Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, May 31, 1864, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PSTSLIBIEED 3fOBNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER_. OFFICE THIRD BT., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SLIWEIPTION. TUE Da/ LY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers bi the city at 8 cents per Seek. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persen; who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. • 'fax TELEGILLYB is also published weekly, and Is 'A/stashed to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly.... Three copies to one Post 001ce Tan copies to one Post Office MEDICAL. ELIXIR DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. prepared. Prom Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth ing Injurious to the moat Delicate. gsr The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. gThis medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age u-One bottle will nure General Debility. srlf-A few doses cures Hysterics in females. .IW-One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. A fevi doses restores the organs of generation. g-From one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of youth. A. few doses restores the appetite. ,z-Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. ,or A few doses cures tee low spirited. ,One bottle restore mental power. sr A few doses bring the t rose to the cheek. gi-This medicine restores to manly vigor and robin health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. pair-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked 111111 Of business, the victim bf a nervous deprealdon, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or Trans weakness of e Tingle organ, will all And immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Eisenee of Life. - s2.per bottle, or three bottles for s6,'„„Snel forwarded by express, on receipt of meney, to , any ad those. WSold by all drufkiata everywhere. DR W. R. bIERWLI & CO., Sole Proprietor; maraaodly ' , No. 50 Liberty:street, New York. CHEROKEE FILLS. • SUGAR-POATED FEMALE REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER. CERTAIN ANE. .ar For the Renunsa of .obseructions and the Answassn of Regularity in the .12emirrenee of the NonthLy Periods. ge-They cure or obviate those numerous diseases; that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity Itself. -They cure Suppressed, Excessive said Painfill Men strnation. xfirTh.ey cure Green Siekness.(Chlorosis4' . gprlliey cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigu.e on slight exertien,Falpiustion of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, ibc. In la word,- by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, -and with WALL the effects that spring from it *Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they con sin nothing deleterious to any constitution, however elicate, tbeir function being to substitute strength [or weakness, which, when properly used, they never, fall to ggri'hey may be safely-used at any, age, .and at any perioe, EXCEPT noßma TIIE mar THREE . sloyrns, during, which the unfailing nature of their action would infallibly PREVENT pregnancy. Asv - Ali letters seeking Informatlon or advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. sirrall directions accompany each box. ilarPric,e, $1 per box, or six ;loxes for 85. • agr - Sent by mall, free of postage, on receipt of price. Sir Sold by all reepectabledruggists. DR. W. R. KERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors =aril-madly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & )IRO., 118 trinket street. • FINE LI QUO RS.. Shis - sler & Fra.z:er . j' (Successors toWra. Dock, Jr., k Co.) INEALERS IN FINE FAMILY 'GROCE .I.,I RIFS opposite the Court House, have on hinds tine selettiou of BRANDIES, -sr different vintages. :FINS AND COMMON }VINES, WHISKYS. fOLP BOURBON, MONONGUHRLA • FINEIRISH AND SCOTCH Vhiskya. The best ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CIDOINUT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. 13Unak3 JOELANIDISBUBO, CI A.RET SCOTC.Ft AND IRISH ALES. -• -LONDON BROWN STOUT.' WILD MERRY; PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS VicitliAcoinpleto stock of . JEN.CtLISII AND AMERICAN PICKLES itclitheondirtniate of every description now in the market, eustet TIER LOWEST RATES. crtsTE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes foie table oils of the best importationstor sale; wholesale and tistalL, bt SHISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., a, c.d.. in CASES ETNE IMPERIAL FRENCH XV MUSTARD, for sale by • • slnsuit &Faitzit' successors to W. Doctc, 11711 JARS 5a PP Zw Pl C C aultflo ß we S t; Mixed pickle . ; qmrptis,,,W .: olFluts and Onions. Foe sale wholesale iiid:eetail . SHISLER & 'FRAZER, .eiys successors. to W.. pcck, dr. , & Co. 4 000 7 13'S tho.u- L staid iflctienertsAltccelsior gams mire' d expiefol ' ifo'r * tu3 .. az' . d.for 'thii market, titale at SBISLER & FRAZEE, • teb2 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) eiRANGES! ORANGIS! !-20 -.boxes in 'LI Prune order. Just received whidesal e and retail SHISLER & FRAZER:, 112 • successors to V4a. Dock; jr., & Co') D IIREWSI. M.USTARD, tbo.beS imported, just received and for eale by - SIDSLiNg 'FRAZENS . ; (succensora to Wm. Dock Go. T a THE PUBLIC.—The xuadersiglied — wi4 offer tor rah, In their so, a. very large quantityet _ROSE . J3ViIIiENS, and. FLOWERPUNTS:in great 'variety:: T R - F CELEBRATED VIRGINIA DILI - 0V AIR, and Day & Martin's London Blacking, just re ceived and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, • fel (successor! to Wm. Dock, jr, & Co.) QPRAtiI OAND,LES, first quality, all sizes. SHISLER tt. RALZER4 (successom to Wm. Dock, jr., & Go.) NePISPA • • ' e • or 37- :e •.' • • 7 - . • -Si* 11.5.:s • t : S • 4*' 7. • • . : t Le '• * - A 4 1 r. , • . , .• .e.l .14..% ALI * ;_ ll, i 1;:, • prri - loca/ • ;;LiatiLlalo' $. . .f. 17 4: ')7411-d $1 50 400 .10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW_ ADVERTISEMENTS. AJOINT 11.7,SOLITTION,,pr'ciposarig bertain amendments to the Constitution., Ate it ruetrad by the. Senate and Souse of Represiottatiroes of the Commonwealth' of P.m:As:m . 4c in.Gensral - .Aletrins hip mei, That the following ameninzents propoied to. the Constitution of, the CommenWealth," in accordance with the provisions if the tenth article thereof: • • • . There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated 'as section four, as follows: • "Sscnox 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military serf vice, under a requisition from the President of the United Stales, or by the authority of this CoMinonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all 0, - 1.10E3 by the citizens, under such regulations as are, be proscribed by law, as fullS as, if ' they . were presina at their usual place of eloctiOn." Sserms 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of tba . Canstitution, to be: designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: • "Seams 8. No bill shall be mused by the Legislature, containing more than one subject; which shall be clearly expressed iikthe title, except appropriation bills." "...%icrioar 9. No bill shad be pissed by the Legislature granting any. powers, or privi A:ges, in any case, whore the grant such powers, or privileges, has bßen,, or may hereafter : bc, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." ELIXIR OFFICE OF THE SECIETAItr.OF THE Commonrumul livuuescraG,April 2 . 5, 1864. Pennsylvania, as: I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, of the original Joint Resolution of the Eeneral 'Assembly, ' entitled " A Joint ' Resolution proposing certain Amendments - to the Constitution," as. the same remains on in this office. .' 'Tssnuoirr *hereof; have hj e eunto set , iny [L. a.] Hondond caused: the seal of the written. of • Hoe tbe affixed, the day and y .above written. ELI SLIER, Secretary of the Commostvieiidtk The above resolution having been agreed,, to by a ma jority of the mai:then sf each House, at 't*b siiccesisive sessions of the',General. 'Assembly of this CoMftionvsealth, the proliesed anderidmehts will be submitted to the: - pea pie, for their:adoptibn or rejection, on the risat TossnAt or Aran; in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and slix.,y-four, in accordance with the tenth arti cle of the Constitution, and the act, entitled "An Act pre. scribing the time and manner of Submltting to the beople, for their approval and ratification or rojecticin, the pro posed amendments to the Constitution;" approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and slaty-fur. ELI SLIFER, _ ap27 Secretary of the Commontoeatia. HISTORY OF TEE PFANSYLTANIA RESERVE ELIAg•P;AIIit St. Co. respectfully announce that they have in preparation a .History of the .Penn sylvania Reserves from their organization to the expira tion of their term of service. This Xistory will contain: the names of all the Officers and Privates the Corps—their promotions, casualties and discharges—also, graphic descriptions of their camp life and their galiantnchievements in the many battles in which they have taken:part—all derived from official and authentic sources: The History. of tho rennsylvanlaiteserves will be in Gatz Vozums of 600 *Pis', octavo size, peaty printed on good paper, and substantially bound in blac cloHrciMiabllejg , a stool engraving of -the lamented Reynolda,•and one' of Governor Curtin, (who first recommended the formation of the PeanSibirtiniajteserve Corps,) and : Zold 'only by subscription. It will be ready in August nes.t. Nice -Three dollars per, copy. The Publishers feel confident that the jest pride which every Pennsylvanian Must entertain far thepravo men whose gallant achievements and patriotic- selftd_evatam it records. will secure for "Tim linivon - r" a :gelleriPs 414 appreciative reception. Et.f aS BARB k CO., Publishers, ~ No. 6 East Kjng._ street. LLNOABTES, April 26, 1884. Aonsu W.errso to canvass for the above work In every , distribt of Pennsylvania. RosponsiblerefoienceaceOuired. . myd—d&wlm JULIUS ROSENDALE, EMI BEGS to blue the inhabitants of Harris burg_LA and 'vicinity that he has. removed to No. 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronege bestdwed on me during my stay on Market Square,l hope to merit a continuance of the same et my new snd. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Is called to the • . CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which I claim the undermentioned advantages: Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the Glaises, they assist and preserve the sight,- rendering frequent change quite unnecessary. 2d That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vi sion, with an amount of ease and comfort net hlthertd en joyed by spectacle wearers. . 3d. That the material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially for optical purposes, and is Pus* Hann ash sanazorr, . and not liable to become scratched. . . ki4tb. That the frames in which they are set, whetherin gold, silver or steel, are of the finest quality -and finYsh; and oriAltermulin emirs= in every respecti' 6th. That, from their peculiar color, they prevent a perfluity of light affecting the " retina, and_ 'therefore strengthlning the optic nerve and rendering it less Halle to Arinitrosis. Constangron hand, a large assortment of AchromaPc Microscopes, Spy ilia‘vw.q, Opera, Marine and Field .Glassl es; 43tefeescopes and Views, Magic Lanterns, Mizoixistars" Thenhemetera, Magneta,'&o, &c. ' y ; Remember that Rosendelelslnstitute will be permanent at . No: 29 Noith *mad street, • five doors front the Bueh: er Rouse. ' • ap7'-daw3ai• Of 'Euery Dewription. ri 0 rk •LBS. St. , George Codfish; •foi , `l, salb at • .• FiSEELLER & FRAZER'S, feb2 °net° ..) . . _.. 1000.1,85. CODFISH; bithe ocflei• brated St. George brand , Jaw recei ved . an&ior las by febl • _. (summon Wm . ; Wm . Dock, ,lr l ; .14) TrAY 'of', the best quality. id'for sale, Call at it'CORMLCIL'S COAL OFFICE oil the Canal, Harrisburg: „ . .I.l"tf • HIDABANor, , ;: • ; T ; THE first of the season, fine large , ißrirling7 „. ton Herring; jnit_tte4te . apt) _ (rreeeggere to lyre. Dock, jr., & Ca) i • . _ RALPH L: MACLAYi;.• 'it' : • ATTORNEY-21T-LAW.—Patriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict 4ttention - paid to all legal business. Military claims collected mylo-d6m-sod • A LARGE invoice of fresh teas, newraiaiiitit, g pram' and figs at BOYER lc ECOILRFER. mg 4 2O BOXES SPERM . OANDLiES,:of; „Wry %.," imperior make, just received and for sale byt. SHISLER k FRAZER, febl (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & . VDTEVILS:-:-Fine salad oils just riacjilled at linkr 4 l BOYER TIRIED nprx. igAgkinds. , at If . , . PDX= as K. 01016. hIARREES, OR WALL TENTS, fois a k, a t, —W; W. Barr's auction rooms, nest to National Bank. 4,31#44.' r. • . . py i k,jarnaloainidelititte_ sae - YRAxE3 no= (soooesoors to W. Dock, Jr., t Co. HENRY C. JOIDTSON,. Speaker qf Houie qf Representakiies. JOHN P. PENNEY, Sixaker of pre Senate. CIRCULAR. OP TICIAN, "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREVER."—Webstgr, .TUESDAY.: EVENING ,:; NEW AzDVERTISEAENTs SECOND ARRIVAL! LATEST , STYLES! • • MRS; M. Mi ".11: ;Merkel' 'Street, IS PTNASED to aririonnee' to tile. ladies of Harrisburg and' vicinity; (*ho haie liberally patron ized her since her, arrival ih this that she has just received, direct from.the. manufsethrers and important, a SECOND --''SUPPLY of the : tnest Emig the market gottld'4.liffoid:in the line of FRENCH AND andis now prepared' to cder great Ahduce'ininits le pc!: chasers. Her stock consists in Fext of ' BONNETS, BIBBONS,• . - FLOWEJW,IEADDRESS ES, CAPSORNAMENTS,Sia SILKS, VtLyrrs, ticrs,ituasEk Hoop SKIRT'S CORSEDSz HOSIERY; HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, EOLLARS, CUFFS, BELTKNETS, FANCY . GOODS, &a Also, 'a splendid assortment SILK WRAPPINGS, • • • SILK COATS, !. ' CIRCULARS, . MANTILLAS, LACE POINTS. _ ; - : • P ARASOLS; . &C. 41s0, Tice, Scarfs, Pocket Books, Porte M0M18.109 and Purses, elegant Steel,and Jet Pins and Brooches, Belts,and Belt Buckles, and a' 11111 boa of:'Primming ',and Taney Goods, as cheap as_ the cheipeitt: ' Special care has been exercised In the solecttoii. °Atha° goods. with a view to the manta of this community ;sand titie ladies generally are invited to call mid Ciaintrio the as sortment. Thankful for the liberal patronage lieretoPorairecehred, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place 13 atarket street, MRS. M. MAYER. GREAT. BARGAINS IN, „JEWELRY I Q 3.S Y. 2 ,•45r”, 6 6 42 AND . 44 HARRAH S R, rT,NEW YORE. (Adjoinidg't Met 001'080 06er for sale the following magnificent list of WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY; &C., VALUED. AT $300,000.- ARTICLE ONS DOLLAR„ AND AND NOT. TO BE PAID FOR ITIVTIL'YOUII4TOR , ” TrllAt YOU ARE VD 082. 11 Gold and Silver Watches.:.fild 60 to $lOO 00 each Ladies' GeldWatches,-;... 35 00 each Ladies' & Gents' Silver, do- 15 00 each Ladies' Gold Pencils . " 400 to ' 6 00' each gold-band 80ice1ete,..... , 3 00:to 10 00 each Lockets, Chains . and Rings 2.50, to' .600 each Cameo, Moiaiii `and Jet 8r00che5,.............0 0 to 6 %leach 6,000 Coral and Florentine Ear 'drops . 400 M 8 . 03 each .10,000 Gents' Breast - Pins: .. 260 to 800 each 15,000 Sleeves Buttons , , ind ' Hosorn Studs 250 to , 00, each .' 10,000 "Sets Ladies' Jewelry 5 00to, 'lO okra& , 6.000 Lava and Florentine Sot* .: OM to 600 each 13,000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted Holders '4'oo to 6' 00 each 5,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex tension Cases and Pen- . • 4 Nrio ":;B 'oo each -The - articles he this stock msemost fashionable stiles. Zerti9eatte.4l4ll toe va rious articles are put Msealed_ouvelepes anthAnMed,; thus ,giving all a fair, chance„ and,sent,by,nmll,-for 25 cents ..esolf; and, on th't±robeipt ortbk 'Wit/0104es it is at your option to send-d' DembeitraT,OGhillie airticlenamed in it or; not.rive 'certificates for ft; eleven for $2; thirty .for-AO ; sixty for. $10; one hundred-tor 415. money to be eriaosed_ . , 'correeptnidence - promptly answered: - - ' , Aswan WANTED •In ;weary ' twit , alidAviiineut Send or a circular. Addressm••• .-,Tr;fi'ORRYTTLBs , C 0.,. • _ and 44 Nassau street; Now: 'York: : mitl2s,dwris3insw '" gACH 500 6,000 6,000 10,000 6 000 CLOAKS, . CIItCULAItS 311FANTIIALIA.S9 IN D. W.`GR,OSS'. NEW , SIIILDINO,! - MARKET STR.EET 7 A New Philadelpida Cloak Store: gave now a splen.lid assortment of • , - • SPRINT SUMMER 'MANTELS, PREECE( CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH. HADES, AND 'NF,W FRE,NCHLOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in eve# ; oolor and hand somely trimmed, from $T 50 to $lB, - 1000 SfLH KANT ELS, CIRCULARS; HADES 'AND RASES, — nandsomity and richlitrtinined, from 110 CHILDRENL9 •MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. niV25 29 ' J..Pi : MLEEWS Dental lei: p sur a, tions GIidNIILLR.DESTEFRIEE I : • elegao .preparation conshiiie the m'odt de arable Cleansing 'and hitlingenr They render the Gums hard andAealthy ; nthtraliaci the acid secretions of the mouth, itheteby removing the prime cause of decay.) By their detersive propertiail.they preserve the natural color of thor•Teeth, without' in the least degree injuring. the exontel while they impart to the breath a fragrance peculiar* . afoinatic and pleasant.— Tn they are THE DESTIHPIELES laj se, for ',the pur peses named, as *fair trial fully demonstrateitand as has been abundantly . proved. by their ; xtensive this community during the reit-14pm ; and which -will be readily testified to ; by n3Slay who the , * Itekeszy urged the Proprietor to 'still further extend their sal d usefulness. They are watys.pted ;to be free from those destructive acids which so Aeqnently contaminate mom of the preparations Off Hie present - day'. ;.Piepared and sold' at the Dental.Roon!s of the proprietor, corner,. of .Second and:Walnut; atfeets: • - 1 JOHN-P. REELER, ' ; •• • ; _.;, - . Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by the principal Erni:gists of the city. apdl,dtf ' Private Sale. rrilundersigned offers for sale twenty-two l a half iscres of hind within a half mile of the Northern boundary of the city of Harrisburg, treating on Susquehanna river am extending back - along Reel's IMO. There am Cir thb prernitent a good' houtintuut tern, eve to six„hundred pcach,,pear, cherry and apple treesZt ing, and a choice variety of L enilintolts. Terms' Slit , Myl9-10'd ' .I', H. HERR . PL.ANTSI ' .PLANTST! TOBACCO PLANTS, ', • - TOMATO PLANTS, :•• CABBAGEPLANtS, can be liaditt;4o. • KEYSTONE NURSERY. my 20414:,.., STARAAED.L .---A ,fide •41ANNE Il_ _PEACHES and SUPERIOR PINEAPPLES, pRESHPEAS,4.c„-, lust xo.eslyea - hijr . l4-dir • --•': JOHN-WISE, 8d sertet,'-nAir . nut VERY FINE, INR.E.E.DI roini",fine,and. extensive- stookAft °to _ , graph-Albamg_Lon_d Plaptogrlg& .Glrital iusitehddedeßEMLTlPlLL ' ion of Aani,pintmes., Thownont by seeßsnd. ee, l 4 mired ' _.41-Photogrikiers'sepplind ht An Vol* (west *hole sale price, anetheir oa printed upon, thenitoill 25 per thousand,wholesal4unketail: at • , may 24 4 SCARFFEIt'S BOOS STORK .1{430 Ja.AX AYnk beat 'quality- isl,offeredlor sale. 1_ t•cis ut WCXIR3iICRII3'COMIOFFIGII on the Canal Harristurg. I .fip&Per .. .. .alitable-Prollkert.y.for • A New. Two ,Stov F - BAE Ro.l39E;;*.#k II 'tree rite Stiirei'ROoin `teriii‘ed4fetiT. Finh tweet. ee4 4 SVarberrz.alleTii,A,lse,,theTrisme:NO4o A - Soinink. 4 ferNier pikigo ere en at 1 , 030.!‘ . 51 "' Storey, rkeke!reety or Ora 43 pretties'. 1 91 • DANIEL rid u lft t ieriaii a _pod kW - 1W • JLI an at 11=128 , 0 Bootion, liaraking. r 41 4. .A.av ERT THE: :IGHEAT,ud, t. :o LAPIPNN 4 0 'l , ;111, t,.iQi "1 1 - IF 14 : 13 0 114,,n''s" GENUINE Pitil , All4 l 63.l4§, E *l2:' : HEL4 I :4 O LP 4,ITPAar"...PRPArgi FikatteALD l trrßAVr' SARaAPAkISFA , Ay o. ; Int; ~` t•: fon H lo .1 2 404)%q ,:141:31 tiat'pt7P. I GENUINE ifitEPARATIONS,: H I G Y---G•O4443EvN T T ED wang FLUID,-ENFRACTT.BVVAIIi r q 1.6; .:1' A POSITIVE A.ND ( SPECIFIC BEMEDY 444. von witAsumpiqinz 93 :),tr,l4. • BI4ADDER, • KIDNEYS. GRA.VEL • Jaip DROPSIOAL - SWELLINGS. • THIS Medicine irkdresisesltheqp.ovreck; of pit gestioii•andexciteitha ABSOREtENTSAintajteali4 action; by'which the ,WATERT n or.„O - AI.4ERINJS, cießbst tions, and all IiNNATIVRAL - Exr...s.V.dtMERIS are - Ka. dn'exid, as wall as pain andlntlinlidatiiiin, , and Is good I4OT MEN, WOMENIor CIELLDRENO 1:t ,21;!". NEDEBOTID P S : EIjAACT.:•BUCIEU .• FOR WEAIINFSSFS Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early r por discretion or Abuse, • . . A. - PTA.. DiD -*ITH srsptapig.. Indisposition to Exertion, DisMersof,the.Skin-,-; - ~_ Loss of Memory, Lose of Power . ~,...,:, Weak Nerves.. _.-.0...........2 1 1a0A9. 9 f....P kade11 1 E, Horror of Disease, - .trembling, Dimness of_Yisle.ei • .'t f g ik E PV W- 0 ~ Universal Lassitude of town iin t e ark, Htiecrilar'System, , .. -1 .....; I Flushing of the Body, Hot Hand . 5,... , Eruptionspthp Face , ; • -,' - , -- ' Pallid oliritetßasei,:::‘ ,. ~ , •.. i, ~,,,. i . .. , : , ;(. 1 ':. •'i .: i . c . .,' 9 1.,L1 .• These symptoms, it allowed to go on o whioh ideal' doe invariably' removes, Soon follow!, : . : ••••ff••• • ' !: : •• ; 11111FOTENOT4. .F. 'alEVEItt , In one of Ad:Lich Pro, pntient. pay „nem._ Who: .ank t my that they not frryfeikly, , '.by,, 31:08 0 "41,Tful 41seasea, , INSANITY AND coNquiirpoti. , Many'• aro aWai s e: rthe. , oil titiiiltritikkliiwt liono will confess:: iThOtectords ofEtho iusexto)uryittiog Mut melaucholY , 4W:4) 3 Y 9).ns:93l4 4 °n.tillsfsni:P ,t r ups to the truth nt tlmas.artion, ~ L J. .THE cNsTrturfloN, NO Ef TM? -WlTH!OiedWd — WkirTg*:'"' * VP.I f.::.11 :Ai E " istr gth hiirl Retiulrea tti. 'aid of medicin, to en on an • gorate ,the system,: :Which Reltabold'atti 'tlittet Bodin ; invariably does. A trial will convince the most akepticak„ , t k - r,vs, FEMALES)--, Epr „ v.) : 4 • OL OR .YOUNO;*tr.4,:irkiliilEO, OR coNTEm PLATIiie -In many affeC i tionikPopOOP Pm* !Ile: gliraC 4 €4qt chula nnequalledtiy an ketmme'di,. as Ctiliirdms z qr RetehtitiN Iriegnlarity;nesit, 6141101 customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schlrrousstatetbe the ! Uterus, 1 0,1 994 . .h9X of ,•Itlts4l§ , Pict )14r , 9 plaints incident tq tha se4,,,vvhsslter g.fttimiiiiteg tion,'llabits of piairptktietiov. in the • . DECLINE oiza.No.s4W;lKtrfit l, . . NO FAMILY SHOULD . BE , 'WTI-ROUT , IT. • - • • . • Take no Balinun,EMnono4 or Unpleasant afixliatnn.loi Unplei!gantlaP4.PNßiolui,DP9,l3,x. re: io2 o AF 'l4 - RoLD's AlinAci 4 ,l3 . o4l, t, . .. . Ones Secret, Diseases Mall their stages; atlittlp ezitenr . little or nochange. his diet; no, inecirivenleice and'ho nape sure. It causes frequent desire, end gives, Urinate, thereby, remevlag ebtarneitione, Plaventitts „nod curing S.trictures of the Urelmt,,allaying pain and, Marini matittn, so friquent in ,this clSSOif diseases, end exPeiling Tolsonouit,= Dirteased; lend' Vorhotit =Wafter: n'houkands upon thbusandsrwho.hays been the victiind of asks , t find who have paid heavy lope cured inashort„timl f , _ve found they Were,defie , and that the "XVlreli n ,,, - . has, by the use of epowerfc. t rigents;” been' dried' itp - in 'the system; to breekiout in an aggravated ferekiddr i Perbat'a after trodvlaget , ~ ~ ,••'- , L__ ill -Id .f • `. : Use BETAROLIO'fi EXTRAPPIeor ell Affections and DiseaSea petlia Dlioad'Ote. ether etiatipt in Male or 'Female, friMitiliate4er c a refiatlng, hod no matterof how long standing. .-Diseermar-or these Organs require the, aid of a Dittetice ~/IFT MIIOLD'S EXTRAC T BUCB.O is the Great Diuretic, and it is certain to have the desiias ntlebt iii all Diseases for which it 113 recomt Blood.-,- - ,Bloodßlood. Melndopld'a.lDEllly Conce.ntra tedaCaihnbfold-FLUID EXTR.-teratBAYARILLASYPEO LIS., This:is en affection fof the Blood, and attacks the Sexual'Oliiins,.Linbigs of the Nose Ears, „ Thros.t,Hind. pipe and Safer MuMas Surfabbsttrialting Ilk atipmzence in 'the form of Ulcera;.DellatAithlit 3 atrarkSdreal wri h a •B a : rifles pie Blood., , and, remove/ all BattlY:'Er'APttrata ',et the Skin, giving to the UomPfexiona Clear and Healthy cOlor. It being prepared:expressly-Mr thitialent of compleants . Its Bioxi-PurifyingPropertieware.Preserved tmaltriatei exte* Olen iitaT.latter re.Paratleag Pttlialtarda: Nil t , - -1 , ~ . ...-: - ,1-i 'i •`• • ... 7 .7.: .HELIESOLD'S , ROSIZ WASH... dr t An excellent Lotion for dint:astir of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an isjettierrin a hf - thi Urinary Organs, arising from habitwef 10881.014011/1180(14II1301618Cti011 with the Extracts Buchu and Santaparille, in inichtdiseenea as recommended. „Evidence' of the =test responsible and re liable character.Wilf accompany,themobeines. CERTIFI CATES,OFXIDSW,frquiekIh_t lo,tivopylyeara_standing, with manes . known tA t ßotence end ante( For. Medical ProPertfet of IntelM ;see Disperwary- Me United States. See•Profester DEWlEE'lliiiadibie *arks on the PiiAtiM of Physic: See remarks Masis.tbyi the. bite.. oiler:Medi:lr. PILYSICK, Philadelphia: .Sce 'remarks ,roti4q a tr. SPIT-RAM( McDOWELI, a celibrated Physician mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, and publish" Mike. Transactions of the.E.inesvmd - Queen's JournaL See Medico-Chirurgicalßeview,published by BEMJ. TB A N7,IIS, , FelleW of the Royal College if Surgeons' Tlie•Moat of, the lam standard works on,Medlcine. Extract of Buchu, $1 00 per bottle, or , six bottics for $5 00. Extract of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 'per bottle,' or els for $5 00. Im- Owed Bose Wash,so:cetiti per bottle, or six for $2 Z.0, - Az' half a.dozen each fer ,$l2 00, 'which will be ringicterit , to cure the'most'astitude'ckyor, ff directions ire adherent. to. -Delivered to any 'adzes% securely • necked , frail'ob servation.. Describe symptoms .ii.tall. conununieationa , Cure! galtranteed- . 44Tiailk ilfldtik i .! „ -a, • , Pereonany smian - 4 tleibie... ii.41,2i: "t, ethe city of Philadelphia, R. T. Helmbold, wlibi•befog itililf astern, doth Jan his ,preparatious contain no narcotic, no mer cury, or other inn/rims dings; endlire purely vegetable. . .1 , ill It i , f _ A ir,:.• f• P - , T. - anligOLD. ' • S w orn tonflnittei, Mop? me, la 23d,=,cCay Of No-' 'teldeoili,lB s4 : . VIC.. . -MIBBABIr,`• .= ea' ,I .llll.sniiin;Mixei Ischia oh:- Eac4wAhlla. .f. •Adidram„lekters far inlbrtaatioishapeamepos i ~,,bi. , ,, ... . MAI r ttlgt.7. . Sinitiglah lu dredkU l etnelitailM e i l. Odle lIIV2B/7. -:, PIKE 411VOI.VENT . Si I f , • tr 4 l. r_‘4' * - REPORTh'OP BVROET:I/EI4BIAL' KINt, fit° 111 0: uatirly pelluayliault ,Bjekr Inds!. WAttndeb Soldim ' lo• u:Et 717 _ 1 The Figspita4 Pf l'oionl j acp " tat , e‘i ,t.rz I , art >lll7 ':^l9lq4.A.C.onditioAnwPnd ttite4di Moslngtm . 1 1,,t1-Itr - I i'124 1 .6 1 t - r '' .6rElpQ l 7.klt7 7l2B TEXSZkIL* IrogpiiAti 4:,,,sAidasaww,mayit277.4B . 64,ryi Hiii,,F4oolfitim.rA.age kinFo.,!Gfcrt9wkeß WOO ientisylvaniaiwii.„„ .!; i l r. ar,:r Ji -I• U 01 ly Sm—lik r coica" e ' l. Nnill. yo e request, ' .1. repoiltriefit' :iv rleNif i the/ nnsylvania Volultiitii" 'c OH. nef'iSuit o r ika- if' Bele Platie, all %tiiii -; 'Stubs .the4e6L•nt , Oera t .tibrl ' iliii . 'o4s o ift fitStklrifie. lllo X 01 iifi r ' 010:iqhi , Pieni - f the 4 ,Oitllfir liblko7 , Bll l tliel,flilloWniee fife ffbiai l like fiiiff'W geblikafineral.Or VOilfted 7 Sta ' t WighlE tile d % i x .0 .: , .-KIHIIIII to biulostia 211C2f1.10 "Send me ten dargeoilictigiOlit#6 l4 vide, equipped for (101 ten - " n° V)" 91 , 1 " . L" 1../T.). •.l ; ...117:.",: Ijr . r.-2 I,7o . ,s!c?iii -, i.) ci /,‘ ,1 ~ . 1.) : 4 i .. ' - 414 Sialta,Apit a 'llininecliatelyt elegra d't 'in 4 ~ i ~ .2' h tii‘colps - as follows, t 'irif 111. 13, V <Muff G. lit'ltiVitk 'itlaft ILoffß, 3 4 o, "0 linie,Telai - B.'gfititlei', qflz,litabettfLnlio ~ , ld'ltaiiiiiiLlWa.shlition '-' .- `'..'re'ritiirtris.A l , I. Blooinaburg7. V 17 :1P - .It i gfidady' req“'Cliekliei Co. H:Ll'ill;Litiii, l of Allegair , n,4indittlfka llifxlge andllenifrPhildS l leir-Thildao4l4l; who reported' with " r' flifff Withil twenty four` ii64'l4' f 1 'itifijeilfr of theta were in Washineeoii. 'iSld'Aliding they orders • to proceed to de fielTiorlettice,'atid the 'rernaindei were' rb.dP,1.14. Mei, 'f6l.l6ivind , moriiing* -,' . " ' On your suggestion, that,a bate mimbev than were called foirfromqWVCaruntqf cbfpi. Of Siiigeon -of 'Wch dtetil-gglit'bppeceakfir bini"ebt„the ereeigoneY,l.idslo telegfapiledto othe'r's of the' CorpY,' and ieqfdatediliedi tri ii pOit'teine at the - State"Ageß6rinkVashing toir 'for co4iiltatilOn'aild . .foi 44 1 13iiiiSlikeof rendering 'mere fi r infifAitly such aid Wibight be . ..Within` our pinvet.' • - . •-' '• `" ").' , L , -- Bl'Ofeibbi f la. HI Sblitle,',l6te'sifrgqiiii . Aifiii;- eral r lit"! 4 .feAolvanc4 lila , vs - . ,iltietili. Be*, land,' of `Media , 2:llwCiieft_illiie eit4d.C;Ag granter, of itefaidi r4 s ele/ 4 •l t r i Valley:: D. 'll. - Itfinkin; of 'Piet - is .. ' - 'q. Piiiker', Orenionfoisti; J. 1f2." ' . - li, bf -D kle'- g r h4ny 6ouliti:4ll.inxtaiq. i . r e ...;d 6 ll6:litii* i anditit Bee& Of . - VirfillimAlc j i•e.sffteded'to I thia 'cidllt i nd l inet i ine" . lsi ) Iftla. 316 , t1).„ hu i'. ifie I I.oth;Ltvitbin ilifity:tif IfErdi./ iirte keni :.`g ray ...d(./ e 10 .L. o rdelis. . ''s l'Weelia l vi It • .4uatwa tfP. riienlia 1 viii others, wit: 'itlulittatiiirWirtelf ( o ileati wi4iP,giagix tq th , 9•ftMg'fil i gltalie . hliii& berore' „sapertenked At tb r o serky l if t i Wieiigi ' ' APtallettliar.W..A.eng i - i General Barnes would be acceAed ; stilt It of thisGaMitaditil 3 Whthbei 7 liaviiVtifiki ed to -hl i n4helr.c-teltabiewto•ficictoiNtelliteftlifie, preMptlNikecePtefil tamifrEgtl474tuki titritioiati.d f them Alrf n,enn ii .tr - r silhatp i. MJ; ,stalited earry on e y 1,4 II 3 -7 1,11 i t Belle Plain indligfaltiig' . t ole.4` l -Medical Insile - otcfruin , :olitergep)rs:a Igo, I MAWMillEituktgiciVegkeeetggPM 9 tku.tsfiintikit i , place, as the wounded had accumuWeg i .Wagypi . in greet Amber 7 Alt pi.x. RoivErid, "Van, iciT. • 4 11 - 9 ... a t i .. • • . iNtS..l 6 T' t Kt early as &fii41 3 ,1 4 ; t , r 2 9. V . - 0 .N4 151 q.$ ...! Ph.f ti c'S l iq Tek.W.44 -4 : . t'ir MIP i l„ yoi, 4_,0T,-1 e.*--.EITArL 9 1 0. fiFfIM A i i / M" ) :V.D,:I gaea: lo, P°P 4 wlt , Yr u iß r a.Lirwa .M.gqagsvi I . the #9 l l:in a Y. 4 "-. ) 9 1. ..;,? 8 . Pule."ide H....•Po r seP 6 fl fll . o' :ViWqksriciiligg .. , l 4,.. occasions p a tp s >e a Nlttli t n ita r rt r 4i6:F ,5 1 1TigeRLIKAY:t 1 4,PER l las , . 4 0 9 1 aa"•iAteli e l*Ag le P431 431 \Ci1 , : r*l - PE4I 40 11 e4 4RT1*3 11 46 90)4. Tr iNO gaB l5 Pc'MSB that place. -Pa , ,e, 11e .„ Vtit , ,,, .i. , fftlelv, s i FeAsilx.soyei.,- - f•Fen - tat rilmr9o4 itlfixiyiptpairmen,t9.lPzirFlFi'lhiP:. OPTI 6, 1"-P4.P ° •••.'•l:c: ; - - 1 , 'r L-:1 ) t = . ..;,'vo - *t4 - .00iLte ., 4113**)091ji167.?14 unto 419P4 9 Pra49.4T111, r y ,Iri,F., , J, , tl'e.*t e *" :/*PP T6 S9/411e AT ,/jckPPPr6i• 1 4 . 4iYOar,_P le Al#4 gcn--a541 (3 44,Pr4 -a/4 ;:44. 1 174 irli t ti t .it.s / Pfs2 9 4 :S tn A I ,the alisp4lAio ! . e`,Cbrigtgp..i mfmission, ivlio,se*.labor9f,- lOie .'ierfainipd. A o,yer;,two linndre",,deveted and 11.9A74. , - delpgates W 2.1 V o4sre g aide4 'of'7 l ) 4 'l s PTP.9 l o -,l * is • ‘. i l;Conuot 4iFflitk# , . ten 4 o4El:Ong. my itl;lrec: l l 4 lA l l':gfa tY effo i r ,i v toi ..04c, 9r' Vi d *9ll.ll44fi.i.tit 4. he a " ittfeg i iv , a 44 ' 3 4. 6l a34 l. Y .tl k o mP le eM s P . ~i7O -Is *e i Aid 9,TPA.'O9-- re k a N i # 4 4/.54 . 02TMAti.. over hp,.t.ina4.fOr. l .*:l4i4....ojiNpril , ,c 59-i, • h'sOrTe. - ty,ikgiooo, ihis.wl4 . ..,Bo 3 ,Roo.tiqa 1 t,y, medi.00:44.t0r:P#445.59 I ff, ,g d t ) ; :, : il lusioccto Modic a vrt ° tvir7 q l e a .„,,W# o m i'' f m _ " i l.ri e r i niticio. a n cell mil; alAOid lic - -.:.t....,g 11 i!ri ~.tU 4 , , i 1 La 1 ' , f 4 1 :4 4 6 7F e iff t 0Tget 11. 1 ,t Di clib „ Il i : 51911i , cuii i I . 1(:,„, p., cal pf.A, 01.,,,, 31 service who wete l Piptenc, w 41:)- eAc.Ation i of .i the . 3 . l ediclalYo49Vi ti n tit:NRIK'b74KI i 33- 1 1 pp#lnerta..A, ~,ec irp, 4 r pi ttr,getno, and' , rkeglea r .f • 4 t - le T.l, , )Y s R1 )-. ; . '4,...4 .. g Net , to the g' !aeue 'q . .1_ pA,,, , . qg top: , The detail of 11eaic41405.C.41 . ; a.,:enca,rt9 'it ti . INY*ii 4 "aC F/ O le tteOPP r gr:gii - MM ga ' , i )'o l __it ' ed: b ..7 th § fa9,, , Lil*i li Ci.f le i t eß , ° O a ions of the army, N.incit' : NpAsk l yt,Egtie f fia.- r gaged. in heayy,.,s ' "elurig,,l.Led*.L.E t 4 1 P,9t#' e .c 4 most ` O th e "90 " " 18 0 31 ' e- Cffii r ' . RV - It r4Pia. ;Ain ilfidihfc..z!.4o lo 47,r 4 y n.' e•-. 1 'lc 1•1rg....”:71 , 11 -.46 3 - . . ~ ,vms. „life , p to, the ; - 9 ,1. sitTl?,,,ipp . , ithajo, , ,x n9t at an ". cilie., Ft s e ?gkt":•T c Pi sa ciOnfided 1M 5 4./mi,N wil e Fi, 14 }5R , ~ • I many' were dally' ffiwßlT.d u p:? fi IT,A4 1 ..gto and to care.. for,sficl: v i - gt,, , ,MgCTlOter was a' work f . aijWgieet'f - Kittif.irgeons who could be f_p it i . ed Trom i fhiirmy, and the deficiency: couUoilly 4 - A4J:relied by, ,eiviliaps,, r -,, 1 The difficulties in giiing prOper i CareAO thia - vroanded, - ;Weie greatlr Mereased by ? the beittil l cilleeted at a new' base; -'Wh'6l - .3 rvery. prePatitionl had to be. Made for•their T.ecep-, t_ tion: ; . .1.. , ....;-•‘ - . -. .., i 'dl 'il, -,:ra • 7 , , .4.lany of .the Burgeons arriviog at . ttt RR of duty, even in advance of ' the need. 0. sii c Via, Were 'Obliged i t6 tither rtritlienieitifd - f Mlle wheriivdr theroduldibe:foundi failtdrer aPemaancl . facter.iffs'44 o '.. l29 : 9leal Ai Pf e.Ar r . rubbi,sh, _arta preett, 118' w re inc.4l tiblL ' 'of Patients, as w ell 4e 'the private dwelling:l' gat ' vbeealled_ .for the -purpose,l l, The atteritioivasflUMogtut,-; geons3: both , AANlliails‘andinilitarAf litameed- -1 steady requiredsdif ctheseestensivtuffeparga tions, and to-whew well the-duty was pel•- , forroed, , it islarelyiffecessarTy to statuitimalhou., SKLO,Pf t_hq.F.PTlTl4l4lll'49.J.Telf•acifirtt t ,4,4".- d i le,d:togethezig i eNery f part, of tie townp r wir Out - blanlietr3;''btirdA or - .ll.iising oi -- e '4 12- siiitabliiqtibd,"'orTani detAmn66l36lll.2rfeli B pliances .fctriitheir.)seliffonsdreobigked 4 tarnished with comparatively eorafortab a "L.J.1••% 1r..,e„ ft cti77 16C;1TV:',..:17 L(t)i,!re _SIAS JTIAM PIIIIITIVi OfFlCifti , , , 1 - 4,bvionstitt DAILY TitigEON i• - •:•. fonctipirafe , , Sat ip.ur - for a_givervaint fri ilcut . t) , fandle ha vfsg advertiebsg - to dditirl kit t 4?:m. ' ye ' n tebr referenCe. 03 - Four lines or less constitute eine-half square. Eight - . lines amore than frilliiiiiilltlite a square.. 108. A HALF scineits: & td.. , '.., 0 .708. OFF KVA= One day $ 30. _tins clay ..$ CO oftays 50 Twe duo- -...... .. .1, et o de)h..... ....... i d Three dayg.'...t.....;. 1 1- 9 5" 91Essweek 196 Ontsweek,.....l - : - .7.;; -- its ,-- p .ee 43 month, 300 On - emoiith r „ ........ 6 - yr );a 0,4,3,.. 4 50, Iva iii41.118,4:.:....: 1160. . . . . . months 5 50 Three months. 11 00 ix months '8 80 Slit Months 15 0 n d :leaf 4 .. - f 16 0 ! ) 1 C M P Fr"' Oft - Y..14i; Ire. nistrat en Notioes iiislhige. NOti¢43l3 - • -76 Editor's Notices.... -.-..... .. .: . .z......if...u. al 10 eral isloticeseach insertion 50 jra-Busimps notices the Local, .C,aheett, Or .fore Marriages and Deaths, Dame Qom ram Lisa for , Ilarters,. food andcloth, and much. of lig.equired. medical aid. - It is tine fiat the - relterafrofdeewa.s . not :11" cases what Wonld•Ve.' •fleeitexl;:a.s nif*in -timeeEi of suffering, anatell alliseornfort 4 re ed. 'Yet, I belieye all wasAlsakOhat cm:ad o . e ~ affected undei the circtnatinCe.e, and in th&tl knon - of' did'an' oldreaniring , f r Aief fail to'receive some attention.. sf.l "have the honor to•be, • L , , . Very respectfully, , tour obedient servant, " - - KING; -;.- Surgeon General Pentid, ' iterentop4. ri47ltith Congess? 7 -First: Session. .JECO . I3SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WAsrmrcerosAlay 30 !On motion of _llx. Pendleton, :the select 413mitAtce.J4nt.P: 11) iPe t t of2OrclV.l7 mem bin Oft.tha. Cabinet to seaks t on .enor the House, was continued during the-:}present cl4igx.(lB4”. . - ; Qn motion of (Pdask.,`),tlie,COm iiiitten`bri.jthe Di? trie Colimilna - werelre- 1 ,de, d'to'lnq'nire into the Conditiont thy Witshington. National •11,ounmentzi.„Socie4..; tink.,asnounts collected and, p l ums, expended . and 11W:eta:he Hanle reamed the coniideration of the . Milli - Win resolution, heretofore Atlrv, Rollins,. of Missouri: . ,1?esolval, That prompted. by a just, patriot ism, we are in favor of an earnest and sticcess: ff prosecution of the war, and that we Will gibe ti•warm and hearty 'support to all those nib Mares which 'will - J be, most . effective, in se r pelily overcoming the rebellion and in se curing a restoration of ,Peade,* and which may •fibe 'substantially infringe the. Constitution and tend tcisubvert the true theory and char acter of the Government; and we hereby reiverate that tliepresent deplorable civil war lEnzift been forced upon the, country by disunion jats, ,now in revolt against the Constitutional GOv'erranent, that in the progress 'of the ' 'War 'Congress banishing, all feelings of mere .passion or , resentment, will recollect only its .duty to:, whole country. , This war. is not waged on our •Rart.' in any spirit .6 - 1 - Oppression, nor for any 'purpose of con citffst' or subjugation,' nor purpose of bverth.rowm' g or inteafering.4gith the rights pg established.„iestit*ions of those Stat es, brit to defend and )neiiitain the sup,reniacy of t,he'Constitution ;'to preserve the Union with all the dignity, equality ;awl-Tights_ of the several States unirapaireo,) soad as. these objects, are, accomplisherl „the war op~ht to cease., '''ThelPirate Floridni trN)• u NE,W Yottir.,:fday.3otua WaJezixn by way of.Savana.tbghtlm_pipl. te A tOde4 at 6 1 . 1 trartin. i q u, - , 9 1 0 '1'1. 5th- 9 f leray, „with the Crew o f park siaPpohep *be Ditilettki#lty: of andiforThittsdelphig; stiiiiieh shei hid captured -and Burned !- - : ,, L PrOnne7Eur4pia: ,i::.,10;_,:.:-..',.i; NEW Yowl, May 30.- 2 11*V-tfetuner Radii from Liverpool on tins - 47th, - and Queenstown news is dintiotoated : • :.;: enteuced, to Sing : ldawoa, May a. Si Koliustamm> - the pert:jet:tab:it" of frau! , en th`eYoElidrthilent,'-itas beemeateti±iod-445-Shift :Sift,g'PrLsomfor tati,years. ) • ;. 1-• e :., , : Mairkets I P_T 1 :0C 1 ; . F:4• 1 ' ', . . __ , • 1 - r , ~, , -, - gpOLADE.LREECA, May 30. 'Trade dull; smalrsi4s - eloitergeed. at $6 2014 50 50. Timothy at $3, and flaxseed at sl4oo® 1 42. N0..1 bark is firm at4l. Flotrrniarket firm;, not much doing; salgs ,1,500 barrels- at $7,50 •for er.tra, ,and,S7 75®,5, - 5 0. ,Small, sales of flour at $7.. Cornnaeal scarce ViYeit Lam; sales red at $1 80a1 - 85; and wiiite at :$1..90@2 05: - Stria sales rye at $1 52: Corn 4 active request, and 10,000 bpshels„seld, at $l l ; 45 for yellow and, $1 41 for wliite. 1,000 toshels oats sold at 85c.' to Cliangelfi barley ''6l- malt. Pro - visions held firitHtlyVAtil'ed-indits . - pork'at $3O 50@31: Hams in silt ffickletat 16®170, and shoulders at 124 - J,e,trulengt held firmly; sales crude, at 37ic. refined in b?md, at 60®62d,,Specitd 66 . @ 67d. ' - Nliehange ni l&dtee, , sugar 'or Molasses. -Whisky Ltimiet tled; holders ask , $1 40. -EL; ~ i ! . •'::i. ! .. NEW attsMArityiao., , ..1 1 PiOUT advanced s®loc;..sales 12,000. barrels 4. $1,26,®7 70 for State, $7 90/8 001 Or Ohio, * *OA $7 80®11 tor *Southern. Wheat ' hria ; - 1 21lles 40,000 buss. ait an advance of lc; !Chicago .:spring $1 60®1166; Idilwaultie, elnb,s*,6l.@, . 1 60. . Corn, advanced le; sales unimportant; be steady. Pork firm at $30T,0030,87., laid firm at 141®15c Whisky firni; sl'3l offered arid , sl l 3s (laced -for western PetrOleinn,firtit ;receipts 1,835 bbls'. - , , sales at 10c.- Receipts .ilonr2o,ooo bbls.; wheat 59,p00.1),...ik,c15, Coin 39 4 000 bushels Barrndoies,'Aftiy oFloni quiet; Ohio extra $8 25. Wheat firm e.nd.,advaneing; .li,entucky •$2(12 10. ,Corn active;, sales 20,000 bushels at 5138 - for White and' $1 42 for yellow. - yirbilky,9.itil at $l. 1 1"32 for Ohio. - • '' • . APhiladelphia ‘• n , PEELLDELI'IIu,-3 42 5,P0-ti . Demand for beef cß.ttle. good, Rri.ets,Nvell -,nTaintained; 12,000 head r arrived and",sard - Ut Item 15 to 19c per lb: fdi Cbiiniiiieifia . per quality. Sheep-are'inctemanditity prices -.have declined 2C pen 0004 1 .110841.:ani'red Land sold at from 4.®4C..-for.o4PPd, and 9i 1010 per lb:, Niobl Steep, as 'to 'quality. Cove, abbut - 175 J hbadiSold at from .$25 to $7O per head las , to quality. Hcigs are without change; ahput s 2., d 11:114 /4 from $ll $l3 i.lie r - tqiikAs nett, as to ME Pkiiadelfthlie. Stocli . . PruninEnnix 4 ;litlay Atocks inactive. Pent.L.sylvapia 5s 89; ; Read bw Eailroad 71i; Morris, Canal 24i; tong L IsiXtd 46; Pennsylvania- Railroad: 'lir .. 6)id " :8. Exchange on New York-par.. . INTIi A T I' V, BLACKBERItt-klidigitniftilr - iiqrnii.— aptrant.ed pure. l'or,-6eq.81.1 , ttsyinSS .. 3r.,:recia 111 CODIE APPLE 'OrrE..Vg&LZzkcirifoilii • vela Ey ooswappearißMllSN no9o (successors to Wm. ock, jr., &co.) =I rf ~'~ i; C] Ef =iliMil