THE TELEGRAPH TB PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. 9FFICE. THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSC,RIPTION SLNGIX. 3C L'SC7;t:"tiON Tim Daus TELT:alum Is served to subscxibers in the gay at 8 cents per v.-eek. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons whC. neglectto qty in ad sauce will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. VIE Timmy-us is also published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, week1y......... Tyree copies to one Post Mee Ten copies to one Poet Office MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE! %GE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy CHEROKEE INJECTION! - COMPOUNDED FRO IL ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CIIEBOKEEB BENBDY, thegreat Indian Ditesielic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs ; such as Inchn - U nmet of the Urine, Inflammation of The Bladder, Initials ?nation of tha Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, West, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor Altus (or Whites in females) where_ a n the old nauseous medicines have failed. IL Is prepared in a highly concentrated form„the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times • per day. J o- It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow' in all of. originai purity and vigor; thus removing front the sykent all pernicious causes which have induced disease. LI • CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorr hea, filed, Puler Altus or Whiles. Its effects are hca l dzg, soothing and demulcent ; removing all scalding, lielat, chordee and pain, instead Of the burning and almost Un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all :the' °heap quack Injections. grßy the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY end CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time--all improper discharges are removed, and the+. cued organs are speedily restored to full vigor tind strength. ,For full particulars, get our pamphlet from ' , any drug store in the country, or write us; and'lre will inail free, to any address, a full treatise. • ta.. Pries, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle or three bottles for $5. 2t-Price CIiEROIiEE ,INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. m.Sent by express to any 'address on receipt' of price. nim.. Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R MERWIN & CO., .Solo Proprietors, inarlo-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. CHERORRE CURE TFLN GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE =I ROOTS, BARKS AND IsEAITS. An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal nu; Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by self-, pollution; sunk as Loss of Newry, Universal .Lase4de, Pains in theßack Dimness of Vision,"Premature D/ Weak . ken7e.DfffiC34 l, 3 l .o: , 7rlo l, . le COun es ante, Ifisasiity, Consuniptien; arul a l the 2/infs/I comiblints ca bg - de parting from the path of nature. xerThis medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one n which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice, for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not a single instance. , Its curativerpowershave , been sufficient toiain victory over the niost stubbern case. geirTo those who have trifled with their constitution, until they . think ihurnselyeeheyond the reach of medical id, we wiitildtai, Despair not I the CEEkOMECE Cuss will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack chic die hive faileffil gar'Peor full particulars, `get a Circular . from W , Drug Store inthe country, or write the Proprietor, who will mall free to any one 'desiring the same, a 'Dill treatise in pamphlet form. xarPrices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. mold by alt respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., +pit:WM:Fr ORS, marlo eodly FNo. fi9 Liberty stieet, Na York. Useful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S ()RUT DISOOTBRY I INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of mOie geneial - pmdticAl utility than any Invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly netted during the last two, years by practical men, and proneinic,ett by all to be SUPERIOR TO A N Y Adhesive Preparations known. Applicable to all useful Art& Hmecerbi laisommur, CHNENT is a new thing, Juni the result of years of study; its combination is on Bcientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive A new thing. 143 Combination BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturers, using Machines, will find It the best article known as Cementing for the Channels, It works wllhout delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. . Boot and Shoo Man niracturern J&IFTLERS Will and it sufficiently adhesive or [their use, as has been proved. Jewelers. It is Especially Adapted to Leather, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches to Boots arid Shoes sufficiently strong. without stitching. Famillea. LIQUID C:g.illElVfl Eirtaiii that. is a sure thing for mend- Farnituie, Crockery, • Toy - a, - . Zone ; . • . Ivory, And ititicdes of Houscihold use ups a ttgaid, ,%11.u.Toresanso Lux= CENRNT Is in a liquid ;limn and - as ens*. ap: pliedimk paste. . plied ; ea Imso.L.lpma 'anun.rr insoluiiie In water or. HILTON'S INS( LIJBLB Adidas oily isiiiiitadoes: Amen!bet Supplied do Family or Mattufao: turer's Packages from 2 maces tolo4 ills - . - GM :ants In FM's& m :DR. B. M. GrILDEA, • ' 4 .1 • DENTIST, ESPEOTFULLY informs the . citizen , s - of mairisiAirk vicinity . that lie haiktemovect h$ 100 frorri",fariet street MThird stn 36 l.,"next , :dcior tsi - the Patriot and Union office, where he is prepared to modate all who may desire his professional services. sprit . .. /'. •:. ), , • . , . N-N ,L . )1 ie* 0 \SI I" e lli lld • . ~.. s.... \\ \\l\k .. . .. _ _ .....,,,,.,.,, ,_ .... ~ • ... „,, ~, : ~,,...„ . .i,.. '4 . , . W .• ! -, ------ treu—rtf. . ------ - -- , =?- - -- - :.-7-..:. - 3' • • . • . - - ~ - . - • ... . .. . . $1 40 4 00 10 00 011M7111UV BITTE4S, FrECESE Bitters have peribilitraore cares; , have and do:give better satisfaction have more tes timony; have more r . espectable people to vouch for them tnan any other article in the maiket. , We flefk.any one to - contradict this assertion, and will pay $l,OOO to any one that will product a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine.. Reiland's Germin' tors, "will cure. every. case of .Chronio or Norvoust Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a dis ordered stomach. Observe the ,folle.iiing symptoms, •re suiting from the disorders of the' digestive organs: Con- , stipation, : Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood, to the head,.! Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust Food, Fullness or weight •in the StomaCh, SourErnetAtionri, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swirenting of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Flutterini at the heart, Choking or suffocating sensetiens •Nhen in a lying posture; Dimness of vision,. Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the 4E4 ; Didipiency or pers piratforOtelleemens of the Skin and eyes, Rain in the side, back, cheat, limbs, lrc., Sadden blushes of: heat, *truing. in the flesh; Constant imagination's of • evil, and great de pression of spirits. . . ' Remember that thiS Bitters is not alcoholic, cantaip no rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is the . . best Tonic in the world. Rev. Froin;the e. Levi Bede, Pastor' of tbe Baptist Church., Pemberton, N.: J., formerly of the North Baptist &Oda, - ' * * * * * * * ,* . , I haVe known Rootland's German Bitters favorably far a number of years. Ihave used thentin my own family and have been SO - pleased effects, that I Nas in duced-to recommend them to.reanyother,- and kohat they have operated in a strikingly . beneficial manna.. !I. take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with:llle diseases for *kb - . they are recommended to thesi Bit ters, knowing .frOm.experience that my recommendaticin will be.sultaiaed.. • I do thiELutore -.cheerfully avkloof land'a Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, .:and is "not a rum drink." Yours truly. LEVI - G; BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En. : cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian Chroni cle, Philahelphia. ; Although not disposed to favor or , recommend Patent' Mehicines in general; through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yeti knew. of no 'sufficient reasons why- a man may not testify to the benefits he belieyeahintself to . have received from any simple preperation, in' the 'hope that he may thus contribute' to the benefit of others. • I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofiand's Ger• - man Bitters,. preparethbjr. Dr. C. IL Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them for. teeny' years,, under the impression that they were , :chiefiyyux , plcoholle - mixture. I amiiiidebted - to my Blend, lbabert Shoema- ker, Esq., for, thp u resnovai of this - prejudice by proper. teak and ibeeneouragement to try, them when suffering from grettt and ()bandied debility.. The use' of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning - of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degxeepfibodily.and Mental vltest. which I had not for six months before, arid :had- almost, despaired. of regaining. I therefore titanic GOd and my frientt 40., di reefingme to the use of thain: • , • -•• - • • .1 - NEWTON HEWN, Phase:ie. • -Erem Rev. ' Warren , IhMdolph, Pastor of Itaigist Church, - Germantown, Penn. • ' • Dr. X. Jackson:—Dear Sir:-Personal experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most excellent Medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I-haVe been 'greatly bens fitted by the use of the Bitters , and douht not they will produce similar efftts'on otheri ' Yours truly' WARREN RANDOLPH; ' Germantown,' From Rev. .1:A Tumor' Pastor of Hodding M. E Church, PhiladelPhial- ". • • • Dr. C. 3L Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Havingnsed.; ;your Ger man Bitters in my family frequently I am ihipared to say that It has been pf ,great service. ,I believe that 7n most cases of generel-debility of the sygein it is the safest and most valuable remedy of -whick I have any imowtedge. Years, respectfully, J.-H. TERHER:, 720 N. Nineteenth street. it Is the only REMEMBER HILTON BROS. & CO.; Propriecors t i. Providence, i L ii~e BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DYSP „Pa- P SI A 5 DISEASES RESULTING: FROM DISOR,DERS, OF THE LIVER AND'DIGESTIVE ORGANS, AAR CUBED BY OF - LA NrIPS-,, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, READ WHO SAYS SO It - - From the Rev. J. IL Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. JO and Milestowu (Pa.) Baptist Churches. • Raw Itoesrmax, N. Y. , Dr.:O. M. Jackson:—Dear feelit apleasure thus, of .rey.own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence Or the German Bitters. Some years Wine' 'being much of Mated:v.4th Dyspepsia., I used them .with: very.• benefielid results Ihavnoften recerilitumdedthem to. persona en that tormenting disease, and' have heard from them the most flattering testimonials as to their =great value. In cases of general debility, I believe It to , be a tonic that cannot be surpassed. J. M. LYONS. trien the Rev Thomas Winter, Paster. of Roxborough Baptist Morph. ..,11?.:•Taainn:—Dent felt it due to your excel lent preparation, Hoofiand German Bitters, to add my, testimony to the deae#ed reputation it has obtained. have for years,. ac-Eimer, been tionbled.with great disorder in my head and• nervous, system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle o£ "lour Bitters; did so, and have experiencelEgreat . and unexpected ielief .niylealth has been very materitdly-beneiltwd. confidently recom mend the article where I meet with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good ef recta.lpasi*cttully yours. . T.NirlisirE_ t, Pa FroM Bei-. J. - 8 'Hannan; of the German Church; Kutztown; Berke county; Pa.: ' • Dr. C. Jacksolf;—,ltespected Sir have been troubled with Dyspensti nen-1y twenty years,' and have never used any medicine thit did me as much, toed ps Heedind's Bitters. lam very muCh linProved. In health, After having taken floe bottles.' • Yours with respect, J. B. HERMAN.EI PRICES... y Large Size (holding nearly double quantity,) $1 per bottle:-Isalf doz $5 00 Small . Size-45 cents per bottle--balf dos. 400 BEWARE-OE COI7NTERFETrS I • See that the signature of "C. it. • ..lACICSON" is on Ihe :WRAPPER,of each bottle. ShOuld your nearest druggist not haviCthe artiel% not belga of by any the intoxicating prerarations that .may be ofibied-in itepiscat, but vend to pa, and we will forward, seatitelyeii, by express, • ;Principal Nice and Manufactory, • NO: 631 .A.AM-H 'S.P RE ET, PHILADN.tIVILL JONES & EVANS, • •-- r". Successors to C. h l : 5 For sale by Diuggista and Dealers in every town in the United State& myl.C‘dawly "THE UNION—N'OW AND, POR:EVER'."—Webster HARRISBURG, PA., 'SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1864. NEW ADVEittIggNTS. AIWA DDEN)S MARBLE YARD• COMER OF WALNVI.FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. . . 91.411 E andersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general,• that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Montuttents, • Tonil?s, Heacl.Stones, Mantks And House Work Marble and. Brown Stone pave usa call and we will guarantee satisfaction. WFADDEN & CO. N. B.—LettOring neatly' none in. English or German. mar 29.41.13, Steam. Weekly to Livorpool. • TOUCHING at.QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har i_ bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, NeW York and Phihnielp b ta Steamship Company, are in tended to sall•as EDINBURG, Baturday,igny 7, CITY OFWASHINGTON, Saturday, May 14, CITY OF MANCHESTER.. Saturday, May 11, and every succeeding Saturday, at.iaan, from Pier 44, North River. • RATES OF PASSAGE, ,PATABLIE L. 2 (11:1LIII,' OR ITI3 13Q11P7ALIINT IN 01:1311LINCT. .1 FIRSD 4 CABIN 130.00 STEERAGE ..... ...$3O 00 dd . to London' 'BO 00 - do to London-- ' ; 34 00 do_te Pails '95 00 do to Paris 40 0 00 -. do to' Hamburg.... !90 00' do to Hainbiarg... 37 00 . -Passengers also . forward to Havre, Bremen:Rotter dam., Antwerp, &ca.,* equally low rates. - FareS front Liverpool .or Queenstown: Ist, Cabin,. $75, $B5, 4105. ' Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy ticketwherent-these rates. - , - For further Information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE,-, Agent, IA Broadway, N. Y.,- or 0. 0 SlX4ERRAN,'Harriaburs. . [123--dly A.risrECYRNEC-- AT - 14 . 1 removed:his Office from . street 'Lev. to the Prison. All .business, W instead to himwill 'receive prompt and worfil 'atte;dion. • , SPLENDIII,IN UCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS. NO ADVANCE IN THE PRICE OF EA ' PORTED GOODS. - •. . . • . Raving purchapd hea - vily before-the first of ' May, 'we - hav,e .not adva*cod'oui:prices since the, neN . taT per cent. on all importedgoods. CATEICA.RT & RIEtOTHER Next door to the Harrisbarg Rank. R LARGE ASSORTMENT. • THE AMERICAN SKELETON SKIRT, • THE BEST NEW -STYLE, .•• , . • THE BEST , MATERIAL, • THE BEST MADE f • , , • 'Dim MOST FASHIONABLE SKIRT OUT. Any other skirt of theaaree• styles only an imitation. • • • LAJFES'•OD GENTLEMEN'S. v - Ntitt, Ganzellarine'Under Shirts anctDreweis, Caslunere dO ' • do do Donet Flannel - do • do -do • Cotton Lisle Thread Finish do do . Pure Lisle 'Thread Under Shirts - do . ALL SIZESAND QUALITIES. CATHCART & HR9TH:F;R; NeT.f door to, the , Hairlaburgßank. Harrisburg., May 9, 18134. d2w• - ' BM .. x 'F PAPE" WA.USX-lOUSE. . ,FA R L, 09. ble 2411501 t STREET, 'IIIEttLADELPILEA, PA.; ,lt if,ANITFACTURPIIIIS of ' DOIdrBLE; STRENGTH MANILLA PAPP.II OF, ALL SIZES. "ROME. WRA.P±MILS on hand or Made to order. Higitest price paid for rope in large or email qyanti ties. morl-mtn_ 1 000 ' LBS. St Geo.igi :Codfish,. for ado at SEMLER & FRAZER S fete; ' ...airs * :Witt: Dock , Jr.,4 al) 0 00LBS. - 'CODF.LSH, .of the cele : brated St. :George brand, just received . and far siie tip • ,SHISLER & re6v - (succesficirs Jo Wm . Dock;jr.; & Uo.) ENGLISH DAIRY. and • NEW YORK STATE CREVE. ' .. ' At ' jp:o201 int. DOCK ; JR,,&co• A LARGE invoice of fresh teas, newasisths, la. prunes and, figs at . sir.prEA & KOERPXR, . _ FERINE TS WORCESTER' SAUCES,, *le m_9st,-po, p4lar and We purest ever. offered to the pnedfe, re*yed.and for saleby . „ SEMLER & FRAZEE, . febl - • (stiecessors to Wm. Donk; Jr., ik Cp. pußr.,l+3 s OHOOLS. , . SCHOOLSMA.TES of . dlfrerent sizes, Willedn's excellent series of Bpellfrs and` Riia"ders, published by Harper & Brothers, together :with 01 other.SohoollNoks and Writ ing Materialb are offoied, Ntholesile and retail, at decT bTHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. tormed .FINE NO. 1 MACKF A AEIs, in Kitts, just re oelvedat SHISLER & FRAZEft, mar . :.1... (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) eIORN ceived at - - SEMLER & 'FRAZER, mar3l successor to Wm. Eack..jr.; & Go.) WEFT dIDER.L - Superior sweet order. flat Mot:avail. For sale by the barrel or small quaatity:M. my 4 BOYER ArKOSM , Kki. - - TiPIICKWHEA.T ---Just Tedeived. - A very II small lot. Finochoice DEretCWHEAT, at SEMLER & FREW; '(stimesors to Wm. Dock, jr., &Go.) marBl VIRE'OILS.=Fine egad oils just- receive J.: „at., SHISLER & FHADEE L WO. SINCIMOrs tio W. Dock,& EINWASSORTMENT-iOF: , 1 : PORT FOLIOS! PORT FOLIOS! . CSIESSMEN I BACKGAMMON BOARDS I Received at SCHFJfFILTVS BpossToßK SUCH +3 A. C. SMITH, MEDICAL. ao KUNIEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. A Pti RR and powerful :TONIC, Corrective and. Alterative, of wonderful ellicaoyinliseases of the STOMACH LIVER and BOWEL§— - • • Cures . . , . . 15 9sPePeoi z Liver Complaints ; Headache, General ; • . Debility, Nervousness, Toe- , ' pression Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever; . Acidity of the • Stoinacti,Nrusea; 'lreirrtburn Disgust for -o Food, Fullness r Weight in 'the-Stomach, . . Sinking or, Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomar,ll, Swiraming of the Head, Difficult Breathing; Yellow nesaof the Skill - and 'Eyes,. 'Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest' and. Limbs,' will cure every case Chronic' or Nervous .Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and . • Disoates arising froth disordered 'Stomach, Good for Halo • . ' • or Female;. Old ..•• . . • or Young. The most beuetlclal medicinejltnown ;-gives-better eat's' faction and cures more diivaicrithan any tether -propara Ron offered to the Public. - Prepared solely by S. A. ICEIN SEL & BRO., 11.5 Market street,: Harrisburg. For-sale by. Druggists and Dealers' everywhere. -BEWARE OF Counterfeits . . ir As BunkePs:Ritter Wine of Iron is the only sure and etrectualyemhdk in the known world for the permanent cure of Dysptptia.gitcl Debility, and author° are a number or imitations °Weed the weAVOuld caution the community io purchase none but 'the genuine article, manufactured by B..LAIIICuant; tsrßuo., -*and has their stamp:ondhe,top of Malt:cult of ovety :battle. The very fact that othein,are,attenipting to ; imitate this valuable remedy, proveSlLl Worth alsd'spehluivelumes in its fit*gr. he:Bitter drlrnillrpalkip in"ls , cent and $l. 00 bottleaV: and scd&by all - - respectable drugglsta, throughciut the country. • Be-parttcular that evesr i Alett4e Oars ,the ac simile of tbe - proprietoi's situate-1a . This Wine includes the most agreeable and effloient Salt of-Iron typ.poiwesi,Citritie.of Nagnetio Oxide corn bitted„yrith the most energetic of vegetable.tonics, Yellow Peruvian hark. The effectin bianytmsee 'of- debility; lose of appetite and general prostration; 'of an efficient 'Salt of Iron, combined. wittr.ottr valuable Nerve. Tonic, is most' happy. Ititugments the appetite L raiseeithe,pulae,. takes off =Mentor flabbiness; removes, the ; palter of debility, and gives aflorld•vigor toLtho contteniume. (ENERAL DEPOT, 118 MART STREET • For , sale by all respectable dealers tlirougbout , the NEW 7 GOODS--41ISVMPENED1 AT B E R Gr NB.R6 Book and .; Statiohery Store. Embracing every Sew tuid trialaroVed styleof POCIC_PaT BECOOkS MAGIC CURRENCY 11, 1 548*1i5, • CALF ;SKIN PQI SET BOSS; , RIICKSIC.IIi PITXES, . . . • PORTMCNNATES, &O. • at prices to suit all circumstances. Consisting of a iipt tanaomestpf Reatenbolmls Sups t" t !E.Cant , Kniveel '44 GOLD PENS, From Newton's celebrateat manufactory. Every Pm. 'id a giecirantee.‘ • PORT FOLIOS, .1 1 TRITING; CASES, - ,r r , ROSEWOOD DES/IS, , PAPETERIES, &o ,Togatheriwitli'evert;strtlaliffaunailly fouircrin.iftink Book and Stationery establishment, at myl3J .. , BERGNER'S, 51 Market street BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND SRMVILUSS, BURT , AI I AND. GUNNY 33 A. G- S FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO °BETA, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., No- 113, Nerth Front:Bt., Philadelphia. feb264lini MTLINTOCIPS. TECTORAL T E M INVALUABLE SYRUP,which is viletilitlig itrits composition has been em ployekwith wonderfel Aueee ! ee.for nieny4earein theme dtiedas Cor the laR-I4M.AfGES aha-SIINGS: -Forany form of the disease, such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT,HPITTING OF BIAOD, DIFFICULT BREATHING, HOANBENOEI4II.4COF,IFOICE abrHECTIC-FEVO4.,, Its ' rise tillti attendod *Mt the' hiPpleist'resulei. is'one of the best and safest medicines for all forms of BRON CHITIS and CONSUMPTION._ ketulanym or prepara 'tionV Ozriitnvin afti Mapelrithis PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For safe at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Stott. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, W /10 , I_,ESA.LE.AILL.RETAIL DEALERS !Aro 6R OClElit'l-ES ,Queen's and 04 - 11188 Ware, AND ALL Eine OF pOIINTRY PRODIGOR, fAVEjust opened a larga and yell .selected stock of goods at their stand, No.B Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they Invite the attenttcm of the public generally. nolo-dly FOR SALE, riIIEUE valuable . fooperty, corner of Second -L And Fine streets, beingllfty-two and a half feetion Se, cond and onehundrecl arid sialy-eight feet on Plea avast, toirdrittiaelr two'hundig and tah - fiiiitio Barbate idle!, there' b 631141 space for fear full buildtiejaids,rarid most de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, oorner of Se. oond and Pine reels. mare& EVENING EDITION. 'Special. Dispatch; to the • Pennsylvania Telegraph. BY TILE ATLANTIC AND OEIO LINE. GENERAL AVERILL AT WORK. DESTRUCTION OF A RAILROAD. Fight Neal• Wytheville, Va. UNION VICTORY. Jim Jones Whipped. WASHINGTON, May 20-8 p. A later 'dispatch states that Avezill has de stroyed the railroad near dhristianburg. He had a brilliant _victory ,over the 'rebel General Jim Jones, at Wytheville. [Wythev.ille, is situated 248 miles WSW from Richmond, among the Allegheny Niountains, and on the Virginia, and'yennessee railroad, and was formerly knownas •Rvanshmsn. !It ~ is the capital of Wythe county, Va.—Ed. Tel , egraph] From the ,Kanawha Region. Brilliant Success of General Averill. GAT3r:PY BRIDGE, - WEST Yin&'iu, May 18.— Additional information throws some light on the part taken by-the cavalry proper under the command of Brigadier General Averill in the expedition to Newbern„Pcdaski county, Va. This column went to the :right' of the main body under the immediate command of Gen eral Crook: General Averill reached to within: fifteen miles of the Salt works in Tazewell county, on the enemy, drivino . them on to the body near the Salt' Works - 7 ° This force was: under the command of Generals "tlim. Jones .and.John•Morgan, and numbered. five tholk sand. Fifty, prisoners were captured, .among WhOin was John Mgrgan's private secretary. Our loss is `but one - man. ' On the tenth General Averill -reached ,a point within four miles: of :Wytheville, where he encountered the enemy, four r thqusarld strong under Gen." Jim._ Jones: `Nye foiight them four hours, driving them and Adlling and wounding many, and capturing , some prisoners. Under cover of - darkness the. en emyretreated. Our loss was one hundred will twenty killed and wounded; none missing. Near Blacksbuit 'General Averill com menced destroybig the railread; Which was most effectually done to a, -point'fonr miles east. of Christianbury,. .At ;the latter place , a ,small force of the enemy hastily left, leaving two 3incli. guns, which fell into our hands. General AVerill hat 'fully accomplished the work assigned lam- by General Crook. • The .entire expedition has been a brilliant success in all its parts, giving additional lustre to the high reptdetionof General CrdOk. lam ex pecting full iletails of the part ta.ken by t4e main body,. hourly. •-• ileniusstrita, The Bogus Proclamation. TATEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It-maY'Ve interesting to the public and the press,who were;so_ terribly imposed upon in the, priblication of the recent bogus Proclama tion, to know ihat in the city of Washington there' has of late existed a: 'body •• of new gathers who -have taken the' name of .the ißepresentatives of the Western Press, .c.onipo.sp:l of Messrs.White,itill and Willard, Who - liiii,for some. time been sending daily. diSPEitclibS to papers at Springfield and.Beaton in affasatiehneetts, and to Rochester in. N. as well at to' others in Cincinnati, ChicagO, St. Louis and other:, points at the West. These persons are, „„,M„ no Way connected with the Associated Preis, Which has a well known and reliable-'agent , mi , thinitY, as the truth fql nature of his;: dispatches for many years will attest. , . , , It appears," as We learn from the well in formed correspondent. of the "Commercial Advertiser,'.'that on Monday . night a dispatch was sent by members of this Western ',Press Association, or purported . have been sent them, announcing that.there would be a.proclamation calling kit a new draft,• about the first of July, that the places of, the 100- day men might be filled. Whether the bogus proclamation was concocted by one of _ the association or whether another person baied it upon their news, is not , yet officially known. is fair. to infer, ;-hOwever, that either Some member of the above. association; Was the atithor, of this bogus proClaniation, or Mit . some person connected with them,' knowing the fact that a, call was about to lie ' p - inade, *Tote theroclaituitiOn ii;POrt - Predic tions hirnished by.their dispatches. One of the members of this Western Press Associa tion is, a, confidential employee of-.the.War Department and the others occupy ofte4l,ptu sitionsithus giving them opportunityto secure all movements prior to their preparation for the, public. The provost marshal of Washington is giv ing the affair aniostthorough investigation, and all the_ aboveinentioned persons will be critically examined in reference to this great outrage upon, the publie andnpon the press. • '/LiTairs oss. 'the Lower " NATCHES, via CaO,is May 18. LRebel , operations on the near Fait Hudsbn, have caused some detention of steamboats. It is known that Polk has de tached 10,000 of-the:4s;oOP men- in Mobile lately, to operate ,Oi thetriyev iThe steamer Cuba, which - started to go up Red river arid was; -tiled back at Basel( river, arrived heie thisrcioining,arid . rfitiOits abittiiry Of, nine guns at anaggSrVesiit: NO . bOiiifie .1 1 w °onto By fat; teveiardaYs: The Thiiiiii`gilibtots ))13- low and the land force above were exPetteid to capture it, and re-open the river. Red river is reported rising a little. PRICE TWO CENTS. C. IL GRAFFEN LATER. NEW : Yorac, 20 BT.V, 1 i . ,r . )11N T . .. 1Y4 4rfflo-ii, .- - The followini are the rates for attiertising in the Tau. GRAPH. Those havihg advertising to do will find it eer y :then trer referene. Four lines or - testi CrniSiituietaiP-km!f equip.e. Fght fin '7 ;..,rr• than hear 4 roe gee sou.ter. One day • ..$ tO Tweltarr- -- -- "=ra . Three, (lays 1 25 One week 225 One month .. 6t C Two 9 00 Three wrath& 11 00 Six months 15 0 One year F . ... 25 GO $2 25 FOR A HALF SQUABS , One day - f $0 Two days..... ... 50 - Three days - 75 One week 125 One month 3 00 Two months 4 50. 1 Three months... .. 8' 50 - Six months 8 00 One —.lB 00 Administration 'nth:es Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices 'Funeral Noticeseach insertion AGrilusiness notices inserted in the Loa: al Mums, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CaSTs each insertion. - All Quiet at the Front . WASIELNGTON, May2o. An arrival from Ileni - Grant's Headquarters as late as Thursday, at 4- P. m., says all was quiet during the day .up to that hour. Markets' by Telegraph. NEW Irons, May 20 Petroleum inactive; receipts of 1,923 bbls. crude at 38i039c. Flour has declined 5 cts. The market is heavy; sales. of 7,000 bbls., at S7g7 15 for State, $7 55g7 65 for Ohio, and $7 60g8 for. Southern. Wheat has declined lc.'; sales unimportant. 'Corn firm at $1 52; but buyers demand alreduction to Si 50. Beef dull; pork and lard firm. Whisky firm at $1 29. . , BALTIXOP.; May 20. Flour„quiet; wheat tending upward; corn steady--white $l. 35, yellow Si 40. Whisky nominal at Si 30.1 32. New 'York Stoek illark-et- NEW Yosa, May 20 Stocks closed weak at the regular boards. C. & R. L 118; Cumberland (preferred) 78; Ills. Cent. 133; Mich. South. 988; do., guar anteed,l42i; •N. Y. Cent. 134 i; Penna. coal 108; Reading 145 k; Hudson River 154; Mo. 6s 74; Erie 11511; Mich . Central 146;.. gold 181. Philadelphia Steck Market. !, Plaimmtupins., My 20 Stocks steady; Pennsylvania O's, 98; Read ing Railroad. 72k; Morris Canal ; 844; Long Island, 48; Pennsylvania Raih-oad, 5.1; gold, 180 i ;,exchange on New York, par. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT *BARGAINS ET JEWELRY 1 w .-FORSY.TH.& . :2 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, -NEW YORK. (Adjoining the Post Office,) • Offer for sale.the following magnificent hat of WATCHES, CRANS, JEWELRY, &C., • VALUED Er $300,000. BAGEL' ARTICLE ONEEOLLAE, AND NOT TO DE PAID FOR YOUKNOW AND, , . YOU ARE TO GET. . 150 Gold and Silver Watches.. $l5 00 to $lOO,OO each 200 Ladies' Gold Watches • ,35" - 00 each - 500 Ladies' .& Gents' Silver do. 15 00 each 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils ...... 400 to 600 each 5;000 , Gold-barid Bracelets...... -300 to 10'00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rinp.. 2GO to 0.00 each "6,000 Canicki, Mosaic and Jet • I:Leeches 6,000 Coral and Florentine Ear • drops ' 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins .o . 15,000 Slecte Hutton; and Bosom Studs 10000 Sots Ladies' Jewelry ef.coo Lava and Florentine Sets.. .10;000 Gold Pens; Silver-mounted Holders 5,006 Gold` PenN with Silver Ex : tension' Capos and Pen cils . 4JO to 6 Offeach The articles:in-this stock of Jewelry are of the ;neatest and most,fashionable myles. Certifs.:kip-a. of. all,. : tie ; va rious article's iirelint 'caseated ethelofies ancratied, thus :giving all a• fair chance, and sena tryt. inall; fcir.:24; cam each; and on the receipt of the certi&ate, it is at your • optiOn• to Send ONE DOLLAR. and take thwart - tele I:doled in it or not. Fire certificates for p 1; elevea..for la; thirty for $5; sixty ter $10; one hundred for $l5. Certificate money to be enclosed with order. Csiriinioiidthice promptly answered. AGENT'S WA...i'rED to every town and regiment. 'send or a circuLar.• Address W. FORSYTH & CO., 42 and 44 Nassau street, New York. mat2s-dwas3maw3m ' CITZCITT,ALJEt. EMORY OF TEE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES. TALIA.S BARR & Co. respectfully announce XI/ that they have in preparation a ilister; or the Penn sylVania Reserves from their o:ganization t 4 the exlira- Lion of their term of service. • • • - This History will contain- the names of all the. Officers and Privates of the Corps—their promotions, rasnalties and discherie - 1 o, descriptions of. their -camp life and their gallant achievements in the many battles in which they have taken part—ail aorived froth official and authentic sources. • Tho History of tho•Pennsylvmala Reserves will be in 02CH Votara r e of 600 pages, octavo size, neatly printed-on good paper, and substantially bound in black cloth, containing a steel engraving of the lamented Reynold:, and one of Governor Curtin, (who first recommended the formation .of the Pennsylvatia -Reserve Corps,) and will be sold only by subscription. It will be ready in Aukust - next. Price —Three dollars per copy. , The Publishers feel 'confident that the Jest pridiklkich .every Pennsylvanian:Must enterinirilbr the brave men whose gallant achievements and patriotic self-devotion it record.s,' will' secure for "TIM' Hisrolty" a generotis and appreciative reception. PLIAS BARR &CO Publishers, No. 6 East Rinkstreet. -. LANCASTER, April 25, 1864.. . Actons Wavrsio "to canvass for the above work in every district of Pennsylvania. Responsible referencesrequired. my4-d&Wira . NO - EXCUSE - FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR TSA TENFALLIBLE ITATEUTION.Eigainst any Possible:injury to steainhoilers, from- a-task of water, which is, the great sOlzrce of so many sad catastro phes, and so much damage from the - burning of boilers. We warrant this instrument to be a perfect insuranc against such contingencies; perfect satisfaction gamin teed or Ma paY. Price $5O. Send for an instrument.and try it; if not satisructory You may return it. Circulars with references sent to any one drldring-them. Address your communicationtitei D. C. MEADE &.cf.).„ Pittsbdrg, e. my4-(lBnrtf . FR" SEE PINTS APPLES just rpceivea at SEiIzBLER Sr MAZER,' Successors/to _zors/to pppk, .144.4k.px CM 20 suporjoi: makeou4received aria ft- mle b * Y -Ve .: BOXES SPEAK OANOLES;fof as very ' SEMLER .t FRAZE ALI (successors to Wm...1)et..-ar.,;*r NEW MACKERED,-BERRING AND SAL moN at [my4l 110YER KO WER OE. SALE.—A Fiveltorse-powiß _STR A W ENGINE and BOILER, in good order.; ,Apply,tp , • 'F. GEET Wool, :beiow.Sixtb. Soldleis , ' ~Poitfiarlios. A LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSIOBE,, Sold at Wholesale' or retail at low prices. =3 SMOKED B A 111ZOION LOT fdelsl w. DOCK, 4-, 1:1 - AY of. the .best quality is off i mid g f or sala Call at IkFCORMICIC'S COAL OFFICE t h. C. 'Harrisburg. 40 BOLES - ORANGES, - in' gooe &Air ; also, 100 Barrels. or WOVE APFLFS a& at - ; .JOEW WLSF. Fruit Staff •-- ENG.I,LSH BREAKFAST. c ejecd, a fine cheat of English Breakfast .SHISIX.I3 , /eOFRAZIWSO (Successors to Wm $ ) HAMS! TrANTs I—A fresh supply of Mich anara's Excelsior Rams and Dried Beef, at Jan2B BOYER & ROMPER, ... 1 50 4'oo to 6.00 each 4 00 to 8 00 each 2 50 to 8.00 each 2. 50 - 'to 6 00 each 6...00 to. : .10 00 . Path 4'oo to 6 00 each 4 00 to 5 00 each
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers