r titgravil ,tlallll HARRISBURG, PA IVEDNESDAY EVENING, 11111Y_25, Is6l ----- NOTICE TO ADVEILTISERS.—AII Adver ii...wentg, Business Notices, Marriages, 0.111 ha, to secure insertion in the Tv:LEE:RAPTI, must invariably be accout. ocr,ed with the CASTS. AliVCrtisentents ordered in the regular t:eening Edition are inserted in the IVlorn big Edition without extra charge. r 0 WN AND COUNTRY. A lir.,;sos TO HUSBANDS, at Brant's Hall to night. SEVERAL important notices to the militia of ;sea, appear in our columns. "Step up to the c a ptain's office, and get your pay." Tug NATIONAL ANTIIEAL 'by the entire troupe, at want's Hall to-night. ME rain of last night did not materially interfere with the attendance of country peo ple at market this morning. Prices had a downward tendency. ATLEOORY or NVAsnaNarox, at Braut's Hall to ulght I=l HAIL STORM AND Pave.—Last evening Nye bail several very heavy rain showers, one- of which was accompanied by hail. Thunder and lightning continued to terrify many citi zens, during the greater portion of the night. DRAILE . S ADDRESS TO THE AMERICAN FLAG. P,ttriots, hear it! Brant's Hall to-night. Fum.—The alarm ,of, lire, this morning, was caused by the partial burning of a back building belonging to the house occupied by Fanny Gish, back of the capitol. The firemen , . were prompt inestinguishing the flames. The loss is but slight. Eanii H. L. Sormw., of Shippensburg, Pa., will deliver an address in the Wormleysburg Bethel, near Bridgeport, on Thursday even ing, the 2Gth inst., at the close of which an opportunity will he given to those present to contribute to the cause of the Sanitary Com mission. Those who wish to .hear an able effort should not fail to be present. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. The, house of David Miller, in North street, near the Eagle Works, was struck by lightning last evening. The chimney was considerable shattered, and a brick struck a little girl on the head, but did: not seriously injure her. A. locust tree on a vacant lot in North street, was also struck. FIINAKS LIGHTNING.—Last even , ng the licrittinri struck near the house of Mr. G. Boon, in Tanner's Alley, passed into the Wilding, where the family were eating sup per, passed over the table, tore a net from the. Lead of a little girl and destroyed it - all without injuring any of the family, except slightly stunning two of the children. Their escape seems almost miraculous. . THE SOLDIER'S RErunx, an allegory of Washington, at Brant's Fall to-night. THE DRAFT, ON MONDAY NEXT.—The Pro vost Marshal gives notice that the draft, to fill the quotas of the various sub-districts in the 14th Congressional District, under the late calls for 700,000 men, will commence on Mon day next, May 30th, in front of the Court House, in this city. Look out for prize tick ets, ye citizens of sub-districts whose quotas have not been filled! SANFono's troupe will give an excellent en tertainment at the Opera House, this evening. Don't fail to attend. To-morrow evening Wyman, the Wizard, will appear. After this evening the Sanford troupe will be absent until Monday evening next, when they will re-appear at the Opera House. On Thursday and Friday evening they will be in Columbia, and on Saturday evening at Lan caster. The people of those places, have a rare treat in store for them. =MEM S. C. DUBOIS, the popular manager, take a benefit at Brant's Hall to-night. Go early and secure seats. =2= ANOTHER ARREV.LL-Still Thty Come.! :7 -There has been another arrival at the establishment of Mrs. M. Mayer, No. 13 Market st., where can now be seen the most beautiful assortment of Millinery Gaols ever exhibited in this city. The new stock consists of an immense variety of Straw, Silk, Chip and other Bonnets and_ Hats, Flowers, Trimmings, '&c., for ladies and i; misses, all of the very latest styles, and di- • rectly imported—thus enabling customers to . procure the latest patterns in advance of other establishments. The special attention of the ladies is invited to this new and meg: nificent stock of goods, as they cannot be passed, either in quality or quantity, and will be sold at prices that defy competition. Re member the place, No. 13 Market street,. be tween Second and. Front. RARE ATTILLCTION ! —last sight of Dubois' Grand Compiung•—This evening being the last appearance of Dubois' fine troupe in this city, a complimentary benefit ha's been tendered the gentlemanly manager, who has used every exertion to please our citizens, by presenting some of the very best plays ever produced here. The bill for this, occasion consists of the beautiful drama entitled • The Soldier's Re turn, and the amusing piece, A Lesson to Sus bands. The "National Anthem will also-be. swag by the entire company, and- Drake's Ad-, dress to the American Flag Will be spoken by ldr. Dubois. We hope to see Bra* -s Hall crowded this evening, as Joh.. Dubois isiwors. thy of a substantial benefit. Let all who de sire to see fine acting, and splendid iiier-es go to Brant's Hall this evening. It is pilii(itiely the last night of the season, and our citizens may never have another opportunity to it ness the plays selected for the occasifsa,: or the address to our go,od old flag. ' • W. A. Rouse, Esq., was in town yesterday and paid us a visit. His troupe is now performing at Williamsport, to large and fashionable au diences. He will return here shortly with his troupe. WASTED-A journeyman coach-maker. One who is accustomed to working on bodies pre ferred. Apply to. R. J. FLEMING, may2o-dlw I=l POSITIVELY SELLING OFF AT COST TO CHANGE BUSINESS.—The subscriber now offers at re tail his entire stock of staple Dry Goods and Fancy articles at COST, consisting of Muslins, all kinds of Dress Goods, Flannels, Calicoes, Shawls, Cloaks, Silk. Mantles, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, to gether with. a large lot .of Hoisery, Gloves, &c. Dealers will do well to call before pur chasing elsewhere. J. KAHNIVEILER, Corner of 2d and Walnut streets N. B. To any person wishing the entire stock, together - with the stand, extra induce ments will be offered. ray 23. 3 t SUPREME CoußT—Middle District—May 25, 1864.—Court convened at 9 o'clock - . Pre sent, Woodward, Chief Justice; Justices Thompson, Strong, Read and Agnew. • Bell, Johnston, Jaclr. & Co. vs, 'Wilson.— Centre. Argued. Calvin and Hoy for plain tiff in error; Hale and AT' Allister for defendant LEM= Henry vs. Brothers. Mifflin. Argued. Reed for plaintiff in error; Elder and Woods for de fendant in error. Welke vs. Aurandt. Blair; Submitted. v Miller's appeal. Huntingdon. Argued.:-- Wilsort for appellant; Speer for ~appellees. Jiidgalleiat of non, pros: Commonwealth. of Pennsylvania vs. Capp. Clinton. Argued. Orvis for plaintiff in error; Mayer for defendant in error. Duffy et. al. vs: Ptesbyteriau Church of Bellefonte. Centre. Argued.' Maranus for plaintiff in error; Blanchard for defendant in ramn Adjourned till 9 o'clock to-morrow morn ing. POLICE AFFAIRS. -Before the Mayor,—A number of persons were before His Honor since our report yesterday. Several persons, for violating the city ordi nances, by throwing offal into the alleys were fined James Collins, for lteeping n filthy hog-pen. within the city limits, had to , pay a fine of $5 and costs. • Jacob Lehr was fined $3 and costs for using spring scales in market:- A. Wolf and E. Shuman, , f:or hitching their • horses in the Market, Square, were fined. [We are pleased tonotieß that the Mayor is determined to, prevent the. violation of the city ordinancesespecially that relating to the throwing of, ,offal into the streets and. alleys. Hot weather is at hand; and unless proper care is taken to prevent the deposit of filth in the city, sickness must ensue.] Julia Wilson, drank and disorderly, was sent to prison for 48 hours. Julia had a muss with the police who arrested her, and pitched into them in a. manner that was calculated to put to flight anybody') but a city "star." Thomas. Hopkins, drunk and disorderly, also went to jgol for 48 hours. Thomas Beeshan, J. T. Dolan, Jas. Hodge and Rah Eastwood, drunks and disorder lies, wore handsel. over to the Provost Mar shal. Eastwood_ was also charged with deser tion. John B. Meaa:s and Isaac Sell, charged with conspiracy to defraud :Capt. Beichenbach, were committed for a further hearing. A Gamma. 11.01JSE UN-TIRNED.—The Phila delphia North, American gives the following : One of the ghastliest sights that the eye could rest upon is to, be seen in Carpenter street, between Eleventh and Twelfth. Many yearS ago, before the pauper dead were inter red in the sabu.rbs of the Twenty-ibtirth ward, the Potter's field of Philadelphia was a lot of ground bound by Eleventh and Twelfth, Car penter and Washington streets. The place was filled:with bodies in a short time by the last visitation of cholera upon the city- Up to that time only paupers were interred in this ground ' • but when the mortality by cholera became frightful, and grave diggers were en gaged in interring only the wealthiest of, the people, there were scores of bodies laid in the public burial ground whose relatives,probably. under other circumstances, would have been horrified atilhe , The end of the la - 1Q was first filled is mow being excavated for building purposes. Three cellars have been dug to the depth of seven feet, the whole course o which:was cut through . masses of Coffins With - their ghastly contents. The should have been done in winter time, for a foul, sickening stench arises from the remains that infects the sur rounding atmosphere. So repulsive is the digger's task that very high Wages are exacted for - pefforming it, and most of those who were applied to to perform it peremptorily declined. There is a tavern building upon the site of , the field, whose oyster was compelled to exca vate his own cellar. Not a man could be found who would undertake the work. . Many, of the bodies disinterred were in 're markable' preservation. We saw. a coffin Opened there the other day, containing the , body'of a iionatm so iiatiiittlin appearance as to cause an involuntary exclamation from those gathered, aid it. There were no other cerements upon it than a single under garment, probably . vrn.4uring the last sick ness. There was - ire.' Mold - upon it; and on it in indelible ink, was yet legible a female Strange to say, a jar of the .coffin by one of the rude laborers shook into impalpable pow der—eausing to disappear like a dissolving view, what five minuteabefare looked like a slumbering being. The coffin in which this was contained was of walnut, singularly sound and clean. People who saw it pronounce `that the dead body must have been a victim to cholera, hastily inte'rred, for it was in the 'centre of many others, made rudely of un planed pine, that the coffin was exhumed. Case after case of skulls, skeletons and bones have been hauled away, and cart-loads of broken coffins have been appropriated for _fuel by the poor people of the neighborhood. In the sides of the cellars may be seen the .tiers of coffins, .and deep as has been dug the bottom tier has not been reached. The lot, extending nearly from- Eleventh to Twelfth street, is said to be equally full of human re x .s. Some boys whom _we watched yester scraped the soil from - a. coffin-lid in the bottom of one of the eellulrs, and taking out the skull used it as a ball. The sight is not pleasant. The odor is fetid. People living opposite will be only tpp glad when the work of ; exhumation ,is completed. ATTENTION, DOL - 011EETY'S BATT men will meet at the office of the Capta , ti, 7 o'clock, r. a.r., Thursday, May 26th, to receive their pay. Punctual attendance is requested. By order of JAMES D. DOUGHERTY, Captain Commanding. 0. D. Fonsmn, 0. S. ATTENTION, MILITIA.—AII members of the Marion Guards, Pennsylvania militia, Capt. E. B. San.no,.desiring pay for services in the emergency of September, 1852, will meet at the Parke House to-clay (Wednesday,) May 25th, to sign pay rolls. By order. E. B. SA.NNO, Capt. Camd'g. Third street. Colonel and Major While, of: Pennsr- From the Richmond lac - miner, ikty 181 We stated yesterday that Major White, the Pennsylvania State Senator, had escaped from the Libby with Conolel Streight. This was a misapprehension of the facts. He is now in the Salisbury Confederate States penitentiary. -He is informed that his brother, Colonel White, of Pennsylvania, one of the prisoners taken in the battle of the Bluff,, tins been registered at the Hotel de Libby; and is anx ious for an interview with him. We have reports from several private let ters that Colonel Dick White was killed in battle, his body having been pierced by seven bullets. We hope that the rebel news may prove correct, and that the brothers White may soon be exchanged. . LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS GREAT BARGAINS IN NIGGLING, Pull yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 cents. Bleached muslin, at 25 cents; worth 35 cents. Bleached muslin, at 22 cents; worth 30 cents. 20 pieces of wool flannels cheap. Black silk, at $1 20; worth $l. 37. Black silk, at $1 30; worth $1 50. Black silk, at Si 45; worth $1 65. 2000 yards of black silks from auction. Beautiful pearl color silk finish alpaca. Atpacasin leather color, stone colors and othw'colors. White cambrics, soft finished-5-4 French Cambric. Jaeonetts, brilliants, Irish linen. Shirt brLasts, all linen, at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 56 rents. Splendid assortment of calicos. Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks Stockings, the best and cheapest. Pocket handkerchiefs for ladies, stall prices. Marseilles quilts and crash for towels. We have now a very large stock of goods, all bought at reduced prices, and which we will sell at Micas which cannot fail to give satisfaction We have also a very 1 age lot of alpacas, cashmere cloth, bombazines. S. LEIVY. tny24 • Xrii - To Clear the House of Plies. use Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY•KILLER, a neat, cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill a quart. SOLD EVERYWHERE. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., 10th and Market streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. , ' nay,2-1-d&wSw ONE of the very best Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the'citizons and strangers of this city. It will purify the blood, and leave the liver and bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As to the truth of this hundreds can testify,.as it has been Well tried for tho last ten years. It is proparbd only and sold by Mrs. L. Bull, No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. my 23 Military Business Attended To. BoUnty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence . and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sons rending at a distance can bare their business trans acted by mail, by addressing • 'EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law Third street, Harrisburm.Pa. del7-ay Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Harmless,: True awl Belie/Re Bye Known. This.splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natur.a/..Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequentl restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill enacts of bail Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATUE- FlOll. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &o Factory-81 BAR CLAY ST, N. Y. RATOUELOR'eI NSW TOI MT — ORMAN FOE DRIMING THE HAIR jeTil y. Bainavartls Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat -Dis eases, ac., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. 13annva.rt & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, LI whom. orders, should he addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: , • T-1 - 47rwrswura,_Feb. Bth, ISG-i. C. A. Bea-Nvaar—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistaes Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of-need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. prl. agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvtist's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church.- HARBISBURCI, iTam, 1804. To C. A. BixxvLux—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle exPacto rant,' and that t want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superipr to. any Lozenges that I hald ever ueed, i, rwoving speedily that huskiness Of the voiccrgrising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness •of the delivery of public at. • dresqls. Yours, &c. JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Factor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANN 7.ara--Dear Sir: HaVillg use. your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice mising•from public speaking or singing. Yours, &0., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ' ELLurassnao, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Balurvaar—Dear Sir: I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the.voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to, all public speakers. A. J. HERR .4-411C!SIOLOGIOAL viewof MARRIAGE, containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind and- Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment--the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re port Of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those tontemplatifig marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent - free of postage to any address, y on receipt of .25 cents, in stamps or postal_ cur rency, byiaddrassing - Dr. LA pßoa, He. Sl. Maiden Lane albany,l4. Y. marl.dawam IMITM a= NEW YORK AUCTION. SPECIAL NOTICES. °Pure Vegetable Medicine lIASIi. DYE! mull DYE S t • TO'7 I IIB PUBLIC. EMII THE INLAND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The wires of the Inland Telegraph Company are once more placed' at the control of the managers by order of the Government, and business will to-day be resumed on all the line, and messages again forwarded with the dispatch and faithfulness which have hereto fore characterized the transactions of this company. In making this announcement the managers deem it due to themselves, as well as to the Government., that they should state that the restrictions lately placed upon them were dictated'by what wag believedat the time to be a consideration of public safety. It was the conviction of this necessity that induced the managers to rest quietly until the odium thus created could be removed. They wore unwilling, while the arrest .of their operators continued, to say a word, fearful that,the agi tation of the transaction might impair the im partiality of the Government, and. do it injus tice at: an hour when Its reputation should appear