WI )itlncAL. - 'STITUTION lAIF SYRUP, OODIPOSED OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract or VALUABLE MEDICINAL BOOTS AND. HERBS, WE. H. GREGG, M. D., Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., for merly Assistant .Physician BlatkwelPs Island How pi late Medical Inspector New York SState - Volunteer. Depots, under Goy. Edward D.Morgan. . . 00N aurION LIFE IMRE? • • Rai radar= • A RETOtITTION IN MEDICINE. What may seem: eircasst incredible, Is, that {parry diu ,eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fti 'quently cured in alaw days Or weeks, and we cheeriAlY invite the Investigations of the liberal minded and Beim iliac to cureivirlilch-Vaie no parallel at.the present day.'". .Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the seat of any &small. Is directly reached;-and the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long from painful and obsti nate diseaseiiho. have vainly sought relief frcrin `advertised medicines, those who cannot be.cured by othia• iihYsicians— • • .. •_. ARE INVITED TO USE CONITITIITION LIFE SYRUP. During the pastllve-Slears we have contended with. dti g and 'overcome opposition as herculean as were evr :encountered by any Reformers - RAPIDITY OF CURE - Some say, "Your cures are too quick," while others 'doubt their permanence, and think that disease can only be cured by the "slow recuperative process of Nature.", This Ls our reply: In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale, is in a state of Equilibrium. But when from any' cause down Amason° aide of the scale, we have the effects of disease. ,What is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the ;scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP,' -' !A positive and specidc remedy for all diseases originating: •from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and for all (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENT TO MID. . ... . . PAIZA.LIPS.I.S. . . ~ Hemiplegis.." Paresis. "'Paraplegia Paralysis Agitaps.' It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup Is the only effectire 'means of reiteration* in' the various ..firms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is 'emphatically the Great Life - Giving - Power. g DYSPEPSIA. -.P iindigestion. • Liver Complaint. Constipation.. . . Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. Want of Apptitili. i. ulriat ends '• • Bad Breath. .-.- SCRG!FULA. .• r. , Strilnia. ' , Glandular swellings. -,!lllceratiorhr ,ng's EyiL Erysipelas. Salt Mouth 4,This taint (IMRE DITARt ,and .. 441Qtrax 0, ) filling ',life with frinteldbalsery,ishrall iismaPniedical remedier indurable.' Arthritis] RH E. UMA PIS M. Nehralgia* Gout. J; ~... tonbago.. .. _._ ~ WSICFL. , , Tic poulouretii. ItiNettAs arty+. diSei.inliehiehithe Constitution Life yrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindeid: ffection.g. The- L i:lost intense p . ai.s.,are, almost instantly lieviated--enermAS sWellifs are 4 reduced. Cast*, hronic or :vier, of, ; 20 o 111 years' ,standing, haPal en chretilli . ' ' ' • '' • I• - ' ' F '' ',- abrEkVOUSIVESg. xi . ~.. bili l y, ~ Shattered liforxes.. ~St. Vitue.,,Densii. tosi litr nrPriwir. Confeilon - orThllughts :',''-Hpilepe. -Thousaulls who have suffered foryeius will bless the day 'ton ishictrtlieY raid ;these liner.. Particularly: to Watik, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable' blessing—directing their footsteps to a Hepe which ftaiiio more than it promises. - - . MERCURIAL DISEASES • Rotting of Bones. ' Salivation Bad copiiplezion. Aches in Bones. rating hz Weariness;Depression of Spirits. - COVSTITErrIObt LIFE' SYltp? purkes the system on tirely from all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth as firmly; SS ever. OONSTi.TUTIOE - LIFE YEW" Eridica* Boot said : Drench, all Eruptive`. Diseases of. the. Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and ll other difficul-. ties of this kind; which so much disfigure the outward ap pearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. ,CQNSTITIITION,LIFE SYRUP CORE'S' ALL SIPELLEVG OF TEE 'GLANDS, . Either of the face, Neck, or Female Breast, told should be taken es wen as the swelifng is detected, thus' preventing their breaking, and producing the troublesome Discharg ing Sores„ which disfigure so many of the younger por tion OA° , community, from sixto. twenty years of etouitiaililienwe very subject to Discharges frOm the gars, which depends upon a scrofulous constitution.— These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the' "Life Syrup. All scrofulous persons suffering from general Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen, and in the female, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb. gen erally accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration' of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease knpwn 0.9. Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy, should be taken for some time, SS "the 'disease Is' 'exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort. Tumors of the Ovarieo, Tumors of the .Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body Will be completely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of any kind. Hplleptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organist Diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a grating or tiling sound, Dropsy of the Heart Case, and all the,affeetionaof this impoilant organ, (persons suffering !ions tuif acuteeptlinlinithis‘regton of the heart,) will be greatly relieved by ConstitutionCife Syrup. • BROKEN-DOWN if DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS Suffering front indliposifion to Exertion, Painlff the Back, Lou of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness or Vision, Dry, Hot Skin and Ex tremities, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pali; Haggard Countenance and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the Constitution Life Syrup. 0 40.51 4LI PORA4SOI.ULGEBATIVE . DISEASTS, Zither of the Now, Throat, Tongue, Spina, Forehead or ...Scalp, no remedylias over proved its equal. • MOTS PATCHES upon the female face, depending upOn a diseased action of the Liver, ere very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion, and remove the de posit which is directly under the skin. . • If Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion,.;Weak Stomach, .or an ulcerated or can cerous condition tor'that organ, accompanied with burning or other napleasantsymptoms, will be relieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFT; SYRUP. garAS A GENERAL BLOOD-PURIFYING AGENT, THE LIFE SYRUP STANDS UNRIVALLED BY ANT INEPAItA TION IN ME WoRLD. • Diseases of the Spine, *usually developed in the young' Hip Disease, Neuralgia, and all Nervous Diseases, and La dies who are suffering from Diseases for which they arbuit aloes what to do, we would . advise the use of CONSTI TUTION LIFE SYRUP. It will restore their pallid .coitil iiiiiiiiiee'sfren'ithen their weak back and side, "give 'them new energy, new life.andlanppiness. • . • THE REDS' AND MOW- Are liable to thesaine dieesies. Naturelalfd , - science -has made the Constitution Life Syrup_forAelpeneht,of RUBE BLOOD Produces healthy men and women; and if the constitution is neglected,in youth, disease, and early death is the re sult .tki;)iot:delay whop the means are so near at hand, aniwlthletife'retich tof aIL • TO 4f02-BERS-AND-.MARRIED LADLES. It 113 the Weibel anti most effecttal inedleind ever discov ered for purifying the sytdCm, and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbir . th.. It strengthens both the mother and the child, preients pain and disease, and in creases and : enriches the tfotid:,--those who have. used it think it Indispensable. It •is highly usefUl both before and alter conflnement, as it , prevents disease attendant upon atildbirth. ' ' . - • CONSTITUTION-:TTFE ,SYRUP IS THE POOR WS FRIE2WA-AW TEO RICH MAY'S BUY IT, TAKE IT, AND BE OURED, IT IS. VIIINT*SAL IN ITS EMOTS. , a W 1 74,11. GREGG, BOLE PROPILICTOR, fair TOHYL. . Laboratory' Brooklyn, L .I. _ PRICE Si /1140 30 7. LE; ..° . /7Li. 5 FOR $k ,Sent biexpresc to -all parte of the country! ygROAI4I . & ALLEN, -' • • , AGEN • • .• - PA ' S *WI ' ' 41i Eliff'etreeteNew;Yotir. r. t .g O/ 6. -.2 , JOIINVrON i : HOLLOWAY, $ll , COWIANi . .111 , EILAD1111aPHL11,. PA. KUNKEL &_BUA:r4-. L ''' : '!.. it , rwaiss:lleMarliet ittnetilEthiaNClFJP, A Jae jag L D Ifl7 GI- 01-SIT-13 •. NEW AbVERTISEMEN TS. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 2321 Walnut Street, South Side, East et Third Sitreet, AlrfarpFT crFASSETS _ . .../7C 3 OIROI,tATE'D 4794; CAPITAL ORARTBR Marine, Pire•and Tiiinspprtation- In- ANTHUR G. COFFIN, Piesident:c CHARLFS,FLATT, WILLIAM BITEIALERI . Central Agent for Pennsylvania: Office Walnut,-St.i neat 'Second, Hitirisbnrg, Pa; E . tiltfl -- A G . E fi OF the Old Wellowei Line, iespeetfully NJ,in forma the public that.this Cid Daily Transportation Line, (the only•Wsill6Wili Lie now in existence in-this city,).la in succeissfuroperntion and .prtiparad •to carry freight as low .as any other individual line between Phila delphin, Harrisbuiz, Sunbnry, Leviisburg, Williamsport, Jersey - Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia, and FS iu and WRllanispert and Elmira Railroads. DANIEL A. MUMICII, Akeni. ' Haitisblitg, Penn%a. goods sent to the Warehouse.of 'Messrs. Peacock, Zell: Hinchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Bth, Philadelphia, by A_ o'clock, F. IC, will arrive at Harris burg, ready for delivery, nexildorning: iilll3o:rdmyl PEEPILEIVS DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore,;Williamsport, Man .ey, Uniontown,..•Walsontown, Milton, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, , rr. Lyaeastown, owiersourg, Halifax, Dauphin, .. • AND. HARRiSBIII~ G. The Philadelphia Depot being centrialy located; the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The, Conductor-,goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of, all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD & FREED, dir Market street,; Philadelphia; by 6 o'clock P. will be 'deliiered in Har risburg the next morning. Freight Always as LoW,as by Any Other . • • JOB. MONTGOKERY,k,CO.., • Philadelphia end Reading Depot, 00 4. 1 . 41 . FC'Prosr gaticfli street] Harrisburg. M)FA DDEN 3 S MARBLE YARD.. • CORNER OF WALNUT • AND FLFTH STREETS; • . Harrisbuig, Pa. . A , LKEHmdersigned.haviug opened a S.lttible• Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends' and the public in general, that they aro prepared to fur nish ' MARBLE Watt OF EVERY .DESCRIPTIONI sm= AS , g . Monuments, Tombs, Head StoiCes; Mantles, And House Work in Marblb and Brown Stone Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. _ & CO. N. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or German. mar29.dly MAGNOLIA BALM. BIS is Ilia !aniVextraordi• T nary article ever discovered. It changes the Sur burn and Face and Hands to a pearly, .;eakin. texture al ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearande sainriting in the city belle of fashion.: It romos,tan, freeklon,nimpleiknnd rough ness of the skin,.leavitig the coniplexion fresh o transpa. rent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. ;Patronized by Act ruses and Opera Singers. .it is what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re- B. A. KUNKEL & 118 Market street,, Harrisburg. tail by. ap29-dtf • BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! , NEW ANDSEVONR-IXAND 43VAMT,V,SS,. BURLAP AND • `a-u - Nity 13 A. G- S f _FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL ,SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN,T., BARLEY & CO.. No. 113, North Picmt ,9t.; . Philadelphia. feb2B43ra - • 4-0-11-N THIRD STREET,' NVAIMITIc - HARRISBURG, PA., • WHOLESALE AND serrp, DEALER LN CONFECTIONERY; FRUITS, &C., Jtdube Amts. ~• , Moss FaittV,' " Pasta Ohm Drops, 0:m1M Cliecolate'Diops, 'Plithi Candies, &c., Oranges and Lemons, Canned Fruits, • • Jellies, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Oder: ylnegarT Fresh:and Salt Fish in kett.' son.' , Vegetables in season, Itaisitus, ••• Currants, octl3 • MEIODEONS AND. GANNET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST. TREXITUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND Tina. 7: V ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instramer d s of this class) has been avnuded I;4' EEASGIVaIs-HAMIA2iSS INSTREWTS. . A. fall'amortinent of t.4se instruments at oh hand " W. TINOCHE'S,"SiIe ?lien% 'ioi- 2 t09.31' • • 93 MroFP*ll:.Btreet: JOHN. A. BIGLIEttIi'CO.j 13 it Civ , ~.74 A 11. ET, S T`ftrS Ni: • E ir 14 T OMIT 'TO ADAMS =PERU OFFIt7E;) ^ EL,A RRIBB Er 11 Warrants, .Claims, Government Securities, -_Checks., touchers, touchers, &c., cashed. mar2Bd2in - - Thomas C. MacDowelli A .,, ' , - t, - t, • at . OFFICE IN THIRD ST.; 'EEHOW TINE. . :•. -; oxikitAISMIRG,Ta.t, r ALL mannerof Military. Claims . ;,,promptly attended to, and cLiims collectiidagainstthe qeneial or State Governments; either in Congrettepthe -C in of Clairs at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, twithontoni necessary delay i .and on mOisrateterins. ap2M6m. . . COFFEE SUGAR ',...AN -0 . 71T ;14:4. PERSONS making, up boxes to send to tlie* friends in he army, will find this an one box making' forty' cups of coffee, etjuattb`A#o#3 coffee, and with little labor. Fa ri sa s te x t • no 24 tsucceesore to WM. P 1 ) Apg - LEnA COLLEGIATEItsTSTI- Xt TrU;E' FOR tOUNG,':•1:10:11ES No. L, 1530 :irch stria. ' Rey. CHARLES A. - 514733; EALARME_ META A. 11. 4 1 1 rinchiala • . • .. INinth Year. Mires ileigtrtmentil: Primaryi.4.cadelolE, and Collegiate.{-' Fullinollegenourse hi','ClasisicstMathe matins higher - ! Engleish , .wl , Natural Science )for those who giaduate. liddern Languages,' Music, Painting and Elocution by the best. ideates. For ciirculars , apply at the Institute, or address BOY' 2611 P. 0., Philadelphia Pa / • - - • • ap2o-6m* • Dairy,Pine Apple g Nut- QAPSACTO,*/f6Ao,. fheqse Pis ezeivee t -, me- bpd liew &ESLER FRAZEI . L • "" • s ucces>mh`to VP.ock, qP, rays AATAIOTITISi CREAVITTS, F.11,13P4113. V V For sate wheidsali; . b " • " J • SHISLERIaFKAZER, Aveceesors to-F. P.QP4,4r, ~~ We have justreoelved a tine eeloction.-of-APFUtikin Wein° eri ty at orer. For axle by tb•i , burre4. osheIRA.ZEI% or small ivantiSLE.R. & F 41'43 (eukoeseare tol.Wm.Dook, fc,4rVki) APPLES TSUBS.-4ND ,SAKES, of, on -0F.,00.413ice tlnrids, just Tic - elver and for Bate ,7 MlMin ED & FRAZEI few:. otiociosors to W. Dock, jr..& ObN, 1864 no r A thrw , sza 1864 ,dts Spring, A.N2S and .1 4 0.. r VISS • Pro:Aga& bola bawse - out; And MICE and 24.2% . • ;in vili of CATS;' Oa ysksp 'about.: • •':•;: • • [NAT% S _ . _ $1,666,663 50 lEEE 1600,000 For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Snits, Mosquitos, Moths in Pars, Woolens, et c., onzlnsissta, Fowls,. Anlinals;' etc. • I&by all Drugestibieryttere Brtreaß Irof Aliarartialim A ar Costar's" begot, No. 483 Britiodway N. T. • *at-Sold by --;-- D.'-W `0R08.4 8c,C0.; • and retail 'agents, marlB-dawBm Harris - burg, hi . _ ELECTRIOITY.. . RS. , :NY .I..ETH and. OREADLER Eclectte, D _ - and ElectrOpathic Phyeiclans, VespectiLlit' 'Mier their professional services he allthe - various::brancluTs_of the profession, for the trettstent of all acute and chronic forms of disease. , . .. , . The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist. of Magnetism, Galvanism; Electro-Magnet isni;theMwedfsh method of Localized movement cur; a few Ediectic:medininee when deemed necessary, and in fact all the natural cnrativp agents that may, successfully, be brought to heir upon . the disease. - ', L They.oo not wish to be understood as arrogating ,to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they belieie the remedies theyLemploy in the treadment.iirdia.. ease far superior to thesegenerally employed byphysicians, fromthe faint that they act ill perfect Ifirinony with the. laws:governing and controllingilhe h uhan. systerlal;.Te this, and the fact that they confine. themselves to no, par tienier - ipaihy dr *tem; attribute their kee.. controlling disease. .! - , The principal agent they employ in the treatment cif; 'disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderlume. It s phenomena and powerful in its effects for good er, 4 ikah ever present, allpervrding principle, goviirdin' till things, from rolling worlds down,totho invisiblepartieles bf.gameous matter.. TN see it in the lightning's dash and hear the manifeatatiOns of its power in the muttering. ,thunder. • It is the cause of all decompositiqn, recompo si aifd transforination. It excitesbil motion: It hrthe _exciting cause of- life, growth, ,decay:and dbatb:' at , causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays held of the crude ibod in the. stomach ; converts it into a stetedrtu 'ditty, transmutes 'Lint° erteriel blood, and sendw,it &alto important office cif supplying nutriment according to the necessities of thebody. :nerve vital Medd; i . the great agent through which the mind sets ,up?n thebedys It is the cause of all causes except the' first great - cdu . Sk the Infinite Mind which created itand.broughti ikinto use These may appear, like ,mere assertions, but they *Cadts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. it'ttien, to be wondered 'at that ,en agent,ao,woncierfcl in lta tsp., nomena, BO powerful ' in t. ts manifestation sand se. MUMMA- Iy connected with all the War/Wenn Cif 1110,humiti1^ASYs tem, should be almost nbspluto in its power of r cecitrelling disease? CertalPlY nod. At . is ii 'natural sequence. - 10M follows es surely as day-fellers% night. S'CHOMACKER & 00.. 1 8 PIANOS. soutt, GRAPES T OO Nell need com mendation..rienog7bYSlD •. • GO I ARNOR CDRITN • ".• And many etlier distinguished citizens. The undersigned ofierii these superb instruments at' rices that ininuot fail to command, public Patronage. N. B.—No OLD stock on liknd.. • ." . Also, Sole Agent forth° unrivalled- • .'; PIANO.' ..bIIII•EhitATEP , PIANOB. Chickeiing's and several otherof, the, very best melte& None but perfect instruments sold. • ' Call 'and see largest stock Out' of great cities. mar2e.tr •13. WARD Third street Rusioßtore: NEW - GOODS:---JUST - OPENED.;!' B E Book • x.o"xig and. Statalcitiery Store. ambracinrevortieffuviaPrbim stYteor - Citrons, : • Prunes., , , Ainicieds Filberts .. 'Cretith Ground'istutli,, - ' Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries,' Hominy and Beans, Cakes Crackbis Sveet: and leish Poeutobt, Green and Dried 'Pruitii; And Country Ptoduce in •=ieason. • • '•••• JOiMWISE. PAPEit. TrtAilf44ol3 - SP, R'R E R 7114 _ ji.; WO MINOR STREET, -- • (Pit ,- rii - ANIFFACITIREUS>of,I: ; • • km Dottiste.E;:sTEENGTII . _ MANILLA PAPER OF ALL SIZES." t ROLL WRAPPERS ••• 7 7 on hand or made to qrder..,. . _ Highest price pit4:rOr 'far or E;ime.ll::qtle4l ' - • • ' maxi-dBm. . iicralOVF4D: 4 If :4 A. -- ------ SCHRIEPPEXt•S'" - BOOICSTO4E-- ' " 1 4 ‘ll 1 ) ItY ti(fti gartzzt sEcorD SHEET, s' Two . Doors lioloWlelker'SAardirets_': l 44§- . OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. marB " t • cra)tt r EW MAcILF,R - Nra;II;IEBRING A 14.11,84. 0 4143Nsgi - [iay4] BOY R- ICHHELPERz '-.I)IISCYEtIL,ANEOUS. "15 nark! Obtatalatied In N. Y. City." • •"Only:ttifontble remedies known." "Brea from Polootut.' , . "Not'itankeitiris to ttio Human Family. ,, ' ..';Rata oomo,outpf their holes to , Among the diseeses which are found to yield, readily to Electricity, in conimiction with'proper adjunct treatthent, maybe mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, , lthuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system I Dye*• eta ennui. in a few treatments ; 411.diffeases elf 'urinary •and genital. Organs • Female Diseasea, Asthma, -.Piles • and Prolapsus Ant; Aniaufoeis awl all kindred ~ afiectiona, of the eye; Aoretus, Striotorea, all akin diseases, gm. Persons calling will be told whether they can be hbne fitted and no caselaken where some. relief cannot af forded. Cotuadtation free. ; ,Ottioe, Bomb Second street, below Chestnut, Harr - Ike:Ili, Pa, 'office bourn . from Bto 12 e..8.,13 to 6 aud 71, , 0 9 P.m. • Al.Pr WYlliTHol,' : i • • DR. J. MILTON ekt4MER: .apl3 to • 4E :EGOS MAGIC coßßEATpf.*.azw,: . • 9 SR* 1450/01: BOORS, BUOKSITI PORTMONlitier3, at prices to suit all arcumstsuces.' POCKET CUTLERY, Consisting of it line assonat*, of Westinliolm , s Sups ~• , P;lr4te.tlP4Vc4. , . $ GOLDqpiENs From celebrated Every . • , 104 6guarantef... . wßrizxa OARfS,. • • I tWW O DP:PEsick TER - • _. .• ,- Triekli:WAVArYart Pl* ; Book and Stationery eau- atistunenti at" niyl2l* RERGNRIVS, 51 Market:street .Steapt AVeekly to Liverpool. OUGHING at QUEENSTOWN r .(Cork Har- Tbor.) Ttio well ]mown , Steamers orlthe 'Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamilllp!tilOniiivai:e tended to sill as follows: . • - BlGlaugOir Saturdai, June 4: - City '6l"Bmhzoio, Sail:trt Oaf, ' Une*:ll7": 4 Etria; Sattitdiff;WWlB:- RATTsI3,9r .. T4S4,!LGE, PAYABLE L't IN GOLD, OS ITS E4arriutrrr rk comommr. de l FIRST CAB- • s Bo`oo STEERAGE ... - .....530 00 do to' London . .......85 ;OM ' dgi..o;LondPn,:s ..;,-, :9 0 do to Poilo.. .:.. :. :95 00 4 " , do to . Paris_ ~. )400 do to Hamburg...'. 90 Orr ' 'rib' t 3 limtb*.. „Do Pasiebgers , also forwar to Haire; Hiemen;Rotter dam, Antwerp &c., at egollythilw„rates. Fares from Liverpobl or Queenstown: Ist, Cabin, 17,5, $B9- $lO5. Steentgcv 985. -Thrwie who iiisk to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates: .... -.9..... — For farther information apply otate - Compamos offices JOAN G. DALE, Agetit;l6lfibadway, , N. Y. or C. 0 ZlMMERlLAN,'Hariliburz rri ;1 • 3i: vt .:,*.....1124..1113# 110YER KOERPER-/ WHOLESA-L-E--AND REtAr la' . 0 ''o f iNqiii j ' E.S 41,,e0.5s and Glasa Ware . AND AIL COE C U N R IF"? BilsiTiS 0 Tr : 1j t HANT 4 ,Init opO'rieilaArge Ed 'wed seledted Moak of goads it thdir'stand, No. 8 litarketBeun.re, Harrisburg, Pa., to which-they invite the attention of the public-generally. .1. . , nolo-dly • D. W. GROSS &. CO. EINEZIEMINIIMEMI D...• , 0 :& co., s WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - D , RIU.G . GI-Ts, NO. 19 -" A , ll ,LE S-T R E:E S R S. _ , =MEE F:-rU'. .. ... _. _. ;54`0.1tk r KEEPERS AIYD CONSUMERS. We ate daily, lidding to our aisoihnent of goods alt such -articles as are deidrabli3, atid.iwould 'respectfully 11211 your attention to, the 'meet and hest selected stock in this 61f9,-Q? i '.... ..~u~ DRT cligwcALs AND PAINTS., Ws, Varnishes and Glues, Dya-ptuft, elan and Putty; Azidat's Won and Tools, • f..±. -fit( : • p ur e . . 6;46d:epic . ce, Burning Fluid anti kobtitd; ' lArd•Sperpi andPite.iSUA,' ' )1'11.n1:11 r.• 'll : vilasvmd , La i ip Castile Step; Braiusis-and'Corks, /t; , & a., I; /tei; aai., With a Mitre, YarPtY.o 1. . fr 't'2 I . * '• PERFUMERY AND J ToILET-Alendrits, , ;,• •,. „ Selected froti therbeit.uianufacturvs 'and PerfWmArs .o Europe and this oetinkr,y., • - .•. Being very large &eaters' in . FAIRY'S, WU= =WAD rdffiNDOW fiLASS,. ARTIST'S 'AR2TB2.3 BRUSHLS IN ILL tjzzra VARIETIES, t COLORS AND.RRONZRB „ We respee:tiitlli , coOlftent tlistl can supply tbll2,,wepte till on ternelalboir eitiefee- TRETIV ;TEETHE.' :JONES , AND WHITES 4VRCELAIN , TEETH, ;. - Aer4 27 ; N r4# l 4 C T#RW:'W . • 43 - . L -:I! • HAIR RisibitArivis Of an kiwis, direet. irom,iheirroprilitgra. SAISORITIKICAND CONCiSiiltkitl4.lt. • . Wholesale Ageliti'l6rhipetaillin-,-wliaigie 'eat as low as it can be purchased In,the clues... =I THAYERL 9' ;MEDICAL PLUM EXTRACTS. COAL. OIL t . CARBQN OIL Being largo l giniclisseis in" these 01Is We. iSiti - ottCr In ducements ttrwleSobuyeis.' Coal OH lanai& of the' cabin .improvad patter*, iery cheap. . All kinds, Iltprnya changed to burnlbatill • -, , . M: FARMERS AND .GRikZIERS:,,:. Those of youLwho have Oat:gives . (=HORSE ../71) CAT TLE. POW ER.9 n trial know not their nuperloWty , and the tiorses and` Cattle haritliy and in a good bOrtiltioi: ; • V Ill:. ;. Thousands can taiga!) , ha thp i lavflk they have derivek from ' " fle °B° of °F! . • RPC I : r r i ‘ e l l o.Y9MAI dratrttrr ty and quality of ti 41 0 .53 9, •.• 1. health and aipetunika oMar:o4l(c. . - Our long ellerteeiq the busineestgiSkilu Ike ; 8:1 toga of ii,,th4l:lg .. h:,Doowl(sge of the yVrvapdoerar rangemeOtiliWthe'-eltliti-are each that trif f.: '714 short time furnish: airezteinfilg ‘ ti; . ,,Our bielneeei on the beet of terms 7 •-• Thankful for the liberal Tatronaget roar house, we hopsbustrictstWation . to b44ineasc a pirefrd selection of d. rfff:R,R Rl7 G 8 . • .at fair pricerc.rgirtAxrdiririto toc.inerita ;cob ll.uutince of flue.fayor of aple-dly 111'01010ClIs.a . ; 1 ' _ MEM WALYABLE gYEWP la" •Acen tirelFeegetabie in its comppsitim.has heenisT . - ployed withAvonderfel saclmssi for many ' years in die cure , of diseases for. the'AIRTASSAGE:EIand For any form of the disease suchas: TiOLIGH,TICKLIbtO of the !THROAT, SPEFFMG:OF•idLOOD, prFFiccok:r LBREA.TIWZG,, SOARS INS9a LMOF VOICF,and IT&Tic>"EraS, its use will tie attended th.thw bappiesriestilt oae of the best and sang medicines for all forms of BRON cmTh3 and 7.lontildillOY. No ?aside:aunt or pmera tion 9f Opisamin any shape Whuiyrt p. PRIOR - stoo 'BOTME.• • : - For sale at mer,l4l:ay.t.Ohiaisq?.ook-stoi*' i DRi lig hl_ r , ii4r , , T.LE.:Isi_:T.LIS,Ti. , 0 .--- -.-. ... DEspEarmait •Widins iii.Pcigiik 4 i.ti Harrisburg iuSdrvidinity that he tllB itinovlid , bis of from marks' toduitalatissectisiti dcier:),tolthe Patriot arid Union pig i yfbert littiCbt,p3patlftitio:lirNut- Jm7 odate all who ma s t iris Ilia FOrsesionfi swipe. 1 . r a 4 1‘ ma st is , t ,'. Y4s2: ..E1 1V ...,---,.. 4. P noAVAITA n klisialar7l7Bls KUNKEtit . attaitE:ol7:llo. A; MAE and powerful Corrective and li giterative, of Iniuderful - efllEacyln diseases of the 9 rigar4fOgi:LlTEß. sod 80W15=3. 4 . • ;.; . DyspOtosis, , Liver Complaints Headache, General La' Debility, Nervousness, Pe- ;, , *salon of SpiritS, Constipation - • Intermittent Fever Acidity of the - stomach, Naunea,_Heairtburn Disgust for - Food, Fullness or Weight in 'the Stomach, - c -Sinking or Fluttering at thell'it of the - Stchisach,.. , Swimming of the Head, Dillictdt Breathing, Yellow- Ire& bf •the of arid Eyes, Fever and Dan pallisirt 'the Head, Pain in th Side, Back, Chest, sand. Limbs, will curd every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases or the Kidneys and Diseases arisfrifirom a disordered • Stomach, td for Male ' or Female, Old• . ' •The most beneficial medicine biotin gibes better rails= faction and cures more diseases than any other prepara tion oiTerod tO the Public. Prepared solelyby S. A. MN FLHL k BRO., 118 ilarlgetstreet, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Coutiterfejui,4 d As Kunicenidltitter Fine of .iiiirsts ihrt -carer; aaC effecAind remedy in thp„known world fur„tdie Ipqins ent Cure tor liyartelitiis and Debility, and as that'll Ore ber of imitatinns o d ers(i'to tbe pnelto, wovrould °AO. OR 'Abe community to purchase none but the , genuine article, manuttetnredtby. S. - AG Kmann av'Bild., and , biniltlieir stamp on : the,inp,of tennorlbV, avery.nottle.l The very race that, others ant' atieliipttbeto" initiate 'this 'valuable remedy, prov'osits,worth and apelike Voluinetil in its favor. The Bitter Wine Of lien is tint tip in 75` cent - and $i 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable' druggist& throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the au simile of the proprietor's signature. This Irma i ncludes the most agreeable and, , efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic , Oxide 'cora bined, with the mostenergetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It augments the uppelite, raises the pulse, takes off muserdor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives allorict vigor tn ! tlie cotettenance. =ME PAINT For sale by all respectable cicslers , throughout the Cattatty. ALLL,ETNDR. ..F. ZIMMERMAN 3 Pr• • • N0.,.52 , 111arket .Street, „ DEALER—IN FINE 11 - 47 , CligS am i . . ncs , 'SitrE • SETS ' Cir ' irwr4an. " FINICVDC6.2, .'' AND Aixamps CiFJEWI&BY. Has consfsatly on hand a well seleated snd eleganily assortaistook of '' ' . ,'" ..:AIN4 . & :) , ; . • • • " /Ma MYER WARR* AIMBEICAZY' ENOLLSH .dIV7) EWIBS trAT(//b18; Both in Gold and Silver Cases. , • .. „Also, a line assortment of ' - A D.I" , E S. NV A. T (kmatantly on hand. - . : :!: 1:, A LAVII WaritXri Ck. 1: - .V.ATAEG-AI\TT 'cr.ooso, • Of all cfoicsiitions; all of which will be sold at the I ZbWEST CASH PRICES. " Jur Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of tine Watches, such as Chrthionieters, Duplex.and 'other Celebrated Watches, and. all kinds of .Jewelry , neatly, lepilred. NOne but the Most Conirieeent iroilimen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision : A. F., ZIMMERMAN,. inar2ll) No. 62 Market street, adjoining Brant's Hall. MASVIC CEMENT • , rifißri4d r bzEß,- . '• P'T:TIPSI3ITELGe, -.IS'PREZARED toll:in:fish and ' coat thWea viehor at Bundings withlate , IMMO .CHHHHT; , on a new sygeru„ This rnatertal is entirely diferent,,from other neindnti hetetorciM, - 'snd the onitrellable, l Itancritt4 4ln. coating AT. HMO Noth.pri , per proportions ,or pure 14n seed Oila forms a solid, duns bid to Brick:or Btonti-Wrillii,%nkkiiig-taiiiiMr- Epp. n ie hP r ?BCs iirr aMid ta. , 441 Bman or any lunpr um"-iyed." TraTightheralokrthomi bare-applied' applina• the mastic co. men I refer to the following gentlemen: J. issell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. • M'Coik " if tI J. H. Shoenperger •residence, Inwrenceville. •A. Hoeveler, - ... r•James APOantiless,Allegheny city Admnii, Third ntreet; Pittsburg, ..James Wood, owner:a. Charles Hotel, William Vo'hel, Girard House, Durk Moser,.mohitems Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence, Front street, Harrilipampak, Jones,. " ; - • t P l aids. address ' . F. WATSON . . • - O. Box 1430;; Pittablrig, PS.I fetdB,dem . or, :PCMIII. Hreisel2Harrisburg, Pa. ic, PHOTOGRAPH AttIIMS. • • ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT h o - e6 -p literto teili jQIIND',,in FINE 210R000,0---0041ed, gilt andrnounted with two heavy gilt Asp!. • ;7, • AL-1317M§ WITH VP auras .... ... .. .. . . . - eed - be !‘. " ...... . . • .. •• 4 together with itrrioas .... r styles . of: binding, sizes and; prices, which.will be sold cheap. Soldier,a yenta/knot_ boy a.prettier, Ortr - i fi 'mitida and cheaper album-anywhere. • • - 1.1" Call and see at SCHEFFIERII l3ookstore i marl : 2-dt( f„, - ; Earrianrge.Pa. - .. = OPLuani r • .0 ~-,..‘i • ~, .• 'PIANO FORUS, MELODEONS, ankit4. , irmulls, Flutiii, Guitars, Banjos, - N Drums, FM; aull all kinds ofitnaical ).1 . Picture Frain Lookyi Glasse% Ptiotognt Tl'' .41I1)tunicAm ' , pc Ggma, Engnniite, ncr A QS e. I tor •Itemember plaee,Via• 12 'TELIMSffeW . ___Ka Fca libido Store t - ride 6f the great catagg.l9l %:11111a2itager. A II ES t J- 150 %ioa ul e,,AW PPLET A-1"'• variety. .N, APP es sr - eve 7• • . BOYER%- antter, air Went RAJIMA. BARG - Es, just recieved at somata. SOUP= MEDICAL. BEWARE • Olt GENERAL DEPOT; Ar:A/4 CET srREEr. HAJIBIBBLIRIN PJ T. F. WATSON, HOTELS. - - THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, JIARRISBURG ) PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. THIS well known Hotel is now in a co n di_ tioa to accommodate the traveling public, log arding the most ample conveniences alike for the transient pea and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATEB HOTEL has been entlitly Feat• ted throughout, and now has accommodaUons equal ~ extent., comfort and luxury to any hotel betwee n pu m a: phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, m g ix close proximity to all the public Wilms and baldness lo calities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASH HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neith er ex. pestle, thisibriabor to ensure the comfort of the Beau . The patronage of the traveling public is Ispeotra y setu. iell-dtt STATE • CAPITAL HOTEL ) COHNIM'OIr THIRD AND WALNET MEM • • ,- 111A.RMSBITILG, PENN'A. tuederaigned having purchased this well , var. beam has enlarged and thoroughly renovated. it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered and t h e entire estalishment elegantly re-furnished. Heirg o ft santly and eligibly I. d, and provided with evcrypx, vtnience, it offers to the public all the-comforts sad ries of a Area class hotel. Trusty and obliging sermat4 always in attendance. A bar well stocked with chele liquors is attached to the establishment. de2641 ly W. G. THORPSON Proprietor. JONES HOUSE, Corner of Market street and Market Square, HARRISBURG PENNA.. CHAS. H. M_CVN, Proptietor. -no6-dtt: • - . New mut Popular Books. WIVE'S EVIDENCE, a novel, by the author of "Notice to QUiL" Parer soots. THE WIFE'S SECRET, by Mrs. Stephen.:. $1 50. INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY, byauthor of "Self Help." sl2a. AN - 141.5'WARLEIGIPS FORTUNE, a navel. 30 eta. Eqt WAR A TIM2S; . and other Poem; by Whinier. $l. CUDJO'S CAVE, the most popular book of the day. oo Et 50. LES MISERABLE'S, Victor Htigo's great boot. $l5O. -fIiggp,E.NOUGA stowing bow a very large him fly'may Ave on a very small farm. LIFE OF LINCOLN, 001/thilling all sPeeCiaM Snell mations, Ad, to date. PaptFoover. cts, Also unitdrm with-ttatatieve, - - LIFk. OF GESIEE.AL' BUOLELLAN, BUTLER, MEADE, GRAN?, NEU For salo'at ' . .BEAGNEK'S CHEAP BOOK-STORE aprl6 AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES oa POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AHD 12017r.T.1114:).NWA_IES FOR LADIES AND !GENTLEMEN, -.It.EIAGEWS Dru g and P a nay Goods Store, No. 91 Markil - si;eit.' • • The best Morocco SArt.ll E L S , And a genial variety of FANCY Goons, suitable for Pretieota, now on hand at ' BRIT ER'S Drug Store, ,_zruwlo-tf ; I • ; No. 91 Mancet. street. NEW PIEEE-MYRLPHIA. d s' T o Tr, E, nr D. W. 'Giro* NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. • : 1,000 DIEFEAENT STYLES ON FASHIONABLE CLOAg.S AND CIRCULARS, • 'Yfisit SPIUNG SHAWLS. Will open on the lst of April. PFIOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Photograph Photograph !Albums, Photograph,Albums. Photograph Alb.ums. rllllB largest and cheapest variety-of-PSG TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are constantly kept at. [maxl2) BERGRERIS CHEAP-BOOKSTORE. NEW BAKERY, Broad ftreet, between-, second and Third, MBE undersigned has opened a new BA KERY, in the Sixth ward, where he is prepared to supply lIREAD AIkaIICARES at a reasonable rate. Be warrants satisfaction to all vim will give him a call. He will sell his bread at the rate of PIPE 'CENTS PER POUND, and full weight guaranteed. • • JOHN ALOOM. jang-dtf "VISITING; WEDDING, .INVAATION V AND AT ROME CARDS. . .—By a spe!iiiil arrangement. with one of the beet engiii , ers in the country, cards of any descTiptierivrill bele:muted in the highest style of art, conformable , with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at liiwer pricei than are charged by the station ers in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prises call at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE n;tch6-dtt NOREDtaLLMON.—FINE. ,S.A.IOXED - &UMW, just received at -SHLSEMR _•kt ZKR fth 3 . (succeswra to Wl'. Pock,;ii, Sfec) T LW ,per inT . ,"' lf j 9 k:F t ' or.an in the Wado Pa nery line, v 3ion will do we e lltylioiatrwr pOOKSIVRE, Harrisburg- nol9 NORFOLK OYMIKEIS=Retir Mite, under the Jones House. York River Opiteis r afine article, under the Jones House. Also, Terrapins, Which will be served tip in line style at short notice under thelOnenHouseiliPk no 30 . . JOSEPH SLCIYELY. _ PICKLES I ( PICICLES I I—By the Barrel, Half Barrel,. Jar or Dozen, at. no2o • SHISLER &FRAZER'S, - . .(Snoceneors 'n:rWzn. & Cal FEW HUNDRED of . .the best PEAL ATREES, of valuable leadinivarieties, ever offered foraide In Hurled:kr& are now on hand at vbe Keystone NAP. . 4 [apll, • JACOB MISE- C iDEll anit purs! CIDER. jgst ,;ec l—T r v ed o a T a irela of swee t 81418 - ' BOYER & BOEHM& MICHEATRE'S excelsior hams, of this sea sows aging.. Rid received sod it for stdo by • • • summ & .1% , mvvv•v•vvv to Fat FRAZ& Le..) deal', ocar:g „WOKS, .BUCKSEIN .IeUBASES PORTEkOtIsfAntS, and a general variety of LEA 'at seceived at • : :•: :- PP/ G°lll3B ' BERGNEFO BAXMAXML SIIPRRTOR WINES AND BRANDIES ever oftereviu this market. In bottles Mitt by the gal on oretutrt SHESLtft dc•FRAZEP , , declh • 01111390W8tb Wm. DIOCIN jr, 16.061 '431 : : • ' ' rare article, just re ceived at ¶ ~.: .SHISLERATILAZER, feb4 fstaccv.isprs,to W. .1 ar, • ••. • 6141111,1 Tiees. . A FINE assortment of .•_;; Silver Maple, Norway ireille; Taller AShiAf•Ortle . 1- • ' • ' European Linden, CnialaPa, oiCueumber SIFYSTONZ • Etuilebnit . ,Vdsch -AIME . • - • VDTE ORANGFS .TARm - ONS fpr selpjltr. a: JOKN Wthra, whdletalsaldvatic air ^0 cts 2i, IL EMI