pally Etitgraplj HARRISBURG, PA. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1864. NOTICE. TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom patoed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. MiLITAItY RPTITT FUND. —The regular monthly payment to' families of volunteers, will be made at the Sheriff's office, on Friday afternoon, sixth instant, between the hours of four and six. GEO. BERGNER, Brest, OLIVER EDWABDS, Sec. BsoimAan—The farmers with their spring plowing and seeding. FonwAnn—spme of the young misses who attend the postoffiee after nightfall. THE comet that is expected to annihilate this sad and wicked world will come along in 1865. Ray. J ea ES COLDER offers for sale a number of valuable building lots, in the First ward of this city. DR. E. D CRAWFORD, formerly Senator from the Juniata district, died, in Mifflin, on Mon day last. WE learn from the Hagerstown Herald and Torch, that its editor, John M'Curdy, Esq., has lost, by death, his oldest son, aged about 20 years. MERE was a false alarm of fire last night. It was doubtless started by somebody who had not "the fear of the law before their eyes." ' lb TEE General Synod of the Lutheran Church met in York to-day. About two hundred min isters, and as many lay delegates, were ex peeled to be present. Ow CITIZENS should not forget the Chris tian Commission meeting, to be held in the Presbyterian Church, Market Square, to- morrow evening IT has been discovered that brandy or rum is a remedy for an overdose of chloroform. Wouldn't a remedy for an overdose of brandy and rum be a still, more interesting discovery. A New Yorh paper says that eVery . fresh ease of bonnets received from Paris shows the shape to be growing smaller and smaller—in fact , beautifully less. The expense, however, grows larger. THE Reading Times says that Odd Fellows' Hall is crowded every night, to witness the performances of Rouse's Combination Com pany. The troupe will return to Harrisburg on Monday next. Look out for the Octoroon! WORTH. TaYnto.—The Qhio thrme• says that coal roil has been found, by accident, to be a most effective means of protecting fruit trees against the ravages of the curculio, by sprinkling saw dust, saturated with the oil, underneath the taee. Try it. RAILROAD SOLA. —The Littlestown railroad, in Adams county, was sold at public outcry on Thursday last, at s2s,loo—purchased Ephraim Myers, in trust for the first andisec ond mortgage bond holders and the Hanover Bran.A Railroad Company. As soon as the conveyance is completed, a new corporation will be organized. 1=2221 Tat Legislature adjourned at noon to-day, and many of the members have already de parted to their homes. Both Houses again convene,. in the latter part of August, for the purpose of examining the vote ,giVen on the constitutional amendments—at the special election, to be held on the first Tues day in August. CHURCH CONSECRATION. —The part of the Second English Lutheran church which has been completed will be dedicated, next Sab bath morning at ten o'clock. The Rev. kr. Valentine, of Reading, will preach the dedi catory sermon—and other distinguished min isters of the Lutheran church, will be present and take part in the services. ESCAPED.—On the adiournment of the Court of Quarter Sessions at West Chester, on 'Tiles day last, William Hoopes, a prisoner, while being conducted from the Court Room, (in company with some six other prisoners,) taking advantage of the crowded passage-way, deserted the ranks of his companions, and mingled in the crowd, and before the Sheriff beoame aware of his escape, he had left the room-, Pursuit was made; it was ascertainer.,. he had Visited the residence of a relative hi the eastern part of the - borough; but on levant ing of the near approach of his pursueY_s, he: decamped, and as yet, has eluded the V.gilancel of the Sheriff, gropes wag charred with shooting a nian named, Samuel :Winton, in West; ileslken, • CIIKBPTILAND 00101i71". —Augusta s Jeremiah, a German grocer, of Carlisle, was arrested on: Monday, charged with stealing goods from various stores,in the town, and bound over to Augustus Jeremiah was informed on by ancither German, who endeavored to en gage as an accomplice.—Dirs. Tobias, Carlisle, fell from a chair on which she was standing, and bursted a blood vessel. in a critical condition.--Robert Allison, of Carlisle, was kicked by a horse and severely inland in one of his limbs.-----Judge - Wa4-. Wm. Shugart, Wna, Shaeffer, G. W. Adam Bishop, Adam Pfahler, H. Musselnian,, and others, have had their flocks wholly' destroyed by dogs.----Williant Lewis,; of Newville, had an arm broken, by an a 447• I dent that occurred on the - Northern , Central' railroad last week. ---The salary of the CintritY - Superintendent of Common School s h a s b eeEE incress‘d to 8700 per year. To-nor is observed by the3hristian Church as the Feast of the Ascension—the commem oration of the ascension of Christ into heaven. I===:=l bias KILLED.--A soldier, whose name we have not learned, was killed by a freight train in the vicinity of the Depot, last night. Ix Town.—Prof. Saunders, of Greason Sem inary, is in town, and will be at Knoche's Music Store to-day, between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock, A. M., and from 2 to 4 P. M. There are a few vacahcies in both departments of the Seminary. Persons desiring to send their children to a' good school should apply at once, as the summer term wilycommense on Monday next, 9th inst. THE public will be gratified. to learn that notwithstanding the great advance in prices in the eastern cities, Messii. Shisler & Frazer, (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & C 0.,) con tinue to dispose of all articles in their line at old rates. The firm is determined that the public shall find it to their interest to pur chase opposite the Court House. The stock of goods is very large, and everything is marked at the lowest figure. With "quick sales and short profitii" as their motto, Shisler & Frazer cannot fail to attract buyers. The advertisements of the firm will be found in our advertising columns. True evannia the ,citizens of Harrisburg will have an opportunity of attending one of the best minstrel entertainments ever given in thie city, by perhaps the largest company of the kind in the country. We allude to Har ris & Clifton's Minstrels. The is consi posed of eighteen performers, who are saidl& be experts in their profession. :From the flat tering :#otices of : . the company,conts4l4'• in, our exchanges, we are led to believe they have a budget of fun filled with the wittiest sayings, the most laughable eccentricities, and a vari-_ ety of songs, (both !comic and, sentimental,) all of which will be produced in a manner that cannot fail to please an audience. As but two eittertainmetitt are to }be lgivim, we have no doubt that Brant's Hall will be crowded. . , Poo:car- Boon .Lowr. —On. 'Friday morning last as the Junior Editor of:this paper-was re-. turning from the State Conwerition. at Harris burg, on the "Emigrant Train," he lost his pocket book, containing over $lOO in green backs, a number of orders, a pass on the Rail road, and a number of other valuable papers. A reward of $2O will be paid, for the return of the pocket book, 'and no gnestiolik asked.— Juniata Soatinel. Publishing a newspaper must be a profitam 'bin business, np in Juniata:.• It is alniust be- , yond.belief that a, cnUntry t Would lave $lOO in his possessionatvne:tinie. POLICE Arverss—Befol•e.. Mayon—Last atilt a yoww VOffinn. 'Who ;was ''drttuk and disorderly ; ." on Market strebt, Was: arrested and taken in.thelOck-up, free use .of the most disgusting and'blkiiphetnous lan guage we ever heard proceed.from one of the 'fair sex." In the lock-up she became very disorderly, and comnleacieci breaking the buckets, , benches,. &e, wheen- she..was sent to prison. This morning the girl appeared before the Mayor, and vas sentenced to thirty days' imprisonment. She gate the name of .Jane Jameson, and :stated that she belonged'. to Graefen.bnrg, Frwaldin cc)unty... Henry.llaller, a vagrant (of course "from Carlisle,". was punished with a night's lodging,. and sent across the river this - rimming. William Gibson, a Vagrant, whose baggage consisted of a small shoe store which he "toted on his back," was committed to prison for 48 hours, in default, of paymerit:of fine:::: An artilleryman made his "second appear ance" before the Mayor, for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and went to prison for 48 hours. ' Charles M'Braherty, a " bould soldier boy," who had orioially hoe trona., " swate Oda Irelaod, '')was founding An t isiiaYwith a'coldred woman, with whom b e appeared to have "fallen in love." Ones of the city " stars" es corted Charles to the lock-up, and after sleep ing off his oier-cloae of tanglefoot, he was handed over to the Prc most Marshal. Rose Ann Ford, one of the blackest African women iu the country , and who was the re cipient of,Charles. M Braherty'a attentions, was arrested. Being a strattgerlere, She was prison fair fivendays. n • A DAY'S OFFERING OF Tri& Proprietw,lditors, Clerksi tompositors, lffss- men tnd Carriers rx TIM PENNELYANIA TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFIPS Pv.nds for the Relief of the Aieli and Wounded Soldiers, The PErrzcsx - Lvelue. TELEGRIPH printing office, .isince the opening of the war to crush the slave-holders reliellion, has sdht Out, :who were: employed in its ,variona - depart; meats, at different times, seventeen, volunteers, 'of whom, there are,the service seven. •' • In response now, to the appeal of the corn inittee in charge of the arrangements for the Sanitary Fair, to . be held. in the city of Phila phia in the month of June, 1864, those at present employed in the TEMEXFBARII printing office cheerfully contribute a day's, labor, the ...followinisiims respectively: Geo. Bergner, $50.00 =L D. 'Read, 2 15 'Wien Forney, 10 00 Joseph W. Potts, 1 00 W. IL H. Sieg, 5 00 Lewis Reber, 50 D. C. Martin, 3 26 J. L. Buffington. , 2 50 W. Rodearmel, 3 00-.. M. Stevens, 2 70 Edwin Brimraer, 3 00' 'Jno. Ferguson, 2 70 H. C. Demining, 3 52-J. E. Horning, 100 `,T. M. Rockefeller, 2 57 4. G. B. Swartz, 80 John C. Pager, 2 55 'L. Weaver, 2 50 Geo. Gruce, 2 07 J. A. brLaughlin, 500 'Wm. Miller, 2 15 J. M. Miller, 1 66 S. Nunemaker, 2 25 ~ W. F. Peddrick, e 2 00 S. Strock 2 50' J. B. Zimmerman,3 00 • Clinton, 215. Total, $l2l 53 iln making the abovi.contribution the con ributors beg further ef4 pledge themselves as •iNing ready at any fatn,s time, if the comfort of the brave defemiers,Tof the Union requires to make a sinlilar °Mitring of a day's labor. SANTO/M . B Trtot-kz hate heen 1. 1 -e prat kVA evenings at Marietta. While the L, gave drawing room exhibitions. Sanford drew crowded houses while at Marietta. Now that he and. his troupe have returned, fall houses will be the result during the balance of his season. To-night the grand opera of Am-She- Come, :Yell Sanford and the entire company appear in all their brilliancy and variety. SIIARP Pakencs.—Vagrants coming to our county Poor House say, that when arrested in Harrisburg, and taken before the authorities there, are released upon condition bf leaving that city and coming - to this side of the river. Just about what Might be expected'of Harris burg; no wonder that members of the Legis lature; who have any respect for themselves, desire a removal of the capital--c-Carlisle Dem ocrat: The other side of the river is the proper place to send the vagrants brought before the Mayor. Fully four-fifths of the bummers, when interrogated as to where they are from, invariably answer: "Prom. Carlisle!" It is cer tainly a kind act on the part of the city au thorities to send these vagrants in the dine ticni of home free of expense, as regards bridge toll, &e. They are also furnished with a night's lodging at the expense of the city. Irawrarros OF OFFICEES.-At the last reg ular meeting of Advance Lodge, No. 59, I. 0. of Good Templars, the following officers were installed, to serve the ensuing quarter W. C. T., Ellen R Wyant; W. V. T., Jo seph SheaierrW. T., B. E. Dailey; W. S., R. B. Osier.; W. G., Rebecca Reamsheart; W.. F. S., I. W. Hoffman; W. C. ' J. M. Em erson;. W. M:, Charles Yingst; W. D. M.,. Susan. Pelan; W. A. 8., Harry Hoops; W. R. S.; L H.' Patterson; W. L. S., William Eber sole; P. W. C. T., Frederick Yingst. Juss.—Jane, the month of leaves and poses, is fast approaching, when bright, flow ers and fragrance will gladden life and please the senses. Even now the hill sides are put ting on their cheerful green, and indications are generally %ILa . we may expect an abund ance from the fair promises of spring. C. Z. Bowman, No. 1 corner of Front and Mar ket streets, has also prOyided a boquet of flowers in the beautiful style of new dress goods for ladies. The gentleman's depart ment of sloths, cassimeres and vestiugs have not been neglected, and, indeed, we have the largest and liest stock of dry goods in Harris burg. Please call and see. SPECIAL NOTICES. OOLGA.TIVS HONEY SOAP. This celebrated 'toilet Sottp;in such universal de mand, bunade from the choicest materials, is. mild and emollient in Its nittare; : feagrantly sisented, and extremely beneficial In Its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Jan2s-lowly, - - • CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! wE have now On hand.a splendid assort ment of all kinds of spring and summer Cloaks. The very best quality of silk mantles, , • Cloaks for children. , - • • Splendid assortment of 'cloth for cliiaks, The cheapest hoop skirls in the city. 20 spring hoop skirts, best quality, 75 Ots. Beautiful skirts for one do/lar. The largest assortment of hoop skirts. 500 dozen ladies' stockings 'at all prices'. ' A splendid assortment or cambric. Irish'Dlien, a due lot from' auction. Klot of last summer's dryrgowle; 25 cents a yard. Dry goods at'2s cents, 30 cents, $5 cents and ail prices. We will sell off a large lot of dryloods cheap,lschich we have en hand yet from last, season. 8, LEWity". Military Rosiness Attended To. Bowity„Panaton, Back Pity ? Subakitence and : Military and War Cla generally, made out and collected. 2 Per: sons residing at a diastase can bays their business trans acted by mail, by addressing - _ :EUGENE SNYDER, - Attorney-at-Law Third Street, Harrisburg • Pa Mrs. Bain Remedies. I take this method of .cheerfully thanking the public for past favors; and still solicit their kind attention. to my medicine& To tell of all the wonderful cures I have been able to perfenn would be impossible. I would call the attention of the ladies partibularly to this valuable meth "cine. I think I can safely Say it is the very best offered to them. It will regulate the whole system; can be ;taken at any_time; no fear, need :be 'apprehended in re gard to it. I have also - ir , valuable .Salve to kill proud 'flee; and. anotherto draw and heal. This luta healed sores 'that MVO` nil 20 - yems. Mp Dyeentery Drops, In fant cordial and -Cough Drops have been .well tried. I 'need say nothing In their favor. I have constantly on 'hand those Medicinesand Salvea. ,MRS. LB t marbil No. South Pine street. Harrisbu'k.ra.Li'a. Valuable Farm far Sale. OFFERED for sale, at bargain, a valuable firm On Buffeilojnn, Centre-Co., Pi, about 7 miles fromßellafeiste and 3 from the - FarrbersrEfighSchool;con taining About. 310 serge, 230 - of which are cleared and in a golod stato of cultivaticM. There are large and suitable 'farnihull - dings on the premises. The quality of the soil is of the very best limestone, with a good prospect of the best Hematite ore, largo quantities of which have been raised on an adjoining tract and worked at Centre Fur nace The Mifflin and Centre county railroad, now in the course or construction, will plea within 2. milers. For in formation as to quality of solland desirableness of loca tion apply 10 Id, T. Milliken; or a N. 'll l ll4ster, Esq. Bellefonte Pa. For full description and - -terms, a-c. apply to RALPH. LiptcLair, oplS•deod3w* Attorney-qt . -law, HaeNsburg, Pa. 65 Valuable Building Loiisinrßale. .m; BIII;LDTNG LOTS are oftsdrl4 - for sale " near•the Round :House and PPennsylvania . rout - Shops. Thesi lots are very _desirable for building purposes, as they ire located on a good and dry spot. A good opportunity for persons wanting lots. For any information concerning the above lots in quire of JOHN MILLER, JR., at the Pennsylvania 40 . cultund Works, corner of Spruce kali North; streets.. ttplk•3tawBw* -, , . , • Vreasolt. • Seminary. SET;HCI I )3OARDING SCHOOL, forpli pip:or, both sexes , located six milea''West •or Oar- Its o, on the Chad,. Valley K R. :Pupils admitted at any time, and plunged only ,froni date of 'entrance. For cirOur . sir at'W,:Rioche'n Alusic Room, 93 Mar ket strentMairiabarg;itix',liddress' . ' E. HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS, apl4.dlin Cush. co., P& PUB -LTC . , Will be sold, it Public Sale, on WEDNESDAY 34 4th, 180Vrit the residence of the subscriber, on Front strelit, tin the Sixth ward bUthis city, Household and Kitchen Ftirniture, Bees and Pee Boxes, a lot of Locust Posts, one Sail boat s &0. 7 , Sale to •commence at 9 o'clock, A. tso29-ts] JOHN SIIANNON. JOHN A.'BIGLER & CO. ) tt:o xts, MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, (NEXT TO ADAMS EXPRESS OPPIOE, • HARRISBURG. Warrants, °IMMO . , ' Government Securities, Checks Vouchera, caahorT, mar29d2m* 10rAMS! HMO U—Kicherier's Excelsior. Just cured. Received and for sale at SHISLER & FRAZER, mai2B tauccesserit to W. Dock. Jr. & Co ' FINE NO. 1 MACKEREL, in Kitts, just re. oeived-at SHISLER FRAZER.. mar3l- (successors to Win. Dock, Jr., & Co.) .1 . ..,-, . VSGLISIC BREA.KFAS—TEA..-.lustre _LA mired, a line chest of English Breakfast Tea, at SRISLER & FRAZER'S, ( Wm. Dock, Jr.) BURLINGTON HERRING. . 911 E first of the. season, fine large Burling-: ton Herring, justreceive:Vat • . SHISUR Liz FRAZER, I ap9 (Mumma= to Wm. Dock. & T OTS for sale on • the corner . of Third and _l_tßroftd streets. ^ Enquire of W)L 0. MarADDEN. inart*ltf 101.14.E-OLLS.—Ei.norsalad-ogs jugicrecerrEd . at m BIitISLZR , 4 FRAZER, g • 11 10 0 ' • Sucomors to:W. Dock; Jr., & NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. *A JOINT REVLIITION amendments to the Coatitrition! °sin- certain IE3 it resolved by the Senate and Souse . gf Representatives Of Mc Commonwealth of Pennspiettnia en General, AUCM bIy met, That the following ameudments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Cohstitution, to be dehlettated a 9 section four, as follows: "Sanrzos 4. Whenever any of the qualified..electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser• vice, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present •at their usual place of election." Seams 2. There shall r 4 two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Cothlitetion, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: - • "Szerimi, 8.. No bastion:he peAed by. the legislature, containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly. expressed in thetttle,•ixceptiaPproPilatlon "Sseriox - 9. No bill awl be pissed by the Legislature. granting any powers, or privileges, - hiany ease, where the authority to grant such powers, or :Privileges,. has , been, or may•hereaftei• be, conferred ••upon' the - courts 'of this Commonwealth." HENRY O. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY, . 4k Speaker of the Senate. 41. OFFIOE OP THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH,} ' Hassmituno,April 25, 1865. ennoteania, as: I do hefeby certify that the foregoing is a fall, true and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assenibly, . entitled "A.Joint Resolution , proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remains on tllo In. this Wilco. Li TESTIMONY whereof, I have hereunto set ray Et. s.] hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's of fice to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIDER, Secretary of the CommonweWth. The above resointion having been agreed to by a ma jority of the mounters rf each House, at two successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposetramendments wlll'he submitted to the peo ple, for thei? , adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TUESDAY or AUGUST, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and slaky-four, in accordance with the tenth arti cle of the Constitution, and the act, entitled 'An. Act pre scribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or rejection, the pro posed amendments to the Constitution," approvhd the twenty-third day of April, one thousond eight hundred and . sixty-Lur. ELI SIm:;=:, AUCTION 'NALE-<:t . ::: - .'...' CONDEMNED HOISES. • WAR Dew rseawr, CAVALRY BUM:A[O OPEICE,OFCRIEF QUARTERMASTER, •: •WASiVOTOTI D. O. April 29 3.864..; , WELL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named be low, viz: - Newport; Penn's, Thursday, May sth. Gettysburg, Penu'a, Monday, May 9th. Altoona, reon'a, Thursday, May 12th. Pennla, Thursday May 19th. Reading, Penn'a, Thursday, May26th. Lebanon, Penn , a, Thursday, Juno 2d. Nonh”mbernusi,,Penn'a; Thursday, June 9th. Scranton. renn'a,.Thursday, June 18th. WiltiantsP ort, Younra, Thursday, June 23d. One Hundred (100) horses at Gettysburg, and. Two Run,. dred and Fitty (230) at each of the utberplaces.. These Horses hive -been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of tbelUnited States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold singly. . Sales begin. at 10a ati and continue daily till all are sold. TESMS: 'CASH in United State%4 Treasury totes only. JAMES A. Elf.lN. np2S-dtd Lt. Col and' C. Qt M. Cavalry Bur«au. MAGNOLIA BALM. THIS is the mo i st delightful and extraordi nary article ever. Oiscovered. It changes the Sun. bunt and Face and Hands to a pearly, satin texture; of, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distivue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fasi..)ion. it removes tan, freckles, pimples, and rough- . ness of the skin, leating the complexion fre'sti, transpa rent and smooth. It contains material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera dingers. It is what every lady should have. Seld wholesale and re tail by S. A. HIINKEL & ap29•dtf „„ 118 *arket street, Harrisburg. Public VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY AT POR uc bisold at Ptibile'auctlort at Brant's Hall„.Market „street, Harrisburg, CO &thirty , May ith, at two (Meek in.the afternoon, the lot 'of. ground situate'on the corner of State street and Fourth,strect fn. the city of Harrisburg, containing 100 fat on State street, 200Seet on Fourth street, opposite the Capitol grounds, and 100 feet in South street -.. TERmS.,,Ten net Ont. or the purchaSe riatzteMt the sale, one-half within thirty days . and the "remaining , half in one year fretted - Y.O wte, Wlth interest, :to he - ektlited by bond and mortgage on the property. apBo-dtd r . : 'C. C. HIILLLN, .Agent.. ThcintiEtts;C;ffatDcowell, OFFICE'IN THIRD BT., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG, PA. A LL manner•of Military 'Clairns promptly 11 attended to, and claims collectelfagaiast theOeneral or State Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at'Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. .an29.iiihn NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORE CLOAKS MANTILLAS, CIRCULARS. 1,000 CLOAKS from $7 00 to $25 00, AT THE NEW CLOAK gTORE, 31 ARKET S - T lrE ET , D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARIt - ISBIIRG MEI Dr. J. P. KELLER'S Preparations. _ • GRAlglart DprpftlOZE eargßicerr Toont - -, TKVSE.. most desirable cleansing and astringent qualities.. •They relideortite.Gfimshardand healthy; , neutratize the acid secretions of the mouth, (thereby removing the prime cause of decay) By their detersive properties they preserve the'netural colorof athe„Teeth, without bi "th 4 least degree injuring the enamel, while they Impart t the breath a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant.— In fact they are THE BESTARTICLES in use for the pup poses mined, as a fair trial will fully demonstrate, and as hes been abundantly proved by their extensive sale in this community a during the last 14.,years; and which will be readily testified to by , many who have repeatedly Urged the• Proprietor to still further extend their sale and usefulness. They are warranted to 6o free front those destructiTe acids whtch solrequently contaminate, many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietor, corner of Sedond and Walnut streets. • - • JOHN P. BELLER, Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by, the principal Druggists of the city. ap2l-dtf 186 RATS, 4 RO ACRES, Zze. 1864 oSs SPIN approaches AXIS and ROACHES Proni their holes cum out; And RICE and RATS,. • In spite of CATS, . • Gaily skip about. OOSTAR I B . EXTERMINATORS. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Mossinites, Moths in Furs, Wooiens, etc., InsectS on Phints,Bowle, Asaiuisis, etc. "15 years,establistted in N: Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known" "Free from Poisons." "Not...dangerous to the Human Family." _ "Rats come out of their boles to die." IckSiild•by all Druggists everywhere 11 Sewell I of all worthless-imitations ,143"' Costar's" Depot, No. 443 Breadway, sa-Seld D. W. GROBB k CO.; liilkolesale and retail agents, • - rparl-641,myedi- - llanisbarg, - riAAltdrEl3l ORANGES 11-20 boxes bi . . N./ prime order. Just rieeived wholesale and retail • - SHISLER:ac]rfuzEK, • 11.2 succemors to Wm. Deck, jr., it- Co A.BIUSEMEIVTS. BRANT'S' BALI:- LOOK OUT FOR Harris & Clittori's NEW ORLEANS Burlesqe Opera Troupe Ea BRASS BAND. _lB STAR THURSDAY,- AND FRIDAY, MAY sth AND 6th. THIS TROUPE , is aelmowledged, by the Press and public, where they have had the honor of Appearing, to be tho ,greatest com bination Or Artistic excellence and the Most original Ethiopiau . Delineating Troupe ever before consolidated under one - mauagement. and MASTERS OF THEIR PROFESSION HARRIS & CLIFTON FRANK. WINSLOW, Agent J. NORRIS, Stage Managei ap29 CANTERBURY MUSIC fail.. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. DONNELL • OPEN EVERY EVENDIG, - , With a Ftrat-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, a/MEDD:NS, tac., &o. Admission... ...... • • • • • • • .. . —l5 cants. soma in .. ... : .. 25 " MISCELLANEOUS. DisooviiT Useful and Valnabie . . _ Discovery. HIL7'4I~ INSOLUBLE CEMENT Gls of more general practical Minty than any Invention now before the public. It has oeen thdroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be 817PERJOR TO ANY Applicable to all nee - fal Arta: Adhesive Preparations knowtL Heuroshs hroomarx Cassorr is a new thing, and the resell of years Of Maly; its combhariitin is on , tA new Wee; Scittntific Principies, And wider no circumstances or change of temperatures will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive amen. Its Combination BOOT dIVD,SHOB Manufacturers, using Mani:Linea, will find it the beat article known as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, is not aflected by any change of temperature. Boot and Shoe Man afectureis. JEWELERS'' Will Had it sufficiently. adhesive for their use, astas beenproved. jewelers. ft is Especi,any Adapted b Leather, And are claim. as an especial. merit, Mat it 'sticks Patches to . Boots and ilium; sufficiently strong witruiut hitching. ZI:Q ID CEMEN2 Extant that is aAure.thing for t mexl- Turialturs - • • Bone, , - . Ivory, , And articles of Household use _ REMEMBER Huss is INBOLUBLR Catgut' IQ free liquid form and as easily ap: plied as paste. Hasane's Insomnia Csaxter Is insoluole in water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE Cannier Alibates oily substances. itialaP , l l / 14 . Remember Supplied in Filially or Manufixe: tureeeTickages from 2 ounces to 10S tbn . _ . HILTON BROS. & - Proprletok Providence, K 1, finlaj phia, LAING "is Agents In Philad G AND GAS PITTING. THE undersigned would . respectfully form his friends and the public generally, that be has associated with him a Practical Plumber, and is now prepared to do PLUSBING in all its various branches, such as Hydrants, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Stationary Wash Basins, &c. Galvanized Iron, Copper Pianished, Lead and Iron Bath Tubs, Plain and Fancy Wash Basins, winerVissets, Traps, Brass and Plated Cocks, and all de scriptions of Plumber's materials and gal, fixtures kept constantly on nand, and furnished at the lowest city prices. GEO. A. tniELSI3Y, No. 25 South - Second St., apt/CW.lw Harrisburg. Pa. PLITAIB S CH 0 M l l l ( j Ej . l PIANOS TOO well known in this airy to need ebm mendation. In use by . PRESIDENT LINCOLN GOVERNQR CUETLN, • • JUDGE PEARSGS, And many other distinguished citizens. The undersigned offers these.superb Instruments. at prices that cannot fail LO command fiaLrOtlapi. N. B.—No - OLD stock on band. Also, Sete Agent for the unrivalled ,STEIN - WAY PIANO.:ALSO BRADBURY'S :czLicirnATEn , PIANOS. Cbickering's and several other of the very best makes. None but perfect instruments sold. Call and see largest,stock one of great cities. marA-tf S.' WARD,-Third - streetttfusic Store. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company. Oman; 227 S. FOURTH STREET, I Parr.Ansulao, April 4th, 1864. riIFIR annual meeting of the Stockholders this Company and an electionfor-President amd Managers will take place at the (Mice or the Company Monday, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, a. ap6.dtm2 W. IL WEBB, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch stredt. Iter.CMARLES A. SMITH, D. H.,• E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. ALVPrincipals. • Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Colle&te. 'Fail college course in Classics, Mathei mattes, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate. Modern Langtiages. Music, Painting and Elocution by the beat masters. For clircalara apply at the Institute, or address-BOX 2611 P. 1 1.1., Philadelphia Pa. - • • ap2o-61:0* Open Market tOr Cavalry Horses. Ass?. QtrAli*imArrines Omer, Hinirsscaci,,Peruut , April 0th;1864. rTlLfwther arfieri, HOMES, fit for Gavalry aerviceovill be purebasedst - this place in open market None will be received under Ave, nor over Mue years of. age. Must. not be under II bands in beigbt. For particulars apply to E. C. REICHENBACH, ap..c 7 dtf : ' Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster, PRIME LARD. -; FlNElirettleltendereli ßAZEß receiveil at.s A i ß2 l ,ju i st mai n, (sctoctovorp:to,lirra. Dock, Jr.-, it Go+ VOlt" SALLE.=A - Fivia;hol6-'poirer._STEAM ENGINE and BOILER, in good order. Alttvto.. -Walnut strunt,-belfrirMailli feb234f Y of the beat quality is offered • for SA esYe Call at WCORMICIVB COAL OFFICE on the C A llai b Ml P l O Ur g• • "w r y . Ar 14'1 Obtained by a peculiar process in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained. _nave you a Cough ? Rave you Sore Throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should be witrned by these symptoms generally - thin'k lightly of them until it is too late, From this - fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of isease which sweeps to the grave 'at least 'one-sixth" of 'death's victims. • _ - PERFORMERS. Consumption has destroyed more of "the human family than any other disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would, heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; but how to combine the medical pro perties so as to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISELkIiT, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree. Tar Cor dial." ..Sole Proprietors Many, not only of the people, but physi cians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of your success in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumptian ?" My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs - the strengthening of the debilitated system— the purinoution and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing trom disease to health) properties of the Tax Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is, also acting-upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing inflionma doh, and . restoring a heathful tendency. La this two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of care. Sole Lease lask all . to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of mums tionahle worth and reputation: , . Da. Wurskink—Dear Sir:—l had a very dreadful cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system. was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease battled the power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your Store, N0..10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and. I commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles I. am perfectly well, and a wonder to all lay friends, for they all pronounced me"past cure. Publish my case if you think proper. • REBECCA HANILLTON, • No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia.. It Is the only Pr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an infalliable cure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lthigs, Sore Throat and Breast, JoAsoolua ton of the Lungs. Mr. WARD says: • Wren—Sir:--I had Bronchitis, In flammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worat forms; I had. been treated by several of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course or Any disease, and I had despaired of ever being re stoTed to health. I was truly on the verge at the grave.. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial Arse highly recommended to me by- a friend; I tried it, and am thlinkful to say that, 'after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 A. M. to 2 P. at., corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN . WARD. Read the following from Utica: Da. Wisnanr—Dear take pleasure in informing yon through this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended for my daughter by Dr. J. A. Hail,- of this city, has cured her of a cough, of more than five months' standing. I lad thought her beyond cure, and had employed the best of medical aid without any benefit. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that or my daughter that it has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER, Daguerrean Artist 126 Genesee street, Utica, N.. Y. * * • :-1. have used D;. Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my f.Tnily, alga cal cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. ' Dr. G. A. POSTER, 160 Genessee street, The above are a few among the. thou which this great remedy has saved fro/xi an untimely grave. We have thousands of letteri " front physi,= cians and druggists who have prescribed mid sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills, is an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia ; • The Plan Taar. Tex CORDIAL, Will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complaints. - • The genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown inllie-bottle. others are sparlous Imita tions. Plum Fterr Cw:rs and Clsr. D0LL.32 . - per Boma, Pr pared only by the Proprietor, No. 10 North Seeetal l tivel s iPh}ladelphla, Pa. Sold by bruggifit eyerywhae, at Wliolesakby-all delpMp alrl New York - Wholesale Drogglsla. ifiarlo-1y - T j 4.1 MEDIAL. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PINE TREE, BEWARE OP COUNTEMPEITS, Dr. L. Q. C. Virisharty Utica, New York
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers