_Ssc."l.2. - And. be afarther ausedg 'That- thii:re."43 of
agentaaed attorneys fot.inaking on and causing to be ex,
ecutetit hiliqtariers attorney s
support cifarclififilifer exemption
.from draft4orjor, any scryjces, amt. ,rfea,y,be rendmed to
tire cliiiirnadt, shall not, in any cage, exceed 'five dfflrara,
and PnYel'igFig 9Pfurgenns 1 1 4rAking - Pe.tacaorr9 f dis
itliiiity to any claimant f e i t i 7 exemption from draft shalt .
not I:oe.entitled tonny:o' oroompensattort therefor. : And'
tutte,tent int ittorney, w 'o' khan' directly or • inditictly,
iiiiroMd - it receive any . 4 - miter conipeusation . for hiss-ser
i:Jam under this at, and any ptiYsician or surgeon Viho'
SitalV Wreak' or indirectly , derhainkoe'receire tuifeom
pen:6.6l6ft for fniniattihenaid';mitEarastricaisaiiiitk,.zind
any °Steer . ..clerk - or deputy;:conueetptwith the botud a l,
enrellinenti whbl sloilLreseritabiimegeitioriAMMY
•MaftedmanTor any services, , cr,obtaialng therperfl -
once:4)P such service required. troiniiMy_miemberof , said
board by the provisions of this-sistikiiiisil he deemettsnlity.
of.La- high misibemeauerptinskinpon Conviction shall, for.
every such.offence,,be finetl_not. exotaiing_.ssoo, bese
covered upon information Or indiettuuntibefore any court
of,- competent jurisdimpnione-halt•frir the.use of any in
former who may prosecute for Berne. in the name of
the. United States; and- the Other• half for the use of the'
United : States, and shall also be subject to imprisonment
for - a term not - exceeding•one year; at thcrdiscretion of the
court. ''':s''a - . ..k""
Ciptitirebnd Prtsfoinlisirslag
O.IIAK - C. RAWN, - t
: • ~ , Commbisioner.
, S. T. CHARLTON.- ".• • '1
; : Surgeon of ,Balti.
Notiice. , 2 ,
A: SiTOOKAOTaI ER 6' Meetirtgottliilnkind
TeleaNth pqmpazy will be held,ah Rte Room Of .
the Secretary, 41.1' (seconit story) CHESTNUT Street_ Phi
ladelphia, June 7th, at 10e: x..; :for thti Rurpsienno
oopting or rejecting 1 1 .76 1 1 1 P 1 400711t:10'..the .ClOOlO7 aid
Company, passed at the last session of the Legislittur.e.
- At the same time -and -- place; aw election will be held
from 10 A. x. to" 2 for ithei.Aktetion 'Of President
and pirectora timerylthekensuip4year,..-i ,-
: • :WILSON. Sedl'ettM
- - MEW 1.144,:r0it wroirML%-JT- •''. i''
Llanka..-The undersigned offers at toki tak, to
Alsetradecarchoice lot of the beat liquors everbrought to
arift*tturg,t..otsti Rrenotelifrolulies, es, , ` t
Ala,- Emir/tom, IWmixt 4,44:o4A4.lVdt k ill:a re &O
andwosato,Wfts„-,Ntott as Champagne,
Claret, Catawba,
60 4. 3441.41g00re warranted, -represented. Landlords
• and others will find , it to thet . r advantage to call and ex
'atininei the ageortment/aV tate:Store, :on ;death" . sd, nd
street, two doori below Obegtrolt. .., - '- . . ".'
my22 - 46t0 . : . . 7. . .GEOTtIiE WDIT ES. '
, .
irofikr 'Jr TERLY, --
, NON - 94.4 b0T:07,-,. lAwsesterpEa.'
.A iit*V..6 " acPEECErdF CAltirAfTc;
4 ~.4.wzOlgs ithd.Witgoshßostent. ,
Oali-at Rimball's Shoaltore;liarket strut - my2B4r
Ider4 d
1 9 . ,„_ ,. .P 0A f9r 11 54 ' Alettodorneir. irrA MIA. 44.9.
P uelu' ' lan of WA a werapvill.
t1y......n , 7.- - . in.Noicatim
ItAlint S Vr.4,14 .
the 3:leant:Oak fewinOng- and:renowned
who has astonished Coiirned Heads, Nobility
and Gentry with her unequalledfeatse Leger
demain and Natural Magic, has the honor of
arumaneirtg to the- Hag public, that
she will, on
appear' in one of those erciairche and enter
taining -
which have won for her the praise of both
PRESS and PUBLIC in the principal cities
Europe, and also in Australia and lEbndos
In:the emus. ,e of the E i v,ening 'SEX A.
° IT
ifklißt.L SALADO will introduce:
tirely new feats in few
AisQ, t 46
Great Hindoo
a Startling 'Feat never before performed in
.:7 91 *.1ik/iPrir.Gity THE SPIRIT'S HAND,
width has >puzzled the oldest heads to solve.
..'The etOtilinment, bning at the same time
ehaatii,`amunind and instructive, cannot, fail
to please the,Most fastidious. Aid-de:Oamp
to' the Magidonne,
Admission 25ets. Reserved seats 50 ets.
For s at the Hall on Wednesday, freta
to 4 p: rm.
Doors open at 721- &lock_ Commence at 8
't my.3o-d3t AgenC and .131;Lsjness Manager.
S. S. SANFORD.... Proprietor and Atinager
&Lie can be roinimeil in advance-; Ut•tir,
viirtisprei SA* • „
Doors open at 63i. ,C o mm O ce t°°•:-
:Police aware: fak fittegmianc..eio ikeserve or .
Admittealoo 25 text.* ,
Orchestra,esaire, ,
• single teat&
Private.,244ea, 53 1,4 1 ‘,5k e#th
"Cat . kill MUSIC ITALt.
... • •,. -Wolf"
xvEux tvgiwn, .
W 4 a•xtroi-cposs Qompani of
=GER% BANES, CattDl4.l.l%
;Admit - mien, cal&
Beata in. Boxes .
'NEW AMvialtisux•gttTs.
11l cm .
a.iieeree:.of the CliotaMtirt
_LP _for Wasbiugtqacounty, as a ,Court ef Eqpitactbe
Ufedeisignetttruatee will sell at publiasale; in - 4 one ortThe
Conn Aouse, , in, Hagerstown, OFL
:113ESDAI; the 14TH DASD OF JUNE; 1864,
VALUABLE REAL Est . TP.;', situate iillithatui: a—g
tWbouxity; Wpm.'as cho
J . . - . DIXON -ROIVIAIN &-., CO. ,
opd . ..te Itow.-fer accountseleortli
Of. the eietkortuliref the
pigtetttlt. said property conning
, .
1'304 ACRES OF LAND, (=pre or less,).
of which about 200 are cleared and loan excellent state
of cultiratiott, the balance being
The FURNACE on said land is 35:leet high, with an
BRIDUEVOUSE, and is rainby an- over-slid. VII& 1 40
- M
feet itigtetis in good repiticand the were power Un
failing and all-suffichant. Stfiel'ußNACE is only ono
mile from the Cherapuake.tuud Ohio Canal, and about the
Mans distance from twat : Ol pre Bank. There is qi o
ttelW the Forliatb-, also a large. BARN and dther.,out
littildlngs; amt bri'ddritrent - partsofSaid tr*ct orland there
are i number OPPENANT HOUSES (in- all 'eighteen or
twenty) in good repair, -
The above property Will tail Ewld entire, or in parcels to
Plire 4 Wrai mat Mods. to bft Dattcllt known: *,the
the usideriigned will also sell at the same titrto sad
place about „
itirry A.CIIBS OF LAMA;,'
separatedtrom ihe above by the lank. .:also,.
A. Limestotte • I`;)„foiiiiq..r .
on said Rl*, near 11. , Coy's Yerrl7,.e.entaining
, .
TERMS OF q*T.F,',is prescribed by the Peeree,.are:
'One-thiid of the purchase money ht, cash on the„ daY of
tede;On. the'ratifteation thereof; and the balairee in two
equal annual instalments of one and two years from the
iktrof gale v erith interest from that day, the purchaier to
give biz notes with approved security for the deferred
payments; and on payment of the entirepurcbase nanny,
the Trustee will execute a deed to the purchaser, its' re
(mired by the Decree. EX DARBY, Treace.
Lebanon "Courier,” Lancaster "Examiner," and Read
ing "Journal,'" copy weekly, and send bills to the Trustee
at Hagerstown, forthwith.
wimbe offer e d it _ publ ics ale, at Brant's
European Hotel, on Wednesday, the ninth of
June litl*Lcay7 o'cicrk;in the eventsgoqr that- -
situatadiat tbtAeonter of.Chgelcol, stoat audDewberry al
ley, flftr-two cfidstain, and running
back two hundred and ten feet to Cherry street. Upon
therprendseaanarTi ci t ..,. -•
fronting on DewlieWaitel;•and'itanad , at the corner of
Cherry street and Dewberry alley, containingeach, on the
firnhfinori aßentertmd three wow; on ,the emleyttloor
three rooms. The cellars are cool and perfectly dry; the
garrets - arek5.P. 1 09. 133 . gh.1,°3160 bees:
aboutvii ymmago, and can easily command ten dollars
-Setensmide known on the day of saiet3s. , ..ll-7
my26-dts ENS.II/1 4 70.p11e:4.-All4ldB, Auctioneers.
cloys aiIIIKLING -GUT, A Ti9M-th
iniiiiistiatuied, just
lisueditT at t lngt & FRAZER
rd 'Pock. Jr, & Co.)
. • PORK.—A choice
AIL areas GY Meastlldetwall Mk at
4 - 1 59 SI . 11 - 1 1 1 Ar* if WAN. it
ap9 ' usalleetssora to-ww.Dook, o...tireacy
and the
Ream', the ill for this Evertint
a-11g. 'CILTRIE,
E' E M P
Concluding with