Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, May 11, 1864, Image 3
Ettegtap M HARRISBURG, PA 'WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 11, 186 i. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in 1.12. e TELEGRAPH, must invariably be acciiiii par+ed.with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY PROVOST ALLBSEEAL CLEMENT publishes two very important notices in our advertising col umns, relative to the new enrollment, and the presentation of claims for credits. . 1=0:=1 Thom 'was a great rush to market this morning and grab was the word. At an early hour everything worth buying had disap peared,''and at very high prices. • Taman has' been a great change in the 'weather. Yesterday our citizens were almost roasted—to-day they are freezing. Doubtldss there was a hAPorm at a point not very dis tant • a, --•-- Now TRIAL Gmorrnn.—The Commonwealth vs. Jesse Lingley, one of the' parties charged with picking the pocket of POhip Irwin, f.nci convicted of the offence, was awardeka„cnew trial by the court, on the ground of•theinsuf 7 ficiency of the evidence. == THE regular Wednesday evening services' in the lecture room of the German Reforined church will be omitted, that theMemberg attend the - Union meeting for prayer .for our country, to be held this evening in the." Old School Presbyterian church. . ; I= A RARE CHANCRt —The well selected. stock of J. Kahnweilefedry goods store, corner' 'of Second and Walnut streets, is now offered fo}• sale to any person wishing the entire stock.- It will be sold on the most reasonable ferny. m3rll-2t* • C=02:2:1 THE Union prayer meeting for this evening will be held in the Old School Presbyterian Church, on Third street. We learn that ftle usual Wednesday evening exercises oivill•be suspended in the other churches, in Order to affor4 all an apportunity . to attend the above meeting, in behalf of the country. . • Some . of the country people who attend market are in favor of having the , office of market master abolished.. These land-sharks need not trouble themselve6about the Matter, as there will be a market master. as long 'as there is a market. The people of this city are now sufficiently imposed upon and swindled by high prices and inferior. marketing, and will take care that a proper officer . shall keep ameye on the light weight and shirt measu4e hitekSters: Aattussanurrs.—Crowds continue t? throng Sanford's temple of fun:where a great com pany of stars open their budget of fun nightly, and produce a variety of "funny things," such as cause every spectator to laugh and forget the cares of the day. Go to Sanford's e' -you want to pass au evening pleasantly. A grand bill for to-night. • . HITMICOOR'S National Hall is filled each evening, to witness the performances by - the uevy company: Excellent bills are, prepared, and the entertainments splendid. Mr. Hitch cock will doubtless b l eve a great rush ,41.14 g the season. He strives to please the public, and. succeeds admirably. Power, AFFAIRS. —Zefore the , .1114:yor.-4Nine soldiers who were " drunk and disorderly," were arrested, and passed last night in the look-up. This morning they were ,handed over to the Provost Marshal. George Erisman, for allowing refixee mar keting-to lie around his stand in market, was fined. Henry Walters, for using spring "balance on the 4th inst., appeared, and was fined , s3; and Costs. ' Adam Bitler, the soldier charged with pass ing altered Government notes (noticed yester day,) had a hearing and was committed to prison for trial. BALE OF "FOFISTEII'S ISLAND."--WO have just learned that Mr. Harry Thomas, one of our wealthiest and most enterprising Cifizeit, has wirchased "the Island" lying in the river mediately opposite the city, for the sum of $20,000 cash, and that he intends to spend $30,000 more in the.erection of a magnificent cottage, and, othei improvements, so as to-. make it one of the most delightful &amnia , residences in the Commonwealth, , Thejsland lately belonged - to the estate of Oeheial,tohn 'Forster, and has always,been regarded -asone of the most valuable properties in tlkispgion. Its location is most romantic arid healthy, while the land which it embraces is capable, of a high cultivation. Indeed, it will, afford a home fit for thatprince of good fellows, Harry Thomas. . • ,SENTENCES.--The folloVving persona: were sentenced this morning, viz: P s ... -William Gibson, convicted of felAions as-- mann, was sentenced to three morith4iinpris "onnient and $lO fine. Ann Forster, larceny; C months' ire Priso n.... orient and $1 fine. Henry-Engel, felonious -assault and attempt to `kill; 3 months' linpilsoninent and $lO fuae. Zadoc Morgan, bigamy; six. months' im prisorunont and $2O find. George Potter, larceny; 4 months' imprison ment_ and $l. fine. • Jesse Windsor, assault and battery;-30 days imprisonment and $lO fine. William A. Hoyt and Isaae Hanka. con victed of picking the pocket of P. Trwin, Were aentenced to the penitentiary at Philadelphia for 2 two years, and pay a foie a - s29faxid the costs. L.. Charlotte Ogleton, assault and liattery; 10 -limy imprisonment and $1 fine • r A cottazzer reaintly-gitetzelrAlbtetina fdetleo benefit of the Saiffiers' Aid Society of that place, netted the mini Or Vl7B 10. HENRY CILAIG, the inventer of the celebrated Craig Microscope, died last week in Cleveland, 0. Mr. C. was a gentleman of intelligence, evincing a strong taste for the fine arts. His love of insects and birds, it is said,Oras un equalled. - Pic-Nrc.---A grand pic-nic, the first of the season, will be held in Haehnlen's woods, on Monday next, for - the benefit of the German Catholic church of .this city. A pleasant time is anticipated, and_ amptkarrangen*nts have been made for the'saconiihodation of all , who may attend. - A town clock in our city would be a °wive nieues to everyb - o - dy. there are usarly, as many different times in - Imr town as time pieces; and those,,,who have no watches or clocks at all are ibout as= near the hour in their calculations; 'as the'rest. A town clock,. properly attended to, would-be a great „beret to the public. The old clock should be re moved, as it is the cause of frequent mistakes among those who-are not aware that it is "at a stand." DISOWNED. —Waxegret to learn that George liteflalla, son of_*.r. Stephen D. McCalla, o 4 this city, was downed, in the Schuylkill river, at West Philadelphia, while bathing; yesterday. Deceased was known by our citi i zens generally, and his sudden death will be deeply regretted by his numerous friends and acquaintances. , The funeral will take place to-morrow, tiam the arrival of the mail train from Philadel phiNV 11.0011. • • ; s Zi Jona S. Hs u, a clerk in the State De partment, and an upright, patriotic gentle man, is Not the "Hammer" to whom we have been constrained to allude in severe terms, on account of his mean acts to raw recruits, nor is Mr. John S. even a relativo of Capt. Ham:. mer. ,- ":lCieonlyjiistrtlittlhiS ,'explaliation be made, not that John S. Hammer needs any statement to sustain his irreproachable reputa tion, but to dispel all possibility of a good Man suffering Vicankti - 'there: is a similarity between his name an' that of one Who has not that nice conception of honor which should distinguish-the soldier as well as the citizen. Eivialtsiox . or Taratnirov. - --LThe following section in the Appropriation bill provides for the extension of the Capitol Building, -viz: Sicar,/oi,T Si. For erecting-wings .. , t4ithe -Cap itol, ae , eort4g to the original plari,the sung} of tiftythouetind dollars, er.,aci much, thereof as may be necessary, the money to be expended under the directimiof the , - GovernerTAnditor General, Surveyor Gael* ,and State Trea surer; andAhat .for, the. purpose of -raising revenue to meet said appropriation, an addi .tiertal enrollment tai;of ten: dollars' shall be charged Upon - every ~priAte bill hereafter passed by the Legislature and that Shill-be come a law, except upori - thosi granting pen sions and gratituities: Provided, That the cost of constructing said wings shall not ex.-' teed filly thousand dollars: Provided, further," The airtiriging , bF ithe,dealKS,,,tables, shelving and furniture of the rooms of said wings to be done under the direction of the clerks of_ the houses, the accounts for which to be set tledby,the Auditor General and paid in the fling in'annef. ' . , .„, INPOrti*T ,Tollowing genera order has bed': issued. den. Couch, oom , . . mantling officei 7 of this . DeiSixitrifent: GENERAL %DEES, NO. 30. HEAD QUARTERIIDEPARTALENT OF TEM SUSQUEHANNA. • Pnearazionuico,, Pa.,, 4, 1864. 1. The arabulanCei, and their appurte nances, belonging to this Department, issued to troops, and al different posts, will be under the charge of the Quartermaster of the same, Who will he-helduesponsibleithat•therare• not used'iiiihrifdther purPose• thaii 'the trans portation., of, sick and woundetl„ officers and 'soldiers,(and be.furinshed. on the requisition of the Chief medical-Officer , of said troops, - posts` ,'&04 . • •or iin't4ter 'from the commanding officer of the same, for the pur pose mentioned above. 2. In sal cases where public property is us6eliSTiol'attoif "dfoGerieral Gider No. 177, Adjutant General's Office, War Department, 1864, the Quartermaster4vill report the same, with all the facts, to•the Chief Quartermas ter's Department. By Command. of Major:General Couch. JN0. 4 .-SEtULTZB, ".;;:,.-.4istant:Xcljutant. General. 1/19 A HAinasstmcika - Bststarna a. , Hows• IN THE WEST. —We learn from the Daily Davenport (Iowa) Democrat, that our esteemed fellow_ citizen4olonel Jalut 11.Borryhill, has made some splendid purchases of real estate in that. region. The Democrat thus describes the ex tent and value of the property: Yesterday - • e papers werkpasseci by which I,:f -C. Dessamt. E q;.fltransfers to Colonel John H. -- Berryhill; of •Harrisbnit-PglitisYT vania, his splendid farm of one hundred and forty : tivee acres,, lying on the new HickOry Oroie roid; c thieei• utiles front the city, for the sum of ten thousand seven hundred dolars cash Thiel is one-of-the-very finestltowns in ,he'eunnft or State.- The land is tender fine ;cidtivatiiin • is and divided into .convenient .by .lighatantld7board, fence with cedar post. The dielling house is new, hunt of the best lumber, in modern style lar — ge tot r at s improvements. The barns and out-houses are on an extensive' scale, andel'•most thoroughly built. On the place are over six hundred thrifty fruit trees, witban 'abundance of small' fruits, grapes; etc. About the farm are set over three thOn sand forestlieeSrliTthrifty and growing finely. it is - ATI-Tie Turebarl,,,and & we• _are informed that the Coloneflias" slid* 'refused' twelve thousand, dollars - This is the same gentleman whiSPitioliai6d the Price residence in this city for ten thousand dollars. He moves his family about the first of August next. Such men are really a valuable acces sion to our city. And " such. men" are a loss, tog* to the community fitim which - they emigrate, and hence the many friends of Colonel Berryhill in this portion' of .Pennsylvania will greatly regret his removal. After years of an inti mate social and business intercour?e' with Colonel 8., we are constrained to admit that we always found ,him faithful to his agree ments and in his dealings ; and we f ee l certain that b the exercise of the same , qualities, he ill of fail to make as many wows iu hietiiew as he won in hill old hope. -AMIEMCWI SIZINTZEIt-1151712 1 1)/PaYW. , . t _ The election in the Thirdward will be WA. at the public houseof Jacob D. Hoffman; in AVal nut street, on Saturday awning next SLTEEME Coturr—Mtddle District—May 1 1 , '1864.--The Court convened :!I:l'.clotk. Pre sent—Justice Thoispece:6 4 ". t - • ,: .:I,e*ef justice' Justices Strong, Reacf; ri On motion of 1, 1 1. r. Mai • it was admitted to practice in thiS - P,:At V z*:;. l l Grubb vs. Brook—LancastZ; et Hies ter and Frankiin. for plaintiff in error; Ell - :. Maker and Kline for defendant in error. _ Gross et pl. vs Leber, use of Wiidler---Lan easter, argued. Smith and AnisVake for Yundt and Franklin for defendant in error.• Lancaster Countynk vs. Gross et- cil 'Lancaster, continued. • Harter vs. Bomberger—Lancaster, argued.. rickey and Smith for plaintiff in error; Herr and Eshelman for defedant in error. Bucher's.Av o peal—Lancaster, argued. Wil son for appellants. Appeal of Farmers' and Mechanics', Bank of Philadelphia, from the decree of ;the Court in estate Of ?oseph lionigmacher—Lanzaster, argued. Franklin for appellants. SPECIAL NOTICES,. Tnazalinndred thousand dollars.„.w.orth of wateberand jewelry. See W. Forsyth & CO.'s ad - vertiseznent,' in another eoltuxua. • mar26-pinwizsaw . all-Ivh:4 have Caplull. This week is a g 143 1 time to cut and trim your corns, And to getisione fit; Mrs. 'lts:Ps,C. rnivetturt hat cusea Co very many. A:1 who hav‘i corns ;lust' youri selves. can hud for 15 cents a box at No. booth Piim street ' kas. BALL', .„ ,ders from a distance pionaptly atiehdedite, as this , can he.sent by iu.4l. • • Bairn Troclivs.' - For the - cure of Hoarseness, Tuft; Dis eased, &c., are specially meal:emended to mirdsters, singers and parkins whiiee vocation calla them to speak in public. klantfactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., tfarrikbarg, Pa-, - tc. 'whom all . Qpiers should be addrussed. Sold by druggisi.e.very 'Where': Read the following .testimonials" from roma of our eminent clergymen: ATiT , TrOltrnCt, Feb. Bth, 1864. . . . O. A. Iluorven.--.Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial.Troches, •Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoirstinewand throat troubles, and in coniparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most , effeetually„„ Yours truly,. ItOBINSON, Pastor °t o n g. Presbyterian Church. agraw with Mr. Robinson . a&iisp„.the value of Bluuttigt,'s Troches; W. C. CATTEI - 4(, og. Late Pastor cif O.'S Presbyteriari Chure • /2Lkin . /11WI M G )Jan. ,1864 . . I To O. IltraivAirr—bear Sir: n the habit of spenking very frequently, and,i3uplaees where the vocal organs are very much taxed,' I hive found' someie need of gentle eif7.te rant; and that want has beenoapplied rir excellent Troches. • ~• I consider them very far skup!iriOr OL, any Lozenges that I haVe .ever. used, in removing speedily that huskineds of the voice arising from its too frequent .lIEle and inap4ring' the effectiveness of pnVic ad :dresses.- Yours,„ &A, • - ,SAL asavocx Nato the•Lootu3t-%'t Methodistariiict To C. L.P.AmvAA-Dilar Havalgused your. Troches, I am ; ; free to say they are the best I have ever tried_ and take great plecumre in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, !Le., = G. Q RAREST:RAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNIEVEI OFFIBE, Iltaarearnan i Feb, 29,,1864. To C: A. IliintienT.L-Dear Sir 1 - - I have found your Troches %to. be invaluable in re. lieving_hoarseneas : end in strengthening the muscles of the throtit. They impart clearness to:the voice, antliare certainly of great bone.. St to all public-speakers. A. J. H.E11,.R Itiiitlie A tre . , . > rfacaty,,rezarloA Back, Payi SnhaistantieJand Mihtiuy and War; generally, made ont and collected. Per. sonareaiding at a distance can have their business trans acted by mail,lby addressing : . . SUGENE Aitorn.ey-at-La'ar Third street, Harrisburg„Pa, del7•dly APHYSIOLOGICAL vieVof MAI BL9.GE, containing nearly 300 pages, innt 120 tine plates and tmgraTings :of the Anatoiny of the Boxes) Organs 'in a: state of Health and Disease, with ,a Treatise on Self" Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence upoh „the Mind and,- Body, with the Althor's Plan 40'reattibent-‘the only' rational and successful mode; of, surii,4shbown by the re. port of came treated. Avoid adviser. 40 il i a married, and those contemplating; tritinhtipctir 'entertain doubts of their physical condition. Dent of'por•tage to any address, on receipt of -25 cents, In atinnpg or postal cur 'rency, by addreming Dr. LA ODOLE, He Al Maiden Lane Albany, N. Y.. marl-daw3rn I SECOND ARRIVA L: - •; ... LATEST STYLES' MRS, 11: STAYER , . No. 13 Market - pteet, Tg PLRAgRato annotmee .to the ladies of Harrisburg and yiclnity,*(who have's , " liberally patroti ized her - skice tier arrival in this city,) that she has Just receifetfr•direct froin and Importers, SECOND SUPPLY oft : he 'finest goods the market could krard4n; the line of FRENCH ANDIDAN . MILLINERY, • • and is now prepared', Alt R to offer gretit Ind,nceixtente 'to Per chasers. Her stock consists In . Ptirt oC" BONNETS, Bliti3ONS, pLow•Ep.s, HEAD DREstES, . ORNAMENTS, &C. SILKS, 'VELVETS, LACES RUCHES, • HOOP SKIRTS GORSitTS,.IIOSIERY, •^'i HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOYBS,..COLLATt3, CUFFS, BELT 4 NETB,TANpy • GOODS, &C. Alsoiitt splejidld pssorttaent of SELS,.WRAPPINGS, • e()ATS :-• • • • I CIRCULARS, • ' '' • • . • • .MANTILLAS, • " LACE POINTS. -- • • : PARASOLS, Also, Ties, Scarfs, Pocket,ttooks, Porta Mammies . and Purses, elegant Steel andlet Pinsand•Brotiches, Belts and Belt Buckles, and a full line of Trimming and Fancy Goods, as cheap as the cheapest. Special care has been exercised in the selection,pf. these. goods, with a view to the wants of this community, and the ladies generally are invited to call and'eximinis the as sortment • : ' Thankful for the libeinl patronage , ' heretofore received, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place: No. is filar • ' IL MAYER -1194hltiLISI -4 FAS I`a ecived, a-Ane chest of BANglisp Breakfast Tea, at LER dk FRAZER - 3, mu*** ttwm. D. °TS for sah's on 'the *alter of Third and lima streets. Enquire of WM. C. ,110F.ADDRI. a mry4.410 .. , • DUF4 I )FATX of 1 lands at = " . isai4) 40,1rIgrk - *0 *Tit 11 50- W*N Tti ; ..9r 8 yews, for • wi l eka suortgsge,ork Atty real estate begt given. Forparycalare address LO.Ol, 'at THIS OFFICE. myll4t, : ' • AXTANTED—A neat. tidy Irish girl for gail y v i er l d.housewo l k; wages $ll ft week:: Also, Inane. Apply at,II4.IINWEIGER'S dry golida store, corner !Second and waarartareet.s. - pIYIO-d2t* NVANTE. .—A middh3-aged WOMAN, who a plaa perfect House-keeper and a good Cook, wishes n at Solid titivate family. Conditions are.-not high wages, i,but good treatment. Apply at malo-ove ' ' ' THIS OFFICE WANTED,-A. good past Cook, and a _ good meat Cook. jaquite at the pao-dtt ' BRADrHOVS' • . .. A GENTS wantelliaii4lell , dub 'Standard Wu 1i tory of the Wef: A rare?viancerio make money. .Agents are gearing from ; $10**0,4 1 4.94cm-momb. 20;000 folumee alreig,,told;;:z SindfgrArtOolk" liddreek - - JOIZES. Bititkek s ea - - IP - P , ablisliere Baftimme, -14. IZEI NEW ADVEkti#VN'i'i, WiLtcia.a.SOld on TRUASDAI, the 42th day of May, 1864, at 10 o'clock, .4. m., at the real deur* of namuet Mulberry street, near Front, in the'city of liartiaburg, the following property, via:- Beds and bedding, bureau, tables t endra, settee, looking glasses, stoves anti pippe window blinds, one gold and one silver watch,: i iiiiieCtubs, stands, and a great variety of household' tell= furniture; too "namethus to then•. Conditions of sale will be midi' the day of sale by SAMUEL lirtlCKgo., ridni'r of Catharineßrinker, deciertsed. - May 5, 186 f_ . . _ 111964111 CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DRSCRIP TION. SAUCES of all Liao celabratell raanufacturats. SARDINES, oLva on.s, MUSTARDS of every, dfsbrititfori. Also, BRiTit'S s row; tin , TEAS etirrgE; SUGAR and 3 RUP of all gradeAlindprices, fwd tbe best selepte4 Stock outsidtfOf plittladiVAM. ' • All gamut guarantood aa - reptesented. • ' Padtcultir attention bald to all orders from a distance. Oomis carefully p.cked and delivered to all Pats O T, the city free of charge. .SHISLER FRAZER' " mys, snook:tore to td. took, Tr., hiCia. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN — sAl- TUTE_,F9R, YOUNG LADIES: , .1630% arch •otratit:ii:Ntit,plfilltLE.T.C.9lflTH gm.,ARENcs skrra, H. riancitias. • • • _ . . gfirtkArenr Acilkdernici and Collegiate, college course In Cassias; Bathe% mattes, higher 'English: and Natural Science for those who ginduatci,Modsua t auguara, Musk, Painting and Elocution by the best niasters. ellrculius apply at the Institute, or addristsiilloXt2Bll P. 0., Philadelphia is . ap2O-Cim* 416T1i S.A.C3E - TiEr_E` *POWDER, P_OJI • , PER.F:I7I ENG LINEN 411.1. PARFEMTIMG MOTH. rll.ln 8 POWDER=La oonlpoinsi of valuible articles for .the. destruction of insects—Oktributed. among or dusted over Furs, rW001011.% Carpet; Cleating', ace, packed away for summer, will effectually pMent, , Being also atlaliglitcul clikasable perfume it will tin , •pregnate-alothing, &cy wltfijklaattrig an Ottawa o dor gr The finest fabric cailitet be Kured I,llre use. Prepared and...told at. NELL r.R'S Drug and Pariiy-VoOaiStoro, No. ill Marke....treet. AUCTION SALE pONDEINED HORSES. Warr. Darasztourr, Cprazar BusiEsn, , Orsidaros Cmtallltraarsanasrza, .W.AdErtherrtpt,'T/i,C., Aprtl2B 184 -1111 be sold at` public auction, to the higimatAidder, at the dines and places named be low_ viz: SJigona,Penn'tk, Thursday, Ilay.l2th. Mifflin ; Thur. day Ha Sth. &aiding, Pettp!a; Thuraday, May.,26th. .Lebituen, 00M:ea, Thuredsy, June gd. tiorpla.mberland, Peach, Thuriday, Tuue 9th. aue Serantun; l'a, Thursday, June nth. Wthiantsport, Yerueri, Atuadaf, - June 23d. Qua Hundred (100' howls rat GdAysburg, and Two Hun dred audthtygeo) at each er.the'uther:putaas„, These Horses dive hisuiediii;il 1111 - main ior the Cavalry service or the CirdW:Statial Zer road faaSiPMPqrkilli.PW al-ZrbarPft/B may . . 'Hargis 'AI be said . , Sales begin at 10. t. M. raid • continate dai l y 1111 all are sold: Tilit£lll3:4 'WEIL in Mitten Staten. Treasury notes fini.T. JAMES A.411(111. Lt. M and O. ok ap2B-dtd $ - 1.X 4 ,1140r.A0.X• 4 nAia - 12st or i- Ipary amnia ever discovered. U changes tne * Bun. 'butliirand Ride and Hands to W'pearly,. satin 'texture, of ravishing beatty,imputing the marble purity of yopth, and the ABgtHliter , P.Peuratkee.'soMritingl in the city belie of.fraddon. ,IL,•remoyeoaiyfrechlA, pimples, andrough- Miseotjhe AnWing tne . copar4rxion fresh, traimpa rent and aracieth.'..JX,contains no material injurious to the skin. Tiftonized bettifi;araartince mega% It is what every lady should have. Bold wholesale and' re tail by • & BRO., .ap29-dtf -.-1113.1darket_street, Harrisburg. - '"Thowas tt, 9rney- a, -14 a 'sr . `OFFICE INTtilliD VELOW PINE. .„, . .la.AitßlAolo3l's - A LL mariner of ;Military • Claims promptly attvadostlsto, mid Alotms collecitclogiiAost the (general or state tioyernmenus, either in. Congress , Cdurt of. o.loinis ON:Washington city, or, at Harrisburg , without mi.' necerruary riettry„aud orrquotleratp.terina , ap2SVdt3m 1804 - %MC . tiEd, &o. SPrifig alrrncreken_ <Or/ tgnd VCS:KS .Fronithefrhairceerie out; And: MICR and BA TS, .14 spitiqf cArz; • Gcfayskip COBTABM , - - -gxTERRENATOjik,, 0- -- " • For Rats, Miee, Pdaekes, Ants, Fars, Woolensviltltc.,X. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, e*ta. -_" '4lO "16 yens established in IL Y. City." "Onlx infallible remedies known. " "PrbolkonaMoisons.2 l ,,, ! LNot taken:Nita' the , lliungt theirh ? !es I.tirsout DVASIVI - ' Bream 1 - ,,yr - or telartniess'imitatiOns. nip" Costar's' , DepatiNik„ Broadway, N. Y. D. 0RQ.39 CQ., Wholesale and renillioginna; Harrisbarg„ Pa n(arl6=rlai Bii ' r:?: iiiiii9E ' - .Divr J. P.: BELLEAVS Delittapleir_ * e . pa.lratioia s. I aitglitir.a. DENTIFRICE!. . ' AMERICAN TOOTS WASH! ;MEEP.iat elegant preparations eomhilie the ..L. most'deshablecleartaing and astringent qualities. They renderthe Ouma har d and health}; neutralize the 'acid "secretions Xit, th e 'Mem* (thereby removing the prime cause of itecay.) . ' Ify their detersive prOperties they ALlSSerfethe.naturarobliW,pf the Teeth; without in. the letlat degree QM*, thd. &erne], whUe they impart to the breathsfragrance Pea — Marty Brothel's, and plea-mm.- 1 n feckgfeyAre THE BEST ARTICLES in use for the par- Pisimnamed, an a fair Misr 'Will Drily 'demonstrate, and 3 4.tuts.been abiindtintly proveiflitthelf extensive side in this community during the last 14 years; and which will be readily testified to by many who hive repeatedly urged the Proprietor to tail farther extendtheir sale and usefulness. They ere watTented to be free from those -destructive acidswhich so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the minimal) day. Prepared and kid at the Dentalltooms of the Proprietor, corner of Second and Walnut street& JOHN P. KELLER, • , Surgeon Dentist. For sal;i also by the minairial-Druggists of the city. -ap2.l.f.dtts , • . *ago's, emmary. SELECT - 1304DING SCHOOL, for Pits of both sexes, located stx initeCixest df Nr im)ori the Cumb. Valley R Purina admitte4 at an;. wita - and 4 - hearted on from from date_of,ethrance eirettlitTeall at W. - 161°00s Music Itoorst,io Mar het etreet, Harrisburg, orashiretie R HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS, haintlid L.u, Pa. . Spo".lr BOORS, -GAECES; '41543,.!-k Ax as -ILgement. orMoy!_Bookii, Games; ft_ r e. jiiit received at • dailltn SOIMITER'S BOONSTOGE.' Ibutlibur& • IVEW)dierrelmik, AND SAL .IA AM" [ 1 1 1 7 4 / - LICZWart• SA,NFORD 9 S HALL': THIRD aTREET, -OSLOW 31.111KET REAi OF HERR'S HOTEL • GREAT BILL THIS EVENING SA FORD IN THE GREAT ETHIOPIAN OPERA o Together with the great 1" 1 1 001111.6 ACT ,EXE'MPTS, BYEIX LADIES AND GENTS. Orchestra Seats.can . Oe procured in adstuace at Bann t'art's Drug gore, ' " Doors spelt at 034. Commence 34 to S. qt. Polies atways in attendance tugeserve ordc. Admittance 25 meta = Orchestra stanza,. 50 cents. - Private lamas, entire, $5 each single seata„sl raixickicolci.g. , s • . NATION:AA. ItIALIALt. CORNEA, OE SECOND AND S ,111. STS. WM. Ml'OlEOOOll G. L. HALL HITCHCOCK respectfully in onus y y ♦ the pubtietbat, the above elegant palaceof muse" m.nt IS. OPEN EYERY EVANING, with an entire new company. of popular artists carefully ieiected from the principatplaces in the country, forming a FIRST CLASS MINSTREL TROUPE ' interspersed with a variety . of singing andd - dancing, an en tertainment superior to any ever presented to the citizens of Ilarristuirg. ' • The Hall haS been'repainted and Wall* in the most costly - stud elegant style, and.etttryglorAwn will be si CO the comfort of its patrons, theaoconimMationsfOrladles being superior to any plaint of, amuseeient in the c.ty, it being the intention of tue proprietor to Mike it - A FAMILY RESORT, presenting, as it does, a VIRSS CLASS ENTERTAINMENT. Br the lollmaing talented Compaq , : MR.. G. L. HALL, . ' MP.. W. CHAMBERS, MR, RICHARECIIYERS, MR. ED HAVEN, ME. STEFFANNA, MmissiSn. .... . ... *itesery Priv.ite Seats in Orettesetitsiss.-• Dunn 'open at. 7. Commence it B`procisely. my 9 . CANTERBURY- MUSIC HALL. WALNIM. AT., BELOW ' TinittfL Tome OPEN EVERY EVENING, Wit tr ey - clans Oumpany I f. SING OERS, (..VREDIAN6, ac., kd `eats in K.xes ............... -• • • - 25. " MISCELLANEOUS: iiff EMORY op. UR PENNSYLVANIL RESERVES. E . & Co. respectfully sunotuace Ali Lhat disk itavein Pi r epannionn History of tho , eilvastia Reserves - froin thelr_migattizationr.tP the, espirti- Lion of their otisat of scrv,ica. _ This History will contain, the names of all the Officers and ?AU* . tit XIM , Corps-their wintitionsi casualties and discharges--also, graphic 'likriptions of theft camp life and tketwalltutt achievements in the many tisanes in • which they, haie taken part—aff derived firom official and authentic aourcei The History of the Pennsylvania Reseries will be iu ONE Vote - ant of 600 Pages, - octavo size; neatly .printed pn good paper, and substantially bound in black cloth, containing a steel enanving of the lamented Reynolds, and one of Governer Ourtin, (who first recommended Htti formation - of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corpsd and will biaald oldy by_subscription. It will be ready' in Augustnext, -"Rica --Three dollars per copy. The Publishers feel confident that.the -just pride which every Pendsylvanian must entertain for the bravo men whose gallant achievements and patriotic self-devotion it records, will tactile for "Tar Iltarcity" a genciona and appreciative reception. - - ;ELIAS BARR-Ar No. 6 Edit Hing-itreet. LAtlcAerrna, April 25, 1804. AGERiti•WANTED;to cauva.s for the above work is every district of Yennsytvailia. relerehas requirad. 864 80 , HOMACKER & CO,'S NAN SOUR GRAPES 00 well lathwn In this city to Ilea • T mendanon. In use .Sy' • PRESIDENT LINCOLN - GuVERNOR CURTIN, - JUDGE PEARSON, And mankother-Al.stinguished citizens. The undersigned offers these su ' Kuments at prices that eannat fan 66:command pantie, nage_ 1.41) steak minaret 4Khiaa uoTaned W , PIANO. • 13RADWIMEOCIV;7iCKLEBRATED• P T Chtenering's and several otti*&r of the cork htd' wakes. None out perfect asi•Atillenti sold. Cad and.see largest stock out of great cities. marts-tf ' S. WARD, Thu& street: Music &Yore: BIITTER, .BUTTEIt —Fresh roll butter from Snyder county received, every week. 14,41 d at ' (mpg BOYER 4& KSERPRit. SUPERIOR RIO AND LAGITYRA. COFFEE ac Nky4] BOYER & KM:RYE& :16`' -sey- 0 .13 S. RS. J, H I RR'S , HAS OrRSED AT NO. 8 MARRET SQUARE, (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) SHE Is PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Sty les: of , Millinery and Fancy Goods, At cheaper-prices than.any house Lathe city. The quality of her, goods cannot be surpassed. MAELHb IN THE .LATEST STYLE - Will be neatly cam:lilted: LactieS call and *mumble for yourselves: aphB-dtjyll. • ODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST-TREMiugS, r • • TWELVE SILVER ivrTIDALS, AIM VIZ ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments - of this_ _ _ ' class) has been awarded to MASON - & HAmTiliPs INSTRUMENTS. A fun assortment of these instruments alway*oti band at ' W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, • Je4-2tawlyi 93 Market street WEIN T LEM-EN, PASE call at the Subscriber's place of business and be measured for It perfect fitting <Thesubscriber also keeps on hand a large sup ply. of ready made SHIRTS, and also Shirt Patterns, for Sae. ttll kinds of stitching done to the Mien, „at or,tar. apl9-codimi - Walnut Want, oppoalte thelitaclwnge. NEW BO 0 . 11 8.- T TIEB • DAYKOF SHODDY JostleOeivsid!at• Ideal soNEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. :•• OWISRA.I43--xikvare article, just re,- - ,akaitt at Skinait & FRAZER, oCoew tO WM. Th3C4 ip; " BM AMUSBaIENTS. 110N.E SQUASH 12IIIM IE3 FRANK LUlf, V. WORRELL, Igt W. NARVO. MIES ROSE VbLANTE, The beautiftil vocalist. MISS ADELAIDE MILLER, - The teseinatingDausuese, - EM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT BARGAINS IN Itlifigiltt. o YT H ' 'C , •. - • ,42,,A.114 NASSAU - STRAW, NEW YO*.::•;,, - (AchoDlTOg the 'tist ()laced Ogee for irkile'the folhitringitiarailleent Det WATCHES, CH 7 MNSe....I - EWELEY, - *:', VALUED AT $400,000. EAU ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR,' AND NOT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL YOH LWOW WHAT YOU ARE TO GA7. 150 Gold and Sill';"oo to $lOO 00 each 200 Ladies' Gold {Vetches ' ' 35 00 each 500 Ladies' & Gents' Bil Fir clo 15 00 each 5,000 Ladies' Gold 4 00, to 6 00 each 6 000 bohl-band Bracelets - :3. 00 to 10 00 each 0,000 Lockets, Chains aril Biro." 2'oo te 6 00 each 6,000 Cameo, Mosaic Mu/. . Brooches ~ . .'4:se to 600 each 6,000 Coca] and Florentine : ":" ..... 10,000 Gents' Htbasr-Pins . ' 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and:Bosom Studs 260 to 600 each 10 000 Sets Ladles' Jewelry 5 00,,t0 10 00 each 6.900 Latia analktrentine Seta.. 400 RP S 600 each 10,000 Gold Peds, Silver moaned .. 4 00 to. - :" 5 ,- 00 Path 6,000'1311d - Pens, with Silver Ea tension (sea and Pen ells 400 to - 6 09 each The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. Certificates of all -tan' iva- Opus article,: are put inseded enveiapes and Nixed. tittis iving all a fair chance, and -sent by mail, for 23 ~cots ch ; and on the receipt of the certifirate, it is at your Option to send 0. , ,a Dorms and take the article mimed in ittr not. Five certitic.itei for - 51; eleven for 52; - tor $5; aims , for $10; one hundred for $l5. Certificate money to be enclosed with order. Gorrespuudenea promptly answered. AUBVIS WANTED in every town and regiment. Sand or a cfirc - ular. Address W. _FORSYTH R co., 42 and 44 Ntisfirau strew., New — York. Mar2s-dwae3matwBm IMO Iffli NOTICE. . l'aotiaSr Afaiisaars Or vies, 14th Disraurr l'siixsrixexi.t.. • • DaßßlSstrso, 11:y 10, 1801 compliance with instructions from...the 11 I.A Prove 4 Marshal Ge..eral, the several subAnttsieta of the 14th Cutigressioual District are hereby ootitred to present, without delay, th. Ir ciuifits for credits rind r she all for 700,000 men, which will be he a - . 1 by the Board of EnrolinaeLt, at the olfici of the•Pror. st Marshal in Harris burg. The credits assignad• "npon the eoldarc.vbf origiral and supp ementary muster in Mks, or cortillcatea of the Unit. d states in- storing Office; or -Sleet - tract tiled on recruiting eerviee for the regatniarmy, or th,diffareot Boards of Enrollment". Credits not assigned by muster in rolls or supplementary rolls, or by the exhibits fu-niched the Provost Ma sheds from this ottice to particular sub-dlirricts, ounntialp"or cities at large, may be assi_ned to sulitdistricis withis the tospective districts, counties or eilitot provided that clout evidence hegira, iu each case that the gob-district claiming ihe credit has either paid a ant Wotan° the recruit for which the credit is claimed, or is the avail resid_nce of such soldier, and that the recriiit was not paid a local bounty from any other s lb-distils% or cowry. Credits will be established as per above claims itntil May 16, 1861. raylo-tml6 JNO. li. CLESICN. Capt. and Provost Maraltal 14th Oistrlc‘, OFFICE Pitovosr AtaassAL, 14r5 Ltsrtuer. Pesssurviu, • itaRKISZI7N.G, May 10,4864. TO the end. that all persons interested nay, and the.object in view, a complete and accurate revised enrollment, be promoted, the folowitia i in aCcordanCe with circular order N0..46, A_ A., Provostlfar shal General's office, is he. eby published. L The different Boards of gurultment, Western Di vision. Pa., ale requestrd to immediately proceed ukexe cute the said section of ttie act or Co. greae, entit.ed "Aa au& to amend an act for enrolling and calor/jou; the De ntinal forms, and forotherpurposee," approaed February 2*, 1884. IL They till at once appoint. the necessary enrolling, officers fur their ra-pe.tive disti lets; with iusiruct:one,„ let. To enroll all persons whose names bavoLeao omit test by the proper enrolling officers, previous:enrollment. 2ed... All perams who bhall arrive et the agaor 2 . n.ieurs before the draft. ...5 00 -.1 00 tid. lintel:ens tithe shall have declared tbe - triatznviens to become citizen& 4th. AA persons discharged from the military lit-naval service of the United Surt.s who have not Wit in- such for two years during the present w _ tear: - 6th. And ail persons exempted ursler. the- j r nevisions or the second section of the enrolling act, approved March 3d,1883, hut not exempted under the provAbinsforitho act approved Februaly24, fit The Board of Enrollment will rise at once procoad to -trike from the enrollment, upon satisfactory proof: Ist. The nerves of all persons wno have arrived.iikthe age of forty-Live years. 2d. The names '-of all perains manifestly, physically or mentally unfit for the savice. • 31. The MUMS of such IN ranns as are at this time ac tually and legally in the military or naval Se/ vino of the. United &tee. . • 4th. The MOMS of inch persons as have sorrel in the military or navalw:Orvice two years or taw e, dorin4 the present war, and4five been honorably thsch trgetl 'nor, ffOln. ' • • - Jalol ,KAY CLCRE T, naylo-2w Cap't 14th Ass. Penna. ITORSE3 * FOR SALE = WAR EPARTMENT, • Carew( Brasati, ~Ormer. or Carat QUARTFMMASIMP.., - WASLUNO4O; D. G ,-bth Day, Will be Sold at piddle abettor], to th highest bidder, :a Giesbori Perk, on FRIDAY, May 13;•1864; beginning at 10 O'CloCk, a. M„ from ISO to 200 - EltiftdE4. Theakhorses have imp coridemped as aq4 far the cav alry 'S`erviceetif the *aft,-Ifor road and piarpo - szia msny good bargains maybe had. Horses sold singly. . Toms: Cash, in - Gorerntrient funds. -TAMES A. EKIN, "ilia. Colonel mad Chief Qinirtgrmassyr, Cava'ry Bursas. mylo•td Conithetors. Newmann tizarnar. • • COO ItM OF THE Galli& Ie:OGLIVFF . , ILteeisccitc, P 21., may sty 8l -4 PROPOSALS will be received. at .hie until May 2.5, for the whole or any p.m of the gnat nation and ballasting for the skid track of the Northern bud-railway between Dauphin and Suabary. • Work to be commencediminediare.y. Fel inftirraation ybe had by applying to. F. C. Arnie, Esq., Principal tistanr Engincer,rit Sunbury,Pa., or to the undersigned. The company reserve the rlghtto reject any or all pro posals made. IL STANLEY GOoDWIN,. my it-dtm2 . s Chief Enkineer. LOTS FOB. SALE. Tundersignedieffers for sale, a number J.. of BUILDING , LOTS which be.: lieslaid , teato berry, Crescent and HUllintel-streets; in theal'itst"*.rd of of the city. • - • • _______ _ Also, a w laatnber • In' the VILLAGE OF SPRINGDALE, situated on tne Jonosiowu road just beyand.theintyline • JAMES COLORS. • 99 Markekstreet my4-deodliv* VINE TABLE OILS:-40 boxea, fine table oils of the best inipoitationa TO sate, teb v ijesale and retail, by KliiiLEß & FR L AZER, tays spceessersje Co. (3itgs 10 by 3 . R at) DOZEN A sing Pi — ca T is Rt—ivNCGhuT:vlSClKw jatseu Pickles, Gcrkins, Walnuts awl Onions. For sate whblesple and retail by •SHISLEK K'MAZR. MyS ' " Sticcenars TO W. Do6le i —lr.; 4*Co. • QAP •SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple;.tit I.JF; meg and New YortState Cheese, Juat.leoened at siniLEH. & SRAZNR, mys Naxessors to W. .qopir... Jr: Co. WALNUTS, Utti:LAIN UTS; . IfLErttFatTS For sale wholesale at syjEZT.ER & TRAVER, mys summers to W. c4 ,--f j!,'"l Co- ORARBEILELLI2.B..-A ehoiqe lot 4_ , %,..) ries just received at SHWLER•& wys successors Co - W. Dom;` i;.:°:& CO. B U.ILLINGTON HERtatte.' Jrhelitst Qt the season. Justiectivedid J Gk. V sly ri o.ll.titiOS kLuti.Laigu.yra iiuitce• • -SHISLER It.FRAZER __ to Iv Pock. jr R Co.) CM - r ILE er , LEBBATEDNUitithIN 1_ Aix, and Day 4,...marthes Blaraing, inst ra cei,yed and for sale by ..,WSLERA - FRAZEft, tel (nagmagrato:Wia jr (b.) SILLE-4 - itil 'handsome Two-iturse PEDLER. WSGON—zhestp for cash.. Direct *ger to tin. No. .31.3, HanislitOrg, Pa. toarli-tr HAMS! HAMS !!—Mielleiker's Excelsior. JI-1. Just caied: Received aad rot sale at SRLSLER* FRAZER., (SnceesFeiv. rd W. lodes: Jr ?Or, marr, A -P PLE . We jiave just received a Sue selection of APPLES, in prime order. -Nor mile by the b arrel , bushel or Email quantity at .- i stETIVFRAER, feb3 (sacs to Wna. Dock, jr., & Co.) TO THE offer for sale, In theirieapa,e'verfle:rg - : 4 6 - qtantity of RoSE BUSHES, 'read PLOWER PLANTS inat veriotr,. - 0 ImlM 00 . to 800 each - 2 60-to 800 each SEISM{ &FRAZZIt, suesksiors to Sy.: flack ; driNEC,43 ~~ •~