Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, May 10, 1864, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH 18 PUEILLBI/ED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGIE BERG? EIL OFFICE THIRD Sr, NE4I? WALSUI. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION STIII!..42RIPTIoN ThE DAILY TELEGRAPH i 3 serred to subFcrlbera In the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to pay In advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tan Tgazopuon Is also published weekly, and Is furnished to subscribers at the following mob rates Single copies, week1y........ Three copies to one Poet Office Ten coplei to one Post Office MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE! THX LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, CHEROKEE INJECTION! CO3IT'OONIIED FROM. ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEES RSIIEDY, thegreat Indian Diuretic. cures alt diseases of ,the urinary organs, such as 111,0074i new of the Urine, InJlananatiim 'if the Madder, Itzfia.nt =Edon of Ma Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture,- gravel, Wed, - Gonnarhea, .and is especially reco m ende d in those cases of Fluor Albus (or Whites in females) where all the artnattsecncs medicines have failed. IR- It Is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two'teaspoonlhls three times per day. or It Is dlurette and alterative in its action; purifying and cieanning the blood, causing it to How ,in all ii n f . its original purity. and vigor; thus removing from thesyibma all pernicious causes %shish have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or as , sistil. ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in e ,nJunerlon with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Oioe, Filar Albus or lYhites. Its effects are healing, soothing and denude/at ; removing all scalding,, heat, chortles and pain, instead of the burning and simnet un endurable pain that is experienced ,with. nearly ; all • the cheap quack Difections. zippy the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHER( 'IEEE L.NJ.ECTION—the two medicines* the same time--all improper discharges are removed, and the weak sued organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. /a-For ful/ particulars, get our pamphlet from any drug store in the country, or write us, and we will 1141 Pree • to any addrms, a fall treatise. . ' ts .. „‘ Prier., CHEROKEE .RE3EEDY, $2 per bottle, , . or three bottles for ..$5. Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle; or three bottles for 0- ta.Sent by express to any address on receipt. of price. • • inu Sold by all druggists everywhere. • DR. W. IL DIERWIN Solo ProprietOrsi • marlo-eodly N0..59 Liberty street, Nes^ Yoik. OHEROTfI?R 01JItE THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE =1 ROOTS, BARKS AND :LEAVES. unfailing - cure for',.siyernattorrhect, Seminal :Weak ness, Nocturnal Rnitsitons, and all diseases caused bif pollution; suck as Loss of Memory, Union-Sal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old ell , e Freak A r t:eve& Piti r latilltlltAlrett4illi Tremilgtrig z Nakefql; arse, Eruptions on the . ice, Pale Countenauce, Insanity, Consumption, and all the Dirspa comp/gists caused ,by . do parti* the path ef nature. tserTills medicine Le a simple vegetable extract, and one n which all can rely; salt has been used in our, practice for, many years, and with, thousands treated, It: has nin` failed in a,single Instance. Its curative powers have heSn sattlielent to gain victory over the moat allbiKlll CAPO. 4arTO those who have trilled with their constitution, until.they thigh themselves mtyeati the reach of medidal id, we would sap, Despair not I the CHEROUS GIME will iystote yea to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors hatie fella! ;44-Fez:full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug 13tore in the c iuntry, or write the Pinpriotof vno. ; ivilt to any ono desiring the same, a run trizailite do Fa.a/Fkle. 4 ( Mu' . • . yor Prietns2 ps r bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwaided by express to all parts - of Lilo Mudd. Vi-Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. ' DR. W.: R. lIERWIN .CO:, Soix. Pitortuwrosi,i marl° eodly No. 69 Liberty street, NeW York. kibeiiid and Valuable Discorery. HILTON'S 0/urrer, inbutoViraa I 'INSOLUBLE- CEMENT la of more's...hal' fira.iiesi utility than any_ invention' tow :before' the unlit: It has oeen tliortinghly.tested during the last two, yeah by.prnetlOai rants and prontitinisen by all to De SUPERIO - R — TO A .iy'r Adhesive Preparations known: " Afplicable to' 8➢ useful AtUit . _ HILTON'S INBULII*.His.CZNISNT 18 . 8 new tha t and the. cif. "o 1 udy; int comliinatatm - U1 on ...'a ae~ thlsg. . . • - bcie»tc Pri.ittip• les, • Glider 110 ciiitunistancei or Change. of temponown, will -it be come corrupt Cf omit any offensive . it OC,mbimation BOOT AND SHOE . Manufacturers, using bitattiinCst will Ain the. boat bniole known as Ceminiiink' for On - OlninheLs, workb vrlthirua delay ; is not ettlt?*W. by any o.angefir tettapers(ure . ... ..; Boot inetShoe Men atecturera: . TEW~L Wlil fhid it Stilltient4 adhesive: ; or their use, as hes heezi prtivettr-- Jcwelers ItisPecialk area f , ?- Leanfr. Anti Ave wait It sucks Patches no StiOttfrand Shoe.: audiciently.• strong without ISQ:i.fti LIQUID C.EMZIV 2. ~ . • &mat that Is a sore thing pi, i?kend- Furnitu hag • .. . ' Crockery, :. • ' Top; . Bone, /vey. 'Altd..articlen of Household' rise . it'll; a ifiq=aid, . ifill. HILTONS . bloom:mu; CE.31:61:r In' &liquid 'foilit hod:MI.2 eislly op: plied as lillSle. ' ' - • Ettimpx.csisnounuat.Orrear, Is hisoinole inflate, or oiL - Humtirr'slNOLurria , VEii-Ezii Attheri4 oily . sitbitaii66.2. Remember.' §uppliml in Family. or: • Manufac: turer's.Paokagoi from 2 Minces 1 . 0 10;) • "R 1 TON BROS.: At' r ttito:` l - - . ,• PrOprietors,!: : da4•L yid tide. 0 : r k . DR. E. art: GIIDEA':. E DNTIST.,- ila MEM PkOTFTAZY informs the:bitizein krft hipliarriabarg and triemity that he ttaareoloyfist_4o Of !dirket street to 'third street, next doortto thp s Pittito iincTlltdeat orneeverhere he is - prepared T.& irlicip* auxiaboalltwliolniq desire hli professional faervicai,l apd4. $1 50 .. 4 00 _lO 00 GERMAA 111.11tilatSF riIEDESE Bitten! have performed morepiresf 11 have sod do give better satisfaction; have 'more tee LIMO/ 2 Y; hove'tnere regspectatile people to vouch , fcietherit Loan any other article in the market, We defy any one to contradict this assertion and will pay $l , OOO any one that will prciduce a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Holland's German Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from 11-dis , ordered stomaeh. Observe tile folfewing symptoms, re sulting from the disorders of the digestive organs: Con stipation, Inward Piles, •Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of.thu Stotitach, Nausea,. gegtburn, Disgust. for Food i Fullness erweight in the Stomach; Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming_ of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at tlin heart,- Choking or enfliocaticig sensations when in 'a lying posture. Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the , sigh!, Fever and dull pain in the head, Bielloiency.of pern- Piration, Yellowness' of the skin and eyes, Pain in the side, &cback, chest, limbs, c 'Sudden' flushes of heat, 'Hitriiing in.the flesh, Constant imaginations of evil, and great ide .l)*siOn. ur sPiriku . • • Remember that this attars is not alcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but IS - the beet Tonto In the wookl. From the Rev. Lect U. Beek, .Pastor of .tho Bat Church, Perak:4ton, N . ... 1., fontierlj , of the North_ Bkprist Churikh,-Philaclelphia. , • ' • • I * , .* * * 4 • . . . • I have known Hoofland!siGerman Bitters favorably for a number of years; nave used them in my own family and have been so pleased with their effects that IL rra Er-in duced to recommend them to many others, and know thid they have operated in a strik t ngly benodcial manner. !I, take great plats` ord . .[is glint pplicli:Proclatining th r is fact, and cauhnakeiatiptiixt srthosel.adlictod with the diseases for Whicli'llicrylre recommended to these Bit tete, knowing from experience that my recominendaticim will be sustained._l do this more cheerfully ; tta R9O- Ikadli:Bitters.ts:thended:M., bedellt itke 'Athlete:4'MM Is "not a coal drink." Yours truly. _ • ...i.horn Res J. Newton Brown, D..a,:gdifer et , the:Efi. cyclopedia of Reliitious Knowledge and Christian Chroni cle, Philulielphla. Although not disposed to favor Or recommend Patent itehicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, 1 yet know of no sufficient xessruto_'h.l" man may pottpscify to - the benefits he biliaiiedhinatelf have receieed from arty simple pireietatiou, s In !the' hope, Oki he IllaPihusemtribute to Wei benefit of others. Ido this the more readily in Roodand's . Ger ;than Bitters Prepared by On a 11: Jacks* of this ; city becatise I was prejudicedegainst thein7ibr many - .?bars, anderthe impression that they were - chiefly an alcoholic .mixture. 'I am indebted 10 my' friend, :Robert • Stteetia ker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by . pepper Was, and tbr eucouragemOut to try thorn .When suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bodies of these Bitters at .the . beginning of the present year, was.followed by evident relief and restoiii, lion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which .1: hid not for six months beftwOoind Ink altubst 'desiniired of regaining: I therefore thank God%andniy friend for di resting me to the, use of :them. ; . • - 4 , J. NEWTON BROWN, Plaituda FrOin 'Roy. . Warren 'Randolph, Punter of Baptist Church, Germuntowu, Penn_ • • Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sin—Personal experienre enables me to say that I regard We German Bitten; pi'e pared by you,, as a most excellent In cases Of 'severe cold and general debtlily:rhave been greatly bane timed by the use of the Bitters:and doubt not- they will produce similar atoms on ot&ara Yours truly Front Rov. J. H. Turner, rsstor of Redding M E Charah;;..Pliihrdelphirt. Dr, C..1d.. Jacknon.:—Dear Bin—Having used your Ger man Bitters in my family frequently I am prepared to say that it has been of "great service. I believe that In most cases Of Aeneral•debithrof the system it Mahe safest and most valuside remedy of whit I' Bade any Ruolidedge. ' Trans, respo • drolly j. a TURNER, • No. 728 N. Nineteenth street. From the Rev. J. if. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and Milestown (Pa) Baptist Churches. " Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—l feel it a pleasure this, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the escellenceiet the Germtur Bitters. Beene - years since being, slue) if dieted. with Dyspepsia; I used them with very benetielal results. I have often recommended them to persons en feebled by that , tormenting disease, and have hear . d from Went the most - tattering testimonials as to thaw greai value: In cases Of 'general debility, • I believe it -to be a tonic that cannottenurpaSsed.' r • :J. 31. LYONS. From the Rev Thonw Winter;; Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. It la tfie'only Dr. Jackson;—Dear felt duo' to' yet= excel lent preparation, Hocilleinct' Gierrintii-13ifiera; to add my testimony to the deserved reputation:it has obtained. I have for years, at times, been troubled with greet distirder In my head and nervous ,eystem. I was advised by a friend to try a libttle of your' German Bitters; did' so . and have eutpezientidd greitandfunexpented'rellef; , my health bas been verY'material4 bettetitted. conildent/rrenom teencithe article where I meet Fith,wes "akmdiar- M my oWn, and have been antureiltiy ; niany of their good ef fecta " Respeetfully'yours T. WlNTER,HoxbOrongh, Pa. From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berke county, Pa. Dr.. C: Jackson::—Re*lctedfAirt— z l have been troubled with'Dyapepsia nearly twenty, years, and have never used any modicinethat did me as much good as flooilaad , a Bitters, A. am very-much improvedan health, after having taken` flve bottles Tours with respect, . PRICES. Large sire Tholaing nezirly double quantltty $l, 00 • per bottle--balf dot - $6 00 Smell 812e-75 cents per bottle—helf dos. 4 00 REWInE OF couNnusnrs See thaithe signature of C. IL JACESON" is. on . the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your nearest 4rugglst not have the article, ,do' .dot,iiellut,or by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be-offered.* send- to lie, • and we . will 'orward, sicarelY. ed; y express. . Principal Ottice - and - Ifanufailor, ARC•II STREET, PffhIADELPSIw _. JONEI34:EfANs. ,;,**,! . tr A f 11 - 4y , :ri 1 ., • Tt:din:Brom For sale by .zUfd Druggisisipetiltiii-twererPzcsin 1 12' the United Stated. mylOqiewlyt Mil . . -' "\ 1 . 1 - --•-- -- - , .. . _ .... , . • . . . .. •• . • -,.. . \111 1,,,,,_ ..„.....---- . ......, ._..,.,„ 0 , , ~.,. „.. ....., . ...-....,.....-...... L , ... m .. .. .„:-.,.,...., --Th .....,%. 4 . 1 , ~-•_. 1iv. , A......i. . - -.-- '..,,,____%., ' It'^ -G , ~' --.-':'_.- .--; , • . . "---..:,.:-..........- .. _ - - - - - BY tiIEORG.E BERGNEIL MEDICAL. D S P S Al DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AB 11111E,STITE ORGANS, ASS• otrrm) SY HOOFLAND,'S THE GREAT STRENGTHENING'TONIC, READ %TEO SAYS SO WARREN RANDQLPEL, Germay.ouni, "THE UNION--NOW AND FOR.EV,ER."—Mbater. HARRISBURG PA - ;TUESIItIY EVENING MAY 10 .1864 F - R - •SALE . • ' The subscribe 'oiled for-sale LWOW:oak-and fixtures or his , well known. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE AND IIECTIFYING,I.STABLISHMENT. will the-whole .or- thettOak; irid.the entire =Laths- :The ness has been carried on about fifteen years, and is well established With the OtOre Is connectedii'GOod "COPPEP. STILL It is Mulled tin Canal street, beitWeen Pennsyl vania railroad andcanal, and has a private siding suit ibis ' for tbrwarding purposes Pos-ession given inansethately and qeit4e given for from one Co tens years. Terms to suit purchasers. For further information apply on the pre mises try [mar'24-t) GEO G. KUNICFL. PICIVATtI . . ONE of the best locations for IRON ti ORKS'in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve . it, situated with in a short distance of the:city of Hafrieburg' between the' Pennsylvania railroad.andcanal, abut Live hundred t feet wide, ,and alongside of the , best limestone quarries in the State and close to a good turapike road''' roorn for waste cinders fur flfty . years, without ; paying for the hunt Apply to DAVID hitIDIMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 2*. North :Second street, asarl6.dtf Harrisburg, Pa. [Pillladeltthls Press iOdeit threetinas and send bill to this office.] ; -f R EILfzESTATEAT PRIVATE SALE. - . The several properties of the. Estate. of iriwax AL LISON, deceased; in the city'or Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street. and. Chestnut stroetrnt and neat• the corner of. Front and Cheptu at streets, a vacant lot on Mulberry sizeet, .ffear Third - 'street, and .1.934 acres of land at the eastern terminus of Market street, are of fered for sale. For terms of sale apply to the undersigned, Seventh and Noble streets, PhiladelPhia. Ve2l-dtfl ; . ':11103Lig: COPIIRAK • .4 u`o K:. J 1 S' s 16x razei, 48occessors to W tn. Dock, Jr., & Co.) TIEALMLS IN FINE F-AMTLY GROCE RIES opposite the Court House, have on hands fine `selection of •• BRANDIES, of different vi.ntatgea. FINE AND. COMMON WLBI - 44, Of Every Description. WHISKYS. • • OLD BOURBON, __ • m0.09130 - GAErsLA • Font bus'ir .:4ND DOOTOR Whisky& The best ever bcought to this marked: OLD WHEAT,' 'NECTAR, And die celebrated CHMSTMIT' 'GROVLA 7 'VAITASKT. CHAMPA.GNE WINES. . . . SHIMS JOHANESBURG, CLARET, . , 0 TCH , AND .Ikl $ ALES. LONDON "DR DIM STOUT. WILD CJAPRY . , ' •:•4 • kANTAtriog - , : , _wwwead TONIC BITTg_ I I.B With a ouantplete stock, of :ENG.L4SII( A:BOO AItOTR,TIVAX PIC/101. - S And Condiments cif everyrdion now in the market;' and at = • ' „: " ()ea LEVI G: BECK 48 NE W GuuDs---.1 usT UMNID) I . . . • Book - anti Stationery. St or e;e ,B l ibralfp g eoery oewLoci 4oproredokillo of SLAGIC CURRHECT HOLDERS, • csix SKIN p() - x)ics, BUCKS/Di PURSES, ettaTinti.SINALIEN, at prices to suit all eArcunistausea POOKE'r,,CUTI4EILIY, '' Cipasisting of a Rue amiummout. ti" "of WecaunoloV§Supe Kttfie " - 001.;1* PENS. From Navrton's celebrated. :Manufactory. Evary..Pen with a guarantft. PORT : • - WRITING CASE'S, 'll;l5dgWC/ASD DMIKS; : : • ewerTERIM, tou Together with every article tumidly fotuM A t n drat Book and Stationery establishment, at A ' • : nty.l2l . BEKGN ER'S, 51 Market street • DAILV 1.11'4E BETWEEN PHILADE LPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Motl ey, Uniontown, Wittsonhiwn, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Su , FaciOreVertatioittiorgetota, Lykenstowa, Millersburg, . = , Mukha; 'Napkin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia HepOt being . centrally Woofed; the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train - to - attend to the safe delivery of all goods Intrusted to the, line.. Roods Convent& at the de pot Of FREED; WARD it FREED,' 811 - Hat tet street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock P. m , will be deliveded in Har risburg the next morning, IFirt4ght, Allariiyi na Zirviriai by Aity - bliher Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY Su COr., , Philadelphia and 4ealihig;Deikktr 0et.21-tf Foot of Market streeL,'Eldni,""' New and Popular :Bo'oks - . - 711 H E NViteE'S EVIDENCE, a novel, , by 010 . l',Wottee tee9uN't Papei 50 pta THE WIFE'S SECEET, by Mrs. Stephens. INDUSTRIAL BIOGHAPHY, by &Riles; author of “Self Si 26. Help." ' " ANNIE WARLEIGIIIAMTERTE a bowel, 50 et=. IN WAR r?..T.@, tu1 4. 4#2.9r Ppeps.b7 3 v l 0 41 W. , s.cAVF.„ themiis' t, - poiilar book of the s day. 91. ( 10 . - - - LES MISERABLES, Victor Hugo's great book. $i be. TE.,.N ACRES ENOUGH, shoWing how a very y may live on a very small hum. LIFE OF . LlNGOLN L 'containing.all speeches, procla mations, to date. Paper cover. 50 ets. Also, uniform with the , above, • • • I.SFE OF GENERAL 111 - CLELL AN, , 50 cts. , BUTLER, 25 . • to MEADE, • • • 25 , .'" l 4 GRANT, 26., - For sale at • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK-WPGRE: aprl6 • .. ,• • J. S. HERbIAN. VLSI:1111U 111 V.I.T/11:1V1 1 _ F Alin AT HONE CARVa—By a,speelal arrangement with ono of the best engravers fn. the country, ;cants of any description will be.executed hi the . highest style of art, conformable' with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly ; at lower prices:thin are charged brthe station ers in New York or Plailadelphfs.. For samples and priCM Calif ".- - - - BERGNER'S BOOK ISTOR.E. mciA6-41tt , CORN -‘ MEAL-1-A fine article. - Just ;05:. celved at SHISLER & FRaZES • Mar3r' ceeeore to Wm. Dciak, 4.u0.) - Wtt'r VIDE uperio' ti* Pi* rdt? OliiideifOLP 4 lmiilebythelgiiiiifift"mftWaltrAV my 4 BOYER as Jitthasr - - R SALE. .7 . $ E RQ.NE a ..S. .Ei,Vtlii:NOlDlTl.till,': [COMMUMCATEp.] • AXNAP OI I.44 /.4 8 Y 7 01, 1864: EDITORS TELEGRAPH: oDeel.llllll3 it prudent, and equitable, underfelt cucunistencee, justice honurable and faitatul,eitizen, submit :the. following in vindication of, Me character of Mr. J. iLtarris liaddow, foriner/y a. 'Citizen mf the town or , Yottsvule, who 1404 effected his escape through the hues from Each motel, and who, since his arrival, has suffered severely on account of. the Imlay ;erroneous reflections castapon reputation by a. few misinformed individuals,..either' through per 'sonal enmity or pique, or from the deneiency of more positive .infonnation: ' his brother and wife , visited - iiine during'. the time of my incarceration iniabby Prisom:and treatedike with comparative respckit, uninincently ten dering me a sutlioien:cy of means to relieve my then precarious condition, and this,•sir, with ,out any prospect of reinditusement, andman ifesting a positive desire to See tee, itecom plishinent of the design of the Union threes, assuring me at the. smite time that all their family had remained steadlait - tO the cause, and thatM4„l.4iddow had, from the origin of the war , s ecreted a Union tag, with the:Osten sible purpose of thus umunesting, upon' the approach "of our forces, his un wavering devo tion to the emblem of freedom and humanity. lie attempted .at, different periods to obtain leave for nis:family, and that, of : his, sister-in law, also a Union lady, to come through to the North, but every attempt proved iutile, and, of coUrse;: coming rto the knowl edge mfthe authoritiee, sit became essential for him, , • to avoid an , arrest, to flee. the country. :And having also obsti nately refused - to -turn out with the militia during the raid, lie as natural conse quence-he could but-expect 'to suffer the ex treme, penaltyMf milimry la*. Taking. his brother with him he succeeeed, after enduring many.' and inbarring the. _risk or being taken .backagain by.the guerrillas, in effecting:lds escape .into, Eastern • Kentucky. When he gave tioL Gallup, commanding a brigade in_thatsdepartrilent, such reliable in formationof fthe...whereabonts of Col.'Fergu son-of the 16th Virginia Cavalry, that he sent out aportion of .11.1 S fosce; . and succeeded in capturing him witltseveralothis men. The Col. then awarded to hiin the highest praise and comreendation,,and„gave him a testimo nial that afterwards proved of the utmost ben obtaining for him admittance to thede partment et %A:44ton, to wliOm he imparted nide - I:Valuable infOrmation•relative tolhe dition iat the .eimmy filetiniOnd and the' Benthwest - During the time of 'line residence in the, 6Outh, he managed to keeP.his brothers out of" the arniy,`bY taking a contract froni, the , so-galled Confederate GeVernment, to eathblish:anAron turnace in Western Virginia, WhieVrOoiitracihe neYer intqadeil to fuhii,. but itierclitook up ,to Mieleiulthe . Offieialsatitsid4, - mond.. B e ing ' an , eminent, jthel en gineer;' ativiCei.Was entreated .111 several in. dttialCO3auctW - as alWaYl,•pretiered Suott inainier ; that- his 'Cense augnt r eap the benefit, and theirs - the injuries it so well merited. Many: of his earlier iriends have gravely in. : suited Anna, since his arrifal, in giving rti dance to the Various meorreet statements t*.kuiv9 become Pro tde4t , : in. zi?gar, ; to; his association witha• few pruninient:onarecters south leagued for the purpose of devising some practical and ieaaibia , scheme for the invention and uuprovement of fire-arms. duch, sir, is ,but ono of the many vilifying as sertions noised abroad by his enemies: The authorities at haelungton place unlimited cmitidenpe in hint. And wo can but- abhor such prmeiples in any individual who would. reject a; person, iii opposition to the better sentiments of a.respectable .moral judgment. We Call , CollßedelltlbUgy vouch for .the import and veracity of the above. Instead of incur ring the displeasure he richly deserves the gratitude of every American patriot. :Hoping that we.ahall:hear from Mr. Daddow,, soon we close with the distinguished consideration, Wends, of all opposers of the Davie dictator- ship,; • • 13; ,II T.,: tiapt; Company G+, 18th, .Penns: Cavalry, Parole Camp; Annapolis, •Md. OeneraL Grant. Any infotmation iu referenceto Lieutenant- General .Grunt, at this tithe, cannot fail to be highly interesting to the great loyal masses of the-country. `The Washington correspondent of tholsfe!v ; York Erpress gives the following personal I seription of the man : , • Your correspondent had the pleasure, a few evenings since, to spa' 4 :lenerar Ulyssu:s S. aunt, in a"freearideasi elyle, in 'the - ball of Willard's liotel • and, - as many of Your readers hirde never seen him, (and many never may, ) a description of his 'personal appearance may not be uninteresting. He is a man of plain exterior, easy and,cofable manners; looks t' be about forty7hve Y..aara.of age ; is height about "five `.feet tell or, • eleven Malcke.e. I! well formed,,andistandsereet arukfirm ; hasnatu rallyia fight or sandy some- what browned .by exposure and the intense heat of the Southern sun • his hair is ;:a. dark brown • . his eyert bluish-gray • his beard is not, but is allowed to grow naturally over theface to the length of abent _an inch, the moustache!beingclipped short. At , the time. we 1 *Wi.;„4 11 24 was dressed in the. uni form of! a MaJat-Ileaerall, two stars on the strap, coat unbuttoned-and vest exposed ;1 he wears the army sloneh .hat. , His. whole • ap pearance was that of a dignified, amiable, modest gentleman. Allhough surrounded by many "star-gazers, " he was perfectly at ease, conversing fluently and' pleasantly on every thing blit army matters. He was not followed by a brilliant staff, as I have seen many other generals in the same hall. !He lenteredwitb.a. citizen, and aftel...wanring about and convers ing with some friends"forhalf an hour, quickly retired to his room in company witha colonel ; whom helad'busitiess with. ' I Such, in brief; .is the man - fro.rn whonv we all expect Bch:melt. , He is its plain as he well can be ;' no flummery or gewgaws about him ; he is quiet, but not reserved. The: most re markable feature,- se, far, since his appearance in Washington, has been the great secrecy with.which all military movements are made. Heretoforb officers knew a day or two in ad vance of its official reception that such an or der would;be promulgated, and even its •mi nutest details. But nownething is known-un til the time arriVea to Act' -,- Although troops and trains arelconstantly+mosing through the qiiietlyruisk+rderlyqlOne z Ihere. is no , eitoitiaiment;:no. rushing: Intl fro. The - movenientnow4gbing-on min Minct contrast to those of former commanders. PRICE TWO -.CENTS _ 334 Txretitctp4.. The :Wpgicreicit's:Aild-rOss to -the LOlai -.PeOp.lo Thanksgiving and_lVayer Re_ commended. Ectsouirvz itUnman, AresniNGTON, May 9, 1864. Friends of tilliOn awl, Liberty I a Enough is — lrnoion of the army oper? , ; tions within the fast five dey: to claim our especial gratitude to God, while what remains undone demands our most sincere prayers and reliance upon Him, with Ont whom all human effort is vain. I 'recom mend that ski patriots at their homes, in their placed of publie worship, and wherever they maybe, unite in common thin* giving _and prayer to Almighty God. - .MYELUM( ,1.4.14,c0LN THE VERY LITZT. Grant andd - Meade . on to °Richmond. THE REBELS RAPIDLY RETREATING. Generals Sedgwick, WalTal f Hancock - and Burnside in Close usuit. Ii Senate, this afternbot XT. Coils- Anor read a telegram from the Secret y' of War, at follows f—Dispatches litave'lbeen re-, calved. froth Gen. Gra,nt and Gen. Meade:they were on to RichMond. , , Lee is in full retreat, mith .sedgu4k, Slui ce* -WiTeu: tuid'Thunshie close on his heels. OUR , ARMY' ON • .. , TO • magomo, The .11ebelm In Full , .'Retreat. ME Official iiispitches from Secre tarp Stanton: Dispatches from pent.-Oem.EmP hasp just been received by the War ,! - DePartmeitt. Onr army was in full pursuit of thil - tineniY wards 'Richmond, , We have. 2!)00, prisoners. .6%. forces occupied Frederickeirerg at 8 o'clock linst night. The Bospital for ourworiuded,is ebtabliAlted there. • 1 Suppljes, nurses, pbysleians and attends' ifs have been ready - Tor two &ye and ;have :gon ve forward. . • . The wounded are estimated at about twelve honsand.' ..u.‘ A WASECCNOTON,, ay, n P. M. To Ititejor Genera 2 Dix, A r . Y.: Dispatches ba,ve just reached here direct trona General Grant They are* . not fully de ciphered! yet, but he is on to Itichmond! We have:taken-2,000 prisoners.:::., • (Signed) EDWIN X' STANTON, 'Secretely of War. .;SECOND ppreacri. To litijor Genera/ Dix, N. Y. 4:15r. M. --A bearer of dispatches from Gen. Bleade'*i'heagg.iciarters ha.s just - reached here. He states that Lee's army commenced fall ing back on the night „of Friday, and our army commenced : the pursuit, on Saturday -morning. Thotrebels are in full retreat for Riehmon. by the direct, road - denerall'Hancack -passed, throUgh. spot syivanja Court House at; daylight r;yesterdaY• headquarters at noon yeaterday were twenty miles South of the battle-field. We occupy Rredtgick@burg• • • 1 The twenty;see.. Mid New. York cavalrY held that place ateigitt'-o'clock last night the depot for our wounded is established at Fredericksburg. . • , (Signed) ' EDWIR-114. STANTON. FROG THE SOUTII-WEST, Capture cif Geuerul Steele'4 . Trains. Suisp Steanti- ',5 '4lx Steele's Lines Pressed. BATTLE AND REPULSE OF THE REBELS. " ST. Loire"; _Mill 9. The Democrat of this morning publishce the following: The expedition of Geri. Steele, towards Shreveport, has ended with his return 'under rather-exciting circumstance% to• Little Bock. A gentleman conversant with the: feats has arrived here and communicates a= Statement to the following purport: Gen. Steele left Little Rock , -witli some I 2; 000: Mid .3, 000 cavalry, the latter wider Gen. Csrr. - • :1> _ A r k a delphia war 3 occtipiect ititliolit:ll4ft -etayi.aiya,ihp force move foqrOirtel3a,m,-- den.. • Bayteen Arladelphhtquid'Otnaill tito'sx!bw eidetic° trail:osf 480' wagoini 4 tvalkuivatrand captured by the enemy, together with the es Nj.esanitiav" „May 9 fV4siarrirrox,' MAY 9 The following is the list of cturaalties, so far as received at the present Brig. Gen. Ales. • Bayes, of Pa., killed ;Brig. Geri. Junies,S. Wadsworth, 'New York. killed Brig. Gen Webb, wounded'; COL Wiisein, 4:1c1 New York, and Maj. Fryer,: wounded Col tone, 2d Vermont, and Lt. Cul Tyler, do., wo ol idd ; CoL Le wis, 2U Vermuut„ wad Liput. Col. Poster, d0., - wounded; Col, Stone, cif Etre Bilabials, injured by a fah: 'Col. West; 9th Maine, killed; Col. Bedwell, 4th. New York, and Maj. Bariington, kith wounded:: An cktlicial *vetch of General Lee to Abe rebel aurhorities at" hichniond, rranaiiiitf.l. by General Butler to the Wag Departiuentl'states that . the rebel lose in .killed di not largeV but many are wounded. lie blither - btatesthat he regrets to ,say that General Longstieet is dangerously Winiaded; also," - Getierals , Pews= and 1- tsfford; that General Jenkins lolled; General Jones is also reported to be killed and,his body i..s.aid to be in our possession. At the latest dates received by - the Wititte pertinent, Gen. litiliteck was rapidly pushing by the lett to Spottsylvenia.Court-lionse. ELeavy canuoua4,g trona that direotiorvnis heard at AcqUia creek :yesterday. Gen. Lcmgstreet Mortally - ATou;led, The Philadelphia evening -2Wegraph....haa the following list of killed and }rounded :, Colonel Colonel Carrol, - 95th Pa., lifled;::o 4R tajn' Byrnei; 2d'Pe., eapiared ; Captain- Captain Byrnes; 11th Pa., wounded-in thigh ; • CoL GiclYnne, 118th Pa., wounded kg; :Th.l ajorthrzlington, 18th Pa., killed; Col.: IVoodward, son of Judge Woodward, killed. I ongstreet was ;shot by a ballet in the neck and mortally wounded. • XXXVIIIth Congress--Firse ;Eoriiion. • - lPasat a o may 9. Bank bill came up. ifendkrsoris amend ment, changing_the limit of airctilation..from three hundred.million to thearaphat anthor tO be issued , by the Comptroller to bipik.s already citated;wa.s rejected; yiss 12; nays 23. Mr. Doolittle's-amendment, a synopsis of which.has been, given, was thenprOposed and dimmed. ' Tl4bank bill was up tint# thelliorirofad journment. „ z ' l aajo* .. HOUSE OF BEFEESF_WiTIVES' rllranaltoenagtsheYat,di2theffilfili:dWal?"lll7j6fitillfdl4'. " - • .Pilanwara4nittnic. oni fir FE Kettle Ren.dered LARDdryftved at SHISLEEVE mark (oncha= to Wm. Dock, Jr, & Co.) STEAM PRIALTiiii A}FFIGE, . ...Aiimomßil,RATE"44Al kr tUNEtAini• 1 pie repekrung Inn rams tbr .421tt intbvallz. uairors sortmko ' radvertis ins .do `M - It" tor ,-euks t for rett.ieue... W \ Kr Four lines ur 12ss .., , onstitt.42 oueoltair square, E4.t. ist ntefe Min - Ynnrrnatrtnutwa sit:are. FOR A L ELA y., sq Ian"; 7 ' . ' 40R :WS 0iQtr.1.7..E. One day... $ 30 Out day $ .e to rwo days. . . .... —— . 50 .Two daSS. ......- -- . 1•0 de54.....k..:_:.... One week 1 25 •One week,— 2 M me mouth - 300 One :Mouth Nro mouth; " •••-• 450 ^bre& mouths 550 jia mouths gap Kte : year - 15 00 tdmitusuatieri Notices... linnucw Auditor% ,Notices : • Funeral Notionseackiiiserti, ser - BuAnesb . nOtion insg xitore marriages aneinentti; -nob insertion.— cart of .480 men, who soddenly found them seliesi in.: "the hands of a sup6r,ior faith); and inade:bdt-littlerenstanco. • 7 •? :31;-;-4" • Camden IStee,le,socoa sfoimid thebrebels, about B , of * st r m43 , :.:Fith.t4eir • cav*Y Div hundred and forty Wagons were dis patched fret/it Cauiden towards pine -Bluff for stores, with. au escort of. 1,600 men, which were captured by the enemy. the steamer - Alems, with twenty tons of ammunition for Om Steele's army, was sunk erbeniortimiles-helow Little Rock, by com ing in collision with another steamer. The pilot who had .charge of • the boat was piit ultder arrest on suspicion of treachery, but was'stibtherinently•released. General Steele found no stores to subsist his troops, and It.s.d. tp.reduce their allowances to quarter raticsfs. As this movement was to, he Go-operative • with the frutitt'dne Of Gen: Banks; whiall'had feiled;: there' kerasined, no cotirsts - tici , pursue but to return to Little hock. Gen. Price unaertook to retain. ... ( iteele at Caniden , while Ilirtuaduke With a strong force Set; tiff for Little Rock. :L. • '.' • ' -General Steele,-in order to actfcir the safety of the Arkansas capital, with its Union popu lation, and millions of dollars' worth of Fed eral stores,' and for the rescue of Iris army, broke through llice"s line, and set out to little Rock- in 'time to save it from Manna duke, who was also making every exertion to reach and bag the proposed game.. At §,bine Fork it became necessary to give Price. battle, which was handsomely done. ' . The rebels were then.niounted attd irr fine condition. . . . The fight was protracted. and. blgody, last ing - tow hours, and reSulted in'the complete repulse of the enemy; causing Steele toiesume his exciting race with Marraaduke.. . _ The latter approached Little Rock,:throw ing shells into the city on the afternoon of the Ist. Shortly arterwaxds. parr's cavalry came up and joined the troops at - the post, Com pelling I,armaduke to relinquish flue • under taking. He made little resitanee,. As, the main. body of Steele's army was avidly ar . . . The Legislature was in session and proba bly not one of its Members, if caught, would have been spared by the exasperated foe. During the entire march from Camden . the. troops were constantly skirmishing With the enemy, WhO hung' upon their rear flanks, strenuously endeavoring to impede-.their-pro gress.: .Thtue, were no ambulances for the wounded and they 1111d`O be,left in the _louses of the reeidenta on the road. —,, The captured escort 'consisted of 180(haett of the 35th lona;43d. Indiana, and 7th-phio regirZents. 0n1y.45 . men succeeded in es- 0 ! ,1 Pulg• O ur i n f orm ,„ 4 :4, represents Steele 's . cavalry aS deplonibly deneiZ ° " in horses, °ltr'l3ll6ll be ing compelled to rtse til Liarokenrimlei in-.xaau .uustauoes, or to try to -use. 1":1-11e41-411rY horses 44;1 Prices,farces are still lingeringliZ . ' 4 . cirLitY, stripping off the desolated Cou:' anew:* ' FfiQM4 THE SEAT ijr4AH. Furth' . Lid of _Casa°Ries to, or ik= ott Both Aides. Firing Heard at Aquia' ceriek. WASIIIIMON; Eitu- The Star extraj t ays there. no leant ion for 'the mipori that tae rebels were eiri%tiatiug Richmond, nor that reteriiburg, has been eva cuated. lIRTHER LIST . OF ANU:WiItiNDED s t* k: i r t: :* 'Twomonths . 9 00 Three months.-- 11 ill Strr moiathe lh 0 25 ,- 0 ..... ... t. E 0 t 1 the Local Cahoon, ar giohlr 0k44.-15itrjAii*Ibr