Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, May 28, 1864, Image 1
r i'L'E TELEGRAPH ffi rumasHED yOT:YING AND EVENING, G E 0 RGE BERGNER. :,..FTICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION far. EU! LY TFLEGRAPiI served to subscribers in the ,Ly ,tt 8 cents per wee!:. Yearly subscribers will be .h..r4ed $5 00 in ad vacce: Ti:ose persons. who neglectto oy advance wilt be elatral ,f o 'o GO. W L• G:I;I:V i J rX I::1i'IL Dna: TILLEGRA NI Wet:L.lll, xnd is:urnished to sabseritaTs at the il.ilowing caL:•Il rates Single copies, weelziy ...• • Threc - , cupi,s I , Oiak , Port 001e.el Ten coition tit tint , Fort Office 3IEDICAL. ELI NIP - DR. WRIGHT'S REJU V 4NATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE Ole LIFE. frel , areil from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth ing Injurious to the most Delicate. A.3 -The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern dizzor,ri-ez in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely now and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out SySteLBEI. grllas medicine has been tested by the most eminent alNlical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the ego 5,;,? --Otte bottle will cure. General Debility. few doses cures Hysterics in females. -One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. a-A few doses restores the organs of generation. • n ‘ g-From one to three bottles restores the manliness 'aid full vigor of youth. a-A few-doses restores the appetite. • gry-Three bottles cures the worst ease of Ifiapotency. ta• - A few doses cures tee low spirited. Air Hue bottle restors mental power. :,TrA few doses bring the rose to the cheek. fyg-This medicine restores to mainly vigor and rebus, health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. . • gqr The listless, enervated youth, the OVer•tasked man of business, thevictim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a sin*, organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. gg-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad drosa 1,1 by all 'drug : H o sts everywhere. DR W. r, MERWIN & CO., Solo Proprietors, saaril-eodly No. 69 Liberty street, New York. OT-1711.0. - ELEIE P - TAT,S. SUGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, ECEALTIT. PRESERVER. • OERTAI 21 7- AtVD F*7" the Remuval of Obstructions and, the' Insurance of Reyularay in the Recurrence tor the Monthly Periods. * ' kirplbey CUM Or obviate those 111171M - OUB diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity itself. Jitr'Placy cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Sion struation. .033-They cure Green Sickness (Chlfirosis.) • ,They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of tllO Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness,. ; 1a . C . .,.,5tc. In a word, by removing the irregularity; they ftimoVe the nose, and with it ALL the effects that spring from it r 9 -Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they con sin nothing deleterious to any constitution, however elicate, their fauctiOn being to substitute strength for weakness, which, When properly used, they never fail to • do. 49" - They may be safely use ut any age, and at any perlbe, 'EXCEPT DURING TILE FIRST TURRE BIONTEE, dining which the unfailing nature Or their action would infallibly PRETEST pregnancy. .655 - 11.1 letters seeking -information or advise will bo promptly, freely and.discreetly answered. ,-Full directions accompany each box. Or:Price, Viper box, or six boxes for $5. ,la-Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt or,pfice. .163rSold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. R.•MERWIN de CO., Sole Proprietors. marli•eodly No. 69 Liberty street, Now York. For sale In Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL At BRO.; 119 Market street. FINE h ss ter & F r (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) • TIEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE- Rfl opposite the Court Rouse, have on hands fine selection of ,FiItA.NDIES ) of diebrent vintages. - NYE AND CO lIMON WINES; WHISKY& OLD BOURBON, " NONONGAIIELA FINEIRISH ,IND scoira Whiskys. The best ever brought to this market. . OLD WHEAT, . FAMILY - NECTAR, $ And the colehrated utttharnrr GROVE 71P-SKY : ' CHAMPACikik SHLOSS JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH . AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOW ' WILD MERRY, PLAIN:TATION,‘ WIGWAM TOPIC; BITTERS With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICEIES'.. And Condiments of every description now in the mitrifet, •nd at THE LOWEST RATES. IliE TABLE OILS.-40 bores fine table oils of Um best importations for sale,..wlioleiale and retail, by SIitSLER 14 FRAZER, ' myfi , successors to W. Doak; Jr. k.Co. I.OCASs S FINE IXIFERIA_L FRENCH MUSTARD, for sale by SRISLER F FRA7.ER, succenOts to W. Doe,lc, Jr. k C, r DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES, comprising . Picalilly, Chou-Chow, Caulitlorier, 0 Mixed Pickles, Gerkins;Walnilts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SHISLE.B. & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr. tie Co. 151000 LBS. . 11A2EIS. —Fifteen thou sand lbs. Michcner's Excelsior Hanna eared expressly for family, use and for ,te a market sale at ' SHISI . ER & FfeAZEit reb2, (successors to Wm. Dock, jr.; & Go.) CIRANGES! OR A_IN — GES ! !-26 boxes in prime order. Just received wholesale and rgtall fi SHISLER & FRAZER, 32 successors to Wm.-Deck, jr.. &"Co ) nUREIAII • MUSTARD, the best ig ,l lo/:teC l, just received and for sale by febl'_ SHISLER FRAZE 4, (succ-ssors to Wm Dock...jr., At-Co-/ - TO THE PUBLIC.—The uudersigned will 11 offer for sale, in their season, a very large-cittattULF or ROSE RUSHES, sad FLOWER PLANTS in great variety, iizsg.: rra. CELEBRATED VIRGINIA OIL OF AIX, and Day & Kartin's landau. Blackina,:ltlai:lo - and Pon sale by SHISLER & FRAZzet, fel (successors to Wm. Dock., jr Eco.)- S tTy„llty. C.W uLES, f s - s E t us ci L u E n i l t itz, • all . siteis., (racCessors Wm. Dock, jr., no.) B ePeZ4 . . . , • SI I: • 1 V.VIV • ' ..:O . A 1 ... • 11: ::,' , ZEE . -... a.,M1 . ' . lid ../••7 • •• - : .. ',, i -• N., , , ,, , ,5S iv ....• ,-,,,,,,, ->. . , i --. -:-:, AO. , ori g , .; vrri3e l4. l2 tfo Th r refe ha reU ring nor "Ter - tining. ' Oni*Vordri; Mile& litrixilidigt 4. /- • ?: • ...._ .......,.... 11 .., , , _-_,.-...-_-____- •.::,.:, ~...,..............„,.,,,.. ,:.. crmore than four congillgto I ' ,• 1. .'-• tillts - 1 .. `ll , - •,:‘ .. . - --_ q.... „:" -__......... I ' .. -- .;, 4 9 . 4 l i - i - - - r•--- ----- - '''k• 1 11 , ..„," 1 °- / 4 • ----z----- - . - - %. ;.::-.-----=',., - .„,,r, r . „../...,„,.., _ • . .„„ , _„.,. ~ ~.„ .....; :.:, ~,. , _ . t ,_ r ' " :: pn Tw e o T da Y y4 ree 4 7 . e . 7 . .. "17 6O 'rw alt : ta pie ireek)-14 i......:.. 1 ,i1i . lines iv..„.e month . 21 .7 " W l"' 2 00 One.w , is ----- , , 1 o montbe 4 - 80;; , 'Ptiti , . . ; ' ... . 6- '—..- -,:- ?"-- 1.7-.1i.. - ‘• 7 - ' '. , ' ..,.. --- . • 00 Ow 7 •''-' t ' . i, - - `.-L.:- j ~ . ....., ~ /.0 . . .) .*,:1• ' ' . .. - ii, M: /r.' dministratioti NotiLust.:J..i. Notices ;Auditor' , ; - ',...,...,„,„„;-_,.... • . ,]finer" $1 60 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: TREASURER'S SALE Of Seated and 'Unseated Lands, Lots and Pieces of Ground, within the County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania. ELISIR PIPTIRSUANT to a special act of the General Assembly, relatise to thessle of unseated land; vacant lots OM pieces of ground, and by a'edbsequent act of the General Assembly, relativilo the sale of seated lands, lots and. pieces of ground, the former approved April sth, 1842 and the latter April 29th. 1844, for the sale of the some for the taxes remaing unpaid thereon: . . Notice is hereby given, in and by itrtite ity of the eforegaidaot of Assembly,lhifTnitOinrer County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, will commence to soil at public sale, on the first (Monday) day of August, 1864, at the Court House, in the cjty of Harrisburg, and make sae of the tracts of mated and una ated lands, lots or pieces of gronnd, within the . eoutity, • f .Dauphin, afore said, for all taxes due thereon, ,wit 4 and' that accruing, unless paid before said' sale, and' that if ttteieg.: sary, will Adjourn the sale from day 'to dayolatil eine sold, to wit SWATARA: TAXES. 2 frame houses, Beyer, Goole, • $7 65 5 acres, Coed, , log house, quite old, late John Carbonell,l 72 718.5 T WARD, HARRISBURG. - - • • • Seatei9, Mullen, John, Schweitzer, 5 32 • Mullen; John, Patton, , 4,56 I. lot, vacant, Bender, Reuben; Sr, • ."- • • '63 1 " - " ;Brown, Conrad, lataltiley; , • I'ol ; Frame Louse, Riney, SolOmon & Frederick, - Paxton street, - - • • • , 25 Two-story hrick house, Jeffries, James, mdf aitrothers, . . • , •1303 ! 1 lot, No. 28 and 28, - Kenbey; Pater; vacant, 1 '26.- Vacant, O'Leary, Cornelius, • • 63 Frame house, Race alreet,,Ridgely, George, , 3 do do Sinaltzrieth, Jacob, li r eadow Lane, self, " • • • • - 4f31 '• 1 lot, vacant, Shaw, Richard, late Riley, 63 1 " Schwartz, Jacob, late Riley, 63 1 " •; 9 - Shaffner, Jacob, late Riley, 68 Small house, Williams, Maria, on 2d street; , 260 SECoND WARD, HARRISBURG. ' ' • . ••• Vacant, Freaner,•Abiehati, Allison's • i:l5 ! do. • Snyder, C A &Freaner,,graveyard;„.. 'Chestnut street, ••• - 1, - ;; 1 • 3 . 1 Vacant, Busch, - William, late ,Kelker; , * 4 • Frame house, Wallower, Henry, • street, self, • ; ' • '• 10 ;60 Seated, Washington, Susan, cord, frame, _19.60 THIBD.WARD, HARRISBURG. , Three-stdry, 'brick tense, Mitchell, Geo' WtUlaln Rauch,. . • ' 42'50 , Two-story brick Louse, Murray, Sarah,: D'' A S Eyster, , ; 90 • . Two-story log house, Work, B self, .17 60 Tien-story frame house, Beektr, Henry, 6 30 FOURTH WARD, HARRISBURG. IL: - Two-story frame house, Bell, Elijah 5.,• . 1a; lot, 20 90 Seated, Burk, Jeremiah, lit'Certy, 7 60 lot., two-Story frame, Boalleki'l Ilaaac; cW'l, self, . 4 00 %' lot, two-story frame, killer, Joseph;.R.Sim- ' • mons, • 3 20 Two-story - fr ame house and • double, Collins • • & Skidmoreaselves, and families; . 6,40 • Two-story frame, house„, Donaghy,. Magda- • 141,N - req . , 3i lot, two-story' jog house,' .E.slley, George, . 20 1-10 lot, two-story frame house, lialan, Patrick, self, • ca lot, tte-Story taut. house, Statinton, Stung 'cord ' • • .•2 30 • FIFTH - WARD, HARRISBURG, • ' „Seated, Bally, Samuel, carpenter shop, . .• ' , I 8 , 10 ; " Cole, George'ls, self,- • . • , fo'44 Daily, Michael, self, . . iq6 , I. 1 " .• lot, Conrad Efiehant, two story frame, 2" 20 Two-story back building, Fackler, Joshua, - 5'60 lot,- vacant, Wagner, . Daniel, Mart ,and - T. Self, Waltlmer; Joseph; ' 1 1 91 • " Shade, Reuben. : 655 „ti, lot, Shade, Elizabeth; small frame building, 160 1 lot, vacant, Fat Ton, late Wilson, ; 2 10 1 lot, Tanen; Fitzpatrick, Patrick, late Ferster; • '0;20 Vacwt bite Fainter, 2.:20 . . ; 55 . lot, vacant, Wagner, Ernestine F,Grandstreet, I'2o lot, vacant, CAilow , Wilhelm, • ' 60 • 1 lot, vacant, EPCalla, Richard, ' '' • I'2o • vacant, Sturd, Joseph, 480 • - SIXTH WARD, HARR/SBURG. - Bernhard, ,H improved , 1 85 . Self, Dolinu.l Charles, West Harrisburg,'l 25 1 lot, Dana, George, Paxton, unseated, . 110 • Faught, Eltiapetly, 72 Unseated Griffin, Paxton, ye 190 Vacant, Jones, John W., Unseated, Kennedy, Sarah E, "Fltstlin, changed to Mary in 1861, ' • v 98 . 'Vacant, Lind & Wilhelm, , S Xll • VaCant, Lee, George, ' • „ * 1 • Vacant, Miller, Ehzabeth, ' 4 41', Seated, Njsely, Aaron, • 4 46 , 1 lot, Ritter . John, Paxton, frame house, . • : 2'30 1 lot, Rullidger, l Mrs, West Harrisburg, frame, 290 211ots, Seeder, .John•or ' • • • 1 1' 76 1 Seated, Snyder:, John,, 1 41 Seated, Styles, Jcihn; -••" ' ' 2 83; .Sanderson, John, Paxton, • 95 Seated, Seal, Andy, ' • 176 ToMant, Schaffer, Mrs, • ' • 3 . 30'` . Weitzel, John J, '• • .„.„ • •.• • 5,1 g Wyson, Andy;• ; • • • . 488 . Zimmerman, George,' • ' • .1 17 ; Vacept,'Anders, Jane,' - • • 90 • Blair, Satinet, • ' • 130 Vacant, lot No 19, Brubakeri l Elizabeth, Bussiblugh, . • r: • ; Seated, Blaeki_William, Zimmerman, 2 281 2 lots ; No 13;1:4 - Curtis, John, Bumbangh,. 3 30 Dunn, John, 180 Hertz, George, ." -• • 1 , lots, Hassler,: E A,. • . ..., • • Seated, Mayner, John G, Self,-late Oliver, ••• • 3 . 50 I Self, Sturd,,Charles, , • • ;..:.t 4 501 Twees, C & F,. self,. • • - -'.B 15 Mader, E, late,Barnits;L. 44.' 4 • • • •-•" - I; - .1. 1290 Bernhard, Alexander, ' 2 1 59 • Dolmas, John,' ' '- • • 4'44 it _Kennedy, Michael, • . • • •.346 i; Kneply, Edward, - •• ' • • 3OO Frame house, Munny, George, West Harrill burg 2 40 Vacant, 3,16 lota, Adlby, ;David; cad, 1 471 2 lots, Boyl, Michael, sett,_l%' story frame, ' • ; 2 . 10 • Baily,-George," • ' ' I'6ol . 4 lota, vacant, Adley, -- ' 2 lots; . vacant, Brown, William, col'd ; • • 164 ' 1 lot ; vecant,-Battis,..Martha, , • 41' ' 2 lots, Teqatts,Bltinen, Henry, 1 051 1 lot, ,vscarit, Biecter, GOrge, Apt '1 lot, .vitalit, Baum, Hawn*, 8 0 1 lot, vacant, Burns, Auttion„ 80, 1 lot, vacant, Bell, •Eliza; tworatory . frame; • 1 26 : Barton, 'seep; eim"d, self, . ' t ` " B3 . Cletuan;John, • • 4 132 • 3 lots, Cole ; •Reir A,. Vacant, 1 21 : 1 lot, vacant; Cann Julia A, ..41 2 lots, vacant, Cler ic, ;Thomas, - . ;80 Cooper, Albert, late' Brubaker, — . • 's4 .110 t, cacaotl Daugherty, - ' • - 1) . 41 2 lots, vacant, Dilfenbaugb, Samuel,' ' ' 1.41 1 lot, vacant Deisteiii,'George, ' ' ' ' 42 Vacant, Daly, Esther, Ann, •-,. 1; 30; 2 lots, vacant, - EarlyElizahette,"Mii'd, • , Vacant, Eisman` • 3 lots, vacant,iFttzircimpus;Therries, • lot, vacant, FOot,_itenjarnin,; l cord, '' 41 Ansi; Unity,,aelf.`,"Cokdi Seated,'• • • ",.' - 1 SB5 Pewit; Daniel, selfi;cord, - iellied; ' .' • ", 1 1 31 Firth, Janres-,, ( leht.:P.rice,) mated ; -• • • ;9 1 lot, vacant, Gilson; Hannah, 8 4 0 7 lots; vacant, .gulter,lElizabeth, • • , ' 3O 1 lot, vieant, Hargrave Jane ,- co ld, ';t l 2 Hamilton, Wlll • "- ,• , I'4 l 1 Hinkel, Margaret''' - • ' 8b Seated, Hooper, *age;, • • 2 38 1 lot, vacent, , llelfer; Mrs Agatha, • . 1. - op Vacant, , Etaiiria,- George W,• ' 1.60 1 lot, vacant; Hogan, 'M. C, 1 lot, self, NE, cord, seated, • ' ill ,Vacant, Jones, James, Rev, cord, ..41 Sea id Seate d , l o„ ,jLmouhisca'kh:nEeil',i'zaW o ne - story b i e l 1 frame- am . ; 4 0 1 o$ lot, vacant, Main; Mary, 2 lots, lbor vicants•weill , , Emma, • 1 .8 5 0 P .Marley, E•izabeth, 1 io4-I,neanti Murray -Grace, soPd; seated, 1 05 1 lot, vacant; Maurer', John, - • vor„ 1 lot,: vacant, Atiller;josepti, • • ri; 1 lot, meant, Miller:di Schaeffer, . ' ..go 1 lot, venimt, , -.WlCelleit; Mrs, - 105 1 lot, vacant; Mitchell , Watlam; 2 loti, seated; MODitmoEt, Johm 8 'Z 1. lot, vacan; Prizteri'Marit; - ; ' 41 Ruppijiisiana, • Wllliaii, , seited!,self,, • 2'06 1 lot, vaearil, " ' ' TrA Robinson • D M.,- seated, • • • 61 1 lot vac44l'.RlAblil:Herirry '42 Vaainti R O O/ 20 0 ,11 , • ~ • silt ,Radßff • ' • L• 4-64 soul, Lehi, self, Boom, 3 98 Of Every Da=iigion. 0 MI "THE UNIO N-N OW AND FO R'E • '• HARRISBURG; PA.,SATURD IIAY 28 18f - , • •,-1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Stein, Elizabeth, Paxton, seated;' . 1 21.' _ 5 perches, vacant, Seiler, Joseph, 1 85 1 lot, :vacant, Siaade r Elizabeth, 80 1 lot, faciliit, Smith, Mrs 'Build, - 1 '6O I lot, vacant, Stabler ' Adam, 1 05 2 lots, vacant, Scott, Courge, cold, 80 2 lots, vacant, Smith, Rosanna, , *BO Sanders, Thomas,, cold, self, . , 80 - Stephensbn; Henry, col'd , self, ' —.' 1 80. 1 lot, vacant; Smith, John, • • ; .. 207 , 2 lots, vacant, Thompson, Elizabeth, ' 2 , 17 ; Thomas, Charley, col'd, 185 2 lots vacant,' Umpliry, Eviline, . • 80 1 lot; ' Valontino-NE, ' - • • 42 I lot, vacant, Williams; Annie 5, . :. 42 1 lot, vacant, Weaver, William, cold, •• .. •• 41' 2 lots, vacant„Weavey, George, cold , . 6A, 5 lots, vacant, WalteraySiunliel U, ' ' 1 00 1 lot, Blehaing,'Christiaii,lielf;'seated; ' 2 lota, 'meant, .Eiyellta; Elizabeth, . • ' 3.70 1 lot,itacant,Koutz,;&:amtick ,• 80 . . 1 lot,, vacant, 'Lloyd, Amanda,, 32 1 let; Williams 'Miry, col'dys'elf,' ' 61 -12 .1o8s; llauth)....4amuel, self; !stated, : 201 ' . ',. Stager, William; self; ::: . :' • • .' r 323 Vacant, Bally, James 11, late 'Hall, : ., .80 2 lota, vacant, 1-aught, James E, : :1 60 Vacant, Groff, Jacob • ' ' 1.'60 ', 1 :lot, - vacant, Hogan, James, . . 210 1 lot{,gycant,. Seip,yqgor t Eeorge W, 4 • 1 41 ~.... ~TlB.dunc, Id,earY, solit,ed. dii • 'do ' tinseated; - . ' 61 , I`lot l , , Walters; C Di Verbeke, -- -. ' ' '' . • . • 80 ..8: lots, Autlereohl Samuel, seated;; , . '56 1 lot, Eberly, Harriet, vacant, 10 1 lot, ; vacant, Bowman 51argaret, . 17 - ..8 liits; Biiii,'llfratii 661'd - racapt;: ,' 29 -rl2 1E43, 4 -seated, Ben: 'Mary Ann F,'- , • - 75 %.. lot 4 , vallagtb Eterguson J '-, • i :. . : 25 2.lots,,vadant,,Gr,eenly, Matlldai .: 0 . 19 :_lhatiii; John 0141; seated,' ; . • • , 25' -i4'4'..' Ricliardsori, dlatgaret; unfinished; ' ' 56 Stabler, Nicholas;self,' ... ...' ' 125 . ' ,4., .StiglerJohn N,,selT, ':: !I ..:• • • • 1.,13 " blephene,'3oi;-col' o , self. Spur, Levi,•self;. • ta -.- ' •' '' 4 ".,70 ' I.lot,- Thoteita,‘Abraha, :: • ;1 ' :- ' ' 4• 'S5 ITelker, William, vacant, .', ; . '.1.•::•"" . ... . 81 7. , ~1- y4STIIAI,7OVER TOWN . SHIP: . . . 2 asses,-Ease, , - ,lrts, 19,z house and stable, 86 8-acres, Fratitz;Villiam, house and stable 10 17 1 s lut, Stout r Sainuel, 120' nem; El!Unger, David; deed, seated, 25 acres, Landis, Henry, unseated; . 151cGorraick, Thomas, unseated, ;. 32 tides,ltdmier,,Dtvid, Unsuated, ; abreslSnyder, Samuel, unseated, • 180 acres, Gingrich and Hecker, unseated, • 1 60 . - Killinger, John; decd unseated,, 2185 0 ,tieres, Botz;Miniel, Wm Swoyer ' 3estmi, .25 180'Dohner;pool) and David, seated, ; 100 tiotes, Swoybr, Adam, seated,i 2 10 Mertz, .; .2- 31 1 lot. Schaeffer, Philip, seated, • . 27 aciee, Walter John, seated, ' 90 '• SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP. .Self; Hall ; James Coktowit; 1880; 8 11 . 'Seated, Snyder i John, RookVille,lBs9, 1 41. 50 sores, Rendtliikeon,O_K ; unseated ' • 9 60. "Cahoe ' Daniel; ' 1 42 4 acres, Eby, Jacob, 2 20 -. lot,••Sheesly, john, seated • 240 DERRY TOWNSHIP. , • - I.lot, seated, HoWard, Henry, tax of isso,. 513 4' ages, Feated;"Appling, Joan , school tai 1860, 2 69' Lenget, :S112101; school tax 1860, • ' "'"" 94 10 acres, ; unseated, Hoffer, Abraham," ; .`1.45 19 acres, seated, Lutz, Amos, self,' • • • .2 19 acres, unseated, Kisser, Jacob, 58 1.2 a2res,Unseited, Maginness, William, 2 64 5 acres, unseated, Longenecker, Christian; ; 89 ~.i..aores, unseated, „Baumgardner,:John, ar, , 48 ,a9roi, Rani lind, Rowerd, George, unseated,. 28 •• ' REED TOWNSHIP. ' • . . Freeland, Slane; 2 acies, 'seated , :11.n•do , C . :•• r house Roller .' 151 ' ~(, acre, warehouse, 2 40, 1 agl '- e.,, .4,iRst,, HYK one house e.Ns Tow eud -N:sst2ut able„ ; ~if• 12 ` ") • haw.' -Or" : 12 440, #o9l.Xl,Bdigger, alft 200 acre. unsaalell,X.Rolfman s interests of 48 83 acre; nuseriled,"Blltie Daniel 1 73 DAIIPEEINtrBOROUGIL Eline„Goorgq,„ Mints° andjot,,, , ,5.31 Robot ta AleginPr, Jaco,b.Wine4diter, 2'82 3 lots, N 0.92; 95; 186,kBayaril, Einma, . 884 „,„ . WISCuNISCO. 2 acres, Klaski, small house, 4 04 Smith, Edward, self, Jacob Hand, 0 '; =Jacob Hand, ' .1 40 Sosuski, TheOdOie, liikenstown, ..2 36 1. lot, Updegrovo, Daniel, seated, '7,85 150' acres, - Boas& Wallower, • '341" 82 160..leres; unseated; Haldeman & Elder; • 9 2 lots,, seated,, Martin, widow,' . • 2 ,33 87 'acres senend; SclimaetilY & Buehler, 10 . 87 2 . 10t5, Barron, Joseph, - Viriconisco, • 1-00 2 acres Cunderbaan, Rebecca, seated, 1 68 S. acres: Gultderinati p ldichael, • 92 - S acres, BOatecti'.24o 8017 - IcracunlbatUd, Galbraith; Eliza F, 'a acres, unseated, 111Uldiman it - Haly; L-2 50 120 acres unseated, lialdoitaia & Route; ; •'"4 12 Sated, - 8 69 1 lot, Brown, Isaiah; 1 00 Bopp,fErasmulsoll Haulr, , tilhottiov = 100 1 lot, Albert, Rosanna, seated, 1 40 2 :lots,. ./larrou,.Jamos, 1 00 1 lot, seated, gym's, Robert, widow, . 1.07 JAGgiHON'TOWNISHIP. w. 172,4cret, unsoated; . R4iser:lk Co,' : 6 47 30 acres, eentecl, Minnick; BenJamlo, -2.38 Unseated, Elder' .le Hatdonlin, . , 8 2 267 acres , J, war, Thos , Eg an, ' 11 77 400: ncresiDietriCh, John* war, Saihuel , Elder, ' . , rEbyi /ePe,Dal t teicher,,' ' , 2.21 Elder And .9alactai uoSeated, -2, 57 173 - icklis,ntiller,Jecob ; wan Gemieh, 400 camber &..COVar,- A &Ott, "" 8 10 401 acres, Heilner4 . ..D/otrich Co, war, X Elder;' 711-30 143 acres, do . war, ,E David; 470 300 acres,. - - -- do ' - ' war, J Cook, 11 55 /90 .. 11 c.rek -do • :, ' * B 7, W4 B OO, 205 `SO Sores, J Wilson, 212 188 acres., nnibitetit" Haldeman & Carpenter, T 08 400 acrest y ,:unaeatstl, -Hatter, David, 7 60 33 acres, *eitsd, do , , 4.25 400 arms, uncoated, ' .do Af GiOE - 4, , Wier , 7 60 990. Well ,paseated, ; do War; H: Haim „; .. •3 80 • - ilot,ityar; Eduard,, Beard'and O'Brian, k' : , Foster, warranted, F Howera,4ol acres, , 2-82 241 acres, Fame, warrant, A...liapis oz ; .:39 461 acres, same, warrant, F Stump, ' 5 56 401 acres, same, warrant, H Hale, 6 61 401 acres, sameovarrant, FShiremaw 5 59 401 acres, tame :151krrant, Robert Balance, 61 300. actsts, asttra,.warrant, Sanitiel Taylor, 4 26 261 acrah same„ warrant, John Tayltr, 91 400 acres, Fame, warrant, John Galbach 400 acorciapie,. warrant, Thomas Spencer, 6 55 400 acres, mile , *arrant; John lifeetch, - 655 460.11Cres, EadlE;i481711.111, John Lyttle, . ;. %' -5 155 20'/ acres, rare, . Y .w fu' anan ni4 t, 'W S C m hein 'T°ll44 bere °ll , 4do'aOres, same, warrant, S GrOss, 56 400 acres, same,- warrant, , A Boggs; - .5 55 200 acres, same, warrant, J Egan, . ; - y 64 1193 acres, same; yrarranr, : t 4 166 acres, same, Warrant Thos Wilson,. 2 1 4 ' 320 acres, same, warre4 l ol , 4 26 200 acres same, warrant,- H Wiltron, 2 72 100, acr ei Heary,Streuy, late T E Dietrich 372 ' hutip; George, seated, k —lOO acres, Eleanor, warrant, .1; Cook 4 :It t• i 2% 5 acEes,,LanAis,,4nuel,:upSeat%l47 • r i 6 4 Sierar, georir, uriseacti; , .61 Wise, ' Abel, tax,lB6l;, OO 400 acres,Sendal ', Henry; read tii,t4".1.832,2f •5 70 39, acres, unseated, Kolben, Jaeob, , estate,•'' - 64 1084 . soros, unseated, McClure D . K, . 40 HALIFAX TOWNSHIP.. : • • • 3 acres, Bowman, : _ • • f 32 lot, Bows, Johig t stable, 2 18 acres, Hutair; Hertry, estate, . 360 4 lot, , unseatedi Lting, :Abraham, ' • • • • 41 49 acres,. seated, Gibbons,•James, • 1 65 12 acres, unseated , Luhold, Daniel, late Mutuch,.: - .P , fi 4 34acre,"Nieredith, John, tore houso, 38 tioseated;'Retitter;llN'E, 4 02 Seated . , SeideTidienry, • - 50 .1 2i acres, , uitteateti,Totholtz,;Jobn'H, . 801 iftLLERSBERG BOROUGH. - • 1 Idt;',Nolitl, Freeliarn, Mary, seated; . 44Q Antfithiy,•l3 , B shop, ti. •2 - 10 „tf, lei, No 233,1, ug,.anthonyfAieW•libmaki, . '2-40 .-.--RIISH-TOSPISEUP. - Acres, . 1 406!At.,41E 63 / 6 T CA*0 4 4 4 ,1434,4 6, 1 4 13 4 - 1 V VA 240 - ioree, niseated, Rex, Joky „ 71 26 2QQ ntro,) l 4aoat.ed, & Haldeman, 17 64 180 acid, . • 14 64 18899 odresjunseated; do - 0 t 4 e 8 8 28 ..100 sumo; =mated,: L. ,do .310 , a - 200 acne, unseated, do do " ••••• 880 awe, tunwated, Jounce CI Carpenter, late Albert, o 20 =ES N;• w: REV EIRTISEMENTS:I!,,L . 330 acres. uLsetibid,'CaipentM\ . D,laie Pease, . 300 acres, unseated, Hates, Reuben, heirs, ' tap 309 acres, unseated, Mester, A 0, 12 74 362 acme, unseated, Honser,laeob, & B oeiBer, 13, 07 1087 aores,nnseated, Neville, John C, F. Heins, 24 91 374 acres, unseated; Robinson; Wm . 1 latelider, 17 26 300_-acres, unseated, do do . /ale .Paang . ,l3 80 160 acres, unseated, Ream, 300 acres, unseated; Stylee, Mary,- -• • • • 13.80 , 300 acres,.unseate4, do ; .do - 12 80 300 litres, unseated, • 'd. ' is so' 800:acres, unseated", . . • 13 act. SOO acres, unseated, Saladaje 11[ Haldeman, 12 80 33r acres, unseated, ilitti,lOhn 9, I,lol;'l3.Grum acb, 31 acres, unseated, Inane, John 9,41 e 2,11 Patter- FOn,• - 104 acres, unseated, Heins, JohnS, N,e 6,.J0N11, 312 acres, unseated, Rains;, John' S, N. 7, Jamb Hants. ' 330 . acres, unseated;.Buehler, Henry, 330 acres, Unseated, do .do JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. • • 10 acres, unseated, Albert, Henry, estate, Ridge, so la acres, seated, Buffingteli, Jacob, Jr, • • . 71 150 acres, unseated, Rayardi-,Emma, 8 58 800 acres, unseated, ;Elder & Haldeman, ?I, aide dr Mountair, — ' - 55 St • . 60 acres, unseated, Ferree,llriah D, ' 4 10 ;60 acres, unseated,. do Jeiferson, 410 60 acres, unseated , do. Urlia J r, ,4 10 5 acres, unseated; Paul, George,lot cabi, 85 60 acres, unseated; 'Snyder, John & oe, late Jos. Matter,' t "1, 50 acres, unseated,.' alborne Henry ; acres; unseated , b acres, Unaeeied, 'do • - de' 29 acres, unseated, Hain, Daniel, 22 acres, unseated, Taylor, William, 25 acres, seated,,Oackly, 2 acres, unseated; Holm, William, 50 acres, seated, Long, John, 10 acres, ans. ate d, Cyrus, -. 10 acres, unseated, Yergea, acres unseated, Fltagly,:licirl4, G X1P4011611. 1 lot, aeated t yrocn, PASTO , tOW.NSEPr. 3 acres, unseated, Snyder, Jacob, eataki, 4Q acres, unseated, HorelL l Peter, , ; • , ' -•Boi•ors, Saritmel, • MIDDLE PAX'IONTGWNSHIP. 120 acres; •Halcietitart, Jacob, estate, ; ; • 2.860 T 83 acres, Fildier%; Alf 4 acres, Winter! ,• • . , 1 8 ,53. 30 acres , Decollate, Peter, keeled:, • 06 • acres, Thompson; John It- fieOrge4, seated, 1 1 60 • self, Early, Jolla, ! c .: 455 14 acres, Adly, Johu, seated, .; ~.; 2 07. 150 acres, Bayard, Emma, seated, , • , 5,00 80 acids, do du seated ," - ' 4'Bo 30 acres, unseated, DayardifEmnia, '• • • ; ''24l 400. acres, unseated, - do. 'dd.. r. • - .8 20: 200 acres, onseated; f do do. , •51,80• 450 adrbs, unseated, Oci . 3;111 200 acres, 'unseated, % ski • ' ' 2, 00 400 acres, seated, ' 'do r.'• " '3 , 20' 200 acres, unseated, ;do • 40: 200, acres, unseated, dp - do. • 225:acres, unseated, Cerbett 41unes, 10 72 50 acres, uneeited, Finny, 'Santee), estate; •' WO' 12 acres, Island, Greek, John,! . • - • 9.00' 100:riesee,•seatc4,r140Ware, .P,eter,•4 ,' 4 28: 100 Acres, unseated, Heckert, Peter,. , ' , 7'B •16 acids, unedited, Kline; E '• • - - 16 acrid; Okieated, Kemmereri'Sateiliel, - 80 acres, unseated,. Miller, John: 275 perm!, seated, Parlenberger,•Williena, estate, • 9 45 31 sieres,opieited; Schrelrier, 11 20, 'lO ,tier,:t,,.imseated, Smith, Jolla; '„ • tadtes,fseated, , Tromp, Getega, - • . • -•••., 2.47 f. 175 acres, uheertled, Wier, qaszaisAr Ai '; JBO Af! 40 acres, 'unseated, Witmer 04 , Itracres, unseated, tiune, Aseittit, t. 42 8 acres, unseated, do `• do, •••• •'• ; ••34 . : • Skidnicie;jate iltanat •4141 .11.4 Ames) aeated, Emprson,)Gatorga...p,-,f, , 21'91'. 10 acres , seated, Gayman, Josiab , • • , 2 80: 4 "nerd's, Unseated, 51efta, Dayld; 8 acres; uosbatedi-Moyer, , DardeT,L • 10 Acres,. seated; 14. 1 :41.115t0rig;0,7 rse : 155 aores,. unseated,...., do , 118. acres,..cleared, do • " *rills; seated. do eel; 120 acres, fields, ' • . 104 acres, unseated, Peace,-:.7ac,ob r . 4 acres, seated, Straw, Samuel,„ Jr, 121 acres, ,unsaatediTrattppohis; (161'aeres seat. ed,) ~ . 16 09 50 acres, seated, filapd,Wcietter,'Leagliorn, 61 '7O 2 acres, seated, Groff; Jacob,' estate, 1 05 seated,,Stout, Ferdinand; , .13 MELDGLETONIN—SGLITH.274RD. 1 'lot; No 14,, W ilson ' s '9c - tendon, , 1 lot, NO 15,.. do • 1 lot, No.lo, ." • do ' 1 lot, •No 17, _ 3n lot, No 84, do. xi let, No 85, do " • Eby; Betijamlu, ' 1 lot, No 95, Landis, Samuel, lot, No 5 - de.; .; • . 1 lot, No 184., do ' 1 kit, No 186, do I. lot; No 169, '; • . :Rohrer ae Schott, - . Penns Rtilroad company, • 1 tOt, No 24, Soctnia, 1 lot, No,158; Adams, "Joeepir,• • . 1 'let,- NO 239, Lazarus; Michael;. "fr • 1 lot, N 0,164, Platt, Tames;seato4,.. 31 lot, No 1, Boyd, William, HaV,FIPTIP,LI?",.. "1" lot, No 111, Catiffelt, - 1 lot, No 115, . do 1 'lot. No 191, t • ..,- do - .1 10t,,N0 " do • , • 0 rLeiinard, David; 1 lot NO 5, Flee '.lt.dem , ;'eabitis- • NORTH' WAI9D-UIdTDDLSTOWN: •-•' 1 frame.ottlee; bfleasie SoheiO4 (Li 1% lot, thoommdi-xyqr3n:rlt4r,7l..t . Yost :demo, Eefunien, .reremiek, 3 11 8 08 83 . . _ . . • , ; • wrr HANOVER TOWNSHIP. 30; 'ache, 'untie:gad,' Kirizaf, Elias `. :' ' " ' ' •, .' lAndik, 'George. WOlfersberger, 365 • 1 a c re , . .. ',. Wagner , .Chrtatianf. l- .; i . .: - . .2 49 1 acre, seatid,,Faus„'Sanltuel & Henry, !, ..,.. , i r,.., ,68 8 nits, seated,,lPGallion, John, : .1.43 8 acres, unSeatedd,ltillor, Jacob; ' - iB3 • .. ' Zeitdr, 'Joseph, ' • • ' a'.9o 6 acres, unseated, Crtun William, - .. •Il 09 10 ,11CreS,. beate4, Gllob, ilk ,Care,;(Vietch,) •. 463 600 acres,,. unseated; Gruhccr&E B, • .. ' 20 84 16 acres Seated, Gohl,..Frt r efeitcle,'Cßrade l ;) ".. 3-53 10 acres, unseated, Havitittick,MUkuit, ,' • . 1181 16 acres, unseated, Hetkert.,; Cassie ; a ., ~ ..„. .. ~, 1. 3 0 1 17 acres, unseated, Kline, , Cyrea, 2 67 10 acres, unseated , Smith , Jelin, . • I 74 4 acres, unseated; Shupp, John C; ' 15 acre; udseatod, Shell, Daniel, 6 acres, unseated, Wagner Conrad, • 10. acres, upesatod, Crum, eph ; ~.: . 2 acres, seated, Herman eh,.' '. 2 acres, eated, Loy, Joh deceased, 7 acres, seated, Perky, Joseph, .. Unseated, _Grubb & Care, 18 acres unseated, Fackler;GeOrie, 24.acres;..eested, Fitting, Ilenry,;., - , 1 acre, seated, Hurnagle, Jacob, 72 acres, seated, Mount; Leonard, 13 acres, seated, .Eamy, Jacob; self,' '' .' LOWER 'PAYTON TOWNSHIP. ,ti acre,' seated, Lenget,'Joseph 8, .s. ). , ' • ' LOWER 'SWATARA. TOWNSHIP. . ?.1.: lot, No 33, unseated, Bliarner Jacob, .1.10 No • 34, unseated; ' • . do. . .. 1 lot, No 35, unseated, .. . ado I,OI;IDONDERE7( TOOMP. - 26 ,acres, Ebersole - Peter . ,:theatid;' . • .. : ' Strimagdr, Thoniii; seated, ' 4 acres, Berger, Martin, (Prank Island,).. • 3-acres, Frazier, laaac,, (Maple ;Island,). • , Hawk William, , • ISAAC HERSHEY,. Treasurer of Dauphin county, Pa. my2:ls..d&vroaw2m,) , ... .. . . . . . ; TRANSOM .PA_ERA A • BEAIITIYOL . ... assortment of TRANSOM r ; lin& CalPapd lase it }t . , • • , . _: • aboixt*. ino . . . " . BEER PINE f4IPPLES jrist'reogiviid:Akt • ]', •••,:k tRAIKR, I ,E;p3Ri ki4t, • 151 NGL - - BREA:REA:ST dint re .111 , :llinedi.:1 1 film ateet , of. Bailhareiii•JalustThrOst SEMLER & MAUR'S, • , ' ' Illuacesßercto Wm. Dock ) OR SAIX—A very hair 'i Twri-lioriie PEDLER WAGON—cheap for Direct fetter to BOX No. 818 Harrisburg, Pa. • !• rair.ll4f = . - Furiouoks -Ma. 'soldier a little space to call the..publi6.lattten tionte!a blierstatement of th6e/Youmstanoesi. concerning many of the frJlightly, wounded throughout the - 130,W ; . ,'T Many- of these .ate injusediiu!.the litab.s,' fingers or about the,head, a sufficient cliatecterto i renclenthein.fork thek present unfit for;servicelin the . .lield,...reiluires no medical treatment.; but inerely a litfile care in order to facilitate : the cure., A. large pro-. portion of this nn have served faithfully in the front for twu.and three year; without having been absent. from their commands upon .any pretext whatever. This is particu larly the case_at_the • hospital at York.;l T. furloughs granted wonndeclaeldiers are:efisik small'-p, proportion, 'that theinnijolifiolf. . _ will be .expewd e to return to our, rmovuts without having Visited our homes, or even conversed with thdke dear ones 16m "Whore' we have: been separated by two long years of hardships and danger..,;This would:blifnortit% lying, to say the least of it, ,espacis" 4 as, Re are within the bosom of litVr iiativ.e:Sfate;,,aiht within's fewhotire' lido of our natii , lP - coniYl - ties, at present toms the- dearest' spot :ok. l earth;for if. there is:a time in the experience : lof a soldier When home, is forth peottlier attractiveness, it when sick 'in.' wounded. • ' I‘ `7O" , Now what we desire is, this:. That those. of our friends who feel interested in onr, welfare,. will so exert" their influence as procw,e, us , ;the privilege of going 'home dining rairesrival lesenr,e, as did the voters laSt fall clearlyunderstood.thstwe luive,no &vire to , iskulk. , .4nty in this hour of our, country's need. 'No, no! We claim to have been faithful sol !diets, and we carry our sears to verify 'the_ :troth of our asset:tits:a.- Pennsylvanians" , bOast" above allother soldiers of,their valor and the indulgence they receiye : froinhome. ; Tor this reasonwe refused furbinghs .and Baltimore, preferring them fioreinen"of our own State; =dais:to:be hopedLthitt Our aotkhdeilee has not been to -skusidwn tliseet4 l Iture. We , have reason,, therefore,. to hope !that it is hat necessary to ilieSecirtenffi!". , stances knoWn, and 'tour worthy I.never a laggard—but always head and should 1, ere above others.iii , eireryping which can con duce to the advantage of ,the plate or welfare of her soldiers, will deViae.sgme means. fe po domplish this design, if-the'exigthibieSiof the' times will admit' bf suchraeashree. 7 0& 239 7 is 41 $ 41 235 1 20 1 39 A 18 • 81 54 64 2 62 . -4..46OOA.T.c.WF?"M•IPtigt.MEP,RATttI• • t:.l J ../A , ;.1,1 Tag. 4 • L Zee in a,Yne' oY . wattle •.!„`• ; • r,. . ,1 X 24 4.06 4 72 6 60 10 . 90 8 44 •. , •-!; 0 -7,941' e • ASliplutrroN, Say, 7 7 . : • The Republican , . is#44 of this afternomi.„ contains the follo.ine • News haS reached:tiiih city to=daY we consider reliableilthat , day.break this morning Lee, was,iioine o 4 battle in fitOrtg position on the north, ba.4'it,..bp9r,S,9.itkikrol4.lft.. lit ST ST vinca NT. A: 'Veit3-11"110. NEU Doesatea'tii '7B 7481311. 5 9T9N, AWN 27. The following delegate's tet'ilieatattimore National Union Cdnielition, were to-day ap pointed by the :Unconditional. Union State OfimtrakCcryanittaa,, at ajneeting,held at Al-' exandria, .the . en.iporcity 3 9l4,if4l of,the State_ of Virginia!' Senatorial nelegettet' ,2 -llon Wm. 'D.VLIttw • , of Alexindriai 111_, IH bf !Nor folk.: ,:,e ac r Y District delegAt,es of ; the First i fiStriPt thttr liarle!sn e tt s 4 i erith, • 11 -; Thema-. delegates !Axe , . all. zentlitisiastio Litt 9 ( 4 11 t'' • - ' 1 OR .53 /: r A D 14 , 4 , 39 Rq 46 1 46 1 69 $1.43 AD 44 The War-in-VirA:inia,. MI Iwortant Prisouirs Brought to *roettotion of ProdoxlcAsintrg TEC WASB/KGTON, STA* AC Wrim IVANIAGToi Ilay • 27. The Star has the following: 1 . From Fredericksburg and,AegrriarOreek-4.rri sal of the' SteaMer .fejTersori th'ith Prisemirs— . Evacuation of Artjuic& Creek and Destnic/ion, of the Buildings. ' • • 'The steamer Jefferson,hlithich left FredeiL icksburg , yesterday, morning, arrived here about nine o'clock last evening, bringing ,34.1 about one - hundred rebel' 'soldiers; giterrillrib arid Mute rebeloitizens. • :!- 1 , ;;O: Three soldiers were•captirred near Hanover Junction, and awng,,the,,number were Col. Manning, of the 3d Arkanaa,s,- three CaPtirins and five Lieutenants. The ,gifilllas Were taken while making an attack till:ion one of our trains•near;Fredericksburg." t• , • . • ~1 Among, tlie ,prisoners brought up en,:the jefferson,,ai a rebel. citizen of rrederickeL burg who'wes arrested for pedio s nite - breiii and:tendering it to our -wormdel soliliera The Jefferson ahßbrought up fifty eontrk bandq , ortion of 3,0 1, 9,41,79 M t l ;,)'dinity of Bowling Green. , , When the Jefferson leftWiteriCkibutgiall of -o ty nr o w r o f un orv dej, ev wi er t:r eas th e e s4i e i Lcepti b o o ir m 'ef l4s, -sorne !wow steamers then lying, at y g, and as sofa sa I,hoSe remaining were - lncite4; i t t irthiiiitention of ilia the plaes;• rui itLds•for.neiliaithei ware token e wing,to Grant's umward:arigtdr E diPa r tachments.oca,avalry,,and l iuf been gairisonfuji theAdieea t I:uV bto ken camp preparatory to tlia l ViabilitibeL nk3,48% 4vArkt+ l lTWKlM*4'.-AfliiltelAere this morning . at ?asfi r pasl gme'Creeki s . t. . dee who luporesEet report.% thii " • Creek was evacuated yesterday aftarnoom 02 1 38 1 30 1 66 3 71 1 16 7 49 PO . 100 ED MEE , '"fiRIGE , `. E,,NTS. R.13134TE..- ott t ;7,13: -.1: ,Cree . MIN En drgage itIaIIAM. - . :$ 00 . 100 Stan j;: 211# te.monh co -4 . haa t t'. 9 00 10V 1 " 443 year - ; . • 2 I CO 4 114 26 , Notices... .. le r's Notices.. . 4. IQy aneral Wat. JAI: So „ifir_onsinms notim-himsetintha Afoot" -9 or odit . • 'n7tir t**-- I *, Sean- v i NA'rm hisiyl27. - ` )ttr. , l'essendtin. ieitUdit'y pfggioiteti leg toltieittetirte bill-wtioh Was iriderscl.t6be riattict,'.; ; . ; I,llr. ;Vessertdes rsplialtlfsvorably, from.the Yiii`tmce:Ponithilte%.a r joist. resolution amen ! .iitt L of joint re!oliiiimi of thS HOtise'iiterease pitiltietti oil imports - * ' The Rill. to , amend the charter of•Washiimton kty,,reference to tle. r . regtdation.qivotefe, er,.qa taken iii:oaita the di4ettAf . l3ll I:1:f - trofnlytagllq questiore6f . negi, 6' iffrage, bettfiel'id 'during the il i a i ning -houriviir.,!l•- I ..)!Z J.: !, • ' .. ' : .. 0 C . : • The irttexmthrelert4e.thillosialelp an& the • III,C0I1V) elankes ,yer,e ,coasiclered.... ~ ... LI,TIOUSE. (:),F I -P-T,..PItES'IcTITIVZS., , ~ Kr. 'S'initheil, (Delawarel,"fiorti - die, egloirt-' itteebi'etectrons,' eilledmii thi; relibit heti- . ke forei :made tin the _cam ofailellaniir : age- 4man,,' which itliMek4deo -- , -wit4: ll : l l4@PArittio*' .. Lil egaring thebittter entitled to .retain sea his , tkpresetitidive of the ' Second'Congressiiinal istitet' 'cif -'l66iittiekY: frilly. Sthithers. IMO; - - ed. ;the retiort wliich: says the charge" Of' Framtan, A difore!:y and the prescription of; test, oaths 11m by the contestant was not iris tafteed,'' the' militari 'orders being" absignef only th-cairk out thisieW of Kentnekt .and tat P()wise to finterfere , with the: freedom of the leaive franchise ; •,,,hlx.. Bs:Others read there Ott; which says_ a majority' of, the whole vo ting population of the - diitriet voted fOi 'Hi; )3eamart. - . .''' '' • : - ' _ Mr.:lfrifenry, the contestant in this , Cssf‘t+ inads - ocating his claim said till cartiftea i t.e 1 f thii - ,s tting reeinher was ohitunea. bi,d?- 'den:rimy citizens of the electiVefrinchise by force, intimidation, bleiodehed , 'anli-lries= *nice. He:epoke cyt,the . interfarenee ofiGerif feral Burnside, and the reasons of the lattef. !for declaring ltentUcky i t mider martial law as jfalge, - '-that officer thit'iifigintizzled tongueli'll lready'silentas the graVe, ,and-put &ie.& lzpon !the lips ; of.i those, who; - yroyild4o,t,bowito:hkiA. , isovereign v,fil. . ~ . ,• • ~ . aph. - • " 27. ;, The: Weather lw: - onfavorable -for business, ap4,,Ahert) is,Arerylittls N.s4 ' versitronhnssAapeed.t9.- 41 - • • glOYer-xl sped' sehlW - at 'S { 6 25(5 `QO, at - SS IV The 'llour iikiirk L et; f.k finical areatiii. Sales of 2,ooolbblall eiatrivffanaily 41.47 7 25 i. 4 4 41, 4 6 3 11 c-Y.Ml§g Vin 3 49. 43 , 2 3 .x**4 0 4. at $7, ikra coca i meal at ,562i.Wheditia held firmly Ariti l f4eftl'a stelicif inluizj.: Sala df. 5,000 builielt , htll4o fotieil• anU sl: l 97i* %115 for whilst Eire .comuiands 41:564 •itgorie 04 . 1W,55,94;!q,000 tbushels ~yellow 591,4i1A $l. 42. ' Oats aye dull ai.f . S.s@§lc. In pronsiona there feeling;' sa4pi of ideas tiorkiit i s3oo,B96ofgtidiquatiard tiVl4-4614f. Ityas traalea .at:;Sl.3O, sz!.11: 19hi°A41 1 ,4. 1 :di ai • —f! iviiiiaarkiiiiia" oak niiii4iet. ` El f.t%,l44altbittrilleri Stodkkid.lll; Pennsylaanis bs 9WltessdinW 72,;,11orris,Panal fipibi t ong . Tsland.4.Bl; Pena- G oll '4gii on Mtret ' • - • ,wL us •'4r - - ta ct 4 29 gEGS,to inform the inhabi6ints of Earns. htirg end vicinity 41.t.t he has rienevad'WrNO. SS North Second atrlet, )st) denna Tbsts= for the confidence and petronege Wrowedoil- me d my ate& on Market RozPPMR - AJtogerk) Pagatitai.contannitegit of the same at iry new stand. _ -EurricttAii AriErcirbSi "'R o e pAREBoLk s iikp 4c amh • LOA telalet atteleadertiontforunl adtkaregeer 41 , :7hattlilEVOILitimictast CofiltructifteriSP Onsatirrf pow A`i tl 4 Aik he HTIFIVN travirth %k w Thiraneyikidrihhigetiitas 441 . 1 awarixosiiktraCarse anditairefort miiraittognaosal 3 0 YTPX , Pee4ge ftlartnct: ol trr italtib e i tZfrZW"Yl a j i t e = Sir opt]. rtititcrstatiatus agfapthedut ; ••1 r c •)d,' 10/. a r _4th_ rhig. i thp r irittnesAmoy sis petoshether gold, silvdf or atsel,` art; of WI StFeet'qu'illty iuid " nitTayi~ and Gl7.lllWrnia) niaISCP Mike/ 'respect. -sth. , That, front theirpeimliszeoltir, they StEdifiktUata pertUILY 9t,Sghk.sigectmil t,h,p .rethm ; butt_ thererctre, optio'nerro - and lintdeßdeitlees 'IIL O ASIPSI . ; I i • ) • ) ' Constantly on hand., a lame,assortment ;of At:l:mamma Irezioetcopis Spy (Mosul; %ein, Marine es -Steretoecow i an Vipwa,lLigic 14n, tp.,)4,-,Barceneten Theirmonietent, Magee* 1110.,''S Ifememberahatliosendele'Rpopennidient No: 29 North 509 9 ,19 8 00 5.6, 1 7 # 1 29, (rout ( II BSleh er Hotta& • • • • apttitin• - EICIJSE .70 - 11.7 r .:g.P1 4 0KON$., 61.Agit• aterrs..tov — vrAnit-iitvidoit. IS.AN RUA LT TBLERROMEOELON agak any poisible injurilp team boilers, from a lack of Water, which is the iiimrtaiirce of so -Mini and casaatio+ Pheu, and; Eck Piga! titabage! atm this Immattlq!aailei.rf—, Wo warront this instrument fo,be aparted jail:sok, against- suo&contingencies; perfhlif aatiariction gaatial tixmi or no pay. Prioe $.50. - • Seidl Tor an instruindnt and try it not sattarattory Yuftlnay Mtn= it. Cticulars. with re.forencoraintfen ant one desiring ; them. Address. : . ur your cooo g u i tufaibta, • :.-• • • :" ' • PIANOS:- • - ALBRECHT, k ; EXlDAl* l 9ricT".4 l i9*Win 4.0 EAT: . 41,27 jcif 0 ag-E fea'eet,' "Havialfite " • FaitolitEASONS l terfeetlan alitisfaobiti le MYSELF I have taliee3 gsw dike above most excellent nano!. Thep aMs ravitedli) and =- amble fov.ilannaelm:•.: 7 albeg - • lie w -§ c 1.1941149 r 3c do'~ t Pfatppc gn. = hand I, lir , c • • - - tg"i4 SOLR:mAGENCT-Ferit Txrs -rIVP rl'EkivitoLottei4, nia.44ficitierntioistailit t 2 : - .:SIIFERLOR GOLD. :PENSi.yr TinotaCtifOrattr?iii •1. 1..- --- - - brY4IBED.X.W,Y.MIACIEFILD..Oi2 - Xinii.WitiVe4l4o.f l Ak t4l444C EP 4lo . 44 44 8. 1 4 .9 t ti i rasa . ' eruastilwr vaiiiipow .1115ar. - •62,r7E4is se ,, ond itiqes.lsgiosite'P srtetgua:6llfity, real-jb.rd. .• • : 41.V tfrLii oiV,tiouirr374 - 4.) orb l e abl i it y ty m i f i edo w eita Imo Warranted pure. For aisle at MEL= YscLi pin24l latempra to W. Dock, ye, k ) E= j• tL-; &doe 'ring in the imam' • to do will find it pow; tali-fiat • a ISQUI/XO. MEM LS`Ftt 29, 0311