Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, May 30, 1864, Image 3
Jail.tittgrapil HARRISBURG, PA MONDAY EVENING, MAY 80, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, 131151lieSS NOtICCS, hlexriages, Deaths, to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom part;ed with tile CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening' Edition are inserted in the Hein nglitiOU without extra charge. TOWN AND 'COUNTRY. ForND.—A Methodist Hymn Book, which the owner can have by paying; for thii.notice: CUTIMCG off a head and putting it on, at Brant's nail on Wednesday evening, June Ist, 1864. my3o-3t A STATED meeting of the Friendship Fire Company will be held at their hall this even ing, at the usual hour. Tun beautiful and fascinating Spanish Ma gicienne at Grant's Hall; on Wednesday even ing, June Ist, 1864. my3o-3t HAN-MAKING has commenced, on the Capitol grounds. A portion of the grass was cut on Saturday. BRANT'S HALL—Senorita Isabel Salado, the bbautiful and fascinating Spanish Magicienne, on Wednesday evening, Rine Ist, 1864. =I SALE OF CONDEMNED STOCK.-A sale of two hundred and fifty condemned Government horses will be held in Lebanon, commencing on Thursday nett, at ten o'clock. AN immense quantity of coal, lumber and other freight, is being carried on the canal. Hundreds of boats pass here daily. • Lock tenders are kept busy clay and night. THE GnIAT. HINDOO MIRACLE, a startling feat never before performed in America, at Brant's Hall, on Wednesday evening,-June Ist, 1861. my3o-3t Ix another part of this paper will be found a correct list of the killed, wounded and miss in; members of Cat WaterbUry's Company, of the 55th Penn'a Vols. BaKyrs Ham, —Senorita 'lsabel Satado's Second Sight. The grandest marvel of magic on Wednesday evening, June Ist, 1864. • ray34373t SENSIELE. - A. bill has just passed the Con necticut Legislature providing for a. fine 'of $2.5 upon railroact companies that neglect to carry a certain quantity of good drinking water in passenger cars. AN agricultural fair is to be held at Harris burg, Pa., on th3l2th, 13th and 14th of Oc tober next.—Baltbrzt,,:l:e Sun. We have heard nothing of it. Where did the Sun get its information? , THE U. S. Sanitary Commission acknowl edges the receipt of thirty-five dollars from Daniel Kendig, Assessor of Internal Revenue in this district, and his 'clerks. THE Howard and Hope Express Companies advertise a list of unclaimed packages, - which will be sold for the costs and expenses of transportation and storage, if not called. for within thirty days. I:=1:=1 Niamow ESCAPE.—During a heavy thunder storm, a few days ago, a boy named Sullivan, of Sullivan county, took shelter under a hem lock tree. The lightning struck the tree; and• passing to the ground, tore the boy's boots off his feet, but he escaped injury. THE STATE TOURNAMENT of Wisconsin Firer men is to be held at Fond du Lac on the 24th and 25th days of August next. - It is under stood that a large number of companies will be present to compete for the prizes. ,Chief Engineer Harris, of Chicago, Illinois, has sig nified his intention to be present, accompa nied by the splendid new steamer Frank Sher man. It will probably be one of the largest tournaments ever held in the West. DURING the recent battles, as our troops lay behind their fortifications on James river, and. the continuous crack of the enemy's rifles was heard on our front, a soldier began the patri otic song, "pally round the flag, boys," and almost instantly thousands joined, and as "The Union forever, hurrah, boys, hurrah, Down with the traitors and up with the stars,' rang out upon the night air, the wildest en thusiain was excited all along the line. I=E3=l SUNDAY FisEaNG.—Fishing on the Sabbath has been carried on to such an extent along the creek and canal that the attention of our constables has been drawn in that direction. Yesterday a party of boys narrowly escaped drowning. Officer D. F. Hoffman has deter mined to arrest every individual that he may find engaged in violating the Sabbath by fish ing, and says that he will not be a " re speetor. of persons," and will favor no one.-, Sunday fishermen will do well to abandon their lawless violatiim of the Sabbath. HElm'S HoTEL—Change of Hume and Pro prietors.—The sale of Herr's Hotel may be regarded as one of the most important trans fers of real estate lately made in this county. The purchaser, Mr.[Harry Thomas, is a man of wealth, taste and enterprise, andis deter mined to put the immense edifice in thorough repair, stock it with elegant furniture, and then place the establishment in the hands of competent persons. When this is done, ihe house will become, as in days of yore, one of the most popular hotels in Pennsylvania, We understand also, that the friends of Mr. T. insist that the name of the. hotel shall be changed from the Herr to the To HOUSE. Without any reflection upon the old name, we approve of this change, as being due to a man who by his energy, integrity and enter prise, has risen to substantial wealth and respectable position. Such a rinu 4 -a........ SE.I4OIIITA ISIkBEL SALADO, Clairvoyante and Second-Sighted Sybil, at Brant's Hall, on Wednesday evening, June Ist, 1861. my3o-3t TEM ,Darr.—The draft was expected to commence at three o'clock this afternoon. The names of the lucky ones will appear in our morning edition. • THERE was a large attendance at the Mould ers' pic-nic to-day. All present were "gay and happy," and had a season of genuine enjoy ment. YESTE.IIDAY, as some bo3rs were engaged in fishing, at Paxton Creek, one them fell into the water, another went to his aid, and both would have been drowned but for the timely arrival of a man who saw their danger and rescued them. ATTENTION, Pearox FIRE CO.l —A special meeting of the Company will be held this (Monday) evening,. at 7i o'clock. Every member is expected to be present,. as business concerning all will be brought before the meeting. SENORITA . ISABEL SALADO, 11.11iVerSally a,l mitted by both Press and Public. to be the greatest living performer in Magical Illusions, whose wonderfni feats have calt qed the greatest sensation of the age, will give a grand enter tainment at 13antWHall, on WeAnegd4 even ing, June Ist, 1864. m3O-3t ICE CREAM AND CAINS.--It will be seen from a notice in another column, that Mrs. Charles Matthews will open, to-night, her new Ice Cream and Cake Saloon, at Mrs. Davis' old place in Walnitt street. She has fitted up, this old popular place in- tbe.,best Style, *e hope that all will . pay her ' ' my3o-3t A SoLniziehad.his pocket picked this morn ing, in the vicinity of the depot. His wallet contained about . thirty-six dollar's in greenT. backs, besides several photographs which were more highly prized, than the money.. No doubt there has been a fresh, 4iiival of pick pockets, whdintend to operate - upon the re turning soldiers. • SAYE OP.D, after a brief absence at Colum bia and Lancaster, where he entertained the largest audiences that have ever visited .any exhibitions in those= cities, re-appears this evening in a bill of minstrelsy illustrating negro life and manners, together with songs of the day, including a farce. We understand he is orginizing a grsnd combination of mins trels to perform at the Academy ofv, Music, Philadelphia, in aid of the Sinitary Vair, in which all the old performers belonging to the State will take parts. This will be one of the grandest delineations of - plantation life ever presented.. Dn. HARDMAN, the great Western Lung, Throat, Heart and Blood Phpsician, arrived in this city Friday evening, and leaves this evening for Lebanon, where he may be con- , suited at the Eagle Hotel, May 30 and 31, and 'June Ist; at Reading, Mansion House, June 2d, 3d, 4th and sth. The Doctor's lidnthly journal, The Stelioscoim, will be . circulated' in this city by Mr. 'Mateer, Wednesday next.— Dr. H. will be at the State. Capitol Hotel; in this city, again on June 7th, Bth and 9th. POLICE AFFAlRS.—: — .Before.the Meiyon—ThOs. Kennedy,John O'donnor and Edward Doheny, -drunk and disorderly soldiers, were handed over to the Provost Marshal. - William Evans, drunk and disorderly, fined L. B. .Frif se, keeping a 116 orderly house was bound over to court. • . Edward • Thon:im and Sohn • , Starky,,drunk and disorderly, were fated., The two men arrestedlast'week, on a charge of conspiracy to defraud Capt. Reiehenbach, were before the Mayor, this morning. The Mayor demanded; $2,000 bail 'from onev and one $l,OOO from the other, in default of : which they will be committed for court., Maria Dorsey, (colored,) for disorderly con- . duet went to prison for 48 hours. Franz Hoffman, a professional rag-picker and vagrant, was discharged, on condition that he leave the city. John ldlean, drunk and disorderly, was fined and discharged. - " . John Coleman, an incorrigible youths:of 1.1 years old, was handed over to' the city au thorities by his mother, who requested' them to send him to the house of refuge. His fa ther) however, ,appeared, and .the boy was given into , ,his, care: Augustus Reber, for beating his , horse, was bound aver for Court. ' Oscar, Beatty, a suspicious character; W discharged, and ordered to leave the city. DESERTION .41W 130088RY.--011: Monday of last week, Mr. G. :W. Hilton, of Carlisle, hired to several soldiers from carlisle Bar fittcks, a span of horses and ailarOuche to come to Harrisburg. 'A mulatto driirer was sent with them. On arriving hare, tlieparty stopped atPeters',hotA, where they remained until Tuesday. morning, . after which time nothing was heard of them, until to-day, when the driver, with one soldier (a drummer.hoy) and the team arrived here. It appears that the soldiers paid the driver one hundred and • - forty dollais for the use of' the team, and pre-. sented him a suit of new clothes for his ser vices. They traveled eastward as far as Read: ing, and then returned towards this city.— Last night, when this side of Huminelstown, the mulatto was badly beaten; robbed - of all the money in his, possession, and then left at the side of the 'road. The soldiers then drove to this city, litclied the team .on one of the streets, and all but one left, probably on one of the early trains this morning. The re maining soldier (the drummer) then took charge Of the horses and carriage, drove to where the wounded driver had been left, and brought him here. Mr.,Hilton recovered his team here to-day, and -the young soldier is probahly, ere this, at barlisle. Three soldiers wholitre4 the team.' are yet at large, and are considered Should they :be cap: tared, no - doubt they vrill! receive the punisk lon Wiarren. —Wanted to purchase, . filled Ice house. Enquire at the Jones House. my2B-3t . . THE Blood Red Writing or the arm or Spi ritualism opposed, at Brant'a Hall, on Wed nesday evening, June Ist, 1864. Narwrrnewrrozo the intense heat of to day, it is said to be perfectly cool atthe Banjo Saloon, •cornea of Second and . Pine streets. ray3o-to 11=13=1 Tau Cemetery seems to be the principal attraction hereabouts, on Sunday afternoons. Yesterday the roactleading thereto was liter ally swarming with human beings passing to and from the "cityof the decd.". Our ,:erne tery is indeed beautiful. • .....--.- 'WE are again in the receipt of good news from the "Old Dominion." Ourhizave armies .are on the move, and, ere this paper reaches our readers, may be in Richmond. The gal lant- Hancock is in the advance. We may expect stirring news very soon. ATTENTION, FLEET CITY TROOP flomp4 - tnentary Supper.—A. grand, supper will be giv en by the First City Troop of Harrisburg, on Wednesday evening, June Ist, at the states Union Hotel, as a testimonial to the proprie tor, Joseph Siena,' Esq., in return for the many kindnesses extended by him to the company, FRAN/I.A. MURRAY, my2B-4t Treasurer of Committee. Pennsylvania '; ,Soldiers in the south-West, Provision for the Care of the Sick. and Wounded. THE, .ESTABTJSIMrRNT OF A STATE AGENCY. [ Tun following communication from the. Governor of this Commonwealth, establishing a Military Agency in the Smith-West; fox the Care of sick and wounded Pennsylvania sol diers, and for Otiiiirlintidi Connected with the Volunteers, of the State, will be read with great enterest :] PERNA. EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, ELARRISBURG, May2B, 1864. • Colonel :-By an act passed at the last see -131011 of the Legislature, I am authorized to establish a Military in the SouttrWest:, "to iiko . iide for the comfort and efficiency of our volunteers, the care of the sick and wounded, the .sending home of the dead bodies of those who may die in service, and such other purposes as may be necessary for the berieth of our volunteers in that part of the United States." I enclose you a commission_ as Military Agent of the State under this act, with the rank of Lieutenant Celonel. 'lon will im medigtely communicate to the Pennsylvania volunteers in the South and South-Weseyour .appointnierit, and the fabt that an agency has been established, to promote their elk. ciency and provide for their welfare. " - You will be the medium of communication between thb citizens of Pennsylvania and the Military service and.' the Military Departments of the Ste* at, Harrisburg, and as to all claims in their behalf against the United States, for_pen sions, bounties or back pay you will coinniuni bate with Colonel Francis Jordan, the Btfilitary. Agent of the State at Washington. The Adjutant-General has been instructed to furnish,you with ,a list ,of the, military or ganizations from this State •in'serric'e in the various departments which. are • included in your agency- .Ton will ascer . tain.theii con4 A. tion and wants, and.Wgere" is deemed ne cessary and practicable,!wilLvisit them, giving special attention to tbei comfort of those you may find in the post or field hospitals. Colonel ILA. Quay, Master qf Trinisporta- Sion, has been ordered to furnish you with • transportation for the bodies of those who may die in the public servicein your •Depart- Ment, whence they are to be removed into the State, and you will receive the necessary in structions as to its use 'from him. • - • • ' You will preserve records,of the transactions . . of your agency, and make quarterly reports to me in writing. You will , understand that 3_ , make this agency all that was contemplated by the Legislature in the paisage of the law creating it. I willJbev Please& _with. Any .iniggestions you may make in reference to changes or en larging it after you have become familiar with its practical operations. Having served with the volunteers of Penn sylvania in this 'war, you understand what support - they can justly expect from:the office conferred upon you; and trusting largely' to your judgment and sympathy for them, 'I 'leave to you in a great measure the execution of this highly patriotic, and benevolent law. • Very . respectffilly, Your obedient servant, A.' G. CII4TIN. Lieutenant-Colonel . 41.04 MilitaryPaptenalicKi li Agent for Pennsylvania, Nashville, Tennessee. • List of Casualties in Compa.ny “G- 1 “ 55th Regiment, P.. V-. - , [Correspandence .of the Telegraph.] } -- ; 'Cm., 55th linatriarr; P. V., lit rum Prep), near Betersburg, Va. liniy,1864. " _ EDITOR TELEGRAPH ;---.Paar j/li . 7 1.4411(1,1T a H list of the killed; wounded and missing In Capt. I. G. Waterbury's company " G," 55th Regiment, P. V., Ist Brigade, 3d Division 10th Army Corps, from May 9thup to the present date, which I hope you will publish' for the benefit of their friends and relatives resident in Harrisburg and vicinity. Killed—Privates John Anderson, Samuel Hershberger, Jacob Zarger, Frederick Pfieffer and John Sagle. • Wounded—lst Lieut. Levi. Weaver-and, prif vates Patrick Campbell, > Patrick CochranP Adam Fisher, Charles Lukens, Jesse B. Nor ris, Stephen Oswald, James. R. Ropley, Charles Sheetz, Alexander Timothy and David' Taylor. Missing—Corporals John A. Brenizer and Samuel - Cane; privates•Samnel Baer, Thomas Badger, Joseph Carr, William Kromer,. Thom as Nelly, Jars G. Reid, Andrew Smith, Henry C. Scrtminger, Samuel Woodal, and' Johnson Neel. • By publishirtg the above you will confer a very ,great fairor upon the members of said company. • Respectfully yours, - •. r, . MILLS S. HENDRICKSON, Private, company G, 55th Reg. P. V .V. • SPECIAL .NOTICES. ipir To Clear. Via, 1 1 blise _of - Rat e., use Ditcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FIX-HILLER, a Deal, cheap article, easy to use. Etertaheet will kill a quart. SOLD EVERYWHERE. FRENCH, RICHARDS..k . OO., 10th ihd Market Arai% Philadelpliia,whaleaale sputa • , ,soylkdkirtilw!. • 1111.11titry. Bitsialesa,-Aitended -fro. , . Bounty; Pension; Back' Pal,' Biltadatelice - alid and W a r . Claims, generally, moan out and.colleeted. Per sone residing at a 4i_,ataliCaP9l ll "A°. l,3l :t i r riP7.l-141. acted rump, Attornepat-Law , - • LIST OF LEITIIIIS REMANLIG N THE HARRISBURG .POST OFFICE MONDAY, HAT 80th, DM 0177CIALLY PUBLISHEDTEIHNEWSPALPER HATING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. ray3o-3t LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED IN TELE POST OFFICE AT HARRISBURG. aiii.."To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for - 'advertised fetters,' give the date of this Hat, and pay bne cent for advertislog. Og/i""If not called for within•one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. "FREE DELIVERY Of letters by carrier', at the reel deuces of owners, may, be SECURE:v.I)y observing the fallowing RULES: . "1 DIRECT letters.plairdy to the Argot and number, as won as the post office and State. . REM!' letters with the writer's peat office and State, streX and number, sign them plainly with full nada, and request that answers be directed -accordingly. 3. Letters to strangers Or - transient visitors in a town 'or city, whose special address may be unknown, should be marked, in the lewer left hand corner, with the word ,Transient.' "4. .I"":facelheliostage stamp on the upper rig' ki-Adocl* corner, and leave space between the stamp. and direction for post-magAing without interfering with the writing. B.=A REQUEST, for the RETURN of a letter to the writer, if unclaimed within 30 days or lees, written or printed with the writer's name, part office and State, across the left-hand end of the envelope, on the face side, will be complied with at the usual prepaid rate of postage, pay able when the letter is delivered Lithe writer.--Sao. 28, Law of 1883." LIST. Andrews, Mrs Elizabeth Linn, Miss Jennie Miley, Miss Laura Lingle, Miss Matilda Arnold, Miss Amanda Lantz, Mimi Kate Bailey, Miss Jane Lichtenwalner, Miss Camelia Barns, Miss Salley. Leiley, Mrs Simon Baker, Miss Judy Frances Long, Mrs Annie Baymer, Mrs Annie McCuilob, Miss Henetur Berry, Miss Laura McAdams, Miss Annie Beinhower, Miss Susan McCoy, Miss Maria Blessing, Mrs Sally MeWilliam, Miss Jane Black, Miss Nancy McAlister, Mrs•Captßielid - 3 Bleakne ,r Mrs Harriet McKinney, Mrs S Boyer, lirallemy • Manly, Mrs Trete Bond, Mrs Mary Mara, Miss Kate 2 Braid, Miss Mary F 2 Mathews, Mrs Ciarrissa Brower, Miss Emma .Molgers, Miss Maggie Brubaker, Mrs'Elizabeth, Martin, Molly Brown, Mrs M C Metzger,Miss Jeanetta 2 Brown, Roseanna . • Mitchell Miss Annie Burger, Mrs Ellen Mood, Miss Kate Brumbaugh, Mrs Mary A 2 Myers, Miss Mary Burns, Miss Mary Ogleton, Miss Francis Burton,-Miss Jennie Patterson, Mrs. John Canvey, Mrs Emma • Pines, Miss Susanna 2 Ceil, Miss.Saralr 2 . Pierce, Miss Mary J Cable, Miss Elizabeth Powel, Miss Caroline Carter, Mrs Kate -. ReitZnyder, Miss Eliza J Ctirson, Miss Mary Raudabaugh, Miss Z Clany, Mrs Margaret , Riemert, Miss Annie E Cowens, Miss Mary Rosa, Miss Bartle E Dewesa, Mrs Elizabeth Schrimager, Miss Recluse' Diakey,. Miss Molly F Sears, Mrs . E L Duscus, , Mrs Sees, Maggie Engle, Miss S E Sellers, Mrs Rebecca English, Mrs Mary A , • Shutt, Miss Katie L Eppley Miss Lydia B.• Shomas, Emma Etter, Miss Ellen , Shadow, Miss Rachael Eahenawer, Miss Elizatteth Sites, Miss Sarah Finis, Miss Mary Jane Sites, Mrs Mary . Fox, Mrs E 2 • . .Spencer; Miss Mary Fonda, Miss Hersllee Stanley, Miss Emilie • Floyd, -Miss Lizzie C Stouth, -Miss Maggie Gensler, Miss Anna • -. Star,- Miss Sallie Garverick, Mrs Catharine . Sfouffer, Miss Mattis Gratz, Milts Lizzie.. . Etaurnberger, Mrs Lucy .Greerrwood, Louisa Sutton; Mrs Sue E Haikiem, Mary • Thomas, 'Miss Discos 1r.„.• Hays; Mrs Emily . 'Trainer; Misatjane . Henson, Miss Margat'et:Jane Wagner, Mrs Mary Helim, Mrs • • 'Matson, Mrs Joanna Hinds, Mrs ,T E • White, Miss Sister Riney, Miss Mary Webster Mrs Harriett Hong, Miss Mary Jane Wells, bliss Madge Hotr, Mrs Margaret - - Weaver, Miss Margaret eollen, Miss Mary Wiseman, Miss Ellen. Hoid, Mies-Hate A 2 Williams; Miss:Annie Ratner; Miss Kale Witmyer, Mrs Fianna '" Husula, Miss Alqinds Winters, Mrs Elizabeth Jones, Miss Amanda Williams, Mrs Elizabeth Ann K.enned,v, Miss S T 2 Wirt, Miss Fanny Birder, Airs Game Wilvert, Mom Emiline Kennedy, :Miss Mary C Wolf, Mies Mary B Kiner, •Miss E Worst, Mrs Sarah &reader, Miss Gartus Young, Mrs Samuel Lawrence, Mrs Gertrude Young, Miss Heats= ~GEpf'FLFHEN, 9 I Adelshoimer, Simon ,LibiliaryEdward -4 Artßur, George W •...Le revie,.J .Alba S ingleton ' Lizards, Dr 'Atwell, Januar; Leauter, Jacob • :Baxter, David Leaden, Albert Barkee,_Stmont 6 Loather, Capt.Wm 2 Baker Jacob. Long, Samuel BachiliitChc•Nitklikili Lilt2,.Sim - Barker, Peter ,- MaDamel, Archia"2 . 'Beasten r Jelm W ' " Melleitard, - ..Tames • IBenskot, Thomas ' MaKerina; James Bishop & Erase McNeal, L Bowers„ Samuel : ; • Hay, Lewis !Brandy, R.K Martin'Wmif • • !Baser, Geo •W Mathewa, Serg Wm A !Burlekh, M ESN ' : Macoraber; DC ,; Bard, Frederick ' • •B i. irr er rieldr,H - i s Mats, Alen -2 • • :B ar k, Pat rick . Messner, John • ',Cassel Jacob • Wean,' 'Leonard ;Carson, Franklin Mitcheli Joseph T . !Castle, D M Muller, Frederick Clarke, Henry' • •Miller, Geo W 'Clay, Henry' " ; Muss, Charles . •., • Jeste 2 'Coover, Levi '`Morrison, Mr 'Conway, ThOrizal • • '.,'" Newman, George ',Coleman, John . Olmstead, Limit L H .• !Connor, Peter 2 Ortto, John ,Corruutt, W W Padl, St.rg :rains I. Crow HC 2 • • Pennock; A A ' iCruce, Jacob Pierpolit, J L ,Daaiels, Chas 2 Praigg, J B Davis, H - - Pranro; H C ; IDeverux Bugle, Bans! . ;Dean,Mathew • • •Reed, Wm B IDeffenbaugh, Samuel Reamer, J . Dougherty, Hamlet Reed, Syrtis 'Dixon, Henry Richenbach, John Doggett, George Rishel, Charles 'Draper, , Dawson Ritter, F D, M D lEckenroth, Reichert, Frederick • Ebaugh, Adam Royer, Morris Elmer, E A Rudy, Frederick Englem, - John Roach, Michael Elmer, Ansel Rower, Jacob Evils; Ekldige Rodgers, John Falumacht laver. (ship) :•.. SADAO, John L, . Sallold, Jacob. .Foster Chas' • Scliwanger, Jared 2 Joseph iFerd, H 2 Scherick, C !Fowler, Joseph H Scourie, Michael Flowers, Jacob L Seits; Michael • . Tarot, A 0 . Seeks, Edward ' Frey, David . Shomebronglx, Henry Fast, Theodore Shadow, BP Free, Geo E . Seidel, R " . ' Gondner, Capt M 13' Seger, Mr Globarn. Francis Slapper, John • Good, Christopher Snyder, Wesley Gordon, W H Singer, Samuel Gordon, Wm 111 Siegel, Frederick Gaass, Henry • • Smith & Foos., • ' • 'Hero, "Henry r.. Smith, H E • Hafer, John Spend, D H • • Hamer,•—Detectivo Police Stilors,larael •Hanashaw, William Stone 'William Hartnett Wm Sybald, Jacob • 'Hardee, James Skin, Hirry • , • t • • •Swange?, David :. Bediplield, Francis Stouse, Amos H Henry, A J Stoner, J H 2 Ripple, Charles 1' Stark, J B • Huller; Edmund • Stoner, Wm Hickey, James . Thomas; Francis Jr - Hock, Simon G 'Thomas, Wm HousYrorth Jacob Wagoner, Wm Hoover, Abram G Warren, J S Hoopnr, Thomas . • Walters, Isaac Hoffman J F • • Watts, Samuel Houser, Nicholas/ • Warley, S U Hoffman, Capt J H Weriman.John Heth iations, John H Weaver , Joseph B William. • Weinman, Jacob Heaton, John Whalley, T James, William 3 Wentz, Gurtis Jacobs, Michael • Wilson, Mimi Johnson, Monroe Williamson, Saml Kane, Charles `Wintz, Solomon Keis,"John - Wick, S S - Knisely, Geo W 2 Wolf, Lient C F 2 Kurtz, Henry Wolf, D Krismer, Augustus Yordy; B ' Kline, Ida.) A Zimmerman, John Lawrence, J Pasittirely sellin g off at Cost to Change Business, TE 'subscriber now offers at retail , his en tire stock of staple DRY GOODS and FANCY ARTI CLES at COST PRICE, consisting of muslin', all :lands of Dress Goods, Flannels, Calicos, Shawls, Cloaks, Silk Man tles, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols and gents' furnishing pods, together with a large lot of Rosier'', Gloves, &c. Dealers will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. ' • 'J: FLAHNWEaLER, - Center 2nd and Walnut streets. 14,...73,7T0nn. y, persion.vOsinng the entire stock, tosethkr with thestandi extra inducements will be offered. my26-im SWEET POTATO Plants , 50000: .1 -for , sale, :"Atip !by letter, to 0 J. STUDEBAKER, •Eberly's Mills P. 0., Cumberland Co,' Pa. 7 Plants an also, he bad at pis Bond; in the lower' Markit*Houlet; 'Moan:eat% on market 4ay e e m7MIABPP "' GEO. BERGNER, P. E. Sweet 'Pot it.WP/sants AMUSEMENTS. 13RA.NT 9 S HALL. SENORITA ISABE.L. SALADO, the Beautiful, Fascinating awl renowned SPANISH MAGICIENNE,. who has astonishedUrowned Heads, Nobility and Gentrywith her unequalled feats of Leger demain and Natural Magic, has the honor of announcing to the Harrisburg public, that she will, on • WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE let, 1864, appeak in, one of those recherchi and enter taining _ ' SOIREES AIAGI.QuESh • . 3 which—have won- for her the praise of both PRESS: and PUBLIC in the principal bided of Europe, and also in Australia and gindps; ALL - THE RESERVED IiTSTERIES, • 'ATAH THE NEWILLUSIONS, AND : • ALL THE GREATEST WONDERS: In the course of the Evening SENORITA. ISABEL SALADO will introduce a feNi tirely new feats in ' PARISIAN MAGIC. Also, the • Great 'Undo° Miracle, a Startling Feat never before perforined in America— THE WRITING BY THE SPIRI' HAND, and the GREAT .'SECOND SIGHT . MYSTERY, which has puzzled the oldest heads to solve. The entertainment, being at the same time chaste, amusing and instructive, cannot fail to please the most fa&idious. Aid-de-Camp to the Magicienne, HANEM KEZ-LELIA SAHIB. Admission 25cts. Reserved seats 50 cts. For sale at the Hall on Wednesday, from 2 to 4 P. M. Doors open at 71 o'clock. Commence at 8. ISAAC OVERT, my3o-d3t &gent and Rosiness Manager. SANFORD'S HALL. TRIED STREET, BELOW MARKET, REAR. OF HERR'S HOTEL S. S. SANFORD. ...Proprietor and Manager • MONDAY kntr.NING, MAY 30TH. SA.NVOII , I3 AT HOIIE. Reead the Bill for this Evening TM:FA CURE, BY THE E°X.EMPT S. LA PERCHE, BY' TES ARAB-BROTHERS. BILLY BARLOW, ON THE TWEE Concluding with TILE BARBERS OF THE WOODS. Orcheitra Seats can be primed M edVance at Bann vart's,Drug Store. DOOD3 open at. 03i. Ocanniene,e 54 to S. Police always in attendarice to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. ' 7rivate hum entire. $5 each; sin CANTERBURY - MITSIC - . - - - HAIL. WALNUT -BT., }B LOW [HIRD. DONNItLL. , sole Lease MagfAtlrEßY EVENING, :.. * . ith. , a First-el:ass Gainpanir <if - SINGERS,' DANCERS, 'COMEDLANS, gcc.; &col Admission. ... .... ' 'l5 cents. Seats in Boxes;.. ~ . . ... —,........".A... - 25 " ADVERTISEMENTS. TRUSTEES SALE VALUABLE IRON W0.11,KB; BY virtue of, allecree of;-the Circuit Court for Washington minty, as a -- Court of .Equity,ihe undersigned trustee will sell at Willa sale, in front of the Court House, in Hagerstown,' on TUESDAY, the 14TFE DAY OF JUNE, 1864, all that VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, situate in-Washing ton county, Maryland, known as the GREEN SPRING FURNACE PROPERTY„ which was for many years owned and carried on by J. DIXON ROMAN & CO., and is now for sale - on account of the death of one of thh partners. Said property contains - 1,394 ACRES OF EANFI, - (more - or less,) of which about 200 ate cleared and in an - excellent state of enitipation the balance being TIMBF r R , LA. NP.. The FURNACE - on said land is 35. feet' high, with an eight foot BOSH, CASTIN G B.ousE, COAL HOUSE and BRIDGE ROUSH, and idi-un 'by an over-shot wheel 40 feet high. ? Itliduf good repaii, , and the water power un failing and all4lifilcienf. Said FURNACE is only one mile from the Ul*lippalce and' Ohio Canal, and about the 'same distance fromithe Iron Ore Bank. There is also - A GOOD DWELLING ROUSE near the Furnace; also a large BARN and other out buildings; and on different parts of said tract of land there are a number of TENANT ROUSES (in all -eighteen or twenty) In good repair.. ; , The above property will be sold entire,. or. in parcets to suit purchasers; such parcels to be-made known at the sale The undersighed will also sell at the _same. time and place about , . FIFTY-THREE ACRES OF LAND, separated from the above by the lands of - Geo. Feidt. Also A Limestone Quarry nu said canal, near lit'coy's Ferry, containing FIFTY SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND TEEMS OF SALE, as prescribed by the Decree, are: One-third of the purchase money in cash on the day' of Sale, on the ratification thereof, and the balance in two equal annual inqtalments of one and two" years from the day'of sale, with interest from that day, the purchaser to give his notes with approved security for the deferred payments, and 'on payment of the entire purchase money, the Trustee will• execute a deed to, the purchaser, as re quired by the Decree. F. M. DARBY, Trustee. mr2o-ts Lebanbn "Courier," Lancaster "Examiner," and Read ing "Journal," copy weekly, and send bills to the Trustee at Hagerstown, forthwith. SALE OF VALUABLE:-REAL- ESTATE. WILL be offered at publidaale, at Brant's Enropean Hotel, on Wednesday, the ninth of June next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, all that LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND,.. situated at the corner of Chestant street and Detiebdrrial ley, fifty-two feet and'six inches on Chestnut, anti running back two hundred and ten feet to Cherry street. Upon the, premises are FOUR TENEMENT HOUSES, fronting on Dewberry alley, and located at the corner of Cherry 'street 'and Dewberry alley, containingeach, on the first itodt, as entry and three rooms; on the second Iloor three tooms. • The cellars are coolant]) perfectly dry; the - garrets are spacious. These houses hare been built oft' i - TEE BEST MATERIAL, • about lox i esi i ago, and can easily eimantand-tenilolliMi rent per month " • ' Terms made known on the day of sale. m y 29 HH,,Auotionems. • sits ENS , ,lUNGER 414 . . SWEET, CIDER. TIIST received,:' this 0....,00.09 lot of ,)" c; 1 :*'• PRIME OFEET Mk, SEMLER & FRAZE. tauCcewors to W. - Dock, jr., k Co.) '' at 3919 MOURNING DEPARTMENT. RKNIAME BEREGS ;14,' itliTD'T_W.o YARDS WIDE, CREPE BEREGE do do PURE SILK GRENADMES, BLACK AND Will T. FOULARD SILKS, PLAIN BUS ENG. REP. SILLS, BL'K AND WHITE CHECKED SILKS, BLACK & WHITE ALL WOOL DELAINES, rim SEM MULLIS, CHINTZES, BOMBAZINE% OINGHAMS. GLOVES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, BL'K. LACE VEILS, GRENADIE VEILS, ENGLISH CREPE VEILS, 13L'K DODD. HEIL STITCH HIIFS, ENG. CREPE AND GRENADINE COLLARS, ROTIN.I) CORNER CREPE & GEENAOINE VEILS, SQUARE AND LONG BL'IC.. T HIBBET SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTM, BY E YARD, SECOND MOURNING BEREA , GREN. SHAWLS. WE HAVE NEVER HAD ON HAND LARGER STOCK OF DRESS GOODS 'MOURNING, AND 2D MOURNING GOODS, my2o WE `L HAVE READY FOR SALE THIS THE LARGEST AND MOST DESIRABLE STOCK OF DRESS G 0 OFFERED IN THIS MARKET Next Door to the Harrisburg Bank. my2o-2w 1!=!M DOMESTIC GOODS. SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASINGS, TO WELLINGS, &C., &C., &C SOLD. BELOW "EASTERN PRICES, A$ ALL OUR STOCK WAS PURCHASED DATE,HEAVY ADVANCES CATHCART &BROTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank my2o-2w COLUMBIA HOUSE. CAPE MAY. npuis hotel will be opened June 15th. The 11 house bah been put in thorough repair, and nearly two hundred new and 'greatly improved BATH HOUSES will be ready for the accommodation of gnests. Its capacity and each department will bo equal, if not superior, to any Hotel upon CAPE ISLAND. Birgtleld's Band has been secured for the sealon. Address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor, CAFE Is acv, N. J. J. H. DENNISON, Merchant's Hotel, Philada. Or, my 23- 15j • MILLINERY GOODS. AIRS. J. HIBBS', HAS OPENED AT NO. 8 M.ARKET SQ.U.A.RE, (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) TATHEHE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to •V v the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy Goods, At cheaper prices than any house in the city. The quality of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESSMAKING IN THE LATEST•STYLE - Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplS-dtjyll MBE UNDERSIGNED re,spectfullyinforms the public that he has purchasedthe HAT AITIP bAP STOR.V. Late the property of T. J. BURNF.TT, deceased, and that he will continue the business at the old stand, where he will constantly keep on hand a general assortment of HATS, CAPS, &C., OF THE LATEST STELES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. mar2B-d2m LONG. PAINTING. • • • seUndersigned begs leave to offer his rvices as a practical House, Sign and Ornamental. PAINTER. All business in his line attended to with care and dispatch. H. Durtarry," Superihtendenti the N. C. R. W. co. Mr. Joaephts Shisier,.opPosile House. Residence mSchnavely's block, ten's Aveone. Shop in Thirk above North Mreet. H. F. FELL. my2l-20 t T ; :3 • ME A NGTH:E.R lot of chola%Catawba Gra pes 21. fca , ado at *WA a .1 Joan LUPINS 64 ALL WOOL DMd%DiES, CREPE hiABETZ, CREPE DV BARRY, :SI7PgMOR 33IACK LIISTRES, BRD SILIC POPLLCS,. STRIPED VALENCIAS', BRD 110H,IiRS, ALPACAS, LAWNS, &C., &C. BOTH Ili Or EVERT DESCRIPTION CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank lIORZdIFIG CA.THCART & BROTHER, SIItRTERGS, CALICOES, SUMMER PANT STUFFS, BEFORE THE NO. 4 JONES' ROW. El IN