INS •• (Ljtita4 -- 11 A I s 11 ULO, PA lIIIDAY EVENING, 6, 1861 C F. TO A. EIVIERTISEIZS.—AII fixtiver ii,oaents, Business Notices, Marriages, to secure insertion in the 01.11:GRAPII, must invariably - be v.ecom pse'eti with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Meiling Edition are inserted in the Morn- Edition without extra charge. i VVN AND COUNTRY. Losr. —A porte-monuaie, containing about i'o, was lost last night, either on Front or Market street. The, pocketbook belongs to a poor man, and the finder will be liberally re warded by leaving it at TEES OFFICE. STBANVBEERIES are plenty at Chicago I=l THE crops in York county, Pa., are said to frosent a fine appearance. The fruit trees in :Pate a fine yield. 1==:1 A cousrar individual, who was caught in water wheel of a saw mill, says he intends to apply for a pension, as he is a survivor of thorrevolution. Tim citizens of Chambersburg intend hold ing a fair for the benefit of the Christian Com mission; The . fair will commence June 13th. MIS. Gee. Couch is President of the Commit tee having tUe matter in charge. =13:211 OHDIND.TCE.-Ig our columns to-day will be to ;ad an ordinance authorizing the laying of water pipes in South and East streets, and :milting an appropriation of $1,450 for ,the payment of the same. Tun capital grounds present a very inviting a ppearance, and furnish a pleasant resort •for A Lage portion of our population. The whole enclosure, exclusive of the walks; is clothed al a beautiful suit of green. Tasus is a rich treat in store for the people of rifl4:titown. On Friday evening, 20th inst., mv. T. 'Walker Jackson, of this city, will de liver his great oration on Andrew Jackson, feY the benefit of the Sanitary Fair. Our Jn aiata friends should not fail to attend. Ws are again in the enjoyment of spring-like weather—we might say June wedther—as it has been uncomfortably warm during -yester day and to-day. During the evening hours thousands of our citizens can be seen prome nading the streets. . WE would remind our citizens that a meet ing for the benefit of the Christian Commis sion will 1.10 held in the New School Presby terian church, this evening. George H. Stuart, Esck, President of the Commission, And W.V." Mr. Kirk, - of Boston, will address the meeting. Tay. ticienfific Ante - imp: knows a man who does the principal part of his advertising by writing his name and business on the back of 'oink bills. Perhaps he is not aware that in caie those banks Whose notes he thus endorses were to break lie could be held responsible for the laci of the note. Courts have so de- rifled in similar .cases. Paowsim. John McGann, of Milroy, a isember of the Ist Pa. Cavalry, who had been :It home on furlough for some time on account of sickness, went to Lewistown on Monday !ist, for the purpose of proceeding to the army, ,but unfortunately got into evil com pany, and during the night walked out of the tavern, fell into the canal and was drowned. MEE= MANY persons are in the habit of putting L•veirtie stamps on letters. This is a mistake. The sender loses the Revenue stamp, ,while the receiver of the letter must pay six cents postage, on the same, although a revenue stamp is attached. Revenue stamps will not pay postage, neither will Postage stamps an swer in the place of Revenue stamps. Peo ple should remember this. • LVAITIER o THE SIISQUEH3I 4 ZNA. —lt is stated that business has not been so brisk in Mariet ta, Pa., for the last ten years as at present. Immense (panties of timber and lumber are ua shore. Lumber is selling from $l6 to $22 per thousand, and the best qualifibring,s as high as $26. Culling boards sell at . $2O a thousanctfeet. Purchasers are plenty even at these prices. -:~~ THE RnarAnts OF HENRY CLAY: —The remains Henry Clay, after 12 years interment, were upon- the death of his wife, removed and placed side by side with her's beneath the beautiful monument erectecifto his memory in the Lexington cemetery The wreath. of inp.t naortelles placed upon his coffin by Mrs. Ant S. Stephens, on the removal of the body frOm - Washington, was ion nd to be but little faded while a gold ring, bearing the initials J. W., which rested near the wreath, was perfectly bright. =CZ= JOB PRINITINCL —The" facilities of our job printing department are unsurpassed. With every variety of type and presses, and with skillful workmen, we are enabled to do a large .mount of job printing. All kinds of show bills, amusement printing, cards, circulirs, blaulrq, bill heads, and other printing executed su Plain and fancy color's, at the shortest pos sible notice. Persons wishing anything in tilg printing line will find it to their interest to call at our office, and examine specimens, and learn prices.' "131 Act P.mtrv," "the oldest inhabitant" of Lebanon, died, on Satarday last, aged some thing over a century. She was born a slave it: this State, but lived to see slavery net only extinct in Pennsylvania, but to hear of its committing ..felo de se all over the country. She was a consistent Christian woman, sad by lier upright and consistent life won panegyrics even from those who believe that "the black !aan has no rights which the white man . is bound to respect," and who seem to think the 'jaded States Constitution an instrument got up for the express purpose' of protecting, stztvery. A TOWN MEETLNG will be held in 'Meehan- icsburg, to-morrow (Saturday) evening, to adopt measures in behalf of the United States Sanitary Fair. Linr.nAL. —G. Dawson Coleman, of the Leg islature, has contributed his year's salary and mileage, amounting to $732 80, to the Bani tary Fair, at Philadelphia, Tux members of the Keystone Base Ball Club will meet for play to-morrow at 3.30 P. m., on the grounds of R. J. Haldeman, corner of North and Canal streets. A. full attendance is expected. By order. 1=:=111 A STATED meeting of the Hope Fire Com pany N0..2, will be held in their hall this (Friday) evening. Punctual : „.attendance is requested as business of impprtanee will• be transacted. By order. Go to Sanford's Opera ElOuse 'to-night.— Samuel is the prince of Ethiopian delineators, and never was excelled in his profession. Go, laugh, be merry, and grow fat. There is a grand bill for to-night. To-monT—Harris & Clifton's minstrels and brass band will give their second and last en tertainment at Brant's Hall. The coany is highly spoken of by those who were' present last evening, and ratio commendation will ensure a full house for this evening. THE excellent ice cream served-up at Dress' saloon, on Third street, attracts hundreds of visitors, daily. They pronounce it to be of the very best qxality. and.try-it.o ;- several fine rooms have been fitted up for the special accommodation of respectable ladies ' SANFORD, the great Ethiopian, was caned to day, in the street. The clerks of the Houses considered Sanford was . deseriitig of such treatment, and he caught it to-day at IP. is. ACCustomed to such treatment, he concluded to treat all hands, 'aria the" cane' n6lvrem iii in Sanford's hands. No man in this city knows more how to handle a cane than San ford, he having received :such. from Andrew. Jackson; Henry •Clay, Brine° Albert, and over one hundred others from his friends through out the United States and Great Britain. 'POTION Fscrosy na RKBELDOEL—From the Memphis Appeal, now Jaa.,' we learn that at Augusta there is a man ufacturing company, which is turning out twenty thousand yards of cotton cloth a day, einplOYing seven hundred and. fifty, ALai3.4s; with one hundred and fifty thouitiadspindles;' and fOur hundred and sixty-two leoms. The • goods manufactured ars ;lot ;tlal.oli on the market, but are sold , to the authorities, State .and Confederate, .benev i olent instilidions, and indigent pe#6:ts, at government ' cents a yard. SENSIBLE. -A movement is on foot anwng the ladies of New York city to diminish some what the drain of gold from the, pountry, by agreeing among thein's`elired not to Use 'any — Of the expensive fabrics imported from abroad, which enter so largely just now into the con sumption of, the country. They propose to confine themselves, so . far as possible, to the use,of harke fatnics, while ',the War lasta. If the-movement could be made general, great good would doubtless result to the •country. A society having in view the same object, has been formed in Washington city. The following articles have been adopted by thelssociation formed. at Washington: Att. I--Of the Name and Object—SEC. 1. The" name of this association shall be the La dies! National Convention. SEC. 2. The object shall be to unite the wo men of the country , in the earnest resolution to purchase no imported articles of apparel where American can possibly be substituted. Aiding the continuance of the war. 4 Art. II gives the names and duties of the officers. ' ' Art. lII—Of the Pledge or Covenant.—The pledge or covenant shall be as follows: "For three years, or for the war, we pledge, our salve" to each other and the -country to pur chase no imported article of apparel. On motion of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, it was resolved that the badge of the National Cov enant shall be a black bee, with wings enam elled,. according to natdre, worn, with a tri color ribbon, a little in ; front of the left shoulder. On motion of: Mrs. , Ingersell, it was ' Resolved, That While, as the wives and daughters and women of Anierica, we are _ready and determined to practice self-denial for the benefit of the country and our sex, we earnestly request the men of America, also ',to abstain from the use: ofimported articles, es pecially wines, liquors and cigars. On motion of Mrs. Morris, it was Resolved, That the women in the nation, sympathizing with the great object' society, be and hereby are invited to copy .the covenant,' record their Own iiiintksothereto,' aud, l •obtaining as many signatures as possible, forvrard the number (not the names) sq eV tained4o the committee 'of their State: . ' Hritv ro KEEP. t AND Futurg ntom spormrn' IN Hom NFki.rmir, improVe ments hafe been made inMefrigerators within a few years. In the :old box ltefrigeratora, where a lump of ice is put at the bottom and the articles to be coolecl l placed over,,,it, there is an unneceSdari Was& - of lob: The Polar Refrigerator has some excellent points. It is divided into two compartments. by a central Weage form of corrugated zinc, on which all the moisture is condensed and passed off. The Vice is placed at the top, and ,the water filtered and drawn off at the bottom frdm plated faucet. It is an ativantage' to linde separate compartments, as delicate fruits, but ter, milk, &c,, can be kept where - they will not contract any unpleasant flavor from meats and other provisions. LEsizr & Erasorr, 494 Broadway, N. Y., are the manufacturers."— Agriculturist. I=l=l Insx.—June, the month= of loaves and roses, is fast approaching, wben'bright flow erd and fragrance will gladden life andplease theti-senses. Even now the hill sides art - put ting on their cheerful . green, and indications aregenerally' that we may expect an abund iinebtfrom the fair promises cif 'spring. C. L. BOwman, No. 1 corner of-Front and Mar ket streets, has also provided-a boquet of ,floWdr . s in the beautiful style of new dress goodi for ladies. The gentleman's depart ment of cloths, cassimeres and Yestings have not been neglected, and, indiedTwe have the largest and best stock of dry.goods in Harris burg) Please call and see. SPECIAL NOTICES COLIRATE'S IIONI•;.Y SOAP This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such - wand, is made from the choicest materials, is na and emoll,ent in its nature, fragrantly seem. r and extremely beneficial in Its action upon the st . .in For sale by all Druggists and. Fancy Goods Dealers. Jan2s-dawly CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! . CLOAKS!!! wE have now on hand a splendid assort ment of all kinds of spring and summer Cloaks. The very best quality of silk mantles. Cloaks fur children. Splendid assortmeut of cloth for croaks. The cheapest hoop skirts in the city.. • 20 spring hoop skirts, best quality, 75 cts. Beautiful skirts for one dollar. The largest assortment of hoop skirls. 500 dozetilisalles' stockings at all prices. A splendid assortment of cambric. Irish linen, a line lot from auction. A lot of last summer's dry goods, 25 cents a yard. Dry goods at 25 cents, 30 cents, 35 Cents and all prices. We. will _sell off a large lot of dry goods cheap ,which we have.ontand yet from last season. S. LEWRY. Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back .Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per semi a distance can have their. business trans acted by mail, by addressing .. • EUGENE SNYDEB„ Attgraey-at-Law dell-dry • • • Third street; Harr` b3burg,.Pa. A PHYSIOLOGICAL vie* of MARRIAGE. A containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health , and ;Dien, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable' Consequence upon the Mind and- Body, with the Author's elan of . Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of sure, as shown by the re port of cases treated. A truthful adviser .to the married, and thopeo.contempiating inarriage, who entertaip doubts of their physical condition - ; sirit free br postage to any address, on receipt of 20crintic in stamps or postal cur rency, .13y addreasing pr. CH O q, No. Zi't Maiden Lade Albany', N. T. Barritvzsres -Troches: For the core of Hoarsehoss, Throat Dil3- eases ' et 6.,!. Tedoirmieltded to ministers, singers,and persona whose vocatiosa c then to speak in ' Mearalahenred only by &L.:Pawn:l# CO., ,Elarriabarg, Pa-, t:2.whom all orders shOald,:be addressed. i tiold by druggist every where.- `Mead the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen; . • • - HARBIIIBMIG, Feb. Bth, '1864. C. A. BANITVAmr--Dear Sir: I - haYe - used Brown's Bronchial Trochee, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throaCtroubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a moseadmirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have. found them serving in time of need, most effectually. , . Yourstruly, T. IC: ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. • • lagree • with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Binxivart's Troches., • W. C. CATTRT , L, • Late Pastor of 0. t. Presbyterian Church. ELtitutialtrae, Jan., 1864 To C. A. Bamtvenr—.Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and .in places where thil - vecal organs `are vebr much taxed., I have found the - need of solnegentle expecto rant, and that want has been, uppliod in your excellent Troches. connder them very far supprior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that-huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, &A. • JNO. WALKER JACKSON. ItaStOr of the Locust St. Methodist Church: To C. A. I,34.lllivAßT—Dear Sir: Having used your Troches, I am free. to say they are the best I -have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending,them to all "persons" afflicted With sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public s or singing.. Yours,'&o:, G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church, '.:DISTRICT - ATTOICNRIeS OFFICE, Himussrato, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. BANxviarr-Dear Sir: I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart:dearness to the was; and are certainly of great bene fit to all speakers. r < A. 3. HERB Mrs. 'tßa,ll,-s‘ I Lake this motliod of - ohoorfullk.tluinking , the-publics for past favors; and still sulleit their, kind , attention to my medicines. To toll C•itall thekwoodefful dbrisS I hare been able to perform woald „be. impossible. I /would call the attention of the bulks paiileularly to - this valuable medi cine. I think tcan safely say it is the very best offered to them. Yegulate -the whole system; can be ,taken at any time; no fear need be apprehended in re gard haVo - also -- a valuable Salve to kill piniid ilEigi t and another to draw and heal.- This has healed *4'o that haye'ijiii2Oiens.,^ 'My Ilyamiler3i, -,..11i0pa , In fant cordial and sough Drops have been well tried...l need say nothing ,their Savor. I have congtantly. hand these Medicines end Salves. MRS. L HALL, • marl 6 NC. 27 Sdiuth Pine street. Harrisburg. Pa. NO. 4. JONES' gOW. TrIFIR UNDERSIGNED respectfullywAprms A. the public that he has purchased the HAT AND CAP. STORE Late the property of T..J. BURNETTi.ditieased,and:tbal he will continue the business at the;old' ittend, wher4 he Will constantly keep on band a general' assorttnent of HATS, CA - PS, .-/ke • .1 ' Cl? . THE LATEST STYLES, which will be sold at reasonable rates A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solielhat mar2B-420u a LONG. . DISSOLUTION 9F. PARtloir*B.HIP. rFIEEE • partnership . heretofore existing be tween the undersignO, lathe Military Claim Agency ' , Business, is dissolved by mutual' consent from and after this date. THOMAS C; MARDOWELL. ,-- • THOMA.TA: MAOUIRE.' ' Harrisburg, April 2,8, lgat. ' ap29-dair Greason • SeMinary. A SELECT, BOARDING SCHOOL, forpu tm_,pils of both M olted sfx:Milee pest 9f Car: Ode, on the CtintiAalley . R. ft! ;Paidle tidinittod'at' an' tinse And charged only from date of entrance. ,For.circular , call ntyl. Knoche's Musk ROOM, 93 Mar ket,,streetvlfarriibfirgi or address - • ' HUNTINGTON SAUNDERG, gumb. co., Pa. apl4-dlm JOHN A. xlicr - LgR 42.0 :II 11.. , HA.F.HHT STHERT, ABOVE FOURTH, (zrzrr TO ADAMS MD:PRESS OFFICE,) HAHR_ISBiiRG Warrnnt.s, Claims,.,'government'. Securities, Checks Youchers, &c., cashri. . mar2Sd2m* 20 B su O perio . r B m ß lce, Ell just li rec C eived and f 8 o; t f le a by v , erY SEMLER* FRAZER, feta successors to Wm. Doak, Jr., & J AVA.,irlditaaCEt, and laatttlyru. (IQtree at SHISLER it FRAZER n 022 (Successors to W nook jr, & Co.) /VILE OETABBILIVPAID VIifAIENLA uIL .VJ 1 ALvy and Day ,iMartiti'a Ltardon Etlacktng; , j3ist re ceived and fin' *b .- by SHISLER & FRAZER, fel nv - '((alcceasors th Win. ,Dock„ir & 1 a.) T A I UR, SALE--A very: fuilidetnite - Tvie.:Duree PEDLER WAGON--cheap for cash. Direct letter to bOX No. 313, Harrislium, Pa- marlt-tf HAMS! HAMS 11—Michett - er'S Eicelsior. Just, cured. Iteccivod and for Bile .• - saistEß & FRAZER, (Sorneesonl rn W. cock, & co s trtar2B VINE N0.,1 MACKERE — L, in Kitts, justre calved at -• .% • SHISLER & FRAZER. mar3l (successors to Wirt. Dock, jr., k co.) FINEF9ILS.—Fitto salsa oils just` riiceiNed at • 811t8LER 71tAZER, apBo • Sucoasors to W. Dock, Jr., 1¢ CO. NEW ADVR.RTISEMENTS JOINT RESOLIJTION.proposing certain amendments to the Constitution. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of flepresentatives of Me commonwealth cf Pennsylvania in Genera -Assem bly met, Toat the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the ...Commonwealth, In accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows: "Sscricer 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations es are, or shall be prescribed by law; as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election." SECTION 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the. Con.stitutibli, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as.follows: - _ "Ssaitti2 8. No bill shat ptvaed 16y the Legislature, containing more than one subject, which shell, boo' dearly expreed in the title, except appropriation bditt" "6ECTIOX 9. No bill glinithe pissed by the, • Legis'ature granting any powers, or privileges 7 in any, case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has ,been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon- the 4ourts of. this Commonwealth." . - HENRY C. JOHNSON, Rpeaker of the House of Representatives. JuiLS . P. PeANEy, • ,Speciker of the &nate. . . - . OFFICE OF TEE SECRETARY OP TITS eopIONWEAI.I . I7, } IlAssmatr ito,Aprit 25, DOA. Pennsylvania, ss: • . . I do hereby eertify,that Ike foregoing is a full, true and Correct cop or the original Joinviteaolution of the General,,itettibly, entitled L , A-Joint, • Resolution proposing ,certain Amendments to • the Constitution," as the hamoromaats on tile in this office. IN TESTIMONY whereof; I have hereunto set my [t. a.] hand end caused the. awl or. the Secretary's .ut flee to be affixed, the day and:yearabove written. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of , the Commonwealth. The above resolution having , been agreed to by a ma jority of the member? et' each Rouse, at two successive sessions of the tieneral,Assernoly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitte,l to the Ago. pie,,for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TUESDAY QT AUGUST, in the yoar of our Lord one thousnod eight hundred and siX4-Ibur, in accordance with the tenth aitl cle or the Constitution, and the act, entitled An Act pre scribing the LOOP mu manner or submitting to the people, -14 their approval and: ratification" or rejection, the pro posed amenoments to the Constitution, approved the. twenty.tnii d-day of April, one thousond eight hinitOd: and sixiy.rom . - ELL SIAFEtt, Secretary of the ITC'ilbrer AI4L7 CONDEMNED HORSES. vrAit DEPARTMENT, CAVALRY BUREAU, I OFFICE Or CLUMP QUAlrrEfiaLisT D. C., April 26, - 1864. W.LLL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named be low, vizi - Gettysburg, Penn's, Monday May 9th. Altoona, Yetaila, Thursday, May 12th. renn'ajbutzday May 19th- . Reading, Penu l a, Thursday, May zeta. Lebanon, l'eull'a, Thursday, .June 2d. Northomberland, Penn , u, 'Thursday, Jane 9th. Scranten, Penn'it,i,Thursday, June 16tb. Williamsport, Peen'a, Thursday, June 23d. One Hundred (100; horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fifty (25u) at each of the utherplaces. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good , bargains may be had. • " Horses will he sold singly. Sales begin at 10A )a., and continue daily till all are 'sold. TESMS: CASH in United SUtteg. Treasury notes only. JAMES A. ES,IN. ap2B-dtd . Lt. Col and C. 11 . : , ..DE. Cavalry fitur,an. MAGNOLIA BALM. ririFiTS is the most delightful and extraordi nary article ever discovered. It Changes tne sun burn and Face and Hands to a pearly, satin texture, of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the' distingue appearance so inviting in the city belie of fashiiin. it removes tan, freckles, pimples, ancirough-, ness of the skin, leaving tile. complexion fresh, transpa rent and sthooth. It contains no material. injurious to the skin. Patronized by Attie - nee and'Opera Mager& It is what every lady should have, Sold wholesale and re tail by • g. A. RUNKEL St BRO., speo-dir 118 Market street Harrisburg. Public lade. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY , AT PUB raj sAtE.Zasilftliti IktAtelitlatton;AtltoiAt's Hall, Market street; onAaturilay, May 7th, twee o'clock in the afternoon, the lot of ground situate on the corner of State street and Fourth street, in the city of Harrisburg, Manaiding 100 feet on State street, 200 feet'on Fourth street, opposite the Capitol grounds, and 100 feet in,South street.. TERMS_; en per cent. of the purchase money-on-the safe, one-haat - vitt& thirty days, and the remaining halt in ono year4rom day or sale, with interest,* behecured' by bond and mortgage on the property. apoo-dtd , . C. C. MULLIN, Agent. Thomas C. MacDpwell, t't o r . ft . 43 y-att -T-4 . OFFICE IN THIRD BELOW PINE. HARRIABIJR9., • ILLL Dimmer- of Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims Collected agalist the General or state tiovernments, either in 'Congtea, the Court of Claims at - Washington city, or atliarrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. ap29-d6m. • - NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORE. CLOAKS MANTILLAS, CIRO UL ARS. 1,000 CLOAKS from $7 00 to $25 00, AT THE NEW CLOAK STORE, MARKET STREKY, D. W. GROSS? . NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG. . apll Pr. :.T.TP. KELLER'S Dental Preparation.s. GWILTLAR - DENTIFitIOEI , - - 41XERIGO• TOOTH NV ; AEHI TELES• E - elegtat - iiiifipitratioßS eptiablif‘ the most desirable cleansing and _astringent nualitlea They MiidePtha Gums hard add healthy; neutralize the acid 'secretions of the mouth, ltligebY removing the Prime caqs, of decay . ) By their deteralie properties they prellerVe the natural odor of the Teeth, without in the mast degree injuring the enaMel, while they impart to the brea h a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant.— In fact they_are THE-BEST ANCIOLES in use for the Pur poses flatbed, as afair trial will fully demonstrate; and as has been abundantly proved by their e.itblisive se.le in this community:daring the last 14 years;' and which will be readily testified to by many who haie repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale - and usefulness- They are warranted to be free from • those destructive acids which so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietor, corner of Second and Walnut streetsi • • -JOHN P. KELLER, , ;Surgeon Dentist. For Bale also by the principal Druggists of the dity. ap2l,-dtf 1564 RATS, ROACHES, kc. 1864 As Spring apinMiches , Ain S and ROACHES From their holes come out, And MICE and RATS, in spite of 'CATS, . Gaily skip about. • COSTAR'S- EXTERMINATORS. . . poritats, IYlice , p.oaches, Apia, 14.0,,8ug5, -3los4nites, Dlothi in Piirs, Woolens, etc., Insects on Plants, Powls, , Amlmalso etc. "15 yenxs established-in,N. 1.-City." "Only intitllible , remedies known." "Free from Poisons." • "Not...dangerous to the Human Family.' "Rata come out of their holes to die. Sold by all Druggists everywhere owl I I BEWARE ! 1 ! of all worthlosB.lwitations. pai-" Costar's" Doßot, No. 483 Broadway,.N..Y. AGrSold bY. ' }4.• W. GROM & CO., . - • - • Wholesale and retail agents, marl6-daw6m • • - ' • ' l, - Harrisburg,. Pa ORANGEg 1 1-20 boxes in •N.4.llpitimo order. Just received wholesale and,retail i. B .O I SIZR & FRAZER, rb2. - • successors, t s o Wm. Deck, jr., & CO.) AMUSEMENTS iarrcEr.cociros . NATIONAL IiA_LL. CORNER OF SECOND AND SOUTH STS. WM. HITCHCOCK. Sole Proprietor. G. L. HALL Stage itmager. WHITCHCOCK respectfully informs . the public that the above elegant palaceof amuse ment will be re-opened on MONDAY EVENING, MAY 9TH, With an entire new campany of popular artists carefully selected from the principal places in the country, forming a FIRST CLASS MINSTREL TROUPE, interspersed with a variety of singing and dancing, an en tertainment superior to any ever presented to the citizens of Hari isburg. . Tne Hallhas been repainted and fitted up in the most wady and elegant style, and every attentl.aa will be paid • to the comfort Of its patrons, tb e accommodations for ladies being superior to any place of amusement in the cay, it b'elng the intention of tue proprietor to make it A FAMILY. RESORT, .presenting, as it will, a FIRSS r ENTERTAIN.4ENT. Grand re=opening ezilit9NDAY NETT. - MAY 9. SANFORIErS HALL? THIRD STREET,, BELOW MARKET, REAR OF Ittlat'S AOTEL. GREAT BILL THIS EVENING SANFORD'S TROUPE Together with the Et C) R D W L . ALA S NEW SONGS, NEW DANCES, AND Tel GREAT BXEMPT'ACT BY MR. BIRDWELL, MISS BIRDWELL, 21,...NF0RD, DIAMOND, wmumis AND MYERS Concluding with a new .ROMEO AND aIi_TILIT. ROMEO (0 love sick swain) Mr. DORDWELL. JULIET (crazy in love) ..... . . __MRS A. BbRDWELL OLD CAYULAT (a roaminit daddy) Ar. SANFORD. MERCUTIO (a pat or au Irislimao) Mr. DIAMOND TYBOLT (a xegular Mose) Mr. WILLIAMS.. Look out for BONE SQUASH ' WITH Tin BORDWELLS fl TUJ CAST Orchestra Seats can be procured In advance at Bann vart'a Drug Store. . Doors open at 6%. Commencs Xto 8. Police always in attendance 'to preserve order. .admittance 25 - cents. • Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. .Prwate boxes. entire; $5 each; sineje seats, $1 'each. BRANT% MALE: LOOK OUT Rut Harris & Clifton's NEW ORLEANS Burlesque Opera Troupe ED BRASS BAND. 18 STAR PERFORMERS, THURSDAY AND 111 D -if, MAY 6th AND 6th. TALS'THOLIPE is acknowledgea, by the Press and public, where they have had the honor of appeasing; 'be the' greatest bination or Artistic excellence and the most original Ethiopian Delineating Trpiipe ever -before consolidated under one management and MASTERS OF THEIR PROFESSION HARRIS & CLIFTON Sole Proprietors FRANK WaTSLOV, Agent. J. NORRIS, Stage Manager. Tickets for sale at Bannvart's drug store ap29 CANTERBURY MUSIC TIAL.L WALNUT ST., TsRLOW 'IIEDID. DONNELL ,OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a First-class COmpany of SINGERS, - DANCERS, ' comEntAxs, sco., - Admission.. .................. 15 cants Ammo) Roxes ...,... ~ ..... .....,...... 25 MIS() E L LAN BO US. SCHOMA.C.KER . & CO.'S PIANOS SOUR GRAPES TOO well known in this to need•com mendation. In use by PRESIDENT LINCoLN, GuVERNOR Omani, JUDGE PEARSON, Altdpanyother distinguished citizens. The undersigned offers - these stMerb instruments at prices that teannot Pail _ Dgcommand public patronage. R—No OLD stock on hand. - Sole Agent tior'ttie Unrivalled' • STEINWAY PIANO. ALSO, BRILDBIIILY 9 S CELeBRATED PIA OS. Chicseriug , s and several ,other of the very bees makep. None but perfect instruments seal ' - and see hugest stuck out of great cities. mer2B-tf S. WARD, Thlfti streevimpje Store. MILLI ri lie 6 - kyb MRS. J. RIBBS, HAS OPEICED NO. 8 MARKET MIYAKE, (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) WHERE STIP, IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the - Latest Styles of 11lillinery and Fancy Goof% At cheaper prices than any house intim city. Tlaequality of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKINV IN VIE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplB-dtjyrl GENTLEIttpbI, PLEASE call at the Subscriber's place of business and be measured for a perfect fitting siffltT. The subscriber also keeps on hand a large sup ply of ready made SHIRTS, and also :Slifrt- Patterns, for sale. All kinds-of stitching - done to jhe'stioitest order. J. RITNER, apl9-eodlm*- Walnut street, opposite the Exchange. Schuylkill. and. Snsquehsinna, Railroad Company.. - • OFEICY.: 2 22 S. FOURTH STREET, Prunrampar4, April 4th, 1864. HE annual meeting of tho Stockholders this Company and an election for President aid x Managers will take place at the Office of the Company Monday, the 24 day of May next, at 12 o'clock, u. ap6-dtm2 W. 11.. WEBB, Secretary. TINGLESH BREAKFAST .TEA.—Just re= eeived, a line chest of EAglish'Ereakfast Tea, at SEMLER' & FRAZER'S (Successerem _Jr.Wm. Dock, - BURLINGTON HERRING. FFIHE first of the season,. fine large Burling lon Herring, just.receiied at , SEMLER & (stii.p.Pcama to Wm. Dock,Jr J..^.) LM sa l eS foron the-comer of d and ,Brond streets- :Enquire of If* C.' morARDEN. moriAir , _ : DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE'::: TAR- CORDIAL IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PINE TRH?, Obtained by a peculiar process hi the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained: nave you a Gough ? Have you Sore The out Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal,klisease, Consumption? Those who should be warned by theso symptoms genbrally think lightly of them until it is too late, From this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad preva lence and-fatality of disease wnich sweeps to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than any other disease, auddlie best physicians-for many years have desp.dred of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the, AS " of Tar Water:which in many cases'had Ood effect; but how to combhis the ingdical pro perties. so as to heal the 'Tangs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISIL&RT, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor Of Pine. Tree Tar Cor dial." Many, not only of the people, but physi oo..ot every .school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of your success in the treatment of Pulmonary Conaumptian My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs -- the strengthening of the debilitated system the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of the Lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduinginflamma don, said restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and the 'strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, it he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unques- Aonable worth and reputation: DR. Wisitsaz—hear Sir: —I had a very dreadful cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope 'of recovering. My disease balled the power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest _until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to nse it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my case if you think proper. REBECCA. ITA M I LTON. No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an infalliable cure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs; Sore Throat and Breast, TofbLonna tion of the Lungs. Mr. WARD says: Du. Wisruarr—Hir:----I had Bronchitis, hi flammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; Iliad been treated by several of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course 01 my disease, and I had despaired of ever being re stored to health. I was truly on the verge of .the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me by a friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, alter using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. ion can give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, - or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from L.-at. to 2P. pt., corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. Read the following from Utica: qolii:LAispe Wunturr--Dear take plt?asure in informing you through this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended fo.tmy daughter by Dr_ J. A. Hail,. of thin city, has cured her of a cough .of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the best of:medical: aid without any benefit. 1 can cheerftdly recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other.c.ases besides that of my daughter thatit has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN. V. PARSER, Daguerretin Artist. 126 Geuessee street, Utica, N. Y. • • have. used -Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and ca cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for'colds; coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, The above are a few among the thousands which th's great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from phytti clans and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that' they have `raver used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with br. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills; is, an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia. The Pam TREE Tait CORDIAL, will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is alit) an excellent remedy for, diseases of the kidneys andfemale complaints. BEW.AI*. OF CpIINVERPFUTS genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine brown in the bottle. AU others are spurious imita- PRICE FIFTY CENTS and OsE Daudikper Born..r. Yr ink:reci only by the Proprietor, , . No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 15,,Kby Drocestseverreb_ ,ere at Wholesale by a. 4 del** ad New York Wltokieele Ihuggtsla. DIcAL Utica. New -York. Dr. L. Q. C.W,ishart„
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers