__- THE TELEGRAPH I 8 PUBLISHED • MORNING AND EVISNING; vy GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST, NEAR WALNUT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. ;t: TELEGRIPH is served to subscribers in the at S cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be $5 00 in advance. These person; who negleetto 10 advance will be charged $0 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. !:'es TELAC.ItAPII is also published weekly, and is furnished s subscribers at the foilowiag,cash rates: i:ngle copies, weekly—. • Three copies to one Post Office conies to one rest Office.. MEDICAL. ELIXIR DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, EssEkva OF LIFE : itoand from Put`e Vegetable .stracts, containing math lug Injurious to the most Delicate. t-,lbo Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern ,Lcov. , ries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely I,:w :led abstract method of cure, Irrespective of all the and svorn-oUt systems. rirThis medicine has been tested by.thaimost eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be uue of the greatest medical discoveries of the age SH•One bottle will cure General Debility. .a-A few doses cares Hysterics in females. re. One bottle cures Palpitation °;W° Heart. 5.,7•A few doges restores the vans of generation. L-i-From one to three bottles restores the manliness. cad full rigor of ;oath. • • . e„ . TA feiv doses-restores the appetite. ej-Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. g-A few doses cures tee low spirited. .t.T.Oue bottle restore mental power, tp-A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. Th!s medicine restores to manly vigor mad rebus besitla the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. ,erne listless, enervated youth,. the o'er tasked man• of business, the victim of a nervous deprentiOn, the Li dividing sulfuring from general debility, orfrOm wesdrnesi of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. i k rpriee, $2 pet . bottle,. or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express, on' receipt of money, to any ad dress. . . by all druggists everywhere. DR, W. R. 51ERWIN Ze CO., • Sole Proprietors, 1 4 Zo. 59 Liberty street, New York. Aiarll endly • CHEROITYPI PILLS. SUGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, TTP,ATER PRESERVER. CERTAIN AND SAFI,. ,w POT the Removal of Obstructions. and the Insuranas of Regularity in the Recu;rence of the • Monthly Periodi .&" -- They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity . Wthey cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men druation. ,q-They curs Green Sickness (Cklorosis.) gar They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue 012 slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, &c., atc. In ord, by removing the irmularity, they remove the f.AO, and with it All. the effects thaespring•.from it UP-Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they 'el:6 7 'Ca nothing deleterious to any constitution, hoWeirer eieste, their function being, to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly need, they never fall . to ,19. • - ,a - They may be safely used at any age, and at any!' perioe, SIOSPT DITRECO TIM FIRST TRRER SIONTIAS, which the unfailing nature of their action would PR.IITENT pregnancy. it3-All letters seeking infermation or advice will promptly, freely and discreetly answered. *-Full directions accompany each box. .69 - Price, $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. la-Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. .8 Sold by all respectable druggists. : DR. IV. R. HERWLN & CO., Sole Fropriotors. mar-11-eodly No. 69 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KII4KEL & BRO., 118 Market street. . F LA it/ R S Shissier & Prazer, (Successors ti. Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) FIFA:LEM IN FIRE FAMILY GROCE 1, RIES opposite the Court House, have on hands fine selection of BRAiNDtIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINZS, Of Every lktoription. WHISICYS. OLD BOURBON, MONONGAIISLA „ FINEIRISH AND. SCOTCH Wbiskys. The best over brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, • FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHESTNt&GROVE WI7EK.Y. CHAMPAGNE WINES. , =EILOSS JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH AND:IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. h ILI) CIIERRY, PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTFAS. Wilt a complete stock of ENGLISD AND AIIiERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST .RdTE3. TINE TABLE OILS. -4.0 boxes fine table oils of the best importations for sale, wholesale and mail, by . SHISLER it:FRAZER, 'Rya successors to W. Cock, Jr., - & Co. 10 CASES FENT. IMPERIAL FRENOH MUSTARD, for sale by 4 , SRISLER &FRA successors to W. Dock, Jr.Z &ER, kJ DOZEN EARS ENGLISH PIOIILE, comprising Picalilly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, Mixed Pickles, Gerkips, Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by St:ESLER & FRAtZER, mys successors to W. sock, .14, k Co. 15,000 LBS. ILlMS—Filtsen sand lbs. Michener's Excasior limns cured expressly for family use and for this markilt t sale at SHISLER & PRAZES, feb2 (successors to Wm. ,Doclt, & Co.) , ORANGES! ORANGES I, in prime order. Just received wholesale and retail SHISLF,R & FRAZER, fb2, successors to Wm. Dock. Jr., ,k lIRRANI IMSTAILD, the best imported, just received and for sale by • febl SHISLER AtsFRAZES (successors to Wm Dock, ..11%, 4 Co To THE PUBLIO.—The undersigned' wiFl offer for vole, in their reason, a eery, large quantity or ROSE BUSHES, and FLOWERPLANTS in great variety„, ' J. JANE TEM CELEBRATED VIRGINIA. OIL OF' AIX, and Day & Martin's London Blacking, just to edel Mel d and for tale by SHISLER & FRAZER, - f (successors to win., Dook, jr , & Co.) - 4 ; b I P.E.a.M. CANDLED, first quality, all sizes. sits - LEE E eqt2,4 (auccessora to Wm. Doek, Mo.) . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . :;" -.:,!.. '!:: ' ' ..' • • , A\ 4.,...,.. .._,. ri k pp. .: ..,./ :....,. 0 • ' ' •• . . . . - ... _ . . iv ~,A l iffsf , " ... ~..............„ . • .. i . : . ! • ' ' .b• . ... ____,„kr.0.,..,_,,,,,..,______•,..;.,...,...•. :: ,. ..., ~,.,: 2. .-. _ . , , • -. -.-..IIPtE. , • ';;4 - z.. --al• -- -- - . -.' ' . ,i; * ''‘'S . . ' , • . - • , . . : . ' -'4"IIV. Z ,OP 'I - V --- ' .". $1 50 400 10 00 BY. GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At JOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain amendments to the Constitution. Be it resolved by ths Senate and House of llepresentatives of the Cwnenonweatth if Pennryivonia en @wed Assem bly mel, That the following amendments Pe proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tentlisrticle thereof: ELIXIR. There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be desigupted as section four, - lee follows: • "Sacrum 4. 3Thenever any of the mialiflod eleciers of this Coinmonwealth shall , be in any actual military ser vice, under a requisitionfrom - the Presidant.of the United States, or by the authdrity this' Commonwealth..., swat electors May exercise the righter - suffrage iu alLol,; put by the citizens, under such 'mutations asare, of prescribed by law, as futljri as 'if they were present; at their usual place of election." ,• • SECTION 2. There shall ba two additional sections to the eleventh:l.llMM of the Qmseitutiqn. to fib doiignatea as sections eight and nine, as folios', • " • "Sscrios S. No bill shall be parsed by the„fegislature; containing more than one subject, which dull` be clearly expressed in the 'Cale, except appropriation bills." "Samos 9. No bill alma be passed by the 'Legislature granting or Privdcges, in any case, where the authority to grant suck poivers.or privileges, has, been, or may hereafter be, "conferred ' upon the courts of this Cotninenwealth.lr. • • ' • •.: HENRY C.: JOHNSON,. • ' Speaker qf the Flowed). f: .Represontatiroes: . . JUIN - P. PENNEY, • Speaker of the Sentrite. ' . , .011 , 161 OF TIM SZONETART OF 'Fin teOiI3.IOXWESI.Tied" 'll.trlistscrscApril 25, 1864. ..pennglvalia, - • • , ." • Ido hereby certify that the 'foregoing is a full, true and correct : cOpy of the original Joint Resolution :ofi'the General 'Assembly, entitled I °A Joint Reeolution; proposing certain Amendments to tate ConsylAtioN" as the2o.l3le remains on file in 'MIS office. • " ' lic Inniaileirr whereof, I have hocelinto set my s:] hind and caused the seal of. the Secretary's of fice to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth, The above resolution having been agreed to by a ma jority of thwmembrits. of each Rollie, at two' successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendmeribi will be submitted to the Peg-, pm, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST •TtrzsDAT OF AUGUST, in the year of _our Lord ,one thousand eight hundred and six,y-four, in accordance with the tenth'arG cie of the Constitution, and the act entitled "An Act pie scribing. the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or rejection, the .pro posed amendments to the Constitution," approved the twenty-third day of April, ono thousond eight .hundreol and ELI SLIFER, ' ap2.7 ' Secretary of the Commonwealth. cuEr.culLAAEt. lIISTORTV THE PENNSYLVANIA. ILESEti,VES; LiA;§ BARB & Co. respectfully announce Alan they have in preparation a History of the Penn sylvania Reserves from their orgenliation to the expira tion of their term of service. • • This History will contain the names of till the Of Arid Privates Of the. Corps--their , promotion; casualties OuLdischarges- r al&i, graphic descriptions of their maw life and their gallant achievements in the many battles in *blab they hava • talren part—all-derived frem offillal and authentic 9lien. - • '• " ' ' ThelEtistorp:of the ReservesPentasyltabiaivillbeLiit qita .Voceof 600 Pages, OCtiviiiiiknaatly printed on gild paper, and substantially bound le black cloth, containing ,a.steel'engraVingof the lamented Reynolds, and: one' ot Goirtitiot,CMFM, '(who 'first recommended the torination ';of to Peniisylivia Reserve Corps,} and will be sold only by subscription. It:Will be ready b August next. • Price '-l-Three dollars per eopy. ' :The Publishers feel confident that theTT just , pride which - eVery Pennsylvanian must entertain for he brave men 'whose gallant achievements and palriotia 'self-devotion it I records; will - secure for "Tics litsronl? a generous and appreciative reception. ELIAS BAER k CD., Publishers, No. 6 East Sing street. Laacusrsa, April 25, 1864,- • Aeacirrs Vir.latTED to canvass for the above work in every dlatrict of Pennsylvania. Responsible roforencesrequired. JVLIUS ROSMIDALE, 29 Cori a' VIEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris burg and vicinity that he has removed to No. 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. ThankfUE for the confidence and patronage bestowed on me during my stay on Market Square, I hope to merit a continuance of the same at my new stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, Air which I claim the undermentioned advantages: • Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the Glasses, they assist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent change quite unnecessary. I'2A That they confer abrillianoy and distinctness. of, Slott, with an amount of ease and comfort notßittterto joyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material w,hlch the Le - ruo id s Irom ...ne Lenses are groom. is manufactured specially for optical purposes, and is Ptlt; HARD AND BRILIZLNT, and not nape to become - seretched, • 'Adth. That the frames in which they. are set, whether is gold, Silver or, attv.l, are of the .finest quality and finish, and suaRANTRIID rsars,Tin every respect. • ; 15th. They from their peculiar color, they prevent'a sW. pertluity: of light erecting the retlna, and therefore atrengthining the optic nerve and rendering it leas liable to Atinturosia. rn , rl Colislintly on hand, a large assortment of Achromatic 'Microsecpee, Spy Glasses, Opera, Marine and' Field Glass el; Stereoscopes and Vievrs, :Magic Lanterns, Rarometers Thermometers, Magnets, dm., &c. - 'Remember that Rosendale's Institute, will bii.ponnanent at No. 29 North Second street, Ave Ibous Irina. the 'Bush er House. ' ' , Sprdww3m .1.0• 0 LBS. St. George Codfish, 'far ,0 mail at SHISLER - ,!‘ (fora to Wi1i t . , 0 144a.) 1 .F 0001338 igt .of the bele breied C St?.. ls Georges brand, 'jest: received and for sale " _HI.4LEIt. IJUZEB d 'rebi **more to , Wm. L .Doek, jr., tCo.) T_TAY of the' "bestle offered fol. sale. Call atllebtolt*l.CiCS GOAL OFFICE.on the Canal;' H6rriLbnrg : , ap3o-t[ • BURLINGTON HE,Ritnrce. rfIICE first of the season, fule.large Lou Herring ; just received at SHISLER & 1 1 11AiICR, nog (nmeimsoni to Wm. Doc.l-, Jr., & Co.) ------- --- RALPH .L.III.ACLAI ) VTTORNEY-AT-LAW.- -Patriot and Union budding, Harriaburg. Strict ntiention 'paid to ill legal buinneisa Military claims collected. mylo-dflmeod A LARGE invoice of fresh teems, new raisins, A prunes and 32gs at, BOYER & IiCOERPRA. • , ;Iny4 - :‘,...,• . 80xEs SPERM CANDLES, Di aye -;411,1* emporia make, just received and for caltrby . SHISLER & FRAZER, rem successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & - LIINE 0114—, Fine salad oils just received at .004 j BOUR EIRIED . FRUIT .ixf all kinds at my 4) • . - . BOTEIt ICOIMPEUt. 2 maRKFES, Olt WALLTENTS, for sale W. Barr's auction - rums, next toNntiongßank. t i - AVA,Jamaid . Land Lean Coffee, at • wee • oweeetore to W. Dock, jr., ac Co.) . . , . "THE NI CrN-N , 0 W. A N D F mutRiPuRG? PA., AgiNPAY: V(1.§611: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS •SV..CONI) ARRIVAL: LATEST STYLES! I4R81111:: MAYER No 3 Shike,. Stieet 'Pt PLEASED to announAe to' the ladies' Of , Harrisburg and vicinity, (who have so liberally patron lied her since her arrival in this city,) that she has just received, directfrom the Manufeigtegarartiv4 ittMortem a SECOND - SUPPLY •ciPthe flutist goods . the market could afford in the line of FRENCH AND ABILWAN 1111Ulli1RY •and:is 110 W preps*, offergr,eat ;;; inducemezds to , chasm's, Her sloCk.ceiiatiatia in liarEce • ,BONNETS, BrBBONS: - ' ' ; • ; FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES, ;SI , YELVirr9-LACEELO_ • 111010 P SKIRTS CORSETS,' HOS t LERT; ' HANDKERCHIEFS, ELOWS,'COLLARS,' OHM, ARMS, MIMS, FANO' Also, splendid assortment of - , SILK NMAIVENGS, • r • SIT It COATS • • CESOCLARS, 1741iTiliTAS, . • LA.CF:PODTTS. , PARASOLS, . . ; Also, Ties, 'Scarfs, Pocket Books, Porte Monnales and Purses, elegant Steel and Jet Ensand Brooches, Belts and Belt Buckles, and a full. line of.'" Trimming and Fang Gooda„as ctimfaethe cheetfest,:*,7, S'peciareare has been - eierclaed in the selection of-these goods, with a view to the nants-of- Oils community, and the ladies generally areanvited to call and examixuNtheag sortinenk Thankful for the liberal patranitte heretofore received, I relvectfully, solicit a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place: No. 13 Market street„ MRS. M MAYER. . GREAT_ BA GtIINS M.4.EIVTIAtA W l l ' S Y T.TE o . 7 1 43 ANTV44 - I . O2.SAir STRigET,NI YORE. . . • • (Adjbining the:POin• Orlicod , • • pier for 648411 e following tonguing:lit= list or • W.ATOrtP4„' . OIIAINS,...TENYELRY,,,.IW. i s...;, .3reittrETY AT 4306 9 00 . •.• • • .111 CH ARTICLE' ONE DOLLAR; 111 V— H - 11r":07 7 , 0 , PAID - FOR tIHTIV7OI7! SHOW WHAT : ra ARlel'Otalar , 150 Gold i end•Hilvar:Hrate,hess...ql.s;oo,tw 8,1.00 00 each . 200 Ladiesi.GataNatdhee.„. 85 oi/each 600 Ladieei 15 00-each s,ooo•.Ladies'epold:P.elseifte...... 400 to 600 each 5,000 . Gold-band Bracelets ' 00 to 10 00 each 10,000 Lockets, phains and Rinse. 260 to 600 each 0,000 Cameo "bloellii and Jet 1, Brooches" " 400 to '6 00 each 6,600 Coral and Florentine Ear- - - drops...—. 00 to , B.OD each Gents' Brelant`l'fiss •`' . 2'50 'to •8' oo ea& 15,000 Sleeve Buttons,•and Bosom Studs..., 260 ,to •6 00 each 10 000 Sets Ladle!'" jeWehi...... fk 00 to 10 00 Mich' 6:000 Lava and Florentine Sete.. 400 to 600 each 10,000 Gold Pens, Silver.mciunted ' • Holders' • 4 cp. to •6 00 each 5,000 Gold Fens, with _tendon Cakes and Pen=. clla " •. ... 400 to 6 00 each The articles in this stock of Jeteelry are of the neatest 'andArtost faultionabletstyles: 'Certificated. of all. the doss articles arectlinSealethinvelopehand raised, th us giving all a.falr c eseti; Asicir o:ie,r eel - of-arms. neasa.,h4, lour, option to rid Orni DOuia i sid,iike,theArticle' rimmed; In it or net. Ave metier:stet( for .411, , ideinsn • hir $2l thirty for $4l sixty for $10; one handeed ffir $14., .Vortiticate 'atioue2; to be enelowxl with hfdar..„ Correspondence, promptly answered: . • _ Aeimicre Wswrin , is totentind"miment: Send or a:circular. Address . W:.SO.RSYTHAt CO., 42. lir; 44 Nissan . street, 'New York: mar264lwse3mawsta , , CLOAKS CIRCITL.A.IIS MANTILLAS, IN:D. W. GROSS' NEW, BUILDING.; IfikirßT STREET„{ , , A New Philadalultia Cloak Store. Mafia now a splendid assoriment of SPRING- & StrIESEER , MANTELS, • FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS,-' NEW FRENCH' 'SAOKB; AND NEI* , FRENCH LOOSE' E.A.SKS. Ths obeys baantiforiamplea, in dfary *Oar and land aomolr tri.mmod, Pun; s7_so tiP $/$. 100 Q sx - Lg. EANTEM, • CIRCULARS,. BACKS • AND BASKS, Handsomely. add,riolily triMmod, from En upward. CHLLDRILY'S 11.4NTELS IN LaftGli YABINTY. 29 Dr. , J. P. KELLER'S Dental. P- r epar a,t,l o . catgamile biarTilwpm I :7 IA *fatifticht*Totrit . WASH (- A. D:ESE elegant p . pripadtititnititOicib , *9titiS most desirable demeans and 'astringent; 41,tuditleitk% They render t h e Dune hard and itellthysAtentralize the acid :seciethnu WC, mouth, :(thereby removing,-ths ,prirneestrieef decaY.); - BY Iheir froyierties they preserve the natural °Clover :the. Teeth; 7 witlidat least degree injuring the enaniel, while: they to the breath a fragrance peculiarly aromatir..antlldessent s lii facttheY are THF. BESTiRTICLES t Interns for the par-, Voseanamed,'" as a fair trial will 11ulW7 dendonittate; and as has been abundantly proved , bytheitiratendiessele"7l.P this conunturity during the 144d..ypars; and, which will be 'readily testified to by ntany,,who: have, repeat irnr urged the 'Proprietor , to still fArtheixiiiiid brae - isle and, usefulness. They are warriditeilf to' be' free: frenin th ole destructive acida which solrequently contaminate many of the proparons of the present; diy,i ! ,Frepared and sold. at the Dentalaeonis of the Friprleter, corner Of Srontl. and. iralitutkitieets. . JOHN Pr. Ickir-T • .• • • • " 'Brirgeon Dentiot 7l For Bala also by the principal Druggist...of the .. ap2l-dtt - • . Private ,Sale. • 91.1Th` undersigned for sale twenty-two and a half acres Of Lind within a. half mils of the Northam boundary of the city, of Ifarriabint, 'fronting oil Susquehanna river and extending back along lteops lama There are ,on the premises. it good haulms and barn, dye.to six hundrld 'peach, pear, cherry and.. appleitrenal , , n. ear ; ing, and alkhoico variety of small ftnita, :Terms myl9-lad • ' ivitErtlt • PLANTS! PLAN!! , , TOtACOO .PLANTS; • -; • TOMATO PLANTS, I CABBAGEPLANTS;4O.; out be bad at the - KEYSTONE NURSERY: . JUST AREITED I L -LA fin e= of CANNED ~ P FACREB, ad- TOMATOES; Also,• SUPERIOR PINE APPLES, .pE.ESH PEAR, k.s,, jute reesPrectbk, myl4-dtf MDT WISE, 3d street, near Widnut. VERY - FINE, rxrimEnr o . diir fine and ,oitensive.stock of Photo „ Tgraph Albums. and Photograph Card Piettlics; we have added a BEAUTIPIILIThOPR for the reception of card pictures They; must be seen and will he admire d .. RipPhotograpiers supplied 'at the very 'lowest whole -Ole price, and their card printed upon them for $1 23 per thousand, wholesale and retall.-at may 24 . •, - , SCIOSPFEWS BOON STORE HAY: HAY!! HAY!!! trAy of Ittte beet quali,ty i offered for. 0 16 . I Call at WCORIIICILI CtlAj4 OFFICE on the Csinal Yetritable Prioperty SOT Stele. . . . A ice* Two Story FIUME HOttSt,. with . a are!. rate Store •Itoom, te it; on the corner ofptk street and 'ilttswberWellej'. ,the TrtuniHOimo et - Joining: Fir ruither eiKalre lopedPs Shim Store, Marltat,terere, or on the tirembes:l.o.)::.. my 234.1 DanzL.t.mr‘r FOTP-iiihh4 uv locifledirreieF an./% samma 800 e. Boni•bnllg. pielS :RTISFiI E TS., Tllll',;OkkkT EWE PA:1!';11.0•IN: -,. .killPlig.;' 44 11 Erf.: B 0 D drEtrturi "PREP.AiLITIONS.I.M2: REISBOI2D EZThACT , stratru, , o - IVFLMBOLD ZYTRACT...SARRILLA, 12 44 tak ,- JJELBOLD GENUINE PREARAIION& HIGH L.Y C 0 ItT ATED :1 .t .0 :„1,7 - . t .tr•A :47 . V_LUXD, -EXTR 4CT J13U.014U; 5.• • - • A PCX3PrIvE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY .if .11WDER, KIDNEY S. MONET., tic r • . s AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. WEI 1111n1 1 3 Medicine inerenene the power of Di -1 sestina, and excite' the jiagiAßENrs into healthy , abgo.NittY liph. L atak Yrderill_RY or F. CaLCERODS‘ ttons, and 1 iTSTNATORAL ENL,Otaldtlin are re duced, as well as pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WOKEN or CHILDREN. HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU„ 3; , , . • , FOR WEAKNESSES ; - I, - , 'Arising 'from Enemies ' Habits of Dissipation, Early In disorotion orAtnilla, ,DSZ. t ATTHNDBD WITH TEN FOLLOWING SYMPTOM. Indisposithni to' Exertion, Dryness of the Skin; • Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease;- Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Wakernlneas, , Univensal Laisitude of therein in the Back, Muscular Systista f " Finishing of the Body,' Hot Hands, - -Eruptions on the. Face, Pallid Countenace , i. TheffeeffYinfftatok.ttailowed to gb on, . which this medl- One invariably removes, seon follow, IMPOTENOY; FA.TurrY, FITS, . , In one of which the patjent may expire. Who ' can say . Asa quit*" MotTrequently followed by those 4. 1 *1 1 0 2 ," INSIXErr 12113' . 061113ITIEKT011 . • .I,.any • are aware of the cause lef t ,their.soferings, but .11011 G will confess. . The records of . ..the hmsne a.sylums and the melancholy: deem! by Consumptiota, 'bear ample 'wit-. nest to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Boquires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the iyatem, Which RelmboldriExtract. Bustin' invariably di:um A trial will convince the Mt skeptical ITALLLES--FEMALES—TEM A Litsi, OL OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR comrim. PLLTING 7 MAMUOIr . ' In =icy affectionS peallar to females the Eictract Ru chu is unequalled by any other remedy, u in Chlorcisis or •Retenlloo, Irregularity, Psin.fulneu, or suppression of the customary Riscuations,• Ulcerated or Schirrotii state untie ilterus,,Mucerrhea or nit* &erllity, aid', for ail Com plaints incident to the UT.,.whether übtitqi from ,lodiacro tion, Habits of Diseitction iiirthe • '•• - • • pIifOLIBB OR- 044.417-alf FAMILY SHOULD BB.' WITHOUT PP. Take no Br4pun, liformuy or Unoloasantlfedlotno for Nuileamant bangeriiia ineeasieEl r m - ROLD'S EXT. CT,1317011,11, 'Cures Secret MOMS, In alPtharstagesi at little expense; ilittle or yo change in dietiino inacutramencg, and no expo= a m% 4414WakttrialinXidliiiig. given.Ag n ith .1 0 Urinate, thereby - lemoving obstructions, preventing and spring Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and intlam. , matien, to Dequent in this.clasa ofdiseases, and expelling PoWnorts, 'Diseasad, and Woniout' Ilattet.' :Thousands epon thousands who hive been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy, fees be,cured in a short time, have fountlitherwere' diceivedi'arid that the , OPoieon'y has by :the use of "powerful _Astringents," been dried on in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps - after InStriaga -• • L ' 1 ,, • • i Cie DELABOLD'S EXTRACT' EiDClllt/ 'for all Lir —ectione arid Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in ; Male or Female, fromwhatever cause originating N and ROW!' of how .l - Olisesisies -of tblatellirjans require the aid of a Diuretic. HEI2d33OI.ID'S EXTRACT BUCII.O is the Great Diuretic, and it is certai9 to , have the 'desired eflect: in all Diseases for whiclitit, 4 room - :mended. Blood—Blood—Blood. Helmbeld's Highly Concentra ted Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHI LIS. •This`ts an affection' of the Blood ; and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of the Hose,,Ears,Throat, Wind pipe and other Mucus Sulfates, making its appearance in the form of Ulcors„ , Halmbold's Extrabt Santaparilla.pu rifles the Bhnid, and removes all Sealy Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexions Clear addllesilthy Color.' It being preparediexpressly for this plass. of complaints, .its Blood:PiirliyfutPrOperties are preSei4eil - le:a greeter extent than'an,yrotheripreparationeCSlhiu r iarila. • • ' • . s • WiuSEL , • • An excellent Lotion for diseaseeif ARyphilitic Nature, R om; an inJeetion in diseases of the 'Urinary Organs, Artairerreoni habitat oftfiallretion, tileeellis connection with the Rgrive t ta lluchri,and Bareepaeills,.M. such. diseases es. recommended. Eiriderice of the most responsible and re. liable character will accompany the medicines CERTIFI CATES OF" MUIR from eight to twenty norkstanding with flanker' Selerrcir and - Faine. 'For Medical ProPertkaef Reehla, eee.*.Dispenzary of the United:States: •Bee Professor DEWEEIS valuable works on the Practice Of ,physla See remarks Made by the late celebrated Dr. MUSIC:E t Philadelphia, ;See remarks ,made by . Dr. !PIMA IdaDOWELL; a ielibrateePhYliBiin end mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeonet and published in the Transactions of the King's -and . Qttiapt's Journal. See Heilice-Clitrurglinilßeview,publishedbyßENJ. TRADERS, poßow.of,the Royal College: of , Burgeons . The most of the latestanderd works on Medicine. Extract of Buchu, $1 00 , Per bottle, or 'six bottles for Extraik Sersaparabt,_ . 00 .per. bottle, or six , for $5.00.. proved Rode Wm% 50 cents per bottle, or 'six Dir $2 55,' or half a...dozen" es& for 112 00, , which will be irallicletit to cure the most obstinate owe, if. directions are adhered . to Delfrered to any address, securely peeked' front et. st ireatymt, , Describe symptoms in. all, communication.: Ohms guaranteed. Advice gratis .. paremtally appeared before me an Aldermen of 'the shy of reladolybia, R. T. Hohnbold, who, bent duly sworn, 40th on his prolamine= contain no =emir, ,no mar sary;.or other injorioni ditopi, and ire' rarely vegetable. • • . r- „ H. T. HELMBOLD. avroni and elittaalbOd befOre nra thla aila day of - No. re q fsb4. . : t. , P. • HIBBARD • • Admen's, phtherww.„o., R N * lAildfes letters for irdaWairrin'eOnAdeacii 11.11141:09123,Chanditv,e, 1 3 1 donut loth este, below Chesnut, Medal- Oft POW. 4)..11:NE,, TWO gm. ME EVENIRG EDITION. • : lAssocAsite4 rreirs"JleiiiveLi. ' BY > .TBZ ATLANTIC AND-OHIO, ralvid LATEST FROM MEDAL GIANT, ';IMPORTANT, - CHANGE Off' , . THE ARMY, 1 111NiXER FERRY AND HANOYER:TAKEN BY SHERIDAN. 4ypt - miNq GOES ON FINELY.; 75 Cavalry amyl:Wirers ..‘aptn,red by Sheridan. Rebel CaValry DeinOrititzed. i r .atest FrOin ,General Slienixan,. , . . WASHINGTON Mug 2t. lo Major Genera4,,QtX, H. Y.: r An. official dispatch frOirt the heAdqußters df the Army of Alia ,l'otomac Monghick I Ohuich „tin miles fxop....lkano-yer„town, dated yeste4l;sy,aaexp.pqn•at 5.r. It staterthat out army i ns withdrawn to the north aide the _NoxthAnna on'Tlinksday night, and,marched toward •Restaver..‘Torn, the phtxloAlesignated.for the croasing of the ..Pagtunkey • At nine o clock 011 Friday• morning Sheri ,. . dan,with the First and Second : Division .of cavalry, took. - possession of Hanover Ferry and Hunoyer ToAirl!, finding there only a rebel vidette. • = • pie. First Division of the 6th Corps allayed a f t-40.o'ciock u e.IL, and he 'new flekis the 111 ape with sufficient force of cavalry,.4.n.ffintry andsirtillery:to resent any, attaelt r haely,itolle inade,,ppon hint. - - The mir4ailider. ot i the Corp; are pleasing forward 'with rapidity the weather is fine and therreads.perfect., A, late dispatch, :dated, nk 7 o'clock :this morning, the 28th,. from the..head-quarters'at Mongluck Church haa alse,been, received. It reports that everything goem on fmely, the. weather is clear, &c. Wina troops .ealhe up. Tepidly and in great spirit, and the army will be beyond the Pa- Munkeir bY noon. A FT, BreUtenridge is at 'Hanover Court , House With a force •variously reported at Iv:m(4 ; 000 to 10,000..,, , ,Wickhams and .I. l omaxa'• brigade cif-Oevalrar•vvere,also there. t, Thetdispatch.forther states that after seiz ing,Hanover ferry yesterday,- General Lorbert: c'aptured seventy-live cavalry, including en .OMeers:;.,that , t,xetlel cuvelry,is exceedingly , ;demoralized, and flees before- , ours. on ,emery • • . A iThepatelt. 'from General' Shertiati `^ dated May 28, '6 ai' riear' DailatcjeportiOtlist the auerny, diSeovering his rito4e'to tnrxt Altoona, Moved'itviiiiet otrr-fordei at •Dallas. Otir columns met the:enbiny about onemile east Of the rioMtLilC - S ' iew, and we pushed them 'back sibont three Miles to.the point where the roads fork to Atlanta and Marietta. -Here Jolixistonlaa . oliosen ti'strong line and made , Hasty bit strtingipampetwof itirnber and earth- Gert. , -Sr &Mara right is at Dallas ands'the centre abOril three miles'north. The' country is densely Woodidand;brpken.' • ', : There are no rcittalf-oX any :censetpience:: We have had many-Sherp encounters,' but no -thing decisive. No dispatches from any other' afield of operations haveheen received to-day. EDINTN; IC STANTON; - • Sepretary of War. [Ncyre.,---The above deapiiteh is dated Let ; ;5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, hiit`was, net read, at the Associated Press office 491 midnight.) ' Parties who reached here kora .Fredericks burg tO-day, report that guerillas continue to hover around the town in considerable num bers: 314 1 1r,'Ar them are also to be seen along. the, banks'of the"BapPahauPek• On Thursdayevening the guerrillas, suppo sing'that Fiedericksbutgliad been evacuated,. 'made a dash up to Wlne;Some of our troops were in the river : ; bathing and fired upon them, killing ~.tine.aud wounding two. They soon discovered' that "skit forces held the town, and they imaiiidintelY retired. A detachment of Arlan' CayaL.-y were sent in pursuit„brit they Were *able to Overtake the maraudertf; i. Tha Steainef (14 of:Albany arrived, at Alex andria tellity, from - Port ,Royal, wounded'in board. The Men were wounded on Tuesday and Wedneeday, in ,the fighting on , the Noll. Anna. order to facilitate the transmission lined ical - Supplies to; points developed by emer r genies, and to' =Secnre . , the, .proper ,distri bntion and presence :: - medical , and their astistani :Where their service are mosfregriaredio prtid.,..4sifortable and abundant available hospital. acconniodations for the sick, and 'younded,of the armies of the west and south=west, the 'Office of the As-, detail& Surgeon general has.beon established at Louisville: . = Markets by Telegraph...., 8 _ • • _,: „ParrADELPREA; May 2 Quercitron bark is in „demand at: SIL per ton. Cotton firm: at , $l@l:O3J, Flour firm;: .but pot, p.auch doing;: sales of 14000 . .barnals extra, fanitly at $7 !75(8 25,, and some faneY. at $3, 50...,7•10 change _in rye lour -or hoin Meal. 14int , ilenamd)forrwhesk and. 10,000 brothels eoldAktk 1 80120. 82• forread and $1 82 for. further; .white ranges from $1,90 to $2.5. Rye ; is ateady(at $15201155: A good demand for corn, and 500 bitehela sold- at $1.42 - for yellow and $37 for white. Oats are dull at 85®87e. Small sales'df eloretseed at $6 25@ - 6..50, and flaxseed at $3 3503 40- Pia:visions more steady ; but holders pre: firm - their de- , muds . . Coffee is Sugar and mo lasses are „Amer,. ;Whisky' sells slowly-tat. $1.31, and drudge at , sl. 37-• . • • " y ams m ay 28. Flour act:ririeed - Sc;,aares of 10.500 blots. at $ 7 15 ®7 60 for Ptato, $7 80®7 95, for Ohio; .and $7 70®10 75 for achitliern.,;SYlicat 'ad varicathic; sales of, 4,g00 bigher6, 1 673; for Chicago ring 6 01:01'.67; ,for Milivatilthi anti ina,!•*l:7oAr.77fiee44, Coin iirin at $1 Bee , t*ti; l l..T'cirk steady, Larff itefidl. l .ge:Y.34 and 1.400 barrels 4t;sl: 30 Petroleum flrn exile 591@ 4 .01 0 f . rg)04453" .3 r 1 , Mai , g?074 , 1,..1 5 Aw 0 44 , 341 72;Morcia Cana} 87; Lang ! TI-enx4: Itailiroad 71. f; gold 186.x;a> csn ge orCliblr• York par. STI3AIt PRIl f ING (iFt/TiVl • Aptlarrisnui Aatinzitaiet.io 3 Thasoilowink sie'tfe adiertisintrinlifetnit - - slum. Those havAradvertising to do will find it nod.— 'ninon tfor reference. in- Four lines or I* doriotutazi one-half sgnsre: Mkt; i" lines ctmore than fburinnisninisCit SOwne. FOR A KALI' squirm. One day $ 30 Two days 60 Three days 75 !aim week 1 26 'Orie- month.— ..... 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three months 6 60 . Six months; .: ... :. .. S 00 , One year 'l5 00 Administration Not: ce5...... Harriag? Notices._ — .l :. ' - r . ... .4nditor s Notices 1 50 'Funeral Notices each insertion.., /a—Business notices inserted. n - the. Zocai &Lan, or before Marriages and. DeathkEraFT._o 3 .oro47.lloaMw or bsection. . . _YOB OS - 2 %WARP. On; #Y • , r - • • *$ QO TWoMlaytle .. . Time 1. -- 0> Oneosek.. 2fi .One[ x ppdL . CO Two months ~ 9 00 11 00 Six, montbsi. .1.015 On& yeti. ... 26 - 101 . f. • - S2 25 - Nevr York Stock, Diark4. _ • , - .. • • • •-• , NE:,' ,YoRY, May Stocks dui, first eall,uraberland preferred 75; New York Central 133/; Penna. coal 110; Efidson River.l44; fauston Co. 43; Virginia 'Gs 54 bliss. 6s 70; Erie 114; one year pertifi; bates 98h; Treasury 110 i; Gold 185 i; 5-20 s ,107. RFGUIAIt IloAsn—Stocks dull;-C &R. A. 115 k; Cumberhuid preferred 175 f; 111. Con trisl 129 f; Michigan southern 99; ditto guar anteed 99; New York Central 133.4; Reading 141; Miss. as 70; Erie 111 f ; Harlon 281: Gold - ).o6pTreesury 74-10 1 11 R. • ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE , • Or -.11QN.D..K.1WN,,ig;p;...,--110.:R.S,ES. , . WAR DEPA.r.rati&r, CavaLICY HURRAH • Drama or CMS' -QI7ARTERNLASTHp-, WASHINGTON, D. C., April 25, 1864. WELL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, At the times and places named be. low. viz: • ' Reading, Penn's, Tleusday,. May 25th, „, . :Lebrun); Penn'a, Theriday, June 21 , Northumberland, Penn'a, Thurplay•June Sikh: . • • . Scrantim, Penn's, Thursday, June 16th. :Williamsport, 'Penn* ThurnlaY,4 Jima 1.3 d.•• !Qzke Hundred (lOW horses at Gettysburg„, and Two Han dled and Arty' (250) at each of the other places. ' ,These Horses nave -been condemned as omit for the , Cavalry service of the United *aces Army. .For read and faroVpuiposet rainy good bargains may— ,Ho 'des wig be Sold singly „ ' • • Sales'begin at /0 at, : and; continue all 'are 0141 . • • TZSMS: CASH in United. 4-tates Trcasury notes only, _ • f f XXIX Cot and B. 9,„,.1,1 . . cucalry ,ap2S-dtAt I • imq,,,,,.4 - ,:krir_r..9.s . - LUNG FEVER , FOVVEIER - ;.FOR- , HORSES; • DR. J. ELITE,- well known in. - this COIXU2IIII+ laity for his groin snce;es in the malageMent of all. 1 i ••,..' ..ia ses pertaining to the' liOrso, ot t ers a medicine (the - out hp rmsdsed ibr many years impractice)in this form 'to the public, feeling confident that owners Of vntuab.e Aurses win appreciate fis worth; as a speedy bike of Mit fermidable disease ,(Lung .Fever). will Istiow its 114htui -use and strict adhire-,bo to - ditections. ' -- - - ' f ' EuR.ANY INFLSIIIIATION OF'IIiELIINGS; atifcrusi I . !C10LD..4, INFLUENZA, LUNG FEVEtt,...ko..,,tOw is the best :rfmatly known. ,• •• . „.-1-. PREpA4ZI3 ONLY, ANp. squi) AT • _1 . :telle r's .137...-.ug- stox-e, ._.:. ~• r i N0..91 .411111(..E,1' SX - 114.01', .VARRISIZiriIIG, 1.. X. - ...2 1 Wherocaphe had also, - Dr: Hite's .Liniments for, Swee-' miay, Stifi, - and EA. old and new .S. )re's, §prains, &e., &c. :..loy. 2.1.-lw • r• PECTORALS e 'useful to"ou sth6 a ILAtough allay: Tickling in the • Throat, to ..rettike Hoarseness, Catarrh, Sore Throat, ..kc. Thsy .ountata Cieltsfoot, Horehound, Ipecactnesha, Senega and' Ssntil, t am most reliable.expectonmts known,} are the Ciller ne 'Live constituents; so ended wilt, Gun s Arabic and Sugar thatM each lozenge cottages a mild and very' pleasant doze! •Hanutticturedsdlely. by• .-, v. S. A. 13.UNtEL jau.27 4pothewies, 118 'Karim!. street, liasgstourg. • • COINED r.u.IFITS OF F,V44Y D • PION. SlitlP3Srot all thebelebnitedrustaillmiarei.a. OUT& OFIs kcsTAßps, . . , oi ever} descrlistion. . :ALeo, Elltol ,V N STOUT, EINE TEAS, 'COFFEE, SUGAR .8 IC and KU .e . Grail grades and prices, aad . the ben detected *eh outside of. Thdadeiputs... . . .., .. All goods ,lii - aranteed as reitreseniid.. , Particular att.tod paid ta all orders firurt a distance.." Goods gcutefully picked and. dehvered to all tsarist of the OW free of °Wye , , , SHISLER & ERAZP.R., :.: mys - , , .. auceesscp ta.NST, Dock, 4r,ar.Co.„ , FAT,I.STATE AT PRIVATE . SArlz rine solieral properties or 44 , • LW' L g, deceased, in the:city.of.kiarrO,iimi conmstirrs at ~ Hones on Front street anti' Cheathunitaid, at slid Inel:railer of Front and tliestiica. sets, , iiesiitintloll - Inlbe6y ',street,. near-I%lra street; and Dm alltegJ :o land at Cho easterniterannus of *akin, stryeL,Arq:Emi , ..l ,titred fol.'. sale. For terms of-sale :Apply to ondersigneti ti Stvgith aid Noble ktreets, • - TiiomAs,(barß.A.N. LARGE MOIC' E OF I,7Elyitirsttrs crritox, of TRip,, ,. .pg .1. ...LI I' • ' •: ' '.f - igISLER 4.FRAzraws, (SurcesscrstolVra. ylOck, Ir., Al CO. } 141 ino2ol TEA. & PERWE'S WO - ROE%TE4 SittiC* • the most populaeand the purest bier eifert.tll4 the . bite, just receiTest. &hi for sale by - , • . SHl,lLin &..E"44 - E"44 febl (successors to Witt. Dii4, Jr. & Co. WEET OIDER.=A small but`iiry , fine lbf 7 K.,. of Sweet Cider, just received at ' - '•-• - ,SHISLER FRAZSR,,'. (Sircee_saorsto W. Dock, dr.;# Co.L mar2B EWBOOK S. -L -Tlll'.' SHOOLI*Ii lEM • COATS OF SHODDY Sue t recuived at fdeIBI.SCHELFVFSC§„EIOORSTORE, AT . ESS - BEEF and - , 1111SS: PORK. —A choice 1111 article of Mess . Beef anliTork at • • SIIISL_CR ERA2S,R (successors to Ina. Dock,. jr_. k Co.) . . .13IIRLINGTON HERRING. The ;fifit,' of the season.. Just received' at • • . - TY 4 • ' EQ-T.F.F4 fIRAITBERRIES. —A: 'choice, lot' of: Cranbe vi iies Just reoetired s it:' SHLSLER k FRAZER, • mps ,successors to W. Dock, Jr., Co,/c ," • ;:". • ' pitifirTr. LARD. FINE Kittle Itexidbied LARD, p •' at received at • -SHISLER. & FRAZER, mar 3 . fauceasara. to Wm. Dock, 3ri, kcal) • FRESH. supplrof Alidheners Oelebritte . d Sugar Cferel lamst!nitpriefl. Beer, Al ilie2sl' • ' 11:11171:TER, I BIITTEIL—Tresh roll bates: frbITI Snyder 'county received "ek - eic' week.:''Vse" egg at' .01341 • ,BoMtAt,gl/411eittelivt 1 - 9TO .2:Qr sate ,;4116 gonler: of Third , Itack ■ J Broad s treets. Enquire of WM. C. PacrADDEN. 5.; • - ' _ . . . VINE NO._ 1 AY.A.Off.„Ea s igabin .. .Nitts,.just re ceivedat SLEg tr. FRAZER, tmar p,, • (slicceesorspErtrun.Dosr,...&•Coo- !"TORN MEAL—A lJ.ceivedat. . aI3LSLEItikiERAZER.• • :inar3l sucomors toWm L Dark 3 Co BWEET ClDER.—Superior sweet, ciAr,.. received • Rh. sale by'the barrel or artiarquantitY ae 3 ROW= .111SWIfilkuNkit. ucilwitErAV-= , 3ttst small lot. Fine eliofire .131:rdICWHEAt SILISLBR &FRAZER, -'; (sucurlt to. Wm- F INE OlLS.—Fine tabu' . oils just reeewed- - - 'WESLEY. eirRA'4ER, -P 3 Successors to 1V... nor.k_ k Co. El XT A Tr IVY; WI IC' IFDTS BLACSIIEIiIIT and E*P:AlF:ititir Warranted pare: sale ac ". _,,wit 3.51. 4 1. V.B4W, ~f . ‘ ,„l (succesitorth W. Pockot.: lan2s 110111 a. APPLE. CIAESEi - - 14 01t Wtricelet-. braze),4 iio: SHISLER. ,A.Y.ER uO2O ed • • irsickSisfibr 'Mal; SALE.—A Five-horse-power ENGINE and BOILER, in good order. Atlri, up F. CRETE, Walnut str. itelow feb234l ram
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers