4 'sWl'. l v - MEDICAL _ . CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP:, 003W090W ' OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated fluid Extract of VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS, r 4. 4. 4 1 .4 471,11 WM. H. GREGG, DI. D., Graduate College of Phylicianz and Surgeons, N. Y., for F tacitly Assistant Phyalcian Blackwell'e Island ;dials, late Medical .Inspector New York State Volunteer Depots, under Goy. Edward D. Morgan. . CONSTITUTION I.IFE firßtf? Ls, ' HAB PHODUCID ~.... - A Rif rOLUTIQN - IN JIEDICE'VE. P. . ri What may seem almost incredible , is, that many ga l- eases hitherto consider* hopelessly incurable are it o .: . quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfkll,i , Invite the investigations of the liberal minded and sett ' , 'talc to cures which have no parallel at the present da Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the seat of any disease Is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. ti Those who. have suffered long from painful and obiti.- !i: nate diseases, those who hive vainly sought relief film I,.*advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by other I:.A.RE INVITED TO USE CONTITTUTION LIFE SYRUP ' . 7 ., During the past five years we have contended withfeb rtaclesAnd overcome opposition as herculean as were ever ia encountered by any Reformers. RAPIDITY 07 CURE. try,- ^re too it. Some say, iour cures are too quick," while ~ LL doubt their permanence, and think that disease can only X4be cured by the "slow recuperative process of NatureM I at tr; This is our reply: In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale; Is: a k. , state of Equilibrium. But when from any caused it goes One side of the scale, we haVe the effects of ditieihie. %Airhat is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of ,ihe e.scal • -.. rt ''''''' CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, „!.., AA positive and specific remedy for all diseases originating ylfrom an LMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, .and for!,all F.?, (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted fremiPARENTM) f...C111 O. 7 .• N : IA • PARA-LYSIS.. • , - •0 , $Ea m ipl egi a. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis igitilitin. ,1 It is so universally, admitted that Constitution Life'Sysup his the only effective means of restoration in the vagina ' tformsefiTeralysis, that we need not reiterate that it 44 4 emphatically the Great Life Giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. •,! . Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Constipation '," Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. • • Want of Appetite. ,;Flatulence. Bad Breath. ~•,,,,? ,•.. • , .'• • •Ro.ROPULA. . Ni Struma. Glandular swellings. Uleeraticd. r-•Pligts,Evil.r -Erysipelas. , ,- t , SaltlllifOk i-•,i , This taint(skitsnrrAn's and Acsitirsifn i rning. ilfel*th 'untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies ineuratnel, R.LIEFFMATISM. #1 i....itkrthritis] Neuralgia Gout. 'ether iz e : is In); disease in which the ca .g e nstit ai naoh e 7. el l Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kin ' d affections. The most intense pains are almost insta alleviated—enormous swellings aro reduced. C I '., chronic or-tdcarieffii;of• - •20 or .30 years' standing, e been cured - by_us.,. ~ • .. NERVOUSNESS. Nervoiliptielifiltk.— atte .Nerves.. StArttiliegfflume. e icialof Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. i..Thotiriantlii who have suffered for years will bless the pay on which they - read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their footsteps to a Hepe which fulfilk more than it promises: MERCURIAL DISEASES. Rotting of Bones. - . Salivation .7.444l:Csmplezion.l Achesju Routes Feellnedf Weariness:• Deprmsloit of SPirits. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges the system en; tirely from, all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the; Bad Eirettib - .aid"bitring the Wea4 - Joints and Rheumatie Patna which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Bums, and. secures the Teeth as firmly sai ever . , CONETITUTION , LIFE B.YRErP it • Eradicates, Root and Branqh all Eruptive Diseases* the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples,Blotches, and all other difficul ties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward ap pearance of both males and females; often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS, Ether Of the face - Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected. thas preventing their breaking, and. producing the troublesome Discharg ing pomi, which disfigure so many of the younger por. trete...eat the community, front six to , twenty years of; age, YOunicblldien gri very subject to Discharges 'froiethe vars, which depends upon a scrofulous These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Syrup. All scrofulous persons stitlliting from general Debility Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen; arid in the female, Dropsy of the ovaries and wottibiVekig orally accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration or the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck) the Life Syrup will remote entirely. The remedy should be taken for some time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body will be completely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of any kind. Epileptic Etta, Sympathetic 'or Organic Diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a grating or tiling bound, Dropsy of the Heart Case, and all the affections of ,this important organ, (persons suffering from any saute pain In the legion of the heart,) will be greatly relieved by Constitution Life Syrup. StROJCZN.DOWN et DELIC.4TII CONSTITUTIONS 7 . Buffeting from indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back Loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Dry, Hot Skin and Exi tremitiee, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Haggard Countenance and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the•Constitutian Life Syrup. ZOE . ALL FORMS Olo' ULCERATIVE DISEASES,' : Either of the Nose r Throat,. Tongue,.Spine, Forehead or &alp, ne . remedy has ever proved its equal. MOTH PATCHES upon the female face, depending uporl a dbeassed-action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to thi young wife and mother. A lbw bottles' of Constitution Life ,Syrup will correct the secretion, and remove the de posit whiCh fa direttly under the skin. If Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi neat, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or rani serous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be relieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. figrAILA GILVERAI BLOOD-PORIFThrGi AGENT„ TIIE LIFE • STEEP - STANDS UNRIVALLED Re -FREPARA TION RI TIER WORLD. . . . Diseases of the Spine, At ienaliideveloped in the young ar t ,Sip Mega% NewtElgin, and all•Nervoxls piseasak i Ales.wtyo Are safferin,g from: Diseases for which theY . it a aloes what .to do, we would "advise' the use or CON i UTION LTVE SYRUP. ' le*ill reatorelheir pallid . coehi tonance, strengthen their weak back and side, give them „AM' energy, new life and 141.ppinasEt ~ . s THE RICH .A.11 7 .D.P00R • , . , Are liable to the same diseases- diature and sciancp, h made_the Constitution Life Syrup fox' the benefit of ,a7l PURE BLOOD Pratt:Mee healthy men and women; and if the constitution Is neilected in youth, disease and early death is the re sult Donot/delarichen the means are so near at hand; and,ntthila the reach of all. TO 310,711ERS ANa MARRIED LADIES. It is the safest and most effectual medicine ever discovi *red for pthifirinithe system; and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. It strengthens both the mothersnd the child, presents pain and disease, and in creases and enriches the RlO—those who have used it think it 'indispensable. If useful both before' and after Confinement, its it preyerits disease attelidiind upon childbirth. , •-• • - SIRUP I 8 THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND. T7IR7 RICH ALAN'S BLESSING-I BEET IT, TAKE 13',,AND BE .CIIRED. IT IS ErNIVERSAI, ,IN' ITS EFFECTS WM. H. GR.F.GG, AI. D., SOUS ptomencroß Nay( YORE, IlaboktOr'y,..l3rooklyn, I,3I S E r fIFER'BOTTLE; SpE BOTTLES FOR $5. fiErSent by express to all parts or the country] . _ MORGAN.& • • • Wholegsle Druggists, ;.:••1:.-'4e Cliff etreet,..Wew..Yorlr: SOLD BY 144$TON, lIOLLOWAYA .COWDIN; . 4 PHILADILLPHIL, PA., - _ xu. - - j:/AFFXli l lf.•3 118 Miekstistriet, 4414: 11, 4 - AND ALL DRUGGISTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 232 Walnut Street, South Side, East of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS, .. INCOPRORATED 1794, CAPITAL CHARTER PERPETUAL. Marine, Pire and Inland Transportation In ARTHUR G. SOFFLN, Preeldout. CHARLES PLATT, Sobrethiy: EtTEELER, Central .Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St.,..nearleecmdiArciebiirg,-Pa, m -9m DANIEL A, .M - -USIiC - W. •A -G1,141 T 11F tie Old Wallower Line ; respectfully in lJ the public that this Old aily Transportation Line (the only Wallower , Line now in existence in this citylis in successful operation . and prepared to carry freight attlow as any Other individual line between Phil adelphia Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, , Williamsport, Jerasyjiticre, Lock Haven and - all' other points on (the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and•lemira Railroads. Honda oat to the WarehOusn'orltessra. Pea'coCk; 741 Hincbman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Bth rbiladelphia, by. it o'clock, r. will arrive at Harris burg, ready,for delivery, next-morning.. [ap3o-rdmyl others PEI - PI:1E117S DAILY - LINE BETWEEN FIIILAOBLFIEFIA, ' Lock Havel- Jersey Shore,lillianumort, Mun cy, tmlontolin, . P- Watsantown;-Milton, LOwisinirg, lorthnntberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown; Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, :AND HARRISBURG.. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the, lowest rates. Xlie Conductor goes through will each train to attend to the' Safe delivery of all geode intrusted to the linn ...Goocbs delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD k FREED, 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock r. H., will be delivered IMMO riaburg the next morning. Freight illwaye ias Low as by Any Other - • - • JOS. MONTGOMERY d:,CO., • Philadelphia and Reading DePot,. ' oetn,Er— Foot of bfarrefierbUcHitrrieburg. NIT DDEN'S MARBLE YARD CORNER WALNUT AND . FIFTH STREETS, Hanikatig, rilig.gudersitiod having it)olda. Yard in this city, beg leave to inform thOir friends and theipublicin general, that they are prepared 'fur- MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Monumants Tombs, ,'BeadStones7crl • - And HOneetirork in Marble ainißrOwn Stone. Give us a call and we willfinaranteczatiefactton. ^ ' M'FADDEN & CO: N. B.^—Lettering neatlyMonaln English or German. mar29-dly , • ^ • , IS MAG,NOLIA,'BALIII. 'TII.I3IS is theitabSt delightful - 'extraordi 1, nary article ever dircoderelk''' It changes :the Sur burn and Face and rigida .to a „ppurly, ,sepis 4 torture 11 ravishing beauty; Imparting-theanarble'pur4 of youth, andiho distingue appearance so Inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tin, frt;eekles, pimplea, and rough ness of the skin, leaving the complexion trash; transpa rent and smooth. It contains no material injuriourto the skin: Patronized by Actresses dad Opera Singera "It' is what every lady ihotald have. Sold 'wholesale and' tall by ap2D-dtt BAGS! BAGS! •BAGS! NEW AND • SEOOND-HAND 5E.43.11.,E55, BURLAP AND GUNNY •, • 33 , ./k• s . FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, , PRINTED TO ORDER, BY • ' 3'ollN'T:' BAILEY 84.03.; No. 113, North' Front , St., Philadelphia. J.O-H 'N .W T S . E THIRD gtfiEF 4 T NEAR wAixtrZ • 'HiutitisirEs4o;x 4 A., - ' , .PrOgAlE A l4 o 7 ±rA . PPlldt'#` l. CONFECTIONERY&C Jujube Paste,. • Citrons, • • ~• Moss Paste, • Figs, Ades , • . Fig Paste, - . • Prunes, Marsh Mailow.Gum Drops, I Almonds; Walnuts, Cream Chocolate Drops, Plain .Candies, aro., ice. Oranges and Lemons, Canned Fruits, • u d:4l cidertrinaiar.; . Fresh andiSslt;Flah In sea-. Vegetables Raisins, '.ogrants • ig A fELODF,ONS‘ AND CABINET ORGANS: ~.ETRST • PERI AIR AWEL'VE suivEß, gEblA,t,q ONLY 6;1.1) MEDAL, (ever won by instruments of this class). has been;awarded to . . MASON lat INSTRUMENTS. * full j aasortrop . at of Atom instruments always on hand lit • MCOCHE'S, Selo Agaitt;. je4-2tawlY) J'OWN & C 0 .7 1§:111t; 0 WE't-rt, MARKET STREET, AR,OVE,FOURTR, . L •P .D• 2. 4! • (I"litx.r TiS ADAMS ,EtPirFSS OFlrjelE ) • n ,I 13` Warrants, Claims, Government Secdrities, Checks" " . Thomas C. illacDovrell; - Att _ - a t. LAI OPPIORILIT. I II[IRIS.B T.-, BELOW PINE. J., . • c. EARRL4BITRG, n ,1 VLI, manlier . 01Ortis : , ForrgitIy attended to, and claifas,colieeteciagainst the General or State Goyornmootek bithoraiii Coriiress, the Court og Claims at W.ashington city, or at ITarrislimrg, witheet Au l4 ! necessary dolay,taud otooderate ttirms. 429,athml PURR; etrictwiatirrED COFFEE, SIJGAR AND MILK.: -, ERSONS making np boxes to send to their friends in he army, will dud this an elegant article; one box making forty: caps of Jitva coffee, and with little labor. For sale at , Bc"RAZEit," no 24 tsaccethors to Wm. Dock, jr., k Cb.) PADELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI TUTE POR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch street. Rev. CHARLES A.• SMITH; D. .D.; E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. IL, Principals. , Ninth. Year. . Three departments: Primary, AdadeMic, l and Collegiate. ull :college course in Classics, lathe medics ' higher English and Natural Science for those who daduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting and Elocailon.by_tho best masters. For ciirculars apply.at the Institute, or address BOX 2811 P. 0., Philadelphia Pa ap2o-6m* SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nnt meg and New York State Cheese; ; Wet receired.at , SHISLER "a.FRAZER, ittccessors to W. Doek: Jr.; SE 'CO mys WALNIITS, CREAUNIITS, FLLBPATS. For salo-wholciaile at 1 7 4 , ' z • BILISLER At FRAZER, m.Y . P '• • • :Aii6Oessors to W. Dock, Jr., k Co. • . REMOVED: spiAiitiVstws BOOKSTORIO . . A' . O'it. G 0 FYI CIE; r • _• rWe fume jtio.rocokred as, fine selection ors : AP-P-12;ln • • • • • • Ti Order: rarfiaN},- the - baiiel, '1)111..0l bf" koPkii , 1':.8957/T,W0211,7) quiztiq' --'Blllsu" ligg lCA ' Doors' told* Harilwate ltors tcrWro. Dock ' 4sco.) : " - f .! - .. ,.- OPPOSITIC.THE' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ff*,34lt.r.: .L - 7,l44frualik - i - p - ps - A,Troxs, 04' the inui wilit*Savviaviik-Jlliii ViceiireitriM b y , a smst Eß ri mAz a IeTEW ItiACKF.REL gE 4N.1),..5AL; foil (successors to Wm. Dock, jr.,as Co ..1.1( NON at t Dave] BOYER k KORN= $1,556,668 50 $;00,000 StliallCe DANIEL MUMNICI3, Agent ilarrisburg, h'enn'a. COMM =I S. A. KUNHEI;Ac'SRO., 118 Markbt street, Harrisburg. Filberts, Cream Nuts;. Qround_Nutst - , ttecan Nuts,i Cocoa Nuts, • giallioiticSdi 4 lAO librolitandl3l= Cokes Matta& , Snot and hist), Tots Green and briect , FrArit4. And , Cotpltr7uaroduce +• :101DI JWISF4t MISCELLANEOUS RO RATS, a 186 4 ACHES c. 1864 - As Spring approaches ANTS and. ROACHES .From their hole COW out; And MICE and RATE, naqiie of CATS, Jar skip about. COSTAII'Zi • EXTEIIMINATOI 8, For Rats, Mice;itoacheg, Antg, lied .So gs, Mosquitos, Moths- in•-Furs, 'Woolens, el 43., Insects on Plante, Fosvls, Aaiun&ls, et 4 "15 years satabilabild in N. Y. City." "Only infallible Temedies Ir.nsten.' "Free from P,Oieenn" "1 , .."M dangerous to the Roniaxt Family." "Rata come out of their holes to dio." gay-Sold by 'all Druggital averrethere gari'l I BZWARII I 1.1 of all worthless imitations. *gr. Costar's" Depnti, No-433 Broadway N. Y. gEirSold by ' D. 11'.''GROSS'& CO., Wholesalp . and retail agents, . ir.arleAsyvtim ', • ' Harrisburg, Pa ELECTRIbITY....; ;.. • IFI RS. 11 ( lETH and OILEKKER,. Eclectic j_f and Electropathic physicians, respectfully offer their professional services In, all the various: hranches of the profession, for the treatment, of 'all sou tie rturst chronic forms of diocese. , . The . remedial, means they employ Mind Iveatment of disease consist bf Magnetisin; Garvianlsth, Elebtro-Idagnet, ism, the Swedish method_ of Localized movement cure, a few .*clectic medicines when deemeri necessary, and in fact all the natural curative agents thaernay suecemdblly tarYpliti the They 4p- xpt. wlslf ftyyte ...understood an^ arrogating to themselves any superiority pt, pnitessional skill, but they beliexe tlip remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease ffirisirpe-40 to thifieetenoralleintrloyed by p hysicians, from the'fact that they act in perrect'hannotty with the laws'governing and controlling thehmi itue systtera. To this, and the fact that they confine tli6iiideares to'rio par Ocular oi system, they attribute' their' success I controllingdisease. - • The principal agent they employ in treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderful In its phenomena and powerful in its effects for good or iIL It is an- 'ever-present,dlliervraing, principle, >govcrntngyail things; from rolling worlds dosm to the Invisible perfidies cf.gassectue matter.l We sett it in. the lightning's dash and hear the.manifestations of its 'fewer the muttering 'thunder. It is the CRUM of all decompOsltion, recompo anion and transformation. it °seaman metrom It is the -exciting cause ofl growth, decay Medi death. It causeroseeretlon, excretion, digestion.- It lays hold or the crude food in the stomach, converts it into a state of flu idity, transmutes it Into arterial blood, and sends it on its important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of thebody. his the. nerve vital fluid, the greal.agmt tkrough which the mind Sets upon the bodys It is the cause of all causerfescept the first great, cause. the Infinite land .which created it and brought It Imo use Them may appear like mere assertions, but Alley as. Sects admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be Woßdpretrat that are. agent so wonderful ,In its phe nomena, so powerful in its Manifestations andlio Intimate ly connected with all the operations of the human sys tem. shonld be almost absolute in its pow,er of controlling disease? Certainly not. ilt is a natural' sequence one follows as surely as day follows night. Among the diseeses whieh are found readily to Electricity, in conjunction With,oeper unct treatment, may be mentioned the followirig;' Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptio, Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forma, ithuematisin, hillammatery and chronic; All diseases or the nervous system; Dyspep sia cured iu a few treatments . ; all:diseases id; the uridary and genital , oixans • Female Diseases Asthma, Piles and Prolapsus Ant; Amaurosis and all , kindred ail ections of the eye; Aumtus, Stricturek all skin diseases, Ito Persons calliwi t uFill told whether they eon be bone- Stied and,no case taken where some relief cannot be af forded. Coniulation fiie. Office, South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisbyrg,,,ra, . Office hours•from 8 to 12 A. af t , .1 X," to 6 and 7 to a p. •"":"• ' ' ALEZ:-.-11, , . ' C M AOK , ER & COs!S,,N AN OS - souß ~ GRAPES. TOO well, knbWit in this city to, need niendation. • In ussity • ' PRESIDENT LINCOLN , • , ' ;, ; : • GOVkRBOA CURTIN, , JUDRExr..a..ksON, And many other distimmished Cltikens. The undersigned offers these Superb inStrumetitiitt prices that cannot fall .to command Public patronage. .: • N..8.,- - No•OLD . , stook. on hand:',. • • Also,,Bois :44elitfor the uniivalled .• , • . . Araq . • BitAp t ittritit , s' ChlOc'ering's and , seven:46'll4er of' 1144 vary beat MACS. Nerne' . .but perfect' inirumkintesole, • Call and 'sea largest stcick`out oftzsat atlas. I': mar2B-tf • Third.otreet Anzio Roo: ..• 41s ' 7•.:4•• SUST .4 OPENED! - itT B Book tymi — S ' Store: Embracing every Iletv.'"Pd PPP mv ek • 2 14 1 1q;,:i:• • POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY. HOLDERS, Up' SKIN.TOOKET ROOKS .• 1 • • J /1 BUCKSKIN .PURSiB3, ;." • • .411 F: PORTMONNAIES, ho. 414110(11E1 i 4; snit all cimunistuancei r ' • ' POCKET 'Otirlfgritt,- • Consisting of a tine assortment of 'Westeahoins4 Rape - 'Pbolcet ."..- .• l4 • 1 °ll ' • c4Miriikd Pen i,.:; ; ;;;t with ; 1.11 • pomi ilikuo t ic -..• ; . 44,7 . • 7 WRITING CLIEH, r'" • ; itoqtroon'-iiEsgs. : - PAPETERIE:ViaI Together with every article-usually found in-a first . Bocdr, and Stationery establiskunent‘ at „' • : :myl2L :14:BERGNER'S, bl:tfarket street., 9t4iarii 'Weepy *o'Lixerpoo Touggwa QVAXNSTOWN, ( 001 1r , 1 11 0' bor.) Tile wall known Steamors .of tka, 1.470,M001; New toTk Snd Ppiladelphla' Stauninip Company, ate in tended 16 sail tinf-follows: • EDINBURG Satairdiy, May T, OITY . OPIPASHINOTON, Saturday, May 14, CITY OF MANCHESTER. Saturday, May 11, and ,every succeeding Sa!ards,r, at Noon, from Pior 44, sort t h Elver. - • BATES OF-PASSAGE, rayarma Ls %%trap, faCrooktrrATALIENT re antrustrov. ,F . IR,ST C41_131iVrin......480'0Q STEPROg.;,3O 00 do 'to Dthiao4... ~. 85 00 ' do to' LOrtd6ii ' ' ' E go: IA do :to` , Piiiiii!,:l`.' 05 , 00 'So to 'Paris '.•40 00 dolosiladrhurgal ..;,80 1 .00 .1 do Ito: Han:An:mg. 87,041 -114.gangkvs al-Plictiod •to, 4*vrevßrXnnen, • Rotter , darn,.4o4tpdip, 4:e., at equaliy,iow rates. . 'Phila. Trom Liverpool or Qtreeitatown . :lEit Cabin $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, -$3( Those who wish to send for their friefill Can buy 'Sake& here artheee rates. ? , .Vps.turOketimfonnatioßhpply.A44 Company's Offices;* 40AN - 0: .DALE,../431, ; ),0 AKo4ow4y, N. Y. or 0.,0" : .00; 11 .4 2 4. MA-40 1. 4 . 0.4 . 1 ?-rg-,. I. : ...) • . • '., • 1.13.6..41Y• ,`Alth",.'Pg,lo.loPl STORE. BOYER , & KOERPER 3 , . Witt). E E. gitetatleiftud AjVDL'fiIYDB OF N T MIT ' 1 3 R 0 D II CI E AYE j?..,o"Oelied a' gGart 4 . *ell selected. ,Rtfie,.k. of ioodls at their.Wtood., MarVeisigatN,! Harriptog, IN., to which they Invite the attention. of ,t4e: geßerapy. • :t APV.AI7; PAPER wArtwiroiTSlE. FA R R IR - VING dt co. I 'l ' • • .1 5 _ _.ANLTAIefiIatARS of DOUBLE STAMNGT.II , --, - MANILLA PAPER OF.ALL k ROLL AV 11„ . 6 .1: 2 P,E1!..111 , oni tand or made to order. Hi PedYil l3 e%Pal! l I :9r, Pr I'IYIII ImiLlCtuatti ties. marl-dain D. W. GROSS &. CO D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARIiET STREET, HISRIBBURG, PA DRUGGISTS, IWYSIOIANS STORE- BEEPERS- AND CONSUMERS. We are dally adding to' bur assortment of goods all such articles as ire desirable, and would, respectfully. callyour attention to the largest and best selected stock In thts city, of • DRUGS, CKEIVIIGALS AND PAINTS Varnishes and Glues, DyeStutht Glass end Putty, '''k'l64l Colors and Tools, Miming Fluid and Alcohol, lard, sperm end PMe 0115, Batt*yids and Lamp' Globah, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, 'Mal a general varletY of PEBSIMPRY AND TOILET ABTIOLES, selected froni tho best manullictuiers and Perramers , of gorOpe and 611 country. lking vary largo &ann . in PAINTS,rWHITE:LEAD, LINSEED rAiivriwm, ' . 4 . 72VDOW' GLASS, ART1.97"3 Amur s 'BRUNETS ' I . • Sit Ll IN A .L.L iTU.EIR VARIETIES, 'il bums AND Dmlps OP ALL XIEZIL 4 ,::' 4 1 We respectfully !write mull, feeling couhdept that Ire din supply the °frail on terms to their tallsfedl hon. TEETH i VE,Y,TAIt miffs , Arm wirgur t v pagawir TEETH PATENT if-EDIEINES, AND 'Of all kinde, direct frem th• Proprietors 13.APONInER .AND CONTED LYE. Wholesale Agents tor &wonkier, which we sad as kow as it WM be purchased In the allies. raArEa'S MEDICAL. FL7ID EX2ILIGTI COAL OIL' CABBON OIL 1 Being Large purchasers In these Oils we can otthr dieementi.te oldie IMyerit. Coal 011 Lamps : of UM iiitiot improvild patterae l very cheap. All kinds ot rAmpO changed to blUm Coai OtL PO** AND GRAZIERS. Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CAT, TLE POWDERS atrial know not thetiattperlortty, and the 1 1411tIdaSPVieY in)feeping Rome and Cattle healthy and in a gboi coi4ioo. Thew:nada dill testifyto the profit they have derived from the use of our Osttle Poveders, by the indreased mum ty and AuslisY of A, besides improving the general health anikappsimpf,their cattle Our long experience to the business gives us the advan t tage aril thorough kuhtiledg r e lot the' trade ) and our ar- , rangements in the citlea ere with that we 7=,:in a yeti short time, fmmieh am - Wag appertaining to oar Imaineite, on the beet of terms Thanklel foy the liberal patronag' e bestowed on ou r house, viehope . by etrieattention to business, a careful aelaKionir• . • r .13 * 'D RV' a ' at ray pri*, andpe &Luny° to hnnie a 31,14 nrtuit con, tinuance of the favor of a discriminating puhha, aple-dly , - PECTORAL sypp,, ,Frous INTALIJA_BLE STRATl;;;wliehileih n tirely vegetable in its composition. has been entl ple*ed.with46nderfal Buboes!, for many years in the isire of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. Perany form of the disease, Midi as COUGH,' TICELLSTG - ottltbe, THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD,MirkietiLT BRUITING, HOARSE4I23B, LObS OF VOICE sad HECTIC FEVERS its use will be attended with the happiest resulita'. Itlitone of the best and safeavineilloines - for , sill formi cams and COMMOTION: , No ii - stigtOion , or .prOhlra- Hon of 0 1 2 ims in any shaPeinffrii syrup . , P/310511.00 PER BOTTLE. . For sale at lIERONIaWS Cheap Boot Store. B e : . OI:,GILD.EA; D E N:T I S T • 111,1ESPEOTFULLt , 4 ..—corms the citizens- of wartshnrg isolvlcinttr %hat' heludiletnoved his of fice from Market street to Third atiesc-next , ;door to 'the' Patriot and Union oftlce where , his is prepartul to acoom.' modale sli wbe clay delsire%hia professional oerrites &Kl 4 A ...tut tiit AN j t C receive d EIHISLER & FRA7alliti ito2o (sucaseors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) Pure Or(mnd Spleen, ka, &a, Asc., &a., &a, COLORS, i!.A.riv77 A. F. - t134.311 - ER3fAN I Practical Watch Maker, No. la larket Street, :Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN - 7111 S •WATORIL.4 FINN SILVER WARE 6Eati . •• ; • • • s NGs, SETS OF - JEWELRT. , • PLATED WARE, • TEA SERVICES, • ' • AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand itivell selected ind elegantly assorted Stork 'of . • • FINE WATalnita cAtis, • MAN, . • AND SETS. •• • • FINE SILVER WARES. ; ALyzaroAN; ..IiNgLISH AND Rings WATCHES,. Both.* Gold and Silver Cases. Also, a tine assortment of • '•LADIE4' 3VATVIIES : Ceeetently ea head. , .• • - ; ..k.s.eses,..vainery ELEGANT Cr_AaCKS, • - . Of. .all`dearriiitionst all'of which 'will hg sold it the • .E 0 WEST CASH PRICES. and • examini thAgoods: • ' Particular attention paid to repairing of line Watcher, Mich iur Chronometers, Duplex and other celettrated Watches, ~ and kinds of Jewelry neatly =repaired. . None but the most competent,workinen employed, and the'whole matter =fir my — oivit personal supervision. L A. F. ZIMMERMAN, .mar2Sl No. 62 Market . reet, adjoining 13rant's ERTL Iwzi.mmroYzArma MAS•TIC', CEMENT 11.11 4 WIPACTeREA • PITTSBURG, "Par, TB PREPARED'i4itarniali and coat the ai l_ terior of Buildixigs with the MASTIC . CEMENT, , on a new system. This material is entirely different brom,all other cements need - heretoforecand'. is the- only reliable, imperishable coatinglor outside work. Mixed with pro per properiions of pure Linseed Oil it fcins a solid, dura ble, adherikeness to Brick or Stone Wall; making a beau tiful, line water nrool surface and finish equal to Brawn Slone or any color desired. Among,others for whom I have applied the Mastro Ce ment, rrefer to ilte following gentlemen: J. Mizell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. M'Cord, J. H. Shoenberger residence, Damn caviller. A. Hoeveler, " " • Jameelli , Calutiess, " Allegheny city. ' Calvin Adam; • Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, " 'William Whet, Girard House, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch,Buildings, . John B. Cox, residence, ,Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. J.,Jonee, , Please address T. P. 'WM'S' ON, P. O. Box k Bo6, Pittsburg, Pa, ..161S-dent or, Pena Mise, Harrisburg, Pa. OF _ • • P' ho to gx-aplo. AI01M : in - FINE MaiiodCo-pitnelled, gilt oodnionoted.witti two heavy gilt clasps. , • r AIafIIMS WITH t. 30 Pictures for.. ... . . .... . . . .... sa SO 40 " " ' ' 'a ao 50 " • . ..... •• 4'. .'• • .. too 400 together with vrrious other stiles of blueing, ...... and prices, whic.h4iiihe sol4Wleap, . Soldier,a youpannot 'buy, a Prettier, more durable and cheaper ankwhere. ' Qad:indseetat: OCH:EITEB'S Bookstore • aIF/ 2- ot.t. . „ Harrisburg, ...SDVA W A . ;R, D 'P.IIO . FORTES 114LOREONS SHEET MUSIC, .viouptg,, FhttElX . Giiitars, Banjos, Strings, 'y Dm*, arid'all kinds of liusical MardianM Picture ?rims:l; looking "Glow; Photogr a ph Cards and Annatuvianbrotype Gems, Lu Pictures, km, ke. ~_,..ReumgOorithe plan.. No. Third street, tie large. mAgic *4 this sid e Cif the great cities. ian 2 B-de . :BRINES! APPLES I 1-150 ado: of York pples of 40117 variety.Alm,. York State t[ - ', O le ai . Jae B9YZR #siKOBRPER . NA: ORANGES, ktstrtoievedAt HROI BOYER & KOERNER. MEDICAL. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE O? IRON APURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, of Wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. Cures -Dfs Liver Complaints Headache; General Debility, Nervousness, 134., pression Spirits, Constipatioe Intermittent Fever, wffidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hautburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, • Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the Read, , Pain 'in,. the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, Will 'cure &cry case of Chronle or Nervous Debility, 'Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases wising from a disordered Stomach, GoOd for Male • • or Female, Old - or Young. The most beneficial medicine known; gives better aatis faction end cures mord &mean than any other prepare Lion offered to the Public. Prepared solely by S. A. KUM ILEL ic BRO., 118 Market street; Harrisburg, For sale by Druggists and Dealers:everywhere. BEWARE 01 Counterfeiti ris Kunkel's Bitter Wine'of Iron is the only sure and effeatualrenbecly in the known world for the permanent cure of .Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of linitations otered to the public, we would caution the community to Verchase none but 'the genuine article, manufactured by S. A.. Wtormu, & Bao., and has their stamp on the top of 'the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Bitter Trine of Iron if put np in r 5 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bawls the da simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine. ncindes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark.. _Visitant in many cases of debility, loss of appetite; and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron cothbined with our valuable Nerve• Tonic, is most happy... It augments,the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off musonlor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, , sad gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT , 118 MARKET STREET For sale by all respeetablo dealers throughout the ountry. T. F. WATSON, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MOTHER ; LARGE ASSORTMENT THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, THIS well known Hotel is now in a condi, tion to accommodate the traveling public aly or d m , the most ample conveniences alike for the transient gees?, and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely rest_ ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal is extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between plig ni t et. phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the Sim s Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, is close proximity to all the public otilletie and busitu ta , cantles of the city. It has now all the co nvenience!! of FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is deterinined to spare neith er ex . pain; time or labor to ensure the comfort of the gent s The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully so. died. 11-dtf STATE CAPITAL 110 TEL. CbRNER. OF THatD AND NvAisrr srEixN, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. T HE undersigned haring purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroighly rcnovated tt.:• The rooms have been re-painted anu papered . and the entire estalishment elegantly re-furnt=hed. slimily and eligibly located, and proviled with evelyom. venience it ollbrs to the public all the comforts and luny. ries of a:first class hotel. Trusty and obiigiug servant:. always in attendance. A bar well stocked with .choaa7. liquors is attached to the establishment de26-dly W. G. 1/10.3IPSON. Pr,prietor. . JONES HOUSE, Oorner of Market street and Market Square, HARRISBURG PENHA CHAS. H. MANN, no6Altf Proprietor. New and Popular Books. TAV UWE'S EVIDENCE, a novel. by the author of *Notice to Quit." Paper 50 eta. THE WIFE'S SECEI`, by I'm Stepbens. $1 50. iNDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY, by author of "Self Help." $1 25. JuNICIS WARLRIGR'S FOIITNE, a navel Z.O DT WAR TIXA, and other Poems, by Mintier. $1 GO. CUTJO'S CAVE, the most popular book of the dap sl At. LES ELSEHABLES Victor Hugo's great book. SI F.J. TEN ACRES ENOUGH, showing hoes very I:ego tam Uy may lira on a very small farm. LIFE OF LINCOLN, containing all speechtu pnxim mations, itc., to date. Paper cover. 50 Also, uniform with the above, LIFE OF GENERAL M'CLELLAN, RUTLFR,, .MEADr GRANT, For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOR-STOP-E, aprl6 AN ASSORTMENT OF . OVER 10,0 STYLES co? POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND :P0 Et r r irMONNA_IES FOR LADIES AND GENTLENFN, AT KELLER'S Drag and Fancy Goode Store, Aro. 91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAVELING SAPLE,ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at KNI.LER'S Ding Store, marlo-tf No. 91 Market street. litexiinprma, PA. C L 0 A. ri.'s T OR E , IN D. W. CROSS' NEW BLOCS, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES or FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND OIR, LTD ARS 1911 opon on the Ist of April PH OTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. • Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albunis. largest and cheapest variety of PRO TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are constantly kept at [miir'l2] BE RGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE.• Broad Street, between Second and Third, HARRISBURG. THE undersigned has opened a new BA KERY, in the Sixth ward, where he is prepared to supply" BREAD AND C ARTA at a reasonable rate. He warrants satisfaction to all who will give him a call. He will sell his bread at the rate of FIVE GENTS PEE POUND, pd full weight guaranteed. JOHN ALCORN. jaMt-dtf, TTISITING, WEDDING, INVITATION V• axe AT HOMY.. CARDS.—By a special arrangement with one of the beat engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station =in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prices. call at BERGISER'S BOOR STOBR mch6-dtf SQM:MED . SALMON'.—FIVE . SMOKED • SALMON, just received at SHISLER FIcItZIER 3 tabs (successors id Wm. Dock, jr-, &Do.) npo LADIES.—If you wish good Lette Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, or anything elsein the stationery line, you will do well by.calling at SCKEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Harrisburg. nol9 NORFOLK OYS • _Real Salta, under the Jones House. York River Oysters, &fine snick, under. the Jones House. Also, Terrapin; which will be served up in fine style at short notice under the Jones Roam, by no 30 JOSEPH SHIVELY. PICKLES! PICKLES! 1-13 y the Barret Half Barrel, Jar or Dozen, at ao2o ' SHISLER k.YRAZER'S, (Sticcesitori to Win Dock Jr., ic Co-) AFEW. lIIJNDRED of the best, YEAY , TREES, of valuable leading varimies, ever offered for sale in Harrisburg, are now on band at the Keystone Nursery. [aril[ JACOB 311611 ! CIDER ! !—Two Barrels of sweet and Imre CIDER just received at mull/ • BOYER k'S.CIERPER. lIECHENER'S excelsior hares,-of this sex- BOWs curing. Just received and for sole by SRISLER 4k FRAZER, (Successors to Wic. Dock, jr., k Co) decis POCKET 130013.6, BUUhehl ?WISES PORTEMONNAIES, and a general variety of TRXR GOODS, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORK SUPERIOR WINES AND BRANDIES ever offered in this market. In bottles and by the gal es or quart MIDLER & FRAZER, dada' Ornocessors to Wm. Dock. Jr.. k Cc.) FFRENCHBEANS—A rare article; just re calved at SHISLER & FRaZER,, feb3 (suoceasoto to Wm Hoek, S)iade Trees. AFINE assortment of Silver Maple , Norway Maple, i4criebrug, March 16,1864. FINE ORANGFS and TYAIrONS for salcat JOHN WIliE'S, lantana, and Mal far HOTELS. HARRISBURG, PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor IRPMS:111110.103f1V:tEl FINE SPRING SHAWLS NEW BAKERY, -Taller Ault, Borne Cheatnut, European. Linden, Catalapa, Magnolia or Cucumber Tr ML"Pnligc• KEytToNg RsEBY. cla 2525. [mar2l-dly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers