?la Etitgrapij HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 17, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—iII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, ttc., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be sevens paried with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn- Leff Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. THE river is lower than yesterday. .In a few days we may 4=1)861 to see rafts floating down stream, as there is yet a large amount of lumber in the north, all of which will be taken to the eastern market. Tun Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, I. O. 0. F., commenced its annual session in Phil adelphia, to-day. A large number of repre sentatives from the country lodges passed through here yesterday on 'their way to the Quaker City. AccmsflTAL SHOOTI2IO.—This morning as Sir. Daniel Barr was engaged in loading a pistol in the auction room, in Second street, the piece was ilischarged, the ball striking the last two fingers of Mr. B's left hand, injuring them considerably. ENROLLING - officers are now "circulating" through our city, taking the names of those who have escaped the enrollment heretofore. Quite a number of names have been added to the list, including several young men who reached the age of twenty since the last en rollment. SEvacil. persons who have been.deceived by the clock on the capitol, in regard to the time, think that if a new clock is not to take the place of the old one, the hands of •the latter should be removed. We know not who are the proper persons- to whom application should be made for their removal, but sup pose that a mere notice is all that will be ne cessary to effect the desired object. That the clock, in its present condition, is worse than none at all, nobody doubts. =I TO-NIGHT the complimentary benefit ten dered Professor Asche will take place at San ford's Opera House. This very select enter tainment will attract a great crowd, and it is to be hoped that the numerous friends of the Professor will see that a handsome profit ac crues to him, as a reward for his gratuitous services in the concerts recently given in the Court House. Go to Bann.vart's and secure is reserved seat, or call upon Professor Asche's friends, and get a ticket.- Go early. Profs. Knoche, HELM and Asche, besides Sanford and his whole troupe, will participate in the entertainment. - For particulars see bills of to-day. I==l ORDINANCIi.--In our advertising columns, to-day, will be found an ordinance recently passed by the City Councils, and approved by the Mayor, -relative to the appointment of po lice constables for the city. We are to have seven officers of this class, who will be dis tributed through -the different wards, and whose duty it will be, in addition to the ordi-, nary business of the police, .to light and at tend to the public lamps, and keep them in proper repair. They will be subject to the orders of the Mayor, and for neglect of duty may be dismissed at any time. It is hoped that with this increased force, our police may be enabled to bring to justice the numerous offenders •who prowl around the streets and alleys at night, committing depredations., DEATH OF CAPT. ISAAC S. WA.TERBUBY.—We are deeply pained to learn that Captain Isaac S. Waterbury died upon the field in General Butler's division of the Army of the Potomac, ou the Bth instant, from coup de solid, or sun stroke. There are few men residing in this rity so well known both at home and abroad as was Captain Waterbury—and it may truly be said that the man does not live or breathe who had more friends or fewer enemies than the deceased. When war was declared against Mexico, he - was one'of the first to join the ranks of the Cameron Guards, in which company he held a lieutenant's commission. He was engaged in all the conflicts, from the taking of 'Vera Cruz to the entrance of the army into the Grand Plaza of the city of Mexico, and never received a wound of any kind, and even es-. caped the diseases incident to the country and camp life, which have sent to their long homes all but a few survivors of that - Memo rable war. When the present rebellion broke outr-Lthe very day the flag of Fort Sumter was fired upon—Captain Waterbury was in the street recruiting and drilling men. He served as Adjutant of the Second regiment of nine months' men, and we are gredibly informed that during a greater portion of the time the regiment was in the field he performed the duties of all the field officers. As soon as his regiment returned, he com menced recruiting a company, and suceeded in getting the full complement of men in a very short time,. and was attached ti the Fif ty-fifth regiment, Colonel Richard White.— For upwards .of two years he endured the burning sands of the Southern sea-shore, and escaped the ills produced by the malarions swamps of South Carolina, only to be stricken down by the rays of a sun less vertical, and dio while the loud huzzas of victory were ringing in his ears. He did not fall as the hero wishes to fall—with his face to the foe buthe died in the -service of his country, beneath the waving of its bannem_borne.. on to certain victory ; and, with these stir roundings, is it not probable that he passed' sway "Like a glorious roll of drams, In the spirit of a dream. " The citizens of Harrisburg should make some arrangements to have his •remaina brought home, interred in: the cemetery, and appropriateatonrunentplitoed over them. Jamas A. Worms; Esq., proprietor of the Lancaster Locomotive Works, died, a few days agd, after a short illness. A SPZCL&L ME-13=G of the Paxton Fire Cu. will be held at their room this (Tuesday) eve ning, at 76 o'clock. A full turn out is de sired. A IdigGE and respectable audience witnessed the introductory entertainment of Dubois' troupe, at Brant's Hall, last evening, and there has been but one opinion expressed in regard to the performance—that it was one of the best ever given in ihis,city. The great play— T-he Octoroon—is full of interesting scenes, pictures of life "away down South in Dixie,' and ( xhibits, in a life-like manner, many of the evils that prevail inthe slave States. The various characters were well, sustained ad the performers giving unmistakable evidence that they were thoroughly conversantwithwhat is necessary to a proper appearance upon the stage in the parts assigned them. The cast was well distributed. No doubt the company will have a long and brilliant season here.— To-night the Octoroon will be repeated, when everybody should attend,. Reserved seats can be secured at Bannvart's drug store—and should be called for early, THE 184TH PENNSTLTAHL VOLUNTEERS. -The following is a list of officers of the companies of the 184th -Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers, as far as organized.: Company " A"—N. C. Evans, Captain; M. B. Munson, Ist Lieutenant ; Adam B. Cann, 2d do. Gempanv " B Stanly Gearheart, Cap tain ; A. H. Brown, Ist Lieutenant ; L. H_ Norman, 2cl do. t • Company "C —lt A. • r eit4, Captam4 Oscar Hahn, rst Lientenint ; 1 1Stittiael H. St 43-2 yer, 2d do. Company "D"—H. Huff, Captain ' • J. C Dysart, Ist Lieutenant ; M. Bryan, 2.d. do. company " E"—Joht 'Meßeage, Qaptain ; A. V. Miller, Ist Lieutenant; D. Reynolds, 2d do. Gampany " F"—H. K. Ritter, Captain . ; Win. D. Williamarirst- Lieutenant;l‘,. 241 do. ORGANIZATION OF THE COMISIOO COUNCIL FOR 1864-65. , . • Vresident,,W..o. Hickok' City Clerk—David Harris. Treasurer—John T. Wilson. STANDING COSEMTITEE36 Finance—Messrs. Hamilton, Wolfinger and Edwards. Water--Mmm. Verbeke, Hamiltau and Fire--Messrs. Wolfmger,Forberke and Hall. Giw—Messrs. Linn, Myers and Reese. Ordinances—Messrs. Hamilton, Wolfinger and Edwards. :. • ' ' Streets, Ist ,diatrict—Messrs. Wilt,. inn and Rocker; 2d district--Hill, Bernhard Reese ; 3rd district—Egle, Verbeke and Myers. .• -• • . . . Miscellaneous----Messrs. Remillard, Wilt and Egle. Markets andllarket Housee—Messrs.•Linn, Ho cker and Edwards. .• Regular ineetmge, first SaturdaY of each month. Union County Convention. In pursuance of a call by the County Com mittee., a Con4ention, composed„ of delegates from the various townships in the county, assembled for the purpose of electing confer ees to meet in conjunction with conferees from the other counties- in the district, whose duty it will be to select a delegate to, repre sent this Congressional idisitriptin'the Nation al Conxention to be -held in June next. Isaac Mumma moved that L. R. llfrrthen act as President of the Convention, which was unanimously agreed to. I±X.r. Jorm Ross, of Middletown, was elected Secretary. • : • • • The following gentlemen appeared as dele gates and took their seats, viz: Ist ward, Harrrisburg--F. 11. Worley, Geo. Dunn. 2cl " EL .EL Sieg, Henry Gilbert. 3d - " John J. Shoemaker, L. R. Metz- . 4th " Alfred:Slentz, Biehard Nolen. -sth " - S. Bower, Jacob Shoop. 6th " Frank Darby . , J. B. Zimmerman Susquehanna—L. N. Ott, Amos Fisler. Upper Swatara—John iFeifer, Henry Brown. Lower Swanwit = -Lsaao atumma.,Benj. Hatiff man. Dauphin Joseph Cor'bet, P. S. 111'Cully. Jackson—Jacob Grove, Cornelius Bixler., Halifax—John Marsh, UnameL Mifflin—John D. Snyder, Henry Yeager. Washington—Homy Hartmin, Samuel P Martin. Millersburg,ZCaptaln M. -,Novinger, O. B. Weiser. Wiconisco—J. P, Moffman, W. V: 'Jones. Gratz—Dan'l Lehr, Tobias M. Wiest. Lykens—Joseph Welker. IJpper Paxton 7 -Isaao Moyer,,John Conewago-433.' W. Miller, Israel C. Middletown, N. W—M. R. Alleman, Geo. Rodfong. Middletown, M. W.—H. J. Meiley, John Middletown, B. W.—B. Kew;lig, Jr TY, ley. - 3 Derry—Chas. D.. Wir,e, John. Z. GrOve. Vist Hanover--John 31. Backeruatoss, Jno. Barn"ett. East Hanover—Anios Early, Jacob Corp..man. Middle Paston—Adam - Lingle, .Win. ,Gildea. Jefferson—qpna. ,Spawd. L. N. Ors, Esq., offeried the following reso lution, which,. after prefacing it with a few able andappropriato rennirks, was el unanimously ailoPted, ~, nz: Ite.s,oived. l That Henry, .T..._]Koiley, Geo. Berg ner? and Marcius ' Notinger be appointed conferees., for the purpose of meeting simi lar consierees from the counties of Northum berland, Union, Snyder ~and- :Juniata, to select a delegate to represent this Congres-.. sioual Distrietinllhe National to be held at Baltimore -in June next, and that they are hereby instructed to A iiipport none but a firm supporter of the Union, and the re -1 election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presi dency. Mr. F. U. "Waszzx offered the following, which was also unanimously-adopted, viz: . Resolved, That it is the deliberate convic tion of this convention, that'no ,name in the Union would so arouse the' enthusiasm and zeal of the patriotic masses of the Old Key stone, as that of the Hon. &was aiimenox ; anitthat our conferees are hereby directed to maksjinue that the delegate representing the 14th Congressional District is in favor of his nomination for the Vice Preside4y, believing _tat inch nomination will be , thelsure harbin- Viruf-sc glorious and triumphant overthrow dtke - enemies of true onmaitaonal liberty in , I . l33reniber. Itheibusineas for which the Convention as - sembled having been temisatted, it was, on tatin,'adjourned s inf 414- . Ems's Star Combination Comp—ny open for a brief season, in Doebler's Hail, Williamsport, to-morrow (Wednesday) even ing. We can with pleasure recommend this troupe as worthy wo of patronage. RAILILOAI3 ACCIDENZ-011 Friday" morning last, Freeland Manachan, flagman on a freight train running between this city and Philadel phia, on the Pennsylvania railroad, fell from the train while passing.over -Mill Creek Bridge, near Enterprise, a distance of about forty feet, and was so injured that he died• an _lour or two afterwards. "State House Grounds. MR. Enron—Permit me, through your col-' umns to call the special attention of the `Tow ers that tie",in control of our beautiful State Capitol grounds,-to the propriety of immedi ately cutting the grass now growing therein, and of 'frequently repeating said Cutting. If the, Object is to have a bedutiful velvety sward, and not to zaise a crop of..grasS for , hay, the grass ought to be cut as close as pos sible every two or three weeks all the season. Any one at all conversant with the 'subject will agree 'With me in the above'suggestions, and I have very frequently heard remarks of this nature. • I hope the "crop of hay" idea---or any "per quisites," will not be allowed to prevent us having ,a, fine, even, ward all over our capitol grounds. iYortrs; X. SPECIAL NOTICES. To -a,ll-w ho -have . •Cor;as, • - • • - This weekiii a good ;lime Meat and. trim:yob? corns,. and to get some or Mrs. Ball's Coen-Salvo that has cured so very many. •All who /Ave ,corisaust trycrer your- • selves.. tan - be had 'for'ls 'cents a box at No. 27, South Ppm strest, . - MRS: L. BALL N. N. 8.. - L—Orderaffreisi .a &twice prainpq attended to; aatthis can be'sent by mail' . . ,CLOAKS!- CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! 11f Mk sizes, kinds and- styles at :very low prices. The best quality of Hoopskirts from 75 cents to $2.00. ' A superior. article of white muslin at 25 cents.. A good article of ladies' stocking,ls cents per pair. Alva, a largo and beautiful assortment of spring and summer dress goods; ladies' and gentlemen's bandker , chiefs,. hemmed and plain ; - cambric and. Swiss muslin cambric and. swiss edging, and a full, and complete as sortment of other•goods, to which: we laviite attention of purchasers - S. LF.WY, Rhoads' old stand, corner Market and Second sts. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! . . Batebelor's Celebrated Hair Dye "L 4 THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Harnikse, True and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect,—changes Red, Rusty or Gray llairinstantly to a Giciss3 Bkwk,,oi Naturailln without injuring the. flair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft. andsixietutinil ; impar,talresh vitality, frequently , restoring its pristine coibr ; and redid's% effects of, bad Dyea The genuine is signed WILLI;Lif A:BATCH ELOR. "Alrlialfereake — i avoided. Sold by all Druggistsg.taa, Factory—dl BAR. CLAY ST, N. Y. BATCHELOR'S NEW TOILET CREAM FOR DIMEEENG THE . MIS jE23l.y: -Bannvai-t% tkoches. - For the cure of Haartainees, Thraat :eases, are specially recommended to ministers; singers and. persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only bv O. A. Bannvart & CO., Harrisburg, "Pa-, to whom all orders should addressed. sold by druggist every where: Read_ he following testimonials from some. 'of "our eminent clergymen: - • 14 ItIITMITIEG, Feb..,Bth, 1864. O. A. Ben - n - . vaar—Deer Sir: .I -.have used Brovas BriniChial Troches, ; Wistar's L6Zeng,ei and °thin' - pre*Lrations . hsgsen.co, and throat troubles„and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific kir : ooe speakers, and singers, in cases of hoarseness,. coughs and colds, I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. - Yours truly, ' T. , - Pastor of H. PresbYterhui Church. -Agri agree • with Mr. Robinson as to the ialite of " Bannyart's Troches. " W. C..CATTELL, Late Pastor of O. S. Presbyterian Church. adman/min, Jan., 1864. To 0. A. Bensysur T —Dear Sir:. In the habit of speaking very frequently, and inplaces where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I haie foil:nil - the need of spine gentle expecto rant., and thatwant fias been , supplied in your 'excellent Troches, I consider them very far superior to any Lozengesthe.t I - have ever used, in removing speedily that huaki4einif of the voice arising -- fronvitwtoo-frequent use,' and; -impairing effectiveness of. the, delivery of public ad dresses. Vsars, &c. WALIctiI'JAGIMpf. . Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church.. To C. A. Rixtivess—Dear Sir: Having used your Troches,l am free, to say they 'are the best -I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommendiug•tham to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice, arising from public speaking'or singing. :Yours, G. G. RAKESTRAW t Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist 'Church. :DISTRICT Arromrar's OFirras, HABBISBITSG, Feb. 29, 1864. r To C. A. -Beiorvezr—Dear Sir:;l have feud your Troches to be invaluable Lin re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening, the muscles of the throat. They impartelearuess to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speaker®: , A. 1. HERR PHYSIOLOGICAL via of MARRIAGE, containing nearlypOpa,gee, and 180,, fine platas aOd . krwriteings — cir the `Anatoria'Y' 'Biruall3iganaln a state of Health and Disease, with a. Treatise on - Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence span the, glad 0,0 Body, with theAuthors' Plan Of Treatirienti=4l4.oaly rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re• port of cases treated- A trutbfoliadviace -to His rnarrled;' and those contemplating marriage, who , entertain doubh3 of their physical condition. : Sent tree .of postage . to any address, on receipt-6f 25 cents, 40.-itaintar Or vista cur rency; by addreesing Dr. LA: gam; No. SI Maiden Lade Albany; N. Y. ~ • marl-dawBm • Military Business Attended To.. Bounty, - Polito; Back Pay, Subs'Mance and =ltaly and War Claims, generally, made slttt and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have - their businem trans. acted by mail, by'addreesing . . • - -EUGENE SNYJER, Attorney:at-Law dell-dly Third stritek,llarrbiburg,.Pa. Hoyt's Hiawatha Hair Restorative. . Hoyt's Hiawatha Hair-Restorative The standard staple preparation for the hair, wartanied in - all cases , to restore faded and gray hair and whalfers to their original color. :It does not claim to make the 'hair grow in where it has once fallen out; nothing will do that whatever may be advertised to the, contrary,' but it wilt prevent it from falling out, make it soft and silky, cleanse and the scalp from impurities and humors, and entirely. mei-come, bad - effects of .previous use of preparations con taining sulphur, sugar of lead,qte. It requires no soap ing, washing, and hours for its application, nor will it stain the skin, but is as easily applied and wiped from thei skin as any hair dresning. It restores the natural shining of one hair with another, which gives it a lively appear ance instead of the dull uniform black of dyes. Hoyt's ImperlittColoring Crefeal: ' -Superior to any Hair Dressing in use. Offs gad Color the Mir at the same time. Changes light and red hair to a beautifed brown or black. Sold, verywhere. JOSEPHIIbYY &; 00, No. 10 Unlvealty Place, New York. mar's-Wl7 COLGATE'S HONEY SO 't This colobribxl ilot Spam, a nch is d i v wand, is lll3tifi n011143143 4flitliceta: and enaollireakinrlta Olturkgt f* rakairainetlflainidraW and extrapaelylliciaidledin aidia Tor oak lay alivraulgs' l ra . - OWMCas• • P1126-44wly • N - nw - ItovVitrtsrAttfirTS: lINVITE THE ATTENTION . OF- CITY as - well County - buyore to-my wqll . splected SLOot. - of DRY GOODS, . • which hes been bougbt before the recent advance in all kinds of Domestic and Imported Goods, which I will sell oil' at an advance of teu per cent, of c'ty wholesale prides. !Among them you, will flidfirvesGoods Of-all styles and oilers, among whfah I will ' : onlY ranntion a stock of Mathes, which for beauty of Style' abet be surpsased. . Flantißls" Priiiits, lower than anybody else. -Ginghtuns, Linen Table Cloth. Cassimeres, Satinetts, Cottonates) -Muslim of ell prices, c:s 4 Peciellrfone yard—wide n1%121114: three yards for one dcilar,.wbich CIA really not bobcat: - Sh;i.wls, Silk Goods, NOTIONS AND GENTS,' FMW.SHING.GOODS, 4 alwaYs keep a large and Wre l l . selected stock all linen handkercnigNat ten cents apiece and up. Best two kundred yard spools, white and colored, at flee cents apiece. Tea Napkins,' $175 petdczen. Kid Gloves beet and cheapest. Hoop Skirts, for Lldles and Children,*Lail styles Paper Collars,' - &c., constnnt4y a stock of glOye; bop), undershirts sand; neckline, scertly and Lockwoed's linen lined 'SO: 111i(YWNOLD I Corner : Second end Market, opposite Jones Hoes*. my IS SCOTT. & STEWART, .AUCTIONEERS INO. 622 ,CHICATNIIT.STMEET, PHILADItiL PHU. • tkrk., would advise our numerous readers Ty that' -the largest saloef OIIL, PAINTINGS which has aver:been hold in the United'States, will take place at ;Mews. Scutt & Stewart's, No. 622, Sb: stout street, Phila delphia, commencing on Tuesday evening, .Iday 24th, 1864, theselo contiudeeviryetrening during.the week, aed untll'all ale diFposed of. ' This sale comprises over FIVE HUNDRED...pictures, from the United Artists' Gallery; among them wilLbe found many of. the choicest works that have ever. - Aaett itlfered al,pablic sale. ' , - • ThoseviboAieeire-.M , acioili• •their 6 weilli-With 'Works - Of real artistic merit, will find- this an opportunity that may Over again occur The paintings will bo soltwith the frames, which are of the latest styles, and are warranted pure gold leaf. rai:,t nge will be open for examination, with descriptive c da lugues, ouSatughty 21st inst mylB4lw. CLOAKS! 'CIIiCULARS!! CLOAKS!!! ALL SHADES. LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH COATS. . , WATER PROOF AND BLAOK OLOTH.OOATS. ALL QUALITIES'. ' . NEW' STYLES BLACKSLK COATS AND CLODULARS. A Wire assonment of • ••• ' LADE POINTS,•••••" - SILK . S HAWLS, •••• • . • • • AND FANCY,PLEASOLS. a nab ptioeb; cheapegt in the city, at the new rso PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORM, -In p. W,Grosat new buibliog,Harrisburg. RALPH L. DIA:CLA.Y .. •'" R D • ---- • - / • TTOR , Y-AIT-L/S.W.--- canal and Union building; Harrisburg Strict attention,, paid to all legal business. Main" , clams Collected: • .mylo-dern.ecid •• • • . OST--On the' evening . of Thursday, be tween the Post•Offlee and the reeldence of the un ciar4gued, a lady's Posriplosagg, conlickluipg-aboutsB ,a r jperal reward wd. _tie,*4 for it if lettex Sfifil,sl.,cddiEP:ON. 0 1 It I [ 7 140.4. . HATOEY , OP:TIV , ,PENNSTELINit RESERVES. 11x&11t & do. respectfully announce that they havelfn preparation a History-of the Penn sylvania Reserves from their' organization to the expire gen of their term of servieo. 2 T his History will contain the wimps of all the Officers and Privates of .thei'Colii-4heir promotions, casualties . . and dischages—Mso, graphics. descriptions of their camp ,Rfe and their.gallantschiaveinents In the many battles in ...which: they heie taken part—all derived from official and authentic sources. The Hit4l jaftthlpennsylvania Reserves will be ixt VOLUME ol` 600 pages, octavo size, neatly printed on good . paper, and substantially bound in black cloth, containing a steel engraving of tite lamented Reynolds, iintLciirS :of GovernorVlA; retOmMendedilMlifhiAtbak of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps,) and will be sold only by subseriptiok :tiefll-be ready fn;:itugu neit. " Price —Three dollars per copy. The Pethliehem,feal confident that the Just . pride. hich . oVery Peiiintytlracien meat. entertain for the brace 'men ,wpose gallant achievements and patriotic self-devencin it 'record whit see.ura trilan flavour , ' a 'generous' and apereciative:reception., r,• . ELIAS BARR & CO. ; PUblishere, • . ••.. ‘# .o , 0 E ast . - 4[in street.- - Lmioanget April 25; 1884- • - " • ' Ao,serrs Memel, to canvass for the above Work' ht, every district of P r ennaylvauia. Responsible references ioquired. APPEALS. . . 14th , Collection Distriet• of. Pennsylvania. IC - OtCICE I 3 H.Ettlt3Y_ Siai the 1-11 Usti, *aluitiorki and enumerations made by the severaPassistant asatisinns r for the year commencing :May 1.4, isoCitilonsoioloo oren '"ant to provide Internal rev enue to support.the. Government, and to pay interest on the puhlie debt," and . the,,amendments thereto, will be open for examination at the following named places, from Wednesday, June Ist, until Saturday, June 4th, both days inoluelve ; -Tor the county of Dauphin, at the office of Adapt K. Fidinestock,H.-S. collector, Harrisburg, Pa. • For the county of NOrthumberlend,. et the office of P. M. Shlndle, 'assistant assemoriSunbury, Pa. For the codify of Unl, at the office of assistant asses ticir I..harles !I,,Sithner,, In Mliffinblug, ;,For the county of Snyder, at the office of assistant az . senior John HigleirOtTliMdleburg. For the county of Juniata, the office of nrelinant as sem& B. C. Stewart, fn flilBtntown. , BITILLCTB FROM THE appoals must be> in wilting, artzauat.epeoifyitte .partiounir cause, matter or thlng'rospeetlnewhith , :a decision la rettneftted;' and shall moreover state the ground Or pnuciple-of inequality .or error comphaiied of - DANIEL Ki,.NDI6, Assessor 14th District, Tonna, Middletown, Pa. ,myl.3-dati4i3t • ' NOt EXCUSE ' FOR.' EXPLOSIONS AERCROFT.% LOW WATER DETECTOR TS 0 INFALLIB LE PROTECTION against any .Ixmsible injury - to steam bolters, from a .lack o water, which Is the great source of 50 many sad catastro pliwand so much damage from the burning of boilers. Vremarrantlhis inefrument to be a *OW • isiuranc against such contingencies; perfeet , satinfactlen gamma wed At no . pay. 'Price , g s o. Send fu r fl and try it; if not satisfactory you may return it. Circulars with raferences sent to soy ono desiring thelb. Address your , OmmianicationstO my4-dgiwtf - Pittsburg, LOST—Between the corner of Fourth and Walnut, and Kra Price's, on &gond street, on Sa. Dudarafarnoon, a HAIR BRAID, for which a liberal rewatd will be paid Itlett at THIS OFFICE. myl.7-10, - DICKLESt TICKLESII By the barrel, hid buret, jar YER. & d o2s_oren, _ t 1 02 5 1 BO KOERreat. VISITLNG, WEDDING , INVITATION `Aire AT ROME CARDS—By a speeder arrangement with one orthe,beta engravers in the country, cards of any descripnen-Win ne,esectuted in the bighead style of art, #nformidde with the latest, fashion, ant supplied promptly,, et ktsvm,~han are charipid.byrite station era In New. York; or relAdeljetkie.. , 'ltarsonpleirand prices call at ' 2,BREGNER.is BOOK STORK niche-dtt .... . - ' 4.4' 41348 ' Just re- OAS lgi r -A . t - 17A , artAele , . - .4ieed at - MISLER & FRAZET . . 1:` 31 1#1. , 7!tittrosoFt 4 0 Prtiv /0 , 0; Jri' & u... 1 ' g 4 c . ET p ipER: l ,-Ailppn._::9l. , sweet cider ju st . - ... -Ptor utie'by the lee Imo quaritilpe mitt - HOY= & ROWEL W.,t"Tl3. WANTE D—lmmediately, . Six or eigh good CarpenterS, to whom steady employ meta and the highest wages will be given. Apply to P. BERM:IEIBEL, JR , Harrisburg, Pa. my i'l-3t* WANTED, AGIRL to do general housework. Good wages will be paid. Apply at corner of Pennsylvania :.venue and Herr street. JOHN 4. GRAM M. toyl6-2c* TITANTED—A Barkeeper. Apply at the EOROPEAN HOTEL, Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. tnyl6t3.* NURSE, WANTED. ARESPECTABLE WOMAN to take care of a young child. Good reference required. Inquire corner of Front and Pine Amts. myl6-30 WANTED —A situation by a middle-aged man in a dry goods atom or office as clerk. Reference given. • Address D. FL E., Front street, near Broad, Itirrisburg P. 0. myl4-111.w* TITANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a v v good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap3o.dtf BRADY 11.0IISE. AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard: gip. toffy of the War A rare chence, to make money. Agents are clearing fnsim $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars.. Address JONES BROS. & CO., de 30 POblishers, 'Baltimore, Md. NEW ADVERT I SEMENTS. GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS! 1.400 YARDS FANCY SILKS, At the old.prlcee from $l.OO to $1.25. 1000 YARDS BEREZE, • .51 20, 25 and 81 cents. ORGANDIES, GRENADINES, and theiargest stock of ' 'Mitt '600D3 IN THE tilt CLO.AICS, • CIRCULARS, SHAWLS, LACE POINTS. CARPETS! CARP ii:TS ! - • IL wILEit & CO., No. 4 Market Square, .Hairiaeurg. myl4-d4t PROPOSALS FOR HAY. ASSISTANT QVARTKRMASTSS'S OFFICE., I ITAKILLARIKG, Pa , ~y 18, 1884. ,SEALED -PROPOSALS wil Bit be received . this office until 12 o'clock tr., Thursday, May 19th, 1504, for Dishing this department with (200) two hun died tons of baled hay, (2,000) two thousand pounds per ton, all to be of the best merchantable quality, subject to such inspection as I may direct, (150) one hunored said ditty tons to be delivered at HutumeLstown, Penna. (on ilr the line of the Lebanon Valley Ru cied,) and (50) tiny tons at Harrisburg. Proposals for any amount, say over (50) tons of bay, on Ms contract will be received. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to en ter info bonds, with unproved sureties, for-Its faithful execution. The department reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bids, if not deemed satisfactory. Proposals= ' will be iidoressai to Captain E. f 3 Rtechen back, Assistant Quartermaster Volunteers, liarristatrg, and will be endorsed "Proposals to furnish Hay. , . . . . By order of - CAPP. Jr O JOHNSON, Chief Q. M. I)cpartneent Susquehanna, IL C. Rizanerascu, Capt. and A. .Q M. MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS,: H.L9 °PIZ= AT • NO. 8 MAILKEIT SQVAN.B; ileat door to Felix's Confectionery,) w t RE SEE L 5 PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the . Latest Styles of Millinery anti Fanty Giiods, At cheaper prices thin any house In the city. Thequalley of her goods cannot be surpassed. - 'LRESS RASING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examino for yourselves. aPIS-dtjyll REMOVE!): SCHEFFMVS- BOOKSTORE JOB PRIN-TING OFFICE/ To 'SOUTH SECOND STREET, Two Boors Below 'Wes - Hardware, Store, OPPOSITE THE PREsBYTERJAN CHURCH. PROPOSALS: OPIUM CHIRP CONXISSARY OFZcAISISTSNOK, DEPARTMENT Or TIM SOSQNSUANXI, HARRISBOKG, Penn2..i May a, 1884. SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate, are respectfully invited by theundersigned, oust 3 Saturday, May 21st, 1884, for furnishing the United States Subsistence Department,. delivered in Barrisburg ? Pa., whtt-"Fresh Beef of a good and marketable quality, in prop - onions of Fore and Hind Quarters !brat, '(Neek, Shank* and Kidney TallOw to be excluded,) In such quan tities as may be required, and on such days as shah be designated at this office, commencing May 23,1.864, for a *read of four monthi. ability of the bidder to fulfill the agreement must 'We guaranteed. by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee. In case of fail ure, the United States reserves the right of Purchase else where, to make up the deficiency, _charging •the advance paid over the contract price to the party failing to deliver. .'Bibs must be legible, the:numbers written; as well au explressed by figures; and no member of Congress, officer or agent of the Government serviceorhall be admitted to any share therein, or to any benefit which may arise therefrom. The proposals will be opened at three T. nc, Saturday, May 21st, 18114, and biddernarelnvited to attend. BROWNELL GRANGER, Capt. and .- C. S. II: S. V., Chief C. S. Dept. Susquehanna. NIEL ' OPEONS AND OARLICIET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, •- • TWELVE SILVER DIEDALS, AND THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this alma) has been awarded to MASON its . ELAIILIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on hand at W. KNOCHE'S, Sale Agent, je4.Stawly) . 93 Market street. JOHN. A. BIGLER & CO. • 13 Yr. 'O-TC :EAR. ; - • MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, (NEXT Ton ADAMS NSPICESIV , OkkrlCE;) H.A.R R.r.s 13 R .Warrants, Claims, Government Securities Chocks YouChers, &c., cashed. - mai2Bd2m* Thomas C.'lllacnOlsrell -; A.Atorney-a‘t-Law. 'OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG, PA. ALL manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims collected against thaGeneral or Sum Governments, either In Congress, the Court of CAM's at Washington oily, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. ap29-dem CONCENTRATED COFFEE, SUGAR AND • MULE: • PERSONS making up boxes to send to their Mends in he army, will find this an elegant article; one Sox making forty cups of coffee, equal to any Java coffee, and with 11We labor.. For sale at ,SHISLED Jk FR4ER, no YS muccessors to Wm. Dock, jr., St Co.) O LUNGES! UtidLNUESII-21.1 Oozes m prime order. AL% received wholesale and retail SHISLER & FRAZER. ft)2 summon) to Wm n.ck, jr., &Co ) n(TitHilit MUSTARD, the best imported, just received and for sale by SEiLSLER k FRAZER, febl (success= to Win Dock. Jr., & Co.) TIMED FRUIT of all kinds at Orty4l BOYER tc KOERPER. SWEET CIDER.—A small but very fine lot of Sweet Cider, Just received at SHISLEIt & mfgpeoresioni wW. Doc—it.7i..?LZ...otne.) - Soldiers , Portfolios. idal,(ll, saaortment at A •BERGNER'S CHEAP:BOOKSTORE, maxis Selo ar Wholesale or retail at, lovrorteol.- . A pATRIMO GIFT wok: , aiIiCONSTMMON, GOVERNIMIhAIt; MON. .aflur Govereetteetr luvezefielthin of the Conetituttos, ka, for popular use. By M. MlCinorrt Pike $l. For oda at dela BIUMNBra BOOKSTORE. ,kM[l3 SEMEN: BRANWS Manager Second night of the greOi, - Ainerietw Dmun . l of the OCTOBV.ON, AUDIENCE DELIMIT - ED SUCCESS OF THE DRAMATIC COAIIILNATION. TUESDAY EVENINU: t MKY 27; - 1864, Will be presented for the 'second time. this beautiful picture of Southernlife;- THE OCTORO6I4;-. WIN ITS alcrrz-G T_4BLEAUX; MAGNIFICENT SCENERY, AiNgIFTNE ACTING seats may be secured. at Bannvart's Drug store. PRIDES OF ADMISSION Reserved seats 50 cents. Seats not'open 25 cents. Doors open at 71. Curtain rises at 8. wig SANFORD'S HALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET, REAR OF TIFRR'S HOTEL. ;: Proprietor and Manager'. S. S. SANFORD TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 17. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO PROF. ZO ASCHE. S a ia f o i.• d 9 .si T r'aY, n p e, G-i-aacid" Vax-iqty OLIO: THE FRIGHTS HOW ARE YOU, GREENBACKS Orchestra Sesta ran be procured in advance at Bann van's Drug Store. Doors open at B,ti. Commence ..;( to 8. , Police always in attendance to preserve order. . ..,„ . - Admittance 25 cents . . ' preheat& chairs, 50 cents. Private boxea. entire, $5 each; single seats, 1 each. CANTERBURY - MUSIC HAM,. WALNUT 4T, BEioaW,ITOMP; 74 el OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a Firat-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, ha, to. &lunation.' Seats In - Boxes ................ ...—..... 25 NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. 1804 RATS , ROACHES, &c. 1864 As Spring aisprodshes Ana' and ROACIIES From their holes come owl; And. MICR - and RATS, sas spita.of CATS, &dig skip acad. COSTAR'S EXTEEMENA.TOIiS. Forlints,Mices,Monelies, Ants,Bed Bugs, Mosquitos, Moths =in Furs '' Woolens,...ute., Insects on Plants, Bowls, Animals, etc: "IS years established in N. Y. City," "Only infallible remedies known:" " ."Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Homan Faintly." "Rats conic out of theirinalea to die." Mr-Sold by all Druggists everywhere Sarl l l Bewassz I I I of all worthless imitatlalas., airu Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadiatty,. Ni.' Y. say -Sold by • D. W. GR03.%& CO.; ' liiliplessde said retail agents:' marlft4aw6m FOR SALE The subscriber offers, for sale the stock and fixtures or -- his well known WHOLESALE I.IQT.TOE STORE, AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He will sell the whole.:. or part of the stock, and the %mire fiXtUreS. Tbs_husi ness has been carried on about fiftven years, and is :well mablistied. With the store is connecteda.Good , cCOLTER . STILL It issituated on Canal street, between Pennsyl vania railroad andramil, and has a private siding, suitable - for forwarding purposesYosieSsion given immediately - - and lease given for from one to ten years. Terms tosult purchasers. For further information apply on the pre. salsas to [mar24-tf] GEO. G. KUNKEL.. . pRIVATE' SALE. ONE of the best locations ttir IRON • • WORKS in the Stide- for 'sale, tat a very reasonable A,' primp, to anypurchaSM who will improve it, situated With- in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg , baweenthe • Pennsylvania railroad anticlinal, about five hundred feet, • wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarriesin 'the , " State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room waste cinders forflfty years, Withont payin" , for Ihit jai* DAVID MUII7.IA; Apply to = Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second Street, " marl6-dtr • Hafrisbytegl'ac IThilaftelphie Trees insert three times and -send: this-office.] , • - . . . . - REAL ESTATE AT FRIVATE.SAL.E.;•,: • _ • ----- _ - The several properties of the _Estate of WILLIAM. AL LLSONi deceased, in the city of * Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street and Cilesintit street, near the corner of Front and Chestn at streets; '° imaiht lot on Mulberry street; near Third street, and 193 t" dares of land at the eastern terminus .of - Market- street, are of fered for sale. For terms of saleapply to the und.erit. Seventh and Noble streets, Philadelphia. ` 4 "•-• - de2l.4ltf] • THOMAS COC LRA2 ' (`CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRFP TION. SAUCES of all the celebrmed manufacturers.. SARDINES, OLIVE OILS, xusrAß.Ds, of every drsalption. ' • Also, BROWN SCOUT, ME TEAS, COFFEE; SttGAR and SIRUP of all madea and prices, and the best selected- outside of Phdadelphia All goats gual'anteed•astepresentel. Pamacular attention paid to all cc dais from a distaateet - Goods carefully picked and delivered to all parts•OFfliti ,-- - - • city tree of charge. _ SEMLER. tr. FRAU:A_ mys , saccelsorsui te.• - fkick, Co t ? y ; 110111LADRLPIETA. 'l2 > TeTE FOR -YOUNG LADIES; No. 15311 street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, IX D., E. 'CIAREECE SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three departments:- Primary, Acadeinici and Collegiate. Fu.l college course in . 1.11a.5in , ..., Mathe matics, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate: Mcideru Mualle„Witralgid., Elocutbiu by the best masters. For aircu ars apply at the Institute, or address BOX 261.1. P. 0., Philsladelphiao-euve gi MAGNOLIA BALM. . trais the most delightful and **tr aordi y article ever discover* d.. -changes tne Sun burn and Face and Hands to a pearly,' satin texture, of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the .distirtiMe appearande so Inviting in the city - belle ' of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and n3ugh nese of the skin, leavingtne . complexion rash, trzuruia- - , , ,, - -tAt rent andsmooth. • It contains no material injurious to the akifa . Patronized by :Adrenal. an d. opera zingers. It is • whit every lady 'should have. Sat wholesale and re tail by • S. A. KUNKEL az •. andiadtf llif Market sheet , :7 k: , A -FRESH eux uns ply of Ificheller!A Web/viol- Suor Cured and tkaartiektate eilellol atr2o BOYER & KOthiPER. BUTTER, EVTXEcji..-27.1)mni11? AO * b u t ter from Snyder 'cormirreollvect evett was Laky4l • 130YgRlt lOERVE , -- 6:6l's *fish' krOtlib 'oo4lieCig Ando t .S jj Broad stream Enquire of WM. C. moßaDmiat akarikitf • S. c. : DUBOIS 1212firMI Sole Leese " UM :.a - - ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers