EZEI=2 CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, CONPOSED Or lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS, PHERILIOD HT WM. H. GREGG,. M. D., Graduate Oollege of Physicians and Surgeon; N. Y., for merly Assistant Physician BlackwelPs Island Hos.. pitals, late Medical Inspector New York State Volunteer Depots, under Gov. Edward D. Morgan. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP A REVOLUTION IN MEDICINE. What may seem aimorit that many dis eases hljherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully invite the investigations of the liberal minded and scien tific to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the seat of any disease is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long from painful anti obsti nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief from advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by other physicians ARE INVITED TO USE CONTTITIJTION LIFE SYRUP. During the past five years we have contended with ob stacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any Re(prmers. RAPIDITY OF CURE SOlllO say, "Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, and think that disease can only bo cured by the "slow recuperative process of Nature." This Is our reply: In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale, is in a state of Equilibrium. But when from any cause down goes t s sideo i ue tost of thescale,reworee the h normal efl balance ecor of thedlseakw requisite scale. CONTSTITUTIONT LIFE SYRUP, A positive and specific remedy fur all diseases originating from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and for all (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENT TO CHILD. PARALY,BI3 Hemiplegia. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agnew. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration in the va,rious forms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life Giving Power. DYSPE'PSIA. Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Constipation Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. Want of Appetite. Flatulence. Bad Breath. BC..I2O.FULA. Glandular mvollings. Erysipolaa — Struma. King's EviL- Tills taint (HEREDITARY and AOQUIREDO filling life with untold misery, Is by all usual medical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis] Neuralgia Gout. Lumbago. Sciatica. Tic Douloureux. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are 'almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of 20 or 30 years' standing, have been cured by us. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. St. Vitus' Dance. Loss of Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thouiands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfils more than it promises. MERCURIAL DIS'EASES. Rotting of Bones. Bad Complexion. Aches in Bones. Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purge's the system en Moly from all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use - of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth as firmly AS ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, Root and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficul ties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward ap pearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and theirfriends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS Either of the face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected. thus, preventing their breaking, and producing the troublesome -Discharg- Ing'Sorea, which disfigure so many of the younger por. tiou of the community, from six to twentyysars of - age. Young children are very subject to Dischajgee*ait the Ears, whiCh depends upon a scrofulous constitution.— These Lases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Syrup. All scrofulous persons suffering from general Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limb; abdomCn, and In the female, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gri orally accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life Syrups The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. Tho remedy should be taken for some time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort. Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body will he completely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of any kind. Epileptic Pita, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a grating or filing sound, Dropsy of the Heart Case, and all the affections of this important organ, (persons suffering from any acute pain in the raglan of the heart,) will he greatly relieved by Constitution Life Syrup. 21120ICEN-DOWN 46 DELICATE CONSTITITTIOIM Suffering from indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back, Lase of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness DE Vision Dry, Hot Skin and Ex trentities, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Haggard Countenance, and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the Constitution Lift Syrup. FUR ALL FORMS 01 2 ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Ether of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead or Scalp - no remedy has ever proved its equal. MOTH PATCHES upon the feizialo face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A low bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion, and remove the de posit which is directly under the skin. If Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or can cerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be relieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. /WAR A GIDIRRAL BLOOD-PGRITTRIG - AGRNT, 'LITE SYRUP STANDS UNRIVALLED BT ANY PREP&RA RION IN TRZ WORLD. - Diseases of the Spine, as usually developed in the yellow Hip Disease, Neuralgia, and all.Nervoue Dimas* and La tina' who are suffering from Diseases for which they are at a loss what to do, we would advise the use of CONSTI TUTION LIFE SYRUP. It will restore their pallid coun tonance, strengthen their weak back and side, give them now energy, new life and happiness. THE RICH AND POOR Ant liable to the same diseases. Nature and science has made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men and women; and if the constitution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the re sult. Do not delay when the means are so near at hand, and within the reach of all. TO MOTHERS AND MARBLED LADIES It hi the safest and most effectual medicine ever Macey eyed for purifying the system, and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. It strengthens both the mother and the child, prevents pain and disease, and in creases and enriches the food—those who have used it think it indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after conlineinent, as it prevents dew , attendant upon childbirth. CONSTITUTION LIFE , SYRUP IS THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND. THE RICH IVAN'S BLESSING! BUY IT, TAKE IT, AND BE CURED. IT IS UNIVERSAL IN ITS EFFECTS. WM. H. GREGG, M. D., BOLE PROPRIETOR, NEW YORK. t;r" Laboratory, Brookiya, L. I. PRICE $t FHB BOTTLE; SIX BOTTLES FOR $5, wawa by express to all parts of the country' MORGAN & ALLEN, Wholegale Druggists, AtiferS, 48 Cliff street, NeirTork. jav26-eociawem BOLD BY JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY& COWDIN, PRIMADZLPZIA, KIUN.KEL & BRO, 118 Market street, Harrisbmw-Ps. AND ALL DRUGGISTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TELEGRAPH Steam Job Printing. ESTABLISHMENT, THIRD STREET, NEAR' WALNUT., TURRISBORG, PA. T'AVING recently added to our Jobbing Department klarge amount of new type, several new fast steam Prilctee"Of the most Unproved machinery, and other material, we are now prepared to execute at short riotlee,.and in the most approved style, ALL EMS OY NILITARYIILANICS, LETTER SHEET HEADINGS, CIRCULARS BILL BE.ADDS,, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANES, POSTERS In one or.more coIors, PhOGRAMNEs, ' BILLS OF,LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL BLANK • AND JOB WORK`' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR - ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly, A. F. ZIMMERMAN Practical Watch Maker, No. 5g Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE WATCITES RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE PLATED 'WARE, - TEA SERVICES, - - AND ALL RINDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand a well selected , and elegantly assorted stock of FINS WATCHES dams, RINGS, FINE SILVER WARES. AMERICAN; ENGLISH AND SWIESjfIrATORES; Both in Gold and Silver•Casoa Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHES Constantly on hand. Ulceration. Salt Rheum vor_,EcrA.Nrr cLocs . s Of ell descriptions; all of which will be 2°14'14 the LOWEST CASE PRICES. Aar Call and examine the goods. Particular' ttention paid to repairing of fine Watches, such as Chronometexs, Dixplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own perional euperrision. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, mar2B) No. 52 Market street, adjoining Brant's HalL T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT PITT' B UR G, . , TS PREPARED. to furnish and coat the ex . terior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system. This material is -entirely different from all other cements used heretofore,. and is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside, work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to:Brick or Stone Walls, making a beau tiful, fine water proof saricar,e and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to the following getitleinexi: - J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. D. M'Cord, . _ Shoenberger residenctiLawrencwrille.. A. Header, James M'Caridless, "' Allegbeny city. Calvin Adams,. . - Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, " . 'Minsk :Vohel, Girard I:feriae, " - Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildingc " John B. Cox, residence, - Front street, Harrisburg Pa. A: J. Jones, 64 Please address I'. F. WATSON, P. 0. Box I,Boo,.Pittsburg, ,Pa., or, Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa. feblB-dem PHOTOGRAPH ALMA'S. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT ' OF Photograph Albums. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for $3 00 40 Cl tt . 3 60 60 " " 400 together with. vrrioua other 'dyke of binding, sizes and pncea, which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and see at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, rriarl2-clif • Harrisburg, Pa. “THERE IS NO SIIOH WORD AS PAIL” pRRANTIS COMPOIERNID EXTRACT OF CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. • This .preparation is Particularly recommended 'to the 'MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KID NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied on as the best mode for the administra tion of theie remedies in the large class of, diseases of both sexes, to which they are applicable. It never Interferes with the digestion, andhy its concentration, the dose :is much reduced. N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBS AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else, as imitations and 'worthless prepa rations, under similar names, am in th 6 Market, Price $1 00. Sent by express on receipt of price. Manufac tured only by. TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwir& street, corner of Warren street, New York, and for sale Drt4sfs& gesurolig. oct22-dly. • For-sale by S. A. KYNKLE & BRO., and by Draggiets generally: AN ASSORTMENT OF DYER -I.o'o STYLES POCKET BOOKS PURSES POR r ie At. ri xE-s• FQB, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT • . ' KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, Arci. 91 Market street. The beet Morocco' TRAVELING SA II ELS; And a general variety of rimy- GOODS, suitable for Preannts, now. on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, marl.o-tf No. 91 Market street. SILA S- WAIt Mi . DIAL= MT PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SKEET MUSIC ATIOLINS, Flutes, Guitars, Banjo's, Striiigq, V Drums, Fifes, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, Photograph Cards sad Albums, Amlirotype Gems, Engravings, Pictures, &c., &S. Remember the place, No. 12 Third street, the largea Music Storo this side of the great cities. jan%-dtf lick TO ALL—It will restore We. Jl_Slek to 'health.; the intemperate to temperance. The. Rhubarb Wine . will do it ell. Don't think the reading of the advertisement will do•, we don't, claim that. But if you widl go to C. $f RRT:LER'S Drug Store and gpt some of hie Wine,and examine it fOr yourself, it will set you right; I will warrant you on that. Orders for wine and. wine plants taken and filled by our authorized agent, C. R. Riss,T.PR, No. 1,1 Market street, * Harrisburg, Pa. Fer full particulars apply to or address the above. • mar22-dtf • 1:11 - A.VANA. 0.44151GE3, 8 =7741id at ao2o (successors toWzn. Dock, jr, Co l CROSSV, & BLACKWELL'S ENOILLSII PICKLES, a rare article for table use, just recelyed and for sale by' - RH - MEE & 'FBAZ to EPLES APPLF43ll , 4so.ibbla. jat;Tork La_ State Apples of -- every, - .variety... - .Ali; York fEgsto Bvsmicirtml6 aitc 1;4829 BOYER & kOBRPER. tiM 2 i AVANK ORANGES,. jilet recieved n 026 BOYER & &MEP= AND SETS -A LARGE vearsTy or JAMES R. LAMENT Milford, Piko county, Pa., Wholeriall I er Wine Plardri RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road SPRING TIME TABLE. TRAINS DAILY TO AND Fol-R FROM PEDELADEDELPHLk. MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, fITHE Passenger Trains of the Penxsylvania ± Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. a. t and arrives at West Philadelphia at 8.55 A. M. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 A. sc., and arrives at. West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. M. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. - . MODNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg at 7.20 a, x., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.26 r. sE. COLHMHIA ACCOIIIIOHATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg at 12 20 P. x. Columbut 1.55 P. sn ;and arrives at Lancaster 2.30 P. M.; connecting with Fast Mall east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West'Philadel phia at 5.80 sat. MAIL/MAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. ; Lancaster at 2.47 P. at, and arrivesat Wsst Philadelphia at 5.30 P. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P. Y. WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily {except Monday) at 2.10 A. ; Altoona, 7.36 A. take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12:30 e. m. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbitrg daily at 3.10.A.m. ; Altoona at 8.20 A. tr. i , take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 : 00 p. at. . . MAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 P. M. ; Altoona at 7.16 P. M., take, supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A. Y. FAST LINE leaves. Harrisburg at &60 P. K. ; Altoona* at 8.35 P. at., take supper, and arrives, at. Pittsburg at 1.00 A. M. . MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.80 a. x., arrives at Harrisburgat 11.10 A. X. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P, x., and'arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P. X. MOM JOY AMOS/lODATION No. 2, leaves 'Lancas ter at 6.25 r. it., connecting there with Ha.rrisburg Accom modation West,leaves Blount Joy at 7.00 P. If. and.arrii•es at Harrisburg at 8.20 r. st.. • SAMUEL D. YOUNO; Supt. Ificklle.Dia. Penn's E. E. Harrisburg, May 13, 1864.-dtf • . Northern Central Railw,a,y THREE TRAINS DAILY • To ANA TBOM • - BA_LiTIMEORE WASHINGTON CITY Coiinedions.made with trail:ls'm Pennsylvaniaßailroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to' nd from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elnitra, and all of Northern New York. • ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1861-, the Passenger Trains of the Northern 'Central Railway will arrive ,r;at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz:_ SOUTH WA 14 D. MAIL TRAIN leaves SunburY daily (except Sunday).. ......... .. . A. at leaves Harri;burg... 1.20 r. m. arrives at 'Ba,ltivaore 5.40 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except :Sunday) 11.45 r. M. , leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.50. L M. 4 , arrives at Baltimore daily (exceptllonday).....'—. 1.00 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Mar . SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury.'daily (rixclipt Sun day) at, . . . . . .. • N T EUW A.B, D. MAIL TRAIN leaves '.Baltlinore.. daily (eieept 'Sunday) ' 9.20 ' Isaias Harrisburg 1.35 P‘. _ _ . •.11C arrives at Sunbury 4.06 P. MNPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dally 9.80 P.. 21 .. " arrives at Harrisburg 1.60 A. x. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex oept'Monday) arrives it Sunbury HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal timore daily (except Sun day) ' ' . 3.00 P. M. . arrives at Harrisburg. . . .. r. Y. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION Waves • burg daily (excipt Sunday) at 4 00 P For further Information apply at the Office, .in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot; .1: N. DoBARRY, Harrisburg, May 113,,1888. ' Gen. Supt. 1864. Philadelphia, and Erie Rail Road.. THIS great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania, to 'the city. of Erie, on Lake Erie. • " • • It has been leased by the.hisfrifinvsnu Reif = Cox p.m,. and under their auspices is being -rapidly opened throughout its entire length. ._ • It is now in use for - Biaierigei and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's pie miles) on the - Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division. . , Eastward. Leave T I ME . OF : PASSENGER TRAINS AT-..RA-ERISBURa ~.. Le , .. ..: Mail Tkaln 1.20 r. sr. Express 2.50 A. M. Leave Northward Mail Train.. 1:35.P. IC Express Train 315 P. M. Cars rtm.through wrraorer ,CIELARGB both ways on these trelna between Fhiladelphia — and Lock Haven, and be• tween Reltime're MA Lock Haire& t gh ElStaitt.Sleepingiing•On 'Exprotis trains both ways bT, and . _Baltimore; and WWlamaport and Philadelphia, ".For Informatlini respecting pa agar bpaitieis2apply at` tlre - 8: E. Mid 11th and Market: streets. • Andler Freight busineseof•the Compahrs Agents: B. B. Kingston, Jr , tanner J3th and Market streets, Phliadelpbta. - • • J. W. Reynolds, Erie. .1' J. IL Drill, Agent N. C. It, It, Baltimore. • • IL H. ROUSTON; "• 'General Freight Agent, .Pka' LEWIS -L. HOLII7, D. POTT General Picket Agent Phira. OJ S. S, • • my2o-dlyl•na'General.Miz ger,7lfegamnaport. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. Lu ta s a 1 - TZL. A Ai TnnxitZ,T .XL: . 9ys - awToNr.w YORK • 'r PHILADELPHIA. "' i nN AND AFTER' MONDAY, November 16th, PM, the Pannenger Trains will leave the Phila delphia and Reading. Railroad Depot,, at llarrinburi' for New• York and Philadelphia, as Mows, viz EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.80 A. M , on ar rival of the Perinsylvania.tailroad Express Train from the 'West, arriving inNew;YOrk.at L 45 A. 'A sleeping car is attached to, the train - through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAL'i leaves Harrisburg at 8.09 A. nt, arriving in. New York at s;3o'r. ic r and Philadelphia at 1.50 • FAStLINE leaves Harnsburg at 2.00 . P. arriving in New YOrk at 1045 an, and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. If WESTWARD FAST LINE leaves New York . at 6.00. A. 1.1., and Phila delphia at B.lb 6. N., arriving at : thertaburg ata.ls - MAIL .TRAIN leaves New. York - at'l2.oo Ilean, and Philadelphia - At 3.30 x., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 •. • EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P. ar riving; at; Harrisburg at 2.00 a.. P. and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car Is also attached to this train. Connection.% are:lmade. at Harrisburg ; with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern central and Cumberland Valley railroads, - Reading for 'Philadelphia, - Pottsville, Wilkesbarrei Allentoien, Easton, Areßaggage checked through. Fare between _New , Tork and liartisburgo $5, 15 :;,OotweenH.arrlaburg and el• Atia„:s3„Ga.in,Go.l*l, and 141 n Na.„2. .; Thigtieets othetififorniatkitrapply•to• T. J. .7: CLYDE , : General Agent, Harriaberg, nol4-dtf RAILROADS. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FR ANKL RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon day, April 4th, 1864, Passenger trains will run daily, follows, (Sundays excepted* FOR C'HeLMRERBBURG AND HARRISBURG: Leave Hagerestown....... " Greencastle ...... Arrive at Chambersbnrz. . Leave at Leave Shippenaburg " Newville A. N. 46 Car1i51e....,6.55 10.10 2.42 4 $ , Recbanicsburg 625 10 42 3.12 Arrifre et Varrisbuit ' 6.55 11.16 3.40 FOR CHAMBERSBORG AND HAGERSTOWN: A. 3L P. K. P. x Leave Hanisurg ~.- . kos 1.82 420 " Mechanicsburg - 8.47 2.15 4.51 • 1. 4 Carlisle . 9.27 2.55 5.92 " Newville • - 10.22 3.-29 - 4 4 Shippensburg 20.33 4.00 c ' hambrsherg, { Arrive at . ILO° 4.80 - Leave at........ .... -11.10 4:40 Leave Creecastle 11.55 , 5.30 .Arrive at Hagerstown -12.35 6.10 agir Making close connections at:Hanishurg.with trains for Philadelphia, New itbrk and Pittsburg • and wAh Talus for all points West. . "• sir The Train leaving Hanristfing, at,4.20, P. M., runs only as far.as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt. R. R. Office, Cinunbeisio . ' . • 18134-1 y READING RAILROAD. SU MMER ARRANGEMENT GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Arc., Sm. Trala leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. M., and 2.00 P. M. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at.. 8.80 I. M., arriving at New York at 1.46 the same day, , A special Accommodation Passenger -train leaves Read ing at 7.16 A. Sr., azutroturns from Harrisburg at 6.r. Fares from Harrisburg: To Now York, $5 ;to Phila. delpbia $3 86 and $2 80. Baggage chocked through. Returning, ,leave Now. York at. OA. x., 12 tern. and 7 s. it ttsiburg Express arriving at Harrisburg 42 a. at.) Leave Philadelphia 4 8 15s. w., and &BO Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and freip Pittsburg without change. . Passengers by the Catawitssa Railroad lave Tainaitus at 8.50 A. at. ind 2.10 Sr .', for Philadelphia , New Yak, ; . and all way points. Trains leave-Pottsville at 0.15 A. 8., and 2.20 r. x., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Acconimodation passenger - train leaves Reading at 6.004. M. ; - and returnit Irtim Philadelphia it 8.00 All tho above trains run daily, Sunday 'excepted. .A.Sunday train leaves PottsVillo at 7.80 a. M. end Phil adelphia at 8.15 P. Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. 80 pounds baggage allowed to each person. ti. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. May 2, 18flidasivtf TIE UNITED STATES . HOTEL HARitisitiTitti-, PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. T 8 well.irnown Hotel is now in a condi . . tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the moat ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder.. • THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and 1310 W: has accommodations equAl :In extent, comfort and luxury ... toAny hotel between_Philadel phiaAnd Pittsburg .- DS location is the beat in-she State .Capitakpeing M. easy access to , all the railroad dspots, and in close proxini4 to all Public alai! aiidliugneas to °alines of..th'e'elty. Ithas tiowan the conveniences of 45L1V82' OLASS.H.OTEL and AM: rroPristur Is, determined to sgsqc neither ea. pence, Aline or labor to ensure the Coinfort of, the insifia The patronage or the traveling pubic is reepectrelli 7.00 A. M. 7.30 A. hi STATE CAPITAL HOTElai . . CORNER OF TB= AND WAINITT gnaws' ,e 11.21RRISBT.TRWP.ENIVA ! THE un dersigned having p.wchased thiri well .. known house has . enlarged, and thoroughly renovate& ,The rooms have been re-p ainted anititupered; laid the entire estallahment elegantly re-furnished .-' Beth; plea santly and eligibly. located, and provided with everycon venience, it offers to the pnhlic all the comforts "servants shut of ,a first class hotel. Trusty and Obliging servants always in attendance. bar well stooked"ivith 'Oh** 1864 liquors is attached to the 4nitablishfillint. de26-dly W. G. TSOMPSON , opr eto r. _ _ _ &15a nt. 5.53 1.. X. JONES` ,H . 0.1T S E Corner of Market street and Market Square, 4.2 BI BITE G If A. CHAS. H. IVIANDT, Proprietor. no6•dtt • .. . New and . • Popular .13boks. ~ . . MBE , Witt'E'g EVIDENCE, a novel, by the I. author of ' , Notice to Quit." Paper T'OS'ts• THE WIFE'S SECRET," Hrs. Stepherle. El 50. INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY, by Smiles, autlug or' SO! Help." 1 . 25. ANNIE' WARLEIGH'STOATIDTE; -50 de. . . .. ... .. IN W.A.411ME9, and other Pooma, by, Whittler... srlm . , . CUDJO'S CAVE, - the mo4.iioptdar book of -the-day. . . . LES MISERABLES Victor Hugo's . great bopk. 50 , . TEN ACRES ENOUGH, showlral tow .a very large letn. HY may live 0 4 grvVyfimall , LIFE OF LINCOLN, containing all speeches,' piciola matitme, din, to date. ..4per. cover. . :go ots: Also, uniform with the above, LIFE OF GENERAL' Iif'CLELLAN, 60 cts„ ‘‘. • _BUTLER, . 25 6, MEADE, . 25 . 26 GRANT, " '*" For sale at- • - BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK-STORE. aprl6 z PH OT 0 GRAPH ALBUMS. Photographf - AlbuMg- '" Photograph Albums. "Photograph Albums. , g ,Photograph: THE largestand ,cheapest variety of,PHO TOGRAPR ALBUMS in. the city are constantly. kept at [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE.- CIANSUPI3t.aD ELOJOES, of the, most stt liehbfini&eiriolee Wands, just received' M4'1'91. , sale . SHISLER FRAZER by febl . (Focclefors to WilL Pock, Co jiA.st re ceived at - - SHISLER & FRAZER, • feb3 (stietesimmto Wm. Dock, Jr., &FR°. NEW IeALUERY - Broad Street, between Second and • Third, HARRISBURG. riIHE undersigned haE; opened a new BA UR!, in the Sixth ward, where he le.-Treiortot to atipplf BREAD AND CASES at a reasonable_ rate. He warrants estiefactiis to all lyho will give him a call. He wilt eel his bread at die rate of 27/ V.&; OICHTS. PER PovitTD and full weight guaranteed. pEctl AL&R.V. - - Shade' irre-4: • • . • A FlNE . o4Prtatexkt Pf „Bilyer.Maple, Norway Haple , , - Talles..a.akHorae Chestau European . Linden, . la Magn4Ua pr PaclututteiAis., Ic r at : . '4= 1 ' Y. Harrisburg,,Narch,l6; 1881 , ; , SpPE4I .91t TatirA.A-NAMMIXIBAiier , offered in this market. In bottles and by the gal lon or Oar& SEEL= & dean (tmoonsoni to WmDook„=ol L,'ID 7.00 2.45 7.87 8.86 8.17 420 8.30 12.55 9.00 128 022 2.00 HOTELS. MEDICAL. PI DR - MEIN L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROP THE GREAT FED ALE. REGULATOR, .kre the only known remedy that will auccessmuy and invariably : restore and regulate thelamalenystom, tumor. !wall irregularities, 'lnd producing'. hailth, vigor and strength. LYOE!S PERIODICAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in this country, end.acti'directly an the parts effected, whilst pills and powders can only; reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and dre you suffering 'tom a, Oonita . antchity for the regu lar return of batitre'rprescribediaWs f lirpive yourself no uneatdnesa r for Lyonbt Periedical.Drops, If taken a day or two before the expected Peilei; will Pori tively and invariably regulate its coming, as sure as effept ,follows cause, $s certainkusdaylight,follows darkneag. Are you al* enfeebled b y Miasma, or unable to bear the labor and danger or harrankt, LYON'S P E RIODICAL DROPS Come to ;you es s blaming, for le not prevention better than care ? . It replary taken, b is 'certain preventive, and will save you much. peril. and.many hours of suffertas.. Have you been afflicted for many , ymrs with complaints incidebtle the sex, that have baffled the skill of physi cians, and are hurrying you, onto an , early Brave LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are the moat reliable regulator ever known, and ewe, like =ic y all thoselrregularitioa that have defied thedoetor's Will yon waste away with suffering from Leticorxtna, Prolapses, ppmenorrhona, end a thousand other diedeul flew, all. summed up under the name of suiusessed and obWiated nature, when an Investment of one dollar In LYON'S PERIODIC AD DROPS wilittuqly rare , yo u. iiot on the dials *when forbidden hi the dirtiottotr„. foralthonghtn positive .cure, and: humble:tat alt ether thnea tt theyjuusnr and tinely . calculated to s at, and lavertatiiithactioa ofthe - sexual' . ingaithun; that, :if taken at impmpr . UlXloll,;they WOO*" produce:reedits con trary to nature, rtgakurt whic h . all, parthadarly those *bp wadi* reproducoothould corefully. guard. • • : LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm the moat dellcate conatttntion at any time; yet the propriettes wish to gnarl • aidnia - lb - inhume, hoping that a thouiand. , .botthom*be nsolfor a goodpnr pea where one is used forin Illegitimate one. LTON'SPERIODICAL DitCa'S, the never-failing Female Regulator, Is lbr Sale by every Druggist, In the city and oomatry, and' o not, lf you value your health and wish for a milible medicine, buy any other. Take no other, but If the Druggist to whom you apply has not got It ; make him send andlet It for you. C. -Gr CLARK Si; CO" PBOPIIII;TOB, et Wholade, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, 23,N0rt4 Six* /31n1,4, Phlbkdalph!a. Pa lai - r i 0 . IV bi b 4 ET ..:~ 1~:;'O X tl • a et 0. : ,~- ; .~ r ~, :.;::: m .d ~:;aj. La MiZi I:5 _ - Who bare injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, inairif not cured renders marriage evos sible, and destroys both mind and body, shonlds illy, mmediately. - Whata t hat a young man, the hope of his country, thidarling of his parents; should be snatched from all ; prospects and enjoyments of tiro, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a eirtidn secret habit. Such persons Meths, before contain plating - - When the misguided and huptudent votary of pleasure Ands he has imbibed the seeds of this painful ilice.se, -too often happens that an liltimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to these who from education and respectability, can atone befriend He falls into theimods of Ignorant and designing pretend -8174 who, incapable of curing, Lich -him pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month after mbrub, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and -in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over idsgalling disappointment, or, by We use of the deadly poison, Mercury, beaten the conatitutionalsymptoms of this tenible dismise,nuch usatree, Lions_ of the- llead, Throat, Nose, Skin, etc.; progresauag with frightful rapidity till - death puts a period to Ids dreadful sutterings by: sending him to that undiscovered (*Mary from whence no traveler returns The many thousands cured at this institution year after yeat, and the numerous important surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Sian, Clipper, and many otberpapers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besidte his standing as, a gentleman of character and responsi bility, la a snilleient guarantee to th4i tainted. Jr. 4 o lc. Is a- n 3P,, CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, VIIIMNG, WEDDING, • INVIT'ATION AT ROME CARDS.—By a special arrangement with one of the bra engravers in the country, (suds of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the bust *hie; and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station ers in New York. or Philadelphia. For samples and prices tall at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. mch6-dtf SMOK RI) 8A T MON.— 811wEED "ALMON just received et feb3 (enpuxeoreto Wm. Dock,jr, &Co.) TO LADIES -J - I yon wish good Letta Paper Rivekm: Ink, Pena, or anything else in the azationecy line, you will do Well by:,eln,g at Ris , Harrisburg. Neie - itaven,'Ccmn. tiol9 NORFOLK OYSTERS—Beat links, - niter t the Jones House., YOrk River Oyster; a bee article, under the Jones House. Alio, Teintpina, whith will be served vp in fine style at Short notice under Me Jones House, by DO SO JOSEPH SbraTXLY. PICKLES! .PICKLF.I I—By the Barrel, Halt Barrel, Jar or Doze; at nag) SHISLER & FRAEWS,, (Successors to Wm. Dock. Jr., & Co.) A" 'W HUNDRED of the' beet PP.ATC "DIKES, of valuable leading varieties, :ever offend forsale Inliarnaburg, are now on band at the -Keystone Nursery. la p lT . JACOB 31.19 K C9 IDER CIDER I— Two - Barrels of sweet ea and pure CLIME just received-at marlB OCKET BOOKS, BquKskoN rtlicheS • • PORTEIIO.IOTATICI; and a general 'variety et LEA , HER GOODIEV , Juit't received: at I - PERritkeie4MlLAW.. I , ' — iitOliftal() SHWARY, imported ~„ 184 i. Warrauted the Finest Sherry Wine Al Win coatary. For sale at RAI4LER Jc FRAM& Soti2 (oatotootoo to Wm. Dock, jr, & ) ISE MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON 4 BALT/MORE LOCK HOSPITAL , H A and a effec " tu v hl e red th .es e in iii th o e s w t oreledrtroain, speedy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RFT rsT IN SIX TO TWELVE HOUR& NO MERCURY OR NOX/OLS DREGS A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in Iron One to Two Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Siiizers an 4 Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General bo talty, Nervoimness, D ischarges, Impotency Lee piro, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity. ?ramblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddines e , Disease of Head, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Litte r Lungs,Stomach or Bowels—those terrible diseetter arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—these Rcrpi and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than tffe song of Symms to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering rampage, /km, Impossible. - YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice„ that dieadful and destructive habit winch annually sreeie to an untimely grave thousands of Young Met: of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senatm with the limn dem of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, nay with fall acedldeaca. bT 11RT kGE. Married persons, or Young Men contemplating twaliage, being aware of physical weakness, of debility, deter. speedLY cured. .ne who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligiouslY confide in his honor as a gentleraan and coat: dently rely upon his skill as a Physician ORGANIC WEAKNESS Mmedlately cured, and full Niger restored. This'distressing affection—which renders life mineral:le and eaarinwe impossible—is the penalty paid by the vie• thin of improper Indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the lower of worn. Lion is lost sooner by those tailing Into improper hablts than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the dettstures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The System becomes deranged, the physics] and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous Irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, coo. gumption, deaty and death. OZPIOB No. 7, SOUTH nr.Y.DNRICIL STMT. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors frrim the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. ' letters must be paid And contain a stamp. The :Maori Diplomas hang in his office. JOHNSON,DS Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Linda., grsl 'irate from one of the most eminent colleges is the timed States, and the greater part of whose life has liven spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected same' of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep great nervoinnets, hem; alarmed at sodden sounds, haat , tante; whim frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PAR TICULAIt NOTICE. These are some of the sad and: melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz weakness of the buck and limbe, 1341113 in the head, direness of sight, loss c muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspeps:s, net- Vona irritability, symptoms of consumption, sc. Mserrauff.—The fearful effects on the mind are mach to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de. pression of spints, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, tlmidity,`Le„, are same of the evils produced. YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound mind ana body are the most necessary requisites to premoteconnublatbappiness. Indeed, with out these, the journey , through life becomes a weary pil grimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the clew ; the mind becomes shadowed kith despair and filed with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own, DISEASE OF 151 PRUDENCE. Llflagj ii =vAßOAllidtstatiz ,1 SKIN DISEASES SNIP. DILY cIIRP.n • Office No. 7 Sou th. Frederick Street.. ep26-dly NEW PRELADP,raI:iu IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOM, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DTEFEILENT STYLES 0? 270311/01WILE FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist of ApriL [moo-1-du BOYER & KORIIPEIL CIEENERI3 excelsior, awes, of .this see. SOWS caring al= receleea d For site by SHISLEIL Sr. FRAZER, v• to Wm. .• . & WE