unsullied before the world; but the time has now arrived when the facts of the case can be safely laid before the public, and the full vindication of the . Inland Tele graph Company made known for the gratifica tion of its friends and the confusion of its enemies. • There is nOw no doubt in the public mind that the GovernMent was greatly imposed upon, and induced to interfere to close up the Inland Telegraph Office through information famished by individuals who were the jealous rivals and bitter opponents of said coin pally. The Government itself seems to I have suspicions of this fact by the no ble manner in which those in authority now seek to repair an unintentional injury, in the recognition; of those prominent in the control of this line. Hereafter, the Inland Telegraph company, as heretofore, will devote itself sednously to the service of the public, and in doing.this the company will never forget that they .owe a paramount duty. in contributing to the suc cess of the government. Profoundly impressed with the peril which surrounds that govern mentand deeply„sympathizing with its efforts to, re-establish its , arithority andearrYPeane to all the States, this company feel, that it would be better. to have their wifes melted and their batterisie.destiOyed thetn, th:nit. one werd 7.- should , Me transmitted . by then.to the embarrassment of the national cause. Our hope of success as business men is centred in the complete success of the Government. By this hope we have been gpided in the past, and by it we are determined to be controlled in_ 'the future:. , . . With this explanation the managers of the Inland Telegraph Company solicit a renewal of the immense • patronage temporarily in terrupted by the action of the Govern': merit to ditcover the who of '° a base fraud • perpetrators who had no con nection with the business of this line, either as employees in its service, or patrons seek ing its conveniences. JOHN FOTTB,ELB,, Manager, Harrisburg i-T A - mum:mac, May 24,•1864.. my24-3t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SECOND-- ARRIVAL! LATEST . STYLES! MRS. M. MAYER, No. 14 Market Street, IS PLEASED to announce to the ladies of 1 Harrisburg and vicinity, (who have so liberally patron ized her since her arrival in this city„) that she has just received, direct from the manufacturers and importers, a SECCoND SUPPLY of the finest goods the market could afford in the line of FRENCH AND ANERICO*,MILLINERY, and,ii now prepared to; offer great - inducements to put, 'elegem. Her stock consists In part of • . RONHETS, RIBBONS, •,. . • FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES, • , CAPS, ORNAMENTS, &C. SILKS, VELNX.I'S, LACES, RUCHES, HOOP slims CORSETS; MOSIERY, • HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, S, BELTS, NETS; FANCY GOODS, &C. Also, a splendid assortment of SILk ;WRAPPINGS, SILK COATS, CIRCULARS, MANTILLAS, LACE POINTS. PARASOLS, &O. Also, Ties,-Scarfs, Pocket Books, Porte Monnales and nines, elegant Steel and Jot Pins and Brooches, Belts and Belt Buckles, and a full line of Trimming and Fancy Goods, as cheap as the cheapest. specter care has been exercised in.the selection of these goods; with a view to the wants of this community; and the ladies generally are invited to call andeximine Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, I respectfully solicit. a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place: •1110. 13 Market street, MRS. M. MAYER Dr. J. P. KELL:ERIS Dental Preparations GRANULAR DENTIFRICE I AMERICAN TOOTH WASH! /FRESH elegant 1i - reparations combine the Most desirable cleansing and astringent qualities. They render the Curds hard and healthy; neutralize the acid secretions of the mouth, (thereby fethocing the prime cause of decay.) By their detersive properties they preserve the natural color of the Teeth, without in the least degree injuring the enamel, while they impart to the breath a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant'— In fact they are THE BEST ARTICLES.in use for the pur poses named, as a fair trial . will fully demonstrate, and as has been abundantly proved by their. extensive sale in this community duringthe last 14 years - and which will be readily testified to by : any who ' have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale and usefulness. They are warranted to be free from those destructive acids which so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Preparedandsold ahtho Dental Rooms of the'Proprietor, comer of Second and Walnut streets. ' JOHN Y. - HULLER, • Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by the principal Druggists of the city. ap2l-dif PRIVATE SALE. ONEof the best,locations for LLION WORKS in the Stite • for. , mile, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who . will improve it, situated with in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about five 'hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarries in the State and close to a good twpike Nadi also, room for waste cinders for fifty yeas; without paying for the land Apply to DAVID ISUILNLA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second Street marlfi r dtf,.. .• Harriainug, [Philadelphia Pregli insert three tunes and !send!. MTh to XAOTS POR. - Qii.E - ViatAll LOTS on Third street, near 17 North, arofor sale. ,Inquire- at WALTERS' Store, corner of North:anilLThird.etreetti„- = myl7-tf • Soldiers' Portfolios. A LARGE assortment at BERGNE.R'S`CHELP BOOKSTORE;' marlB Sold at Wholesda'nr retail at low prices SMOKED BEEF, • • A CROICE LOT At, [delA W. DOCK, dx., & 00. TRANSOM PAPER. i t BEAUTIFUL assortment of TRANSOM .L3,_ PAPER. Coil-andsee it at c FER S BOOK STORE, Rthisburg, Pa. my2o - FRESH- PINE APPLES just received s' SIikSLER & FRAZEE,- -1-: Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. CM ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA.—Just re calved, a flue chest of English Breakfast Tea, at SILISLER l FRAZER'S, (Successors toWm. Dock, Sr.) FhTE AlLS.—Pine salad oils jist received at. [m743 BOYER. & }WEEPER ck FOXES SPERM CANDTRA, of a very Superior make; just received sod for Bale by . ' SHISLER & FRAZER, febl risuocessorsio Wm. Dock, jr.,.& „ , "n0.:X01:1: wish a good . Gold Pen? It s% 'call at BOHBFFBR'S Bookstore, liarrlsbtug [stol9 WANTS Two GOOD QUARRYMEN WANTED to quarry r 2.000) two thousand pn•ch of LIME STONE; for building. Apply at the NrltSEin". WAN TEDIMMEDIATELY, A BOY in the Store. Must speak English ..CX, and German. One having smile little experience - CATHCART & BRO., Next door to the Harrisburg Bank iny 23 'WANTED, A MAN competent to take charge of a Res taurant. Also, a Restaurant Cook. Apply at the NATIONAL }LOUSE, .Nlarket street, Harrisburg. The hest trages will be paid. m5-23-d3t* NVTANTED—A good Cook in a hotel. Call V at 93 Market street. my2o-dtf WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and. a good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap3o-dtf • --- AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard TTls tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents arc clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., Publishers. Baltimore, Md. de 30 NEW ADVEE.TISEi►IENTS. TRUSTEE'S SALE " OF " VALUABLE IRON WORKS. BY - virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Washington county, as a Court of Equity, the undersigned trustee will sell at public sale, in front of the Court Rouse, in Hagerstown, on TUESDAY, the 14TH DAY OF DUNE, 18G4, all that VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, situate in Washing ton county, Maryland, known as the REEN.. SPRING FURNACE PROPERTY, Which was tor many yearn owned and carried on by J. DIXON. ROMAN & CO., and is now for sale on account of the death of one of the partners. Said property contains 1,394 ACRES OF LAND, (more or less,) of which about 200 are cleared and in an excellent state orcultlvation, the balance being 3E,A.Nr). The FURNACE On said land is .35 feet high, with an eight foot BOSH, CASTING HOUSE, COAL HOUSE and BRIDGE HOUSE, and is run by an oVer-silot wheel 40 feet high. It is in good repair, and the water power un failing and all-sufficient. Said FURNACE is only one mile from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and about the samo.ffistanco fropythe Iron Ore Bank. There is alsio A GOOD D WELLING lIOUSE near the Furnace; also a large BARN and other out buildings, and on'different parts of said tract of land there are a number of TENANT HOUSES On all ten or twelve) in good repair. The above property will be sold entire, or in parcels to suit ,purchasers; such parcels to be made known at the sale. - . The undersigned will also sell at the same time and place about FIFTY-THREE ACRES OF LAND, separated from the above by the lands of Geo. Feidt. Also, A. Limestone Qun-x-x—s on said canal, near .I*PCoy's Ferry, containing FIFTY SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND. TERMS OF 'SALE; as prescribed by the Decree, are: One-third of the purchase money in cash on the day of sale, on the ratification thereof, and the balance in two equal annual instalments of one and two years from the day of sale, with interest from that day, the purchaser to give his notes with approved security for the deferred payments, and on payment of the entire purchase money, the Trustee will execute a deed to the purchaser, as re quired by the Decree. F. IL DARBY, Trustee. my2o-ta Lebanon "Courier," Lancaster "Examiner," and Read ing "Journal," copy weekly, and send bills to the Trustee at Hagerstown, forthwith. TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS By the Act of May sth, an appropriation of Fifty Thou sand Dollars was made for the Extension of the - Capital Buildings at Harrisburg. Architects and Builders are hereby requested to present plants for said 'extension, and proposals for building the samz, to the undersigned, by the fifteenth day of June. The main object to be at tained by the proposed extension is to furnish additional Committee Room for the Legislature, and the extension is to conform as far as possible to the architecture of the present building. A. G. CGRTM, Governor, ISAAC SLENICER Auditor General. JAMES P. BAHR, burveyor General, HENRY D. MOORS, State Treasurer. Ilannisitmco, May 19, 155 i. did GRAND PIC-Nle =I Ptit . "43ll Five Company, (To aid in the erection of a new engine house,) TO BE HELD AT I-1-A:V.IOUNI_AEN'S WOODS, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1864. Tickets Conveyauees will leave the Hose Rouse, Second Ward House and the Washington House, on Walnut street, every hour during the day. Tickets can be procured by applying to any member of the Company, or to either or the following committee of arrangements: J. A. HALLER,' DANIEL HOOKER, GEU. F. WEAVER, Jr., B. J. SHOOP, C. F. VOLLMER, DAVID SIMONS, JOHN dARRICIESTR. myl9-td SALE OF CONDEMNED STOCK WAR DErnaptstiv, CAVALRY BUREAU, OFFICE OF CEDIF QUARTERNLASTLTt, WASHINGTON, D. C. slay 16, 1861, Will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidder, at Giesboi.) Depot, on THURSDAY, the 26th instant, be ginning at 10 o'clock, A. ar.. from one hundred and fifty (150) to.two hundred ( . 00) HORSES. These homes hive been condemned as unfit for the my airy service of the army; for road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Tex iris : Cash; in U.S. currency. JAMES A. EKIN, Lieut. Colonel and Chief Quartermaster; Cavalry Bureau. myl9 hi PIIBLIC SALE.—ThIs . Subscriber will offer at Public Sale, at. the Court House in Harris ; burgh, at two o?clock, P. 3G, i• . ON SATURDAY, May 28, 1863, his saw-mill property, located between the Pennsylvania Railroad on the west, and the Pennsylvania Canal on the east, and adjoining the Harrisburg Gas Works. The lot contains three and a half acres, on which is erected A TWO-STORY STEAM SAW-MILL, with lo wer story of stone, containing one Mislay saw, capable of sawing timber 62 feet in length, and Cir cular saws, with a the-proof engine-room attached. The machinery is nearly new, and in good.running order. There is also a large basin for holding, timber, two Dwelling Houses, a Stable, Carriage' House and Wagon Shed on the lot. Lumber can be shipped either by Rail road or Canal. Tsans—One-third of the purchase-money when the deed is made; the residue can remain in the property. If the property is not sold, it will be leased for a term of years from the first of June, when ,pa'ssession can be given. For any further information inquire of the subscriber, residing in Front street, above Pine, Harrisburg. myl9-ts JOHN B. COX. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T AM happy to offer to the, public a large 1 and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY-W. FAIRC.HELD: • These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY TIIEK, SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg, Pa. ap23 CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. SAUCES of all the celebrated manufacturers. SARDINF3, OLIVE OILS, of every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, EWE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades and prices, and the best selected 'stock outside of Philadelphia. All goods guaranteed.as represented. Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. SHISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W: Dock, Jr & C RALPH L; MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT,TAW.—Patriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to ,all legal business. Military' claims collected. mylo-dGm-Oixi TARIED FraJIT of all kinds at .1J OnY 4 ] BOYER & KOERPER. BRANT'S HALL. Manager LAST NIGHT OF THE DRAMATIC COMBINATION Complimentary testimonial Benefit to MR. q‘.. C. DUBOIS, enderecl by his friends A Grand Olio Entertainment, consisting of two beautiful plays, entitled the SOLDIER'S BRADY ISOUSE. AN ALLEGORY OF WAST-TTNGTON Seats may be secured at Banuvart's Drug store. Reserved seats . 50 cents Seats not reserved 25 cents Doors open at 7.i. Curtain rises at S. myl6 SANFORD'S HALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET, REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL. S. S. SANFORD.. Proprietor and Manager Observe the attraction for THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING. TIDE la IV-A. IA S THURSDAY EVENING W 1{ In A. N THE CELEBRATED MAGICIAN, WEIL APPEAR. Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance at Bann vart'a Drug Store. Doors open at 6.X. Commence Xto 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seats, VI each. CANTERBURY MUSIC HAIL WALNUT ST., BELOW THIEtD. DONNELL orm EVERY EVENThiG, . . With a First-class Company of ... SL.NGLIIS, Da.,.VCERS, COMEDIANS, &c, ire. Admission... ...... ._ ............ ...... . ... .15 cents. .'-'eats in 80xe5....._...... ... .... . ..... 25 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERYi -. lit - V '6 sii- ii 11" S. 1113 OPEC= AT NO. .S IVIAILICBT (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) WIERE SEE IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and - Foley Goods, At cheaper prices than any house in the - city. The quality of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKING INTHE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplS.dtjyll I INF fit: THE ATTENTrox OF a§ well as Country buyers to my well selected tilEl3 DRY GOODS, which has been hciught before the recent advance in ail kinds of Domestic and Imported Goods, which I will sell off at an advance:of ten per ceaL of city wholes.de prices. . t Among them yotr will find Dress Goods of all styles and colors, among which I will only mention a stock of Challies, which'for Inanty of style can't be sat-passed. Flannels, Prints, lower than anybody else. Cingbains, Linen Table Cloth, Cassimeres, Satinetts, -Cottonams, 3luslins of all prices, especially one yard wide musln, three yards for one dollar; which can really not be brat. 25 cants Shawls, Silk > Goods, NOTIONS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, I always keep a large and weal selected stock all liggn handkerchiefs at ten cents apiece, and up. Best two hundred yard spools, white Emd colored Rye cents apiece.. Tea Napkins, $1 :6 per (V zeu. Kid Gloves best and ebeapest. ' .- for lAdies and Children, in all styles. Paper CoHars 9 - Sce., Also, constantly a stock of gloves, hose, undershirts and drawers, neckties, scarfs, and Lockwood's Unpa inted =I 1864 ROANEt, &c 1864 COSTAMS EXTEIIIIINATOL'R For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Mosquitos, Moths in Furs, Woolens, etc., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "ErSold by all Diaggists everywhere Sart 1 1 Bsw.mts I I I of all worthless imitations gar" Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadway, N. Y. XI/LW-Sold by ' D. W. EROS & CO.; Wholesale and retail agents, Harrisburg, Pa. marl6-dtw6m Notice to Contractors. NORTHERN CE.RAL RAILWAY CO., OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER, V PA, May 9, 1864. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until May 25, for the whole or any part of the grad uation and ballasting for the second track of the North e rn. Central railway between Dauphin and Sunbury. - Work to be commencedlmmediately. - pet information may be had by applying to F. C. Arms, Esq., principal Assistant Eugineer,at n'unbury,Pa., or to the rmdersigne,i. The company reserve the right to re.fect any or_ all pro posals made. 11. STANLEY GOODWIN m59-dtm2s , 'Chief .Xngineer. • MOTH ~A-CHET Pow *, POD. , . PERFUMING LINEN AND PRDVENTING mom. riISPOWDER—a compound of valuable tirticles for the destruction of insects—distributed among or dusted over Furs, Woolens, Garnets, Clothinv,. pankedd away for summer, will effectually preieuv moth. Being. also a delightful, diffusable perfume it will im pregnate clothing, &a., with a lasting andpleautnt oda:. The finest fabric cannot be injured by its mse. Prepared and sold at KELLER'S Drag and Fancy- Goods Store, No. al. 31.m-ladiatreet•*• , aptap - _ 3111S'f RDS HAY of the best quality is' offered for sa l e . can at PVCCIRIIICY4.3 COAL OFRICE on the Caulil,tHanisburg: _ ap3041. A BOSS OILLISTF-5, in. gclo4. oriotek,. Llky also, 100 BarrelsineCROICE , APRLEXtor Wit Kt ~y Fj JOHN WEE Fruit Stint AMUSEMENTS. S. C. Dußois Ea A LESSON FOR HUSBANDS, BEI PRICES OF ADMISSION ItIBBS, M R S hoop Skirts, SOL. 13ROWNOLD, Corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House As Spring approaches AN'tS and ROACHES From their holes come ow; And MICE and RATS, In spite of CATS, Gaily sAa:p about. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known.'• "Free from Poisons" "Not dangerouslo the Human Pamily. , "Rats come out of their holes to die" EECIZ=I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers