Tim pic-nic of the . 111011.1ders' Association, 1 ( 7 1.. / 11.1 on Monday next, promises to be an occasional of uncommon interest. The committees in If charge of the matter have been untiring in their exertions to tender the pie-nic the best of the season, and their success is certain. Persons desirous of having a day's enjoyment should attend, as the Moulders are bound to make everybody comfortable. Where can pleasure be found, if not in the grove ? 0 a i.~~ lIARRISBURG, PA SITERDAY EVENING, MAY 2 , 5, 1861 ar:CE TO ADVEGNISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Busiiiess Notices, 'Marriages, Deaths, ACC., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably - Toe ILCCOM pa,“ed. with the CASH,. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing- Edit ion zci thOlit extra charge. I'OIVN AND COUNTRY. LOST ---Yesterday, a BROWN SETTER PUP. A liberal reward will be paid for its re-: turn to the store of C. S. Seigelbaum, near Jones House, I=l A STATED meeting of thei Friendship Fire Company will be held in their hall, on Mon day evening next, at the usual hour. CAPT.s.REICILENBACH will sell a number of stoves, the property of the Government, on Tuesday next, at 2 o'clock, at McCormick's warehouse, on the Canal. TREASUREIt ' S SAT E. - A large amount of land, seated and unseated, iu this county, will be sold by' the treasnrcr for the payment of tases and:costs thereon, commenoing on the first Monday in August nest, at the Coutt. House in this city. • • PILIISEWOIITELL—Susqtteharma Lodge, No. SO, I. 0. of 0. F., of Columbia, donated Fifty. Dollars to the Sanitary mid ,Christian Com missions. Let other Lodges throughout the State follow the example. mum= TOE members of the Nintliprennsylvania: Cavalry, who have been at home on furlough, : are again about to depart for the army. Many of• them have already arriied here. • Tho Ninth has nobly served its country; - hairing participated in numerous battles. It will give' a pod account of itself when next it encoun ters the rebels. I=l BAPTIST Cituncst.--The celebrated Bev. Dr. , Litch, of Boston, will preach in the Baptist Church; corner of Second and Pine streets, to-morrow afternoon, at 34 o'clock. There will be preaching at the same place at 10q A.. M. and 74 P. at., by Rev. W. H. Jtichards, of j..ynp., Massachusetts. ; GERMAN' REFORMED Cnuacu.—Rev. B. 'C. Wolff, D. D., of Lancaster, will - preach in the German Reformed Church," on Chestnut. street, to-morrow morning and evening. The ordination and •installation` elders: and deacons will take place at the same.time. =3:11 BRIG.-GEN. CHARLEY T.. CAMPBELL has re ceived the appointment of Inspector-General of the Ariny of the Northwest. His head quarters are at Sioux City. General C. was formerly Colonel of the Fifty-seventh 'Penn sylvania Regiment, and his home is in Cham bersburg, 1=:1:=1 PAR= s& DEMAND. - Old newspapers and other printed matter, formerly worth one cent a pound, are now purchased by the paper makers at eight cents a pound. By .a process devised since, the great advance . of paper stock, the ink is effectually removed and the paper manufactured , so as to be used again and again. A staple worth eight cents a pound ought not to be thrown away, or used for such purposes as kindling fires,for cheaper Substances may be substituted. STRUCK BY LIGRTNIDIG. —During; the thunder storm on Tuesday eight, Mr. Geo. Yeagey, re siding near Petersburg, Adams county; .vias struck by lighting, and almost instantly killed. -Ve understand that he had been reading, and laid down near the stove for a while'to rest. The lightning, it seems, strtml: into the chim -) nay, and was communicated to where he lay. by the stove pipe. Two of his children. were lying by hisside, but were uninjured. All the other Members of the househOld escaped. MARKET.-Half - past four o'clocli,thiSmorn.- ing, found a large number of our citizens at market, ready to purchase as soon as. the tap of the bell was heard. There' was an abund ant . supply of • marketing, and prices were reasonable, except in a few instances: 334tter was a drug, and sold as low as .twenty , cents per pound: ' A great variety of vegetables were offered.. Ripe cherries—the first ,i3l the season—were sold at twenty cents per quart. Strawberries sold at from thirty to forty cents a bo3t. The prices of fresh fish 'had, deelined ; fine porgies could be had at sil cents a pomi,cl, and shad at 25 to 50 cents a-piece.' Hn Ems' Ftre egtmPITY is making extensive preparations for a g;i d. pie-nie, to be given in Hallman's Woodi3,.on the IGth of June. It is hoped that, the "Rivers," who are; always prompt to answer the - alarm of fo'e, may be extensively pairon ized, and that a very large niimber of our citizens will attend the pic-nic. The best,of brder will be observed. No improPer harlier tars will be admitted to the ground. lylen the Hope boys undertake to please the public, and hate liday's enjoyment, they are certain to succeed, c nsequently a pleasant time may be expected. at•the - GEN'. lituar..—The Lancaster Examiner, in speaking of.this officer, says:-L-Brigaclier Gen eral Knipe, who has so signally distinguished himself in the war for the suppression of the rebellion, is a native of this county. He was born in the neighborhood Of Manheim, and resided in this city for several years.. grefi. Knipe is an old sohlier, having served through out the 2lexiCan war, going out as •a , pri+ate; and returning a commissioned officer. At_ the breaking out of the present war - , s he once entered the Union army, and has served - most faithfully since. He has been woundeclqn several engagements, and we hope he may spAdily recover from his wounds. No man in the set .ice has better earned the' ".this" than Brigadier General Joseph F. Knipe.' I RrimmusHomnis.--Thursday was observ ed in Catholic circles as the Feast of Corpus Christi. It:h a festival of the Romish Church: and is always celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, and celebrates the doc trine of transubstantiation. In all Roman Catholic countries it is observed with music, lights, flowers in the streets, , rich tapestries hung upon the walls, and processions and plays representing Scriptural subjects. . Porsc AFEURS. Befoee the Mayor.—Thos.• Moore, soldier, drunk and disorderly, was handed over to the military anthoritieS. r. ..t John B. Dunn, arrested as • a. suspicions character, was committed for a further hear ing. • Henry Miller and Francis Daughl. rty, I -all: and disorderly, were re-committed to lock up. Violation of City Oklinitnces,—John Prowell, for using spring ballinc:s in market, was fined' $3 and costs. George Fisher, charged.,Willt -rising steel yard's at market, paid $1 _and costs. . Henry Slosser, for selting, before ihepPen, ing of market, was fined $1 and costs. A number of other cases were to fw disposed off this afternoon--too late for our report ORDERED TO DIITT.—Cap WA Baird, .whohai been on detached of for . eoma time as.p spector General.rof nited States officers, leaves for the field in a few days. While we never hesitate- to expose' +the negligence of military officers who are placed under our im mediate notice, we are always ready to .express our regret at , the departure of ,an, honest, faithful servant, and we believe that -theCap T tarn has 'discharged the' ast,respOlnale trust reposed in linuto the satisfaction oi'.the ;Gory • eminent and those who transacted busiuess with him. - 4e is ordered to his 'native State; Indiana, where he' takes charge of his old companiOns. in, arms to light the rebelsand couperheinis. •He has beenextreinely anxious to be relieved from duty in order AO face the destroyers of his country, 113241 rw9 hope that he• may pass' unharmed thrdtfP battle fields, or 'wherever his lot may :be cast. Capt. A: B SharPp, of Caricslg; takes', his place, and we have no doubt:that, he= TAW: be equally capable to discharge the responsible duties assigned to him. ; . ARRIVAL OF THE TRICSSFLVANIA. RESERNIS CORPS. —From semi-official sources, we learn 4 that the remnant of what composed the Penni sylvauia Reseriie Corps, will reach the State Capital early the coming week. The War Department has• concluded that the term of enlistment of 'this come hae f ezpiredo, r ep& elusion which may be cons4ered. as timely, as but fifteen. hundred 'Df.& twenty thousand Men; • mititered bath' iegimenti Reserves, will return:to remi,lid uS Of th4Smagl nificenco and splendor of that organization. The knowledge that the Reserves will return; we trust will induce the city authorities and lie peOple of Harrisburg to make „suitable arrangements for their reception:" that the gallant soldier who ; is at the head of the city government will take this matter in hand, call a meeting of the City COU`n4l, and suggest such proceedings as.he,may deem pro per. The Reserves should be Welcomed to the capital of p ‘ esnsylvania" With the pageantry and pomp ,withwhich.Rome welcomed , _back - ;her legions from 'the fierce , :battle fields where they won theimpe.rishatlo renown, WhiCh still renders her name brilliant andhamortal,gie leave this matter: to Gem. Roumfort. It del ponds uponAthrt ;whether the ,:pennsxlvania Reserves are fitlyreceived in,Harrisburg. ' , Gaaxn Dainimc FasrrvAn,,A.,splendiken tertainment is in 'store for our citizens To night a grand pramatic festival, in .honor /of those noble .veterans, - ;'%he'N'inthPeraia, gattal ry, will be given in Brant's Hall, under the, direction of IV'. S. C. 'Dubois. Look at thil magnificent bill +!'`.' The =glorious' Comedy,' Off to the War, by ti the whole !compl2l7; 8 8 4 1 . 1 P- - Will Care ~fpr Mother now ?" . 1)Y Miss Dumas . ; Reultation - -t , o* riii . arce:e.s Last .Bauquet i Mr. Dubois ;. : T-Aet.gonjuggiaZesetin,.. by the company,_Songs— , ‘ltock Sleep, Mealier,, Miss-Drunas ; • Drake's- I.ddress;to the'AMerican Flag, Kt. canaod with the Ndt io7tal Anthem; tpr: the (wrap any. `No doubt there be a great croWd,at the hall, as such variety is selddin found ,ip.„ a single programme.• Secure your seats, ! , at Bannvart's Drug Store. Do not alio* this grand entertainment 'to pass by without' at tending. This is positively the last appear ance of Mr. DribOis and soMpaitrixiihis city.. . . . Casnrsr Oisoias !—Ainong the foremost of improvements made of late in Beed.".lnstru. ments,is the Cabinet Corgan made only Jig; MeSsrs Mason & Hamlin, in Boston. The great superiority oftt.B.eke:instrumitnfs- eon= sists of. a double be i llioVrainfl the -‘!-Altornatic swe . ll," through Which - contriirancAhe per former has it in his own . poyer to produce .t.ye softest tones 40• one mothent,...and atflia-mrt have the fulfest harmonies' o of s: food Qile! organ, thus making theiniiiiy, desirable for the family as well as - churchnse; This power and volume of tone is indeell : surprising:-.-. While mere loudness; otitis. expense . of qual ity, of tone cannot be considered an excellance,, the great volume and fullness of tone atiained" in these Instruments, without sacrifice` 47 f purity and smoothnes"s, is one bf 'their best' characteristics. We eongrahilale our citizens , than they have an opportunity, of examining and procuring an Instriasent of thili-`cra:§§ . at the Music Store of Win: Knoche, 93 - 'lliarleet atieet t .ho sole, agent for the,. same ; for' Central Bennsylvatha, and at' whose- stare purchasers , can have the additional' "-ad vantage of _seeing...And:hewing tha-Instrii monts-tried by Mr. 1C.;.,wb0. is hirbSelf,an. able musicianand4organist; addition:al aesttranee that none hot 'the 'hest . L of menta of every:-kind, are to be foriniithereq_f ICE WANTED.—Wanted to purcha filled Icehouse. Exquire'at the Jones SOLDIER'S FITRENRL.—The furkeral of Lieu tenant J. Henry Knipe took place this fore noon. It was attended by a military escort, who kept time with the solemn sounds of the drum. ' - SPutrrnAmsm.—Mrs. A.Wilhelm willlecture in Exchange Hall on Sunday, May 29, at 101 A. nit a44d 7i P. id.lieS4 morning;; ",False and' TrUe Position-eff Woman." .`Eveniiig, "The present Crisis of the Nation." ATTENTION, FIRST Cm TROOP meniary Supper.--A giiind supper will be giv en by the First City Troop of Harrisburg, on Wednesday.; evening, June )tat the States Union Hotel, as a testimonial to thp proprie tor, Joseph Stone, Esq., in return for the many kindnossos, extended, by Lim to the company, FEA.NE - A. my2B-4t Treasurer of. Committee. THE SOLDIERS' PIC-1 , 110 announced to take place at Hoffman's Woods, on Tuesday, May 31st, is indefinitely postponed. The undersigned 'ffeetly regreta'that a• mis understanding should have arisen, as it was the intention of those having the matter in charge, to made - kit a sellsoiv of pleasure, and at, the same tixee,,, 4ay.esjt,A'Re,49FSt . alTst4ing ofanimmOral na ture.—where . allmight enjoy themselves in inneCent'aiiniab'nient. Capt: SACH. OREM. A REBEL SPY SHOT AND Caprunma. —The Chaniliersliair following account of the shooting and capture of a rebel spy • On Friday last, ; Mr, Lateha.w, .the enrolling officer for Franklin township, Adams county, met, a suspicious..Aopking character on the road, and questioned him as to his residence: He answered that he resided in that township, but when interrogated as to the names of his neighbors, he found. that ° Mr.. Lat,- shaw was likely detect to him and he said he had media, ~ mistake—that he resided beyond Mercersburg. From his confused unsatisfactory, statement, Mr. Latshaw felt it his duty to arrest him, and he did so. o.Theprisoneranade no resistance, but proposed to walk back to New Salein ; but'on the way he took ,the first favorable oppor tunity to jump the fence and run away. The officer pursued, and Wasjoineld by the people of the neighborhood ; and after a chase of about three hours, he was recaptured without being injured. , _Office.r, Latshaw, „then boned his feet together, and.staried for Chamberburg to de4- liver the prisoner to Captain Eyster, the Pro : vost Marshal.- v,Latehaw and the prisoner were in a single seated buggy, and Mr. Slona ker rode behind on horseback. `When in the South Mountain , the, visoner, managed quietly to get his feet ldose, - arid when op posite a dense thicket lofaleurel;the `sprang from the buggy, ,into the bushes. , Mr. Slo neker fired - at' Lin? •ruid s l 'lddged a ball in lne_ I I ,shonlderv,-.,- :making a slight wound, but, it did not arrest the pis liatsliti*•inimediately jumped from the buggy and rushed into tho,thicket-after him; and called to him twice to halt' or 'he would fire ; but the prisoner continued4o get away as l a skap alossible.„,Latshaw fired and struck him in the hip, slaitering the .bond' badly TanntotLeourse arrested his progress. He at onde called out that he was mortalli '"wounded:' Slorialier'' 'Went ' up' to him t Latshalar i pursned. hig and,the prisoner told him that he was fatally injured --that he could not live long, and at once ad,- mitted. that he was a.rebel l spy, and had met a just fate.' `He grok nisi ame 'as - Lloyd, and stated that he hadbeen inthis section making Obser,yations for i the benefit of„the i rebels...,,,, Ids is a maii of Ibinir foitty years of" age; stoutly - built, with =dark' hair and goatee, quite, intelligent,. and has evidently not been a laboring Man: It is more than probable that he is a rebel officer. On his person was found a belt with nearly $lOO of gold, and he had Chattanooga and Virginia rebel money; and a little- PattiSylvlmia currency. He rep resents himself as a native of Lee county; Va.; but says that he lived in Missouri for some yeare,lind was tibtout to return to Lee county: He had a letter, with the date and place where it was written torn off, which refers to journey to be undertaken, and certain infor', mation to be zonveyed.;) brit 'it funiishes nt clue to parties in complicity with him. He had also a Cincinnati paper of the 28th ult. hi his po'cket, , hieh We — think-it - probable that he passed through that place several weeks ago. He was in this town a few daye before he was arrested ;...ttried. to sell some gold, at the bank, and yerx earefplly, scanned a map of the county hanging in the bank. 'Hid thigh wound is very serious, . but .not necessarily mortal, and his now is alto gether probable. He is new in the hOspital in this place, in the custody of Gen. Couch; and will, we learn, he sent til l yort Mifflin as soon as r'aeciets stifficielftry tO'heremoved: SAD Acctouvr.—.A. son ft Mr. John Bostic, of-this borough; 'about seventeen years "cild, and who is in the employ of Mr. H. Lopg eneckei, of Peiiri-t6Wiaship,a.met withalfOrri ble death on Saturday morrdng last.lt ,spL pears that the lad had taken." a horde' .to a smitbshop, at Mt.. Vernon, and i on his, return the horse, it seems; in going down hill stum7 bled and fell, thellad falling-under the horse. When found it was found sat his skull had been badly-fractured; and- -that , life view ex tinct. A jury was summoned, and a verdict rendered in accordance With the'abov : e'•:---3fan heim Sentillet Torex. Foram. - - -t-I„ljavt just seen a kin an= nouncing a pic-nic at Hoffinan's woods on Tuesday; May 314 t, 1884, , and having my name, on as one of the committee. I beg leave to stly; - that I authorized no one to Put my name on it, and I knew nothing of it until I saw the bill with My name on. I am, Yours truly„ , JORDAN;" Ninth Pa. Civalry....4 IA.RGE •-AltßlifiAli-OF GOODS SE 11 1 ,4 j A71 ; ii. ", 1N rvi LI N ..,Full yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents • Worth - 40 at 25 cents; worth 35 cents.: . Mambo& muslin, 022 cents; worth BC cents: ; z:iliteces of all .wpol flannels cheap. - . • • Blacko stik,l4-,29; ,worth .$1 ', ißlgFk ! silk,at 30.; Worth, 51,50., Black silk e at .SI , AU) worth - 4.1,0 5 . • 2doo yards of black siiks Beautiful pearl Color silk finish alpaca., 4.lpacasin liMther coloristone colOrsiina'othor colors White eambrica, soffftnished.'s4 Branch Ciiinbric. Jaconetts, Wiants, Irish Winn. Shirt breasts, all linen, at 251120, 55, 40 1 and 56 cents. Splendid assortment df oalicoS. 1 Cloaks, Cloaks; Cloaks, Cloaks . • Stockings; the:Cest anoLclioaileal. 5. ill, I- • . Pocket haJtdkurchiefltfor ladias,iit all prices. Marseilles quilts anrinrasti. for .towels..s -7 . We , haTuAil , w TerYinfge stock of .gooda alt bong reduced. prices, arid , walch. we. will , malt at prices ;which cannot fail to give satisfaction We have also a very arge lot of al cashmere 'cloth, boMbuideB • 5:..1115W7. molt THE CAME OF THAT AVM. - 1- - It was but a few days ago, When Market street was thronging With taffies that swayed to and fro, With eyes so bright and longing. rill m 328 -.2c With wonder everybody gazed Upon these Waving masses, But everybody looked amazed At the running of all classes "Miss Annie, please," called oat Miss Bate, "What's going on with Mary ?" `Tray don't-keep me, or I'll be late, Indeed, i must not tarry." , . Miss Kate felt rather queer at that Cool answer Of. 'Miss. Annie, And would have took ter by the hat, If kad'ut . Granny. To her she walked and asked her quick, With eyes .spreading flame and tre, "Where to? Mrs. Granny, so fine and slick!" gdicle to Mrs. Mayer's. "Tor she's just received the latest styles Of Bonnets, Feathers, Head-dresses, And fancy gobdo that really smile In eye b_oay's faces." Andy here. Miss Kate went with the rest, And'boughtio her desires, . And ever since there shr. finds the best . ..Millinery goods tit Ms& MAYER'S, Market street, 'between Second and Front toker's.old stand, ' may 26-3 t. SPECIAL NOTICES. . , To Clear . 'Lite House of Flies, one Dutcher's celehrathil LIGHTNING. FLY-FILLER, a matt, cheap article,. eanyth Ose. Every sheet will kill a quart. *Li) EV,ERTWAERE: • • FREEMEI, RICIIARDS & CO., 10th And Market streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. niy24-d&wBw • Pnre = Yegetsb le Medicine ;ONE of 'the very best Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the citizens and strangers of this city. It will purify the blood, and' leave the liver, and bowels Ina good healthy condition. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As te the truth of this hundreds can testify, as It hasteen Well tried for the last ton years It is prepared only and' sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No .„27, south Pine street, Harrisburg, fa. • . . my 23 Dlilttary , Business Attended To. ' Bounty, Pansion,:Back Pay, Butedstencir and Military and War °latices, generally, made out and cottetted. Per sons'residing at a distance can have their biasing tTans addressing octa lay maiii '' bY ßlGEME SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law - Third street, Harrisburg,;Ps. dert.:Uy kci.nL 4 DYE DYE t t llss4chelor'9 Celebrated Hair Dye IS- THE' BEST IN THE WORLD: The miff )Ifdrralese,'True and Addable Dye Known: This spiendlid Hair Dye ls porfect—:chahgea Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to tv Gksey Black or Natural Brown 'without tniuringthe Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Heir sofcand beautiful ; imparts'fresh vitality, frequently restoring'itieprtatine color, and rectifies the 111 effects of bad Dye& The genuine Is Signed WILLIAM & BATCH ELOR. , All others are mere Imitations,' and should be avoidecL Sold by Dragglids; &a Factory-81. BAR entunakeliii 2j'itir'lolLET - ma HAM Baitinivart's Troches.' For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dia -IBWEh3i-, 1& , ,c4 are specially recommended 'to ministers, singers and persons whOse vocation calls there: td speak in Manufactured only,by C, y A Bannvart & Co. Harrisburg, t...ikhore all orders ,shenlebe addressed. bold by druggist, every where. Read the following testimonials fro mf some `of Or CM/tient clergymen: '""TlA . lmrqurran, Feb. Bth, ; 1864. C. BANNVIRT—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, 'Wide.* Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles; luadln Comparison with them If 11," can cheerfoliy, ...con:mend your own as a most auirab~e ftibate' for public Speakers ,hciarseness, coughs and colds.,_ have fbitnd theni serving in time of need; most •effectually. " Yours truly, T. H. ROBINObJ, ' Astor of N. B. Preitit4teriluitlinfeh. I agree with .I;tobliwin as to the value of Bennyart's !Troches- - • W. C. CATTVIT,T„ Latelila s tOzt St' Tileabyteritin Church. .°; • Iraniusatruck, Jan., 1864. , To C. AZ ataorvkar—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking-very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found thy need of same gentle expkotp 7 rant, and thafi.muitlias been supplied in your eXcell,e4TructcPs ,, • • I consider them •irery far superior to any Lozenges that I,hve. ever,used, in removing speedilyAhat huelranpo, voice arising from its too freqnsiint: mouse, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of publio 7 a(4 dresses. Yours, iko., • • - - • 41QO. WALii.EICJACESON. Fastoz.atibe;Loousi St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Benner Dear Sir: Having - twee. you.r. Troches, L ara — free to say they are the hegt I have ever - tried end .take great pleastre uz rebbonencling 'them to all persons , affliettidj —with `sore• thioat or linelrinesa of wipeariding from:pnblio speaking or singing. 'Yonne; &c., '' G. G. RATIRSTRAW, , Paetorlif Ridge Avenue Metiiodiet Church. Draritior Arronirr.r a OFF/CB, 1 Hanarrerinta, Feb. 29, 1864. To 0: A 13Arravarm-zear..Sit': I have fgttnd your, Tioehes to, be invaluable. in - re haying 4dardenesa and in Strengthening the .mnecles of. the throat. They impart. clearness .to the Tint* and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. COLGATE'S 4110liBY SOAP. this celebrated Toilet Soap, in knob universal de mised, is made frdinitte'eholnesit materisis, is *aid and 'email ient.in its nature ] fragrantly scented, andeadremely beneficial in its action upon the skin: Fee sale by attlinigista and. Fancy , Goods Loaders. . jan2,s-drwly SEM • PHYSIOLOGICAL ' , dew of MARRIAGE. A containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and Dagmyings. of the Anatomy of the Sexual Organs in a Etaie''Of iloiaitb,- and ,Diseeße t with a ,Treatise on Self Abuse, iti — Deplprabre . Consequenie upon the Mind and- Body, Witliqhe Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of sure; as shown by the re port _Of cases treated. A truthful adifiser to the married,, scut those contemplating marriage; who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent - free of postage to any addrettkon . i&eipt'of 25 cents, n stamps or -postal' cur l`reoi r cy3rY_fadrossiing , Dr: LA °BOIS, No. 31 Maiden Lane AlbanYi`N. Y. 1 , 1 Ts. marl ; da w3m • - n . „ , WO GOOD, QVAIRRIMEN WANTED Tto quarry ,(20Q0) tiro thousand perch of LIME STONE for building.- kApply at the ;7: •,,• v:FisrcAiE NURSERY: - . WANTED —A'good Cook 'in a hotel. - Call 4113 Market street. i; ujy2ll.dtf ANTED—A kpod pastry • Cook, said v y good meat Cook.' Inquire at the . BRADY. IiOUSB. e ' TO 'ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. By the Act of May sth, tin appropriittion of Fifty Thou sand Dollars was made for the Extehsigin of the CapitoL Buildings at Harrisburg. Architects and Blinders are hereby requested to present plans for said extension, and prop:teals. for 2 building the same, to the undersigned, by thb -Ifteenth day of June. The main - object to be ar tained by the proposed extension is to furnish additional Committeelloom4 . ol7 tbejegislature, and the extension is to conforinls'Tir as possible to the architecture of the present buildlltg qA. G. ILTIIITIN Governor, -ISAAC BUNKER, Auditor , Geaerat. JAMBS P. BARR, Surveyor General, HENRY D. iipoDE, StateTrraurer. glggo MK. • • dt4, BRANT'S HALL. •. Manager S C. DUBOIS. GRAND GALA NIGHT. DRAMATIC FESTIVAL • In honor of the Ninth Penna. Cavalry, prior to their departure for the Army of the Cum berland. A MAGNIFICENT BILL. OFF TO THE WAR: Singing and Dancing. THE.CONjGAL tESSON. • —Selections from the Poets, Drake's Addiess and: , thaNational Anthem. Seats may . be secured :at Barinvart's- Dan Store. . PRICES OF 'AiownsslON Reserved seats - ::.50 cents. • Seats net reserved . . :25 cents. Doors open at 7k. Curtain rises at 8.-' my2B SANFORD'S MALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW. MARWRT, REAR OE! HERR'S HOTEL:'' S. S. SANFORD ....yropriticcr . , and Manager WY - VENTRILOQUIST AND WIZ4LRD BIATINEE,THIS AFTERNOON Doors open at-2 O'clock. Positively last appearance this afternoon. . - my27-41.t CANTERBURY MUSIC • HALL. WALNUT . ST., BELOW TNER,D. Imam OPEN EVERY EVENING, With' With a First—class Company of &WEBS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, &c., Admi55i0n............... .............. ..... 15 cents. Seats in Bozo; ..25 " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IRON - WORKS'. BY virtue of a decree. of • the Circuit. Court for Washington county, as a Court of Equity, the undersigned trustee will sell at public sale, in trout of the Court House, in Hagerstown, on TUESDAY, the 14TH DAY OF JUNE, 1864, all that VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, situate in Washing ten county, Maryland, known as thC GREEN SPRING FURNACE PROPERTY, which was for many years owned tnd carried on by J. .DIXON ROMAN & CO., and is now for sale on account of the death•of one of the partners. Said property contains 1,394 ACES OF LAND, _pore or less,) of which about,2oo are cleared and jp,a.ri,exceltont. Vista of cultliration, the balance.heing. . , . 9aßtierv.xt The FURNACE on said. land Is 35 feet bigh, elt,h an eight foot BOSH,' CASTING HOUSE, COAL HOUSE.and BRIDGE HOUSE;and is run by an over-shot wheel 40 feet high. It is in good repair, and the water power un failing and all-suirleient. Said FURNACE is only one mile from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and about the same distance from the Iroif Ore Rank. There is also A. GOOD D WELLING HOUSE near the Furnace; also a large BARN and 'other out building% and on diffesent parts of said tract of landlltere area number of TENANT HOUSES (in all teu - pitivelve) in vied repair. The above property will be sold entire; or 'in-parcels to suit purchasers; such parcels to tip made known at the eels The Undersigned will also 9ell ilt'the - sahie ; time and place about - •••••• • . FIFTX-TERER ACRE A OR .4117 P, separated from the above by the buideOf GeO.lFeidt. A. Lim.eston.e Quatf“. • on said canal, near M'Coy's Ferry,:contalpinv FIFTY SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND. TERMS OF SA LA as, preacllbadtby;_the• Decree, are: One-thirdof•tlieliurchase iiiOney in cash on the day of sale, on the r yStificalan•therW and thbhalance. in-two equal anwuttliniciaatnents of one itad*O. yeats-fprq'the day of sale, nith interest. from that day, the ourebasOr to give his notiWwith approved security fur the deferred payments, and on payment of the entwe purchase money, the Trustee will execute a deed to the purchaser, as re quired by the•Dscree. F. DARBY, Trustee.' - ' . • my2o-ur . Lebanon "Courier,"•Laneaster "Examiner," and Bead. ing "Journal," copy - weekly, and send bills to the Trustee at Hagerstown, forthwith', • • SALE . OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE:; 11.,i be.offere c l at public sale; ati3rant's Earopeint. Hotel, on Wednesday, the ninth of Jtine itext,at 7 o'clock in the evening, all that 10V•OR.FIEOE OF GUOUTTD, . situated at the corner of Chestnut street and Dewberry al; ley, ftfty-two feet ancfsix inches on Chestnut, and running back two hundred ant ten feet to Cherry street Upon FOUR FRAM R, TENEMENT Jacrusps-. frontigg,an Dewberry alley, and lacatpd at - the 'corner or Cherrystreet and Dewberry alley, nifittainingeach, on the first floor, an entry and three rooms• ' on the second floor three rooms. The cellars are eaol ind' perfectly iffy;- the garrets are spanious. These houses hare been built of . TEE BEST MATERIAL, ' ' ' about yearsago, 'and CanAdsily command ten dollars rent per month. 'Teems made known on the day of sale. my26-dis ENSMINGER kAOAMS, Auctioneers. A (IRAND WILL BE GIVE N AT 1-la.ehnleri's*Gr,rove. ON MONDAY, MAY, 30, 18U., BY IBS. HARRISBURG MOULDERS' ASSOCIATIOZ TICKETS Omnibuses will .run at Intervalsldurinvtlie day dem Raoch , s hotel, corner of Sixtti.and Walnut, and.froni Wag ner,a - hotel, corner of Sbcond .and, Chestnut. itreets, by Messrs. Williams and Murray.' .Ho improper characters will be permitt4to entocilin my2o-dte A. P. TEU.I 3 SER. TEACHER..4IFIiI.IJSIC . . °MOB AS WARD'S ADISIC STORE, • 12 N . Tkir4-Htrect. Rasidenee: Third street, above North. , dl5 tf SWEET CIDER. TUST received, this morning, a small but CP choice lot of PRIME SWEET CIDER, SEMLER & FRAZER, (auccessors to W. Dock, & Co.) In Soldiers!' Portfolios: • A LARGE assortment at - 11 BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSICIRE 0 marlB Sold at Wholesale of ietail at low pricaa AFEW MORE PIECES OF CANVAS for Awnings mid Wagon Covers. 'Call at Kimball's Shoe Stote, Market streot. my26-tf THE MONTH OF' MAY S the best time for planting all kinds' of I EVERGREENS, for 'adorniog cemetery lots, -parks 'aides, Sc my2lVdtf • Tr hi*Sl HAMS !!—MiChenerAt .glEcelqisor 11 Jut cured. Received and for stile at SRISLER & F inar2B (Successors to W. Dil, M., oIIT FLY PAPER. - - A NICE assortment .of e_ ra.ronr., l tgil bus looking glarses, pictar a - frau:les sad giVes , at 4 1 1 0 SCALEFZER'S 8008 STO _ my2o Harriabing„ OW ' OR 1 1 ,1 044701 KM: at ImyaL, „.• • 51: ." 11 Xi) ll= MOURNING DEPARTMENT. RENADLIE BEREGE X AND TWO YARDS WIDE CREPE BERME do do PURE SILK GRENADINES, BLACK AND WHITE FOULARD BILKS, BLACK & WHITE ALL WOOL DELAINE PURE SILK CHALLIS, afforrzss, GLOVES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, . SUN UMBRELLAS, BL'K LACE VEILS, GRENADINF. -- i'ELLS, ENousa CREPE VEILS, DV'S. DIED. HEM STITCH HDEFS, ENG. CREPE AND GRENADINE COLLARS, ROUND CORNER CREPE & GRENADINE YELLS, SQUARE AND LONG BL'K THIBBET SHAWLS, BALMORAL SEIRMG, BY THE YARD, SECOND MOW LNG BEREGE GREN. SHAWL& WE HAVE NEVER HAD ON HAND LARGER STOCK OF DRESS GOOD MOURNING AND SD MOURNING GOODS, m%20 WE WILL HAVE READY FOR SALE THIS E LARGEST AND MOST DESIRABLE GOODS! my2o-2w DOMESTIC GOODS. SIigETERGIS, PILLOW CASINOS, SOLD BELOW EASTERN NUDES, AS ALL LATE HEAVY ADYANC'EI CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to tha Harrisburg Bank my2o-2w /PHIS hotel will be opened June 15th. • The 4. house has been pnt in thorough repair, aid nearly five hundred new and 7greatly improved BATH HOUSEX will be ready for the accommodation of guests. - - Its capacity and each department will be equal, If net superior, to any Hotel upon CAPE ISLAND. Etlrgfteld's Band has been secured for the season. Address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor, „ • CAPE ISLAND, It J., J. H. DENNISON, Merchant's Hotel, ?hada. ". :t?.'.25 cents ME Or, my 23 tlsj MILLINERY GOODS. VHS. J. HIBBS, NAB OPZNZD Js NO. S MARKET SQUARE, (Next door to Fellx's Confectioner ,) 9811 NVATIRIF, SHE IS PREPARED to soil to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of ¶lllnery and Fancy Goods, At cheaper pried§ than any house in the city. Thel6ialbty of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS RAKING IN THE LATEST STILE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplB-dtjyll rEIHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs the public that he hes purchased the HAT AND CAP STORE Late the property of T. J. BUILIETT, deceased, and that he will continue the business at the old stand, where ha will o9nstantly keep on hand a general assortmeat of HATS, CAPS, &C., OF THE LATEST STYLES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A liberal share of patronage is respectfally solicited. tnar2B-d2m .1!L IL LONG. PAINTING. - undersigned begs leave to offer his r i lliF services as a practical House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTER. All business in his line suendot to care lam and dispatch. nerransce:—Mr. J. EL lcuiterry, Superintended of the N. O. R. W. co. •,Mr. Josephus Staler, oppodloAkpms Rouge. Residence in Schnavely4 bloOk, Shop in Third, above North street. H. ir; - my2l-2** • A.NOTHEB , lttt of - choice Oithwba s =edi Jll, for ge at' tioarif jogN ;1 • J • PLAIN BUIL ENG. REr. SILKS, BUN AND WHITE CHECKED BILKS, LIIMS 64 ALL WOOL IMAMS, CREPE ELUTE, CREPE DTBARBY BOMBAZINES, GINGHAM. SUPERIOR BLACK LITSTRES, BRD SILK POPLINS, STRIPED VAIMN'CILLS, BAD M.OHAIRS, ALPACAS, LAWNS, &C., • • BOTH IN OF EVERT DESCRIPTION CATHCART 'BROTHER, Next door to the Haniebarg Bank. MORNING STOCK OF DRESS OFFERED IN rims MARKET O.A.THCART & BROTHER, Next Door to the Harrisburg Bank. SHERTINGS, C&LICOES, SUMMER PANT STINTS, TOWELLINGS, &C., &C., &O. OITR STOCK WAS PIIRCHASFJ) BEFORE THE COLUMBIA HOUSE. CAPE MAY. NO. 4 JONES' ROW. LIESIIMEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers