Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, June 01, 1864, Image 3

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    pah Etttgraplj
tisemetitsr, BU.siittss Notices, Marriages,
Deaths, . Are. t .to . secure insertion in the
TELEGRAPH, must ins arlaidy beaceout
pssoed with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the regular
gventug 'Edition are inserted in the Morn
ing Edition without extra charge.
Currvo off a head and putting it on, at
Brant's Hall on:)Vedneddai evening, June
Ist, 18G4. my3o-3t
Davis' Panorama of the Rebellion is now
on exhibition at Bethlehem, Pa.
Tau beautiful and fasehmting Spanish Ma
gicienne at Brant's Ha11,.53n Wednesday even
jug June Ist, 1864. ray3o-3t
'Pas U. S. Sanitary Commission acknowl
edge the - receipt of $39 25 Trona the proprietor
and employees of the Jones House, in this
Busses T.T.A TA"; --Senorita Isabel Salado, the
beautiful and,faseinatin Spanish Alagieienne,
on Wednesday. eveuiug,,June Ist, 1864.
Tar. number of men to be•drafted in the
various counties of this District (not
Mg Dauphin) is as follows: Juniata, 97 ;
Snyder, 103; Union, 105; Northumberland;
1311 ANTS HALL —Senorita. Isabel Salado 's
Second Sight. The.grandest marvel of magic
on Wednesday evening, June Ist, 1884.
and. a Cohlloll are announced to
take place in Hoffman's woods on Friday and
Saturday of this week. Rare enjoyment is
anticipated. 'Those in ebarge ofthe-matter
are milking extensive pr s parations to render
visitors comfortable:
feat never before perforipecl. . America, at
Brant's Hall, on Wednesday evening, June I st,
1864. 3 my3973t
ExamearoN r tickets .to the great.. Sanitary
Fair, at Philadelphia, will be issued by the
Philadelphia and Iteadingßailroad. Company,
from 't'lle'ttie=X6 ) the 20th inst. , Fare , froin
Harrisburg, and - return, (good fOr .three days) .
Thii• includes a ticket of admission
to the Fair. • • .
SziI9444:IBABEL :SpLano, Clairvoyante and
Secoh&Bighted Sybil, at Brant's Hall, on
Wednesdiy evening, June Ist, 1861.
21449-3 t
00#24711251T Fry= Cmrr Noxy.s.=A coup
terfeit of the splitting-paper fifty cent curren
cy has made its appearance. The bestpart of
the affair is the bronzing. Otherwise the tint•
ing is pale and the execution cluriasy. An
examination will be certain to Feient their,
circulation. l'hey probably came from Troy,
New`torli. connterfeffithe old issue Suez
cessfully is net nearly so"easy a matter as to
counterfeit thellate edition- of `splitting paper.
Ics lit.thriiu.-Wgiuted to purchase, a well:
filled Ice housei,i. "Enquire ate the Jones House.
THE D 51,17 does, -not seem to. attract as
much attention. this season , asit did litst year.
Yesterday there was scarcely more than a
score of spectators present at any one time.
The small number of persons to be drafted
has something,to do with the slim atten4ace.
Scarcely 'any' of out citizens attended , this
draft, as their names were not inserted in the
magic wheel. "-
Two Fi Bumnrso LOTS for sale on Penn,
above Broad:AA:rest. Terms, one-half cash.
Inquire of D. Wyeth, at Wyeth & Creamer's,
south Seeond street.'
my31 , 1.w
ham= was well supplied .witlisetisonable
produCe this morning. Prices were reasona
ble. There was aline display of strawberries,
wltichficd,d atTrom 25 to 30 cents per an art.,
The following were the priees, asked for 'the'
artielsA named : Peas, 40c. per half peck ;
Cherries; lie. per quart ; Radishes and On.
ions;.se. per,bunch; Green Currant; 5 to1.0c:
per quart ;,Goos t eherries,S to 10c..; Rutter,-
20 to 25e. per pound ; Eggs, 15 'to . 20c. per
dozen ; Spring Chickens, $1 per pair ; Old
Chickens, $1 .to $1.50 ; Shad, .25, 0. : 509., a
piece; Porgies per pinind. There lyea, Rn
abundant supply of Greens ? llowera„4:
Neeiletinitiannnick •the intense heat of to
day, Ai-is said to be i3erfeetlY Cool at the litludo
Saloon, earner of Seeond and Pinestreets.:,
Aitons the numerous deaths that have ,os9-
curredon the battle-fteld, we notice that of
Lieut. Daniel H. Shrive; of Co. I, 11th.
Per4: 4 4lAvnlry, who was well known heie, 4,
he was on recruiting service in opr city the
first thregonontbs of this year. On the 14th
inst.; wtiliiltsparitly loading a charge at Flat
Creek Bridge, Va., he fell,onortally wounded.
Re had command of his company at the time.
Lieut. Shiiver enlisted in 188. f in the first
company that' WaSLirfrt,stered into the three
months' service ; - at , the end of that time he
entered the iltli Pa. 'Cavalry, was - afterwards
wounded, captured by the rebels, imprisoned,
paroled, exchanged andi4Oined his regiment,
nobly diScharging his duty' until fatally
wounded on the 14th . ins =,l)eceased wa 4
also well 'known in York and qumberiand
caw*: TAI= S4ADo UniTereallY va
traitte#bs both Press and Public to be the
greatest living performer in Magical illifitiona4
whose wonderful feats have caused theire.a — test
sensation of the age, will live a grand 131:461 ,
tarotat "flowage, on Wednesdal'aiezb:'
c, ones 18 . .„,:n421
Isaac Slenker, Auditor General of this State,
is dangerously ill, in this city. It is said
that his recovery is extremely doubtful. His
friends have been sent for.
ACCIDENT.—This afternoon, a young man,
named McGonigai, a clerk in King's hard
ware store, had one of his fingers shot off, by
the accidental discharge of a pistol. which he
was exhibiting to a soldier.
THE Ninth Pennsylvanta Cavalry regiment
was expected to leave for the army in the
Southwest to-day. Thesebrave veterans have
been home on furlough after nobly serving
their country on numerous battle-fields.
Go To SANFORD'S Opera House to-night.
You can there see the best chow in the city,
at the low price of a quarter. All -thengvar
songs of the day, the best burlesques, and the
best performers in the country, are the at
tractions. There 'is a splendid programme
for this evening's entertainment •
.A.TrElgrtox, GOOD TEMPLAXS I—A regular
meeting of Washington Lodge, No. 1, L 0. of
G. T., will be held onThuraday evening. June
2nd, at their Hall, on Market-etreafand !la 12-
berry alley, at 8 o'eloelc, P. Al' u,-
tendance is requested, as business - of
tr import
will be ansacted.-
Ainomrsunat Paecrwm, andtone which is
a source: of-Anucli :annoyance, lel ti7:e halbit
which soznexnen ha• - . - e of
.imoking font pipes
and stinking cigars in the midst of theAhrongs
attending market. There no way IV abate
the !nuisance except to appeal to the-gentility.
of the at:he:kers. E#l,they,,,slop
ATTYNTIOIf; FLII - BT CITY' TROOP !--"i 7 eiNnpli- ,
niciitary Supper.--A grand supper will be giv
en by the First City Troop of Harrisburg, on
Wednesday evening, June Ist, at the States
UnionArotel, to it teatfnionzarto tie c ProPrie`l.
tor, Joseph §tone, Esq,.., in, return for, the
many kindnesses extended. by hint t©- thel
company...,:.' FRAM FRAI6I. A. NUfLititY..
my2B-4t Treainuer of goninkitta.
Goon•Trumaas.—Advanee No. , 39,
L 0. G. T., will meet at their neW
Hall iri-Cunkle's linildimg„ on; Market , - street;
this evening at seven and a „half eel66lt.
Punctual attendance is 'requeste.d, bitsiness
of importance will come before, the 'Lodge
regard o . the 0-rand Lo!igeb%lSion,.which
commences: in • this city en.' the iittt of •lune
A Casz of precocious depravity occurred
Pittsburg a few cuyi ago. A little 'boy 'about'
six years old, becomingt enraged at a play
mate, his jimior byAwo„yeartEc adttlally punch
ed his eye out with a rusty nail, and not con
tent with this the young demon was deliber
' fitely proceeding to put out the other eye,
when the little victim's screams brought it as
sistance. A warrant was issued for.the arrest
of the offender, but his parents spirited hint
off to the country beiorretthiTofflaiklitd - time
to secure him. `r • - - •
Tir:iointn PRICE OF BEEF. —In the city of
New York, it ii-iitated that' 4 nrunliei - of the
butchers have closed their 'establishments for
want of busines—many people, fropi the enor-'
Mons prices demanded, haveq.stopped buying
meat. One thing it 'certainly. true„ and can
be applied everywhere, that we all' Feat too
much-meat and too,little vegetable's and soup.
The amount could be reduced one-half, not
only without inconvenience, but with positive
advantage to our general health—anewhy
shall we not commence the reform at once?—
The price.of all weats would speedily come
dodvn. 1 Lis tha:i demand, vlbeing .so, /much
greater than the supply; that causea'pric . es to.
go up, and any mes i stirp that will le
demand less will equaliie the suppl i y, e n d
:reduce the price. • • -
An WE TO OgLE.BFATI TEE F Q 1 74: 1 4 71 7; 77 1 14
inquiry begins4o,:be,agitatedhy a fsv , r, but we
do not learn that any .definite:moltirehas .yet t
been inane (Or celebrating the boni ng
versary of our National Independe' ace* this,
.day be c<nainisMorated - byaregul' ar old fash,..7,
ioned cereinatieri; and We hope l he initiatory
steps will at once liatiilied, 'Ate t , aipri*ramme
of the oVenve day b,9 ear t kyer prut
notify - the c'lrizeAs of Ufa s4w.roundind towns
that we are lyidp patriotism-and
love of couritry,:eßd 41 0m:edited:I to, try
and infinielfitollib'lninds i4f!thitii!eitizet!..9'lf
this region of country more neat for
ciples wioch gate, birth to the day we des
cOmmemorate.- Within a few days-we hole
to have sneli. additioniecheeringi:i4wii or
Grant's campaitit•upen ItiehinonNai
.vastly to the enthusiasm of the day we .
tote. . , .
THE CrETZEAING CtP lioxonED The : TO:fsiist ,
• IiATEON TO TECIZ iiirroty
Many valuable and elegar4 ayti,
Lured by they ladies of Harrisburg for contribli ,
Lion to theAlmitary Fair to be opened in Phil
.adelphia "thk coming.: *reek, Mine have at
tracted more attention in the circle where it
has been latitlited e t igiplAatk i ljualta
specimen, of. worsted..NV - Zak :4 /grr! , .. r tSpon
Cameron. siiiirllof large size, (walleye
not learned its orpnensi*) ...„mamkfapttlree
froui raik:J,T l, 4; l 4, , various colo~re,,
beatitifitlfy blended, and ,with a 'bordering. or
the most elaboratedistrifitibuovhich ! 7!..twed
as it specimen of domeetia manufaeture,
speaks highly of the skill of the 'Class of ma
trons to which Mrs. C. belongetTa clatettflgeb,...
has given to, the country:its noblest sons avfd
Most virtuous daughters, and wlit,oh, alas, for
all' that is dear to the Republic, -sic"
'slowly but surely paasili4 . ,!„ kom< our
midst. Mrs. Cameros'tends her sped
mertain ...worsted Work :the t :so.
Plnch. for lta. i ntr7l- vane; as , iii`'exaniill
tor jtoiLakiwukWer.,, to devote themselves to
&Ott 4;eerfu.kPurlgiits out of which the RePtib.
he mist loc)r. for the influence to spring tore-‘
0. 1 ?rga1:4 2 greatness and secure its piesperity
lojetetittire,iina kuire',balds: . ; ; Wei ven'tkitO to
Pied-of fa v. we allude will
titraot itiarketriatteratioirais.
„Tivy.Vroiß earrAsn
'1"...)t , :..,..777, 6 7 --- I.' ~ ,.'._...f :.;"::::•.L.f...:., '..16,'.
THE Ram Arms or Carr. I. G.
—lt having perplexed many good peo:
understand how the remains of the late. Capt.
Waterbury were secured for removal to this
city, we deem it only proper to state that by
the appeals of Gen. Cameron, his removal
was effected. ',Deeply sympathizing with, the
afflicted widow of the deceased - and respOnd
ing to a general desire in this city to have the
remains brought home, Gen. Cameron made
a personal appal to? isfa j :S2i v n.j 4 tlereas.l 4 g
that the son of`the'leceised should be
to remove the body of Capt. W. to
- t i t _
MAO'S COVET. —Quite t a number of disor
derly prostitutes who infest this city, have
appeared before liq e .yor, wit",
This morning the following cases were
posed of :
Oattiarine Stockton, 47sted for disorderly
conduct, had a hearing' and irtis recommitted
lo the lockup.
` Mary
Lowen, drunk and disorderly, was
sent out of the city, under police guard.
Ann Moore and Mary Johnson (both col
ered)7ere very dip . rderly, and went to jail
for ten days'. ' ' '
Crawford 'Grey and. L. Colwell, soldiers,
were arresteAW remying a pris9ner from the
police. They were handed over to the Pro
asttMaish4-'-A R.'::Coatsp : P r L..Hoover and
Wm -it truli).‘a;.drpnk ere ken :;:kt4e'
Same officer.
G. R. Smith and Wm. Adams, suspicious
characters, were sent out of the city.
Vio/alirags oteityPr4ipticest,Arojd
.14,4 , A1,,Lk
for selling marketing beore ll the ringing of the
',POI, was fined $1 and costs.
vidual who had a filthy , hof pen on
:his; premises, paid
Three,axen-arrmte4. iffr fast driving on the
streets, T.tre each fined $5 and. costa
Vor eighty years the pump street,
midway between Third.and.. Ronrth,. halik !re
freshed many a weary pedestrian, has given
health to bircle 'anti Cooled the
.throats of\the.ytiqugatera,owthe street. Itis
now proposed to _remove this great public ac
conireodaticin. The' progietor of the ground
lupon which it staltdathersimaile a splendid ini
prOvement, and designs opening a first class
lager beer saloon. Be alleges that the pump
is in Elk - Wililirc'd of 'Connie, a. legal
tight to remove it, but in so doing he will
incur anodium Whichna.i. , single man- should
be willing to create for himself, „because that,
Arun is absolutely essential for the health of
;the; whole neighborhood
The water is superior—in.diiiidiAieohliebelin
prchmunced by physiciamaLqf paufaliVAtighlY
productive of liealtb a ,m24 he. neighborhood
where it stands, absolutely necessary for the
healthfulness of the school children studying
in that vicinity. It would be' iirif6.4ilible toti ,
supply those childrenteetwater,indeed,
ice waterATAdrlbitaco F kisyacss at once, if
.24sed aa.tho children noc r use the water from
the "iiilii . Bioner pmep. Renee the appeal
in faitiV the Vehool at , orie.e
v ilidncelarn Domierto‘let the - ohiptimpatande
We make this appeal in the utmost kindness .
personally for f Xr ii ..D,o i ntilr, i i ti.4,:?l f fidence
'that he will not, rutbleiay deprive The i)eople
of great accommodation, when in permit
ting the primp 16' - 'ata'inik'lie 7 i.s'plit to no pe••• - '
ciiniary expense. , Thelnau who can afford a
glass of gold water to the weary traveler or a
thirsty neighbor, is doing God , a service.
Hence., by all that i's Cliristian-like, neigh
'Mindy and in good citizenship, we appeal for
thv, repair and r4rstitrition 'falliiOrklng
o'zder, of the "Julia Stoner P24771p. "
TEE DEArr ICI ma 1 14th •'Drwrinnst =Ante
draft in the 14th Congressional District was
'Continiii:id this - Jmorning at,tbe•-:*urtsliemaen
The following persons were drawn from Juni
ata county.
I Wilson Pepper. aged 22, laborer
2 Isaac Bibbarker, aged 26;'fatilter.
3 ,Cideon Holtman, aged 14, in : keeper. : , o , , ,
4 Clement Leech, aged 43, liiliOrer.
5 William Kinzer, aged 39, fanner: - -• •
6 Edward Funk, aged 28, railroader.
7 William Hostler, aged .. .43, laborer.
8 Jacob .T.6ialisitisaLiviareey. •
1 Samuel Bear, aged 23, farmer.
2 DaVitLflartzler, aged-4/ e /farsher.•
3 Joint Wisehaupt, aged 27, chairmaker.
BLACK. LOG Tostssiiip. ' -
1 George Rice, aged 38, farmerar
-2 John Crouse, aged 38, laborer.
3 Josepli'lliniiiielbaugh;-aged glalioret- , ;;
4 Mickuhel Stelyart, med 2 . 2, laborer.
5 Saranill • labbrer.
6 laePrf%Ara#4*-agAl#49 biI2EFT:D • -u ,
7 Jaco Andrews," aged #4 20; laborer.
1 Wm. Lyon, aged 28, (coloredpaborer.
2 Abialigbfiranie - r, iggial2, riilriis r.
To $I c ,wag 20 ' J al4 l:*i • '
4 1 - ofin M . aged 33, carpenter.
Newton EL;Wietereliam,...eoNl A. , farILVS
q Robert R. Reynolds, aged 37, laborer.
7 daeoblumwz - 'agedq.24, laborer:
8 Christian B. Shelly, aged 29, shoemaker.
9 Jeremiah Brinier, aged 20, laborer: ' -a?
_4SV . 1 - 41 4 r. • tI)
11 Levi Tanormet , aged , 44,4ttnier.
'2 Richard Damn, aged 31, plasterer.
3 Samuel Heaps,. aged 43,icarportter.
- 4 ''.rensfAti.trov volvrainit..i .-*
, JOhn. Page, deed W - labarer. -'''' v,, : ; '.
2 . 1-0 4-11wh5.Ni....4,122.... -.L -
'- :'' Isan " e4 4lali g ed .. 4 -2. 11 5 . 1 i.ta, tfr&s" -- r.;',. - .- - 7 : ~
1 Georgeßotbrdelr;liged. 36: 4 - 4 ' ' • '
~5 Thaddeni-Switiel;t aged ..
35i. laborer.. - - - ../
6 Samuel Bell,- apd z!33, laborer.' - - •
, • . Lai* wowsampi, ; ~ • .1.,-..- .
---1 D a 4i.d Willey, egad. - 32, fernier.. -: ,`" • •
,2 John Carolit)ell, aged o,'wetebraker..
' 3 David Showarapaged i 3, laborer.
-i eiclige'W-.:-.Biiyd4it,tage(l.l6, l a b ore r,
' 5 Tlionias 4 G , ray.o'2.ifitrrnpri'" .6 .„.. -
6 Wm. Giffo.,r44-fgea s tl;_ l ll4n9L. - )1.4
7 James nt. g rq.agv I,ranng," - .. ..
`,B Wm. y o b'', aged-VW-. laborer: - - --- -
`9 Win. W. Itga)4o di t 4 2 7i - ,fE4ppriti
61 1
10 James Sixiith,iiigo • • laborr r i
11 Wm. D. Pa:mo6ll, a ext37,'AVlTAer, .„
-• • " , -acdsoieroialorlim ' 1,
• • ~.., -,:-...-:
, 1. *A ,
wl 1 - . , agell:3l, latmen it ~ ..
2 John , Babibsetr.; agedan railroader.)
.i. 3 Arnold Varneini744464l3B,"blimilosinfeu-li ,
4 .I,lichal Weller, -aged 22. farmer. --
5 Isaa.3l.47asiersoitgaf Agaiiemgo A , - ..` , ,7.
Jo W' 40, farmer. eV.
• q wal&euiteglt:Wican-faristo.
- ,....4„;,• ' :.1 . .) --' 7i' -
3150142.0 F. TO
1 EitochlQ,S,Wartz, agedr33, farmer.:. •
2 Samuel Reties, aged' 41; Hatcher. -
'8 Samuel Shellenberger,- aged 37,4 armer.
4 David Frey, aged far Mer .,
5 James Martin. • '
6 Joel Misor, aged 27, farmer.
7 Michael Humpfelt. • . •
8 Lucius Grapes, aged 28, farmer.
9 john eked 21;laborer.
10 Daniel Lesher, aged 38, firmer.
11 Peter Strariss,...,
E 1163 litarkkyr:ligetVBo. jaborer. , • .
A Sarin:Lel Amey, 'aged 2'4,"litboref. "'
14 M. S. Shellenberger, aged,2B,, llumburner.
15 Thomas Tressler, aged'2;l;likborei.
16 Samuel Winey. aged 42,:preaeher..
rimaxAimnr., sextoparr.
1 Calvin A. Renner, aged-30, landlord.
2 done iiugima 'aged: 23 ;44 3 oziret "..
3 G. W. Jacobs, aged.'3.Bo:l,rrfggist.' -
susona.:ar.-ni !go 'thanre.
1 William Fahli'estock; aged 32, farmer.
2 J4_+im dreiiinger, aged 26, miller.
3 Joseph Roth, .tig"ed'.27,4ariner• •
4 Henry Bey, aged. 24, laborer.
5 Henry Baker,
6 W. Brown, aged .20, laborer..
7 Georg,e Zeller, aged 27; 'fanner.-
8 Josephßainer, aged 32,.farmer.
9 Elias Crawford, aged 37,, Shoeinaker. • •
10 Levi Tientz, aged 30, , favrOv. • •
11 Jacob Weiser, Aged •
12 Solomon G. DiesSl4, aged 3,5 4 ' canienter,
13 Samuel Goodwin,-.36; carpenter.
Tunnrr sowidsrriP.' •
1 Wm. Goodman, aged 34,1aliorer.
. 2 David T. Kilnier; aged 36, farmer. , •
• ••• TUSC6itOII9.,ToWiaPIIi., •
1 John C? CraWfOrd, aged 25, farther.
2 Cyrus Hopple,, aged 31, carpenter. ,
3 .John Laird,-aged.2B,.teaCher.
4 Wm. Carter, aged 29, laborer. •
:.-5 Cal Vin R Thompapp, „aged 32, laborer.
6 James Beaston„aged• 20; laborer.
7 Samuel Fusselman, age'dv32, mason.
8 David Beale Dr'olsbough, - aged 32, laborer.
9 A. J. Fergusoft,:age(l - 39; merchant.
Tli-E blood-Real Wilting.or the arm or Spi
ritualism oiiiioAd, Brarit's Halt' on Wed
nesda.y. evening, June ist, 1864.
• - • 'my3o-3t
thine= Iliomar:Funn.=---Th9 regains
monthly payment YoMilies' Of„PlOntooroy
will be made . on , :Friday.afternoon, June Brdi
at the once , in ''the qourt Oinig,
between the hours of four,and
AT Eforif?l:4'llr.-",Tolin !,..-Wes, in - the U.
naval setvice two years, hia arrived here
on a visit 'Varna: having tibeix honorablY
discharged'frora the service.' He was on , the
T. S. steamers iohn - AAanistind tarinekt. ,
and speaks very *highly of Ahe:!Offte'ers- of
those, vessel's; kid of the service generally.
Persons hiving friends in the navy may ob
iein than by aiii1,0114411 . 4;
Sties. $t "1
nArus.—The numerous frienfiao'ef the qa
mieuted Waterbury will be gratified to learn
that 'lila "*ifmailie - Wiire!N VOTe last. evening in
charge of his son. T'he funeral will , 'fake
place on Thursday afternoon,; at, 3
The Masonic Order, together with the military,
will VP,o44aten4 PiTf . 1 41 r Ittrjels• • ^-; -: •
Tun attention of our:readersds4aalled kat()
ilia;'ertisAlaStnt , , ccFaf , o' 4 Wfit 31- 41`! .4
Collar,7;in,another . cpl . tunir of this paPeF;,7
This collar:- atistird, fa- vastlYlaupeiier
to anything else ey,er designedto supersede
the lipeed•allar,ailil imo*Aed bY"t4ose who
have worn.thenktobe mn6hmoricornfortable
and easy to the neck thanihelineß gollar. It
is an article destined to we aaibeal sale
wherever introduced- ,
Most beautiful with elbudless surkaud ruooti,
Thou visiteth our..,eltrtli;(ekeet, deliciouw
ANWe • - •
11Ow red the roses ou-theiemenild leas
HOw broad the leaffinantles- 1 6f4he trees!
How sOft the wind that creeps
Along the vales or d'ethe;aziare deeps!
Bitt mark that pallid form! why <Thriller eye
'Heath such a bright-blue, clorialiss,"glorious
- tkg,
Dear tt. WO*lo,,Would you, conquer,t4 dire ills?
Unto the - biAttron,
While great glories
:That tells you of the mighty 'Cherokee Pills:
• 'V - ~
-1 " a ,SPEeik.:l4l,--:NOTIO.EK
Military Biaminess Atteutied,Tta
Bounty _Pension, Eackt .Pay,.Subsiatence rand -
aid War Mims, geaerallyi•rnade aubabd,collected. Yer.
adns tending at a distaxo;944lav9 .t44 . ,busiuesa trans.
sated by mad by lictitresam,
F. ~ 1 ., - ;.* Mgt:SNYDER, 4 thrileY - atArlaw .
. etre<lfiiirtsbury,;:Pa..
et: •
ItARGE 7 4ity,A4, - . G6obs
NE3fi:v:Wgic 4PcTroNl,:'
Set:Ai . BA Rii iN §:'1**,t44.8:=,i,..:11,5,;.
Full yard wide,bleitobed muslin, at 30. ceutei,worth. ; „40
t.: •
• Bleached muslin at 25 cents; worth 35 cents.
ttrieWreilweqh 30 cants t
20 pieces of woo helmets cheep.
Neck Silk, it $1 20,;:seirth. i
,; Ulla silk, at $1 30; worth. $1.30,
StiackAlk,oggsl frk; I!, , ,Kth VO5
, 2000 yardakotablaft frommuctmn.
Beiutiful goa4 color z enk finish alpace„?
.Alpaeas fialeaUcecolor,Viedie colors and own Colors.
• Whitecambr!cs, soft finished 5-4 French Cambric.
.Jeconeits,dintheitsArish linen '
8 441 , 3610-1, all linen, 1 4n. 30 , -36 ,`I 0 if rnd C en Y•
Splendid assortmtnt.or diicog: •
Cidake, Cl o th s ,
Stockings, the best an cheapest.
Pocket handkerchiefs for ladies, at all prices
Mementos quilts and crash-for towel``,,
We built' now a very larie Meek of g.304S al l ixitigh"it
redpca nrices, and.Whielitie - al sell at pncli which
catiniat &it to give salisfactlon = - •
4 We haiirehm a vert-'am lot of alpatxm,:hishmere cloth,'"
bointifiaines & LSWY.
. Duy 2 l. ,
A PlintOLCiGictii view of MARRIAGE, .
containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and
aigraviziga of she linainmy or. .4be :iiiittnai Organs in a
.ttate MA:loath: and Disease* with .a Treatise on gel;
..those; its, Deplorable . Conseiptensit upon ,Mind
rialyi - with .the: „Author's Plan of Treatment.-the, one},
:rational and successitti r awid,a, of mare, as shorn, by the re-
easea-,treateti, A arpthful adviser to the married
:And those eititemplatin . g ffipirriage, vino , !entertain donbn ,
:or theirtpilysical ersMitiymi. Bent free o f. homage to „ow)..
gddreitik.owrisielpco.2s,oania, in stamps Alt postal an
matey, by address ing Dr Lii-OROI . II, No. 31-Maiden tine
aibany, N..Yt '7 t .1 4.14 4 41 1 0 1
COteATOS Sitar:
This ealebrated.TolletAioni4in mu& universal. de
*ad, inadeturallus choicest , matarisis. la .nsitsl ,
And' emoll tent. in Its =aura; travrasstly linentedt.
And extremaly. , benatiolal in la action upon .tha akin:
Per arde by an.ltniggistgand insacy.tieudaDealera .
fees gl
e Ft Abeil4olls4 , 4llof vAir, Dr.
quejfees catO • - gortuNqiiirgarx, ,ER*lt t
cheap article,' nce:7 - MirAr o aliiititi4o4 - 1 :
SOLD 2k,MT L AMV. i.
,FiatltClC'Araing at and Market atreatai,
Phileeteliddei, itbaillate m724-dawliw
Plair . MA . R9I7AL's Orrin, AIM Dr,rPtcr, JJ
li.a.n.isECßGe„ May 2stu, leo
that DRAPTLNG, to flit the quota of the 11th Con
gra••=sronal District, in obediruce to the call_ of the Pr
d ht , or the United Sltutesfor 700,000 tßeil,-W.lloonamence
att• the Court House, in the City of Harrisburg; fru
DAY, tit • 30th day of 'Slay, lust, and be continued from
day to day till completed, in the following °rater, viz
Dauphin, 10d men, Monday and Tuesday.
I: . :duulata; 07 men, Wednesday
: Snyder, 293 men, Wednesday and.lirmadt.y. •
Union, 105 men, and N orthumberland 314 men, Thurs
day, Friday and Sainiditt: .• •
Dratted men will be iLly notified of the time and place
when and where theralay vr,setit themserves ler exami
nation fOr egematlon,
The atteliton of 'cliiiffatTAis-n is particidarly called to
the 22d section of the amended Enrollment Aet„approved
Fe:norm 24.1.15. 1004, as,follows „
Saul 2.2 J .Affil be it jlariker eicailed; Thai the fees of
..ageritsited attorneys tor malting out and causing to be et
4ocuted. any papera. in supporisf a claim for exemption
'Trani draft, or for any ears lets that mty Be rendered to
the claimant, shall n0t.,,1n any case, exceed five` dollars;
an/ Rhysielarta qe.surgeon4 ornistnng certificates of dis-'
ability so ally claimant "..tiir eiemption from daft shall
not benntitled to any fees or compenshtirm‘tberefor. Aud
any agent_ or atiOrney,:who &Mt. dcrtitY,or
qemaxid or receive any grelte'econapefttifink for' his se.V.
'vices under thla act, and any physic,en or etirgcon who'
shall, directly Or indirectly, demand or receive any Cora-
PoT , !i4iOn furtitsbitig - .Said certidcatel of disabLity, and
env officer clerk . or deputy, copizcted with the board of
serollmeqt,, who shall receive . o ittpeasation from any .
drafted wan for any serviiiea; prolktakping . .perfOrnit'
:ince of suuh service required' frond any inetithee Of said
IkroardVy the provisions of Mita shan.lned guilts
Od; a high Misdemeanor; zind,'-urron clflnt is on, shall, fur
: every auch °trance, ne•tinett, nos gEcriingiSiON to be,ro-
,govo:od,rmon.infoartatiort or indictinent , „.LterOlo any court
.4 ;
corn:w driM
ent: jietion, one.balPfbitheelse Any
:former who, nay proNeeat.efor ;the-same in the name of
The United States, atei. the . other half Tor the' use tile-
United SEEM, and &tea Wad be - Subject to irrmtisinment
'for a term not exceeding one_year, at the discretion tif the
JKO. KAY aIigSf.E:CT.,
Fpifttain and Provo:in Marsh . A.
CominiSsion . er.
Stigdon or BORTII
Notice. -.
A . STOCKHOLDEAS'ltectuig!sfAlirelnlavd
Telegraph Company will be held at ,the !loom of
the Secretary, 411 (second gory) CllESTliiMStrect; Phi
ladelphia, June 7th, at 10 a. ,11., Or . the ,parxi?se of _ac
cepting or releetirag a•kupPletlienr tit' the tarter'of "said
Company, pa -sod at the last s<ssloa of the. Legislature.
At the same time, and plape,, an election will be held
from 10 I.n. to 2 r. ler the elettlon of Prvoident
and Directors to.Sorrejlteensuitig
myllo-dlw CILIRLES 'WILSON, Secretary.
OTHERS —The uudersigheit4offons. at wholesale, to
tfle:trade, d choice lot of the best liquors ever brought to
'Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies Holland Gins, Scok...k,.
:Bourbon,' Wheat and Old Brandies,
:Whisky; .Fosiega r
sae{ .1)/i1iesticirines, such as Champagne C7aret, Cdtatobn,
ifc. All liquors warranted, as repreAeated.• , radii:thirds
,and others will find it to their advantage to call and ex
hininp thifillairlzdent We' storei;on• actplit , Ss:cm*
sreat, two doors below Cheatntit. • - I /
CAPE' MA` :11
'TIERS lob twin be openett The
house bee tieetiput therough.repalr i xtub warty
two hutdrecfieti• iieatlE haproocil 6ATII 11.0.1SEe
will be ready tor the aconnamodation negliosts.,
Its capacity and,eiti r h department, rt A l4 . O equal, not'
_iOtW • _
' auperip,r, to any H upenTaTEIS j
BiUut higheen se'cliiecifdr o SOliSbn.
my 23415 j
- LAW;
HAS removed his Office from Third,ta-Wal
nut street,' neat to , the Vrisort faitiess Pa
lmated to Xttin will reesivt proutpt. Auld panful aponct:on.
SA.Lalt o .' „
WHE pprty, - corner • pfi Srevp4i
- bei
fine streets, httifty-boWaitd a half feettde . Bt
coed and one hundred andniapymight feet on . Piue street,
running back two hundred andlen feet to Barbara / alley,
there being space for four fell befitting tots„ and a must
dinitile site fora Governor's...don,or t pubina buildings
For particulars enquire of. Mils. MURRI4; corner of
eoed and Pine meta, • •• trdol.-tr.
rINE of the - best locations for IRON
WORKS in the State *for_ sale*, at a very ressonkliti
price. teeny gorejtaser - whii Will improve it, situated with:
n a ihort distarkeref the city of Aar risburg, „ti,tween the
Pennsylvaitiainhlroad and tairg;i4o;nt fleelacindred - leer
wide, and ainiksidepf theheir . * limestone quarries in the
State and close to a good turnpike road; - alsei, room 161
waste cinders for fifty years,'without paying - for the land
APPIY: to, .r,.- DAVID 1411M1L1., Jr.,
Attorne..raglaw. 21.0. 2.lNortttSeuend street,
niat16.411 . --7i fr"it Va. 4,
th.fee'tes.` 'gala bdl
this office.] Jit
* • : • °TIM_ 7.`:'
al ..
FIE 14010541 NA iap3t li §P G° A °f
stock of met ccandia% requ Pepono IndebLe4 to
him to aNske luvAdtater-pnmaas . att*ps.:,lllo - ioxcitao
%Awes.* TOr.kale - mont, 4,53 e ts'ditsf
up firs builificsaliSao:posaibla:,' Call at. the'SM
0i1C41§0 . 44:E4" . tAfN.
• - •'"3.4gilidlfo'elliake. • - . '
520 4 t
' - c - ate" ° ll ti tn ti i t! f fA l ltol ln to e s o u ' il
"puruumk-rs - Anres clia;, ' good l lthildfilis - theAU,
.V/1A 11111. Forfjwg lerywAricillutp. , pd4rps - - •
, Dauphin, Dahpiiin county, Pa. '
f - - .£OB -
P 7
TITTSTOWDER'' dcii)Apcnind of valitable•
articles for the dastriktioci. pf insects--distributed
awing oiceiVers,• - • Wsicileins, 4:4 ClOthinc,,
'Rm.. packed , Away.iAr -summer trill effectually prevenV
Being-also iliffssable perfsmetet. will- Im
pregnate cicithing, &c. with a lasting andpleasaktodor:
;The finest fabric cannot be Injured by its use.- -
Drug ed-ima an cy G'som Atoodsitare;
Drug AntF,sfaxicetoyeeit.
TEEE ri Underidglltd" . l9V4A4Ve to offer his
services esa PrnOleni Bode Ornireentai
basn etl.4t ifnenitelidel to srli'Citre
and flispatCh":,,• " , • • • • ,"••••“
Runattresr---11t" H. Dui3irty'Sdperintendent• of
thelf.S, "W. co • ;XL. JeSePtule Shlsier, opposite Court
House. Residence in Sctinavely's block, Penn'n Avenue.
shop in Third, sifiiige PiiithcstreeC ra: it: TELLS.
M NO. 11 MAOKKEKK'iII Kitts, just re
ceivedat tSELLSiEtI &.t'FRAZER,
mat's. (successors to in Dock, jr., & Co.)
(10111 TEAL- A Sine; , Just,
"ij oelvednG. r . StLISLER. & MAZER ;
,marai - - ;games sera to Wm.-Doe4-jr., & Co.)
4Lb. --, uPeU t - t r. §wOot ciaer JUST
r eopiro ' , Fa:Peale by Lberbarrel or staanquattitY at
• •.• anv - ea IC( ficx.Pßlt
lICKWIEEAT JustTrtge . iio.
_LP 161.: FineFhoidettlitiii.
. 1 t t An l l4l , l4lAdzitenit,
mal4Bl. • .. - (aucceftonsteNzir..l)ock; jes, &Co.)
VOR.R.ALE.—A Five-horee6.powec STP. Alt
A: giNGII7. and BOILER; in good order.'' Apply to. •
. .. F. GEETY, •
y7,OFLT; street, below. .qth. - .. ,"
BU4I/Ia4GTON HRiißfl G.—The lizst- 0
the-ststaca. !Just reserved at
vsa rlepimm_Nc?ived ailISLtEt FRAZiff,
mys - amMd . korrs to W. Dock, r., k Co.
1 . ; - PRIME - --
Kettle Rendered LAREri
at 811181. Aft & FRAZE -*
F L"
mgrg - . Picickes,rT**' R,
BiligESl:UsupPly ots.N.Llatenees Catebroved•
sworCared .11114:Drielkeeer n at 0
0,51 — ..,.4 3 grgAt?e, logimw
. _ . ........... ~......_ _......_ ..., •........
, ~,,,,„, , DBUTEREic,-,F r 011..., butter_
- yl e i 4,(6 , 4 - ilieceived every week. Also
at . 4 df trot ncsopsa a:
• .., •
HA 4 1416
the Beautiful, FaseinOn_gand renowned
S P A NtS# 6 lll4ia l til EN NEVT
who has astonished Creotfried Heads, Nobility
mid Gentry with her nnequailedfeatautLeger
demain and Natural Magic, has the honor of
announcing to the Ifarrislittig
.. public ? that
she will, on r"
appear in one of those i•echeroh.e.
which have worr for her itlie praise of both
,the Anincipal. cities
of Europe, and also in Ausiiraliaand tririllos 7
In the course of the Evening SENORITA'.
ISABEL SALADO will introduce a few en-.
tirely new feat in
Also, th..
Grreat Hincloo Mivaele.
'Stii; . l:l:fiT:lo. Feat never 'l?efore-peiTormea in
lend the
which has puzzled the oldest -heads , to'solve.
The entertainment, being at the same time
chaste, amusing and instructive, cannot' - fail
to please the most fastidious. Aid-de-Camp
to the Magicienne,
, .
Aihnission 25ets. Reserved seats SO :eta:
For sale at the Hall on Wednesday. frerri 2
to 4 r.
7i Dders'open at 71 o'clock. Commence et
my3o-413t &gent and Business Manager.
WED': , :c - E,S nit `IXG, ary is
Reeati the Bill for this Evenik:
BY , TkE
- kr .u..P ;•1
• 14. PERCIIK,
3r TO
Conelnding with
Tll ,
Orcherara Seatrmur, be procured in *vanes at Bann
van's Lang Stirs • ,• i •
- 'Years open mm
open 8.
Police always in anAmdance wpm:pima ouder.
- Admittance '26 cents. -
Orchestra ebaim, 50 cant& ,
'encase boxee.....lntire. 3.5 each; single aes:44;
. . ,
With a'.rt rat, /a as Clillitpsul..y
- , aNGERS, , SANCEICS, A.V.lll.4.oLaNtyase.&.
a - dmissiola
ass. in Boxes::: .
'.AD V E 11./ISIGAI ENlri,:7l:4'
B , r ii-I', U i 81 1 ,.. 'j
R O'N, -W--.0:11:r . S '1..',!.:,
- pp Y virtue - of 'a: decree , of the-OireutußiO4 - 44,,,-.
.1.1 for Waskingaracounti, aa - a 'Court oP lit t at*ti4anna l
ic 'ale*
A -
rt Souse, in Rageratoa-n;
I ' UFSISAI r ; ;the JAY OF 3ONA-1813401*
all thit;VAL4BLE
eeeter,LOLEA - Yinuti,htkwe , E:4 the
which was for many yf.tirs owned carried ou by
J ~1),IXON 11,65 i A I N
and is now for sale on amount of the death atone gfthg
partners, Said. property contains • - .7
1,391 ACEES7 OF LAND, (morgk or 14E1,)
of wnich about 2O art cleared and in av'exes4. lentllatata
of btutleation the balauti , •
The FURNACE en said land is 'n feet high, With art
eight foot BOSH, CASTING- HOUSE.;,
BKIDGE, and ie rtw .b oy an. over-SUPI, wheel 40
feet high: Ic IS in geed repair, an ntter'Perrer and all-sufticient. Said- - Fuitucz is only, ono
mile 1113131 the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, mkt atkint the
same distance from the Iron Ora~. There iaaLso
near the. Furnace; also '4 and. Other' ton.. --
building 4, ind.on different parte of paid iract.tif land thane
are a. mangle:for TENANT HOUSE:S (n all. eighteen or
_twenty) in good repair.
The above propeity Vl .ll be sold entire, or "in parcels to
awl purchasers; such • parcels to he ' ra'lds known at the
The undersigned will rdko fell at, - Ike same tink*,lind.
- place about
separated from titietilirre4liae Tandttof Geo. reidt. AAA_
A. I.A.mesiticon.e --
pa said mud, netd" . .3lToy's Ferry, containing
FIFTY SQUARE f`..lterigS OF Taw&
TEEMS OF, SAIL, as preecrihed by the Decree, are;
One-third of, au* on the-day of
M,le, On We rstitiCitt4oll theteur, and We balance
-equal annual lamdinents of one and t leaniirOnn. 3 49
day of sate 4vith. hnerem. from that day, the purchaper
give his nPtuamith approved security for the deferred,.
paymentn„ atulonveyment of the entircpurchaSammtey.
the Trustee will execute a deed to the purcbarpor, lykre.
oohed by the L*ree. F. 3L DARBY, Trustee.
Lebenkin ,, anier, ,l laneekteistExeleif.jr) ,
ing "Journal," copy weekly, and send eine to the Trustee
ai /4a4Ferstaa:34
WILL be offered at , P*-1P 61 4E,1r a+ Rrant' s
European Hotel, on Wednesday, the ninth of
June nest, as 7 o'clock in the oveningorlt that
uated at the corner of Chestnut street and Dew a
ley, itny-twoilhetduid:suct444 .1 1 . 1 Arutith'g
+nark two hundred and ten teet to'Cherry street: you
the premises -are
'fronting on Dewb_cyAnyiandilot=,,ek maw corner of
iebetry street and. Dewberry obey, coutainudieach, on the
drat floor, an entry, and three rooms-, on the second Boor
three ruomeiTtie arse arta& perfrittxl4o , 7l;4 4l
garrets are spacious. Thee houtna nave been bunt Or
'tint laidNAL
about sixiOago ttid-calieitsdy command ten &thus
rent th-rr
the day or
0. t i
Terms g' °ll • S. iarlitifto.AMO,
mv-2R-tis ' fels.fAtilleaNß ... 4M
SP&KKIAgb tIIATIN, the h ek t
%-04 1 factw * M ull t ed i " = &Wy WARlF)titiffirt
ArF-SLINNEWSTAF-41 - -#k choice
IVI -1 1 19 4 416z . 274 VkailEtt "' & FRAZER
T 4 I$ licciAolsawltilte*. A
sole Less
:a • b.)