THE TELEGRAPH Is PuELISHED OIL' /NG A E 0 G BE GN F. 1R... r,, , TICE THIRD .9T., YEAR, IVA iti 11" M S OF I .i: 11 , 1 '2,C13.11 - 11..):;. S.Alll=ulseribcrs ia the at 8 cents per aced:. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in fair:nice. Those persona who neglectto iay iu advaucc will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELT:GRIER Tea TELEGRArn is also published weekly, and is [tarnished to Subscribers at the kollowing cash rates: Single copiesoveekly..., ......... $1 50 Three copies to one Poet Office._ ....... ...... 4 00 Tea copies to one Post Office 10 00 MEDICAL. --- --- GLAD NEWSTOR THE UNFORTUNATE! THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEES REMEDY, thegreat Indian Diuretic. cures all diseases of the urinary organs ; sack as Inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflam• maiion of tha Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravd, Gleet, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor Alb= (or Whites in, females) where all the old nauseous medicines have failed Jar it is prepared .in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. frir it, is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all -of its; original purity and vigor; thus removing from thesysibm all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CIIERCKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or' ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used 'in' conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gononriest, : (Red, Polar dlibus Or Mites. Its effects: arc healing, soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead of thekiurning and almost. Un endurable pain that is expgrieueed. with nearly all the :heap gum* Injections. ,ay By the use of the CHEROKEE ERALEDY and criEiReKEE INJECTION—the two metlicines at the same time--all Improper dischaiges are removed, and the weak erica organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. x,..7,-Fer full particulars, gat our pamphlet from any druir store in the country, or write us, and we will mail free, to any addross, a full treatise • tea_Pric; CHEROKEE REMEDY, i 32 per bottle,' or three bottles for $5. orrice CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle;or three bottles fur $5. ita,Seat by express to any rtilaress on rec,?ipt: of price. fr.a..Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERIVIN & D 0.., Sole Projaiekirai inarlo-eodly No. 59 Liberty. stract, Neir York, CHEROKEE CURE THE GREAT rn'DL&N MEDICINE COMPOV". \. - DErt x,RO:rI ROOTS; BARKS AliD LEAVES An unfailing cure for Spersnaiorrhea, ,Seminal' Me*, nas, XecturnaL Ends:dna,. and all diseases ',caused by 'zelf psllution; suc7i as Loss of Memory, Universal thsitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness of fitiem,7Premature Old Age. Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wiihlful nest, Eruptions an the Pace, Pate Countenance, insanity, Consumption, and all the Direful complaints caused by .de parting from the path of nature. tlanhis medicine is a simple vegetable extract, anti one n which all can rely, ash has been used in .our practipe for many years, and. with tbouiands treated, it has .not tailed in a single instance. Itscurative powers ha.vti:been sufficient to gain victory ovor the most stubborn case. •. After those who have trifled' with their constitution, until they-think ihemselves beyond the reach of medical id, "wh would say, Despair not f the CHEROKEE Critk restore you to health and vigor; and after all quack • doe tors have failed I XparFor full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug store in the country, or write the Proprietor, wire will mail free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. Prices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for 45, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. ittirßold by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. P.. ILERWDZ & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, marlo eotlly No. 09 Liberty street, New York Useful and Valuable GILIAT Disaaystor I MILTON'S [INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more, general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical own, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR"TO ANY . dhesive Preparations known. - . Applicable t, all awful Arta. Hivroa's INgoLunix-Cniansi is-a new thing, and 'the` result of yeszra of study; its combination Is on A new thing Scientific .Princzpies, And under no circumstances or [change of temperature, will it be !come corrupt or omit any offensive amen lie Combination' Manufacierers,' luny, 31m:eines, Will find 'it the "best article known as Boot end Shoe Man ufacturesa :menting for the Clieutiels, it winks without, delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Will llud it sufficiently adhesive for their use, ur hliE been-proved. J.WakM It is Especially Adapted to Leeither, And we claim as au especial uteri that it sticks Patches to titiota an Shoes sufficiently strong stitching. Famil% - ea. CE .N_2 Ittis liqatd. Extant that is e.sure thing for" menil ing 'Furnitur Crockery, - BitEt; Ivory, And articlos of Household use REMEMBER. Huames 13 - soLesus CESIF:CT Is In a liquid form and as sunk aii plied as paste. .11rimmesj.vsottrata Ciptim Is insoluble in water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE. Czacon. Adheres oily substances. Remember Supplied -in Family -or Maputke: tuyer's Packages from 2 dunces to-10U I lbs. • ' - • EMI llgentstn Philadelphia, LAMM. MA.G11 , 7N13 • DR. B. M. GILDEA. • - DENTIST, • . ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of R Mariisburg and vicinity that he has removed his of. lice from Market street to Third street, nest door Patriot and Union office, where he is prepared to accom modate au who may desire his professional serriaoS. apd4 • N A I 11 1* • '' lir . . 'C''..---- --- • 7.7 ) * . _ ~. _ .- • i r,A._.„ 4 ,,rw.,,--„,.. _____-.E. .. GERMAN, BITTERS, HESB Bitters have performestmaie cures 4 1_ have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectaliie people" to couch f - oethein tnan any other article in the market.'-We defy any one to. contradict this assertion, and will pay-$1;000 to any olio that will prodube cerfilleate pub- . lished by us that is not genuine.. Hoilatulls G,erman Bit ters, will curo every. ease of rit Nervous- Debility, Diseases of the Hidneys,'alld' diseasesnrising from a dis ordered.stomach: Olamve the following symptoms, re suitinr,,,from-the'theornors of the 'digestive organs:, Con, stipation, Inward Files; Fullness of Blood to -t - he head,' Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,. Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach;SoufßructationS, Sinking - or fluttering at the, pit ofthe stomach,: Swimming of the bead, Hurried and difficult breathing, _Muttering at the heart, Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision; Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head; Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness ofthii 'Skin and - eyes,.Falitin the side, back, nhest,,linilis, .4c., Sudden Rushes of heat, -Burning theffie*Constant imaginatiOns orevil, 'rind great de preEsion of,spirits.z • Remember that this Bitters isnot alcohulic, contains no rum or whisky, and 'WA make drunkards, but is the best Tonal in the world. . From the Rev. Laid G. meek, Taator of the -Bliptiet Ohureb,-Pemberton, N. J., formerly the North paptist, Cliareh, Philadelphia. I have known Hooffand's German Bitters, favorably for a number of ye'ars. I have used Binh in my own 'family' and have been so pleased with theireffects that I duced to recommend them to many. others, and know that. they have operated in a strikingly- beneficial manner:- take -great pleasure in • thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended to these 13it .. ters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained'l do this tnore cheerfully as Hoof land's Bittersisintended to benefit the .afflicted, and is "not a rum Youni truly. LKVI G. BECK From Boy. 3. Newton Brown, D. D, Editor of the En -0614;66.1i of ItfiliSious Knowle4geaiid Ohriatian Chroni cle, Philahelphia. - AlthoUgh net disposedto favor or recommend Patent kehicines in general, through distrbst - of theiringredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the. hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily inregard•to' Hoofland's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. G.M.- Jackson, of this 'city because I was'prejudiced against 'them for many years, under the impression that they' were chiefly an: alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert . Shoema ker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them when 'suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six months before, and had . almost - despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them. . . J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. FrOm Rev. Withen Randolph, • Pastor of Baptist Church; Germantown, Penn. . Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Personal experience enables me to saythat I regard the Gelman Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most excellent medicine. In cases- of severe cold and general debility I have bddii greatly belle -fitted by the use.of the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours frilly • WARBEM.RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. Discovery. BOOT A.ND SITOR, It Is tho only ISE HILTON BROS.. & C 0.,, Proprietors,: Providence, L BY GEORGE BERGNER. BEM mos;ckpOilmis ' DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, =3 1-100FLAND'S THE GREAT STRENGTHENING =TONIC READ WHO SAYS SO Fr.oni.Rev. J. H.. Turner,' Pastor of Redding 11. f E Church, Philadelphia.. ' Dr. C. IL.Jacksoni—Dear Strf—Having uied..your Ger: man Bitters in myfamily frequently I am prepared to say that it has been of Feat service. I belihito °that meat cases of genera debility of the system itis the safest and most valuable remedy of which I haie any, knowledge. Yours, respectfully J. H. TURNER, No. 726 N. Nineteenth street.. From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of tha Columbus (N. J.) and Mllestown (Pa.) Baptist Churches. Nnw ROOBXLIA ,N.. Y. Dr. C. Id... Jackson :—Dear Sir feel it X plpasui% thus, of my ivam ancOrd, to bear testimonYlolhe excellence or the German Bitten?, Some years since being much of flirted with Dyspepsia, I used them 'with• very beneficial results. I have often recommended them to persons en feebled by that tormenting disease, - and have heard from them the most flattering testimonials as to their great value. In cases of, general debility, I believe it to , be a tonic that cannot be surpassed. J. LYONS. From the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. . • •• Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir.:—l felt it due to your excel lent preparation, Hbothuld German Bitters;to add my testimony to tlae,Oeserved reputation it has _obtained:. I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervous system. I *as advised by 'a friend to try : a bottle of your. erman Bitters; did so, and have experienced geat and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially benefitied. I confidently recom mend the article where I meet with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their' good ef fects Respectfully yours, _ • T. WINTER, Roxborough, Pa. ''e or- Frohi Rev. J. S. Herman, of the , German Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berks county, Pa. • Dr. C. M. • Jackson:—Respected Sir:—l have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Hooliand's Bitters. lam very much improved in health, after having taken five bottles Yours with respect, J, • S. HERMAN. PRICES. Large Sizeflioldiug nearly double quantity) $1 00 per bettle—haLf doe $5 00 Small Size-75 rents per bottle—hair doz. 4 00 • BEWARE OF COONfERFEITS l See that the signature of "C.ll. JACKSON" is on the WRAPPER of each boftle. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put of hy any oC the intoxicating preparations-that 'may be offered in Itsplace - but--send 'to us, 'and we will forward, Eicurt4TP!,cked; JY-OxPrees. Principal Mee and Manufactory NO, 631- ARDH- STREET, - PEILLADELPI II 4. JONES Ar'E*ANS„ • - • ammonia ax ;Tackson .ofra, PROPRIETORS. i For sale by Drugglats and Dealers In every town in the United Rita • my/O-dawly "THE UNION—NOW AND FO-R F; VER ."--Webster. HARRISBURG, TA., THURSDAY EVE NING, MAY 12, 1864 MEDICAL. --- KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. APURE and poweifal TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy In diseases of t?e_STONIACEI, LIVER and BQW4L.g. Cures DysPePSiat - , . . , Liver Complaints •• !. • • • ' Headache, Genera& - Debility, Nervousness, De- - ' Pression of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the Stomach, liNusea, Heartburn, Disgust for. • Food; Fullness or .Weight in the Stomach, • Sinking . or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stein - soh, ~. • Swimming of the Head, Difficult_ BreattOng, Yellow n ass of thh Skin end Eyei, Fever and-Dull intim ins the Head, Pain in the Side, Buck, Chest and; , Limbs; , will. cure - eycry case of Chronic or Nervous • Debility, 'Diseases of the Kldneye Diseeiss arising from a disonPred Stomach, • Good fo'r• Male • or. Female, . • „ or Young. The most beneficial medicine known= gives better satis faction and cures more diseases than any. other prepara tion offered to the Publics: = Prfpaied solely by KIIN ILEL .!z BRO., 3.llfarketitreet, Hirrisburg:l Fur sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere, BEWARE OF Counterfeits . _ As. %nukePs Bitter Wine of Ironis the only sure, and effectual remedy in the known World for the penninent -cure of Dyspepaia - aud Debility, and, as thorn, are a neither of imitations offered' to the public, we wohlMeautionl the community to purchase nogg., but the , guebin' g manufactured. by S. L Ktrassn Sno.., and ..basi their starrip on the top' o 1 the cerk,of °Very' The Very fact that. others are , attn.:milting .ba • liaitater t' his valnable reniedy e provei its worth and speaks volumes in Itstavor. The Bitter Winsef Iron la put,,,up,itaft.XPnt 841.00 bottles; aoldby all respectable ditiggists throughout the country. Be particular that ;every bottle 'bears 'the ac simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine includes the most..agreeehle and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate :of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the mbatenergege 'veptable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. 'The l effect in tnaircases 'of debility, loss of appetite, and general prcistration, of art of Salt of Iron, combined • with. ogr yaluable Nerye Tonic, is most happy. It augments ihe appetite, raises the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. • GENERAL DEPOT, For sale by all respectable dealers , tbrciughout the ELECTRICITY. TIES. WYETH C - REAITER, Eclectic _ - anti Electropatliic phYslcians, respectfully offer theirprofessional 'services in till the various branched of the profession; for the treatment of all acute and aren't forms of disease. • ' The rerliedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnatirita, Dalvanlsm, Electro-Magriet isin, the Swedleivniettiod of Localized movement cure, „ a few Eclectic medicines when:deemed necessary, and in fact all tlie,natural Curative agents that, ay successfully be brought to bed upon the diinaiel They do not Wish* te bo understood , as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far mined& to those generally employed by:physicians, froni the fact that' they act in perfect . larinony: with the laws governing and controlling the' uman *system. To this, and the fact that they confine theniselves to no par tibular At/thy or system, they , attribute their success in controlling disease. The 'principal agent they employ'-in tho treatment of disease[ namely, Electribity,ll.atiegent wonderful in its phenomena and powerful [nits effects for good or ill it is en ever present, ,all-pervrding. principle, governing all thingi, from rolling worlds 'down to - the invisible particles of gasseous matter. We see Ulu the lightning's flash and hear the manifestations of its -power_ in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all ; decomposition, recompo sition and transfontu — ition. A excites all motion. It is the exciting cause' 'of 111'0' growth, decay* and death. It causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food ht,the - stomach, converts, it into a state of-flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, and, sends it on its important ,offlce Of supplying nutriment' according to the necessities' of the body. It is the -nerve vital 'fluid; the great agent through which the mind acts upon the body. Isla the cause of all causes except the first great causes the Infinite Hind which 'created it and brought it into see. These may *appear' like mere assertions,, but they are facts admitting of Wong and irresistible proof., Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful:n its. phe nomena, so powerful in itelnanifestations and so intimate ly connected with all the bperitiens of the' human sys tem, should be almost absolute in its power on:carolling disease? Certainly not It is a natural sequene,e and follows as surely as: day follows night. , Among the diseeses whicasm found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may oe mentioned the following; Incipient Odinsiiiii lion, Paralysis, ,Elpiliptie, Hylterie and other cons , ions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhuematism, Anflam tatory and chronic; all diseases of. the nervous system; fisspep sla cured in a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary and genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles and Prolapsus Ani; Auriaurosis.and all kindred affettions of the eye; Aurelius, Strictures, all - skin ‘ dicauaaaa &e. Persons calling will be told whether they can be bone fitted and no case taken where some' relief cannot be 'af forded amsultation free.. Office, South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa„ Office hours from Bto 1.2 A. X., i% to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. . . . . apl3 NEW PHELIDELPIE A CLOAK STORE CLOAKS, MAIVIILLAS 9 CIRCULARS. 1,000 CLOAKS from $7 00 to $25 00, AT TEM NEW CLOAK STORE, DiA.R.K•E'ILSTREET, D: GAIDSS I , NEW BLOCK, HAR-RISBURGL. ,;' apll ANOTHER lot of choice: Catawba Gripes for sale at [mart] JOHN WHOM . t. ME ---- ,~~s~~,~ ~1~. US MARKET STREET limwsupßo, Ps, ALPX R. WIITH, IL . _ D., Dtt. J. MILTON CRRAMER. EVENING EDITION. Special Dispatch to the Pennsylvania Telegraph.. BYVIIrs,INLILBID LINE. THE LATEST FROM THE FRONT, TER-DISPATCHES-FROM GEN, GRANT, The Battle on Tuetday. Lee Flanked on both Sides. THE LOSSES OH BOTH SIDES HEAVY The Rebels Driven Over the North Anna Rivet NERAL. GRANT , IN CLOSE: PURSUIT, AVASECtIiGTOIS, May 11-10 r: bL . _ The latest dispalciAs. received .from Gen; Grant at , Hecidquaxters represent everything encouraging. A dispatch ivas rebeivedhere to-day by Gen. lugals t listeksktell, o ' olo . o k, ),9 T 1 day, Whie:h n We are fighting now, and have . been all dm. Aye are entirely upsetting all , Of Leeis well 45ifielieted plans, and are steadily driving him - before us. Our losses have beenlieavyc bit the rebel loss outnum bers ours. Anothei grenbral ztiebieks mill take plass - tit five o'clock this afternoon. The world ; has never, „ heard -of -war before, and the battle 'fields of the iiast few days defy description. A dispatch-has jatioile througik Ni , hielt re ports that Grant has flanked Lee both on right and left. During the terrible battle - renewed yester day, Lee was driven across the North Anna river, with a-rant in close pursuit. , ' I . cannot send -yowanything more to-night. The city is 'jubilant^ Over the news from the army. I will send you details if possible in tlie'morning. • GRAFFEN. ASSOCIA7MtI..piILESS..REP 4 DRT. Gr .0 .0 D Lee Flanked on the — Right and Left NEiv.Yoas, May The Times has special dispatch from Washington, *hialksays thatit is reported that Grant has flanked: tLee both on the right and - - _ A terrible battle occurred yesterday, Lee was driven across , the NOrth Anna river and Grant is still in puisrdt. - • EN, GRANT STEADILYTIGHTING HISWAY Lee Endeavoring fo check his Progress Attother 33attle Expected rant makes a Flank Movement and Gains an Advantageous 'Position. Carleton, the intelligent and thoroughly re liable porresponden,t Of the Boston ereArria:/, makes the :following'Feliort #j , NEI if SVorrgrrillnii, 36410;10 o'clock, •A'. AL—We have had five days' fighting, and the prospect-for more. Lee is. determined to dis pnte inch of the ,Way. Longstreet's corps was moved down from the Wilderness tosecure favorable ground / at Spottsylvania. ree',l44hOle force-is repotted;to he in front., Last night the Second Corps, holding. the right, made a flank movement across the Po river, and arena position to attack the enemy to-day, and there is a prospect of a great bat tle unless Lee retreats. The Second, : Corps had closed the fight last night. — Geifetar Birney held the ' right and Gibbon the centre, and Barton the The uJere.driCen from their weition and ground gaiired, ?bill enable General' Grant to make a favorable disposition of his forces. Everything it tivoratkle. There is no tron blie" aboilesupplies. 08mmunication iEr'open. with Washington, and our wounded are sent to rredericksburg.. General Warren was not wounded, as re ported.' Geu. Warren Handsomely Whips the Enemy. BATTLE-Firm, Tuesday Morning, May 10. Last night about 11 o'clock, the Rebels in front of Gen.' Warren's corps made an assault on a lineof rifle-pits hastily constructed. Our men gave them a volley and fell back, for the purpose of drawing them on to a second line.. The ruse 'was successful; and as the Rebels.advanced,they, , were received by a de structive fire, which drove them back in dis order. But 'finding our men still refiring they followed and made a charge on the third line. Here'the whole of our line gave them such a raking fire as almost to demolish them, and springing after them, we charged and drove them back iii utter 'disorder. Their loss was very heavy Nirliße' our own was light. ~We also took a number of prisoners. On Tuesday, General Burnside began the attack on the heft 'with great fury and an en cot:waging dei:ee of success. No particulars of this bettle,; hoWeverihave yet been received. Gen. Wadaworth's Remains. ALBANY, May 11. Governor Ssymonr has telegraphed to Ad jutant .Gerumil.Sprague, at Washington, to re ceive the remains of General Wadsworth on behalf Of the State,Mad to make all necessary arrange/nil:its fox. transporting it home. al' W 5 . 1 .211 ~,1 11W °#:%., WASHINGTON, May 11. The total number of wounded.-arrived here is 4,10, up to this time. From Washington. he Remains of Gen. Sedgwiek. The remains of Major General Sedgwick have left here on the evening, train and will reach New York to-morrow morning, on the way to Cornwall, Connecticut. [Major General SedgTio_k is a brother of Philo. C. Sedgwick, formerly a partner of Theo. Fenn; in, the publication of the TELE GRAPH of this city.] The sales of cotton to-day amounted to 10,000 bales, including 4,000 bales to specu lators and for export. The market closed firm at unchanged prices. Flour is quiet, but steady. Provisions are quiet. Petroleum easier at 2s. 4d. for refined. LONDON, April 28.—Consols closed at 91K) 61i. American securities are nominally quoted. Two fast steamers were launched at Nantes on 23d for the rebels, and it is affirmed that the French Government will not prevent their being armed, notwithstanding Mr. Day ton's remonstrances. Garibaldi remained at Col. Pearl's on the 26th and would embark on the 27th. Mr. Ten Broeck's horse Paris ran second for two thousand guineas stakes. Lord Glas gow's horse, Gen. Peel, won. • Nothing new from the Danish seat of war and nothing but speculatiOns as to the con ference. The Continental news is unimportant. There has been no fighting in Denmark. The PrUssians are penetrating Sentland in force. The trial of Laird's rams is fixed. for the 28th of - May. It is said that Austria and Prussia hale de clined an armistice on the basis of the con tinuance of the blockade of the German ports. Aram 27.—Garibaldi has embarked. ALBANY,May 11.—:An 'extensive break oc curred on.the Long Level of the canal near White.sboro',wasling away the heavy embank ment and a portion of the - Central railroad tiaek. The passengers were all transferred at the break, and the trains are detained . but a few minutes. NEWS: XXXVIIIth Congress---First Session Mr. Wilson endeavored to call up the bill allowing persons living in the seceded States to enlist in regiments from the Northern States, but the Senate refused Mr. Hale, from the Naval Committee, re ported a joint resolution for the relief of Com mander W. D. Porter and the officers .and crew of the gunboat Essex, which destroyed' the rebel ram Arkansas, was passed on sec- • and reading. It appropriates $30,000. He also reported a bill to equalize the grade of line efticers in the Navy, which after slight, amendment, passed. Mr. Trumbull, from the Committee on the Judiciary, asked to be discharged, which was granted from the further - consideration of. Mr. Anthony's joint resolation rep filing the following joint resolution on, amendment to the Constitution, approved March 3, 1861. No amendment shall be made to the Consti tution. which will authorize or give Congress power to abolish or interfere within'any State with the domestic institutions thereof, in cluding that of prisoners to labar, or service by the laws of said State. Mr Davis introduced the following: Whereas, The President of the United States, a commimication to the House of Representatives, that the date of the 28th April, ult., 'represents that prior to, and at the meet ing of the present Congress, Robt C. Schenckl. of Ohio, and Frank R Blair; Jr., of Missouri, members elect thereto, W and with the con sent' 'of the Senate, held' commissions from the Executive as major generals in the volun teer army, and that General Schenck tendered the resignation of his said commission, and took his seat in the Reuse of Representa tives at the assembling thereof, upon a distinct verbal understanding , - with the. Secretary of War and the. Executive that he might at any time during the ses sion, at his own pleasure, withdraw said re signation. and return to the field'; and whereas the President, in said communication, states further that General Blair was, by temporary agreement with General Sherman, in com mand of a. corps through the battles in front of Chattanooga, and on the march to the re lief of Knoxville, which occurred in the latter. &Vs of December last, and, of course was not I present at the assembling of Congress, and that when he subsequently arrived here, he sought and was allowed by the Secretary of War and Executive, the same conditions and provisions as -were allowed and made Gen. Schenck; and -further, that Gen. Blair holds no military command or ap pointment. other than herein noted; therefore, be it Besolval, That the arrangements aforesaid, made by the President and Secretary of War with Generals Schenck and Blair, to receive from them temporarily their commissions of Major Getters:, with discretion, on their part. at any time during this session of Congress to resume them, was in derogation of the Constitrition of the United States, and not within the power of the President and Sec retary of War, or either of them to make. Mr. Mae, from the Naval Committee, re ported a joint resolution_ for the relief of the contractors - for the machinery of the double end side-wheel gunboats, :which was . adopted. The bill provides, for the appointment of a board of competent'persons to imitable the claims of contractors, and to report `to the Depaattneiat what losses have been sustained, and authorises the Secretary of the Treasury to pay sums adjudged. to be due. The Senate; on: motion of Mr.. Wllson; took up the bill for the better organization of the QuitztePlasticr's Department. NEW Yonz, !Slay 11 PRICE TWO CENTS. *A:SHINciII'ON, May 11 From Europe. HELD LAUNCHED FOR-THE - REBELS• EWS UNIMPORTANT. LisEurooL, April 28 Break in a Canal. SENATE WesnmetTox, May 10 STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, ALOE lei'l.tHEl RATES—DAILY TELEGRAPH. The following arethe rates fur advertising in the Tara_ -,sere. Those having adverts te.,g to do will find it cot , . ',mien tfor reference. , Four 'MU or less constitute one-half squaret-Elgh. Uses I.: more than four constitute a FOR A HAM' SQUARE. KM ORE AWARE. One day... f 80 Ode day ..$ tto Two days.... ..... ... 60 Two days .. 1(0 Three days.... ...... . 75 Three days 126 One week .. 1 25 One week ' 225 One month 300 One month 6 (0 Two months 450 Two months... . .....: 11 00 Three months 5 50 Three' mosiths....:. :... 11 CO Six months 800 Six months 1.5 0 One year 15.00 One year Adniinistnithan Notices ' 62 ` 25 }ferriage Notices Auditor's Notices.. Funefal Noti nes each insertion _ .. . ,f Business notices. inserted in the Local .Cohnoss, or before Marriages and Deaths, Elmer Mena PER Lisa for _ each insertion. • An amendment of Mr. Grimes providing that the organization of the Departmeett shall not exist longer than one year after the rebel lion, was adopted, snd the bill passed. A synopsis has been heretofore published. A . _ ,ewa,g,e was received from the. House an nouncing their non-concurrence in the amend ments of the Senate to diplomatic and consular appropriation bill and asking a committee of conference. Mr. Hale, from the Committee of Confer ence, reporied Senate bill to appoint ments of volunteer officers of the navy, and requiring their confirmation by the Senate. The report was agreed to. Mr. Hale, from the conference committee, reported bill relative to naval appointments and courts martial The report was adopted. The bill to aid the State of lowa in the construction of railroads, by grants of land, was called up by Mr. Harlan and passed. The Senate then adjourned. HOUSE OF REFRESENTATIY '8 The 'House resumed the consideratiOn of the joint resiolution to drop from . the roll of the army unemployed general officers. Thei House rejected_eir. Cox's.amendment heretofore offered, protesting whenever any, officer shall demand a. board of inquiry ac cording to the rules and regulations in such cases, &e.,. bp willing to servo such, such board shall be forthwith convened; and if the board shall,find him competent for command in the rank to which he is entitled, he shall be restored to active service, with full pay - and all officers who have received the thanks of Congress during the present war, shall be exempt from the provisions of this act. The amendment was rejected—ayes 46, nays 09. The House rejected Mr. liernan.'s substitute for the joint'resolution, proposing a hoard of three Major Generals, three Brigadier Gen erals and three to examine and report, to the Secretary of War as to the competency and incompetency for command of unemployed Generals. On. motion of Mr. Schenck, the previous question was ordered on the joint resolution which, provides that all Major Generals and all Brigadier Generals in the military service of the United States, who, on the Ist of July next, shall not be in the performimee of duty or service corresponding to their respective grades and ranks, and who shall not have been engaged in such duty or service for a threii months continuously next prior to that date, shall then be dropped from the rolls of the army,, - .• The above joint resolution was passed—yeaS 72, nays 45. The ;House concurred in Senate amend mentsto: House bill establishing a postal -mo ney order system, and then adjourned. 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JULIUS -ROSENDALE, 29 Co N , ipt EGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris if burg and vicinity that he has removed to bin. 29, North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful' for the confidence and paronege bestowed on me during my stay on Market Square, I hope to merit a continuance of the same at cy new stand. PARTICULAR ATTEN'TION is called to the CELEBRATED TLNTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for whichiclaim the undermentioned advantagest. Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the Glasses, they assist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent change quite unnecessary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vi sion, with an amount of ease and comfort not hitherto en joyed by spectacle trewers. • ; 3d. That the material front which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially for optical purpose; and is PURR, ELARD AND BRILLUST, ADO not liable to become scratched_ 4th That the frame:sin which they arc set, whether in gold, silver or steel,'are of the finest finality and finish, and,wtrasasrrsan PERFECT In every respect. sth. That, from their peculiar color, they prevent.asti. perfluity of light affecting the retina, and therefore strengthining the optic nerve and-rendering it less liable to A.maurosis. Cr. ,,, e-ititly on hand, a -large assortment of Achromatic Microscopes, Spy Glasses, Opera, Marine and Field- Glass es; Stereoscopes and Views,- Nagle Lanterns; Barometers Thermazimeters, Magnets, Arc., Remember that Bosendale's Institute will tie permanent at No. 29 North Second 'street, five doors from the'Bheh er House. ap7-daw3m - M'FADDREVS MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FlEra STREET 3, Hanisfarg, HE undersigned having opened a Marble T Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public In general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION = Monuments, Tombs, Read Stones, . . Mantles, • • And House Work.:in Marble and Brown Stout; Give us a call andre will guarantell a Tl i N. B.—Lettering neatly none in Buell. IL or German. mar29-dly . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. _-- Photograph Albituts.:._ Photograph Albums. TFlargest and cheapest variety of PRO OGRAPFL ALBUMS in the city are cettstantli at [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP Bpossrosz. NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS ASHCROFT'S LOW:WATER. DETEGTOR. TS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against j_ any possible injury to steam boilers, from a lack of water, which Is the great source of so many sad catastro phes,-.and so much damage from the burning of boilers. We warrant this instrument to be a perfect - against such continge ‘ ncies; perfect satisfaction gtFttn teed or no pay. Price $5O. Send for an instrument and try It; if not satisfactory" you may return it. Circulars with references sentto any one &Siring them. Addrem your communications to D. C. MFADE r it Pittsburg, Pa. my4-d&wti REMOVAL. FREDERws. WEAVER; merchant _tailor, would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed his establishment from "Fourth Uffeet to.the i . um d l a tely tioctipitxt by Theo. scheffer;:**4-- kat: street, where be is,prepareli to supply all who may favor him wittra call, =with the best flttingeleth'inehithe market. 'Having lust returned from the. eastern cities with a fine ptoclt trfrench'Cloths and Castlitietak and a Miami: Op ofewerylldiginhis line;liewhuldlicattelhe public to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place: Schefter's old book stand, opposite Gross & C10. , s drug store. my2-2w* .. 1 50 29
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